Pretty rational, gets into the prosecution's Bill of Attainder problem early on.
Molly Hemingway's article in the Federalist today offers some additional points:
Chuck Schumer Used Violent Rhetoric To Sic A Mob On Two Supreme Court Justices
One year ago, Schumer incited a mob on the steps of the Supreme Court in order to bully justices to rule in Democrats' favor.
"...Schumer’s threats came just 17 months after the Supreme Court had been besieged and attacked by abortion activists upset at Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Like the Jan. 6 event, the October 2018 siege also involved Vice President Mike Pence being condemned by protesters. As he walked down the steps of the U.S. Senate following the vote to confirm Kavanaugh, the crowd greeted him with chants of “shame!”
Across the street, hordes of protesters broke through a police barricade and attempted to beat down the 13-ton bronze doors of the court. Protesters included a topless woman with a Hitler mustache and another woman who scaled the Contemplation of Justice statue in front of the court and sat in her lap to the cheers of other protesters.
Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, who attended Kavanaugh’s immediate swearing in, were hit with water bottles and tomatoes when their car left the court afterward. Some 164 people were arrested in that protest.'
"...Then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell condemned Schumer’s remarks as “astonishingly reckless and completely irresponsible.” However, Sen. Josh Hawley’s efforts to censure Schumer for his violent threats were scuttled."
I've read Atlas Shrugged probably 20 times since I first read it by accident in 1969, thinking it was a science Fiction novel. I used it as a text in a B-school class I taught 5-6 times in the 80s and 90s. I always found it both scary, because I could see a lot of the book happening around me. And hopeful because it offered some solutions.
Making a movie out of the book had always seemed to be an impossible task but someone did about 10 years ago. Not just 1 movie, but 3 movies. Sort of like taking the concept of a mini-series and standing it on its head. Each movie has a completely different cast which can be somewhat disconcerting. Sets are different and, in general, continuity between the 3 movies is like it was done by Jen Psaki or someone equally dizzy.
On the other hand, the movie(s) are more faithful to the spirit and ideas of the novel than pretty much any other movie I have ever seen based on a novel I love. (Sometimes a Great Notion is another) It leaves out a lot, of course.
I saw it on Netflix when it came out 10 years ago and liked it then. Then when I posted Hank Reardon's non-defense at trial sunday in an Impreachment thread, I knew I needed to watch again. Speech here, for those who missed it. I like to imagine President Trump watching it in his impeachment prep work. But then, I'm a dreamer (but I'm not the only one).
I just finished watching the AS3, having watched 1&2 on previous nights. Way better than I remembered.
And I had forgotten that Ron Paul was in the movie. A bit part but there are bit parts and there are bt parts. Alec Baldwin won an oscar for a Bit part in Glengarry. Paul should have gotten one too for this. Unfortunately, not on YouTube.
3 oz good, not great, bourbon or rye 2 oz clean water Dash of Angostura Bitters Dash of Orange Bitters 2 Luxardo cherries Cocktail stirrer spoon amount of Luxardo liquor
Stir, gently but thoroughly. Add a few large ice cubes (not pellets nor chips, they melt too fast).
Sip evenly while perusing the Althouse blog. Skip over the trolling posts.
It is such a shame that the nuts and trolls dominate comments here and there is no room for topics like this.
Two environmental-education courses with national reach—the College Board’s Advanced Placement Environmental Science and the International Baccalaureate’s Environmental Systems and Society—exhibit the usual biases and add some new ones. IB dethrones the scientific method as a prime source of knowledge and replaces it with “eight ways of knowing.” Along with sense perception and reason, these include faith, emotion, imagination, intuition, language, and memory. Students are expected to use inductive and deductive reasoning and to appreciate the importance of evidence, but they must also “use other methods traditionally associated with the human sciences” such as “history, the arts, ethics, religious knowledge systems and indigenous knowledge systems.”
Interesting to see how they voted when they had the chance to vote in secret.
“The establishment wing of the GOP won a rare and dramatic victory Wednesday night when Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) beat back an attempt by Donald Trump’s staunchest allies to knock her from power as retribution for voting to impeach the former president just three weeks earlier.”
145-61 vote in favor of keeping Cheney in leadership, conducted by secret ballot.
I signed up for Mastodon perhaps 4 years ago. It is sort of like a United States of Twitter. Lots of separate "federated" nodes such as each is it's own social network like Twitter with its own rules, focus and membership. It is federated so that each node can talk to any other node. Format is much like Twitter.
