Excellent. I expect to see you everywhere after your second shot. The only way we get back to normal is immune people start living their lives again. There's a 70 something woman in my church congregation who recovered from COVID over Christmas. She hasn't worn a mask since. I appreciate her.
"Everything is going to be fine. You're very high right now. You will probably be that way for five more hours. Try taking some Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C complex. If you have beer, go ahead and drink it.
I've got my second dose scheduled for 21 days from now.
The UW Clinics had a very orderly system. I did have an appointment that was rescheduled and then rescheduled again — both times for shortages. So it looked like I'd have to wait until the end of March. But I went into my on-line chart and clicked "reschedule" and got an appointment for today. I'm happy with that.
I got vaccinated on the 23rd. Very, very sore arm at the site of the injection within a few hours but I used Tylenol for day and a half and today my arm is fine. Really glad to have no other side effects such as fever, etc. Not looking forward to the second shot as that is reported to be more likely to produce more severe side effects.
Even with all that I feel very relieved to be in the vaccination process, knowing that now there is much less chance of a catastrophic outcome if I get infected. Glad to be part of the solution to this horrible plague.
We had a very impressive injection site, a repurposed drive-in theater/flea market.
Based on what I have read, you should have a fairly high level of immunity within a couple of weeks. Totally agree with Birches and Wild Chicken. Time to get back to normal, aggressively.
I got my Moderna vaccine 3 weeks ago and I am already dropping the mask in situations where others aren't using theirs. (Not that the mask protected me, but it was protection for others.) But now I'm done signaling that I am a responsible person. Won't object to using a mask in stores, etc. for months into the future, but planning dinner parties with others who have been vaccinated and a good deal more active support for neighborhood restaurants.
Younger people are reporting more side effects than us older people. A friend our age in Texas got her second shot yesterday, she reported feeling chilled, with slight headache and sore joints for only about 12 hours.
I went from not being even able to get on a waiting list to being scheduled for a shot in less than 24 hours after my call. So far so good. I kept the day clear in case of a reaction but am still fine 12 hours later.
The hospital where I went was built in a renovated mall so I had my shot next to the fountain where I used to meet my friends when we went shopping in high school.
I jabbed on the 20th. I had several hours at 99.8 that afternoon (I normally run in the low 96’s), and another hour or so the next day. All of it near as dammit to ignorable. No pain at all at the injection sight.
Which means I can now continue giving no schitt’s at all about Winnie Xi Flu.
I received the second shot (Pfizer) 5 hours ago. My only symptom after the first shot was a mildly sore arm. So far I've avoided even the arm pain with the second shot.
The others waiting in line with me were 70+ and many looked like they would struggle to survive the flu. There were a number of wheelchairs and walkers. The patients looked like the 4:30 PM crowd at a local (pre-COVID) Friday fish fry. It was a harsh reminder that old age is not for sissies.
Walgreens in Waukesha County never seems to have any appointments available. I try a couple of times everyday. Maybe Dane County is better supplied with vaccine in the pharmacies. Who knows?
"I don't think they cancel you — they reschedule, right?"
Yes, I misspoke. But what an unstable system. They let me schedule for Mar 5 while at the same time booting my wife's Mar 6 appt. to April due to lack of supply. I'm not very confident.
I'm sticking with UW because I'm somewhat more confident they'll honor my second shot.
Althouse - did you get paperwork proving you were vaccinated? I ask because there's talk we'll need it if we want to travel in the future. A friend of mine who got vaccinated in PA got prove-of-vaccination paperwork.. A card or something.
I got the first shot Tuesday and afterward kept moving my arm so the vaccine wouldn't "pool up in one place." Urban legend? Anyhow, no pain except right at the site of the shot and only then if I touched it; no side effects so far. I've had worse mosquito bites.
Well! Althouse, you’re bringing luck to a couple of people today. I thought I’d try Walgreens again today for the second time and I just got an appointment for Saturday!
Inga said... Walgreens in Waukesha County never seems to have any appointments available.
There's usually a day and a time of day when they open for scheduling. Like 10am Tuesdays for North Shore Health Department. You sign up in advance and then slam in at 10am through your computer. They're filled in minutes. Aren't you a health care worker? - your hospital should have better info than Walgreens.
Congrats. Now you can stay at home, wear a mask and socially distance when going out -- but only for essential activities -- and never go to a restaurant or theater and never hug or even touch people that you do not reside with.
