Is the second impeachment funny?
My son John has a Facebook post reacting to the impeachment with jokes:
I said, "Is it funny?"
The most impeached president in American history! I wonder if Trump is tired of all this winning…
Half of all impeachments of an American president have been of Trump!...
We’re going to have impeachment, like you wouldn’t believe. A lot of people are saying he’s the best president ever at getting impeached. No one had ever heard of impeachment before Trump.
John said, "Is it funny to turn the tables on the pompously powerful?" and I — copying the humor of "No one had ever heard of impeachment before Trump"* — said, "There are very pompously powerful people on both sides."**
I don't want to be part of the that's-not-funny crowd, but I do wonder if those who are wielding the power — using the mechanism of government — are themselves clowning. I heard some of yesterday's speechifying, and I detected a lack of sobriety. There's a lot of political theater, and I'm wondering if this show is a farce.
Trump is almost out the door. He's being kicked as he leaves. And there's the prospect of conducting the impeachment trial after he's out of office.*** Farce?
* Last June, Trump asserted that "nobody had ever heard of" Juneteenth before he made it "very famous."
** Reacting to the violent protests in Charlottesville in April 2017, Trump said there were "very fine people, on both sides."
*** Makes me think of this.
२३० टिप्पण्या:
230 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"There are very pompously powerful people on both sides."
Now that IS funny.
I know the footnotes are evidence that I believe we're in The Era of That's Not Funny.
Once you're explaining the references...
They've shown Trump that he'll never be part of the cool kids clique.
It's funny in a "roll your eyes" sort of way.
Punching down isn't funny. It makes the people that will replace you very mad.
...and like always you're having fun now but failing to consider the long run consequences of your actions. There are still checks on seemingly unlimited power. I'm not telling you what they are. When your enemy is making a mistake and all...
My birthday is June 19 and I heard about Juneteenth in the 5th grade. It sounded like a great reason to establish a national holiday and have a big party that day every year. 38 years passed before I heard of it again in 2020.
You're really just cheapening the value of a good impeachment.
It is a farce. No hearings. Two hours of debate. No chance of removing him from office before he voluntarily leaves. The point of impeachment is removing someone from office.
It is a political stunt and a temper tantrum aimed at our most effective president in the last 75 years and one of the ten best of all time. He got 75m legit votes.
This is all about venting emotions and headlines. Watch CNN and MSNBC for a bit and you can see that. That is, of course, if they can bring themselves to talk about anything other than the insurrection of 1-6-21.
The Democrats have been unfunny for the last 12 years, and now they think they are even funnier?? We laugh at them. It's just too bad, people have their eyes closed....
Trump has not been impeached. The process requires more than just a vote to try to impeach. There must be a trial and a conclusion to be removed from office.
The Democrats haven't thought this through. Impeaching Trump, just makes him the center of attention, YET AGAIN.
Impeach him once a day until he's gone!
Make impeachment a joke. oh wait.
Trump's concession speech after the second impeachment was Comedy Gold.
Dust Bunny Queen, I don't think you fully understand how pissed off the 84 million Biden voters are after the MAGAs stormed the Capitol disrupting the people's business. Obviously the second impeachment got Trump's attention. His concession speech was because he fears Senate conviction and he's trying desperately to save his ass.
How many times do Regressives need to be reminded that their "very fine people, on both sides" was debunked, because they ALWAYS leave THIS part of his statement out...."“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
"There are very pompously powerful people on both sides."
Now that IS funny.
And alliterative.
This whole chapter is basically pretty funny if you can set aside the violence. Krakens, "plenty of perjury", Lin Wood purposely trying to suppress the GOP vote in Georgia. A Viking Guy seizing control of the floor. The dude scratching his balls on Pelosi's desk. Tell me that's not funny.
And now Trump's pushed the envelope so far that he is getting impeached as a lame duck. That's kind of funny. It's mean comedy, but it is comedy.
Seriously, who fears a senate trial more?
it's Clear, that President Trump did Not have enough support to be elected a second time
it's SO Clear... that the Dems are trying to make sure that:
a) although More people voted for him; than Ever voted, for ANY sitting President...
b) it should be ILLEGAL to discuss the level of President Trump's support... and That:
c) Actions need to be taken, so that he can Never Use that support in the future
Call me a Brain Damaged old fool,
but it's not clear to me, that those actions were warranted by a low level of support
The concept of “we’ve got to impeach this guy quick, before he leaves office . . . Then let’s take our time with the trial because we have more important stuff to do” (like, you know — the thing) is pretty farcical.
The secondary motivation, after the blind hatred and spite, is to deprive the American people of the opportunity to vote for President Trump in four years.
By the way, for the Marx quote: “ Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”
― Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
Political humor also flourished in Nazi Germany. “Whispered jokes” convinced cowards that they were part of the "resistance." This sort of humor was tolerated by the Nazis because it allowed Germans to vent a little bit without taking the drastic step of rebelling against Hitler. Ha ha ha!!!
We can also laugh at our mad man. But we need to get serious as well. Americans can't be forced into accepting Trump's deranged view of the election. He wasn't "robbed." He's a loser. Trump's "insurrection " is one last desperate attempt to cling to power to escape retribution (i.e., trials, public exposure, along with jail time). Time to take out the trash.
Wince:. Exactly. Watching McConnell dance around is pretty funny
It's funny in a grim way, I suppose.
"Is it funny to turn the tables on the pompously powerful?"
For all of Trump's over the top pomposity, his overbearing demeanor, his ridiculousness, at least you always knew where he stood. He was who he was. There was no dissembly. The same can't be said for the vast majority of the powerful people who stood against him. Though they can often be very charming and well spoken, they'd happily knife you in the back if it served their purposes. They're truly awful people. And now they have all the power.
The Buffalo Shaman is funny, but evil. The cowardly reaction of our Congress who send boys to die in their wars is tragically funny. Trump’s pre-riot line of “explosions of bullshit” was funny. So was seeing Baked Alaska partying in Pelosi’s office. Satire is now our reality. That's not very funny.
