On the topic of reparations- how much does Crack expect per person? I didn't bother to read any of the comments in that discussion from the previous thread.
We are not allowed to know. And the anonymous government agent who inflicted the death penalty upon her will be protected by the police state government.
This happened at a hospital in Clark County, WA, yesterday. A woman took her mother [who has a brain tumor] to the hospital after she had some dizziness. She was found to have a UTI and low blood pressure. They kept her overnight and gave her IV fluids and antibiotics. But the next day the hospital not only refused to release her because she would not submit to a COVID test, even though she had no symptoms of COVID, but refused to let her daughter visit her!!! The family and friends protested outside the hospital, police were called and used pepper spray on them. Finally, the woman's physician demanded her release.
My question: Was this because of the huge payment the hospital would have received had the woman tested positive? It's a scary situation that was filmed on video by friends of the family.
Mockturtle The hospital would be liable if your friend were infected and released without a test. Pepper spray and cops is obviously a stupid reaction. Pretty stupid and irresponsible of her refusing the test though. Like buying a dog and barking yourself, but with an infectious disease. The hospital has a job to do, why make their job harder?
Snow is falling, heavily. Tomorrow's workout is snow removal. Slow and steady, regular breathing and frequent breaks. Just me, my shovel, my iPod, and time.
Traveling to FL later this month, from Maine and back. As near as I can tell I will have to wear a mask down and back but otherwise there are no other requirements or restrictions. Flying in and out of Boston I am trying to figure out if I will be interrogated upon my return.
Who killed Ashli Babbit and why are they concealing his/her identity?
Ken B of the People's Republic of Canada thinks everyone should be tested just because. This sort of nonsense is why so many people are avoiding trips to the hospital these days. I'm sure insurance companies are happy.
Snowed in. Watched Strange Cargo on TCM. It starred Clark Gable and Joan Crawford. I was never a fan, but Joan Crawford has a movie star's presence. She brings a lot of ferocity to her lines. However, knowing that she's the sort of person who tortures toddlers, you cannot view her fierceness with anything but unease. Her reputation has been terminally damaged.....Clark Gable was the biggest star of his era, and you can see why and also why it wouldn't play in our era. Definitely does not have a sensitive guy vibe....Here's some interesting background info on Gable: he had false teeth and bad breath that was quite something. The ardor his leading ladies showed in the clinches was sometimes great acting.....Strange Cargo was a strange movie. Some convicts escape from Devil's Island and a Christ like figure aids them in their escape. Most of them die in their passage to freedom, but they have a redemptive moment before their death. Clark and Joan find true loves and don't have to die.
"Does anybody know the best way to block particular commenters on the Blogger platform?"
I don't know about blocking but if you click to the right of the three dots after "Commenter said..." it will collapse the comment so that it is not visible.
Commenters posting about Mossad hunting down communications between US election fraudsters? I've heard other stirrings off interwebs in the last few days...
Daughter and son both came for Christmas. Daughter came from Toronto, son from Boston. On the return, son had to take a COVId test upon entry to Massachusetts. When it came back negative in 24 hours, he was free to move about the state. Daughter returned to Toronto and had to quarantine in her apartment for 14 days. Couldn’t go anywhere at all. Got multiple periodic phone calls to check on her adherence to the order.
I believe we can agree that Boston has some amount of expertise in medicine. Yet they only require a test. Toronto requires full 14 days. I presume that they both feel their approaches are based on science. But clearly one of them is wrong. If Toronto has it right, Massachusetts is utterly negligent. If Massachusetts has it right, what in the world is Canada doing?
Remember, all the responses are supposedly based on science, and every state and country is doing it differently. Something is amiss. It’s as if that whole “according to science” thing is a complete sham.
I don't know about blocking but if you click to the right of the three dots after "Commenter said..." it will collapse the comment so that it is not visible.
I have seen this suggested many times, but it has never worked for me. I'm using Chrome on a PC; clicking to the right of the ellipsis after the commenter's name does nothing.
Mockturtle You asked why the hospital might insist on a test. I told you. I did not either endorse nor condemn that policy. The inability to distinguish is really a good indicator you are not thinking logically. (Will you get snotty now? Did you get snotty when your math homework was corrected?) Sad that in matters of such importance you don’t make an effort to think clearly.
The hospital has a job to do, why make their job harder? No one is under any obligation to make anyone else's job easier. Ever. You can choose to be kind and helpful. But if the people trying to do their job aren't deserving of kindness, well....
Many of Crawford's friends and co-workers, including Van Johnson, Ann Blyth, Myrna Loy, Katharine Hepburn, Cesar Romero, Gary Gray, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (Crawford's first husband), and Crawford's two other younger daughters, Cathy and Cindy, denounced the book, categorically denying any abuse. Others including Betty Hutton, Helen Hayes, James MacArthur (Hayes' son), June Allyson, and Vincent Sherman stated they had witnessed some form of abusive behavior.
You can also read about her relationship with her son Christopher. Not good.
The last time he'd see Joan was in 1961, when the 19 year old brought his wife and child to meet her. It's safe to say that this gathering did not go as smoothly as planned. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Christopher recalled, "J.C. was staying at the Fontainebleau. My daughter was six weeks old and I thought J.C. would like to see her granddaughter. She held Janet for about 10 seconds, I think. I said, 'Janet, that's your grandmother; she's a very famous lady.’ J.C. said, ‘I'm nobody's grandmother. I'm Aunt Joan.’ Then she handed her back to me and said, 'She doesn't look anything like you!'"
Christopher remained estranged from his mother until her death in 1977, never repairing their relationship. Joan even disinherited Christopher and Christina and left them out of her will. Vanity Fair reported that Joan's revised will left a trust fund to her adopted twin daughters, Cindy and Cathy, and money to her longtime friend and secretary Betty Barker and to several charities and organizations, but nothing to Christopher and Christina. In her will she stated, "It is my intention to make no provision herein for my son Christopher or my daughter Christina for reasons which are well known to them.”
