ADDED: Did the wife do something that should be considered an impeachable offense? It strikes me as very similar to praising the Black Live Matter protests despite the riots that emerged from them. Either we think big street protests are great or we think they risk devolution into chaos. Pick one.Clarence Thomas should be impeached over this. Yes, these posts were from his wife, not himself, but having a far-right conspiracy provocateur wife who says "GOD BLESS YOU" to seditious terrorists should unequivocally disqualify any SCOTUS justice.
— Tami Burages (@tburages) January 8, 2021
५९ टिप्पण्या:
New Rules Are Lit.
Purge Opportunity.
Man. If that is enough to get her husband impeached or whatever, imagine what'll happen to Cuomo who told us protests don't need to be peaceful.
This all feels very much like Europe just prior to WWII...
Anything the Democrats say today that sounds nutty will be policy tomorrow.
At the pace they're cancelling people, Ann should be 'playing her hand' by lunch and the blog will be gone before happy hour.
When liberals decide men must be in control of their wives...
It's like the left tries to drink of Trump's blood trying to capture his magic.
But the experiment goes horribly wrong every time, and they become this exaggerated "Orange" Hulk.
Since she praised protesters and a small number later turned violent she is supposedly supported their worst actions? Under this theory every Dem in the country is guilty of supporting insurrection.
Note again the left's failure to recognize the bifurcation of protesters and rioters which according to them is proves both racism and stupidity.
I have to say, I expected a far more substantive Reichstagg Fire frame up than we got, particularly in light of the violence that the Left has promoted and engaged in for the last few years. I expected something that would actually compete with their daily violence.
Instead, they're turning the most pathetic weak tea "violence" in history into a world shattering 9/11 event. And their control of media is so total that it's actually working. Even Newsmax can't stop "condemning the violence on all sides". Sure, they point out the leftist hypocrisy, but when are we going to learn that they don't care that their hypocrisy is so brazen? They see that as a plus. It's meant to demoralize, and it does.
Liberals are using this event to accelerate the Uniparty State where any disagreement with The Party, even by your wife, is grounds for impeachment or worse.
I am not surprised in the least.
Qwinn: congratulations, your people killed a cop. Good luck with that.
Also - there is a time line involved.
We are still waiting for all elite democrats to condemn antfia violence and property destruction.
Can we impeach the collective left media and the elites of the D party for staying quiet and dismissing antifa thuggery as "an idea" ?
Good news Howie- your antifa thug- non-human scum blinded cops.
"Either we think big street protests are great or we think they risk devolution into chaos. Pick one."
You're talking about a progressive. They believe both. At the same time. No choosing necessary.
Get with the pogram, people!
Is Howard pretending that his side has seen cop killing as anything but a positive since Ferguson? That's freaking adorable. Never mind that the fact that this cop didn't even seek medical attention after the brawl kinda suggests the brawl had nothing to do with it, aside from elevated stress.
@I’m Not Sure, +1
Howard said...
Qwinn: congratulations, your people killed a cop. Good luck with that.
Revealing. BLM supporters have killed a dozen or so cops but according to the left supporting people generally does not imply support for all their actions even when they are reasonably foreseeable.
Sometimes it seems left wingers must have double standards because consistent principles would not justify their hatred.
April obviously drank her horse piss this morning.
Is Howard pretending that his side has seen cop killing as anything but a positive since Ferguson?
@Qwinn, why yes he is. He’s probably killed on or two himself. But cut him some slack; he’s just a fool.
All true, but now you people broke through the blue wall, expect to be treated like negros next time you get your protest on.
Howard: You realize a white protester was shot and killed, right? An unarmed one, at that. Compare that to how the BLM "insurrectionists" I believe is the word we're all using now who tried to breach the White House were treated who used explosives and weapons on police. They were met with non-lethals and allowed to do significant damage to the city.
The protesters yesterday were met with live fire. They're *already treated as bad as your hypothetical posits.*
Either we think big street protests are great or we think they risk devolution into chaos.
It is funny that you still think is about fairness and equality. Still, I rather you believe that it should be then be like the progressives on social media, who are not interested in fairness. I read Zuckerberg's reasoning for banning Trump, and all of it is grounds for Facebook to have banned proponents of the Russian collusion story.
Rick:Antifa and BLM never breached a federal building and stopped the actions of a plenary power by threatening elected representatives. Your sense of scale and proportion is quite weak.
In one day, you people erased the ground you gained during the Trump administration.
Cancel culture. Cancel EVERYBODY who doesn't think like you. YOU WILL CONFORM....YOU WILL CONFORM....YOU WILL CONFORM....
Full two minutes of hate.
How bout we just split the difference and let the left impeach his wife?