Trump supporters are from the lower classes and nothing is so much fun as pissing on them from the comfortable digs of wealthy blue enclaves whose wealth depends on stuff being made as cheaply as possible even if it is by Chinese slaves, even if that means cutting working class Americans out of jobs, and leaving them angry, because then you get to laugh at their anger.
Democrats are like Dickens villains and they don’t even know it.
There were no 84 million Biden voters. And so fucking what about however many anyway? They have been enthusiastic supporters of rioting and murder of American citizens for the last five years. Fuck you.
Can someone tell me exactly who on my side is "pompously powerful", or just powerful, at all on my side?
Because the embedded bureaucrats in the Executive have long rendered Trump nearly powerless. Far as I can tell he's got less real power than the average citizen.
Well, except for 3 powers, which he appears to have never used, not once: use the military to arrest the fraudsters, or rain down a blizzard of indictments (this one blocked by the executive swamp, which only appears to want to investigate their boss while whitewashing every single Democrat crime), and declassification.
Otherwise, Trump has only used those Presidential powers which are easily blocked by your friendly neighborhood Hawaiian judge.
He's got 6 days to actually use the power he was given in 2016 to "never stop fighting for us". If he doesn't, I'm afraid it looks like there is no such thing as uncontrolled opposition to the Left left in this country.
This second impeachment of the President one week before his term of office ends in definitely not funny. It is, however, the most blatantly ridiculous action ever undertaken by the U.S. Congress.
This is the progressive tendency to wish humiliation, not just defeat in their enemies. John would have made a fine Brownshirt back in the day!
Now, the Democrat Homeland Security Chair of the House, Bennie Thompson (D-Miss) wants Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley put on the no fly list saying, “A terrorist is a terrorist”. That's not funny
Frothing Democrats are taking us all down a rabbit hole. 2020 was a warm up. If they want to ban sitting Senators, they will ban you. Social Credit Scores coming soon. Vaccine passports. That's not funny
Once you accept there is real evil in the world, it becomes much easier to figure out and accept what is really happening. You’ve got neighbors and family members like Bennie Thompson. But there are a shitload more of them in Madison, WI that Waukesha County, WI. Madison is already under absolute conformity. We have a little time left Waukesha County, but it seems obvious the barbarians are at the gate. That’s not funny either.
"Watching McConnell dance around is pretty funny”
He had the dick of the megadonors slapped out of his mouth and now he’s crying like a baby who lost his pacifier.
it was farce first time around.
historic farce on repetition.
naked emperors don't like jokes at their expense.
but then once you have seen them naked …
D.D. Driver said...
"There are very pompously powerful people on both sides." Now that IS funny... And alliterative.
"That is a triple alliterative improv... Evil, sexy Hamlet scares people!"
Your a Brain Damaged old fool.
Badabing! Please take care of your waitresses, Good Night!
Howard said... Dust Bunny Queen, I don't think you fully understand how pissed off the 84 million Biden voters are.......
Are you counting the dead voters, the duplicate votes, the mythical voters who don't even exist? Are you counting the Trump votes that were flipped to Biden by the Dominion machines?
I don't think YOU fully understand how truly pissed off the people who voted for Trump are.
they have impeached him twice, and attempted even more times, yet he'll complete his presidential term
I suppose impeachment could be funny, but Jaltcoh's attempt is not. More like the loser girl piling on after the bitches -- Pelosi's crew -- are through with their petty tortures of the strange dude.
McConnell has more ChiCom cash than any other swamp dweller. He’s married to the Party. She signaled her support for Beijing by being first cabinet member to resign in a post-riot huff. That pretty smile hides a lot for chow.
That's not funny people don't tolerate disruptive characters. That's what's not funny about not funny, of course.
Two things:
1) I didn't laugh.
2) I see "the pompously powerful" as someone like John letting Bill Clinton get away with vouching for Joe Biden's integrity at the 2020 DNC, knowing Bill's been a rapist for, at least, the last 30 years, and Joe's wrongly locked up millions of blacks for, at least, the last 26 years with his 1994 crime bill - and John's doing it all in my name, too.
Got to get rid of that "racist" Trump - for me - right?
The lie that wouldn't die.
When he said "very fine people on both sides" he was clearly talking about the people on either side of the statue debate.
He explicitly condemned the neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
The lies. This is what will keep Trump supporters energized.
I don’t get Howard’s act. Not funny.
"I detected a lack of sobriety."
Now that is funny. Perhaps not in the way you intended.
"Last June, Trump asserted that "nobody had ever heard of" Juneteenth before he made it "very famous.""
Let's do a poll, shall we, to see how "famous" Juneteenth really was before Trump played it up. Of course, "very famous" need not mean that a majority of Americans could tell you what it is.
Crack is right on.
Trump did the most for blacks - more than any democrat ever did. Democrats keep black in chains y'all.
Funny as in entertaining, anyway.
I think Democrats are terrified of Trump leaving office, at which point they'll have to wrap their minds around electing the guy who said this during a campaign stump Q&A:
You're a damn liar, man. That's not true. You want to check my shape man, let's do push-ups together here, man. Let's run. Let's do whatever you want to do. Let's take an IQ test.
I look forward to more of the Democrats' entertainment.
This is a total clown show on all sides...who the hell thinks clowns are funny? At best they are creepy.
Joe's metier comes to the fore: a creepy clown.
I don't know, is it funny that Facebook bans gay marriage supporting Trump but embraces Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei who has ordered gay men thrown from the tops of buildings? Talk about selling rope to the people who will hang you!
As far as I can tell, the D plan is to remove Trump from office after he is out of office.
Which is almost as brilliant as calling Ted Cruz a terrorist because of how he voted.
Maybe I missed the vote and floor debate where Osama Bin Laden proposed the 9-11 attacks.
And shall we talk about the origins of Kwanzaa, which Kamala "The Laughing Hyena" Harris said she celebrated in her childhood. Even though her mother was from India and her father was from the Caribbean.
Kwanza was founded by a radical cult leader who was jailed for beating women with extension cords and burning one with a soldering iron. He was sentenced to 10 years upon conviction.
