"If it seemed like I was ignoring my main Twitter followers here and outside the US and Canada in my quest to rid our democracy of 'Orange Julius Caesar' and his Empire of Lies, it was not my intention. I just assumed that a radicalized America is a threat to us all. When a madman grabs the wheel of the bus loaded with innocent passengers and threatens to drive it off a cliff, it tends to steal everyone’s focus."
Jim Carrey lets us know he's giving it a rest. He needs to get his brain back. He's not the only one. But don't get complacent. Who's driving the bus now... and is it really loaded with innocent passengers? Just because you could focus all your fear of evil on one person doesn't mean that when he's gone you've got nothing to fear. I recommend maintaining your equilibrium at all times.
My link goes to a NY Post article about his tweet, but the actual tweet came in a form that made some people think he was about to kill himself:
https://t.co/ahUGs4gvwi pic.twitter.com/ts5EnngYb5
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) February 20, 2021
No he’s not killing himself. If you tap the link you’ll find this: pic.twitter.com/346KKi6WkV
— Transit Productions (@transitprods) February 21, 2021
२१० टिप्पण्या:
210 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»he was about to kill himself:
We can still hope.
"Now that I have publicly soiled myself for the last five years, I'm going to try to take a few steps back and clean up."
I can’t remember the last time I saw a Jim Carrey movie, but that will have been the last time I ever see a Jim Carrey movie.
I guess I don't live in the world where people read Tweets from Jim Carrey. I didn't know it was a thing. He could keep it up and it still wouldn't register on my radar.
It would be akin to me Tweeting that I'm done posting comments on Althouse. People would go, 'Huh? Who dat? What's Althouse? Who cares?'
I just assumed that a radicalized America is a threat to us all
It is but now that the radicals have taken power you're stepping down?
It's not funny but kinda funny they think Jim wants to kill himself now that his reason to live- tweeting mean things about Trump- is gone.
It's amusing the way actors, actresses and others in the arts think their considerable creativity is somehow an asset when evaluating policy and politicians in general.
It is more of a hindrance. Creativity is a wonderful thing -- everything in the arts depends on it -- but a fertile imagination and injecting drama into life are *not* useful skills outside of the arts, and do not imply credibility or expertise.
Trump gave so many losers purpose to their lives...
This is like when you find out someone really old passed away but you assumed they had passed away many years prior. Whats the German word for that?
Trump was a shitty communicator and leader in many ways as President, but his policies and actions were well reasoned and considerate broadly speaking.
By comparison, Biden and his staff mastered the art of banal communication and their policies and actions are poorly reasoned and generally dangerous.
And the odd part is: Most people find more comfort in the latter.
“Orange Julius Caesar?” Really?
These Hollywood folks’ sense of history is as deranged as their sense of current reality. What was the problem, Jim? Was it prosperity or the possibility of peace in the Middle East? Maybe it was getting back on even footing with the ChiComs.
In terms of a demented “madman” at the wheel, old Jim ain’t seen nothin’ yet. QuidProJoe has the steerage now.
When a madman grabs the wheel of the bus loaded with innocent passengers and threatens to drive it off a cliff, it tends to steal everyone’s focus."
who's driving the bus Now?
here's a Heinlein quote, that has Nothing to do with any of this:
when I die; i want to die Peacefully, in my sleep, the way my grandfather did...
not Screaming in terror, the way his passengers did
A day with NO Jim Carrey is a very good day.
Jim Carrey is a nutbag. Anybody who thinks he is sane, is insane themselves.
"It is far easier to attack an unpopular president, than trying to defend an incompetent's one. This is my excuse for ignoring the obvious blunders the next four years."
If I was looking for an opinion on a matter of national importance from a Canadian high school dropout I might consider Jim Carrey. I’m not.
I don't want him to kill himself, I just want him to go away.
Doesn’t think too much of himself, does he... /sarc
Speaking of evil- we all know it’s not just the prick w/the pitchfork, but “all the the other evil spirits that prowl throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls.” Ck out “call her daddy”- it’s come to my attention that our youngest daughter, 18 this month- watches every week. I watch reruns of Touched by an Angel on startv. Jim Carrey would approve of her, but not me. C’est la vie
"'Orange Julius Caesar'"
Progs may not want to pursue that analogy too far.
"I just assumed that a radicalized America is a threat to us all."
True. As we are seeing today.
"threatens to drive it off a cliff"
Talking about Biden now?
Does one become a narcissistic asshole after becoming famous or because of?
The last time I saw Jim Carrey in anything I was sitting with a friend's little boy so she could get some sleep while he was getting chemo at the Jimmy Fund Clinic. They were playing "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective" on the TV for the kids. About 25 years ago. He's still "a thing"?
Isn't this the Dumb and Dumber guy?
The art is a Truman Show reference. The opposite of suicidal.
I'm so old I can remember when comedians were funny.
I read an essay this morning on being an effective dissident in the US we know find ourselves in. One suggested strategy is to ask questions. Like, what exactly did Trump do that causes you to believe he was a radical? What is radical about wanting to bring manufacturing jobs back from China where they are being performed by slave or near-slave labor with no regard to environmental or safety issues? I seem to recall that being a talking point on the left a couple of decades ago. What changes led the Democrat party to abandon the middle and working classes? Does it concern you when US politicians, both federal and local, have financial dealings with Chinese companies that might cause them to favor China's interests rather than their constituents'? Do you care that the Chinese government is committing genocide against two different ethnic groups with one of the methods reported being gang rapes by prison-camp guards. Does it concern you that the Chinese have prison camps? Don't you think that US politicians, people of influence, and major corporations should oppose such practices, not abet them as they are now? What are your feelings about the fact that influential media outlets such as the New York Times and the Washington Post are owned by billionaires whose interests might not align with the middle and working classes? Why do you think the left stopped asking such questions? Are you in favor of repressing the speech of the 75+ million Americans who voted for Trump? If so, what methods do you propose should be used? Should they lose their jobs? Fined? Harassed? Do you believe that 75+ million Americans are white supremacist racists?
