"The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN picked up the story of a young female student harassed by white workers. The American Civil Liberties Union, which took the student’s case, said she was profiled for 'eating while Black.' Less attention was paid three months later when a law firm hired by Smith College to investigate the episode found no persuasive evidence of bias. [Oumou] Kanoute was determined to have eaten in a deserted dorm that had been closed for the summer; the janitor had been encouraged to notify security if he saw unauthorized people there. The officer, like all campus police, was unarmed. Smith College officials emphasized 'reconciliation and healing' after the incident. In the months to come they announced a raft of anti-bias training for all staff, a revamped and more sensitive campus police force and the creation of dormitories — as demanded by Ms. Kanoute and her A.C.L.U. lawyer — set aside for Black students and other students of color. But they did not offer any public apology or amends to the workers whose lives were gravely disrupted by the student’s accusation... 'It was appropriate to apologize,” [Smith president Kathleen] McCartney said. 'She is living in a context of ‘living while Black’ incidents.'... Ms. McCartney offered no public apology to the employees after the report was released... Anti-bias training began in earnest in the fall.... [C]afeteria and grounds workers found themselves being asked by consultants hired by Smith about their childhood and family assumptions about race, which many viewed as psychologically intrusive.”
From "Inside a Battle Over Race, Class and Power at Smith College" by Michael Powell (NYT).
The article quotes Mark Patenaude, whom Kanoute accused of racism. He was a janitor at Smith, but not on the job at the time of the incident. He now says: "We used to joke, don’t let a rich student report you, because if you do, you’re gone.... I was accused of being the racist... To be honest,
that just knocked me out. I’m a 58-year-old male, we’re supposed to be
tough. But I suffered anxiety because of things in my past and this
brought it to a whole ’nother level." As for all the training sessions in race and
intersectionality, he said: "I don’t
know if I believe in white privilege. I believe in money
२३० टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 230 पैकी 201 – 230"Still would like to see a link to the Smith College report if Left Bank can provide it."
See below:
Rabel said... [hush][hide comment]
See below:
Surprise, surprise said Gomer. While Inga picked her nose.
Idem vetus longe reliquit amentia
Has Smith issued a statement on this issue?
Blogger Bob said...
"I was telling my grandkids last weekend that, in the future, only use Asian doctors."
Technically, an Indian is an Asian, but I wonder if the intent is to prefer oriental doctors.
I don't mind Indian doctors but prefer Oriental (not PC, of course) Two teen grandkids said they already see Asian doctors. My preference is American or Canadian trained. I had Indian medical students, one girl was gorgeous and the smartest medical student I have encountered. She told me her parents met on an Indian professional dating site. Her mother told her she picked her father because he was the only one to submit a color photo. They are Jainists. Very dark but gorgeous.
I should add that my wife's internist is black but Jamaican, which makes a huge difference.
In a comment thread yesterday I related an ethnic joke told by a Cuban about Mexicans, as a way of illustrating a tendency among Cubans to think themselves the betters of other South American Hispanics. The commenter who calls herself "Imam" responded by saying that "bigotry and hatred are never funny." Then, in a follow-up post, she called me, in Spanish, a "fucking white-boy."
That was me, Roughcoat. I am a white guy. That was a delayed response to a post from you where you minced about alleged hatred on my part. Toughen up.
The woke think those things are true but prove whites inferior.
No, I believe it is the opposite. All the "white supremacy" stuff proves that the left and blacks really do think whites are superior. The POCs can only compete with a thumb on the scale. Why have Physics courses for POCs ? Why tell POC children that correct answers on math problems are white supremacy ?
The above made me 5 times more disgusted than I was before. She wasn't even asked to leave the building after the campus fuzz showed up.
Iman: "In a comment thread yesterday I related an ethnic joke told by a Cuban about Mexicans, as a way of illustrating a tendency among Cubans to think themselves the betters of other South American Hispanics."
White cubanos do not consider themselves South American hispanics. They consider themselves white europeans, as they should because they are.
So the black Ms Frankenstein has turned on her creators?
I don't have a dog in this fight. And it won't end until the woke colleges are sued out of existence by the "victims" they have indoctrinated with these critical racist theories.
