Write Peter Baker and Nicholas Fandos in the NYT, in an article that begins, "Former President Donald J. Trump’s legal team mounted a combative defense on Friday focused more on assailing Democrats for 'hypocrisy' and 'hatred' than justifying Mr. Trump’s own monthslong effort to overturn a democratic election that culminated in last month’s deadly assault on the Capitol."
"Hatred" is a strong word. We're told Trump's lawyers used it 15 times. I would like to understand the usage, but this NYT article doesn't give us even one of the 15 "hatred" quotes. Was it just a hot-headed substitute for partisanship? Trump antagonists "hate" him — don't they say that themselves? How much power does it have anymore?
And here, I found the transcript. Here are some of the hatreds:
[W]e would like to discuss the hatred, the vitriol, the political opportunism that has brought us here today. The hatred that the House managers and others on the left have for President Trump has driven them to skip the basic elements of due process and fairness and to rush an impeachment through the House, claiming ‘‘urgency.’’...
Why do we have to skip the necessary due diligence and due process of law and any—that any legal proceeding should have? It couldn’t have been the urgency to get President Trump out of office. House Democrats held the Articles until he was no longer President, mooting their case. Hatred, animosity, division, political gain—and let’s face it, for House Democrats, President Trump is the best enemy to attack....
And... hatred is at the heart of the House managers’ frivolous attempt to blame Donald Trump for the criminal acts of the rioters based on double hearsay statements of fringe rightwing groups based on no real evidence other than rank speculation.
Hatred is a dangerous thing. We all have to work to overcome it. Hatred should have no place in this Chamber, in these proceedings....
Politics... has interposed the element of hatred. And the political world changes when hatred becomes part of the dynamic....
८९ टिप्पण्या:
than justifying Mr. Trump’s own monthslong effort to overturn a democratic election that culminated in last month’s deadly assault on the Capitol."
Here's the thing. Trump's "monthlong effort to overturn a democratic election" really has nothing to do with the impeachment. The House Managers are trying to make it so--- trying to imply that the thing Trump was mad about was so very different than normal political discourse that *of course* people were going to riot over it.
One Senator even asked if Trump's attorneys would acknowledge Joe Biden won the election.
He wouldn't bite. He reiterated what the charge was for the impeachment.
I never did quite understand what the members said was different about the time *they* didn't want to certify election results.
"'Hatred" is a strong word."
Not any more. "Hate" has been so overused, so watered down, it has lost is force. Meaningless now.
Derb today says it's women holding a grudge for beating Hillary. Women don't give up on grudges, no hail fellow well met on the losing side.
I say it's grab them by the pussy.
TDS. If you look it up in the psychopathology books, it says “hatred.” Which displaces logic and reason, renders evidence irrelevant, justifies all action.
Nothing we can do but let this fire burn out.
Anyway it's undoubtedly something Trump said that was true that's responsible for the hatred.
Derb says they want a scarlet letter on Trump.
I appreciate you, Ann- for examining these transcripts and giving us a window w/clearer panes to peek through- I admit my disgust over this schizophrenic administration of “do as I say/not as I do” is almost too much to wrap my head around. Hearts of unity while attempting to impeach an opponent who may well have won the whole shebang- masks and no masks... I’m just ugh right now.
At the root of that hatred is envy and fear.
Many politicians envy the loyalty Trump garners from his supporters. Having that kind of popular mandate was their dream. When in reality how many people could any of these pols attract to a rally? For Trump, it's a simple formula: Be true to those who elect you. Something most politicians can't handle, which leads the establishment to believe that if only they can get rid of Trump they can effectively neutralize his following because there will be nobody else who can pick up the torch.
The fear comes in when evaluating their own marginalized political fortunes in light of the loyalty and determination of Trump's following; it's why they're determined to interrupt and break it with these perpetual slanders and, when that doesn't work, through censorship, militarization, suppression and repression.
Search as we may, we'll never find anything but politics in a show trial.
Without a doubt, the motivating factor in Democrat politics is hate.
Of course they hate him - he is literally Hitler. Shouldn't we all hate him?
The New York Times also didn’t mention the Antifa riot that injured two cops this morning although it was widely reported in regional papers and blogs. Unfortunately, Second City Cop was forced to shut down thanks to government threats two weeks ago, as were several NYC cop blogs. Did you even notice this?
