"... and drawing criticism toward the security services who are meant to keep them safe. Images of a mob scaling walls, breaking down fences, and storming the seat of the country’s Democracy have led to criticism that the Capitol Police should have been better prepared for the possible assault. 'What the hell was law enforcement on Capitol Hill thinking by not having secured the Capitol today?' former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta asked on CNBC... 'Everybody knew that there would be a disturbance, everybody knew that there would be people who were interested in doing nothing but creating havoc in the Capitol, and very frankly it was the responsibility of the law enforcement and the Capitol Hill Police to secure the Capitol.'"
It has been demonstrated how insecure the building is. What happens next time?
This is not unrelated to the way the police were ineffectual when mobs broke into storefronts last summer. We live our lives as if buildings protect us, but they only protect us until they don't.
१३१ टिप्पण्या:
Given that capital hill is basically a police state in perpetual lockdown, it's impossible for me to believe the problem is not enough security. Whatever the problem is, it's not that.
Obviously, the incursion occurred precisely because it was unexpected.
The security forces had obviously calculated that conservatives would act as they had acted in the past, as if they had not learned from the BLM and Antifa riots, looting, arson and cop killing.
What’s gone around is coming around.
I was really surprised to see the glass on the first floor was so easily breakable. Not even tempered glass in the easily reachable windows? Also surprised offices don't have automatically locking doors.
But then, remember when a guy easily made it into Obama's White House?
It's almost like they are safe because nobody has ever really tried to get in.
Themayor has pulled the security detail and the remaining force had opened the gates.
"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." -- Some Guy
Maybe *if* lawmakers had paid more attention to what was happening in the big cities this summer, with all the smashed windows.
Well....the Capitol can put up some plywood and really cool art and it will be just beautiful.
"Kamala Harris will sue hairstylist-to-the-stars Jen Atkin for stealing the planned title for Kamala’s upcoming memoir/self-help book: 'Blowing My Way to the Top.'"
The building was designed for the public to attend and debate. The protest yesterday was similar to many that happened in the galleries of the chambers. Except it was different because the public was barred by the new Congress from participating. So the only way to be heard was to ignore the barricades. Heck photos I saw showed the barricades we purposed into breaching tools.
Once again, Congress wants an unassailable wall around the Capitol to protect them, and they will ignore the public’s desire for a wall to protect our borders or police to protect our homes. Easy to learn lessons are being ignored.
The DC Mayor asked federal law enforcement to stand down for the protests. She said it would add to confusion. Boy has she also been wrong at every turn.
The solution is obvious. Declare the Capital an autonomous zone and turn security over to nameless thugs.
This screams of the same type smear that Nancy Pelosi did after the signing of Obamacare. My guess is the not enough security was deliberate, along with leaving the door open.
The Wall Street Journal reports that the Capitol police were “unprepared.”
Andrew Breitbart's $100K Bet
Confirming what MayBee says.
Maybe we really don't live in a police state after all.
The buildings only protect us if the buildings are respected. Think of the Federal building in Portland that was under siege for 4 weeks. Bombs, fire, bricks, assaults.
Our institutions are not only under attack- from both sides- but being removed (think: statues and what they represent). These buildings were built to use under a giant umbrella of common respect. We have lost that, for each other and for the institutions.
We need to work on getting that back. But it starts in the schools. You won't have safe buildings teaching the 1619 Project. That I can guarantee.
The problem is obvious: The Capitol was designed as the legislative seat of a democratic republic of free and responsible citizens. Now that the U.S. has transitioned to a one-and-a-half-party authoritarian state, proper security infrastructure will have to be installed.
Interesting that all these reporters, officials, and experts talk about the Capitol as if it is some sort of saintly, religious sanctuary, at least it reads that way to me. Contrast with how they reported and discussed all the breaches that occurred during the riots and "mostly peaceful protests" of 2020's summer of love.