Inga said... Younger people are reporting more side effects than us older people. A friend our age in Texas got her second shot yesterday, she reported feeling chilled, with slight headache and sore joints for only about 12 hours. ************
That's what a nurse told me when I got my second shot yesterday. The irony is, young people overwhelmingly don't die from covid whether they get the vaccine or not, while for us geezers it's a new lease on life.
Of course, if the vaccine reduces transmission in everyone, it's a great thing.
(Aside from a sore arm I haven't had any side effects from either shot.)
Congrats. You'll notice a small nodule coming out of the base of your neck overnight. Nothing to worry about. It'll look just like you when it's fully grown. I find my two heads are better than just the old one.
One set of grandparents has been vaccinated. The other, in a different state, are still waiting for an opening. We very much look forward to a visit from them once it is done.
Althouse should send a nice Thank You! card to Donald Trump for his "Operation Warp Speed" drive to create and distribute a vaccine in the shortest time in the history of public health.
She should also loudly damn Joe the Idiot's shitfaced lies, particularly the one he uttered this afternoon.
I had my first shot on Feb 4th and have the 2nd one scheduled this Saturday. Then - life resumes - ha ha!!! Just glad to have this part over - now to get moving towards opening up more businesses and schools.
“There's usually a day and a time of day when they open for scheduling. Like 10am Tuesdays for North Shore Health Department. You sign up in advance and then slam in at 10am through your computer. They're filled in minutes. Aren't you a health care worker? - your hospital should have better info than Walgreens.”
When WHO is open for scheduling? Waukesha County health department as of yet has no mechanism for signing up for any appointments. You go to Walgreens website, if you have an account you sign in and plug in the info and IF they have appointments they let you schedule. For over three weeks they didn’t have any appointments in my area, that was the notice I was given.
As for my healthcare provider/hospital system, I have Pro Health Care and they tell you to WAIT until you are given an “invitation” which shows up on your electronic record, called My Chart.
System in WA state was totally f**cked up for a few weeks (for those over 65) but DH and I were able to do a drive-thru over 2 weeks ago. Appts for 1000 doses were closed w/in less than an hour.
The real problem - older folks who aren't internet savvy. Elderly family friend has been on a "wait list" with his regular doctor/clinic for over 8 weeks - hasn't received "the call". From what I can tell, it's meaningless and he's been waiting for that phone call that never comes.
Our two biggest hospitals in East King County (Evergreen and Overlake) have partnered with Microsoft and King County for a mega-site on Microsoft's corporate campus. Only problem for our elderly family friend? He's white. From the press release:
Organizers are reaching out intentionally to eligible older adults hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic first, including those in the Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Ukrainian and Russian communities."
Most disgusting of all? When one looks at the stats for WA State the Covid "death" percentage by ethnicity is almost exactly the same as percent of population. The ONE group that had a higher death rate??? Non-Hispanic whites (71% of deaths; 68% of population).
For the first time today I had a pang of regret not being able to sit at my favorite spot at the Hilldale Great Dane bar. I think it's because it's feeling like spring.
Finally got around to watching Richard Jewell. Excellent movie, over two hours but seems shorter. Great acting. The press and especially the FBI look terrible.
Congratulations! I'm a bit younger so I'll have to wait, possibly until late spring or early summer since I'm not a health care worker or essential worker. This pandemic has been so gloomy, I feel happy reading all the comments about people getting vaccinated. Going back to somewhat normal life. I think this summer is going to be amazing. We'll be masked but not anonymous.
I'm very happy that the odds of our hostess being around for awhile have just improved. Don't know what I'd do without these posts -- and these comments.
Congrats. My sister, who's your age, has also been shot. Maybe twice. Not sure. I have a physical on Monday. I'll probably learn something then. Maybe they'll surprise me with a shot.
Wife got vaccinated today at work. A medical clinic where she does billing and insurance. I found out I was positive for anti bodies when I donated blood. They wanted convalescent plasma from me, so I did that yesterday. The blood center will contact me with my level of antibodies and let me know if the level is high enough to donate once a week. If they want it, I'll do the once a week for four weeks.
I know us commenters are a self selected sample, but it feels like even the sheep have had enough of the phony shutdown theater. We were in Des Moines last night for business, then ate supper at a great bar/steak house on Ingersoll. The place was busy. But we've been eating out since the governor allowed dine in service back in the spring.
