There's absolutely a new War on Terror being initiated -- it'd been lurking for awhile, but it's accelerating now for obvious reasons. This new one is aimed inward, domestically. It entails many of the same frameworks.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) January 8, 2021
They're saying it explicitly:
Oddly enough there is no mention of last year's riots, which clearly meet the definition.
Biden Says Rioters Who Stormed Capitol Were Domestic Terrorists
President-elect says Trump supporters who attacked legislative complex were insurrectionists, not protesters
Correct on the domestic terrorism, incorrect on insurrectionists.
This is for the arrests for unapproved tweets.
Does this include Antifa ?
No way.
Someone named Sullivan - arrested for breaking into the Capitol - has a history of Antifa.
"The riot was not an impromptu act, Sullivan said."
“As far as them storming the Capitol, I knew that was going to happen,” he said. “I’m on chats that are underground that are sending out flyers that are just like, ‘Storm all Capitols on the 6th.’ It wasn’t anything that was secret. It was something that was out there ... and they did it.”
So an admitted Antfia guy - admits there was underground chatter about breaking in to the Capitol?
and more...
"In the wake of widespread condemnation, including from some lawmakers who support Trump and had planned to object to the electoral votes, there were assertions that those who stormed the Capitol, fought with police and injured officers, ransacked offices, and damaged public property, were actually members of groups like antifa or Black Lives Matter. In fact, Sullivan’s picture was circulating on social media as “evidence” that the rioters were not Trump supporters."
"Sullivan said that while he is not a Trump supporter..."
Not a Trump Supporter - eh?
The very first thing on Biden's website:
Might as well start out with a lie.
New war on terror? No just a continuation Obama's war on heritage America.
Oh shit! Some of folks that have been threatening to put bullet holes into non-MAGAt Americans, have got to be feeling the heat. I for one, advocate for the FEMA camps to be comfortable as possible, with access to as many history books as will fit in the trailers.
Thought crimes... already being enforced by the tech oligarchs.
This will be abused within ten seconds of passage.
It is likely there will be multiple political assassinations this year.
So far there has been one - Ashli Babbitt.
"What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants."
- T.J.
“There's absolutely a new War on Terror being initiated -- it'd been lurking for awhile, but it's accelerating now for obvious reasons.”
Is the obvious reason that the CCP has bought off Biden and/or his administration and the CCP will use this war to make US communists?
Or is there possibly statistical data that could justify clamping down on domestic terror groups because the problem is on the rise?
I dunno
A war on domestic terror...that sounds moderate and boring to me.
Terrorism is already illegal in all of its parts: murder, battery, threats, arson, etc. - all illegal.
Plus the Patriot Act should have dealt with this, and if I recall correctly, Biden was in the Senate then.
And every single person and group persecuted will be conservative or libertarian or Christian or Jewish or any other person or group who does not toe the party line and actively support the government edicts. There will be no rule of law, no Constitution, only the rule of men. Boy did we go full effing soviet union in a whole damn hurry.
So how much you want to bet every person on this blog, or any other who has made statements not exactly supporting the 'narrative' of the government will be on the list? I mean the nsa has every damn phone call, internet post, etc. ever made by anyone sitting on servers where their very good software can scan adn retunr the necessary details to add the persons to the list.
So do Inga etall come on and do their happy dance when the trains start running? Or will they continue to tell us how demeted we are and how pure in thought they are until they get taken away in turn for even having posted here? One must remember that even supporters like Trotsky got the ice axe in the back of the head eventually.
You're not gonna be able to publish science that doesn't fit their agenda. That's domestic terrorism. Jail for you. You're not gonna get your kids away from the reach of the leftie brainwashers. Gonna invite their agenda into your kids private school or your home if that's where you're teaching em.
Wanna change your vote now Trump hating suburban rage lady? Too late...
"Terrorism is already illegal in all of its parts..."
So is hijacking airplanes, but who in government can pass up the chance to crank up spying on the people you're supposed to be working for?
La Marseillaise
Lots of us noticed this tendency in Democrats years ago, and were always amazed that Althouse didn't notice it.
Blogger Gahrie said...
A war on domestic terror...that sounds moderate and boring to me.
