... even though the text of the article says "Republicans were fracturing over the vote." And:
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has embraced the effort as a means to purge Mr. Trump from the party, according to people who have spoken to him, and at least five House Republicans planned to vote to impeach.
I'm interested in seeing how the proof will be accomplished. McGovern sets a high bar in calling it "well-organized" and an "insurrection against our country" and saying that this organizing was done by Trump.
ADDED: I'm interested in this notion that you can look into eyes and see evil. I remember how ludicrous it seemed when George W. Bush said he looked into Putin's eyes and "got a sense of his soul" — and decided he was "straightforward and trustworthy."
But here's an article from 2011 in Scientific American, "The Eyes Have It/Eye gaze is critically important to social primates such as humans. Maybe that is why illusions involving eyes are so compelling." That's about the relatively objective issue of misperceiving where eyes are looking. Harder to study whether there is evil in there!
Do courts allow witnesses to testify about what they feel they saw in someone's eyes? I have not researched this question, but I believe it would not be acceptable to testify "I looked into his eyes and saw pure evil."
२२७ टिप्पण्या:
227 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Well organized? I spit out my coffee on that one!
So the Dems come to the plate, point to the wall behind center field, and prepare to bat a home run. No singles for these guys.
They asserted without evidence.
There FIFY
Have Democrats always been a bunch of giant pussies?
Pre-placed pallets of bricks and gasoline? Now that's organized Democrat insurrection. Same with manufactured Biden ballots.
That is nonsense. Trump was purblind and irresponsible and that’s no small thing but the notion he micromanaged a coup by men wearing horns is ridiculous.
Are they really this dense? Does anyone doubt that ff Trump really wanted a violent insurection, he wouldn't have said so straight up? He wouldn't be vague or ambiguous. When in his entire life was Trump ever indirect or oblique? Trump doesn't do subtlety.
Just curious - is there anywhere else in our judicial/political system where the victims of an event or crime, seeking justice, get to be jury and judge as well?
Dem congressmen can say anything they want, however outrageous, because no one will ever hold them to account for it.
Eric Swalwell, the guy that slept with the Chinese spy, just called Trump America's Osama Bin Laden.
McGovern sets a high bar in calling it "well-organized" and an "insurrection against our country" and saying that this organizing was done by Trump.
Proof?! Proof?! We're Democrats! We don't need no stinkin' proof!
Impeachment in the House is a political act, no proof is needed. I dare to say, no proof will be offered or discussed. The ayes and nays have already been determined.
"I will never forget what I saw in the eyes" of the protesters, he said. "I saw evil."
I bet he was referring to this guy.
"McGovern sets a high bar in calling it "well-organized" and an "insurrection against our country" and saying that this organizing was done by Trump."
My favorite thing about that is that the phrase "high bar" was said in a context of having to prove what someone is saying. No. He doesn't. These people 'do not'. They can in fact say anything they want without having to prove any aspect of what they are saying is true, and they are.
You're proceeding from a premise that the law is still this objective thing and not just kabuki theater now. There is no "high bar"...it is now distinctly low bar.
LOL @ Eric Swallwell chairing impeachment. You know, the House Intelligence Committee honcho who it turns out was had by a Chinese spy. This should help to reassure those folks who are worried about senior Dem ties to CCP that, no, you're not fucking nuts. It is this blatant. They're rubbing your faces in it because they can.
The worst days in America are when you have to put up with all the group righteous indignation.
I really have no idea who he is, but I'm a fan of the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo guy at the capitol. When America goes down in flames, we make the best movie. He makes it all worth it.
Michael Yon, who has done some great reporting on the ground at various hotspots around the world, has a video out saying that there was lots of behavioral evidence that false-flag antifa agent provocateurs were on the ground promoting the invasion of the Capitol. But it seems to me that because his evidence is behavioral (what they did, what they said, how they said it), it is open to anyone. He himself notes that lots of the tactics were those developed and used by the Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrators.
If some of the people identified and prosecuted by the government turn out to have heavy antifa provenance, that would make things appear quite different. You can see why the Democrats might want to rush this forward.
Libtards are doing this solely because they want Trump to get the "only twice impeached President" moniker.
Neocon cucks are doing this solely because Trump did not start wars for ungrateful Muslims.
"If some of the people identified and prosecuted by the government turn out to have heavy antifa provenance, that would make things appear quite different."
-- The Insurrection USA guy they found inside the Capitol, as of a few days ago, was not getting arrested despite being on film encouraging people to burn the building down and threatening police. I have a strong feeling that they're only going to be arresting the protesters they want to find, while protesters like that guy, are going to get off relatively lightly.
McGovern sets a high bar in calling it "well-organized" and an "insurrection against our country" and saying that this organizing was done by Trump."
But Trump did organize a commercial and governmental insurrection -- against the CCP. That's what this is really all about. Ridding the world stage of Trump for good. China's Xe was just boasting the other day about how rosy things looked for China.
"Libtards are doing this solely because they want Trump to get the "only twice impeached President" moniker."
-- No. They're doing this because they can, and they would love nothing more than to FINALLY get Trump. After failing to get him for so long, there's blood in the water, so they're going for the last bite of the apple.
The timing of the FBI's release of the files on Pelosi's father is interesting. Also interesting: as everyone knew, her father was corrupt. As I hadn't heard, her brother's a rapist.
So a mobbed up crook, a rapist and a woman who tried to initiate a coup the other day by subverting the civilian chain of command. Our leaders are the fucking worst of us.
The rhetoric Democrats are using isn't extemporaneous. Trump = Osama Bin Laden. "I saw evil in his eyes". It's planned.
It's part of the effort to label ALL Trump voters and supporters as domestic terrorists. 3/5 Human. Rats. Savages. That way they don't deserve the protection of the law. It's much the same as excommunicated heretics in feudal Europe.
I think it would be easy to find 1000 maybe even 5000 people in Dane County that if given free reign would torch Wisconsin Communities that don't agree with their world view. They would consider it a moral obligation. A cleansing.
We are at the "why didn't they get out of there sooner" stage.
In case you didn't know, Washington D.C. is now a fully militarized zone.
Don't expect that to end after the 20th. It's possible citizens will never be allowed on the capitol grounds ever again.
W said many stupid things. The Putin’s Eyes is top 5.
Libtards are doing this solely because they want Trump to get the "only twice impeached President" moniker.
Nah. This has nothing to do with Trump.
Breezy @ 11:07: "Just curious - is there anywhere else in our judicial/political system where the victims of an event or crime, seeking justice, get to be jury and judge as well?"
