January 15, 2021

"There was an eerie sense of inexorability, the throngs of Trump supporters advancing up the long lawn as if pulled by a current."

"Everyone seemed to understand what was about to happen. The past nine weeks had been steadily building toward this moment. On November 7th, mere hours after Biden’s win was projected, I attended a protest at the Pennsylvania state capitol, in Harrisburg. Hundreds of Trump supporters, including heavily armed militia members, vowed to revolt. When I asked a man with an assault rifle—a 'combat-skills instructor' for a militia called the Pennsylvania Three Percent—how likely he considered the prospect of civil conflict, he told me, 'It’s coming.' Since then, Trump and his allies had done everything they could to spread and intensify this bitter aggrievement. On December 5th, Trump acknowledged, 'I’ve probably worked harder in the last three weeks than I ever have in my life.'... Militant pro-Trump outfits like the Proud Boys—a national organization dedicated to 'reinstating a spirit of Western chauvinism' in America—had been openly gearing up for major violence. In early January, on Parler, an unfiltered social-media site favored by conservatives, Joe Biggs, a top Proud Boys leader, had written, 'Every law makers who breaks their own stupid Fucking laws should be dragged out of office and hung.' On the Mall, a makeshift wooden gallows, with stairs and a rope, had been constructed near a statue of Ulysses S. Grant.... I followed a group that broke off to advance on five policemen guarding a side corridor. 'Stand down,' a man in a maga hat commanded. 'You’re outnumbered. There’s a fucking million of us out there, and we are listening to Trump—your boss.' 'We can take you out,' a man beside him warned." 


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DEEBEE said...

Here we go again with one-sided quotes from leftie tabloids, given the patent of “interesting” by your bias.

Michael K said...

Blogger Readering said...
Pretend! We have DOJ and state governments and dozens of courts on our side. You are spewing internet nonsense following evil POTUS.

You are correct and all are corrupt, especially the states run by Democrats.

The sense of guilt that drives this intense opposition to anyone looking at the election process is amazing. It deserves its own True Crime story.

donald said...

He looks just as weak chinned and emasculated as one would expect.

Readering said...

My pillow guy goes to WH meeting and allows photo of his talking points: replace NSA and DNI, hire Powell, declare martial law ....

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I'm Full of Soup said...

Althouse is addicted to New York far left liberal writers writing for liberal rags and somehow she views their fantasies/ bullshit interesting. I guess everyone has at least one big flaw.

Inga said...

“Trump is pretending there has been massive voter fraud. Hence “pretend” fraud.”
“But, but, but...

...the adjective "pretend" is modifying the noun "fraud" - hence my confusion.

If pretending Trump is what you intended, why not just write that (e.g. pretending con man)?

Of course, con men pretend by definition, so the modifier is superfluous. Better to leave it out entirely.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

Yet, you wrote all that, LOL!

Inga said...

“While clutching her pearls Althouse seems to have forgotten a true capital invasion/occupation with death threats, even tho' she blogged it in real time!

Key differences between the WI Capitol protests and the DC insurrection.

Mikey NTH said...

Skippy, move your cursor to the right of the "Name said..." and left click. The comment will then hide.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The My Pillow guy needs to stick to making pillows.

Which is worse?

A - Walking around with open notes like that? Why didn't Mike Lindell have all of that in an envelope or file folder?

The WaPo taking a creepy photo of it and attempting to paste together what they think they are seeing with only half or less of the page puzzled together. ?

Inga said...

“...declare martial law ....”

His last gasp?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I for one am terribly concerned about the impending Mike Lindel insurrection.

Readering said...

The page is being interpreted in light of what Liddell is already on record saying. Just now he is saying it in the WH to the POTUS. But hit the WaPo, sure.

Readering said...


Readering said...

I am concerned about who Trump is going to for advice. But what's golf weather like in DC this 3 day weekend?

MadTownGuy said...

Chennaul said...

"The New Yorker. When are they going to do an embed report on antifa? Or is that the problem— they are too in bed with antifa."

