১৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০২১

"This was not a protest, this was a well-organized insurrection against our country that was organized by Donald Trump."

Said Representative Jim McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts, Chair of the House Rules Committee, opening the debate this morning on the Article of Impeachment, quoted in "The House begins debating impeachment charge against Trump." (NYT). McGovern asserted that he looked into some people's eyes and "saw evil." I'm seeing the live vote embedded at the Times, and it is strictly along party lines...

... even though the text of the article says "Republicans were fracturing over the vote." And:

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has embraced the effort as a means to purge Mr. Trump from the party, according to people who have spoken to him, and at least five House Republicans planned to vote to impeach.

I'm interested in seeing how the proof will be accomplished. McGovern sets a high bar in calling it "well-organized" and an "insurrection against our country" and saying that this organizing was done by Trump. 

ADDED: I'm interested in this notion that you can look into eyes and see evil. I remember how ludicrous it seemed when George W. Bush said he looked into Putin's eyes and "got a sense of his soul" — and decided he was "straightforward and trustworthy." 

But here's an article from 2011 in Scientific American, "The Eyes Have It/Eye gaze is critically important to social primates such as humans. Maybe that is why illusions involving eyes are so compelling." That's about the relatively objective issue of misperceiving where eyes are looking. Harder to study whether there is evil in there! 

Do courts allow witnesses to testify about what they feel they saw in someone's eyes? I have not researched this question, but I believe it would not be acceptable to testify "I looked into his eyes and saw pure evil." 

২২৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   227 এর 201 – থেকে 227
Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

So, let me summarize:

1. The Democrats admittedly rigged the 2016 primaries.
2. The Democrats hatched the Russia collusion hoax out of nothing to destroy Trump’s presidency.
3. The Democrats set loose their paramilitary forces to loot, burn, riot and attack cops in our major cities.
4. Democratic governors conspired to shutdown the economy to maximize the damage inflicted on Trump by the pandemic.

But, I swear to God, Democrats revere the democratic process and would never consider rigging a federal election. That would be going too far!

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

I don't think Jim McGovern knows what a 'well organized insurrection' actually looks like.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (emphasis added)

I Callahan বলেছেন...

LIke I said earlier, dem congressmen can say anything they want, however outrageous, because no one will ever hold them to account for it.

Dem Congresswoman accuses GOP members of conducting reconnaissance tours for rioters

Browndog বলেছেন...

McConnell says he will not bring impeachment to Senate

1:56 PM · Jan 13, 2021

Rabel বলেছেন...

Remember when y'all were teenagers and you had a big, swollen, white-headed, infected pimple filled with nasty, stinky, bacteria-laden pus and you felt a powerful, burning, and perfectly natural urge to squeeze that baby out Belushi style onto the bathroom mirror but Mom said not to cause it would just make it worse and leave you looking like Edward James Olmos and then little Annie that you have a secret crush on would never ever like you back?

It's like that. Exactly like that.

Don't squeeze the pimple. It'll eventually go away.

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

I look at Swalwell's eyes and see a vacancy sign.

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

Bush went to war in Afghanistan to help the Unocal Corp. obtain a natural gas pipeline.

This is the one I get a kick out of. Look at a map of Afghanistan. Where would a pipeline originating in Turkmenistan bring natural gas? To Pakistan, Tajikistan or Iran?

Jim at বলেছেন...

I hope we don't see such a thing, however....the Democrats seem to be gungho to push us into one. Everything they have been doing is meant to fan the flames. They don't seem to understand that in this conflagration they are whipping up...everyone will get burned.

See? There you did it again. Pointing out simple facts is considered by some to be calling for violence. tsk tsk

pacwest বলেছেন...

@Rable and others,

OK. Mums the word.

Rabel বলেছেন...

Thank you.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Shouting Thomas said...

"The Democrats hatched the Russia collusion hoax out of nothing to destroy Trump’s presidency."

