That's Trump's statement, which, as the NYT puts is, "had to be issued through surrogates since Mr. Trump’s Twitter account was suspended." It "came moments after Vice President Mike Pence affirmed Mr. Biden as the winner of the presidential election shortly before 4 a.m. after the final electoral votes were tallied in a joint session of Congress."...fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) January 7, 2021
१२९ टिप्पण्या:
What could be more telling about the current political reality than that Twitter dares to censor the president?
The next karmic cycle of revenge is coming, folks. Prepare yourself.
No surprise. Trump has always fought justly and accepted defeat when all legal avenues failed. He never encouraged arsonist, vandals, or people with lasers to burn that courthouses until they got there way. Those things happened across the left in 2020, and Twitter allows those accounts to continue. When you support violence and silence peace, certain things become inevitable.
It was a great term in the thing he did, but this ending is horrible.
And it doesn't feel good that we're headed into Biden.....who spoke yesterday at a huge moment and was forceful and inspirZZZzzzzz zzz
...and so ends our story about Twitter. The End.
Trump is a nice person. He is a verbal fighter. He was always kind to his enemies and wanted to make deals with them.
The next leader will not be a nice person.
You are all going to miss Trump.
Ashli will not be forgotten. She was a better person than all of the kneelers and corruptocrats in DC.
From Wiki:
The song was written in March 1972 by 20th Century Fox songwriters Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn,[1] who were asked to write the love theme for The Poseidon Adventure in one night. The finished product was called "Why Must There Be a Morning After?" but changes by the record label resulted in the more optimistic lyric "there's got to be a morning after". In the end titles of the film, it is called "The Song from The Poseidon Adventure", though it would become best known by the title of the single, "The Morning After".
I am Laslo.
Just as I expected and as he has always done.
My hope for Biden is that he is as inconsequential as Obama was, not as destructive as Carter. The odds are good. We'll see what sort of mischief Biden and the Democrats in Congress can get into over the next couple of years. My other hope is that we won't have to listen to all the whining and complaining about Trump and his mean tweets, from the Left and Right.
Leland said...
No surprise. Trump has always fought justly and accepted defeat when all legal avenues failed. He never encouraged arsonist, vandals, or people with lasers to burn that courthouses until they got there way. Those things happened across the left in 2020, and Twitter allows those accounts to continue. When you support violence and silence peace, certain things become inevitable.
The kneelers and scum bags like Pence only condemn disobedience, not violence.
They are not overly concerned about violence as we have seen them be silent for the last year.
Ann and all the others have taught Americans that violence is the only way that you can get power in the US now.
You all are going to get what you deserve.
Welcome to the low trust society. The price will be paid.
As the days pass since the election was brazenly stolen, I only discover that I have not been nearly cynical or paranoid enough about the evil that has infiltrated. down to the last man, every single institution in our country. Every single one weaponized against patriotic conservatives.
A Revolution is absolutely required. Trump's involvement is not. It was never primarily about him. Everything they did to him is merely symbolic of what they are doing to all of us conservatives.
Yesterday was all a show. All staged. The Left has been nothing but pissed that conservatives wouldn't provide them with a legitimate Reichstagg Fire to justify the crackdown they so want to impose, no matter how much abuse the Left heaped on them, so they finally just went up and staged it.
War motherfuckers.
What's the over/under on no shared car ride to the inaugural podium?
Virtue that goes public turns into the worst sort of evil, Hannah Arendt said.
Everybody assumes that that describes only the other side.
Adjust your narratives.
No covid and none of this happens. Sympathetic Congress critters could let their supporters in to the gallery and we get a replay of the Kavanaugh circus with the parties reversed. All this pearl clutching is ridiculous except for the cops who went all Kent State on an unarmed woman. So somebody broke Nancy's nameplate, well she tore up the State of the Union, that seems fair to me.
Yes funny how that happens but the kavanaugh protest and the defamation was a lesson if he stepped out of line.
What's hilarious is that the Reichstagg Fire they staged is so pathetic. A busted door lock or two, a broken window? That's it? The only death was a completely unprovoked shooting of one of OUR people? No other injuries or damage. And yet that's all they need. EVERYONE MUST CONDEMN THIS MASSIVE HORRIFIC ACT OF VIOLENCE.
