The work of the next four years must be the restoration of democracy and the recovery of respect for the rule of law, and the renewal of a politics that’s about solving problems — not stoking the flames of hate and chaos.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 11, 2021
१३९ टिप्पण्या:
Alt house,
You can be kinda a weirdo sometimes.
We all get it. You are holding Biden to some mega civility standard. That’s in, civility BS is out.
Sheesh, how many more posts can you get out of this.
So, every hour?
What a nothing, vapid, bullshit statement.
Try to be more generic.
Too bad he only cares about this now, after the big cities were burned.
Fuck all politicians.
@Althouse, you'll bother because why, precisely?
You had your chance. You blew it.
"...the renewal of a politics that’s about solving problems — not stoking the flames of hate and chaos."
Maybe try telling that to your party, who's obsessed with impeaching a President in the final two weeks of a Presidential term.
Someone is assuming that this blog will still be around if Biden continues stoking the flames of hate and chaos.
Being lectured by a leftist regarding the rule of law.
It is to laugh.
"We all get it. You are holding Biden to some mega civility standard. That’s in, civility BS is out."
Wow. You are missing the point. My term "civility bullshit" represents my belief that all calls for civility are bullshit. I'm noting Biden's representation about himself, and obviously, I'm nailing that down because I expect him to fail and I want to be able to point it out when he does. If he doesn't, that will be great. I hope he doesn't.
Maybe try telling that to your party, who's obsessed with impeaching a President in the final two weeks of a Presidential term.
Exactly. I've come around to the idea that Ford's biggest accomplishment was pardoning Nixon. I'm also struck by the realization that the Democrats were every bit as deranged and vengeful back then as they are today.
Well Ann, Biden just stoked them today... like Obama he says one thing and then 10 min later says another.
He's "stoking the flames of hate and chaos" every time he opens his mouth.
"Fine people on both sides" Biden? Really? His whole career is lying grifting crap sandwiches. You think he's gonna make nice now?
I think Joe pre-failed. Go listen to his speech from last Thursday.
Biden blathers. I mean, Obama was bad at blathering too, but Biden just can't seem to rise to any occasion with anything but pablum.
Doesn't this man have at least one or two speechwriters who are worth a shit? For a man with the Whole Democratic Machine behind him, Team Biden sure seems to dance with two left feet.
Somehow Ms. Althous I predict you'll have to hit that linkback early and often and for a long time. Call me a lying dogfaced Pony Soldier if that doesn't come true.
He has already failed any effort at unification and civility by accepting a Presidency he was given fraudulently. The base of his Presidency is "civility" bullshit. Now we are supposed to move on and pretend his election was through the legitimate one-person, one-vote premise. We all know it wasn't.
But, for some, as I suspect in Althouse, we have to go along with it to "keep the peace", as if there is some sort of real peace that accompanies the installation of America's first ruler. And of course when Kamala is installed, the feminists can pretend the first female President was elected.
He's already failed, Althouse. You said his campaign launch was "disqualifying" but here is getting yet another chance to produce the pony in the shitpile. There's no pony Althouse. He's the same liar who slimed Trump to start and slimed Trump again last week. He can't make a statement without lying about Trump. The next "moderate" statement Joe says will be just as believable as his fine people hoaxing. He's been grifting your whole adult life and he has never changed from that set pattern.
"Blogger Sprezzatura said...
Alt house,
You can be kinda a weirdo sometimes.
We all get it. You are holding Biden to some mega civility standard. That’s in, civility BS is out."
Haven't been back here in a long time but it's never been hard to read Althouse's sarcasm...
Trump was defeated by 4 years of innuendo.
He's trying to put us in chains!
I don't think calling two democratically elected Senators, "Joseph Goebbels" is solving problems and avoids stoking the flames of hate and chaos. YMMV. It certainly didn't stop a mob from forming outside the home of one of those Senators.
With Biden it’s a different kind of humor. Unintentional.
Hey you "lying dog faced pony soldier". Biden already blew the civility. He’s gonna go along with the labeling of deplorables as domestic terrorists and Nazis. Susan Rice is going to have a great time getting her revenge with that one. These people are crazy.
It will mean nothing to President Biden or his supporters. The standard is not behavior, the standard is "Who? Whom?"
