२० जानेवारी, २०२१

President Biden.

 “Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”

४९९ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   499 पैकी 201 – 400   नवीन›   नवीनतम»
320Busdriver म्हणाले...

Are they breaking windows in DC today?

Oh Yea म्हणाले...

Just turned on news for first time just in time to see troops marching with black mask, concrete walls topped with razor wire and no public in sight except for elites. Real Hunger Games vibe to it.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

I don't remember the last inauguration I watched, so I'm not watching this one, but I like the quote in this post.

Chuck म्हणाले...
ब्लॉग प्रशासकाने ही टिप्पण्णी हटविली आहे.
Drago म्हणाले...

Rosalyn C: "This is a perfect illustration of how not to behave and how Biden is already a dismal failure. He can't even influence his own supporters to do the right thing."

In defense of LLR-lefty Chuck, Biden is not Chuck's guy since Biden is no where near far left enough for Chuck's taste.

Chuck is much more a Blumenthal/Whitmer/Boxer/Warren sort of democratical.

But he'll take Biden in a pinch.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Watching political speeches is the same as watching commercials.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Add the CCP and tech moguls. They all make up the oligarchy. 'That have been running the country for some time.' With a temporary 4 year pause that demonstrated what the will of the people can accomplish."

The oligarchy were still the primary beneficiaries of Trump's presidency, and the people were not. Trump's supporters were had. Like any true believers, they deceived themselves.

Chuck म्हणाले...
ब्लॉग प्रशासकाने ही टिप्पण्णी हटविली आहे.
n.n म्हणाले...

the Nazis had an easier time of drawing the populace to their side.

The socialists and communists both promised a consolidation and redistribution (i.e. redistributive change) of capital and control. What seems to have favored the progress of Nazis, however, was their em-pathetic appeal to rabid diversity, neo-fascists (in the politically congruent sense) and neo-KKK antecedents (some, select lives matter) groups, proclamations of Jew privilege, advocacy for selective-Jew, among other deplorables or mere "burdens"... One step forward, two steps backward.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”

Would have been good to say on inauguration day, 2017.

Of course, it would have been useless for prog purposes then. But it is useful for prog purposes now: Joe's writers have a feel for what the nice women of America want to hear.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

"Why would anyone ever watch the inaugural address? Ceremonial bullshit, always, and all the way down.

1/20/21, 12:46 PM"

I used to love watching the inaugurations, same with the conventions and the SOTU speeches, etc., even if I hadn't voted for that President. But that was many years ago, when I thought caring actually made a difference.

The ritual, that's part of what made it great. Maybe the only part.

Drago म्हणाले...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "Have I introduced you to the work of the Lincoln Project?"

Yes, they are the ones that publicly announced they wanted 1-party democrat rule and complete implementation ofthe entire far left democrat agenda.

We are all well aware of this but thank you for reminding us again.

**for the democrat agenda when not grooming for sexual purposes young boys.

Yes, I can understand why Chuck supports them so strongly.

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

Tell that to Mike Flynn! Tell that to Donald Trump and the 4-years of Russian Bullsh*t. Let's see the MSM finally admit that Trump had a soul, loved the country and that Democrats spent 4-years vilifying Trump and Republicans. Tell that to all of the burned-out business in Minneapolis. Tell that to Horace Lorenzo Anderson and Antonio Mays of Seattle's CHAZ/CHOP. Oh, wait! They're dead. Biden and the Democrats incited the riots all summer long. Impeach Biden and Harris for their part in the burning down of American cities.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

... says the man who has been busy starting fires for nearly fifty years.....

hstad म्हणाले...

Our country is going through one of its political self-indulgence process which occurs every decade or so. We will see how Biden governs. I hope that adults will succeed for the sake of our country. 'Climate Change' legislation will be the harbinger for me. For example, Germany passed a law which allows the government to impose a 2 hour black out on the country cause Germany's spending on Solar and Wind has been a disaster for its electrical grid. New electric cars are taxing the energy grids - you can only charge your car between 10am to 8pm. Time will tell, but it doesn't look good from my perspective. Economic calamity is the result of government meddling in the energy sector. Our savior is that we still have 50 states and they all have different views on how to clean our air.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire.”

Is that a signal to BLM and Antifa? Or are more businesses going to be burned out in the name of ... whatever the latest lefty political fad is?

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

Comrade Cook posts routinely about what a clever, insightful, original mind he possesses, and as proof tells us that the rich, connected and powerful run things.


Things really go to hell, comrade, when people indulge your delusions that the commies are different.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Politics doesn't, but if you imply your opponents want to re-enslave Americans and are Nazis, it is going to be.

Chuck म्हणाले...
ब्लॉग प्रशासकाने ही टिप्पण्णी हटविली आहे.
Meade म्हणाले...

"Winners make policy. Losers go home."

Then what are you doing here, Chuck? Go home.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne म्हणाले...

YoungHegelian said...

Or, Germany would have gone Communist. It was for a while a close run thing between the Nazis & the Communists, but for obvious reasons, the Nazis had an easier time of drawing the populace to their side. In any case, the Nazis & the Commies were united in their loathing of the Weimar republic.

Same reason the Falangists won in Spain; they were a much lesser evil than the Republicans who had become a tool of the Soviets.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Yes, I still wonder who was running Obama. Man of Mystery as president."

No mystery at all. Wall Street. Look at his cabinet.

That was Clinton. "If there is reincarnation, I want to come back as the Bond Market."

Obama is more of a mystery. Biden is easy, China all the way.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

The U.S. is still in good shape.

Despite all the blather, everybody’s still rich and fat. Obesity is still our #1 health problem.

The DOW doesn’t seem to give a shit who’s president.

I think AI is already more deeply involved in running the show than we imagine. How else to explain that the engine of commerce kept chugging uninterrupted through the plague?

I regard the political show as just another form of entertainment. Since nobody pays attention to serious art or practices serious religion any more, it’s about all we have in common to yak about.

Chuck म्हणाले...
ब्लॉग प्रशासकाने ही टिप्पण्णी हटविली आहे.
Jim at म्हणाले...

Fuck Biden

No. Fuck the people who voted for him.

Domestic enemies. All of them.

Michael K म्हणाले...

The oligarchy were still the primary beneficiaries of Trump's presidency, and the people were not. Trump's supporters were had. Like any true believers, they deceived themselves.

This is why commie Cook gets only one of 25 comments right. The working class and blacks saw significant improvements economically for the first time in decades. That will now be wiped out. The oligarchy got richer on Obama's ZIRP and will now see that it is permanent. When the collapse comes, they will be in their Tuscany hilltop mansions with their cash ready to come back for bargains.

Michael K म्हणाले...

No. Fuck the people who voted for him.

Mail in ballots don't have vaginas.

Jaq म्हणाले...