And that after the Left set every city in the country on fire over the summer, with not just no condemnation but active support from every institution.
Every institution must burn.
Yes im not buying the hugger mugger, this is just another form of 'standing' to ignore the crime of stealing the republic.
who spoke yesterday at a huge moment and was forceful and inspirZZZzzzzz zzz
They trained Biden to make a new hand gesture! He did the white-supremacist secret dog-whistle OK-sign with both the same time! (0:14)
Pence the Pussy pontificates. Always had the opinion that he was a wimp, not the guy you want next to you in the foxhole.
Shuddup, Pence. You had the chance to send certificates back to those states that did not comply with rules set by their legislatures as required by the plain text of the Constitution.
You’re happy to live with an election based on lies and deceit!
“ Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.”
It is the only way forward that won’t lead to unfathomable misery.
For every one person in DC yesterday, we may safely assume there are 10 or 100 back at home who are tited of being angry, disillusioned, marginalized, locked down, and under siege by Democrats (including governors and mayors across the country) and the media and now even the public health bureaucracies.
One reaction could be, “hmmm, this level of violence is unusual, maybe some of us need to understand them better, maybe part of this is a me problem”.
You cannot kick 75 million people in the face for four years, steal an election brazenly abd defiantly while gaslighting the public that it was honest, and then act all shocked and surprised when a tiny fraction of those 75 million get a little pissed off and break stuff.
I’ve reached my limit on the hypocrisy after a summer filled with BLM riots and looting and burning businesses that were actively encouraged by every Democrat in the country, and the entire media, who also made sure to lecture the world, but especially white people, about how understanding they need to be and this was all their fault.
Don’t think people don’t notice.
The violence is just the manifestation of the swelling anger over the last four years, and that anger is not just going to go away, and everyone whose first and only reaction to it is “tsk tsk, violence is always wrong” is really missing the point here.
Congress needs more days like yesterday until their attitude improves. This is what democracy looks like, right? Then maybe we can restore the republic and put democracy back where it belongs.
Quayle @7:24AM
Achilles:. You're basically crying because you lost the election. Your side lost the election because you didn't work hard enough to win it. You glom on to an excuse that it was stolen which there is absolutely no evidence of. Oh sure there are rumors and guesses and statistical models that would embarrass even the worst climate scientist. Take that anger and frustration and turn it into election reform. I know that sounds like too much work but the world is changed by the people who show up.
I know that you have wet dreams of a violent revolution in this country but that's just your head injury talking. It's time for the right wing to finally get politically active at a grassroots level carry the momentum from the Washington protests and the capital invasion into the rest of the country and start winning elections.
I wonder if Kamala is going to help these Antifa "rioters" in DC by bailing them out when the truth comes out?? She loves to bail out terrorists who burn down the cities in our I wouldn't be surprised.
While it was a 'mostly peaceful' demonstration, I don't think I've heard any of the media describe it thus.
I don't disagree with you Mike Wolf. although I do think it will be much more difficult to rush into the Capitol building in the future.
Yeah the media went totally bad s*** crazy there was no way I could listen to any of that s*** last night. From the snippets I did here if they were commenting like that on the black lives matter protest they would have been canceled in 5 seconds
The MSM are, in fact, the true enemies of the people.
What Jeff Brokaw said at 7:26am. Perfect analogy of how I feel too.
The Boston Globe's headline this morning: "TRUMP-INCITED MOB ATTACK CAPITOL". The neo-reactionary press continues to peddle lies and propaganda and to ignore the message of Trump supporters. Millions of people across the country, not just in DC yesterday, have been lied to and lied about for over four years. We are frustrated and angry. The storming of the Bastille, er, Capitol was a spontaneous expression of that frustration.
The only worrying thing about all of this is twitter. Too much power in the hands of morons without any feedback to fix it.
The media aren't democrats, they're soap opera purveyors. It's all for audience, eyeballs to sell to advertisers. Eyeballs are their product.
Audience includes Althouse, who wants to feel safe, and here she is, unsafe. That's what they're selling to her.
Twitter is interrupting one of the narrative disruption channels.
What Quayle said.
That doesn't sound like much of a concession. Anybody see the words "concede" or "congratulations"?
Hey maybe we can fly in the Plywood artists from Madison to polish the turd at the US Capitol, and Althouse can tell us how beautiful it is.