Also good luck controlling ANTIFA and BLM!
Maybe he should tell Chuck Schumer to stop comparing things to Pearl Harbor. What an insult to the 2,403 people that died there and the military that died in response to that.
Biden himself came out and made demands, if Trump were the leader of a foreign country they would talk about de-escalation by the policy of allowing for the “saving of face”. Instead it seems like they want an escalation.
A good portion of America has no place to be heard, that only increases the steam when there is no vent. When you shut off all the places for steam to escape you must want the explosion— The Dems cannot be that dumb—they must want the escalation as an excuse for more power.
I did not vote for Trump or Biden but Biden is President Elect now— time to change his methodologies from what they have always been— looks like that is not going to happen. I always thought atrump was inspired by the dramatics of Biden.
I suspect that Biden*'s reaction would be like Mr. Burns' reaction to the Germans at the end of this clip: Oh, the Germans except it would be "Oh, Althouse is mad at me!"
because I expect him to fail.
I think it is already happening for the reasons I stated above.
I can't take these notions seriously until the side calling for "unity" owns up to its own role in the constant escalation. To date I have heard nothing from Biden other than (to paraphrase): we need Republicans to stop acting like assholes so that we can all come together.
Rather than a sincere effort to de-escalate, this is just more escalation. It's passive aggressive, but it's still just more escalation.
I do get it.
You used the wiggle word “seems.” So you will let us know when/if Biden seems to be pushing hate and chaos. Which means there is no standard except that you feel like taking shots at Biden say stuff you don’t like.
For example. it “seems” to you the DJT had nothing to do w/ inciting loons fo travel to DC to go wild and try and put pressure on law makers and Pence to overturn our election and therefore kill our democracy/Constitution.
There is a zero percent chance that you will catch Biden stoking hate and chaos if you use the metrics that you are using re what it “seems” to you re what DJT has done re inciting hate and chaos re the loons that went to the Capitol to Stop the Steal, wildly. You’re still not sure DJT had anything to do w/ inciting that hate and chaos.
Speaking of hate and chaos, did Joe already forget what his Democrat party manufactured throughout the US in 2020? Lock downs. Purging Nursing homes on the east coast. Arson. Dead cops. Kenosha burning. Businesses and lives destroyed. Schools closed. Churches closed. Re-identification obedience masks mandated. HCQ vilified to more people would die. Children and the elderly isolated.
What exactly is Althouse's definition of civility? After someone sticks it in your ass, is it considered civil if they say "thank you"?
From the same guy whose campaign staffers bragged about (and encouraged) donating money to bail out BLM and Antifa rioters and looters.
>> I expect him to fail and I want to be able to point it out when he does. If he doesn't, that will be great. I hope he doesn't.
Making allegations online of failure against a sitting US President is inciting violence.
Blogger should lifetime ban you the instant you aid sedition and insurrection.
Hmmm, maybe start by seeing your opposition back onto the field, Joe. Demand Google, FB, Twitter etc revert their censorship. Or are you afraid? If so, you’re in the wrong job.
I don't know who is writing JB's speeches but they are starting to sound as if they are coming from Joseph Goebbels. Dangerous.
Biden was always a petty, vindictive bully even before he went senile. There's no chance this is anything but chum for the rubes.
Yep, Biden is going to bring us together after he passes that 4,000 page "domestic terrorism" bill and sends Trump and his followers to prison.
Very fine people. Veins bulging. The Capitol police are racists. And so on.
Face it, Althouse. He’s going to divide us. He already has.
Given that Biden has been attacking Pelosi and all the extreme Democrat partisans, and refusing to lie about trump and his supporters or call them racists/white supremists. I believe Joe.
Oh, wait.
#1 Biden saying he's going to help the small businesses hurt by COVID 19, EXCEPT those owned by white guys.
This is what institutional racism / discrimination looks like BTW.
rcocean said...
Yep, Biden is going to bring us together after he passes that 4,000 page "domestic terrorism" bill and sends Trump and his followers to prison.
Biden* wants to bring us together like Xi brought the Uighurs together.
Better keep that link handy, Althouse.
