৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২১

I have been reading and trying to get around to blogging "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election" since 2:10 p.m. yesterday.

2:10 p.m. is not a normal time for me to be blogging. I tend to blog between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m. Sometimes I come back to the computer in the afternoon or evening, but usually not to analyze something complicated. And if other people are jumping on a new item, there's less and less reason, as the hours wear on, to blog the link just to show it to you. I feel more and more obligated to get into some of the complicated layers.

2:10 p.m. yesterday was when I first saw the article and decided it was very important. It's 9:36 a.m. the next day now, and I've put up 7 posts, beginning at 5:30 a.m. But the entire time, I've been putting off what I know I need to do and completely intend to do, blog "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election." 

This is a long article, and understanding it, for me, involves figuring out why Time published it and understanding the possible bias of the author, Molly Ball. It's hard not to read "saved the... election" as rigged the election. Why is this coming out now, just before the weekend before the impeachment trial begins? Time is openly proclaiming that something "secret" happened in the "shadow"? 

MORE: An excerpt:
“It was all very, very strange,” Trump said on Dec. 2. “Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted.” 
In a way, Trump was right. There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy. 
The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.... 
[T]he participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures....

৩৭৪টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   374 এর 201 – থেকে 374
Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

I am suggesting the article contains what sounds like a profession of bribery. I want to see those examples.

In that case you may want to install that new Google "websearch" software on your mainframe. Let us know what you discover.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

You can't pull off such fraud for either side off in pretty much any red jurisdiction for the very simple reason that even in the reddest of localities, you will find significant numbers of Democrats in the government working at all levels. I live in a county that voted for Trump by better than 2 to 1, but Democrats run many of the offices in the county itself, and any "volunteers" for election day work are drawn from the local teachers, a majority of whom are committed Democrats. All of the local papers lean heavily left, and all them endorsed Biden here in east Tennessee. A Republican trying to stuff ballot boxes or harvest ballots is going to get caught pretty much red-handed.

To do such fraud, you pretty much have to work in a locality where 95+% of the government officials at any level are of one party- that is the only practical way of knowing exactly who the enemy is, and who has to sent out of the office at the right time.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Biden has promised Big Tech a whole new tranche of scabs, I mean indentured servants, err.. I mean cheap labor undercutting US Citizen programmers, oh wait, I mean H1-B visas.

RichAndSceptical বলেছেন...

I believe the reason is that they still haven't been able to destroy Trump. He's taken everything they have thrown at him and emerged even more popular with his base.

I think they are trying to bait him into making a PR mistake. I think if he does what the media says he is going to do, argue that he was right about the election being rigged, enough Republicans may turn on him that he is found guilty. We know when Trump is attacked, he hits back harder. I think that's the purpose of the article.

I think a better defense would be to argue that the trial is not Constitutional and if necessary, prove his speech did not cause the invasion of the Capital. First, he needs to be found not guilty and then he can continue to fight election fraud.

He has to know the media will be saying he is guilty all day, every day. He also has to know most Republicans don't have the guts to defend him. I don't know if he has it in him, but he just needs to let this run it's course and he will win.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

To the first commenter in this post, Roughcoat, I would suggest using cash.

Always do. Always. My momma didn't raise no fool.

Jamie বলেছেন...

It's amazing that this article tried so earnestly to be convincing about the commitment of Big Business and Big Labor to democracy. At a minimum, its protestations on behalf of business ring awfully hollow after decades of insisting that Big Business cares only about profits.

But it's certainly in the spirit of saying that allowing trans women to compete in women's sports will "save the WNBA" or something.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

How about Biden giving Putin a big wet sloppy kiss on the first day in office. We know from the impeachment testimony that Putin considered fracking a threat to Russian national interest and we know from Hillary’s speeches to Citibank, I think it was, that the Russians were largely behind opposition to Canadian pipelines. And day one Biden does Putin the solid of killing KeystoneXL so that Putin can fund his militiary.

“We were even up against phony environmental groups, and I’m a big environmentalist, but these were funded by the Russians to stand against any effort, oh that pipeline, that fracking, that whatever will be a problem for you, and a lot of the money supporting that message was coming from Russia,” _ Hillary Rodham Clinton

Quayle বলেছেন...

Did the group come together to protect the democracy, or to protect the gravy train? Inga, what’s your view? I’m here in Detroit and the poor here are still poor, even after 8 years of Obama. Maybe you could tel us how your patriotic preservation of the democracy will help my friends in east Detroit.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Our government is now in the hads of a cabal of kleptocrats and China is sitting on piles of ready money drooling.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Achilles said...
It is an open secret at this point that the Joe Biden puppet regime was installed in a fraudulent election.

Manchukuo 2.0.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

In the unlikely event that Trump is convicted, then what?

Leland বলেছেন...

I'm late to this party, but I already commented in previous thread. The Time's piece is enough to suggest an investigation. After all, you don't need corporations, the media, and donations to shore up elections. Elections are run by the government, and it is the government alone responsible for shoring up the election.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

It's beyond disgusting what big tech did to elevate crook Biden and silence Trump.

independent বলেছেন...

What a scandal. People of good faith working together to save our democracy.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The tipping point is the election results being pre-determined. Forming an alliance between Big Tech propagandists and the 6 Media Companies to persuade voters is trying harder. But using installed Dominion vote counting systems designed to pre-determine election winners disguised by ersatz mail in paper ballots scanned from suitcases is the end of elections forever. Why bother to believe in them ever again?

Does anyone care enough to expose that factor? If not, Big Brother rules us.

David Begley বলেছেন...

1. The main organization run by Pod at the AFL-CIO is what Biden was referring to as the The Greatest Election Fraud Organization of all time.

They used the virus to get mass mail-in voting. Lots of fake votes there. They improperly changed laws and the PA Constitution by regulations and statutes, respectively.

On Election Night they stopped the count in key states and rigged the election.

2. I find it both hilarious and bizarre that they think Trump was a dictator. They were concerned about Trump protests after their people rioted all Summer.

3. We are completely fucked.

4. The Dems, with their criminal ways and corrupt, pols and judges stole the election.

The GOP people in on this are the worst. Traitors. And who the fuck is Zack Wamp?

Browndog বলেছেন...

MadTownGuy said...

I detect a whiff of Claire McCaskill and Ben Rhodes.

Fragrance by Stacy Abrams.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Tim in Vermont is correct. The whole Biden approach on energy and the Paris Accord only benefits China, Russia, Ukraine, OPEC and Buffett’s BNSF.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I'm still waiting for someone to explain why at least five states simply stopped updating their vote totals for several hours in the middle of the night.

And then - as if by magic - their next updates had Biden in the lead.

When I bring it up, most of my Lefty friends deny it ever happened.

David Begley বলেছেন...


Who the fuck investigates? The DOJ? The Fake News? The Senate?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

The GOP people in on this are the worst. Traitors.

The GOP Establishment long to go back to their comfy role as the Washington Generals.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...

To do such fraud, you pretty much have to work in a locality where 95+% of the government officials at any level are of one party- that is the only practical way of knowing exactly who the enemy is, and who has to sent out of the office at the right time.

The battlefield was prepared long ago, starting with the Soros Secretary of State project in 2007.

It was almost pulled off with perfect execution in 2020. The problem they had, Donald Trump pulled in 15 million more votes than expected, forcing them into their contingency, which meant shipping ballots in the middle of the night from warehouses in blue States.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

There are so many “stories” that haven’t borne out to prove there was massive vote flipping fraud. It just did not happen. Even if there is was existential threat by a candidate, fraud would not be acceptable.

I predict that by June, this will have shifted to: "Well yes, there was fraud, but it didn't change the outcome, and anyway it was necessary to get rid or Orangeman Bad.".

David Begley বলেছেন...

“The racial-justice uprising sparked by George Floyd’s killing in May was not primarily a political movement. The organizers who helped lead it wanted to harness its momentum for the election without allowing it to be co-opted by politicians.”

It was raw Brown Shirt political riots. They were a big reason why 75 million voted for Trump.

Jamie বলেছেন...

Independent weighs in! Asserting, like the article, that the actors in the article are (1) people of good will (despite decades of full-throated insistence that business cares nothing for anything but profit), and (2) "saving democracy."

Back to my earlier question: how, Independent, do you believe that the described actions have the effect of "saving democracy"? Just your own opinion - I'm not asking you to interpret what the author believes.

