But our planning took on new urgency after last week’s violence in Washington, D.C., and we are treating the next two weeks as a major civic event. We’re taking additional steps and using the same teams and technologies we used during the general election to stop misinformation and content that could incite further violence during these next few weeks.
We are now removing content containing the phrase “stop the steal” under our Coordinating Harm policy from Facebook and Instagram.
It doesn't say "We are now removing all content...."
We removed the original Stop the Steal group in November and have continued to remove Pages, groups and events that violate any of our policies, including calls for violence.
So "stop the steal" is a search term, and it's being used to quickly get to things that might violate anti-violence policies. There's still analysis of whether those policies — which apply to everything on the site — are violated.
We’ve been allowing robust conversations related to the election outcome and that will continue.
Okay. Robust. We can still have robust conversations. Facebook has "been allowing" them. We can be robust — but not violent — because Facebook has, thus far, allowed it. We have freedom at the sufferance of Facebook.
But with continued attempts to organize events against the outcome of the US presidential election that can lead to violence, and use of the term by those involved in Wednesday’s violence in DC, we’re taking this additional step in the lead up to the inauguration....
As always, we will continue to remove content, disable accounts and work with law enforcement when there is a risk of physical harm or direct threats to public safety....
Facebook should take steps to keep people from using it to plan acts of violence, but it should not obstruct the planning of rallies and protests. What should it do when there's a category of rally that has had an element of violence? I think it should work at achieving viewpoint neutrality. But the Inauguration this year is a unique situation, and special focus is justified.
After the inauguration, our label on posts that attempt to delegitimize the election results will reflect that Joe Biden is the sitting president.
Hey, remember "Not My President Day," February 20th, 2017? From the Wikipedia article on the topic:
"Not My Presidents Day"... was a series of rallies against the president of the United States, Donald Trump, held on Washington's Birthday... Protests were held in dozens of cities throughout the United States.... The marches were mostly coordinated through Facebook....
१०९ टिप्पण्या:
I don't believe Facebook would ban everything with the 3-word phrase. "
Somebody's NOT paying attention to what's happening over there.
"In the NFL playoffs Sunday, the Browns stopped the Steelers, 48-37."
"Don't believe..
?" At some point you move from naive to qillfully blind and then to part of the problem.
Artificial intelligence - the sum and substance of the social-media monopolies.
Back in the days of Jim Crow, some southern states used questionable, but mostly legal, means to suppress the black vote.
Those elections were duly certified by their state's governments.
Are we allowed to discuss that on Facebook?
Democrats routinely claim that some current election results are not valid because of GOP voter suppression efforts. Are we still allowed to talk about that?
Does facebook pull posts if the phrase-that-shall-not-be-said appears in a comment? Plenty of opportunity for mischief if so...
So "stop the steal" is a search term, and it's being used to quickly get to things that might violate anti-violence policies
Just to help them out, some other terms to quickly get to things that might violate anti-violence policies. I'll start:
Portland, Antifa, Soros, Maxine Waters...
If we're not allowed to say "Stop the Steal", are we allowed to say we're not allowed to say "Stop the Steal"?
Did you know that 18 of 20 Facebook independent 'fact checkers' have ties to Soros or his foundations?
Did you know if you do a Google search it's really hard to find Sharyl Attkisson's investigation about Facebook's independent 'fact checkers' ties to Soros or his foundations?
You can't say stop the steal because they don't want you to stop the steal. In fact, banning stop the steal is the only acknowledgement of the steal you'll get from them until somebody starts bragging about pulling off the steal sometime in March or April.
Are we still allowed to say 'Soros' on Facebook, or is just banned on Fox News?
Getting bullied by nerds is the worst.
Irony is dead.
(think of that as a concise updating of everyone's favorite CS Lewis quote on tyranny)
Blogger daskol said...
Getting bullied by nerds is the worst.
1/12/21, 7:00 AM
Being a nerd doesn't get you to the top in a tech company.
Being smart and highly competitive does.
Some animals are more equal than others, just like some "riots" are more tolerable than others because of who has the most equality in these times.....
I note the part about sharing information and cooperating with law enforcement. Of course Facebook can give the police whatever information it wants. There is no law that prevents that I don't think.
