This is the more apt clip:
१९ जानेवारी, २०२१
"The general sense seems to be that Republicans and conservatives in Congress and think tanks and the media are just going to Don Draper the last four years."
Writes Jonathan Last in "Break-Ups Are Hard To Do" (The Bulwark), embedding this:
११८ टिप्पण्या:
Fucking Bulwark. The “general sense” where? In the phone booth where the Bulwark set have their meetings. Lies, lies, lies, lies, but Ann hears what she wants to hear and disregards the rest, lie lie lie lie lie.
One of their (many) fantasies: Trump supporters are ashamed of being Turmp supporters.
It's a left-wing trope--the regretted vote. It's how they convince themselves they're right even when they are absolutely proved wrong.
The bulwinkle is a clownshow paid for by omidyar.
""Republicans and conservatives in Congress and think tanks and the media" ain't "the people" and - from what I can see and who I know - THEY'RE PISSED.
They're not 'think tanks', they're dutch ovens.
Keep the blanket pulled up, Bulwark.
I am Laslo.
I had no problems breaking with the Bulwark, it was super easy, barely an inconvenience.
But I do know what the Republicans and Conservatives in Congress didn't do; they failed to carry out their promise to repeal Obamacare when they had the majority in both houses. Yeah, they decided to pretend the various campaigns against socialized medicine never happened.
Nope. But the left will Don Draper their part in creating the next four years.
Althouse Hillbillies
Boy does that sound familiar...
Never saw an episode. Not starting now.
I suspect this will be the continued theme from the entire media complex, and our 'experts' in academia, and those Never-Trumpers who are looking to reestablish themselves as voices to be listened to.
But alas- those 'expert's in both academia and the media complex never did understand what Trump represented. And the Never-Trumpers signed their release from representing the active conservative/libertarian movement when they sent in their op-eds over the last 4+ years.
The die is cast. The deal is done. What happened is that those who coalesced behind Trump were there before Trump and are larger and more focused after Trump. Nothing is forgotten. Nothing is done.
Oh, The Bulwark!
Ahoy their matey, how’s the lido deck as Kurt Schlicter would say.
On a more serious note:
Good choice of a video that captures the Bulkwark and other GOP Grifters delusions in Trump.
Basically they believe they can forget and rewrite their past. This explains the scene:
The GOPe had a similar belief, and we’re going to railroad Trump with an impeachment till they noticed Trump was escaping blame by his voters for what happened at the capital.
I never watched madmen, so I did some research to figure out the video snippet.
What shreds the bulwarks gas lighting is the latest Rasmussen Poll on Trump. His rating has stayed the same basically since the capital gaslighting.
Plus the percentage that believe the country is headed in the right direction is another indicator, it’s gone up since Biden’s “election”.
And with all the craziness coming out of the Biden Administration, it will keep those 79 Million + Trump Voters very energized.
At their own peril.
Hillbillies...I wonder how many of the regular readers of this blog have advanced degrees and yet still think that Trump, for all of his flaws, was the most effective President since Reagan? Where's my banjo...
More rot from the very folks who bring us LLR NeverTrumpers. When that massive caravan from Honduras makes its way to the border, and the lefties swing open the gates, we will get the chance once again to thank Trump for his steadfast effort to hold back the tide from shithole countries.
I tell my kids that they are going to get precisely what they voted for: a tranny HHS secretary, asylum-seeking EBT card holders, ideological purges and cleansing, and top drawer mandatory HR Racial Justice seminars for whitey. At some point in the not far future, the LLRs will Don Draper their part in all this.
- Krumhorn
There is no sense in talking about politics when you don’t live in a free country. You are allowed to repeat warmed over regime talking points, like The Bulwark does, or shut up.
Jonah Goldberg wrote the book Liberal Fascism, so I guess he knew which way the wind was blowing and decided he better get his mind right with his new masters.
That won’t piss off Trump supporters, at all.
Obviously the old accepted wisdom about wondering “how will this play in Peoria” is no longer a concern for these brave civil servants and neocon warriors who are totally not in bed with globalists.
My favorite scene from my favorite show. Perfect advice to Peggy. Wishful thinking for Never Trumpers.
A 70+million bloc, with easy-to-understand issues, and not a single think tank to represent them.