Joe thinks the Capitol Police are tougher on black protesters than white protesters. That's almost the first thing he said. He can't deny that the Capitol Police shot one white protester but have never shot any black protesters. I think he's a freakin' racist who is trying to stir up racial divisions.
Of course he is already stoking the flames of hate and chaos, because he is clearly implying that democracy and the rule of law have not been in effect during the last four years, they have to be "restored" and "recovered."
There is no point in linking to his statement if he goes even further back on it than he has in the statement itself. You and your readers are not his audience, and he doesn't care about your backing or disdain. He is clearly signalling, "Everyone who doesn't join up with me and my team is wrecking democracy and the rule of law." The corollary: "You deserve any punishment we might bring you."
I think what he means by this that we shouldn't take notice that he's on the take. That would be stoking flames of hatred. C'mon.
Diversity (i.e. color judgment) breeds adversity. Chaos (e.g. "evolution") is life. #HateLovesAbortion
“....and sends Trump and his followers to prison”
BTW, new folks here may want a tip re what Althouse will soon be typing. She will be jabbering about how it’s bad for the Biden administration to look into the law breaking of the DJT admin.
She did that re BHO re W. Then, it was bad to even investigate the potential law breaking. For the civility of our nation.
But then, she gave zero F-s re all the BHO admin and HRC investigations that Rs in Congress did after the BHO admin.
So, how long until she’s back to telling us that it’s not good for the nation if people look into the law breaking of the previous admin? Maybe now (again, after a break when it was ok to go after BHO folks, inc HRC) holding the law breakers in our gov accountable would seem like stoking chaos and hate. Don’t do that.
He's gonna Put Forth A Far Reaching Program To Address That Very Issue. This is gonna be fun!
Ann, I thought you were pointing out that he's stoking those flames with this statement. Was I wrong?
Biden is going to bring us together after he passes that 4,000 page "domestic terrorism" bill and sends Trump and his followers to prison.
Following the CCP evolutionary... progressive model from Great Leap to one-child to selective-child and social justification of concentration camps for deplorable. They tried the same thing here with a hope to establish the concepts of "White privilege", "rape"... "rape-rape culture", "toxic masculinity", "burdens", etc. to deny human and civil rights.
I think he's a freakin' racist who is trying to stir up racial divisions.
I doubt he's a racist. He's just entirely devoid of principle and will use racial problems to his advantage if it's convenient.
Too bad he only cares about this now, after the big cities were burned.
Too bad he follows the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, relativistic (e.g. "ethics"), politically congruent quasi-religion preached by mortal gods and goddesses. Let us bray. #InStorkTheyTrust
Libertarianism is self-organizing. Liberalism is divergent. Progressivism is monotonic. Conservativism is moderating. #PrincipleMatter
Think 7-11s are gonna bar Joe?
That's one ;)
Sure, Joe's right. He's just not the guy to do it.
Well, that didn't last long. He stoked some flames and some chaos the other day in response to the protest in the Capitol. And he wants to go after so-called domestic terrorists. All while encouraging and supporting BLM and Antifa.
Epic fail, which is what we've come to expect from Joe over the past 40+ years.
"But then, she [Althouse] gave zero F-s re all the BHO admin and HRC investigations that Rs in Congress did after the BHO admin. "
Largely because there were no "BHO admin and HRC investigations that Rs in Congress did after the BHO admin."
Or are you thinking of the Benghazi attack?
He promised to 'defeat the NRA'. Probably not a good idea. Not that he could if he tried but just saying so is inciting anger. The chaos will come later.
I don't think this will take too long.
She will be jabbering about how it’s bad for the Biden administration to look into the law breaking of the DJT admin.
I know you're a troll, but do you have go be stupid on top of the lies"
This administration is the most investigated in our Nations existence.
Zero crimes. No crimes attached to the Trump administration.
The final proof of no crimes. Democrats, with two opportunities to Impeach the President for the crimes you reference in your comment, have refused. The simplest action would be to include the "law breaking" as articles of impeachment. But even the wild eyed nut jobs Schiff, and Nadler, are smart enough to know they would look a fool trying to prosecute a crime that lacks any elements of a crime.
While stoking the flames of statism. Good on you, Gropey Grandpa, because statism leads only to peace, love and brotherhood, right?
