११ फेब्रुवारी, २०२१
Speaking of sons...
"Instagram took down the account of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the political scion and prominent anti-vaccine activist, on Wednesday over false information related to the coronavirus. 'We removed this account for repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines,' Facebook, which owns Instagram, said in a statement. Mr. Kennedy, the son of the former senator and U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, worked for decades as an environmental lawyer but is now better known as an anti-vaccine crusader."
bad science,
RFK jr
८५ टिप्पण्या:
Debunked. The definition of the word has been enhanced a bit, eh? If this keeps up, the word "hate" will be eclipsed in it's usage.
Lockstep is so important to a unified nation.
If JFK were still alive he would have his Twitter revoked for saying there was a gunman on the grassy knoll.
I am Laslo.
There was a time when GOP Senators were being hugely criticized for protecting the vaccination manufacturers from being sued for causing autism.
Would their accounts- defending vaccines- have been deleted from Instagram back then?
Everyone should close their Facebook Instagram and Twitter accounts. It truly is poison.
If RFK were still alive he would have his Facebook revoked for saying Sirhan Sirhan was innocent.
I am Laslo.
"If JFK were still alive he would have his Twitter revoked for saying there was a gunman on the grassy knoll."
If JFK were still alive he would have his Twitter revoked for saying he got shot in Dallas. You don't have to be Abraham Zapruder to know that he got shot in the head.
If Mary Jo Kopechne was still alive she’d have her Facebook account revoked for saying Teddy was drunk and “handsy”.
Whenever I want accurate medical information I go directly to the fine folks who censor facebook accounts.
If Carolyn Besette Kennedy and her sister Lauren we’re still alive they would both have their Facebook accounts revoked for saying JFK Jr. was flying that plane sideways toward the water and kept telling him that but he wouldn’t listen.
If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was instead, Robert F. Smith, he'd be somewhere getting treatment. This is not about vaccine. Well, for Instagram and Facebook it is, but Mr. Kennedy needs real help. He has for years.
By the way, can you imagine Mark Zuckerberg as the overseer of standards for what is or is not allowed in society?
Neither can I. Why do we allow it to continue? Delete your Facebook accounts people. It's not needed. They've just made you think you need it. You don't. I've managed to have a great life without it for years and years.
"'We removed this account for repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines,”
I support the vaccination effort, but whenever I see the word “debunked” in a mainstream newspaper, what I see is “denounced.”
The problem with vaccines is that they are not 100% good or 100% bad, it’s a matter of weighing the benefits and the costs, and we can’t do that if we can’t discuss them openly. BTW, when will Harris be cancelled from social media for her comments denouncing the vaccine and warning people not to take it? I kid, I kid, it’s not about vaccines, it’s about power.
To be fair, the mofo was warned. It didn't have to be this way.
If you look at how many things it's still okay to talk about, there's a lot. Why be a dick about it?
I’m suspicious of application of the “new rules” to progressives. It both does not fit the pattern nor does it seem to be the exception that proves there is a “new rule,” unless the new tyrannical decree is “thou shalt not speak ill of any vaccine anywhere.” But I still don’t understand why RFKJ? of all anti-V people? Wouldn’t banning a bunch of alleged Trump-loving antivaxxers be better for their full court press in progress?
Saying the word "debunked" has become an act of hubris.
Using it to censor someone is an act of oppression.
Delete your Facebook accounts people.
Careful. I was deplatformed from Ann's head for repeating such sacrilege...
NOTHING RFK Jr. was talking about has been "debunked".
But, RFK Jr. has been asking a lot of questions we would all like answered.
Well. Everyone but the pro-double mask idiots in Madison, WI.
The problem with vaccines is that they are not 100% good or 100% bad, it’s a matter of weighing the benefits and the costs, and we can’t do that if we can’t discuss them openly.
Anti vaxers have been around for decades. On facebook for as long as fb has existed. I cant fix stupid people. They are going to fall for stuff every single day.