I honestly want to know, because I have a lot of friends on the left who, I'm sure, would nod approvingly as they read this article, secure in their belief that somehow these actions do "save democracy." I'm asking you to give your opinion because I'm not out to most of those friends, so I don't want to ask them. Little bit cowardly on my part, to be sure. But that's where we conservatives live these days - in a country in which I can't come out to most friends on the left without losing their friendship. They're all out and proud to me, because they know I won't abandon our friendship over politics. I can't be so sure about them, based on their social media postings, etc.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

I saw m lindell had a show on oan with lots of guests.

I marveled how the communist party of USA had not silenced this show.



Lovernios বলেছেন...

"The one thing I learned is why the Left did not take to the streets to violently protest Trump's challenge of the election results: They were instructed to stand down."

And they obeyed the stand down order. Hmmm. Why weren't there any stand down orders over the summer? Or were the orders during the summer "Fight like Hell" orders? Clearly someone was giving orders.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Silencing the Hunter Biden story based on a flimsy op ed which offered no evidence was plenty to turn the election without any of the likely vote rigging that went on.

And Big Tech will get their payoff in cheap workers undercutting American labor.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Earnest Prole said...

The piece is a boring recitation of coalition building, dressed up to make it seem as though it bore deep secrets. The proof is that virtually no one is quoting the piece in these comments.

The one thing I learned is why the Left did not take to the streets to violently protest Trump's challenge of the election results: They were instructed to stand down.

You are either very stupid.

Or you didn't read the comments.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Still waiting for the evidence that the laptop was “Russian disinformation” as the New York TImes and Twitter, Facebook, and Google assured us.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Look who it was smashing in windows at the Capitol after all.

7/ HelmetBoy is from Virginia, not Pennsylvania. He has a degree from U of Virginia in biomedical engineering - a remunerative occupation. Parents are not working class Trump deplorables, but professionals in swamp country. Father is federal civil servant; mother is a mediator


This is why the Democrats are scared of having witnesses.

Ken B বলেছেন...

TiV: “ Cuomo can’t just snuff thousands of grandmas and not lose any support. ”

Careful Tim. The usual suspects deny anyone was willing to let grandma die. After all, it’s a mild virus not a threat.
They cannot condemn Cuomo without implicating themselves.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

And Twitter is suppressing discussion of this article. You see the election wasn’t actually “rigged”. it’s just that the results were “fortified.”


rehajm বলেছেন...

Stealing an election is no fun if you can't brag about it afterwards.

Only too three to get it. You people are dialed in today...

It's dupers delight. A little subtle- perhaps too subtle for some of those involved. Some wing nut that was a big part of the action will be openly bragging about it before Summer...

Ken B বলেছেন...

Prole hasn’t thought through the implications of “the reason they didn’t riot is they followed their orders to stand down “. He really hasn’t.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Earnest Prole said...

I pointed to the passage that sounds like raising money for “underpaid” election officials, so they can do their job. Isn’t that a specific reference to the article? Doesn’t it sound like bribery? Isn’t bribery more than just coalition building?

Our country relies on public-private partnerships to provide services other countries fund solely through their governments. In this case private philanthropic grants supplemented government election funding. If you know of specific examples of bribery that arose from these arrangements, do tell.

Gabriel Sterling received over 11 million dollars in Georgia.

Federal money that went to a private company at the direction of Raffensburger.

Scroll to the bottom for his unhinged rant.

A lot of money was thrown around to make this election non-transparent and clearly fraudulent.

In a real election Biden does worse than Hillary did in 2016 and this is a complete wipe out. There was no real support for Joe Biden. He got 65 million legitimate votes at most.

Drago বলেছেন...

Ken B: "Careful Tim. The usual suspects deny anyone was willing to let grandma die. After all, it’s a mild virus not a threat.
They cannot condemn Cuomo without implicating themselves."

I guess at this point, knowing conclusively what we do, you are basically left to either admit you went a bit lunatic on this or devolve into Full Inga Mode.

Disappointing that you are doing the latter.

Not completely unexpected though.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Nothing says confidence that everything was above board by preventing discussion of the evidence.

Twitter has suspended @CassandraRules for no listed reason

It likely has to do with her releasing video of "Vote Mobile" vans pulling up at 4am to the TCF center in Detroit
- Tim Pool

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

Inga said...
And thank goodness that there are true patriots among some powerful Americans.

There's a quote hovering in my memory concerning patriotism being the last refuge of the scoundrel. Apt.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

While Big Tech and the media are busy suppressing evidence, Inag will be coming on here saying there is no evidence because she hasn’t seen any. It’s all very cult like behavior from her.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"And thank goodness that there are true patriots among some powerful Americans. “

Mussolini couldn’t have said it better Inag.

Drago বলেছেন...

Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "And thank goodness that there are true patriots among some powerful Americans."

It's the same pattern over and over again with the lefties:

No, Hillary did NOT fund the hoax dossier, that's a conspiracy theory! --> Yes Hillary funded the hoax dossier and she was right to do it!

No, the Trump campaign was NOT spied upon and that's a conspiracy theory --> Yes the CIA/NSA/DOJ/FBI spied on Trump, and they were right to do it!

The same thing, over and over and over and....

mockturtle বলেছেন...

This is not unlike our government's long standing policy of assassinating foreign leaders of whom we disapprove. All in the interest of democracy, of course. It's one area of public affairs where my view has not changed from my radical days of the late 60's.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

This is weak even for you prole

Allow me to give you credit for citing something actually mentioned in the Time piece, rather than free-associating wildly like the little-girl commenters here. The private-public partnership to fund elections should certainly be scrutinized, but it's not like the arrangement was some kind of secret the Time reporter spilled. I recall it being trumpeted on NPR and in other high-profile media leading up to the election. You'll need to bring actual evidence of bribery to the discussion to move it forward -- otherwise it's just more free association.

And speaking of the 2020 presidential election, why discourage mail-in voting once it was clear states would deploy it on a large scale? Especially when your voters are older and might legitimately fear contracting the virus while voting in person? As a strategic blunder it tops even the Georgia fiasco of pitting Republicans against Republicans to lose two entirely winnable Senate elections.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Conspiratorial imagination is funny . . .

Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election was sealed by a string of close wins in several key states. Biden won Pennsylvania by just 1.2 percentage points, Wisconsin by six-tenths of a percentage point, Arizona by about a third of a percentage point, and Georgia by a quarter of a percentage point. In those four states combined, Biden beat incumbent Donald Trump by fewer than 125,000 votes out of 18.5 million total votes cast.

Ex-President Trump and his Republican allies attempted to undermine the election, by demanding recounts in these battleground states that Biden won by small margins, hoping to interfere with vote certification in order to get the vote decision into the hands of state legislatures. Selected recounts were demanded in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona. Georgia was recounted 100% twice.

All vote recounts held - a fact ignored by the Trump folks when they filed 61 lawsuits, gaining a tie decision on votes mailed before the election date but received afterward in Pennsylvania. The remaining 60 filings were summarily dismissed by some 90 judges, many of which were appointed by the Trump administration. Most of the lawsuits appear to have been written once and submitted 60 times with small variances, including the particularly poor attempt made by the Texas AG submitted to SCOTUS. These cases did not pass muster for lack of standing or for failure to offer proof of fraud.

So the whole scam boiled down to soothing the ex-president's ego and providing him with a basis to scoop more cash from the pockets of his seemingly idiotic supporters. The January 6 mob takeover of the Capitol building filled with 100% of our elected representatives was deliberately incited by Trump who needs to go to jail.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Now consolidating their takeover of American democracy. It looks like the democracy train has reached its last stop!

The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming

"No speculation is needed. Those who wield power are demanding it. The only question is how much opposition they will encounter." -@ggreenwald


This isn’t about “terror” or it would be equally aimed at Ante-Fa.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

First ARM managed to make an avatar of Aristotle look like the visage of a drooling idiot, and then gadfly did the same thing with Socrates.

pacwest বলেছেন...

I really do want to understand how the other side reasons this out.

Something I've been trying to do also. The usual left sites and blogs are not addressing this at all. Maybe they they think it is best left to stand on its own. It's a fools errand to get Inga to address it. 81 million!!!

chickelit বলেছেন...

How much of this malfeasance was funded by the last unprosecuted Nazi -- George Soros?

Inga বলেছেন...

“There's a quote hovering in my memory concerning patriotism being the last refuge of the scoundrel.”

