"... the only one on my floor. A signed photograph of the Governor appeared in my closed-door office while I was out. These were not-so-subtle reminders of the Governor exploiting the power dynamic with the women around him. In 2018, I was promoted to Deputy Secretary for Economic Development and Special Advisor to the Governor. I initially turned the job down — not because I didn’t want the responsibility or work but because I didn’t want to be near him. I finally accepted the position at the Governor’s insistence with one requirement — I would keep my old agency office and remain on a separate floor from him and his inner circle. The Governor’s pervasive harassment extended beyond just me. He made unflattering comments about the weight of female colleagues. He ridiculed them about their romantic relationships and significant others. He said the reasons that men get women were 'money and power.' I tried to excuse his behavior. I told myself 'it’s only words.' But that changed after a one-on-one briefing with the Governor to update him on economic and infrastructure projects. We were in his New York City office on Third Avenue. As I got up to leave and walk toward an open door, he stepped in front of me and kissed me on the lips. I was in shock, but I kept walking. I left past the desk of Stephanie Benton. I was scared she had seen the kiss. The idea that someone might think I held my high-ranking position because of the Governor’s 'crush' on me was more demeaning than the kiss itself...."
From "My story of working with Governor Cuomo" by Lindsey Boylan (Medium).
There's also, "The Andrew Cuomo Show Has Lost the Plot/Is bullying fellow Democrats part of the New York governor’s brand, or just a print storyline that didn’t make it to the screen?" by Alex Pareene (The New Republic).
१३२ टिप्पण्या:
Cuomo is like Nancy. Power so woven into the fiber and essence of the being, the obnoxious behavior is totally normal to these freaks and mobsters.
The Gold Standard.
I'm not saying there's some secret cabal who regularly meets to discuss who's next to be thrown under the bus but
I dunno, maybe I am. I watched how Armie Hammer was systematically destroyed, and there is no way you can convince me that wasn't an orchestrated campaign
Why are they suddenly coming after Cuomo and why now?
It's fine that his policies and decisions were responsible for the death of thousands. Good for an Emmy and a book (no publisher hesitated to publish his book). Kissing a woman without approval? That's his end.
He's scum through and through. It's just funny to me what the Democrats and the press are willing to accept and what they are not willing to accept. Had Cuomo still been useful to them, this would not get airplay.
Roses? No! Sex differences. Abort the bastard, cannibalize his profitable parts, and sequester his carbon pollutants.
People who debate whether Andrew is Fredo or Chris is Fredo are missing the point. They're both Fredo.
And who is surprised at any of this?
from his wiki page,
"He graduated from St. Gerard Majella's School in 1971 [CATHOLIC SCHOOL] and Archbishop Molloy High School in 1975 [CATHOLIC SCHOOL]. He received a B.A. from Fordham University in 1979 [CATHOLIC SCHOOL], and a J.D. from Albany Law School in 1982."
With nipples like his, Gov. Cuomo must be catnip to the ladies.
The rest, yeah, that's the very model of sex-oriented harassment. Not quite reaching the level of interns, delegates, actresses and actors, subordinates, and children with "benefits", but appalling nonetheless.
And who is surprised at any of this?
from his wiki page,
"He graduated from St. Gerard Majella's School in 1971 [CATHOLIC SCHOOL] and Archbishop Molloy High School in 1975 [CATHOLIC SCHOOL]. He received a B.A. from Fordham University in 1979 [CATHOLIC SCHOOL], and a J.D. from Albany Law School in 1982."
What the fuck is this bigotry?
The dude has bar-bells pierced through his nipples. It was the most significant development in his 2020 international rise. I'd assume he sees himself as a "playa".
But either way, who gives a shit? Liberal women fawn all over the purity of these guys like Cuomo; they cover for them and attack anyone else as beasts.
Plus, they only come forward after the dude is a bit tarnished, or conservative and nominated for the Supreme Court. I don't care if she's telling the truth or not. Why wait until AFTER he killed thousands of nursing home residents. Didn't want to wreck his Emmy? Screw all these people.