It wasn’t mere assault Karenga was convicted of, either. It was the sexual assault and even torture that he perpetrated against some of his own female followers. At the time, The L.A. Times reported that he placed a hot soldering iron in one woman’s mouth and used a vise to crush another’s toe, of all things.
I do not trust the logic gays are employing against the world, now that I understand more about the origins of their movement. Deception was baked-in, and capitalizing on that deception seems to be the plan - which makes it worse.
Dan White killed Harvey Milk and George Moscone because he KNEW something was going on, and it involved cults - just I do today and everyone else suspects - but, then as now, y'all don't take it seriously. The Republican George Moscone ran against even said the election was stolen because of cult involvement.
I hate to see my President, and everyone else who's rational, looking just like Dan White, KNOWING something's going on - and it's right under their noses.
But the People Christopher Hitchens told you in the 1990's had the power to control others are in charge.
Pelosi: “People have got to know whether or not their Speaker is a clown. Well, I'm not a clown. I've earned every laugh I've got.”
Remember this golden oldie joke from the communist Russia days?:
“Q: What is the difference between the Constitutions of the US and USSR? Both of them guarantee freedom of speech.
A: Yes, but the Constitution of the USA also guarantees freedom after the speech.”
Ahh ha ha ...
I was listening to a local guy on the radio yesterday - for a brief bit, - and he was playing clips of the democrats and their impeachment speeches.
He was laughing at the absurdity. I was too.
Trump is a White Supremacist! Trump is a Terrorist! and on and on...
The stupidity of 2020 is funny. It’s cross-eyed emoji funny, but it’s dangerous. We’re in a lot of trouble. Somebody should blow the coxswain’s whistle and wake everyone up.
We have already seen atrocities committed on US soil in 2020. The extended isolation of young children by Teachers Unions. The continuing separation of the elderly from their families. The wiping out of East Coast Nursing homes in March-April 2020 via Democrat Executive order cross-contamination. The ignored 50% Murder rate increase in Chicago and 94% increase in Milwaukee. Execution of Police officers to loud applause. Force masking and re-identifying the population.
Kamala Harris our soon to be first feminist installed ruler, helped bail out arsonists who killed people. Extortion rackets were run in “this is what democracy looks like” autonomous zones. And the list goes on and there is plenty more to come. 2020 was a warm up for Democrats.
I like dick jokes better. They’re the whiskey of jokes. And they’re funny.
The facts are funny from the ironic angle he's mining. Perfectly placed comic jiu-jitsu.
Technically formidable comic observations in an alignment calibrated to the azimuth of the mainstream narrative.
Let's see if things are in a better place six months from now. I hope I can laugh then.
When the flawed instrument that is Trump is gone, who will then be mocked? Will there be ritual hangings of Trump effigies? Of course there will. How long will they last? That is the real question.
I haven't seen a paper mache Reagan head in a long time.
Why is no one holding the left to their word?
I asked before - a "simple" for instance - why were Harry & Meghan here, if they said Trump was too below them, for residency?
Why do we tolerate Oprah and Netflix and others helping them after they said that?
Isn't a mansion in Los Angeles rubbing their hypocricy in our faces?
Where is our media if the "pompously powerful" is what we're discussing here?
Where's John?
“Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We’re so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside!
If you follow me there's a speciality
Some tears for you to see
Misery, misery.
Right before your eyes we pull laughter from the skies
And he laughs until he cries, then he dies, then he dies
Meade said: : Yes, but the Constitution of the USA also guarantees freedom after the speech.”
There is something soothing about gallows humor before the pull the trap door. That's a good on actually.
ANTIFA / Downtown Madison joke: What's red and bad for your teeth? A brick. Bwah-ha-ha
“That's not funny people don't tolerate disruptive characters. That's what's not funny about not funny, of course.”
Ha Ha Funny, no. But it is ridiculously absurdly funny.
Ah yes “white supremacy” played a yuuuge part in the circus yesterday. Why can we not ID any antifa simply because they refuse to ID themselves yet assertions are made about all these allegedly “white supremacist” perps? Where is ANY evidence? Real Nazi and WP actors carry signs and symbols and have tattoos. Even antifa has a uniform. I’m tired of governance by people who fear mythical creatures because they really are too stupid to allow near DC.
Serious question:
Its it possible to live with liars and hypocrites without something snapping?
The second impeachment farce would be funny in a pathetic way if it was not for surrounding events.
Since Trump's 2016 campaign began the left has been assaulting Trump supporters and damaging their property.Trump voters have been harassed in their homes and at restaurants, all to the cheers of media and Dem politicians.Now big tech has purged Trump and is in the process of excising his supporters.Both impeachments were attempts to put a legal face on sedition. Wonder which impeachment history books view as the origin of the USA's second civil war.
Isn’t there anyone who is glad to see a vicious bully get the tables turned on him?
I think that’s the single most puzzling thing to those of us looking into the cult from the outside.
Anyone who can look at that man and see anything but a dishonest, egomaniacal conman, is MAGAt material.
It takes a special kind of human to be that open to chicanery and lies.
That’s why Trumpists are so vulnerable and exploitable as far as things like; trump university, Trump charitable foundations and trump’s election lies.
What do white constituents think of their congresscritters that go on and on about white supremacy being everywhere and causing all the problems? These Democrats are racists if the worst kind and should be removed from office for hating their fellow Americans based on skin color. Did you people not hear the speeches yesterday? They were worse than old Hank “Guam gonna tip over!” Green even! Total idiots full of hate. Racists. Black and bigoted racists that hate Trump. Used to be we regarded people who give into the emotion of hatred so thoroughly as mentally unfit, now we see them in congress. Good governance cannot be driven by and infected with so much raw hatred. It’s astonishing to see hate mainstreamed so.
"Its it possible to live with liars and hypocrites without something snapping?"
The Stoic route, I think. You can't control idiots, but you can control your reaction.
It only took me a lifetime to get there, though. YMMV.
Gavin Newsom is now Governor of California, almost exclusively, because he defended gay marriage - to distract attention from his having slept with his Campaign Manager (and Best Friend)'s wife. When the media wanted to talk about cheating, did they talk to the Campaign Manager (and Best Friend) about betrayal? Nah - they spoke with the woman he cheated with - who gave Newsom the ethical all-clear.