I recall all the Republicans and conservatives wrapping themselves in the flags during the Bush years. Flag waving patriots who exclaimed if one spoke out against the Iraq war one wasn’t supporting the troops. I recall seeing all the crazy Trumpists flying big American flags and beating Capitol police with them on Jan. 6th.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Inga's 'true' patriots.

Inga বলেছেন...

Jim at’s fellow patriots

RoseAnne বলেছেন...

And who the fuck is Zack Wamp?

My reaction as well. I had to look him up.

rehajm বলেছেন...

and in case you didn't get one upthread, a big fuck you douchebag to all you what have been rolling your eyes at those of us upset about the stolen election and the corruptocrats that pulled it off...

rehajm বলেছেন...

you know who you are.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Ken B: This part of the article sounds like they bribed officials. We need to know more.
Ernest Prole: Why does no-one cite the article? Why does no-one mention anything that would be a crime?
Ken B: Ahem.
Ernest Prole: Ken B, you didn’t provide a link to something other than the article. So it doesn’t count.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Prole hasn’t thought through the implications of “the reason they didn’t riot is they followed their orders to stand down “. He really hasn’t.

Oh but I have. Idiotic cosplay violence is what you do when you think you've lost, not won. It's why the lingering image of the 2020 election will be fur-suit horned guy, K-Mart tactical guy, and fat guy waving the Confederate flag.

DavidD বলেছেন...

“The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all....”


So, rather than take the risk of an indiscernible election, let’s all just make sure Biden is declared the winner, m-kay?

“We had to destroy the village to save it,”

Ken B বলেছেন...

You mean the way Brezhnev was assassinated? Or maybe you mean Trotsky.
You really have let your brain melt.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Your response shows you haven’t thought it through at all, because you are talking about the Trumpist rabble, but before you were admitting the existence of an organized paramilitary force under central command.
And if these organizers actually had one of those ...

Ken B বলেছেন...

I do hope AA does more posts, and examines some of the confessions implicit in the article. She is good at such stuff.

Lovernios বলেছেন...

It's amusing that the write chose "fortify" to describe the efforts of the "true patriots among some powerful Americans".

One of the meanings of fortify is to strengthen or enhance by the addition of some substance or ingredient: such as
(1) : to add distilled grape spirits to (wine) during fermentation to increase the alcohol content
(2) : to enrich (food) by adding ingredients (such as vitamins or minerals) to improve the nutritional value
(3) : to find additional uncounted ballots under tables after the poll observers were sent away
(4) : to count votes by failing to validate signatures on mail in ballots
(5) : to deliver tens of thousands of ballots from NY to PA
(6) : to run ballots through the voting machines multiple times

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

This part of the article sounds like they bribed officials

Don't make me take back all the nice things I've said about you. Without evidence, "might be a bribe" is indistinguishable from all the other wild speculation here.

I will underscore: The Time piece contained boring coalition-building crap that's not news, hence all the boring free-association in the comments.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...


Zach WAMP supported Rubio and seems to have some type of environmental company.

He was a rep out of Tennessee.

My take on him is swamp / anti Trump , but trying to hide it because his area is very pro Trump.

Seems to “love” the word bipartisan...

h বলেছেন...

I used to believe (I guess I still do, but without the same confidence) that history would straighten out the truth on matters like this. For example, during the "whitewater" controversy, I expected that some historian would write a book going through each claim, point-by-point, and present the evidence and draw a conclusion. The evidence of history, I believed, was really different from the evidence required in a court of law. So a historian might conclude that the Clinton's investment in the whitewater property constituted a bribe, even though "bribery" could never be proven in a court. But now, 30 years on, we haven't seen such a history lesson (have we?). The politicization of historical analysis has made historians lazy: It is effortless to write a review of the Trump that says nothing more than Orange Man Bad; if you are going to write an analysis that says, "on the following issues Trump was right, or successful," you need to make sure that every statement is perfectly correct, and perfectly documented. And even then, it is unlikely to win a prize or earn academic accolades.

wildswan বলেছেন...

If you just take out the words "democracy" or "election process" and put in "Democratic party" or "Biden", you get a picture of how the Democrats, a section of Never Trumpers, Progressives, Big Business, Big Labor worked together for the result. They wanted Trump out. When he was out they went right back to the Obama economy which impoverished the black community the most but which impoverished many Americans and which enriched the coalition members. So that's what they wanted. But why? Hunter Biden is OK with them so it's logical to think that they've all got some of that Hunter magic going for them. Money, women, fast cars, drugs, more money. Yay. What's not to like?

The objection to the British regime in the American colonies was that it installed a corrupt, incompetent regime which presented no barriers to the doings of the King and Parliament but which was staffed by Americans who pretended to represent their fellow citizens. we've done better since then. But we won't do well if we ever allow a similar regime.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

KenB naively or disingenuously asks:
You mean the way Brezhnev was assassinated? Or maybe you mean Trotsky.
You really have let your brain melt.

Good grief. We would never assassinated a Soviet leader! Their very presence is what perpetuates the necessity of Cold War and military hegemony. No, I was referring rather to Diem, Allende, Sukarno, Lumumba and Trujillo. Of course we tried and failed to knock off Castro.

Browndog বলেছেন...


If you point out the hypocrisy of the left, you win:

-The self-satisfaction that you noticed
-The laughter from the left as you wallow in misery, as your rules don't apply to them, but are still are beholden to them as matter of principle
-nothing at all

Ken B বলেছেন...

Ah unsubstantiated rumours then Mock. I was just reading a book about Lumumba. That was, of course, purely a domestic affair. I don’t know about all on your lists, but of all the ones I do know about, no the US government did not assassinate them. You read too much Le Carre.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

you were admitting the existence of an organized paramilitary force under central command

No, I was "admitting" the Left is capable of putting a million or so people on the streets and convincing a sizable portion to break and burn things. But since they wouldn't know the difference between a revolver and an automatic weapon, calling that an "organized paramilitary force" would be sheer buffoonery.

Spiros বলেছেন...

Trump couldn't deliver on his promises. His America is one where tens of millions are unemployed and small businesses are failing. Homelessness and starvation are real possibilities for everyone. It's amazing how quickly morality and freedom disappear in these circumstances. I think it's wonderful that the Democrats stole the election. Trump was a terrible, trashy piece of sh*t. The Democratic Party is committed to full employment, affordable housing, and social security and health care for all. That's what we need!

n.n বলেছেন...


If you point out the hypocrisy of the left, you win:

The burden of bigotry (i.e. sanctimonious hypocrisy) is relieved with the properly labeled semantic games, properly framed quasi-religious (e.g. the relativistic ethics) philosophy, properly prosecuted by partisan judges, properly dictated by mortal gods and goddesses. Throw a baby on the barbie, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants. #InStorkTheyTrust

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

"It's hard not to read "saved the... election" as rigged the election. "

Actually, it needs to be read as "stole the election".

"Decreasing vote security protections" == "increasing vote fraud"

There were less than 43,000 votes between a Trump victory and a Biden victory.

If I recall correctly, then in AZ, GA & WI, the margin in each State is less than 1/10 then number of newly registered "absentee voters".

Voters show didn't have to show a photo ID in order to register, didn't have to show one in order to vote, and for whom there was essentially no security making sure they weren't a totally fake vote.

The Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential and Senate elections, and may very well have stolen the House, too. And now they're bragging about it, because they think there's nothing anyone can do about it.

When the violence rises. When voting places and voting boxes and vote counting places get bombed, or get shot up, understand that the refusal to demand that every single questionable vote be harshly challenged is what made that violence happen.

"No taxation without representation."

If my vote doesn't count, because fraudulent votes are allowed, then I have no representation.

Jim at বলেছেন...

I think it's wonderful that the Democrats stole the election.

And there you have it.
Told ya.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

"Trump couldn't deliver on his promises. His America is one where tens of millions are unemployed and small businesses are failing."

Sorry, but the clock started for Biden on January 20th.

The word 'is' is appropriate. Whatever exists in the here and now is Biden's problem.

He wanted the job so now he owns it all.

Thems are the rules.

And to be fair, the virus changed everything...even dishonest liberals can see that.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Spiros said...
Trump couldn't deliver on his promises.

You lying sack of shit.

The fuck he didn't.


Released two weeks ago, the Census Bureau’s report on “Income and Poverty in the United States” for 2019 clearly shows that, pre-pandemic, President Trump’s economic success blew past that of any other presidency.

First, the Census Bureau reported that real median household income grew to $68,703 in 2019, an impressive 6.8% increase over 2018. It was the largest one-year increase in median income on record going back to 1967. It was also 45 percent more growth in a single year ($4,379) than Obama/Biden produced in their entire 8 years in office ($3,021).