All about gun control.
I predict a renewal of right wing evil villain movie plots, that started after 9/11 but petered out after a decade.
"dangerous ... acts intended to ... influence the government"
That wording seems like it could cast quite a broad shadow.
The right is about structure - and the tendency in Democrats is always to bypass structure and go with feelings. Now they hit a feeling that Althouse has the opposite one of.
Like ergonokon, originally focused on grey wolves the gulen supporters then everyone else.
Yesterday in the WSJ local favorite Tom Cotton called for "no quarter" for the "insurrectionists" who must face the "full force of the law."
Ashli Babbitt faced the "full force of the law" and was murdered when she did not immediately submit. I suppose Cotton would have bayoneted her while she lay bleeding out.
Strictly speaking, the domestic terrorism law would have to go by way of a federal agency which can make its own regulations. Agency regulations are always legal.
It is likely there will be multiple political assassinations this year.
So far there has been one - Ashli Babbitt.
That is false.
She was part of a violent mob that killed a police officer and breached the Capitol building.
That is an absolute flawed, bullshit narrative. Similar to one thinking that there was widespread election fraud, without evidence.
The Obama Administration wiretapped the Trump campaign based on a dossier provided by an UK spy that claimed Russia was colluding with Trump. Now Biden has called supporters of Trump are domestic terrorist. Raise your hand if you think no one will use the domestic terrorism argument to place more wiretaps on the right?
I hope people start to be taken out. Sorry if that offends you. It's war now.
There are few ways for normal people to fight this. One way is to make any adult lefty you love and help feel the full weight of their choices by cutting off all support for them. Still paying for your adult kid’s phone line/streaming services/ car insurance/health insurance? Tell them you have had to change companies to economize with the Biden taxes coming up and dump them from your service. Let them feel EVERY DIME that their policy choices will cost them.
Have a lefty niece or nephew getting married soon? Send them that horrible “family heirloom” great aunt Ethel gave you for your wedding instead of that $500 check you would normally send. Send that new graduate with the SJW major a congrats card, with no check in it. They are too pure spirited to be interested in money anyway, right?
You have to economize since the Left is going to be turning the middle aged and elderly who can’t pay their own way after they steal your 401k and pension into Soylent Green. All kidding aside we as overly indulgent parents, siblings and aunts/uncles etc have ENCOURAGED this. The Left are CHILDREN. When they don’t get their way it HURTS them and they want to hurt back a million times as hard. This is what Democrat policy creates. Don’t support it in your personal life.
Ann, once they pass an anti-terrorism law, how long do you think it will before your blog is shutdown? One year, four years? I betting less than seven.
The fascism of the left is more blatant than ever. Of course the usual suspects don't see it because they call it something else. And they are molar grindingly ignorant of history.
Well. Gun control in the first ten days. Continued lock downs. Slow walk on the anti virus shots for people deemed "unfit". Within the first 100 days there will be sweeping domestic antiterror legislation. You may not be able to get a passport or fly domestically without permission. Stuff like that.
the usual suspects don't see it because they call it something else
Semantic games. Conceptual corruption. Monotonic divergence. The tell-tale hearts beat ever louder.
It is worth every penny[$50/annual] to subscribe to Greenwald on substack. I keep getting free substack shit from Sully, I don't think many buy his horseshit. Taibbi is also worth the $50.
Inga, Readering, Chuck...start ironing your brown shirts and polishing your jackboots.
This is your time to shine!
Seize the moment comrades!!
Onward, toward a glorious future!!!
They'll come for conservatives first.
But the Jews will be next. They always come for the Jews.
Inga, Readering, Chuck...I hope none of you attend Temple on Saturday.
That would be inconvenient.
Or maybe they'll just eat you last.
If the people engaging in dangerous or violent acts intended to socially coerce or politically influence are black, is that ok because their lives matter?
Ann, once they pass an anti-terrorism law, how long do you think it will before your blog is shutdown?
I'll give it a month, tops.
Is terrorism, domestic and foreign, currently allowed by law? Will we be required to pledge allegiance? To forswear political disagreement with The Leader's program?
If the people engaging in dangerous or violent acts intended to socially coerce or politically influence are black, is that ok because their lives matter?
