"While it’s a relief to see briefings return, particularly with a commitment to factual information, the press can't really do its job in the briefing room if the White House is picking and choosing the questions they want,” one White House correspondent said. “That's not really a free press at all."
Wait. What? I thought Trump was the enemy of a free press. We'll have to circle back to that one.
Nothing but overcast here in Milwaukee. When the sun comes out in the winter Milwaukee residents act like Japanese residents when they see Godzilla.
I really don't mind the cold and snow during winter in Wisconsin, sunshine is so wonerful but I have elderly women in my neighborhood that I do snow removal for their driveway and sidewalks. I can't allow a 87 y/o women to try to clear both with a shovel! Fours driveways and six sidewalks. Be nice to have a break but looking at the weather forecast God says no. Oh, well it is what it is.
Having an 87 year old woman hug you for clearing their driveway is about as good a feeling that you can hope for.
They're going to miss him when he's gone. From the WSJ:
"Gavin Bridge reports on CNN for Variety:
In the first week of the Biden administration, the AT&T-owned news channel saw the audiences that had been flooding into primetime recently drop precipitously on Jan. 25-29 compared with the highs of previous weeks. Meanwhile, rival Fox News Channel saw its own ratings only dip slightly after weeks of registering its own sharp declines.
Another network that has been characterized as left-leaning, MSNBC, has also seen significant declines but nowhere near as steep as what has hit CNN: Variety Intelligence Platform’s analysis of the viewership data across two key metrics—the target news demographic for people ages 25-54, and the total audience watching—shows that CNN ended the final week of January with ratings dropping roughly 44% for total audience versus the prior week across all three hours of primetime."
Meanwhile, was a great day here in southern Maine. About a foot of snow, the light stuff. Cleared the driveway in the morning. Pellet, wet stuff came down in the afternoon. Cleared that out. All good. Working on a big business deal at work. Customer is great, ready to go, struggling to get the internal bureaucracy focused and completing their critical path tasks. We shall overcome.
“ new “Hero Pay” mandate in Long Beach, California has inadvertently cost some frontline grocery workers their jobs.
“Ralphs and Food 4 Less, both owned by the parent company Kroger, announced Monday that they will be closing 25% of their stores in Long Beach after the city council passed an ordinance requiring companies with over 300 employees nationwide to pay employees an extra $4 per hour,” local news outlet Fox 11 reports. Two stores in the area will be shut down.”
Inadvertently is arguable. But you can’t make a blue omelette without cracking a few blue eggs can you.
I feel bad for the workers but this is good news. Blue votes must lead to blue governance.
Gun control, to be effective, must involve buy backs and confiscation. To reduce Gun deaths the guns confiscated must be hand guns. If confiscation is mandated it will involve police taking guns from people who don’t want to surrender them, disproportionately black people in fact. Disproportionately young black men. More police confrontations, with more force. That's what Pelosi wants. Maybe it’s what Bidenharris wants.
Hahahaha! Laughable to think the Dems would dare to confiscate guns from the criminal class. The only guns they want to confiscate are the legally-owned guns of the average taxpaying Americans. Think Nancy P would take the guns of MS-13 and risk stealing their “spark of divinity”? It’s the normies’ guns that she wants, the real “enemies within”.
What do I want to talk about? ..... 3 things I have learned from a lifetime of reading and rereading the books of Tolkien --(a) Bilbo was right about Gollum, in that lonely cave ---- there is no creature that is beyond redemption, no creature that can not be, some day, a creature who might be someone whose help someone we care about needs in a desperate moment (b) joy is not found in this world often, but when it is, it is a great gift ---- but that being said, if we care about other people, with love in our hearts, joy is easily found when we reflect on the next world (Aragorn, the only human with more than a few lines in the entire Lord of the Rings, was especially adamant on this point) (c) WWI was awful.
3 things I have learned from a lifetime of watching action movies (a) in the Equalizer, Denzel Washington is telling a security guard, who he is mentoring (the security guard wants to be a firefighter, and Denzel is helping him train to be where he needs to be if he makes it past the initial cut and gets to training camp), that he needs to be tougher - Denzel points out that the security guard cannot drag a pair of truck tires even 20 feet, and Denzel says ---- what if that was me you were pulling from a burning building - I'd be dead ----- the point is, as often as we wish, after the second slice of pizza, to have that third slice, or as much as we wish, when we could go to the gym or spend an hour relaxing --- choices like that have consequences (b) in Dirty Harry, Clint Eastwood uses a 44 ---- if you know a lot about guns, you know that 44s are a little more difficult to use, at the gun range, than lesser smaller pistols. IRL, not that I have ever used a 44 in real life, it is probably even more difficult (unless you can easily curl an awful lot of pounds, you are gonna mis-aim with a 44 almost every time) .... the point is, whatever you think of Clint Eastwood, he did enough curls or did enough to be strong enough to use a 44 when he needed to, and that is a good thing and (c) I learned this from the first action movie I ever watched, the Guns of Navarone ----- tough people get scared sometimes too. Fear is not our enemy or our friend, it is just something you have to overcome if you care about other people.