Shots usually aren't a problem for me, but I reacted to the last one--flu shot?-- with red swelling and heat at the left arm injection site for about a day.
Most everyone I know here is eagerly awaiting any of the vaccines they can get, but I'm happy to hang back and let the herd immunize itself. I could probably get one right away with my co-morbs but there's no rush. I suspect that the people who are most eager for the vacc and the most compliant with masks and distance will want to continue that way-- and I think if those folks ever visit my home I'll insist on both, vaccinated or not.
My wife had her second shot (teacher priority) of the Pfizer vaccine. Her main complaint is that she gained four pounds after each shot. She already lost the first four, so I am guessing it is water and stress weight.
She has been working her ass of trying to get me scheduled for my first shot, but the system is ridiculous. I am not in any hurry.
“I suspect that the people who are most eager for the vacc and the most compliant with masks and distance will want to continue that way-- and I think if those folks ever visit my home I'll insist on both, vaccinated or not.”
I think those who are vaccinated will be perfectly willing to visit sans mask with other vaccinated or immune people. There are only three more people in my immediate family who need vaccinations. We’re already planning a family gathering to make up for Christmas and Thanksgiving, maybe by Easter if we’re lucky.
I could probably get one right away with my co-morbs but there's no rush.
Really depends where you are. E.g., I think DC is now scheduling vaccinations for people under 65 with existing conditions, but just across the Potomac, Arlington County is not, and on Nextdoor I see a lot of people over 65 (they are eligible for appointments ahead of under 65 + health condition) fretting that they can't get an appointment.
If you are worried about getting sick before you’re vaccinated then request a script for Ivermectin from your doc and keep in your pocket. Take D3, C, Zinc daily in the meantime. I MAST is the protocol.
Got my first shot of Moderna's 8 days ago and, unbeknownst to me, some of us extra "lucky" ones get something called Covid arm after about a week. It's supposed to last only a few days but right now, the itching is maddening.
My wife and I got our second Moderna shot 2 weeks ago. The process is moving pretty efficiently here in North Texas (or was until last week’s Big Freeze). It feels like a great burden has been lifted. We are extremely grateful for Operation Warp Speed. Everyone get vaccinated, please!
Got mine today too - no thanks to the Colorado State lack of an integrated approach for getting people scheduled. Was signed up across 8 different organizations getting no feedback.
In true American Creativity and free enterprise mode, someone put together this site "https://vaccine-finder.nickm.org/" which scans a bunch of providers and lets you know who has open appointments and links you directly to their website. Its updated frequently and I was able to snag a close appointment location. The author has expanded it's reach to most of the States. And it's freeware - bless these people. Give it a try.
Central Nebraska. My doctor's practice is giving vaccinations to their own patients, apparently with their own supply, not working with the local health department. I was put on a list and scheduled due to health conditions (age 66). Got the first shot, Pfizer, Feb 9 and was immediately scheduled for the second exactly three weeks later, which will be next Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I was bumped up ahead of others my age, and am grateful but also sobered.
At first I felt kind of guilty about being free, but then I realized that there are lots of businesses, small and otherwise, who need people to get spending again. So I hit the road to visit friends, then ended up in the hospital for something totally unrelated to COVID. Well, I am better now, so here goes again!
They give yo a little paper card from the CDC with the vaccine types and dates on it, I laminated mine and keep it in my wallet in the unlikely event that it will ever be of use, like if I want to travel.
The refuseniks won’t be enough to save this virus. Combination of the naturally temporarily immune and the vaccinated combined with the fact that effective treatments will no longer be suppressed because they might help Trump will be enough to make the pandemic a bad memory
I got the first shot in one arm, and the second shot in to other, and both sites were sore after the second shot, and after about four days a bruise appeared where I got the second shot, but it was only mildly uncomfortable and went away in a day.
I am one of the youngest of nine children, most of my siblings have now been vaccinated. Thank you Donald John Trump. We are going to meet in a month to inter the ashes of my mother who passed, likely from COVID, last spring.
In a few days, I'll have my second shot. I agree with Rand Paul that those of us who are now immune must stop wearing masks, or life will never get back to normal. However, I cannot picture myself having the courage to go into a store without a mask. Ann, will you and Meade have the courage to take back your civil rights?
