My message to my fellow Americans and friends around the world following this week's attack on the Capitol.
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 10, 2021
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
My message to my fellow Americans and friends around the world following this week's attack on the Capitol.
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 10, 2021
२५३ टिप्पण्या:
253 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Austria didn't lose its democracy, it gave it away.
Oh, Arnold: California is a state, not a country.
I am Laslo.
These guys are going to trample each other to death--rushing to shoot their mouths off.
I had to turn it off as soon as he said "proud boys"
No mention of the broken glass in Portland, Olympia, Seattle - all done by antifa?
I grew up in a country which is suffering the loss of its democracy.
When you get your news from the corrupt State run Democrat Party press - this is your thought process..
Keep pushing, Lefties.
Hey, Conan, born in 1947, you don't remember Kristallnacht.
Arnold had his chance in CA and blew it. Can't really blame him, Hollywood is no place to get an education.
I had to turn it off as soon as he said "proud boys"
I almost did. But I watched the whole thing.
No mention of the broken glass in Portland, Olympia, Seattle - all done by antifa?
But he did say this:
"We need public servants that serve something larger than their own power or their own party. We need public servants who will serve higher ideals..."
Fuck you, Ahnold.
In case anyone was wondering about the views of the Mitt Romney wing of the Republican party, thanks governor!
1. Over the top.
2. The election was not fair.
3. Trump is not Hitler.
4. Ted Sorensen, from Nebraska, wrote Profiles in Courage.
I live in a country that is losing its freedoms, rights and liberty. It used to be called the US of A.
""I grew up in the ruins of a country that suffered the loss of its democracy...""
Then why are you helping to ruin another?
great post
Meh, like everything else the flood-the-zone breastbeating will have a very limited shelf life. The consciousness of the fraudulent election isn’t going anywhere, however much the Establishment and the Tech barons flail. It will continue to grow. By 2022 it will be the dominant topic of discourse. Buckle up.
And now Arnold, you are on the side of those who have destroyed democracy in America -- if you weren't already. This isn't good enough.
I believe you genuinely want to take a stand against evil. But this isn't it. This is giving in to evil. This is cooperating with evil.
Who would have thought that Arnie would roll over and show his belly?
I thought he had been terminated, self-terminated.
Putting aside what he said, WTF is Arnold wearing? Nothing like a guy in a paramilitary uniform, sitting in his home office that he has made up to look like he is still the governor of California, preaching about proud boys or brownshirts or whatever.
Really though, democracy was really under attack when half of of the country knows there was large scale voter fraud and decided to stage a mostly peaceful protest. Nothing says democracy is about to fall like a broken window.
Echoing above. Too late suckers.
You sure you're not from Norway, Arnie?
Fuck you, quisling.
Hey, Germany was a place of pride for a short while. Die Deutsche Wochenshou (weekly theater newsreel) for various years on youtube is great. The thing was suffering some cognitive disconnects in 44-45.
Ah old has done his part to cause all of this. Those fuckin Nazis.
People trying to save their careers by jumping on the anti-Trump bandwagon at the last minute will be dismayed to find that the events of last have had very little effect on Americans’ assessment of his performance as president.
He was a boring governor who governed like a democrat.
He is irrelevant.
He's a guy that fucked his maid and we're taking him seriously?
She wasn't Seinfeld's maid either : )
I couldn't get past, "I want to say a few words...about the events of recent days."
The events of recent days did not happen in a vacuum. Where has Arnold been?
There are two sets of rules. Arnold just demonstrated that with his opening line. Having two sets of rules begets things like the events of recent days.
I didn't watch it. Did he speak Austrian?
Ric Edelman (financial show) is horrified at the right's shocking assault on the capitol. He makes money taking your money.
Forbes likewise is horrified. The left has let it be known that it's best not to be an enemy, I guess.
Having two sets of rules was also the stated reason behind the BLM riots.
We can't have two sets of rules.
I deeply regret supporting the California Recall and Arnold's election (Not a California voter but still..). It was a huge mistake to not let the state wallow in Democratic idiocy.
I have to think that much of this (and the frantic deplatforming) is prep for the inevitable percolation of the truth. I’ve never been a big conspiracy theory guy because, in a time of mass communication, such things are virtually impossible to keep secret. But the Donks may have felt their media control is so dominant that they could get away with it. Don’t think that’s going to prove to be the case.
People don't remember what messages from the chairman look like, from work experience. The guy is always a moron. When they reach out beyond the company, usually public ridicule results, or anyway that's up until now. The ridicule internally mostly is sotto voce.
Nothing could happen to Arnold Swartzeneger that would make me sad.
The premise is that The Government is hallowed ground, as it is in Europe, and especially the UK.
It is not sacrilege - or terrorism - to push back against the government, but that is what the left wants us to believe, especially now that they are coming into full government power.
Britain's government (read the lockdown regulations on the UK government web site) controlling the people demonstrate how the rise of Nazism can occur.