Were they told to stand down? If the US media hadn't destroyed their own reputations they could do some investigative journalism and get to the bottom of it.
They are on the same team, no surprise. Like legion they have a collective voice.
Where is General Milley when you need him ?
Yes they were told to stand down, just like charlottesville, although the victim is an unperson unlike heather hart.
A component of a conspiracy is a benefit accruing to an entity due to an action the entity is in a position to direct but which it denies.
The left benefited from the intrusion. As a matter of logic, then, we look at the inevitability of the success of the intrusion versus the resources available to prevent it.
And then who controls the Capital Police. And then certain reports or videos that the CP stood aside, or were sufficiently understaffed to accomplish the same thing.
Recall that when Rand Paul and his wife were leaving a meeting, the police steered them through a mob which assaulted them. Paul was upset that law enforcement at the time and later seemed uninterested.
It cannot be said that we lack examples of law enforcement being told to stand down in circumstances where we would expect them to be active, and always in favor of the left's optics. Or violence against the left's enemies.
All things considered, then, the situation puts the CP in the position of proving a negative, which is difficult.
Surprisingly few calls to defund the Capitol police and replace them with social workers. Maybe it will take a few days.
Funny how that works, but praetorian guards arent built in a day.
Gated communities are the only answer for the elites. As a blogger previously noted... a sad end to our republic.
I've seen several video clips like this- the capitol police literally just let them through. Who knows why? Except that the incident served to permanently shut down any legitimate discussion of fraud...
I don't mind watching sausage being made, but these "elites" are assholes. Oh! Sudan? Where's that checkbook?
"the safety of lawmakers and staff who work there"
Because those people are so, so, so. so, so important. Certainly more important than throw-away people like the unborn and taxpayers.
Congress can now empathize with small business owners who watched their livelihood looted and burned to the ground ... just kidding.
Congress critters get first hand exposure to riots. Immediately come to all the wrong conclusions.
Bless your heart, Meade.
The White House used to be just as poorly secured, as was demonstrated when that chucklehead with a knife jumped the fence and walked in the front door. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_White_House_intrusion.) I understand they've made it a bit more secure since then. But maybe not secure enough. When the first Black Lives Matters protests hit Lafayette Park in late May/early June, the president was whisked away to a bunker because the Secret Service was worried that if the demonstrators rushed the building, they'd be able to get in.
GDI said...
Congress can now empathize with small business owners who watched their livelihood looted and burned to the ground ... just kidding.
1/7/21, 7:28 AM
Nothing happened to the Congresscritters. They didn't lose their livelihoods or in some cases...lives. Where was this outrage when Antifa was threatening Senator Josh Hawleys wife and newborn child when he wasn't home. We were told that was peaceful. She was alone, with no security...so spare me their horror. They have no clue. They did the same to Tucker Carlson. Crickets from the left. Maxine told them to get into our faces and tell us we aren't welcome here....IN AMERICA. And people are surprised?? They should be surprised we were peaceful throughout it all.....
The corrupt Democrats and their equally corrupt liberal media allies have achieved one-party rule given that their election stealing has just been sanctified, there will be consequences, we will all suffer the consequences. I predict this stolen election will be looked back on as a watershed moment. We can't have a democracy when only one party is allowed to be elected.
I wish it were otherwise, but I have to agree with Trump haters, including people close to me, that he bears some responsibility for what might be called the "largely peaceful demonstration" at the Capitol. If you are Trump, I guess you don't exactly mind if what should be Biden's golden time is fucked up in a number of ways. I'm pretty sure the Inauguration has had ever-tighter security for many years. This year are there going to be 10 foot steel walls, or something--more effective than the ones on the Mexican border? Whatever happens, Biden might look like some Third World asshole, carried to the stage by two generals.
We live our lives as if buildings protect us, but they only protect us until they don't.
Hah!! The illusion of safety held by those who have never faced the harsh reality of life. The beautiful cocoon. You are not safe. You are never safe.