The answer is NOT fb, or twatter, or etc, to curate their personal version of reality, for the rest of the world. Money does not = intelligence. Let them all loose and let God sort it out.
Let’s remember that this mRNA vaccine is different than all other vaccines.
Asking questions about it is not “anti-vax”.
No good deed goes unpunished:
What is really funny is that one of the "Times Pick” comments blames the attempted prosecution on Trump when the prosecutor himself said that the problem was lack of “equity” in distributing the doses, which it seems would have been dumped down the toilet otherwise. That sounds a lot more Woke than MAGA to me, and the DA is elected in Houston, meaning he is a Democrat probably with a campaign funded by Soros and he has promised to take it to a grand jury since he couldn’t get a judge to bite. In fact the judge’s response to his attempt to prosecute a good deed was pretty scathing.
“In the number of words usually taken to describe an allegation of retail shoplifting, the State attempts, for the first time, to criminalize a doctor’s documented administration of vaccine doses during a public health emergency,” he wrote. “The Court emphatically rejects this attempted imposition of the criminal law on the professional decisions of a physician.”
Both the Texas Medical Association and the Harris County Medical Society recently issued a statement of support for physicians like Dr. Gokal who find themselves scrambling “to avoid wasting the vaccine in a punctured vial.”
“It is difficult to understand any justification for charging any well-intentioned physician in this situation with a criminal offense,” the statement said.
Maybe some genuine American royalty joining Gab will help whitewash some of its Christian conservative icky.
The children of Generation X experienced massive spikes in Autism (Generation Z). My son is not autistic, but I did have to take him to a neuropsychologist to have him tested. There were concerns. I know at least 10 couples with and autistic child. TEN!
Of course like the tobacco companies claim, there is not direct link between smoking and lung cancer, so does big pharma and autism.
But Generation X are sheep filled with tears and fears. So most will watch the same happen to their grand-kids and remain silent. We really are pussies.
So of course, we’re not allowed to ask questions when Bill Gates and Fauci want to stick 7 Billion people in the ass x2? That’s some evil shit right there.
but Mr. Kennedy needs real help. He has for years.
All I know about this is headline stuff. I know what I know, also quite smart about understanding what I don't know. But what drives people is usually not to hard to figure out, of you want to take the time.
I think about a local veterinarian. He was the most pleasent, personable, and fun loving person in any grope. And he was a member of a lot of groups. Astounding, considering how busy he was. Also extremely intelligent, aided by country vet common sense.
In the end, he contracted cancer, and chased every quack remedy around the globe. A person with education, knowledge, and experience in the healing arts, turned into a loon. Sad. But we have all seen such things happen. (He did succumb to cancer right on the Oncologists time table)
Asking “why do I need a vaccine for a virus with a 99% survival rate” make you an anit-vaxer now.
It's the same as why do we need lock-downs, masks, two masks, school closings, government deemed essential activities, and all the rest of the bullshit based on COVIDs manipulated data.
Name ONE PIECE OF DATA you absolutely trust. PCR tests? Total Positive Cases? COVID deaths?
If you trust any of those numbers you are dumber that Andrea Mitchell.
First they came for President Trump, but I did not speak out......They are going to come for YOU too.
If Marilyn Monroe were alive she would have her Instagram account revoked for sharing entries from her Red Diary.
By the way, can you imagine Mark Zuckerberg as the overseer of standards for what is or is not allowed in society?
Dorsey is just as bad, or worse. He was basically just another tech until he hit it lucky with twitter. There is nothing in his bio that suggests he is any better at determining what are and are not fit topics for discussion than any rando you grab off the street. He is a glorified project manager, which, I believe, the venture capital environment in tech recognizes and promotes.
but Mr. Kennedy needs real help. He has for years
This statement deserves a Taranto Evergreen.
RFK Jr. dared to ask why did we lock down anything when the same wasn’t done for he Hong-Kong flu during the Woodstock Era. It’s a damn good question. One that Baby Boomers now protecting their retirement era don’t want asked.
I got vaxed up as a Gen X kid. And I don’t remember having to double mask, remain socially distant and not be able to go see Bozos Circus.