I believe it would not be acceptable to testify "I looked into his eyes and saw pure evil."
I don't follow admissibility. But law enforcement research shows even very experienced officers and trained psychologists cannot tell who is lying beyond a handful of very obvious tells. People who think they can identify liars from behavior rather than contradictions are debilitatingly arrogant.
A Republican House better impeach every Democrat President in the future or they will lose hundreds of thousands of voters.
"A Republican House better impeach every Democrat President in the future or they will lose hundreds of thousands of voters."
-- Cart .... Horse.
I don't think Jim McGovern knows what a 'well organized insurrection' actually looks like.
I hope we don't see such a thing, however....the Democrats seem to be gungho to push us into one. Everything they have been doing is meant to fan the flames. They don't seem to understand that in this conflagration they are whipping up...everyone will get burned.
Gunner, one reason for this impeachment may well be to damage the norm such that it won't mean much when, say, Biden or Harris is impeached. They do think ahead. Just not that far ahead, the schmucks.
It was so well organized, it needed people like the Insurrection USA guy to encourage people to breach the Capitol. It was so well organized that they walked into the building and then had no idea what to do. It was so well organized that they put unarmed, unarmored people at the front to get shot.
Honestly, one of the things the Capitol riot wasn't was organized.
Airbnb has canceled all reservations in DC area around Inauguration. Help for Trump's hotel?
About evil in the eyes: Look at any picture of Stalin--or Ted Bundy. That is what it looks like.
By the way, that guy strolling through the Capitol with the Confederate flag--that is a bad look. That guy doesn't speak for me. Not even Jubal Early got that far. That is why, if you are Trump, you don't set things up for a possible bad look.
The rally on January 6 was stupid; the march to the Capitol was REALLY stupid. Trump had no idea who was in that crowd: how many sociopaths, how many mentally ill, how many antifa flying a false flag, and yes, folks, how many Confederate dead-enders.
"I don't think Jim McGovern knows what a 'well organized insurrection' actually looks like."
-- CHAZ was more well organized.
Seeing deep feelings or meanings in someone's eyes is a trope in literature and music. Perhaps the good Congressman thinks he's a poet of demagoguery.
See, for example, Peter Gabriel.
I wonder what Eric Swalwell saw in Fang Fang's eyes. I'm pretty sure we know what she saw in his.
"This was not a protest, this was a well-organized insurrection against our country that was organized by Donald Trump."
Did you see that list of historical Democrat delusions I posted on the previous thread?
Democrats believed O.J. is innocent, Bush shirked his National Guard duty, and Sarah Palin's infant child, Trig, was actually the child of her daughter.
Justice Antonin Scalia threw the 2000 election to Bush so that his son could get a legal job with the Labor Department. The spectacularly guilty Mumia Abu-Jamal was framed. The Diebold Corp. secretly stole thousands of Kerry votes in 2004. The Duke lacrosse players gang-raped a stripper.
Bill Clinton did not have sex with "that woman". Heterosexuals are just as likely to contract AIDS as gays. John Edwards didn't have an affair with Rielle Hunter. John Edwards' campaign aide Andrew Young is the father of Rielle Hunter's child.
A 2007 Rasmussen poll showed that 35 percent of Democrats believe Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance, while 26 percent aren't sure ...Janeane Garofalo, believed Enron's Ken Lay faked his own death.
Al Sharpton faked the Tawana Brawley hoax. Sharpton (like Oprah) has veto power over all Democratic presidential candidates. Even Al Gore, a former vice president of the United States, was required to kiss Sharpton's ring.
In 2003, Democratic presidential candidate and future Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean approvingly cited the left-wing lunacy that Saudi Arabia had warned Bush in advance about the 9/11 attacks.
In the fall of 2004, Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she believed Bush was holding Osama bin Laden and planned to release him just before the election.
Sen. Barbara Boxer officially objected to the certification of Ohio's votes in the 2004 election -- on the Senate floor -- and demanded an investigation into the 'Diebold stole Kerry votes' conspiracy theory.
A Democratic House and Senate actually used official government proceedings to investigate the original nut-job conspiracy theory, the 'October Surprise,' maintaining that Reagan struck a secret deal with the Iranians not to release the hostages until after the 1980 election.
Rosie O'Donnell -- who has headlined many a Democratic fundraiser -- is a prominent 9/11 'truther.' She believes the World Trade Center was blown up with explosives, not taken down by terrorists in airplanes.
he Democrats and Michael Moore, whose 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is chock-a-block with demented conspiracy theories, including:
-- the 2000 election was stolen, the Bush family clandestinely spirited the bin Laden family out of the U.S. after the 9/11 attacks, and Bush went to war in Afghanistan to help the Unocal Corp. obtain a natural gas pipeline.
Terry McAuliffe, then chairman of the Democratic National Committee attended the glittering Washington, D.C., premiere of 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and emerged endorsing Moore's wacko Unocal conspiracy theory. 'I believe it after seeing that,' McAuliffe said.
Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark proudly accepted Moore's endorsement in 2004, and Moore was an honored guest at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, sitting with former President Carter.
Other Democrats who attended Moore's movie screening included Sens. Tom Daschle, Tom Harkin, Max Baucus, Ernest Hollings, Debbie Stabenow, Bill Nelson, and representatives Charles Rangel and Jim McDermott.
When is Alice in Wonderland gonna realize the Red Queen's army is just a deck of cards?
"Libtards are doing this solely because they want Trump to get the "only twice impeached President" moniker."
Libtards are doing this because they know the election is fraudulent and Biden is corrupt, and they know the Republicans know as well. From now on, opposition Congresses will impeach at the drop of a nickel and it won't mean a freakin' thing.
That's Ann Coulter's text, re-edited by me.
Scott Adams today does a nice job with insurrection and coup.
Chuck at 11:09 AM
And the journalistic search for the funding sources of the Stop the Steal rally is well under way.
Was funding the rally illegal?
It was supposed to be a rally.
Are rally's illegal now?
It was organized...
Some Trump supporters did some stupid crap. Most of the violence at the Capitol was committed by False Flag Antifa.
THAT was planned.
If the Trump Insurrectionists keep on holding illegal protests,
Define what is an illegal protest as opposed to a legal one. Who gets to decide...You? Democrats. Do we need a pre planned permit and a certain quota of porta potties? Can we protest in areas that are not cordoned off by military presence. Do we get a script of things we are allowed to say?
Are we only "allowed" to protest on certain subjects. Sort of defeats the purpose of a "protest" if you can only hold those that are sanctioned by and approve by the government.
Do you even read and think about what you post?