Madison Man “ No one is under any obligation to make anyone else's job easier. Ever.”
So resisting arrest is fine now is it?
If you don’t want to cooperate with a hospital, don’t go to the hospital. If you ask for their help, cooperate. This is grade 2 stuff, but you Trumpkins just don’t get it. We had a whole thread of Crack being entitled but he is not half as entitled as a Trumpkin demanding a nurse treat her illness while refusing to be helpful.
A Trumpkin in the Emergency Ward: “Fuck you nurse I will not let you take my temperature, because Madison Man says I don’t have to, but you better fucking cure me or I'll sue.”
Someone else suggested killfile, I tried that and it didn't work for me.
Killfile works with chrome on blogger. But only on the title page for each individual post, it does not work on the page you move to after clicking "post a comment" which is the same page you reach by clicking on the comment link under each post on the main page.
So it works but you have to train yourself to read the cite in a specific way for it to be effective.
Amazon, last month, deleted all the comments on every book review that were ever posted.
Yeah, I noticed that. It seems to me that usage had been declining for years. I used to get comments on my reviews fairly often, but for the last several years nada.
For the most part, not a big deal, but I really wanted to tell a guy recently that he had obviously read a different book than the one he posted his review under.
Seems to be the day's theme. My partial solution to pesky commenters is not even to try to read every post--especially if it has garnered 100+ comments before I show up. Crude, I have to think, but I don't have time for more, and once I'm on a thread I read every post--I don't take e-offense very easily, which helps.
The DC doings are starting to make sense. It's obvious that the Swampies are now terrified out of their former insouciance and expect real trouble--if not about Peach Mint II, then related to other and even bigger future events: say, economic and fiscal collapse, foreign war, an even more insidious illness unleashed by fanatics . . .
Narr Don't say it can't happen just because it hasn't happened yet
It says something about me that that phrase jumped out at me before reading the rest of the comment, and my immediate thought was the ongoing implosion of the second largest comic company.
Blogger stephen cooper said..."Amazon, last month, deleted all the comments on every book review that were ever posted."
Blogger Churchy LaFemme: …"Yeah, I noticed that. It seems to me that usage had been declining for years. I used to get comments on my reviews fairly often, but for the last several years nada."
Seems to be the day's theme. My partial solution to pesky commenters is not even to try to read every post--especially if it has garnered 100+ comments before I show up.”
Haha, I consider 95% of the commenters here to be pesky. Go away! Just kidding, what would Althouse do without you?
"The people of American deserve to know the name of the agent who killed Ashli Babbitt."
I agree. what possible reason can there be for withholding it? The family needs to get a lawyer and sue someone's ass off. I'm shocked that no one in the conservative media seems to care. I've decided to write my congressman and Senator. Its an outrage. And I mean it. after months of George Floyd, and "we need to hold the police accountable", and "defund the police", etc. etc. We now get:
"Oh an unarmed trump supporter is shot without reason. Who cares? No big whoop."
Amazon, last month, deleted all the comments on every book review that were ever posted.
That is surprising. The only thing I noticed about the comments was how progressives would swarm in the comments to respond negatively to reviews that were more or less conservative. Right-wingers generally let the left-wingers make their reviews and didn't bother attacking them in the comments, so I wonder why they didn't just keep the comments and delete the reviews.
BTW, Rush Limbaugh spent all day talking about the "Deep state" and the "Rigged system" and the "attack on the middle class". He's not attacking McConnell, Cheney, and all the other frauds, but he went hard (for him) after the Never-trumper. Said half of them were paid off by Rich Leftists, and the other half have dropped the mask, and always were leftists.
He's still staying off the Jan 6th attack and the stolen election. Tip toeing around both topics, just dropping hints. Maybe waiting till the trial.
Amazon has book reviews". If you mean comments on other people's reviews, well good riddance to bad rubbish. Nothing was more annoying than posting a negative review and then having some ridiculous fan boy of the book tell you "you have to read it more than once to get it" or "You just weren't smart enough to understand, man".
Nothing was more annoying than posting a negative review and then having some ridiculous fan boy of the book tell you "you have to read it more than once to get it" or "You just weren't smart enough to understand, man".
Sure there were those, but I had some nice ones like [approx] "You summarized why I couldn't stand that book better than I ever could!"
So I've been watching these early episodes of Gunsmoke. The opening is the mostly the same. Marshall Dillon is in a showndown on the street with someone. Which doesn't make any sense because, as a lawman, he doesn't need to go through the pretense of the other guy pulling first so as to justify killing them with a quicker draw. He can just approach people with his weapon already drawn. Of course, he doesn't just go and shoot unarmed people, and certainly not unarmed women.
Anyway, there is something interesting in some of these openings. He and the other guy both draw and fire in their showdown. At the moment of the shots, the camera is focused on Matt. He pulls and BEFORE HE GETS HIS ARM EXTENDED, you hear one shot. Then he gets his arm extended and you hear the second shot. There is only a split second between the two. But it is clear that THE OTHER GUY FIRED FIRST. Didn't just draw first, but got off the first shot. Which generally means in a movie showdown that Matt should be dead.
Clearly a sound editing error. They eventually fixed it, delaying the sounds of the two shots by a fraction of a second, so that the first shot syncs up with Matt's gun, rather than the second shot.
Praise is fine. But generally speaking, 90% of the comments to other people's book reviews were worthless. If you enjoyed them fine. Amazon probably got rid of them because they were superfluous. The whole point is to help people decide whether to buy the book or not. Comments rarely did that.
