The reason we care so much about politics and who is president and who is in the senate, is because the government has far too much control over our lives.
If the government was benign, we wouldn’t care nearly as much because the impact of the government would be very little.
Joe Smith (10:58): Don't exaggerate: "nearly last in his class" is a little strong. At 76th out of 85, he did (just) manage to stay out of the bottom 10%.
And don't forget little-girl-sniffing-and-fondling, owned-by-China, eulogizer-of-Klansman, and a dozen other true things you could (and should) say about him.
Is anyone luckier, politically, than Joe Biden? The guy was a laughingstock in 1988 and today he is POTUS. He's quite dim and a serial liar, and he's said and done many disgraceful or stupid things over the years. And he's been wrong about almost every significant issue when he was in positions of power.
Obviously, without Barack Obama, none of this would have happened. Biden would be a retired Senator, an afterthought back-bencher from a small state. But now he's the most powerful man on earth. Incredible.
And Kamala is even dumber and phonier than Joe.
Honestly, Pence was the only one of the four who seemed remotely competent and decent. Trump is too wild, manic and distracted; he's very unfocused. Kamala is an empty pantsuit who slept her way to the top of couldn't win a debate or a primary if her life depended on it. Biden is decrepit senile old fool who was never qualified when he was at his peak. America needs to produce better candidates.
Pence is much too social-con for my tastes, but I trust the guy. He should be president.
tcrosse said... So when do they take down the razor wire and send the Guard home? Ever? Never!
from the Ace of Spades: We got a bunch of new rules that have just been handed down and I've been told they go into effect today. You all remember how "the #Resistance" was all the rage, right? All the cool kids were doing it. Well, not any more. Now it's a Bad Thing to try to oust the president. The new word is "insurrectionist", and it's a slur, not a compliment. Any criticism of the Biden administration will now be called an insurrection. The military is now good. Those brave soldiers are on our side now, right? At least, those we vet and approve of. Police, too. And military parades? Also cool now. 30,000 federal troops in the capitol should not raise an eyebrow, and any comparison to Nazis or Nuremberg rallies, which a year ago would've flooded the news cycles for days if Trump had done this, are to be discouraged. You're going to have to drop the ACAB nonsense, too. Because we need the police to protect us from the insurrectionists. So you need to get on board with backing the blue! Rioting is now bad. This rule was actually put in place on January 5th. Our President should not be insulted any way. It's bad. For at least the next 4 years. Although there is an exception here for previous presidents, in particular, the last one. FLOTUS is now beautiful again. Let a thousand magazine covers bloom. And her accomplishments, no matter how small or inconsequential, are too be praised.
You are are sore losers, i feel sorry for all of you., bleats victoria from Pasadena. We were all so impressed with the grace with which you took your loss four years ago.
The way is already being paved for the ascension of VP Harris. Politico is publicly discussing evidence of Biden's dementia (I link to the PJmedia story instead of the Politico source because it highlights the quotation & because it links to Politico). Woudda been nice if they had discussed this, you know, during the election.
I think that one of the reasons that the Democrats are going through the massive security street theater in DC with the National Guard is that they're going to build a narrative that it's just too dangerous for Biden to be out and about among the plebes (as if both Trump and especially Obama didn't have death threats against them!). That way, they can manage the decline in private, and use the power of the office to push through whatever policies the winning faction wants with Biden as the rubber stamp until VP Harris takes over.
Now that his father is the US President, Uday "Hunter" Biden should get more than just $80,000 a month for serving on a foreign company's Board of Directors.
And you had many opportunities to help put the fire out over the past fourteen days, Joe. You could have calmed things down, Joe. You could have kept the media from constantly throwing gasoline on the fire, Joe. You could have positioned yourself as a uniting force, Joe.
But you didn't do a damn thing, Joe.
Your "Uniter" act has already failed.
And just like your mentor Barak H. Obama, you will start to complain in a few months that the country is "ungovernable".
One second he's calling for unity. The next he's denouncing those who disagree with him as liars. So I guess it will be unity through thought control and marginalization and denunciation of dissenters.
His speech is a string of clichés (I guess everybody's speeches are at this point) and lies about never lying to us. He doesn't seem to be making any major gaffes, so that's something.
Inga said... "Biden, Shut up and go away." on 2/25/20, 7:33 PM
Inga said... "Holy crap, Biden. Everyone is rightfully treating him like a dementia patient." Inga said... "Holy crap Amy is laughing at Biden. Poor Biden, his handlers have to tell him it’s time to step down."
"President" is becoming a collective noun. In so far as Biden's team includes a lot of members of Obama's team, then the collective "Obama" continues its rule as the collective "Biden," but the actual, individual Obama isn't any more likely to be running things than he was during much of his own presidency. He's not that much of a hands on, take initiative guy.
Pelosi and Schumer will be calling the shots on domestic policy (as Pelosi and Reid did at the beginning of Obama's own first term). Foreign policy is trickier to say, but neither Biden nor Obama is likely to really be running things.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe: "Inga said... "Biden, Shut up and go away." on 2/25/20, 7:33 PM"
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga labels all recollections of her previous statements "lunatic conspiracy theories" and she always forcefully asserts she never wrote anything of the sort and has no idea what you are talking about. She and our pro-marxist LLR-lefty Chuck are quite similar in that way.
But it is because the government has too much say over our lives.
And because leftists crave power over oxygen.
The system was never designed to be this way.
The federal government was meant to be a sleepy little 'place,' with all of the heavy lifting being done at the state and local levels, closest (and more accountable) to the voters.
Nobody in DC gives a damn about you, yet they have all the money and the power.
And, whose side made it a raging fire? The left. I just want to be left alone and have limited government only where 99% of the people agree a govt solution to the problem is best. But no, the left and liberals want to use the power of the state up to and including jail or death to make me support their pet projects.
What a sad bunch of Trumpist losers. The majority of America rejected you, Trump and Trumpism. The longer you bitch and moan and cry bitter tears, the happier it makes me that the majority of Americans love this Country and it’s welfare than they love a cult leader and a philosophy based on hate and spite. Maybe one day some of you can overcome your addiction to conspiracy theories and your devotion to an extremely flawed and unstable man and put Country over your need to “own the libs” or whatever other foolish things drove you to embrace Trump and Trumpism.
I always thought that the President was the president of all Americans. But the Democrats spent the last four years convincing me that such is not the case. No problem--slow Joe isn't my President and I will do everything within the law to oppose him.
This joy that America is experiencing isn’t that it was Biden who won the Presidency, it was that Trump lost. Any human being that would’ve defeated Trump would be celebrated.
the triumph of a cuban regime trained marxist revolutionary, susan rosenberg who fronted a 2 billion extortion scheme, that burnt uncounted store fronts, that tore down statues and put 'decorative frescos' in their place, along side the diktat of feral governors who crushed main street,
The only ones experiencing "joy" over gaining a demented, gropey, liar President are the ones who hate every conservative no matter what. I would agree Trumpism lost if we didn't gain House seats and lose less Senate seats than projected.