“Jeopardy!” has announced even more upcoming guest hosts to take over the podium for the late Alex Trebek, including Anderson Cooper, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Savannah Guthrie and Dr. Sanjay Gupta. . . . Katie Couric, Aaron Rodgers, Bill Whitaker and Mayim Bialik.
Watching the Money Honey in her slot last week wasn't bad. But Tintin this week is just annoying (and was totally useless as a congressman "investigator").
I am in a good mood tonight Jeff Bezos apparently agrees with my recent advice to him to quit his job as CEO because barbarians should not be in charge of big companies like that.
Let's hope the next CEO does not cancel and delete thousands of well-written comments on Amazon book reviews!!!!
Yes I know the little guy never read my advice, but he agreed with it, that is what counts. Pleasanton 1974, for the win, as we used to say in SIlicon Valley!!!!
See, the Democrats think it'll be easy to take the guns from legal owners, but the criminals will resist. My understanding is the legal owners will sadly report that all of their guns fell into Lake Washington or Lake Sammamish while they were out fishing for the nonexistent salmon. Such a tragedy, losing all of those guns. Of course, the criminals will deny ever owning any guns, because that would be illegal! And the criminals are just fine, upstanding members of society, who would never think about committing a crime, let alone using a gun in such an unthinkable act!
If confiscation is mandated it will involve police taking guns from people who don’t want to surrender them, disproportionately black people in fact. Disproportionately young black men.
Hilarious. Anyone who thinks that gun confiscation will involve "young black men" does not understand Democrats, let alone gun owners. Young black men in gangs will not be disturbed. In cities like Chicago, they are the base of Democrat politicians at the local level. White people are the dangerous ones as they might resist the fascist government. Young black men only shoot each other.
requiring companies with over 300 employees nationwide to pay employees an extra $4 per hour,” local news outlet Fox 11 reports. Two stores in the area will be shut down.”
I stopped at our local supermarket about 1 today. Parking lot was on the full side. Picked up the few items I needed and proceeded to check out. Two registers were manned. At least a dozen more self checkouts. 4 months ago, before the remodel, there would have been 8 to ten manned checkouts. That $15 minimum wage is going to make a huge difference to those downsized checkers.
Just drink your soma and keep your mouth shut and you'll be fine. At least for a while.
You can't keep it up, whether it is in keeping quiet when you should or in screaming rage in the Two Minute Hate when expected to. Eventually, no matter how hard you try, no matter how perfect you are, someone will condemn you.
It happens now. A guy is minding his own business, not thinking of anything in particular, and suddenly he gets accused of giving "that look." And the more he protests that he doesn't even know what she is talking about, the more he proves his guilt.
We all get a bullet in the back of the head in the end. Fade to black.
Seattle has also passed a $4/hr hazard pay bump for grocery workers. Looking for massive layoffs of these liberal idiots who voted for the left-wing council people. Should be a scream hearing the grocery workers scream from the unemployment line.
We sometimes get a nice sunrise here in Pugetopolis. Nice red colors coming up over the Cascades. Most of the time, it's just gray clouds with an occasional fog. Today was very wet, tomorrow will be just cloudy, perfect weather for our retiree group lunch at Gene Coulan Park in Renton. The park has two restaurants, Kidd Valley Hamburgers and Ivar's Fish, both owned by the same company with a pavillion with tables. We've had lunches there were it's pouring down rain and the wind's howling. The rain is just pouring off the roof into Lake Washington. Good times.
@Ken Truly curious about something. Back in the 80's or 90's there was a lot of making fun of Canadians (I thought it was cringe worthy and wondered why it was going on). Do remember that? Was there any backlash to it? Honest question with no agenda. Something that crosses my mind from time to time.
Back in the 80's or 90's there was a lot of making fun of Canadians
In the late 50s and early 60s, we used to make fun of Canadian girls who came down to northern Idaho looking for men. We called them "Honkers," as they were Canadian geese. Canada decimated their medical profession in the 80s. I used to go a good meeting in Sasakatoon. Then one year it was cancelled. All the faculty had emigrated.
Marjorie Taylor Greene put together a very informative clip of dozens of Democratic politicians and their supporters in the media calling for violence and murder against Donald Trump.
You will not hear about that most places.
What you will hear is she is "Q-anon". They are lying about her, and she is worth a thousand of them and more, with respect to honesty.
Pacwest Lots around 1998 too, when South Park got into the act. Aboot.
The only thing that bothered us was that you folks tell jokes you couldn’t get the punchlines right. Like watching a walrus tap dance. But we make allowances.
All Trump has to do is show that clip of Congresspeople, Senators, and rich Hollywood creeps calling for his murder, and contrast it with his speech asking people to peacefully protest.
Any Republican who votes for his impeachment will never be reelected. The Democrats, of course, have shown they have no morals, so they will not be held accountable by voters who never expected them to be honest.
Michael K “ Canada decimated their medical profession in the 80s.”
Indeed. Earlier actually. A Liberal government decided medical costs were “doctor driven” so they reduced the number of places at Canadian medical schools! Also made foreign credentials a hassle for immigrants. Many Indian doctors drove taxis for a year while getting certified.