Facebook can cut you off from posting, oh well, so sad too bad, but it's law enforcement, especially the Feds, that can really mess up your life.
The synergy between these tech companies and law enforcement, that's concerning.
Don't kid yourself, Lewis. These are empowered nerds, in the very worst sense, with all the resentment that entails. And yes, nerds can be highly competitive.
Halt teh Heist... Lasso teh Larceny... Cull teh Caper...
cut and paste from insty
On Monday, Facebook blocked former presidential candidate Ron Paul from his own page. The move came hours after the longtime congressman and libertarian hero shared an article he wrote criticizing Twitter and Facebook for banning President Donald Trump from their platforms.
Was it 6-8 weeks ago the commenters here talked about the ConservativeTreeHouse getting
nobody cared because those self delusional leftist here, said they were nothing but a tin foil hat, hang out (that's why they generated such fear)
But here we are. A $billion company crushed by big tech, and then, because every sentient person can see, all of their support vendors cancelled them. Lenders, lawyers, other server providers
Hey Althouse: I'll give you credit. You didn't ban 'stop the steal' comments, because that would be about 85% of your commentators, and a huge piece of you product. But you certainly didn't want to discuss the evidence presented proving the steal was real. (lawsuits I hope will fail).
Now all your friends in Madison are frothing at the mouth at the possibility that even mentioning that the election was rigged is a thought and speech crime. A sign that the deplorable person thinking that is a Nazi and a domestic terrorist. Now they have the "proof" that 70% of Waukesha County are Nazi's just like they already told everyone. Congratulations.
Revenge of the Nerds 5 - The Wedgiening
Fucking Zuck is one creepy fucking fascist and apparently has no concept of the term “parody of himself” either! How can we demand a Turing Test for all these tech oligarchs?
Someone send that article to Ron Paul. He was not talking about it. But...just to be sure, they removed him yesterday.
Today the conservatives.
Tomorrow, you.
This is one of those, be careful what you wish for things.
Stuff teh Suppository
Cauterize teh Crime
Destroy teh Donks
Althouse is so committed to free speech; that she did want to hear or contemplate that her neighbors who neutrally, and cruelly supported the elimination of the American Voting franchise through fraud, might not actually be free speech proponents.
Now they can celebrate their victory. This isn't some nuanced legal analysis that is difficult Ann. It's the 7th grade Constitution test that people in Madison are too smart to understand. What you see is what you are getting, and going to get plenty more.
But the Inauguration this year is a unique situation, and special focus is justified.
It can always be a unique situation.
Extra focus can always be justified.
The fact that they were 'preparing' is the core of the issue: they plan on stepping in, on making things conform to what they desire, of overriding their consumers -- i.e., they are a publisher, and should be treated as such.
To discuss in a freer environment, please go to the comments for the Pornhub video "Stepsister needed twenty dollars and Woah!".
I am Laslo.
Six months prior to the 2024 election, Dems will flip and declare that violence is sometimes necessary. They’ll deploy Antifa and BLM again, like they did in 2016 and 2020.
“No justice! No peace!” is an overt threat of political violence.
I continue to be perplexed about why one side, the left, can reserve the right to field paramilitary forces at will.
I deleted my Facebook page yesterday. Had it for about 8 years. Didn’t post much anyway and had already blocked the vast majority of “friended” people (any political stupidity and I blocked but “remained friends”. So many use that site to virtue signal, and now the company is doing it too. Also, there are the privacy issues. It was strange to get friend requests from high school people I hardly knew and also from ex girlfriends I knew well back in the day but have no interest in reconnecting with.
Lewis Wetzel said...
'Being a nerd doesn't get you to the top in a tech company.
Being smart and highly competitive does."
Or becoming a cult member - they ALWAYS leave out they're cults.
But the president elect is proud of stealing the election. He had a whole organization devoted to it. He didn't lie did he?
Was it dementia? If it was dementia maybe he shouldn't be president. He promised to bring us together and he told us that the democrats were all set up to steal the election. Is he lying? Or maybe he doesn't know what he's saying.
The usual suspects could be useful here.
