"The museum’s director and chief executive, Charles L. Venable, said in an interview on Saturday that the decision to use 'white' had been intentional and explained that it had been intended to indicate that the museum would not abandon its existing audience as part of its efforts toward greater diversity, equity and inclusion.... Malina Simone Jeffers and Alan Bacon, the guest curators for the museum’s upcoming 'DRIP: Indy’s #BlackLivesMatter Street Mural' exhibition... said... they could not remain as guest curators.
'Our exhibition cannot be produced in this context and this environment,' said Simone Jeffers and Bacon, the co-founders of GANGGANG, a local art incubator working to elevate artists of color... Kelli Morgan, who was recruited in 2018 to diversify the museum’s galleries, resigned in July, calling the museum’s culture 'toxic' and “'discriminatory'.... [Morgan said] she was disappointed that, despite the fact that the museum had begun training its leaders in diversity, equity and inclusion, it had still included the language in the job description."
I'm having a text conversation with someone about this, and he gave me permission to quote:
I also think attempting to show diversity by having an art exhibition that is specifically Black Lives Matter stuff shows kind of a lack of imagination
Why not find some great art by black painters, it’s like the only way to be diverse is to just slap a modern political movement on the walls
But maybe I look at it in that way because I feel like they exposed their insincerity, and are just showing Black Lives Matter bc they feel obligated
८३ टिप्पण्या:
Is there anything more hated by the Left than something that is "traditional" or "White"?
"Why not find some great art by black painters, it’s like the only way to be diverse is to just slap a modern political movement on the walls"
Back to the topic of common sense in your earlier post. Seems like everything has to be 'signaled' to be approved these days. Just doing something quietly, but effectively is not as accepted as making a big 'to-do' about your actions, while actually doing nothing but preening.
Use some white-out on that erroneous text. Brush it on and let it dry, and then type right over it.
The people running the museum know that about 99% of the people who visit the museum are White.
This is why we point and laugh at them. They are the racists they are accusing everyone else of being.
They should just go to any city and pull the art off the windows that are boarded up and painted over....We keep on hearing about how beautiful that art is.
it had still included the language in the job description."
The language = "white".
not abandon its existing audience as part of its efforts toward greater diversity, equity and inclusion
Since "diversity, inclusion and equity" (DIE) = anti-white racism, I can understand why they're having trouble keeping their existing white audience while promoting their anti-white racism.
So darn confusing, should I use common sense or legal theory as my HR guide? Oh wait, wrong post. Reset. I think we should follow the Navy, and 'pledge to be actively inclusive in the public and private spheres where I live and work, and proactively encourage others to do so'. Put that in your job description and smoke it.
I wouldn't pay to see an exhibit made by thugs defacing property, and if I had a paid membership, I'd like to know it wasn't signaling a change in the quality of artists they're going to be showcasing in the future before I renewed my membership. Not racist. I wouldn't pay to see an exhibit of defaced property done by white people, either. Especially when it's other people's property that's being defaced. If they wanted you to paint a "mural" on their building, they'd hire you to do it.
Using the n-word on the internet or the W-word in an employment ad can get you in a heap of trouble. It might seem like this is the typical stupidity and insularity of elites, but consider that museums run hundreds of ads without making mistakes like this -- though maybe the others don't want to hold on to their "traditional" clientele.
I only go to art museums on the free days and I think I saw people of different races, and of course, the school kids who show up aren't all White either, but to tell the truth I never really thought about what color the other people there were. Help me out on this: is it now considered racist to notice people's skin color or racist not to notice?
I don't know how it is when you have to pay full price, though.
You're "someone" is just as bad as the museum racist.
Why not find some great art, period? Why this, yes, racist, questioning of "what was the race of the person who produced this?"?
Who the hell walks through a gallery of Flemish artists and then says, "hey, now that we've seen these white European guys, let's go see the yellow Far East Asian artists"?
Hasn't this country become something ... the mention of words and phrases like 'white' and 'Make America Great Again' cause people to recoil in horror.
Why not find some great art by black painters, it’s like the only way to be diverse is to just slap a modern political movement on the walls...
If there was a museum-scale abundance of great art by black painters the question would not have arisen.
From Campus Reform
A professor at the University of Iowa tweeted that entire academic fields should be “dismantled and burned” in order for “white supremacy to be smothered.”
Sarah Bond, a history professor and director of undergraduate studies at the University of Iowa, made the argument that certain academic fields should be dismantled so that "white supremacy can be smothered."