I was interested in the concept when the No Agenda boys started talking about it so signed up. Fooled with it a bit, as I had done with Twitter and would later do with Gab and Parler. Never did much with any of them.
When Thomas Wictor got booted from Twitter, I followed him to Gab, then back to then to Twitter. Then when he got booted from Twitter again, I lost track of him.
Dr Weevil mentioned he is back on QV so I dusted off my password and yup, there he is. Feisty and interesting (and a bit weird) as ever. Weird is good.
I am @johnhenry on Mastodon. Or at least on NoAgenda and QV. Not sure how it works with other nodes.
One of the things that intrigued me about Mastodon was that each node is individual. So QV does not reside on anyone else's servers. They reside on Saul's servers. emails of all QV followers reside on his servers. The only one that can shut QV down is him.
Thinking about it today, it seems like it might be an alternative to Facebook. Set up your own node, invite friends and family to chat, share pictures and videos and so on. I don't know what it would cost to set up a node but probably less than $100 per year. Split that among 20 people in a family and it's $5, if that.
I'm going to see about setting up a node myself when I get back home.
Atlas Shrugged is the book (as in, THE Book) that converted me from "mainstream College Republican) to Libertarianish Republican. Hubby and I actually went to the theater (something we have rarely done in last 20 0r so years) to watch the movie(s). I'm afraid we gave up after the 2nd one - Dagny's "scream" after one of her cohorts disappeared was simply too awful.
Plus, the end of the book (SPOILER. . . . . . .Willie) is something I must skip over every time I re-read it.
Per Dan O’Donnell show and Wisconsin election commission report on the 2020 election.
In Oct 2019 WEC refused to remove flagged voters who did not respond within 30 days to say that they were still voters at that address. They wanted to wait/ delay for 12-24 months to comply with state law.
This number of flagged voter/addresses was 230,000. WEC was sued and circuit judge found in plaintiffs favor and then began to levy fines for the WEC members who still refused to remove these records. Court of Appeals(kloppenburg et al) steps in and stays the lower courts order.
Per the WEC report: of the 230,000 flagged records, 70,471 voted in Nov 2020. Of that group....19,086 were from voters that did not respond to the notification and were therefore votes that would have been removed from the rolls.
And they say the election was legitimate...hahahaha
Never saw the movie but have read Atlas Shrugged twice. Once while in high school and again last year. My first husband and I were big Ayn Rand fans. As I've said before, the utopian ending was an unrealistic non-solution. Otherwise, it should be considered 'the great American novel' because it's what America is, or should be, about.
Yeah, the tone deafness is deafening as they positively cheer nearly a third of the House GOP wanting Cheney gone as a great victory and show of support.
320Busdriver, Belling had some reporting this aft that a couple (out of 20 sampled) WI Dominion machines audited had significant errors...whatever that means.
Haven't heard a word from my provider about possible vaccinations. About half the people vaccinated so far are under 65, an age group that's very low risk. But those people don't realize that. They're afraid; they're grabbing at chances to get vaccinated. The problem is that this means the death rate won't drop as fast as it would if the group (65-80+) in which deaths are concentrated was getting vaccinated so the blue state lockdowns will continue, so the socio-economic damage will continue. Yet listening to 'burb burble I realize that maybe if the suburbs jump the line and get vaccinated, they'll lose their fear and then force Evers to open the state even though the covid situation might be the same as it was when the suburbs were insisting the state had to close. It's all being handled in an irrational way, anyhow. 500,000 have been vaccinated and 500,000 have had covid so 1 in 5 in Wisconsin are immune. But still everyone has to wear a mask. Irrational.
In the 20 or so times I've read Atlas, I think I have read "the speech" all the way through once. I love the book and I've tried a number of times but I always get 5-10 pages into it, my head starts to hurt and I skip the rest. The one time I did read it, I really had to force myself.
The movie condensed it into about 4 minutes and did a very good job too.
If they did the whole speech, they'd need an Atlas Shrugged 4.
Its interesting because roark is really frak lloyd wright for all intents and purposes, rand doesnt like classical forms of architecture for reasons not explained.
“Haven't heard a word from my provider about possible vaccinations.”