Politics doesn't have to be a dumpster fire, but Joe is just one hunka hunka burnin' love.
"Democracy" is a dog whistle now. It means getting around the Electoral College. It probably wouldn't be absurd to assume that Biden actually won the popular vote. Democrats did get more popular votes in five out of the last six elections, and the Democrat vote advantage in California comes close to covering Biden's reported margin, but how to get around that pesky Electoral College? I suspect some of Biden's supporters consciously or unconsciously consider that righteous fraud was necessary to make democracy work.
For some "democracy" means popular rule and reforming abolishing or getting around the electoral college, the filibuster, the Senate, Citizens United and the rule of the big donors. For others, the Washington Establishment an the big donors, "democracy" means the status quo and their continued rule. It means pluralism as a system of competing groups that they can manipulate to their advantage.
Can the two views be reconciled? Watch and see. I really doubt any campaign finance reforms are really going to lock the Democrats' big donors out of the electoral process.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "This joy that America is experiencing isn’t that it was Biden who won the Presidency, it was that Trump lost."
The "joy" being felt in America does not compare to the open celebrations we are seeing in....Beijing, Tehran and Moscow.
And our NATO. "allies" are already publicly admitting that they have no intention of meeting their Treaty obligations in military spending and preparednesd.
And the Australian govt has already made moves, along with Japan, that demonstrate they know they are now on their own in regards to confronting China.
Meanwhile, Israel and its sunni Arab neighbors know exactly what is coming wuth the marxist rule in DC and are rapidly solidifying their defensive partnership in anticipation of the Harris/obama regime accelerating Iranian nuke production.
Taiwan also knows it is on its own with Biden/ChiCom suck-up-ery and is rapidly expanding Force Protection spending.
Watch for accelerated ChiCom development of their artificial islands in the Spratly's now that the dementia patient, as Inga helpfully pointed out in 2020, is running the show.
By the way, Hunter is still in a faux leadership, but heavily compensated, ChiCom funded hedge fund role as we speak...meanwhile Hunter's child with the stripper has still not been publicly acknowledged by dementia boy and Not-A-Real-Doctor Jill.
Pelosi and Schumer will be calling the shots on domestic policy (as Pelosi and Reid did at the beginning of Obama's own first term). Foreign policy is trickier to say, but neither Biden nor Obama is likely to really be running things.
Yes, I still wonder who was running Obama. Man of Mystery as president. Biden is an empty shell of a nasty loser back when he was mentally competent.
I do think Inga has stumbled into a true statement. This was all about driving Trump and his voters out of American life. Maybe literally if Katie Couric is to be believed. If they leave me alone, I will live quietly.
Bush only won re-election by one state. And this was back before Virginia became overloaded by Blue State parasites feeding on DC largesse. He would not have won it with 2020 demographics. I guess I could say the same about Arizona and Georgia now.
They demonized George W. Bush as a smirking chip, with Karl Rove as his brain. Bush was elected and re-elected.
And basically got nothing done in two terms, especially the second.
Trump leaves office with higher ratings than W. had. Trump also had muuuuch better electoral coattails for down ballot offices than W. did. The Bush admin gave us the Obama "Blue Wave", remember?
Your arguments against Trump would be stronger if you faced up to the facts about just how incompetent the performances of the GOP-e has been. The first question of electoral politics is always "Compared to who?", and when that question is asked the the history of Trump vs the GOP-e is no longer a mystery.
Bribery by CCP billions controlling the State officials that allow faked election vote results is not what Americans have fought for since April , 1775. Trump has exposed this. . Next election will not have many real voters show up. Why should they waste their time?
The message was don't let what happened to Hillary happen to Joe. That wouldn't have changed if Pence had been running against Biden. Many Trumpers would have scampered away, and NeverTrumpers wouldn't have come back to replace them. The GOP didn't want the Lincoln Bulwark back and they weren't going to close up shop, so they would make Pence their target. Impeachment would have been regarded as a harsh judgement on the last four years, so Biden might well have been the one taking the oath today even if Trump had been removed or died.
It also doesn’t have to lie about “carrying torches with bulging eyes” but that’s how Joe won by smearing his opponent as a white supremecist, a character assassination that even Althouse is gleefully joining in, scolding don jr for using the word pride. Fuck Joe. He ain’t my president as the old saying goes.
I hated Joe Biden even when I was a liberal Democrat. He's a dumb big mouth empty headed empty suit. Now, I am looking forward to being part of the Resistance.
One of the good things about not having voted for this mook is that I feel no obligation to wish him well at anything.
Joe Biden's speech here, wanting us to turn away, leave it to the "professionals", sort of the equivalent to having your drink in a bar dosed with Rohypnol by that creepy guy standing next to you.
"We didn't start the fire "It was always burning, since the world's been turning "We didn't start the fire "No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it."
Bribery by CCP billions controlling the State officials that allow faked election vote results is not what Americans have fought for since April , 1775
Chinese collusion recorded in billions of dollars annually. Transnational fascism is, with rare exception, a progressive condition.
Here's to the American dream: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. #HateLovesAbortion
Just had to post the name Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt on this page. A twelve year Air Force veteran who listened to Tom Selleck and got a 176% loan with AAG, controlled by Steven Mnuchin, to keep her pool cleaning business, and then went to the Capitol instead of the White House to shout "Stop the Steal." Government should be in the business of protecting the Babbitts of this country from predatory loans, including that of California, where she resided.
Quite possibly the most inaccurate thing you've ever wrote in these pages. The soldiers, the razor wire, the censorship, the blacklists, all argue that your Democrat betters don't believe America is remotely Trump-free.
well she's an unperson like private ogilvy, mnuchin was in the film financing business some good like apollo 13, and american sniper, some like suicide squad and the purge,
Hillary was just saying that Trump was illegitimate. Just the other day. And I hope you notice the cars burning in DC streets like after Trumps inauguration. And that you will watch the huge protest March tomorrow. And then move to impeach Biden.
PM yes, the elites recognition flyover needs more welfare. message received. UBI is coming because it's cheaper for the oligarchs to pay you not to work.
What a bizarre statement from the senator who led the charge to cover up the FBI’s incineration of the Branch Davidians by claiming that they committed suicide.
The conditions that produced Trump still obtain, and if not addressed or if heightened, will produce yet another Trump.
The Establishment Left's often-used insult of Trump as Hitler hides in its cloak an historical misunderstanding --- that the rise of Nazism was the work of one man, and without him it wouldn't have happened. For them, by analogy, without Trump there is no rise of Republican populism.
The other reason the Establishment Left doesn't want to examine the Hitler analogy too closely is because the rise of Nazism had much to do with the systemic failure of the Weimar Republic, i.e the Establishment Lefties of the time. The establishment wants to do anything but examine its many failures right now.