They did - In the Streets With Antifa, in which they pretty much gloss over the worst stuff, except when a little honesty creeps in:

"After the crowd dispersed, I found the man in the bicycle helmet at a nearby 7-Eleven. His name was Rico De Vera, and he was a twenty-seven-year-old Filipino-American who studied engineering at Portland Community College. Earlier that day, a Trump supporter had shot him in the face with a paintball gun; the flesh around his left eye was stained neon pink. De Vera had been regularly participating in Black Lives Matter protests since May. Although he remained enthusiastic about the movement, he worried that in Portland it had been subsumed by the city’s militant antifascist culture, which he saw as violent and white. “It pisses me off,” he said. “People are going to use tonight to say that Black Lives Matter is a bunch of thugs.


"Now a young woman with a megaphone told the people at the Justice Center that she had an announcement. “I just got word that the person who died was a Patriot Prayer person,” she said. “He was a fucking Nazi. Our community held its own and took out the trash. . . . I am not sad that a fucking fascist died tonight.”

Everyone cheered.

MadTownGuy said...

The Associated Press also did an article about Antifa in Portland where the reporter tried, really hard, to be sympathetic to the cause, but even then reality reared its ugly head.

On Portland's Streets: Anger, Fear, and a Fence That Divides

"To the protesters, the men inside the battened down courthouse are at best thoughtless political minions, at worst murderous henchmen. To the agents inside, the demonstrators that pack the downtown each night are violent anarchists, an angry sea of humanity bent on hurting — or even killing — federal agents doing their job."


"Thirty minutes later, someone fired a commercial-grade firework inside the fence. Next came a flare and then protesters began using an angle grinder to eat away at the fence. A barrage of items came whizzing into the courthouse: rocks, cans of beans, water bottles, potatoes and rubber bouncy balls that cause the agents to slip and fall.


"One of the people at the very front of the fence was Travis Rogers. The former U.S. Air Force veteran recently quit his job as a Medicaid case manager, in part because he would have been fired anyway if he got arrested.

On this night, Rogers wore a helmet and carried a blue shield made out of the side of a plastic barrel. Like most days, he spent most of the protest trying to take down the fence and screaming at the federal agents guarding it, asking them to explore their conscience.

After six years working for the military, Rogers said he felt better equipped than many to find talking points that might make the agents think about their mission more critically.

“I think it is a good idea to try to plant some seeds in their heads for ... them to go home and sleep on. These are people’s kids and mothers and wives and daughters that they’re gassing and they’re going to have to go home to THEIR mothers and wives and daughters,” said Rogers, as explosive booms echoed around him. “I try to encourage them to think about the fact that they’re on the wrong side of history and that they will not be treated so kindly.”

But anything Rogers said was lost in the thunderous noise, the booms of fireworks and tear gas canisters whisking his words away into the chaos of the night.

The firework came whizzing over the fence so fast that the agent didn’t have time to move.

It exploded with a boom, leaving his hearing deadened and bloody gashes on both forearms. Stunned, with help from his cohorts, he stripped to his boxer shorts and a black T-shirt so his wounds could be examined and photographed for evidence.

He told his fellow agents he was more worried about his hearing than about the gouges and burns on his arms.

By the end of the night, five other federal agents would be injured, including another who got a concussion when he was hit in the head with a commercial-grade firework. One agent was hospitalized. Several agents have lingering vision problems from the lasers.

After each night of protest, they seize dozens of homemade shields, slingshots, blocks of wood and chunks of concrete.

“My friends have been hit in the head with hammers. I know people who have been shot with fireworks. It’s disgusting,” said the Deputy U.S. Marshal who’s been at the courthouse for weeks. “I’ve never thought I’d have to walk around in my office building wearing a gas mask to go sit in front of my computer.

Qwinn said...

"replace NSA and DNI, hire Powell, declare martial law ...."

You say this like it's a bad thing.

I'd consider it far far preferable to the Presidency being stolen by blatant, undeniable (by anyone with an honest bone in their body) fraud.

Inga said...

“I am concerned about who Trump is going to for advice. But what's golf weather like in DC this 3 day weekend?”

Steve Bannon...what could go wrong?

Daddy Binx said...

Igno said...

Yet, you wrote all that, LOL!