Just a couple of questions for Jim.
I liked him last in the majestic a fortys period piece.
Jim married a centerfold and has the political acumen of a college freshman. But he still married a centerfold. How about we see what someone thinks, who doesn't use the term "Orange Julius Caesar" to describe a US President? Say, a small business owner in downtown Minneapolis? Or maybe a former small business owner from Minneapolis, which would be easier to find?
We have too many celebrities these days.
Or at least too many that don't have the good sense to retire once their shelf life is over.
Anyway, Jim Carrey prospered under the status quo and thus has no desire to see it change. But admitting that to himself would make him feel bad because he thinks he is a good, moral person. So, Orange Man Bad!
The letter left by Carrey’s girlfriend, Cathriona White, prior to her suicide… “you gave me hsv and hpv, I want you to apologise for it because you care enough to. I want you to understand that however little a thing that seems to you, it ruins a girl’s life.”
He won the wrongful death lawsuit…I’m sure it was a stretch…but these Hollywood assholes are assholes. But I believe her that he knowingly gave her herpes. Seems to specific to discount. And that’s California for ya.
Ace Ventura was a better person than Jim Carrey.
Imagine being outraged at Trump for four years, then feeling the calm of being in safe hands with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Blue Meanies in the Democrat Congress. Dems in Congress
Comments today are stellar. Thanks all: you’ve put my thoughts into better and more interesting words than I could have done. I’ll just add that, as a Canuck myself, Jim Carrey is deeply embarrassing.
I, for one, want this country to return to the days of Jim Carrey in Celebrtiy Death Match.
Blogger rehajm said...
Trump gave so many losers purpose to their lives...
Very true and I’m sure Trump should be compensated for that thankless task.
Fire Marshall Bill is no way to go through life.
I wish him success on the road to sobriety.
It's indisputable that Trump was promoted toward the Presidency by the DNC.
ROGER KIMBALL: WHY WE NEED AN INQUIRY INTO JANUARY 6TH. “Five people died at or near the Capitol that day. None was murdered by the protesters. Ashli Babbitt, a pro-Trump activist, was shot in the neck at close range, apparently by a law enforcement officer, and died of the wound. That was the only shot fired at the Capitol that day. The liberal commentator Glenn Greenwald further diminishes the ‘armed insurrection’ meme in an important column titled ‘The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot’. . . . Brian Sicknick was the poster boy for the Democrats’ effort to transform Trump supporters into ravening extremists bent on destroying democracy. That’s why they had him lying in state at the Capitol and made his supposed murder such an important part of their impeachment effort. Once again, the New York Times, where the story originated, has been shown to be an organ not of the news but of partisan misinformation. They heard something that fit their narrative, so they ran with it without checking.”
W. A. A. H.
Musing of an unknown celebrity, not anyone you know.
I've helped elect a senescent, corrupt old man as leader of the free world. Other nations are commenting - laughing really, as if the White House were a Seinfeld show - about nothing. And there are problems caused by other Dems. For example, the teachers are refusing to educate the children of the black community in the big Dem cities. I'm going to say and do nothing to help. Because my agent tells me that, unexpectedly, the Chinese are going to use Hollywood less and less. How to manage that? I'll call it a period of reflection. Meaning I'll be working to get contracts with Chinese Hollywood. I'm OK. They'd never dump me. I helped. I'm safe. I'm no Uighur, no Deplorable, no Milwaukee first grader that's never seen my school. I'm ... resting, as we say in the business.
I applaud anyone who realizes that social media has been a poison for them and they should step away. If he needs to blame Trump in order to get control, ok. Part of his schtick was to exaggerate the asshole side of his personality. Maybe he can strike a funny balance again.
I hear Jim Carrey(D) is ravaged by various sexually transmitted diseases.
Once a hate fill left-wing nut, always a hate-filled left-wing nut. He'll "take a break" and then be back hating someone who speaks out for the average working/middle class person.
Carey's a rich hollyweirdo. They don't change.
“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.
This is known as "bad luck.”
― Robert Heinlein
Welcome to 4 to 8 years of a whole lot of "bad luck"...
The completely unearned self-regard these people have for themselves. Actually, I take that back, they've earned my lack of regard for them. They've earned that.
Jim carey is famous not because he's smart or accomplished great things, or won the respect of the communality for his leadership or charity, he's famous because he can make funny faces for a camera. And *SOME* people laugh.
That he's become rich doing it, while hard working doctors and medical researchers, etc. don't shows how flawed our society is.
"I hear Jim Carrey(D) is ravaged by various sexually transmitted diseases"
Could be. More likely he's just half-nuts like Robin williams or Johnathan Winters.
Of the three, the only truly funny one was winters. Although, I thought williams was a good comic/serious actor if you gave him the right part.
Do you think that Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars to influence the election out of the goodness of his heart or were his motives more mercenary? Why was it OK to question the legitimacy of the 2016 election with congregational investigations and allegations of Russian interference and hacking but now it is sedition to ask questions concerning this election? How is it physically possible for "experts" to declare the 2020 election the "safest and most secure" election ever within two weeks of ending when it took three years to investigate the allegations concerning the 2016 election? What steps do you think the US government needs to take regarding the fact that at least nearly half of the people in the country think it is illegitimate?