It’s not art, it’s agitprop, and not even up to the standards of socialist realism. If everything good that was created by white people must be cast aside, then I look forward to a lot of lefties going back to living without electricity, cars, electronics, refrigeration, etc. If you are living a comfortable modern life, it’s because of the inventions and efforts of a lot of white people.
The art of Affirmative Action for Art.
I am Laslo.
The woke jerks said the quiet part out loud.
Damn, I am having a White day. It snowed last night.
Who the hell walks through a gallery of Flemish artists and then says, "hey, now that we've seen these white European guys, let's go see the yellow Far East Asian artists"?
Lots of people. Who walks through the Flemish exhibit and then says "I'm done looking at art."
Common Sense tells us Charles L. Venable has to go.
Wait; they're angry that museum culture is too white AND they're angry that the employment ad agrees?
What about a Chicago themed gang related showcase?
The left give permission to destroy the property of innocent people. As long as the destruction is perpetrated by BLM &/or Ante-Fa. Righteous, leftwing approved anger that can act like terror without consequence.
But maybe I look at it in that way because I feel like they exposed their insincerity, and are just showing Black Lives Matter bc they feel obligated
Oh, it's much worse than that! This is a bunch of people who have deemed them selves to have vastly superior morals and intelligence and they're intent in tossing the baby out with the bathwater so they can participate in a fad.
Who walks through the Flemish exhibit and then says "I'm done looking at art."
Since "lots of people" is totally nonresponsive to the question of "who?", those who are done looking at art after the Flemish exhibit are people who only like Flemish art.
Or did you mean to imply some white supremacist aspect to such people who might like one genre over others?
Just throw open the doors to place and let the graffiti artists have their way with it.
I Googled it. Indianapolis is 61% White. So why the kerfuffle? We all know why.
The museum needs to have all its windows knocked out and replaced with artistic plywood murals.
but to maintain its 'traditional, core, white art audience.'
How DARE zhe! There is NO PLACE in the art world, for whites!!
Well, there IS a place for white FUNDING; but Certainly NO PLACE for traditional whites
Are you a straight, middleclass white TERF ? GET THE HELL OUT!!!
museums are for queers (and transfolk) ONLY!!! (unless you're SUPER rich; then just leave a check)
I must have gotten too much sleep last night. I don't feel foggy or anything but I honestly don't know what this post is about. The penny has not dropped.
But I am listening to the KUSC "A Joyful Noise" streaming radio thing and enjoying the living daylights out of it so thank you to the commenter who recommended it the other day, whoever you are.
The museum needs to have all its windows knocked out and replaced with artistic plywood murals.
Of course, they had exactly those types of art down at Black Lives Matter Plaza (previously known as 16th Street, N.W.), Muriel Bowser's provocation to President Trump and gift to violent rioters that injured hundreds of police and others and caused millions in property damage.
Of course, also, who is surprised at this headline in this morning's paper?
A Black Lives Matter protest turned violent Friday night in New York City, resulting in nearly a dozen arrests and injuries among police officers.
Since "lots of people" is totally nonresponsive to the question of "who?", those who are done looking at art after the Flemish exhibit are people who only like Flemish art.
There is a subject pertaining to Flemish art that suggests who? questions are aesthetically irrelevant.
White ppl only want to see art from white artists? Lol, they really stepped in it. Sounds like the money managers are running the show, trying to walk the cultural line because of finances.
Just replace "white" with "jew" and it all makes sense.
Rob, 9:33:
"The woke jerks said the quiet part out loud."
I was just wondering: If they had just said, "Work to attract a more diverse audience while retaining our existing audience," would anyone be upset?
And if not, why not? Is there any difference at all in the substance (such as it is)?
"I also think attempting to show diversity by having an art exhibition that is specifically Black Lives Matter stuff shows kind of a lack of imagination
Why not find some great art by black painters, it’s like the only way to be diverse is to just slap a modern political movement on the walls"
I've been told that "great art" has to be political, by definition. The non-political stuff is so..."middle class."
In 2021, it would be career suicide for a curator to engage with the work of Black artists outside of the BLM context. Unfortunately, it looks like it also might be career suicide to engage with it within the BLM context. Maybe it's just safer to ignore art in general now.
Museums and Symphony orchestras constantly try to up their attendance by peoples of color. They throw everything against the wall from black painters to composers to conductors to soloists. It doesnt work any more than playing rap music between periods attracts a black crowd to hockey. It is all so pitiful.
I was just wondering: If they had just said, "Work to attract a more diverse audience while retaining our existing audience," would anyone be upset?