"I'm interested in seeing how the proof will be accomplished."
You're interested, are you. Proof? They don't need no stinkin' proof.
"McGovern sets a high bar in calling it "well-organized""
A well-organized mob.
"this organizing was done by Trump"
He has magical powers. A stable genius.
"I'm interested in this notion that you can look into eyes and see evil."
You are interested in lots of things, aren't you. But unlike you, Dems are interested in power and in crushing their enemies, using any damn rhetoric that serves their purpose.
"I remember how ludicrous it seemed when George W. Bush said he looked into Putin's eyes and "got a sense of his soul""
But W never said what he actually saw there, did he? Though I'm sure he was sucking up to Vlad a bit, I heard it as crafty BS.
So, Althouse, are you enjoying the new normality of the Biden era yet?
In reference to fraudulent election.
TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed @ 11:26: "Seeing deep feelings or meanings in someone's eyes is a trope in literature and music. Perhaps the good Congressman thinks he's a poet of demagoguery.
See, for example, Peter Gabriel.
I wonder what Eric Swalwell saw in Fang Fang's eyes. I'm pretty sure we know what she saw in his."
I used to think impeachment meant something. I don’t pay attention anymore. I imagine we are approaching the day when every President will face impeachment when congress is held by the opposing party.
btw- watch the video of the Chamber exiting.. Looks REALLY calm.
Now they are saying they were all terrified. The images on camera don't tell that story at all. but hey - Narrative. Lies. all that.
Some riots are more equal than others.
--Snowball McGovern
Yes, Scott Adams has a tweet that he should repeat often with slight variations, as he does when he hits on something works. Asking for a 10 day audit so that all Americans have faith in the elections results, to be completed before the scheduled inauguration--that's what these dastardly GOP types like Cruz and Hawley were voting for, what Trump was hoping for Pence to push on.
It is now a criminal act to support Trump.
That's who the Putin left are now.
Halfway between attempted coup and start of Biden era.
Hey Crack--
Thanks for the reminder.
Glad to see you back.
Pearl-clutching turns out to be the final way to get rid of Trump, except they haven't gotten the public feedback yet. Maybe censorship will prevent it this time.
Antifa destroying sections of Portland and Seattle?
All cool.
McCain looked into Putin's eyes and saw "KGB". Never looked into the Chi-coms eyes and saw anything but love. FDR looked into Stalin's eyes and saw "Good ol' Uncle joe". A little gruff and rough-edged but one hell of a guy!
Obviously, the Democrats aren't going to PROVE anything. Why treat this farce as if it a serious legal matter? That's crazy and stupid.
The impeachment is already set. Pelosi's robots will vote 99% for anything she says. There is no "incitement" - if there was they'd be QUOTING TRUMP. which they never do.
This would be funny if it wasn't a serious destruction of our constitutional norms. Before Pelosi and after the Radical republicans, Impeachment was reserved for serious crimes. that's 150 years. Now its just another D weapon to destroy their opponents.
"If the Trump Insurrectionists keep on holding illegal protests, I expect that "beautiful" federal forces will be unleashed on them. Beating them "like a knife cutting butter," as PDJT said last summer."
Why would they beat people they overwhelmingly agree with? If Democrats were confident why all the hysterical kabuki?
They know they're standing on sand.
After 4 years of lies and harassment from the left - are we surprised they sent in their Antifa thugs to finish the job?
The main idea seems to be that protesting against election fraud is illegal -- or at least should be treated as if it were illegal.
"This was not a protest, this was a well-organized insurrection against our country that was organized by Donald Trump."
If the media applied Trump rules to everyone they would append "he claimed without evidence" to this statement. It's amazing even in an era where this is top of mind the left continues to lie and the media continues to cover it up.
Someone had a great line:
Evil doesn't care about Hypocrisy.
Constantly calling the D's Hypocrites is a waste of time. Sterner attacks are required.
Will the FBI find the antifa thugs who killed the Capitol Police Officer?
They've really got Trump this time, not like all the other times when he slipped from their grasp.
One could have hoped that, after last week, hyperbole might have died. Unfortunately, those rumors were exaggerated.
"I saw evil in their eyes" ranks right up there with Adam Schiff's "I have proof that President Trump colluded with Russia to subvert the 2016 national election." I have no doubt whatsoever that both speakers sincerely believe what they're saying. And that's terrifying.
Do courts allow witnesses to testify about what they feel they saw in someone's eyes? I have not researched this question, but I believe it would not be acceptable to testify "I looked into his eyes and saw pure evil."
As luck would have it [for the Democrats], this isn't any court. What it is, is a huge lefty victory lap of a shit-show. They will impeach Trump again and again for something he did not do.
They don't care. They never cared. All they care about is getting their way and power. They will crush anyone that might get in their way of that. That has been clear for at least the last 12 years.
"Mostly peaceful". Is that still a thing?
We all should be grateful that "President" Biden will restore normalcy and civility to our country's politics.
When protesters surrounded a Seattle police station, forcing officers to evacuate it, and declared the adjacent area an “autonomous zone,” mayor Jenny Durkan was reassuring: “Don’t be so afraid of democracy.”
I wonder how long it will take for the Biden family to get back on the international board of gravy train and tax payer money laundering?
Hillary looked into Putin's eye and saw dollar signs.
"Well organized? I spit out my coffee on that one!"
Yea, crowd-sourcing coup planning does not work so well. Though, it seems like they'd follow that guy with horns anywhere. A cool dude.
Lynne Cheney will vote to impeach. Think of how crazy that is. How is helping Pelosi destroy Trump advance the Conservative/Republican agenda one itoa?
People like Cheney want a GOP civil war, and to help the Democrats. They are insane. just like Mittens, I wonder if Cheney was a Democrat before she suddenly ran for office as a republican. It would explain her behavior.
Biden called McConnell and asked him to "Dual track" the impeachment and approving his cabinet members.
That's how he's reaching out to the 74 million Trump voters.
The eyes tell all. I'm told my great grandmother was an expert in this area. As my mother tells it, my great grandmother announced to everyone that mother was pregnant after looking in her eyes. She wasn't showing and had not told anyone. My great grandmother said is was obvious after one look in her eyes.
This should help to reassure those folks who are worried about senior Dem ties to CCP that, no, you're not fucking nuts. It is this blatant. They're rubbing your faces in it because they can.
Barbara Boxer registered as a CCP agent this week. Years late but what the F.
Well they arrested the guy with the horns a couple of days ago. Maybe they can bring him in to testify. No doubt he will roll on Trump and reveal the secret communications channel.