More on the genius of San Francisco school board canceling school names. Article by occasional commenter Joanne Jacobs here: https://www.joannejacobs.com/2021/02/dont-care-much-about-history/#comments
"Based on a Top-10 list from the History Channel website, the committee condemned Paul Revere for fighting against the Penobscot Indians. In fact, he fought the British (not very well) at Penobscot Bay, named after the Indians, who were not involved.
James Russell Lowell, a poet, diplomat and abolitionist, “did not want Black people to vote,” a committee member said. Not true, states a biography. Also, Lowell High was named for the Massachusetts town, not the man."
It's the tweet that begins "Democrats and their spokesmen in fake news media", and it includes dozens of plain statements by Senators, Congressmen, and rich Hollywood creeps that Trump should be assaulted and killed.
Mitch McConnell does not care about the threats to assault and kill Trump. He is not on the side of peace. Marjorie Taylor Green is on the side of peace. The people who elected her are good people.
See, the Democrats think it'll be easy to take the guns from legal owners, but the criminals will resist. My understanding is the legal owners will sadly report that all of their guns fell into Lake Washington or Lake Sammamish while they were out fishing for the nonexistent salmon.
Nope. Authorities will follow a new law allowing them to show up unannounced and search your property for weapons.
Perhaps follow current procedure of thirty armed agents at dawn.Or, National gaurd sweeping entire neighborhood at once.
Not sure why so much interest in Canada lately. Seems like a lovely place according to DaVinci's Inquest, Kim's Convenience tv programs. And documentary Letterkenny.
I have a navy blue sweater that has become my Zoom uniform. (Zoomiform?) Time to Zoom, casual shirt switches out for the sweater. Zoom time ends, sweater switches out for casual shirt. Zoom doesn't affect selection of pants.
In Wisconsin the 80- to 89-year-old age group accounts for 32% of the covid deaths and in Wisconsin 236,000 (4.1 percent) are over 80. So if those over 80 had been vaccinated deaths would have fallen by 32% right now.
So far 469,623 have been vaccinated once. So all 236,000 over 80 could have been vaccinated once by today (February 2) leading to a huge drop in the number of deaths. But there's no drop in the number of deaths. So the state stays closed.
In Wisconsin the 70 to 79 age group has 25% of the deaths and in Wisconsin 314,000 are 70 to 79. About 75% of this group could have been vaccinated once by now (233,623) after those who are 80 to 89. This would have saved 18% of those who are going to die in the next few days and weeks.
32% + 18% = 50%. The death rate in this state could have dropped by 50% as of today. But it's going up.
We could could have cut the death rate in this state by 50% as of today if we had vaccinated those most likely to die if they got covid. We could be opening the state. People could be employed. But we vaccinated a lot of young people because that's what OurBetters in public health decreed. No schools, no jobs, masks, poverty, death, death, death. Because the ScienceExperts in Madison decreed it thus.
I saw there was an op-ed in the NYTimes calling for an Office of Reality headed up by a Reality Czar. You really can't parody reality any longer. Our elites are utter morons.
Negatives are like masks- if one is good, two are better, and three are best. And don't forget the anal mask- you need to stuff it up the ass really deep to keep that COVID in to protect your fellow man.
Blogger JaimeRoberto said... The government didn't sell me any guns. How can they buy them back?
Never owned a gun. Back when the Army got rid of brown boots, the marching song was: "This is my rifle, this is my gun. This for fighting, this is for fun."
And at the Fort Knox firing range where I eventually qualified as a marksman: "The flag is up, the flag is waving, the flag is down. Commence firing - you Sonsabitches!"
And there is technology being developed [or already developed] that supposedly can determine your political preferences by facial analysis.
What if I'm wearing a mask?
For work zoom calls with customers I wear a dress shirt. Once the call is over I take off this shirt and hang it up. Been using the same one for about 10 months now, haven't had to launder it. If anyone has noticed they haven't said so.
We could could have cut the death rate in this state by 50% as of today if we had vaccinated those most likely to die if they got covid.
That's all correct, but we don't know the goal.
I've been asking since March for the goal. Protecting the vulnerable has never been the goal. Cuomo said old people die, so what?
Just watching the local news. They had a graph of age categories vaccinated along with that groups rate of death. The young were .2% of deaths but 7% vaccinated. As always, the govt is ruining a wet dream. Surprise
White House press secretary is so good at her job she's asking the press corps for questions in advance of the briefings...
It's not surprising that she's stupid and needs their help but what is surprising is A: she actually had to ask the press corps for their questions in advance. I assumed the media was already giving them the questions in advance...and 2: there are still a few people in the press corps that feel the need to bother with appearing to be a journalist.
How do they know you got em'? Are they going to outlaw all of em' or just the ones not hunting related? How do they know which ones are hunting related? They want all pistols? Even black powder? I suspect because being selective would frustrate their intensions that it will be a blanket outlaw and that they will at the swoop of an EO create 100 million new criminals. In which case the effect will be the equivalent of no EO at all. So. Go ahead. Knock yerselves out.