The "logic" surrounding Harvey Milk and the Peoples Temple casts a long shadow.
I think the second impeachment is an attempt to do what the 2020 election failed to do: discredit Trumpism. It’s a far greater threat to the system than Trump.
No doubt it’s not funny to those on the losing side. I don’t blame them for not laughing.
Funny? I don't know, but it was farcical. Absurd. Tiny people stamping their feet.
Dari you forget Trump was a Democrat when he did those things. He’s forgiven and washed clean for converting to republicanism in 2015. And only gullible liberals bought that crap. Conservatives don’t buy mail order steaks and degrees. Sheesh. You are the mark. By the way, exactly how did he bully anyone in DC? I missed that.
“And now they have all the power.”
Thank you Trump.
We are all on the losing side now Inga. If I’m wrong show me who is acting like a gracious winner? Who? Who won and is actually moving on with the win?
wait for it.......
The series VP is the best coverage of it all. It mocks the market for all this political grandstanding, not so much the grandstanders. The grandstanders just play to it.
DarigoldVanilla said...
"Isn’t there anyone who is glad to see a vicious bully get the tables turned on him?"
Sure - love nothing more - except you have one little problem, and I can't stress this enough:
“Thank you Big Tech Big Media and COVID!”
There FIFY Inga.
"Is it funny to turn the tables on the pompously powerful?"
I always thought Trump's pomposity was a bit clownish. Not like AOC's pomposity, where she's dead serious when she says that she's the only person in the House who's ever had a hard job. Taking Trump as seriously as the Left does is what robs such jokes of any humor.
At a time when President Trump is being impeached, deplatformed, and threatened with all kinds of legal retribution in the near future, is attacking him really an example of speaking truth to power and turning the tables on the pompously powerful?
Or is it more akin to joining a violent mob?
How did he bully anyone?
This is serious? How about his Vice President.
Chubby Cheeto s a prototype bully. Deriding people’s physical appearance.Using Twitter to hammer people on an hourly basis.
He bullied so many people, his wife made it her signature “ be the best” cyber bully campaign.
DarigoldVanilla said...
"I think that’s the single most puzzling thing to those of us looking into the cult from the outside."
I already proved, on this blog, Trump doesn't HAVE a cult - I used the #1 cult expert in the world so there's no mistake - so now we (including DarigoldVanilla) have to deal the the concept of DarigoldVanilla being delusional.
And defending the party of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.
Watch how puzzled he gets over THAT.
The British celebration of Guy Fawkes Day (November 5) includes fireworks, masked children begging “a penny for the guy,” and the burning of little effigies of the conspirator.
in 2022/01/06 and following I expect USA version of Donald Trump Day
DarigoldVanilla said...
"Anyone who can look at that man and see anything but a dishonest, egomaniacal conman, is MAGAt material."
That's not a put-down. I don't know what that is. It's barely a thought.
“Isn’t there anyone who is glad to see a vicious bully get the tables turned on him?”
They didn’t see him as a bully.They think he was the victim.
“I think that’s the single most puzzling thing to those of us looking into the cult from the outside.”
I so agree.
“Anyone who can look at that man and see anything but a dishonest, egomaniacal conman, is MAGAt material.
It takes a special kind of human to be that open to chicanery and lies.”
Yes, it does. I often wonder what caused this?
“That’s why Trumpists are so vulnerable and exploitable as far as things like; trump university, Trump charitable foundations and trump’s election lies.”
Sure seems that way.
DarigoldVanilla said...
"It takes a special kind of human to be that open to chicanery and lies."
People who have openly looked the other way for Bill & Hillary's raping and harassing and lies - for 30 years - keep telling us that.
>>Althouse said...
"I heard some of yesterday's speechifying, and I detected a lack of sobriety. There's a lot of political theater, and I'm wondering if this show is a farce."<<
Wait, you answer your question and then you ask it? That's very strange. And a question that does not need asking, to boot.
You proved to other cult members that it’s not a cult?
Good work, buttercup. You failed, spectacularly with reasonable people who consume news based in fact.
Cultists only listen to their leader and refuse to believe non cult members.
Good luck convincing the majority of Americans who recognize this Trumpist cult for what it is.
Scratch a liberal, get a Stalinist.
DarigoldVanilla said...
"That’s why Trumpists are so vulnerable and exploitable as far as things like; trump university, Trump charitable foundations and trump’s election lies."
Hillary Clinton brought slavery back to Libya. I'm going to repeat that: an American your side is trying to make President of the United States brought SLAVERY back into the world.
And your beloved Oprah - who you trusted when she stood with Obama - after 30 years of spreading, misinformation and quackery.
You're comparing that to a buffoon most Americans didn't trust even when selling steak knives and wine?
How's the Kool-Aid taste over there?
"Isn't there anyone who is glad to see a vicious bully have the tables turned on him?"
By the Democrats? Surely you jest. The party of the priggish puritans who know how everyone else should live? The party that has sucked in the AGW con hook, line, and sinker? The party that has taken shameless advantage of Black Americans since it was founded: slavery until 1865; Jim Crow until 1975; and the Great Society since 1965? The party that sees everything that happens as a variation on White supremacy? They should know.
Yeah, Trump doesn't deserve any tears, but the team that smacked him is running their own protection racket...and they are worse. Is there any CNN host or major Demmie politician that you would want for a friend? Poor you. You better hope the breezes stay fair.
Ben & Jerry’s will be introducing a new flavor:
Mmm PeachMint
“A rush of sweet Georgia peaches, cool mint, with generous flecks of freshly harvested horseshit”...
DarigoldVanilla said...
You proved to other cult members that it’s not a cult?
No - to Inga, your partner in crime for crazy - who said she respected me, thanked me for the information, and then claimed I'm in a cult for showing it to her.
Cultists always make sense.
Trump is all those things, yet the DC "elite" are so much much worse.Plus they always make it clear they hate Republican voters as much as they hate whoever the most recent Republican President is.They are not just doing this to impeach Trump this is a giant FU to all those who voted for him. This current tech purge of Trump and all on the right illustrate who the biggest most powerful bully on the block is - and it sure ain't Trump. So sorry - no, I just can't enjoy watching half the country silenced.