"I hear Jim Carrey(D) is ravaged by various sexually transmitted diseases"
Could be. More likely he's just half-nuts like Robin williams or Johnathan Winters.
Of the three, the only truly funny one was winters. Although, I thought williams was a good comic/serious actor if you gave him the right part.
I see that another conservative website has a video up saying the same thing. Did the Word come from up high, that its now OK TO TALK ABOUT. I thought it weird that the Conservative were all obeying radio silence on Jan 6th and Ashli Babbitt and wondered why. could be Google/Zuckerberg/Dorsey/Gates based the word that if they talked about it, they'd be banned. OR it could be someone else that's powerful behind the scenes.
Huh, never followed him or anyone who followed him or shared his tweets. I try to limit my follows to people who are 1) knowledgeable and 2) unpredictable.
That excludes all grifters and Hollywood.
I can’t recall thinking of Jim Carrey once during the Trump Presidency. Still don’t care.
Twitter with celebrities is one of those things that seemed like it was going to be great. I can interact with my favorite entertainment figure! I can ask questions or make a joke and they'll see it and maybe respond.
But it's turned out to be a huge disappointment. They all want to be politically involved, and they all sound crazy.
Ah Jim--when a senile old coot grabs the wheel of a bus loaded with innocent passengers. . .
"By comparison, Biden and his staff mastered the art of banal communication and their policies and actions are poorly reasoned and generally dangerous.
And the odd part is: Most people find more comfort in the latter."
That is because it is boring...and that is what counts most to many people.
Ah Jim--when a senile old coot grabs the wheel of a bus loaded with innocent passengers. . .
Jim who?
Julius Caesar could have repealed Obamacare.
Trump is the very worst at everything, apparently. Even being an authoritarian strongman. A real authoritarian wouldn’t have left Andrew Cuomo in charge of a dumpster fire.
Who is Jim Carrey?
Jeff Brokaw said...
"It's amusing the way actors, actresses and others in the arts think their considerable creativity is somehow an asset when evaluating policy and politicians in general."
Similarly, it's amusing (scary, actually) when politicians make pronouncements about things like science or energy policy. There are, perhaps, two or three senators who understand science, the scientific method, and energy. None of them is heard from; the wind from windbags drowns out any any useful discussion. So we are led down a destructive path by ignorant people puffed up, by virtue of election, into thinking they know something. Great danger lies ahead as we follow adults who think the slogans of teenagers exemplify wisdom and should define our national destiny.
This is like "Leigh French announces sabbatical."
policraticus said...Trump is the very worst at everything, apparently. Even being an authoritarian strongman.
A couple years back, The New York Times did its usual logic pretzel thing to keep the "Trump is a dictator" meme alive despite all evidence to the contrary by coining a new term: the weak strongman. Because sounding like a bunch of incoherent jackasses is better than admitting that maybe they were all wrong about Trump being a fascist dictator.
Shorter Althouse: keep fear alive.
Jeff Brokaw said...It's amusing the way actors, actresses and others in the arts think their considerable creativity is somehow an asset when evaluating policy and politicians in general.
Hey, if someone's sticks a microphone in their face, it must be because they have something to say.
hawkeyedjb said...it's amusing (scary, actually) when politicians make pronouncements about things like science or energy policy.
It's scarier when judges do it because they do have something like dictatorial powers.
If Jim Carey killed himself, it would be the first time he made me laugh since Ace Venture: Pet Detective.
Reminds me of the worst children's song ever:
The driver on the bus goes 'move on back'
Move on back
Move on back
The driver on the bus goes 'move on back'
All 'round the town
The people on the bus go up and down
Up and down
Up and down
The people on the bus go up and down
All 'round the town
Woke culture will demand a trigger warning for the bus song in honor of Rosa Parks
Trump was certainly a crude, dissembling boor and ignoramus, but he was not a madman, and he was not even the worst president we have had in recent times.
This childishness is why our nation is in a terminal state--each side thinks their guy (or gal, theoretically) is the bees knees, perfectly swell, the best thing since sliced baloney, etc.--or at least NOT a ravening madman and incipient dictator--which the other side's guy (or gal, theoretically), always most certainly is.
Both parties work for the financial/corporate complex, and both parties use the military and the intelligence agencies as brutal tools to assert US power domestically and abroad, (by which they also protect/shore up US corporate profits). Even so "sophisticated" and "empathetic" and "cool" person as Obama dutifully did his duty to prop up these cancerous institutions of death. Obama even deported more illegal immigrants than Trump did, and he did not do anything to help Edward Snowden or Julian Assange. Obama was a murderer and war criminal, just as his predecessors were. Talk about your iron fist in a velvet glove!
In short, they're all enemies of humanity.
>>but the actual tweet came in a form that made some people think he (Jim Carrey) was about to kill himself<<
That would preclude his making any more movies, right?
OK, I'm down.
I'm trying to remember.......was he Dumb, or Dumber?
Full disclosure..........I thought Jerry Lewis was infantile as well.
Poor guy. His captive demons got loose and ravaged his mind.
Both parties work for the financial/corporate complex, and both parties use the military and the intelligence agencies as brutal tools to assert US power domestically and abroad
We have now entered a universe where Robert Cook says things that a majority of the Republican Party's rank and file agrees with.
"You and I", as in We? Nah bra. That's been your own little island of calamity and despair.
We need to care what Jim Carey says, because he makes funny faces.
Joe Biden has been bought off by China, is corrupt, and got elected through Fraud and is now pushing an open borders anti-america agenda.