Arnold has it exactly backwards: 'we' are not coming for the Jews - or democrats - or democracy, we are coming for the government which enables oppression and censorship, and behaving as rulers rather than representatives.
So says the guy whose father voluntary joined the Nazi Party in Austria six months before Kristallnacht, at a time when party membership was declining there.
If our Democracy is actually made stronger, like the pounding of tempered steel, then why do we have to ban people from Social Media forums?
They know Biden and the Democrats are going to fuck up in short order and they'll need as many Republicans to go along to share the blame, like Swartzeneger did.
I didn't watch it. Did he speak Austrian?
Hitler would have banned voices of dissent. or killed them.
FFS Arnold. Melanie Trump knows more about oppression and political violence than you ever will.
When Austria sends its people, they're not sending their best.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
I had to turn it off as soon as he said "proud boys"
Amen to that. These "proud boys" are a manufactured bogeyman. I read their mission statement on their website and it seemed wholesome, on par with the Boy Scouts of America. Plus they never seem make news themselves, only when they are referenced as a bogeyman by the media.
National-Socialist German Workers' Party sounds kinda to the Left, not very conservative.
Is he trying virtue signal and get back together with his Kennedy Wife?
Stunning Rasmussen poll shows rising approval of Trump in the wake of the Capitol incursion.
ARe we all actually terrified that Proud Boys are one the verge of a Hitlerian take over?
Denouncing Trump while ignoring tech using their monopoly to block any speech they disagree with - shows you don't actually support democracy or the basic freedoms America used to stand for.
Most recently, conservative militants on Parler have been calling for “Patriots” to amplify the events of January 6 with a march on Washington DC with weapons on January 19 just ahead of Biden's turn on the wheel, when Trump continues to hold pardon power.
But no moderation on the social media site adopted by lawless Trump white supremist nutcases, when rules imposed by Facebook and Twitter became constrictive, suddenly begets no Parler carrier server from AWS as Apple, Google and now Amazon shut down support for the site. Parler claims that it will have to rebuild "from scratch" which will take a week but Apple and Google Play sites will take away phone apps and AWS is the basic construct that presently supports the site online. So reprograming will take far longer than a week to return to current service levels. Parler's CEO might want to ask Trump to get the Russians involved.
Bezos has inadvertently found a way to get back at Trump for his raising prices to Amazon for postal deliveries and ignoring low bids by AWS in selecting data service contractors. What goes around, comes around.
I guess all that late "metoo" unpleasantness is now forgiven. Welcome back to the fold, Arnie. You have shown true repentance, and your guilt is absolved. What stirring words.
gadfly wants bezos to gain more wealth and power... while the little guy breaks down.
Bullet To The Head.....oh, wait, that was Stallone.
I have literally had my complete fill of such santimonious morons. Arnold can go fuck himself.
imagine what it would be like if when you came to the althouse blog that half of the professor's posts were missing - but with no indication that indicated they were missing.
that is what twitter seems to be doing over the last 48hrs. not only banning key leadership (that's the way the israeli's and americans fight the jihadists (with bombs)) and not only stripping away followers but now also disappearing their tweets. tweets of the stalwart may appear briefly then are erased.
for example, james woods has tweeted about current events... and now those tweets are gone. perhaps woods erased them. i doubt it.
They're stohmin the Capitol. Get to the Choppah!
Grew up in the ruins of a country? I don't remember him beating down the door to return to his homeland to help with rebuilding. That sure makes him appear as part of the problem, and not the solution.
! “Insurrection” charge without evidence is disputed.
All I wanted was to hear the other side of a very suspicious election. Why fair election LAWS were ignored. Could have been easy. But, I'm still waiting. Somebody lying.
At least the Packers are having a good year.
I would argue that the Nazi Party was not founded on ideas of racial superiority but rather on ideas of racial grievance. They claimed that the German speaking people had been kept fragmented and divided for centuries , that the great powers had denied them their fair share of whatever was being split up, and that the war had not ended with a military victory but rather with an Armistice that the Allies had used to starve them into submission. Not all their grievances were unfounded, but their exaggerated sense of victimhood was just as pathological as their claims of racial superiority. They had just as much in common with the BLM people as with the Proud Boys....In any dispute, it's possible for both sides to be wrong.
“But no moderation on the social media site adopted by citizens protesting election fraud when rules imposed by Facebook and Twitter became constrictive, suddenly begets no Parler carrier server from AWS as Apple, Google and now Amazon shut down support for the site.”
Fascinating that you can’t see why this is problematic...
To compare the recent assault on the Capital to Kristallnacht is contemptable. Hitler assumed total control of Germany in 1933, Kristallnacht occurred in 1938. Hitler had already murdered most of his political opponents by then. Hitler had won 92% of the vote in the 1933 elections. There were no other political parties in Germany after that time except the Nazi party. Kristallnacht was an attack on Jews, not on any political institution or politicians. Using the broad brush of identity politics Arnold labels the rioters as the Nazi equivalent of the Proud Boys. How many political murders have the Proud Boys committed? The SA had murdered hundreds, if not thousands, in Germany before 1938.