The best touch of farce was to have a man who is known to have slept with a Chinese spy, and who still serves on the House intelligence committee act as one of the impeachment managers.
Swallwell says he never told her anything, so I guess that’s good enoug... Just like they let the Chinese spy who was Feinstein’s driver off the hook because he told. investigators he never heard anything important and was just listening for the local Chinese community.
Here - just for you.
Rick Ross. #1 cult expert in the world.
Watch this, you guys.
Note the behavior when faced with facts.
"The most impeached president in American history! I wonder if Trump is tired of all this winning… "
You would think that a lawyer would understand the win/lose comes not with impeachment, but with the Senate trial. Trump won the first, and will win the second. But he is a government lawyer, and not a very good one.
Ann Althouse: "Cohen There are very pompously powerful people on both sides."
You castigate Biden for perpetuating this lie, but use it in a joke. Hmmm.
DarigoldVanilla said...
"Cultists only listen to their leader and refuse to believe non cult members."
You don't know who I am, do you?
I’m glad some are making jokes. Most of the lefty’s on my FB feed seem more despondent and deranged than ever. The media gave them free license to publicly direct the most vile aspects of their personalities at a single, focused target for 4 years and by now they’re saddened at the thought of losing that freedom in a return to normalcy.
Some must look at impeachment as the last big fix before being forced into rehab.
“You proved to other cult members that it’s not a cult?”
“No - to Inga, your partner in crime for crazy - who said she respected me, thanked me for the information, and then claimed I'm in a cult for showing it to her.” he didn’t. He sees cults everywhere except for the one he’s in. I didn’t say he was in a cult for showing me an article, I said he was in a cult because he’s still a Trump supporter after ALL the shit Trump did the last four years, but especially for perpetrating the election fraud hoax “Stop the Steal!” that caused his crazed followers to riot and break into the US Capitol.
DarigoldVanilla said...
"Good luck convincing the majority of Americans who recognize this Trumpist cult for what it is."
Now that I proved it's YOU who's delusional, I'm waiting for you to prove YOU'RE not in the Democrat's cult.
You know - the one known for stealing elections?
Running away will be the concession I got you.
Inga said...
“You proved to other cult members that it’s not a cult?”
“No - to Inga, your partner in crime for crazy - who said she respected me, thanked me for the information, and then claimed I'm in a cult for showing it to her.” he didn’t. He sees cults everywhere except for the one he’s in.
That's insane.
Its pythonesque the udba apparatchik doesnr get it (that was titos secret police for those without the rosetta)
Inga said...
"I said he was in a cult because he’s still a Trump supporter after ALL the shit Trump did the last four years"
While you're overlooking the Democrat's last 30 YEARS.
Here's a Top Democrat Donor who was KILLING BLACKS during the Trump administration
Show me what Trump did to equal or top that.
I think it is quite comic. Last impeachment was also a bit of a farce, but they at least pretended to be deliberate. This time, all pretense is out the window. On Trump's side too, if Giuliani is his lead defense counsel, I think we can expect the Senate trial to be a joke. It's all very embarassing up close, but in the future we'll all be able to laugh at this absurd, po-faced buffoonery.
This guy has a fixation about cults, he’s had it for years, that fine, that’s his thing, but when he can’t see what is in front of his own eyes, that’s cultish in itself. Or he’s one very confused person, don’t know, at this point don’t care.
Here the killer is with Hillary - look familiar?
How many times have dems escused the destruction of cities the murder of cops therein lies the farce.
Inga said...
This guy has a fixation about cults, he’s had it for years, that fine, that’s his thing, but when he can’t see what is in front of his own eyes, that’s cultish in itself. Or he’s one very confused person, don’t know, at this point don’t care.
I hope everybody can see how a cult member argues with the finding of the #1 cult expert in the world - not me.
Did JAC also laugh at Alex's jokes in A Clockwork Orange?
Crack, my friend. Oprah Winfrey’s fans aren’t so full of vicious bile and haven’t committed multiple murders for her cause.
If “cult” hits to close to home, then we can also use the carnival barker, exploiting gullible rubes analogy. Trump’s low information MAGAt base make this a dream come true. Not every trump voter is a rabid, Qnon loving crackpot but all Qnon loving, conspiracy embracing crackpots are Trumpists.
The problem is that the first Trump impeachment was a farce.
The second one is a farce cubed.
Now I've shown them their cult has been killing blacks - not Trump - and Inga ignores it. Says she'd rather "don’t care."
THAT'S just like my sister.
Right/wrong? Correct/incorrect?
I ask again: how are we supposed to live with hypocrites and liars?
Re: Amadeus:
Yeah, Trump doesn't deserve any tears, but the team that smacked him is running their own protection racket...and they are worse.
If I'm ranking these is order of reprehensible-ness, I think the impeachment based on the Russia "collusion" lie was more reprehensible than this one, largely because the Russia collusion allegations seem to have been concocted by the civil service and laundered through the press, and as such represent a shocking degree of institutional corruption.
Those institutions will still be around when Trump, Biden, Pelosi, whoever are gone. This time, though, it's just politicians doing dumb politician stuff, so it's a bit easier to sit back and laugh.
Not so funny
DarigoldVanilla said...
"Crack, my friend. Oprah Winfrey’s fans aren’t so full of vicious bile and haven’t committed multiple murders for her cause."
What are you talking about?
I said you're deluded.
“Not every trump voter is a rabid, Qnon loving crackpot but all Qnon loving, conspiracy embracing crackpots are Trumpists.”
Indeed and every white supremacist, Boogaloo Boy, Proud Boy, white militia members and “patriot” groups of all sorts of lame names, all Trump supporters, go figure.
DarigoldVanilla said...
"If “cult” hits to close to home, then we can also use the carnival barker, exploiting gullible rubes analogy. "
Inga just told you I'm this blog's cult expert, you're paronizingly trying to lecture on the topic - after I already proved you don't know what you're talking about.
He doesnt even know with his schizophrenia
DarigoldVanilla said...