I don't think leftist at the state level understand the signals being sent right now.
Republican Congress critters are explaining this morning on interviews that DC cannot address the issue of voter fraud. Federalism.
State Capitals are about to get visited. Are the State Representatives going to be motivated to write election law that will assure honest, transparent elections?
Gusty Winds, no, but I did notice the term "first term".
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
That doesn't sound like much of a concession. Anybody see the words "concede" or "congratulations
Trumps never going to “concede”. He’s not required to, and he shouldn’t.
None of his detractors, especially those in whose heads he lives rent free, and there are many who post here, EVER conceded that he was their President. Now it’s their turn.
7:48 Our resident retard is doing his mighty Kreskin mind reading schtick, hoping to derail a substantive discussion.
That's Trump's statement,
Apparently that was a typical nyt-style mangling of Trump's statement, which was:
“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our
fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”
Blogger Lovernios said...
Gusty Winds, no, but I did notice the term "first term".
Correct. But rhetorically it seems to suggest a belief that a second term is coming. I don't know what to think, but that's not a concession. "Thus ends the first term..." does not mean "thus ends my Presidency"....
I'm sure the words were chosen carefully.
Chuck, I've never addressed you before and probably never will again. However, your posts here show that you don't know the meaning of those words, as well.
There will be an orange stain of slime and lies oh his presidency and American history. One positive thing that may happen from this insurrection is that both sides might start to cooperate on passing needed bills.
I actually do agree that the next action must come to the statehouses. If there were ANY good faith from the opposition, I would accept the federalist arguments that the fraud issues should be dealt with at the state level.
Except that at least one state asked Pence to remand the slate back to them, and Pence wiped his ass with that request. So, no, there's no good faith there. At all.
If the statehouse of PA, GA, WI, and MI were overrun today, and those who enabled the fraud hung from lampposts, I would consider those doing it to be true American heroes. And so would 60 million people in this country, even as every institution (including even Newsmax, apparently) cried and wept and ranted "violence can never be legitimate!"
Said every thug ever when their victims fought back.
The Rubicon must be crossed. Now. Before the 20tb. Nothing is more important.
Chuck- u must love VT Gov Scott, eh?
Birds of a feather...
There is so much work that was almost completed, and Obama(harris) is going to let it all fizzle.
North Korea
Middle East, diplomacy through trade.
Paris Climate Accord
So much great groundwork laid, and Obama(harris) is going to ignore it all, to feed an ego.
Ok, the fat lady has now sung(the fat man just humming a little thru an intermediate.Democrats win all runoffs and take total control with Ossoff win.Shumer now calls what goes up for vote.13 days until trump is removed peacefully or with prompting.The lies of I won are just noise to the people who leave in reality to the delusional it's the Conway new right win mantra of alternative facts.Yes claiming it was rigged dont do anything try harder next time. Find solutions not mindless riots and "I'll take my ball home" If you dont like the rules.America fought a war over Facism and beat it then and again now.Democracy held up but dont get complacent,there will be another"trump" only next time a smarter more suave one. Where were all cops yesterday,that needs a good look.Anyway it is a Republic not a despotic system,if we can keep it.So far so good..God bless America,its got problems but that's called life on lifes terms,dont whine about them,fix em by doing the proper work.Solutions not revolutions!
Quayle said...
“ Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.”
"It is the only way forward that won’t lead to unfathomable misery."
Wish that this were the case. However it is destined not to be. Something was stolen from the people of this country. The people want it back. The method is the one they've seen their opposition use to such great effect. Before there is reconciliation there must first be blood.
The reality is that the Georgia election problems are due to a Tijuana circle-jerk of corruption, incompetence, and stupidity. This is true generally for mismanaged state elections. You have politicians who like the uncertainty and the ability to tweak elections to ensure that they, or their preferred candidates, win.
Yes I believe that is all true.
One of Rush's guest hosts laid out the frame work for change. True conservatives can take over the State Republican Party. A dozen people can show up at a small county organizational meetings across the state and vote the dead wood out and put decent people in place. Dozens of small counties across the state. Form a coalition of real conservatives to go to the state wide organizational meeting and start getting elected to committee chairs.
Of course that assumes people care enough to put in the work. It is very doable.
Trump has screwed up his main chance, to resign and have Pence pardon him.
