Here’s my promise to you: I’ll be a president for all Americans. Whether you voted for me or not, I’ll wake up every single morning and work to make your life better.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 3, 2021
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Here’s my promise to you: I’ll be a president for all Americans. Whether you voted for me or not, I’ll wake up every single morning and work to make your life better.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 3, 2021
१४३ टिप्पण्या:
Hang in there, Joe!
It could be worse.
And if you believe that, you're as demented as he is.
He'll do what his bosses in Beijing tell him to do.
I'd prefer that he and the rest of his crew would just leave me alone.
"Hey, it's still morning somewhere." (Hits snoozebar)
Stick it in your ear Joe. (Stronger message to follow.)
"And if you believe that..."
I believe that he made the promise. That's what matters. I will hold him to it and link back to this post whenever I need to. It doesn't matter whether you trust a politician to do what he says. You should still note the promises that are made so you can judge the performance. What is this person saying he will do. He could also promise to achieve a radical left-wing agenda. That would also be hard to believe. But his not making that promise.
"Making our lives better" will, of course, be by his definition whether or not it matches the facts on the ground. "We're solving climate change" for example, will be portrayed as an objective good for everyone, even if electricity is unaffordable or not reliably available day to day.
Uh, please don’t. I’m tired of all the help. I just want to work and run my business. Of course, this year has been so economically disruptive that I can’t seemed to work without panic attacks. So, thanks for that.
There are certain things a politician is expected to say. Joe can be relied upon to say those kinds of things. It's just words. No harm in noting them, but he will not be held to them. How would that even happen?
Okay, so slow Joe has made a promise. Let me know when president Kamala makes the same promise.
Say what you will about Pompey Magnus, but I doubt he thought such mindless pap was enough to preserve the Roman Republic.
Prof A. "...making that promise." What promise, exactly, did Joe make? "Working for you, every day." Deconstruct that, please, into real-world metrics, please?
Day 1: orders a crippling change in our energy policy. But it's OK, because he's "Working for You!"
Day 2: orders a crippling change in regulatory review. But it's OK, because he's "Working for You!"
Day 3: orders an emergency surtax on IRA's. But it's OK, because he's "Working for You!"
"Making your life better" is defined as packing the Supreme Court, adding DC and Puerto Rico as states, and letting Iran go nuclear. It's all for your own good.
Althouse has no grounds to complain when I call her gullible.
Then see if you can leave us the hell alone.
I believe that he made the promise. That's what matters.
Oh, you sweet summer child.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
~ C. S. Lewis
I want to be left alone.
If he wants to make my life better he should shut up with the BS platitudes. I don't need to be reminded of the corrupt, lying fraud occupying the White House.
Pictures of the sunrise or it didn't happen!
He's going to try to ban guns, free speech, fracking, small business, freedom of movement, just to name a few of the ways that will make us "build back better."
HA, HA, HA! If you believe baseless Biden, I have a bridge to sell in Brooklyn.
After 47 years, why the sudden change Joe? Oh, that's right. Barry told you'll it'll work.
Nope, not MY President! [Isn't that what the anti-Trump crowd screamed, ad nauseam?
That's definitely a promise that he can't keep.
Good Lord!
This aspirational bullshit is what the Democrats do to hook in the ladies who believe in being nice and helping people who will not help themselves.
That is how the road to tyrannical state-run capitalism (i.e. socialism) is paved.
What a crock.... Biden works for the CCP. Bought and paid for via Hunter Biden.
Fuck that guy. Resist.
As many others have noted, it all comes down to the definition of "making your life better."
I'm sure, per
his definition the things he does makes our collective lives better. I am unlikely to agree. Tommy's quote from CS Lewis is appropriate.
Also, I'm not sure that I want an idiot working his hardest to make my life better. Not that I'd want a genius doing so either . . .
Hang in there, Joe!
It could be worse.
He has a suggestion box..
I read the entire Democratic Party platform that you and Harris ran on, Joe. There is not one single thing in it that will make my life better - not one. Please go back to your basement and go to sleep.
Start by not being a lying POS. Then leave me the hell alone.
Gag me with a spoon
He seems to at least be promising to be out of bed by noon every day.
It's a start.
I trust Biden to be the same grifting, lying corksoaker he’s been for all his political life.
Does Dementia Joe even know who's running his twitter account?
Trump made my and my family’s life better. You opposed all that, Joe, remember?
He'll wake up every morning figuring out how to repay the CCP for putting him in office.
China now owns the American President. China will work its will.
And, of course, Joe won't pursue money damages against China for unleashing the virus.
Lying dog faced pony soldier.....
