Missing piece of info: How do you know the Fox hasn't tried to book him? Since Trump hasn't done any interviews since leaving office — correct me if I'm wrong — the most rational inference is that Trump is declining to do interviews.
Peel away the assertions about Fox, and Yglesias is saying something about Trump: He's not completely deplatformed. He can't do Twitter, but he could submit to interviews. You're not that censored if you can still go on somebody else's show to try to get your message our.
But Trump has lost his preferred mode of communication, a form that allowed him to speak directly to everyone who chose to open the channel. That's a tremendous loss of freedom of expression for him and for all of us who wanted to hear whatever it was he saw fit to type out. But Yglesias seems to think complaints about that loss are exaggerated, because some news outlet could or should give him a slot of their time and structure him with their questions, interruptions, and framing.
Which reminds me: When in the last year has any news media outlet subjected Joe Biden to a rigorous interview?
८७ टिप्पण्या:
Trump has lost the ability to speak to millions of people any time he wants about any subject he wants without any gatekeeper. The ability to do interviews is not nothing, but it is not a replacement for twitter.
Matt Y gets to make shit up. he's on the left.
You know the answer to that last question already, or you wouldn't have asked it.
Which reminds me: When in the last year has any news media outlet subject Joe Biden to a rigorous interview?
You missed it.
For some reason I had the tv on background and heard the question very clearly if Biden was going to change the color scheme for Air Force One.
Ooops, your right, that was a press conference with...Paski?
Joe Biden’s wife refuses interviews for him. Not joking.
Not only is he claiming that Fox is denying Trump a platform without evidence, but what evidence does this Matt Yglesias person present that Fox has shifted "harder right"? In fairness, I haven't really watched Fox lately so maybe they have? But he seems to be imagining things.
Plus of course Yglesias ignores that others with fewer options than Trump were deplatformed. And some were fired. And some, such as Parler, were cut off by banks.
To the “it’s a private company” types. It’s actually a partnership between politicians and companies, and the companies are a cartel.
So it really is a first amendment issue.
Nationalize big tech. Then the FA and the rest of the Bill of rights apply.
Speaking of interviews, did any see the Psaki “circle back” loop? Hilarious.
When in the last year has any news media outlet subjected Joe Biden to a rigorous interview?
@Althouse, if you change it to “When was the last time any news media outlet subjected Joe Biden to a rigorous interview?” the answer would have to be circa 2005, and probably earlier.
Still looking for that bridge to gaza, matthew?
Althouse said...
When in the last year has any news media outlet subjected Joe Biden to a rigorous interview?
Too dangerous; if he can brake his foot tripping on a rug after a shower as he chased one of his dogs and grabbed its tail, any excuse will do.
Regarding a Biden interview.....he likes Chocolate Chip ice cream, isn't that enough info for you rednecks??
When has the news media subjected any Democrat politician to a rigorous interview, let alone Joe Biden? And regarding Trump and interviews - it has only been three weeks since Trump left office, I think it is a little early to say whether he will appear on any news network in any capacity.
Fox needs to recapture the audience it lost thanks (primarily) to Chris Wallace. Tucker is advancing the theme of Fox being "The Free Speech Network".
That is an increasingly good idea as free speech is assaulted more and more by the Left.
tim maguire said...
Trump has lost the ability to speak to millions of people any time he wants about any subject he wants without any gatekeeper. The ability to do interviews is not nothing, but it is not a replacement for twitter.
1/27/21, 9:19 AM
He needs a blog. Maybe he could do a Blogging Heads with Althouse? That would be different.
Wisconsin’s very own douchebag / kept man Paul Ryan openly stated he wanted to use his position on the Fox board to rein in Trump. In the process he destroyed Fox news, which I’d imagine was his real goal. Ryan is a swamp creature like Romney.
Chris Wallace is a lying piece of shit, and the others like Brit Hume who most Fox Viewers like, will not be tuned in as long as they sit next to that asshole. Betrayal is the hardest sin to forgive. Trump voters will not forgive Fox for what they did election night. Especially that ridiculous early AZ call. Tucker should move to OAN or Newsmax and help prop them up.