I never read the book, but I vaguely remember reading a magazine article about her. She definitely gave her children a hard time, but it was nothing compared to the childhood she went through....The daughter was sufficiently intact to write a best selling book and to exact a full measure of revenge for the harm inflicted on her....There are perks to being the daughter of a movie star, even an abused daughter. Joan Crawford didn't have those perks and probably resented her children for the advantages that she herself gave them.....The fame that Joan Crawford has attained as an abusive mother overshadows and is more enduring than her fame as a movie star.
Can someone 'splain to me why we now have to pronounce Burma "Myanmar", but we don't have to pronounce Japan "Nihon"?
Can someone 'splain to me why we now have to pronounce Rangoon as "Yangon", but we still order "Crab Rangoon" at Chinese restaurants? There's actually a Burmese ethnic group called "Karen", so...why aren't they policing this in-you-face resistance to change?
Can we still see traces of those old sequential "Burma Shave" signs on western roads, now written over to read "Myanmar Shave"? ( Sample of old signs: Hardly a driver / Is now alive / Who passed / On hills / At 75 / Burma-Shave)
It's sheer PC idiocy. Do the French call Allemagne "Deutschland"? Do WE call Germany "Deutschland"? WHY do the Germans call France "Frankeich"? Why DON'T we call France "Frogland"?
What bullshit.
p.s. I visited Burma for two weeks in 1974.
Back then, you could practically pay for all your living expenses by bringing in two cartons of "555" cigarettes and a fifth of Johnny Walker Red Label, and selling them on the black market.
I had a beer at the bar of Rangoon's Strand Hotel, once labeled "the finest hostelry East of Suez", and frequented by both Kipling and Somerset Maugham.
While in...whatever you call the country now...I discovered that:
(a) flying fishes do not play on "the road to Mandalay" (went there too.), but do, in the wide Irrawaddy river to the west. derp
(b) the dawn doesn't "come up like thunder, from China, 'cross the bay", because China's overland to the Northeast. derp
Its part of the TV western code. The good guy always lets the bad guy make the first move. The rifleman would outdraw people with his Winchester. Which always struck me as unbelievable, but whatever.
Been watching a lot of these episodes and it is still not exactly clear what role Chester and Festus played. They are not deputies, they don't carry a badge (they don't need no stinkin' badges), but they act like they are.
Yeoman Janice Rand was in one episode and I had to look it up to see who she was. There was something vaguely familiar about her, but I couldn't place it.
"The most absurd comment to a book review of mine:
"you just don't get it. He meant to be boring"
That actually sounds like some high level snark to me- like he was in total agreement with your review. Of course, now that I think about it, that still fits the definition of absurd.
I’ve come to repent, to be totally honest here. The Democrats stole the election . All the they had to do was organize ALL the: Postal Workers Poll Workers & Poll Observers Voting Machine Tech Firms & Software Engineers Involved State Governors and Legislators from BOTH parties State, Federal and Supreme Courts and Judges To make it believable they had 81 million people vote for Biden, 7 million more than Trump. I’m sorry. Can you guys forgive us?
“My question: Was this because of the huge payment the hospital would have received had the woman tested positive?”
My question: Why doesn’t Mock put a number on “huge payment”?
Do hospitals get a hundred bucks for a positive test? Or a thousand bucks? Or ten thousand bucks? Or a hundred thousand bucks? Or a million bucks? Or ten million bucks? Or a hundred million bucks? Or..............
Tell us Mock, what is the “huge payment” that hospitals get when a patient tests positive?
BTW, if the hospital didn’t test for brain tumors, UTIs and high blood pressure re this patient that Mock is fussing about, then the hospital would really be screwed out of collecting huge payments. If Mock-logic was in charge of healthcare, there’d be zero dollars spent on healthcare because there’d be zero testing for illnesses. Genius!
I believe Joe is ready to "release the real Kracken" that is use his 1st of 2 Reconciliations(thanks to Nixon for putting that down into law before he had to runaway) There were 4 things big things that were in his to do list.1) big covid plan.2) Infrastructure,state $$$ etc 3) Immigration 4) voting rights restoration etc.Yes some other stuff but these are the biggies. As a betting man all my life and not stopping now I am laying odds on 1) COVID BILL 1ST PLAY (bigly,no 1/3 of deal as Repubs put their 2 cents in and then )2 )I am still doping the racing form on either Immigration or Infrastructure,,leaning Immigration.Three and Four will most likely banish the civil war era filibuster and run the Nuclear option(what's he care ,he's my age and got nothing to lose ,not worry about who will do what next,now's the time to get what the 81,000,000 voted for. Dems always trying to do "unity and they now see what happened in 2007 and OBAMA and the grim reaper so yeah NUCLEAR OPTION all the way.Do it, time for HARDBALL like Moscow Mitch who has buried everything in last years dead zone.I'll open betting line at 6-1 on Reconciliation(2x) that's the early line Joe ain't waiting much longer,'by then I'll be able to wager on 2nd Reconciliation play before ridding the filibuster that has turned into a pox on the American people,only Mitch and the gang get theirs and the serfs keep piling up sticks.Mitch is no longer king of the hill, think Merrick Garland, Amy what's her name,2 trillion raise for the wealthy.yeah time is right.thanks to trump for the majority with his art of the deal,dont vote in Georgia play,that worked like all his other marvelous deals,trump U,casinos,airlines,wine sales, golf tournaments,etc ,you name it. C'mon man lets get them $1400.00 bread crumbs while the iron is hot, baby needs new shoes! :)
Scotty is pissed about masks.. Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays · 16h The worst take on masks is "COVID is not stopped by masks." Anyone who says something like that should be ignored forever. Listen to people who speak of viral load, friction, water particles, and probability.
The purpose of masks was to "slow the spread", and the campaign was based on the theory that asymptomatic carriers could spread COVID without knowing it. The idea is that masks capture moisture that comes out of your nose and mouth, which can transmit the virus.
Simple cloth masks don't prevent you from getting COVID, or colds, or the flu. You need to wear N95 grade masks for that.