Well, boatbuilder, you know the answer to that. I found out just this year that I am 1% black so my life matters very, very little. And I think both Antifa and BLM will be unpleasantly surprised by how quickly their demands will be forgotten once the Vichy government takes office. They served their purpose.
Biden: "Antifa are an idea"
I would rather be ruled over by Mullah Omar's merry band of dopes than these fascist fake liberals/real Communists. At least the Taliban just wanted to be left alone and they backed up their death threats with real life force rather than talking tough behind social media.
The account of the terrorist ayatollah of Iran, who has repeatedly called for literal genocide against Jews, is currently being *promoted* by Twitter.
"There's absolutely a new War on Terror being initiated"
It's the sort of calm normality the Althouses of America expect from Joe Biden.
Trump warned us that they were really coming after us — just that he was in the way. No sane person thinks this won’t be abused against ordinary, conservative, citizens while ignoring the depredations of Antifa (just an idea, remember!).
With what Althouse has posted about just today, I realize that I was wrong about the left being tone-deaf to the unrest in America. At some point recently, they heard it loud and clear. Now instead of taking their foot off the pedal, they're smashing it to the floor to put down swiftly and firmly anything that could possibly threaten them and their rule, and their goal is to have the machines mostly in place by the time Biden is inaugurated.
Those "researchers" who find politically inspired violence to be "largely a right_wing phenomenon" must agree that all of the mostly peaceful burning and beating and looting we've been told is inspired by opposition to racism is really just some opportunistic thugs taking advantage of the occasion.
Because if it is for a "cause" it is "domestic terrorism."
The purge has started. This is truly unbelievable. Publishers canceling books written by conservatives (one of them a major book on Big Tech), Twitter permanently canceling out scores of conservatives, Parler- the alternative to Twitter, is now down. Word is that Google Play is no longer carrying it, and Apple is about to drop it as well. Not sure why it's down. One can only hope that it's because so many are transferring over, but I doubt it. And the Political Director of ABC, Rick Klein, has called for the 'cleansing' of Trump supporters. No doubt he's not being removed from Twitter.
Nazis- actual Nazis- used to do this. Not play 'nazis' like the left likes to constantly call those who disagree with them. There is very little time for the Left to come to a realization that they are about to turn into the CCP or the Soviets or actual Nazis. They are also about to start something that will destroy this country in quick fashion. This is on the Left, not Trump.
They are what we always knew they were. And now they are feeling free of any restraints. They own the schools, they own the media and entertainment, they own the White House, Senate, and House.
They don't own me, however. Or 80 million of my friends. Take Twitter away. We'll still be here.
“...while ignoring the depredations of Antifa (just an idea, remember!).”
No Big M,
We don’t remember that. Down here almost fifty comments into this thread on this blog, there’s no way that we would have already remembered that.
Thanks pal!
"Trump warned us that they were really coming after us — just that he was in the way."
I am Spartacus (but not the homosexual senator from New Jersey)...
Can't wait until they fire up the Social Credit system.
One more great leap forward for the USA!
In all honestly, our only hope is that the democrats are unable to pack the Supreme Court. But, as long as the Supreme Court holds, we will be fine.
Joe Biden.
Joe Stalin.
Just a couple of Joes.
But the Jews will be next. They always come for the Jews.
Jew privilege, indeed.
What about Joe Smith?
"Just a couple of Joes."
Did Joe Stalin have a ho beneath him? Bet he did.
Blogger D.D. Driver said...
"In all honestly, our only hope is that the democrats are unable to pack the Supreme Court. But, as long as the Supreme Court holds, we will be fine."
How many divisions does the Supreme Court have?
How long is Glenn allowed on Tw@tter?
Wannabe Tyrant Michelle Obama Calls For Tech Companies to Permanently Ban President Trump From Their Platforms
Can't wait until they fire up the Social Credit system.
Already started, comrade.
Tw@tter, FB, banks won't lend to the "wrong" people, etc etc.
Those who can, GTFO. And that's most of you, there are plenty of relatively (to the US) cheap places to go.
