१२ फेब्रुवारी, २०२१
"Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and his top aides were facing new allegations on Friday that they covered up the scope of the death toll in the state’s nursing homes from the coronavirus..."
"... after admissions that they withheld data in an effort to forestall potential investigations into state misconduct. The latest revelations came in the wake of private remarks by the governor’s top aide, Melissa DeRosa, and a cascading series of reports and court orders that have nearly doubled the state’s official toll of nursing home deaths in the last two weeks.... In a conversation first reported on by the New York Post, Ms. DeRosa told a group of top lawmakers on Wednesday during a call to address the nursing home situation that 'basically, we froze,' after being asked last summer for information by the Trump administration’s Department of Justice.... 'We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, and what we start saying, was going to be used against us and we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,' Ms. DeRosa told lawmakers, according to a partial transcript obtained by The New York Times...."
१०९ टिप्पण्या:
How is that not obstruction of justice, if not underlying homicide?
All they had to do was stonewall until after they got a Democrat president and there would be no legal repercussions. And it worked.
...but we knew the fix was in, and if we stalled until the election was safely stolen that Biden's DOJ would be on our side and we'd never have to face prosecution...
We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, and what we start saying, was going to be used against us and we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,' Ms. DeRosa told
NY Times, 8 months late to the party and keeping to their motto: none of the news that's fit to print.
Wonder why the NYT has turned on Saint Cuomo now?
No consequences to follow.
Oh NO! There might be talk! There might be "allocations"! What there won't be is any consequences for their actions. They are Democrats. There will be zero price paid for killing grandma.
He lied, he got caught in his lies, he tried to blame Trump, but the REAL killer is Killer Cuomo who signed a law forcing Nursing Homes to take infected people and then he lied and lied and lied some more. You know...You get an Emmy if you are a good enough liar, and a book deal. Killer Cuomo is the biggest Serial Killer in America today.
If you were trying to let people die to hurt Trump's chances of re-election, what would you do differently?
Have ANY of the major News channels cover it yet??? As of last night they ignored it. Typical of the Pravda media we are stuck with.
Just went to the websites of the major news...and they are NOT reporting on this. I typed in his name on CBS, and it was all glowing reports on this killer.
"Just went to the websites of the major news...and they are NOT reporting on this. "
My link is to the New York Times.
I wonder why Regressives don't like to be told the real truth about what is happening in the world???
Punishment is simple, take his Emmy and shove it up his ass
"wendybar said...
Have ANY of the major News channels cover it yet??? As of last night they ignored it."
In this situation, it's unimportant. Ms. Lettitia James, dislikable as she is, will use this information in her upcoming run for Governor and will jam the sandpaper dildo that is Mr. Cuomo's handling of the epidemic up his a$$ so blatantly that even the Washington Post will report on the butt-hurt.
I am talking about the Network news Ann. Where older people get their news. Nothingness.
Please someone look into Whitmer next. Specifically why old people were sent back to nursing homes when there was a mall turned into a COVID hospital in Novi, built by the Feds and empty but for 3 patients.
You know, if this were DeSantis...
I am talking about the Network news Ann. Where older people get their news. Nothingness.
Yeah, usually the news networks tend to follow whatever the NYT is reporting, the NYT being essentially the main propaganda organ for the ruling uniparty. Either someone at the NYT has gone rogue by committing the crime of reporting real news that reflects badly powerful Democrat, or some determination was made that Cuomo needs to be brought to heel, some great power within The Party doesn't want Cuomo running for president in 4 years for whatever reason?
Now that Trump is gone, the perfidy of Democrats in the response can be discussed, especially if it makes Biden's tepid response so far look good in comparison.
"Just went to the websites of the major news...and they are NOT reporting on this. "
My link is to the New York Times.
She said she went to the website of the major news.
A business leader who admitted misleading an investigation would be going to jail. But government administrators are never accountable in the ways demanded of others.
Many here have said there will be no repercussions, no sanctions against Cuomo, and they are exactly right. Using their ironclad voting system (iron? nay, even tougher -- steal) Andy and his idiot little brother will go from strength to strength.
Unknown said... Punishment is simple, take his Emmy and shove it up his ass.