Care to comment, Ann? Or would you rather quiver and post nonsense about feelings and poems?
This is you and your peers moment, right?
Or wrong? I vote wrong. You have nothing to lose and you are cowards.
I'm not so sure that speaking to the consciences of U.S. Senators is going to work.
Free speech is your wheelhouse, right?
Sorry. Peers’. One must keep up with professional standards.
This trial is the last great orgy of pure Trump hatred. All the Democrats and all the media, just plooking each other until they get exhausted.
Let's discuss "hate crime laws" at some point. Talk about a black hole...
Trump's attorney mentioned one of the first people arrested was an Antifa guy (Sullivan), so Twitter put up a curated moment for the day stating that. contrary to Trump's attorneys, it has been "debunked" that Antifa was involved in the riots. Which....has it? Somewhere in the middle of the curation, it got around to mentioning that Sullivan is not an "Antifa leader", which how does anybody know that? I thought Antifa was a leaderless movement....just an idea.
I understand Trump supporters have been arrested, but we don't know very much about the people who broke the windows and beat the cops, do we?
RC I am dropping bills in a few states that will force the vile hate crimes industry to report crimes against conservatives and Christians. I need sponsors who live in those states. The more the merrier. If you are willing to really work a bill, contact me at my eponymous blog and I will give you the way to get the right language and help you find sponsors.
It is a lot of work. But I have won before.
Who's the audience for speeches in this proceeding. It's not the judge (there isn't one). It's not the jury (there isn't one). The speeches are not intended to persuade any senator to change his/her vote. There is not one single Senator who is persuadable on either side. The Trump lawyers (and Senators who will vote not guilty) are speaking to Trump supporters, and perhaps to a very small number of people who are not Trump supporters but who are truly uneasy about this weird process. The prosecutors (and Senators who will vote guilty) are speaking to anti-Trump voters, and perhaps a bit to convincing people who are uneasy about this weird process that the circumstances here are so special that it is necessary to ignore the normal thoughtful processes that have been used historically. But primarily, all speakers are trying to influence the judgment of history. The speakers imagine their words being quoted in some far off tome (to be written only after decades have worn away the high prejudices of today).
"All the Democrats and all the media, just plooking each other until they get exhausted."
Sy Borg nods.
"This century's been plooking me since 2001, and shows no sign of letting up. Too hard." - Sy Borg
I have a hatred for elections that have been 'fortified'.
The first Trump impeachment was about the Ukranian phone call. So who told the Ukrainian president to fire the prosecutor or risk losing a cool $1 billion of US aid? None other than Slo Joe.
The current Trump impeachment, but maybe not the last, is about Trump inciting his supporters. How do the Trump lawyers respond? By showing video clip after video clip of Dim leadership whipping up their followers to violence.
Sensing a pattern here?
DC is full of corrupt, incompetent, unprincipled mediocrities who suddenly saw themselves for what they are. Trump is mirror they are desperate to smash.
The defense lawyers contended that Democrats were pursuing Mr. Trump out of personal and partisan animosity, using the word 'hatred' 15 times during their formal presentation...
This is one of those Republicans "seizing" and "pouncing" stories.
And then there is the founder of the Lincoln Project of TrumpHaters who sent texts and emails to prospective male employees talking about worshipping their big dicks and rimming them until they beg. There is something about this kind of perversion and TrumpHate that seems naturally bound together.
- Krumhorn
Will Cate said...
This trial is the last great orgy of pure Trump hatred. All the Democrats and all the media, just plooking each other until they get exhausted.
They are following the Cultural Revolution pretty strictly.
Why do you think they will stop when they are done with this show trial?
They will just go after Mike Lindell next. Or Marjory Taylor Greene.
These are evil people persecuting their enemies. One thing these people will never do is stop.
"Hatred is a strong word" and I would say justified based on the comments of progressive "friends" in the Facebook account that I cancelled.
rhhardin said...Derb today says it's women holding a grudge for beating Hillary. Women don't give up on grudges, no hail fellow well met on the losing side.
I'm on board with that theory as long as the word "women" is meant to include just a subset of all women. Those women really and truly are h8ers.
I understand Trump supporters have been arrested, but we don't know very much about the people who broke the windows and beat the cops, do we?