It's almost like the existing think tanks are a scam for personal enrichment and prestige. Or are serving masters whose ambitions do not coincide with a large swath of Americans.
Aim your kamikazes at the Lido Deck.
I am Laslo.
It’s already started, the 25,000 troops in DC shocked my baby boomer parents, Biden voters...
> a lot of suburbanite squishes will be whining that this isn't what they voted for.
"Althouse Hillbillies"
"Boy does that sound familiar..."
I'm sure I've seen it written once or twice.
As a Tea Partier who voted for Trump, first hesitantly, the Bulwark can eat shit. They should just join the Progressives in their race for the downfall of our once great country, that they hate with all their being....I am sick and tired of fake liars, who lied to us for years, and now pretend like they care about us. Go pound sand.
The bulwinkle is a clownshow paid for by omidyar.
Please! Let's not malign a very patriotic moose!
Haha JV Last thinking he'll have any say in how things go. Hilarious.
“From a personal perspective, I’ll tell you what I said on my podcast that will be posted later today: the overwhelming relief of not having to endure a Hillary Clinton presidency is something that I have been grateful for every day since Trump took the oath of office. It’s also made it all worth it. This great nation really dodged a bullet when Trump stunned the world and banished Granny Maojackets to Chappaqua to spend her days cracking open boxes of Franzia and pulling the wings off of flies.”
—- Stephen Kruiser
National Review today: Biden’s Foolish Sabotage of the Keystone Pipeline.
Talk about totally expected consequences... Own it guys!
A 70+million bloc, with easy-to-understand issues, and not a single think tank to represent them.
Not quite. The Claremont Institute and it's offshoot, The American Mind are very good on this stuff. The American Mind podcast is must listen for me.
I see that Carlos stopped by. I hope he stays safe hiding behind the thin LLR veneer of his TrumpHate.
- Krumhorn
“Our long National Nightmare is just beginning” – sounds like something stuttering Joe might let slip when he resigns for Harris to take the throne.
Laslo is on point. They're fart-sniffers, loving the smell of one another's farts.
Our long nightmare is over
Au contraire oh misguided one. Our nightmare is just beginning, and it's going to be so bad even you are going to regret not voting against Biden.
It's sort of like the concept of an echo chamber, but with sniffing farts.
"Our long national nightmare is over."
Progs went for the kill then.
They are going for the kill now.
Progressivism is a recurring nightmare.
When I see that tag I always mentally complete it as “what Trump did to the GOP is reveal how disconnected the party is from the people who they claimed to represent.” Exposing elite hypocrisy on both sides is what drew DC’s ire, as illustrated by the swamps response: manipulate the most corrupt DC creature into the POTUS to show “us” who is boss. Thanks Liz Cheney. Enjoy your lame duck status.
Baseless Biden and Hateful Harris will neve know a day of peaceful occupancy. As a MSM personality was heard to say (I overheard her as my wife watched some MSM show), Baseless Biden will be known as "the occupant of the White House", not President. As for the Bulwark, no one outside of the P.T. Barnum Project reads it.
I really hope not. I hope the Republican Party embraces what Trump did, not all of it, but the good parts, which are many, and relentlessly attacks the fascists and their media.
I hope the Republican Party attacks the legitimacy of this last election, and never stops attacking it, because we have no hope of a decent future unless there are big changes.
I would imagine Bulwarkers have to be wondering who’s going to be picking up the tab in a post Trump world. After all, those Lido deck tickets don’t come cheap. Is anyone really going to pay attention to them now that Dementia Joe has his trembling fingers on the nuke codes?
Baseless Biden's not going to know what hit him after he tries to cancel the XL pipeline. The permit is something of value and the government can't just seize it. Something called the IV Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures..." Expect a massive lawsuit against this that will tie up the revocation for years.
Who behaved worse the last four years? The Left and the MSM or Trump?
Tim Maguire said, "One of their (many) fantasies: Trump supporters are ashamed of being Turmp supporters. It's a left-wing trope--the regretted vote."
I'll speak for myself and several others I know personally: I voted for trump and regret it. I regretted it's necessity. He's a horrible leader who promoted many good policies and got some good stuff done. His actions during COVID, before the election, and since the election cemented for me just how horrible a leader he is.