Seems like an Oscar is more appropriate.
Democrats lie?
Now think of this..
Gov. Newsom is kicked out of office.
Gov. Cuomo resigns (or else arrested.)
Biden goes senile and resigns.
Republicans pick up both houses in midterm.
Harris is over her head and does a Jimmy Carter.
In 2024 Trump becomes President.
How the worm will turn when he does!
Previously, Althouse posted...
The aspiring rapper filmed himself gluing a Red Adhesive cup to his upper lip...
Coincidentally, did Gov. Cuomo just post a 'Get Vaccinated' cartoon MC'd by a black guy with a rectangular box glued to his mouth?
"Many here have said there will be no repercussions, no sanctions against Cuomo, and they are exactly right."
-- I mean, it's kind of sad watching people think something will happen. It reminds me of watching people sure that Clinton, Comey, or anyone would suffer any real consequences. Oddly enough, the person who suffered the most from that entire fiasco? Lisa Page, while the man she was having an affair with got by without anything nearly as bad.
Once you accept that Democrats/left-leaning government officials never have to fear any real consequences for failure or deliberate malfeasance, it makes watching politics a lot less stressful.
The allegations are new; the facts and Governor Cuomo's incompetence are old.
This is what crimes and high misdemeanors looks like.
A lot of reporters in New York -- and elsewhere -- will have a lot to answer for -- ha ha ha, who am I kidding? No reporter is going to be questioned too closely as to how they missed this Pulitzer worthy story sitting on their doorstep. Instead, they'll circle the wagons about how Cuomo HAD to hide this, or Trump would have Trumped.
The Party doesn't want Cuomo running for president in 4 years for whatever reason...
Joe Biden will not seek reelection in 2024. In fact, we may assume he won't even know there will be an election in 2024. In two years Biden's sole concern will be the timely arrival of his fruit cup.
Kamala Harris is the predestined nominee of the Inner Party, and as such needs protection from nimbler minds than hers, which is nearly everyone, but especially Andrew Cuomo, ergo he must be and is being destroyed.
Joe Biden will not seek reelection in 2024. In fact, we may assume he won't even know there will be an election in 2024.
His Super Bowl address where Dr. Jill did all the talking while Joe nodded off was just wow.
How long can they Weekend-At-Bernies around the problem?
Honestly, I think Andrew Cuomo isn't being destroyed for any political reason like that. I think, simply, his protection has been withdrawn. He became too toxic at this point to justify defending. How can you attack DeSantis for choosing to display COVID data in a way that some "data scientist" thinks it shouldn't be... when your Emmy Award winner is lying to the Feds?
So, you don't choose to destroy him. You just let the media and others know that he no longer is in your good graces. You can treat him like a Republican... well, an almost Republican. He's not going to get the Weiner treatment. More the Fairfax or Northam treatment, where they'll hope this just goes away, but they won't feel BAD if Cuomo is destroyed.
Matt Sablan said...
A lot of reporters in New York -- and elsewhere -- will have a lot to answer for -- ha ha ha, who am I kidding? No reporter is going to be questioned too closely as to how they missed this Pulitzer worthy story sitting on their doorstep. Instead, they'll circle the wagons about how Cuomo HAD to hide this, or Trump would have Trumped.
2/12/21, 9:44 AM
No worries...WAPO and NYT reporters won Pulitzers for their work on the FAKE Russian Collusion....So lie all you want...as long as you have Pravda on your side, you win awards!! Right Emmy winner Cuomo???? https://www.pulitzer.org/winners/staffs-new-york-times-and-washington-post
The media has honed its ability to suppress news then release it at a point in time when the damage to the Right is done and unchangeable to a science. “We covered that,” they will claim in five years. We on the Right knew from Day One about Cuomo’s deception. Now somehow this is a breaking story? Someday we’ll see a Hunter Biden laptop story then, eventually, an election fraud story and the MSM hive-mind will give themselves Pulitzers for objectivity.
Jack Posobiec is the real deal. Follow him if you want news when it matters.
"Many here have said there will be no repercussions, no sanctions against Cuomo, and they are exactly right."