Fortunately for the MSM the (Republican) attorney general of South Dakota lied to police about a fatal hit and run. So that's a good Squirrel! to avoid having to talk to much about the current Cuomo dumpster fire I guess.
"Bob Boyd said...
Why are they suddenly coming after Cuomo and why now?"
Threat to VP Harris the Whore.
because Cuomo is no longer useful to the Dems, and in fact is a threat to the Obama wing of the party
Yes, the equation, even with liberal license, cannot be balanced. The man from Planned Parent/hood is a threat, a competitor, and a liability to the party and is no longer politically congruent. That said, more than sixteen trimesters of self-incriminating witch hunts, warlock judges, protests, and choices in progress.
Lindsey Boylan is kind of hot. I’m surprised she’s a liberal.
Well at least he had the self-awareness, or sound advice, not to run for president. Assuming he survived long enough, I would have supported him just because he wasn't ancient like the rest of the field by the time of the California primary.
Theory: he's going to run for President in 2024, and is sneakily releasing this now in order to inoculate him.
Threat to VP Harris the Whore.
Hole? No, the politically congruent term is whore h/t NAACP.
#MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed
Andrew Cuomo served as his father Mario’s henchman—a thug then and a thug now. Mario’s id.
Ms. Lindsey Boylan is very attractive. It's startling to me that an attractive woman would NOT imagine that her appearance helped her get the job, or that an attractive woman would be unaccustomed to men hitting on her. The "Luv Guv" harassed her, assuming her claims are true. But the Luv Guv is wrong that it's only money and power that attracts women. You can also get them with wits, looks, or by being a "bad boy".
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
Why are they suddenly coming after Cuomo and why now?
Boiling the frog.
There are next to no politicians in our country that are not corrupt shitheads. People like Cuomo are magnetically drawn to positions of power to the extent that any government will inexorably be populated by people who act like this.
The trick here is to throw a couple of the worst specimens out in front of the charging bull every now and then to keep the peasants in line before it boils over.
The issue is that at least 90% of our elected officials regardless of party are douchey lying shitbags because that is the type of person that is drawn to a position that you can lie your way into and you obtain power over other people.
Rand Paul is the only decent human being I can think of in the senate. Maybe josh Hawley.
Lindsey Boylan is kind of hot. I’m surprised she’s a liberal.
Some of the hottest women are conservative Americans or classical liberals with moral moderation. Liberalism is an ideology of divergence, typically generational, tribal, factional. Principles matter and it shows.
I think Andrew Cuomo is done, or does he have an Althousian civility bullshit defense?
- Governor Cuomo
I never thought it would happen but Cuomo is toast. The law of gravity still applies to hubris, I guess. But, damn, those Dems and media lefties sure can forestall the fall a long time, can't they?
Feelings are so important to women.
Dems turn on Cuomo. Over covid? No. Over “comments” on overweight staff. Fat jokes matter more than killing seniors it appears.
The great thing about feelings is that you can pull them out whenever you want.
Assuming you're not in a society that dismisses feelings on structural grounds. Namely that it's not a stable system.
Yeah, they gave him an Emmy while he was useful for the Dem/Media narrative as a foil/counterpoint for Trump. Now that his usefulness is at an end, he has become a liability and a concern for certain Great Powers in terms of the 2024 presidential race. Now some of the actual truth can be told. So a grandma murdering, sexual harrasing bully's tale is coming to an end. The higher echelons of power a riddled with cads and bullies like Cuomo, but they're protected. Cuomo no longer requires such protection.
Ken B,
It's more than just comments on overweight staff. Cuomo seems to have become an embarrassment on multiple levels. His power has long since gone to his head, and there's pushback all around.
Yeah, they gave him an Emmy while he was useful for the Dem/Media narrative as a foil/counterpoint
They gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize, then came wars without borders (e.g. Iraq War 2.0), transnational terrorism, coups without cause, and [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform. Political congruence comes in diverse shades of gray.
Cuomo’s corruption was becoming a threat to Biden’s corruption.
If Biden’s corruption is threatened that threatens the corruption endemic to the system.