As was the case throughout Trump’s first three years, the economic benefits were widespread. While the overall growth rate was 6.8%, real median income grew by an even greater 7.9% for Black Americans, 7.1% for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6% for Asian Americans. All record highs as were the new income levels for each of these groups.

As for talking points about how the Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich, well, they were false. As incomes grew in 2019, the poverty rate plummeted 1.3 percentage points to a 60 year low of 10.5%. This was the largest reduction in poverty in over 50 years. It lifted over 4.1 million people out of poverty, the largest yearly decrease since 1966. Just for comparison purposes, over the Obama/Biden era, the number of people living in poverty increased by 787,000.

The "experts" pushing the lockdowns, and the Democrat governors (and other Democrat politicians) who fucked up Covid response every step of the way (see SF and NY Democrats encouraging everyone to go down to Chinatown for Chinese New Year, so they could be the first to catch Covid,a nd spread it widely).

Trump's biggest failing was not going more to war against the "experts" and the Democrats

Iman বলেছেন...

Democrats probably saw this as justified and assumed that they were saving the country, making the will of the people prevail and "democracy" work.

Democrats have no trouble justifying a whole raft of different things, many of them uniquely horrible. They do NOT shame or embarrass easy.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

[T]he participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures....

"change rules and laws" without any action by the State Legislatures who the US Constitution grants sole power to decide how a State's Electoral College votes will be apportioned

"steer media coverage and control the flow of information": Lie to people, censor what they're allowed to know and allowed to say. Which is to say: Run completely roughshod over the First Amendment, who purpose to to block that sort ion attack on political speech.

"They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it". No, they were stealing it. And they abused the fragility in order to make their steal work.

In a reasonable country, every single person involved in that effort would be decorating a lamp post.

jaydub বলেছেন...

Spiros: "Trump couldn't deliver on his promises. His America is one where tens of millions are unemployed and small businesses are failing."

When the "pandemic" hit, unemployment was at all time lows, especially minority unemployment. Mean wages for the middle class were 10% higher than when he came into office. ISIS was rampant. Israel and the Arab world were essentially in a cold war, which is now ended unless Kerry screws it up, and he may. Regulations were greatly reduced with no ill effects. NAFTA was renegotiated to improve the US position. The middle class got a substantial tax cut. Corporate taxes were reduced to bring them in line with the rest of the world. The US had not been in better shape in at least 20 years. And no Americans marched off to new wars. And all that was accomplished with nothing but sabotage from the Democrats.

When the "pandemic" arrived to give them cover, Democrats set out to wreck the economy and destroy the middle class, and they succeeded. They wrecked the country and destroyed small businesses for no reason whatsoever, and they continue to do so. You are wasting your time spouting leftist propaganda. None of us are stupid enough for a cretin like you to bull shit.

DABbio বলেছেন...

To those still wondering why the conspirators--for that is what they are--would not continue to hide this: They honestly believe themselves to be on the side of the Angels against Lucifer. It is totally religious. Anything goes.

GDI বলেছেন...

They cheated.
We know they cheated.
They know we know they cheated.
They don't care.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Night Owl said...

our so-called leaders can't even talk about election reform

this could be first step towards ::
our so-called leaders can talk about election fortification

Witness বলেছেন...

The article and headline had to be sexed up to get you to click on a story about mundane stuff.

Witness বলেছেন...

Like, ooh look at our secret shadowy plot to...

"For the thousands of local, mostly nonpartisan officials who administer elections, the most urgent need was money. They needed protective equipment like masks, gloves and hand sanitizer. They needed to pay for postcards letting people know they could vote absentee–or, in some states, to mail ballots to every voter. They needed additional staff and scanners to process ballots."

... provide sanitizer to polling places...
... inform the electorate about their voting options...

Witness বলেছেন...

It's emblematic of everything wrong in journalism today, just not in the way that anyone thinks.

mockturtle বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
bagoh20 বলেছেন...

It's hard to get your head around the fact that the deplorables' distrust and foul opinion of Democrats is more generous than they deserve. That's what made this possible and why they have to brag. Most of us simply can't accept that they could be that evil, yet they continue to challenge everyone to ignore it.

There is a level of density, especially among those who fancy themselves level-headed and reasonable, that will not let the truth penetrate. No amount of evidence or even outright confession will make them believe what seems too terrible to accept. They prefer the lie, and it's understandable why they would. The truth is as bad as anything in our lifetimes, and maybe the history of this country, and it happened on our watch. Nobody wants to believe that. We failed to protect and preserve one of the most special accomplishments of mankind. That will be our legacy, and that truely sucks.

pacwest বলেছেন...

Spiros is indicative of where we are headed. Magic mushrooms poring out of Nancy's ass. Good policy is not the way forward. Government largess is what the people want.

The Democratic Party is committed to full employment, affordable housing, and social security and health care for all. That's what we need!

A chicken in every pot! As Pelosi so succinctly pointed out not so long ago - "We feed them Wolf. WE feed them."

Spiros বলেছেন...

The mysterious politico-economic force that brought Biden to power has come out of hiding. Oh my God! I'm so scandalized!!! I could have never imagined this!!! Stop pretending like it's a big deal. Imagine the alternative -- another four years of Trump.

Deal with the following facts:

1. Trump sucked.
2. Trump ran a sh*tty vanity campaign. ME, ME, ME, everyday on Twitter.
Seriously, Trump should STFU.
3. And, worst of all, Trump had no political program to realize and no ambitions to carry out.

Good riddance.

Witness বলেছেন...

PS - If y'all really want to act like you think this stuff is sinister, the rest of us will also keep acting like y'all think this stuff is sinister.

GDI বলেছেন...

Leftist's big, steamy pile of rationalization.

Mark বলেছেন...

I’m here in Detroit and the poor here are still poor, even after 8 years of Obama.

You must not be that old to not mention Coleman Young as well.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

There is a level of density, especially among those who fancy themselves level-headed and reasonable, that will not let the truth penetrate. No amount of evidence or even outright confession will make them believe what seems too terrible to accept.

This characterization very accurately describes the mindset of people I know, who are friends, who identify as Democrats and liberals and progressives and, ipso facto, as good people. I understand this about them; what I don't understand is how to deal with them. Lacking such understanding, I have retreated into a vast and distant silence. There's simply no arguing with those people. At social gatherings when their talk turns political, I mentally detach and withdraw, becoming the guy who sits quietly on the sofa, smiling pleasantly, saying nothing, literally shrugging off invitations to express my opinion an an issue.

Puts a whole different spin on the concept of social distancing.

Good to see you commenting again, bagoh20.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

I used to read Soviet propaganda, and actually met several of the writers of Soviet propaganda.

Life is short. It was fun to talk to them ----- they were, for the most part, sort of really washed-out versions of what you would think a mob lawyer is ---- but seriously, to have spent even ten minutes of my life reading Soviet propaganda was a waste of ten minutes that could have been spent in a much better way.

That is why I do not"follow" any of our current leftist wannabe overlords. They bore me to tears with their rhetoric.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Jersey Fled (11:11am): "Something worse is about to come out, and they want to get their spin out first."

Yancey Ward (2:03pm) agrees: ". . . might be an attempt to get in front of something."

Absolutely. This is what Nixon's supporters called a "limited modified hangout": confessing some of the less incriminating and more undeniable parts of what you've done, and spinning them as favorably as you can, in the hopes that you can fool the public into thinking that's all there is, and it's not that bad. It didn't work for Nixon, and it's not going to work for Biden, or whoever's controlling him, either.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Last week an old friend from high school, someone whom I have known for 60 years and with whom I correspond intermittently via email, called me a racist for saying, in an email, "I just got my first vaccination shot for the Kung Flu virus." He informed me that my remark was "racist, pure and simple," adding, "I don't want to lecture you on why this is reacist, but ..." Whereupon he proceeded to lecture me on why what I said was racist, and why that revealed me as a racist.

I always knew that he was Prog, and at our 50-year HS class reunion, when he started to talk progressive politics with me, I very politely but firmly told him that I preferred to avoid political discussion of any stripe.

I didn't reply to his email. I doubt seriously that I'll ever communicate with him again in any way, shape, or form. I'm too old to have old friends call me a racist, to accuse me of racism.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

I am not a big fan of "Pulp Fiction", but the AOCs of the world, the other media stars of the illegitimate Biden regime, remind me just as much of those poor silly Soviet propagandists as "Honey Bunny" reminded me of every loser, male or female in this world, that "Honey Bunny" represented.

