"Number two, you're not likely to be able to be exposed to something and spread it to mommy or daddy. And it's not likely mommy and daddy are able to spread it to you either. So I wouldn't worry about it, baby. I promise you. But I know it's kind of worrisome. Wait, are you in first grade? Second grade? Oh, you're getting old. Second grade. Well, has your school — have you been in school, honey? No? See, that's — that's kind of a scary thing, too. You don't get to go to school. You don't get to see your friends. And so what a lot of kids and, I mean, and big people, too, older people, they just — their whole lives have sort of changed like when it used to be. It used to be you just go outside and play with your friends and get in the school bus and go to school, and everything was normal. And now, when things change, people get really worried and scared. But don't be scared, honey. Don't be scared. You're going to be fine. And we're going to make sure mommy is fine, too."
Joe Biden talks to an 8-year-old at the CNN Presidential Town Hall With Joe Biden.
I thought that was interesting, Biden interacting with a child, verbally, from a distance, calling her "baby" and "honey."
I was also interested in this bit about schoolkids:
ANDERSON COOPER: Well, let me ask you, your administration had set a goal to open the majority of schools in your first 100 days. You're now saying that means those schools may only be open for at least one day a week --
BIDEN: No, that's not true. That's what was reported.... That's not true. That was a mistake in the communication. But what I'm talking about is I said opening the majority of schools in K through eighth grade, because they're the easiest to open, the most needed to be open in terms of the impact on children and families having to stay at home --
Why are high schools harder to open? When I heard this, I guessed that the point isn't that it's harder to open high schools. It's just that the idea of what's "easiest" is really more about overall efficiency, as the words "most needed" and "families having to stay at home." The priority is getting parents back to work by relieving them of childcare burdens. That is, high school students don't need babysitters. They can be left home alone to work through computers.
Back to the transcript:
COOPER: So when do you think that would be K through eight... at least five days a week if possible?
BIDEN: I think we'll be close to that at the end of the first 100 days. We've had a significant percentage of them being able to be opened. My guess is they're going to probably be pushing to open all summer, to continue like it's a different semester and try to catch up....
COOPER: Do you think that would be five days a week or just a couple?
BIDEN: I think many of them five days a week. The goal will be five days a week. Now it's going to be harder to open up the high schools for the reasons I have said.
What reasons?!
८४ टिप्पण्या:
So Joe doesn't seem to agree with the teachers unions.
Wonder how long that's going to last.
Then take a shotgun and shoot it through your parent's bedroom door. I'm Joe Biden and that is the way.
But Trump was weird.
Did he sniff her too?? After the show??
The "baby" and "honey". Ew. My skin is crawling.
Mumbles mush. But then whatever brains he once had, they are now mush. In this same town hall he said there were no vaccines when he was inaugurated. Shufflin' Senescent Joe got his first shot of the vaccine on December 20. How quickly he forgets.
Ann that troll pooped on your Lincoln project post.
Kind of strange to hear Joe proclaim he likes “kids better than people”.
"First of all, kids don't get the vaccine —get COVID very often...
Number two, you're not likely to be able to be exposed to something and spread it to mommy or daddy. And it's not likely mommy and daddy are able to spread it to you either.
None of that is true, is it?
CDC Dec 30: "The true incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children is not known due to lack of widespread testing and the prioritization of testing for adults and those with severe illness."
CDC Dec 18: "While fewer children have been sick with COVID-19 compared to adults, children can be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, can get sick from COVID-19, and can spread the virus that causes COVID-19 to others. Children, like adults, who have COVID-19 but have no symptoms (“asymptomatic”) can still spread the virus to others."
Biden is pretty clearly a sexual predator.
He has every tell and the credible accusations to back them up.
What mealy mouthed garbage:
“I think we'll be close to that at the end of the first 100 days. We've had a significant percentage of them being able to be opened. My guess is they're going to probably be pushing to open all summer, to continue like it's a different semester and try to catch up....
I think many of them five days a week. The goal will be five days a week. Now it's going to be harder to open up the high schools for the reasons I have said.”
Fuck off Joe, fuck right off...
You too Anderson Smugface Vanderbilt. Always looks like he’s constipated.