I have. My health care provider sent out texts about two weeks ago saying that the vaccine is now available to those over age 65 and they will contact you when they get the order to “invite” you to get the vaccine, then you set up a time and date. I called the provider hotline number and they said that they invite their over age 65 patients to get the vaccine based on their supply from week to week. Also in Wisconsin, Walgreens is taking registrations to get the vaccine and when you try to register for an appointment, it seems that the site is overloaded and you get the circles of death, waiting, waiting, waiting.
At the recommendation of some here, I saw The Dig on Netflix. It's a pretty good period drama about an archeological dig in England just before the onset of WWII. The period details are spot on. It shows what the English called dinner back then. Overcooked vegetables and something that looks like boiled fish. I wouldn't put it past them to think about boiling fish.....There's a controversy about the film. Carey Mulligan who's only in her thirties plays Edith Pretty, the sponsor of the dig, who was actually in her fifties. Younger women, according to the new rules, should not be playing older women....Well and good. I don't think Helen Mirren and Olivia Colman lack for parts, but they perhaps get sick of playing queens....In the movie, Carey walked with a cane and looked sick, but that's like playing Othello in blackface. Only older women should play older women....On the plus side, Lily James, who's months past her thirtieth birthday played a woman in her mid twenties. I suppose it's okay for a younger woman to play older parts. Lily James despite being thirty could easily pass for a young woman. With proper exercise and nutrition, a naturally beautiful woman can remain attractive and youthful well into her late twenties and early thirties....Lily James is not blessed with the soft, luxuriant eyebrows of Lily Collins but they're reasonably thick and quite attractive.
You prairie folk. There is a big cogeneration plant in Kenosha on Green Bay Road that puts out huge billowy clouds like this in cold weather. Visible for miles and miles as these things are in those flat states.
If your healthcare provider has an online chart for you as mine does, mine is called “My Chart”, you are to check it daily and the invitation to get the vaccine will appear right on the front page. Check daily.
Freckle-faced young Mariette Hartley on Gunsmoke again. Same episode they've shown three times. Precocious wild girl "raised by wolves" more or less. On her own a long time. Matt finds her after her father (who she never knew) dies, and tries to civilize her a bit before sending her off to live with an aunt.
Dig: Ralph Finnes does a deep dive into the dirt, Ben Chaplin plays the standard academic schmuck. Johnny Flynn does a passable posh going into the RAF who steals Ben's wife (Lily James)
The dirt sets were awful. They brought in a DG type of engineered fill. It looked so fake it made me physically ill.
Well his uncle was ranulph fiennes who was ain the sas and an explorer, the killer elite was based on one of his books. His grandfather was a general in the great war, so the world o bond wasnt such a big stretch for him.
The paradox of lawrences mission are in the acknowledgements thanks to thr kingdom of saudi arabia, it came to naught, because ibn sauds ikwan tribesmen defeated a the hashemites. The winner was st john philby who was also drummed out of the service
Take sidney reilly, another scoundrel who sam neil brought to life. He had some small successes but his big projects failed so spectacularly he ended up in front of a kremlin firing squad. 'Dissavowed by the secretary'indeed.
One is reminded that the key to rebecca a rather lurid tale for regular tv at the time was based on the doings of wolfgang eppler a german national in cairo,
There were parts of the english patient that were interesting like my introduction to herodotus and then there were other parts that was self indulgent on minghellas part however considering it wouldnt ordinarily translate to film.
Al masy survived the war, much like the vichy analogue for belloq jacques malhieu who at one time was to be played by gianfranco giannini. Consider that notion.
Otherwise, it should be considered 'the great American novel' because it's what America is, or should be, about.
America has never been that. When was American society laissez-faire? When did the American government only concern itself with protecting individual and property rights?
@donald said... Liz Cheney. Yeah fuck the Republican Party. I’m not into fat ugly lesbian warmongers not even a little bit.
Sounds exactly like a "Donald" comment. But "BabyDick" did not disappoint her Dad (our last great VP) yesterday, when she refused to apologize to the MAGA Party for her virtuous vote for Donald Trump's impeachment.
Way to be a fan of fat ugly lesbian warmongers Inga. I’m sure y’all have a lot more in common.
She won’t even win her next primary which shows you just how fucked up the Republican leadership and 145 other hacks are. Hope they’re all primaries, and I don’t even give a shot who wins those elections. If correct this is troubling. One of the first things a dictatorship does is to purge their military of anyone they suspect of being disloyal. They isolate themselves from the rest of the population with armed guards and paint their opposition in most negative of terms. Then they set about to realign the population. Often with violent results.