Let's say I do not possess a firearm. They can't prove that I do, but I can't prove that I don't. Would they search my house just to make sure, and if so who would sign the warrant?
Blogger tcrosse said... "Let's say I do not possess a firearm. They can't prove that I do, but I can't prove that I don't. Would they search my house just to make sure, and if so who would sign the warrant?" They'll declare a national emergency and act without the benefit of law. Surely by now you know how the left acts.
The information war is over, and the bad guys have won for now. Large scale gun "buyback" programs are a can't lose proposition in their minds at the moment.
1) they can experiment with the definitions of terrorism and insurgency on the legal side.
B) they can experiment with operational and tactical means, until--
Large-scale armed resistance (as defined and reported or ignored by DS/MSDNC as suits the goal of the day) will justify intensification of the War on White Supremacy.
Some of my lefty friends were enthusiastic for mass neighborhood gun sweeps as far back as the '90s, and they must have boners now.
"White House press secretary is so good at her job she's asking the press corps for questions in advance of the briefings...'
1. Why is this wrong or a problem?
2. "This practice isn’t totally unheard-of in previous administrations, departments, or federal agencies. For instance, former President Donald Trump’s White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was known to have asked certain news outlets about their questions in advance "
3. "Since Biden took office two weeks ago, the White House press team has visibly attempted to draw contrasts with the Trump press team, which had a notoriously antagonistic relationship with reporters and eventually scrapped the traditional daily briefing altogether."
Did you have a NICS check? Handgun or long gun? Ah, but what kind of long gun, and how many?
Of course, they can always cross-reference your bank accounts with the major ammo dealers.
And don’t forget Amazon. They may not sell firearms or ammo but they sell accessories. Snap caps, for instance; bipods; slings; cleaning kits—that sort of thing.
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१०१ टिप्पण्या:
"While it’s a relief to see briefings return, particularly with a commitment to factual information, the press can't really do its job in the briefing room if the White House is picking and choosing the questions they want,” one White House correspondent said. “That's not really a free press at all."
Wait. What? I thought Trump was the enemy of a free press. We'll have to circle back to that one.
“The New Deal was neither new nor was it a deal. Discuss."
Nothing but overcast here in Milwaukee. When the sun comes out in the winter Milwaukee residents act like Japanese residents when they see Godzilla.
I really don't mind the cold and snow during winter in Wisconsin, sunshine is so wonerful but I have elderly women in my neighborhood that I do snow removal for their driveway and sidewalks. I can't allow a 87 y/o women to try to clear both with a shovel! Fours driveways and six sidewalks. Be nice to have a break but looking at the weather forecast God says no. Oh, well it is what it is.
Having an 87 year old woman hug you for clearing their driveway is about as good a feeling that you can hope for.
They're going to miss him when he's gone. From the WSJ:
"Gavin Bridge reports on CNN for Variety:
In the first week of the Biden administration, the AT&T-owned news channel saw the audiences that had been flooding into primetime recently drop precipitously on Jan. 25-29 compared with the highs of previous weeks. Meanwhile, rival Fox News Channel saw its own ratings only dip slightly after weeks of registering its own sharp declines.
Another network that has been characterized as left-leaning, MSNBC, has also seen significant declines but nowhere near as steep as what has hit CNN: Variety Intelligence Platform’s analysis of the viewership data across two key metrics—the target news demographic for people ages 25-54, and the total audience watching—shows that CNN ended the final week of January with ratings dropping roughly 44% for total audience versus the prior week across all three hours of primetime."
Meanwhile, was a great day here in southern Maine. About a foot of snow, the light stuff. Cleared the driveway in the morning. Pellet, wet stuff came down in the afternoon. Cleared that out. All good. Working on a big business deal at work. Customer is great, ready to go, struggling to get the internal bureaucracy focused and completing their critical path tasks. We shall overcome.
“ new “Hero Pay” mandate in Long Beach, California has inadvertently cost some frontline grocery workers their jobs.
“Ralphs and Food 4 Less, both owned by the parent company Kroger, announced Monday that they will be closing 25% of their stores in Long Beach after the city council passed an ordinance requiring companies with over 300 employees nationwide to pay employees an extra $4 per hour,” local news outlet Fox 11 reports. Two stores in the area will be shut down.”
Inadvertently is arguable. But you can’t make a blue omelette without cracking a few blue eggs can you.
I feel bad for the workers but this is good news. Blue votes must lead to blue governance.
Yeah...uh Jen is out of her depth. Painful to watch. Just give her the questions..
It’s all a farce anyway..
We are entering a brave new world.
I only hope that I can be a good citizen and express only approved opinions.
Gun control, to be effective, must involve buy backs and confiscation. To reduce Gun deaths the guns confiscated must be hand guns. If confiscation is mandated it will involve police taking guns from people who don’t want to surrender them, disproportionately black people in fact. Disproportionately young black men. More police confrontations, with more force. That's what Pelosi wants. Maybe it’s what Bidenharris wants.
Your country is run by irresponsible nutters.
The government didn't sell me any guns. How can they buy them back?
