১৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০২১

Watch Trump get impeached — live.

২৫০টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   250 এর 201 – থেকে 250
rcocean বলেছেন...

The 10 shithead Republicans who stabbed us in the back are an interesting lot. You have:

3 R's from Washington state
1 R from Calf
2 R from Michigan (one replaced Amash)
1 R from SC (he's from Mark Sanford Country)
Lynn Cheney
1 R from Illinois (Guess who)

And 2 more I've forgotten. These moderate RINO's from Blue states aren't worth the trouble.

Inga বলেছেন...

“I’m so excited about the efforts at reconciliation by the Democrats that I will be inviting all my Democrat friends over for a party - just as soon as a get the Claymores laid.”

Ooooo, Trumpist humor about blowing up your Democrat friends! Funny.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...


You fucking stooge.

My town, NYC, was looted and sacked twice this year by your storm troopers.

You’ve got blood all over you.

We’re not talking about imaginary violence here. No, you’re responsible for real terror and violence.

rcocean বলেছেন...

In case you have heard, Never-trumper John weaver of the Lincoln project has a "thing" for young men, and has been accused of sexual harassments and "grooming" them. IRC, the other 2 schmidt and Rick wilson were financial deadbeats and/or tax cheats.

n.n বলেছেন...

The 10 shithead Republicans who stabbed us in the back are an interesting lot. You have:

Democrat collusion and impeached Republican credibility.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

What can be done to rid you of this fucking stupid notion that you’re a decent human, Inga?

Browndog বলেছেন...

One should to back and look at the footage of the D.C. riots on January 20, 2017.

James K বলেছেন...

Watch the Democrats hand the House to the Republicans in the next election.

And will the Republican House in 2023 have the 'nads to impeach President Harris? After all, the only criterion is not hating the President. You'd hope so, but i wouldn't bet on it. They'd be called "racist."

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

NYC, as I said, was sacked and looted twice in 2020 by Inga’s storm troopers.

One of my clients, an Episcopal church, responded to this violence by... get this... funding the looters, rioters and cop attackers.

I’ve seen this moral viciousness and obtuseness of Inga close up. I had to get rid of that client, although I really liked most of the people.

How they justified contributing to this atrocity, the sacking and looting of my hometown, is hard to understand. Like Inga, these people convinced themselves they were serving the Lord by aiding a campaign of extortion and terror.

I’m sure Inga has a good explanation for her complicity.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

And here we go...


n.n বলেছেন...

You’ve got blood all over you.

The tell-tale hearts beat ever louder.

n.n বলেছেন...

Never-trumper John weaver of the Lincoln project has a "thing" for young men, and has been accused of sexual harassments and "grooming" them

Social progress.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

When I realized that my client was slipping money into the pockets of the looters, rioters, arsonists and cop killers, I really struggled to put this together with the very nice, smiling and friendly people in that church.

They always treated me very well.

A sickness seized them years ago, the anti-bigotry crusade. This war against the bigots consumes them. I’ve lived all over the U.S., in every kind of community, and I’ve never run into these bigots.

I actually did a pretty good job of severing myself from my client. I resigned with a two line e-mail that didn’t really blame anybody or express any anger. I still struggle every day with the urge to read the riot act to them. But, what in the hell good would that do?

Leora বলেছেন...

One of the other harpooners was an American Indian from a Massachusetts tribe. I just figured people would remember Queegqueeg so didn't mention his ethnicity.

n.n বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
n.n বলেছেন...

A sickness seized them years ago, the anti-bigotry crusade

Bigotry is a lucrative enterprise, underwritten by semantic games, conceptual corruption, rackets and protests, and an ostensibly "secular" selective, opportunistic, relativistic ("ethical"), politically congruent quasi-religion.

William50 বলেছেন...

Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley on Saturday issued a warning about Democrats' long-term damage to the Constitution should they continue to press forward with their plans to impeach President Donald Trump (yet again) as his administration comes to a close. 
"In seeking his removal for 'incitement,' Democrats would gut not only the impeachment standard but free speech, all in a mad rush to remove Trump just days before the end of his term," Turley wrote in an opinion piece for The Hill.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

AS SEEN on the interwebz

Seriously: GOP+corruptocrat leadership should consider impeaching Trump a 3rd time as a display of trivializing what has already happened. The Ds would have to vote for it. Why not? Make it 3. Make it 5. Who cares?

effinayright বলেছেন...