They found the least stupid and ignorant thing he said.
How about providing some target? The daily case rate has to go below X/day for full school opening.
After all, the curve has not merely been bent, it is well and truly crushed.
Men talk to women that way to get into their pants.
Joe talks to 8-year-olds that way to get into their pig tails.
Fernandinande is right. Just about everything he said is wrong. But the president is a Dem now, so the media will see a benefit in lying to a little kid, and it’ll all be ok.
If it were Trump it’d be “Trump lies to little girl” ... 24/7
I could not bring myself to follow the link.
Were they too socially distant for #BadTouchBiden to do that hair sniffing thing? God I hope so!
Why are we still locked down? Isn't it amazing how that with Biden as President all those daily "Death counts" have gone away. Huge numbers have been vaccinated. Lets open up!
In other words, Joe is promising to do in 100 days what happened 5 months ago in Florida.
Biden is a creep.
Grocery store workers can face hundreds of people a day - but teacher's union teachers cannot handle 30 pupils.
why? democrats are infantile spoiled brat babies.
Did he just suggest that schools would be open through the summer to make up lost time? Hahahaha! Try getting the teachers to go for that!
Ann that troll pooped on your Lincoln project post.
Got to be careful these days, there are predators roaming the internet looking for prey.
Slow Joe was only speaking to kids in Blue areas like Milwaukee, Madison, and Chicago where the School Boards are as bad as the Teachers Unions. It’s a strange thing that liberals are making their own kids suffer.
It’s immoral to stick a kid with the mRNA at this point.
Kids are fine in Waukesha County, WI. Nobody buys this bullshit, and the Teachers appreciate having jobs in areas where there is local support, clean schools, no violence…. If they don't, they keep their mouths shut or they can go teach in Racine.
>>"COOPER: I saw a picture of you with your grandson recently.
BIDEN: That's right."<<
(In my dreams) COOPER: "Now, do they have day care for him at the titty bar, or what?"
"Kate said...
The "baby" and "honey". Ew. My skin is crawling."
You thinking reading it is bad, try listening to it.
What's really sad is that between the kid, her mom, and Biden, Creepy Joe is the mental inferior. Layla: "OK, second question. Can I get what you have?"
Public schools are not all bad - but sadly most are just leftwing indoctrination factories - churning out woke feelz bullies like David Hogg - who cannot handle risk or the real world., and expect to be given all the right things as reward for their sufficient adherence to the indoctrination they receive from their Alinsky masters.
Yeah, you people can vomit up Covid bile for a change. Having fun? It's sunny here in beautiful center Mass. YakTraxing at the arboretum
>>Public schools are not all bad - but sadly most are just leftwing indoctrination factories - churning out woke feelz bullies like David Hogg
Wokeism is a by-product of our fantastically wealthy society. Wokeys are just spoiled beyond belief, and without any real hardships to overcome they have to invent some.
Venezuelans, for example, are too busy trying to find food to be woke.
"First of all, kids don't get the vaccine —get COVID very often..."
"Number two, you're not likely to be able to be exposed to something and spread it to mommy or daddy. And it's not likely mommy and daddy are able to spread it to you either."
Just imagine if Donald Trump had said that! Imagine what the media would have done to him!
But the truth is that despite every single detail being wrong, this is basically the right message. Children are basically at no risk. And we have known this for a long time.
Now of course there is some risk. And most people are such idiots that if you put any number on that risk they will act like it's some big deal despite the fact that they routinely in their own lives of their own free will take risks far greater than that.
The other argument for fear is that we don't know everything about the coronavirus. Maybe there is some long-term danger to this that we don't know about it.
Well of course that's possible. There are also a million other things that we are affected by that we could make that same statement about. And we don't use those million other things as an excuse to shut down the economy and punish most of the population in the US, but not government workers!, do we?
Did he just suggest that schools would be open through the summer to make up lost time? Hahahaha! Try getting the teachers to go for that!
First thing I thought too. How bad is Joe, when he has no idea about teacher unions. That comment will be memoryholed. Unless FOX asks at the WH presser, the rest of the media will cover for the Unions, and the notion of going to school in summer will have never been mentioned.