Hahahaha! Laughable to think the Dems would dare to confiscate guns from the criminal class. The only guns they want to confiscate are the legally-owned guns of the average taxpaying Americans. Think Nancy P would take the guns of MS-13 and risk stealing their “spark of divinity”? It’s the normies’ guns that she wants, the real “enemies within”.
What do I want to talk about? .....
3 things I have learned from a lifetime of reading and rereading the books of Tolkien --(a) Bilbo was right about Gollum, in that lonely cave ---- there is no creature that is beyond redemption, no creature that can not be, some day, a creature who might be someone whose help someone we care about needs in a desperate moment (b) joy is not found in this world often, but when it is, it is a great gift ---- but that being said, if we care about other people, with love in our hearts, joy is easily found when we reflect on the next world (Aragorn, the only human with more than a few lines in the entire Lord of the Rings, was especially adamant on this point) (c) WWI was awful.
3 things I have learned from a lifetime of watching action movies (a) in the Equalizer, Denzel Washington is telling a security guard, who he is mentoring (the security guard wants to be a firefighter, and Denzel is helping him train to be where he needs to be if he makes it past the initial cut and gets to training camp), that he needs to be tougher - Denzel points out that the security guard cannot drag a pair of truck tires even 20 feet, and Denzel says ---- what if that was me you were pulling from a burning building - I'd be dead ----- the point is, as often as we wish, after the second slice of pizza, to have that third slice, or as much as we wish, when we could go to the gym or spend an hour relaxing --- choices like that have consequences (b) in Dirty Harry, Clint Eastwood uses a 44 ---- if you know a lot about guns, you know that 44s are a little more difficult to use, at the gun range, than lesser smaller pistols. IRL, not that I have ever used a 44 in real life, it is probably even more difficult (unless you can easily curl an awful lot of pounds, you are gonna mis-aim with a 44 almost every time) .... the point is, whatever you think of Clint Eastwood, he did enough curls or did enough to be strong enough to use a 44 when he needed to, and that is a good thing and (c) I learned this from the first action movie I ever watched, the Guns of Navarone ----- tough people get scared sometimes too. Fear is not our enemy or our friend, it is just something you have to overcome if you care about other people.
I guess JaimeRoberto doesn’t understand what confiscation means. Trumpkin?
well, to be fair, in my case, after that fourth slice of pizza, when we want the fifth slice ----
“Jaime, if you post that you will look like an idiot or an illiterate.”
“Unpossible, I can read!”
Wasn't enough that Alex Trebek died.
They had to go and kill Jeopardy! too.
What is "suttee"?
“Jeopardy!” has announced even more upcoming guest hosts to take over the podium for the late Alex Trebek, including Anderson Cooper, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Savannah Guthrie and Dr. Sanjay Gupta. . . . Katie Couric, Aaron Rodgers, Bill Whitaker and Mayim Bialik.
That may well be true. But they won’t SAY it is true. They have to pass the Bill SAYING they will even take guns from the inner city.
I was sorry to see Martha get moved.
Watching the Money Honey in her slot last week wasn't bad. But Tintin this week is just annoying (and was totally useless as a congressman "investigator").
I am in a good mood tonight Jeff Bezos apparently agrees with my recent advice to him to quit his job as CEO because barbarians should not be in charge of big companies like that.
Let's hope the next CEO does not cancel and delete thousands of well-written comments on Amazon book reviews!!!!
Yes I know the little guy never read my advice, but he agreed with it, that is what counts. Pleasanton 1974, for the win, as we used to say in SIlicon Valley!!!!
Good Grammar rule for Feb. 2:
Never use no double negatives.
Francisco D sarks: I only hope that I can be a good citizen and express only approved opinions.
Just drink your soma and keep your mouth shut and you'll be fine. At least for a while.
I can assure you that any and all news related to the sexual exploitation of children is all LIES! Democrat party media sez so.
FBI identifies two agents killed in Florida child porn raid
That cannot be? Democrats assure us that there is no sexual exploitation of children.
Makes you sound unedumacated.
See, the Democrats think it'll be easy to take the guns from legal owners, but the criminals will resist. My understanding is the legal owners will sadly report that all of their guns fell into Lake Washington or Lake Sammamish while they were out fishing for the nonexistent salmon. Such a tragedy, losing all of those guns. Of course, the criminals will deny ever owning any guns, because that would be illegal! And the criminals are just fine, upstanding members of society, who would never think about committing a crime, let alone using a gun in such an unthinkable act!
I only hope that I can be a free man and be able to express truth.
Two Belgians walk into a police precinct
and say: "Our Dutch friend is missing. Please help us."
Officer: "Can you describe him to me?"
Belgians: "He's tall, has blue eyes and blonde hair"
Officer: "You described half the Netherlands with this. You got anything more specific?"
Belgians: "Yeah, he has an extra penis."
Officer: "Are you sure?"
Belgians: "Yes, whenever we go to our favorite bar, the barman always says: "Look there is the Dutchman with the two dicks again.""
If confiscation is mandated it will involve police taking guns from people who don’t want to surrender them, disproportionately black people in fact. Disproportionately young black men.