All we know is the people that have been arrested, some still held with no bail for being inside the capitol, are getting all the blame for the violence outside the capitol that started the whole thing. Started, by the way, while Trump was still speaking 35 minutes walking distance away.
It's not just Trump they hate, they hate his supporters and wish us dead. However, there's too many of us to kill or load into cattle cars for deprogramming". Perhaps special camps designed to convince our children and grandchildren the error of their families political and cultural beliefs. Which could be happening in their K through 12 schools as well as higher education. Which is why I care about what the Demoncrats are pushing. I'm old and retired, and not particularly pervious to their canceling bullshit. My concerns extend to my daughter, nieces, and nephew, as well as my precious 11 year-old granddaughter. Their futures will be as minorities in a hostile leftist America. THAT'S what's keeping me up at night.
They weren't wrong. The hate is so thick you could slice it with a knife. Watch any left winger hyperventilate about President Trump and you will see exactly what I mean.
Love trumps hate.
The Trump defense team should have put up one of those "Hate Has No Place Here" signs up just to piss-off the Democrats.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...I'm not so sure that speaking to the consciences of U.S. Senators is going to work.
The Senators don’t matter. The Dems don’t have the votes and that’s that. What does matter is public opinion. The Dems deserve to be raked over the coals for this for the rest of their careers and I’m pleased to see Trump’s attorneys laying the groundwork. I just hope they keep it up.
I also keep hearing it was an "armed insurrection". Who was armed?
tcrosse said...
Love trumps hate.
Hahahhaha! "America is already great!"
I was so very happy to hear Trump's lawyers bring Biden's campaign theme of "Battle for the Soul of America"
"House Democrats held the Articles until he was no longer President, mooting their case."
I'm glad this came up. Not delivering the Articles to the senate until more than a week after voting for them - indeed after Trump left office - has bothered me ever since. Of all the problems surrounding this impeachment and trial, this one seems to have gotten the least attention. Why has this not been germane to the proccess' validity.
For many Democrats, especially those holding public office & their employees, hate is the foundation of their beliefs. They are all about the hate. They have people they feel it is their job to rule, and they hate them.
"Not delivering the Articles to the senate until more than a week after voting for them - indeed after Trump left office - has bothered me ever since."
-- That was one of the many things that caused me to believe that this wasn't the life or death, most important thing ever, that I had been told it was.
"This trial is the last great orgy of pure Trump hatred."
-- You obviously under estimate the amount of dancing that will occur at his funeral.
"than justifying Mr. Trump’s own monthslong effort"
So the defense has to justify something that's irrelevant to the actual supposed charge in the impeachment article?
Some "trial."
We all know Trump won the election.
Old Gray Mare Journ-O-lists Peter Baker and Nicholas Fandos [wrote] in the NYT:
"Former President Donald J. Trump’s legal team mounted a combative defense on Friday focused more on assailing Democrats for 'hypocrisy' and 'hatred' than justifying Mr. Trump’s own monthslong effort to overturn a democratic election that culminated in last month’s deadly assault on the Capitol."
Notice they said small-d "democratic" when it's plausible they would have preferred big-D "Democrat." They know they've lost when they try to drag Trump for his team team winning. The interesting thing will be seeing which of The Big Six switch their votes. Cassidy maybe. Collins possibly, but less likely. Mitt just plain hates Trump, so likely no change there. Ditto Sasse and Murkowski. Toomey? Nah, he's like the others. Why let the Constitution get in the way of settling scores?
PB said...Without a doubt, the motivating factor in Democrat politics is hate.
The fashionable liberalism of the 60s, 70s and 80s morphed into obsessive hatred with Trump in office. He helped uncover their true nature. Before him, the GOP were just a bunch of rich White guys who didn't care about anything but their money and oppressing women and minorities. Now they are truly evil and a danger to society.
I have mostly hung out in the circles of the highly educated. It is shocking how many of them are part of the fashionable liberal hive mind that morphed into fascism and pure hatred.
“...Friday focused more on assailing Democrats for 'hypocrisy' and 'hatred' than justifying Mr. Trump’s own monthslong effort to overturn a democratic election that culminated in last month’s deadly assault on the Capitol."