I highly doubt that it'd ever happen, but I'd like to imagine Trump doing Joe Rogan's podcast. I seem to recall that Joe said wouldn't ever have Trump on.
First, Matt Yglesias is a dweeb.
Second, he doesn’t know shit about what Fox is trying to do. This is pure speculation or wishful thinking.
Third, Matt Yglesias is a dweeb.
Fourth, maybe Trump is simply doing what Presidents (until recently) always did... “leave the stage” and let the new president do their thing. Wouldn’t that be a good thing? Presidential? Don’t they hate Trump anyway? Shouldn’t they be happy?
Fifth, Matt Yglesias is a dweeb.
In the middle of the night - PBS plays a show that vilifies Trump. (I woke up at 2 am and turned on the tellie) Shame on PBS for such a dishonest take on what happened at Charlottesville. etc...
I'd like the media to be as unbiased and straight-news as possible. I don't want to seek out news that fits my notions - I want facts, truth, and honesty.
We do not have that in the US.
The last time Biden went through a tough interview was when Trump demolished him in the second debate. Everyone in the MSM is required to felate the Biden, and they enjoy it.
He will NEVER go through a tough interview. You’re not allowed to question the King. He has divine rights. This is also insured and enforced by the quickness of cancellation for anyone who dares to question our new ruler.
Just wait. Someone is going get banned from the red headed step child press briefings soon.
The left cannot abide by free speech. The left are totalitarian at heart, and they must stomp on free speech to compete. with a nice layer of leftwing dishonesty.
Keep pretending that will happen. Peter Doucy, the only WH correspondent to actually ask relevant questions asked Joe yesterday about his phone call with Putin. Lindsey Ellefson
Tue, 26 January 2021, 6:45 pm·1-min read
President Joe Biden got sassy with Fox News’ Peter Doocy Tuesday when the White House correspondent asked him about a recent call with Russian president Vladimir Putin.
“Mr. President,” called out Doocy, who covered Biden during the 2020 presidential campaign. “What did you talk to Vladimir Putin about?”
Biden quipped, “You. He sends his best!” And the obedient Propagandist in the rest of the media laughed and laughed at such a ludicrous question of our new master.....
Mikey NTH said...He needs a blog.
He's building one, but that's not a replacement for twitter either.
Fox needs to recapture the audience it lost thanks (primarily) to Chris Wallace.
While he's certainly a big factor I wouldn't say their lost audience is primarily due to Chris Wallace. There's also the whole calling of AZ. There's several other prominent Never Trumpers at Fox that would need to be excised along with Wallace I think.
You will get a Biden interview when he gets a guarantee he won't be under any trumalunzeprezzure.
Trump has only lost the ability to communicate directly with people cost free.
What will terrify the left far more than his running in 2024, where he will also face competition, is when he decides to convert some of his real estate net worth into internet media net worth.
From the server cloud galaxy outward to the shake and bake social media platform.
Emergency rooms would be overrun with limbs broken in the stampede of developers and NOCS rushing to help him.
Left-wing Matt Yglesis laughed and said he was happy various Right-wing talkers and writers died. He's in favor of cancel culture and the suppression of free speech. He's a Stalinist. A left-wing fascist. I dunno why I should care what he thinks.
Trump won't go back on Fox. why should he give them ratings after they helped steal the election? Some dopey woman (probably from fox news) suggested on Rush Limbaugh that Trump should go on the Chris wallace show because it would be so "interesting". What crap! trump should only go Levin or Limbaugh or OAN. The left-wing hates, helped steal the election, and wants to destroy him. DO NOT HELP THEIR RATINGS!
“ When in the last year has any news media outlet subjected Joe Biden to a rigorous interview? ”
Simple answer. They know they can’t. Joe’s handlers will shut him and them down as soon he mumbles once.
Nonapod: Joe Rogan has become such a big pussy that I want to watch a transgender female ultimate fighter in a dress kick some common sense back into his giant meathead noggin.
Whatever this is, it's a deep, deep dig against you people. Maybe you would have more political success via self immolation rather than whining like toddlers.
Tucker is advancing the theme of Fox being "The Free Speech Network".