A full year and counting of virtual school is the greatest policy failure of our generation and here in Fairfax County, VA, teachers unions are 100% to blame. It is so hard to make people who don't have young kids see how bad it truly is. The effects on kids are simply devastating. And no one, at any level of government - local, state, national - seems to grasp how urgent the problem is. It should be a national emergency.
I have become a radicalized single-issue voter over this. I would crawl over broken glass to vote for, donate to, volunteer for any politician who made reopening in person schools 5 days a week their number one priority. For the rest of my life, I will never again consider voting for any candidate who has been endorsed by a teachers union. When you see what the unions are doing - refusing to return to school while jumping the line for vaccines and making ridiculous demands that have nothing to do with their safety - and ignoring the impact this has on kids' mental health, working women, low-income families and Black and Brown kids in particular - it is evil. There is no other word for it. And the new CDC school opening guidelines - which don't promote reopening at all (in fact make it much harder) - show the Biden administration is complicit.
We have moved from "Orange Man Bad" to the era of "The Meshugunah." Heaven help us all.
Biden is dim and creepy.
But we all knew that.
What's the current over/under on when Kamala takes the reins? December of 2022? I think I want the under.
At what point to ANY teachers speak out against their corrupt union??? Cowards all of them.
"Wokeism is a by-product of our fantastically wealthy society. Wokeys are just spoiled beyond belief, and without any real hardships to overcome they have to invent some."
This pretty much nails it.
Until kids get out of college, get a job, and get off mommy and daddy's payroll, they have no fucking idea.
Unfortunately, having spent the prior 18 years of their lives in government indoctrination factories, they've been robbed of any common sense they might have had.
By then it's too late...they are part of the hive mentality.
And all by design.
Those goddamn hippies were smart when they took over the education system starting in the late '60s...gotta give 'em credit.
This is "listen to the science"
Close the schools, push positive elderly into nursing homes.
Almost immune, children. Least vulnerable, under 25, most vulnerable over 65, The worst? ~15% infected passing away 80+
This was all "science" April 1st, 2020
11 month later, Biden is acting like we still have no idea about what should be done.
Monday, Fauci was asked about opening the schools. He has all of a sudden lost his voice and refuses to offer an opinion. Although Fauci does parrott the line about opening schools when more funding passes in the legislature and is signed into law.
Fauci avoids making a medical recommendation, but has no problem politicizing the issue.
Biden’s Covid death toll is currently 80,000 and counting.
Meanwhile back in Detroit…former TV News Anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels dies a day after receiving the COVID vaccine. Autopsy pending.
But hey. Let’s let the Teachers Unions (who don’t give a shit about kids) demand that we stick this mRNA shit in every child.
Last night our elementary school outlined their plan to "re-open" starting in a few weeks.
- They offer the option of staying remote or "in-person" (see final note).
- Originally the school board committed to having those in school taught by teachers in school. But while this is true of k-3 in 4-5 grades the in-school kids will log into their computers from school to learn from a teacher from home.
- There will be a "para-educator" in these rooms to ensure the kids aren't logged into Roblox playing. For those unfamiliar with edu-speak a para-educator is a babysitter whose normal contribution is pulling disruptive kids aside so the teacher can continue.
- In-person students will alternate a week in-school with a week remote with all Wednesday's remote so the school can deep-clean.
Only 4 days in ten will an "in-person" student actually be in class, and even on those days they will be learning from a teacher via their laptop. This effects a grand total of 19 days the rest of the year.
This is what Slo-Joe refers to as "re-opening".
Our grandkids have been going fulltime (virtual snow days) since September. Never a hitch, to big outbreaks, off the record opinion from one school nurse says there has NEVER been a year were so few were out of class do to cold/flu...NEVER.
This is not unusual. Thousands of school district across the nation have been running this experiment since september. The same outcome.
Only the largest districts in the state, and here its is the Des Moines district has refused to go full time. The district has refused orders from the Governor, and has refused to abide by legislation passed by the state legislature in early January. Such is the power of teachers unions.
Iowan2 said... Fauci avoids making a medical recommendation, but has no problem politicizing the issue.