Was Trump impeached for trying “to overturn a democratic election?” Trump’s impeachment is an abuse of power based on personal animosity. I’m glad his lawyers are treating it as such. Meanwhile, the leftmediaswine at NYT are focused on legitimatizing their “fortified” election.
It is time Democrats were hammered for their hypocrisy and lack of integrity. It will have no effect on their behavior. They are shameless. The bubble people who feed off the leftmediaswine will probably never see the videos. But it is important for the normals and near normals to see them. They have “suspicions confirmed” value.
Democrats holding the Articles has to do with justifying the continuing military presence in DC. It’s all theater.
Hate is best understood as a statement of moral superiority.
Sometimes it's apt. Not often, absent some vile crime.
The left's understanding of themselves as morally superior to Trump begat TDS, and their hatred of Trump voters.
Alinsky: make the opposition play by their own damn rules. Hatred is a bad thing, and Dems exhibit it every time they open their yap holes about Trump. Calling them out on their hatred and demanding they stop it is appropriate and justified.
Bills of attainder are forbidden under the Constitution, and using a post-transition impeachment trial to the same effect is seen as nothing less than a bill of attainder against Trump.
MayBee said...
I also keep hearing it was an "armed insurrection". Who was armed?
2/13/21, 8:28 AM
The secret "police" person who shot unarmed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood, whom the left and the Pravda media are keeping a secret when they out any other Police officer who was doing THEIR jobs of protecting the general public. THOSE police officer don't count and should be defunded and fired....the Capitol "Cop" must be protected and hidden away. Got it??
How long did Al Gore contest the election of 2000? He had conceeded, and then took back the concession. His wins all came at the hands of Charlie Crist's corrupt FL supreme court.
People learn things, you know.
What Wince at 7:26 said.
It's like the idiots at National Review complaining for years about voting fraud but now saying this election was completely legitimate. They think we're stupid.
I'll keep repeating it.
What's the goal?
Its impossible to form an opinion until you identify the goal.
Every year the RAGBRAI happens. 10,000 peddlers take off from the Missouri river heading towards the Mississippi. There are 100's of goals, all different.
So what is the Dems goal?
I say, only one possible goal. Separate voters from President Trump to an extent, and the Republican Party for sure. All the rest is lies.
The Dems motivation, is fear. President Trump has seen behind the current, and ALL of DC is scared shitless, he will reveal the real power, the real grift, the real corruption.
One by one, Republicans are revealing those in on the grift. Nikkie Haley is the latest.
74 million followers is something this nation has never seen before.
Not another piece about/from the POS NYT.
Sorry, but that effing sewer is not the center of the universe and while some may eagerly breathe in every stench it spews, I will not participate.
Wow. The House Managers included a doctored screenshot.
If you want to say the fakery is over a minor point I agree. But it’s still fakery. If they fake such pissant stuff, why trust they haven’t faked more?
They submitted FAKED evidence.
This phenomenon of disdain by leftists for all those unwilling to kneel to the utopian gods has been around a long time, and so will, sadly, outlast its Trumpist expression. Think of Lenin instituting state terror in Russia, of Mao and Pol Pot, of the Stasi, and then think of the relentless and stultifying stupidities of our own pajama-boy left. It's all a species of self-hatred projected outward, and thus is a human and not a political problem.
The only hatred I'm sensing is the deadly disregard for the lives of:
Brian Sicknick
Ashli Babbitt
Roseanne Boyland
Kevin Greeson
Benjamin Phillips
Jeffrey Smith, Howard Liebengood -
on the part of those who don't want any accountability for T-Rump. Not to mention the hundreds more that were under threat. Weak.
I think hatred is a fair description.
We have MSNBC anchors suggesting targeted assassination of Americans but “hatred” is too strong a word?
74 million followers is something this nation has never seen before.
Hmmm. Until it saw 81.2 million "following" the path of accountability and competence and voting against the T-Rump cause.
T-Rump followers really seem to think they're such hot shit. So hot, in fact, that they assume the fire they like eating impresses the many more Americans who are happy to douse their uncontrollable urges with a nice big national fire extinguisher.
Getting T-Rump clowns to calm down is unrewarding stuff, especially when all the T-Rump followers have going for them is their passion for bouncing off the wall with lunacy. And all in the service of a guy who doesn't give a damn about any of them. How gross and unimpressive.