I was walking past the TV last Saturday and saw Tucker doing a program Saturday afternoon. That's a first. I expect Tucker will stay for a while as the Fox brass, and Rupert who has apparently taken it away from idiot son Lachlan, will try to save it by using Tucker and Bartiromo, 24/7. They are all that is left of the brand. I read that Larry Kudlow is going to have a show on Fox Business, which the part of the Fox empire that still has an audience, mostly because of her. Those two are what is left of the Ailes era.
As for Biden not giving interviews or taking vigorous questions, who cares? Certainly not the 80 Million Democrat Sheep who voted for him. They don't care what Biden does or says as long as he does whatever they want Democrats do.
I think most of them just want someone with D after their name and is liked by the media. They're sheep and idiots. Or they're running a grift.
I hope Trump can someone start up his own version of twitter or join with Newsmax/OAN and make them popular. There's no reason Hannity, Tucker, and Ingraham can't do their programs on a Trump owned network. There's ZERO reason to care about Fox News or watch it.
Howard is giving us another day of Superiority Complex at 11 on a scale of 10.
Howard, are you jerking off as you post these bon mots ?
That's the amazing thing about the D's. They all believe in the same agenda, they're all from the same cookie cutter mold, and they vote in lockstep on almost every issue. It doesn't matter if Biden dies because Harris will be exactly the same. It doesn't matter if Pelosi or Schumer die because whoever replaces them will push the same Bezos/wapo/nyt/sulzberger/soros agenda.
Its incredible. Its only the R's who have real, material differences of opinion.
The left kind of shot themselves in the foot when they shut down his Twitter and Facebook, because he's not supplying them with material to rail against any more. They now have to work at finding things to bitch about and they're not happy about that.
This is why the press went nuts over the Office of Donald Trump website, when about two minutes of googling would have shown that there is an Office of George W Bush website, as well as an Office of Barak and Michelle Obama website.
Howard can go fuck himself. Or go suck Zuckerberg's dick. which he says he wants to do. And I believe him.
But Trump has lost his preferred mode of communication, a form that allowed him to speak directly to everyone who chose to open the channel.
Has he?
Zuckerberg is a closet Trumper, rcocean. That's why he permitted you people planned the insurrection on Facebook.
When you give the liar, Donna Brazile a platform to spew more lies...you lose the loyal base you once had. Even CNN got rid of her.
CNN hires John Brennan. Not only a leftwing turn, a corrupt turn.
All A-OK!
Yglesias is a affirmative action harvard grad who writes at a 7th grade level.
Why read his crap?
Fox shot it's feet off with a 155mm howitzer by dropping Mr. Trump. I never watched Fox, and never will. Can't trust the media.
While Trump might resemble Roger Rabbit fighting not to finish "Shave and a haircut...", I now think it's sharp of him NOT to appear anywhere in any medium. Why give NYTCNN et al their beloved clickbait? Make them concentrate on Jo-mala.
The conservative movement has deplatformed Trump,
Serious Question: WHAT does Fox News have to do, with 'The conservative movement'???
If de-platforming and suppression of Trump's speech is not the outcome of Twitter's ban, as Matt is arguing, then what's the point of banning him in the first place?
Did Matt support forcing the cake maker to bake the cake for the LGBT activists? There is no shortage of cake bakers available so why was forcing that guy to bake the cake fair?
Reuters, citing court transcripts and officials, is reporting that Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio allegedly “has a past as an informer for federal and local law enforcement”
"Which reminds me: When in the last year has any news media outlet subjected Joe Biden to a rigorous interview?"
HA! When did Althouse decide to start doing stand-up comedy?
The short answer to when will a Lamestream Media© outlet subject Joe Biden to a rigorous interview is.....wait for it.....
NEVER. They are too busy lining up with their knee-pads on to ask Joe tough questions like "who is your favorite Disney princess....?"
Trump is declining to do interviews
He knows that people won't miss him if he doesn't go away.
Trump is rich and knows a lot of rich people.
Why doesn't he/his friends pay to build out Parler's infrastructure?
He can make a big deal out of moving to that platform and take 50 million people with him, urging them to dump their Twitter accounts at the same time.