Fauci is a secular false prophet. He and Bill Gates are like the Sith. Master and apprentice.
I wonder how many of the "majority" goal is covered by schools already open?
You know, the ones where we're going to kill the kids, the teachers and all their family members.
Except we aren't.
Oops! a Kinseyian gaffe by the President. He's correct that children are extremely unlikely to get or spread the virus, which is why schools are safe to be open right now.
Certainly, he didn't get Teacher Union approval for those statements, so he must've been speaking only in his personal capacity.
The schools should never have been closed after about last March. We knew enough then to allow them to remain open with proper allocation of the teachers to in-person instruction based on risk factors, and it could have all been done via voluntary behavior on the parts of the parents and the individual teachers. Instead, we got a top down closing order that is going be hard to undo in a lot of the country the longer it goes on. I hear from a lot of people who got to work from home during the panic that they don't want to go back to the office ever- teachers are no different in this regard, but their jobs really can't be done from home any more than a plumber's job can be, but they will continue to pretend otherwise.
"First of all, kids don't get the vaccine —get COVID very often... so you're the safest group of people in the whole world, number one."
When people on the right made this point the left portrayed it as dangerous Covid denialism. Today leftists make the point and it's just a rational fact. The smear remains unwithdrawn though.
Suburban Tucson schools are back to 4 days a week after a break from Thanksgiving to last Monday.
There was a lot of fear porn about this reopening, much of which was teachers union gossip about the malign intentions of their political opponents. Those opponents include the school board the the Republican governor (RINO Ducey) who (of course) has a secret desire to destroy all public education in favor of charter schools.
Even my (life long Democrat) wife believes that the charter schools (where she taught for one year) are far better educational institutions than the public schools. They have been open most of the time and have had few problems.
I wonder how many more town halls will Biden be allowed to do.
Since you asked, I suspect that high schools are probably harder to open because those students don’t stay together in the same class like they tend to in grade school. All the HS kids are passing back-and-forth in the hallways to get to different classes with groupings of different kids. You can’t just bring in half the kids and have them sit still in a single classroom to get all their classes one day, and then do the same thing for the other half the next day. Also, probably makes tracking and cleaning a nightmare.
That was a mistake in the communication.
The teachers' unions told him that he had misspoke.
I'm struck by the fact that Biden is barely coherent in his thinking and quite inarticulate in his speaking. On top of that he engages in baby talk. It's going to be a long four years - if he makes it that far.
"I wonder how many more town halls will Biden be allowed to do."
The funny part is, Dems always tightly control these 'spontaneous' events, especially when such an obsequious network is cooperating.
And he still fucked up on an epic scale.
Just imagine how he'd do if it was a truly open forum...
like sideshow bob with the rake,
It's going to be a long four years - if he makes it that far.
There needs to be an over/under for Joe. I'd put some money down on that. With comma-la doing phone calls with foreign leaders, the groundwork is being laid. The phone calls are a big thing. If we had a real media, they would have asked the Secretary of State about the optics of forcing Foriegn leaders talk to anyone BUT the President of the United States.
Our school district opened schools to in-person classes, for grades k-8 last September, against the advice of the country health czar and the state's guidance that in person classes could only open when the 14 day moving average/100,000 was less than 25. Our community infection rate was 250.
They offered three options for parents-- fully remote, hybrid (two days in person a week), and full in-class learning. The class sizes are about half compared to pre-covid.
No testing, though if any class has a positive case, the entire class quarantines for 14 days.
High school was opened to in-person learning in early November.
The outcome we experienced is exactly what was the case in Europe when schools re-opened last spring. The schools didn't spread the virus to the community, the virus was brought into the schools from the community.
The community did see a huge spike in cases in October-- but it wasn't from the schools, but a large wedding of about 300 persons. The case rate in the community ballooned to over 1,000 confirmed cases/100,000-- not all attributed to the wedding, but it was a substantial contributor. The schools remained open, and the case rate in the schools mirrored the community, but did not cause any increase in the community.
Recently, a Seattle TV station did a story on the district (many schools in the state are still remote). The reporter concluded that our district could be a model for the rest of the state.
