৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২১

"For $150, Brad Holiday’s customers could purchase and download a package of dating tips and tricks he called his 'Attraction Accelerator.' "

"The batch of files featured advice from Mr. Holiday, a self-styled Manhattan dating coach, about things like the best facial serums and pickup lines, and his thoughts on the viciousness of the opposite sex. But tucked between videos denigrating women and reviews of height-boosting shoes were other guides: how to defeat Communists, expose what he claimed were government pedophilia cabals, and properly wield a Glock... [Holiday, whose real name is Samuel Fisher, has a] large online footprint [that] suggests a fierce devotion to a hypermasculine ethos of chauvinism, grievance and misogyny.... Some experts said men like Mr. Fisher were particularly attracted to Mr. Trump because they see him as emblematic of a certain kind of masculinity. 'The men that are in these movements themselves try to enact that kind of masculinity, and because Trump enacts it they are drawn to him,' said Ronald F. Levant, co-author of the book 'The Tough Standard: The Hard Truths About Masculinity and Violence.' 'He models it. He gives them permission.'"

ADDED: But what is Trump's "certain kind of masculinity"? I have a tag to keep track of that: "Trump's masculinity." Things with that tag in my archive: Trump is mocked for dancing like a woman, Roseanne Barr declares Trump "The First Woman President," Trump was denounced as "the Most Unmanly President," and I opined that "there's something womanly about Trump."

I'm also seeing a post that ends "You may hate Trump, but don't use him as a weapon to attack masculinity. Masculinity doesn't deserve hatred. Find your own mix of masculinity and femininity and respect your own individuality and the individuality of others." There are kinds of masculinity, so let's be specific. 

Is Brad Holiday's pathetic hawking of dating tips the same "certain kind of masculinity" as Trump's? The NYT article doesn't give much detail about Holiday. It's almost all high-level generality like "a hypermasculine ethos of chauvinism, grievance and misogyny." If you hate Trump, his masculinity is easily tossed into the same deplorable basket, but that's sloppy work, as gender analysis goes.

১০৯টি মন্তব্য:

LuAnn Zieman বলেছেন...

If silence is violence, Trump is not that man!

Leland বলেছেন...

how to defeat Communists

Was that US government propaganda from 50 years ago?

expose what he claimed were government pedophilia cabals

Epstein didn't kill himself.

properly wield a Glock

He taught proper gun control? Put him in jail!

Wince বলেছেন...

...that reflect the views of a fringe faction of disgruntled men who became fixated on President Donald J. Trump.

Enough about CNN!

daskol বলেছেন...

Who will defend the PUA fleecing the incels? I guess we'll have to.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Based on the excerpt, I correctly guessed that it was written by a Person Of Gender.

And wow, man, the nyt is still cranking out words about Orange Man Bad.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I liked the zingers.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

To think that this Republic came within a hair's breadth of being taken over by the incel-Qanon army.

Temujin বলেছেন...

"...were particularly attracted to Mr. Trump because they see him as emblematic of a certain kind of masculinity."

Yes, men with actual testicles who were not annoyed or ashamed by them hanging around. You know, the guys who built this world.

Good luck, Manhattan.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

People on the right are judged by their craziest statements and craziest supporters. People on the left are judged, if at all, by their best statements and best supporters.

But then, everybody already knows that.

Lucid-Ideas বলেছেন...

So that's what the national men boy iincoln project has been buying with all its money. At last we know.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Some experts said men like Mr. Fisher were particularly attracted to Mr. Trump because they see him as emblematic of a certain kind of masculinity. 'The men that are in these movements themselves try to enact that kind of masculinity, and because Trump enacts it they are drawn to him,' said Ronald F. Levant, co-author of the book 'The Tough Standard: The Hard Truths About Masculinity and Violence.' 'He models it. He gives them permission.'"

What do experts say about Black-Lives-Matter rioters?

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Unperson and cancel anyone who agrees with Trump.

mockturtle বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
MadisonMan বলেছেন...

What does the NYTimes think about books/self-help type seminars (I'm thinking more modern books than The Rules by Fein and Schneider) -- because those female-side-of-the-aisle things sound very much like Holiday's male-side-of-the-aisle enterprise.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

The pickup artist community, the alt-right, and the MAGA movement are distinct, yet intertwined by a basic shared philosophy: the world as promised to us by the culture, leaders, and institutions is wrong, and so we need to observe the world as it is, disregard the flawed assumptions that we were holding, and develop a new model of the world which more closely adheres to reality and can provide us with what we desire.