This isn't complicated, but for some reason a lot of people just don't get it.
stephen cooper said...Amazon, last month, deleted all the comments on every book review that were ever posted.
One of the problems was that a lot of "reviewers" who trashed books by conservatives were clearly not verified purchasers. It was a troll operation like the fools we deal with here.
Yancey Ward said...Has anyone seen Bruce Hayden recently? It just occurred to me that I haven't seen him post in a few weeks.
I hope everything is OK with Bruce. I miss his posts.
The blog seems to be overrun with new trolls who add little but media talking points. There are also the attention whores that take up a thread. I have been commenting far less because it is really not worth the effort do deal with that crap.Maybe that is where Bruce is at.
"Remember, all the responses are supposedly based on science, and every state and country is doing it differently. Something is amiss. It’s as if that whole “according to science” thing is a complete sham."
It never was about science; it's about power and control.
Why are the goings on in Burma any of our concern?
Just roll past the comments from commenters that don't interest or annoy you (like mine, for instance). You'll develop a list over time and cruising on past will be natural.
Occam's Razor says that those missing commenters are off doing other things and/or have nothing they deem interesting to say. This is the era of Boring Joe, after all. That said, Bruce Hayden is particularly notable for his absence because his posts are always well thought out and thorough. I do hope all those absent ones are well.
The CDC says the science is nearly settled. It appears they are going with mandating wearing more than one mask. According to an anonymous senior level source, the optimum is wearing 3.765 masks. China will ramp up production.
As an aside, I was working with an Amish guy (8th grade educated) last night. He was scratching his head as to why you need a mask to go into a restaurant, but once seated, the mask can be removed. I got him up to speed.
Blog has too much chaff, edging out the wheat. Masks? Best description I've seen was based on virus size vs mask's stopping capabilities. It was "like throwing sand at a cyclone fence". Saw somewhere that Chicoms making billions on the blue face diapers. Good to be old!
The inability to distinguish is really a good indicator you are not thinking logically. (Will you get snotty now? Did you get snotty when your math homework was corrected?) Sad that in matters of such importance you don’t make an effort to think clearly.
Snotty Karen B is a good reason for killfiles but, on a Mac, clicking to the right works fine. I have also noticed all the new trolls. I hope they go away after impeachment II flops.
Sure pianoman, Meanwhile compliance has become "face coverings" with zero standards paired with recommendations ranging from Don't you dare wear them to wear three of them.
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१०३ टिप्पण्या:
As seen on Twitter:
WaPoo: Anti-vaccine protest at Dodger Stadium was organized on Facebook, including promotion of banned "Plandemic" video https://wapo.st/2Mth6sh
So we gonna kick Facebook off the App Store now or nah?
The cop who shot Ashlee will not be charged.
Facebook is in the club, but the organizers will be kicked off of Facebook no doubt.
Good Grammar rule for Feb. 1:
Avoid run-on sentences they are hard to read.
(note: I am not the originator of these 'good grammar rules'. They are from one of those humorous lists found years ago out there on the internets.)
Anybody want to talk about race?
Just kidding.
Babbitt's family will be billed for the autopsy and cleanup.
On the topic of reparations- how much does Crack expect per person? I didn't bother to read any of the comments in that discussion from the previous thread.
Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?
We are not allowed to know. And the anonymous government agent who inflicted the death penalty upon her will be protected by the police state government.
Yeah....that’s a dumpster fire
Has anyone seen Bruce Hayden recently? It just occurred to me that I haven't seen him post in a few weeks.
Are we really going into Myanmar? I can't bring myself to switch on the news.
Babbitt's family will be billed for the autopsy and cleanup.
They will be charged for the bullet that killed her.
"Are we really going into Myanmar?"
I hope not, but with Biden anything is possible.
It will always be Burma to me
We know the name of Lon Horiuchi, the FBI sniper who shot and killed the unarmed Vicki Weaver from 200 yards away as she was holding her infant baby.
The people of American deserve to know the name of the agent who killed Ashli Babbitt.
This happened at a hospital in Clark County, WA, yesterday. A woman took her mother [who has a brain tumor] to the hospital after she had some dizziness. She was found to have a UTI and low blood pressure. They kept her overnight and gave her IV fluids and antibiotics. But the next day the hospital not only refused to release her because she would not submit to a COVID test, even though she had no symptoms of COVID, but refused to let her daughter visit her!!! The family and friends protested outside the hospital, police were called and used pepper spray on them. Finally, the woman's physician demanded her release.
My question: Was this because of the huge payment the hospital would have received had the woman tested positive? It's a scary situation that was filmed on video by friends of the family.
The hospital would be liable if your friend were infected and released without a test.
Pepper spray and cops is obviously a stupid reaction. Pretty stupid and irresponsible of her refusing the test though. Like buying a dog and barking yourself, but with an infectious disease. The hospital has a job to do, why make their job harder?
Snow is falling, heavily. Tomorrow's workout is snow removal. Slow and steady, regular breathing and frequent breaks. Just me, my shovel, my iPod, and time.
Burma, a song
Traveling to FL later this month, from Maine and back. As near as I can tell I will have to wear a mask down and back but otherwise there are no other requirements or restrictions. Flying in and out of Boston I am trying to figure out if I will be interrogated upon my return.
Who killed Ashli Babbit and why are they concealing his/her identity?
Convince me that it would be wise to require a covid test before being allowed to fly on a domestic flight.
I think this illegitimate cabal wants to kill US airlines and make the act of flying as difficult and rare as it was in the 50’s.
COVID tests are only 60% accurate.
FYI: I consider the anal swab to be more invasive, and time consuming, than the nasal swab. What say you?
"I think this illegitimate cabal wants to kill US airlines and make the act of flying as difficult and rare as it was in the 50’s."
Not for the ones doing the killing, of course.