YES! it is a GIVEN, that Someone, will ALWAYS be upset
Since "lots of people" is totally nonresponsive to the question of "who?", those who are done looking at art after the Flemish exhibit are people who only like Flemish art.
The sincere answer is: the type of people who donate to museum fund drives are also the type of people that get enjoyment (or like to pretend to get enjoyment) from art from all different cultures around the world.
Anyone that like Flemism art--and only Flemish art--I would suspect might be on the autism spectrum. At least it would be a read flag.
I'm annoyed by this new found separation and segregation by color - that counts as wisdom from our woke betters.
no matter the color, or the direction. Of course, being colorblind is RACIST! now too. It's all a no-win woke situation.
gilbar, 10:17:
"it is a GIVEN, that Someone, will ALWAYS be upset"
Walked right into that one....Fair point.
This is about the distinction between high and low culture. (Low culture is American pop music, films and TV.)
They were trying to get woke but not go broke at the same time. But woke people insist they lose their core audience.
Not a Latin scholar. Used translate. Apologize if not correct
et artem rei publicae causa
What exactly is "great art"?
Who gets to define this? There are many works of art that are labeled "great" that I don't especially like. Think they are ugly. Some that I find inexplicable as to why anyone would qualify the work as being great or even art.
Jackson Pollock for instance.
Each person has, or should have, their own internal view of what is "great". Forcing viewpoints onto me, only tend to make me hate the works even more. Black Lives Matter graffiti is a prime example. It might be good art. I might even like some of the quality of the "art". But don't effing TELL ME that I have to like it because it is a political statement and all right thinking people must agree with the political statement. Nope. Backfire!
Making sure "whitey" shows up to to look at your woke lecture-- is the issue?
Spiros Pappas is exactly right. Not all art is for all audiences.
Hey, now.
Poor folks can be just as bright and just as talented as white folks.
Just ask Joe.
It is all racism all the time. The civil rights laws might as well be repealed because blacks seem to still be stuck on the plantations in their minds.
When any business seeks to expand their reach, it is helpful to maintain the customers that make up the majority of their base.
It makes no sense to abandon the 80 percent of traditional customers and try to replace them with 10 percent who might be new, especially when that 10 percent doesn't have the buying power of the 80 percent even on a per capita basis.
This country is in the midst of a culture war like we've never seen, and the ones who are winning are the only ones who know they are fighting.
How dare this person request that current art be maintained. That is white person art.
Truth and Reconciliation time.
Unity too. Lots of unity.
Democrat Unity comes after the tribal purge.
The schadenfreude, it is wondrous. Ya can't win at this game so there's little sense in playing.
There are radical left, racist morons who would graffiti the Sistine Chapel if given the chance.
You know it's true.
I mean, God giving life to a white man? Pulease.
Better yet, they'd cover it over and replace it with graffiti 'art'...
Have all the geniuses in the ghetto who wield spray cans instead of paint brushes give it a once over.
Just keepin' it real.
"Making sure "whitey" shows up to to look at your woke lecture-- is the issue?"
Some rich 'whitey' is usually the one footing the bill.
Those new museum wings don't build themselves.
Seems like the ad may be a sign the backlash to The Woke movement has begun in middle America.
I used to go to the Met fairly often. The galleries with the Impressionists were always crowded. The other galleries not so much. The galleries that held the big abstract expressionists were nearly always close to empty....There were galleries that featured art from all over the world. I could appreciate the artistry that went into some works, but I mostly preferred western art. Maybe that's a reflection not of my bigotry but simply of the fact that I'm a westerner. I don't prefer Celtic artists to Italian artists and that doesn't mean I have transcended my Celtic prejudices. When you look at a painting, you look at the painting and not the artist. For the past few centuries, there were certainly many great white artists. The Met used to be crowded with Japanese tourists. ...There's museum art and there's street art. Church and state. The separation is not inviolable, but it gets messy fast when the lines are crossed.
Once again, we see that "diversity" really means get Whitey. Therefore, noble People of Color should also stop using evil white things like shoes, electricity, surgery, and internal combustion. Remember, every month is White History Month.
If Blacks want to go see art at this museum, they'll go. If they should suddenly start to appear there in numbers (oh sure!) the museum can cater more to them at that point. In the meantime, Whites will continue to visit the museum as always.
So the Black racism-pimping "diversity" curators and consultants are quitting? Fine, let them go, the sooner the better. Get real, who really gives a damn? What's the downside of that? What, are Blacks going to burn the museum down, or something? Uh, wait...