Young men were frustrated because they were sold the idea that college, sensitivity, progressivism, and a non-threatening persona were what women wanted. Instead, they ended up in debt, working jobs which they hated, uselessly swiping Tinder. PUAs stepped in and told these young men, "Disregard all of that. Work on improving yourself, be confident, look at how women act and ignore what they say, and become the kind of guy you see them pursuing."

chickelit বলেছেন...

Rather obvious misandry written about a misogynist. I'd call it a wash.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

$150 seems pretty reasonable, esp. if the price includes lessons on defeating communism.

farmgirl বলেছেন...


tcrosse বলেছেন...

By sheer coincidence, last night I was thinking about Harry, the Rat with Women by Jules Feiffer. I was delighted to see that it's available you-know-where.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"If you hate Trump, his masculinity is easily tossed into the same deplorable basket, but that's sloppy work, as gender analysis goes."

For progs, sloppy work is good enough: it targets the right people and it makes a mess. "Gender analysis" is a tool, and nothing more. In the culture war, precision and logic are inconvenient.

Levi Starks বলেছেন...

He should consider carjacking it’s a much more honorable profession

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

But the DNC-Media Complex really really REALLY wants to tie any nutball they can to Trump, while hiding/dismissing/excusing/supporting/encouraging left wing nuttery of all stripes from the assassin Bernie bro at the softball field to the excitable ladies who assaulted Senators during the Kavanaugh kerfuffle to the actual domestic terrorists who laid siege to American cities last summer. That’s why so few Americans consume news or believe what the lying corporate media tell them.

Howard বলেছেন...

"national men boy Lincoln project"

Now that's Fucking Funny.

policraticus বলেছেন...

“Quit your bellyaching!”
“No whining!”
“Suck it up!”
“Never explain, never complain!”
“Take it like a man!”
“Have a stiff upper lip!”
“Women and children first!”
“Boys don’t cry!”

Yep. Seems like a hyper-masculine culture of grievance to me.

Only someone who has never met a man could possibly mistake Holiday for anything other than a pathetic worm. To associate him with masculinity is a category error.

Lucid-Ideas বলেছেন...

@Mr Wibble

Per Camile Paglia, "Young men have always been useless with girls." Which is true. It's something every boy has to learn. Not every boy gets there. Not every man stays there. It's lonely at the top. Women subtract, they do not add.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Althouse wrote: But what is Trump's "certain kind of masculinity"?

It’s the kind of masculinity that women go to bed with. He’s the guy women are pissed they screwed in high school or college, because he moved on.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Althouse wrote: But what is Trump's "certain kind of masculinity"?

It’s the kind of masculinity that bull-dykes hate, but try to emulate.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...


That's true, but beside the point. The problem is that we destroyed masculine role models that young men and women used to have, and instead sold them cheap replacements which didn't work.

Big Mike বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

It's likely that Brad Holiday has had sex with many women.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

I saw a video of a man launch himself from across the street at another man- a 19-23yr old frenzied against an 84yr old- w/such force and animosity that the 84yr old was killed. I’m sick. That’s a mindset w/out knowing the proper grip of a glock. The 23yr old is doubtful of being a Trump fan. His toxicity is vivid.

I just listened to a Jordan Peterson debate of 3- on the meaning of life- and Jordan is always pushing to the forefront the idea of nihilism and the pure evil resulting. Anarchy resulting. People should try and understand that this seems to be the new religion/ or cult. The actions of the young man I saw against a vulnerable fellow human being were exactly that:pure D evil.

The NYTs or whatever shit paper this article hails, is smoke and mirrors.
And a serious part of the problem of the new cult of today.
And they are doing so in complicity-willingly...

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Althouse, we get it. The Times publishes articles showing that at least one Trump supporter is a bit strange and suggesting that therefore all Trump supporters must be weird. And you push the articles at your readers because you gullibly believe that meme.

MikeR বলেছেন...

Sounds like one of the Bernie Bros to me. Or Kamala's thugs. Every movement includes vicious people and other losers.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

He may have believed it all, or it may have been just to get views. Either way, the market did more to create him than he did to create the market. When the MSM refuses to cover Trump even-handedly, people are going to want to get some validation that there are others also see some things to like in him.

jaydub বলেছেন...