I'm unfamiliar with these Germanic insults. Is the made-up word above an attempt to marry schweinhund with lügenpresse?
I can see why T-Rump enjoyed keeping a book of Schickelgruber's speeches on his nightstand. His followers seem very fond of the tactics borrowed from it.
I think when Nietszsche speculated on the übermensch, he didn't mean the kind of "hombre" that Schicklgruber and T-Rump had in mind.
He meant someone manly enough to avoid drowning himself in his own testosterone bath salts.
Just in... they are gonna 'extend' the trial to have 'witnesses' come forward.
In other words the Kangaroo Court saw their presentation didn't do it.. thus they have to lie some more and maybe at least make SOMEONE think they were right.
Meanwhile Cuomo may get kicked out... Newsom may get kicked out... illegals bring COVID-19 while Biden wants to lock down Florida... the Lincoln Project heads run as their sordid scam is exposed...
Wow.. how the worm turns!!
2022 midterms here we come!!!
Did the NYT's talk about how the House Manager LIED about what Trump said? OR how they selectively edited the Videos they showed? Or how they even Lied about what the Defense team said?
I guess not. Because who cares if they lie or not. Why am I supposed to care about this weird selective outrage by the NYT or anyone else? Oh, lets not call it "hatred". But lets lie and make up crap in an out-of-control political vendetta. The NYT's is DNC-news. They've given up any pretense of being objective.
Someone just got excited!
Good to see T-Rump's followers turn their passion for storming the US capitol into storming the NY and CA capitols, disparaging Mexican Americans and suppressing the 2022 vote. How productive and adult.
The defense lawyers contended that Democrats were pursuing Mr. Trump out of personal and partisan animosity, using the word 'hatred' 15 times during their formal presentation...
How can any individual of even the meanest level of intelligence possibly doubt the truth of this?
focused more on assailing Democrats for 'hypocrisy' and 'hatred' than justifying Mr. Trump’s own monthslong effort to overturn a democratic election that culminated in last month’s deadly assault on the Capitol."
Congressman Lieu let it slip, what impeachment is really about...
Doesn't one tend to develop a hatred toward the thing he is constantly fighting against?
Blogger hpudding said...
The only hatred I'm sensing is the deadly disregard for the lives of:
Brian Sicknick
Ashli Babbitt
Roseanne Boyland
Kevin Greeson
Benjamin Phillips
Jeffrey Smith, Howard Liebengood -
on the part of those who don't want any accountability for T-Rump. Not to mention the hundreds more that were under threat. Weak.
Are you a new or recycled troll?
This pudding guy is still running with the Sicknick lie.
Even after the State Media has admitted that Sicknick was never attacked with a fire extinguisher, thathe completed his shift and returned to the station where he appeared fine, went home and then sometime later that night was transported to the hospital.
But pudding knows better.
Besides, pudding NEEDS the lie to be true.
As if he were Li'l Stevie Uhr Junior who went Full AOC Mode and is claiming Pence literally came within a hairs breath of being murdered!
Like the evil ones had Pence dangling over the tank filled with sharks equipped with lasers when the good guys rushed in and grabbed him just as he began to plummet to his doom!
The American Soviets want their Reichstag Fire and by Allah they are going to deliver that result no matter what!
Lem wrote: Congressman Lieu let it slip, what impeachment is really about...
In lieu of telling the truth, the Congressman says it's all about something President Trump didn't do. What a poser, he. I wonder who pulls his strings. Being from California and all, it's not hard to guess.
Say the words!
Don't say the words!
Count the words!
Raskin right now is almost breathless at the lectern/podium/speaky thing.
Now do "mob" or "insurrection"
Were I arguing for the defense I would discuss how loud the discussion was to begin impeachment even before January 6th. Forbes magazine was talking about impeaching Trump on November the 10th. Chicago Tribune on Dec 13. Vanity Fair on Dec 20. Washington Post a short series of articles the week of Dec 17. (I would post a score of links to the news archives but I fear it would trigger spam filters. )
These were just a few of many MANY such calls and discussions of impeaching Donald Trump published in the weeks between the election, and the inauguration. I refer of course to the election of 2016 and Trump's first day of office, the inauguration in Jan 2017. "IMPEACH TRUMP!" has been the cry of his rivals and adversaries since before he took office. This is their last chance.