Biden does not know what office he has been elected (?) to. The words are written by some 25 years old staffer.
Isn't it funny how many left wing trolls have show up since summer ?
I’m not surprised that you don’t know there were investigations into the BHO administration while DJT has been POTUS. At least you’re good at riding your bike in your backyard trail.
Anywho, can I assume that you agree with me that Althouse is going to tell us that the law breakers of the DJT government should not be investigated or held accountable re law, thereby helping w/ civility and avoidance of stoking hate and chaos re the nation?
And, presumably you agree that, when evaluating Biden, Althouse is not gonna use the metric (re stoking hate/chaos) that makes it seem like DJT had nothing to do w/ inciting folks that came to the Stop the Steal rally to overturn our legitimate election re pressuring politicians (inc Pence) at the Capitol, wildly.
Make sure you wear your helmet in the backyard.
"Okay, Joe. Thanks. I will link back to this if it ever seems you might be stoking the flames of hate and chaos."
You're even more gullible than I am.
To be fair, by the inauguration all of the conservatives on Twitter will be banned, so they will no longer apply to said promise.
Oh well.
Does this mean that Hunter's going to jail?
You could be using it lot.
"Okay, Joe. Thanks. I will link back to this if it ever seems you might be stoking the flames of hate and chaos."
Q for Professora in text-analysis :
How do you normally and ordinarily parse 'copulative" /and/ in hate and chaos
can Biden get off your hook if he stokes flames of hate separately from flames of chaos
I think Biden should be careful because if democracy hasn't been working for the last 4 years, how did he get elected? How did the Democrats get control of the House 2 years ago and now control of the Senate?
Sally327: there you go, using reason and logic on a politician's hyperbole.
There comes a time when even trolls pricks and assholes have to put up or shut up.
Or else be shut up.
“Or else be shut up.”
Civility BS
Guy who just "won" an election says we need to return our democracy to its previous state.
Maybe he's coming around.
Joe before the election: I am the head of the Democratic Party!
Joe after the election: Congress is going to do what Congress is going to do.
Hebephrenia's a really terrible thing, isn't it...Sprezzatura.
Joe "in search of enemies" Biden.
Biden felt the need to accuse the Capitol Police of being racist with his BLM disparate treatment trope, even where there had been no actual discrimination, simply in order to make a completely impertinent and scatter brained logical point that he thought would highlight his virtue.
And the Capitol Police were the ones any rational calculation would say he should be defending.
There's a reason he was in the lower percentile of his law school class.
Biden is a train wreck waiting to happen.
Sprezzatura wins the Big Mike Award for Obtuse Misreading Of Intent. Well done, it takes some doing: there are lobotomized hamsters that were too observant for this award.
"I will link back to this if it ever seems you might be stoking the flames of hate and chaos."
If it ever seems?
You sure you'll be permitted to link?
Aren't you stoking the flames of hate and chaos by questioning Joe and the Dems?
I see Big Mike making a challenge for the obtusity award. Sorry BM, your delusion that Althouse voted for Biden undercuts the purity of the misreading.
If Biden and the Democrats are as conniving and dishonest as they have been historically, the impeachment is a set-up for Biden to appeal for unity by asking the House to drop the attempt and let Trump pass into private life without further harassment.
Maybe even the promise of a pardon for other alleged crimes and a call to "move on."
It would be a fake as everything else about this guy, but it would score points.
The problem with that possibility is that the impeachment is really about the burning, overwhelming, irrational hatred that Pelosi feels for the President and I don't think she can be stopped.
“ He used sarcasm. He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and satire. “
@Ken B., you are half-witted on the best day of your life, and much less than that on a regular day. Where in my comment did I say she voted for Biden? No where, that's where. She did not vote for Trump because "OrangeManBad." That's bad enough.
"Authoritarianism cloaked as righteousness." - Mike Pompeo says it perfectly
Ken B,
nice Piranha Brothers reference.
"Okay, Joe. Thanks. I will link back to this if it ever seems you might be stoking the flames of hate and chaos."
He started doing this with his campaign launch.
He has never stopped.
And now he is leading an openly fascist movement.
I am saving up money and I will start looking for private businesses to support. But anyone who remains an Amazon Affiliate past this week will not be on that list.