"Not every trump voter is a rabid, Qnon loving crackpot but all Qnon loving, conspiracy embracing crackpots are Trumpists."
I know you're trying to be clever, but stop - you're not. I deal in direct question and answer.
I am absolutely furious with the impeachers. But I think those quips are pretty funny, because they are more clever than hateful.
I question the impeachment word though. I thought, to be impeached, required both houses.
Seems to me he was "brought up for impeachment" or words like that.
J. Farmer said...
I think the second impeachment is an attempt to do what the 2020 election failed to do: discredit Trumpism. It’s a far greater threat to the system than Trump.
1/14/21, 10:37 AM
If so, then the immediate reaction is that Trumpism* is discredited among the people who already despise Trump. Which is impressive in the same way putting Tab A into Slot B is impressive. Long term remains to be seen, but I'm speculating that this show will be quickly forgotten.
It's barely more than a week since a huge portion of the electorate--and AA commenters--still expected the guy to be inaugurated next week.
So, DarigoldVanilla, now that I've proven you don't know a cult when you see one - or what Oprah's fans have been up to - what say you now?
Honesty - or a new gambit?
From Crack’s link
"This ignores that Trump wants to be an absolute ruler and is doing everything in his power to destroy the constitutional and institutional limits on his power, and encourages his followers to support him in doing this.”
He said without evidence. The guy who has shrugged and submitted to every adverse SCOTUS ruling has done "everything in his power to destroy the limits on his power...” What does that even mean? Maybe the guy makes some good points that Trump followers are not part of a cult, but yeesh. The guy writing it may want to check his own membership in a cult.
Heh. Inga stipulates that all patriots are Trump supporters.
First time ever that I've agreed with Inga.
tim in vermont said...
"Maybe the guy makes some good points that Trump followers are not part of a cult, but yeesh."
You'd think that line would gain him some credibility with Inga and DarigoldVanilla - at least let them see they're not `100% crazy - but they appear to be.
With the exception of the six Trump supporters who died or were killed on that Wednesday this whole election event has been fuel for a 24/7 comedy routine. And if it wasn’t all about keeping the bribes flowing and keeping those deplorables in their place I’d be laughing my a** off every day.
“Heh. Inga stipulates that all patriots are Trump supporters.”
Ha, funny, but I put “patriots” in quotes for a reason.
I tied to give that guy another chance, but he makes a lot of statements that are utterly unfounded in facts. Where is the hierarchical leadership of MAGA? There is none.
Is skepticism about climate change based on the application of scientific standards of proof really proof that Trump supporters don’t believe in ***SCIENCE***? Science is a method, not an answer.
He does point out a lot of things that define cult like behavior that apply far more accurately to Democrats, like “Stop thought” language. Refusal to examine evidence. That’s been the whole Democrat playbook since the election, “Nobody dare examine evidence of fraud!” Their stop though phrase is “ThErE iS nO eViDEnce oF FrAuD” despite reems of sworn depositions and tons of don’t-believe-your-lying-eyes video evidence.
Balfegor said...
I think it is quite comic. Last impeachment was also a bit of a farce, but they at least pretended to be deliberate. This time, all pretense is out the window. On Trump's side too, if Giuliani is his lead defense counsel, I think we can expect the Senate trial to be a joke. It's all very embarassing up close, but in the future we'll all be able to laugh at this absurd, po-faced buffoonery.
1/14/21, 11:10 AM
Trump should treat this with all of the seriousness the Democrats have.
Inga said...
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...Serious question: Its it possible to live with liars and hypocrites without something snapping?
No. It is not possible, unless you give up all of your principles, bow under yoke and become numb.
Life as a zombie is not a viable way of living. Something IS going to snap.
We know how pissed off you people are. You have threatened and keep threatening violence. You finally do some violence and have pissed off the Democrats and have lost a big chunk of the former Trump voters.
And your still seething. We all get it, we all see it. Congress sees and hears your angry threats of violence and says fuck off come get us you nasty horde of cowardly Cucks.
tim in vermont,
Don't get too hung-up on Rick. He sees a LOT of cult shit and it affects him as much as anyone. He's not a Trumpet. That's fine with me as long as he recognizes it for what it's not.
A cult.
"Antifa made me do it"
The impeachment is funny the way a funny-looking mole* is funny.
*skin, not a star-nosed mole.
The lectures - from you people who I've proven are standing with rapists and murderers - are too much.
More ALL CAPS. A true sign of defeat.
You got me Crack. Uncle
Defeat - when you stand with rapists and murderers.
I ask again: how are we supposed to live with liars and hypocrites without something snapping?
The Big Tech oligopoly on mass communication and it’s goal of shutting down skeptical examination of their narrative is totally antithetical to finding truth and is right out of the playbook of a cult leader. Einstein was famously skeptical of quantum mechanics, but he wrote one of the most cited papers in QM in his effort to prove it wrong. Scientists have since done decades of work trying to prove Einstein wrong which has led to a lot of advances in the field.
None of those advances would have taken place if ***SCIENCE*** had said that Einstein was a used up old coot who’s best days were behind him and should not be listened to so his paper should be suppressed.
Refusal to hear both sides is an affront to the scientific method but it is par for the course for the cult of ***SCIENCE***.
From Cracks Cult link...
“Some cult-like aspects, but not a “destructive cult”
There are aspects of Donald Trump and his supporters that may appear at times to be cult-like, such as Trump’s rather narcissistic seemingly messianic claim made in 2016 that “only [he] can fix this,” or his supporters apparent penchant for cognitive dissonance. CultNews commented about this in 2016. But it’s just too simplistic to dismiss an entire political movement and a democratically elected president as a “destructive cult” without noting the distinct differences that separate Donald Trump from historical cult leaders and his supporters from the victims of destructive cults.”
It would appear that the Trump Cult has become a destructive one. 5 dead and a trashed Capitol building and Trump followers who now are having their lives and livelihoods destroyed because they followed Trumps direction to go march down to the Capitol and fight!
We are being teased, taunted, harassed, bullied and bothered - by people standing with rapists and murderers.
Something's gotta give.
Howard never saw or heard of a billionaire whose dick he didn’t want to suck.