Ken B of the People's Republic of Canada thinks everyone should be tested just because. This sort of nonsense is why so many people are avoiding trips to the hospital these days. I'm sure insurance companies are happy.
Does anybody know the best way to block particular commenters on the Blogger platform?
I usually view this site in Chrome.
There are certain commenters here that I don't wish read because if I do, I will invariably react.
It's not good for my blood pressure for one thing, and I only end up feeding the trolls for another...
Snowed in. Watched Strange Cargo on TCM. It starred Clark Gable and Joan Crawford. I was never a fan, but Joan Crawford has a movie star's presence. She brings a lot of ferocity to her lines. However, knowing that she's the sort of person who tortures toddlers, you cannot view her fierceness with anything but unease. Her reputation has been terminally damaged.....Clark Gable was the biggest star of his era, and you can see why and also why it wouldn't play in our era. Definitely does not have a sensitive guy vibe....Here's some interesting background info on Gable: he had false teeth and bad breath that was quite something. The ardor his leading ladies showed in the clinches was sometimes great acting.....Strange Cargo was a strange movie. Some convicts escape from Devil's Island and a Christ like figure aids them in their escape. Most of them die in their passage to freedom, but they have a redemptive moment before their death. Clark and Joan find true loves and don't have to die.
"Does anybody know the best way to block particular commenters on the Blogger platform?"
I don't know about blocking but if you click to the right of the three dots after "Commenter said..." it will collapse the comment so that it is not visible.
Commenters posting about Mossad hunting down communications between US election fraudsters? I've heard other stirrings off interwebs in the last few days...
You want killfile...
William, do we have anyone's word other than Crawford's ungrateful daughter's that she 'tortured toddlers'?
Daughter and son both came for Christmas. Daughter came from Toronto, son from Boston. On the return, son had to take a COVId test upon entry to Massachusetts. When it came back negative in 24 hours, he was free to move about the state. Daughter returned to Toronto and had to quarantine in her apartment for 14 days. Couldn’t go anywhere at all. Got multiple periodic phone calls to check on her adherence to the order.
I believe we can agree that Boston has some amount of expertise in medicine. Yet they only require a test. Toronto requires full 14 days. I presume that they both feel their approaches are based on science. But clearly one of them is wrong. If Toronto has it right, Massachusetts is utterly negligent. If Massachusetts has it right, what in the world is Canada doing?
Remember, all the responses are supposedly based on science, and every state and country is doing it differently. Something is amiss. It’s as if that whole “according to science” thing is a complete sham.
I'm Not Sure said...
I don't know about blocking but if you click to the right of the three dots after "Commenter said..." it will collapse the comment so that it is not visible.
I have seen this suggested many times, but it has never worked for me. I'm using Chrome on a PC; clicking to the right of the ellipsis after the commenter's name does nothing.
You asked why the hospital might insist on a test. I told you. I did not either endorse nor condemn that policy. The inability to distinguish is really a good indicator you are not thinking logically. (Will you get snotty now? Did you get snotty when your math homework was corrected?)
Sad that in matters of such importance you don’t make an effort to think clearly.
Meade is a baseball fan so he'd like The Battered Bastards of Baseball on Netflix. Especially if he is a fan of the actor who
Played Snake Pliskin.
The hospital has a job to do, why make their job harder?
No one is under any obligation to make anyone else's job easier. Ever.
You can choose to be kind and helpful. But if the people trying to do their job aren't deserving of kindness, well....
Meade is a baseball fan so he'd like The Battered Bastards of Baseball on Netflix. Especially if he is a fan of the actor who
Played Snake Pliskin.
"I have seen this suggested many times, but it has never worked for me."
I'm using chrome on a pc, too. Don't know what's happening there. Someone else suggested killfile, I tried that and it didn't work for me.
Joe Smith
Best plan: don’t read the site. Go away.
Personally I’ll be happy if you just never post, but you'll be happier if you go away entirely.
Ice Fishers Try to Turn off Rogue Auger Drill
Many of Crawford's friends and co-workers, including Van Johnson, Ann Blyth, Myrna Loy, Katharine Hepburn, Cesar Romero, Gary Gray, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (Crawford's first husband), and Crawford's two other younger daughters, Cathy and Cindy, denounced the book, categorically denying any abuse. Others including Betty Hutton, Helen Hayes, James MacArthur (Hayes' son), June Allyson, and Vincent Sherman stated they had witnessed some form of abusive behavior.
You can also read about her relationship with her son Christopher. Not good.
The last time he'd see Joan was in 1961, when the 19 year old brought his wife and child to meet her. It's safe to say that this gathering did not go as smoothly as planned. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Christopher recalled, "J.C. was staying at the Fontainebleau. My daughter was six weeks old and I thought J.C. would like to see her granddaughter. She held Janet for about 10 seconds, I think. I said, 'Janet, that's your grandmother; she's a very famous lady.’ J.C. said, ‘I'm nobody's grandmother. I'm Aunt Joan.’ Then she handed her back to me and said, 'She doesn't look anything like you!'"
Christopher remained estranged from his mother until her death in 1977, never repairing their relationship. Joan even disinherited Christopher and Christina and left them out of her will. Vanity Fair reported that Joan's revised will left a trust fund to her adopted twin daughters, Cindy and Cathy, and money to her longtime friend and secretary Betty Barker and to several charities and organizations, but nothing to Christopher and Christina. In her will she stated, "It is my intention to make no provision herein for my son Christopher or my daughter Christina for reasons which are well known to them.”
Anyone know if Quinn is ok?
Madison Man
“ No one is under any obligation to make anyone else's job easier. Ever.”
So resisting arrest is fine now is it?
If you don’t want to cooperate with a hospital, don’t go to the hospital. If you ask for their help, cooperate. This is grade 2 stuff, but you Trumpkins just don’t get it. We had a whole thread of Crack being entitled but he is not half as entitled as a Trumpkin demanding a nurse treat her illness while refusing to be helpful.