"What's rarely mentioned about the Homebrew Computer Club--that mid-1970s phenomenon that gave birth to the PC and the personal computer nerd--is its messianic streak. Steve Wozniak may only have been trying to build a cheap minicomputer, but almost everybody else at the meetings was trying to change the world, not the least of them Steve Jobs. The University of California, Berkeley, contingent, in particular, was forever looking at ways to deliver free hardware and software to the masses, to tear down the old order and bring about the New Age."
Tech companies are cults.
Happy birthday, Althouse.
What Sebastian said.
Beyond that, I have found that Google searches can be extremely unhelpful unless you know exactly what you are trying to find. They bury uncongenial items. I've taken Google off my iphone and ipad and only use Bing and Duck Duck Go.
So FaceBook has taken the corporate position to silent dissenting voices who criticize a nation's elections and electoral results, including those voices who may be using such criticism as a basis for rallies or even "direct action" (i.e. violence).
In other words: FaceBook just became a monopolistic power aligned with existing government interests, publicly.
They aren't the only ones.
The return to normal - Democrats and media colluding to micromanage our lives from a pro-left perspective.
Scene 21 of Schindler's List
Women are in the barracks talking about stories of the gas chambers, ovens, the whole holocaust. Most are skeptical - why would the Nazis go to all the trouble to set up the work camps and then kill all their "essential" workers?
One woman ends the discussion "I don't believe it! We are very important to them!"
I'd be happy if Inauguration Day events and festivities were permanently scaled back. It's too coronation-like and one of those situations where we're supposed to see the president as the head of state rather than head of government.
It is very telling that the "rank-and-file" on the left is not scared shitless by what BigTech, the media, and Democratic leadership is calling for.
J Farmer- I agree in general and this year especially. My part time employer is still shut off from doing normal business, and restaurants in my state aren't allowed indoor dining service. Schools are remote. So am I really supposed to feel heart warmed to watch Biden in front of a crowd on the National Mall? Then have him institute the 100 Day Mask Mandate right after that?
Happy, happy birthday, Ann 🌹
It's too coronation-like and one of those situations where we're supposed to see the president as the head of state rather than head of government.
He's both. There's the rub. Trump was miscast to play the former on TV.
Fortune telling the future by same people who swore trump would be reelected in a landslide is empty air.It was obvious that trump was on the way to defeat with jobs loss in spiral, more Americans dead on his watch than all the wars,national debt spiralling out of control 12 miles of new wall that Mexico didnt pay for,world leaders seeing him as joke nuclear Vialability for DRNK and Iran increased<,kids in cages and lost forever,administration people going to prison,approval rating locked in cellar.1st 2x impeached president in history,lost in landslide election popular vote 2x,this time more than 7 million votes.The signs were all there it was not a surprise he was defeated it was obvious,America fired him and his facist organization,no authoritarian rule we got rid of King George because of that..See the obvious,you wont be surprised.It all culminated by calls to steal votes by coercion of his own states and representatives,hired a shill for Post office to slow mail,put ringers in the Pentagon and put forward American Carnage holding up help and watching in glee as Rome burned.Very obvious this fluke 1 term fella was doomed to a select few after all that.Now the real slap from the owners of the country,stopping the $$$ flow.You' ll see em all crying uncle now,no more golf tournaments,banks shutting you down,hate and lies shut down from big corps.$$$$ DOES ALL THE TALKING..its screaming now.DINKY DAU for sure.Next up flight to Mars,white resentment politics is getting stomped,we'll see where it ends up as the browning of America takes hold,the majority becomes the minority and you know how testy that can get.For them "christians"remember Barry Sadlers words of wisdom" hate your next door neighbor but dont forget to say grace" is it a wonder while the faith is looked upon in skepticism? Shooting toward my 80th year of life I still find Nothing changes if nothing changes.Cheer up, live life get a wife and family,get out and play,help your neighbor. No excuses right. :)
I just deleted my fb account. we had to see pics of the grandkids. Now they just send us a link.
Ill switch to other online vendors, That will require some sacrifice on my part, I will have to 'learn' the other vendors.
If we had a social media we could trust I would love to participate in an amazon 30 day boycott. Not asking anyone to make a big commitment. Just 30 days to halve amazon revenue. Would be interesting to monitor the publics reaction, pro and con.
How long to you think it would be for facebook and twitter to take down any post about "NO AMAZON FEBRUARY"
This is big tech fomenting civil war.
I deleted my Fash Book account too. I am probably going to delete my Amazon account too.