I voted for him the first time because it was a choice to vote for corruption, which I refuse to do, or possible chaotic ineptitude. I voted for him a second time because again it was a choice to vote for corruption or to vote for....chaotic ineptitude that actually did more things right than I expected but also was a far worse leader than I expected during COVID.
Trump went to war on COVID with the army he had, not the army he wanted. And the CDC sucked. But Trump gave up the war half way through rather than continue to fight. He also chose Rudy Giuliani to lead his efforts to claim massive voter fraud and then completely failed to support those claims with anything beyond circumstantial evidence - where there was plenty of, but is completely insufficient when claiming a stolen election. His legal team fell apart at it's most critical stage.
Trump further failed to secure any scalps at FBI/DOJ despite uncovering the evidence. And people leaving or being fired isn't what I mean. I mean hard jail time for leaders in institutions abusing things like the FISA court, surveillance processes, or leaking information to the press. Heck, people who leaked entire FISA applications/warrants to the press have been identified and confirmed....and they aren't going to jail.
I could go on, but I regretfully voted for Trump because a better option was not available. And I know many others who are similar.
Now I pray Biden will surprise me but I don't expect it. He's not a leader. He leads from behind. And he lets others around him direct things. Which is why he accomplished only negative things at the federal level for all those years in service.
Trump taught the Republican Party how to fight. It's like what Lincoln said about U.S. Grant, "I [We] need this man, he fights." Wyoming Republicans have just rebuked Liz Cheney for her despicable impeachment vote.
It seems to me that the whole reason that the Bulwark existed is Trump. Without Trump as president, why would their backers continue to pay for them? It's like some odd vestigial organ. And who will read them? It seems like its tiny audience must be a relictual population left over from some by-gone era, like pygmy mammoths isolated on an island is a vast ocean.
Blogger Churchy LaFemme: said...
National Review today: Biden’s Foolish Sabotage of the Keystone Pipeline.
Talk about totally expected consequences... Own it guys!
I assume Warren Buffet's check cleared and the oil tank car trains will be running by noon tomorrow.
His actions during COVID, before the election, and since the election cemented for me just how horrible a leader he is.
Sounds like a CNN watcher.
Never saw an episode.
Assuming that's "Mad Men" I saw part one episode. It was very cartoonish.
This is the more apt clip:
Our long national nightmare is finally beginning! Yay!
Trump's biggest mistake - he didn't drain the swamp. He didn't fire every Obama-Clinton hold over. He didn't clean out the FBI/CIA. The swamp returned the favor by harassing him with Clinton's Russia lies.
I think Trump had no idea - as a celebrity - what was in store for him.
One thing is for sure - his not draining the swamp taught us a valuable lesson.
CIA and FBI top brass - all hacks. All political insiders who will excuse corruption on Team D all day and all night. Clapper and Brennan are on CNN payroll, tells us everything we need to know.
The idea that Hunter, or the corrupt clintons are being looked at by the FBI? no way.
TreeJoe said...Trump went to war on COVID with the army he had, not the army he wanted. And the CDC sucked. But Trump gave up the war half way through rather than continue to fight.
I'm curious, when was "half way through" and what specifically should Trump have done differently in your opinion?
Trump's biggest mistake is pursuing the claim that he won the election — and going so far with it that he still hasn't stopped.
He should have brought the challenges that could be made procedurally and accepted the result and concentrated on nailing down some final achievements and displaying the achievements he'd made. He should have been arguing I was a great President not I actually won the election if you look at it the right way.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
"Trump's biggest mistake..."
No, his biggest mistake was having shitty lawyers.
And part of that mistake was, even if he had good lawyers, they could never be half as vicious as the Dem lawyers...
Republicans don't have it in them...they don't fight.
But they'd better learn fast or face forty years of famine.
He should have been arguing I was a great President not I actually won the election if you look at it the right way.
What good would that do?
Trump's biggest mistake is pursuing the claim that he won the election — and going so far with it that he still hasn't stopped.
Well, if he really believes that, and I think he does, that's a pretty big ask.
And it's something his opponents never did..
Trump's biggest mistake is pursuing the claim that he won the election — and going so far with it that he still hasn't stopped.
Yeah it's not like Hillary and the Democrats set a precedent four years ago. They happily accepted the results and wished trump well as president.