The scenario reminds me of... something. "Boys, we all can easily see he ain't one of us. We know his kind, and he ain't welcome among us. And we all know there's only one way to deal with that sort. We string 'em up! Now, the law says before a hangin', there has to be a process. A posse to make the arrest, a jury to hear the trial, and a judge to pronounce the sentence. It gonna be a while before a judge gets to our territory. But I say if we got enough men here to make up a posse or a jury, we such as hell got a long enough rope and a high enough tree branch. Who's got the balls to come with me, catch him, and lynch TONIGHT?"
He's now painting all the folks at the ellipse as warriors armed in tactical gear...Trump looking out from behind the presidential lectern/podium/speaky thing with approval.
It is also becoming clear that the American Soviets and their Uni-party amigos are continuing the Soviet Show Trial to spur on additional protests which can then be set up as Reichstag Fire's 2, 3 and 4, etc.
Which would be helpful in the next phase of the ChiCom-inization of the US: labeling all Trump voters terrorists and removing all of their Constitutional rights, most importantly their 2nd amendment rights.
The 1st anendnent is already well on its way to permanent gutting and the democraticals have already completed their takeover of the intel and law enforcement agencies which will make their spying on all Americans an untouchable and unstoppable capability.
All the tools and tactics that were put in place theoretically to protect us from external threats will come, as they were inevitably destined to do, into full flower as the weapons of choice against internal kulaks and wreckers and counter-revolutionaries.
Human nature guarantees such an outcome when all checks and balances are removed. Precisely as our Founders anticipated...which is why the American Soviets are cancelling our Founders too.
As with all lefty totalitarian takeovers, the past must always be destroyed before the new Lefty utopia can be built.
As we speak, the surviving former members of the Stasi and KGB are sitting back and watching the US in amazement and jealousy.
They are reverting back to the failed timeline strategy.
walter: "They are reverting back to the failed timeline strategy."
The American Soviets are clearly reading their overnight snap polls and finding, as with the Mueller joke presentation, hoax impeachment I, their Kavanaugh lies, that their schtick is not moving the needle at all.
And, as with all moron lefties (see Inga, readering, steve uhr, pudding et al), they believe they can simply keep shouting the same lies over and over again and marry that repetition with near monopoly control of media to win the day politically.
And they are right to some extent.
It seems to work on woke suburban females primarily (if the polls are to be believed) who are willing even to sacrifice their young girls and daughters to the woke trans maoists.
I find it funny that we are discussing this like there are rules or any sense of fairness. This must be what it was like in soviet Russia.
Raskin needs to bring back the somber waterworks...a much better look for him than this excitable boy routine.
When Leahy invokes "the chair", I expect him to stand up and ask his chair for a decision.
Whoops. Now going back to the big lie leadup strategy.
I see the left's hate and raise them a loathe, a despise and a detest.
The secret "police" person who shot unarmed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood
Has anyone considered that the shooter cop may have been the very same one who lay in state at the capital? Seriously, only something like five other people have been bestowed this honor in all of our nation's history. Five.
I wonder if they tested his body for gunshot residue before it was quickly cremated.
Hmmm. Until it saw 81.2 million "following" the path of accountability and competence and voting against the T-Rump cause.
T-Rump followers really seem to think they're such hot shit. So hot, in fact, that they assume the fire they like eating impresses the many more Americans who are happy to douse their uncontrollable urges with a nice big national fire extinguisher.
Getting T-Rump clowns to calm down is unrewarding stuff, especially when all the T-Rump followers have going for them is their passion for bouncing off the wall with lunacy. And all in the service of a guy who doesn't give a damn about any of them. How gross and unimpressive.
I'm guessing the h in hpudding stands for haughty.
No witnesses after all. Guess the R's temporarily located their spines and called the D's bluff.
This reminds me of the Mueller "investigation" indicting all those Russian firms as a publicity stunt, only to have one of them hire US representation and say, "Let's get on with discovery!"
Mueller's response to that, of course, was to channel Emily Litella.
Getting T-Rump clowns to calm down is unrewarding stuff, especially when all the T-Rump followers have going for them is their passion for bouncing off the wall with lunacy.
The guy who spells Trump "T-Rump" wants to lecture others on their lunacy.
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