The system of corruption is protecting itself by throwing Cuomo under the bus.
They want to prevent Cuomo from running against President Kamala Harris in the Democrat Party's 2024 primary election race.
It's like they get an Emmy, and then you learn how they sexually harassed women in the workplace.
Alas, Cuomo will be safe for a few more news cycles, thanks to South Dakota AG.
Feelings are so important to women.
Men, too, but with a different bias. That said, sympathy and empathy riding tandem, while principles are served a la mode. Half in context, and half without.
South Dakota AG
Kennedy revisited? Apparently, there is probable cause, so let due process have its day in a court of justice, not social justice in a trial by press.
Unexpectedly. All of the journalists covering the governor probably knew about his behavior, think about that...
They want to prevent Cuomo from running against President Kamala Harris in the Democrat Party's 2024 primary election race.
That could be, but why? And who's they?
"Feelings are so important to women.... The great thing about feelings is that you can pull them out whenever you want."
Speaking of things you can pull out whenever you want, I suppose it's something other than feelings that has men screwing up their career and personal life by indulging in sexual harassment in the workplace.
You can't pull it out whenever you want.
Bob Boyd at 2:24 PM
And who's they?
The Democratic Party's Obama faction.
Since this weeper story is now the standard DNC hit on every Republican man and on Democratic men who’ve fallen out of favor for one reason or another, I assume the story is a bullshit lie.
And I loathe Cuomo.
Anyone other Democrat politician who might be detected considering a run against President Kamala Harris in the 2024 primary election will be taken down likewise very quickly.
The take-down of Cuomo is a warning to all the others.
"I suppose it's something other than feelings that has men screwing up their career and personal life by indulging in sexual harassment in the workplace."
It's an assumption of invincibility because you've gotten away with it for so long it just comes natural now and you don't expect any pushback at this point.
I suppose it's something other than feelings that has men screwing up their career and personal life by indulging in sexual harassment in the workplace.
It's a wired-in obsession that makes no sense to men. It's part of the comedy but it's all that gives women any worth in the world. Beyond building huts, they're pretty useless.
Amusing that women attack it.
As a newly divorced caller to a talk show said, before he was cut off, it's amazing how much trouble a couple square inches of fur can cause you.
It's only OK to bully grandma & grandpa, and republicans.
The workplace harassment rules and consequences are taking over structures created by men to respond to the feelings of women. It's more entertaining to notice that.
The feelings are not noticing the long term the way that structures do, by keeping feelings channeled.
A reason for caution that women will never take.
Mike Sylwester said...
They want to prevent Cuomo from running against President Kamala Harris in the Democrat Party's 2024 primary election race.
They only care about Kamala insofar as her usefulness as a tool. The problem with Kamala is she is a complete mediocrity and they are forced to hide her because the more people know about her the less they like her. Kamala is not their overriding interest here.
The system is in jeopardy because most of the real people in the country think Biden is illegitimate and they see Cuomo as an extension of this illegitimacy. The rage against Cuomo’s corruption has many levels.
New York will fall without federal bailouts. Blue cities suffered irreparable damage in 2020. They will fall without federal bailouts.
They have to ask the parts of the country that still work to support their corruption.
They are going to try to sell us Cuomo’s scalp for the trillions of dollars they need to keep the regime afloat.
Democrats and hiveminders still worship the guy.
He'd get re-elected based solely on the D behind his name. That's some serious Nazi love.
If only wiminz didn't have feelings. Then mobsters like Cuomo could really get down to business. Stupid wiminz.
The reason the great and powerful get caught so often is they're successful at getting sex, so they call on the ability a lot more than failures do; and they have deep pockets.
My suggested counter is that if there isn't an immediate police report, it didn't happen. It's a changed mind situation.
The woman did get something for it and later decides not to agree to it.
Ruled by feelings. Which means structure doesn't matter much to women. Women can go any direction at any time.
Feelings are beneficial, say in managing a home or a neighborhood. Just not anything big.