"All that" appears to have flown right over your head. I shall type slower in the future.

jim said...

I know it's stupid to even try, but here goes:

What other result than massive denial of a clear defeat, to the point of endangering the Republic, could one expect from Donald Trump?

And, what is more likely: Trump's denial, or a massive yet indescribable conspiracy to get Trump?

walter said...

Oh brother:

"Early this morning, Rudy Giuliani released a screenshot of an alleged text message from “James Sullivan,” the brother of John.
According to the text, James Sullivan boldly claims: “I’m currently working with the FBI to expose and place total blame on John and the 226 members of antifa that instigated the Capitol ‘riot’ I was able to get my agent out of trouble along with three other uthan’s.”
Giuliani rhetorically questioned in a tweet why the evidence that Left-wing agitators instigated the riot was not presented to Congress during the phony impeachment.

Inga said...

“All that" appears to have flown right over your head. I shall type slower in the future.”

I couldn’t care less about your grammar lesson. There are far more important things happening in the US.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


The election was won by Biden. 81 million Americans voted for him. 81 million Americans are going to get sick of the insanity coming from MAGA loons. 81 million Americans are not going to continue allowing the MAGA loons to destroy this country.

And yet . . . how long before your 81 million start missing the actual work and actual commodities of the (75 million!) "MAGA loons"? These are, disproportionately, people who build and fix things. Not cool, shiny, new things like computers, but boring old things like houses and roads and plumbing and HVAC and sanitation. They also grow things, which eventually show up in your nice, brightly-lit supermarkets, after being transported to them by people who (gasp!) drive trucks for a living.

They are, in a phrase you might remember from a long time ago, mostly "burly men," which means basically that they're scum, and should be regarded as such. I mean, how many of them have bachelor's degrees? Obviously they're all knuckle-dragging morons. Sure, they do stupid shit, like digging cars out of snowdrifts when the owners of the cars haven't a clue, planting seeds -- De Blasio says this is easy-peasy, just drop seed in hole; like to see him attempt to make a living that way, from scratch -- pouring hot tar and asphalt, or concrete as need be; digging sewers; dredging rivers; contouring land; assembling bridges from the below-the-water part up.

Would you "WE WON!!!!!" folks care to subsist with only Lefties doing all that work? We'll leave you the plum assignments, like writing rules and filming entertainments and auditing tax returns; you'll merely have to arrange for your own food, water, transportation, retail, shipping, &c., but that's child's play for your superior intellects, nyet?

Jupiter said...

Igna said...
"81 million Americans are not going to continue allowing the MAGA loons to destroy this country. There are already many investigations going on and there will be much more info about who was behind all of this. Those people won’t evade justice this time."

You're talking about the four frat boys in Hawaiian shirts who threw lighter fluid on that chick in Madison, right, Igna?

Inga said...

“MAGA loons...”

If you’re not plotting violent insurrection based on fantasy, I’d say you’re not a MAGA loon, in my estimation.

Mutaman said...

Breaking: The National Rifle Association says it has filed a petition for bankruptcy

Michael K said...

People responding to Inga are at risk of losing IQ points to this bedpan expert.

Readering is as bad and as useless.

Trump will leave office with the pathetic ankle bites of Democrats having no effect. His popularity, not just with Republicans, is higher than before the riot, which is gradually being exposed as an Antifa operation. The FBI cannot be trusted and I expect they will arrest every Trump supporter they can identify. The first big capture was a USC Olympic Gold Medal winner, two time winner, who made the fatal mistake of wearing his Olympic jacket. Expect more Stasi behavior.

My FBI daughter is as obsessed with Trump hate as Inga and she is sequestered in her panic over Covid. The family is amused.

Inga said...

“My FBI daughter is as obsessed with Trump hate as Inga and she is sequestered in her panic over Covid. The family is amused.”

I pity your daughter having you as a father.

Michael K said...

Mutaman, The NRA is fleeing the lunatic NY AG and her harassment. It is moving to Texas, as anyone with sense does now. Chapter 11 and out of the crazies in NY.

pacwest said...

None of the actors in this play are even pretending to care about neutral principles any more.