I wouldn't buy a book on dating tips and tricks from this dweeb.

Might buy one authored by Laslo, though.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"'The men that are in these movements themselves try to enact that kind of masculinity, and because Trump enacts it they are drawn to him,' said Ronald F. Levant"

Googled him, looks like he could be Pajama Boy's father.

narciso বলেছেন...

any info on ashley babbitt's murderer, or is she too much of an unperson, to care about,

Howard বলেছেন...

If they were honest, these pickup artist how to books would be titled How to score chlamydia without really trying.

Howard বলেছেন...

The My Pillow guy is what Trumpers think of as the masculine ideal.

narciso বলেছেন...


meanwhile bank of america, is serving as the handmaiden for mini peace,

Sam L. বলেছেন...

I believe nothing from the NYT (and the WaPoo, too). Reliably unreliable.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

The My Pillow guy is what Trumpers think of as the masculine ideal.

A guy who pulled himself out of a bad situation, and created a successful company? He's not Rambo but he's certainly worthy of respect.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

In the Hollywood Access tape, Trump says "I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, 'I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.'"

That's a particular sort of masculinity. Way more interior decoration than you'd expect. Moved on her very heavily...I took her out furniture shopping... I'm sure that's not in the usual pick-up artist handbook.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

It's pretty funny that the 'tolerant' left goes right to the 'fag' slur when they are threatened.

Assistant Village Idiot বলেছেন...

A deep contrast to the complete absence of chauvinism, grievance, and misandry among feminists. And all those sexually abusing liberal men and their more enlightened view of masculinity. Or black hip-hop culture. They should check in on all those. Then get back to me about Trump.

narciso বলেছেন...

he should have kept a button like matt lauer


Joe Smith বলেছেন...

"That's a particular sort of masculinity. Way more interior decoration than you'd expect. Moved on her very heavily...I took her out furniture shopping... I'm sure that's not in the usual pick-up artist handbook."

But it's Trump-like...there's a problem she's having, he'll help her solve it.

He is a man of action.

Maybe it will lead to his true goal.

There's more than one way to skin a pussy...

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Dating the last two years, I’ve been out with some younger single moms who get ZERO help from the Dads. NONE. Some can’t believe when you put down a credit card and say you’re picking up the entire tab. Order what you want. Drink what you want. That’s my attitude. I’m having fun too.

They’ll tell you straight up. “Guys in my generation (Millennial) don’t pay for their kids."

I have two Generation Z kids that cost me a fortune. And they will continue to do so for a while. They have one Dad. I was raised by strong, smart, god-fearing Irish Matriarchs. If I sired some children and didn’t pay for them, my mom and aunts would have put a hit out on me.

Today I am considered masculine toxic in the NYTs, but women still like to be treated with some respect and chivalry. And yes, some that I have dated for a while, I've taken shopping to buy a new outfit to go out. I've even loaded up a Costco cart and filled their fridge. Big deal. Get's their mind off things and everyone can have fun.

Michael বলেছেন...

If it's anything bad, a NYT writer has to connect it to Trump somehow. It's the price of admission to the paper. Not that there's anyone left there who doesn't pay willingly.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Hey, baby, is that a sofa in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?"

Kay বলেছেন...

The Donald (an alpha): “Will you sleep with me if I buy you furniture? I only want to help out.”

Kafka (a beta): “rEaD cHaLlAnGiNg BoOkS.”

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...That's a particular sort of masculinity. Way more interior decoration than you'd expect. Moved on her very heavily...I took her out furniture shopping... I'm sure that's not in the usual pick-up artist handbook.L

Trump's appeal to women had a lot more to do with money than physical or personality attractiveness.

Trump knows that money is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

Trump's appeal to women had a lot more to do with money than physical or personality attractiveness.

Trump knows that money is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

Trump knew what he wanted and went for it. That's a lot more appealing to women than an insecure man who hesitates and constantly looks for her affirmation.

Lucid-Ideas বলেছেন...

"So I moved on her very heavily...I took her furniture shopping. She was enthralled by this rubenesque Louis XVI armoire...very Waring & Gillow. I said, 'it's substantially underpriced...trust me.' 'I've been warned about you...you take all the girls furniture shopping. But you don't have to impress me. You had me at Waring & Gillow,' she said. It always works I told myself, 'no need to be heavy-handed [wink].' She just let me grab her by the pussy."