Yet jim carey is fine with that. why should i assume Jim Carey is a 'nice guy" or anything other than pond scum?
"We have now entered a universe where Robert Cook says things that a majority of the Republican Party's rank and file agrees with."
If they do, they've come to their view very late in the day.
Creating drama is an exhausting, but vital contribution to The Resistance. Finding meaning and purpose in a battle against the straw men requires an unrelenting effort of one’s imagination. Jim deserves a little rest.
He is the last guy to complain about extremism and out of control hatred. If we never hear of him again it would be too soon.
Disingenuous Hypocrites whose opinions we don’t give a shit about anymore:
Hollywood Actors
University Professors and Administrators
Anthony Fauci
Bill Gates
Teachers and their Union Reps
All MSM Journalists
Pope Francis
John Kerry
Can he self-abort, cannibalize his profitable parts, sequester his carbon pollutants, and choose life, too? We are well and truly at the Twilight Fringe, where East meets West in a new deal.
Is that a Jesus on the Cross pose?
Why did he draw a picture of William H Macy? That's what I want to know.
Jim Carrey needs to kill himself...and soon.
The cocksucking Canadian can fuck right off.
Go back to spreading STDs far and wide.
If they do, they've come to their view very late in the day.
Garland says if confirmed to Atty General he'll personally prosecute the white supremacist capitol rioters.
That pretty much tells you all you have to know.
I can picture his friends encouraging him to give it a rest. If he's not being anti-Trump, he might go back to talking about being anti-vax. That would be inconvenient right now.
Mark Steyn hosts, a plus, taking questions for Kathryn Limbaugh from the audience, which promises to be awful.
Kathryn Limbaugh promises a celebration of life in the upcoming weeks and months. Seems like pushing the public interest envelope.
That pretty much tells you all you have to know.
Makes me happy he didn’t get onto the SC.
@Cook: "each side thinks their guy (or gal, theoretically) is the bees knees, perfectly swell"
This is BS.
Many people on the right were critical of Trump. Even many of the people who strongly supported him as the anti-prog didn't think Trump as Trump was "perfectly swell."
Few people on the left think highly of Joe as Joe. He was a vehicle for winning, and now he's a tool for implementing prog policy. That's enough.
I, for one, want this country to return to the days of Jim Carrey in Celebrtiy Death Match.
I read that as "Celebrity Death March", and thought: now *there's* a good idea!!!
time to rest my social media gavel
How impressive! A gavel! A big, no HUGE Hollywood star. Wait no a MEGA-STAR! Using the power of his high and exalted position and his HUGE social media GAVEL to inform the unwashed masses on right-think! Thank you, OH thank you for the time and effort you put into to sharing your enlightened and praiseworthy musings!
Actually more like a mouse squeaking in a packed subway station at rush hour and making as much sense...
Idem Vetus Longe Reliquit Amentia.
would someone please telll him that no one cares and put him in a dark room.
Shorter Carrey: Now that the madman is no longer at the wheel, I will now go to the back of the bus and take a long nap while the senile old-guy is driving.
Jim Carrey is just another 'Hollywood Woke Person'!
AA I wish you would do an article on why is it important to quote anything from people who play fictional persons their entire career.
What do they have to contribute to our 'Culture'? I would say 'Nada'.
Tough day at the USSC for MAGA. Two big losses in a row: Donald likely to be indicted now on financial fraud, and final Pennsylvania electoral challenges blown off unanimously. Hope you guys are giving each other hugs and practicing self care today.
rehajm said...
Trump gave so many losers purpose to their lives...
That is truly one of the most brilliant things I have heard in my more than 60 years on this planet.
Skippy Tisdale said...
rehajm said...
Trump gave so many losers purpose to their lives...
That is truly one of the most brilliant things I have heard in my more than 60 years on this planet.
Absolutely hilarious.
Jim Carrey is dead to me. He personifies the toxic mix of entertainer turned political partisan. Life is just too short to listen to fools like him.
There's yer comedy,
..then there's yer political comedy (Will Rogers did that rather well, actually apolitical libertarian),
..then there's yer political 'comedians;' 'Taint funny, McGee.
The sad thing is that he and other Twitter Resistance Guerrillas actually believed their dopey rants were capable of persuading those who didn’t already think exactly like them.
For the most embarrassing example, see Laurence Tribe.
"Jim Carrey...personifies the toxic mix of entertainer turned political partisan."
He sure does. Doesn't seem to be a nice guy in real life.
But I will say he surprised me in The Truman Show by being actually able to act, and the ending was wonderful.
Edging. How does it work?
The Drama Queens will soon find some other hobgoblin to obsess over. Ted Cruz, for example, is available.
Whatever will those poor souls do, without Jim Carrey to guide them through life?
Is that a Jesus on the Cross pose?
It's from the Truman Show.
Which is a great movie. I'm not going to allow stupid partisans ruin good movies or tell me what kind of pillow its okay to use.
Jim Carrey lets us know he's giving it a rest. He needs to get his brain back.
He needs to get his career back, is more like it. Does he realize 75 million people voted to RE-elect Donald Trump because of what he accomplished? Does he want to keep telling those 75 million that they support a dictator, a madman? What an absolute thumb-sucking, bed-wetting, tantrum-throwing child this asshole is.
Excellent podcast on how screwed up the vaccine distribution predictably is. Econtalk.org
Problem causes: feds, rationing
“Tough day at the USSC for MAGA. Two big losses in a row: Donald likely to be indicted now on financial fraud, and final Pennsylvania electoral challenges blown off unanimously. Hope you guys are giving each other hugs and practicing self care today.”