If people who attended the rallies to protest the election fraud were being dragged out of their homes, right now, this morning, and shuttled off to reeducation camps and gulags... would Facebook let us know? Twitter? Can any conservative say that they believe they would be allowed to know about it, that the media would report on it in any way, that any whispers about it wouldn't be labeled "unhinged conspiracy theories" until every one of us was gone?
The obvious answer to that is why the Rubicon must be crossed now, before it is too late.
100 straight days of violent riots in Seattle and we got crickets from Congress. I hope today is much like yesterday because they obviously missed the point. Resistance is the highest form of patriotism, right?
"A dozen people can show up at a small county organizational meetings across the state and vote the dead wood out and put decent people in place. Dozens of small counties across the state. Form a coalition of real conservatives to go to the state wide organizational meeting and start getting elected to committee chairs. "
Yes, clearly future elections conducted by the people who stole this and who knows how many previous elections will be the way out of this.
Republicans have finally become activists. Good.
The Constitution makes it very clear that the running of elections in the states is up to the each individual state but they are required to do it in a republican manner so really the only control the feds have over State elections is through the courts.
You people own the federal courts now so you are sitting in a pretty good position to reform elections.
"Trump has always fought justly and accepted defeat when all legal avenues failed."
"Trump is a nice person. He is a verbal fighter. He was always kind to his enemies and wanted to make deals with them."
are you nucking futs?!?!
the gullibility is embarrassing.
I mean, think about it. Say you saw your neighbor being dragged away this morning, with shootings and blood, and his entire family dragged away to the gulags.
What are you going to do about it? Sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury to what you witnessed?
Didn't you get the memo? A thousand signed affidavits under penalty of perjury don't even count as a "shred of evidence" anymore. What do you think your not even a thousandth-of-a-shred of testimony will accomplish against the State that will simply come for you next?
Now that trump has been totally defeated and will be gone in 13 days ,R's Re trying to figure out what to do with him.Its not the rebel rousers who front the party but the rich corporate and right leading financers.They areas just transactional people and looking for a winner and this plan didnt pay off.The show by Hawley and Cruz an8d minority speaker all have presidential aspirations and vying for those Iowa and New Hampshire votes down road.
Maybe you'll be smart enough to whip out your phone and take video of your neighbor being dragged away.
And you post it. And it gets slapped "Disputed" by every social media outlet, if not taken down immediately.
It isn't just the legal concept of signed affidavits as evidence that have been completely dismantled by this election theft. Video evidence is also no longer evidence. The dozens of videos that were captured of outright fraud, of running the same stacks of ballots through the scanners multiple times after the watchers were sent away based on lies, also don't even count as a shred of evidence.
All I know is that, every step of the way, the only modifications that each successive event has made to my thinking is that I have not been nearly cynical or paranoid enough.
The dystopia is now. We are beyond 1984 or Brave New World already.
Qwinn @8:12. This is an important point. People who criticize the government will just disappear, as in China [where is Jack Ma?], with nary a peep from the media. My friends abroad are bombarded with anti-Trump propaganda all the time and most of them believe it. So no will will come to our aid other than our Lord.
Jesus said, " And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him."
"If the statehouse of PA, GA, WI, and MI were overrun today, and those who enabled the fraud hung from lampposts, I would consider those doing it to be true American heroes."
The fact that those on the right here are not calling out Qwinn over this says everything.
Love your enemies is for your soul, not his.
Love them but fight first works okay too.
The dystopia is now. We are beyond 1984 or Brave New World already.
We are, indeed, Qwinn. But because the frog wasn't tossed into boiling water but brought, instead, to a slow simmer, he didn't know he was being cooked.
What do you call this guy?
Is he a patriot?
Yes, clearly future elections conducted by the people who stole this and who knows how many previous elections will be the way out of this.
What is your solution?
The state Party has a lot of power overs state politics. Vetting Secretaries of State is something they can influence. While lots of votes are in cities, coalitions of County party officials can overcome the divided city politics vying for power. Running wild through the halls of congress is not a long term solution for anything.
But this way takes time and commitment. But it is sustainable after the emotion has ebbed.
"The fact that those on the right here are not calling out Qwinn over this says everything. "
The fact that every single leftist here has actually supported the complete and utter dismantling of signed affidavits and video evidence as matters that a jury should be allowed to review proves everything I am saying.