Interesting parallel between "Not my president" and the currently popular "Not my gender," but whether or not you "really" are the gender you were "assigned" at birth, your feelings don't make somebody any less your president or your parents any less your parents.
Gee, I thought a Biden administration would make Howard appear smarter--you know, by comparison to the incumbent POTUS. No luck yet. Same old Howard; same old Biden.
Howard, Trump has a bridge in New York he'd like to sell you. If you hurry, he can squeeze you into the buying group--but act fast. Just a few shares left.
This is demonstrably false and really does rank right up there with some of your most moronic utterances.
I would say its on a par with your claims for 6 straight months that antifa types were equivalent to our WW2 Normandy invaders. A claim you made repeatedly right up until the moment you began to claim antifa didnt even exist.
If China was the only major country to have growth in the last quarter of 2020, how exactly is that Trump's fault? China's economy tanked in the earlier quarters of the year. Does he get credit for that?
I didn't plan to watch the Biden speech but as luck would have it I turned on the computer just after he was sworn in. So I watched and listened. I thought it was a good speech; now if only the Biden supporters would listen to his advice on listening to other people and every disagreement doesn't have to turn into a war. And please stop your vendetta on Conservatives and calling all Trump supporters Nazis.
I also noticed the expresssions on the faces of the dignitaries, ex-presidents, and they all had this pinched look of "this is totally bogus" on their faces. They know. And they really don't see themselves as equal to you and me. Order has been restored.
Pence was there looking like almost a heroic figure, maybe to signal his intention to be a future candidate in 2024?
As usual Trump made the right decision -- not to be there. Melania on the departure was absolutely joyful and exemplified the dictum -- you can never be too rich or too thin.
Which is consistent with why so many lefties admire Mao so very greatly and like Tom Friedman and Bill Gates and Big Tech believe a "limited authoritarian" economic and political model based on the ChiCom model is the right path forward for the US.
Social credit scoring for access to education/services, clamping down on all that messy free speech stuff, etc.
The democrat party is all about crushing mom and pop, destroying free speech, killing off private enterprise, punishing-- mob-style-- political enemies, and removing as much wealth as possible from the common man so that Hunter can enjoy a nice new crack pipe+ all day porn and a 10 million dollar hollywood home, all on our dime.
The democrat party is all about consolidating power - and benefiting only those loyalists to the machine. Please ignore the green energy boondoggles that made insider-D's wealthy, and left behind empty promises and financial ruin for the little guy. and still no real change to the climate "crisis". Everything is an excuse to pad their own pockets.
Robert Cook said... "I'd love to know who is actually running the country."
Don't be obtuse. It's the same crew of corporate and financial entities that have been running the country for some time. ----------------------------------------- Add the CCP and tech moguls. They all make up the oligarchy. "That have been running the country for some time." With a temporary 4 year pause that demonstrated what the will of the people can accomplish.
What would have REALLY happened, if someone went back in time and killed hitler? (most probably,) someone Else would have led the 3rd Reich; otherwise, not much
What (I ask Biden supporters) are the metrics for a successful Biden (or Biden Harris) Presidency?
By what measure will the climate change problem be improved? By what measure(s) will the problem of racial disparity be improved? By what measure(s) will poverty in the US be reduced?
And what I hope for is not measures of inputs, but outputs. Not "we rejoined the Paris Climate accord" but rather "greenhouse gas emissions will have fallen by 10% by 2024".
Did we send troops from every state to fortify the Capital city ahead of the inauguration because our elected officials are afraid of the people or is this an overwhelming show of force undertaken by the Democratic Party to send a message to half the country that they can crush us because they also control the military and will use it against us?
narciso said... well she's an unperson like private ogilvy, mnuchin was in the film financing business some good like apollo 13, and american sniper, some like suicide squad and the purge,
I refuse to believe that she's an unperson. Why do you waive away Mnuchin's sin here, he should be investigated and, with the full funding of the Consumer Product Safety Commission back, believe he will be.
What would have REALLY happened, if someone went back in time and killed hitler? (most probably,) someone Else would have led the 3rd Reich; otherwise, not much
Or, Germany would have gone Communist. It was for a while a close run thing between the Nazis & the Communists, but for obvious reasons, the Nazis had an easier time of drawing the populace to their side. In any case, the Nazis & the Commies were united in their loathing of the Weimar republic.
This is the enemy's be-careful-what-they-wished-for moment.
They have a sundowning hair-sniffer as president, and now with their opposition-in-arms Senate Minority Leader are on the brink of demonstrating to the world their collective intelligence in attempting to impeach a private American citizen.
As the rest of the globe grumbles at the loss of that entertaining Yank from its Twitter feed and wonders if they should nationalize their presence on their own countries' servers.
This is their latest Muppet movie, and they own every bit of it.
PM yes, the elites recognition flyover needs more welfare. message received. UBI is coming because it's cheaper for the oligarchs to pay you not to work.
The bottom rung tip earners are all working here in the breadbasket. Not so much in Lala land. Enjoy your lockdown..
It doesn’t? Where has he been for four years to uplift us with his sage words? His party has been breathing fire and now oh, and now we must all come together after years of trying to get a duly elected President out of office by fair means or foul. We’re suppose to forget and in fact, that’s the only thing that made me start supporting Trump. Their insanity and craziness has been beyond the pale, but gee, as long as we elect the proper person it doesn’t have to be like that.
"Blogger Chuck said... h said... What (I ask Biden supporters) are the metrics for a successful Biden (or Biden Harris) Presidency?
100% success; the defeat of Trump and the termination of the Trump presidency.
Period; full stop."
This is a perfect illustration of how not to behave and how Biden is already a dismal failure. He can't even influence his own supporters to do the right thing.
I don't find any evidence on line about Mnunchin "controlling" AAG in the sense of owning it or directing or being a significant partner.
If by "controlling" you mean "regulating," he may or may not have a hand in that as Treasury Secretary, but I suspect there are other agencies that actually regulate the loan business.
Also, Congress sets the guidelines for what practices are considered predatory.
So I think what was said was not entirely (or even substantially true).
And please, don't forget who has been loosening regulations on lending for the last forty years. He's all over the news lately.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "100% success; the defeat of Trump and the termination of the Trump presidency"
Like all leftists, LLR-lefty Chuck thinks he can hide away his powerful endorsement for the marxist Warnock as well as as Chuck's passionate endorsement of the Lincoln Project right after The Lincoln Project declared their long term objective to be a permanent 1-party democrat controlled government at all levels along with complete implementation of the entire far left policy agenda: pist-birth abortion, open borders, identity politics as policy, the green new deal, etc.
LLR-lefty Chuck prudes himself on being completely up to date on what his fellow leftists are demanding so his strong endorsement of those policies was no accident nor the result of, once again, 1 ir 2 or 10 too many gin and tonics.
An excuse Chuck has used in the past for why he inadvertantly allowed his leftist agenda to be made public.