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

The Donald (an alpha): “Will you sleep with me if I buy you furniture? I only want to help out.”

Kafka (a beta): “rEaD cHaLlAnGiNg BoOkS.”

Less "will you sleep with me" and more a willingness to show her a good time, meet her needs, while taking charge.

Kay বলেছেন...

Mr Wibble said...
The Donald (an alpha): “Will you sleep with me if I buy you furniture? I only want to help out.”

Kafka (a beta): “rEaD cHaLlAnGiNg BoOkS.”

Less "will you sleep with me" and more a willingness to show her a good time, meet her needs, while taking charge.
2/5/21, 9:48 AM

Noted and corrected.

The Donald (an alpha): “If you let me, I’d be willing to show you a good time and meet your needs by taking charge and buying you new furniture. Does that not sound like a good deal?”

Kafka (a beta): “oNlY rEaD cHaLlAnGiNg BoOkS.”

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Populists are women too. DJT wanted them to help him to win a few fights, such as fights with Big Pharma, the CCP destroy America's economy and then buy it up cheap guys, the CIA Bushites secret American Government, the Destroy America for revenge European cabal, and the wipe out Israel crowd. That's all. Not many female men have gone into that many fights.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

Noted and corrected.

The Donald (an alpha): “If you let me, I’d be willing to show you a good time and meet your needs by taking charge and buying you new furniture. Does that not sound like a good deal?”

Yup. It's a variation on "if you can get her to laugh, you can get her to do anything." He makes her feel important, makes her feel like she's special and has some secret knowledge ("It's very underpriced") and she comes away with a sense of accomplishing something. He makes her feel good being around him.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...
The My Pillow guy is what Trumpers think of as the masculine ideal.

It is the mustache.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...

In the Hollywood Access tape, Trump says "I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, 'I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.'"

That's a particular sort of masculinity.

I don't know. I've seen tons of articles that talk about how one of the biggest problems in male/female communication is that women tend want emotional support and men tend to want to be problem solvers. It seems to me that Trump is fulfilling the problem solver role here. That may not be John Wayne defending the homestead masculinity, but it's not necessarily not masculine.

n.n বলেছেন...

Sex: male and female. Gender is sex-correlated physical and mental attributed: masculine and feminine, respectively. There are the social standards: gentleman and lady. Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature. This is the normal distribution. Then there are the transgender and trans-social spectrums.

n.n বলেছেন...

Another acutely phobic reaction to our first Orange-American President?

NYT perceives... characterizes men as silverback gorillas. This is as much transhuman as perceiving... characterizing women as trans-humane abortionists. Diversity is misleading and breeds adversity.

DavidUW বলেছেন...

Whiny white chicks:
"stop being so toxically masculine"

Stupid white dudes:
"Ok dear. whatever you say"
she leaves him
Whiny white chicks:
"Why can't I find a real man"?

Men, just act masculine. Have a respectable job, know how to maintain stuff like the yard, cars, etc. Make a decision that's well-thought out and not based on emotional shit (unlike women).
Chicks dig that.

And if they don't. You're going after dumb whiny white chicks poisoned made that way by idiot "feminism"

Stop doing that.

But then again, I stopped dating whiny white chicks 30 years ago.
There might be some non-whiny white chicks out there, but don't waste your life trying to find them.
Latinas, Caribbean islanders, Mediterranean women are better than any American white chick or northern Euro chick.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

“Quit your bellyaching!”
“No whining!”
“Suck it up!”
“Never explain, never complain!”
“Take it like a man!”
“Have a stiff upper lip!”
“Women and children first!”
“Boys don’t cry!”

Sounds like my growing up years. But you forgot a few
"Respect your elders"
"follow the rules"
"be of service to others"
"treat all women with respect"
"treat others as you want to be treated"
"respect takes a lifetime to earn, and only a second to loose"
"your word is your contract"

iowan2 বলেছেন...

In the Hollywood Access tape, Trump says "I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, 'I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.'"

That's a particular sort of masculinity.

This is the simplest of sales techniques.
It is getting the buyer to participate in the sales pitch.
A simple technique. When sitting down with the buyer, you might mention before you start that you forgot your pen, do you have one I can borrow. It engages the buyers attention, forces physical action (cup of pens on the desk already but you ignore them) and the buyer is invested for a few moments in what you have to say.
President Trump is ALWAYS SELLING. Look at his communications that way. Try to figure out who the buyer is. When you do, the rest is easy.