I'm serious. Get a second passport. Get ex-US real estate. Get a plan. Leverage up your US real estate to the maximum you can. Take that cash offshore. Worst thing that happens is you get foreclosed with a bunch of cash somewhere else.
You'll be happy when the real shit hits.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
This thread deals with a subject I've been pondering for a few years, as we slide along the Road to Serfdom, and particularly in the past few days. "Liberals" and other State-shtuppers have beeen throwing around the term "sedition" and making any strong protest against Big Government the equivalent of storming the Bastille (I believe it was Harry Reid who called the tax rebels "anarchists"); but there could come a time when actual sedition would be necessary to preserve liberty. The question is: When? When would those of us in the pro-freedom camp be justified in taking up arms against tyranny? Obviously servile creatures and armchair kommissars such as Inga, Howard, steve uhr, etc., would tell us, "Never. Sit down, shut up and submit." But it looks more and more likely that the rest of us will have to honestly deal with that question sooner than later.
When I was younger, Henry Hazlittt, Leonard Read and the writers at FEE used to advocate a policy of "repeal--repeal--repeal" to stop the tyranny and bring about the new dawn of liberty, but I don't see that happening.(Do you? If so, please tell me why.) Read et al used to say that as long as our rulers allowed us free speech, armed rebellion would be unjustified; but that free speech is fast disappearing. Should we wait until we're loaded into the boxcars? That would be too late. Or maybe wait until they move to confiscate our guns and ammo--that's what brought out the Minutemen at Lexington and Concord. I really would like to hear other people's opinions on this.
I think this is rather overheated. Biden isn't going to be using our fleet of flying killer robots to assassinate conservatives physically present in the US.
You do know Xi's CCP "social credit" rating system is on the horizon? Your little COVID vaccination card will kick off the ongoing destruction of personal liberties.
"What about Joe Smith?"
What about me?
Biden and Stalin are both socialist/Marxists.
I make Reagan look like a commie.
We are not comparable.
These are glorious times. Some counsel to run away. Understandable, but there's really no where to go. We live in the place that began the idea of freedom for all men. Revolutionary!
Africans brought here in chains became Congressmen, Senators, a President, CEOs, in the fullness of time.
Men bent their knee to God, and God created miracles.
The protest at the US Capitol on Wednesday was magnificent. Finally, Americans stood up to the 24hr a day cesspit of corruption that is our Capitol City. It's a swamp. It's human nature. Satan always whispers.
God grabbed ahold of a braggart and prideful man named Donald J Trump to go into the China Shop and break the China.
Oh, man...he did that. He grabbed a Tiger by the tail. Helluva ride.
If you haven't read the Bible, I recommend begin with the New Testament. Try to be neutral, open your heart. This Jesus guy has some important things to say.
If you haven't read the Bible, I recommend begin with the New Testament.
Not a Bible guy, but funnily enough, I was using Google as a calculator last Saturday to figure the odds of the Alabama/ Notre Dame game.
The second answer (because the sum equaled also came back as a chapter/verse) was from Joshua. So for the first time in my life, I read the whole book of Joshua while the Tide was slaughtering [no pun intended] the Fighting Irish.
WHOA!...that's some book and sure has a whole lot of smiteing going on. I'm starting to think we need an Old Testament God for the times ahead.
That was going on even before. It accounts for the Homeland Security officials who resigned and endorsed Biden because they were pushing the idea of the right-wing threat. While such a threat exists, it's only one of several, and the criticism was that they were downplaying other threats to concentrate on the one the were interested in most. Now with Biden, the government will have a freer hand in going after dissidents.
Still, remember how we got into this latest mess -- overheated rhetoric -- and don't let it cause more trouble.
"Some counsel to run away. Understandable, but there's really no where to go. We live in the place that began the idea of freedom for all men. Revolutionary! "
Things will go bad, I knew that they would, I just didn't think it would be this quickly. The state and county that you're in is going to make all of the difference in your survival and quality of life. I feel very lucky that I landed where I did, just a month ahead of Covid, the need to be employed, and the complete takeover by the liberal powers that be. If you still can move, you still have time. But not much.
eddie-"Not a Bible guy"
I wasn't a Bible guy either. Personally drawn to Buddhism. Piercing the veil of illusion.