In the minds of the Dems and Joe, CAGW is real and the Green New Deal is a must.
But the Dems have been wrong for 40 years about global warming. The Green New Deal will make every Americans life worse but they will rationalize it by saying the Earth won't burn up in 2100. This is how they "think."
Biden has said before he will be president of all the people. The same way that Obama did.
Biden has also called for unity of people. He called for it immediately after demonizing and condemning everyone who does not bow down to his ideology.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
~ C. S. Lewis
1) he's lying
2) even if he believes this crap "promise," the results will be indistinguishable from those that would come if he was lying and had evil intent.
3) He cannot execute on any plan. It is his handlers, who are doing both 1 & 2.
Shouldn't he be making the promise that his entire administration will act that way? And the people he appoints?
A President doesn't do much -- it's the bureaucracy that does the dirty work. (I was heartened to see the quick retraction of the FDA Fee on makers of disinfectant).
It's the kind of thing that I devoutly wish all leaders would say--and then follow through on.
Joe is like the piano player in the whore house, who has no idea what's going on upstairs.
Promise noted; not believed. Happy to compare my results to his promise and note EVERY difference.
I'm interested to see what happens when conservatives & republicans stop pulling the wagon and all jump in the wagon and expect to be pulled along.. Perhaps we can crash the system within a year or two.
I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, but any way that I can find to work against the democrats or slow the systems or just gum up the works, I will take that path. As I suspect so will lots of others. Just think of it being like your neighbors letting the air out of your tires everyday and then watching as you have to deal with that first thing every morning before you can move ahead. That's gonna be me and millions of my friends letting the air out of your tires.
Best of luck Joe!
I suspect he lied when he said he would wake up every morning...
Who here has ever once thought of Joe Biden as "us"?
Took a committee to come up with the tweet. When Joe attempts to do it himself, he wonders why multi syllabic words are underlined in red.
I believe that he made the promise. That's what matters. I will hold him to it and link back to this post whenever I need to.
You didn't hold his "disqualifying" statements against him enough to vote for Trump, what are you gonna do now?
the voices in his head, like venom,
I like that, Iman. Good one to remember when the other might be inappropriate. ;-)
"Here’s my promise to you: I’ll be a president for all Americans. Whether you voted for me or not, I’ll wake up every single morning and work to make your life better."
Cool. What do you promise to do when that (make everybody's lives better) doesn't happen? If there are no consequences for not following through on your promise, it's rather an empty one, is it not?
After he spends the first waking hour wiping drool off his face...
Trump made my and my family’s life better. You opposed all that, Joe, remember?
He ended Obama/Biden's wars without borders (e.g. Iraq War 2.0), stood up to transnational terrorism, influence peddling (and reordering claims), and exposed the multiple forcings and motives of catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform a.k.a. refugee crises. He negotiated peace in the Middle East and beyond. Furthermore, he cooperates with stake holders in a bid for emigration reform to reduce direct and collateral damage from immigration reform at both ends of the bridge and throughout. He bypassed Obamacares' enabling progressive prices and pursued market restoration to control the effect of single/central/monopoly schemes. He stood up to diversity dogma and other class-based bigoted religious/ethical doctrines. He backed early treatment when the press was in denial and stigmatizing inexpensive, effective, low-risk treatments to mitigate pathogenic progress. He is Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Think of the unPlanned (i.e. survivors) Posterity.
"I believe that he made the promise."
You are naive if you believe Joe actually wrote or approved this message.
This is he most boilerplate, generic, political bullshit message possible.
It has no meaning. There are no consequences for 'breaking' this 'promise.'
You're too old and too smart to fall for this kind of sophistry.
Joe is doing what he does best, mouthing platitudes.
Education reform to reduce the incidence of Every Child Left Behind (e.g. Democrats in Atlanta). Urban revitalization, rehabilitation, and reconciliation, which is presumably why more conservative citizens voted for Trump, and more liberals voted for Biden. He actually worked with stakeholders and not appointed community leaders.
"I will hold him to it..."
How do you intend to do that? Aside from pointing out when he's not doing what he promised, that is.
"I’ll wake up every single morning"
It's called "a check he can't cash."
Diversity of individuals, minority of one?
Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?
Americans, first?
I, for one, welcome Biden losing his religion/ethics.
It's called "a check he can't cash."
Yes, Biden's base is the most diversitist, politically congruent, ethical, social justice-mongering demographic since Democrats first demanded that people kneel for redistributive change, diversity, slavery, quasi-scientific agendas, em-pathetic appeals, and the wicked solution.
"I’ll wake up every single morning and work to make your life better."
It's not this idiot's (or any other politicians') place to 'make my life better'.