Hilarious. Anyone who thinks that gun confiscation will involve "young black men" does not understand Democrats, let alone gun owners. Young black men in gangs will not be disturbed. In cities like Chicago, they are the base of Democrat politicians at the local level. White people are the dangerous ones as they might resist the fascist government. Young black men only shoot each other.
requiring companies with over 300 employees nationwide to pay employees an extra $4 per hour,” local news outlet Fox 11 reports. Two stores in the area will be shut down.”
I stopped at our local supermarket about 1 today. Parking lot was on the full side. Picked up the few items I needed and proceeded to check out. Two registers were manned. At least a dozen more self checkouts. 4 months ago, before the remodel, there would have been 8 to ten manned checkouts. That $15 minimum wage is going to make a huge difference to those downsized checkers.
Just drink your soma and keep your mouth shut and you'll be fine. At least for a while.
You can't keep it up, whether it is in keeping quiet when you should or in screaming rage in the Two Minute Hate when expected to. Eventually, no matter how hard you try, no matter how perfect you are, someone will condemn you.
It happens now. A guy is minding his own business, not thinking of anything in particular, and suddenly he gets accused of giving "that look." And the more he protests that he doesn't even know what she is talking about, the more he proves his guilt.
We all get a bullet in the back of the head in the end. Fade to black.
Seattle has also passed a $4/hr hazard pay bump for grocery workers. Looking for massive layoffs of these liberal idiots who voted for the left-wing council people. Should be a scream hearing the grocery workers scream from the unemployment line.
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?"
One to watch: Kristi Noem
Have Fauci host Jeopardy.
Just repeat the same question throughout show.
Heya Ken,
Is it true Canada will lose 30+k jobs due to halting Keystone?
Ain't those fightin' words for Justin?
Mark @9:23, so true. And there is technology being developed [or already developed] that supposedly can determine your political preferences by facial analysis. Facial recognition technology can expose political orientation from naturalistic facial images
And I'm not one to drink soma, either. I'd rather die fighting than to succumb to their agenda.
We sometimes get a nice sunrise here in Pugetopolis. Nice red colors coming up over the Cascades. Most of the time, it's just gray clouds with an occasional fog. Today was very wet, tomorrow will be just cloudy, perfect weather for our retiree group lunch at Gene Coulan Park in Renton. The park has two restaurants, Kidd Valley Hamburgers and Ivar's Fish, both owned by the same company with a pavillion with tables. We've had lunches there were it's pouring down rain and the wind's howling. The rain is just pouring off the roof into Lake Washington. Good times.
Truly curious about something. Back in the 80's or 90's there was a lot of making fun of Canadians (I thought it was cringe worthy and wondered why it was going on). Do remember that? Was there any backlash to it? Honest question with no agenda. Something that crosses my mind from time to time.
Back in the 80's or 90's there was a lot of making fun of Canadians
In the late 50s and early 60s, we used to make fun of Canadian girls who came down to northern Idaho looking for men. We called them "Honkers," as they were Canadian geese. Canada decimated their medical profession in the 80s. I used to go a good meeting in Sasakatoon. Then one year it was cancelled. All the faculty had emigrated.
Is the Silver squeeze a hedge fund ruse?
Marjorie Taylor Greene put together a very informative clip of dozens of Democratic politicians and their supporters in the media calling for violence and murder against Donald Trump.
You will not hear about that most places.
What you will hear is she is "Q-anon". They are lying about her, and she is worth a thousand of them and more, with respect to honesty.
Liars are always afraid of honest people.
Lots around 1998 too, when South Park got into the act. Aboot.
The only thing that bothered us was that you folks tell jokes you couldn’t get the punchlines right. Like watching a walrus tap dance. But we make allowances.
All Trump has to do is show that clip of Congresspeople, Senators, and rich Hollywood creeps calling for his murder, and contrast it with his speech asking people to peacefully protest.
Any Republican who votes for his impeachment will never be reelected. The Democrats, of course, have shown they have no morals, so they will not be held accountable by voters who never expected them to be honest.
Michael K “ Canada decimated their medical profession in the 80s.”
Indeed. Earlier actually. A Liberal government decided medical costs were “doctor driven” so they reduced the number of places at Canadian medical schools! Also made foreign credentials a hassle for immigrants. Many Indian doctors drove taxis for a year while getting certified.
More on the genius of San Francisco school board canceling school names.
Article by occasional commenter Joanne Jacobs here:
"Based on a Top-10 list from the History Channel website, the committee condemned Paul Revere for fighting against the Penobscot Indians. In fact, he fought the British (not very well) at Penobscot Bay, named after the Indians, who were not involved.
James Russell Lowell, a poet, diplomat and abolitionist, “did not want Black people to vote,” a committee member said. Not true, states a biography. Also, Lowell High was named for the Massachusetts town, not the man."
It's the tweet that begins "Democrats and their spokesmen in fake news media", and it includes dozens of plain statements by Senators, Congressmen, and rich Hollywood creeps that Trump should be assaulted and killed.
Seems that COVID thing (did they ever figure where it came from?) has variants coming out of the UNITED KINGDOM and SOUTH AFRICA.
Does that sound -ist or, -phobic?