Neighbor friend, family practice Doc, told me yesterday his family all contracted and tested positive for CV19.
Since Doc and spouse are in mid 50’s he told me he procured and started course of Ivermectin for them as well as B,C,and Zinc. They both sailed through. Early treatment seems important. He is disappointed with the FDA/CDC politicization of these drugs like HCQ.
That is frightening, Rusty. As we know, those of us who supported Trump are, by definition, 'racists and extremists', regardless of evidence to the contrary.
Blogger" mockturtle said........" I think maybe my version of what democracy consists of might be flawed. Apparently we're supposed to put down dissent. Ruthlessly and with a military loyal to the junta.
How does AOC get away with her outlandish lies and constant gaslighting. She is creating an entirely false narrative to further the leftists lust for blood.
Liz Cheney-- the apple doesn't fall far from the warmongering tree.
I was kind of hoping that war criminals George "Women of Cover" Bush and Dick "King of the Chickenhawks" Cheney would be arrested sooner or later, but it looks like they have been rehabilitated by the Permawar Uniparty.
Narr, Apparently an alleged 10% approval rating by WY GOP is a feature, not a bug, in GODC. Also explains why she stayed in DC while this went down, despite requests to come "home" and chat.
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९८ टिप्पण्या:
Good Grammar rule for Feb. 3:
Use the semicolon properly, always where it is appropriate; and never where it is not.
Cotton candy! Ummmm.
I like pink
Marc Elias Is the Democrat Perkins lawyer who spent 2020 getting election bureaucrats to change rules outside of state legislatures. But here, he filed on behalf of a candidate who lost, and he’s claiming precisely the vote tabulation errors that get one kicked off Twitter
...or labeled as boring on Althouse
Steampink, a future reimagined with Victorian dyes.
The very stable people at the heart of our intelligence committee.
"A rectangular silver French old little lovely whittling green knife."
That's wrong, of course, to those of us that speak English as a first language. Here's why, even though you don't actually know why:
The Order of Adjectives
I see that Liz Cheney emerged victorious from the effort to remove her as Conference chair. That’s too bad.
Trump defense team's response to impeachment case
Pretty rational, gets into the prosecution's Bill of Attainder problem early on.
Molly Hemingway's article in the Federalist today offers some additional points:
Chuck Schumer Used Violent Rhetoric To Sic A Mob On Two Supreme Court Justices
One year ago, Schumer incited a mob on the steps of the Supreme Court in order to bully justices to rule in Democrats' favor.
"...Schumer’s threats came just 17 months after the Supreme Court had been besieged and attacked by abortion activists upset at Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Like the Jan. 6 event, the October 2018 siege also involved Vice President Mike Pence being condemned by protesters. As he walked down the steps of the U.S. Senate following the vote to confirm Kavanaugh, the crowd greeted him with chants of “shame!”
Across the street, hordes of protesters broke through a police barricade and attempted to beat down the 13-ton bronze doors of the court. Protesters included a topless woman with a Hitler mustache and another woman who scaled the Contemplation of Justice statue in front of the court and sat in her lap to the cheers of other protesters.
Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, who attended Kavanaugh’s immediate swearing in, were hit with water bottles and tomatoes when their car left the court afterward. Some 164 people were arrested in that protest.'
"...Then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell condemned Schumer’s remarks as “astonishingly reckless and completely irresponsible.” However, Sen. Josh Hawley’s efforts to censure Schumer for his violent threats were scuttled."
An interesting choice for protagonist
Industrial gender reveal - it's a boy AND a girl!
Liz Cheney. Yeah fuck the Republican Party. I’m not into fat ugly lesbian warmongers not even a little bit.
Pray i dont change the deal
Fairy floss against an unlustrous horizon.
So whiskey follows his most proper semicolon with a conjunction and sentence fragment.
Wait, was that a joke?
I could get into McConnell’s crippled ass getting drilled with a few bottles of water.
Pink Steam... a new fragrance from Gwyneth Paltrow.
"Who is Donald Trump?"
Oops! I mean "Who is John Galt?"
I've read Atlas Shrugged probably 20 times since I first read it by accident in 1969, thinking it was a science Fiction novel. I used it as a text in a B-school class I taught 5-6 times in the 80s and 90s. I always found it both scary, because I could see a lot of the book happening around me. And hopeful because it offered some solutions.