I just want these assholes to stay out of my way so I can make my own life better in the manner of my choosing.
Government needs to learn how to fuck off.
Is his Administration going to be an Administration for all Americans?
If not, we're just getting the head-fake.
The first thing Joe would do to fulfill his promise is to look thoroughly and openly into all accusations of voter fraud.
I'm glad Althouse has promised to hold him to it.
As political promises go that seems quite vague.
It's hard to see what would constitute breaking it and hard to see why Althouse thinks it is a marker that can later be called.
He doesn’t know me. Doesn’t have a clue how to make my life better. I want him to leave me the f—- alone.
"I’ll wake up every single morning..."
Doubtful. I'd check with Harris and her supporters on that one.
I have never looked to any politician to 'make my life better'. I hate that we may have become a land of simps and beggars that get on their knees to mewl to politicians. If that is the case, this jewel, this USA, will not remain ours for long.
Others will take it. I won't even blame them for doing it. I sure as hell ain't gonna defend it.
I’m agnostic on whether it’s good for my president to wake every morning thinking how to make my life better, but I do know I prefer to wake every morning and give as little thought as possible to politics particularly if the politics involve wackdoodle wee-hour tweets.
Behold your promisor --
the Sniffengroper
Hunter is the only one this corrupt fuck represents.
"He could also promise to achieve a radical left-wing agenda. That would also be hard to believe."
He did promise to achieve a radical left-wing agenda. As has become your habit of late, you somehow convinced yourself that he means what you would like him to mean. But he doesn't.
And no, it is not at all difficult to believe that a Biden administration would achieve a radical left-wing agenda. The plan in place is to open the borders while criminalizing the possession of weapons. The former is intended to make the election fraud practiced this year unnecessary in future years. The latter is intended to drive a wedge between the right and the police, and to get quite a few of both killed or imprisoned. With the assistance of the rotten FBI and the even more corrupt Soros DAs, this plan may well prosper, if we fail to stop it before it starts.
Teh lying, dog-faced pony tugger can piss right off.
Nothin’ from nothin’, but where’s Tim in Vermont? A NY resolution perhaps?
Except for that guy in hard hat. Joe don't work for him.
Ha ha ha ha! What, Biden* is suddenly going to turn over a new leaf at age 78 and start working for the American people instead of the Biden* crime family? Tell us another one, Biden*!
"work to make your life better"
OK, then drop that child and elder care monstrosity tout de suite.
Otherwise, Joe, I might suspect that you are just bloviating like you used to.
He left off, "for a price". He'll represent all Americans for a price. Jesus what a fuckwit.
Really, Joe?
You'll oppose the racism sexism of the Left, and protect white males from discrimination?
You'll protect female athletes, especially in highschool, from "trans" male athletes?
You won't allow any of your family members to engage in any business where your name matters?
No? You won't do any of that?
Fuck you, and fuck your bullshit
We all know he is a tool of the powerful, that his cold old heart has no pity for the thousands of late term abortion fetuses who will experience great pain with no compassion from him.
Not to mention the fetuses a few months along who are like ---- hey why is someone cutting me apart -THAT HURTS!!!
He does not care. He is old and should know better but he doesn't. He does not care.
Big Mike shows that perceptiveness and insight we've come to know so well. Most of us, Biggie, can see Althouse contemns Biden. She isn’t announcing to the world “see, it will be alright, we have Joe's promise”. She's a lawyer, and she is building a case. Exhibit 1 has been labeled.
’ll wake up every single morning and work to make your life better.
Joe will wake up every morning wondering where his bathrobe is. In any case, I am in charge of making my life better, not the government.
I mean, you can go about your daily business and not care, but the fact is that Joe Biden is an old man, almost senile, and he refuses to be a human being who cares for the millions of children who could live nice lives if people like hime were pro-life, and he refuses to take responsibility for the pain and violence he supports, most importantly against almost full-term fetuses, who experience almost the exact same pain and terror during an abortion that a new born would experience if a murderer killed the newborn, but also against fetuses a few months along who, whether you know it or not, are VERY UPSET when some creepy doctor starts to cut them up in preparation to remove them from the womb.
He very optimistic about waking up.
It's not about Joe, anyway. It's the Prog agenda.
In any case, I am in charge of making my life better, not the government.
The problem is, those of us who think this way are now a minority. Tocqueville was right.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, of course.
Another tiresome fecal fling of extreme neutrality
Hey Joe, promising what you are obligated to do when swearing in to the office is meaningless. FOAD you POS.
"In any case, I am in charge of making my life better, not the government."
The trouble here is that Joe believes not everybody *cough*blacks*cough* is intelligent enough to be able to figure out a way to make their life better.