I couldn't sit under a Bodhi Tree, so Buddha pointed me to the One who would come.
BTW, the book of Joshua...pretty cool. The New Testament refers back to the Old, but BROKE THAT WHOLE THING DOWN. It was a NEW testament. Jesus F'n Christ. (Sorry God, just expressing myself with the freedom you gave us)
There are no chains that man can create that can bind us. Be not afraid.
And please...stop wearing a mask.
Blogger TeaBagHag said
Ashli Babbitt.....was part of a violent mob that killed a police officer and breached the Capitol building.
I saw multiple videos of Ashli Babbitt's death, but none of her killing a police officer. Would you like to post some video of her doing that killing? Or are you just another lying scumbag Democrat?
"I for one, advocate for the FEMA camps to be comfortable as possible, ..."
The showers alone will be to die for.
The Old Testament set the stage for the New. Same God, new covenant. God is a God of love but also a god of wrath. His Son is our 'get out of Hell free card' if we repent and receive him as Lord.
Balfegor said...I think this is rather overheated. Biden isn't going to be using our fleet of flying killer robots to assassinate conservatives physically present in the US.
This is correct. Very little will change in most people’s lives. But the hysteria is understandable. We are at the moment of a ratcheting up and the ratcheting will continue until the opposition reaches critical mass. It will go until it is stopped by forces other than the liberal establishment.
Biden and Harris and Schumer and Pelosi all had chances to condemn violence, chaos, rioting, and looting EVERY DAY for 3 months this summer. instead we got ... crickets chirping ...
Murders in Chicago, 2020: 792 an increase of over 50% year over year. No condemnations by ANY Democrats on this, ever. Total silence.
Biden and his cronies — including all Domcrat big city mayors like Lightfoot and De Blasio — are lying to you. They’re full of shit. As always.
And nobody cares about legal distinctions between “terrorism” and random violence from street mobs — it all falls under the “public safety” umbrella.
Democrats are fine with violence as long as it’s people they like who do it.
I imagine Cruz and Hawley will be among the first up against the wall, since Biden has already declared them to be an American Goebbels.
Well pipe bombs, assault rifles, and zip lock handcuffs meant for The Vice President and speaker of the house seem a good example of domestic terrorism . Recognizing it as such means the crimes will be handled differently, and is not about taking away guns etc, At the very least, as Biden and others did in condemning violence and destruction by some elements in the BLM demonstrations, folks will recognize the threats and call it out, and perhaps the law will take it more seriously than they did in Nashville.
It ain't Do Mestic terror
pushing up the murder rate in NYC STL and Chicago
how many killed by white nationalists in last couple decades?
Bread and circus
While I seriously doubt that the Trump supporters were the ones who brought 'pipe bombs' or 'lead pipes' to the protest. But if they're going to be categorically blamed for violence, then, next time...
I see the trolls are pointing out their "throw-down gun" and claiming that shows violent intent.
Meanwhile, even the NYT is reporting that Pelosi asked the JCS to refuse to listen to orders of the sitting President. It is noted in the article that such an act would be a military coup if the JCS followed through on Pelosi's request, but I guess that doesn't rise to the level of insurrection, eh? Insurrection is when you say you want a peaceful march, and then the government fires on the march. Wednesday would sound a lot like February 2011 in Madison except for the woman shot by police.
We shall need a new party before 2024. I will not cast one more GOP vote for the Vichy Republicans who refused to stand up to election fraud. My own Congressman, bless him, was not one of them.
Hope this weekend's football will help me to work out my anger because I'm seething mad right now at the GOP and the MSM. It's probably how the defeated protesters at Tienanmen Sqare felt after the event. Those who survived. And I'm sure that's how we are meant to feel: Defeated.
Ignoring order to start a war without checking that Congress declared war per Constitution is what, now?
Nancy Pelosi want's the military to arrest and hold the president. Isn't that the very meaning of "sedition"?
Nancy, Joe Biden and Hillary all belong in prison for the corrupt and illegal international tax payer funded economic family enrichment schemes.
Ignoring order to start a war without checking that Congress declared war per Constitution is what, now?