Let the healing begin!
Impeachment based on lies worked so well last time, why not do it again?
How is helping Pelosi destroy Trump advance the Conservative/Republican agenda one itoa?
I think they want to return to the Chamber of Commerce party. That is long gone but she does not do much in the new ideas department. Too bad. I liked her father.
He will not get a fair trial. Like the last impeachment, he will not be allowed to present any defense not approved by the Democrats. Republicans are shitting a brick about their big donors, and the Republican Party will be the second party to kick millions of Americans and their legitimate economic concerns to the curb to kowtow to China.
One of the impeachment managers is known to have had a sexual relationship with a Chines spy. They don’t care that we know it becuase the New York Times and the Washington Post will never print it. That’s where America is now.
I'm interested in this notion that you can look into eyes and see evil.
You can't. There's a reason that Satan is known as a "Deceiver." Just as there's a reasons that charming sociopaths thrive despite their malignant intentions.
Matt Christiansen on YouTube: On Incitement to Violence | A Dangerously Expanding Definition & a Free Speech Impeachment
It's ten minutes in the cold, clean air of rational thought and argument. When you sit back and look at this, it's amazing that just one person can produce something this good.
Why is it that 60 Minutes with it's multi-million dollar budget rarely produces anything comparable?
I'm interested in seeing how the proof will be accomplished.
Forget about proof. How about one piece of evidence?
This is a smart move on the Democrats part, better than their gaslighting Kavanaugh because:
1. It distracts people from attending to the declassified documents that Trump is likely to release;
2. It forces Republicans to once again neuter themselves by denouncing Trump instead of letting him go quietly;
3. It pacifies the emerging far left base of the party;
4. It lessens the summer of rioting impact on people's minds;
5. It distracts people from the awful Biden/Harris team and;
5. It turns Trump into a non-person who is undeserving of any Constitutional rights and protections.
Those who would follow in Trump's footsteps have been warned!
5. It
Democrats, leftists, press, social media, and steering engines have been speaking truth to facts and inciting violence for over 16 trimesters. They have colluded with Kiev, Russian interests, Iranian regime, and China. They have normalized violent insurrections, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (e.g. "refugee crises"), and occupation of public and private spaces, and neighborhoods across the nation to force people to kneel. They have spread diversity and adversity, political congruence and exclusion, a social contagion that has overtaken the viral contagion spread through denying and stigmatizing early treatments, planned parent/hood in Democrat jurisdictions, and normalizing cargo cult ("intuitive") science. In progress.
It's the Kirov Assassination all over again. Soon the show trials will begin.
According to WaPo which claims to have been leaked some notes by the FBI, the FBI now anticipates "armed insurrections" at the capitols of all 50 states. (Or so say all of the major news organs, parrotting the Paste.)
This being the same FBI (or perhaps the same imaginary FBI) that failed to detect any inkling of the organization of the "insurrection" which the Dems are now purporting to impeach Trump about.
Or should we expect that the Dems actually have "evidence" to support their outrageous and slanderous claims. Hah!
Al Gore got his day in court. Trump’s suits were all thrown out on technicalities before they could be heard. That’s how it is, different standards of justice for different people.
How much do you think the fact that Mueller raided Trump’s then lawyer Cohen’s office and seized his files and combed through them has to do with the fact that Trump can’t get a lawyer? But don’t worry, it can’t happen here.
This keeping us from investigating exactly why the Speaker of the House called up the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A serious violation of separation of powers. I'm Betting Kevin McCarthy has added that to his play book. Traditions and norms, dontchyano.
"Just as there's a reasons that charming sociopaths thrive despite their malignant intentions.”
I really turned on Bill Clinton when I realized that his outright lies could bypass my bullshit detectors.
McConnell should hold the Impeachment hearings and let Trump defend himself by trying to prove he wasn't lying when he said the election was stolen. Then we can have a month of Trump's lawyers presenting county-by-county witnesses and evidence of election irregularities.
The last 6 days of the Trump presidency and the first 24 of the Biden administration can be spent delegitimizing Biden while all of his top level positions will be held up waiting for the Senate to be free for confirmation hearings. McConnell could poison-pill the Impeachment proceeding by requiring a 2/3rds vote to change the rules or timeline he's laid out.
Missing from the discussion here: Trump should resign.
So should almost all of them, not least Biden and Harris, but Trump could do his country a favour by resigning.
Michael K said...
Barbara Boxer registered as a CCP agent this week. Years late but what the F.
Yeah and Biden's Inauguration Committee had to return her donation. They're desparate to distance themselves from the CCP. Hence Swallwell being named impeachment manager.
Well-organized ? It couldn't have been. I never got the memo.
Blogger Roughcoat said...
I'm interested in this notion that you can look into eyes and see evil.
You can't. There's a reason that Satan is known as a "Deceiver." Just as there's a reasons that charming sociopaths thrive despite their malignant intentions.
“I have known a vast quantity of nonsense talked about bad men not looking you in the face. Don’t trust that conventional idea. Dishonesty will stare honesty out of countenance, any day in the week, if there is anything to be got by it.”
–-Charles Dickens
"I saw evil in his eyes" would be nothing but a statement of opinion akin to a character judgment - and one of the most casual sort.
McGovern is either lying about what he "saw" or deluding himself because he already hated Trump.
(I think the President's a sack of cr@p, more or less, but not "pure evil".
Not even "evil"; just an everyday sh!t - who really DOES want to "make America great", and build a legacy of being The Best President.
He's completely cratered that last one in the last week, of course.)
mandrewa said...
Why is it that 60 Minutes with it's multi-million dollar budget rarely produces anything comparable?
1/13/21, 11:54 AM
It is simply a lack of desire.
Hillary looked into Putin's eye and saw dollar signs.
Putin? Xi. The CCP has evolved from the Great Leap to one-child to selective-child and concentration camps for deplorables. In retrospect, selective-girl was a bad choice. The son of Biden was there to consult with the leftists, which may have included normalizing a consensus and common cause for social progress. The CCP has a history of conflicts with their Asian neighbors and a sincere interest in securing Russian resources (a la South Africa). The CCP wants America to normalize relations with Iran, presumably including the JCPOA agreement (e.g. reordered claims, fungible cash), and restore the Obama/Biden legacy of wars without borders and transnational terrorism.
Michael K said...
I think they want to return to the Chamber of Commerce party. That is long gone but she does not do much in the new ideas department. Too bad. I liked her father.
Exactly, GOPe does not realize that the Dems are now the party of Big Tech/Big Business.
So should almost all of them, not least Biden and Harris, but Trump could do his country a favour by resigning.