The evidence for that one is here. By two reporters embedded to record history - a first female President.

Another thing, S.T.: drop me an email at thecrackemcee@gmail.com - I got an idea.

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

What Amadeus48 said at 11:15 about Antifa’s m.o. being all over this.

Even a group that was only 1-2% Antifa sympathizers could lead an otherwise peaceful crowd to commit violence, essentially turning them into a mob.

The radical left, Antifa essentially, would have been crazy NOT to do this.

Rabel বলেছেন...

You're gonna suggest that you and ST get together and do "Ebony and Ivory" aren't you.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Off to gym, Crack. I’ll get in touch with you later today.

I have an absolutely fascinating FB friend, a Motown guy who hosts a YouTube program called “Hair Wars.”

He’s old school Motown, i.e., he doesn’t give a shit about anything except entertaining people and making them dance and laugh.

I visited him in Detroit a few years ago and we really hit it off. I’d love to work with him. Maybe you, too. He’s got some great production skills, but mainly he just likes to raise hell and have a good time.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Meade said...
"The American people are sick and tired of hearing about [Howard's] damn emails!"
we're just hoping Howard graduates from high school this year and gets a job. That way he might learn how to communicate like an adult.

Sam L. বলেছেন...

The GOP (The Go Along To Get Along With The Dems Party) is dead to me.

Stephen বলেছেন...

Folks here are either delusional or liars. Stealing a presidential election by massive localized fraud is what Michael K and many others claim--but seriously folks, what is the probability of that given:

1. It's never been documented before.

2. There were multiple recounts, including some in which paper ballots were explicity reconciled with machine counts.

3. The local election officials, both pro and anti Trump, say that it didn't happen.

4. The Trump Department of Homeland Security, charged with monitoring state and federal elections, says that it didn't happen.

5. The Trump Justice Department, which devoted substantial resources to election fraud, says that it didn't happen.

6. Other federal and state prosecutors uniformly say that they have found no proof of it, including, today, Trump's hand picked person to supervise the Northern District of Georgia.

7. Over sixty lawsuits alleging electoral irregulaties failed, in state and federal court, many of them before clearly conservative and/or pro Trump judges. WHile some of those lawsuits were not about fraud, those in which fraud was alleged were rejected on the merits.

8. Not one state legislature chose to challenge the results of the election in its state or to certify an alternative slate of legislators--and the legislature in five of the six swing states was Republican.

9. The continuing sources of such theories are two: Trump and his lawyers, obviously an unreliable source and one that has had sixty "days in court" already, and (b) right wing conspiracy mongers, not speaking under any legal, ethical or prudential constraint, often not even willing to speak in their own name.

10. Against this, I keep hearing about thousands of declarations/affidavits. But no one ever says what concretely they purport to show about any particular state or any particular fraud within that state, or the likely magnitude or effect of that fraud, or why, if that evidence was so compelling, that it never found its way into court, and never persuaded any federal or state law enforcement official, federal or state, republican or democratic, that such fraud had occurred, or persuaded any state legislature to take action or question the vote in their state.

So the allegations of fraud are unproven and deeply implausible. Moreover, rejecting them and running a new election would involve setting aside the determinations of both state and federal courts, state and federal executive branch officials and state legislatures. Not just an unwarranted action, but an unwarranted usurpation of power.

So here's a challenge. Describe the fraud in just one state. Please pick a theory that has not already failed in the courts. Explain how it occurred and how it changed the outcome. Then explain why, if the evidence is so strong, why it has not been presented in court and has not pesuaded any state or federal law enforcment official to act on it.

I don't think that any of the Stop the Steal Congressman and Senators could do this for even one state. And I'll bet not one of you can do so either. And if you can't, with respect, you should stop shouting "steal" because it's a grave accusation for which you have absolutely no proof.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Maybe Stephen - in less than 5,000 words - you could explain just why the counts were stopped at exactly the same time in at least five, different states.

And then three hours later - those same states - miraculously had Biden at or near the lead.