Just ignore the fact that Hillary was STILL claiming the election was stolen this week.
Biden's biggest mistake is claiming to unite Americans while having the FBI vet the political affiliation of national guard units.
For all the claims about Trump irrational behavior on elections. We now have the government demanding military units identify for whom they voted. Imagine if Trump started off his administration demanding that every civil servant identify their preferred party and suggest if their party was Democrat, they would be excused from their duty? Yet this is how Biden starts.
"Now I pray Biden will surprise me but I don't expect it. He's not a leader. He leads from behind."
How can you say that about someone who was twice president of his third grade class?
Or graduated from law school in the bottom 11%?
Or had a son and a brother who grifted off his name for at least a decade and didn't know it?
Or was described as being "wrong on every foreign policy issue for four decades?"
Yet he was still elected president without every leaving his basement. That's real leadership.
Not sure I understand what Last's point is here.
He's right there is no going back. It's not clear what he's advocating though.
Is he saying the party needs to adopt Trump's policies re: immigration, trade, America First and so forth? If that's what he means, he's right, that's exactly what they should do.
I hated giving The Bulwark my click.
He should have brought the challenges that could be made procedurally
The courts refused him standing, and he was accused of treason for attempting to use the procedures the Constitution provided. (Procedure the Democrats had used against the last three Republican presidents)
and accepted the result
Yeah, just like Gore, Hillary and Abrams did.
Last's title is Break Ups Are Hard To Do.
The Republican party needs to break up with the Uniparty and start being a real party again.
Trump's biggest mistake is pursuing the claim that he won the election — and going so far with it that he still hasn't stopped.
You may be right. But, as every knows, Trump rarely gives up. For better or worse that's who he is. It's his greatest strength and weakness.
I feel like all this was inexorable (but in fairness I suppose everything seems inexorable in hindsight). Everything seemed so unprecendented. The mass mail in ballots lead to all sorts of irregularities. All the other anomalies lead to reasonable questions. Questions that many people in positions of power were reluctant to address since they were happy with the official result and loathed interfering with established precedences. All this lead to mistrust, anger, and bitterness. These things have an inertia to them.
I feel that if Covid never happened, Trump most likely would have won fairly handily, assuming nothing else crazy happened. I can't help but feel that China got what it wanted, a weak pliable fool as an American President. And the tech oligarchs are very happy too.
The Bulwark in 1864: "This Grant creature is a drunken muleskinner who runs up appalling casualties. We need a commander who respects the norms of strategy and tactics. Like George McClellan."
what conservatives? There are none in DC. As for the Republican Establishment, they all got what they prayed for. TRump is gone and Joe "He's really a Moderate, trust me" Biden is in office.
People need to understand the R party was worthless and stood for nothing before Trump came along. That's why he was able to take over so easily. In 2015, it was the party of Jeb, Mittens, Ryan, and Mitch. IOW, the loser party. As shown by their behavior over the last 4 years, the Republican party - without Trump - stands for nothing. They're just Democrats who want lower Corporate Taxes and a little - but not too much - socialism. That's it.
Down dooby doo down down, comma comma
Down dooby doo down down
Judging by blowback on Lizzy, they are misdirecting fire just like good ole Dick.
It would be interesting to hear AA's take on the lawyers trying to help Trump efforts that were intimidated out of it by threats/cancellation.
This "procedural" realm was juiced into being too toxic and dangerous to examine. It was preceded by cities being burned..BLM thugs attacking folks like Mensah, Mad Maxine's exortations to at minimum harassment.
History buffs here no doubt have examples of this from the past.
The Dems are making a big thing about pulling Trump's security clearance after he leaves office, as if this is really going to upset Trump. I doubt Trump cares, and the Dems would never believe anything Trump would say about said intelligence. Pulling the security clearances of all former officials should be SOP.
Mine was terminated after I retired and I don't miss it. It was more of a nuisance than a benefit, since we had to get annual refresher training on classification matters. I doubt Hillary Rotten Clinton actually took such training as it would have been beneath her.
As for Trump lets get this straight:
-Despite being lied about 24/7/365 by almost every news outlet
-Despite getting ZERO help from the Republican Establishment
-Despite get CV-19
-Despite having to debate 2 people instead of 1,
-Despite the media lying about Joe Biden and his Ukraine/China Corruption
-Despite a collapsed economy due to CV-19
-Despite getting banned and shadow banned by Twitter and Social Media.