I know it takes time but Blogger is part of the fascist movement.
It is time to leave Blogger.
Biden sees nothing, he wasn't here, he didn't even wake up this morning!
Sprezzatura said...
I’m not surprised that you don’t know there were investigations into the BHO administration while DJT has been POTUS. At least you’re good at riding your bike in your backyard trail.
Anywho, can I assume that you agree with me that Althouse is going to tell us that the law breakers of the DJT government should not be investigated or held accountable re law, thereby helping w/ civility and avoidance of stoking hate and chaos re the nation?
And, presumably you agree that, when evaluating Biden, Althouse is not gonna use the metric (re stoking hate/chaos) that makes it seem like DJT had nothing to do w/ inciting folks that came to the Stop the Steal rally to overturn our legitimate election re pressuring politicians (inc Pence) at the Capitol, wildly.
Make sure you wear your helmet in the backyard.
We are not acting like fascists trying to ban all speech we disagree with.
You are.
Thanks. I like help the Trumpkins work on their vocabulary.
@Rabel 5:19p
I agree and just wrote something similar in another comment thread. That really is the best case outcome for unity at this point, and I’m not seeing consistent efforts to make it a reality. If Trump is truly horrible, then you won’t need impeachment to prevent him from coming back in 2024. Heck, faith in the success of a Biden Administration should remove such worries. Yet, she persists.
Trump is the only one between Biden, Pelosi, and Trump that has attempted to de-escalate things since 6 Jan. He’s conceded the election, said he would skip Inauguration, and leave his office and town.
The DEPLORABLES have had a taste of freedom.
How important is it to them?
KenB: I posted this on last night's 'cafe' but you probably wouldn't see it:
Ken B proclaims: Mockturtle
You are playing my favorite game! Who knows American History better, the Yank or the Canadian?
Lee graduated second in his class. He had I think no demerits though.
MacArthur had the highest marks ever.
Wrong. Actually, the top graduate was Charles Mason in 1829:
'Asst.Professor of Engineering at the Military Academy. Highest graduating score in USMA history, and famous for graduating one slot ahead of Robert E. Lee, who had the second highest score in USMA history.'
And MacArthur finished third, I believe.
Sprezzatura @4:20: "....Anywho..." Odd locution. Reminds me of another commenter, who seems to have gone quiet lately: Guildofcannonballs, I think?
Ever hear of that commenter?
Blogger Rabel said...
If Biden and the Democrats are as conniving and dishonest as they have been historically, the impeachment is a set-up for Biden to appeal for unity by asking the House to drop the attempt and let Trump pass into private life without further harassment.
Maybe even the promise of a pardon for other alleged crimes and a call to "move on."
The great thing is that Trump would probably respond by saying "no" to the offer to drop the impeachment. Trump would say "bring it on" in his best pro wrestler voice.
The fact that Biden declared the pursuit of domestic terrorism a priority showed that his speech was a lie, because there is no domestic terrorism, only Trump supporters and conservatives. The number of violent conservatives would not equal in number even a small antifa gang. Maybe a couple of hundred in the whole country. Arnold Swarzneger in a video compared the Proud Boys to the nazis in europe and the capitol incident to the night of the long knives and Kristalnacht (dummy doesn't realize those were 2 separate things). During Kristalnacht, mobs targeted jews and destroyed their businesses (Antifa anyone?) after the gov put a notice in the paper that the jews had been successfully disarmed. The Proud Boys have never broken a single window. During night of the long knives hitler had thousands of people killed to consolidate power. To compare these things is childish ignorance. Note that any dictator or revolution first thing seizes the means of communication. In the old days this was radio and newspapers. This week it was twitter, facebook, google, apple and youtube. You cannot post about covid, about BLM (except to praise them), about hunter biden, about voter fraud, about antifa without your twitter post or youtube video vanishing. They are trying to use credit card companies to take down NRA and pornhub (do they realize how many porn sites are out there?). The email server for Trumps emails shut him down. This is a coup.
Also, does no one remember that during the Kavanaugh hearings leftist protesters were outside the hearing room trying to break in? Or that when he was inaugurated a mob tried to break down the doors to the supreme court? Or that in Wisconsin democrats occupied the wisconsin state capital for months?