Making a movie out of the book had always seemed to be an impossible task but someone did about 10 years ago. Not just 1 movie, but 3 movies. Sort of like taking the concept of a mini-series and standing it on its head. Each movie has a completely different cast which can be somewhat disconcerting. Sets are different and, in general, continuity between the 3 movies is like it was done by Jen Psaki or someone equally dizzy.
On the other hand, the movie(s) are more faithful to the spirit and ideas of the novel than pretty much any other movie I have ever seen based on a novel I love. (Sometimes a Great Notion is another) It leaves out a lot, of course.
I saw it on Netflix when it came out 10 years ago and liked it then. Then when I posted Hank Reardon's non-defense at trial sunday in an Impreachment thread, I knew I needed to watch again. Speech here, for those who missed it. I like to imagine President Trump watching it in his impeachment prep work. But then, I'm a dreamer (but I'm not the only one).
I just finished watching the AS3, having watched 1&2 on previous nights. Way better than I remembered.
And I had forgotten that Ron Paul was in the movie. A bit part but there are bit parts and there are bt parts. Alec Baldwin won an oscar for a Bit part in Glengarry. Paul should have gotten one too for this. Unfortunately, not on YouTube.
Watch it on Prime.
John Henry
A nice winter drink:
3 oz good, not great, bourbon or rye
2 oz clean water
Dash of Angostura Bitters
Dash of Orange Bitters
2 Luxardo cherries
Cocktail stirrer spoon amount of Luxardo liquor
Stir, gently but thoroughly. Add a few large ice cubes (not pellets nor chips, they melt too fast).
Sip evenly while perusing the Althouse blog. Skip over the trolling posts.
I only saw the first one with taylor shilling as dagny.
Ay, bendito, Narciso. Otro libro para mi pile. Nunca voy a llegar al fin!
Deja eso, muchacho. Sabes que no puedo resistir sus recommendaciones.
John Henry
Murder narrative of Brian Sicknick falling apart. Shooter of Ashli Babbitt still unnamed. Stinks to high heaven.
The sunrise raid looks a little iffy as we.
It is such a shame that the nuts and trolls dominate comments here and there is no room for topics like this.
Two environmental-education courses with national reach—the College Board’s Advanced Placement Environmental Science and the International Baccalaureate’s Environmental Systems and Society—exhibit the usual biases and add some new ones. IB dethrones the scientific method as a prime source of knowledge and replaces it with “eight ways of knowing.” Along with sense perception and reason, these include faith, emotion, imagination, intuition, language, and memory. Students are expected to use inductive and deductive reasoning and to appreciate the importance of evidence, but they must also “use other methods traditionally associated with the human sciences” such as “history, the arts, ethics, religious knowledge systems and indigenous knowledge systems.”
It's pretty depressing.
Its like apes before the monolith, 'itll be fine'
To prove the point
This is who the secretary of transportation worked for
🚨Attention! TROLL REPORT! There is an elevated risk of troll exposure. Proceed at your own risk.🚨
If you had done your job, he wouldnt have had to step in
Good reading for those who want reality.
Grant bowler was pretty good casting for reardon, even beghe was adequate but morrow?
Interesting to see how they voted when they had the chance to vote in secret.
“The establishment wing of the GOP won a rare and dramatic victory Wednesday night when Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) beat back an attempt by Donald Trump’s staunchest allies to knock her from power as retribution for voting to impeach the former president just three weeks earlier.”
145-61 vote in favor of keeping Cheney in leadership, conducted by secret ballot.
“ Not all truthful statements should be free from restriction”
Canada Heritage Minister
If I were this kid, I would make myself scarce too.
wild chicken said...
So whiskey follows his most proper semicolon with a conjunction and sentence fragment.
Wait, was that a joke?
You're catching on! :)
(You can go back to the previous two evening cafe posts to see the Feb. 1-2 good grammar rules that follow this same pedagogic technique)
I signed up for Mastodon perhaps 4 years ago. It is sort of like a United States of Twitter. Lots of separate "federated" nodes such as each is it's own social network like Twitter with its own rules, focus and membership. It is federated so that each node can talk to any other node. Format is much like Twitter.
I was interested in the concept when the No Agenda boys started talking about it so signed up. Fooled with it a bit, as I had done with Twitter and would later do with Gab and Parler. Never did much with any of them.
When Thomas Wictor got booted from Twitter, I followed him to Gab, then back to then to Twitter. Then when he got booted from Twitter again, I lost track of him.