Trump WON THE ELECTION. They could only get him out of office but stealing it. Everyone nattering and jabbing about how "Trump made this mistake or Trump did that wrong" is just overlooking the truth. THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. Trump really won if you had only counted legal valid votes.
The RINO pooftas at the Bulwark will have to get by with puff pieces on Kamala's sneaker collection.
As for Cheney, we'll see whether the Dumbo Republican will actually REMEMBER Cheney's betrayal in 2022. The track record of the typical R voter, is they get upset, and then instantly go back to supporting the same RINO's and worthless moderates and backstabbers in 6 months, a year, or 2 years.
That's how every RINO senator survives. They know they can voter moderate/RINO for 5 years, and as long as they cut commercials saying "Build the dang fence" or vote/talk conservative in the election year, the DUMBO R's will re-nominate them. McCain pulled this trick for 18 years.
Finally, smart Right-wingers don't read the bulwark or the dispatch. Nor do they care what Fakes like Dreher, Lewis, or Erickson say. If you supported, passively or actively, Biden and Hillary for POTUS, you aint't a conservative. You're a liberal/Leftist who's running a grift, or you just want wars in the middle east or lower taxes for the rich. We've seen the truth about these backstabbing shits, and we aren't forgetting how they behaved.
"not I actually won the election if you look at it the right way."
You say "look at it the right way", Trump says "count only the legitimate votes".
Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.
If the Washington Generals defeated the Harlem Globetrotters, would it be racist?
Trump's biggest mistake is pursuing the claim that he won the election — and going so far with it that he still hasn't stopped.
You've ignored Hillary's disgusting act for a long time, for THIS to be your take on Trump's biggest mistake. Just think of the healing power her gracious and believable concession would have been. My God, she might have even achieved the exalted title of Boring Hillary if she had!
You mean like what Democrats have basically done to the Bill Clinton years?
Bill Clinton was the most successful neocon president in the history of the United States. That's why he reached the height of his popularity after the impeachment. People ignored his peccadillos because he got lots of shit done and he had the type of personality that made women wet and made men want to have a beer with him.
you mean "forget" like this?
actual link to that article
If this is the point where our long national nightmare is (again) over, does that mean we are one president away from gas lines, a crashing economy, a new cold war with Russia, and American held hostage in a foreign country? (I'm betting that Biden lasts less than Ford's 2 1/2 years.)
I'll wait to be impressed until the Wyoming state GOP censures Lizard Lizzy. A County GOP is nothing. Until the state GOP censures her, it's ye olde SAFSN.
"It will shock you how much this never happened ..."
Right, like the election fraud in 2020 ...
Speaking of the 2020s, Mad Men references don't make you cool any more, and haven't for some time.
Question about living in the Era of Peak Communication: do old things stay around anymore or make comebacks, like Casablanca and the Marx Brothers in the 1960s, or is everything quickly flushed down the memory hole to make room for more garbage? Sixties/Seventies rock groups are hard to get rid of and people still remember what they watched on TV as children, but how much of Golden Age Cable Television is going to linger in our collective consciousness?
No, [Trump’s] biggest mistake was having shitty lawyers.
@Joe Smith, you seem to have forgotten that Trump did have a capable legal team — then they were doxxed, their lives threatened, and even the safety of their families threatened. In the end he had to work with the likes of Giuliani and Powell and Wood, because that’s all he could get to represent him. Most of my disdain for Althouse is fueled by her bland acquiescence in this, notwithstanding that Wisconsin, presumably, teaches its L1s that everyone deserves competent legal representation.
Nobody has any expectations that you feminized Verclempt deplorables will forget any of this. Hell has no fury...
People ignored his peccadillos because he got lots of shit done and he had the type of personality that made women wet and made men want to have a beer with him.
I suddenly envisioned Howard’s 8 years of keeping a fresh 4 oz. packet of desiccant in his Lady Hanes. It’s good to start the day with a good, hearty laugh.
"...he had the type of personality that made women wet..."
Yeah, it was the personality along with the veined, bulbous pickle nose...that's what gets women off.
You forgot about the money and the power, and the fact that the women he raped didn't get wet.