You can rely on others to protect you...like the Police. But when they aren't there for logistical reasons... OR you have defunded them, insulted and alienated them, made enemies of them...who you gonna call...Ghostbusters?
Protect yourself first and be constantly aware of your vulnerability. That doesn't mean paranoid or cowering in fear. However, blithely tripping through life...tra la la... as if there are no dangers, is not the way to go trough life.
Being surprised by the consequences of your actions, as those in Congress seem to be, is the act of fools and idiots.
But I repeat myself I said Congress and fools and idiots in one sentence.
Althouse: I'm reminded of how Wisconsin protestors occupied Madison's Capitol building during Scott Walker's governance. Are you not? If not, why not? You were actually there.
Yeah. The most secure building, on the most secure day was breached with a feather. Uh-K.
I don't have much of a problem with our elected officials having a healthy respect for the power of their constituents
I hope no unarmed Black men were inconvenienced or annoyed by these events.
wendybar @ 1/7/21, 7:39 AM
Apparently, my sarcasm was too subtle for you to grasp.
The reason our legislators are not in danger is not the security around them, which may be as degraded as the rest of our public efforts. They're safe because these are peaceful protestors who don't want to hurt them. At least, not yet. If our legislators are feeling insecure about their person today, that's a good thing. That's probably the only thing that will motivate better behavior in these garbage people.
I work in Pharma, and we have a considerable amount of security due to the fact there is animal research done onsite. In a conversation with the one guard, he mention if a mob truly wanted to get in here there was not enough staff to keep them out. Also, these guards were not armed. He said the team was there as a deterrent and to keep less than honest people from trying anything. A coordinated attack will always succeeded
I'd like to expand on Trump Jr's trial by combat snippet yesterday. It won't do anything about the 2020 election, and it's an insufficient remedy to the issue of restoring confidence in our elections, but I would love to see Adam Schiff vs. Jim Jordan in a fight. With rules and pads, and a referee. That would go a long way to healing, farther than Merrick Garland's appointment, and probably could be used to raise a lot of money for a good cause.
Bummer that the whiners crying bout violence just stood aside while their colleagues defunded police.
“Everybody knew ....”
Panetta has confused Trump supporters with Democrat BLM/Antifa Brownshirts. Or has he? According to Project Veritas, Panetta and other Dem elite may well have known.
OTOH, why should Trumpers be treated differently than the Biden Brownshirts who have wreaked havoc on other cities? Al least they weren’t looting and burning.
Scroll down to the video of the woman being shot. The shooter should go to jail for murder. Obscene.https://heavy.com/news/ashli-babbit/
Corrupticrats are the majority, made up of both parties, which is the real problem. Unfortunately Mitt, Joe, Diane, Nancy, Mitch etc all have the same fiduciary interest in China as Hunter, as do all the newsertainment companies including sports and tech. That’s what Free America is up against. The cleanest man in DC just officially conceded having been beat by the Swamp. But he did much to expose the monoparty in four short years.
This problem could be solved by hiring some Wokies. The problem is when the job involves getting dirty or its dangerous they never seem to show up.
now they're mobs and riots?
update newspeak dictionary appropriately, comrade.
Same advice for Congresscritters as for normals.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Maybe stop stealing. Elections and taxes.
"now they're mobs and riots?"
-- I distinctly remember being told that property damage wasn't violence.
Whoever these rioters were, perhaps the arrogance of our fat-assed, swamp-sucking rulers will be diminished a tad bit.
"This is not unrelated to the way the police were ineffectual when mobs broke into storefronts last summer."
In that case, the police stood down, which Dems wanted.
I'm conservative enough that I'd like the same rules applied across the board in similar circumstances to all citizens. At what point does that get silly?
GDI said...
wendybar @ 1/7/21, 7:39 AM
Apparently, my sarcasm was too subtle for you to grasp.
1/7/21, 8:04 AM
Nope, I got it, I was embellishing it!!
It has been demonstrated how insecure the building is.