Todd বলেছেন...

But what is Trump's "certain kind of masculinity"?

Someone that gets things done. Someone that does not let an insult go unanswered. Someone that earned money and beautiful women.

Someone all those other "men" are not.

Is he perfect? No, of course not but he does have a number of good qualities that should be emulated. He also has a number of bad qualities that should not. Part of being an adult is knowing which of his traits should be admired and which should not. This country is lacking in adults...

PM বলেছেন...

My wife likes furniture.
But she loves teh funny.

Kay বলেছেন...

Mr Wibble said...
Noted and corrected.

The Donald (an alpha): “If you let me, I’d be willing to show you a good time and meet your needs by taking charge and buying you new furniture. Does that not sound like a good deal?”

Yup. It's a variation on "if you can get her to laugh, you can get her to do anything." He makes her feel important, makes her feel like she's special and has some secret knowledge ("It's very underpriced") and she comes away with a sense of accomplishing something. He makes her feel good being around him.
2/5/21, 10:10 AM

It’s all very interesting. If he can get her to accept the furniture he bought for her, he can indeed get her to do anything else he wants. And when she finds out that he got in on sale, she gains secret knowledge about the purchase that makes her grows closer to him.

todd galle বলেছেন...

Thank goodness we've been married over 30 years, this modern dating thing seems troubling to this 55+ male.

Go to work (or what currently exists as work), come home, change, have dinner (she's off carbs which can make it difficult), watch the game shows and then her fireman / emergency / cop shows (I read and make what I think are cogent comments on the drama occurring with an 'oh my' and 'rotten luck there' and so on), have a wine or scotch or two, then go to bed. Easy-peasy.

The guy does have to do the lawn work and 75% of snow shoveling (mainly to see his spouse in a cute ski cap), and maybe a quarter of the dishes as well (the whole lot if you did something dumb - this from personal experience). If that won't attract or keep a partner, I'm out of ideas. When did dependability and regularity go out of fashion?

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Maybe Trump is just Trump and not a symbol for whatever happens to be somebody else's obsession.

daskol বলেছেন...

You call that a couch? That's not a couch. Now this, this is a fucking couch.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Lets just ignore all the hot blonde big boobed pretty grrrls who have a rich ugly rock star on their arm.

daskol বলেছেন...

A lot of the PUA push a flamboyant, preening sort of masculinity that elevates jewelry and outrageous fashion, and I bet furniture shopping is indeed a part of their game.

donald বলেছেন...

I got old and grew my hair out. Good things are happenin.

Todd বলেছেন...

daskol said...

A lot of the PUA push a flamboyant, preening sort of masculinity that elevates jewelry and outrageous fashion, and I bet furniture shopping is indeed a part of their game.

2/5/21, 12:07 PM

At least for mattresses.

"Come over here honey, why not give this one a try?"

boatbuilder বলেছেন...

It must be the money. Because the problem solver thing doesn't work..


Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

Howard said...
The My Pillow guy is what Trumpers think of as the masculine ideal.

Well it sure as fuck ain't you.

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

@boatbuilder 1:16 PM


Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Donald Trump seemed entirely comfortable with his feminine side. Properly deployed it’s a net plus for politicians, softening their ambition and making them seem less threatening.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


I got old and grew my hair out.

I'm not sure that nose & ear hair counts as the "right kind" of hair, donald.

narciso বলেছেন...

I dont see any actual evidence, except brash talk.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

In modern leftist America, not being ashamed to be a man is now, “hypermasculine ethos of chauvinism”. If you don’t kneel down and apologize for your skin color you’re a racist. If you think Democrats are full of shit, you’re a domestic terrorist. If you think a Governor doesn’t have the right to put endless mask mandates in place you’re a murder.

Go look at Rashida Tliab sobbing on the House floor, being comforted by the lying AOC. Describing them as drama queens is accurate. David Hogg is a drama queen too. Worst part is…it’s all an act.

KellyM বলেছেন...

I've read a fair amount of PUA stuff on the last couple of years and found it funny, informative, and brutally honest. The best of it was written on a blog called "Chateau Heartiste". It's where I learned about female "shit-testing", and how when left to run wild will be corrosive. Once I recognized the signs it was easy to spot. I wouldn't consider it misogynistic, just reality.