Well, the report has interesting bits elides by Left Bank
First, the bit where she claims to work for the program is heavily redacted, and so it’s hard to judge exactly what was claimed. But as for access we see this:
Card swipe data for July 31, 2018 reflected that at 12:38 p.m. at the front door of Tyler House there was:
Rejected (Expired clearance) '[The Reported Party] [Default]' (Card: 28042) at 'Tyler House Front Reader Door [Default]' (IN).
Expired clearance.
She then used another door and got in indirectly. Left Bank made a fuss about how the dining area was right next to the cafeteria line. Perhaps so, but that is not how she got there. Her entry there was DENIED. She found a roundabout way in nonetheless.
So Left Bank is being pretty dishonest here.
Ken B: "So Left Bank is being pretty dishonest here."
In Left Bank's defense, he might just be very dense as well.
Finally saw vid of the blubbery complainant-- she frames the whole thing within her "first to college" narrative, which was a pretty nice cue for some admiring notice.
Apparently she did more than bitch and moan, she doxxed people who had no connection to the incident, according to Tucker.
The Smith prez is beneath contempt.
Most of them are
she doxxed people who had no connection to the incident
The same thing happened to people unrelated to the White Hispanic-American during that diversity play by social justice-mongers.
White cubanos do not consider themselves South American hispanics. They consider themselves white europeans, as they should because they are.
Yes, Drago, I have a few “white” Cuban-Americans - former work colleagues, now friends. They are second to none in gratitude for the opportunity America has provided, as they came to this country with as many possessions as they could carry in cardboard boxes. Great people!
I’ve been married to an American of Mexican descent for 45 years. I get PO’d when I read disparaging “jokes” about Mexicans. The people
that tell them can fuck right off.
Ken B said... [hush][hide comment]
First, the bit where she claims to work for the program is heavily redacted, and so it’s hard to judge exactly what was claimed. But as for access we see this:
Card swipe data for July 31, 2018 reflected that at 12:38 p.m. at the front door of Tyler House there was:
Rejected (Expired clearance) '[The Reported Party] [Default]' (Card: 28042) at 'Tyler House Front Reader Door [Default]' (IN).
Expired clearance.
She then used another door and got in indirectly. Left Bank made a fuss about how the dining area was right next to the cafeteria line. Perhaps so, but that is not how she got there. Her entry there was DENIED. She found a roundabout way in nonetheless.
No, looks like she had two cards. One possibly her normal student id, the other an access card for the summer program. She may have been working there, but not necessarily with that particular program.
Rejected (Expired clearance) '[The Reported Party] [Default]' (Card: 28042) at 'Tyler
House Front Reader Door [Default]' (IN).
Admitted 'Package 3, Summer Programs [Default]' (Card: 7989) at 'Tyler House Front
Reader Door [Default]' (IN).
But you are correct; Left Bank's assertion is not honest.
Assuming her LinkedIn profile is accurate, I thought her description of a recent internship at Columbia University was interesting:
"This lab focuses on innovative ways to conceptualize, and measure racism. Black people have earlier onset of disease and progression in comparison to their white counterparts. Black women are more likely to die of childbirth in comparison to their white counterparts. These are the facts even when you account for education and socio-economic status. Racism is the underlying factor of all the risks mentioned above. This virtual reality lab immerses people in a virtual reality of racism to help them understand the complexities of racism. The lab allows one to feel and experience what racism is like and embody an experience that is not their own. As a future doctor and researcher I want my work to be socially and culturally competent to help and treat all patients equally despite cultural differences."
Speaking of privilege, I'm trying not to read too much into her high school years at the private Westminster School in Simsbury, Connecticut. It's a spectacular campus, but, in all seriousness, I think it is entirely possible she had a miserable time there. I didn't go to a prep school, but I was the first in my family to go to college, and it was an Ivy League school. It was not an easy adjustment, and if I had been oriented in a different direction and subjected to today's campus indoctrination, I imagine it would have been hard to resist absorbing a sense of class victimization and radicalization. (I guess Kanoute was a first gen college kid, too.)