After the insecurity of the building was demonstrated on September 20th, 2018, the answer turned out to be, "We'll do nothing to stop this from happening again."
After the insecurity of the building was again demonstrated on September 24th, 2018, the answer again turned out to be, "We'll again do nothing to stop this from happening again."
After the insecurity of the building was again demonstrated on October 6th, the answer turned out to be, "We'll again do nothing to stop this from happening again, but when the protesters do get inside, we'll shoot an unarmed woman."
Wouldn't it have been nice if security had been taken seriously after September 20th, 2018?
Uh, a woman was shot? Apparently doing no violence, someone from the police fired into a crowd? Why isn't that the big news about the police?
I don’t know what anyone is talking about. Those were peaceful citizens protesting the theft of an election by corrupt democrats. Then the capital police decided to murder someone peacefully protesting.
The shooter should be outed and go to prison, that’s how it works, right?
With apologies to you 1911 geezers out there, that was some decrepit looking hardware being brandished by those guys inside the chambers. Looked like maybe one Glock from this century. One custom cut slide (nice flag, dude). Not one red dot...
Those guys haven't had skills training in a long time.
We live our lives as if the laws protect us, but they only protect us until they don't.
In most of the country, most of the time, the system works on the basis of trust.
Over the past years, that trust has frayed. Dems deliberately abused the system, notably with the collusion hoax. Dems cheered rioters. Dem governors squashed basic liberties through lockdowns. States opened their election procedures to fraud.
Even areas not assuming trust have proved fragile--as in the recent backdoor cyber attack and the older mass theft of government personal data.
The system works as long as people believe the system works. Until recently, the left could assume that the right would believe even if the the left pursued fundamental change. No longer.
Not saying that the Capitol event is a sign of things to come. But the fragility is real.
We live our lives as if buildings protect us, but they only protect us until they don't.
What protects is not buildings but structure in general. Structure channels force, and force breaks structure, whichever reigns at the moment.
Women don't worry about structure, just feelings. Don't feel safe. That's feelings for you.
They break structure all the time for feelings. Same sex marriage, etc. Well now the structure's gone.
I find myself energized by the events of yesterday. Perhaps because it showed that people are willing to act, not just talk, about injustices. And it also showed just how deep the Deep State is.
If the President, Congressmen, Senators, state Attorney Generals, named citizens who fill out sworn statements on what they saw, and most Republican voters say that there were problems with an election, is it the right response to refuse to investigate the claims on technical grounds, call protestors "mobs" as in Michigan, tear gas them as in Oregon, and shoot them as in DC? Isn't a democracy about persuasion? The media has stated that it will present only one side of news stories. Should we think they have presented both sides of the issues about this election when they have promised not to do so? Should anyone who gets their information solely from the media, those who have promised to present only side, think they know both sides and have reached a conclusion? How can you persuade those who possess facts you have never heard that you know better than they do what happened?
Professora asks
It has been demonstrated how insecure the building is. What happens next time?
you of all people should know it is only as secure as the consent of the governed.
unless you want power to flow from barrel of gun
Right? Isn't that what the collective left want?
If someone could get to Adam Schitt and Nancy Pelosi - and hang them from the gallows - it would be justice. Those kind of lies they told should have real consequences.
French revolution.
They followed the Wisconsin Capitol police model from the Walker protests.
How was what happened yesterday any different than what happened then?
Other than live ammo?
"This is not unrelated to the way the police were ineffectual when mobs broke into storefronts last summer. We live our lives as if buildings protect us, but they only protect us until they don't.
The main difference being, one's political persuasions determine whether live ammunition is deployed against people who are standing in a corridor doing nothing, or withheld from people who are actively pillaging / burning / looting.
The distinction is not lost. The distinction is why people were protesting in DC yesterday.
They want to increase funding for the cops that protect them, but defund the cops that protect us. Typical.
The reason the Capitol was breached is because they let it be breached.