One sibling is overwrought that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were tested on a stem cell line dating back to a 1973 elective abortion, and for anti-abortion ethical reasons opposes taking them. Despite the pope saying it was OK.
My sibling is a potential heretic! How cool is that!
I got my second shot yesterday. I’m 56 so I don’t know how I got in so early. I felt nothing after the first shot but today I feel like I was in a car accident, fatigued and sore all over. But not really too bad all things considered.
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८६ टिप्पण्या:
Fauci Ouchie!
Excellent. I expect to see you everywhere after your second shot. The only way we get back to normal is immune people start living their lives again. There's a 70 something woman in my church congregation who recovered from COVID over Christmas. She hasn't worn a mask since. I appreciate her.
Congratulations! I read that half of WI people over 65 have now been vaccinated. I’m still waiting for my “invitation”
My second is next week.
Then it's Hello World.
"Everything is going to be fine. You're very high right now. You will probably be that way for five more hours. Try taking some Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C complex. If you have beer, go ahead and drink it.
"Just remember you're a living organism on this planet, and you're very safe. You've just taken a heavy drug. Relax, stay inside, and listen to some music. Do you have any Allman Brothers?"
I've got my second dose scheduled for 21 days from now.
The UW Clinics had a very orderly system. I did have an appointment that was rescheduled and then rescheduled again — both times for shortages. So it looked like I'd have to wait until the end of March. But I went into my on-line chart and clicked "reschedule" and got an appointment for today. I'm happy with that.
I got that Pfizer vaccine.
I got vaccinated on the 23rd. Very, very sore arm at the site of the injection within a few hours but I used Tylenol for day and a half and today my arm is fine. Really glad to have no other side effects such as fever, etc. Not looking forward to the second shot as that is reported to be more likely to produce more severe side effects.
Even with all that I feel very relieved to be in the vaccination process, knowing that now there is much less chance of a catastrophic outcome if I get infected. Glad to be part of the solution to this horrible plague.
We had a very impressive injection site, a repurposed drive-in theater/flea market.
Did you make a Jabby McJabface?
I'm not a youngster but I still expect to wait a couple of more months.
My 92yo father in CA just got his first shot last week...
Didn't know you could reschedule. I just moved mine up by 3 weeks.
Double masks must be worn. This isn't beanbag you know!
And, DON'T call him MR. Potatohead
@Orig Mike
You're welcome!
Based on what I have read, you should have a fairly high level of immunity within a couple of weeks. Totally agree with Birches and Wild Chicken. Time to get back to normal, aggressively.
I got my Moderna vaccine 3 weeks ago and I am already dropping the mask in situations where others aren't using theirs. (Not that the mask protected me, but it was protection for others.) But now I'm done signaling that I am a responsible person. Won't object to using a mask in stores, etc. for months into the future, but planning dinner parties with others who have been vaccinated and a good deal more active support for neighborhood restaurants.
I went to a big drive-thru facility, where you don't get out of your car.
It was in the far north section of town, so obscure that there was a street called Ronald Reagan Avenue.
Good for you. I hope the side effects are minimal, and the intended effect maximal.
“I went to a big drive-thru facility, where you don't get out of your car.”
My daughter was there today for her second shot. They told her because she was younger she would probably have some side effects.
UW just rescheduled 4,000 people who had appts next week. Again, because of a shortage.
>> there was a street called Ronald Reagan Avenue.
Didn't he own slaves?
So UW lets me make an appointment for Mar 5, yet they're cancelling my wife's March 6 appointment. Hmmmm.
I got my 1st Moderna last week. 2nd is scheduled for 3/17. I may be drunk that day so
Younger people are reporting more side effects than us older people. A friend our age in Texas got her second shot yesterday, she reported feeling chilled, with slight headache and sore joints for only about 12 hours.
Got my first shot today as well.
I went from not being even able to get on a waiting list to being scheduled for a shot in less than 24 hours after my call. So far so good. I kept the day clear in case of a reaction but am still fine 12 hours later.
The hospital where I went was built in a renovated mall so I had my shot next to the fountain where I used to meet my friends when we went shopping in high school.
I jabbed on the 20th. I had several hours at 99.8 that afternoon (I normally run in the low 96’s), and another hour or so the next day. All of it near as dammit to ignorable. No pain at all at the injection sight.
Which means I can now continue giving no schitt’s at all about Winnie Xi Flu.
Way to go Ann. You're well on your way to becoming a free woman.