Dr Weevil mentioned he is back on QV so I dusted off my password and yup, there he is. Feisty and interesting (and a bit weird) as ever. Weird is good.
I am @johnhenry on Mastodon. Or at least on NoAgenda and QV. Not sure how it works with other nodes.
One of the things that intrigued me about Mastodon was that each node is individual. So QV does not reside on anyone else's servers. They reside on Saul's servers. emails of all QV followers reside on his servers. The only one that can shut QV down is him.
Thinking about it today, it seems like it might be an alternative to Facebook. Set up your own node, invite friends and family to chat, share pictures and videos and so on. I don't know what it would cost to set up a node but probably less than $100 per year. Split that among 20 people in a family and it's $5, if that.
I'm going to see about setting up a node myself when I get back home.
John Henry
“🚨Attention! TROLL REPORT! There is an elevated risk of troll exposure. Proceed at your own risk.🚨”
Sure enough, two comments down, the (paid?) Trump fluffer weighs in.
Is there nothing he can't do?
"Lightfoot blames Trump for standoff between city's public schools and teachers union'
Atlas Shrugged is the book (as in, THE Book) that converted me from "mainstream College Republican) to Libertarianish Republican. Hubby and I actually went to the theater (something we have rarely done in last 20 0r so years) to watch the movie(s). I'm afraid we gave up after the 2nd one - Dagny's "scream" after one of her cohorts disappeared was simply too awful.
Plus, the end of the book (SPOILER. . . . . . .Willie) is something I must skip over every time I re-read it.
Fun fact of the day:
More than half of all Africans who have come to the U.S. have come voluntarily, as immigrants, not as slaves. And that majority grows every day.
They're looking for a green-led economic recovery.
Blue led's keep you awake. Red led's preserve night vision.
More than half of all Africans who have come to the U.S. have come voluntarily, as immigrants, not as slaves. And that majority grows every day.
Most of today's white supremacists are black.
Per Dan O’Donnell show and Wisconsin election commission report on the 2020 election.
In Oct 2019 WEC refused to remove flagged voters who did not respond within 30 days to say that they were still voters at that address. They wanted to wait/ delay for 12-24 months to comply with state law.
This number of flagged voter/addresses was 230,000. WEC was sued and circuit judge found in plaintiffs favor and then began to levy fines for the WEC members who still refused to remove these records. Court of Appeals(kloppenburg et al) steps in and stays the lower courts order.
Per the WEC report: of the 230,000 flagged records, 70,471 voted in Nov 2020. Of that group....19,086 were from voters that did not respond to the notification and were therefore votes that would have been removed from the rolls.
And they say the election was legitimate...hahahaha
Never saw the movie but have read Atlas Shrugged twice. Once while in high school and again last year. My first husband and I were big Ayn Rand fans. As I've said before, the utopian ending was an unrealistic non-solution. Otherwise, it should be considered 'the great American novel' because it's what America is, or should be, about.
Just an official "adios":
This was not the blog I was looking for.
Yeah, the tone deafness is deafening as they positively cheer nearly a third of the House GOP wanting Cheney gone as a great victory and show of support.
Pink Steam Cafe. Laslo, for the love of God, make use of this topic!
Belling had some reporting this aft that a couple (out of 20 sampled) WI Dominion machines audited had significant errors...whatever that means.
Pink Mac N Cheese for VD.
Haven't heard a word from my provider about possible vaccinations. About half the people vaccinated so far are under 65, an age group that's very low risk. But those people don't realize that. They're afraid; they're grabbing at chances to get vaccinated. The problem is that this means the death rate won't drop as fast as it would if the group (65-80+) in which deaths are concentrated was getting vaccinated so the blue state lockdowns will continue, so the socio-economic damage will continue.
Yet listening to 'burb burble I realize that maybe if the suburbs jump the line and get vaccinated, they'll lose their fear and then force Evers to open the state even though the covid situation might be the same as it was when the suburbs were insisting the state had to close. It's all being handled in an irrational way, anyhow.
500,000 have been vaccinated and 500,000 have had covid so 1 in 5 in Wisconsin are immune. But still everyone has to wear a mask. Irrational.
Ive never been a Rand fan myself. I've tried to be. I've tried to understand objectivism. I've tried to read her non fiction
Never been able to. Read fountainhead once, never been inclined to reread.
I do like we the living and Anthem is OK.