Still no word from Chuck on his strong approval and support for pedophile child groomer John Weaver.
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४९९ टिप्पण्या:
499 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»HE'S NOT YET PRESIDENT!
Thank you America.
He is not president until noon.
Had to get in that last second coup, didn't you?
Govern like ya stole it, Joe!
...or whoever is running things.
Mr. Fraudulent
President Biden--two words I thought I'd never hear together. Those voters in Iowa and New Hampshire knew something.
A very wise person once said:
The reason we care so much about politics and who is president and who is in the senate, is because the government has far too much control over our lives.
If the government was benign, we wouldn’t care nearly as much because the impact of the government would be very little.
Not my president(s).
That corrupt old freak is not my president.
"He is not president until noon."
Holding off on the lid until then? What a trooper.
Let the Biden Derangement Syndrome commence!
Still ain't president yet.
Go away "Mark."
Fuck Biden
He'll always be paste-eating, third grade-flunking, nearly last in his law class, droolin' Joe to me.
Good times.
*Bobby Bonds
*Roger Maris
*Milli Vanilli
surrounded by a military he does not trust.
So when do they take down the razor wire and send the Guard home? Ever?
Biden's call for "unity" is not an olive branch, but an accusation to those his considers his opponents.
A month or so ago I asked the question: can anyone here refute my supposition that Joe will be our dumbest president ever (Kamala is up there too).
And nobody has yet to refute this claim.
I feel vindicated.
"Joe, Nancy on Line 1."
"Extensions of Joe Biden's arms embracing America."
embrace... rape .. whatever.
This makes me sad
Praying for a healthy President Biden.
Joe Smith (10:58):
Don't exaggerate: "nearly last in his class" is a little strong. At 76th out of 85, he did (just) manage to stay out of the bottom 10%.
And don't forget little-girl-sniffing-and-fondling, owned-by-China, eulogizer-of-Klansman, and a dozen other true things you could (and should) say about him.
Here come the insults and smears and defamations and demonizations.
His Royal Hyena
Big congratulations to China on the installation of their puppet government in the Vassal States of America.
Let's see, what can I dig out?
This is a good one.... #notmypresident
And this one, too... #selectednotelected
I'm sure there are other twit tags to use that can be re-purposed effectively. I'll keep looking.
The democrat party will rape us for their power and funding.
YAY!!!!! No, Mark, that's coming from the right.You are are sore losers, i feel sorry for all of you.
Vicki from Pasadena
Its only noon eastern and already I've got crack pipe cramps.
Too late, Oh Yea.
Is anyone luckier, politically, than Joe Biden? The guy was a laughingstock in 1988 and today he is POTUS. He's quite dim and a serial liar, and he's said and done many disgraceful or stupid things over the years. And he's been wrong about almost every significant issue when he was in positions of power.
Obviously, without Barack Obama, none of this would have happened. Biden would be a retired Senator, an afterthought back-bencher from a small state. But now he's the most powerful man on earth. Incredible.
And Kamala is even dumber and phonier than Joe.
Honestly, Pence was the only one of the four who seemed remotely competent and decent. Trump is too wild, manic and distracted; he's very unfocused. Kamala is an empty pantsuit who slept her way to the top of couldn't win a debate or a primary if her life depended on it. Biden is decrepit senile old fool who was never qualified when he was at his peak. America needs to produce better candidates.
Pence is much too social-con for my tastes, but I trust the guy. He should be president.
Blogger BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
That corrupt old freak is not my president.
You are correct. He is your first installed ruler.
For some reason, the speech's wording reminds me of Neil Kinnock.
Imagine, a President dumber than Inga.
tcrosse said...
So when do they take down the razor wire and send the Guard home? Ever?
from the Ace of Spades:
We got a bunch of new rules that have just been handed down and I've been told they go into effect today.
You all remember how "the #Resistance" was all the rage, right? All the cool kids were doing it. Well, not any more. Now it's a Bad Thing to try to oust the president. The new word is "insurrectionist", and it's a slur, not a compliment. Any criticism of the Biden administration will now be called an insurrection.
The military is now good. Those brave soldiers are on our side now, right? At least, those we vet and approve of. Police, too.
And military parades? Also cool now. 30,000 federal troops in the capitol should not raise an eyebrow, and any comparison to Nazis or Nuremberg rallies, which a year ago would've flooded the news cycles for days if Trump had done this, are to be discouraged.
You're going to have to drop the ACAB nonsense, too. Because we need the police to protect us from the insurrectionists.
So you need to get on board with backing the blue!
Rioting is now bad.
This rule was actually put in place on January 5th.
Our President should not be insulted any way. It's bad. For at least the next 4 years. Although there is an exception here for previous presidents, in particular, the last one.
FLOTUS is now beautiful again. Let a thousand magazine covers bloom. And her accomplishments, no matter how small or inconsequential, are too be praised.
"“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”" He said without evidence.
He'd better quit while he's ahead. The longer the speech, the more frequent the stumbles.
"Here come the insults and smears and defamations and demonizations."
Funniest thing I've read today. El Marko, have you been in a cave the last 4.5 years?
He's incapable of being gracious.
Bad Touch Biden.
He will do his best to make sure Americans miss the Trump years. Brace for “Reign of Error II - The Quickening”.
Right here, Hump. Listening to Biden's career of insults and smears and defamations and demonizations.
The coup is completed, I can go back to ignoring corrupt evil politicians again. RIP America
Please - Democrats love raging fires as long as they are the arsonists.
You are are sore losers, i feel sorry for all of you., bleats victoria from Pasadena. We were all so impressed with the grace with which you took your loss four years ago.
Then stop pouring gasoline on it.
Biden's speech consists of saying the same three things over and over and over.
Gusty Winds -
Installed. Yes. The fraud was installed, and he's a shell of his former self. And his former self is an un-indicted crook.
I'd love to know who is actually running the country.
Awkward considering all the fires over the past summer.
Same old tired platitudes of nearly all inaugural speeches. Sorry if I don't feel inspired.
From an “American Carnage” to a way forward. What a stark difference.
The way is already being paved for the ascension of VP Harris. Politico is publicly discussing evidence of Biden's dementia (I link to the PJmedia story instead of the Politico source because it highlights the quotation & because it links to Politico). Woudda been nice if they had discussed this, you know, during the election.
I think that one of the reasons that the Democrats are going through the massive security street theater in DC with the National Guard is that they're going to build a narrative that it's just too dangerous for Biden to be out and about among the plebes (as if both Trump and especially Obama didn't have death threats against them!). That way, they can manage the decline in private, and use the power of the office to push through whatever policies the winning faction wants with Biden as the rubber stamp until VP Harris takes over.
You people cannot honestly say you were inspired by that.
Worst. Inaugural. Address. Ever.
What a lead balloon bore.
Biden's primary win felt fake. Recall - the primary election was cancelled in numerous states due to covid.