"UW just rescheduled 4,000 people who had appts next week. Again, because of a shortage."
Yeah, I bet they cancel me again.
Mine was the Moderna shot.
Don't know if that makes a difference in the reaction.
I received the second shot (Pfizer) 5 hours ago. My only symptom after the first shot was a mildly sore arm. So far I've avoided even the arm pain with the second shot.
The others waiting in line with me were 70+ and many looked like they would struggle to survive the flu. There were a number of wheelchairs and walkers. The patients looked like the 4:30 PM crowd at a local (pre-COVID) Friday fish fry. It was a harsh reminder that old age is not for sissies.
"Yeah, I bet they cancel me again."
I don't think they cancel you — they reschedule, right? Then just go in and re-reschedule yourself.
You can also check out Walgreens.
“You can also check out Walgreens.”
Walgreens in Waukesha County never seems to have any appointments available. I try a couple of times everyday. Maybe Dane County is better supplied with vaccine in the pharmacies. Who knows?
"I don't think they cancel you — they reschedule, right?"
Yes, I misspoke. But what an unstable system. They let me schedule for Mar 5 while at the same time booting my wife's Mar 6 appt. to April due to lack of supply. I'm not very confident.
I'm sticking with UW because I'm somewhat more confident they'll honor my second shot.
Althouse - did you get paperwork proving you were vaccinated? I ask because there's talk we'll need it if we want to travel in the future. A friend of mine who got vaccinated in PA got prove-of-vaccination paperwork.. A card or something.
I got the first shot Tuesday and afterward kept moving my arm so the vaccine wouldn't "pool up in one place." Urban legend? Anyhow, no pain except right at the site of the shot and only then if I touched it; no side effects so far. I've had worse mosquito bites.
Well! Althouse, you’re bringing luck to a couple of people today. I thought I’d try Walgreens again today for the second time and I just got an appointment for Saturday!
Inga said...
Walgreens in Waukesha County never seems to have any appointments available.
There's usually a day and a time of day when they open for scheduling. Like 10am Tuesdays for North Shore Health Department. You sign up in advance and then slam in at 10am through your computer. They're filled in minutes. Aren't you a health care worker? - your hospital should have better info than Walgreens.
"I got vaccinated."
Congrats. Now you can stay at home, wear a mask and socially distance when going out -- but only for essential activities -- and never go to a restaurant or theater and never hug or even touch people that you do not reside with.
Inga said...
Younger people are reporting more side effects than us older people. A friend our age in Texas got her second shot yesterday, she reported feeling chilled, with slight headache and sore joints for only about 12 hours.
That's what a nurse told me when I got my second shot yesterday. The irony is, young people overwhelmingly don't die from covid whether they get the vaccine or not, while for us geezers it's a new lease on life.
Of course, if the vaccine reduces transmission in everyone, it's a great thing.
(Aside from a sore arm I haven't had any side effects from either shot.)
Congrats. You'll notice a small nodule coming out of the base of your neck overnight. Nothing to worry about. It'll look just like you when it's fully grown. I find my two heads are better than just the old one.
One set of grandparents has been vaccinated. The other, in a different state, are still waiting for an opening. We very much look forward to a visit from them once it is done.
Althouse should send a nice Thank You! card to Donald Trump for his "Operation Warp Speed" drive to create and distribute a vaccine in the shortest time in the history of public health.
She should also loudly damn Joe the Idiot's shitfaced lies, particularly the one he uttered this afternoon.
I had my first shot on Feb 4th and have the 2nd one scheduled this Saturday. Then - life resumes - ha ha!!! Just glad to have this part over - now to get moving towards opening up more businesses and schools.
“There's usually a day and a time of day when they open for scheduling. Like 10am Tuesdays for North Shore Health Department. You sign up in advance and then slam in at 10am through your computer. They're filled in minutes. Aren't you a health care worker? - your hospital should have better info than Walgreens.”
When WHO is open for scheduling? Waukesha County health department as of yet has no mechanism for signing up for any appointments. You go to Walgreens website, if you have an account you sign in and plug in the info and IF they have appointments they let you schedule. For over three weeks they didn’t have any appointments in my area, that was the notice I was given.
As for my healthcare provider/hospital system, I have Pro Health Care and they tell you to WAIT until you are given an “invitation” which shows up on your electronic record, called My Chart.
my second shot was last week. I now have Trump strength antibodies in my system. fully immune, I think i'll find some mass transit just for kicks.