I agree that as a rule, powerful Democrats generally don't face consequences for their stupidity and corruption. As we've seen time and time again, they're far more likely to recieve awards (Emmys and Nobel prizes, ect.) than actually being held accountable for their despicable actions. However, the one acception may be if some other powerful Democrat sees them as a threat. My guess is that Cuomo angered the wrong person.
Punishment is simple, take his Emmy and shove it up his ass.
The triad of academies of television arts and sciences (arts and sciences, jeez the rot goes deep) will take no action against Cuomo.
“We covered that,” they will claim in five years
Yep. This is the news dump to later prove the claim we covered that. It doesn't harm Cuomo. He will still run if he so chooses. By then there will be new narratives to push and this one will have been memory holed long ago...
"Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and his top aides were facing new allegations on Friday that they covered up the scope of the death toll in the state’s nursing homes from the coronavirus..."
When Republicans face allegations, the Times has "uncovered evidence of wrongdoing".
When Democrats clearly admit wrongdoing, the Times has them "facing allegations".
The NYT printed that? Amazed and astounded, I am! Not that I will ever trust the NYT, or the WaPoo...
THIS is why we can't have nice things....https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2021/02/12/they-failed-drew-holden-takes-a-series-of-hammers-to-media-and-blue-checks-who-enabled-andrew-cuomos-covid19-reign-of-terror/
The New York Times spent the better part of their 2020 covid coverage either berating Donald Trump, or going after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. They lead the charge to tell the world that DeSantis was bumbling and killing people, while everyone could see what real leadership looked like by watching NY Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Living in Florida, I knew what was true and what was not. What was happening in Florida was nothing like what was happening in New York, Michigan, California, New Jersey, and Illinois. Yet the media, lead by the New York Times kept up on this 'Cuomo is a real leader' and Trump is evil, DeSantis is stupid narrative.
DeSantis has done what might be the best job of any Governor in the US during this past year. Florida, being the 3rd most populous state, did first- before any statewide shutdown, close off the nursing homes and senior communities in this state. No covid was allowed in there. Cuomo on the other hand, in between his nightly show on CNN yukking it up with his brother, and his daytime media dog & pony show, was pumping up his future political aspirations, while sending a direct line of covid into the senior nursing homes. Duh.
Cuomo is an evil, bullying, lying, son of a good name. Period. His claim to fame is his father's name, and the fact that media outlets- even the 'paper of record' are in the pocket of all Democrats. The New York Times had to know this information. After all, they are the paper of record. Yet they refused to disclose it or possibly didn't even want to work on it, until the NY Post forced their hand. They are, again, a part of the problem, not the paper of record.
Now do the same for Michigan, New Jersey, California, and Illinois.
Here is another story the Media will not report on. Can't let you know that Stacy Abrams and Raphael Warnock are under investigation for violations of Election laws. Could we??? https://justthenews.com/accountability/warnock-abrams-voter-registration-group-under-investigation-violations-election-law
Election fraud is not tolerated in Georgia. When there is evidence of it, the people responsible face prosecution. Georgia has multiple safeguards in place that allow our team of investigators to discover fraudulent voting. They worked to catch the wrongdoing in these cases, and they maintain the security of Georgia elections," Raffensperger said in a statement.
Wake me when the indictments start flying...
"the person who suffered the most from that entire fiasco? Lisa Page"
How so? She got a sweet deal with MSNBC.
Curious George: That's kind of my point. Even the person who lost her career didn't come off that bad.
I feel sorry for the secretary that told the audience the truth. She will be the one who is punished for the truth getting out, because the kabuki requires at least one scalp.
Hopefully she'll get a nice payment under the table to make up for the unpleasantness.
Fredo I and Fredo II.
Imagine my level of shocked-ness, oh wait it’s at ZERO.
We new this at least six months ago.
Georgia has multiple safeguards in place that allow our team of investigators to discover fraudulent voting. They worked to catch the wrongdoing in these cases, and they maintain the security of Georgia elections," Raffensperger said in a statement.
Perhaps he could watch the video of the extra ballots being fed into the computer while the observers were gone.
Wonder why the NYT has turned on Saint Cuomo now?