That would be a fools errand at this point. It takes two to tango. Sooner or later there's going to be another Timothy McVeigh(s). Sad, but probably inevitable.

Honest question for Readering and Inga. Now that Trump is out of office will you be willing to debate policy both foreign and domestic? Biden has bringing back manufacturing to the US on his agenda. I haven't seen any specifics on how he plans on achieving that.

Eric said...

I am not sure how that works.

Me neither. I tried it with someone just now by right-clicking on their avatar and choosing "Block Element", but all it did was bloc the avatar.


There is a browser extension called "Killfile" that does this

Michael K said...

I pity your daughter having you as a father.

Yes, your hate is overwhelming. She hasn't offered to refund her tuition yet, so I assume she is OK with me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - go hang out with people who like you.

Or wait. That won't work either.

dwshelf said...

But we, who read right wing stuff all the time, knew nothing.

farmgirl said...

Wondering if Kamala Harris et al will bail the movie star/BLM/antifa rat Sullivan out of jail. It’s what she does these days...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ugly Ogor has never, not once, called out or denounced the Antifa violence on her side. Not once.

Ugly Igor will now slip into her boring bit as hivemind Biden mouthpiece.

Inga said...

“Inga - go hang out with people who like you.”

Didn’t Althouse delete a similar comment to this one of yours yesterday? What purpose does such a comment serve? Was it made in response to something that was said to you? I believe Althouse said something to the effect of being responsive without mentioning names or being personal.

farmgirl said...

Michelle: didn’t u see the beautiful gardens lush and green- acres tilled and tended by earnest lefty youth? All the fruition to be batched away, preserved for later consumption? The Summer kitchens waiting, the jars boiled in anticipation... such earthy work so skillfully plied-
Yeah- me neither.

Krumhorn said...

81 million Americans are not going to continue allowing the MAGA loons to destroy this country. There are already many investigations going on and there will be much more info about who was behind all of this. Those people won’t evade justice this time.

Yeah, my bugout kit is packed and ready for when you lefties come to haul me off to a reedukation kamp. Wrongthink will not be tolerated.

- Krumhorn

Mikey NTH said...

Eric: Go to the right of "Name said..." and left click. The comment under that name will be hidden.

Inga said...

“Michelle: didn’t u see the beautiful gardens lush and green- acres tilled and tended by earnest lefty youth? All the fruition to be batched away, preserved for later consumption? The Summer kitchens waiting, the jars boiled in anticipation... such earthy work so skillfully plied-
Yeah- me neither.”

Liberals and Conservatives do similar jobs, chores, get married, raise families, have gardens, preserve food, work as cops, firefighters, nurses, doctors, teachers, lawyers, shovel out their neighbors and comfort them when there is a death in the family. Liberals live on the coasts and in the heartland and some are farmers!

There certainly is some overblown line between liberals and conservatives that is being widened based on fantasy.

Inga said...

“Yeah, my bugout kit is packed and ready for when you lefties come to haul me off to a reedukation kamp. Wrongthink will not be tolerated.”

Are you planning to overthrough the government? No? Then why are you worried?

Daddy Binx said...

Flogger Igna said...
I couldn’t care less about your grammar lesson.

"Grammar lesson". lel

There are far more important things happening in the US. Your tautology notwithstanding, it's never the wrong time for a little self-improvement.

I myself, just this evening, saw a thing that was not on top of another thing in any way.

5M - Eckstine said...

This is a BS perspective fueled by hyperbolic fears and a lack of common sense when looking at a Trump rally. Trump didn't know who the Proud Boys were or 3 percenters. He just knew the crowds that gave him energy. I watched maybe 10 of his speeches. They were inspiring not violent. I never felt the urge to go out and be violent. Just to be determined to vote.

On the other hand viewing the city burning by ANTIFA/BLM on Twitter and Facebook did make me angry. And seeing the spinelessness of the left and right to quell the violence did make me think citizens needed to take direct action. Kamala Harris didn't help when she suggested that the violence was going to go on for a long time. Trump looks pretty innocent of inciting violence when compared to Harris.