This was my first and last ever comment on the internet in which I say something complimentary about Quarantino as an artist. (misspelling on purpose, but not copyrightable).

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Stephen, I enjoy watching Kill Bill, 1 & 2 often. Hilarious.

Mark বলেছেন...

It didn't work for Nixon, and it's not going to work for Biden, or whoever's controlling him, either.

It's worked for the left/Dems the last 1000 times they tried it. Why would this time be any different?

Mark বলেছেন...

Johnny Gage is in love with the Asian chick.

Brody Oaks বলেছেন...

Just know that this is the template for every election in the foreseeable future. Coupled with the existing police state that is poised to shift into high gear, we are all in for a considerable period of time of conflict. If you thought the riots of 2020 were bad, get ready for this summer's turmoil - it's going to be a bloodbath.

Keith Ellison over-charged the 4 cops in George Floyd's death. When any one (or all) of them does not get convicted, you will see our cities explode in a way that we make us all breathless.

More guns and ammo, indeed.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

mockturtle - is there a version of Kill Bill on youtube without the excess gore? or at least selected scenes I should watch?

I used to like to watch tough movies on network TV, because they took the goriness and the sexploitation out ..... and I am not a fan of gore and I would prefer not to have to look away from gratuitous sex scenes .....

I spent too many years in cockroach-ridden apartments, if you know what I mean .....

Mark বলেছেন...

Huh. It's Rosalind Chao. And the final episode to air for Emergency.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

ranging across industries and ideologies

The message I get is: It doesn't matter if the election was rigged or not, a wide variety of people are happy with it so it must be good.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Meanwhile the day after the inauguration Biden sent a large convoy of US Troops into Syria. It couldn’t be about the oil now could it? Why would we need that? Oh year, Biden has put a stopper on US and Canadian production. Check out this picture of our glorious troops taking care of Biden’s cronies interests.


Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Roughcoat said...
I understand this about them; what I don't understand is how to deal with them. Lacking such understanding, I have retreated into a vast and distant silence. There's simply no arguing with those people. At social gatherings when their talk turns political, I mentally detach and withdraw

I leave. For teh Zoom meetings, I just walk away, leave my wife to have her fun, don't listen, and don't come back.

They are not amenable to rational discussion, I am not amenable to being lectured with a bunch of bullshit.

But when they do that, they get removed form the class of "friends", and moved into the class of "acquaintances". Because forcing their politics on others is an asshole move

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse- "This is a long article, and understanding it, for me, involves figuring out why Time published it"

Perhaps you haven't picked up on the motivation of those whose side you are on?

Humiliation. Demoralisation. Rub it in their faces.

Bashar al-Assad in Syria belongs to the minority Alawite Clan. He rules brutally against the majority.

The greatest scam the 'News Media' ever created was convincing Americans, we are a 50/50 country. The truth is America's Alawites are about 27%. Americans 70%.

That's why Democrats are always scared, and angry. If America ever figured it out, the Democrat Alawites would be cast into the darkness.

That happened in 2020. Americans figured it out.

Democrats surrounded the cesspit of our Capitol City with razor wire. Troops with no live rounds patrolling the Capitol, because the Democrat Alawites can't trust them. They can't trust police, sheriffs, firemen. The enemy surrounds them.

The Jan 6 protest was like any other Trump rally. Women and the elderly were broadly represented. Finally, Americans recognized that Americans protesting will not be tolerated. Protests are for 'Progressives' Lavish news media focus.

A Giant has been awakened.

This best is yet to come.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Witness said...
Like, ooh look at our secret shadowy plot to...

"change rules and laws", without, you know, actually getting laws passed by the legislature and signed by the governor.

Are you incapable fo reading, that you missed that part?

Or are you just a lying sack of shit?

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Having watched US companies spend 20 years building supply chains that heavily relied on cheap Chinese labor, I thought Trump would get serious electoral blowback from the Business Roundtable/Davos types. Then the US Chamber of Commerce changed leadership, and they went over to the other side, too. I cannot figure out why Big Labor came on board, but they were always more Demmie-oriented than smart, and they have a long history of betraying their members.

So I think this was all fairly predictable from the time Trump started poking China in 2017. We can all enjoy the benefits of a US/China partnership. Pay no attention to the screaming. Remember when Hollywood used to care about Tibet?

Mid-Life Lawyer বলেছেন...

They cheated to stop Hitler. What kind of person would not cheat to stop Hitler? That's what we are dealing with, or I should say, that's what y'all are dealing with. I haven't watched the news since a few days after the election and this is about as far into anything politcal I have been since the obvious steal. I think we are in the decline. The problem is that most of us have it made and we are not willing to do what needs to be done to try to stop it, if it could be stopped, which it can't.

I went up to Possum Kingdom Lake on Thursday and ran 35 total miles on the trails in four runs, the last run a 10-miler this morning. I have a 50k in Seminole Canyon three weeks from today. The Rio Grande runs through the Canyon. It's down close to Del Rio. I will be running on the U.S. side.

Call me when the serious revolution starts but not unless it's real serious. Most of y'all were asleep when I was screaming bloody murder twenty years ago. It's too late now but I wouldn't mind going out for the cause being as I'm 61 years old, had three kinds of cancer in the last six years, and I'm probably going to die soon anyway.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

"They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it."

War is Peace. Ignorance is strength. Freedom is slavery.

effinayright বলেছেন...

Gadfly said:

"These cases did not pass muster for lack of standing or for failure to offer proof of fraud."

Another moron who thinks a complainant has to prove his case when he submits it.

Gadfly: just ask yourself: if that were true, what is a trial for? What are judges for?

And, another moron who thinks the Trump people offered fraud as the sole reason for their complaint. Nothing about the constitutional issues they raised.

Finally: judges dismissing cases on "technicalities" such as lack of standing, laches and the like are not ruling "on the merits" of the complaints themselves.


Arturo Ui বলেছেন...

It gets even worse. There is a postscript to the Time article, where Joe Biden is secretly recorded on a call to the Georgia Secretary of State, demanding that Brad Raffensberger find 11,780 votes for him.

Oh sorry I think I misidentifed the caller's name above.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Hercules: One particularly troubling development is the purging of rank and file members of the military. Perhaps we could build a new one with their rejects.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

The unions supported Obama and he took away their health care. They supported Biden and he took away their jobs. The rank and file and non-union workers may have been more sensible, but it's not surprising if Democrat politicians and elites think blue collars are easily led and misled, based on their dealings with the union bosses.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Roughcoat, it's always the Progs who bring up politics. In fact, they are obsessed with the subject and, to them, virtually everything is political.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Spiros said...
Deal with the following facts:
1. Trump sucked.

So, since Spiros did not try to refute any of the economic number I put up for Trump, what Spiros is saying is that it hates poor people (who Trump helped out of poverty at a great rate) Blacks, hispanics, or Asian Americans, all of who did very well under Trump.

IOW, when Spiros says "Trump sucks", what it means is "Trump helped Americans, and that is bad!"

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Arturo Ui said...
It gets even worse. There is a postscript to the Time article, where Joe Biden is secretly recorded on a call to the Georgia Secretary of State, demanding that Brad Raffensberger find 11,780 votes for him.

Lying Arturo for the scum bag award!

What Trump said was that Raffensberger only needed to find 11,780 illegal votes for it to matter.

And that Trump had provided him over 160k places to look for those illegal votes. And that it was very interesting how desperate Raffensberger was NOT to find the illegal votes.

Almost as if Raffensberger thought his job was to insist that everything looks wonderful, rather than his job being to actually enforce the law, and stop people from stealing elections.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Stephen: I've never seen it on YouTube. I own the DVDs. Yes, there is a lot of gore but it's all done 'tongue-in-cheek' and no sex, gratuitous or otherwise.

h বলেছেন...

Perhaps the worst thing about these voter fraud stories is that a lot of people will take away the lesson: "If you engage in voter fraud, you won't get caught and punished."

n.n বলেছেন...

it's not surprising if Democrat politicians and elites think blue collars are easily led and misled, based on their dealings with the union bosses.

Union bosses, community leaders, genderphobes, feminist icons, etc.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Mid-Life observes: They cheated to stop Hitler. What kind of person would not cheat to stop Hitler? That's what we are dealing with, or I should say, that's what y'all are dealing with.