We gotta Mark, we gotta Mook.
Mark’s the one who makes salient points. Mook is the other one.
"Here come the insults and smears and defamations and demonizations."
So just like the last 4 years. Also like the last 4 years, some of it will be rather well deserved.
I'd love to know who is actually running the country.
A black POC [pundit of color] on Varney this morning said it will be Obama.
Now that his father is the US President, Uday "Hunter" Biden should get more than just $80,000 a month for serving on a foreign company's Board of Directors.
When does the Trump Bill of Attainder impeachment trial start in the Senate so Biden can put out politics’ raging fire? What a bunch of bullshit.
In order to continue building that pipeline, Canada will have to hire President Biden's brother James to build the rest of it.
“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”
And you had many opportunities to help put the fire out over the past fourteen days, Joe. You could have calmed things down, Joe. You could have kept the media from constantly throwing gasoline on the fire, Joe. You could have positioned yourself as a uniting force, Joe.
But you didn't do a damn thing, Joe.
Your "Uniter" act has already failed.
And just like your mentor Barak H. Obama, you will start to complain in a few months that the country is "ungovernable".
"“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”
Says the guy who led the high-tech lynching of Clarence Thomas. That set a precedent that's worked out well for us.
I smell Bullshit coming for the next 4 years.
Ah'm a gittin' whiplash from Joe's stemwinder.
One second he's calling for unity. The next he's denouncing those who disagree with him as liars. So I guess it will be unity through thought control and marginalization and denunciation of dissenters.
His speech is a string of clichés (I guess everybody's speeches are at this point) and lies about never lying to us. He doesn't seem to be making any major gaffes, so that's something.
Inga said...
"Biden, Shut up and go away."
2/25/20, 7:33 PM
Inga said...
"Holy crap, Biden. Everyone is rightfully treating him like a dementia patient."
Inga said...
"Holy crap Amy is laughing at Biden. Poor Biden, his handlers have to tell him it’s time to step down."
It’s the little ol’ biddy from Pasadena.
Obama's 3rd term and he's out for vengeance
"Here come the insults and smears and defamations and demonizations."
But it's so damned's like an 80mph fastball right down the middle.
The guy is a schmuck. That you pretend otherwise is telling.
First inaugural address I've skipped in I don't know how long.
I often wondered what pro Empire propaganda would look like in Star Wars
-Tim Pool
From the occupied territory of Washington, they are going to play up the blood shirt as long as they can, aren't they?
What is the over/under on length of Biden's stint? and Kamala's step up to the throne?
"A black POC [pundit of color] on Varney this morning said it will be Obama."
No, Joe is the puppet of a puppet (Obama).
Jarret and the Deep State are running the show now.
Looks boring, people are trying.
"President" is becoming a collective noun. In so far as Biden's team includes a lot of members of Obama's team, then the collective "Obama" continues its rule as the collective "Biden," but the actual, individual Obama isn't any more likely to be running things than he was during much of his own presidency. He's not that much of a hands on, take initiative guy.
Pelosi and Schumer will be calling the shots on domestic policy (as Pelosi and Reid did at the beginning of Obama's own first term). Foreign policy is trickier to say, but neither Biden nor Obama is likely to really be running things.
"Inga said...
"Biden, Shut up and go away."
2/25/20, 7:33 PM"
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga labels all recollections of her previous statements "lunatic conspiracy theories" and she always forcefully asserts she never wrote anything of the sort and has no idea what you are talking about.
She and our pro-marxist LLR-lefty Chuck are quite similar in that way.
“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”
But it is because the government has too much say over our lives.
And because leftists crave power over oxygen.
The system was never designed to be this way.
The federal government was meant to be a sleepy little 'place,' with all of the heavy lifting being done at the state and local levels, closest (and more accountable) to the voters.
Nobody in DC gives a damn about you, yet they have all the money and the power.
See my remarks at 10:56.
And, whose side made it a raging fire? The left. I just want to be left alone and have limited government only where 99% of the people agree a govt solution to the problem is best. But no, the left and liberals want to use the power of the state up to and including jail or death to make me support their pet projects.
Does this mean the nuclear codes are in the hands of a guy who can't find his way to the bathroom?
"When Obama was President Susan Rice ran the country. So...Susan Rice."
She's no Einstein either. How do dumb people come to have so much control over our lives?
What a sad bunch of Trumpist losers. The majority of America rejected you, Trump and Trumpism. The longer you bitch and moan and cry bitter tears, the happier it makes me that the majority of Americans love this Country and it’s welfare than they love a cult leader and a philosophy based on hate and spite. Maybe one day some of you can overcome your addiction to conspiracy theories and your devotion to an extremely flawed and unstable man and put Country over your need to “own the libs” or whatever other foolish things drove you to embrace Trump and Trumpism.
"Does this mean the nuclear codes are in the hands of a guy who can't find his way to the bathroom?"
I always thought that the President was the president of all Americans. But the Democrats spent the last four years convincing me that such is not the case. No problem--slow Joe isn't my President and I will do everything within the law to oppose him.
Chris Wallace seriously just said he thought it was the best inaugural address he's ever heard.
"Maybe one day some of you can overcome your addiction to conspiracy theories..."
Trump and Tulsi Gabbard are Russian spies.
Fuck off.
This joy that America is experiencing isn’t that it was Biden who won the Presidency, it was that Trump lost. Any human being that would’ve defeated Trump would be celebrated.
the triumph of a cuban regime trained marxist revolutionary, susan rosenberg who fronted a 2 billion extortion scheme, that burnt uncounted store fronts, that tore down statues and put 'decorative frescos' in their place, along side the diktat of feral governors who crushed main street,
That line was focus grouped. No drama Biden. Boring Biden. Friendly Grandpa.
This guy cheated. Resist!
Shorter Inga...
'Why won't all of you worship blindly the guy I thought was a disgrace during the primary?'
This joy that America is experiencing isn’t that it was Biden who won the Presidency, it was that Trump lost.
That's why all this faux gushing over how awesome this blowhard buffoon is is laughable.
so stunning and brave
Original Mike said...
"First inaugural address I've skipped in I don't know how long."
Joe Smith observes: She's no Einstein either. How do dumb people come to have so much control over our lives?
We wouldn't want Einstein running our foreign policy, either.
The only ones experiencing "joy" over gaining a demented, gropey, liar President are the ones who hate every conservative no matter what. I would agree Trumpism lost if we didn't gain House seats and lose less Senate seats than projected.
Politics doesn't have to be a dumpster fire, but Joe is just one hunka hunka burnin' love.
"Democracy" is a dog whistle now. It means getting around the Electoral College. It probably wouldn't be absurd to assume that Biden actually won the popular vote. Democrats did get more popular votes in five out of the last six elections, and the Democrat vote advantage in California comes close to covering Biden's reported margin, but how to get around that pesky Electoral College? I suspect some of Biden's supporters consciously or unconsciously consider that righteous fraud was necessary to make democracy work.