Over on the Cafe thread, YoungHegelian said:

"Congress & the local DC government seem to be terrified. Of what, I don't know. I could hazard some tin-foil hat guesses, but really I don't know. What I suspect is at the root of their terror, after hearing some lefty Congresscritters opine that the Capitol Police may have been in it with the rioters, is that the residents of The Swamp may be starting to understand that they can not be assured of the loyalty of those who are assigned to protect them. Think about it --- would you take a bullet for the likes of AOC, Nancy Pelosi of the $15k freezer, or, in the name of all that is Holy, Maxine Waters? Yeah, me neither, and I imagine that's going through the mind of quite a few National Guardsmen camped out on the streets of DC right now."

Anyone remember back in the Bush and Obama era when opinion polls regularly showed that Congress was roundly reviled by the American people?

That stopped when they and the rotten MSM turned their attention toward destroying Trump.

But people haven't forgotten. Here we are after four years of "Russia Collusion", the first impeachment show trial, the entire Congress and Swamp assiduously ignoring the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden Ukraine/China scandals, and now their success in bringing down a President whose main sin was that he just didn't "go along to get along".

YOU"RE DAMN RIGHT they have something to be very afraid about!!

"The World's Greatest Deliberative Body" has opened its kimono, and it's a very ugly thing to see.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Inga said...

"It’s good to see the courage of 10 Republicans."

This bitch can't answer a single question put to her, and she has the nerve to talk about "courage".

If Joe Biden cries/when people die/it's because of lies/to our faces.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga said...

“I’m so excited about the efforts at reconciliation by the Democrats that I will be inviting all my Democrat friends over for a party - just as soon as a get the Claymores laid.”

Ooooo, Trumpist humor about blowing up your Democrat friends! Funny.

Your humor when Scalise was shot by one of your friends was even better.

You are scum.

h বলেছেন...

We don't need no stinkin' evidence!

Achilles বলেছেন...

If the democrats thought they had actually defeated Trump, they would not be doing this.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

hand it to freshman MT rep Matt Rosendale for calling on Cheney to resign from her leadership position. Bye Liz. Dltdhywtglsy

chickelit বলেছেন...

Trump could still win this in OT.

n.n বলেছেন...

Democrats impeach themselves, once, twice. There's still time for thrice.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Trump gave a good speech today. Repudiated a lot of the regulars here, the Achilles faction. Watch it and weep Trumpkins.

walter বলেছেন...

Blogger Barry Dauphin said...
Can we conduct impeachment trials on all former presidents?
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Flag of United States
On January 21st, I’m filing Articles of Impeachment on President-elect @JoeBiden

75 million Americans are fed up with inaction.

It’s time to take a stand.

I’m proud to be the voice of Republican voters who have been ignored.


walter বলেছেন...

Ken B.
Looking at your numbers, you better wear two, maybe three masks.
Saran Wrap perhaps.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Having to be told shows the depth of indoctrination: when the leader of your political party can rape it's women at will (much like the crazy "gurus" he studies under) and all you can think to do is get his wife a WH job - for covering it up - you've already joined into something waaaay more sinister and corrupt than any normal American could ever imagine.

Readering বলেছেন...

Congressional action against Greene this month likelier than against Biden.

walter বলেছেন...

How's that Hunter laptop investigation going?
You know, the investigation withheld while news articles about it were being censored.
The "big man" gonna squash it?

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

If Joe Biden cares about unifying the country, he will shut up when many cities across the country rename streets "Stop The Steal Plaza".

walter বলেছেন...

Joementia approaches/is led to the office with the most compromised governmental history ever.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"Nobody joins a cult. You join a self-help group, a religious movement, a political organization. They change so gradually, by the time you realize you’re entrapped – and almost everybody does – you can’t figure a safe way back out."