Althouse said...I suppose it's something other than feelings that has men screwing up their career and personal life by indulging in sexual harassment in the workplace.
And Lindsey Boylan said...After that [complaining about Cuomo], my fears worsened. I came to work nauseous every day. My relationship with his senior team — mostly women — grew hostile after I started speaking up for myself. I was reprimanded and told to get in line by his top aides, but I could no longer ignore it.
Seems these liberal playas have a lot of support from the liberal women. Let's not pretend the feminists operate with one standard. As long as you publicly support abortion, the tolerance for what you do with your penis is really high. Ask Bill Clinton.
Regret rape is fucking real. I have been a victim of it. When it happened to me no one could've cared less, and it is only by luck, her average IQ and lack of attention to detail, and her history my life was not damaged permanently by her accusation. It is real and women play that card. Often.
Sexual harassment is real. Sexual assault is real. Post-sex female regret is also real. Post-sex post-relationship female lying is also real.
These are real things.
Women have been fending off male approaches forever with no trouble. The gold standard is doing it without hurt feelings on either side. That's a benefit of feelings, but notice it's one to one scale, not nationwide scale, management.
And rape has always been illegal. But needs a police report.
Cuomo is asshoe.
Mike Sylwester said...
Anyone other Democrat politician who might be detected considering a run against President Kamala Harris in the 2024 primary election will be taken down likewise very quickly.
The take-down of Cuomo is a warning to all the others.
I do think there is an internecine turf war aspect to this. It is a good point.
But I think the blue city bailout requirement and the negotiations for acquiring money from functioning parts of the country is the paramount concern.
Take your Hmmmm and shove it up your ass, motherfucker.
"The Andrew Cuomo Show Has Lost the Plot"
No, this has been the plot all along. The show has lost its usefulness to progs, is all.
Mr Wibble at 2:45 PM
Cuomo is part of what could be styled the Clinton-wing of the party, or the old guard. Harris is the Obama wing, composed of young activists. This is an internal struggle for control.
That analysis is correct.
Boylan first made accusations against Cuomo in December when she was running for Manhattan borough president. Before that, also in 2020, she ran for Congress against Jerry Nadler and lost.
This is a very ambitious individual and her accusations should be viewed in that light, as should be the accusations of any other extremely ambitious individual who makes such accusations as part of a political campaign.
That said, Cuomo is a sexist pig, but it's because he's Italian, not because he's Catholic :)
The roses thing...sounds like he was casting a wide net...sound strategy.
"He said the reasons that men get women were 'money and power.'"
Mostly true...hot women, anyway.
Did she have any insight on his nipple piercings?
This looks like an 'old' photo, but she was a hottie...maybe still is:
And Lindsey Boylan said...After that [complaining about Cuomo], my fears worsened. I came to work nauseous every day. My relationship with his senior team — mostly women — grew hostile after I started speaking up for myself. I was reprimanded and told to get in line by his top aides, but I could no longer ignore it.
I was just reading about the 8 top female NXIVM DOS "slaves" who are attempting to defend the abhorrent awful behavior of Keith Ranier. Pretty weird that some women in positions of power under a man who is behaiving badly can do to victims of his abuse.
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
“Lindsey Boylan is kind of hot. I’m surprised she’s a liberal.”
Does she do butt stuff? Asking for a friend...
It all sounds pretty self serving, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true as well.
Progressive (Socialist) Liberals eating their own? Pass the popcorn.
Cuomo is a pig. Is this disproportionally a Democratic politician thing?
Democratic Pigs: Cuomo (Andrew), Clinton (Bill), JFK, LBJ, all Democrats.
Republican Pigs: Hassert, of course. There have been allegations against George H. W. Bush, but I don't think most people consider him a pig (regarding women). Maybe Gingrich. Maybe Guiliani. But for these two I haven't heard they were demeaning to women, just not faithful spouses.
Minor politicians don't count.
It's Donald Trump's fault.
He ded.
Ah. Trump, of course. I never really think of him as a Republican though. But he is.