Of course he would take a stake in Parler just like in any business deal.
This seems like a no-brainer (even Biden would understand it)...
"When you give the liar, Donna Brazile a platform to spew more lies...you lose the loyal base you once had."
Exactly. I pretty much tuned out when that moron was hired.
Matt never fails to fail to miss the point: Trump like most former viewers has abandoned Fox. Most people have quit most news sources. It is a declining business model serving a shrinking market. There is such a huge world outside of DC that every formerly “news” org has neglected and until they find their own asses and start reporting on facts and acts then the cycle will continue, like TP circling the bowl.
Trump has lost the ability to speak to millions of people any time he wants about any subject he wants without any gatekeeper.
Bullshit. So if he dialed up Rush (on a day Rush is working) he can’t go on the EIB and reach 1500% of Fox’s audience share? Any and all Salem hosts would welcome that call on air. He could go on Joe Rogan. You guys that think the left can really fully deplatform anyone are insane. You deserve Joe’s reign. Let Trump enjoy some time off before we go rino hunting in 2022.
Trump just established a web site: 45office.com
Trump's quietude is strategic.
Trump may be taking the debate advice about not interrupting Biden while he's likely to self-inflict.
Trump is likely to reemerge publicly coincident with his impeachment victory, based partly on advice/instruction he's received from his lawyer.
Whatever this is, it's a deep, deep dig against you people. Maybe you would have more political success via self immolation rather than whining like toddlers.
Are you suggesting insurrection would be the way to go? Shame on you Howard. Off with your head!
When Trump does reappear, and he will, there will be howls heard from Wuhan to Berkeley. They will be scurrying to cancel or censor whichever network, radio programmer, or publication that dares allow him to speak.
In the meantime...anybody been paying attention to the fringe freaks being assembled in our Federal government? Not by Joe, of course. But by Obama's people.
Forget it, Ann. It's Yglesias.
I think it's wise that Trump has been mostly quiet in the week since he left office. The longer he restrains himself during this impeachment comedy, the better he looks.
Let the Dems continue to embarrass themselves and let others, like Rand Paul, point out what vengeful fools they are.
Cripes. Trump has been a civilian for about a week. Most former presidents shut up for at least a year--even Obama and Clinton didn't do too much at the beginning.
Why would Trump distract from the horror show that is the early days of the Biden/Harris administration? Team Donkey is serious about infesting our nation with Critical Race Theory. They are going to raise taxes to pay for climate policies.
I don't think a lot of my rich suburban friends believe they voted for this. They need to be instructed. Those tech oligarchs are selling the rope that is going to be used to hang them. As I have said before, when Jeff Bezos changes his name to Jeff Egalite', look out.
Trump sucks all the oxygen out of every room he even thinks of entering. We'll get plenty of Trump during the impeachment trial--if there is one.
I think Team Donkey is about to lay a huge egg, but is it too late? Every time the heat goes up, they'll declare another emergency and issue some more executive orders.
It's all in Atlas Shrugged.
I think the real reason Trump's twitter account was deactivated was to prevent a suddenly-with-a-lot-of-free-time Trump going after Biden on a daily, if not hourly, basis.
Interestingly the current treatment of our President Trump is the same as the current treatment of the Free Hong Kong political leaders. Both are being quasi criminally charged with conduct unbecoming a Globalist Provential figure head. Sounds like these orders were first issued in Mandarin and lost something in translation. But no one cares, since all future election results in the American Provence are now wholly Chinese bought and owned by the Party.
There's a difference between tweeting and doing an interview. First, with tweets, you say what you want and don't answer any questions. Second, you get immediate feedback from people. I really think it's the second part, whether it's fans or haters, that makes Trump prefer tweeting.
A livestream podcast gets instant comments, but it's hard to read them and have a conversation, but it is instant feedback and can be read later. I'd like to see him do a podcast interview. Maybe one where they talk about something other than politics - clean water, internet security, improving the infrastructure, sports, or hobbies. It would drive people crazy and taking to an independent podcaster would be a poke in the eye to the MSM.
Howard has emailed zuckerberg, dorsey, and the head of Google asking for 'dick picks'. He wants to masturbate to them. Or so he says.