What is Arnold’s goal in posting this video? If Arnold’s goal is to try to unite America behind Biden then he needs to do it without distorting history. If not, then he is just another tool.
I watched that video of when the protestor got shot, and it seemed very apparent to me that the ones on the front who were engaging in the violence and destruction were some type of A-n-t-i-f-a/Black Block infiltrators. Despite their M-A-G-A gear they didn't look like participants of any Patriot rally I've been too, but looked and acted just like the sorts we've seen In Portland, etc.
Funny. I looked at the purging of conservatives from all media and publishing, hotels, air flights, and potentially jobs, over the last couple of days and I was thinking, Kristallnacht. Not a night of shattered glass. But a night of shattered ideals, where half of the country was put on notice that they are to be removed from participation.
Shame of Arnold. The Proud Boys have no such record. Only the Left does this. Again and again, we are told that fascism is coming from the right, it is coming from the right. And yet it always shows up from the left. Always- throughout history. Arnold should know that. The Nazis were National Socialists. Mask it anyway you want, they were the Collectivist/Statist of their time. Guess who wears the brownshirts now? Who's making the lists of people? Who is removing people from their jobs, refusing them hotel rooms, removing their ability to communicate? Threatening their livelihood?
It's always the left who does this.
Clearly, the events at the Capitol have produced a glimmer of awareness in the Establishment that there may be unforeseen consequences due to their malfeasance. The remarkable thing is that they couldn’t figure that out ahead of time. Or were so arrogant they didn’t care.
There is no loss of democracy in the USA. But some hare-brained foundation managers and multinational companies don't like it that way.
Think about your children and grandchildren born since 1985. They are the guiding force of politically correctitude and the shock troops of equity, diversity, and inclusion. What do they know about anything? Would you put them in charge of anything?
My wife is on a search committee for a new VP of research and programs at an independent research library. The staff are beating the drums that the successful candidate must not be a white person--and certainly not a white male. The big foundations--Joyce, MacArthur, Ford, etc. are putting the color of skin of the leadership as a prime factor in future funding.
Tinderbox - well said. Agreed.
The behavior of the worst and most destructive inside the capitol reminded me of Antifa.
The true analogy here, of course, is the Reichstag fire. Ahnold and the rest of the RIno/Dem elite are eagerly weaponizing it as the excuse for the Domestic Terror Act which will be rushed through in the First 100 days. (A Queens Congressman who was there tweeted out that it was worse than the 9-11 attack!)
The Deep State just didn't have enough tools to stop Trump in 2016. That oversight will be corrected. Cotton, Hawley: you're being watched!
How did AA collect a community of commenters with Schwarzenegger derangement syndrome?
To me, Biden is just as big a threat as Trump and the last four and the soon to be inaugurated president are war criminals. To me, the Democrats are just as evil as the Republicans. To me, the federal government does far more harm than good.
I wasn’t raised on “unity” as patriotic. I was raised that our patriotic response to government overreach is peaceful defiance, contempt, and non-compliance. We should not be an easy people to rule. We should stand strong with those who seek freedom, liberty, and justice and stand strong against those who want to rule our lives, control our personal actions, and take our property for unnecessary public use.
Finally, we should never accept unearned guilt. For me that means living my best life, leading and protecting my family, helping others where I can, following the non-aggression principle, and being hard to rule.
Hard to rule got us our country.... Got women the vote... Ended prohibition... Ended slavery and segregation... Ended Vietnam. It’s time we ended the government’s war on the american people. It’s time we ended the duopoly control by political parties. It’s time we stopped corporations from using the government to throttle their competition whilst profiting off our tax dollars. It’s time we stopped invading the world, committing murder in the name of global hegemony and risking our young, brave troop’s lives. It’s time for us to be defiant Americans.
Back in the 70's while serving in the Cold War (as a Russian linguist & intel analyst) it was easy-peasy to get interesting and educational first-hand accounts from Austrians in Vienna that actually lived through WWII and the post war Soviet occupation of eastern Austria as adults. They loved telling Americans their personal bit of history. That semi-poser was born in the Allied zone post WWII, so anything he's spewing is pretty much hearsay.
And I won't give Twitter ANY clicks...
I'm not an expert on "proud Boys" but I'm fairly certain they have black members.
I'm fairly certain they are not "white supremacist" like Arnold accuses.
shame on Arnold for spreading lies.
A very good speech. And it had a nice touch of humor with the Conan sword. I'd give his speechwriter an B+ for content and Arnold an A for presentation!
Anyways, humor is a very effective weapon in politics. Remember when Mitt Romney tried to reverse his reputation as a humorless douchebag? He told CNN "I live for laughter"!!! And then he cited "Laurel and Hardy, the Three Stooges [and] the Keystone Kops" as his favorite comedians. Romney really did suck but we'd be so much better off with him as president than Psycho Trump or "Let's arm ISIS so we can topple Assad" Obama.