What country? Yours or ours?
I believe the vote you have referred to was an initial procedural vote, not a vote on the article of impeachment. Debate on the article has not been completed, and the vote on it has not yet been held.
More proof of false flag operations
I think Liz watches too much CNN.
Funny how the insurrectionists are up-in-arms (almost literally) that the other side might be in insurrection. This is another example of why you can't write satire about the left. There is nothing you can imagine about the left that is so absurd that it would be outside the realm of possibility to imagine a leftist doing it.
Chuck at 11:53 AM
We're Just Asking Questions. It's just an inquiry, to satisfy us all that Trump didn't do anything wrong. A 10 week audit of the Trump involvement in the Stop the Steal rally and the subsequent riot. Its a simple, honest request. Who could possibly disagree?
I disagree that the Democrats are merely asking questions, inquiring, etc.
I assume that the FBI, etc., are investigating the riot. Let's wait for the investigation's findings.
If it turns out that Trump had something to do with the riot, then that will be the proper time to discuss the punishment.
I advise due process.
If you're one of the current rulers and you got close enough to a protestor to look in his eyes without being injured in any way, that protestor was not an insurrectionist.
"Do courts allow witnesses to testify about what they feel they saw in someone's eyes? I have not researched this question, but I believe it would not be acceptable to testify "I looked into his eyes and saw pure evil." "
This reminds me of something that occurred yesterday afternoon after we got back from ice skating. The doorbell rang. By the time I looked out the window, the perpetrator was halfway back to his vehicle. Though I wouldn't testify to it in a court of law, the prankster looked exactly like Matt LeBlanc. And when he turned his head for a moment I was certain that what I saw was pure evil. His tires spun on the ice before gaining traction and then Matt LeBlanc peeled off before I could get an ID on his license plate. I looked down at our doorstep — a package. Was it an incendiary device? Should I alert law enforcement?
Turns out an anonymous fan of my wife's blog had left the package. It was a pint of her favorite ice cream along with a birthday card. For the first (okay, maybe the second) time in my nearly 70 years, my eyes had played tricks on me.
Sorry about that, Matt.
Anyone know anything about the whereabouts of Nancy’s laptop?
John Solomon
"One thing recent history has taught America is the first storyline of major tragedies or controversies is never the most accurate.
Americans were told by the Bush administration that they were sucker-punched by a surprise attack on 9/11 by terrorists, only to learn the CIA and FBI had significant advance evidence of the plot and its players and failed to connect the dots..."
'...Since the weekend, major bombshell revelations already have substantially revised the initial story of a spontaneous mob overrunning an unsuspecting Capitol police force.
The FBI admitted Tuesday it received information ahead of the Jan. 6 tragedy suggesting some participants were planning a "war" on the Capitol, including killing officers and distributing maps of the complex. It alerted Washington D.C. law enforcement through the joint terrorism task force alert system. It also "disrupted" the travel plans of some of the suspected trouble-makers.
"We developed some intelligence that a number of individuals were planning to travel to the D.C. area with intentions to cause violence," Assistant Director Steven M. D'Antuono said. "We immediately shared that information, and action was taken."
The New York Police Department is reported to have given the Capitol Police similar intelligence warnings of impending violence.
The chief federal prosecutor in Washington declared Tuesday he is pursuing conspiracy charges, signaling the attacks on the Capitol involved multiple acts and multiple conspirators working in concert with each other. The prosecutor talked about the planting of carefully constructed IEDs as one such act. In other words, there was pre-planning for some elements of last Wednesday's chaos.
And the official timeline of events constructed by the New York Times through videos shows protesters began breaching the perimeter of the Capitol a full 20 minutes before Trump finished his speech.
This new evidence raises the first compelling question that remains unanswered. How could Trump incite an attack that had already been pre-planned and was in motion before his speech ended?...'
Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
"Michael Yon, who has done some great reporting on the ground at various hotspots around the world, has a video out saying that there was lots of behavioral evidence that false-flag antifa agent provocateurs were on the ground promoting the invasion of the Capitol"
This video may support that inference. Organized, determined younger people with Antifa equipment (some with gas masks, bull horn, balaclava, etc).
Our leadership is corrupt, like the imperial courts of many a dying dynasty. They are going through the motions like they are serious, morally upstanding people, but all they can do is try to fake it. They are not persuasive to anyone who cares. It would require a higher level of phoniness to fool anyone who does not want to be fooled. But there are many who want to be fooled.
Oh well.
Sounds like you got visited by the desert-fairy. He or she--depends on the duty roster, and the pronoun preference--gets the overflow when the booze fairy's too busy.
People are noting the timeline:
Did Trump Incite Violence? Raheem Kassam Demonstrates The Timeline Doesn’t Work
CBS's Catherine Harris Agrees
And while the Washington Post clumsily attempts to blame President Trump for the violence – despite the President calling for “peaceful” protests and the “cheering on” of Congressmen – their own article admits the “first wave of protesters arrived at the Capitol about 12:40pm.”
President Trump’s speech didn’t conclude until 1:11pm, and with at least a 45-minute walk between the two locations with crowd-related delays, that would put the first people from Trump’s speech at Capitol Hill no earlier than 1:56pm – a full hour and sixteen minutes after troublemakers arrived.
In fact, rioters who breached the perimeter would have had to leave before Trump’s speech even began (at 12pm precisely) to make it in time for the events as they are detailed by authorities.
The Washington Post also states: “Sund’s outer perimeter on the Capitol’s west side was breached within 15 minutes,” meaning the Capitol was breached over an hour before Trump speech attendees could have even begun to arrive.
Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge
#CapitolBuilding TIMELINE: Critical window Wednesday is coming into focus 1230-1315. While POTUS addressed the rally + before he concluded, a group was already pushing onto the grounds of the Capitol building + first pipe bomb discovered (1245p) at RNC + second pipe bomb at DNC
I feel ashamed that I voted, with extreme reticence, for McConnell in this election. I will not vote for him in the future, and will be vocally encouraging other republicans to do the same.
Do courts allow witnesses to testify about what they feel they saw in someone's eyes? I have not researched this question, but I believe it would not be acceptable to testify "I looked into his eyes and saw pure evil."
will the Judge (= Professora) define for us what is meant by /evil/ and degree of purity thereof. --- is that some sort of bullionage?
Soon after OJ walked, I was in a three week voir dire capital rape and murder case. As soon as the defendant walked in, you could sense from his eyes and body language he was pure evil. I felt an immediate compulsion to murder him. The defense ended up using their last preemptory challenge to remove me from the alternates.