If the mRNA vaccine doesn’t provide freedom…what good is it?
RFK Jr. dared ask if the rollout of the COVID mRNA vaccine met the Nuremberg Code of research ethics.
Yeah. He’s crazy.
Saran Wrap is more effective than two masks.
RFK Jr. is an idiot, and he deserves nothing but scorn. FB canceling him is just as idiotic, though.
FB is a defacto utility (and keep in mind Zuck has actually asked for FB to be subject to "public utility"-style regulation) they should watch their step. Ma Bell, back in the day, provided you a phone number regardless of what you said when using that number, unless (in rare cases) you broke a law.
FB should not be able to delete your account unless the account owner breaks a law and part of the sentence is to lose FB access. If FB wants to show their woke-ism they should have the ability to mark an account or post with a notice that FB disagrees with it or disparages it, but that's all. Such marking though should also disqualify them from 230 protection, however.
@rhhardin ...I am so stealing that. Think I’ll stitch it to a pillow.
He was the most pleasent, personable, and fun loving person in any grope. And he was a member of a lot of groups.
Is there a better way to be in a group grope, Iowan2?
Blogger DaveL said...
RFK Jr. is an idiot, and he deserves nothing but scorn.
Ask yourself. Forget about the mRNA vaccine. Do the Blue State forced lock downs meet these Nuremberg ethics codes? I don’t think so. Especially #4. Same thing with double masks. Or NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and NJ Gov Phil Murphy, conducting nursing home contamination experiments that killed thousands. How about #10 which requires termination of a failed experiment (school closings)? You think the Teachers Unions know that one?
These are the questions RFK Jr was asking. DAMN GOOD QUESTIONS. Anyone who thinks banning RFK Jr. is just about RFK Jr. is the idiot. We've all been Fauci's lab rats for a year now.
1.The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
2.The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3.The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
4.The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5.No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6.The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
7.Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
8.The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
9.During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
10.During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
When rfk Jr talks, he sounds like he is crying. Also, he's married to Larry David's TV wife, so she probably can help him think and adjust to being cancelled.
Is there a better way to be in a group grope, Iowan2?
Oh boy! What was I thinking as I was typing? Freudian?
Who assigned Truth Ministry authority to social media, and when did that happen?
The very concept is laughable: letting our acceptable topics of discussion be determined by a bunch of computer nerds who are between 25-35 years old and live in a safe tech bubble and have never built or fixed anything in their lives, know nothing about history or any ideas outside of mainstream leftist orthodoxy.
Right. That’s idiotic.
"He was the most pleasent, personable, and fun loving person in any grope”
“He was the pleasantest, most mild mannered man to ever bleed a mule or stuff a ballot box.” - Faulker in The Hamlet
Censorship s*cks. I don't care if Kennedy is a nut, it isn't up to Silicon Valley to dispense the "truth". Especially as I hold that some of the truths espoused by Silicon Valley are equally nutty, maybe more so.
Howard you are a fucking idiot. RFK Jr. has a disorder/disability known as Spasmodic dysphonia.
A simple Google search would find this definition.
"Spasmodic dysphonia, also known as laryngeal dystonia, is a disorder in which the muscles that generate a person's voice go into periods of spasm. This results in breaks or interruptions in the voice, often every few sentences, which can make a person difficult to understand."
Now cancel yourself Howard.
"If JFK were still alive he would have his Twitter revoked for saying there was a gunman on the grassy knoll."
If JFK were alive today he'd be desperately clawing at the inside of his coffin.
Hey, sorry CPL. I thought you Trumpers got your kicks from making fun of spaz's and tards. I was just trying to give you people a boost.
The more dissenting voices they silence in social media, the more it becomes a monolithic thought bubble filled with nothing but authoritarian anti-Enlightenment a-holes.
But they all think they are the good guys, the reasonable ones, keeping out those dangerous nutjobs.