Really sad week for America.
If you see no difference between Portland and the Presidents actions, between rando's in Seattle and the Leader of the Free world seeking to overcome an election, there is really nothing to discuss.
Among other errors, the phrase “servant heart” is not a Catholic teaching. This little speech was so full of lies a thorough risking would be at least 3 times as long.
In a just world your house will burn down and family members will die in foreign wars for profit Spiro.
"When Austria sends its people, they're not sending their best."
And doing jobs that Americans just won't do...
Like pumping yourself full of cattle steroids and fucking homely maids.
But it needs to be done.
"How did AA collect a community of commenters with Schwarzenegger Derangement Syndrome?"
You really don't know? Most us are former lefties, socialists, Fabians. Some of us even were authors of the Port Huron Statement. The original Port Huron Statement. Not the compromised second draft.
If Arnold had addressed that same warning about the Antifa and BLM riots, my guess is that we would have been told that he was not repudiating his father's mistakes but amplifying them. We would also have been reminded of his sexual transgressions. Or maybe we would have heard nothing at all because such a speech would be too divisive and would be suppressed by the media and social platforms.....The Capital protesters screwed up big time. Some jerk went to considerable trouble to dress up as the Wild Man of Borneo and take possession of the Speaker's chair in the House. The optics look terrible. The Dems will feast on this forever, and it will cost the Republicans votes.....It's amazing to me that that any number of "mostly peaceful" riots will pass without any judgment made on the rioters, and that this one instance of bad behavior is symptomatic of the Nazi yearnings that lie just below the placid surface of the average Trump voter.
"Proud boys" seems to be used as a catchall term for other fringe groups like the Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and Boogaloo Bois and all manner of racist or extremist organizations. The Proud Boys do have members of color and you can see them in photographs of the rally or riot, but if you want to have a crackdown, you cast a wide net. QAnon, which doesn't appear to be a group, but rather a conspiracy theory, also gets dragged in. They are nuts, to be sure, but when you start deciding what can and what can't be said, it's a slippery slope.
And then he cited "Laurel and Hardy, the Three Stooges [and] the Keystone Kops" as his favorite comedians.
Romney is such a card.
And so it progresses, an abject education, an object lesson in the duality of democracy and dictatorship. The Chinese Communist Party gets it. #HateLovesAbortion
Hope you lefties stay around long enough to discuss your approval of the coming descent into fascism. Check out the schoolteachers that are being threatened by termination for attending the Capitol Hill protests. Coming soon to a venue near you - gig economy workers will have to join a government approved union. Or you will have to attend reeducation sessions to get your mind right about social justice concerns. My bad, you don't have to wait for that one. LOL. Idiots.
You don't get it about Trump. It was never about the man. It's about the symbol he represented. A last grab for intelligent policy that favors Americans. Thats why the panic to revile him and his supporters. I figure you're going to get maybe a 10-20 year run out of it before even the most indoctrinated realize it was a really bad idea. But it will be too late by then. Enjoy the ride. PS: You're kids are well and truly fucked.
#William Fan Club
The Left’s Reichstag Fire
Ahnold endorses Kamala and delights in pronouncing her name correctly: chirbit link
"How did AA collect a community of commenters with Schwarzenegger Derangement Syndrome?"
Arnold was far from a hero to California "Progressives" either. Maybe this is the first step in his rehabilitation.
Cracker Emcee Refulgent: "The consciousness of the fraudulent election isn’t going anywhere, however much the Establishment and the Tech barons flail. It will continue to grow. By 2022 it will be the dominant topic of discourse. Buckle up."
With near total control of the media, the DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA/etc an official arm of the democratical party, and with tools and techniques for election fraud baked in for the dems, the dems can now dial up whatever level of victory they require for any office at any level and no conversation that does not come pre-approved by the left will see the lightof day.
Did you know the democraticals are now standing firm on the claim Hunter Biden served in the Navy "honorably" and that JAG-only Beau was an actual combat vet?
Before we are done these cats are going to rewrite the history books to award Slow Joe LBJ's fake Silver Star.
Violence in the Capitol, Dangers in the Aftermath
From the Cold War to the War on Terror: the harms from authoritarian "solutions" are often greater than the threats they are ostensibly designed to combat.
I just go an annual report from a local private girls school. It had two pages devoted to its economic diversity equity programs including the book White Fragility. I will write them a letter asking this: America has lowered its academic standards again and again and then threw out standardized tests yet black underperformance is now the fault of white privilege? What will be their excuse in 10 years? Why can recent black and Asian immigrants do so well vs native born blacks?
"What will be their excuse in 10 years?"
They haven't received their reparations yet?
“Give me your address there.”
LOL. The man who fucked maid in front of his wife - while governor. And took illegal steroids, gives us morality lessons. BTW, Arnold is also an athirst and lied about being a Republican to get elected!
When he ran against Grey Davis, the Left - who Arnold now loves - called him a Nazi and pointed out his family had Nazi connections which Arnold never denounced.