Remember people, this isn't a trial yet. It's just the psuedo-indictment phase before the political trial.
Media reports are weaving "FBI say NO antifa" at Capitol.
That is Bullshit.
Michael K said...Barbara Boxer registered as a CCP agent this week. Years late but what the F.
Strange but true. And Biden disowned her campaign contributions.
Just wait until Chinese financial connections to the UC system leak out.
stlcdr said...I feel ashamed that I voted, with extreme reticence, for McConnell in this election. I will not vote for him in the future, and will be vocally encouraging other republicans to do the same.
Although a life-long registered Independent, I donated a few $K to Republicans over the past 30 years. That is very likely coming to an end.
I received two RNC emails today for donations and laughed.
Send us more proof from twitter, aprilbidencrimefamilysteelydan.
The fascist twitter allows wrong think deplorable Russian bot ccp propaganda just to discredit you Patriots and useless eaters like you forward the false flag propaganda.
I'm interested in this notion that you can look into eyes and see evil.
I was looking through the recent post titles and caught that interest with this:
Trumps Twitter Feed... was window into his deranged and disorderly mind.
Ignore the text of the Tweet and just go through the looking glass and see what is actually in the mind. That's impressive powers the LA Times has. At every point, we are supposed to understand what Trump was thinking when he called for peace. We are told he didn't call for peace, but that he called for an insurrection against the United States. Except there is little evidence of an insurrection against our country by Trump other than articles claiming there was. The evidence we have to date is far less than similar evidence that can be found in the Twitter writings of Democrats going back to 2017 to as recently as this week.
The only entity that has actively tried to consolidate power described to other branches in the US Constitution is Congress. I don't have to wonder what is in Pelosi's mind. She asked the JCS to commit what they called a military coup. She demanded that VP Pence overthrow President Trump.
A few years ago, Democrats were all happy as a local DA arrested then Governor Rick Perry of Texas for supposedly threatening a government official by suggesting a veto of legislation to that government official. What was Pelosi doing when she threatened VP Pence to act to remove the sitting President or else? There's a name for it.
Matt Sablan said...
... It was so well organized that they put unarmed, unarmored people at the front to get shot.
that would be Stalin/Lenin/Bolshevik level organized
But... but... but Swalwell was an Eagle Scout!
Sloppy Joe says 2020’s gonna be a great year!
Blogger Mike Sylwester said...
I assume that the FBI, etc., are investigating the riot. Let's wait for the investigation's findings.
If it turns out that Trump had something to do with the riot, then that will be the proper time to discuss the punishment.
I advise due process.
You of all people should know better.
WSJ 23 minutes ago
McConnell Won’t Convene Senate Early to Accept Impeachment Article
By Siobhan Hughes
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) has rejected a request by Democrats to reconvene the Senate before its scheduled return next week in order to begin the process of trying President Trump on charges that he incited an insurrection at the Capitol.
Mr. McConnell’s office called Sen. Chuck Schumer’s office on Wednesday to say that he wouldn’t bring the Senate back into session before its scheduled Jan. 19 return to accept an article of impeachment from the House, an aide to Mr. McConnell said. The Republican leader could have brought the Senate back early with agreement from the Democratic leader under a 2004 law that authorizes the emergency return of the Senate provided that both lawmakers agree.
“I’ve asked him to call the Senate back,” Mr. Schumer said on Tuesday. “All he needs is my agreement—I'm still minority leader—and his agreement, he’s majority leader. We could come back ASAP and vote to convict Donald Trump and get him out of office now before any further damage is done.”
So much for all the wishful thinking articles like the NYT's:
McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to purge Trump from the G.O.P.
"Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking. The House is voting on Wednesday to formally charge Mr. Trump with inciting violence against the country."
Are Swalwell and Schiff more Pelosi nephews? Newsom's family and the family of Pelosi's husband were united in marriage for a while. I wonder why Swalwell gets a starring role today.
The impeachment is the well-organized (though hastily organized) insurrection. The hypocrisy and self-righteousness make me (and other, more dangerous people) think that the operation of the machine becomes so odious that one can't take part any more (to paraphrase another insurrectionist).
Impeachment has little to do with legal procedures, it is a political act. All that matters are the votes and anything is relevant as evidence to the representatives voting. The only appeal is to the politics of the country and since the Democrats are full of wrath and vengeance that political brake - "what will the majority of the voters think" - is going to have very little effect.
This must have been what it was like as the union headed towards Fort Sumter - many knowing that a ghastly error was being made out of passion but unable to stop it.
Amadeus 48 said...
About evil in the eyes: Look at any picture of Stalin
FDR looked into Stalin eyes and liked what he saw. (Keelhawl)
Bush looked into Putin eyes after USSR collapsed.
Do these people look like Antifa to you?
Turns out an anonymous fan of my wife's blog had left the package. It was a pint of her favorite ice cream along with a birthday card. For the first (okay, maybe the second) time in my nearly 70 years, my eyes had played tricks on me.
No, you where on the right track. The evil was written in between the lines on the birthday card.
Trust your instincts.
Blogger Howard said...
Soon after OJ walked, I was in a three week voir dire capital rape and murder case. As soon as the defendant walked in, you could sense from his eyes and body language he was pure evil. I felt an immediate compulsion to murder him. The defense ended up using their last preemptory challenge to remove me from the alternates.
It must’ve been that perennial wet piss stain on the crotch of your capris that put them off.
The lead Impeachment Manager for the House is Rep. Jamie Raskin, Harvard Law magna cum laude. And Professor of Law Emeritus at American University.
Raskin is too young to be emerited or emeritated or emeritused or emeritaged. His father was the long-time leftist Marcus Raskin, and Jamie was more of an activist than a serious legal thinker. As is the case with so many lawyers, what matters isn't what you can and can't do, but how you can get to do what you want to do, regardless of whether you really should or can.
Impeachment is the constitutionally authorized first step in a coup or insurrection. It's a legal form of nonlethal regicide.
Pelosi already said last week that she will hold the impeachment articles for a few months so it doesn't interfere with the Biden legislative agenda.
We need a broader, smarter Republican Party, and we need funding support.
I've got some really bad news for you Chuck. LOL. Had the LLR party endorsed or even tolerated Trump you would have had a shot at what you wish for, (broader - 50% gain in AA support, smarter - war no more, curb illegal immigration, reciprocal trade policies) but the game is over and the refs have left the building. The Republican Party is done. And the funniest part is that Trump didn't kill the Rs, you guys did. You should have absorbed him. Enjoy the wandering. My mission here is to make sure that the Republicans never see the light of day again after their recent betrayal of the nation. Sound familiar?