I hope no one commits suicide.
Having said that about Jim Carrey, I must acknowledge that he is a supremely gifted physical comedian, and he has done things on screen that have amazed and amused me no end. Most were films I'd seen before I discovered that he was a loudmouth no-nothing liberal. Shit is still funny as shit now that I know.
Deniro is a complete and total hemorrhoid, but "Godfather II" and "Midnight Run"? Those go with me to the desert island.
Inga zooms in from her attic. How’s your privatized space program going?
You gotta love those Supremes. Before the election there is no standing. After the election, it’s moot.
"Inga zooms in from her attic."
On her broom?
Sorry...too easy : )
My rage is like a ship on the ocean,
We’ve been sailing with a cargo full of angst and emotion.
Don’t rock the boat, baby.
@Cook: "each side thinks their guy (or gal, theoretically) is the bees knees, perfectly swell"
"This is BS.
"Many people on the right were critical of Trump. Even many of the people who strongly supported him as the anti-prog didn't think Trump as Trump was "perfectly swell."
Really? Who? How did they express their criticisms? How were those criticisms received (by Trump or by other Trump partisans)?
"Few people on the left think highly of Joe as Joe. He was a vehicle for winning, and now he's a tool for implementing prog policy. That's enough."
(Are you referring to "the Left" or to "Democrats?" They are not the same, and they overlap over marginally.)
Ha. Anyone expecting Biden to implement "prog" policy is simply an idiot.
In reality, few in either party actually criticize their guy (or gal, theoretically), and demand he or she do better. Most take any criticism lodged against their guy/gal as heresy, to be rejected passionately, with name-calling and vituperation (the lingua franca for most commenters on this blog, for example).
The harshest critics of any politician should be that politician's constituents; it is their obligation to keep their representative in line, to snap the whip and make sure he/she does what they want done in their behalf. Instead, most assume their guy/gal has it all under control, and they pay little attention to what he/she is actually doing, but they faithfully supply their inattentive, uncritical acceptance and approval.
He's one of those who explicitly said he wanted me killed.
So, he may be taking a break, but I'm not. Affirmative self-defense remains the order of the day should he appear.
I hope no one commits suicide.
But you're fine with the 3,000 babies that will be deliberately killed today....
"Really? Who? How did they express their criticisms? How were those criticisms received (by Trump or by other Trump partisans)?"
By many people like me who, when talking to friends, etc. often say, 'Sure, Trump can be an asshole and a crude person, but I love his policies of America first and confronting China, no new wars, etc., etc...
What more do you want?
Nobody on the right swoons over his pant crease, or offers to give him a blow job because of his policies.
That's your side.
"I just assumed that a radicalized America is a threat to us all."
And now we have it with China Joe and his America Last policies.
Like I've saifd before, when we have a Democrat President the Left and media enjoys swallowing again.
The 1-6-21 cases are all venued in DC. A jurisdiction that voted 95$ for Biden.
But you're fine with the 3,000 babies that will be deliberately killed today....
@Gahrie, are they all fetuses in Democrat women?
"Nobody on the right swoons over his pant crease, or offers to give him a blow job because of his policies.
"That's your side."
Ha! What "side" do you presume is my side?
“Tough day at the USSC for MAGA. Two big losses in a row: Donald likely to be indicted now on financial fraud, and final Pennsylvania electoral challenges blown off unanimously.
I thought the PA stuff was 4-3 with Gorsuch joining Thomas, and Alito in dissent.
Either way. The more our courts show us they are corrupt cowards and will not even listen to election fraud evidence and cases, the easier the fraud will be to commit in the future. We are further fucked now, than we were before.
I think Althouse would have voted with the majority not to even hear the case. She seems to want any election fraud evidence to be hidden.
MayBee said...I can interact with my favorite entertainment figure! ... They all want to be politically involved, and they all sound crazy.
I would put them on a par with 7th graders who want to be with the "In Crowd". The more extreme and idiotic they sound (e.g., Rob Reiner and Jim Carrey) reflects a certain amount of stupidity and ignorance, but it more deeply reflects their need to be liked by the other kids. Thy are basically dumb bullies.
75 Million people coming to the realization that there is no remedy for voter fraud that affects the outcome of an national election is not a good thing. The percentage of Trump haters that are glad the fraud "succeeded" is even worse.
Everyone knows its real...Even Althouse and the Supremes. Too many cowards in seats of power to ever do anything about it. Too many citizens rooting for the fraud’s success, or are scared to confront its reality for the sake of some fake peace.
What’s the point of voting anymore?
Blogger Robert Cook said...
Ha! What "side" do you presume is my side?
Whichever side is doing the blowing.
If the past four years have taught us anything it's that generally the Right can't hold a candle to the Left in the "whose side has more crazies" game.
That's not to say that wack jobs are some kind of a rare commodity these days. Over the past few years social media seems to have severely derranged a large segment of people. But who can say? Maybe they were always a little bit unstable (like ol' Jim Carrey here), but regularly interacting with social media gave them just a bit of a push they need to go into full-on-crazypants-town. Arguing with strangers over different perceptions of reality can be both addicting and destructive psychologically. Getting that little dopemine reward for "winning" an argument on Twitter is ephemeral and not without negative costs that are difficult to percieve in the moment.
Dave Begley said...
The 1-6-21 cases are all venued in DC. A jurisdiction that voted 95$ for Biden.
Also the court system that cleared Gregg Craig of the charges that sent Manafort to solitary confinement. Named Nixon as "Unindicted co-conspirator." Why bother with a trial?