For some "democracy" means popular rule and reforming abolishing or getting around the electoral college, the filibuster, the Senate, Citizens United and the rule of the big donors. For others, the Washington Establishment an the big donors, "democracy" means the status quo and their continued rule. It means pluralism as a system of competing groups that they can manipulate to their advantage.
Can the two views be reconciled? Watch and see. I really doubt any campaign finance reforms are really going to lock the Democrats' big donors out of the electoral process.
"The only ones experiencing "joy" over gaining a demented, gropey, liar President are the ones who hate America." FIFY.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "This joy that America is experiencing isn’t that it was Biden who won the Presidency, it was that Trump lost."
The "joy" being felt in America does not compare to the open celebrations we are seeing in....Beijing, Tehran and Moscow.
And our NATO. "allies" are already publicly admitting that they have no intention of meeting their Treaty obligations in military spending and preparednesd.
And the Australian govt has already made moves, along with Japan, that demonstrate they know they are now on their own in regards to confronting China.
Meanwhile, Israel and its sunni Arab neighbors know exactly what is coming wuth the marxist rule in DC and are rapidly solidifying their defensive partnership in anticipation of the Harris/obama regime accelerating Iranian nuke production.
Taiwan also knows it is on its own with Biden/ChiCom suck-up-ery and is rapidly expanding Force Protection spending.
Watch for accelerated ChiCom development of their artificial islands in the Spratly's now that the dementia patient, as Inga helpfully pointed out in 2020, is running the show.
By the way, Hunter is still in a faux leadership, but heavily compensated, ChiCom funded hedge fund role as we speak...meanwhile Hunter's child with the stripper has still not been publicly acknowledged by dementia boy and Not-A-Real-Doctor Jill.
Pelosi and Schumer will be calling the shots on domestic policy (as Pelosi and Reid did at the beginning of Obama's own first term). Foreign policy is trickier to say, but neither Biden nor Obama is likely to really be running things.
Yes, I still wonder who was running Obama. Man of Mystery as president. Biden is an empty shell of a nasty loser back when he was mentally competent.
I do think Inga has stumbled into a true statement. This was all about driving Trump and his voters out of American life. Maybe literally if Katie Couric is to be believed. If they leave me alone, I will live quietly.
We will see.
bill ayers is toasting a mcallan single malt, it's a victory for him too,
Bush only won re-election by one state. And this was back before Virginia became overloaded by Blue State parasites feeding on DC largesse. He would not have won it with 2020 demographics. I guess I could say the same about Arizona and Georgia now.
“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”
Maybe not, but we're about to get real familiar with dumpster fires.
"Let the Biden Derangement Syndrome commence!"
Democrats should probably avoid using "Biden" and "derangement" in the same sentence...
I bet the Donk powers-that-be unload this guy faster than any of us imagine.
The outdoor virtue masks alone tell you we're on a ship of fools.
tcrosse said...
So when do they take down the razor wire and send the Guard home? Ever?
The razor wire forms the bright line that separates the double standard. It stays!
They demonized George W. Bush as a smirking chip, with Karl Rove as his brain. Bush was elected and re-elected.
And basically got nothing done in two terms, especially the second.
Trump leaves office with higher ratings than W. had. Trump also had muuuuch better electoral coattails for down ballot offices than W. did. The Bush admin gave us the Obama "Blue Wave", remember?
Your arguments against Trump would be stronger if you faced up to the facts about just how incompetent the performances of the GOP-e has been. The first question of electoral politics is always "Compared to who?", and when that question is asked the the history of Trump vs the GOP-e is no longer a mystery.
"Chris Wallace seriously just said he thought it was the best inaugural address he's ever heard."
Actually, it was probably knit-together portions of multiple other inaugural addresses.
"That corrupt old freak is not my president."
Don't fret; the corrupt old freak's term just ended.
Bribery by CCP billions controlling the State officials that allow faked election vote results is not what Americans have fought for since April , 1775. Trump has exposed this. . Next election will not have many real voters show up. Why should they waste their time?
The message was don't let what happened to Hillary happen to Joe. That wouldn't have changed if Pence had been running against Biden. Many Trumpers would have scampered away, and NeverTrumpers wouldn't have come back to replace them. The GOP didn't want the Lincoln Bulwark back and they weren't going to close up shop, so they would make Pence their target. Impeachment would have been regarded as a harsh judgement on the last four years, so Biden might well have been the one taking the oath today even if Trump had been removed or died.
It also doesn’t have to lie about “carrying torches with bulging eyes” but that’s how Joe won by smearing his opponent as a white supremecist, a character assassination that even Althouse is gleefully joining in, scolding don jr for using the word pride. Fuck Joe. He ain’t my president as the old saying goes.
Inga, Mark, and Chuck--you own him. Enjoy!
Biden: “Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”
Then stop pouring fucking gasoline on it and prancing around with lit matches.
"They demonized George W. Bush as a smirking chip, with Karl Rove as his brain. Bush was elected and re-elected."
He was a far worse president than Trump, given the illegal wars he initiated, replete with an official (albeit secret) torture regime.
I hated Joe Biden even when I was a liberal Democrat. He's a dumb big mouth empty headed empty suit. Now, I am looking forward to being part of the Resistance.
Nothing but corrupt old freaks all the way down.
One of the good things about not having voted for this mook is that I feel no obligation to wish him well at anything.
Joe Biden's speech here, wanting us to turn away, leave it to the "professionals", sort of the equivalent to having your drink in a bar dosed with Rohypnol by that creepy guy standing next to you.
"I'd love to know who is actually running the country."
Don't be obtuse. It's the same crew of corporate and financial entities that have been running the country for some time.
"Biden: “Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”"
Tiki torches, veins bulging, …
Fuck you.
That open gas can in your hands proved that was a lie.
“Inga, Mark, and Chuck--you own him. Enjoy!”
And we own a Trump free America, the joy is over the top! Thanks.
Joe Biden: "They [Republicans] want to put ya'll [Black Americans] back in chains."
Joe Biden: “Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”
So which is the real Joe Biden? The one who addressed his words to a friendly audience.
"We didn't start the fire
"It was always burning, since the world's been turning
"We didn't start the fire
"No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it."
Let's see how it goes.
Bribery by CCP billions controlling the State officials that allow faked election vote results is not what Americans have fought for since April , 1775
Chinese collusion recorded in billions of dollars annually. Transnational fascism is, with rare exception, a progressive condition.
Here's to the American dream: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. #HateLovesAbortion
Just had to post the name Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt on this page. A twelve year Air Force veteran who listened to Tom Selleck and got a 176% loan with AAG, controlled by Steven Mnuchin, to keep her pool cleaning business, and then went to the Capitol instead of the White House to shout "Stop the Steal." Government should be in the business of protecting the Babbitts of this country from predatory loans, including that of California, where she resided.