The frog thing is a myth. Frogs aren't that stupid. They jump out long before they get hurt. I wish the idea they'd allow themselves to be boiled alive would go away so kids would stop proposing trying it for science fair projects.
It's generally women who can't do love your enemies. Men work with gentlemen's agreements when they fight.
Yesterday had Operation Charlottesville written all over it. They set the trap, overzealous patriots walked right into it.
So let's get a show of hands from our lefties:
When every one of the over thousand signers of the affidavits attesting to fraud in the 2020 election are incarcerated for perjury, and it is a metaphysical certainty at this point that they will be, will you oppose it? Or will you rabidly support it, as you have cheered every single other stripping of civil rights and any capability of petitioning the government for a redress of grievances from your political enemies?
It seems like only yesterday that our Democrat leaders were waxing eloquent about mostly peaceful protests.
Rep Aynna Pressley: "There needs to be unrest in the streets".
Senator Kamala Harris: "Protestors should not let up."
Rep. Maxine Waters: And I want to tell you, for these members of his Cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they're not going to be able to go to a restaurant, to be able to stop at a gas station, to be able to shop at a department store."
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be."
Mr Wibble at 7:57 AM
The reality is that the Georgia election problems are due to a Tijuana circle-jerk of corruption, incompetence, and stupidity. This is true generally for mismanaged state elections. You have politicians who like the uncertainty and the ability to tweak elections to ensure that they, or their preferred candidates, win. You have parties who use low level posts as rewards for loyalists, and will protect the incompetent at all costs. You have incompetents who build up seniority and numbers in these low-level positions like plaque on an artery wall, relying on things to run like they always have. And because of this, you encourage stupidity at the lowest levels.
Excellent comment, but I think there was also plenty of fraud by the vote-counters.
Pence is the big winner in all this.
Until the rioting started, his choice was to defy Trump and his base or enrage moderates with a half-baked strategy about elector certification. The riots have given him the cover he needs to not object to the certification while keeping his credibility with the populist right.
Also, instead of "Insurrection" I think we should call the protestors the "Resistance". It's only fair.
Qwinn said...
As the days pass since the election was brazenly stolen, I only discover that I have not been nearly cynical or paranoid enough about the evil that has infiltrated. down to the last man, every single institution in our country. Every single one weaponized against patriotic conservatives.
A Revolution is absolutely required.
if patriotism requires revolution - time to drop descriptor CONSERVATIVE
it is mentally jarring and lacks future oriented.
Quinn. What was your role in the law breaking yesterday? Or do you like Trump egg on others to violence and then go back and hide in your hotel room?
Men work with gentlemen's agreements when they fight.
Hence no flamethrowers, at least not yet.
"The riots have given him the cover he needs to not object to the certification while keeping his credibility with the populist right. "
Except that, as I pointed out last night, everyone at the protests knew Pence had capitulated *before* the riots started. This had already been posted and was already known before anything happened.
BREAKING: Pence Releases Statement Ahead of Certification of Electoral College, Says He Will NOT Block Biden’s Electors
Posted at 12:09pm.
So, no.
should be left in the dust.
anti-free speech tech oligarchs for the corrupt left.
The dementia slip said it.
As the left take over more and move, real votes from actual people - count less and less.
The left is a cancer.
Everything they do is for their own self enrichment.
Sounds like they are all scrappers, Susan @8:41am. Perhaps they should be given a dose of their own medicine.
And actually, let me decry my own labeling of what happened yesterday as "before the riots started". The demonstrations were entirely peaceful, and more and more evidence is coming out that the initial break in was entirely staged. Legitimate Trump supporters certainly entered the Capitol after it was breached, but it is very much looking like the actual breach was done by Antifa. Who actually received a police escort into the city.
Which I think is a bad thing, by the way. I *want* to believe that the Trump supporters showed enough steel to recognize that every single other option has been stripped away from them. But it's looking like they didn't, or at least didn't do it before the play was set up, which makes things even more grim.
Siblings! Do not let us be downhearted. One total catastrophe like this is just the beginning!
Quinn. Let me get this right. You and others here have been clamoring for violence for months, and now that it happens it was caused by antifa ? That’s really your position?
Susan at 8:41am - yes. Bears repeating. No leftist here will respond.