The Dems are going to have a similar problem with the far left wing, but that will shake out soon enough with the change in demographics. They don't seem to be quite as learning impaired as the GOPe.
Does that screen show the vote on the articles of impeachment--don't think so.
The evidence that Republicans are fracturing is that at least five members of the Republican caucus, including Liz Cheney, the number three in the caucus, have already announced their intention to vote with the Democrats, and clearly there will be more.
Most striking, apparently the Republicans opposing impeachment aren't actually defending Trump's actions, just arguing that impeachment is a continuation of anti Trump persecution and will be divisive.
I am curious whether people think that the argument from divisiveness really lies in the mouth of Trump and his defenders. After all, what could possibly be more divisive than the Stop the Steal Big Lie or its use to ignite violence against a coordinate branch of government? This is conduct that conservative constitutional analysts like McCarthy and Steven Calabresi concede is impeachable. Given that, why isn't Democrats and Republicans coming together to condemn that conduct as impeachable an act of reconciliation?
They are going to attempt to impeach Trump later. After the corrupt left are in control of all chambers. even though that is not legal. It will be a leftwing shit show Hunter Biden crack pipe jerk-off session.
"Do courts allow witnesses to testify about what they feel they saw in someone's eyes?"
The "smirk" proof fell short.
Iman: No, if I showed up with my normal piss stained lulumon tights, the defense would have seated me. It's Santa Cruz, Jake
Mike Sylwester said...
Chuck at 11:53 AM
We're Just Asking Questions. It's just an inquiry, to satisfy us all that Trump didn't do anything wrong. A 10 week audit of the Trump involvement in the Stop the Steal rally and the subsequent riot. Its a simple, honest request. Who could possibly disagree? ….
I advise due process.
need to add layer of citizen due diligence before accepting of the /official/ 'due process'
Does anyone really believe this nonsense?
according to people who have spoken to him
But not according to people who have spoken to him on this topic
“seated”... I don’t think that word means what you thi... er, hope it means.
"what could possibly be more divisive than the Stop the Steal Big Lie or its use to ignite violence against a coordinate branch of government"
Absolutely. Baseless!
Baseless, I say!
Close to 5,000 affidavits from a bunch smirking liars, I say!
Multiple state legislatures just back in session asking for time to revisit usurpation of authority and compelling irregularities because Trump sycophants, I say!
You can now say that President Trump orchestrated a coup on social media.
You will be banned for saying the Joe Biden orchestrated a coup.
Democrats are entitled to field paramilitary forces at will. Republicans cannot field paramilitary forces.
Trump... curb illegal immigration
Not just illegal immigration, but immigration reform, trails of tears, children in cages, wading above and through the Mediterranean. Trump was working toward emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout. Think "no child left behind" in lieu of every or selective-child left behind. While immigration is normal, immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises) is evidence of a progressive condition and has been used to force a "fog of war" climate (e.g. Cooper of CNN) as a cover-up the latter. Allegations of diversity [dogma] (e.g. racism) have been similarly abused to normalize this effect and collateral damage.
Stephen said...
what could possibly be more divisive than the Stop the Steal Big Lie or its use to ignite violence against a coordinate branch of government?
Claiming that objective standards of honesty and analysis are white supremacy? Lying that the American Revolution was undertaken to protect slavery? Claiming that certain races cannot speak?
There is blame on both to sides for the state we are in. The election in a handful of swing states were suspected of not being legally executed. One side (only) wanted to audit the results. The other side did not. Why would they? They “won”. This impasse over 2 months raised the stakes on Jan 6. So much so that the dam burst. Not good by any stretch.
That said, the most horrifying info that came out of this was the knowledge that we have no fricking way to audit our elections. None. Courts don’t want the cases and the legislatures don’t want the oversight responsibility. The electorate is then left with no agreed upon result, to the first order. This is the sacred entity that has been demolished. That’s what all of our Congress people need to focus and act on now. This impeachment is a waste of time.
Browndog at 12:40 PM
You of all people should know better.
I hope that the FBI is not so corrupt now, as it was when "Crazy Comey the Leaker" was the Director.
Minority Leader in House floor: last week was not Antifa.
Althouse commenters: Antifa!
Must be careful not to be accused of trolling.
Xmas said...
McConnell should hold the Impeachment hearings and let Trump defend himself by trying to prove he wasn't lying when he said the election was stolen. Then we can have a month of Trump's lawyers presenting county-by-county witnesses and evidence of election irregularities.
The last 6 days of the Trump presidency and the first 24 of the Biden administration can be spent delegitimizing Biden while all of his top level positions will be held up waiting for the Senate to be free for confirmation hearings. McConnell could poison-pill the Impeachment proceeding by requiring a 2/3rds vote to change the rules or timeline he's laid out.
I remember reading something about stopping the clock to continue the legislative day so that debate can proceed.??
Can Mr.Turtle SlowMover stop the clock to accept impeachment before 1/20/2021 - so that the new Senate can never be convened for the next 4 years?
And by that time, after Trump’s last days in office are revealed for the agonizingly corrupt shitshow I am expecting, the Senate will vote to convict and bar Trump from ever holding federal office again..
Democrats dictating who Republicans can nominate.
There’s no long any doubt about what you are, Chuck. Thanks for clearing that up.
Scott Adams
Much of the public has been brainwashed into believing that asking for 10 days to do an election audit for the benefit of all citizens is "overturning the election." It is closer to the opposite of that.
Let me put this bluntly.
You’re a traitor, Chuck, and a villain of the highest order.
Now, you’re an admitted traitor. It’s good that you’re honest about it.
Pacwest, we've been asked to ignore C****. Please cooperate with the blog administrator.
Photos of armed military at the capitol today
“Media reports are weaving "FBI say NO antifa" at Capitol.
That is Bullshit.”
“Some say the riots were caused by Antifa. There is absolutely no evidence of that. And conservatives should be the first to say so.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
Same for you, ST.
Loose lips sinks ships, Thomas.
"...That is long gone but she does not do much in the new ideas department. Too bad. I liked her father."
Ms. Cheney should go duck hunting with her father.
HOLY SH*T Fernandinande ... Thanks for my new Screen Saver! This Guy... what a hoot!
Rabel gets it
You've been deplatformed here. Find another way to give Sylvester hugs.
Iman is that what you mean by sloppy joe?
I’m having a difficult time convincing my son-in-law and daughter that we’re headed, potentially, for very serious and widespread political violence.