Mitch McConnell does not care about the threats to assault and kill Trump.
He is not on the side of peace.
Marjorie Taylor Green is on the side of peace. The people who elected her are good people.
Mike of Snoqualmie said...
See, the Democrats think it'll be easy to take the guns from legal owners, but the criminals will resist. My understanding is the legal owners will sadly report that all of their guns fell into Lake Washington or Lake Sammamish while they were out fishing for the nonexistent salmon.
Nope. Authorities will follow a new law allowing them to show up unannounced and search your property for weapons.
Perhaps follow current procedure of thirty armed agents at dawn.Or, National gaurd sweeping entire neighborhood at once.
Mike of Snoqualmie:
Thing I miss most about leaving Lopez Island is the dependably magnificent sunsets (when not overcast).
Not sure why so much interest in Canada lately. Seems like a lovely place according to DaVinci's Inquest, Kim's Convenience tv programs. And documentary Letterkenny.
Is it just me, or does Tulsi Gabbard have the best voice of any politician right now?
I have a navy blue sweater that has become my Zoom uniform. (Zoomiform?) Time to Zoom, casual shirt switches out for the sweater. Zoom time ends, sweater switches out for casual shirt. Zoom doesn't affect selection of pants.
Lucien - it's probably just you.
John Weaver still has his Twitter account.
Perhaps @jack should be asked about that...
Should create one of those carnival style figures with the cutout for head.
Covid fun
In Wisconsin the 80- to 89-year-old age group accounts for 32% of the covid deaths and in Wisconsin 236,000 (4.1 percent) are over 80. So if those over 80 had been vaccinated deaths would have fallen by 32% right now.
So far 469,623 have been vaccinated once. So all 236,000 over 80 could have been vaccinated once by today (February 2) leading to a huge drop in the number of deaths. But there's no drop in the number of deaths. So the state stays closed.
In Wisconsin the 70 to 79 age group has 25% of the deaths and in Wisconsin 314,000 are 70 to 79. About 75% of this group could have been vaccinated once by now (233,623) after those who are 80 to 89. This would have saved 18% of those who are going to die in the next few days and weeks.
32% + 18% = 50%. The death rate in this state could have dropped by 50% as of today. But it's going up.
We could could have cut the death rate in this state by 50% as of today if we had vaccinated those most likely to die if they got covid. We could be opening the state. People could be employed. But we vaccinated a lot of young people because that's what OurBetters in public health decreed. No schools, no jobs, masks, poverty, death, death, death. Because the ScienceExperts in Madison decreed it thus.
I believe the core principle at the heart of the mess is profound moral hazard.
"Yeah...uh Jen is out of her depth. Painful to watch. Just give her the questions.."
Psaki is dumb and dumber all by herself...only dumber.
But perfect as front-person for Joe.
"One to watch: Kristi Noem"
She is very watchable...
"And there is technology being developed [or already developed] that supposedly can determine your political preferences by facial analysis."
I don't doubt it...liberals usually have a 'pissed off at the world' look.
Or a vacant stare, kind of like Joe.
"Lots around 1998 too, when South Park got into the act."
Fuck Canada, eh?
White House asks reporters for questions in advance according to those who who spoke with the Daily Beast
Remains of US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, age 42, lie in honor at the Capitol. It is televised on CSPAN, MSNBC, and CNN; but not on Fox.
That's one way for a Trump supporter to get respect.
Was David Dorn's funeral televised?
So, Joe Biden is opening a detention facility for immigrant children apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Whiskeybum said...
//Good Grammar rule for Feb. 2:
Never use no double negatives.//
Never is a bit strong, but they do have their place. Triple negatives should be eschewed however.
"So, Joe Biden is opening a detention facility for immigrant children apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border."
What is wrong with the original cages he built?
I saw there was an op-ed in the NYTimes calling for an Office of Reality headed up by a Reality Czar. You really can't parody reality any longer. Our elites are utter morons.
Negatives are like masks- if one is good, two are better, and three are best. And don't forget the anal mask- you need to stuff it up the ass really deep to keep that COVID in to protect your fellow man.
K(ar)en B can demonstrate the anal mask for those of you who don't know how to use it.
"That's one way for a Trump supporter to get respect."
Poor baby. Maybe you out to try to earn it- start by reading a book.
Blogger Mutaman said...
"That's one way for a Trump supporter to get respect."
Poor baby. Maybe you out to try to earn it- start by reading a book.
I guess we are down to one troll now. Do you work shifts ?
"I guess we are down to one troll now. Do you work shifts ?"
The dude can only fit one concept into his mind. Sort of like Rudy and 9/11.
Blogger JaimeRoberto said...
The government didn't sell me any guns. How can they buy them back?
Never owned a gun. Back when the Army got rid of brown boots, the marching song was: "This is my rifle, this is my gun. This for fighting, this is for fun."
And at the Fort Knox firing range where I eventually qualified as a marksman: "The flag is up, the flag is waving, the flag is down. Commence firing - you Sonsabitches!"
FullMoon said...
Nope. Authorities will follow a new law allowing them to show up unannounced and search your property for weapons.