We are all watching the media. Seeing the narrative altered and controlled. Seeing innocent people gulaged in 2021. We see rioters rage when a drug addled felon is killed by a police officer. Rage beyond civil rights. As if something sacred has been violated. Now when a vote is fraudulently killed we don't pereived anything sacred about that?

What what balance this out to a peaceful outcome is a hard transparent analysis of Jan 6th. Identify every person there and interview them.

Shimkus said...

Wathing from far away... how different is LTU vs. SSRS. Who ir who...

Josephbleau said...

"Now do the violent traitor that was breaching the inner chamber of the Capitol and got was prevented from doing so.
Some folks are trying to turn her into a martyr."

Did she have a weapon that threatened anyone's life? I think that self defense or the defense of another is the standard for a police killing. The past year has ended the notion that you can shoot rioters on sight. Unless you have different law for Democrats and Republicans.

Inga said...

Gnatty Stinx...

Thank you.


5M - Eckstine said...

Who that has read any Q thinks Q is a problem? They are a trivial fart in the wind. A house of cards. People that when faced with facts find out the rest of society thinks them coo coo for coca puffs. I welcome the Trump loss in this one aspect. That the Q people got a wake up call to reason. No need for a Jack Dorsey to label them as a violent concern and deplatform them. If @jack was an honest person he would just shine more light on Q until reason takes hold. Q falls into the same category as flat earthers or birthers or truthers. The government increases that populations by pulling vote fraud like it did this year. That population is probably 1 out of 5 people in the country. none posting here of course. Of that one in 5 probably only 1 of 200 has any violent inklings. The way to stop that type of violent thinking is to not allow BLM to burn Starbucks. In that Trump was the only leader in the country that was correct in how to steer the course away from violence. Not a single Dem is capable in that.

Josephbleau said...

"So, if the attack was foretold, what was there for Trump to incite?"

If I were prosecuting the impeachment, I would counter that the crones foretold Macbeth's actions but He was still acting based on free will.

5M - Eckstine said...

Josephbleau said...
"Now do the violent traitor that was breaching the inner chamber of the Capitol and got was prevented from doing so.
Some folks are trying to turn her into a martyr."

Did she have a weapon that threatened anyone's life? I think that self defense or the defense of another is the standard for a police killing. The past year has ended the notion that you can shoot rioters on sight. Unless you have different law for Democrats and Republicans.

** I watched the guy Kyle Rittenhouse killed die on video and felt pretty sad he died even though he seemed like a violent POS. George Floyd is a martyr so is Ashli Babbit then.

If anything she lacked street smarts which would have had her character avoiding violent people and the actions of those people. A bad shoot. But I would forgive the policeman. he was insufficient in some capacity here. Maybe not to blame.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Readering said...
Defending your vote for Trump in light of events after election day strikes me as irrational.

Apparently Readering only votes on election day in light of future events. Strikes me as irrational.

5M - Eckstine said...

Josephbleau said...
"Now do the violent traitor that was breaching the inner chamber of the Capitol and got was prevented from doing so.
Some folks are trying to turn her into a martyr."

Did she have a weapon that threatened anyone's life? I think that self defense or the defense of another is the standard for a police killing. The past year has ended the notion that you can shoot rioters on sight. Unless you have different law for Democrats and Republicans.

** I watched the guy Kyle Rittenhouse killed die on video and felt pretty sad he died even though he seemed like a violent POS. George Floyd is a martyr so is Ashli Babbit then.

If anything she lacked street smarts which would have had her character avoiding violent people and the actions of those people. A bad shoot. But I would forgive the policeman. he was insufficient in some capacity here. Maybe not to blame.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Russia Russia Igor - you harass Michael K all the time. Why? because you're a Bidenist A-hole.

5M - Eckstine said...

Skippy Tisdale said...
Readering said...
Defending your vote for Trump in light of events after election day strikes me as irrational.

Apparently Readering only votes on election day in light of future events. Strikes me as irrational.

*** Doesn't make sense. Pelosi, AOC, and Harris were the ones of violent rhetoric. And actions. People that don't want to hear that are part of the problem. I guarantee all the Trump voters heard them loud and clear.

Readering said...