Owen: Guild of Cannonballs has been around. Sprezzatura reminds me of Montana Urban Legend (and all his various nom de blogs) due to the sneering.
Guildofcannonballs defies placement on the ideological continuum.
Guildofcannonballs also defies placement on the sanity continuum.
Joe Biden is still a corrupt insider government whore.
Sprezzatura said...
Seeing his/her comments for a few day, it is obvious this is PBJ or whatever other names xe identified with over the years.
I dunno. IMHO. Carry on.
Anywho, can I assume that you agree with me that Althouse is going to tell us that the law breakers of the DJT...
The telltale anywho.
Owen said...
Sprezzatura @4:20: "....Anywho..." Odd locution. Reminds me of another commenter, who seems to have gone quiet lately
Jeeze,stop guessing, just ask him. He is not trying to hide his identity, just gets bored and changes his name occasionally.
Owen, sorry you beat me to it, but it is not guild of cannonballs.
Owen said...Sprezzatura @4:20: "....Anywho..." Odd locution. Reminds me of another commenter, who seems to have gone quiet lately: Guildofcannonballs, I think?
Ever hear of that commenter?
I don't recall Guild using it. Blogspot commenters on my radar who use "anywho" frequently were PBJ de sitterspace, Titus, and Trooper York.
Chicklit, it it anti-sitter de space, PBJ, et al. who utilizes all of the weird language I had mentioned abovee.
The work of the next four years must be the restoration of democracy and the recovery of respect for the rule of law, and the renewal of a politics that’s about solving problems — not stoking the flames of hate and chaos.
After a few hangings.
I like this song:
As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way.
O sisters, let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O sisters, let's go down
Down in the river to pray
O brothers, let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O brothers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray
As sung by Alison Krause
Owen said...
Sprezzatura @4:20: "....Anywho..." Odd locution. Reminds me of another commenter, who seems to have gone quiet lately: Guildofcannonballs, I think?
Ever hear of that commenter?
It is Shiloh. Or adss if you prefer.
He just dropped the mask and went full fascist and probably decided it was time for a new name.
Rabel said...Guildofcannonballs also defies placement on the sanity continuum.
Several years ago, Guild was masquerading as William F. Unbuckley. He would post long rambling screeds. I took to reading some of his comments, voicing them as I imagined Buckley challening Foster Brooks would sound like and posting them as chirbits: link
@Achilles: I was surprised that Shilho didn't show for the least election. He was a regular for the 2008, 2012, and 2016 elections.
Yes let’s ask those fine Trump supporters who dragged police officers down the steps and beat them with flag poles to be civil, I don’t think that will work. Maybe legal consequences might help.
"Yes let’s ask those fine Trump supporters who dragged police officers down the steps and beat them with flag poles to be civil, I don’t think that will work. Maybe legal consequences might help."
Short bus-riding Tool.
“I think he's a freakin' racist who is trying to stir up racial divisions”
Of course. He learned at Obama’s knee, all while resenting Obama as an uppity Negro. C’mon! You know that’s what was going through his head.
“Maybe legal consequences might help.”
Didn’t work with your co-religionists last summer.
Antifa hates cops.
I'd bet the beat down of a police officers (who supported Trump) was done by false flag Antifa dressed as maga.
It's an old story.
It's Gonna Be Alright
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're all doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is, brother, you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be
You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know it's gonna be
So far no antifa arrests have been made, the treats to hang or kill Pence have been connected to Trump supporters.
And I don’t know who my co-religionists are suppose to be, do you mean Ritterhouse?
Trump supporters don't drag cops down steps.
Of course, you already know that.
“the treats to hang or kill Pence have been connected to Trump supporters.”
Things won't really go off the rails until Kamala assumes the presidency. By then I hope you all have mined some bitcoin for yourselves.
because there is no domestic terrorism
Expect it to be "discovered" soon. No government institution can be trusted at this point.
"...all while resenting Obama as an uppity Negro."
But at least he's clean and articulate...
If Antifa are part of it - the media will never let that be known.
Michael Yon - a rare honest reporter.