- Deborah Layton, survivor of Jim Jones’ Peoples Temple cult

In the '70s, the current Democrat leadership put Jim Jones in charge of SF Housing for his assistance in their stealing of elections (much like Obama gave Oprah an award in 2013 after her decades of spreading misinformation and then ushering him - also a fraud - to power) and then turned an underhanded, creepy, untrustworthy, and utterly despicable Peoples Temple cult member, Harvey Milk, into a gay icon, changing world culture and spurring a rash of new laws after his murder by someone he couldn't betray and get away with it.

But the Democrat Party could - and has. They've betrayed all of us. We - and they - are living a lie, and everybody knows it. And everybody also knows lies can't hold up forever.

We've just got to hold them up to the light for examination.

narciso বলেছেন...


walter বলেছেন...

I look forward to AOC scrapping with MTG.
Best 30 seconds in the House.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

EVIDENCE: No one can say the Democrats WOULDN'T steal an election - they've done it before, and no one confessed until the spell was broken by all the killing, they had caused, was over - and no one has EVER suffered any consequences for doing so.

That, alone, has become a good reason for them to use an aggressive strategy - of continuing to capitalize on that lie - as a diversion from exposure of the truth.

walter বলেছেন...

Interesting that some of these new R women have more balls than the male RINOs.

n.n বলেছেন...

Wednesday? Impeach the bastard.
Indigestion? Impeach the bastard.
Peace in the Middle East? Impeach the bastard.
Ending Obama/Biden's legacy of wars without borders and transnational terrorism? Impeach the bastard.
Standing up to diversity and exclusion? Impeach the bastard.
Addressing causes of medical and pharmaceutical progressive prices? Impeach the bastard.
Emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout? Impeach the bastard.
Go home and thank you for your support? Impeach the bastard.
Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness? Impeach the bastard and sequester his carbon-laden remains.

n.n বলেছেন...

Working with urban stakeholders to pursue revitalization, rehabilitation, and reconciliation? Impeach the bastard.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

"Interesting that some of these new R women have more balls than the male RINOs."

Firebrands of both stripes are almost always freshpersons. After one or two terms, when most of them learn how to reap the corruption, they settle in and do what they are really paid to do.

techsan বলেছেন...

"Watch Trump get impeached live"
Was that a 6 month long stream? 6 weeks? 6 days? 6 hours?

A House leader once told me it was a somber/solemn event to impeach...after which signing pens were distributed. I wonder who has the collection?

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

"A House leader once told me it was a somber/solemn event to impeach...after which signing pens were distributed. I wonder who has the collection?"

This impeachment happened so fast that the pens Pelosi ordered from Amazon haven't even been delivered yet.

walter বলেছেন...

techsan said..."Watch Trump get impeached live"
Was that a 6 month long stream? 6 weeks? 6 days? 6 hours?
A peephole. How much can you afford?
We doin' "equity" based rates.

walter বলেছেন...

This is all quite revealing..when they sense the gate has dropped.
I believe AOC is pimping media literacy oversight or some such shite.
From the bartender that recently discovered sink disposals.

DeepRunner বলেছেন...

Sad day for the Republic. Yeah, yeah, I know, they're happy to give their side what they want, and that includes Twitter Moses. And yeah, they needed to do something, SOMETHING before the Inauguration while turning a blind eye to all of last summer. Hypocrites. Trump's never gonna resign, Pence was never gonna go 25th on it.

And now the Dems have again set a precedent for impeaching a President.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Haven't read the other comments, so sorry if someone else already posted this. The pettiness, vindictiveness, spite, etc. of the majority of the left and the Never-Trump "right" is horrifying to observe. It's like they turned into a party of Gollums, with a good portion of Sauron thrown it. Why I have opted to not discuss politics with any of them - you can't have an honest discussion without attempting to address the above characteristics they are displaying, and to do so would likely end any personal relationship, which I am not willing to do at this point. But it's scary to think about what the impact of their nastiness is going to be, both to the country and what it must be doing to their souls. I know that you see that from some on the right, but I would estimate that it's at least an order of magnitude less than what comes from the left.

A lot of praying!

Rusty বলেছেন...

"1 R from Illinois (Guess who)"
Not my district but I've already volunteered to work to unseat her in the next election.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"We as a Party respect our elected officials and assume that they will respect and represent their constituents. We are receiving the message loud and clear that what happened yesterday is a true travesty for the country."

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   250 এর 201 – থেকে 250   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»