Not irrational to vote for Trump last election. He was the nominee of one of the 2 major parties. Irrational to stand by that vote for months afterwards.

5M - Eckstine said...

Looks at all the ammo purchased. And no one used any. All those ammo purchasers are more concerned about defense than offense. And indeed if one follows the SF operators they all advised to remain calm and just wait stuff out. Give it some time.

I would AI scan Jan 6th for facial recognition and pull out all the people who brought a gas mask, a stick, a baton, used a chair to break something, or threw a fire extinguishers.

I would arrest them all. A big net. then I would separate them out into groups that seemed malcontents or gullible and get their families in to talk to them. Do like in Maoist China and make them confess on a stage before and after you beat them. /sarc

Jan 6th was a good thing. It made a lot of stuff about violence and Big Tech transparent. Stuff no one was ever going to see. Lets double down on the transparency. Save the country from itself.

Inga said...

‘‘...you harass Michael K all the time.’

Liar. I don’t address Michael K unless or until he speaks to me in an insulting manner, but if he wants to be disrespectful to me, then he can expect disrespect in return. I know Althouse doesn’t like the back and forth, but you really don’t seem to care about that and are continually addressing me unrelated to the blog post. How about you shut yer yap?

Josephbleau said...

"I litigated against him in the eighties. He was a bad man then and remains so."

So Rendering has a personal grudge against Trump? Did he loose his contingency fee due to Trump's innocence, because Trump proved the claim had no basis?

Inga said...

“Irrational to stand by that vote for months afterwards.”

And irrational to perpetrate insurrection in his name.IMO.

5M - Eckstine said...

Readering said...
Not irrational to vote for Trump last election. He was the nominee of one of the 2 major parties. Irrational to stand by that vote for months afterwards.

* Middle East Peace. Jobs. Anti Wokeism. China Trade. Norkism. Wall. No wars. There is a lot more to like about Trump. The only negative seems to be that he is rude sometimes. Or that he interrupted the corrupt money supply to Washington elite.

Comparison. When Obama was president I was praying no one would assassinate him. I worried about that. When he said "Get in their faces" I thought that was gratuitous violence from a POTUS. If I caught someone bad mouthing his kids I had no problem smacking them down. I have no real complaints about Obama except he was too fast paced in correcting what he perceived as wrong. And too concerned about his legacy. I do think Trump was the better POTUS by far.

There is a large class of people in the country D and R who lack boundaries. Maybe no one tells them. One of the boundaries is violence. Another is leave the kids out of the politics. I'd add a new one after this election. Don't be a Q dumbass.

5M - Eckstine said...

Inga said...
“Irrational to stand by that vote for months afterwards.”

And irrational to perpetrate insurrection in his name.IMO.

It wasn't insurrection in Portland. It wasn't insurrection in DC. No bullets were fired.

You should get off that horse. It doesn't travel far and drags a lot of garbage with it.

You should be prepped for Google to soon email you with a blog moderation offer. :-) I'm serious. I am positive their AI has put a star by your name.

Inga said...

“No bullets were fired.”

5 people are dead. It’s only by the grace of God there weren’t far more.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

5 Trump supporters are dead. Not much news on them. narrative being fixed.

No 'direct evidence' of plot to kidnap or kill lawmakers in U.S. Capitol attack: Justice Department official

5M - Eckstine said...

Inga said...
“No bullets were fired.”

5 people are dead. It’s only by the grace of God there weren’t far more.

***All accidents except for one. A Cuomo nursing home is worse. Chicago any day is worse. The one shooting by the officer I am going to excuse as bad training. The fire extinguisher guy gets life if he killed the officer.

I think that shows most people there were peaceful. And interviews of the crowd also suggest that.

Here's what you should start doing on the blog. More subtly of course. Foreshadowing.

night night night that is violent. I don't approve of violence in any form. That will lower my social credit score with the google AI and impact me anywhere I go that uses Google Analytics.

farmgirl said...

Thread’s too fast for me to keep up w/comments- I’ll try-n- clarify...
Pretty sure Michelle mighta meant: what happens if the blue collars strike in any sense against the “81million”. I tacked left- to the zoned areas where antifa rule: handfed by billionaires &who more than likely have never seen a naked seed.