So there's that...
I’ll wake up every single morning
Time will tell. And is there a pool folks can get in on?
"And is there a pool folks can get in on?"
Protip- If Kamala's already in, forget about it.
You aren’t my ****** president, Biden*.
Joe's only agenda is having a daily bowel movement and making $ for Biden Inc.
Biden, Pelosi & Co. won't have an easy time of it. Antifa & BLM will want their pound of flesh and will become increasingly nasty. Pelosi's home was vandalized over the weekend as was McConnell's.
"Antifa & BLM will want their pound of flesh and will become increasingly nasty."
And anything they do will be blamed on the Proud Boys. It's all good.
Want to make my life better, China Joe? Then leave me the hell alone.
Normally I have too much to say here. On this? Just...ugh.
Isn’t this about the time the WAPO started talking Trump impeachment? So when can we start talking Biden impeachment over China corruption. He should get every benefit of the doubt Trump received. Fire up the Articles of impeachment on Inauguration Day and then go fishing for evidence later. Welcome to the new American standards created by the Democrats.
Mockturtle:” Antifa & BLM will want their pound of flesh”
What makes you think Biden will hesitate to give them yours?
Quotas are coming. For schools, for vaccines, for health care, for unemployment insurance.
Bailouts for blue cities and blue states with red tax increases.
Indirect bailouts for universities via “free tuition”.
Destruction of the value of the dollar and savings.
Emptying prisons, not prosecuting crimes against persons and property, only ones against regulations and quotas.
Prosecution for pronouns.
Where is Yancey “7500 dead, tops” Ward these days? He said he would confess error if he was off by (checks notes) a factor of 40 or more. It’s more. Where's the confession?
Joe Biden (maybe) tweeted the following:
"Here’s my promise to you: I’ll be a president for all Americans. Whether you voted for me or not, I’ll wake up every single morning and work to make your life better."
That's the job of the President. Not sure what that promise means beyond the words that some Biden camper put together. Eh, it's what passes for communication to the "81 million," I guess.
Sure. He'll make our lives better by creating institutions which adjudicate based on grievance hierarchy rank rather than facts and laws.
AA: Joe, this is Ann Althouse-- remember that promise you made 1/3/21?
AA: ...nevermind.
More predictably rancid commentery to AA's Biden post.
Thanks, Joe. My life would be improved by a balanced Federal budget - no borrowing from the future repaid in inflated currency. So - this year?
She's a lawyer, and she is building a case. Exhibit 1 has been labeled.
@Ken B., towards what end? Does anyone here think Joe Biden cares one teeny, tiny bit about Althouse’s promise to “hold him to it and link back to this post whenever I need to”? She might actually do that a time or two, but even that’s a stretch. Biden had been both stupid and corrupt his entire political life, and she’s gullible to think that has any likelihood of changing. She thinks we’re gullible to believe she’s doing anything but an empty exercise, if she bothers to do anything at all.
You can read the actual Democrat platform here: THAT's the help they have in mind.
I believe he thinks that what he'll do will help all Americans. I just don't think his actual solutions really will, or they will, in a superficial way without resolving the actual problems. Sort of like OTC medicine that just suppresses symptoms while your body naturally fights off whatever is making you sick.
I hope he keeps his promise, but from watching his actions during the Obama administration, I find it unlikely he's capable of fulfilling it.
“Then Aaron took the gold, melted it down, and molded it into the shape of a calf. When the people saw it, they exclaimed, “O Israel, these are the gods who brought you out of the land of Egypt!”
"I believe that he made the promise. That's what matters. I will hold him to it and link back to this post whenever I need to."
The intentional banality of Biden's twitter account cannot be seen as other than a smokescreen.
By the time the fubar's start to show in the B/H admin's record, Trump's transparency - brash as it often was - will be missed by people of good will.
That last part is deliberate, since the big media types will never admit to missing it.
"I believe that he made the promise. That's what matters. I will hold him to it and link back to this post whenever I need to. It doesn't matter whether you trust a politician to do what he says. You should still note the promises that are made so you can judge the performance."
It's not a promise, it's a banal intangible masquerading as a deliverable.
Contrast that with the list of promises Trump articulated and delivered (and those he failed to deliver) upon. This Biden messaging is what the past Master of the Game Bill Clinton used to call "Boob Bait for Bubbas".
Hey Bubba; happy new year.
Biden in 2024:
"And I delivered on my promise to be president of all the people of America."
GTFOH with this blithering idiocy. How low of a standard are we setting for this unaccomplished strap-hanger, anyway?
Old sleazy Joe waking up in the morning is a horrible visual.