“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire” is kind of mixed in with “It’s not over until we win.”

"don't forget who has been loosening regulations on lending for the last forty years"

Remember when Joe Biden pushed through the law that made student loans non-dischargable? Good times... good times. BTW, the banks made Hunter a vice president at that time, right out of college! Such a bright boy.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

I just thought of a reason I should wish Joe Biden well. Kamala Harris.

Leland म्हणाले...

So has there been any need for the massive build up of national guard troops in DC? It seems all this insurrection talk was fake news.

Jaq म्हणाले...

Meanwhile Politico is already advancing pawns for the 25th amendment gambit that is coming.

Jaq म्हणाले...

“I just thought of a reason I should wish Joe Biden well. Kamala Harris.”

She is who California mega money want, so get used to the idea.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

"So has there been any need for the massive build up of national guard troops in DC? It seems all this insurrection talk was fake news.

1/20/21, 1:17 PM"

It allowed for some vetting to identify and then purge possible Trump supporters, presumably to include following up to see that they are removed from their regular jobs, hounded out of their neighborhoods and so on.

n.n म्हणाले...

Mail in ballots don't have vaginas.

A sexless, genderless population, which reproduces/replicates and struggles to remain viable. Show me the fitness function! This is evolution in action.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

Codevilla lays it bare...
Author's C.V  is impressive



mockturtle म्हणाले...

Our foreign policy over the last 4 years has been pretty damned solid.

Bush and Obama on the other hand...

I agree, Joe. Best foreign policy in my lifetime. Eisenhower's was probably OK, too, but I don't remember it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

The left went bat shit crazy for 4 years because they are corrupt and exposure of that corruption must be halted.

YoungHegelian म्हणाले...


It seems all this insurrection talk was fake news.

I'm waiting to see if the District government uses it as an excuse to cancel the annual March For Life on 1/29/2021. It is the epitome of a peaceful march. It's gone on for so many years that by now the players all know each other, down to the marchers & the DC cops. It's a situation where the Catholic church ladies bake cookies & brownies to give to the cops along the way.

I wonder if Mr. Catholic Commander-in-Chief Hisself, Joe Biden, will deign to give the majority Catholic march the time of day.


Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

And what I hope for is not measures of inputs, but outputs.

But liberals stock in trade is inputs. Inputs that sound great but accomplish nothing. Like rejoining the Paris Climate Accord.

Tom म्हणाले...

I’m guessing he prefers smoldering ruin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire”

*Please - Antifa, stand down now. You did your bit for me, and I thank you.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Comrade Cook posts routinely about what a clever, insightful, original mind he possesses, and as proof tells us that the rich, connected and powerful run things."

It doesn't require a "clever, insightful, original mind" to see that the "rich, connected and powerful run things," and I make no such claims to being special. It does take a dull, willfully self-blinded mind to see things otherwise, or to believe the rotation of Dems and Republicans in and out of the White House produce significant changes as to who runs things, who profits, and who loses.

Ajnal म्हणाले...

"If you've got a loved one who's fallen under the spell of Qanon, the next few days could be a crucial window to reach out to them. Their whole world is collapsing around them. They need help & support not mockery & derision. Try to show them a way out of this madness."

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

I’m trying to interrupt here.

Does anybody on this board have any real problems?

Anybody doing without anything essential?

Not me. Not anybody I know. I’m just normal middle class living in a blue collar town in NY.

What exactly are we fighting over?

Temujin म्हणाले...

First Biden White House video released:

Focus on covid
Racial justice
Middle class

Which one of the four above does not belong?

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"Does anybody on this board have any real problems?"

-- A few weeks in December were rough; I had a run in with COVID. It was pretty miserable. I don't usually get sick, so I was not ready for both the physical feeling of being ill (my worst symptoms were coughing up blood for several days and muscle aches and a pain in my lungs if I tried to lay down, so I had to get my sleep sitting on the couch) as well as the "what do I do while unable to do anything" sick. I watched a lot of Twilight Zone and Twin Peaks. But, since about a few days after Christmas, I'm back to normal.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

But a horse is a horse (of course, of course).

Unless, of course, it identifies as a cow.

GingerBeer म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
mockturtle म्हणाले...

I think if I have to live in a dictatorship, I'd prefer it to be a right-wing dictatorship.

LYNNDH म्हणाले...

Not my President. Enough said.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"It was almost an extension of Joe Biden's arms... embracing America..."

Maybe not the best political commentary when it comes to Joe Biden.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

Now that Joe is president COVID-19 IS OVER! - Thank you Jesus!

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"I think if I have to live in a dictatorship, I'd prefer it to be a right-wing dictatorship."

-- What people always seem to miss is that if you've got a dictatorship, the wing of it really doesn't matter; the problem is the dictatorship part of the equation. But, I too would prefer a tyranny of robber barons to a tyranny of those who are "doing it for your own good."

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

It’s very annoying to have to agree with Howard... but... here goes...

I think he’s right that UBI (Universal Basic Income) is on the way. It’s already essentially the reality in NY, where a single mom with a couple of kids receives a total in excess of $42,000 in welfare and government grants.

As employees, we’ve all become a big pain in the ass. Few people want to work but we all want lifetime security and a large percentage of us are looking to hit the Lotto with that great lawsuit against our employers.

So, yeah, Howard’s right, it is probably better for the government to pay us to stay home and cease working. The plague is making that even more obvious.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

The problem is: I don't trust the government not to manipulate the UBI in unethical ways. I expect it is coming because a good chunk of the government is always up for giving people other people's money and calling it Morality.

But, I fear that a government that gives you everything can take it away just as easily.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"The DOW doesn’t seem to give a shit who’s president."

Because the markets are anticipating trillions in Covid relief money...free cash.

And Yellen is just the person to keep the presses running.

Don't get me wrong, I was very unhappy with the debt run-up under all republican presidents, but you ain't seen nothin' yet.

I'm making a ton of money. The problem is on the backend with tax increases...

How much more than 50-plus percent of my income should I be paying?

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

Jokes write themselves... trolls, get used to it!

readering म्हणाले...

When do we get the breaking news headline, "MAJORITY LEADER SCHUMER!"?

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

The next four years will be non-stop white supremacy, boogaloo boys, KKK, racism, racism, racism (said in a 'Marsha, Marsha, Marsha' Jan Brady voice).

It's the only way the rating won't tank from lack of Trump hatred.

I'm already bored.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Willie Brown is the proudest man in America.

He's walking around San Francisco with a big old smile on his face thinking, 'The soon-to-be most powerful person in the world has sucked my cock.'

Probably a pretty great thing.

chuck म्हणाले...

the problem is the dictatorship part of the equation.

This. The problem is the secret police, the censorship, the executions, the concentration camps, the lack of individual initiative. Many who opposed the Nazis supported the Communists despite the commonality of means between the two. It is bizarre that actual crimes should be overlooked in favor of imaginary virtues.