"And we own a Trump free America"
Quite possibly the most inaccurate thing you've ever wrote in these pages. The soldiers, the razor wire, the censorship, the blacklists, all argue that your Democrat betters don't believe America is remotely Trump-free.
well she's an unperson like private ogilvy, mnuchin was in the film financing business some good like apollo 13, and american sniper, some like suicide squad and the purge,
So which is the real Joe Biden
He's Pro-Choice selective, opportunistic, relativistic ("ethical"). Follow the secular lucre path.
"We wouldn't want Einstein running our foreign policy, either."
Other than Einstein being dead, how would it be worse?
Our foreign policy over the last 4 years has been pretty damned solid.
Bush and Obama on the other hand...
Inga at 11:31
Hillary was just saying that Trump was illegitimate. Just the other day. And I hope you notice the cars burning in DC streets like after Trumps inauguration. And that you will watch the huge protest March tomorrow. And then move to impeach Biden.
The conditions that produced Trump still obtain, and if not addressed or if heightened, will produce yet another Trump.
Trump leaves office with higher ratings than W. had. Trump also had muuuuch better electoral coattails for down ballot offices than W. did.
There is more Republicans in Congress now than when Obama took over.
Heard some clips on the hourly new of Joe's speech.
Does he know there's a microphone?
Stop with the yelling already.
"That corrupt old freak is not my president."
No, your president is Big Tech.
Facebook, Apple, Google, Amazon, Twitter. Yes, folks, it's the FAGAT administration!
The man in Menlo Park/Cupertino/Mountain View/Seattle/San Francisco knows best.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"I'd love to know who is actually running the country."
Don't be obtuse. It's the same crew of corporate and financial entities that have been running the country for some time.
CNN Business Headline straight from the Davos Puppet Masters this morning:
Joe Biden's proposed stimulus checks are a lousy way to fix the economy
Inga's onto something: "...the majority of Americans love this Country and its welfare..."
Boy howdy, there's gonna be plenty more of that.
tcrosse, don't hold your breath
It'll take 2,000-years to produce the second coming of a Trump.
The soldiers, the razor wire, the censorship, the blacklist
Dawn of the Twilight Fringe. They believe that they can abort the baby and have her, too. History records their choices, again, and again, and again.
"The conditions that produced Trump still obtain, and if not addressed or if heightened, will produce yet another Trump."
I hope Trump stays incredibly active in politics.
Barry and Hillary were the peanut gallery these past four years, so I hope Trump returns the favor as much as he can without social media.
And I hope he puts the screws to the not-so-GOP.
If he doesn't run again (I doubt he will) then at least be a king-maker.
Make the libs sweat.
“It only has to be a raging fire when the press doesn’t want a Republican president”
"Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”
Speak to your Democrats, pal.
Oh...any Republican who attended the inauguration should be voted out of office.
I'm tired of being the party that 'plays nice' when the other guys are trying to tear your throat out.
I don’t have the tv in. Is there anyone burning anything in DC yet?
PM yes, the elites recognition flyover needs more welfare. message received. UBI is coming because it's cheaper for the oligarchs to pay you not to work.
Chinese government controlled media openly celebrating today. Welcome to your new overlords. MCGA!
You are confused Bushman. You and Donald got played. Trump gave away the farm to China:
China's GDP grew 6.5% in the final quarter of 2020, making it the only major economy to expand last year
“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”
What a bizarre statement from the senator who led the charge to cover up the FBI’s incineration of the Branch Davidians by claiming that they committed suicide.
The conditions that produced Trump still obtain, and if not addressed or if heightened, will produce yet another Trump.
The Establishment Left's often-used insult of Trump as Hitler hides in its cloak an historical misunderstanding --- that the rise of Nazism was the work of one man, and without him it wouldn't have happened. For them, by analogy, without Trump there is no rise of Republican populism.
The other reason the Establishment Left doesn't want to examine the Hitler analogy too closely is because the rise of Nazism had much to do with the systemic failure of the Weimar Republic, i.e the Establishment Lefties of the time. The establishment wants to do anything but examine its many failures right now.
Interesting parallel between "Not my president" and the currently popular "Not my gender," but whether or not you "really" are the gender you were "assigned" at birth, your feelings don't make somebody any less your president or your parents any less your parents.
It'll take 2,000-years to produce the second coming of a Trump.
That's what they said about Nixon in 1962.
Gee, I thought a Biden administration would make Howard appear smarter--you know, by comparison to the incumbent POTUS. No luck yet. Same old Howard; same old Biden.
It'll take 2,000-years to produce the second coming of a Trump.
That's what they said about Nixon in 1962.
I'm sure in 4020 Roger Stone will be around, still waiting for whoever comes back.
"Pay no attention to the raging fire here."
- Arsonist
Howard believes China's numbers!
Howard, Trump has a bridge in New York he'd like to sell you. If you hurry, he can squeeze you into the buying group--but act fast. Just a few shares left.
Howard: "Trump gave away the farm to China:"
This is demonstrably false and really does rank right up there with some of your most moronic utterances.
I would say its on a par with your claims for 6 straight months that antifa types were equivalent to our WW2 Normandy invaders. A claim you made repeatedly right up until the moment you began to claim antifa didnt even exist.
"Here come the insults and smears and defamations and demonizations."
You mean like the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing? Led by our new President
"I don’t have the tv in. Is there anyone burning anything in DC yet?"
Let me know. I've been meaning to 'pick up' a new flat-screen.
If China was the only major country to have growth in the last quarter of 2020, how exactly is that Trump's fault? China's economy tanked in the earlier quarters of the year. Does he get credit for that?
I didn't plan to watch the Biden speech but as luck would have it I turned on the computer just after he was sworn in. So I watched and listened. I thought it was a good speech; now if only the Biden supporters would listen to his advice on listening to other people and every disagreement doesn't have to turn into a war. And please stop your vendetta on Conservatives and calling all Trump supporters Nazis.
I also noticed the expresssions on the faces of the dignitaries, ex-presidents, and they all had this pinched look of "this is totally bogus" on their faces. They know. And they really don't see themselves as equal to you and me. Order has been restored.
Pence was there looking like almost a heroic figure, maybe to signal his intention to be a future candidate in 2024?
As usual Trump made the right decision -- not to be there. Melania on the departure was absolutely joyful and exemplified the dictum -- you can never be too rich or too thin.
In a curious way, I’m glad Trump is over.
I got tired of being attached to a pol. Never did that before and hope to never do it again.
The good thing about Biden is he’s not an ideologue, just the usual dumb grifter.
Well, maybe a little dumber than usual.
Let the media ass kissing commence!
Amadeus 48: "Howard believes China's numbers!"
All lefties do.
All the time.
Which is consistent with why so many lefties admire Mao so very greatly and like Tom Friedman and Bill Gates and Big Tech believe a "limited authoritarian" economic and political model based on the ChiCom model is the right path forward for the US.