A military coup, according to the Joint Chief of Staff. I'm pretty sure the JCS checked with Constitution first and read the part where the President is the Commander and Chief of the armed services and not the Speaker of the House.
You spent 3 days saying that walking through open doors is insurrection. Now you are going to pretend that usurping authority explicitly written in the US Constitution is nothing at all? I know you are counting on the rules you make for others not being used on you.
Nancy Pelosi should be censored by Congress.
BLM will, no doubt, be excluded from prosecution, should it/they do anything.
Leland, I would consult with Al Haig and James Schlesinger for precedent but they are no longer around. At least they were concerned about a POTUS drunk. Trump reportedly lacks that extenuating circumstance.
Deplorable was mean, but domestic terrorist, now, that's got frisson. I want a T-shirt.
The other day, when Biden was on TV calling me a supporter of domestic terrorism, I was thinking this demented old coot isn't satisfied calling me a racist deplorable. That wasn't working--it was just making people mad, so if you really want people to change their minds about something, you need to threaten them not just with shame, but with criminality.
See, one can reach people without twitter.
Rusty, it's only sedition when the un-deplorables do it. Or as Glenn Reynolds likes to say, "That's different because shut up."
I meant "deplorables."
Jay Inslee called out the National Guard in preparation for the upcoming legislative session.
The same fucking clown who had to be told about CHAZ is now threatening the 'wrong' citizens of his state if they dare step out of line.
Just how long do you leftists think we're going to sit back and put up with this shit?
Re: Leland:
A military coup, according to the Joint Chief of Staff. I'm pretty sure the JCS checked with Constitution first and read the part where the President is the Commander and Chief of the armed services and not the Speaker of the House.
Weren't there stories gloating that Pentagon officials had flat out lied to the President about troop levels in Syria and Afghanistan so he wouldn't reduce the scope of American military interventions overseas? If true, that seems like a much bigger (and more realistic) problem given Trump's demonstrated reluctance to cause civilian casualties, even in hostile countries, e.g. Iran.
If the war on domestic terror is anything like the other wars the gov't has prosecuted in my lifetime, it will last forever and be mostly ineffective.
Is the war on drugs still ongoing? Did anyone ever win it?
A bunch of afghan camel jockeys has kept the US busy for nearly 20 years. Big Gov can't even figure out how many legal voters there are, or how many illegal aliens they have on their hands.
Big Tech will make it harder to communicate unapproved ideas, but like Michael Crichton said, via Jeff will find a way.
I want specifics. What acts would be illegal as "domestic terrorism" that aren't already illegal? I don't care about the mob's political motivation. I'm against vandalism, arson, bombing, shooting, etc.
"Weren't there stories gloating that Pentagon officials had flat out lied to the President about troop levels in Syria and Afghanistan so he wouldn't reduce the scope of American military interventions overseas?"
-- The only reports I've read on it make it unclear if it was military leadership that was misleading Trump, or civilians: is an example of where it was a civilian playing the shell game. Obviously, the military would know the actual levels of deployment, but it sounds like the civilian leadership deliberately sabotaged information going to the President. It's possible military leadership never knew that their people were being put in harm's way against the president's wishes by insurrectionist civilian leadership (that's the word we're using now for when people don't do what the government wants, right?)
Classic socialist movement propoganda. Just look at all of this banning conservatives from Twitter, Facebook, etc. Now, Apple, Mozilla, Amazon are flexing their 'server power' kicking off companies with different viewpoints. I remember Reagan stating a line he once spoke in a play highlighting the far-left ideology’s danger: “I never knew what freedom was until I saw you lose yours.”
Mock- "His Son is our 'get out of Hell free card"
Folks assume we get a choice between Heaven or Hell. Many choose... other.
The choice is simply what Mockturtle states..."Do you want to get out of Hell?"
It's not about where you might's about where you are now. Don't get me wrong...the perfect Hell is the one where you are comfortable in your prison cell.
Hell is buying a dream house in the Sierra Nevadas, and going for a run, being stalked by a Mountain Lion who jumps on your back and sinks its teeth into your neck. Or watching your child die. Hell.
Mock, again- "We need a new party." Agreed. Probably too late for parties though.
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