Rep Aynna Pressley: "There needs to be unrest in the streets".
Senator Kamala Harris: "Protestors should not let up."
Rep. Maxine Waters: And I want to tell you, for these members of his Cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they're not going to be able to go to a restaurant, to be able to stop at a gas station, to be able to shop at a department store."
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be."
It's not just okay but laudatory when they commit serious political violence for 9 months, it is the most heinous of crimes if we even think or talk about it.
Legitimate Trump supporters certainly entered the Capitol after it was breached, but it is very much looking like the actual breach was done by Antifa. Who actually received a police escort into the city.
You are simply full of shit. Please provide evidence of this ridiculous assertion.
steve uhr: Unfortunately yes. I do wish it has been us, but it looks like it wasn't:
Facial recognition firm claims Antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol
A retired military officer told The Washington Times that the firm XRVision used its software to do facial recognition of protesters and matched two Philadelphia Antifa members to two men inside the Senate.
The source provided the photo match to The Times.
One has a tattoo that indicates he is a Stalinist sympathizer. Many Antifa members promote anarchy through violence and want the end of America in favor of a Stalinist-state. “No more USA at all” is a protest chant.
XRVision also has identified another man who, while not known to have Antifa links, is someone who shows up at climate and Black Lives Matter protests in the West.
Since the collective hivemind left and the hivemind media never cared one bit about Antifa mobs rioting and burning and destroying property - what's the big deal?
and yes - I think Antifa were behind this as well. Not that the media is curious.
Blogger BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
As the left take over more and move, real votes from actual people - count less and less.
The left is a cancer.
Everything they do is for their own self enrichment.
That's exactly what the Neo Lib-Cons oligarchs want you to believe. The average lefty in the street has more in common with deplorables than the msm and Nancy Pelosi.
Our masters tells you to hate AOC and tells lefties to hate Tulsi because that's what Madam Speaker wants.
My hope for Biden is that one of his staff members runs a hat pin through his eye.
Chuck and Howard could use a hat pin through their eyes also.
Give your guys some fucking credit April Biden Crime.
They showed balls rushing the Capitol and scaring the shit out of everyone. They did it without violence. It's a tragedy Ashli was killed, but amazing no other real violence from both Cops and Rioters. No way Antifa has that discipline. No way Antifa could have infiltrated MAGA protestors, they would be identified as phony interlopers quickly. Antifa doesn't have the balls to pull it off either.
donald "wants" Kamala
Ted Cruz, making a totally reasonable and rationale proposal in Congress yesterday, that the Democrats would leap at if they truly believed that the election was not rife with fraud.
Does Twitter think blocking Trump's account soothes or inflames the situation?
Because blocking Tweets and suspending accounts is part of what caused this mess.
"...I have not been cynical or paranoid enough..."
LOL, you've diagnosed the state of play exactly right.
You're in good company with that great political philosopher Lilly Tomlin: "I TRY to be cynical, but I can't keep up!"
The leftwingers here did not condemn the murdering, burning, looting, rioting that raged in many cities last year... and now wish to run their weak-suck mouths about yesterday?
Perhaps they should just shut the fuck up.
Guessing he was asleep for that.
No one seems to care that Twitter BANNED Trump after he issued a statement asking for Calm and for all Trump supporters to leave DC and obey the curfew.
ITs not just Twitter, all the social media sites decided to ban the President of the United States from using their platform and address the country and call for calm.
And NO..ONE..CARES. Including the Republican assholes in Congress like Mitt Romney, who celebrated the banning of Trump by the continuance of Section 230, providing silicon valley with 500,000 H-1B cheap foreign labor, and giving tax breaks to these social media Giants.
The Senate Republicans - especially Collins, Romney, Lisa Murkey, and Mitch hate the Conservative Republicans guts. They really despise their voters. We need to return the favor and vote them out of office at the soonest opporturnity. And that includes voting 3rd party or staying home in the General.
The only way you get rid of Traitorous Rino's is to not vote for them. In the long run we're better off.
Blogger Quayle said...
'“ Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.”
It is the only way forward that won’t lead to unfathomable misery.'
I believe that is what we have been trying. It seems to have been failed. Now the issue is how to divvy up the "unfathomable misery". Howard and Freder don't seem to want their fair share.