Our children are not being served by the "experts". Schools can be opened safely. That doesn't mean there won't be cases, but the cases do not result in spread.
yes but it's different,
At least in Oregon, which is influenced by CDC but has been stricter than most other states, children are to be kept in cohorts of 100 or less. This works well in grade school and junior high to a lesser extent because the students are already in one room and basically on the same education track.
Oregon is requiring the same cohort rule for high school. But, students are on different educational tracks and moving from room to room. My son is in a coding class with 50 students in three different grades. Then they have to go to other classes - frequently different levels. Maintaining the cohort rule is basically impossible.
Oregon just made their mandatory rules voluntary. And if you follow the "voluntary" rules, the districts can be exempt from COVID-related suits against them. So, how voluntary are these voluntary rules?
The mother expressed great fear of the virus for her kid.
Two parts to this. The fear of everything instilled in the general populas.
Corona virus fear porn amplified a thousand fold because it helped the Orange Man Bad cause.
Now the left has to unroll that SLOWLY. else we'd all see the man behind the curtain.
First of all, milk the money. Then stop things like daily death tolls. Soon enough praise Saint Biden for vaccination success since there was none when he took office and he started from scratch.
Could news coverage of this old fool be any more inane?
@iowan2: i'll bet real money on that over/under. There could be some side action on the method of removal, e.g.; death, catastrophic health event (not including death), 25th Amendment.
People with sound hygienic habits are less vulnerable to infection (e.g. fecal spread). Children are vulnerable to infection but are unlikely to suffer disease progression. The disease is correlated with comorbidities correlated with age. We have had effective, inexpensive, low-risk treatments (e.g. HCQ cocktail, Ivermectin protocol) since the beginning of the pandemic that have reduced excess hospitalizations and deaths. JournoLists (e.g. Electoral Press), social contagion sites, steering engines, and professional societies have spread disinformation driving load and collateral damage. Restrictive mandates either had no effect or are known to increase spread, but reduced legal liability. There is no evidence that asymptomatic spread was significant. That said, Planned Parent/hood was one of the few venues where there were excess deaths.
In CA last year, if your county's numbers were good enough for long enough your schools could open. There was a brief window in Sacramento county where schools could open, and the private schools were ready to go. My son's private school opened two days a week last year and has been running four days a week this year. Everyone on campus is tested at least once a week. The administration announces positive tests. Last year they seemed to run one positive a week; this year there have been none that my wife or I can recall.
Keeping the schools closed is not good for the children.
So Joe doesn't seem to agree with the teachers unions.
Democrats, left of center Republicans, and unprincipled libertarians threw unions under the bus. They pushed working class Americans to the back of the bus. They normalized disparate violence and dysfunction in urban jungles with public smoothing functions (e.g. welfare) excluding policies of revitalization, rehabilitation, and reconciliation. They established Obamacares to sustain progressive prices that would would share/shift responsibility. They normalize diversity and exclusion, genderphobia, sexism (Rainbow politics). They stand for the wicked solution: selective-child, to keep women and girls appointed, available, and taxable. They attempted to force rape-rape culture to social justify their Choice. They subscribe to the Pro-Choice selective, opportunistic, relativistic ("ethical") religion. They bend their knee to men and women with a pretense to godhood with hope for social lucre, climate stasis, reduced "burdens", and secular returns.
His answer was so passive... He spoke like someone else was in charge and he was just guessing the outcome. Sadly, this is likely true. But the point of the question, in my mind, is what are you doing to get the kids back to school as quickly as possible? He showed no leadership on this at all.
"calling her "baby" and "honey.""
You could call it "interesting," sure. Now imagine Trump saying it.
"What reasons?!"
The party of science needs no stinkin' reasons.
I thought that was interesting, Biden interacting with a child, verbally, from a distance, calling her "baby" and "honey."
You left out "groomee".
That is, high school students don't need babysitters. They can be left home alone to work through computers.
High schoolers need babysitters too. It's a different kind of babysitting, but it's still supervision.
Usually the K-8 reason is because the kids can be more spaced out and don't have to move between classes. This cuts down on interactions in the hallways. It's impossible to do that with high school because by then kids are on different tracks. They are getting waivers from testing for college admissions though so maybe they'll just learn there high school curriculum in college.
and the notion of going to school in summer will have never been mentioned.