Understandable, since Trump has killed millions of Jews and other undesirables during his four-year reign of terror. Who would not want to stop him? /s

n.n বলেছেন...

So, irregularities, perhaps fraud, Electoral Press, or a story of we could, but we didn't... wink, wink.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

@Amadeus48: War is Peace. Ignorance is strength. Freedom is slavery.

The way things are going, I fully expect them to trot out these mottos for our national edification.

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

"Trump, you see, is not one of THEM. He's one of THOSE PEOPLE. And THOSE PEOPLE need to know their place and stay there.

Trump was one of them once, then he went renegade. That's even worse."

I agree with NorthOfTheOneOhOne quoting and amending DeepRunner.

Trump committed treason but not against the United States. He was a traitor to "the Establishment". Whether deliberate or in an uncoordinated "mob" sort-of way, the impeachment and trial and this article constitute a warning. "To anyone who challenges us: we will bury you."

n.n বলেছেন...

since Trump has killed millions of Jews and other undesirables during his four-year reign of terror.

Yes, Trump was Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. The bastard. A veritable playground to exercise diversity, relieve "burdens", and collude in a socialist-imperialist-fascist axis to undermine our Constitution, overthrow our Republic, and force Americans to kneel.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Too bad Edward Arnold is dead. He could have reprised his role as Jim Taylor to be the narrator for an audio version of this article.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


"...what I don't understand is how to deal with them."

Why hide and concede the ground? People who respect each other, allow the free flow of ideas.

They do not silence you. You silence yourself. Say your piece. Find out who your friends are. They spout the Company Line, so to speak, because they are afraid to say what they really believe...

...because no one else does.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Who doesn't hear the phrase, "Not rigging the election, fortifying it!" in his voice?

n.n বলেছেন...

"If you engage in voter fraud, you won't get caught and punished."

Civil unrights is a forward-looking, progressive condition. Prosecutorial discretion ("ethics") is a double-edged scalpel, maybe. A lot of Americans are Pro-Choice or sit on the wall beside them.

Bobb বলেছেন...

The one example in the Time article of "success" was defeating the evil Republican poll watchers in Detroit. "They were crowding the vote-counting tables, refusing to wear masks, heckling the mostly Black workers."

Except that summary was false and misleading. My daughter was a poll watcher in Detroit that night. She wore her mask, as did the other Republican poll watchers. The dispute was the Democrat clerk insisted the Republicans stay eight feet from the vote-counting activities. Have you ever tried to read a ballot to see who was marked or see a computer screen to see for whom it was recorded eight feet away? State law requires poll watchers full access to see every step of the process. Thus, Republican poll watchers tried to move closer ("crowding the votes counting tables"). Whenever they did the tabulation stopped until they moved out of sight. The "heckling" was arguments protesting the failure to follow the law and allow viewing of the process.

jeremyabrams বলেছেন...

Toward the end of Wag the Dog, the Dustin Hoffman character, playing a Hollywood type who has produced a fraudulent video to verify the fake war, admits to the fixer Robert DeNiro that he won't be able to resist boasting of the exploit. That's what's happening here.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Mid-Life Lawyer: Three types of cancer for me with the last in 2020. I don’t expect to die anytime soon. I want to see Creighton in the Final Four!

Unknown বলেছেন...

Yeah, anyone who believes CEOs are happy that there is a billboard on main street in Cookeville TN advertising 14.75 an hour for temp help has lost their minds. You understand the drive for 15 dollar minimum wage was about to become irrelevant as the demand for workers was driving wages to that point anyway. But wait till the end of the year. We will be flush with people happy to work for 9 bucks an hour again. Trump was endangering the cozy system we have had in place with crony capitalism. He had to go. No matter what they had to do to make it happen. Still hoping the streets will not end up running with blood...but not betting on it.

Joanne Jacobs বলেছেন...

Clearly, Congress should impeach Molly Ball for inciting doubts about the fairness of the election.

Mid-Life Lawyer বলেছেন...

David Begley said...

"Mid-Life Lawyer: Three types of cancer for me with the last in 2020. I don’t expect to die anytime soon. I want to see Creighton in the Final Four!"

Prostate in 2014 - Da Vinci radical prostatectomy by a skilled surgeon in Jackson, MS. Fortunately no side effects.

Squamous Cell of the base of tongue in 2016 - Caused by the HPV virus that I probably contracted 30ish years before. Thanks a lot, sexual revolution! Chemo and radiation at MD Anderson in Houston on that one. The treatment was a little more nuanced so I didn't mess around. Thankfully, MD Anderson was on my insurance plan.

Thyroid in 2020 - We're the same! My thyroid was irradiated along with the tumor in my throat. Due to this, the function was slowly going hypo. Also, I had some suspicious nodes that were discovered in the 2016 Squamous diagnosis. After a biopsy of the nodes this past Feb. revealed suspicion of cancer, what with the Thyroid dying anyway, we took it out. There was some cancer in there, the full biopsy disclosed. I now take levothyroxine 150 mcg and feel back to my old self after a rough time for a while there.

I'm healthy as a horse other than getting cancer every 15 minutes. I'm not really too worried about it but with all those diagnoses in recent history, it does make a man wonder what he would do if he were to get that terminal diagnosis at some point. But, that point is not now and I am living my best life. Recently, I have taken up meditation and that's proving to be very fruitful ground for personal growth.

I would probably be ready to go if Ole Miss were to win the NCAA championship in football. I would be totally fulfilled.

B Sharpe বলেছেন...

This may be out of Left Field, but another way they've rubbed our noses in it is the way they've handled the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt. She had no weapon, was not an immediate threat to anyone, and yet she was shot dead by a yet unnamed policeman(?). There is something awfully wrong in the way this alleged "murder" has been handled. Where is the outrage by ANYBODY??

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

"This part of the article sounds like they bribed officials."

They may well have in the guise of a public-private partnership to help get out the vote....for Democrats in key cities in key states. All perfectly legal.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Mid Life Lawyer - "It's too late now"

Cancer or no... If you're breathing, it ain't too late. The best part, it is definitely going to be exciting.

You run 10 miles in one day? God Bless You.

"I wouldn't mind going out for the cause". You and me, brother.

Here's the deal. God allows us to hit the bottom of our lives before we finally give up, and cry out to God, recognizing that we just can't do it anymore, recognizing we aren't in charge of the Global Climate, or the evil that exists in this World that Satan rules.

For an individual, it might mean curling up behind a dumpster at a 7-11 with a Forty Ounce. It's the scream of the soul, that finally says, God...help me. I can't do this anymore. Then...there is the miracle.

For successful, educated people, it might mean the structure that has been created is bad. It's bad what we have allowed the US Dept of Education to teach young minds. Reject God.

How do you explain God-given rights, when teachers cannot say the word 'God'?

That was the 1776 Revolution. Men have God-given rights. That was all of it.

In the history of man on this planet, no man had rights. The War-Lord, or the King granted rights.

1776 in America, God watched as an insolent General...George Washington went to war with the establishment. This General got on his knees to beg God that His will be done. Washington didn't ask for victory. He asked that God's Will be done.

Against stupid odds, against the greatest power on Earth, God tilted the playing field.

Before we go up against the Power that is. Let us get on our knees, and pray...the God's will be done.

If this is foreign to you...borrow a Bible...open your heart...read the New Testament.

You don't even have to believe in God, or a Spaghetti monster in the Sky. You can still be 'sophisticated'.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

And who the fuck is Zack Wamp?

Zack Wamp is the man who put the wamp in the election year catawampus.

He put the rama-lama-ding-dongs in the White House.

I'd like to shake his hand. He made my baby fall in love with me.

ken in tx বলেছেন...

Has anybody ever explained what Biden meant to say, when he said that they had set the most extensive voter fraud campaign ever, or words to that effect? What possibly innocent remark was he trying to express? Or was he simply saying the truth but forgetting where he was and who he was talking to.

boatbuilder বলেছেন...

Of course the election wasn't "stolen." Ha ha hah. Who could possibly think that Joe Biden isn't the most popular Presidential candidate in history by a factor of 20 percent, Ha.

But there are bad people who don't believe us, and this is a threat to DEMOCRACY!!

And we knew that BAD PEOPLE might question whether Joe Biden is the most popular presiential candidate ever, even before the election.

So we put together a very patriotic coalition of THE MOST TRUSTED GROUPS IN AMERICA--big corporations, big unions, politicians, big tech and big media--to make sure that NONE OF THOSE BAD PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO RAISE QUESTIONS about Joe Biden's installation as the most popular Presidential candidate in history, because to raise those questions would be BAD FOR DEMOCRACY.