Here’s the truth about social media: it’s a terrible and tragic psychology / sociology experiment in real time on real people who didn’t consent to being manipulated to become more tribal, divisive, hateful, and even violent.
As time goes on this realization will become widespread. Mark it down.
Twitter or Facebook as arbiters of truth is a bad idea.
Did this all start because Hillary Clinton tried to pin Trump's 2016 win on Russian Facebook posts?
Twitter blocked oliver stones new propaganda piece.
There wasnt anyone on the grassy knoll, according to bob baers research
The absurdity in policing opinions about science is that at the heart of the scientific method is skepticism regarding the current scientific "consensus".
When a patent office clerk challenged the 400 year scientific consensus regarding Sir Isaac Newton's theories, the initial reaction was that his arrogance knew no bounds. Would Einstein have been cancelled on Twitter?
There are currently serious scientists dedicating their lives to challenging Einstein's theories now. Are they to be cancelled on social media?
Howard said...
Hey, sorry CPL. I thought you Trumpers got your kicks from making fun of spaz's and tards. I was just trying to give you people a boost.
2/11/21, 9:52 AM
So, rather than admit that you are ignorant, you just spew hatred. Living up to the progressive model, as per usual.
Conrad stark was the one who determined whether science was sufficiently aryan
Howard said...
Howard said...
Hey, sorry CPL. I thought you Trumpers got your kicks from making fun of spaz's and tards. I was just trying to give you people a boost.
Tough to make more of an idiot out of yourself than you already have.
But projecting your failures onto others is the only refuge for someone as stupid as Howard.
Just remember he is a low rank peon compared to his thought leader Andrea Mitchell.
Democrats are just stupid people.
My daughter is an occupational therapist and works with kids who were normal prior to getting multiple vaccinations. She says the problems are worse now because they give way more vaccinations to kids today than 50 years age, many of them really unnecessary and ineffective (such as for flu). Also she says read the complete list of potential complications/side effects. You have to dig those up on medical websites. She recently sent me this link:
While I'm not against some vaccinations and neither is my daughter, I don't trust big government or big pharma enough to think they wouldn't try to hide some of their dirty little secrets.
Here's a shovel Howard, keep digging.
It's nice to see you people have found your sense of humor.
NOTHING RFK Jr. was talking about has been "debunked".
If the "link" between autism and vaccines has not been "debunked" then nothing ever ever debunkable ever.
If you stop digging, you won't hit paydirt, Humperdinck.
If we continue to use Twitter and Facebook, we deserve every damn thing we get.
@Lewis Great strat to counterattack about RFKJr's vaccine idiocy with a link to an article heavily quoting vaccine cranks Bart Classen and Stephanie Seneff, not to mention fronting other articles and laudatory quotes by RFKJr. They are all part of the anti-vaccine echo chamber and quote each other's articles and press releases as though they are reliable sources.
D.D. Driver said...If the "link" between autism and vaccines has not been "debunked" then nothing ever ever debunkable ever.
That's absolutely not true. For Autism, once the still unexplained spike is explained, everything else is debunked. But it has yet to be explained. Therefore, the change and increase in the vaccination schedule of Generation Z is still on the table. It is an absolute variable between Gen X - Millennials - and Gen Z.
Once we know what IT IS, then we can debunk what it ISN'T. Simple.
RFK Jr's ban is about more that just "anti-vax". He is openly questioning Bill Gates REAL motives. Fauci's too. The only thing off the table, I believe, is altruism. And yes, he is challenging their ethics against the Nuremberg Codes. Rightfully so. Brave man.
Blogger DaveL said...
@Lewis Great strat to counterattack about RFKJr's vaccine idiocy...
Obviously you haven’t seen any of RFK Jr’s Instagram posts or writings during 2020. It’s not just “anti-vax”. He was bitching throughout 2020 about some very relevant things prior to the mRNA vaccine’s release. He’s questioning lock downs. School Closures. Masks. Isolation of the elderly.