The frauds and grifters never stop lying about Trump. They must be so afraid of him and his supporters.
The really going on is a replay of the "Reichstag fire". In case you asleep during history class, the Nazis used the burning of the German Parliament Building by a communist (or pretend communist) to get rid of civil liberties and make Hitler dicator.
It was done in the name of "Safety". No doubt Hitler would've said to "Fight racism and homophobia" if that was needed to work.
Now Pelosi and Biden have a 5,000 page "Domestic Terrorism" bill all teed up and ready to be passed because 200 "Trump supporters" or "Pretend Trump supporters" walked into the capital building, broke a few windows, and stole Pelosi's computer.
Does anyone else see how the Media and the Democrats are using the "Big Lie" technique? They are taking the truth and and claiming the EXACT OPPOSITE. They accuse trump falsely of doing everything they are doing! Its insanity fair.
pacwest said...You don't get it about Trump. It was never about the man. It's about the symbol he represented.
This is absolutely accurate for at least 60% of those of us who supported him.
Trump's biggest problem though was he thought it was about him, and clearly for a percentage of his base this is sadly the case. At some point you have to abandon the person representing the cause, and that point has been reached.
My fear is we won't be able to find another one willing to fill that role. After all, seeking the highest political office of the land does require some level of derangement.
“The man who fucked maid in front of his wife - while governor. And took illegal steroids, gives us morality lessons.”
This v inciting loons to trash the Capitol and working to overturn a legitimately elected POTUS and destroy our representative democracy.
Sheesh, you suck at whataboutism.
To repeat, since no one else is saying:
200,000 Trump supporters in DC.
200 people committing violence/breaking the law on Capital Hill.
99.99 percent of Trump supporters were law abiding, peaceful, protesters.
And the violence:
2 Policeman recieved medical treatment and went to the hospital. 1 died, reason unknown.
1 Person murdered by the police.
2 People died of heart attacks.
1 person died of internal injuries. Trampled by mob? Fell off rafter? who knows.
0 Congressman/Senators/Staffers attacked or injured.
Property damage;
a few broken windows and doors.
a Stolen lectern
a stolen computer
a few trashed offices.
That's the "Terrorism"! Where was Herman the German when Antifa burned down Kenosha WI, and 10 people died, and millions of dollars in property damage occurred?
I'm getting tired of the Center-right and their stupid, gullible, "turn the other cheek, lets impute good faith to people who want to destroy us" attitude.
when people support stealing an election and then deny it. When people claim you're a traitor because you support Trump, when they screech Nazi and fascist, when trying to de-platform, censor, and destroy anyone who disagrees with them, STOP acting like they're normal people who can be reasoned with.
Stop being charlie with the football. Stop being a gullible rube.
It may not be a big deal to you that DJT is trying to overturn a legitimate election and destroy our democracy. And, you may think it’s fine for DJT to incite his people to trash our nation’s castillo.
But that means you are not sane. Or you are wicked. But not in the good way re Boston.
Tcrosse he became rehabilitated as an anti-Trump Republican a while ago.
And very good on the environment.
Still with the stolen election? Enough believing that fraudster in camp david preparing for his trip the the Alamo.
He probably knows about illegal/fraudulent votes and voting systems.
“Still with the stolen election? Enough believing that fraudster in camp david preparing for his trip the the Alamo.”
When your conspiracy theory requires believing that the Rs running GA are cheating DJT, you are not a mentally stable person.
Even Pence couldn’t go along w/ the lies, when the rubber hits the road.
But, the unstable rubes remain unable to process reality and facts. Or they know the truth and they choose to be shit people.
Easily reelected (not with my vote), as Scott Adams might say, he knows persuasion.
I was in Austria in 1960 and it was pretty nice. A few Nazi pfennigs were still roaming around in circulation. Bad money drives out good.
I'm a "Forged in Fire" viewer and therefore an expert. Multiple heating and quenching cycles embrittles steel. Since Arnold is wrong about that, everything else is a lie
The gun held to the governators head to make this.. hostage like video is the power of cancellation and banishment that’s coming. The stories of his childhood provides him with ability to look ahead and prepare. This video is self preservation in the name of tolerance and healing.
Hey Arnold! Do you need a little reminder about how the Nazis used the Reichstag Fire to take away people’s rights and to shut down opposition voices in the press? Here it is from the Holocaust Encyclopedia.
Implemented one day after the fire, the decree suspended the right to assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and other constitutional protections, including all restraints on police investigations. It remained in effect until Nazi Germany was defeated in May 1945.
Oh, I know. Ann wants to be a “Good American.”
This is such shit Ann,I would like to say it’s beneath you, but clearly it’s not.
Nazism was sold to the Germans on common decencies, care for your family, home and neighbors, and so forth. Virtue that goes public turns into the worst sort of evil, said Hannah Arendt. Nothing about the German character, just rhetoric and its effects.
The public virtue, in the form of wokeness for years, has been from the left; now they're patriots against the enemy right.