Crack, my man.
If I had to work that hard, do that kind of mental gymnastics to “prove” i didn’t belong to a cult, I might rethink my membership status.
Inga said...
"It would appear that the Trump Cult has become a destructive one."
These two morons are trying to twist the information I furnished to their own ends. mTry saying it honestly:
Impeachment used to be a serious process entered into soberly and reluctantly. No more.
The party of, "oh my god, he's destroying our institutions" has casually destroyed another institution. Democrats are the My Lai party.
“Let them eat cake” was such a joke.
DarigoldVanilla said...
"Crack, my man.
If I had to work that hard, do that kind of mental gymnastics to “prove” i didn’t belong to a cult, I might rethink my membership status."
DarigoldVanilla, my man,
If you were smart, you'd remember I've been on this blog for over a decade - and I know how many eyes are watching this exchange - so it's not MY membership status that I'm concerned with.
Would you say JAC has a good sense of humor Althouse? He seems kind of lame to me more like a humorless liberal scold type. Especially since "pompously powerful" is actually a perfectly fitting description for the Obamas.
"If so, then the immediate reaction is that Trumpism* is discredited among the people who already despise Trump. Which is impressive in the same way putting Tab A into Slot B is impressive. Long term remains to be seen, but I'm speculating that this show will be quickly forgotten."
Exactly. My circle of acquaintance contains a generous partisan mix. In the last four years the haters have continued to hate and the fans are still fans. These days forcing a narrative seems to have very little impact. Which is why they need censorship and election fraud.
DarigoldVanilla seems too have missed there are people even named after me here - like "The Cracker Emcee Refulgent" and others - before he decided MY place in the world is to be questioned by the lying likes of him.
Our resident dullard wrote this "a trashed Capitol building."
Of course no such assessment from this dummy about the Wisconsin Act 10 protests, or this summer's destruction of Madison buildings and businesses (which she described the aftermath as fun, quirky Madison!), or the same in Chicago, NYC, MSP, Kenosha, Seattle, Portland, and the rest.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Howard never saw or heard of a billionaire whose dick he didn’t want to suck.
Sumner Redstone?
There are no extra DarigoldVanilla's or Inga's running around that I know of - because they're lying hypocrites.
Even Inga used to say so - before the cult got to her.
I'm pretty sure there never will be, either.
Inga knows me - we're former allies - so she knows I like nothing better than burying fools under the weight of their own lies.
Hey it's only his first term!
Dust Bunny Queen said...
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...Serious question: Its it possible to live with liars and hypocrites without something snapping?
No. It is not possible, unless you give up all of your principles, bow under yoke and become numb.
Life as a zombie is not a viable way of living. Something IS going to snap.
That's what I thought. They're begging for it.
There's a fever for Kamala! Can't be for Joe. The Bidens,,, Sniff and Snort. The Good Germans rejoice!
BUMBLE BEE said...
"The Good Germans rejoice!"
That's the ugliest discovery we've made during the Trump era.
First impeachment (Johnson) for defying act of congress on removing cabinet officer. Second impeachment (Clinton) for lying to wife and the rest of us about sex with WH intern. I think the second time farce trope has been used up for impeachment.
Back to the topic at hand:
Impeachment is funny when it's warranted:
The Democrats are obviously just trying to distract further from their crimes.
That's NOT funny.
J. Farmer said...I think the second impeachment is an attempt to do what the 2020 election failed to do: discredit Trumpism. It’s a far greater threat to the system than Trump.
I agree with that as one of the main reasons. (I pointed other ones earlier). I find this whole farce eerily similar to the Tea Party takedown. They were smeared as racists for calling Black congressmen the n-word as they walked to the capitol. Although there were dozens of cell phone present, nothing to support the claim was recorded.
The Democrats seem to be masters of creating false narratives.
False narratives can be very powerful when your base is made up of mindless fools like one of our commenters.
“'Let them eat cake' was such a joke.”
Now they are saying “Look what you made me do!”
"It would appear that the Trump Cult has become a destructive one. 5 dead and a trashed Capitol building and Trump followers who now are having their lives and livelihoods destroyed because they followed Trumps direction to go march down to the Capitol and fight!"
Same as the Nazis after the Reichstag Fire. I wonder if it bothers Inga how closely her rhetoric tracks the things the Nazis said after that fire in order to seize complete and unopposed power.
Every authoritarian government ever foisted on a people has said that they needed to suspend norms and civil liberties because their enemies were especially pernicious.
Four years of Trump as President and now is the moment Althouse chooses to mention that clowning and politics may be a bad combination?
But shutting people up is the sure way to get to the truth!
The second huge quantum mechanics paper, now considered to be the most consequential paper in physics of the second half of the twentieth century, the one that introduced Bell’s Inequality, was written by a physicist who was not allowed to work on it during working hours because it was considered a waste of time, just like Einstein’s EPR paper, which he based it on, so he wrote it in his spare time, and the only journal that would take it was so obscure the paper sat ignored for a couple more decades.
So this idea of shutting down speech in defense of the truth is an obvious ploy to cement power, not to get to the truth. But remember, that guy Bell, when he wrote that paper was flouting ***SCIENCE***!!! He was obviously a member of a cult!
Indeed and every white supremacist, Boogaloo Boy, Proud Boy, white militia members and “patriot” groups of all sorts of lame names, all Trump supporters, go figure.
Yes, all six of them. They will need a different phone booth for meetings than the House GOP members who voted for impeachment. Of course, those ten House members will only need that phone booth until 2022.
Tim In Vermont and Crack - you are right - if this were a movie, the Dems would be the villains but they honestly can't even see it. I wouldn't believe it possible if we weren't seeing it play out in real life. Crack - don't bother arguing with the other side - no matter what you say or what proof you have, they are actually brainwashed - they truly can't see what is obvious to anyone who is on the outside of this. We need to find an expert in deprogramming for the Democrat party followers before we can ever hope to move on as a country. How did the German's in Nazi Germany that allowed the genocide to happen ever wake up and realize they were the bad guys? That's what we need to know.
clowning and politics may be a bad combination?
Yet that is your one trick, pony.