He’s asking Why these “scientific” methods weren’t used during the Hong Kong flu which killed 100K Americans between 1968 and 1969. Nobody cancelled Woodstock. He is also openly stating that we are seeing our Constitutional rights and individual liberties stripped very quickly in the name of this unproven science. His Father and Uncle would have done the same.
Measles vaccine. Great. Mumps. Great. Polio. Great. But COVID -19 in 2020 was a year of scientific and medical cowardice and dishonesty. The vilification of Hydroxychloroquine as a life-saving treatment #1. Tens of thousands died needlessly for the Politicization
of a low cost, effective drug.
That is more the scope of RFK Jr’s fight. It’s broader that you comprehend.
That's absolutely not true. For Autism, once the still unexplained spike is explained, everything else is debunked. But it has yet to be explained. Therefore, the change and increase in the vaccination schedule of Generation Z is still on the table. It is an absolute variable between Gen X - Millennials - and Gen Z.
Once we know what IT IS, then we can debunk what it ISN'T. Simple.
By using your definition: we also haven't debunked the link between Gusty Winds commenting on the Althouse blog and autism. So I guess we should take that nonsense seriously, too? So the sake of "the children" maybe you should stop commenting--just to be on the safe side. Or are you trying to kill children?
For the record: the original "link" between autism and vaccines was the product of academic fraud. Not "bad science." Complete lies.
RFK Jr’s Father and Uncle took on the Military Industrial Complex, Communism, and the Mafia. How’d that work out for the two of them??? They were silenced.
RFK Jr. is taking of some REALLY big forces, and Big Pharma is only one of them. So he is being silenced too.
Denying individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, and normalizing color blocs (i.e. identity defined by low information attributes, people of color), color quotas, and affirmative discrimination? Diversity [dogma], not limited to racism, is a progressive condition.
Blogger D.D. Driver said...
For the record: the original "link" between autism and vaccines was the product of academic fraud
OK Einstein. What is the explanation for the Generation Z autism spike? What explanation in your world has been "bunked". The answer is nothing.
The vaccines are a variable, and remain one.
OK Einstein. What is the explanation for the Generation Z autism spike? What explanation in your world has been "bunked". The answer is nothing.
The vaccines are a variable, and remain one.
No. It doesn't take an "Einstein" to smell bullshit.
D.D. Driver said .... Or are you trying to kill children?
Everything you have written is now irrelevant. COVID doesn't kill children and you have read nothing I wrote. Nor are you able to absorb it.
You win the "Andrea Mitchell of the Day" award.
No I would not personally inject mRNA into a child. Nor would I walk my 6-year-old nephew into the clinic to get it because the corrupt Teachers Unions said we have to.
Would you and all your intellect inject the mRNA into a kid Señoir Douchebag?
@ D.D. Driver
I asked "What is the explanation for the Generation Z autism spike?" There is no explanation. I asked if you would inject a child with mRNA. Again...nothing.
The controversy also includes the use of vaccine preservatives that contained mercury (Thimerosal). That was more the American focus. They don’t use Thimerosal anymore, but did throughout the 90’s. Why did they stop suing it in 2001? Because Mercury is Baaaadddd.
So then one might ask, why did these idiots ever start using it?
Your "debunk" link is to the European view which was measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines.
To ask, “did they preserve this shit safely” is not anti-vax. Nor is asking “do these assholes like Fauci and Gates really know what they are doing”? RFK Jr. is questioning Big Pharma, Fauci, and Gates' infallibility. You're not.
Enjoy your double mask.
COVID doesn't kill children
Yes, highly unlikely. Covid-19 caused mortality is correlated with co-morbidities correlated with age. However, it's not a coincidence that excess deaths occurred in Planned Parent/hood facilities in Democrat jurisdictions in the first months of the pandemic.
No I would not personally inject mRNA into a child.
mRNA or any other vaccine that does not have a well-established risk profile. A child has a low risk of suffering disease progression, is more likely to develop broad-spectrum immunity from a natural infection, and, in the worst case, is eligible for several effective, inexpensive, low-risk treatments.
Anti-treatment (e.g. HCQ cocktail, Ivermectin protocol) adventurists.