Defund the Police was a very catchy slogan to shout, lots of fun until those shouting the slogan get a taste of what it actually looks like.
The Republican Party, huh
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothin'
Say it again, ya'll
Reaping what they sowed.
rehajm said...
With apologies to you 1911 geezers out there, that was some decrepit looking hardware being brandished by those guys inside the chambers. Looked like maybe one Glock from this century. One custom cut slide (nice flag, dude). Not one red dot...
Those guys haven't had skills training in a long time.
Like the lackeys out front "guarding" the barricades....this was not the "real" Capitol security force.
So your Viking is BLM. Or at least he has been present at BLM rallies.
So it is now OK for business owners to shoot intruders.
There was no “shot into a crowd” the shooter aimed with deliberation at the woman. And pulled the trigger. Murder.
It's obvious why the Capitol Police fucked up, it's ran by Congress and answerable to only Congress.
When the Chinese bagman doesn't feel safe coming to drop off the briefcases of Benjamins at the appropriate House/Senatorial offices, that's when you will see Capitol Hill security taken seriously.
Who cares! DC was burning for days in the Summer. How many D's and Rino's were upset about it? How 'bout zero.
WHen did mItt Romney or Mitch fuck face criticize Antifa and their nonstop violence in DC, Portland, Seattle, or anywhere else? SO the Capital got "invaded". Didn't it get "invaded" during the Kavanaugh hearings? was anyone get hysterical and start shooting unarmed women?
I don't think so. Its all fake outrage and hysteria. Cf: Charlottsville.
I was disappointed at Levin yesterday. All did he did was yammer about "the mob" and how "we're giving the left ammunition" and "we need to restore law and order".
Fine sentiments. Except that's all he said. No attempt to put it in context. No discussion about how this was all preplanned to disrupt the Trump rally. No mention that this is being blown up to be 10x worse than it was. No righteous wrath about murdering an unarmed woman by the DC Police. No discussion of the Republicans helping the D's steal the election.
It was pathetic.
Ha-ha! Washington DC is a shithole run by Black politicians. Normally we would deal with it by white flight, followed by dumping money on the corrupt assholes, ignoring their crimes and letting them steal our elections. It's called "benign neglect". But for certain historical reasons, there is a money spigot located in DC which it is not practical to relocate. As a result, some of the whites don't want to flee. Tough shit. The only way DC is going to change is to get worse.
Did you know that over half of the land in the State of Oregon "belongs" to the federal government? Those assholes in DC?
We could use that land.
If all legal avenues for any redress of grievances are closed...
If perfectly reasonable and legitimate questions are summarily dismissed with sneering contempt...
If no representatives of the people will stand up for them...
Election transparency is not too much to ask.
It might be like the non response of the summer, but it is unlike it too. Live rounds were used almost immediately. Nearly everyone swiftly condemned the rioting. The national guard was sent quickly.
The double standard is glaring.
My prediction:
The lesson that our "representatives" will take away from this is... the beatings will continue until morale improves.
The capital police did a good job it would seem to me. They protected everyone working in the building and they clearly had and executed a plan for removing congressmen to a safe place.
When the mob outnumbers the police 1,000 to 1, they have no choice but to give them space unless there are no other alternatives. We can shut the capital down to the public, but that is giving in to the mob.
The capital police should be commended, except for a single gunshot which was tragic. However, when a rioter makes the decision to trespass with force, one outcome is that they can die at the hands of law enforcement.
"However, when a rioter makes the decision to trespass with force, one outcome is that they can die at the hands of law enforcement."
-- Except that's never how it has been for several years. The Capitol Police screwed up, royally, in not properly preparing the building before hand and in using live ammunition against peaceful protesters. The Anti-Kavanaugh protesters who broke in weren't shot.
There were never serious questions about the safety of the Little People during the summer of fiery riots.
Like an awful lot of “security” the Congress security turned out to be mostly security theater. The videos of the protesters making their way past the capitol cops was .... revealing.