A Trumpkin in the Emergency Ward: “Fuck you nurse I will not let you take my temperature, because Madison Man says I don’t have to, but you better fucking cure me or I'll sue.”
7.2% of Californians, a crappy run state, and nearly the worst of all the USA, has gotten at least one RonaVax shot.
2.2% of socialized medicine loving hosers in Canada have gotta a shot.
Canada really sucks.
Except French Canada. Those chicks are kinda hot sometimes.
Someone else suggested killfile, I tried that and it didn't work for me.
Killfile works with chrome on blogger. But only on the title page for each individual post, it does not work on the page you move to after clicking "post a comment" which is the same page you reach by clicking on the comment link under each post on the main page.
So it works but you have to train yourself to read the cite in a specific way for it to be effective.
Amazon, last month, deleted all the comments on every book review that were ever posted.
Sort of like the burning of the library of Alexandria.
Not that anyone at Amazon would get the reference.
They are barbarians.
"So it works but you have to train yourself to read the cite in a specific way for it to be effective."
Why, yes- it does. Thank you.
Amazon, last month, deleted all the comments on every book review that were ever posted.
Yeah, I noticed that. It seems to me that usage had been declining for years. I used to get comments on my reviews fairly often, but for the last several years nada.
For the most part, not a big deal, but I really wanted to tell a guy recently that he had obviously read a different book than the one he posted his review under.
No, YOU go away!
Seems to be the day's theme. My partial solution to pesky commenters is not even to try to read every post--especially if it has garnered 100+ comments before I show up. Crude, I have to think, but I don't have time for more, and once I'm on a thread I read every post--I don't take e-offense very easily, which helps.
The DC doings are starting to make sense. It's obvious that the Swampies are now terrified out of their former insouciance and expect real trouble--if not about Peach Mint II, then related to other and even bigger future events: say, economic and fiscal collapse, foreign war, an even more insidious illness unleashed by fanatics . . .
Don't say it can't happen just because it hasn't happened yet
The DC doings are starting to make sense.
It says something about me that that phrase jumped out at me before reading the rest of the comment, and my immediate thought was the ongoing implosion of the second largest comic company.
Blogger stephen cooper said..."Amazon, last month, deleted all the comments on every book review that were ever posted."
Blogger Churchy LaFemme: …"Yeah, I noticed that. It seems to me that usage had been declining for years. I used to get comments on my reviews fairly often, but for the last several years nada."
Ken B just called you guys liars.
“No, YOU go away!
Seems to be the day's theme. My partial solution to pesky commenters is not even to try to read every post--especially if it has garnered 100+ comments before I show up.”
Haha, I consider 95% of the commenters here to be pesky. Go away!
Just kidding, what would Althouse do without you?
"The people of American deserve to know the name of the agent who killed Ashli Babbitt."
I agree. what possible reason can there be for withholding it? The family needs to get a lawyer and sue someone's ass off. I'm shocked that no one in the conservative media seems to care. I've decided to write my congressman and Senator. Its an outrage. And I mean it. after months of George Floyd, and "we need to hold the police accountable", and "defund the police", etc. etc. We now get:
"Oh an unarmed trump supporter is shot without reason. Who cares? No big whoop."
Amazon, last month, deleted all the comments on every book review that were ever posted.
That is surprising. The only thing I noticed about the comments was how progressives would swarm in the comments to respond negatively to reviews that were more or less conservative. Right-wingers generally let the left-wingers make their reviews and didn't bother attacking them in the comments, so I wonder why they didn't just keep the comments and delete the reviews.
BTW, Rush Limbaugh spent all day talking about the "Deep state" and the "Rigged system" and the "attack on the middle class". He's not attacking McConnell, Cheney, and all the other frauds, but he went hard (for him) after the Never-trumper. Said half of them were paid off by Rich Leftists, and the other half have dropped the mask, and always were leftists.
He's still staying off the Jan 6th attack and the stolen election. Tip toeing around both topics, just dropping hints. Maybe waiting till the trial.
Amazon has book reviews". If you mean comments on other people's reviews, well good riddance to bad rubbish. Nothing was more annoying than posting a negative review and then having some ridiculous fan boy of the book tell you "you have to read it more than once to get it" or "You just weren't smart enough to understand, man".
Nothing was more annoying than posting a negative review and then having some ridiculous fan boy of the book tell you "you have to read it more than once to get it" or "You just weren't smart enough to understand, man".
Sure there were those, but I had some nice ones like [approx] "You summarized why I couldn't stand that book better than I ever could!"
The most absurd comment to a book review of mine:
"you just don't get it. He meant to be boring"
Lots of the comments I left on Amazon were appreciative comments, telling the book reviewers that I agreed with what they said.
Amazon deleted every single one of those comments, as if my efforts were worthless.
So I've been watching these early episodes of Gunsmoke. The opening is the mostly the same. Marshall Dillon is in a showndown on the street with someone. Which doesn't make any sense because, as a lawman, he doesn't need to go through the pretense of the other guy pulling first so as to justify killing them with a quicker draw. He can just approach people with his weapon already drawn. Of course, he doesn't just go and shoot unarmed people, and certainly not unarmed women.
Anyway, there is something interesting in some of these openings. He and the other guy both draw and fire in their showdown. At the moment of the shots, the camera is focused on Matt. He pulls and BEFORE HE GETS HIS ARM EXTENDED, you hear one shot. Then he gets his arm extended and you hear the second shot. There is only a split second between the two. But it is clear that THE OTHER GUY FIRED FIRST. Didn't just draw first, but got off the first shot. Which generally means in a movie showdown that Matt should be dead.
Clearly a sound editing error. They eventually fixed it, delaying the sounds of the two shots by a fraction of a second, so that the first shot syncs up with Matt's gun, rather than the second shot.