"Ill switch to other online vendors, That will require some sacrifice on my part”
The way I look at it, my dad missed Grandma’s home cooking when he went off to fight the fascists before.
I'd be happy if Inauguration Day events and festivities were permanently scaled back. It's too coronation-like and one of those situations where we're supposed to see the president as the head of state rather than head of government.
I predict President Trump has started a new tradition.
Having the Vice President perform the ultimate Ceremonial Duty. The peaceful transfer of power on inauguration day
Watch. Harris will follow Trump's lead.
"We have freedom at the sufferance of Facebook."
Correct. At least, that's what our overlords would like us to think. Witness not just the content but the tone of the FB execs--they arrogantly exude we-set-the-terms privilege.
Facebook just publicly announced that they are intentionally censoring discussion of the major political issues of the day for our own good.
There's nothing to parse here.
Oh well.
He's both. There's the rub. Trump was miscast to play the former on TV.
Yeah, it's a pet complaint of mine that the executive is the head of state and the head of government. Our constitutional order is very convoluted. It should probably be scrapped and replaced, but I'm not holding my breath.
The thing about wielding an enormous amount of power over hundreds of millions of people is that for most human beings it doesn't take a lot of justification to use it. The notion that a person in power taking an action for some greater good, whether it be to stop chaos and violence or just to guide people for their own good, must be an almost irresistable temptation. History is rife with examples of great injustices that were committed with the best of intentions. It's a very human thing, whether it's Chinese government or a cabal of American tech oligarchs.
"Are we still allowed to say 'Soros' on Facebook, or is just banned on Fox News?"
Good thing Valdemort wasn't black or you'd never be able to say that N-words's name times infinity.
I usually have a high opinion of Althouse's analytical skills but this seems off. Look at Crack's example. An seems to miss that Facebook uses pretexts to decide whom to zap.
It’s ironic really that Ann would deny that anyone would use a simple zapping rule that elides the use/mention distinction when you remember her policy on a certain 6 letter word beginning with “n”.
OT, but happy birthday, Althouse!
No, Zukerberg really is a nerd. You can be a nerd and a turd.
Crack is down to a single hammer in his toolbox. Boring, devoid of meaning, smacks of desperation. It's well beyond the time to get over the ex-wife.
We are almost at the one year anniversary of Nancy Pelosi and Dirty De Blasio telling people to go to Chinatown and hug a Chinaman. That's the stuff that wins elections. Apparently.
So am I really supposed to feel heart warmed to watch Biden in front of a crowd on the National Mall?
I pretty much never watch campaign speeches, political rallies, ceremonies, etc. I would find it a nightmare to have to listen to a state of the union address, especially with the applause and ovations. So fucking phony.
I will test Althouse's assumption about what Facebook does since I still have an account. I just posted "Stop the Steal" and will report back what happens to it.
I hope Biden drops dead while taking the oath. That is how I feel. If someone shoots him in the head, I won't shed a single tear over it.
Happy birthday Ann.
At core, this purge seems intended to intimidate any citizen or official who might conduct an inquiry into the election results.
Already have the result- the post disappeared in less than 2 minutes. So, Facebook is literally censoring the speech that says "Stop the Steal".
Yancey wants him some Kamala-toe
The Deep State is very afraid of the Trump voters. Thus the frenzy that Howard pretends does not exist. Tucker Carlson understands it.
“And they especially don’t want the voters that Trump brought,” Carlson added. “Trump brought the party’s ranks noticeably downscale, ‘from the country club to the trailer park,’ as they often sneer. And this horrifies them. Many Republicans in Washington now despise the people they’re supposed to represent and protect.”
"You rarely hear it spoken out loud but this is the truth: a very specific form of intra-white loathing is at the core of the reaction to Donald Trump," Carlson continued.
Carlson went on to state that “socially anxious white professionals” feel contempt for “working-class people who look like them.”
“So if you want to understand the hatred, the real hatred, not just disagreement but gut level loathing and fear of Trump — in say New York or Washington or L.A. — you’ve got to understand that first. It’s not really Trump; it’s his voters. The new money class despises them,” Carlson said.
That's just the GOPe but it applies to 98% of DC.