Ann’s measured tone when discussing outrages like the Trump Twitter ban and the non-tough interviews of Biden seriously astonishes me. It’d be like a pundit during the Cultural Revolution of China writing “Mao’s silence on the matter of schoolgirls clawing to death their teachers is puzzling.”
When outrageous things happen they should be met with outraged responses.
If DJT agrees to any interview with any news outlet, print or broadcast, he'll get the Stephanopoulos treatment. So why would he agree? Better he should create his own platform (assuming such a thing can still happen) than to give an opportunity for the spin doctors to pepper him we with gotcha questions, talk over him, and creatively edit his responses.
Actually, I think Trump ought to start his own network and his own show. Maybe interview people himself. Chris Wallace would be a good first guest if he had the nerve to come on.
For those who don't wish to pay Twitchy for content, here's the link to the Reuters article:
Exclusive: Proud Boys leader was ‘prolific’ informer for law enforcement
The photo of the guy reminds me of Daniel Sunjata's character in the 'Graceland' series.
Amadeus48 said...
"Why would Trump distract from the horror show that is the early days of the Biden/Harris administration? Team Donkey is serious about infesting our nation with Critical Race Theory. They are going to raise taxes and impose draconian travel restrictions to pay for climate policies."
Added the bold wording for clarification.
MSNBC is so far left - and the people who watch it do not care. It's the march towards mainstreaming lies and propaganda for the ultra leftist cause.
Check out the utter vileness of one NBC's Lawrence O'Donnell.
Admitted radial socialist.
How does NBC have a radial socialist representing NBC without any consequence?
Worth repeating:
Most people have quit most news sources. It is a declining business model serving a shrinking market. There is such a huge world outside of DC that every formerly “news” org has neglected and until they find their own asses and start reporting on facts and acts then the cycle will continue, like TP circling the bowl.
To put it another way:
The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.
It doesn't take much effort to exceed that bar to gather news on your own.
Of course Fox is veering right. It doesn't matter now. Biden is in office.
Tucker has been really good last couple of days.
Last night he interviewed Tulsi Gabbard.
His theme was censorship, and how the other channels are afraid to speak the truth.
He also interviewed the my pillow CEO.
And how Murdoch Senior had a statement on censorship.
when pray tell has little matty juicebox EVER been correct?
Fox, like much of the so-called conservative media, is enjoying the first week or so of the Biden administration. It is so much easier to attack Democrats for being shortsighted, economically ignorant idiots than it is to defend Trump’s over the top tweets. Even when his policies were good.
For all those people, being in opposition is so much better. You can be snarky all the time, and you don’t have to produce any results at all.
Has FOX moved to the right or is it just asking the same questions about the Biden administration that any journalist should be asking (but most aren't)?
“The conservative movement has deplatformed Trump ....” Say what? This is bubble talk for bubble people from Iglesias, the bubblehead, also known as projection. The lefties, the RINOs and their ponces, the mediaswine are trying to deplatformed Trump.
Good luck with that.
Mary Beth said...
Has FOX moved to the right or is it just asking the same questions about the Biden administration that any journalist should be asking (but most aren't)?
That is the current definition of right wing, White Supremacist insurrectionism.
After what Fox did during the election, if I were Trump, I wouldn't piss on those bastards if they were on fire.
They're probably not booking Trump because he's charging too much to be interviewed. (I mean, what else is he going to do to make money, now?)
When in the last year has any news media outlet subjected Joe Biden to a rigorous interview?
Are you kidding?
They took the red button off his desk because he spent the whole day pushing it to see what happens.
I doubt that Fox has returned to its conservative roots, but I don't know because I won't watch it again. Ever.
I don't forgive betrayers. Trump should not either.
Waka waka, cookie.
Now do Biden family, Inc.
"When in the last year has any news media outlet subjected Joe Biden to a rigorous interview?"
Sorry to be so late, but this is funny. Woman doing humor, effectively.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
They're probably not booking Trump because he's charging too much to be interviewed. (I mean, what else is he going to do to make money, now?)
Considering what being president cost him, I would think a professional dishwasher like you would avoid the topic of making money.
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