Heartless barbarians.
They gave no warning.
Praise is fine. But generally speaking, 90% of the comments to other people's book reviews were worthless. If you enjoyed them fine. Amazon probably got rid of them because they were superfluous. The whole point is to help people decide whether to buy the book or not. Comments rarely did that.
On now, the first appearance of Festus Hagen. Not the first appearance of Ken Curtis, but the first appearance of Festus.
He's got the voice mostly down, but doesn't yet have his face all scrunched up.
In the earlier appearances of Ken Curtis, he is hardly recognizable because he looks and sounds like a normal person.
I never read the book, but I vaguely remember reading a magazine article about her. She definitely gave her children a hard time, but it was nothing compared to the childhood she went through....The daughter was sufficiently intact to write a best selling book and to exact a full measure of revenge for the harm inflicted on her....There are perks to being the daughter of a movie star, even an abused daughter. Joan Crawford didn't have those perks and probably resented her children for the advantages that she herself gave them.....The fame that Joan Crawford has attained as an abusive mother overshadows and is more enduring than her fame as a movie star.
"In the earlier appearances of Ken Curtis, he is hardly recognizable because he looks and sounds like a normal person."
He's in "the quiet man", in the scene in the bar. I didn't know it was Ken Curtis. Thought it was a good looking Irish Actor.
Can someone 'splain to me why we now have to pronounce Burma "Myanmar", but we don't have to pronounce Japan "Nihon"?
Can someone 'splain to me why we now have to pronounce Rangoon as "Yangon", but we still order "Crab Rangoon" at Chinese restaurants? There's actually a Burmese ethnic group called "Karen", so...why aren't they policing this in-you-face resistance to change?
Can we still see traces of those old sequential "Burma Shave" signs on western roads, now written over to read "Myanmar Shave"? ( Sample of old signs: Hardly a driver / Is now alive / Who passed / On hills / At 75 / Burma-Shave)
It's sheer PC idiocy. Do the French call Allemagne "Deutschland"? Do WE call Germany "Deutschland"? WHY do the Germans call France "Frankeich"? Why DON'T we call France "Frogland"?
What bullshit.
p.s. I visited Burma for two weeks in 1974.
Back then, you could practically pay for all your living expenses by bringing in two cartons of "555" cigarettes and a fifth of Johnny Walker Red Label, and selling them on the black market.
I had a beer at the bar of Rangoon's Strand Hotel, once labeled "the finest hostelry East of Suez", and frequented by both Kipling and Somerset Maugham.
While in...whatever you call the country now...I discovered that:
(a) flying fishes do not play on "the road to Mandalay" (went there too.),
but do, in the wide Irrawaddy river to the west. derp
(b) the dawn doesn't "come up like thunder, from China, 'cross the bay", because China's overland to the Northeast. derp
Damn you, Rudyard Kipling!
Double damn you, Frank Sinatra!
Its part of the TV western code. The good guy always lets the bad guy make the first move. The rifleman would outdraw people with his Winchester. Which always struck me as unbelievable, but whatever.
taking geography lessons from songs and poetry won't get you far. No, "The blues skies you ever seen" are NOT in Seattle.
China of course might be short for Indochina. But I doubt even that's true.
Been watching a lot of these episodes and it is still not exactly clear what role Chester and Festus played. They are not deputies, they don't carry a badge (they don't need no stinkin' badges), but they act like they are.
He's in "the quiet man", in the scene in the bar.
Now I got to go look for that.
Yeoman Janice Rand was in one episode and I had to look it up to see who she was. There was something vaguely familiar about her, but I couldn't place it.
Mark said...
In the earlier appearances of Ken Curtis, he is hardly recognizable because he looks and sounds like a normal person.
If you can get hold of the theatrical release of The Alamo you can hear him sing!
The Rifleman would have made a good Capitol Police officer. He had about 300 kills to his name.
Never could stand his punk son.
Hi ho, Silver, Away to the Moon!
Though I'm hearing conflicting reports about who is actually behind the silver buying spree.
"The most absurd comment to a book review of mine:
"you just don't get it. He meant to be boring"
That actually sounds like some high level snark to me- like he was in total agreement with your review. Of course, now that I think about it, that still fits the definition of absurd.
Looks like a big arctic chill is coming in later this week. Predicted to be down to 10 degrees here in Oak Ridge at some point this week.
I’ve come to repent, to be totally honest here.
The Democrats stole the election .
All the they had to do was organize ALL the:
Postal Workers
Poll Workers & Poll Observers
Voting Machine Tech Firms & Software Engineers Involved
State Governors and Legislators from BOTH parties
State, Federal and Supreme Courts and Judges
To make it believable they had 81 million people vote for Biden, 7 million more than Trump.
I’m sorry. Can you guys forgive us?
“My question: Was this because of the huge payment the hospital would have received had the woman tested positive?”
My question: Why doesn’t Mock put a number on “huge payment”?
Do hospitals get a hundred bucks for a positive test? Or a thousand bucks? Or ten thousand bucks? Or a hundred thousand bucks? Or a million bucks? Or ten million bucks? Or a hundred million bucks? Or..............
Tell us Mock, what is the “huge payment” that hospitals get when a patient tests positive?
BTW, if the hospital didn’t test for brain tumors, UTIs and high blood pressure re this patient that Mock is fussing about, then the hospital would really be screwed out of collecting huge payments. If Mock-logic was in charge of healthcare, there’d be zero dollars spent on healthcare because there’d be zero testing for illnesses. Genius!
"Best plan: don’t read the site. Go away."
Says the hoser, eh!
Nobody in the USA gives a fuck what a foreigner thinks of American politics.
“Nobody in the USA gives a fuck what a foreigner thinks of American politics.”
Joe knows what every person in US thinks.
He, like Mock (and other such commenters), is a stable genius!
Carry on.