Inga (who autocorrected to inhale)-is of an age(as am I, although barely)where mothers mothered/fathers fathered and fresh was down the lawn in the garden patch, may not realize that curbside is the new homemade for so many families that I know of these days- even in rural Kingdoms and kids are oblivious to manual labor for personal benefit. Skill sets are being lost- and people w/certain skill sets are so looked down upon that the question begs, asking to be asked: what will those who rely on those who know and do: do?

Riddle me that

Daddy Binx said...

Blogger Unga said...
Gnatty Stinx...
<= Please, at least make some effort.

Thank you.
Now things are flying right over my head. Help me out here, is this sarcasm?

The quotes are confusing. What are you reaching for here?

We're better together.

5M - Eckstine said...

osephbleau said...
"I litigated against him in the eighties. He was a bad man then and remains so."

So Rendering has a personal grudge against Trump?

** All prosecutors have to crawl out of the Nifong hole before I will listen to them. I've been in litigation as plaintiff and defendant and would say judges and lawyers are mostly jaded cynical people who are bored with their jobs and unwilling to make justice happen. Great exceptions of course. But those are few and far.

Trump could have stated multiple times that he wants to be fair to all people even the haters and losers and the cynical person will not be able to hear that. Or believe it.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...
“No bullets were fired.”

5 people are dead. It’s only by the grace of God there weren’t far more.

Inga again proves to be the resident dullard.

The "cop" who shot Ashli Babbit has a history with BLM and threatening Trump supporters.

Inga said...

“Pretty sure Michelle mighta meant: what happens if the blue collars strike in any sense against the “81million”.”

You don’t think that 81 million has plenty of blue collar workers of its own? I’m always surprised at how conservatives feel so distanced from liberals in every possible way. Do you not have liberal friends and relatives who are very similar to you except for political ideology? I live in a very red county. I have for years and my neighbors and I live similar lives.

As far as skill sets go, I’m all for teaching children to use their hands as well as their brains. One of my daughters is an attorney, my son was a millwright journeyman, I was very proud of him. He bought himself a home as a young man and actually earned more money than I did as a nurse. My other daughter is a Navy Chief and another daughter is a stay at home mom with a useless art history degree, but she has a big garden in the summer. I’ve helped her can food from her garden, my mom used to can huge amounts of produce, she was a farm girl from the old country. We aren’t all that different.

farmgirl said...

I suggesting what I thought she was implying—-
Not my idea to begin w/so...

Inga said...

“Blogger Daddy Binx said...

"Grammar lesson". lel”
1/15/21, 6:38 PM

Just quoting you.

Michael K said...

Blogger BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
Russia Russia Igor - you harass Michael K all the time. Why? because you're a Bidenist A-hole.

Oh, I don't care even when she tries to get personal. Ritmo was annoying but Inga is just dull.

Readering said...


Michael K said...

You don’t think that 81 million has plenty of blue collar workers of its own?

You missed the last 50 years as the parties gradually switched places. Small business and working people are now mostly Republican. Democrats are mostly government employees and the rich who think abortion is a sacrament. Eric Schmidt even admitted he supported Democrats because of his wife's devotion to abortion.

Democrats have locked in the welfare recipients but those who want a job are drifting to the Republicans. Especially since Trump.

Inga said...


Michael K said...

Readering and Inga's bed time.

Daddy Binx said...

Boogger Inga said...
"Grammar lesson". lel”
1/15/21, 6:38 PM

Just quoting you.

That is eminently obvious. I was wondering why.

If you have nothing of substance to add, why reply at all?

Have you, at long last, no free agency?

Bill said...

were they wearing pink p hats?

The Godfather said...

I watched the ABC News live coverage of the "assault" on the Capitol. They had three basic views. One was of folks walking up Constitution Ave, toward the Capitol; no excitement, no weapons, even a few kids, just regular folks on their way to a rally. The second was the exterior of the Capitol, with police and other uniformed folks blocking entry to the building, and a lot of demonstrators milling around; no violence; this seemed to reflect that the authorities had the situation contained. Third were images from inside the Capitol, showing demonstrators walking across halls and down wide corridors, mostly (I noticed) staying within the velvet ropes that tourists are supposed to follow.