It truly feels as though you and I have crossed an ocean of outrage together
It wasn't an ocean, it was a cesspool.
Any you weren't crossing it, you were wallowing in it.
And I sure as hell wasn't wallowing in it with you.
An ocean of outrage. What other bodies of water did Jim and his fans cross together in their rudderless dinghy? Maybe:
A sea of soreness?
An inlet of ire?
An intercoastal waterway of indignity?
A cove of conniption?
A bay of barbarity?
A strait of soreness?
A river of rage?
A harbor of hate?
A stream of consciousness.
BarrySanders20 said...
An ocean of outrage. What other bodies of water did Jim and his fans cross together in their rudderless dinghy?
A creek of crap?
Notice how none of these leftist twits - Jim Carrey included - can ever point to any, actual thing Trump did that caused them to lose their fucking minds.
He existed. Therefore, it's the worst thing in human history.
Idiots. Drooling idiots.
Ignore them.
"It wasn't an ocean, it was a cesspool.
Any you weren't crossing it, you were wallowing in it.
And I sure as hell wasn't wallowing in it with you."
Well said.
"Whichever side is doing the blowing."
Said the humanoid named "Gusty Winds."
“But you're fine with the 3,000 babies that will be deliberately killed today....”
No, I’m not. I’ve never had an abortion and I wouldn’t recommend one.
But you’re fine with 500,000 Covid deaths...
“Many people on the right were critical of Trump. Even many of the people who strongly supported him as the anti-prog didn't think Trump as Trump was "perfectly swell."
Ha, that’s funny.
“Really? Who? How did they express their criticisms? How were those criticisms received (by Trump or by other Trump partisans)?”
I recall lots of “Best President ever!” right here in these threads.
The only celeb whose work I take conscientious steps to avoid is Jane Fonda. I listen a lot less to Bruce Springsteen. That may be because his politics are starting to bleed over into my opinion of his music, or maybe I'm just getting older. If Jim Carrey ever made another great comedy I would probably go to see it, but, like Meathead, he's probably a spent force. The most politically outspoken people in Hollywood tend to be those whose careers are on the wane. I presume everybody in Hollywood despises me, but they're generally somewhat circumspect about it.....Also, I refuse to buy any more records by Al Jolson. That's how upset I am about his appearing in blackface.
"I listen a lot less to Bruce Springsteen. That may be because his politics are starting to bleed over into my opinion of his music, or maybe I'm just getting older."
The way I see it, there's no point supporting people with your business who have made it plain that they're fine with using the money they earn from you to hurt you.
I recall lots of “Best President ever!” right here in these threads.
That doesn't preclude being critical when you disagree with him. I liked his policies, but he is human and makes mistakes just like everyone else. I bet you saw lots of criticism of him in these threads when bump stocks where banned.
Inga the State's Handmaid accuses a critic of "being fine with 500,000 Covid deaths." Those of us who have been regular visitors to this blog are used to Inga writing stupid stuff; but I don't know anyone who is "fine" with any Covid deaths, although it is true that those of us who value liberty resist the idea of turning the US into some kind of Orwellian dystopia in the name of defeating Covid. Remember that idiots like Inga were State fellators pre-Covid and if the Kung Flu were to disappear tomorrow, would simply be using some other excuse to advance
statism and diminish liberty. Show me that I'm wrong about that, Handmaid.
Meanwhile, Inga seems to be fine with all the deaths from Democide (several billions just in the last 100 years alone).
But you’re fine with 500,000 Covid deaths..
What could Trump have done differently to lessen the number of covid deaths? Why is the overall death rate for the US not risen from the number of covid deaths? What is your opinion concerning Fauci's pension for flip-flopping on what is considered "the science" depending on the political requirements of the situation?
“... I don't know anyone who is "fine" with any Covid deaths...”
I don’t know anyone who is “fine” with abortions.
“Meanwhile, Inga seems to be fine with all the deaths from Democide (several billions just in the last 100 years alone).”
Stupid comment, based on what?
More than 16 trimesters from conception to birth, witch hunts, warlock trials, viral and social contagions, and not one but two self-incriminating impeachments.
Ha! What "side" do you presume is my side?
The dark side of course.
All hail Darth Marvin!
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Who? How did they express their criticisms? How were those criticisms received (by Trump or by other Trump partisans)?"
WTF? Republicans continually criticized Trump. Mitch did it just the other day. On this very blog a number of righties criticized Trump, from way back in 2016, including yours truly. At no point did I think Trump was "swell."
"(Are you referring to "the Left" or to "Democrats?" They are not the same, and they overlap over marginally.)"
WTF? Of course the Dems are left. Sure, there are some people who think they are lefter than left and dislike the Dems being the actual left. Very strictly speaking, I only consider lefties left if they have read Marx seriously, but I prefer to keep it real.
"Ha. Anyone expecting Biden to implement "prog" policy is simply an idiot."
WTF? Which of his EOs wasn't prog policy? Prog as in, actually existing progressivism.
"Most take any criticism lodged against their guy/gal as heresy"
WTF? What even counts as "heresy" in the Trump era?
"to be rejected passionately, with name-calling and vituperation (the lingua franca for most commenters on this blog, for example)."
WTF? Most commenters are well behaved and express themselves politely. This is just a smear.
Apologies for the WTFs.
But you’re fine with 500,000 Covid deaths..