Facebook: "As always, we will continue to remove content, disable accounts and work with law enforcement when there is a risk of physical harm or direct threats to public safety...."
Hmm, I'll bet Facebook even has a Committee of Public Safety...or as Robespierre and the Jacobins called it, "Comité de salut public."
"Yancey wants him some Kamala-toe"
She is a loathsome women and most likely ridden with STDs.
I wouldn't fuck her with Michelle Obama's dick.
Once Trump is out of office, there will be no reason whatever for Chuck to be here.
Readers; note this comment fast. Althouse, or Meade, will soon remove it.
I certainly hops so. Has Chuck ever posted anything but Trump hate in the last 4 years ?
I put up a post about 20 minutes ago containing the phrase, but in a context which made it clear that I wasn't endorsing it; it's still there. Whatever FB is doing, it doesn't appear to be automated.
Howard, we are getting Kamala anyway, so why wait for it?
Yancey: because it will hurt the Dems in 2022
Joe obviously doesn't go for tumeric flavored chitlins.
Once Trump is out of office, there will be no reason whatever for Chuck to be here.
Why wait?
Thanks for putting yourself out there Yancey. You got your name on the list, just so you could report to the rest of us, and now it'll be there permanently.
"Yancey: because it will hurt the Dems in 2022"
That's such a great endorsement.
"Joe obviously doesn't go for tumeric flavored chitlins."
But he does go for turmeric-flavored children. Well, their hair anyway.
"I don't believe Facebook would ban everything with the 3-word phrase." Facebook probably doesn't have the manpower to have humans do all this so they are probably relying on algorithms to find the phrase and remove the posts. Then when the person objects when their post is removed, they will have a human evaluate it and reinstate the post if they feel that it doesn't violate their terms of service. (But that might take a while.)
Michael K said...
"Readers; note this comment fast. Althouse, or Meade, will soon remove it."
I certainly hops so. Has Chuck ever posted anything but Trump hate in the last 4 years ?
So is "Trump hate" forbidden speech at the Althouse blog comments pages? I think it may be; but Althouse won't admit to that. Her commenting instructions are, "Comments are moderated. Always. Too bad, but that's the way it goes. You'll have to wait to see your comments published. There's no viewpoint moderation. We just need to exclude a few trolls."
I well understand that you hate my viewpoint(s). And I understand that you'll insult me personally for my view(s). That's a question that I have for Althouse and her moderation standards; why she allows you to do that. What I don't understand is why, if there is no "viewpoint moderation," an anti-Tump viewpoint would be banned. Even more to the point, if Althouse isn't banning me because of "viewpoint," but rather out of personal animus and vengeance, then what rule is that?!?
Presumably, Facebook banning Trump because they just hate him is more akin to what Althouse is doing to me, than what Facebook is actually doing, which is to disassociate from Trump as a matter of risk management. Directly as a result of what Trump's supporters have done, and are threatening to do.
Chuck - are you still working on Doxxing lists?
Leftwing sociopath doxxing lists of anyone who worked for or supported Trump?
That's a lot of doxxing.
Chuckk, it's because you completely lack self-awareness.
It's painful to leave Amazon - but do try.
Give local businesses your biz. Give brick and mortar your biz.
My hairdresser does not like Trump. I'm ok with it. I go out of my way to purchase my favorite hair care products from her instead of Amazon. Amazon would be easier.
I want her to thrive.
Question from the Grand Inquisitor: "Are you now, or have you ever been, a Trump supporter?"
I am not a Trump supporter. I am a supporter of what Trump tried to accomplish against tremendous resistance.
I am not a Trump supporter. I am a supporter of what Trump tried to accomplish against tremendous resistance.
@Lovernios (11:01) absolutely!
Lovernios said...
I am not a Trump supporter. I am a supporter of what Trump tried to accomplish against tremendous resistance.
God damn you, Althouse; your “moderation” allows a false personal attack on me by name, and yet you remove my simple direct question to the commenter asking to explain the false attack on me and to supply proof or a link to my ever having “doxxed” anyone. I have not.
Yancey: Was your removed FB post just "Stop the Steal" and nothing else? Mine is still up after 3 hours, but I'd included a disclaimer since I don't want my friends thinking I believe that crap. My working theory is that any automated process they have going is not deleting posts on the spot, but rather flagging them so that human employees can censor just the ones that are actually pushing the theory.