Walgreens also gave me an appointment right away for the 2nd dose a month later.
Got my first shot my first shot 2 weeks ago. Pfizer also. Only very slight ache in arm for about a day. Actually much less than I had with flu shot.
Congrats Althouse.
System in WA state was totally f**cked up for a few weeks (for those over 65) but DH and I were able to do a drive-thru over 2 weeks ago. Appts for 1000 doses were closed w/in less than an hour.
The real problem - older folks who aren't internet savvy. Elderly family friend has been on a "wait list" with his regular doctor/clinic for over 8 weeks - hasn't received "the call". From what I can tell, it's meaningless and he's been waiting for that phone call that never comes.
Our two biggest hospitals in East King County (Evergreen and Overlake) have partnered with Microsoft and King County for a mega-site on Microsoft's corporate campus. Only problem for our elderly family friend? He's white. From the press release:
Organizers are reaching out intentionally to eligible older adults hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic first, including those in the Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Ukrainian and Russian communities."
Most disgusting of all? When one looks at the stats for WA State the Covid "death" percentage by ethnicity is almost exactly the same as percent of population. The ONE group that had a higher death rate??? Non-Hispanic whites (71% of deaths; 68% of population).
“ Althouse - did you get paperwork proving you were vaccinated? ”
My mother just got her second shot, in Virginia.
Thank you for the reply.
Got my second Tuesday, Wednesday was rough....like having flu
I had a second Pfizer vaccination Wednesday evening. Reactions so far?
- 1st dose: sore arm w/ no other side effects
- 2nd dose: sore arm, stuffy sinus, mild achiness & lethargy
Didn't experience any fever. Mind control? TBD.
For the first time today I had a pang of regret not being able to sit at my favorite spot at the Hilldale Great Dane bar. I think it's because it's feeling like spring.
Congratulations. Pretty soon you can cough on Karens
Excellent news.
I think there will be a groundswell as those who have been vaccinated tell their overlords to cut the crap and let them get back to business.
Finally got around to watching Richard Jewell. Excellent movie, over two hours but seems shorter. Great acting. The press and especially the FBI look terrible.
Congratulations! I'm a bit younger so I'll have to wait, possibly until late spring or early summer since I'm not a health care worker or essential worker. This pandemic has been so gloomy, I feel happy reading all the comments about people getting vaccinated. Going back to somewhat normal life. I think this summer is going to be amazing. We'll be masked but not anonymous.
Actually much less than I had with flu shot.
The worst shot I've had was for shingles, I was tired for several days.
I'm very happy that the odds of our hostess being around for awhile have just improved. Don't know what I'd do without these posts -- and these comments.
Congrats. My sister, who's your age, has also been shot. Maybe twice. Not sure. I have a physical on Monday. I'll probably learn something then. Maybe they'll surprise me with a shot.
Wife got vaccinated today at work. A medical clinic where she does billing and insurance. I found out I was positive for anti bodies when I donated blood. They wanted convalescent plasma from me, so I did that yesterday. The blood center will contact me with my level of antibodies and let me know if the level is high enough to donate once a week. If they want it, I'll do the once a week for four weeks.
I know us commenters are a self selected sample, but it feels like even the sheep have had enough of the phony shutdown theater.
We were in Des Moines last night for business, then ate supper at a great bar/steak house on Ingersoll. The place was busy. But we've been eating out since the governor allowed dine in service back in the spring.
Shots usually aren't a problem for me, but I reacted to the last one--flu shot?-- with red swelling and heat at the left arm injection site for about a day.
Most everyone I know here is eagerly awaiting any of the vaccines they can get, but I'm happy to hang back and let the herd immunize itself. I could probably get one right away with my co-morbs but there's no rush. I suspect that the people who are most eager for the vacc and the most compliant with masks and distance will want to continue that way-- and I think if those folks ever visit my home I'll insist on both, vaccinated or not.
Can't be too careful
Congrats to all the people that are now sterile.
My wife had her second shot (teacher priority) of the Pfizer vaccine. Her main complaint is that she gained four pounds after each shot. She already lost the first four, so I am guessing it is water and stress weight.
She has been working her ass of trying to get me scheduled for my first shot, but the system is ridiculous. I am not in any hurry.