There wasn’t much of a perceived threat, which at the end of the day...there really wasn’t. White, middle-class citizens aren’t expected to behave this way. Turns out it’s the only way to get any attention around here (but empathy and understanding is reserved only for the BLM crowd)..
The response of the security team makes it appear that a thousand or so armed citizens actually could take back the gov't. I don't expect the political right to do this, as they are generally more law abiding and polite.
But the groups who funded Antifa and BLM last summer have to be watching this and making plans. That crowd is demented enough to try an armed revolt. And those of us who might naturally want to preserve order are going to laugh at Pelosi and Shumer swinging from ropes.
I think if history shows us anything, it's that when lawmakers are afraid, that's good for liberty.
We can shut the capital down to the public, but that is giving in to the mob.
The Capitol was already shutdown to the public because of the previous mobs. The city around the Capitol had murals giving its support to the previous mobs that roamed the streets. If you had any sense, you would recognize that when other mobs were accommodated, that set the precedent for future mobs.
One lesson to take from yesterday: Deplorables are much better at seizing Federal property than Antifa.
"If you had any sense, you would recognize that when other mobs were accommodated, that set the precedent for future mobs."
-- Washington had a year and half, if not more, to put a stop to political violence. I'm glad they finally realized, hey, political violence is a bad thing. A few broken windows, and a few murdered protesters is all it took. Weird they didn't get the message when the city was literally burning several months ago.
Blogger Jupiter said...
Did you know that over half of the land in the State of Oregon "belongs" to the federal government? Those assholes in DC?
They own 38% of Arizona. I thought that was bad...
It's revealing no leftists were worried about safety last year despite multiple instances of arson on occupied buildings, direct confrontations with screaming mobs in public places, and intentional blockades.
Why? Because the people threatened weren't important. But leftists identify with government they perceive this as targeting themselves, and peasants can't threaten the aristocracy.
How many dead would there be if a similar mob stormed and ran rampant through the White House?
and, BTW, that was the Capitol Police, not DC police.
"How many dead would there be if a similar mob stormed and ran rampant through the White House?"
-- Zero. Zero people were killed when they attempted to storm the White House.
random thoughts.
- at one point 20 years ago I did some small work for the CP. It's a very dysfunctional political force. Patronage abounds and hear that the reign of Queen Nancy has been worse
- "We live our lives as if buildings protect us, but they only protect us until they don't."
a truism from my Army career. We were always taught. "barriers and obstacles are only effective if covered by fire (guns)" Trying to hold back mobs by muscle power at 100-1 odds brings you back to the "push of Pikes" e.g. phalanx mode. The deeper side always wins.
- I was struck by their complete lack of foresight. They were prepared for Tea Party Demo. They got less than an Antifa riot.
- The Change in policy by the DC Mayor was striking.
- The Pentagon is blameless. After being accused by the Media and left of doing Trumps political theater this Summer, they were forced to be passive now. Only After being requested by Congress or Trump could they even begin to plan a support mission. BTW. The head of the DC National Guard is the POTUS. a relic of similar 1960's riots
- The CP were breached in the Fall at the Kavanaugh hearings. Why no outrage then? They were Leftists.
- and yes, I am horrified at Trumps behavior and appalled at yesterday's events.
They own 38% of Arizona. I thought that was bad...
80% of Nevada.
Easterners don't understand how that drives a Libertarian streak in non-coastal Westerners
"There was no “shot into a crowd” the shooter aimed with deliberation at the woman. And pulled the trigger. Murder."
Althouse wrote: We live our lives as if buildings protect us, but they only protect us until they don't.