Trust us.

All we are doing is what is good for you.


Mutaman বলেছেন...

Reading Althouse explain how she got around to blogging about this Time magazine article is like watching the guy describe bank robbery at the end of "Take The Money and Run" and at the bottom of the screen they impose the word "cretin".

Michael বলেছেন...

For the oligarchs, it's not just immigration. It's the Trans Pacific Partnership, another of those excretable trade deals that screw the working class to the wall. There's a lot of $$$ to be made shipping jobs to China

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Mock - "...purging of rank and file members of the military..."

Not concerned with it. Those men who've gone through AIT know a little about demolitions. They know how to defeat a tank or APC. They're not afraid of rifles. America is better served to have them home, in the Militias. The next fight is here...not over there.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Perhaps the worst thing about these voter fraud stories is that a lot of people will take away the lesson: "If you engage in voter fraud, you won't get caught and punished."

So it’s better to hide them? Or is it better to examine them and reassure everybody the election was on the up and up. The Democrats have chose the path of suppressing any questions.

Jon Burack বলেছেন...

From what I can see, Inga, who speaks for the "secret cabal," (Molly Ball's label, not mine) fails to explain the presence of the word "secret" throughout Ball's astounding account. Why the secrecy, Inga? How is it you save democracy by demonstrating total mistrust of the people, mistrust of the most fundamental element in any democratic system, open and honest debate and discussion? Or perhaps you have some other definition of the term, one that allows YOUR side to engage in a vast "secret cabal," but forbids others from doing the same.

Even when I sensed something sinister, I resisted crediting the notion of a secret cabal of this sort. I could see plenty of signs of it, but I am not given to looking for conspiracies and cabals. This hesitancy of mine no longer seems tenable.

The Godfather বলেছেন...

There are a lot of comments here to the effect that it's hopeless, the Democrats/Liberals have gamed the system, we can never beat them, etc. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Republicans (most of whom are conservative, or would vote that way) are a few inches away from controlling the House; the President's party usually loses seats in the first mid-term election, so Republican control after 2022 is within reach. The Senate is tougher, because more Republican seats than Democrat seats are up, but Republican control of the Senate is possible. Instead of weeping and wailing, why not organize? And really push electoral reform -- I bet there's more than a silent majority that worries about how this last Presidential election was conducted.

John henry বলেছেন...

Thomas Wictor has a lot of interesting speculation about why this and why now at the quotverum mastodon feed


Dr weevil, I had joined qv some years ago, mainly to follow Wictor. When he went back to Twitter I stopped reading qv.

Now he's back and so am I. Thanks for letting me know he's active again

John Henry

John henry বলেছেন...

Nobody seems to have mentioned Bezos who just stepped down as ceo of Amazon to what seems like an honorary position.

It sounds like WaPo was involved in some of the "fortifying" Bezos, not Amazon, personally ows WaPo. If he directed, or even had knowledge of the "fortifying" he may be in deep legal shit.

Ditto if he had a personal hand in shutting down Parler.com Amazon servers.

If he did get indicted, and especially if convicted, it might tank the Amazon stock price. Most of his wealth is in Amazon. Is this a move to put some distance between Amazon and "fortifying"?

"we knew nothing. It was all that evil bastard Bezos. And we never liked him anyway so nyah, nyah"

Not really related to the election but perhaps the 2nd HQ scam, and AOC 's role in it will come out. I live in hope.

John Henry

Crazy World বলেছেন...

Thank you Ann, been awaiting your take on this most profound article I have seen ever. Trump Won

Jamie বলেছেন...

No, I was "admitting" the Left is capable of putting a million or so people on the streets and convincing a sizable portion to break and burn things.

You don't see the implications of what you're "admitting"?

Prole. Geez. You're better than this.

Jamie বলেছেন...

So, a few others have shown up. Same question, for you: in what way do the actions described in the article, undertaken by the beneficent, patriotic, shadowy cabal, "save democracy"?

It's insufficient to discuss only the items that anyone would have undertaken in any such year as this, such as the need for PPE; that doesn't "save democracy" but rather only helps to protect the health of poll workers and voters. Laudable, but dwarfed by the (successful) effort to maximize unauditable mail-in voting, and unimportant in comparison to the (successful) effort to change voting procedures via state court rulings in contravention of state legislatures' decisions and state constitutions.

I truly want to know how the Democrat side, the rank and file, justifies these actions.

John henry বলেছেন...

In addition to Bezos,

Sullivan, the judge in the general Flynn case
Donahue, ceo of the us Chamber of Commerce
Jeff zucker head of cnn
Ceo of Wikipedia (though I can't find confirmation)

Announced that they were stepping down.

I am sure it's all just coincidence.

H/t @drawandstrike

John Henry

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

John Henry --- that is sarcasm, right?

Unknown বলেছেন...

Links on What John Henry mentioned.

Strange timing...

Tom Donohue, US Head of Chamber of Commerce

Wikipedia Change...

Head of Merck Stepping down:

Interesting on Sullivan Retiring. He did so much to discredit the Federal Judiciary. Between him and what Judge James Boasberg did, I am not sure who discredited the Federal Judiciary more.

Martin বলেছেন...

Their reasons for releasing what they released, when they released it, seem obvioous to me, though I haven't seen anyone else with this take.

The material and the timing are intertwined. It was released 3 days before Trump's impeachment trial starts, and if his team tries to intro material on why he thought the election "stolen" as a way of establishing his state of mind, they can say "this is old news, it's already been published and we know all there is to know about it." They will have framed it the way they want it framed, including what they say and what they omit, and will argue that no further inquiry will be porductive. It says the minimum they thought could be consistent with events and information already in the public record, omitting anything they think they can plausibly deny and keep hidden.

Who are "they"? The peole and organizations named in the article, plus plenty more. The top levels at DoJ, FBI and CIA, and numerous GOP bigs whose careers would be ruined if their overt actions to sabotage Trump were known. Other big Democrats, for sure. Numerous State and local officials. Maybe some judges, up to and including John Roberts, who kept the SupCt from doing anything before the election, signalling to all the lower courts that they can and should just stay away. Not that this was hard, as only Thomas and Alito seemed even somewhat interested, and Roberts and the 3 Democratic appointees certaily were happy to see Biden win by hook or by crook, and would have acted as they did even if no one talked to them (direvtly or, more likley or through cut-outs or Op-Eds).

If you think this cynical, I would refer you to the exchange between Michael and Kay in The Godfather, when Michael goes to Kay after returning from Sicily, about what powerful men do ("Who's being naive, Kay?")

This is a frequent play, was used multiple times in Russiagate in anticipation of the release of IG reports, for example. But the practice is decades old, and is, if not Public Relations 101, no more esoteric than P.R. 201.

It almost always works; always, when a compliant media is on your side. So, it will work this time, as well, if the subject even comes up. Any deeper knowledge is years, probably decades away, if ever.

The real questions revolve around was omitted.

Gospace বলেছেন...

David Begley said...
1. The main organization run by Pod at the AFL-CIO is what Biden was referring to as the The Greatest Election Fraud Organization of all time.

They used the virus to get mass mail-in voting. Lots of fake votes there. They improperly changed laws and the PA Constitution by regulations and statutes, respectively.

I'm getting in on this late. David, you're being far far too polite.

They didn't improperly change laws- they unconstitutionally ignored laws, and every challenge to the unconstitutional ignoring was beforehand either ruled unchallengeable, or allowed with the court's permission because "Emergency trumps Constitution" (which isn't in any of the states nor the federal constitution), sometimes not inly with the court's permission, but with the court's blessing, and a few times, ordered by judges themselves acting as dictators, and I'll bet every judge who ordered the unconstitutional ignoring of election laws did so because they knew they needed to because Trump is a dictator. It was a wholesale usurpation of the rule of law, and a republic exists only as long as the powers that be adhere to the law.

Now we've got a large part of the elite stating the first amendment is obsolete because internet.... it allows too much freedom, and that was never the intent of the Constitution.

Roughcoat, you're being too gentle. Get in his face, you know, Obama's advice. Call you're friend, who will be a former friend, exactly what he is- a stupid ignorant anti-freedom c---s-----r, of whatever you're favorite choice of insults might be. There's lots of classy ones that can be found if you don't want to be crude. And remember to ask: "Are you enjoying the new higher gasoline prices you voted for?" I can absorb the higher gas prices myself. It's next heating season's fuel prices I'm dreading. Much as I hate to because of the work involved, I'm planning on burning wood next winter. As long as it remains above 15°F I can burn wood- below that I have to run the boiler to keep the heating pipes running up the outside walls from freezing. Wanna guess how I discoered that?