The Professor wrote: "Either we think big street protests are great or we think they risk devolution into chaos. Pick one."
For quite a few years now, we have been witnessing pervasive double standards in action. What corrodes the rule of law more than the application of double standards?
It's particularly infuriating to see so many supporters of double standards demanding the rule of law today.
Didn't Howard spend the last 2 days *congratulating* Trump supporters for finally showing some balls? Even after the Capitol entry?
Howard wins the award for most bipolar poster on this blog.
The ends (mass purges) justify the means.
When liberals decide men must be in control of their wives...
No, no, no. Conservatives must be in control of their wives, while liberals must be in control of conservatives.
I am really appalled by behavior of so called progressives. The demonstration the other day pales in comparison to what has been progressive's "mostly peaceful" demonstrations all summer long. The Russian collusion lie was pursued relentlessly even though the players knew all along it was total BS. To me, that is far more like sedition and so much worse than the capitol building breech.
Now all the tech giants and some business is going full censorship. It's terrible, and actually quite frightening. They have way too much power.
This doesn't make me want to hide but rather fires me up. I will stop using Google an Youtube, close out my Facebook account, and do all I can do to resist these pathetic little tyrants. They can kiss my hairy ass.
Howard said...
Rick:Antifa and BLM never breached a federal building and stopped the actions of a plenary power by threatening elected representatives. Your sense of scale and proportion is quite weak.
BLM supporters killed 5 cops just one day in Dallas. Their murder count is somewhere between 15 and 20 that we know of. Left wing protesters stopped the Kavanaugh hearings after their Senatorial allies helped them breach security.
I love how leftists try to pretend everything is different. Details can always be different, but it's still political murder which they try to pin on their enemies while excusing themselves for a much greater bodycount.
They are disgusting, hateful, unprincipled, and useless.
It did take balls and I congratulations the interlopers for non violence. I spoke premature. Since they killed the cop, they removed pretense for any mainstream Joe blow congressional, law enforcement or on the street support.
The in-between is a always a loser. Either make it an Alamo or Cosplay nonviolent political theater.
Rick. Realpolitik is disturbing to you. Good point.
Back to the topic at hand, Does Justice Thomas's wife have gorilla arms? Asking for a friend.
Thomas' greatest sin wasn't being conservative, it was marrying a white woman.
I think Tami (stripper name) should make me a fucking sandwich : )
"Seditious." Heh.
Howard said...
Rick. Realpolitik is disturbing to you. Good point.
Typical. One dead is an outrage, 15-20 dead is "Realpolitik".
I'm not shocked to see left wingers channeling Stalin, but it does make you wonder about their desire for Truth and Reconciliation Commissions.
Continue showing us your hate and lack of principle, it makes your whining about not coming together all the more amusing.
When Liberals say men should stifle their wives, these "liberals" are not liberal. I point my finger at them and give them my most luscious raspberry.
They manipulated the media flow of information, they illegally changed specific state election laws and procedures to fit their need and allow for a percentage of fraud, and they ended up winning. But now that Trump is defeated, and his most 'enthusiastic' supporters along with flat-out anarchists stormed the Bastille, we're seeing all of the Left take off their masks, remove their sheets, and expose who and what they are.
Let there be no question who the fascists are. It is their gut inclination. They will scream and insist that all of us are to be marginalized, or refused part in society. But frankly- we're the ones who have been holding up this society for so long, they think its a naturally occurring thing. It is not.
Some of them will understand when they are at the wrong end of the censor's button. The funny thing is, the conservative movement is huge. It is not going aynwhere. We have a strong love for this country. We are many. And we're not going away. For the Left, showing yourself as you are is not necessary to most of us. We already know who you are from history. We've seen you before.
"The funny thing is, the conservative movement is huge. It is not going aynwhere. We have a strong love for this country. We are many. And we're not going away. For the Left, showing yourself as you are is not necessary to most of us."
Look at a map of how US counties voted. Red and blue. The red areas are where this country's food comes from, where its resources are mined and logged and where its energy is produced. And increasingly, where its manufacturing is located.
"For the Left, showing yourself as not necessary to most of us."
So naive. We think whatever the democrat Twitter/Facebook/media want us to think.
Howard said...
Rick:Antifa and BLM never breached a federal building and stopped the actions of a plenary power by threatening elected representatives. Your sense of scale and proportion is quite weak.