I'm really just an Atlas Shrugged fan. A big as fan.
John Henry
In the 20 or so times I've read Atlas, I think I have read "the speech" all the way through once. I love the book and I've tried a number of times but I always get 5-10 pages into it, my head starts to hurt and I skip the rest. The one time I did read it, I really had to force myself.
The movie condensed it into about 4 minutes and did a very good job too.
If they did the whole speech, they'd need an Atlas Shrugged 4.
The speech is 80-90 pages in the book.
John Henry
Peak Dow Industrials was the morning of Biden's inauguration. Can't argue with that assessment.
Two big semiconductor stocks really got clocked after-hours today.
Its interesting because roark is really frak lloyd wright for all intents and purposes, rand doesnt like classical forms of architecture for reasons not explained.
“Haven't heard a word from my provider about possible vaccinations.”
I have. My health care provider sent out texts about two weeks ago saying that the vaccine is now available to those over age 65 and they will contact you when they get the order to “invite” you to get the vaccine, then you set up a time and date. I called the provider hotline number and they said that they invite their over age 65 patients to get the vaccine based on their supply from week to week. Also in Wisconsin, Walgreens is taking registrations to get the vaccine and when you try to register for an appointment, it seems that the site is overloaded and you get the circles of death, waiting, waiting, waiting.
Simple huh
At the recommendation of some here, I saw The Dig on Netflix. It's a pretty good period drama about an archeological dig in England just before the onset of WWII. The period details are spot on. It shows what the English called dinner back then. Overcooked vegetables and something that looks like boiled fish. I wouldn't put it past them to think about boiling fish.....There's a controversy about the film. Carey Mulligan who's only in her thirties plays Edith Pretty, the sponsor of the dig, who was actually in her fifties. Younger women, according to the new rules, should not be playing older women....Well and good. I don't think Helen Mirren and Olivia Colman lack for parts, but they perhaps get sick of playing queens....In the movie, Carey walked with a cane and looked sick, but that's like playing Othello in blackface. Only older women should play older women....On the plus side, Lily James, who's months past her thirtieth birthday played a woman in her mid twenties. I suppose it's okay for a younger woman to play older parts. Lily James despite being thirty could easily pass for a young woman. With proper exercise and nutrition, a naturally beautiful woman can remain attractive and youthful well into her late twenties and early thirties....Lily James is not blessed with the soft, luxuriant eyebrows of Lily Collins but they're reasonably thick and quite attractive.
You prairie folk. There is a big cogeneration plant in Kenosha on Green Bay Road that puts out huge billowy clouds like this in cold weather. Visible for miles and miles as these things are in those flat states.
If your healthcare provider has an online chart for you as mine does, mine is called “My Chart”, you are to check it daily and the invitation to get the vaccine will appear right on the front page. Check daily.
William, any report on the male actors?
With proper exercise and nutrition, a naturally beautiful woman can remain attractive and youthful well into her late twenties and early thirties
These days, into her fifties.
Freckle-faced young Mariette Hartley on Gunsmoke again. Same episode they've shown three times. Precocious wild girl "raised by wolves" more or less. On her own a long time. Matt finds her after her father (who she never knew) dies, and tries to civilize her a bit before sending her off to live with an aunt.
She hugs him a lot.
Dig: Ralph Finnes does a deep dive into the dirt, Ben Chaplin plays the standard academic schmuck. Johnny Flynn does a passable posh going into the RAF who steals Ben's wife (Lily James)
The dirt sets were awful. They brought in a DG type of engineered fill. It looked so fake it made me physically ill.
Ralph Fiennes was incredibly sexy in The English Patient.
I liked The Dig, modulo the pointless gay husband wife gets laid subplot.
Browndog : “We're a clown country with no virtue.”
In the Dig she is per the script details about 40. So not such a stretch. The cane comes when her disease progresses. So not such a stretch.
Dick Cheney has two daughters.
One is Lesbian.
And the other is the Rep. from a state she occasionally visits, Wyoming. And has a husband a couple of kids.
And the House GOP in a Secret Vote just kept her leadership position. Amazing!
Browndog : “We're a clown country with no virtue.”
Yeah, I just posted it, but it bears repeating. This is what Trumpkins really think of America.
Well his uncle was ranulph fiennes who was ain the sas and an explorer, the killer elite was based on one of his books. His grandfather was a general in the great war, so the world o bond wasnt such a big stretch for him.