Social credit scoring for access to education/services, clamping down on all that messy free speech stuff, etc.
The Branch Davidian thing was more of a watershed in U.S. political history than I thought at the time.
Was the FBI ever anything but a criminal gang with government cover?
The democrat party is all about crushing mom and pop, destroying free speech, killing off private enterprise, punishing-- mob-style-- political enemies, and removing as much wealth as possible from the common man so that Hunter can enjoy a nice new crack pipe+ all day porn and a 10 million dollar hollywood home, all on our dime.
"Was the FBI ever anything but a criminal gang with government cover?
I'm disappointed that you have to ask...
“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire” said the flaming asshole.
The democrat party is all about consolidating power - and benefiting only those loyalists to the machine. Please ignore the green energy boondoggles that made insider-D's wealthy, and left behind empty promises and financial ruin for the little guy. and still no real change to the climate "crisis".
Everything is an excuse to pad their own pockets.
Robert Cook said...
"I'd love to know who is actually running the country."
Don't be obtuse. It's the same crew of corporate and financial entities that have been running the country for some time.
Add the CCP and tech moguls. They all make up the oligarchy. "That have been running the country for some time." With a temporary 4 year pause that demonstrated what the will of the people can accomplish.
"Trump was no Reagan."
Even Reagan was no Reagan.
YoungHegelian said...
an historical misunderstanding --- that the rise of Nazism was the work of one man, and without him it wouldn't have happened.
yep! That's the true humor of the whole don't travel back in time and kill hitler thing
What would have REALLY happened, if someone went back in time and killed hitler?
(most probably,) someone Else would have led the 3rd Reich; otherwise, not much
Illegitimate, just like the hyenas...
I pledge to give bidden the same amount of support, legitimacy and respect as the dems gave President Trump.
What (I ask Biden supporters) are the metrics for a successful Biden (or Biden Harris) Presidency?
By what measure will the climate change problem be improved?
By what measure(s) will the problem of racial disparity be improved?
By what measure(s) will poverty in the US be reduced?
And what I hope for is not measures of inputs, but outputs. Not "we rejoined the Paris Climate accord" but rather "greenhouse gas emissions will have fallen by 10% by 2024".
Did we send troops from every state to fortify the Capital city ahead of the inauguration because our elected officials are afraid of the people or is this an overwhelming show of force undertaken by the Democratic Party to send a message to half the country that they can crush us because they also control the military and will use it against us?
Asking for a friend
narciso said...
well she's an unperson like private ogilvy, mnuchin was in the film financing business some good like apollo 13, and american sniper, some like suicide squad and the purge,
I refuse to believe that she's an unperson. Why do you waive away Mnuchin's sin here, he should be investigated and, with the full funding of the Consumer Product Safety Commission back, believe he will be.
What would have REALLY happened, if someone went back in time and killed hitler?
(most probably,) someone Else would have led the 3rd Reich; otherwise, not much
Or, Germany would have gone Communist. It was for a while a close run thing between the Nazis & the Communists, but for obvious reasons, the Nazis had an easier time of drawing the populace to their side. In any case, the Nazis & the Commies were united in their loathing of the Weimar republic.
Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire. Ask your doctor about Bidenol.
"The conditions that produced Trump still obtain, and if not addressed or if heightened, will produce yet another Trump."
Quite true.
You mean like the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing? Led by our new President
A legacy of diversity and progressive condition.
This is the enemy's be-careful-what-they-wished-for moment.
They have a sundowning hair-sniffer as president, and now with their opposition-in-arms Senate Minority Leader are on the brink of demonstrating to the world their collective intelligence in attempting to impeach a private American citizen.
As the rest of the globe grumbles at the loss of that entertaining Yank from its Twitter feed and wonders if they should nationalize their presence on their own countries' servers.
This is their latest Muppet movie, and they own every bit of it.
PM yes, the elites recognition flyover needs more welfare. message received. UBI is coming because it's cheaper for the oligarchs to pay you not to work.
The bottom rung tip earners are all working here in the breadbasket. Not so much in Lala land. Enjoy your lockdown..
"I smell Bullshit coming for the next 4 years."
It has been many a year since it was otherwise. (It's never been completely otherwise.)
"First inaugural address I've skipped in I don't know how long."
Why would anyone ever watch the inaugural address? Ceremonial bullshit, always, and all the way down.
"Even Reagan was no Reagan."
But a horse is a horse (of course, of course).
It doesn’t? Where has he been for four years to uplift us with his sage words? His party has been breathing fire and now oh, and now we must all come together after years of trying to get a duly elected President out of office by fair means or foul. We’re suppose to forget and in fact, that’s the only thing that made me start supporting Trump. Their insanity and craziness has been beyond the pale, but gee, as long as we elect the proper person it doesn’t have to be like that.
"Blogger Chuck said...
h said...
What (I ask Biden supporters) are the metrics for a successful Biden (or Biden Harris) Presidency?
100% success; the defeat of Trump and the termination of the Trump presidency.
Period; full stop."
This is a perfect illustration of how not to behave and how Biden is already a dismal failure. He can't even influence his own supporters to do the right thing.
Cuck said..100% success; the defeat of Trump and the termination of the Trump presidency.
Complete and utter bullshit....they won’t rest until they can grind trump faithful to dust and salt the earth. Wait and see.
Pence was there looking like almost a heroic figure, maybe to signal his intention to be a future candidate in 2024?
He does not have a prayer in Hell.
The glorious Biden years to come:
99 red balloons couldn't hold the air that's in his head.
"Yes, I still wonder who was running Obama. Man of Mystery as president."
No mystery at all. Wall Street. Look at his cabinet.
I don't find any evidence on line about Mnunchin "controlling" AAG in the sense of owning it or directing or being a significant partner.
If by "controlling" you mean "regulating," he may or may not have a hand in that as Treasury Secretary, but I suspect there are other agencies that actually regulate the loan business.
Also, Congress sets the guidelines for what practices are considered predatory.
So I think what was said was not entirely (or even substantially true).
And please, don't forget who has been loosening regulations on lending for the last forty years. He's all over the news lately.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "100% success; the defeat of Trump and the termination of the Trump presidency"
Like all leftists, LLR-lefty Chuck thinks he can hide away his powerful endorsement for the marxist Warnock as well as as Chuck's passionate endorsement of the Lincoln Project right after The Lincoln Project declared their long term objective to be a permanent 1-party democrat controlled government at all levels along with complete implementation of the entire far left policy agenda: pist-birth abortion, open borders, identity politics as policy, the green new deal, etc.
LLR-lefty Chuck prudes himself on being completely up to date on what his fellow leftists are demanding so his strong endorsement of those policies was no accident nor the result of, once again, 1 ir 2 or 10 too many gin and tonics.
An excuse Chuck has used in the past for why he inadvertantly allowed his leftist agenda to be made public.
Still no word from Chuck on his strong approval and support for pedophile child groomer John Weaver.
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