As we find out of what happened at the Capitol the coverage begins to remind me the Covington Kids incident. There, isolated snippets told one story while the full picture told another. The scene formed early in the mind by such words as: "Insurrection" and "Mob storms Capitol. Four Die" is that of the French Revolution or the storming of the Winter Palace. But this was not an "insurrection" or at least it seems different from others. We find that this insurrectionary group was wearing T-shirts under their winter coats and carrying American flags. Most were maskless. They broke several windows. They pushed through doors. They got into the House and Senate chambers; they stopped the election certification for awhile; Some shouted "Trump won the election." Some took pictures. Some took souvenirs. After awhile, urged on by the police and by Trump, they left.
Was this "insurrection?" Was it "mob violence?" I think police chiefs round the world must be howling with laughter at this "Insurrection: style, American. "Wear your T-shirt, carry the American flag, call for elections. Respect the place and don't rip it up for souvenirs before you leave, and leave after awhile when the police keep telling you to go." The insurrectionists killed no one. One unarmed insurrectionist was shot inside the Capitol and three died of excitement somewhere outside. There were no long guns, no bullet proof vests, no hostages seized, no list of demands presented, no one shot by the "insurrectionists", and the "insurrectionists" were pushed out by the police and National Guard after several hours. The lawmakers were forced to don masks and go somewhere else for awhile. They came back and the result was just what it would have been without the "insurrection." Not a very efficient "insurrection." If that is what it was.
What was it? Americans came to the Capitol and their elected representatives ran like rats from them. Not one representative felt enough in touch with these Americans to go out and meet them. No delegation went to hear them. Mayor Ted Wheeler went out to his constituents amid tear gas and flaming buildings. It did no good but he went and listened and came back. Not here.
The broken connection between an enormous segment of Americans and the government was displayed. Elections are intended to create that connection. But this election broke that connection for millions. Broke it. And they refused to pretend. They came to protest that broken connection. And their representatives ran from them. Their representatives couldn't face them. Their representatives feared them. This was the consequence of the 2020 election. It really was the worst day America has ever seen.
"All true, but now you people broke through the blue wall, expect to be treated like negros next time you get your protest on."
You mean allowed to loot and burn town entire cities and not prosecuted for doing so?
Having parks named to honor them?
Having FBI kneel in their presence to show solidarity?
Having their names and slogans on the backs of sports jerseys and NFL helmets?
Having their bail paid by liberal politicians?
You mean being treated like that?
"Back to the topic at hand, Does Justice Thomas's wife have gorilla arms? Asking for a friend."
That's some stone-cold racist shit right there.
Pick one.
They do. But they do it after the coin has been flipped.
Only morons provoke the owners of guns.
Howard said...
Qwinn: congratulations, your people killed a cop. Good luck with that.
Howard: congratulations, your people killed an unarmed woman. Good luck with that.
Howard said...
Back to the topic at hand, Does Justice Thomas's wife have gorilla arms? Asking for a friend.
Why is this racist piece of shit allowed to continue posting here?
They targeted Thomas since his conception ("announcement"), deemed him unworthy, and have been trying to abort... cancel him ever since. Diversitist thought and motive? Perhaps.
Chaos (e.g. evolution), an order that is not discernible because the system or process (e.g. life) is computationally unwieldy or insufficiently characterized. Show me the fitness function!
I would enjoy hearing the honey-how-was-your-day conversations. More interesting than those in WH family dining room.
Howard: your people killed about 360,000,000 people just in the past 100 years. (Google "Democide.") Congratulations! And remember, folks, as Woody Allen reminded us about the six million Jews killed by Hitler: records were made to be broken!
A clever plan by Clarence now that Kim is rounding into the clear again.
The estimate I have seen for the demonstration was about 500,000.
The estimate I have seen for demonstrators inside of Congress was less than 200.
If this was a vaccine, we would take it and consider it low risk.
500,000 assembled; several hundred inside the capital; one unarmed, not even wielding a scalpel, woman, Ashli Babbitt, aborted RIP
Yes, it's common for vaccines to present a much higher risk. Perhaps that's why there was no contingency plan, and nearly 100% of those assembled proved their expectations to be right. It's unfortunate that JournoLists progressed to bray; but, Trump, for his part, was an asset to the better behavior of those assembled.
your people killed about 360,000,000 people just in the past 100 years. (Google "Democide.") Congratulations! And remember, folks, as Woody Allen reminded us about the six million Jews killed by Hitler:
Ah, yes, diversity (i.e. color judgment), redistributive change, transnational terrorism, wars without borders, Jew privilege, and selective-Jew,too. All Nazis were leftists, but not all leftists are Nazis, Maoists, Stalinists, fascists, Mugabeists, etc. 360,000,000 not including the Communists' one-child and the Progressives' selective-child to reduce the "burden" in pursuit of social progress. Wicked solutions.
“God BlessYou”is now sedition. If a common cold runs through my workplace, I could go to prison for life
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