Since then, I haven't seen any of those images on ABC News. Instead, they show, over and over again, images of demonstrators breaking windows, forcing doors open, and throwing a fire extinguisher at uniformed officers. In a single quarter or half hour broadcast, you can see these same images half a dozen times. I assume that these images were not available to the network during the live broadcast. I assume, also, that the less violent images from the live broadcast aren't dramatic enough to be newsworthy after the violent stuff became available.

I wasn't there. I don't know what really happened. You probably weren't there and probably don't know either. What was the reality? Was this a serious, planned attack on our Government? Was it a demonstration in which a few bad actors got out of hand? Was this Kristallnacht or was it the Reichstag Fire? If history is any guide, it's awfully important to know which it was.

boatbuilder said...

What bullshit.

If "the Right" had planned a violent assault and takeover of the US government, do you think that maybe one--just one--of those violent Second Amendment cultists would have brought a firearm?

And possibly coordinated attacks on other places for the same time?

There are bad right-wingers out there. No doubt. But those were not the people involved here.

DeepRunner said...

I won't even go to the trouble of quoting Luke Mogelson as a lead-in. It's The New Yawker, after all. Here's a plain fact...in real estate, it's all about location, location, location. BLM and Antifa could burn cities, businesses, police stations, etc. to the ground. The attendant shock of January 6th is that the march and mayhem ended at a high-visibility emblem. No excuse for the Rightists who were causing trouble.

But professional rioters and command-and-control elements were involved, plus the timeline doesn't sync. Pipe bombs were discovered d-u-r-i-n-g Trump's speech, and CNN 15-minutes-of-fame Antifa dude John Sullivan and some of his ilk were helping to stir up the crowd as cloaked embeds. The breach started before the speech was over.

But don't let certain facts get in the way of a narrative.

OldManRick said...

Blogger Inga said...
The election was won by Biden. 81 million Americans voted for him.

But according to polls 17% percent of them would not have vote for Biden if they had known about Hunter's emails, Biden's sexual assaults, and Trump's achievements. Of those 4% would have gone to Trump, the rest would have done something else. So your 81 million should really be closer to 68 Million.


And of course that 68 Million includes the dead who voted for Biden, the harvested ballots from people with dementia, some random non citizens who voted, and maybe some mail in ballots whose signatures didn't match. Oh, and don't forget the those who voted for Kanye West but were switched to Biden in Michigan.

It not a very loyal 81 million. Especially the dead ones.

Ray - SoCal said...

Good article on the capital police:’

Amadeus 48 said...

Will anything in this New Yorker story turn out to be true? I read today that investigators say they are weeks away from understanding what happened at the Capitol riot.

But they already had the impeachment vote. Who wants to know the truth?

Jim said...

The first line made me think of the last line of Gatsby. It this the same current we're supposed to beat against lest we be "borne ceaselessly into the past."?

Sam L. said...

I trust no "news" from New York.

Francisco D said...

Don't say her name and she will stop bleating.

Nancy Reyes said...


The real scandal is the lack of security. If the Trumpettes were really aiming to overthrow congress, they could have done so easily with a couple of grenades a la Guy Fawkes.
Instead we had ShamenHornedHelmet prancing peacefully at the podium.

n.n said...

Instead we had ShamenHornedHelmet prancing peacefully at the podium.

The court jester who captured the hearts and minds of JournoLists, while most remained inside the lines, and several people... persons who may and were not "Trump supporters" protested, and a summary execution of an unarmed woman in the "fog of war". All's fair in lust and abortion, I suppose.

DeepRunner said...

Inga says 81 million Americans voted for Biden. I believe 81 million b-a-l-l-o-t-s might have gone in Biden's direction. Not the same thing.

Believing Muttering Joe got that many Americans to vote for him is like believing Eric Swalwell didn't sleep with a Communist spy. Libs and truth/reality, oil and water.

jg said...

Weird lefty fan fiction. Perverted bloodlust.

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