Tom hiddlestons great grandfather was an admiral.
Beware of trolls telling us to beware of trolls.
If they are known obnoxious trolls then please DO NOT FEED regardless of their momentary appearence of good faith.
This has been a Largo PSA.
Yes but he wasnt anything like the real count almasi, how they made a film out of oondatjes work is a poser.
The gist here
Then again explorers and adventurers like lawrence wingate philby arent terribly well adjusted.
Orde wingate who trained the palmach would be a wonderful subject but the odds they would ever tell this tale.
The paradox of lawrences mission are in the acknowledgements thanks to thr kingdom of saudi arabia, it came to naught, because ibn sauds ikwan tribesmen defeated a the hashemites. The winner was st john philby who was also drummed out of the service
Take sidney reilly, another scoundrel who sam neil brought to life. He had some small successes but his big projects failed so spectacularly he ended up in front of a kremlin firing squad. 'Dissavowed by the secretary'indeed.
One is reminded that the key to rebecca a rather lurid tale for regular tv at the time was based on the doings of wolfgang eppler a german national in cairo,
There were parts of the english patient that were interesting like my introduction to herodotus and then there were other parts that was self indulgent on minghellas part however considering it wouldnt ordinarily translate to film.
Al masy survived the war, much like the vichy analogue for belloq jacques malhieu who at one time was to be played by gianfranco giannini. Consider that notion.
No takers well adieu for now
Otherwise, it should be considered 'the great American novel' because it's what America is, or should be, about.
America has never been that. When was American society laissez-faire? When did the American government only concern itself with protecting individual and property rights?
@donald said...
Liz Cheney. Yeah fuck the Republican Party. I’m not into fat ugly lesbian warmongers not even a little bit.
Sounds exactly like a "Donald" comment. But "BabyDick" did not disappoint her Dad (our last great VP) yesterday, when she refused to apologize to the MAGA Party for her virtuous vote for Donald Trump's impeachment.
Unknown is correct about Dick Cheney's daughters.
Liz and her husband Phil Perry have five children and live in Wilson, Wyoming.
Mary is also married - to Heather Poe. They live in Great Falls, Virginia on the Potomac.
Way to be a fan of fat ugly lesbian warmongers Inga. I’m sure y’all have a lot more in common.
She won’t even win her next primary which shows you just how fucked up the Republican leadership and 145 other hacks are. Hope they’re all primaries, and I don’t even give a shot who wins those elections.
Whoops, so Liz is just a fat ugly warmonger, not a lesbian. I stand corrected.
If correct this is troubling. One of the first things a dictatorship does is to purge their military of anyone they suspect of being disloyal. They isolate themselves from the rest of the population with armed guards and paint their opposition in most negative of terms. Then they set about to realign the population. Often with violent results.
In Wisconsin there were 2 million absentee votes cast in November.
Out of those, 4,000 were rejected.
In April’s election, there were 1 million absentees cast.
In that election 19,000 were rejected.
Neighbor friend, family practice Doc, told me yesterday his family all contracted and tested positive for CV19.
Since Doc and spouse are in mid 50’s he told me he procured and started course of Ivermectin for them as well as B,C,and Zinc. They both sailed through. Early treatment seems important. He is disappointed with the FDA/CDC politicization of these drugs like HCQ.
Military Purge
That is frightening, Rusty. As we know, those of us who supported Trump are, by definition, 'racists and extremists', regardless of evidence to the contrary.
Blogger" mockturtle said........"
I think maybe my version of what democracy consists of might be flawed. Apparently we're supposed to put down dissent. Ruthlessly and with a military loyal to the junta.
I think “Pink Steam Cafe” is the perfect name for a coffee shop. Hope it happens and hope Ann gets a commission.
How does AOC get away with her outlandish lies and constant gaslighting. She is creating an entirely false narrative to further the leftists lust for blood.
320Busdriver said..."
Because it works. Look at the slack jawed proggs that post here.
Liz Cheney-- the apple doesn't fall far from the warmongering tree.
I was kind of hoping that war criminals George "Women of Cover" Bush and Dick "King of the Chickenhawks" Cheney would be arrested sooner or later, but it looks like they have been rehabilitated by the Permawar Uniparty.
A guy can dream
Apparently an alleged 10% approval rating by WY GOP is a feature, not a bug, in GODC.
Also explains why she stayed in DC while this went down, despite requests to come "home" and chat.
I'm not joking!
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