(Sadly it got booted off the internet in 2019 and Heartiste decided not to restart the blog.) However, I link from the archives.


FullMoon বলেছেন...

tim maguire said... [hush]​[hide comment]

People on the right are judged by their craziest statements and craziest supporters. People on the left are judged, if at all, by their best statements and best supporters.

But then, everybody already knows that.

Young people and libs are unaware. Source, I usta be one.

Anyway, The current authorities, and the soon to be Secret Police will have no problem combing this blogs historical commenteriat for keywords such as Glock, gun, .45.9mm.,shooting range, and any other firearm related word. Most comments I have seen relate to proper usage, quality of product, availability, etc. These innocuous comments would be lumped in with the innocently humorous, infrequent "better not come to my neighborhood" sort of bravado as reason for Governmental examination.

If the Biden Administration can purge the military and track you through credit card purchases of airline and hotel reservations as well as on site purchases through Bank of America, it can surely make up a reason to create a search warrant based on cherry picked comments here and elsewhere.

Also, with true believer military no problem blocking off your entire neighborhood and search every home due to an imaginary terrorist threat. With cooperation from power companies and cell phone providers, large areas can easily be rendered incommunicado .

FullMoon বলেছেন...

owan2 said...

... This is the simplest of sales techniques.
It is getting the buyer to participate in the sales pitch.
A simple technique. When sitting down with the buyer, you might mention before you start that you forgot your pen, do you have one I can borrow. It engages the buyers attention, forces physical action (cup of pens on the desk already but you ignore them) and the buyer is invested for a few moments in what you have to say.

Pretty interesting and good to know for defense..

No is not an answer, it's an evasion is something a salesman once told me. Not a technique but kinda cute.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

Heartiste was a pretty famous PUA. Another was Roosh, who eventually found God and converted to the Orthodox Church and is now pretty hard right.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...
The My Pillow guy is what Trumpers think of as the masculine ideal.

David Hogg is steppin' into the ring. Gonna make a fluffier pillow, with built in considerate feelings. An all around pillow that haters can cry into when emotionally fragile, or, turn it over and punch it vigorously when overwhelmed with frustration and anger.

Oh, hold on a sec. He not gonna invent a pillow, he looking for a manufacturer today.
Seems like a well thought out plan.

Mutaman বলেছেন...

What suckers !


Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Skippy Tisdale said...

Howard said...
The My Pillow guy is what Trumpers think of as the masculine ideal.

Well it sure as fuck ain't you.

I really appreciate the positive endorsement, Skippy!

Lucid-Ideas বলেছেন...


Heartiste moved to Gab 2 years ago. He is now King of All Nads.


n.n বলেছেন...

NYT confuses paternal and maternal behaviors, masculine and feminine genders, respectively, which are equal and complementary in Nature/nature. The source of this confusion was motivated by an effort to normalize a conflation of sex and gender, and feminists who worked to keep women appointed, available, and taxable, and "burden"-free.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Lucid-Ideas said...


Heartiste moved to Gab 2 years ago. He is now King of All Nads.


Followed the link. Some anti jew comments and stuff.
Now, if I were to be doxxed or investigated for any transgression, my looking at that could be used as evidence against me.

Of course, just discussing the guy could be twisted and used against althouse.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed বলেছেন...

"Some anti jew comments and stuff."

So he's part of the Biden State Department now?

lb বলেছেন...

I can't find the thread and who recommended - but thanks for the tip - what a great article. Scary times.


Balfegor বলেছেন...

I think a lot of people have noted before that Trump flatly refuses to engage in what you might call performative masculinity -- making a show of doing sports or hunting or putting on a kind of rough plebian costume. The kind of thing Kerry was widely mocked for when he ran for President, and that finds its most unhinged expression in Biden challenging voters to push up contests or fistfights. Trump does do some of the body language (cf. Gore trying to intimidate Bush II during one of the debates in 2000, or Biden jabbing his finger at a reporter's chest), but my strongest impressions of Trump are as a solo act in which he regularly uses stereotypically feminine gestures and body language, so it's pretty fluid.

My impression is that a lot of online pickup artists also avoid traditional masculine presentation, but I have to admit, my impression is largely formed by my vague recollection of a photo of some pickup artist in heavy makeup with a lot of dark eyeshadow. So that impression may be . . unfair.

veni vidi vici বলেছেন...

It certainly requires a particularly "twerpish" type of person to make a chasm-leaping conclusion-jumping statement like this:

'He models it. He gives them permission.'