Perhaps follow current procedure of thirty armed agents at dawn.Or, National gaurd sweeping entire neighborhood at once.
At that point, it won't just be pedos killing FBI agents.
I understand the temptation to engage some trolls. But can we please let obnoxious trolls wither on the vine?
This has been a Largo PSA.
Link to pacwest's comment at the top:
White House Reporters: Biden Team Wanted Our Questions in Advance
And there is technology being developed [or already developed] that supposedly can determine your political preferences by facial analysis.
What if I'm wearing a mask?
For work zoom calls with customers I wear a dress shirt. Once the call is over I take off this shirt and hang it up. Been using the same one for about 10 months now, haven't had to launder it. If anyone has noticed they haven't said so.
PA's Secretary of State resigns in disgrace.
PA's Health Secretary, after having stuffed the state's nursing home with Covid patients*, gets promoted to the Biden administration.
* The stuffing occurred after the aforementioned health secretary spirited his/her mother out of her nursing home and into a hotel.
We could could have cut the death rate in this state by 50% as of today if we had vaccinated those most likely to die if they got covid.
That's all correct, but we don't know the goal.
I've been asking since March for the goal.
Protecting the vulnerable has never been the goal. Cuomo said old people die, so what?
Just watching the local news. They had a graph of age categories vaccinated along with that groups rate of death. The young were .2% of deaths but 7% vaccinated.
As always, the govt is ruining a wet dream.
Zoom doesn't affect selection of pants.
...as in whether or not to select pants.
White House press secretary is so good at her job she's asking the press corps for questions in advance of the briefings...
It's not surprising that she's stupid and needs their help but what is surprising is A: she actually had to ask the press corps for their questions in advance. I assumed the media was already giving them the questions in advance...and 2: there are still a few people in the press corps that feel the need to bother with appearing to be a journalist.
Blogger Lucien said...
Is it just me, or does Tulsi Gabbard have the best voice of any politician right now?
That's not a high bar.
"DaVinci's Inquest" Ahh...fond memories. Was that ever a GREAT series or what?
How do they know you got em'? Are they going to outlaw all of em' or just the ones not hunting related? How do they know which ones are hunting related? They want all pistols? Even black powder? I suspect because being selective would frustrate their intensions that it will be a blanket outlaw and that they will at the swoop of an EO create 100 million new criminals. In which case the effect will be the equivalent of no EO at all.
So. Go ahead. Knock yerselves out.
Let's say I do not possess a firearm. They can't prove that I do, but I can't prove that I don't. Would they search my house just to make sure, and if so who would sign the warrant?
Glad you fixed that typo, Althouse. Like it or not, you are a language standard bearer.
Lucien, I agree. Tulsi is the only female politician who doesn't sound like a munchkin.
Hey now,
Being asked for questions in advance is far less intrusive than being spied on.
Though..oh..never mind.
Blogger tcrosse said...
"Let's say I do not possess a firearm. They can't prove that I do, but I can't prove that I don't. Would they search my house just to make sure, and if so who would sign the warrant?"
They'll declare a national emergency and act without the benefit of law. Surely by now you know how the left acts.
Rust is right. The all-purpose 'state of emergency' will eliminate our Constitutional rights one by one. About half are already gone.
You people are optimists.
The information war is over, and the bad guys have won for now. Large scale gun "buyback" programs are a can't lose proposition in their minds at the moment.
1) they can experiment with the definitions of terrorism and insurgency on the legal side.
B) they can experiment with operational and tactical means, until--
Large-scale armed resistance (as defined and reported or ignored by DS/MSDNC as suits the goal of the day) will justify intensification of the War on White Supremacy.
Some of my lefty friends were enthusiastic for mass neighborhood gun sweeps as far back as the '90s, and they must have boners now.
We don' need no stinkin' warrants
"Your country is run by irresponsible nutters. "
Not often I agree with Ken B. It's a red letter day.
Of course, Canada is run by irresponsible nutters as well but that's not my problem.
"White House press secretary is so good at her job she's asking the press corps for questions in advance of the briefings...'
1. Why is this wrong or a problem?
2. "This practice isn’t totally unheard-of in previous administrations, departments, or federal agencies. For instance, former President Donald Trump’s White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was known to have asked certain news outlets about their questions in advance "
3. "Since Biden took office two weeks ago, the White House press team has visibly attempted to draw contrasts with the Trump press team, which had a notoriously antagonistic relationship with reporters and eventually scrapped the traditional daily briefing altogether."
Mutaman said...
""White House press secretary is so good at her job she's asking the press corps for questions in advance of the briefings...'
1. Why is this wrong or a problem?"
Seriously? You don't see anything wrong with this?
Would you like to learn how to play poker?
How do they know you got ’em?
Did you have a NICS check? Handgun or long gun? Ah, but what kind of long gun, and how many?
Of course, they can always cross-reference your bank accounts with the major ammo dealers.
And don’t forget Amazon. They may not sell firearms or ammo but they sell accessories. Snap caps, for instance; bipods; slings; cleaning kits—that sort of thing.
And if you've ever had a concealed carry permit...
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