That actually happened. Explain it.

Rick বলেছেন...

And if you can't, with respect, you should stop shouting "steal" because it's a grave accusation for which you have absolutely no proof.

It's revealing Stephen doesn't believe any of these standards should be used to test the Russian Collusion accusation. Why sometimes I think left wingers invent standards only to attack others while exempting their own accusations from any standard at all.

walter বলেছেন...

Matthew S. DePerno, Esq.
1. Yesterday in Antrim county, Judge Elsenheimer largely overruled SoS Benson objections to discovery and ordered her and her office to produce large amounts of information regarding the 2020 elections.
8:14 AM · Jan 12, 2021·Twitter Web App

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Maybe Stephen - in less than 5,000 words - you could explain just why the counts were stopped at exactly the same time in at least five, different states.

And then three hours later - those same states - miraculously had Biden at or near the lead.

That actually happened. Explain it.

When I wrote about this on Facebook (I only mentioned four states: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin) all the usual Lefties actually denied that it had happened, even when I said I saw it happen live on television.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

So here's a challenge. Describe the fraud in just one state. Please pick a theory that has not already failed in the courts. Explain how it occurred and how it changed the outcome.

OK. Early Wednesday morning, for the first time in at least a century, counting was halted in a presidential election. It halted simultaneously in four states. All four states were key battleground states. They counting was stopped once the Democrats knew how far behind they were in each state, so they knew how many votes to manufacture. Then hours later, counting resumed in all four states (without Republican observers present, they were all sent home when the counting stopped) and suddenly large blocs of votes showed up in Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia that switched the lead from Trump to Biden in all four states. Those four cities happen to be the only four places where Trump did not increase his share of minority voters.

Then explain why, if the evidence is so strong, why it has not been presented in court

Because the courts ruled that no one has standing to challenge the results, and thus none heard any of the evidence.

and has not pesuaded any state or federal law enforcment official to act on it.

Because no court has allowed anyone to present the evidence, and the Democrats and MSM are actively suppressing the evidence.

Lovernios বলেছেন...

The idea that what happened at the Capitol on January 6 was a "well-organized insurrection" is ludicrous on its face.

A well-organized insurrection would have included heavy machine guns giving covering fire as squads of men armed with automatic rifles attacked from both sides simultaneously. The insurgents would have blocked exits to prevent any escape including tunnels to other buildings. The layout of the Capitol would have been completely worked out and studs would have move purposely through the building. There may have been cover my mortars as well.

What actually happened was a bunch of frustrated and angry Americans tried to force their way into the Capitol with no real plan or even a clear idea of what to do or where to go. Some have suggested that there were infiltrators and instigaters which may be true, but that still doesn't make it an insurgency.

McGovern, what a weakling. He wouldn't know an insurrection from a foot rub.

ccscientist বলেছেন...

Trump must be the most incompetent insurrectionist ever. less than 100 people including a guy in animal skins who broke in and just milled around? That isn't a coup, that is a fraternity prank.
Pelosi actually asked the military not to take orders from trump--isn't that an attempted coup? Sure looks like one.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Most politicians don't have the sense they were born with, but they sure as fuck know how to make money and milk the DC teat.

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

Gahrie @ 6:01

To add to your excellent summary, not enough people appreciate as a technical matter how ridiculously easy it would be to very quickly manufacture hundreds of thousands of votes electronically. It could be done in minutes, actually.

The software could easily do anything, really, and without a good audit process that we can trust, we have no way to know anything about what is really going on in there.

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

People that 100% trust the election process even with electronic voting are telling us one thing for sure: they don’t know enough about how software works and as a result — at least in this space, the intersection of politics and technology — place far much faith in technology and the companies and people who produce it.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Rabel said...

You're gonna suggest that you and ST get together and do "Ebony and Ivory" aren't you.

I found one white glove, and don't have another, so it seemed like a no-brainer.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   227 এর 201 – থেকে 227   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»