There's the analogy with the Nazis, not the Reichstag fire.
How did confederate flags suddenly, from every quarter, become an enemy, followed by every statue, followed by everything that there was a statue of in form of history.
All from the left, all of a sudden.
It's like a stolen election. Impossible and you don't see how the trick was done. I suspect Penn and Teller. The trick is repeating the trick but in a different way each time.
The amazing thing was there was no internet to run a journolist with for the Nazis. They must have used postcards or something.
Coleridge mocked the technique by calling its virtue bullet points "moral discoveries," the idea being that morality is eternal so doesn't have discoveries. Everybody knew that at the time so it was a nice line.
Thou shalt not write the n-word. A moral discovery.
First they came ... Pastor Martin Niemöller
Updated for 2021
First they came for the Tea Party defaming them and using the IRS and other Government Agencies, to make the process the punishment, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Tea Partier.
Then they used the Russian Hoax / Collusion to try to get rid of Trump and appointed a Special Counsel based on a Clinton Funded Campaign Opposition Research laundered through the Steele Dossieer that the FBI then used to go after Trump.
Then they came for the Alex Jones and Infowars and deplatformed them, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a conspiracy follower.
Then they came for those that were against Gay Marriage, such as Brendan Eich, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not contribute to political causes, and kept my vote private.
Then they came for GAB, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a member.
Then they harassed Trump Administration People in Restaurants,
Then they came for Trump, sitting President and deplatformed him off Twitter, Facebook, E-Mail Providers, and Youtube.
Then they came for Parlor, and kicked them off the App Stores and removed their hosting.
Then they came for Trump Administration People, so they could not get jobs. Lincoln Project is putting together an online black list.
I wrote this for an email that mysteriously ended in my trash, not in sent.
"Thou shalt not write the n-word."
That's '*-****' to you : )
Soon, even writing 'n-word' will be a ban-able offense, not just here but everywhere.
Coming to a country near you.
Mr. Donald, I agree with most Ms. Althouse's commenters: cutting off access to social media will lead to more violence than no censorship at all. A good example is Hosni Mubarak's decision to turn off Egypt's internet. The result was a sustained period of violence. I think Americans should know what's going on around them. Even if you disagree or you're traumatized or whatever. People are improved by vigorous debate. The more information we have, the more likely we will act rationally. More censorship means less information. I believe that unaware people tend to act randomly and aggressively. BLM protesters were exceptionally violent BECAUSE they were misinformed about police violence.
However, you want my house burned and my family dead in foreign wars because they are conducted for profit. I do not want my house burned down by a mob. And I do not believe that most of the wars fought by the U.S. are for corporate profits. It's better when we're neutral. That way we can make huge profits by selling to both sides in the conflict. That is something that Donald Trump understood better than most of his predecessors. We're going to miss President Trump's foreign policy. But Mr. Trump IS a psycho loser. You have to accept this.
Saw a video on Twitter from a good source showing a big military presence in DC today.
Two theories.
1. Trump signed the Insurrection Act is going to "take over."
2. Show of force against any peaceful protestors this week. Police State.
It is a moonbattery fest here at Althouse as Readering, Spiros, Howard, and Sprezzatura head around the backstretch to see who can out-justify the others in denouncing anyone who opposes the Leftie Groupthink!
One has to remember the Reichstag-ification of last week is designed to achieve several overlapping objectives which will stem from labeling all Trump voters domestic terrorists:
1) provide a rhetorical justification for making explicit the on going domestic spying operations on American citizens (which has been going on for years)
2) provide the justification for dem-controlled media monopolies to cut off conservative speech
3) get as many Trump supporters and non-dem supporters on domestic terrorist lists which will then be used to remove those citizens 2nd amendment rights.
Combine all that with the left's/dems wholesale attacks on individual rights and due process and its pretty clear this can only end one way.
A commenter said, "But Mr. Trump IS a psycho loser. You have to accept this".
Name one thing President Trump has done that has harmed you or your family or anyone you personally know. Show your work or you're just a nasty troll.
“With near total control of the media, the DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA/etc an official arm of the democratical party, and with tools and techniques for election fraud baked in for the dems, the dems can now dial up whatever level of victory they require for any office at any level and no conversation that does not come pre-approved by the left will see the lightof day.”
The premise is true and so perhaps the conclusion. However, look at what they’ve had to do to grab power. Hardly the actions of a Movement Triumphant. And this is much less a Leftist power grab than a corrupt Establishment one. I almost feel sorry for Biden. The poor addled sockpuppet is going to be everybody’s punching bag.
Say Arnie - what opinion do you have of fellow democrat -
Jew-hating Democrat Rashida Tlaib(D) and her Jew hate??? ?
“who can out-justify the others in denouncing anyone who opposes the Leftie Groupthink!”
Democracy, the Constitution and not overturning legitimate elections are “Leftie Groupthink.”
Got it.
Drago decides to take a shit and go blind.
He F-ed Covid compared to other similar nations. From hoping denialism would fix the problem (it didn’t, it made it worse) to suggesting loon remedies.