No foreplay there. Just fuck 'em and destroy their lives if they dare to speak out.
What a real man he is.
Think about it; the patron saint of the Democrat party is a rapist.
Tells you all you need to know.
Howie loves the media/tech/gov efforts to censor opposing views.
Semper Fud.
Countdown to JOEMENTIA!
He's going to love returning to the Senate.
Jack Posobiec
Flag of United States
Daily reminder that Team Biden-Kamala had their domestic terrorism bill written before the election even took place
Big Mike, if the "capable legal team" was scared out of refusing work because of the impotent SJW Twitter horde doxxing them, they weren't that capable or smart to begin with.
Trump's biggest mistake is pursuing the claim that he won the election — and going so far with it that he still hasn't stopped.
That's a mistake only if we don't eventually find out that the Biden side cheated.
Cheating (if it happened) can't be kept secret forever. We know about the 1960 election, but it isn't a big deal now because Nixon didn't fight it (and eventually won).
It's a big gamble on Trump's part. But I don't think he cares about the cost. If he did what you suggest he would gain no friends. Anybody that would appeal to already hates him, and won't change their mind.
Big Mike, if the "capable legal team" was scared out of refusing work because of the impotent SJW Twitter horde doxxing them, they weren't that capable or smart to begin with.
I doubt Trump cares, and the Dems would never believe anything Trump would say about said intelligence.
It's better for Trump to not have a clearance. He can then say and repeat any intelligence he receives through the grapevine without legal liability attached to having a clearance. He likes to talk to much to have a security clearance. As president it;s ok because he has declassification authority. But as a private citizen he won't.
Witness the trap laid for Scooter Libby.
Big Mike, if the "capable legal team" was scared out of refusing work because of the impotent SJW Twitter horde doxxing them, they weren't that capable or smart to begin with.
It wasn't the twitter horde it was their other clients being intimidated by the twitter horde.
Effective law today requires a firm. A firm requires other clients. Other clients can be pressured to pull their business.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"Trump's biggest mistake is pursuing the claim that he won the election — and going so far with it that he still hasn't stopped.
He should have brought the challenges that could be made procedurally and accepted the result and concentrated on nailing down some final achievements and displaying the achievements he'd made. He should have been arguing I was a great President not I actually won the election if you look at it the right way."
That's what a politician would do. They took advantage of a businessman. He did what a businessman would do.
"...the Republican heavily dependent on high-school educated white males in rural settings...missing teeth and delivering your dinners via Door Dash."
74 million of them, by last count.
They took advantage of a businessman. He did what a businessman would do.
Right, a businessman looks at costs and benefits. What is the cost for Trump to maintain that he was cheated? A lot of people will see him as a sore loser. That would cause embarrassment in a politician. Politicians want people to like them. It's why they go into politics. Trump has no sense of embarrassment. About anything. Scott Adams talks about it as a superpower.
So the cost to Trump is literally nothing. The benefit could be high.
Trump never got his day in court. Al Gore got his. Every one of Trump’s attempts were thrown out on technicalities.
What we learned is that you can steal a presidential election and there can be no remedy for it in the courts, unless you are a Democrat, then we will find one.
I don’t blame Trump for being royally pissed off one bit, even if it offends “Good Americans” like Althouse.
It’s not like there will ever be a fair election again in the future. This was. for all the marbles and now we have an open kleptocrat in office. A kleptocrat in the pay of the Chinese communists.
Brian@11:41... Exactly! I'd wager Trump will be getting intel for as long as he wants. He set a high bar for accomplishment for donks and repubs both. Keeps 70 million killer bees wound up. He got all his millions because he fights. Now he could decide don't even leave six for pall bearers. He is a force of nature and pervy Joe's administration is gonna suffer. Popcorn sales thru the roof!
"It’s not like there will ever be a fair election again in the future."
One person. One vote. One time.
It's the democrat way...
“Our long national nightmare is over.”
Fuck you Ann.
Nothing like pics of Hunter gettin a Ukrainean foot job for all America to see. Biden family values doncha know.
Commenters here treat every Democrat as Antifa and/or a socialist. Fine with me, since fine when know thy enemy is good advice not taken. But I get the impression that commenters here think q is dominant on the Republican side. Ouch.
Ann Althouse said...