"ITs not just Twitter, all the social media sites decided to ban the President of the United States from using their platform and address the country and call for calm"
He threw more gas on the fire of the conspiracy theorists in those videos.
If he called for calm and left it at that, there would be no issue. But the idiot has no self control and went off script and started c making bullshit claims.
They don't need to provide him a soapbox for ranting about made up claims.
MY local newspapers -which i don't read except for free and for local news - had the hilarious headline:
"Pro-Trump Mobs storm capital" and "Trump incites Mobs to storm Capital Building"
This is hilarious, since these same newspapers buried all the Antifa/BLM violence on the back page, or headlined it as "Violence breaks out" or "Buildings Damaged during Peaceful Protests".
Twitter muzzling POTUS was wrong and didn't de-escalate the situation.
It's a public utility.
Fuck all the leftists on this site pushing censorship and sucking Big Social Media's dick. Why don't you call up Zuckerberg and Dorsey and bring need your need pads. I know you want to.
Leftists love Big Tech billionaires. They wouldn't piss on you if your heart was on fire. But all the Lefties LOVE Them. Go get your knee pads and pucker up. zuckerberg and dorsey are waiting.
I know you want to.
The leftwingers here did not condemn the murdering, burning, looting, rioting that raged in many cities last year... and now wish to run their weak-suck mouths about yesterday?
I did. So you are simply wrong.
The hypocrisy is on your side. You all condemned the violence by the left, but when it came from the right, you celebrate it.
You have to believe that love is the greatest power there is. That is a choice - your choice - to so believe. And if you tell me that you have no evidence to support that love is the greatest power there is, so you can't believe it. Then I will ask you whether you believe that hate, enmity, division, and fear are the greatest powers? Do you believe that?
Or even if you can't yet believe that love is the greatest power, can you hope that it is?
What do you hope is the way the universe works? Do you hope it works on love? Or do you hope it works on other more dark principals?
The fight to make sure our elections are fair and honest - should not end.
If we allow the left to continue to lie - cheat and be corrupt (See Biden family) - we are no longer a free and fair nation.
I've never used Twitter. I've discontinued use of Facebook. I cut my funding to news media of all types. My Congressman is Dan Crenshaw and one of my Senators is Ted Cruz. I've done about all I can to peacefully protest the behavior of tech oligarchs that silence dissent and promote one-sided violence. I'll be happy to recognize any effort to recall Senator Cornyn for any real or baseless claim, which is as fair as he has been with the President and his voters.
"both sides might start to cooperate on passing needed bills."
This would be a good thing. Let's get started right away. We do need to severely constrict illigal immigration. China needs to be held accountable for IP theft and illegal trade practices among many other things. Iran's aggressiveness needs to be curbed. We need to find a new way forward in the ME by abandoning the old failed methods. We need to stop subsidising European defense through NATO. Maybe even try to invigorate our manufacturing sector. There's probably a whole raft of things like this that strengthen the USA's financial and foreign security we could agree on as fellow Americans. We could call it America First or something like that. I'm with you 100%.
Where shall a man flee?
Where shall I turn for refuge?
All that I was has perished
With these fraudulent politicians here,
And I abused by a fool's dream
Of stalk and capture. Friends, friends,
The massed army will take my life
With bloody insistent blows.
Ajax describing his position after being denied the prize he thought rightfully his. A temper tantrum did not help him.
... But when God
Strikes harm, a worse man often foils his better.
And now, Donald, er, Ajax -- what is to be done now?
I am hated by The Times, that's plain; the GOP camp hates me;
DC and the ground I stand upon detest me.
Shall I go, then, from this place where the Lear jets glide,
Desert the Republicans, and cross the Potomac to my home?
But when I'm there
What countenance can I show my late father Frederick Christ?
How will his spirit ever stand the sight of me
If I come before him naked, armed with no glory...
Shall I make a rush against the walls of the Capitol,
Join with them all in single combat, do
Some notable exploit, and find my death in it?
But that might give some comfort to the sons of bitches.
No. I must find some better way entirely--
An enterprise which will prove to my late father
That the son of his loins is not by breed a weakling.
It's a contemptible thing to want to live forever
When a man's life gives him no relief from trouble.
What joy is there in a long file of days,
Edging you forward toward the goal of death,
Then back again a little? I wouldn't give much for a man
Who warms himself with the comfort of vain hopes.