500,000 and collateral damage. Planned Parent/hood was one of the few venues where there were excess deaths attributable to the Wuhan variant. Also, medical site cross-contamination; controlled, peer-reviewed studies established that anything less than N95 masks and following a strict protocol statistically increases infections; fecal spread of viable viruses; and JournoListic braying and professional denial and stigmatization of effective, inexpensive, low-risk early treatments (e.g. HCQ cocktail, Ivermectin protocol); and improper hygienic habits normalized viral spread and disease progression. Trump was right. I wonder who advised him about the technical points. I wonder who overrode him, her, or them, to favor sociopolitical special and peculiar priorities.
Anyone that supports the failed regime of lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, and mandatory masks is the one that is "okay with 500,000 deaths". And then they don't even count the other deaths: Maine reports the highest number of deaths from overdoes in 2020 since forever.
"But you’re fine with 500,000 Covid deaths.."
I won't give them the eyeballs, but are CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc. showing the death count?
I did hear that the White House was going to do some creepy candle-lighting thingy.
WTF is it with liberals and candles anyway?
After 9/11 there were constant candlelight vigils...all I wanted was to nuke some terrorists...much more effective.
The only thing that's dead is his humor.
“Anyone that supports the failed regime of lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, and mandatory masks is the one that is "okay with 500,000 deaths". And then they don't even count the other deaths: Maine reports the highest number of deaths from overdoes in 2020 since forever.”
Get your vaccines and then go live your lives. Seems that it’s the vaccine averse people who want to continue lockdowns, stay at home orders and mask wearing.
Inga said...
No, I’m not. I’ve never had an abortion and I wouldn’t recommend one.
But you’re fine with 500,000 Covid deaths...
No, I'm not. I've never died of Covid, and I wouldn't recommend it.
“No, I'm not. I've never died of Covid, and I wouldn't recommend it.”
Me neither. Get your vaccines!
A -Sweetman's attorney states that Carrey underwent a test for sexually transmitted infections, tested positive for hepatitis A, HSV (Herpes) I and II, and chlamydia, and hid the results from White and had unprotected sex with her.
B- Carrey suffers from depression[112] and has taken Prozac to combat the symptoms. He has stated that he no longer takes medications or stimulants of any kind, including coffee.
C- 2 Divorces. 1 "ex-Partner". 1 Kid. Legitimate or bastard? Who knows.
Damn, this is the sort of man we need to take political advice from. He's a fucking Genius!
"Garland says if confirmed to Atty General he'll personally prosecute the white supremacist capitol rioters."
Another Stalinist who's been portrayed by the media as some sort of "victim".
Hello, Mitch this is Joe.
why Hello Joe. Get your check from the Chicoms?
Haha. Hunter's handling it.
Yeah, My wife handles it for me. Good times.
Mitch, good buddy, gotta nominate Garland for AG. Hope you don't mind.
Joe, no problem. I'll pretend to be outraged. A little Kabuki theater for the rubes.
Understand Mitch. See you later.
rcoocean @ 2:53pm
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Washington really works.
Forget the 'How a bill becomes a law' 'After School Special' bullshit.
I wonder if it will ever be known how many deaths due to so called diseases of despair have occurred over the past year or so. How many overdoses and suicides over and above the norm have there truly been over the course of the pandemic? I don't imagine that number will ever be widely or accurately reported since such deaths occur mostly to undesireables (primarily poor whites without college educations) in terms of the modern progressive MSM zeitgeist. But if an estimated 158,000 died in 2018 and there was indeed a 60% increase over the course of the pandemeic, that may imply something in the neighborhood of 250k deaths. Obviously that's only half as many as Covid, but still depressingly awful.
And unlike Covid I expect that rate will be unlikely to abate over the coming months. In fact given our current political climate it seems likely to only get worse. There seems to be a fervent desire to punish Trump supporters. Newly confirmed attorney general Merrik Garland seems very eager to target so called "abettors" of the capital riot, meaning people who weren't even present.
Seems that it’s the vaccine averse people who want to continue lockdowns, stay at home orders and mask wearing.
Stupidest comment you've ever made.
We never needed the fucking lockdowns, stay-at-home orders OR the mandatory mask wearing.
"We never needed the fucking lockdowns, stay-at-home orders OR the mandatory mask wearing."
Nation Prepares To Celebrate 1st Anniversary Of Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve
U.S.—The nation is preparing to celebrate what is expected to become a beloved annual holiday: Two Weeks To Slow The Spread Day, to be held in March every year.
Traditional festivities for the newly christened American holiday include remote Amazon gift exchanges, ordering DoorDash feasts for just yourself, and the customary binging of the Netflix. Historians believe the holiday will become a hit, and people will continue to wear masks and stay home throughout the year as the festive day is celebrated for hundreds of years to come.
Check out our selected POTUS' speech on Breitbart.
Will he be cancelled because he clearly used the n-word? It is plain as day.
C- 2 Divorces. 1 "ex-Partner". 1 Kid. Legitimate or bastard? Who knows.
Are Trump fans really going there?
LOL. Can't make this shit up.
“We never needed the fucking lockdowns, stay-at-home orders OR the mandatory mask wearing.”
Stupid, as usual.
Althouse finds Jim Carrey tweet of interest but she's pretty quiet re voting irregularity cases. I guess she does no want to point a finger at her WI Dem buddy Wickler.
“C- 2 Divorces. 1 "ex-Partner". 1 Kid. Legitimate or bastard? Who knows.
Are Trump fans really going there?
LOL. Can't make this shit up.”
Right? Trump was the Bible toting guy who cheated on three wives.
Right? Trump was the Bible toting guy who cheated on three wives.
How many of his grandchildren has he abandoned?
“We never needed the fucking lockdowns, stay-at-home orders OR the mandatory mask wearing.”
Here in California, all that was necessary for us to be #1 in death and misery. Winning!