Is that supposed to be profound...because it's not. See rhhardin's 8:53. He perfectly captures her naivety.
trump sycophants resigning slowly but surely.Graham turns his coat again, to be expected. They will put a muzzle on trump for next 13 days,(did you see the moVie 13 DAYS?)maybe do the Nixon thing(Pence also has them) and ask to be told if trump asks about the football and biscuit. trump is just the figurehead of the enabling R's who have watched his insanity for 4 years. The American carnage trump talked about just about 4 years ago came to fruition yesterday by his, Guiliani and Flynns rhetoric and combat talk. Merrick Garland(a slam to McConnell ) will be next AG (will he investigate, Barr has come out saying trump is unhinged per se))for now that Biden has won the Senate and could get the cabinet he wants not the one he thinks that can pass confirmation that R's would deny. Social media putting a halt on the trump lies'(indefinite,)(I won, unproveable in a court of law fraud) SDYN been waiting patiently for trump in NY and rumors were that trump tries to escape to another country to stall off court cases and charges, the SDNY have for civil and criminal lawsuits to ensure this fella cant even run for dog catcher in buttfuk alabama.This aberration finally comes to an end with Americas debt at all time record high under trump, lost more jobs than gained not a usual presidential asset, ,almost 400,000 dead under his watch(the buck stops with the president regardless)its what history records. Stock market(trump said would tank)is blowing up with thoughts of more stimulus coming to the economy despite it all(it will crash in April or late summer,10 year Bull has to end soon)January 6th now became the 2nd "day of Infamy" in recorded American history. Democracy held strong but the fragility is obvious. The failed insurrection will bring about the study of security failure at our nations capitol and where were the DC police? Everyone knew this was coming for weeks ahead.. And now back to a boring world of politics where the tweeter in chief isn't the main menu everyday, and things that happen will escape even more unaware Americans.
Living thru Korea Police action,Viet Nam,Civil rights movement,Kent State etc. the evolution is par for a baby Democracy(2.3 Centuries a mere drop in history) When I finally take a dirt nap hopefully my grandkids,great grandkids and theirs have worked some of this mess out.DC will become next State, Republican party will go the way of the WHIGS trumpism under a smarter more suave dude will come to fruition someday again, more prep probably unless big $$$ deems it unstoppable and the Band plays on.Did they send my $2000 g's yet?
"Zero people were killed when they attempted to storm the White House."
I applaud you advanced technique: answer a different question. Hope someday to ascend to your intellectual level.
How many dead would there be if a similar mob stormed and ran rampant through the White House?
"We must. We must protect ourselves from the people we represent!"
Nothing, Althouse. Nothing ever protects you in this country except the forbearance and goodwill of your neighbors.
The progressives abandoned the rule of law. Where you gonna hide now? All the laws having been knocked flat. to paraphrase.
The times they are achangin'
Pursuing the precedent for peaceful protests as portrayed this past Spring in Portland and Seattle, a small party presented themselves near the Capitol yesterday....
The breach of the Capitol was nothing. NOTHING!...compared to the breach of our election process in November.
"They own 38% of Arizona. I thought that was bad..."
46% of California. Can you imagine how fucked up that state would be if they had nearly twice the land to manage that they currently do?
We've finally gotten a count of injuries; we jumped from one death to four, though no one is telling us how the other three died. We have reports of 60 some injuries among the Capitol Police, apparently hit with lead pipes. Despite not having any information about this yesterday, we now have reports of Molotov cocktails being found.
Yet, no fires. Maybe they were decorative cocktails? Who knows. It appears there was violence, though we won't be told exactly what happened for some more time. So, it appears it was somewhat worse than the anti-Kavanaugh invasion, but relatively tame compared to other riots over the summer.
Still, we need to know how these four people were killed, and who among the Capitol Police are responsible for their deaths, if anyone.
I heard a report the other 3 were medical emergencies. Typical of the media to lump them together to create the wrong impression.
Oh, the poor "lawmakers". What terrible harm did they suffer from the protests?
Answer: Not a fucking thing.
Meanwhile a US citizen was shot in the face and died, and the silence is deafening.
Face it, folks. The Grand Republic is over, finished, kaput, dead.
We now live in the USSR, with nice cars and cell phones.