Also, I don’t like juicing the economy (pre pandemic) with massive deficit spending during a time of strong economic growth that I’ll need to pay for down the road (with compounding interest) because I’m not old so I’m not going to die for a very long time, unlike the Althouse demo.
I seem to recall when Arnold was running for governor using his experience growing up to warn against the socialism he saw coming to California.
Now, it's not the left he's worried about, he's worried about the proud boys?
Howard: "Drago decides to take a shit and go blind."
Speaking of going blind and taking s***s, does everyone recall Howard spending 5 full months praising the courage and Normandy-like heroics of his lefty rioters only to suddenly, at the flip of a switch and at the direction of his democratical "betters", decide that not only had those riots never happened at all, but that the groups he had praised for those 5 months didnt exist either.
As a lefty, just such a switch is standard operating procedure.
Orwell knew the score when it comes to the lefties:
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."
George Orwell, 1984
It wasnt that long ago Howard was jumping on the laughably false assertion that America really was founded in 1619 and pepperspray constituted outright chemical warfare.
Sprezzature: "NC,
He F-ed Covid compared to other similar nations."
Tell us more of these "comparable" nations.
So sincerely heartfelt...and so ignorant. I don't mean ignorant as an insult, I just mean lacking knowledge.
The Spritz troll seems to be busy today. Better things to do.
Temujin said...
Funny. I looked at the purging of conservatives from all media and publishing, hotels, air flights, and potentially jobs, over the last couple of days and I was thinking, Kristallnacht. Not a night of shattered glass. But a night of shattered ideals, where half of the country was put on notice that they are to be removed from participation.
Shame of Arnold. The Proud Boys have no such record. Only the Left does this. Again and again, we are told that fascism is coming from the right, it is coming from the right. And yet it always shows up from the left. Always- throughout history. Arnold should know that. The Nazis were National Socialists. Mask it anyway you want, they were the Collectivist/Statist of their time. Guess who wears the brownshirts now? Who's making the lists of people? Who is removing people from their jobs, refusing them hotel rooms, removing their ability to communicate? Threatening their livelihood?
It's always the left who does this.
“Still with the stolen election? Enough believing that fraudster in camp david preparing for his trip the the Alamo.”
“Even Pence couldn’t go along w/ the lies, when the rubber hits the road.
But, the unstable rubes remain unable to process reality and facts. Or they know the truth and they choose to be shit people.”
5 dead and a trashed US Capitol building based on a FANTASY. What is happening in the brains of these people?
Deaths per 100,000 of population, a chart:
Arnold gets so much wrong. It's a tragedy.
Kristalnacht is the wrong comparison to Jan 6. The Antifa/BLM riots all year are much more appropriate. No reichstag fire here.
I stopped listening when he mentioned John Kennedy writing Profiles in Courage. It's been clearly demonstrated that kennedy didn't write it at all or very little.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "5 dead and a trashed US Capitol building based on a FANTASY."
To this day Inga believes Carter Page is a russian spy, Trump colluded with russia, the hoax dossier was proven true, Putin changed 2016 vote totals and Brett Kavanaugh was a rape gang leader.
“...Leftie Groupthink!”
Trumpist Mass Delusion
PB: "I stopped listening when he mentioned John Kennedy writing Profiles in Courage."
In Arnold's defense, I believe he may be contractually obligated to offer up at least one positive pro-Kennedy sub-reference in every public utterance.
He should review the history of the First Republic. It was not peace and love.
The real tragedy was not the loss of democracy, but the loss of liberty. The loss of democracy was collateral damage. Now State-fellators like Inga are hoping to use the Capitol riot to bring about a loss of liberty here.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga also remains a firm believer in the Alfa Bank server pinging "secret communications" between Trump towers and Putin.
If one were to go back over the last 5 years and identify and count up each distinct lunatic conspiracy theory pushed by Inga on this blog there is no question you would have a 3 digit number.
Hey, Ann, now do a message from Sarah Hoyt. She grew up in Portugal during their most heavy socialist era.
One might want to be thankful for Jan 6th. While I believe the POTUS expected peace the same as in all his rallies we have misread the population and the tech giants.
Jan 6th exposed the tech giants to all for what they are.
People working jobs would agree that all the violent protestors at the Capitol need to face the law. They would also agree that the violence was necessary and reflects their own state of mind. The branches of government are not respecting the law. The violent energy is still there if not much greater than it was a few weeks ago. It is not a time of peace because of the corruption abroad. Unfortunate. Stay safe.
Forgive me if it was mentioned above, but Austria was partitioned much like Germany after WW2. Austria willingly went against democracy, like much of south eastern Europe by joining with the Nazis. They were occupied by the various allies after the war for a number of years, probably including Arnold's birthday in '47. I have a lovely 1916 Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk. III*, with "Osterreich Polizie" stamped on the receiver. It was issued to local police in Austria in the zone occupied by the Brits. Harder to find than the M-1 Carbines issued in the American Zone. Selling it is either a retirement trip with my wife, or college money for potential grandkids. Or she can wail till I croak and sell my stuff in the gun room, and take a round the world trip with a boy toy.