"What is the explanation for the Generation Z autism spike?”
There was a study done in a California county were half the people who had cable and half didn’t that suggested that maybe having very young children watching TV has something to do with it. Not that these kids aren’t pre-disposed. The one person I know born with autism, well I know his extended family, and it weren’t no big surprise. But none of them would be considered full blown autistic. Just Aspergers spectrum.
Your "debunk" link is to the European view which was measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines.
There are many, many studies that all show the same thing. There was one that said something different. The one study has been retracted because it was the work of fraud. You should work on your bullshit detector.
FYI-also because there is a spike in diagnosis does not mean that there is a spike in the prevalence of autism.
Debunk has nothing to do with the domain of vaccines and any ill effects they may have. That's a glitch a lot of journalists and lawyers have who operate in the world of narrative. There would be a study that would either support a link or one that showed no link, and these results would be interpreted either to strengthen the case that there's a causal link between autism, or to weaken it. There's no such thing as magic debunking dust, but there's really really no such thing in science.
Gusty Winds said...
OK Einstein. What is the explanation for the Generation Z autism spike? What explanation in your world has been "bunked". The answer is nothing.
My personal theory for an explanation of an increase in Autism: They started testing for it.
I am also going to throw in that young kids in that generation had much much less play time/face time with other kids than previous generations and started getting more TV/computer screen time.
I would expect mercury/heavy metals in vaccines to have much less subtle affects on the body than rewiring specific parts of the brain.
The national autism foundation that begs me for money is very interested in the number of kids with autism.
Howard said...
It's nice to see you people have found your sense of humor.
The problem was never our sense of humor.
You were just too stupid to get the jokes being told.
Achilles said...My personal theory for an explanation of an increase in Autism: They started testing for it.
I don't disagree with you. Seems part of it was testing for it as well as the expansion of the spectrum. Sure.
Seems to me, the mercury in the Thimerosal preservative still has answers to give. I don't believe demanding more answers to these things is "anti-vax". I'd love to see it's not be that. But what was it??? Why didn't it hit Generation X? They stuck us with good needles.
I'm not anti-vax. I'm just "anti-vax that fucks you up, or you don't need". Who's pro that?
"I am also going to throw in that young kids in that generation had much much less play time/face time with other kids than previous generations and started getting more TV/computer screen time. “
Shut up Mike, they only want to talk about mercury. The same kind that is in tuna fish. OK, thimerosal used in vaccines breaks down into the ethylmercury in tuna fish, which your liver can handle if you don’t eat fish every day of the week. There is no mercury in the COVID vaccine. It hasn’t been used in vaccines in decades on account of TDA, Thimersosal Derangement Syndrome. Autism did not seem to drop after they stopped using it.
Here, for instance, is what the US Food and Drug Administration says is in Pfizer’s vaccine:
Active Ingredient
-nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) encoding the viral spike glycoprotein (S) of SARS-CoV-2
-(4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis (ALC-3015)
-(2- hexyldecanoate),2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide (ALC-0159)
-1,2-distearoyl-snglycero-3-phosphocholine (DPSC)
-potassium chloride
-monobasic potassium phosphate
-sodium chloride
-basic sodium phosphate dihydrate
-sucrose MIT Technology Review
The study I referenced regarding children who had access to cable TV, and children who didn’t that seemed to show that kids with more TV had a higher incidence of autism will never be able to be replicated because the era when there were significant populations of kids in the US with no access to TV or other screens is over.
I had just turned nine when JFK was killed. I know how the Kennedy's were lionized in the 1960's and after.
My favorite Laura Nyro song, "Save the Country" has the lines "Keep the dream of the two young brothers / Gonna take that dream / And ride that dove..." referring to John and Robert. The Myth of Camelot.
I was glad to see them deprecated years later, especially Edward Kennedy's failed presidential bid in 1980. But the thought of "cancelling a Kennedy" is just unbelievably weird!
What's the difference between Abraham, Martin and John? Abraham did not patronize prostitutes.
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