He gave roses to female staffers on Valentine's Day
Glad I'm retired. I would have thought of that as a simple gesture of appreciation, at least provided it goes to all female staffers regardless of whether they're plain as an old brick or hawwwwt. Nothing stops a woman from being competent at her job and still being a woman.
It is TIME to go.
"Speaking of things you can pull out whenever you want, I suppose it's something other than feelings that has men screwing up their career and personal life by indulging in sexual harassment in the workplace."
Paging Jeffry Toobin.
"Scuse me while I whip this out."
She was sure willing to put up with it a long time for someone so bothered by the behavior. I hear Kneepads is still angry at Willie too. Not buying it. Where was she 2 years ago when she could have helped other women?
I think that brining this up only hurts the efforts to help make politics more boring. You need to ask yourself: "Am I helping?".
Sharks smell blood
Feel it run
Lordy, I'm sinking in
Sharks smell blood
Sharks smell blood
Here they come
Lordy, I'm sinking in
Sharks smell blood
And they are a-circling Cuomo!! Dems and Republicans.. Republicans cause they hate that SOB... Dems cause they want his job.
Republicans cause they hate that SOB... Dems cause they they hate that SOB and want his job.
Mr Wibble said...
[Why are they suddenly coming after Cuomo and why now?]
Harris isn't going to be popular as president, which means that she'll be vulnerable in 2024.
The media isn't reporting this to protect a specific politician. They're doing it now because not reporting it is damaging their credibility and the reason for them accepting that damage is over.
Well. I guess Cuomo really has passed the Weiner Threshold.
Shouting Thomas said... [hush][hide comment]
Since this weeper story is now the standard DNC hit on every Republican man and on Democratic men who’ve fallen out of favor for one reason or another, I assume the story is a bullshit lie.
And I loathe Cuomo.
Story may have some truth. Haha, just kidding.
No, really, after Kavanaugh, and with nothing but this woman's side of the story, kinda hard to take it as fact.
Also, I wanna see a Bob Boyd rewrite of the incidents from a normal man's perspective.
My relationship with his senior team — mostly women — grew hostile after I started speaking up for myself.
Would like to see examples of speaking up for herself.
OK, Cuomo is easy to hate. But geez, I worked with a lot of females, and I always brought in heart shaped boxes of chocolates for every girl on Valentine's Day. If I missed one, I heard about it. There was even a homosexual manager that asked about it. I had extras though for the girls I might have missed. And, I gave the homosexual manager one too. Hate the sin, love the sinner.
"he stepped in front of me and kissed me on the lips." Can't happen. I have never met a girl who allowed me to kiss her on the lips if she didn't want it. They...just...turn their head.
Bob Boyd said...
You can't pull it out whenever you want.
Sure you can. You just have to remember to mute your camera if you are on a zoom call.
Would be fun to see Trump come out in defense of Cuomo. Really mess with their heads.
Or, defend the woman, same result.
Maybe Fredo can invite his brother Sonny over to discuss this on CNN.
Yes, my first instinct is that this is all bullshit by this point in time, but my schadenboner would get me into trouble if I were out in public.
Sonny Cuomo is toast and he’s ready to “receive” that humongous Q-tip anal swab from his brother Fredo.
Sonny “Ween Shorned” Cuomo...
Urban Dictionary
Taking really, REALLY immense delight in the misfortune of some loathesome person-like creature. Well beyond garden-variety schadenfreude, a case of schadenboner lasting beyond four hours means the tumescent owner must seek medical attention.
The final exposure of Dan Rather as a failshit partisan back in 2004 gave me a 3-hour schadenboner..at least.
by Adroit January 24, 2011
It's a wired-in obsession that makes no sense to men.
Exactly. It isn't like I sat down when I was twelve and decided that an obsession with lady bits was a great idea.
Not a peep on the CNN website about serious allegations of sexual harassment about Gov. Cuomo; however, they do have a story about Dunkin Donuts' avocado toast. #ThisIsCnn
The final exposure of Dan Rather as a failshit partisan back in 2004 gave me a 3-hour schadenboner
More than fifteen years later, mine has not entirely subsided.