Let a man nobly live or nobly die
If he is a nobleman: I have said what I had to say.
Qwinn at 9:10 posted a link saying “Facial recognition firm claims Antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol”
Oh, well ... it wss probably just the two of them. Just two Antifa members surrounded by a few thousand violent Trump sympathizers.
That’s probably all it was. Definitely NOT a false flag operation. We know that because [insert reasons here later].
Quayle, what the hell are you babbling about?
I always knew Quinn was antifa.
mockturtle, I'm babbling about love and its power to win over hatred and division.
What Jeff Brokaw said at 7:26am.
The hypocrisy is on your side. You all condemned the violence by the left, but when it came from the right, you celebrate it.
Yes. We did. And when we found out it not only worked - but was celebrated by you and yours - we decided to take a page out of your playbook.
Nothing hypocritical about that. Some people might even consider it predictable.
I hope everyone assigning blame to Trump and his supporters clicked that link about identifying Antifa members among the violent mob.
Think sbout it. What proof do you have that the violent mob was not mostly Antifa, or at least led by them?
Infiltrating a street mob to incite / commit violence knowing it will be blamed on them, not you, and generate negative publicity for them, would be insanely easy, especially for an organized and funded group like Antifa.
Then the media steps up to either blame conservatives or exonerate leftists. And the line of suckers eager and willing to buy the whole narrative, hook, line, and sinker, is unbelievably long.
Skepticism. Get more of it.
Come on, everyone knows they were Venezuelan. Imagine their self restraint not rushing the stage at Trump's rally.
Sure, and everything this summer was Boogaloo boys, Jeff.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence as Carl Sagan said.
Your (now retracted) story about the antifa ID is not great evidence.
Freder: "The hypocrisy is on your side. You all condemned the violence by the left, but when it came from the right, you celebrate it."
Hey dummy, the complete and universal lefty narrative for the last 6 months is that there were NO antifa/BLM riots and that antifa itself doesnt even exist! Its just an "idea".
History began anew for Freder just this morning.
In other news, Tank Abrams now emphatically asserts she never challenged the results in GA in 2018 and Hillary claims she immediately accepted the results in 2016.
The rewriting of history by the left/LLR-left is positively Soviet....
@Mark - a single story was not the basis for my theory, so retracting the story makes no difference. In fact, rather than being an “extraordinary claim” it actually fits the facts quite well, as a false flag operation. If you were Antifa leadership, of course you would do this — they’ve done it before.
All this apparent "gaslighting" (time for an older word--lies) gets discouraging because these fuckers continue to do it and double down every single time, and in the short term it works well enough. But Abrams denying her extensive digital record, her claim to fucking fame, like Biden basing his campaign on Trump saying something he didn't, and not getting called on it by EVERYONE is irritating but encourages me in that they are not getting it. They're not sussing out the dangers of this digital age, too clumsy to use its bounty to their advantage. Floundering elites is destabilizing, and policed walled gardens insulate these fossils from the worst of it for now., but that won't last forever Control over the narrative as they once exercised is impossible at this time, and they need Zuckerberg/Dorsey/Google to keep them from the pitchforks. Trump showed these garbage elites can be rolled by someone with the guts and gumption to try. The metaphorical capital storming has but begun, I think. They're just too bad at their jobs, too fat a target, too heavy a burden to carry for long. President Biden, lol.
Once you start down the conspiracy rabbit hole....
When every one of the over thousand signers of the affidavits attesting to fraud in the 2020 election are incarcerated for perjury, and it is a metaphysical certainty at this point that they will be, will you oppose it?
First, few (if any) will be prosecuted. I doubt many of these people committed "perjury." Most of these people truly believe the statements in their affidavits. It's only perjury if they are lying under oath, not if they are mistaken.
@Mark - a single story was not the basis for my theory, so retracting the story makes no difference. In fact, rather than being an “extraordinary claim” it actually fits the facts quite well, as a false flag operation. If you were Antifa leadership, of course you would do this — they’ve done it before.
The problem with this is that the Trumpers think the violence is justified. Have you been paying attention around here? These guys want WAR! Not regular "war." They want ALL CAPS WAR.
You don't get to spout bloodthirsty threats for two months and then when you kill an officer blame someone else. Your WAR! looks a lot like regular mob violence and murder.
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