Oso Negro म्हणाले...

When the moonbeams are bright in Meadhouse
And Inga aligns with Chuck
Then peace will guide the blogspot
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation

boatbuilder म्हणाले...

I didn't watch--or listen. I'm guessing that President Unity didn't say anything about pledging to make sure that all future elections are fair, transparent, and auditable, so that those who might have legitimate questions can be assured that their concerns for the future are being addressed and their concerns about the past are largely unfounded.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

He's walking around San Francisco with a big old smile on his face thinking, 'The soon-to-be most powerful person in the world has sucked my cock.'

I seriously doubt whether this is the first instance of this, or even a rare instance.

I don’t understand why people think this is a big deal. If you phrased this as a clever, but humane, joke, I could see your point.

I'm Not Sure म्हणाले...

"Willie Brown is the proudest man in America."

Even prouder than Kamala's father? What dad wouldn't give his right nut to be able to say his daughter gives BJs good enough to enable her to fall ass-backwards into the presidency?

That's storybook, man.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Shouting Thomas said…Does anybody on this board have any real problems?

Working in Manufacturing Management I have been blessed to work all year. And I am blessed with a good family and a lot of cool cousins. But it isn’t just about me.

My sister in law’s family suffered her 16 year old nephew's suicide three weeks ago. Great kid. Hadn’t seen a classroom since March 2020. Isolated. THIRD successful suicide at that on line only high school in one year.

I’m divorced, so I’ve dated single moms. Some out of work since March, and Gov Evers can’t get the unemployment checks out. They are MONTHS behind on rent with kids at home because Milwaukee won’t open schools.

I’ve seen Teachers in our local school district organize boycotts of local businesses that just wanted to open up. Neighbor called the cops on kids playing in the park without masks.

One of my brothers and brother-in-law both lost jobs because of unnecessary COVID lock downs.

My parents suburban hometown of Elmhurst, IL where I grew up was boarded up this past summer for the first time ever because of BLM paramilitary violence. They were scared so I went down and got them.

MILLIONS of the most vulnerable Americans have suffered because of the economic destruction and violence the Dems implemented all 2020 to oust Trump. Especially the nursing home residents in NY, NJ, PA, MA, and CA via evil executive order.

You seem to be a Christian guy Thomas, so I’m sure you’re familiar with Matthew 25:45 “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.

Trump tried to help. He was just fine too. Do you really think these people are going to stop? They just getting fired up.

Curious George म्हणाले...

"Jim at said...

No. Fuck the people who voted for him."

Hi, my name is Al Gorithm. Why are you so mad Jim?

Mark म्हणाले...

The March for Life already caved. Last week.

This year, they will Zoom for Life.

THEY will. I won't.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"I don’t understand why people think this is a big deal. If you phrased this as a clever, but humane, joke, I could see your point."

It's a big deal because her entire career is a joke. She only got on the radar because a married Willie Brown was using her as a side piece and paved her way.

Otherwise, she is a non-entity, low-IQ racist and grifter.

She should be snapping Polaroids at the DMV, but will soon be POTUS.

And that's a 'Big fucking deal.'

Meade म्हणाले...

BUMBLE BEE said...
Codevilla lays it bare...
Author's C.V is impressive



Long read but worth the time. Thanks.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"Shouting Thomas said…Does anybody on this board have any real problems?"

Wait...so you can't be rich, handsome, and successful like me and still care about politics and the creep of leftism in this country?

Btw, I have plenty of other things on my mind...cancer(s) first and foremost among them.

I'd much rather be dealing solely with those, but leftists keep pushing their beliefs and 'morals' in my face.

If the government left us the fuck alone you would never hear from me.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne म्हणाले...

Matt Sablan said...

The problem is: I don't trust the government not to manipulate the UBI in unethical ways. I expect it is coming because a good chunk of the government is always up for giving people other people's money and calling it Morality.

UBI would be a failure simply because it wold be known how much every one is receiving and rents, prices and fees would all be adjusted upwards accordingly.

I had an uncle who worked on the line at Ford Small Parts Division for 30 years. He told me many times how the UAW would go into negotiations with the auto makers, get everyone a pay increase and the day after the details hit the newspapers the price of milk and bread would go up. It would be the same with UBI.

pacwest म्हणाले...

the majority of Americans love this Country and it’s welfare

And yet the 1st and 2nd ammendments are under direct attack by our newly elected leaders. Is this something I should be worried about? As an American.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Well, OK. There's a lot of OTHER problems with the UBI. I guess I should have phrased it as, if the UBI would actually work as a policy, I STILL wouldn't want it.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

@Joe Smith

Do you know how long the line of women (and men) wanting to suck Willie’s Willy probably is?

Could fill a good sized gymnasium.

Sucking dick is just the opening qualifier.

Believe me, taking advantage of that opening and making something of it requires cleverness and strategic smarts.

99.9% of those who suck some Willie’s Willy to get ahead just end up with a mouthful, get discarded and have nothing to show for their efforts.

I assure you, Harris has a lot more going on that just sucking cock. I’m not endorsing her, but you’re wrong.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

Inga said: "This joy that America is experiencing ... "

Nothing says joy better than 25,000 troops and razor wire.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"I assure you, Harris has a lot more going on that just sucking cock. I’m not endorsing her, but you’re wrong."

I don't see it. I see a race-baiter and an opportunist. Unfortunately, these days that qualifies you as a 'politician.'

She's got a few IQ points on Joe, but not many.

Basically, she's Obama with tits.

And I never want to hear someone like Inga smear Trump with the 'adulterer' tag again.

Chuck म्हणाले...
ब्लॉग प्रशासकाने ही टिप्पण्णी हटविली आहे.
Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"Nothing says joy better than 25,000 troops and razor wire."

Walls don't work!

Except for these walls. These walls are good.

Rabel म्हणाले...

“The key to success is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.”

Does his pleading, softened voice reading lines someone else wrote actually convince anyone of his sincerity?

Bilwick म्हणाले...

"Ask not what your country an do for you, ask . . .ask . . . oh, come on, man! You know the thing!"

I saw one of the networks had Doris Kearns Goodwin commenting on the inauguration. Between her and Sleepy Joe, it's Plagia-Fest 2021!

Michael K म्हणाले...

Long read but worth the time. Thanks.

Codevilla has been my go to guy since he wrote this. I even got to meet him a few years ago.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne म्हणाले...

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m trying to interrupt here.

Does anybody on this board have any real problems?

I do. I've been unemployed since the end of 2019 due to a lay off. I'd worked for the same company for 22 years. It was obviously going to be a struggle to get back to work due to my age (I'm 57). COVID hasn't made it any easier, neither has having to deal with my 92 year old mother's dementia, the ramifications of my stepdaughter getting an Extreme DUI and my stepson's autism. The kick in the teeth of getting dumped after all those years was bitch to get over.