Some might say she should be happy to give him a blowjob for keeping abortion legal.
And those some would be other women.
She's attractive, but you just have to look at her to know that a joke about strip poker would not land.....Cuomo's behavior was not over the top. Disreputable but not actionable. This is not my area of greatest expertise, but my guess is that the trick is to put out a few feelers. Maybe some women respond positively and you move on from there......There must be hundreds of women now extant who had bad experiences with Clinton or one of the Kennedy's but they never come forward.
They's take their secrets to the grave, and, if they don't, Ben Bradlee will smother the story.......Here's a prediction: This woman's life is going to become very unpleasant and no other woman will come forward with similar allegations. For God's sake, Harvey Weinstein raped rich, powerful women for decades.
If democrats shrugged after the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal, they'll do it for anyone else with Al Franken as the exception.
With this story and others about his actions regarding Covid and Nursing Homes in NY, I'm guessing the message is out on the left that it is ok to go after Cuomo now. The next NY Gubernatorial Election is November 8th, 2022. I would be surprised if this isn't a contributing factor for why people are out for him now. Maybe enough Moms and Dads, and Grandpas and Grandmas of influential Democrats died, so that the media and political establishment cares.
Grist for the mill. Dust in the Wind.
There must be hundreds of women now extant who had bad experiences with Clinton . . . but they never come forward.
Look, if you're too young to remember anything before the year 2000, fine, but Bill Clinton's accusers were big news as recently as 2016 -- some even believe this was the turning point in the election, coming two days after pussy-grabbing seized the American psyche.
Mr Wibble is exactly right.
In 2020 Gov. Cuomo was useful as a foil to be deployed against President Trump. Now he’s just a threat to Kamala Harris’s campaign for nomination.
"No, really, after Kavanaugh, and with nothing but this woman's side of the story, kinda hard to take it as fact"
"kinda hard to take it as fact." Not so. The Kavanaugh story was about rape. A story about a manager crossing lines - but not by much - making it hard to do anything - that's pretty common. And hesitating to offend by openly resenting line-crossing - that's pretty common also. And then, escalation. I don't know that it happened. It's easy to believe it did but I don't quite believe. Instead I wonder why The Men Behind Biden are going after Cuomo and Disney this week. Maybe they aren't needed any more? But why not?
People who debate whether Andrew is Fredo or Chris is Fredo are missing the point. They're both Fredo
Andrew isn't Fredo.
He's Tattaglia.
If Kanala is the favorite of the California Big Money guys, how come she couldn't get any traction in the primaries?
Achilles above: “There are next to no politicians in our country that are not corrupt shitheads.”
Calling this out because it cannot be overstated.
decided that an obsession with lady bits was a great idea
It's not just the "bits". The normal distribution of sex-correlated gender, specifically mental, attributes, is that men and women are complementary in Nature and nature. This is not any specific man or woman, but in degrees of correlation. Character (e.g. principles), outlook, interests, matter, too. Look for a gender match in a consensus of physical and mental attributes.
Yancey Ward @ 4:52 and Stephen Nearby @ 5:03: I am encouraged by your usage here. It's one of my favorite terms, both in the form you present and in its original "schadenfreude" form. In the latter form, I typically try to distinguish whether it is a MAJOR event or more routine, by describing how many bottles of Schloss Schadenfreude Premier Cru I have set aside for the occasion.
Here, it's hundreds of cases of the very best.
“There are next to no politicians in our country that are not corrupt shitheads.”
Degrees of divergence, thus the need to seek a correlation of character, interests, and priorities with individuals and parties. Diversity of individuals, minority of one. Principles matter.
“Let’s play strip poker.”
I should have been shocked by the Governor’s crude comment, but I wasn’t.
We were flying home from an October 2017 event in Western New York on his taxpayer-funded jet. He was seated facing me, so close our knees almost touched. His press aide was to my right and a state trooper behind us.
“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” I responded ..(demurely?..flirtatiously? whispering? breathlessly? aroused? teasingly? boldly? Moistly?)
The knives are out for Cuomo now. Post-Trump he is expendable.