I saw an interview with the president of the AFT (the second largest teachers union) on CNN and she was calling for summer school as well. Why would a union head sign up her union for working over the summer when they traditionally have it off? Because of the money. That's a new contract, that requires new negotiations, which means some of that sweet sweet covid relief money.
Expect to hear more about summer school.
Florida schools have been open all year.
There have been no outbreaks
The cumulative infection rate is LOWER in Florida than in California where 95% of the schools have been closed all year.
FUCK the teachers' unions.
There needs to be an over/under for Joe. I'd put some money down on that.
I pick 4th of July, 2021.
I'm surprised he didn't tell the kid, "I'm the first college in my family to go to the Moon."
Biden is such a loathsome person, but one feels slightly guilty for hating on him, simply because he is clearly, if not mentally impaired, then of low intelligence. It's bad form to hate someone too stupid to know any better. I feel sorry for him, but sorrier for America.
"How about providing some target? The daily case rate has to go below X/day for full school opening."
I didn't realize we had a Federally-mandated school policy. My kids' school is going full-time on March 15 whether the CDC or Joe like it, I guess.
" and unprincipled libertarians threw unions under the bus."
All libertarians are unprincipled. That's why we accumulate sooooo much political power. ; )
Why are high schools harder to open?
High schools have much more mixing of students as they are in different groups for each class. Elementary schools the students stay with their own class.
8th grade is the wrong cutoff, 5th or 6th is where it changes.
Sooner or later Joe'll speak and we'll hear Pelosi's voice, like Linda Blair doing Father Karris' mother.
If he doesn't meet this goal, will the WaPo count it as a lie? That's how they treated Trump's statements.
Literalism again. Joe is goofy, handsy, and touchy feely, but is he really a pedophile? Is there any evidence that he did anything intimate with a child? Or are people just taking the metaphor or gag as the truth? The rumor about showering with his own kids, if true, makes me a little uneasy, though. At first people thought Jerry Sandusky and Denny Hastert were just goofballs too, but some people just like human contact. So, Joe Biden -- American Sphinx, and likely to get Sphinxier as time moves on.
"So Joe doesn't seem to agree with the teachers unions."
Tomorrow Pisaki will tell us that just because Joe said something on TV that does not mean it is administration policy.
All libertarians are unprincipled. That's why we accumulate sooooo much political power. ; )
If only. No, there are nationalist and globalist libertarians. There are socially liberal libertarians that have progressed. Libertarians, in principle, will self-moderate and reconcile with their neighbors.
I feel sorry for [Biden], but sorrier for America.
Twilight Fringe, Forward! Last one out, turn off the lights.
Probably true that the “high schools are harder to open line is partly about parents’ needs but there are also real reasons that it’s harder.
I think someone mentioned that they switch classes. Lots of elementary kids normally do some switching too but it isn’t essential (my daughter’s Catholic school has the kids staying in home room all day this year.)
The kids are probably less compliant with mask and distancing.
And most significantly, they are more likely to get COVID and spread it than are younger kids. The public high schools here in our GA county opened this fall but have had to shut down repeatedly.
>>And most significantly, they are more likely to get COVID and spread it than are younger kids. The public high schools here in our GA county opened this fall but have had to shut down repeatedly.
Teens in Florida must have some tropical superpowers. Our daughter's school has had a few confirmed cases, but they've been back for months and months.
Somehow, miraculously, we have not all been killed and then instantly decomposed into tiny bits and then had zombies dance on us.
Maybe we are just lucky.
I retort. You deride.
The members of American mainstream media, as evil as they are, cannot be happy having to paper over this shit show of a democrat administration, with a senile creep, a round-heeled affirmative action hire, and a family of grifters and crackheads. I predict many media shills will leave the industry, and a significant number will commit suicide.
I predict many media shills will leave the industry, and a significant number will commit suicide.
They need/want the paycheck so nope.
plus nearly all of them agree with the ultimate goals of Biden's Obama/SJW retreads so nope.
Is there anything left of Federalism in this country?
What does a US president have to do with the operation of an elementary school in some district of one of the 50 states?
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