Now that the left has seized control of government, they are turning on each other, like the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. That's the only reason this is making the news now. Eight months ago they had a common enemy. You know who.
But it's just like the flu ....
One is tempted to get upset, but "forget it Jake, Its Chinatown". I have no doubt that the vast majority of the New Yorkers who died - and their families - would be voting for Cuomo and not care about this - if it happened to someone else. In fact, I'm sure most of them - the live ones - will Vote D in the next election.
That's how the Northeastern Dems think. They're gonna vote D, and they don't care what the D's do. They just "took one for the team". And they're cool with it.
I wonder if the new United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, still to be nominated by President Biden, will commence an investigation of Gov. Cuomo? Nah, silly me.
This was known nine months ago.
Yep, Apelbaum was all over this almost a year ago.
Bin laden says wow, you retired the prize .
But it's just like the flu ....
Yes, it kills the elderly and infirm.
...a cascading series of reports and court orders that have nearly doubled the state’s official toll of nursing home deaths in the last two weeks....
As written, the number of deaths in the last two weeks doubled, not since the pandemic started. Sloppy writing. Intentional?
"'We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, and what we start saying, was going to be used against us and we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,'"
-- Ah, the pre-emptive 5th Amendment defense. A novel application.
Some of us knew the Cuomo had committed horrible crimes all year. He killed thousands and left the temporary hospitals empty for political gain. But there is more. NJ...MI...CA...MA....
And it was all ok with his fawning liberal disciples. Glad we’re catching up here. Maybe next year we will talk about how this whole evil farce was about removing Trump and election fraud too.
This is what totalitarians do.
Now the AP is actually reporting this story. Things are not going Cuomo's way. As I said earlier, for this story to actually be reported Cuomo must have made an extremely powerful enemy (or enemies) among the top tier Democrats/Uniparty/Ruling class oligarchy.
All of these Democrat Gov executive orders that contaminated nursing homes and killed thousand were all available last March and April 2020. The political vilification of HCQ by Democrats probably killed many times that.
Now that it’s in the NYTs it’s content safe for the Althouse blog to avoid cancellation. That’s the “safe for discussion” threshold isn’t it’s?
Hopefully the NYTs will report on all the election fraud next year.
We all saw this happening in real time last spring. Democrat Govs committing atrocities on American soil. What makes anyone think there aren’t more to come?
They think that they can get away with obstruction of justice by simply saying that Trump was president at the time.
They may be right that they can get away with it.
AP yesterday:
"The new figures come as the Cuomo administration has been forced in recent weeks to acknowledge it has been underreporting the overall number of COVID-19 deaths among long-term care residents. It is now nearly 15,000 up from the 8,500 previously disclosed."
NY Times today:
"In a leaked conversation, the governor’s top aide admitted that data was withheld on nursing homes, where more than 10,000 New Yorkers have died during the pandemic."
15,000 is more than 10,000 so the Times gets it right once again.
Can we add Murphy to the indictment? He was following Killer Cuomo's lead so he should suffer the same fate.
Matt Sablan said... [hush][hide comment]
"Many here have said there will be no repercussions, no sanctions against Cuomo, and they are exactly right."
-- I mean, it's kind of sad watching people think something will happen. It reminds me of watching people sure that Clinton, Comey, or anyone would suffer any real consequences
Yep, we the coyote, not the Roadrunner.
Planned Parent/hood.
If I'm understanding the quote Althouse posted, the Times is saying that Cuomo is facing allegations that he covered up the scope of the death toll after a top aide admitted that he covered up the scope of the death toll.
Shouldn't the "admitted" part of that be the lead?
Using their ironclad voting system
Irony-clad, yes. Planned Parent/hood om Democrat jurisdictions is one of the few venues with observable excess deaths in the first quarter of 2020. Perhaps karmic justice will sweep social justice, and replace it with justice. Baby steps.
I don't think this Nursing home stuff has hurt Cuomo or will hurt him.
The nursing home thing is partly a bureaucratic issue - the state categorized deaths by where they occurred not where the person lived. So, it isn't as if the information was readily available, they really did need to investigate to find out the number of deaths.