Anybody doing without anything essential?

Not right now, but maybe soon!

Not me. Not anybody I know. I’m just normal middle class living in a blue collar town in NY.

Glad to hear you're getting on alright.

What exactly are we fighting over?

I'm not fighting for anything right now, but will probably soon have to fight to see if I can keep my house.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Mark said...
The March for Life already caved. Last week.

This year, they will Zoom for Life.

Must have been after Mayor Bowser asked for belt fed machine guns.

Ajnal म्हणाले...

"Trump tried to help."

"If you've got a loved one who's fallen under the spell of Qanon, the next few days could be a crucial window to reach out to them. Their whole world is collapsing around them. They need help & support not mockery & derision. Try to show them a way out of this madness."

Bilwick म्हणाले...

Joy? Inga the State's Handmaiden is probably having multiple orgasms at the prospect off at least four years of serfdom under Joe'n'Ho.

h म्हणाले...

I asked earlier what metrics would be used to measure a successful Biden presidency. The most commented on response from Chuck was that (my interpretation) Biden has already succeeded because the only metric that matters is: "Did he replace Trump as President." Is that really true? Do Biden supporters really not hope for any practical impacts of a Biden Presidency? That the only reason to seek power is to keep opponents from having victory parties? To put the best face on this I can, I suppose one could say even if everything gets worse under Biden (when measured by quantitative measures) he is successful because he kept them from getting worse faster. (Not a very attractive political slogan: vote democrat to slow the decline.) But on many of the issues Trump's metrics aren't bad -- greenhouse gas emissions will show a decline under Trump, racial disparities will show a decline under Trump.

Michael K म्हणाले...

It does take a dull, willfully self-blinded mind to see things otherwise, or to believe the rotation of Dems and Republicans in and out of the White House produce significant changes as to who runs things, who profits, and who loses.

Many of us agree. But we think Trump was an exception and your unwillingness to see that is what makes you an object of ridicule. We can argue about how successful he was but if you can't see that he was a change, you are as blind as the Marxists.

Put down TPM and read this. It would tell you where Trump came from but you prefer your blinders.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

"veteran who listened to Tom Selleck and got a 176% loan with AAG,"

Well, that's a second example of how dumb she was.

Drago म्हणाले...

Ajnal: "If you've got a loved one who's fallen under the spell of Qanon, the next few days could be a crucial window to reach out to them. Their whole world is collapsing around them. They need help & support not mockery & derision. Try to show them a way out of this madness."

Things the lefties should have been preaching for the previous 5 years: If you've got a loved one who's fallen under the spell of Russia collusion delusions, the next few years could be a crucial window to reach out to them. Their whole world is collapsing around them. They need help & support not mockery & derision. Try to show them a way out of this madness.

Of course, such a warning which was indeed offered was ignore by over 2/3rds of all democraticals who, to this very day, believe fervently that Putin changed vote tallies to install Trump as President.

To. This. Very. Day.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

I read the speech, and am not impressed given how Biden came to the office. Hypocrite is the only word that comes to mind for whoever penned that pile of dogshit Biden delivered in his catatonic reading.

The country will be better off having Harris take over ASAP, so I hope Biden drops dead tonight.

Drago म्हणाले...

pacwest: "And yet the 1st and 2nd ammendments are under direct attack by our newly elected leaders."

Actually, every single item in the Bill of Rights is under attack by the Left and LLR-left.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

"Not sure why my comments, all relating to the Trump and Biden presidencies

How fucking stupid does a cocksucker have to be to write the comment I quoted above? Playing dumb to this degree isn't a good look either, but there it is.

farmgirl म्हणाले...


Never let a crisis go to waste

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

I'm glad we've all, at least in America, agreed to stop assuming any morality in our President, and have accepted they're just a person to enact policy. It's something we started a long time ago, but we've finally accepted.

I mean, everyone acknowledges Tara Reade was probably sexually assaulted and raped, and definitely was if we use the same rules against Biden as we use with conservatives. So, we finally had an election between Trump -- not exactly a man of moral purity -- and a known, accepted plagiarist and rapist, and we as a country didn't stop and say: "Hey, wait. Surely this isn't the best we can do!"

So, it's pretty good to know that we're not even pretending from this point on that the president has to be, is expected to be, or actually is, a moral person. But, there's a sadness there too.

Maybe we can unite in that sadness.

stevew म्हणाले...

"Politics doesn't have to be a raging fire", no, it's much better as a back room dealing, back stabbing, grifting operation.

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

"What is the over/under on length of Biden's stint? and Kamala's step up to the throne?"

About a week after he catches a 'Politburo cold.'

NorthOfTheOneOhOne म्हणाले...

Matt Sablan said...

So, we finally had an election between Trump -- not exactly a man of moral purity -- and a known, accepted plagiarist and rapist, and we as a country didn't stop and say: "Hey, wait. Surely this isn't the best we can do!"

Nope. In fact that rapist plagiarist was the "boring and normal" candidate!

Says a lot for us as a people, doesn't it?

Dr Weevil म्हणाले...

Matt Sablan (1:35pm) and chuck (1:46pm):
I believe it was Dostoievski who said something like "The difference between right-wing oppression and left-wing oppression is like the difference between dog-shit and cat-shit: any way you look at it, it's still shit." Quoted from memory, so not verbatim, but the gist is quite accurate.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

The fundamental problem with UBI is that within a generation it will produce a mostly illiterate and innumerate underclass that is completely unproductive and has to be constantly sated with bread and circuses.

effinayright म्हणाले...

♫ ♬ "I hear those gentle voices calling.....Old Blank Joe.." ♫ ♫

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

I don’t blame the Baby Boomer elderly wanting to just ride all this out. Go along to get along. After getting set up by the WWII generation, and a lifetime rocking stock market, who can blame them? Who cares if the election was stolen through fraud and the voting franchise and constitutional rights they enjoyed their whole life disappear? Doesn’t affect them much and they didn’t work their whole lives to retire in turmoil.

Trust me…I’m not complimenting or defending my Generation X. We turned parenthood into a competition our kids couldn’t handle. We loved the prestige of posting only their successes on FB. And we let the Public Schools dose all our young boys with Ritalin rather than run them around the block. Generation X also applauded as the public schools taught our kids their masculinity was toxic. So were their Dads and Grandpas. Our daughters can either go into massive debt or start an OnlyFans page and twerk for tuition.

We reap what we sew. But 75 Million plus tried sewing things a bit differently. That couldn’t be allowed. There was realpolitik in the way. That was really dumb of all of us. We thought someone could actually do the right thing. No new wars was nice, wasn’t it?

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Robert Cook said... Why would anyone ever watch the inaugural address? Ceremonial bullshit, always, and all the way down.