"Many of the Trump supporters I saw — many on videos — were angry for anyone entering the Capitol Building or causing damage. You will see in many videos Trump supporters saying things like, “There is ANTIFA here dressed like us! They are making us look bad!” (The ANTIFACIST Handbook, available on Amazon, lays out this AP and false flag business.) "
"stoking the flames"--Hunter Biden's crackpipe
Fun fact: "sprezzatura" is Italian slang for "State-fucker." You can look it up.
Biden's next speech:
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!
I come not to sow hate but to heal souls.
We must all work together, even with the lying dog faced pony soldier Republicans.
We must strive to be civil and is it not civil to call Republicans liars?
Now Clap for that, you stupid bastards!
Antifa is not our enemy
We’ve got to recognize that a kid wearing a hoodie and carrying a torch may very well be the next poet laureate. Do we not see Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids?
And I am not trying to take away your guns.. and if you believe I am you are full of shit! And if you are black and don't agree with me, then you ain't black!
But yes folks, we are all one equal, but some are more equal than others.
And by the way, I’m not sedentary.
There are a lot of folks who voted for Biden because he promised a return to traditional concepts of political civility. Yet here he is, the President Elect, standing by silently while his Party tries desperately to "impeach and remove" the current President for no practical reason other than to prevent him from running for President in 2024. Trump is leaving office. If he committed crimes while in office, he can be prosecuted for as lomg as the statute of limitations allows. But if Biden is really serious that he wants to be a healer, he needs to tell Pelosi to stand down on impeachment. Otherwise, he's a phoney.
Show me I'm wrong.
Joe Biden:
“no one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, there wouldn’t — they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently.”
This after a summer in which BLM "protestors" burned buildings and attacked people often without any meaningful restraint from authorities at all. I think Madison residents in particular ought to know how badly BLM protestors have been treated by authorities. Biden's claim is already fanning the flames of hatred and racial division. Harris as usual is far worse.
“We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer.”
Peaceful protesters. Yeah, sure.
He once accused Mitt Romney of wanting to bring back slavery.
Just be careful that you're not the first one to stop clapping.
Blogger Rabel said...
"Guildofcannonballs defies placement on the ideological continuum.
Guildofcannonballs also defies placement on the sanity continuum."
A little respect is called for. He does his drugs so he can speak to the gods on our behalf.
And I think you'll admit we need all the help we can get.
"But if Biden is really serious that he wants to be a healer, he needs to tell Pelosi to stand down on impeachment. Otherwise, he's a phoney."
Worse than a phony, he is a follower, not a leader. Which would be ok except he is supposed to lead the Democrat party and is soon to become POTUS. Also, Biden doesn't tell Pelosi, or much of anyone else, what to do. She tells him..
Poor Sprezz. He missed the cue from his leader. The march on the Capitol must now be understood to have been a protest of people of color who were savagely beaten by the Capitol police. As Biden explains, this understanding will help heal the nation.
For making such a blunder, I fear Sprezz will find himself in the back of the barn with all the other lying dog faced pony soldiers.
Old Joe is a basement dweller
So Dementia Joe doesn't remember the Judiciary hearings for Thomas and Bork, where he personally, publicly led the stoking of the flames of hate and chaos? Oddly enough, I can believe he doesn't remember any of that, the miserable, senile old fool. "25TH FOR JOE" is the motto for 2021.
Thanks for the research. I'll call it a draw then!
Who wrote that for Biden? Vinay Reddy?
It's brilliant in that it promises to undo exactly what the Dem Party was doing over the last four years.
Granted this is only second-hand -- I've never actually tried it myself -- But I have it on good authority that you cannot actually eat Bitcoins.
And I don’t know who my co-religionists are suppose to be.
They're these people, you dishonest POS.
I'm just fed up with this fantasy world that the communists are erecting. It's projection to the Nth degree. What would Pelosi be saying if Donald Trump had won the fiasco we called an election, and tweeted Joe Blow's exact words?
Gusty Winds said...
Speaking of hate and chaos, did Joe already forget what his Democrat party manufactured throughout the US in 2020? Lock downs. Purging Nursing homes on the east coast. Arson. Dead cops. Kenosha burning. Businesses and lives destroyed. Schools closed. Churches closed. Re-identification obedience masks mandated. HCQ vilified to more people would die. Children and the elderly isolated.
/bamboozled team member.
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