"the co-founders of GANGGANG, a local art incubator working to elevate artists of color"
Isn't "color" already a part of the art scene?
"calling the museum’s culture 'toxic' and “'discriminatory'"
Sure, even the appearance of including whites is toxic. Noted.
"Insensitive Job Posting"
Of course, being insensitive to prog dogma is a faux pas.
"I feel like they exposed their insincerity, and are just showing Black Lives Matter bc they feel obligated"
Well, of course they feel obligated, but that doesn't make them insincere. Progs sincerely believe that art needs to serve political purposes, that BLM represents the highest such purpose, and that subordinating art to the cause is right and proper. The IN progs' error was to misunderstand diversity and inclusion, which in the real world means homogeneity and exclusion.
"The Indianapolis Museum of Art... has edited and apologized for an employment listing that said it was seeking a director who would work not only to attract a more diverse audience but to maintain its 'traditional, core, white art audience.'"
N-words or the White Devils. Choose wisely.
Sarah Bond, a history professor and director of undergraduate studies at the University of Iowa, made the argument that certain academic fields should be dismantled so that "white supremacy can be smothered."
Who walks through the Flemish exhibit and then says "I'm done looking at art."
because blacks seem to still be stuck on the plantations in their minds.
And in real life.
Poor IMA. Trying so hard to support the revolution, or to appear so, but then getting tripped up in the racialism of it all.
And what could possibly cause people to associate gangs with Black men? Must be racism.
I look forward to a lot of lefties going back to living without electricity, cars, electronics, refrigeration, etc. If you are living a comfortable modern life, it’s because of the inventions and efforts of a lot of white people.
Well, that's what you say, but that's just your truth. I'm sure you could find Afrocentric scowlers, er scholars, who would tell you these things had already been invented by black people in ancient Egypt. And woe to you if you publicly disagree!
Of course, the museum's problem is, they said just what they want: they'd like some more diversity and inclusion, BUT they simply can't afford to alienate that core, (mostly) white audience.
Yet(as with so many things racial, but especially those things that might imply the existence of de-facto quotas or alternate standards) they can't just come out and say so.
Joe Smith: Hagia Sofia.
It's not a good idea to make it a black vs white contest.
If you are interested in art is it really a racial thing? There was a lot of interest in Asian art before there was much of an Asian population in most of the country. It wasn't about whether this or that group is this or that color but about what the art said to you. The battle to include Asian art in major American museums was fought and won a century ago by old rich privileged White Protestant men who thought the country would always be run by people like themselves. But they found something of quality in Chinese, Japanese and Indian works that spoke to them and they wanted others to see it too.
It wasn't quite the same with African and African-American art. Some commitment to basic principles of equality certainly helped motivate some of the people who got it into museums, but most of them had that same privileged White background and they also assumed that people more or less like themselves (with perhaps a few worthy exceptions) would go on running things. The idea that "we" could learn from "them" and enrich "our" art was also part of the picture.
The current desire to get street art and activist art into museums has to do with political views, and assumptions about demographics, but also about the desire to create a stir and to provoke, and the feeling that racial and political discontent may be one of the only things about art that is alive and can still provoke. It's similar to university humanities and social science departments where race, gender, sexual orientation, climate change and Orange Man Bad are the only things that arouse interest.
I can certainly understand somebody who loved the French impressionists or the Dutch masters being left cold by Italian, Japanese or African works. If one style talks to you, others may not interest you. If that puts someone on the spectrum then it's also true that most intense hobbies and interests can leave those who don't share them thinking there's something a bit autistic about such passions. But it's not really about skin color. More about paint colors maybe.
I look forward to a lot of lefties going back to living without electricity, cars, electronics, refrigeration, etc. If you are living a comfortable modern life, it’s because of the inventions and efforts of a lot of white people.
I saw The Irishman. Jimmy Hoffa says:
“If you got it, a truck brought it to you! If you got your food, your clothing, your medicine; if you got fuel for your homes, fuel for your industries, a truck brought it to you. The day our trucks stop, America stops!"
It did not end well for Jimmy.
The movie's lead character, labor boss and Mafia hitman Frank Sheeran, also did his bit to give Biden his start in Delaware, though the movie doesn't mention it.
Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism, denies individual dignity, individual conscience, and intrinsic value, while normalizing color blocs (e.g. people of color, Rainbow exclusions), color quotas, and affirmative discrimination, is indeed a progressive condition that threatens to liberalize with each passing trimester.
are just showing Black Lives Matter bc they feel obligated
They kneel to the Democrat-affiliated Some, Select Black Lives Matter (a subsidiary of the Diversity Racket) under threat of cancellation, occupation, intimidation, arson, etc. #BabyLivesMatter(BLM)
"But maybe I look at it in that way because I feel like they exposed their insincerity, and are just showing Black Lives Matter bc they feel obligated"
Their insincerity was justifiably sincere and they were honest in their job posting.