I guess it pays to be deeply cynical, Cookie.

You nail it every now and then.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Actually, every single item in the Bill of Rights is under attack by the Left and LLR-left.

The Oregon governor is working to undermine the Fourth Amendment with her plan to seize property in 'emergencies'. Emergency Property Seizure Bill

I'm Not Sure म्हणाले...

@Dr Weevil (2:43 PM)...

From a now-defunct Canadian blog...

The thing about elections is that the country’s basically voting on what to have for lunch for the next five years, and every option is a shit sandwich. Mostly you only get offered cat shit and pig shit and bowel-infection shit and oh god is that a tapeworm and basic pride won’t let you dignify the farce by choosing, but once in a while you’re offered a horse shit sandwich and, horrified, you find yourself thinking well at least it’s high in fibre….

Oso Negro म्हणाले...

Blogger Meade said...


Long read but worth the time. Thanks.

1/20/21, 2:01 PM

Meade, has the blonde lady you live with ever read Codevilla?

n.n म्हणाले...

♫ ♬ "I hear those gentle voices calling.....Old Blank Joe.." ♫ ♫

That's the tell-tale hearts beating ever louder.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Gusty Winds: As an 'elderly' baby boomer, I take some exception to your analysis. It's the younger people with families who are inclined to 'go along' because they have jobs they want to hold onto, children to raise and mortgages to pay. We older folks have little or nothing to lose by resisting the trashing of our Constitution.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Blogger Gahrie said...
The fundamental problem with UBI is that within a generation it will produce a mostly illiterate and innumerate underclass that is completely unproductive and has to be constantly sated with bread and circuses.

That's what it's done in the UK.

GingerBeer म्हणाले...

Happy Inaugra-peachment Day!

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Blogger mockturtle said...
Gusty Winds: As an 'elderly' baby boomer, I take some exception to your analysis.

That's fair. It's my observation. None covers all bases. My 75 year old mom is rocket-woman MAGA. Retired nurse. But the rest of here Baby Boomer Milwaukee Irish Cousins flew the Pope Francis COVID Coup.

Hopefully my critique of my Gen X was fair. That's mine too. I've lived it and I'm fucking amazed. Gen X has the depth of a puddle.

RichAndSceptical म्हणाले...

As it is the peaceful and patriotic way to protest, I will be kneeling for the national anthem for the next 4 years.

Michael K म्हणाले...

A pretty good analysis of our coming Biden economy

These financial intermediaries shouldn’t exist, and this same issue came up in 2009 in the United States. You had the leading American bank being the most crooked and internally corrupt bank in the country, Citibank making junk mortgage, and it was broke.

Sheila Bair in 2016. (Matt Spangler for Washington College, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)
Its entire net worth was wiped out as a result of its fraudulent junk mortgages. Well, Sheila Bair, the head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) wanted to close it down and take it over. Essentially that would have made it into a public bank and that would be a wonderful thing. She said, look Citibank shouldn’t be doing what it’s doing. And she wrote all this up in an autobiography. And, she was overruled by President Obama and Tim Geithner saying, but wait a minute, those are our campaign contributors. So, they were loyal to the campaign contributors, but not the voters; and they didn’t close Citibank down.

And the result is that the Federal Reserve ended up creating about $7 trillion of quantitative easing to bail out the banks. The homeowners weren’t bailed out. Ten million American families lost their homes as a result of junk mortgages in excess of what the property was actually worth.

The story of Biden and the oligarchy that we created.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

We reap what we sew.

We rip what we sew.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Always, always, always remember that every one of these elected morons (and every federal worker) are your employees.

You need to get the relationship straight before you can do anything about DC.

Daddy Binx म्हणाले...

"In other news, CNN reports that the White House has called a lid at 4 pm (Eastern Time) on newly sworn-in President Biden's activities. According to unnamed West Wing sources, the President became confused while reading the traditional letter that former President Trump left for his successor. (This tradition was started by then-outgoing President Reagan who wrote a note on some stationery illustrated by Sandra K. Boynton, showing a cartoon elephant covered in turkeys, with the caption, “Don’t let the turkeys get you down.”)
According to these same sources, President Trump left a single sheet of White House stationary with the words "See other side" written on both sides of the sheet and the incoming President spent 45 minutes 'reading' the letter before aides noticed what was going on and stopped him."

Bilwick म्हणाले...

I for one would like politics to be a raging fire: a raging, purging fire to cleanse the body politic of all traces of statism, leaving behind a free society in its wake.

Greg The Class Traitor म्हणाले...

First they have the Reichstag Fire with the "Capitol Hill Insurrection", then Joe* gaslights us about "politics doesn't have to be a fire" (because it can be a "mostly peaceful protest")?

This is what happens when you let people get away with obvious vote fraud, the assume you'll let them get away with anything

Greg The Class Traitor म्हणाले...

Daddy Binx said...
"In other news, CNN reports..."

Babylon Bee? Or did you make that up yourself?

In an event, that was funny

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

Well Joe Biden is my President--as of noon today. But I don't have to like the fact. But since it's going to be a long four years (even if the geezer doesn't live four more years all we wind up with is Harris), I'll take my amusement where I find it. The main stream press will run along for a while on "tail gunner shots" at the Evil Orange Man--but that shouldn't last forever (although it might). They'll be reduced to planting slobbery wet kisses on the Biden team. And after a time that will get dull. And then what will they do?

Ken B म्हणाले...

Simple test. Who is your president?

All Americans should answer Biden.

StephenFearby म्हणाले...

shipwreckedcrew's take on Biden:

@shipwreckedcrew 2h
You are going to love what comes next. CRT [Critical Race Theory] for all.

Andrew Sullivan
@sullydish 3h
Just walking the dog and finding myself in tears. Relief? Patriotism? That ceremony restored something inside.

shipwreckedcrew Retweeted

@MattWalshBlog 3h
Yes I'm a conservative and a critic of this new administration but I still think it's important to acknowledge historic events when they happen. Today a glass ceiling has been shattered. Joe Biden is the first man with full-blown dementia to be inaugurated president.

@shipwreckedcrew 2h
Joe Biden was read words written by someone else. He’s had nearly 50 years in politics to give voice to his own thoughts, but consistently expressed a simpleton’s understanding of the world. His ability to discern now is clouded by dementia. He’s just reading words on a screen.

@shipwreckedcrew 3h
No he’s not. He’s been a political charlatan his entire adult life.

@brianjameswalsh 4h
You can disagree politically with the new President but also be reminded with this speech that he is a fundamentally good and decent person - which matters more than ever - and wish him nothing but the best.

Ken B म्हणाले...

Simple questions for simple Trumpkins.

Who elects the president?

Who appoints EC electors?

What are the restrictions?