David Begley বলেছেন...

Mid-Life: You had the Big C way worse than me.

RoseAnne বলেছেন...

During the post Floyd riots, I saw 3 videos from the riots that have stayed with me since. In all three, the speaker was an African American woman late 20's-early 40's.

The first was showing the damage to a local grocery store - not a mega store but with pretty decent size. What hadn't been stolen was destroyed. The poor woman kept repeating "How am I going to feed my kids?"

The second woman had found out a car with white kids was handing out bricks, etc to kids in the street during riots. Her first question to them was "Why are you trying to get young black men killed?" One of the young men tried to "explain" to this adult woman that they were doing it for her. She was having none of it. I remember her saying something to the effect of "You come down here every 4 years and tell us what you are going to do for us. Well no one asked for your help."

The third woman was just trying to get home when her car was surrounded. She told them to get out of her way. Again, the largely white group of teens, early 20's in front of her car tried to explain they were doing it for her. When she was not properly appreciative, they started claiming she was trying to drive through them. She was only able to leave because an older man took control of the situation and got the crowd to let her car through.

As I read the Time article, I thought of those 3 women. Nothing Time talked about helped them. They hadn't asked for the "help" but now they had to deal with the effects of it.

And the message was clear that people expected them (and us) to be grateful for the unsolicited help.

wendybar বলেছেন...

All I can say is DUH!!! Anybody with eyes could see how corrupt and rigged this election was. To act like it wasn't is wishful thinking. But with Intel, Media and Corporations on your side, you don't lose. They will cancel ANYBODY who thinks otherwise as you have since witnessed. Congratulations, and enjoy the Downfall, because it will not end well.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

Re. Voting machines and their software. It should be open source. There is only one reason for it to be proprietary: to ensure the results you need.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

Roughcoat said...
To the first commenter in this post, Roughcoat, I would suggest using cash.

Always do. Always. My momma didn't raise no fool.

2/6/21, 2:22 PM

Agreed. But there are some situations where cash is difficult, and close to impossible (requires a lot of effort and time - but then, I suppose, what is that worth?). Credit card companies are demonstrating that they don’t want us to buy what our political elites don’t want us to buy (for our own good, of course) but we need to use a credit card. Banks going the same way.

I don’t think the ‘coin shortage’ was a coincidence, but a convenient opportunity.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

David Begley said...

Who the fuck investigates? The DOJ? The Fake News? The Senate?

2/6/21, 2:39 PM

Which is why every lawsuit or request for investigation into individual locales dealing with election irregularities, fails: you are asking these people to investigate themselves.

Luke Lea বলেছেন...

The validation of signatures, unusual high rates of compared to previous elections, is the only area I've seen discussed where their might have been a systematic effort not to eliminate what might have possibly been invalid ballots, whether for legal reasons or possibilities of fraud. I remember reading about an add in the Philadelphia papers seeking to recruit poll watchers. What was remarkable is that you only had to be 16 years old to qualify (!) and were to receive, as I recall, several hundred dollars for days work. Not hard to see how such poll workers might have been not only unreliable but subject to manipulation. Were they all even literate? I have no idea.

This is the issue more than any other that needs to be investigated in the months ahead by independent investigative reporters. I wish Michael Tracy would step up, except he seems wedded to the idea that there is no evidence for systematic fraud on the basis that Biden's numbers in the black inner cities were in line with Obama's. But given that Trump was beginning to attract significant numbers of working-class blacks (and for very good reasons given is stands on trade and immigration) one would suspect Biden's support in places like Philadelphia could not not possibly approach Obama's

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Over 300 comments before I got here, so maybe someone already pointed out that the entire COVID lockdown scenario AND constant rioting in select cities was integral to “changing rules without changing laws” which is HOW they stole the election. They pretended a bad flu wave was The Black Plague for the very purpose of crashing the economy and driving ALL news other than COVID-fear and Trump-hate from the “news” and we did not hear anything outside that plan with the exception of “right wing media” here and there. Voices were silenced and almost all free-association quashed so people could not gather and talk about this at church and in bars and at school or sporting events. Laws were broken by key states flooding their people with ballots. All number of evil plans by Trump were alleged every day. Then POOF election over fuck off it was perfect no dispute. Nevermind the extreme mathematical aberrations. Nevermind the mumbling stumbling idiot they claim is our leader.

Why would they want to brag? They are sick with power and cannot help it. If you’d pulled off a scam like that and STILL have people convinced the Plague is STILL “threatening us” and all the power was accruing to the right people wouldn’t YOU exult and mock those deplorables you hate so much? Yes hate feeds on itself and the Trump hate has unfortunately sickened their souls, the power hungry badtards.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

The material and the timing are intertwined. It was released 3 days before Trump's impeachment trial starts, and if his team tries to intro material on why he thought the election "stolen" as a way of establishing his state of mind, they can say "this is old news, it's already been published and we know all there is to know about it." They will have framed it the way they want it framed, including what they say and what they omit, and will argue that no further inquiry will be porductive. It says the minimum they thought could be consistent with events and information already in the public record, omitting anything they think they can plausibly deny and keep hidden.

That is an interesting theory -- and certainly original -- but the mainstream media have been very effective in suppressing evidence and marginalizing and stigmatizing accusations relating to voter fraud. If Trump's team brings up such allegations, which they may not, the establishment media won't have much trouble swatting them down.

Sure, some outrider may call the charges old news - voter fraud happens in all elections, but it wasn't enough to swing the election -- but the media did a good job in denying all accusations oxygen and sunlight and there was no indication that they needed to stop. The Time story opens up a can of worms that the rest of the club would like unopened. It only hurts the effort to put this all behind us, so the timing is still puzzling.

Bezos - sure, he's stepping down from running the day-to-day operations of Amazon, but that doesn't mean he's retreating into powerlessness or a merely formal position. My guess is he's smart enough to keep the final say on everything important for himself.

Leland বলেছেন...

David Begley said...

Who the fuck investigates? The DOJ? The Fake News? The Senate?

2/6/21, 2:39 PM

Which is why every lawsuit or request for investigation into individual locales dealing with election irregularities, fails: you are asking these people to investigate themselves.


They fail because you declare yourself the loser prior to even contesting the point. You've already conceded that you expect the DOJ to rule against you, the Fake News not to cover your concern, and the Senate to let you down. If you don't demand better; then your complaints will be treated as the same old whining. You'll fold the moment anyone calls your hand. You got a strong hand, play it!

n.n বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Rusty বলেছেন...

Blogger ken in tx said...
"Has anybody ever explained what Biden meant to say, when he said that they had set the most extensive voter fraud campaign ever, or words to that effect? What possibly innocent remark was he trying to express? Or was he simply saying the truth but forgetting where he was and who he was talking to."
Well, Ken. For any of the usual suspects to address this question they're going to have to admit one of two things. One. The election was stolen and Biden admitted it out loud. That it wasn't stolen and the guy they elected is a drooling, demented idiot.
We here know that both are true. The election was stolen and the it is up to the left to prove it wasn't. They aren't doing that because the election was stolen. And Biden is a demented idiot.
"Never underestimate Joe Bidens ability to fuck things up."-Barak Obama

Largo বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...
//Inga, I also laughed at those things. If you're not laughing at both//

I suspect that the reason you refrained from mentioning having guffawed at other things, Freeman, is that your bringining it up would have had nothing to do with the topic of discussion.

I suspect that you would have reasonably thought that to so would have *distracted* from the topic.

Largo বলেছেন...

Arturo Ui said...
//It gets even worse. There is a postscript to the Time article, where Joe Biden is secretly recorded on a call to the Georgia Secretary of State, demanding that Brad Raffensberger find 11,780 votes for him.

Oh sorry I think I misidentifed the caller's name above.//

Then why did you press 'publish'?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Interesting times we live in. The ChiComs and the super rich Wall Street players worked together to stop Trump before he stopped them from continued looting of the American middle class that voted him in. But at least Trump ruined their plans for releasing the Super Virus in 2025. They had to deploy it just to justify the ballot frauds by mail in votes implemented by Dem Governors and Secretary of States including bribed Republicans. All Trump expected was a real court challenge. But that was also bribed out of courts pretending no standing. Very sad stuff.

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