Only an idiot, and yes; despite whatever book-smarts this doofus may have, he's a pfackin' idiot, would leap to Trump "giv[ing] them permission."

This buffoonery always draws the chin-stroker audience who like to flatter themselves as "insightful", when what they're really doing is confirming their biases, and lazily at that.

Lucid-Ideas বলেছেন...

As with any place that values free speech, some crazy people are liable to say crazy things. It happens here too. Some posts on gab/heartiste are hilarious. I lol heartily. Here too.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Macho posturing seems to go along with democracy. George Washington didn't need it. The country wasn't democratic yet. Andrew Jackson, who gave us democracy - relied on it. Thomas Jefferson - not the most macho guy around - had his supporters who attacked John Adams as "hermaphroditical."

The left seems to be divided about gender insults. They're verboten in the mainstream media but favorites with anonymous blog commenters, and even the legacy media characters indulge in them when they think nobody is hearing. There's a hypocrisy there, but there's enough gender insulting coming from the right as well.

In general, people don't do nuance well. If you favor the new, less assertive men any guy who doesn't correspond to your model is likely to be seen as macho, patriarchal, and sexist. If you prefer the old, self-assured, unemotional masculine type, any fellow who doesn't fit that model tends to be thrown into the same pot (and labeled gay if you don't like them). Similarly, if you don't like "feminists" the nuances which differentiate women to whom the label could be applied go past you.

Tinderbox বলেছেন...

How DARE anyone teach the socially inept how to interact with the opposite sex effectively?

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

The antisemitism is why I can't be alt-right: I like big-titted jewesses too much.

n.n বলেছেন...

The antisemitism is why I can't be alt-right

Alt-left, sometimes just left. Antisemitism is a legacy of diversity [dogma]. Although, there is nothing to preclude libertarians from joining, or anarchists of the left-right nexus is leftist.

William বলেছেন...

Most billionaires who are not overtly obnoxious are successful with women. The challenge is more for the women to be successful with them than the reverse.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

The antisemitism is why I can't be alt-right: I like big-titted jewesses too much.

@Mr. Wibble, the left disguises its anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism, which allows them to recruit Jewish men and women into their anti-Semitic movement. But there’s no real difference.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse - "I took her out furniture shopping... I'm sure that's not in the usual pick-up artist handbook."

Ann. Ann. Everything is in the P/U artist handbook. Most of the guys who do these things are used by the women. "Oh, you're such a good friend! Not gonna sleep with you though." And then, there are other men...She wonders, "What else will you do for me?". If I sleep with you, will you do more?

Disclosure: I actually took a girl out furniture shopping. It was a kinda couch, sectional thing with recliners built in. I was a car salesman at the time and I negotiated the deal for her at the furniture store. Saved her $400 and closed the deal, IYKWIM.

Everything is in the Handbook of life.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

"That's a particular sort of masculinity. Way more interior decoration than you'd expect. Moved on her very heavily...I took her out furniture shopping... I'm sure that's not in the usual pick-up artist handbook."

How about the classical "would you like to see my etchings?"

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Some men really like beautiful things. DJT likes beautiful interior decoration and super models. I can identify.

The Godfather বলেছেন...

Now follow me on this. Suppose the Senate convicts Trump (yes, I know that won't happen) and orders that he may never again hold public office (yes, I know that's not what the Constitution says they can do -- we're supposing here). Come 2024, Kamala Harris is President and running for election as President (that probably will happen). And along comes a candidate who wins the Republican Presidential nomination: Danilla Trump. The erstwhile Donald now identifies as a woman (Althouse says Donald had some "womanly" characteristics). Danilla isn't Donald, so she can't be barred from the Presidency by the Senate vote against Donald (if she were barred that would overthrow the whole concept of "gender identity"). If Danilla defeats Kamalla, she will become the first woman ELECTED President.

Now the question: Would the New York Times endorse Danilla? If not, how would they excuse not supporting the first woman to run for President on a major party ticket?

bobby বলেছেন...

" . . . Brad Holiday's pathetic hawking of dating tips . . . "

Just curious - do you have any data showing that his tips do not result in followers having more frequent sex with women?

donald বলেছেন...

“I'm not sure that nose & ear hair counts as the "right kind" of hair, donald”.

Strangely, that hasn’t happened, just long flowing, non-gray locks.