WTF? Of course the Dems are left. Sure, there are some people who think they are lefter than left and dislike the Dems being the actual left. Very strictly speaking, I only consider lefties left if they have read Marx seriously, but I prefer to keep it real.
I've tried to call RC on this a number of times, but he's never really addressed it. The Dems ARE the left; they're just less honest about being on the left than RC is. Which is a positive about RC, and a negative about the Dems. The Dem party holds 99% of the same views as Cook, but they know they'll get trounced if they announce how they feel.
I'd like to know just a couple differences between the Dems and lefties according to RC.
"Right? Trump was the Bible toting guy who cheated on three wives."
Biden was fucking a married woman, and his son was fucking his dead brother's wife and some say his own underage niece...
LOL...don't have to make it up.
When it comes to fucked-up families, there are no 'what-about' winners.
"Get your vaccines!" Inga @ 2/22/21, 2:45 PM
My body, my choice.
Inga said... Stupid, as usual.
I think that this site has been good for the Resident Idiot. Her self-awareness is starting to increase.
Check out Biden using the n-word in a speech today. It's on Breitbart.
According to the Maddow Inag - no one can tote a Bible unless they are _________?
Fill in the blank, Inag.
Meanwhile, Inag's president is a crook and his family are vile crack abusing sexually deviant international money whores. who lie.
Inga the State's Handmaid writes “'Meanwhile, Inga seems to be fine with all the deaths from Democide (several billions just in the last 100 years alone)'
"Stupid comment, based on what?" The Democide death toll is based on the work of R. J. Rummel, probably the leading scholar of Democide (murder by government). If you want to contest his figures, have at it, but you'd probably come prepared with studies of your own. As for your being okay with Democide, what else can one deduce from your years of cheerleading on behalf of statism, which is the cause of Democide? If you're not okay with the State's death toll, stop cheering on the State.
“My body, my choice.”
Fine, then get used to social distancing and shutdowns and mandatory mask wearing for years to come.
Can Bilwick ever write a comment without his buzzwords?
Jerry Lawler should've pile derived this unfunny, overrated, pretentious load.
"Are Trump fans really going there?"
Biden fans have already gone there. you'd support an rapist/incest sexually abuser. You'd support a man who left a woman to die. The left has NO morals. period.
You've gone there and back. Since 1969.
“How many of his grandchildren has he abandoned?”
As compared to who?
Derived? Good lord auto correct. I didn't c want the King to perform calculus on Carrey. I wanted him to break his fucking neck.
The left has no morals. throw it back in their face. they have ZERO right to judge anyone. They celebrate Ted Kennedy. They worshiped Castro/Mao/Stalin. NOthing you can do as a Leftist can make them disown you - except deviating from the party line.
Hunter Biden fathered a child with a stripper. I wonder if Dementia Joe gives a call?
Nah - Dementia Joe's leftist puppet-masters have illegal entrants to let in, guns to grab, taxes to hike, economies to destroy, vaccines to sit on, and a nap to take.
Fuck Jim Carey he's a piece of shit. And the same of "Inga". Our special person. Post your picture. I'd love to see the "real you".
"You'd support a man who left a woman to die."
He probably just wanted to be a Kennedy.
Inga @ 2/22/21, 4:20 PM
Abolish abortion and save more lives than social distancing, wearing a mask or getting a vaccine.
"He probably just wanted to be a Kennedy."
He was a Kennedy...ol' 'waitress sandwich' Teddy.
The Fredo of the Kennedy clan, only much dumber.
“Abolish abortion and save more lives than social distancing, wearing a mask or getting a vaccine.”
You abolish it. Then tell me how you’ll enforce the law that makes abortion illegal.
Inga @ 2/22/21, 4:30 PM
Laws are not enforceable? If laws are not enforceable, then do we live in a lawless society?
I found him to be repulsive the very first time I saw him on In Living Color. He ain’t funny and he can’t act. His dad killed himself and I’m sure he’ll follow in his foot steps.
Biden fans have already gone there. you'd support an rapist/incest sexually abuser.
That's one of many reasons I didn't vote for Biden. And you are no better, no smarter, no more principled than a typical Biden supporter. Other than that, you seem to be on the right track. Stay gold!
“Laws are not enforceable? If laws are not enforceable, then do we live in a lawless society?”
I didn’t say an anti abortion law would be unenforceable. I’m asking you how it would be enforced, meaning what would be the penalties for breaking your anti abortion law, having an illegal abortion, performing an illegal abortion. Jail? Fines? Who would investigate charges of illegal abortions? The Abortion Police?
Inga @ 2/22/21, 4:57 PM
Punishment commensurate with taking human life and investigated by law enforcement as a homicide.
"His dad killed himself and I’m sure he’ll follow in his foot steps."
Something to look forward to. BTW, 90% of all felons and those under psychiatric treatment are Democrats. Assuming they have any politics. The three guys Rittenhouses shot were all kiddie rapists or crazies of some some sort. That's the Left. Except for the Sharpies at the top, who lead the sheep.
Jim Carrey is a dirt bag. He's only stopping his invective stream because his hate objects evaporated after the election. I'm sick and tired of the opinions of rich-and-famous dimwits.
"I didn’t say an anti abortion law would be unenforceable. I’m asking you how it would be enforced, meaning what would be the penalties for breaking your anti abortion law, having an illegal abortion, performing an illegal abortion. Jail? Fines? Who would investigate charges of illegal abortions? The Abortion Police?"
Well, that's the way it was before abortion was made legal.
Talking about abortion is all very cutting edge, but I'd rather talk about jim carey. Why is this Canadian pretending to be an American? its sounds Sinister.
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