Yes, what happens next time -- they need more walls, more fences, more security, more cameras, more guns, more more money!
The reward for failure is more everything.
That's the US government.
News report:
"Congressman Tim Ryan just told reporters that as many as 60 Capitol Police officers were injured, including 15 hospitalized and one in critical condition. Many were hit in the head with lead pipes, he said."
Where does one get a lead pipe? I've never encountered such a thing...
You can get a lead pipe off Amazon.
"I heard a report the other 3 were medical emergencies.
If the deaths had been caused by the protestors, the MSM would be shouting it from the rooftops. Are they?
Just sayin'.
And everybody has a home address. Remember last week, when the Antifa mob was protesting outside Sen. Hawley's home in Washington while his wife and newborn daughter were there? By the end of the year, we may look back on such mere harassment and intimidation as "the good old days." Nobody lives in a fortified castle. Very few people have 24/7 security details. Even with such security, if someone really wants you dead, they can probably accomplish it if they don't care about collateral damage. Something to think about. The Democrats are about to walk through a minefield. If they're smart, they'll walk like they're on eggshells. I expect them to instead stomp on everything in their way. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwhind.
"The Democrats are about to walk through a minefield. If they're smart, they'll walk like they're on eggshells. I expect them to instead stomp on everything in their way."
-- A fair guess, as I can't recall a single time a Democrat has actually effectively tried to lower the political temperature.
From today's local paper:
Pro-Trump mob storms US Capitol in bid during protest
"WASHINGTON (AP) — A violent mob loyal to President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday and forced lawmakers into hiding, in a stunning attempt to overturn America’s presidential election, undercut the nation’s democracy and keep Democrat Joe Biden from replacing Trump in the White House.
The nation’s elected representatives scrambled to crouch under desks and don gas masks, while police futilely tried to barricade the building, one of the most jarring scenes ever to unfold in a seat of American political power. A woman was shot and killed inside the Capitol, and Washington’s mayor instituted an evening curfew in an attempt to contain the violence.
The rioters were egged on by Trump, who has spent weeks falsely attacking the integrity of the election and had urged his supporters to descend on Washington to protest Congress’ formal approval of Biden’s victory. Some Republican lawmakers were in the midst of raising objections to the results on his behalf when the proceedings were abruptly halted by the mob."
Disingenuous reporting. AP's assertions without evidence are bolded.
When liberals occupy the halls of congress to scream at senators and intimidate them over the Kavanaugh hearing it's OK, even celebrated.
The left is not going to like how this two-tiered system of justice works out.
... while police futilely tried to barricade the building,
Police removing barricades for protesters video
Police waving crowds onto the grounds of the capitol video
If you wanted to discredit Trump and his supporters, and make sure that the congressional hearings raising questions about the validity of the process were buried, how would you go about it?
more on the "Viking" "Trump supporter"
"Backstage" profile
Angeli as Viking/Comrade on left w/commie tattoo?
Angeli with Tempe BLM protesters in June
Angeli leads in AZ Climate protest
Antifa wear MAGA gear instructions
You can't buy lead pipes anymore at the plumbing store. Where do you get them now-a-days?
The cop died of his wounds.
These rioters left a dead cop in their wake.
Fuck those traitors and hypocrites, they have blood on their hands.
Geesh Readering and Mark, it's exactly as people on the right have warned since for the last several years when left leaning protesters were throwing explosives and beating cops: Eventually, political violence will lead to dead people. It's exactly what the right warned and tried to stop, but the left kept pushing that protests don't need to peaceful or polite, that riots should continue without any check. This is the fault of the people who rioted, but they were enabled by years of political violence being approved by the left, and the right being called racist fascists for saying, "hey, maybe we shouldn't encourage political violence."
The left needs to own the consequences of their actions just as much as the rioters do. Maybe, just maybe, this is the wake up call the left needs to finally condemn the political violence they've enabled and approved of for years.
Blah blah blah.
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