New York has had a reasonably good response to the coronavirus. The schools are open here, when they are not in many other blue states. They had some of the first policies about screening international visitors for Covid. They were one of the first states to institute a massive testing campaign. Currently, they are doing reasonably well in terms of vaccination efficiency.
I would have preferred a more laissez-faire approach more like Florida or South Dakota, but it's a blue state. Cuomo found a good balance between giving the panicked people what they wanted and keeping things running. He's very popular in the City and that should protect him from any repercussions from this.
while sending a direct line of covid into the senior nursing homes.
Seniors tend to vote for conservatives. Hmmm...
Read the apelbaum link, it was malice aforethought.
"New York has had a reasonably good response to the coronavirus."
New York has the second highest deaths per million number in the country.
Darn. Inga and I thought he would make a great President.
Once you accept that Democrats/left-leaning government officials never have to fear any real consequences for failure or deliberate malfeasance, it makes watching politics a lot less stressful.
I've already entered the it's a laugh riot phase. No, really. Enjoy the clown show.
If it turns out to be, it’s a well deserved reckoning for Cuomo who is more hateful even than a typical anointed leader of these times. It’s also encouraging in the sense that the Dems could quickly get so wrapped up in vicious internecine power struggles which could buy we domestic terrorists a reprieve while they’re busy slaughtering one another. When dealing with an increasingly vicious authoritarianism cloud you take your silver linings where you can.
I hope this is more than just a brushback pitch, and Cuomo’s naked ambition and nasty record and of course massive corruption lead to an accounting. But I doubt it will. They just want him to know he’s not in the running for VP when Kamala shortly ascends to the empty chair.
Westeros had the Iron Throne. DC is home to the Empty Chair.
Steven said...
I don't think this Nursing home stuff has hurt Cuomo or will hurt him.
Omitted from Steven's list is Cuomo's order that nursing homes accept covid patients even if there were not able to effectively quarantine them which inevitably led to deaths. He is right that this probably doesn't hurt Cuomo but only because left wingers don't care about killing people, only about who the deaths can be blamed on.
Now the AP is actually reporting this story.
To give credit where due, the AP actually reported this last May, as I recall. Maybe they didn't have a precise number, but they reported that the "official" number only reported those who literally died in nursing homes, not those who died in hospitals after getting sick in nursing homes. But then it was forgotten for six months because they had bigger fish to fry (i.e. beat Trump).
His Super Bowl address where Dr. Jill did all the talking while Joe nodded off was just wow.
How long can they Weekend-At-Bernies around the problem?
As long as Democrats control the media, so...forever.
" Maybe they didn't have a precise number, but they reported that the "official" number only reported those who literally died in nursing homes,"
You're missing the lede. The issue isn't that there was some sort of error in how things were counted - there was intentional hiding of information and data that was known at the time in order to present a different picture of the number of deaths occurring.
The news isn't the deaths (as has been pointed out, that was sorta reported), it is the cover up. Real reporters would be pissed at being lied to like that.
His Super Bowl address where Dr. Jill did all the talking while Joe nodded off was just wow.
Would that be "Doctor (not a real doctor, like physician but "of education" doctor) Jill"?
Better give that Cuomo guy another Emmy.
Biden will give him a fucking medal.
I am ebarrassed to be orignally from the state that keeps electing this guy. You know that when they banned fracking in New York, they never found any evidence of harm in their 10,000 hour search of the literature. Cuomo banned it based on the statement of the guy who did the investigation that he “wouldn’t want to live next to a fracked well.”
I knew people in New York State in teh ‘70s who could light their faucets on fire with a match. Nobody was drilling, nobody was fracking. Cuomo hasn’t changed a bit. I don’t believe for a minute that New York State elections are fair.
"My link is to the New York Times."
Sounds like something the Soviet Ambassador would say : )
Anyway, I think the point is that not many Joe six-packs read the NYT.
Is it on national news? Local news?
Stuck behind a paywall is another great way to say they covered it but buried it at the same time.
Which one is he? Is he Fredo, or the other Fredo?
5 governors ordered covid patients into nursing home.
Those 5 State had the highest covid mortality rates in the entire country, knowing the first lethal outbreak of covid occurred in a nursing home int he PAC-West.