Trump's biggest mistake is pursuing the claim that he won the election — and going so far with it that he still hasn't stopped.
Yes, yes! Nothing like Hillary Clinton and the way she gracefully conceded and wished him every success in the future!
Nothing like that at all!
My ass!
Which side routinely goes full Godwin?
Which side turned a blind eye on and even promoted destructive "unrest" the last year?
Know your enemy indeed.
Nope. "Our long national nightmare" is just getting ready to start.
I'm curious, when was "half way through" and what specifically should Trump have done differently in your opinion?
ie, wu flu response.
This is such a big lie. Not a single soul can produce a single thing President Trump(Fauci) got wrong. Not a single soul, with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight can lay out a better course.
Go ahead and try if you are brave. Pro tip. Statistics as of this week are showing a path towards cases and deaths equalizing across the nation and globe.
I know the American People are much attached to their Government;--I know they would suffer much for its sake;--I know they would endure evils long and patiently, before they would ever think of exchanging it for another. Yet, notwithstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, if their rights to be secure in their persons and property, are held by no better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienation of their affections from the Government is the natural consequence; and to that, sooner or later, it must come.
Abraham Lincoln, 1-27-1838
they failed to carry out their promise to repeal Obamacare when they had the majority in both houses
The cause may be progressive costs and a single/central/monopolist solution would be a proper solution. However, the cause is likely to be progressive prices and resolution steps on a lot of fat toes. Also, the causes are unhealthy lifestyles, poor choices, and shared/shifted responsibility.
“Trumpism” — a blend of anti-immigrant nationalism, economic populism and America First isolationism that he articulates unapologetically and with some snark
A blend of pro-native nationalism, global economic market reform, community-focused priorities, and emigration reform to mitigate progress of immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises, illegal immigration, labor arbitrage, democratic gerrymandering) at both ends of the bridge and throughout, that he articulates unapologetically and in response to his competitors' invective. #HateLovesAbortion
Readering said...
"Commenters here treat every Democrat as Antifa and/or a socialist. Fine with me, since fine when know thy enemy is good advice not taken. But I get the impression that commenters here think q is dominant on the Republican side. Ouch."
No. YOU think q is dominant on the republican side. Most of don't know what it is. However it scares you to death.
No. YOU think q is dominant on the republican side. Most of don't know what it is. However it scares you to death.
Bugaboo! If they say it three times, in rapid succession, it becomes real.
Blogger Readering said...
Commenters here treat every Democrat as Antifa and/or a socialist. Fine with me, since fine when know thy enemy is good advice not taken. But I get the impression that commenters here think q is dominant on the Republican side. Ouch.
Most of us never heard of"Q" until you lefties brought it up, that and Inga's "Boogalloo Boys."
I assume that not all Democrats are Antifa or Socialist. You just let them run your party.
Blogger Howard said...
Nobody has any expectations that you feminized Verclempt deplorables will forget any of this. Hell has no fury...
Howard sure seems to know a lot about females. Are you transitioning, Howard ? How do the estrogens feel?
He should have brought the challenges that could be made procedurally and accepted the result and concentrated on nailing down some final achievements and displaying the achievements he'd made. He should have been arguing I was a great President not I actually won the election if you look at it the right way.
Trump is overjoyed to have the half-baked hindsight advice of a cruelly neutral WI ditherer.
A progression to the Twilight fringe.
I view our National nightmare as just starting.
I’m shocked at the statements of his appointees.
Sec defense to get rid of radicals / Supremacist in the military, to do a purge.
This is scary stuff. I knew it would be bad, but not this bad...
Dependent on how the Communists taking over the government define "radical" it may not be possible to commission any ROTC graduates this year as 2LTs.
Madame Le Professeur summoned the ghost of Gerald Ford in analyzing what Bulwark dude Jonathan Last said. I've been thinking about that Ford quote the last few days. Eh, to the chattering country-club set, Trump was someone who should have used the service entrance, and they hated his popularity and populism. Something rather Jacksonian in Trumpism. The Morton's Steakhouse Republicans almost, kinda, sorta, not really, not ever tolerated Trump when he was successful, doubly so re: the MAGA fans. Now they can settle into the familiar role of minority party, knowing their long nightmare is over. Sweet dreams, pal.
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