I’m continually examining myself to try to determine whether I’m just imagining this... but no, it’s coming.
Now, I do have to say today, after almost a week of consideration, that Trump got snookered.
I’d been advising FB friends to ignore this demonstration for a couple of weeks. I thought that Trump made a very bad decision to stage this demonstration.
I just thought it was bad realpolitik. He was out of options.
I hadn’t considered that he was walking into a trap and that he would get snookered, but that’s what happened.
There seems to be a little bit of a naive spot in Trump’s character, some part of him that thinks the fairness and reciprocity will come into play.
The president so nice they impeached him twice.
Jan 7
Our lawsuit is still alive!
On Wednesday we received a protective order to prevent Fulton from tampering with ballots and were granted a hearing scheduled for next Friday the 15th at 10am. We believe we will get a favorable ruling to inspect the ballots right after the hearing.
Rabel said...
Pacwest, we've been asked to ignore C****. Please cooperate with the blog administrator.
“A [free speech forum], if you can keep it.”
“And why not keep it?”
“Because the people, on tasting the dish, are always disposed to eat more of it than does them good.”
First devalue impeachment, then devalue the currency.
Sounds like a plan!
Good news!
Chris Christie to be a keynote speechifier at Legal Week/Year.
There will be virtual snacks!
Antifa was not needed to snooker Trump.
The Democrats and their media were primed and ready for this. Had probably war gamed their strategy before the rally.
They ran the Russia collusion hoax successfully for three years. Why would they worry about something as unimportant as the truth?
Trump was out of options. The courts refused to get involved. He walked right into the trap.
"...Do courts allow witnesses to testify about what they feel they saw in someone's eyes?..."
The Courts do allow this, but everyone, including Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys all say that "eyewitness" accounts are notoriously not accurate in what they see.
Trump was out of options. The courts refused to get involved. He walked right into the trap.
Another example of no staff work. He is very alone there. The 74 million Trump voters are not in DC.
Thomas: snookered, stolen, etc. These are lazy excuses from a flim flam man. I get why it is appealing to believe. Just don't engage with or about you know who.
I am curious whether people think that the argument from divisiveness really lies in the mouth of Trump and his defenders. After all, what could possibly be more divisive than the Stop the Steal Big Lie or its use to ignite violence against a coordinate branch of government?
Nancy Pelosi: "Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy and #FollowTheFacts" - May 16, 2017
@Michael K
Trump never gained control of the FBI, CIA and DOJ.
He just didn’t have the troops to man the bureaucracy. His outsider status was his strength and, ultimately, his undoing.
Blogger Readering said...
Minority Leader in House floor: last week was not Antifa.
Althouse commenters: Antifa!
Must be careful not to be accused of trolling.
Readering, I would provide a link to Michael Yon's report but you would not read it. You prefer the fiction that politicians use to keep you stupid.
He just didn’t have the troops to man the bureaucracy. His outsider status was his strength and, ultimately, his undoing.
Yup. They were backstabbers to a man. That's why he relied on his family so much.
The question is, does the country need to burn down some institutions to get control back ?
Doc, what's your point?
74million former Trump voters are represented in DC right this second. Just like the 81million former Biden voters not in DC
So, we know at least one Antifa guy was there -- the Insurrection USA guy who wanted the rioters to burn it down and threatened police officers. So, it is factually wrong to say there were no Antifa there. There were also legitimate Trump supporters involved in the riot; it is wrong to say there were none.
I think most people saying Antifa was there aren't saying, "and everyone who was there was Antifa!" They're saying that there were Antifa infiltrators, of which we already know at least one. So. I'm not sure why people are arguing against an argument that is not being made ("everyone was Antifa!") instead of the argument that IS being made ("we know there were some Antifa infiltrators, the question is how many?")
I know nuance isn't a thing Congress does, but you'd hope they'd try and start.
A former Senior Policy Analyst at the U.S. government’s National Institutes of Health repeatedly tweeted that Senator Josh Hawley deserved to be “skinned alive and rolled in salt” for challenging the integrity of the 2020 election.
Note that the tweet I linked to by Nancy Pelosi saying there was "no question" that the 2016 election was stolen is still up on Twitter.
I am curious whether people think that the argument from divisiveness really lies in the mouth of Trump and his defenders. After all, what could possibly be more divisive than the Stop the Steal Big Lie or its use to ignite violence against a coordinate branch of government?
Stealing a national election by massive (localized) vote fraud?
The 2016 election was stolen from Bernie
"74 million former Trump voters are represented in DC right this second"
Not a single one.
Controlled opposition for at least 3 decades now.
You seem to have forgotten that Trump’s first experience in office was having the former director of the FBI spring the Russia collusion hoax trap on him.
That scam was run repeatedly in one form or another from an arm of the bureaucracy throughout Trump’s term.
Now, you might be able to convince me that a guy who can’t get control of his own bureaucracy shouldn’t be president, but I think there are some serious problems with that argument, too.
The 2016 election was stolen from Bernie.
As the DNC essentially admitted in court.
They argued that as a private corporation they could nominate whoever they damn well wanted to nominate.
They won in court on that basis.
Blogger Howard said...
Doc, what's your point?
74million former Trump voters are represented in DC right this second. Just like the 81million former Biden voters not in DC
Howard, I will ignore how silly that comment is. I would like to meet the "81 million Biden voters." Too many are rolling over in their graves, so to speak. You lefties would sound more honest, not to say intelligent, if you wanted to prove that Biden won fair and square. Instead you exemplify, "The guilty flee when no man pursuith."
Qwinn: you people elected congress critters just like everyone else. You're now saying that it's my problem the Reps in the House suck after you put them in.
Michael K said...
Readering, I would provide a link to Michael Yon's report but you would not read it. You prefer the fiction that politicians use to keep you stupid.
Mike, please post! I'd like to read it. If anyone is an expert on this sort of thing it's Michael Yon.
"The 2016 election was stolen from Bernie"
Yes. So was the 2020 election. Elections to be the nominee of the Dem Party. And you're only now catching on to that?
Thomas: Lawful steal. They were transparent in the theft.
So should almost all of them, not least Biden and Harris, but Trump could do his country a favour by resigning.
It would be the worst thing he could do. It would only embolden and encourage the Left to continue the purge.
"You're now saying that it's my problem the Reps in the House suck after you put them in."
Umm..who said it was your problem?
You believe a leaky toilet in GA can stop counting in multiple swing states.
No one expects much from Semper Fud.
Please keep up, Meade
Walter, I'll ignore how silly your comment is...
The American people are sick and tired of hearing about [Howard's] damn emails!
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