Answers. The electors of the electoral college. The legislature of each state, by any rule they want.

Could legislatures toss a coin, hold a raffle, or play a winner take all poker tournament to choose the electors?

Does that mean that even if the vote was rigged the EC vote is constitutional?

Answers. Yes. Yes.

Biden is the constitutionally elected president.

Todd म्हणाले...

Ken B said...

Simple test. Who is your president?

All Americans should answer Biden.

1/20/21, 3:37 PM

That was true 4+ years ago but the new "normal" is all #resist and #notmypresident and all. At least half the country tried to "conserve" decorum and civility but we were not allowed to be left alone in peace. Our "betters" told their cult to "get in our faces" and to not give us any peace and to resist. It took a stolen election for me to get with their program so I will do as I was taught and told. #badtouchbiden is #notmypresident and I will #resist any ways I can and that goes for #kneepadharris too. God bless America!

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Biden will be the best POTUS since Obama who was the best since Clinton who was the best since Carter who was the best since ...

The next Republican POTUS (if we are allowed to elect one) will be literally Hitler and the worst since Trump who was the worst since the Bushes who were the worst since Reagan who was the worst since Nixon/Ford ...

And the beat goes on ...

Clyde म्हणाले...

My TV has been off since 10:00 am Eastern, and won’t be turned back on until tomorrow. Plenty of time later to catch up on how FICUS is fucking up the country. I will not comply.


Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"You can disagree politically with the new President but also be reminded with this speech that he is a fundamentally good and decent person"

-- I don't tend to think of credibly accused rapists who plagiarize and accuse their political opponents of wanting to enslave people and being Nazis as "fundamentally good."

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

"They'll be reduced to planting slobbery wet kisses on the Biden team. And after a time that will get dull. And then what will they do?"

The dilemma of the teenage lovers throughout the ages.

Rick म्हणाले...

@brianjameswalsh 4h
You can disagree politically with the new President but also be reminded with this speech that he is a fundamentally good and decent person - which matters more than ever - and wish him nothing but the best.

While this is obviously theoretically true it just as obviously does not apply to current events.

Mutaman म्हणाले...

"Our long national nite mare is over"

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"All Americans should answer Biden."

Along with 30 million illegals.

Just because someone is in the White House doesn't make them 'my president.'

Obama made it perfectly clear that he didn't give a shit about anyone but his base.

I wasn't thrilled with Clinton, but at least I thought that he actually cared about America and Americans.

But I will not abide any politician who puts their base voter first and America last.

alanc709 म्हणाले...

"Politics doesn't have to be a raging fire" but then why in the world did we elect a dumpster fire as President?

Daddy Binx म्हणाले...

Blogger Greg The Class Traitor said...
Babylon Bee? Or did you make that up yourself?

In an event, that was funny

Thanks. I made it up myself, but it's an old joke, so I can't claim all the credit.

The Biden Administration should be comedy gold for SNL and others, but they won't go there because comedy died sometime during the last decade.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Ken B said...
Simple questions for simple Trumpkins.

Fuck off, Canuck.

The "1776 project" report is already gone from the Whitehouse web site. How long before "the 1619 project" is on?

Lurker21 म्हणाले...

Kevin Williamson at National Review: Witless Ape Rides Helicopter

I'm glad I'm not a friggin' conservative anymore.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

"Biden is the constitutionally elected president."

Yes, yes, one thousand times yes. But he's still an idiot.

Don't take my word for it, trust Obama:

"Don't ever underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up."

Drago म्हणाले...

"You can disagree politically with the new President but also be reminded with this speech that he is a fundamentally good and decent person"

Joe Biden and Not-A-Real-Doctor Jill Biden refuse to acknowledge even the existence of the grandchild their crackhead/under-age ChiCom girl sexual cavorting/brother's wife bopping son Hunter had with a stripper.

Behold: "fundamentally good and decent".

I suppose we should congratulate them for not post-birth aborting the child in order to harvest the babies body parts for democratical "fun and profit", similar to how Biden's ChiCom allies harvest organs from their slaves held in concentration camps in ChiCom-land.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

How many of those executive orders signed today were used to light fires?

Ken B म्हणाले...

Yes. The Trumpkins really don’t understand. Biden was constitutionally elected. That’s what is really alarming!

अनामित म्हणाले...

The State next to me is a blue State. The Governor there has the National Guard surrounding their Capitol. It's tense. It's fearful.

My State is a red State. No need to call up the National Guard. Our Capitol has no barriers or fencing. The Governor announced yesterday, 'Citizens are welcome in their Capitol.'

We are the most heavily armed State in the Union. We have peace. We don't wear masks. (Some do. That's OK.)

Howard म्हणाले...

You know the deplorables are in trouble when Shouting Thomas is the voice of reason and Meade starts spouting Qanon talking points.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

"You can disagree politically with the new President but also be reminded with this speech that he is a fundamentally good and decent person"

No one who has been in politics as long as Biden is a 'good and decent person'.

Renee म्हणाले...

In Massachusetts, we called the national guard in June, but no fear. People were still out on the common protesting. If anything it allowed the peaceful protestors for BLM feel better that they were not have the event hijacked by antifa.

Dude1394 म्हणाले...

What a load of crap. His party spied on their opponent. They Jailed innocent supporters. They created a fake Russia conspiracy and Ukraine conspiracy. They accused a Supreme Court nominee of being a gang raper. And they filibustered almost every damn nominee and bill sent up.

Go straight to hell Chicom Biden*

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"You know the deplorables are in trouble when Shouting Thomas is the voice of reason..."

ST may be a curmudgeon, but he never struck me as unreasonable, even though we may disagree at times...

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Was it my imagination or were the oath segments shortened for Biden?

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

"Kevin Williamson at National Review: Witless Ape Rides Helicopter"

Pretty bold talk for a guy who didn't last 48 hours at The Atlantic.

Trump isn't for all tastes, but he put out some great policy, and he raised important questions. We have some dark days ahead under Team Biden and the Kongressional Klown Show.

What does Kevin Williamson do, again? Oh, yeah: Witless Ape Sits at Keyboard.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

"Biden is good and decent."

I'll be on board when Biden EO's a ban on 3rd and 4th trimester abortion.

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

Now waiting for the first piece from the Left about Biden needing to be more like Trump.

I am Laslo.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Howard said...
You know the deplorables are in trouble when Shouting Thomas is the voice of reason and Meade starts spouting Qanon talking points.

Howard, we all knew we were in trouble when your senile hero took the oath.

The 1776 project report vanished from the Whiten House web site in minutes. We are back to the lunatics' race war. You might be checking into some skin coloring.

Inga म्हणाले...

“You know the deplorables are in trouble when Shouting Thomas is the voice of reason and Meade starts spouting Qanon talking points.”