Cruz didn't hurt anyone by going on vacation.
Cuomo is a senior killing mobster who thinks he's a mob boss.
It takes far more courage to come forward with a story against a Democratic politician. I don't hear of any famous women coming forward to salute her courage. The stories against Kavanaugh were far more tenuous and got more air play...There were a few women who came forward with stories about Clinton, but, even so, there wee hundreds who did not. The press didn't just ignore Kennedy's misalliances. They took active steps to suppress such stories.....I don't think this story is too heinous. The bet here is that Cuomo walks away with a diminished but not blackened reputation. Biden came back from his various scandals and now sits in the Oval Office.
You mean because of media white-washing, democrats can get away with just about anything?
Including International Chi Com Ukrainian energy company family grift?
cool. It's like we're a banana republic.
"Sonny Cuomo is toast and he’s ready to “receive” that humongous Q-tip anal swab from his brother Fredo."
So you're saying he's being schlonged?
Funny how they're all turning on Cuomo now because they probably want to replace him with, say, AOC...
He's Tattaglia.
But he looks like Sollozzo.
“There are next to no politicians in our country that are not corrupt shitheads.”
Or any country, for that matter. So it makes sense to elect the shithead who best fits the needs of the day. Trump was [and still is] the obvious choice for the US.
I wonder if the people who back in the day voted for Cuomo over Koch now regret voting for the Cuomo and not the Homo. I also suppose it won't be long before Cuomo's Emmy is revoked. Andy is now box office poison. When will CNN dump Fredo and keep the cannoli?
I suspect FL Governor De Santis is one of the Republicans the Democrats fear will be a candidate in 2024 and they don't want the people to compare De Santis to Sonny.
I also suppose it won't be long before Cuomo's Emmy is revoked
Obama still has his Novel (sic) Peace Prize.
elect the shithead who best fits the needs of the day. Trump was [and still is] the obvious choice for the US.
Trump is all-American: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. He may be a shithead, but he is our shithead, first. No t-word, intended, maybe, baby.
When will CNN dump Fredo and keep the cannoli?
Chris might want to avoid any fishing trips in the near future.
The governor mentioned something about a delicious combo of his sopressata and my aged provolone.
Lindsey Boylan, say hello to Tara Reade.
Someone on twitter said Cuomo looks like Moe Szyslak. I was forced to agree.
They realize that they aren't going to keep the nursing home issue covered up, and he is no longer needed as a foil for Trump, so he has become expendable.
Had just one of a number of issues involving Democrat leaders/Democrat issues been given the attention it deserved, the outcome of the November election is likely reversed. But they were hidden/under-reported/lied about to protect Biden/hurt Trump.
Cuomo and his sexual harassment problems and handling of nursing homes is one of those.
(Cuomo) said the reasons that men get women were 'money and power.'
He's not wrong.
Speaking of things you can pull out whenever you want, I suppose it's something other than feelings that has men screwing up their career and personal life by indulging in sexual harassment in the workplace.
I salute you professor. That is good.
"The idea that someone might think I held my high-ranking position because of the Governor’s 'crush' on me was more demeaning than the kiss itself...."
Self awareness is apparently not a job requirement for her high-ranking position.
The sexual harrasment news is just there to divert attention from the senior citizen manslaughter charges.
I guess now is as good a time as any to throw Cuomo under the bus.
There's a regular commenter on this blog whose posts are frequently highly critical of women. Has this person has ever had an intimate relationship with a human woman? If not, is this his way to compensate? This is what goes through my head when I read his comments.
15,000 dead senior citizens--bad
"inappropriate" actions toward female staffers--INEXCUSABLE
Both are bad, but come one, people died, can't we get worked up about that? What's the saying, 1 million deaths is a statistic, 1 death is a tragedy, or some BS like that.
Too bad nobody really cared until the the guv's unseemly conduct toward women was exposed. WHAT IF CUOMO WAS TOTALLY RESPECTFUL TO WOMEN--WOULD ALL THESE DEATHS OF SENIOR CITIZENS BE OK?
Apparently so.
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