How did the German's in Nazi Germany that allowed the genocide to happen ever wake up and realize they were the bad guys?
A minority never kneeled, but they were outmaneuvered. The democratic majority went along to get along, many with hopes of secular incentives (e.g. redistributive change), forced to kneel under threat of cancellation, or cowed by em-pathetic appeals (e.g. Jew privilege). Progress is unqualified monotonic change: one step forward, two steps backward.
Readering said...
First impeachment (Johnson) for defying act of congress on removing cabinet officer. Second impeachment (Clinton) for lying to wife and the rest of us about sex with WH intern. I think the second time farce trope has been used up for impeachment.
Another convenient forgetting of perjury for which he surrendered his law license.
‘I just don’t even know why there aren’t more- why there aren’t uprisings all over the country and maybe there will be...’
‘Sadly, the domestic enemies of our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in Congress.’ - Nancy Pelosi
Fun fact, Nancy Pelosi is granddaughter of a Boston mobster.
Robespierre argued for the death of Louis XVI, not because of anything he did, but because his adherents posed a threat to the Republic.
"if this were a movie, the Dems would be the villains...”
The plot of Skyfall, I think, is that private industry takes over the intelligence gathering functions of all of the major powers and uses that power to try to gain control the world. Of course it was the movies so James Bond stopped them. No such luck in real life.
There was another move where the villain used his control of the press to create situations and conflicts which allowed him to profit on a vast scale. Another true to life story from the James Bond series.
Liz Cheney, daughter of ultimate insider and Biden friend Dick Cheney is gonna get primaried in Wyoming, bet on it.
AA - LOL your son John is obviously infected with TDS. Classic line which is self-serving for all Trump haters. "...Half of all impeachments of an American president have been of Trump!..." Well, John, wait until Biden gets into office. In fact, a Republican Congresswoman plans on filing 'Articles of Impeachment' against Biden January 21st. John, what goes around comes around. People like John have no respect for rules, laws - just want to tear everything down. Well, John, what have you got then? We've become more like political parties in Europe. Look at Italy, government collapsed again which makes it 70 + governments since WW2 (74 years). Yet that country's greatest crisis is yet to come - they can't repay their debt[the most indebted country in Europe] it will decimate their economy and make them a 3rd World country. Why? All because people like John have hissy fits and are babies when they don't get their way. Tell us John, why impeach President Trump 6 days before he leaves office. Biden is an idiot he should've stepped up and provided some leadership. He doesn't care that his own Party is killing America. What a bunch of despotic, corrupt, selfish, leaderless people we voters have elected. The MSM needs to be reigned in cause we can't get the facts from them anymore.
A certain elegance to impeachment after he leaves office since they alled for impeachment before he was inagurated.
Wow, even Althouse believes the Fine People Hoax. Roll credits on this chick.
Ann, he was talking about the statues. Not the violence.
I happen to think impeaching Trump twice is funny. But I can't give very much credit to the President. The Democrat-controlled Congress is the organization which is doing comedy.
tcrosse said...
Robespierre argued for the death of Louis XVI, not because of anything he did, but because his adherents posed a threat to the Republic.
See also: Bolsheviks, Romanovs.
The Democrats seem to be masters of creating false narratives.
Both sides create false narratives. That's how partisanship is maintained. Prior to the advent of social media, Democrats were actually quite flummoxed by the Republican Party media ecosystem's (i.e. talk radio, Fox News, Drudge) ability to develop and disseminate narratives. Air America, Daily Kos, and later MSNBC were all efforts to create a Democratic version of that model.
Right-wing media spent eight years churning out every loony, half-baked conspiracy about Obama that it could find. I think at the last accounting he was a radical leftist Kenyan Marxist communist socialist Islamist anti-colonialist who was going to abrogate democracy, seize everyone's guns, and impose totalitarianism.
Farmer said -ism. Everybody drink.
Crack said lost count. Just finish the bottle...
The Democrats seem to be masters of creating false narratives.
Masters of Deceit... Master Baiters... which they really don’t have to work at, as their media leftists with bylines are always keen to hear the next marching orders.
I think the second impeachment is an attempt to do what the 2020 election failed to do: discredit Trumpism. It’s a far greater threat to the system than Trump.
The Democrats will decide for whom the country can vote.
"Is it funny to turn the tables on the pompously powerful?"
You mean like Nancy, Schumer, and Schiff? or are those not the correct "pompously powerful" for this assignment?
The Democrats are initiating a new national holiday - Impeachment Day. Every year around the new year, they will ritually impeach President Trump. Exact day each year is uncertain as it will float around like Hanukkah.
The Constitution doesn't say they can't.
It will replace Festivus on the Holy Liberal Calendar.
I think at the last accounting he was a radical leftist Kenyan Marxist communist socialist Islamist anti-colonialist who was going to abrogate democracy, seize everyone's guns, and impose totalitarianism.
Drop the “Kenyan Marxist Communist”, leave the rest with the understanding that all of it would be on Big Zer0’s wishlist.
ib said,...
How did the German's in Nazi Germany that allowed the genocide to happen ever wake up and realize they were the bad guys? That's what we need to know.
Do you think it went like this?
Sebastian said...
"Last June, Trump asserted that "nobody had ever heard of" Juneteenth before he made it "very famous.""
Let's do a poll, shall we, to see how "famous" Juneteenth really was before Trump played it up. Of course, "very famous" need not mean that a majority of Americans could tell you what it is.
1/14/21, 10:09 AM
Oh who really gives a crap? What lie do you think hurt Americans more? Some stupid thing about Juneteenth that MOST people have not heard of or something like "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!"?
He is gone in 8 friggen days. Get over it already, m'kay?
Seen on Instapundit today:
"This will be the second impeachment proceeding where a full transcript exists exonerating the president."
rehajm said...
Crack said lost count. Just finish the bottle...
You say that like it's inappropriate for Democrats.
Jesus, if you guys can't tell the difference between legit commentary and name-calling then WTF?
It's just peachy, but peaches are not in season in our climate.
What's funny in a sick-humor kind of way is that Dementia Joe is actually going to be president in a few days.
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