They were euthanized. Period.
I knew people in New York State in teh ‘70s who could light their faucets on fire with a match
I went to high school near Saratoga. Girl friend's tap water reeked of sulphur. I couldn't light it with a match but her house burned down in grammar school so she wouldn't let me try to light the faucet on fire.
It looks like Rebekah Jones, the former Florida COVID "data scientist" was looking in the wrong state for the COVID coverup!
The story was first reported on 2/11 by the New York Post. The Times story that Ann linked to followed on 2/12. It properly gave attribution to the New York Post story.
The transcript was leaked to the Post, not the Times.
The Times had no choice but to follow up on the story.
Cuomo doesn’t merit the Hunter Biden level of protection, and Twitter let the story run without messing with the NYP account or even tagging it as controversial or contested. That’s the message to Cuomo.
Hmm, seems like the kind of story maybe journalists should have dug into a bit before Cuomo got an Emmy award for his flim flam act.
But mostly, I'm disgusted that the public thinks Cuomo -- who objectively did one of the worst jobs dealing with coronavirus in the entire country -- did a great job, while governors like Newsom in California and DeSantis in Florida, who may not have been perfect but at least didn't completely fuck up their response to the first wave back in February/March of last year the way Cuomo did, get slammed.
Some of that isn't Cuomo's fault -- our wonderful experts in the CDC mandated restrictive test criteria and fucked up the test they required everyone to use, so he was flying blind at a critical time back in February and March. He dithered for a week about whether to shut down NYC, sure, but he was operating with limited data thanks to CDC screwups. I can forgive that. The nursing homes order was a crime against humanity, but he wasn't the only governor to adopt it. Even Newsom did for a couple of days, before reversing course in the face of public outrage. But overall, his performance has been pretty much near the bottom. New York is still number 2 (after New Jersey) in deaths per capita, at 2,352 per million (and I'm not sure that even captures all coronavirus deaths from March/April, or deaths from lack of emergency care due to the collapse of New York's medical system during the spring peak). Florida and California, meanwhile, are well below the US average, even after the winter peak.
The numbers really tell the story here, and the story the numbers tell is almost 180° opposite from the story that the public seems to have accepted.
Readering: "But it's just like the flu ...."
Readering now officially on record approving of forcing sick elderly into nursing homes.
To "own" the bad orange man.
Gusty Winds: "All of these Democrat Gov executive orders that contaminated nursing homes and killed thousand were all available last March and April 2020. The political vilification of HCQ by Democrats probably killed many times that."
Every Althouse lefty approved of these actions.
Every one.
No surprise at all and fuck every single one of these mendacious corksoakers.
Readering said...
But it's just like the flu ....
An evil person supporting evil people who are doing evil things.
CNN has it but the main headline is "Things getting worse for Cuomo."
The big blaring headline is "Trump wouldn't call off rioters."
My test is the George Stephanopolous (or Disney) standard. If it doesn't appear on Good Morning America, it ain't news. That's the kind or "news" that a lot of apolitical folks watch. Until Cuomo's foul-ups get covered on GMA, he's in fat city.
The dead always vote Dem, so maybe there was some logic to Cuomo's actions.
This isn't anything that wasn't known by us members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy six months ago or more.
Sort of like we also knew that gas prices would start rising if Biden was elected. Lo and behold- they're rising.
Sort of like how we knew he would start to ban fracking- although that was fact checked as "FALSE! but the "unbiased" fact checkers.
Sort of how we knew there would be early attempts to ban and even confiscate ordinary guns- although we were told that would never happen.
And the big one- we knew that Democrats has no intention of opening the country back up- because the covid panic was and is about control, and has nothing to do with health and safety. I wonder when the sheeple are going to wake up and realize that they've been had. There are treatments- one of the most effective and easiest to use to keep people out of the ICU and from dying appears to be budesonide. Still, to date- of diagnosed with it you're going to be told go home, isolate there, if it gets worse, go to the ER- where they'll assist you in dying, although they will give you oxygen. But actual aggressive treatment? Supposedly it exists somewhere. I don't know where that somewhere is.
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