Plus no way he writes that drivel tweeted on his account, above his pay grade.
Stop the steal !
Readering said...
"More predictably rancid commentery to AA's Biden post."
Nobody's forcing you to be here. Nobody is forcing you to post.
Do not trust in princes, in the son of man, who has no salvation.
His spirit leaves, he returns to his soil; on that day, his thoughts are lost.
Psalm 146
Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
AA: Joe, this is Ann Althouse-- remember that promise you made 1/3/21?
AA: ...nevermind
Don't know how you think Ann is going to be doing the talking with a quart of egg salad rammed down her throat.
NOT my President!
Ann: I believe that he made the promise. That's what matters.
Promises made by persons with dementia have no meaning.
Edited out of Uncle Joe's promise: "Of course, if you don't realize that I made your life better, that's your problem."
I believe that he made the promise. That's what matters.
It's not the only thing that matters. He smeared me as a Trump voter. He repeatedly lied about Trump and his administration, including the Fine People Hoax. I couldn't care less what his worthless promises are.
Pretty words, just like a domestic abuser. That jackass can go unify himself.
Who amongst us believes any word he says? I don't.
AA: Joe, this is Ann Althouse-- remember that promise you made 1/3/21?
AA: ...nevermind.
She'll punish him just like she punished him for what she called a lie about Trump's racism... she'll not vote for his opponent if he runs in 2024.
It's not the only thing that matters. He smeared me as a Trump voter. He repeatedly lied about Trump and his administration, including the Fine People Hoax. I couldn't care less what his worthless promises are.
Pretty words, just like a domestic abuser. That jackass can go unify himself.
The theme of the blog for the next four years is going to be the damage being done to our country by those resisting the Left.
If someone didn't vote for Biden what makes Biden think he knows what would make that person's life better? If he presumes that the same things make all our lives better does he also think there isn't a need for two or more political parties?
Joe and the Democrats know best. Is that what he means?
Yeah, I know what he said is the same old line and is supposed to make the losers feel better, but it really doesn't. Plus, as Ann foretells, it's a promise which will not be kept and we know Biden will only make his own family members lives better for sure.
More than half the nation did NOT vote for Joe; votes against Trump voted him in.
So every morning Joe's got a big hill to climb, once he's helped out of bed.
"...make our lives better...": isn't that the implicit promise of every politician? Such that is need not be said?
Joe Biden is a piece of shit. He hung his candidacy on a vile lie about Charlottsville but I despised him long before that. He’s every good old boy insider guy I ever worked with. A piece of shit, as a wise man once pit it. Me, that is. Now.
Joe, everyone’s calling you a piece of shit. It’s a consensus, like global warming.
plat•i•tude plăt′ĭ-too͞d″, -tyoo͞d″►
n. A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed as if it were original or significant. synonym: cliché.
n. Lack of originality; triteness.
n. Flatness; dullness; insipidity of thought; triteness.
As Josephbleau said, this is not a promise, it is a platitude. Exhibit 1 has been labeled – and it is not a promise – it is a trite, banal remark all politicians say as if it is original or significant.
There is literally nothing to “hold him to it and link back to this post whenever I need to”.
Until I take my nap at 3.
Sorry Joe! You'll be governing via 'Executive Edict' for a minimum of two years. The House has a razor thin majority 216 - 209. You'll not be able to pass massive legislation like "Obamacare". I'm not concerned - the much maligned voting public did their job. Trump losing [assuming legal avenues are exhausted] is not a big deal - it happens. When 2022 roles around the House will flip to Republicans because that's how historical elections results have panned out.
Readering, the ever-loyal serf.
Dear President...any president...I don't want you to have enough power to make my life better. That's what the state governments are for. I only want you to step in when they so obviously drop the ball a la Oregon. Those people have been living in a shitstorm of their own making for months. Why do you go make their lives better?
He lies.
Doesn’t really have that “ask not what your country can do for you..:” ring to it does
“Here’s my promise to you: I’ll be a president for all Americans. Whether you voted for me or not, I’ll wake up every single morning and work to make your life better.”
“Oh, Joe, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz. My friends all drive Porsches; I must make amends....”
Ken B said...
“Big Mike shows that perceptiveness and insight we've come to know so well. Most of us, Biggie, can see Althouse contemns Biden. She isn’t announcing to the world “see, it will be alright, we have Joe's promise”. She's a lawyer, and she is building a case. Exhibit 1 has been labeled.”
And then what?
Exhibit 1 and $5 won’t even buy you a cup of coffee.
Frankly, by the time 2024 rolls around I don't think Biden will be able to be held responsible for his own actions.
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