Lovernios asserts: I am not a Trump supporter. I am a supporter of what Trump tried to accomplish against tremendous resistance.
Ah, so you don't support the man who had the balls to make it happen?
One of the bizarro aspects of big tech censorship is that we now have collaborative platforms by which ne'er-do-wells can (and do) plan their absurd little demonstrations -- or actual crimes -- in full view of the public, law enforcement and the press -- and a small group of silicon valley fools thinks it's a good idea to keep that planning private and away from the watchful eyes of others. Bravo techno-fools.
By allowing open speech, twitter and facebook are preventing crime -- not encouraging it.
Chuck -
oh do forgive me if I am wrong.
Didn't you admit you joined with the leftwing Lincoln project and are gleefully working on LISTS what will include anyone associated with Trump ?
What are you going to do with those lists?
The government of Uganda just blocked the use of Facebook and Twitter in their country in the middle of an election. The government says the companies are censoring government supporters so they have chosen sides in the election and can't claim to be legitimate forums for debate.
Twitter - the company - is needless to say outraged. But for a lot of Twitter users, schadenfreude is the order of the day. The Tech Lords have taken the view that they should be the arbiters of who and what is acceptable in public forums. They will pay a price for it.
Chuck - You support everything they are doing, eh?
Chuck said "I support everything they [Lincoln project] are doing, so far as I know what they are doing.
So you support doxxing lists. That's what they are doing. You did say you supported creating those lists in another thread.
Poisonous toad. eh - Trump hate insanity turned into doxxing psychopathy.
The Lincoln Project is leftwing fascism.
They are out to destroy and punish anyone who voted for Trump or worked with Trump.
Exactly like the democrat party platform.
Destroy and punish. Punish and destroy. Doxx.
Want to provide for your family - No can do! says the Lincoln Project.
Leftist fascism - straight up.
This will grow tremendously...
>The government of Uganda just censored Facebook and Twitter.
Big Tech just shot itself in the foot overseas.
Even Merkel spoke against what Facebook and Twitter did to Trump.
And the censorship was probably done with Chinese Hardware.
The steak could not be stopped
The steal is done
Damn the steak
Leftist fascism - straight up.
I take your point about the reprisal issue. That said, I think the word fascism should probably be retired. It doesn’t make any sense in that context.
My post to Stop the Stalin is still up.
Rat Fucking isn't fascism, AprilBidenCrime. The Crying Wolf fable is an old cliche for a reason.
Read If by Kipling. It applies to the fairer sex as well.
"Hey, remember "Not My President Day," February 20th, 2017? From the Wikipedia article on the topic:
"Not My Presidents Day"... was a series of rallies against the president of the United States, Donald Trump, held on Washington's Birthday... Protests were held in dozens of cities throughout the United States.... The marches were mostly coordinated through Facebook.... "
I don't use FB, but someone who does should resuscitate this idea. Even use the same terminology, copied and pasted from 2017, and see if Zuck is so self-unaware that he shuts it down.
We are now removing content containing the phrase “stop the steal” under our Coordinating Harm policy from Facebook and Instagram.
It doesn't say "We are now removing all content...."
1. Holy Frickin Altparse
2. Even while persecution ramps up against things not said
Some old people here say they are glad that they will die before this thing we inherited collapses. They lived an easier life than anyone before them in history, and now think they will run off, sayin', 'see ya, kids/grandkids.'
For those who seek an easy way out, I pray you will live to 100.
God damn you, Althouse; your “moderation” allows a false personal attack on me by name, and yet you remove my simple direct question to the commenter asking to explain the false attack on me and to supply proof or a link to my ever having “doxxed” anyone. I have not.
WOW Electronic Transport Services in Dubai
I once posted on Facebook "Hitler did nothing wrong while I was alive" and got suspended for week.
After the suspension ended I asked "Is it against community ruled to say 'Hitler did nothing wrong' given that he was twenty years dead when I was born?
I was suspended again. And after asking thdm to *manually review the post* my account was terminated.
The rot goes deeper than their algorithms.
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Comments older than 2 days are always moderated. Newer comments may be unmoderated, but are still subject to a spam filter and may take a few hours to get released. Thanks for your contributions and your patience.