Blogger Yancey Ward said... Has anyone seen Bruce Hayden recently?
I get ya Sprezz-shitter,
Those thousands of affiants were just butt-hurt Trumpers.
Bruce Hayden
All missing for quite sometime now, Bruce Hayden more recently missing.
I believe Joe is ready to "release the real Kracken" that is use his 1st of 2 Reconciliations(thanks to Nixon for putting that down into law before he had to runaway) There were 4 things big things that were in his to do list.1) big covid plan.2) Infrastructure,state $$$ etc 3) Immigration 4) voting rights restoration etc.Yes some other stuff but these are the biggies. As a betting man all my life and not stopping now I am laying odds on 1) COVID BILL 1ST PLAY (bigly,no 1/3 of deal as Repubs put their 2 cents in and then )2 )I am still doping the racing form on either Immigration or Infrastructure,,leaning Immigration.Three and Four will most likely banish the civil war era filibuster and run the Nuclear option(what's he care ,he's my age and got nothing to lose ,not worry about who will do what next,now's the time to get what the 81,000,000 voted for. Dems always trying to do "unity and they now see what happened in 2007 and OBAMA and the grim reaper so yeah NUCLEAR OPTION all the way.Do it, time for HARDBALL like Moscow Mitch who has buried everything in last years dead zone.I'll open betting line at 6-1 on Reconciliation(2x) that's the early line Joe ain't waiting much longer,'by then I'll be able to wager on 2nd Reconciliation play before ridding the filibuster that has turned into a pox on the American people,only Mitch and the gang get theirs and the serfs keep piling up sticks.Mitch is no longer king of the hill, think Merrick Garland, Amy what's her name,2 trillion raise for the wealthy.yeah time is right.thanks to trump for the majority with his art of the deal,dont vote in Georgia play,that worked like all his other marvelous deals,trump U,casinos,airlines,wine sales, golf tournaments,etc ,you name it. C'mon man lets get them $1400.00 bread crumbs while the iron is hot, baby needs new shoes! :)
Joe is ready to release his bowels.
Anything beyond that is up to his handlers...struggling, meanwhile, to protect the carpet.
There should be a movie where DINKY DAU 45 and C__! spend a booze filled weekend at a Northern border casino.
Scotty is pissed about masks..
Scott Adams
The worst take on masks is "COVID is not stopped by masks." Anyone who says something like that should be ignored forever. Listen to people who speak of viral load, friction, water particles, and probability.
I was wondering why everyone was chatting about Killfile.
Then I saw Ken B's posts.
"Ah", says I.
(into the Killfile he goes, along with all the other gold-plated a$$holes)
The purpose of masks was to "slow the spread", and the campaign was based on the theory that asymptomatic carriers could spread COVID without knowing it. The idea is that masks capture moisture that comes out of your nose and mouth, which can transmit the virus.
Simple cloth masks don't prevent you from getting COVID, or colds, or the flu. You need to wear N95 grade masks for that.
This isn't complicated, but for some reason a lot of people just don't get it.
stephen cooper said...Amazon, last month, deleted all the comments on every book review that were ever posted.
One of the problems was that a lot of "reviewers" who trashed books by conservatives were clearly not verified purchasers. It was a troll operation like the fools we deal with here.
Yancey Ward said...Has anyone seen Bruce Hayden recently? It just occurred to me that I haven't seen him post in a few weeks.
I hope everything is OK with Bruce. I miss his posts.
The blog seems to be overrun with new trolls who add little but media talking points. There are also the attention whores that take up a thread. I have been commenting far less because it is really not worth the effort do deal with that crap.Maybe that is where Bruce is at.
"Biden warns Burma of renewed US sanctions after coup
Blinken called for the military to 'reverse these actions immediately'"
Can't wait to see Joe do an impromptu hour long question and answer session on the details.
"And then, sonofabitch, they did...uh...did the thing"
Quayle said...
"Remember, all the responses are supposedly based on science, and every state and country is doing it differently. Something is amiss. It’s as if that whole “according to science” thing is a complete sham."
It never was about science; it's about power and control.
Why are the goings on in Burma any of our concern?
Just roll past the comments from commenters that don't interest or annoy you (like mine, for instance). You'll develop a list over time and cruising on past will be natural.
Occam's Razor says that those missing commenters are off doing other things and/or have nothing they deem interesting to say. This is the era of Boring Joe, after all. That said, Bruce Hayden is particularly notable for his absence because his posts are always well thought out and thorough. I do hope all those absent ones are well.
The CDC says the science is nearly settled. It appears they are going with mandating wearing more than one mask. According to an anonymous senior level source, the optimum is wearing 3.765 masks. China will ramp up production.
As an aside, I was working with an Amish guy (8th grade educated) last night. He was scratching his head as to why you need a mask to go into a restaurant, but once seated, the mask can be removed. I got him up to speed.
Blog has too much chaff, edging out the wheat. Masks? Best description I've seen was based on virus size vs mask's stopping capabilities. It was "like throwing sand at a cyclone fence". Saw somewhere that Chicoms making billions on the blue face diapers. Good to be old!
Learning to code, clearing land mines .... so many jobs, so few people.
What's the thing about those robots roaming around Madison? Are they delivery robots?
Hey! How about that "free speech" thing? That was fun, huh?
he drools and he squints
all teh king’s horses and men
try teh Burma Shave
The inability to distinguish is really a good indicator you are not thinking logically. (Will you get snotty now? Did you get snotty when your math homework was corrected?)
Sad that in matters of such importance you don’t make an effort to think clearly.
Snotty Karen B is a good reason for killfiles but, on a Mac, clicking to the right works fine. I have also noticed all the new trolls. I hope they go away after impeachment II flops.
Sure pianoman,
Meanwhile compliance has become "face coverings" with zero standards paired with recommendations ranging from Don't you dare wear them to wear three of them.
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