“I suspect that the people who are most eager for the vacc and the most compliant with masks and distance will want to continue that way-- and I think if those folks ever visit my home I'll insist on both, vaccinated or not.”
I think those who are vaccinated will be perfectly willing to visit sans mask with other vaccinated or immune people. There are only three more people in my immediate family who need vaccinations. We’re already planning a family gathering to make up for Christmas and Thanksgiving, maybe by Easter if we’re lucky.
Re: Narr:
I could probably get one right away with my co-morbs but there's no rush.
Really depends where you are. E.g., I think DC is now scheduling vaccinations for people under 65 with existing conditions, but just across the Potomac, Arlington County is not, and on Nextdoor I see a lot of people over 65 (they are eligible for appointments ahead of under 65 + health condition) fretting that they can't get an appointment.
Congrats!! Maybe I missed it, what about Meade?
Existing conditions did me no good in Wisconsin.
If you are worried about getting sick before you’re vaccinated then request a script for Ivermectin from your doc and keep in your pocket. Take D3, C, Zinc daily in the meantime. I MAST is the protocol.
The fake flu has taught me that women are hypochodriacs and sheeple.
How do you know that they gave you a "vaccine"? Why do you trust these clowns?
Got my first shot of Moderna's 8 days ago and, unbeknownst to me, some of us extra "lucky" ones get something called Covid arm after about a week. It's supposed to last only a few days but right now, the itching is maddening.
My wife and I got our second Moderna shot 2 weeks ago. The process is moving pretty efficiently here in North Texas (or was until last week’s Big Freeze). It feels like a great burden has been lifted. We are extremely grateful for Operation Warp Speed. Everyone get vaccinated, please!
Got mine today too - no thanks to the Colorado State lack of an integrated approach for getting people scheduled. Was signed up across 8 different organizations getting no feedback.
In true American Creativity and free enterprise mode, someone put together this site "https://vaccine-finder.nickm.org/" which scans a bunch of providers and lets you know who has open appointments and links you directly to their website. Its updated frequently and I was able to snag a close appointment location. The author has expanded it's reach to most of the States. And it's freeware - bless these people. Give it a try.
Professora said ...
I got that Pfizer vaccine.
was there any other choice? did you want choice?
how much info did you receive to elicit your consent to be jabbed?
Central Nebraska. My doctor's practice is giving vaccinations to their own patients, apparently with their own supply, not working with the local health department. I was put on a list and scheduled due to health conditions (age 66). Got the first shot, Pfizer, Feb 9 and was immediately scheduled for the second exactly three weeks later, which will be next Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I was bumped up ahead of others my age, and am grateful but also sobered.
My hospital is supposed to contact me. Crickets.
I am feeling like chopped liver.
At first I felt kind of guilty about being free, but then I realized that there are lots of businesses, small and otherwise, who need people to get spending again. So I hit the road to visit friends, then ended up in the hospital for something totally unrelated to COVID. Well, I am better now, so here goes again!
They give yo a little paper card from the CDC with the vaccine types and dates on it, I laminated mine and keep it in my wallet in the unlikely event that it will ever be of use, like if I want to travel.
The refuseniks won’t be enough to save this virus. Combination of the naturally temporarily immune and the vaccinated combined with the fact that effective treatments will no longer be suppressed because they might help Trump will be enough to make the pandemic a bad memory
"Covid arm after about a week.”
I got the first shot in one arm, and the second shot in to other, and both sites were sore after the second shot, and after about four days a bruise appeared where I got the second shot, but it was only mildly uncomfortable and went away in a day.
I am one of the youngest of nine children, most of my siblings have now been vaccinated. Thank you Donald John Trump. We are going to meet in a month to inter the ashes of my mother who passed, likely from COVID, last spring.
In a few days, I'll have my second shot. I agree with Rand Paul that those of us who are now immune must stop wearing masks, or life will never get back to normal.
However, I cannot picture myself having the courage to go into a store without a mask. Ann, will you and Meade have the courage to take back your civil rights?
One sibling is overwrought that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were tested on a stem cell line dating back to a 1973 elective abortion, and for anti-abortion ethical reasons opposes taking them. Despite the pope saying it was OK.
My sibling is a potential heretic! How cool is that!
I got my second shot yesterday. I’m 56 so I don’t know how I got in so early. I felt nothing after the first shot but today I feel like I was in a car accident, fatigued and sore all over. But not really too bad all things considered.
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