Iman: "I’ve been married to an American of Mexican descent for 45 years. I get PO’d when I read disparaging “jokes” about Mexicans. The people
that tell them can fuck right off."
I grew up in San Diego (with a bit of the Bay Area thrown in) as well as spent significant time in Texas and my favorite "Americans of Mexican descent" are those whoe families were here for hundreds of years prior to the "US" or the Texas Republic existing.
Those guys are hilarious and their perspective is unique and interesting.
She was first to college so she knows what it means to working people to lose a job. Yet she made that happen to working people who did nothing to her. I don't feel able to say in an acceptable way what I think of her for that.
First class and days of future past. Of course time travel is tricky. Reset the timeline and then pretend dark phoenix didnt happen.
This type of behavior is not new from those at elite schools. She will probably go on to law school, and then be offered an associate position at a top law firm. This is when the shit hits the fan. When the brief she has been assigned arrives late at the partners office, she will blame the duplicating department for missing her deadline. Or a paralegal, for not page checking the copies. Maybe, her assistant for not making her last minute edits. All the while collecting her $160,000 starting salary, not including a generous year end bonus. They have no difficulty throwing some poor hourly employee under the bus to protect themselves. I
You simply pointed out what I had already pointed out, she found another roundabout way in. She used a different card on a different door and then wound her way back to where she had already been denied access. Back doors are back doors. She was still not allowed there.
In 1988, my spouse was a white medical student working in a county hospital serving mostly inner city black patients. She was accused of calling a black patient the N-word. A quick investigation determined it was a different person in the room, who according to witnesses did NOT use the N-word, while my wife was working in an entirely different part of the hospital. Still, my wife was accused by a hospital VP at the beginning of the incident of racial bias and could have been removed from the training program.
After further investigation, and several events similar to this where the hospital VP made similar unjust accusations against employees on the basis of spurious complaints, about a year later the hospital VP was very publicly fired for gross negligence. Amazingly enough, his firing brought to a stop the high number of spurious complaints of racism against the hospital staff. The French say, "pour encourager les autres."
My wife, new to hospital work, was councilled during the ordeal by an older, very experienced, black nurse. She said to my wife, "Don't mind what that man said. Everyone knows him. He's always been an asshole. Now come watch me put in this catheter." That helped, as no other apology was given, ever.
Things were handled better back then. And should be handled the same today.
"I don’t know if I believe in white privilege. I believe in money privilege."
Wise janitor. To update Buckley, I'd rather be governed by a random selection of Ivy and near-Ivy league school janitors than by their professors or students.
I have an old friend who went to Smith. I love her dearly, but the fact of the matter is, Smith retarded her brain some.
The investigative report Smith commissioned is in the third paragraph of the New York Post article I went to due to the New York Times paywall. For those who want me to post the link, I forgot that wasn't the article Althouse was blogging. It's ironic that Althouse blogs the Times and the Post gets the traffic.
The report chronicles quite the tragicomedy of errors - the obstructive role allegedly played by a large teddy bear, the confusion over the gender of the student, the campus police officer initially thinking that a 65 to 70 year old white male he observed walking from the building to a nearby parking lot was the suspicious person he had been dispatched to check out, the student thinking that the campus police officer was armed when he was not, and the student misidentifying the wrong janitor on Facebook.
She was some place she wasn't supposed to be and staff were told that anyone in the building without reason should be reported to the campus police, which they did. There was a short friendly interaction with the officer. The she went online to attack the employees. Some of those she named weren't there or weren't involved in the incident and have had a very hard time since then with people singling them out as racists. So yes, she did something very wrong.
When I was in grad school I was hanging out in the quad between terms smoking a cig and a rookie cop carded me, and later apologized for doing so. No big deal. What goes unstated here is that she wasn't a "Descendant of Slavery" but an immigrant from Mali who attended a Connecticut prep school. If one wants to make a racial issue out of the story there are questions of slavery descendants and African immigrants and of skin tone that add to the complexity of the incident.
But maybe the comment of the janitor who wasn't even there says it all.
'I don't know if I believe in white privilege,' he said. 'I believe in money privilege.'
Michael K,
Thanks for clarifying.
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