Funny, but true. I’ve wondered for the last four years what it was about Trumpists that made them get behind a man like Trump. After reading this thread, it’s become a bit clearer and it’s not noble. It’s an odd combo of nihilism, spite, and more not worth dwelling on, on a day like today.

Carol म्हणाले...

Biden looks like a half-dead man walking.

I'm sure it would have all been much more satisfying 30 years ago.

What a strange turn of events for him. Thanks, covid!

Rick म्हणाले...

Joe Smith said...

ST may be a curmudgeon, but he never struck me as unreasonable,

You haven't been here long enough then. He spent years shitting all over the comments referring to everything as "fag-hags" and "Marxist". Mental illness seems likely with a recent change in meds.

He should entirely excise lecturing others on decorum from his oeuvre.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed म्हणाले...

It's very unfortunate that the Bidenfellators here think he was "constitutionally elected". In Georgia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania unelected bureaucrats substituted their judgement for what is a "legal" ballot over the Legislature. Unelected judges then affirmed those unelected bureaucrats despite state laws and the Constitution being quite clear that the Legislature sets the rules.

So no, Biden and his Whore have not been "constitutionally elected". They have been selected by the exact people who Constitutionally have no say in the election process. So Biden not only is not MY president, he is Constitutionally NO ONE'S President.

The nice thing about all of this is it was very well reported as to the facts of the matter. The only issue is that the reporting also included vast quantities of narrative and interpretive nonsense so that low intellect voters such as Chuck, Inga, and most Progs didn't understand the import of what happened. Of course since the result was to their liking they didn't care that they had been lied to. For them an illegitimate chief executive was preferable to the life of the republic they profess to love.

alanc709 म्हणाले...

"Ken B said...
Yes. The Trumpkins really don’t understand. Biden was constitutionally elected. That’s what is really alarming!"

Remind me again, which part of the Constitution enshrines systemic voter fraud?

rhhardin म्हणाले...

I tend to stay on the alert for any signs of actual good character, rather than trying to interpret stuff that way.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Insty: the report of the President's 1776 commission was taken down and the commission disbanded by executive order.

Inga म्हणाले...

“Remind me again, which part of the Constitution enshrines systemic voter fraud?”

The lie that won’t die.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"I’ve wondered for the last four years what it was about Trumpists that made them get behind a man like Trump."

Once again, dim bulb, it's not the man, it's his policies.

Just about every Trump voter would rather that he came in the form of a secular saint, but you dance with the one that brought you....

But I don't expect low-information voters to understand.

n.n म्हणाले...

Remind me again, which part of the Constitution enshrines systemic voter fraud?

The Twilight Amendment. You know, penumbras and emanations, the Twilight Fringe, selective-child, the wicked solution, among other forward-looking - one step forward, two steps backward - quasi-religious prescriptions. Enslavement of blacks, with free and integrated black Americans. Women denied the vote, while voting and owning property. The fabricated clause that denies individual dignity, individual conscience, history, science, civil rights, and human rights, too.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"The lie that won’t die."

Along with 'fine people.'

We can do this all day.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Let us recall our History...

Before the Colonies would agree to form a Union under a Federal Gov't, they insisted on restricting that FedGov.

The Colonies knew the nature of man and insisted on a 'Bill of Rights', as we call them now. 10 Amendments to the original Constitution, before they would sign on.

In our time, the 9th and 10th Amendments would have prevented the madness of today. The demonic US Dept. of Education could never have been conjured up.

But...we have lawyers, and now a 'living' Constitution that can be stretched and twisted to reach a desired end. Penumbras and emanations. Lawyers. Used to be called Pharisees.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Many of us agree. But we think Trump was an exception...."

He wasn't.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

'You haven't been here long enough then. He spent years shitting all over the comments referring to everything as "fag-hags" and "Marxist".'

Well, Marxists are kind of a thing, especially these days.

So on that point I have no beef with ST.

iowan2 म्हणाले...

overcome your addiction to conspiracy theories

This from,"nobody knows what Mueller knows".

Yes I'm not taking anybody as a serious commentator that has blindly followed every narrative the media presented.
Now, too stupid to follow the pattern, and will believe everything the propaganda NYT prints about how Biden is doing is great.

Inga म्हणाले...

“Once again, dim bulb, it's not the man, it's his policies.”

Baloney. It was very much about the man and the hateful policies he stood behind. No other man would’ve taken such measures to destroy this democracy.

n.n म्हणाले...

1776 Commission Takes Historic and Scholarly Step to Restore Understanding of the Greatness of the American Founding [trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov]

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"The Oregon governor is working to undermine the Fourth Amendment with her plan to seize property in 'emergencies.'"

Civil asset forfeiture laws all around the country long ago left the Fourth Amendment in tatters.

Inga म्हणाले...

First executive order signed, an order stipulating the wearing of a mask on Federal properties. It’s going to be interesting to see if some of the mask phobic Senators and Reps. come to the House or the Senate without wearing a mask.

n.n म्हणाले...

a 'living' Constitution that can be stretched and twisted to reach a desired end

Yes, it has been deemed nonviable, a selective-constitution, a "burden", if you will, and an ostensibly "secular" Planned Parable from the Twilight Fringe has replaced it.

Readering म्हणाले...

Ok Schumer now majority leader. I expect the GOP Senators to stew over this as the date for the impeachment vote approaches.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"Baloney. It was very much about the man and the hateful policies he stood behind."

Like stopping flights from China? Sounds really hateful.

Putting kids in cages at the border? Wait, Obama built those.

Lowering taxes? Why can't I keep more of my money?

Spearheading a Covid vaccine in less than a year...fastest in history? Don't take your shot.

Economic policies that increased the income of blacks and minorities to the highest point in history? Terrible.

Hiring the first openly gay cabinet member and ambassador? Homophobe.

Being a long-time supporter of gay marriage. Obama disapproves.

Tell me which of the above policies/accomplishments you disagree with.

You have nothing. Talk about hatred. Your heart is black as tar.

Jaq म्हणाले...

The openly corrupt and senescent Joe Biden is turning the presidency into a dumpster fire.

h म्हणाले...

I went to a "federal facility" today -- a nearby wildlife refuge, in order to take a walk with my dog. It was closed because it was a federal holiday. I wonder if (really, I can't believe that) they would send out police to enforce masks on people walking in solitude in the parks. And if they do, is that really truly the best way to spend federal funds to fight the covid?

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"Civil asset forfeiture laws all around the country long ago left the Fourth Amendment in tatters."

For the record (not that it matters), I had a huge disagreement with Trump on this.

These types of laws are evil and hurt the poor and middle class, and have turned our police departments into quasi-armies.

I'm Not Sure म्हणाले...

"The openly corrupt and senescent Joe Biden is turning the presidency into a dumpster fire."

No lid today?

Jaq म्हणाले...