Shame, Shame, Shame.
"work not only to attract a more diverse audience but to maintain its 'traditional, core, white art audience.'"
I'm curious, what was that "more diverse audience" audience supposed to look like?
Gee, let me guess, they wanted to bring in more "non-white" people.
So, anti-white racism is good, and not hating white customers is bad?
You have fun with that
If you think about race all the time, and you think race defines people, of course you're going to walk into race traps. Like capitalizing White or teaching people what is "black." The whole thing is a ghetto construction by idiots and people who are utter cowards. It's 1% true believers and 99% cowards.
Race only "works" for black people. It's still an intellectual ghetto, but at least you won't get shot for wandering into it. White people who play race games are beyond stupid.
Who the hell walks through a gallery of Flemish artists and then says, "hey, now that we've seen these white European guys, let's go see the yellow Far East Asian artists"?
“Lots of people. Who walks through the Flemish exhibit and then says” "I'm done looking at art."
Amazing. You are a Mouth breather. A retard.
Over the years, I've had the opportunity to hear James Rondeau, the Director for the Chicago Art Institute, on and off the record a few times. He's a smart enough guy, but he's driving a big deal through and absolutely bizarre part of the world. He sound's kind of sane enough, but you can tell that he sees it: the big, and historically important parts of his world are destroyed and the adjustments for all that are unimaginable, confusing and probably pointless.
Not sure how it plays out, but it's really hard to see how museums survive as we know them. And, loving them was, in the end, meaningless.
But Hey, it might be ok.
Blow up the tweets that called you out and exhibit those.
Be worth seeing.
Diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion
Woke liberals are the worst racists around--they do not believe any Blacks, Latinos, LGBTQIs, etc. are capable people who can do quality things.
"Why not find some great art by black painters?" Yes, why not? You go first. The ones that are great aren't popular enough.
Re: Lurker21:
If you are interested in art is it really a racial thing? There was a lot of interest in Asian art before there was much of an Asian population in most of the country. It wasn't about whether this or that group is this or that color but about what the art said to you. The battle to include Asian art in major American museums was fought and won a century ago by old rich privileged White Protestant men who thought the country would always be run by people like themselves. But they found something of quality in Chinese, Japanese and Indian works that spoke to them and they wanted others to see it too.
I think that's true. Appreciation of African art has, I think, been more in the vein of appreciation of folk art and craft than art by an artist. E.g., I checked Google Books and found a 1901 book about 18-19th century Japanese artist Hokusai (with colour prints) -- Westerners could fit East Asian art into the same model of great artists, studios, schools, and influences as they use for Western art. I am not aware of pre-20th century African art being presented in such a mold, as opposed to the semi-anthropological, e.g. here is a Greek kouros of the 1st c., or here is a Ming vase of the 15th c., a Celtic hairpin from a 10th c. grave, etc.
But African art is also a minefield in a way that Asian art isn't (yet). There was outrage a couple years ago when the Brooklyn Museum hired a White as a curator for African art. It just makes it that much harder to add a serious African art collection. Of course, many Asian American ethnic activists are keen to follow the ruinous path carved out by Black ethnic activists, so who knows how long that will be the case? A few years back, a Japanese company worked with the Isabella Stuart Gardner museum to set up a "kimono Wednesdays" event where visitors could try dressing up in kimonos (this is a popular thing in East Asia -- in Seoul you see a lot of Chinese and Japanese tourist renting Hanbok and photographing themselves walking around picturesque neighbourhoods; same in Kyoto with Korean and Chinese tourists). American protesters
shut it down. So Asian art isn't necessarily safe in the long term.
Re: Greg the class traitor:
Gee, let me guess, they wanted to bring in more "non-white" people.
Let's be blunt-- it's not "non-Whites" but "Blacks" they want. I haven't been to a US art museum in over a year (for uh obvious reasons) but my recollection is that Asians are overrepresented among the visitors. And it's not for the Asian art -- it's impressionists and old Dutch Masters.
But if you're an art museum in a place like Indianapolis, which is almost 30% Black, I don't think it's at all illegitimate to think about how you can entice Black residents to become regular museum-goers too. If you're there to serve the community, well, 30% is a big chunk of the community.
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