Ozzie, we’re told, wasn’t even caught as part of an election fraud investigation: He was simply on the trail to John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty, a powerful Philadelphia labor boss who leads the Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and was indicted in February 2019. Johnny Doc’s younger brother, Judge Kevin Dougherty,” was elected to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in 2015 with help from Local 98.


PA election corruption that Trump supposedly lied about except that people are going to prison and looky, a PA Supreme Court judge is mobbed up.

h म्हणाले...

I wrote a recent comment about requiring masks in a federal wildlife refuge to make a larger point: Biden democrats are much more interested in symbolic actions (like mask requirements) than they are in practical impacts (like slowing the spread of covid).

iowan2 म्हणाले...

And media lies continue with the new administration.

"Dr. Jill Biden brings American fashion back to the White House."

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"The Bulwark"

Holy fuck! I never go there but did a quick check...

A bigger hive of neo-cons and deep-staters don't exist outside the Lincoln Project.

I always thought you were dumb, but this is reaaaaally dumb.

Try harder.

Jaq म्हणाले...

The granular details of many of the allegations about Hunter Biden’s dealings in China are supported by documentation, but larger conclusions resurrected at the end of the 2020 campaign are unsubstantiated.. - Politifact

Yeah, he took the money from the Chinese communists, the evidence is in, but that doesn’t prove that “the Big Guy” is corrupt! Oh no! It’s perfectly OK to take billions from the Chinese Communists when your dad is negotiating with them on behalf of the United States!

What a fucking day.

Jaq म्हणाले...

Cases and hospitalizations started dropping last week in Florida, thank you Donald Trump for getting us through this. Please don’t fuck it up Joe.


Jaq म्हणाले...

Remember when Hunter got that job as a VP with a commercial bank right out of college when his dad was pushing through “bankruptcy reform” which included making student loans non dischargeable?

Biden took a bribe and made it so your student loans follow you to your grave.

Inga म्हणाले...

Biden’s other EOs, stops the withdrawal from the WHO and the Paris Climate accord, good work President Biden, keep it up.

Then reversing the Muslim Ban, order to terminate the national emergency fund for the border wall, thank you!

And more...

Jaq म्हणाले...

I thought that we learned from impeachment that POTUS did not have the power to make foreign policy and yet here Joe Biden, without so much as a by your leave from the Senate, which has explicit power over treaties, commits the US to a climate treaty when the US is just about the only country in the world actually reducing emissions.

Jaq म्हणाले...

" stops the withdrawal from the WHO and the Paris Climate accord,”

Constitution is just a godamn sheet of paper, right Inag?

Jaq म्हणाले...

You know what America needs right now during a pandemic? Hundreds of thousands of uncontrolled and unvetted migrants crossing our borders. Good work Joe!

Brad म्हणाले...

"Start with your own team, sir."

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"Then reversing the Muslim Ban, order to terminate the national emergency fund for the border wall, thank you!"

-- Wait, we learned that the President CAN'T undo previous EOs without a comment period and other things.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Then reversing the Muslim Ban

The stupidity just never stops.

There was no Muslim ban.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Let the Joooo-hating commence:


Israel got a four-year break, but once again she will have to fight for her life.

Jaq म्हणाले...

You know that the reversal in the infections and hospitalizations could have happened six weeks ago, and a lot of people are dying now that didn’t have to, but the FDA slow walked approval of the vaccine until election day.

At that time, the companies decided to stop having their lab confirm cases of Covid-19 in the study, instead leaving samples in storage. The FDA was aware of this decision. Discussions between the agency and the companies concluded, and testing began this past Wednesday.[Day after the election] When the samples were tested, there were 94 cases of Covid in the trial. The DSMB met on Sunday.


Son of a bitch, they started looking at the samples again the day after the election and the vaccine wsa good to go!

What’s a few COVID deaths compared to getting Joe elected!

Jaq म्हणाले...

"Wait, we learned that the President CAN'T undo previous EOs without a comment period and other things.”

We are going to find out that we were fed a lot of lies by Democrats and their media allies.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"And more..."

When will Joe dismantle the cages that he and Big O built?

Close Guantanamo and give it back to Cuba?

Pull troops out of the Middle East?

Move the Israel Embassy back to Tel Aviv?

Cancel more pipelines that kill jobs, drive up energy prices, and make Russia richer?

Drago म्हणाले...

Pro-marxist LLR-lefty Chuck (who was banned from Althouse blog for being caught out in a long series of lies as well as racist statements and violent intent towards women and children (a "John Weaver" type)): "Trump's mendacious and incompetent series of statements about Charlottesville,"

LLR-lefty Chuck continues with his long ago thoroughly debunked Charlottesville hoax lies, which pairs nicely with his long-time russia collusion lies along with a nice chianti.

This comes as no surprise.

Recall that LLR-lefty Chuck demanded a Special Counsel investigation into the entire Trump Admin communications shop because Sarah Sanders baked a pecan pie and sent out a tweet with a pic of the pie.

This so angered LLR-lefty Chuck that he immediately went Full Captain Queeg and began to harass Althouse repeatedly behind the scenes, leading Althouse to create a post telling, anonymously, Chuckles to cut it out.

Chuck, being a rather psychotic sort of fellow, demonstrated conclusively by his long history of racist remarks and at times astonishing violent imagery against women and children, chose not to cut it out.

He was subsequently banned but continues to return day after day despite Althouse instructions to not do so.

Even more interesting, when psycho Chuck shows up he usually immediately begins to lecture others on following Althouse moderation rules. Chuck is very much like a naughty 12 year old when he does this.

Chuck is also usually strenuously defended by another far left conspiracy lunatic who was banned, Inga.

Because of course.

All in all par for the course with our lefties.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

I haven't seen the Bedpan Commando this happy since Karen B lent her a special tool and a lifetime supply of batteries.

Rejoice! Good times ahead for all!

Howard म्हणाले...

Matt: PJRBJr was able to push through these EO reversals because of the emergency powers act due to the NG incursion into DC. That's why he had to did it right away before Marshall Law is lapsed and ANTIFA is allowed to resume security of the national monuments.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Inga said...
First executive order signed, an order stipulating the wearing of a mask on Federal properties. It’s going to be interesting to see if some of the mask phobic Senators and Reps. come to the House or the Senate without wearing a mask.

Aside from the stupidity, a given with the bedpan commando, the mask mandate is helpful as it identifies the sheep. I wonder if, once everyone is immunized, masks will continue ?

I especially like the cute cotton ones with the pictures. Useless in preventing infection but stylish.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"I haven't seen the Bedpan Commando this happy since Karen B lent her a special tool and a lifetime supply of batteries."

I am rich and retired, but some people spend a lot of time commenting here when they should be working.

It would be a shame to miss the short bus home.

Howard म्हणाले...

Your naivete is endearing, Joe Smith

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