"5 dead and a trashed US Capitol building based on a FANTASY. What is happening in the brains of these people?"
And trashed, burned, and looted cities all over America based on 'an idea.'
Or was it 'a notion'?
One of the easiest thing to predict here is information media. Controlled directly by the tech giants who already have a track record. What will happen.
Terms of service will be enforced that will remove and suppress anything of Trump support. Just look at what happened to Brandon Starka on Facebook. Removed him. Removed his employees. Removed his cat memes. His theme? Walk away from the Democrats.
Spotify will require Joe Rogan to remove about one third of his content. And give him a blacklist. Or lose his voice completely. In short order.
Google will create a special terms of service for Althouse. It will require a cleansing of content that Google will help her with. The blog will get moderators and all associated posters will be moderated beyond the blog. Best get pronoun's in your profile early. The Avatars with guns in them? You will be canceled completely. Google sees all. Knows all. The reset will require a purge of bad content. Think of it as a sink or swim social credit score that had been recorded for decades but not acted on.
ScottAdams will be cancelled.
Virtual gulag islands. 1984 codes of living well.
remember when Russia Russia Inga was yammering on about Russian Oligarchs on a yacht?
Russia Russia Inga insisted she had inside knowledge they were discussing.... TRUMP!
and their evil plans...
Drago said...
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga
** Inga and Chuck have the advantage here. The tech lords will give them the power to review you. The Russian hoax is no longer a hoax.
Not one peep from Russia Russia Inga on Antifa brownshirt arson and property destruction over the summer. No one word.
Also - what was the fraction of real MAGA and fake MAGA inside the Capitol? We know that there were plans by Antifa to fake MAGA.
It is nottah toomah!!!!
Bidenists will do all they can to obey the Bidenist agenda.
It's easy. first step - wash clean his crack using, stripper fucking, money grubbing, tax payer funded son.
People who talk about this without linking it to the string of escalating political violence seem disingenuous. Assuming intellectual honesty, it cannot be separated from the events of last year.
I think the explosion of belief in conspiracy theories may stem from so many institutions showing themselves to be so plainly untrustworthy, especially last year but building for quite a while. Many people reacted to not being able to believe mainstream institutions by believing fringe groups.
Google Woke committee: What are the 5 most influential blogs we support?
Google Woke Committee Chairman: Memo to account services to identify the top 5 posters on each blog that supported Biden.
Google Woke Committee technologist: I'll task my group to create the AL algorithm to filter their posts and produce a "most often replied to" chart and a most used "words" cloud chart. Then we'll associate those with post tags and produce a list or Google Accounts that we need to scrub. (Already done on Twitter and Facebook)
Maybe Schwarzenegger should just keep schtupping the hired help and contemplate if he could have ammassed such a huge fortune back in Austria like he has in the US? Maybe he should be really gratefull for being allowed to come here and prosper.
You are bad or dumb. Or both.
The reason folks that you sympathize with have gone off the rails is because they are in silos of info that manipulate them.
I noticed that you want to say there’s so many institutions that have been shown to be untrustworthy over the last year, and that is why DJT loons are in favor of overturning a legitimate (according to, for example, GA Rs and Pence (when he really needed to do something more than jabber DJT bullshit) election, and some like trashing they Capitol.
Please tell me exactly what untrustworthy institution actions over the last year justify or are in any way responsible for DJT folks trying to overturn a legitimate election and our nation/Constitution?
Reclaiming my time! RECLAIMINGMYTIME!!!
Piss off, Ahnold!
The dude married into the Kennedy clan.
Plunge a hot sword into cold water, the steel becomes brittle and breaks easily.
Trumpist Mass Delusion
Leftist Hot Beef Injection Drought
Drago: Please. Buy all means, cull the record and get back to us. I'm sure you'll find some nuggets of pure comedy gold.
Can't you people let Ahnold grab a little pussy too? That's really unfair bringing up Conchita and little Ramon-enator
SprécheManure for the suck!
Considda dis a divohce, Ahnold.
(For the humor-impaired, that was from The Terminator)
@Ray - So Cal:
Then they came for Trump Administration People, so they could not get jobs. Lincoln Project is putting together an online black list.
Don't know if this is already in the mountain of posts and comments, but there is this:
Lincoln Project Co-Founder John Weaver Accused by Multiple Young Men of Grooming for Sex
"You are bad or dumb. Or both."
I like this economy of writing. Lots of arguments between commenters could be replaced with this.
"Please tell me exactly what untrustworthy institution actions over the last year justify or are in any way responsible for DJT folks trying to overturn a legitimate election and our nation/Constitution?"
I didn't argue that they were responsible or justified it.
According to Meade: "When Austria sends its people, they're not sending their best."
Perhaps "Austria" needs to be expanded to "German Speakers."
Bavarian-born Friedrich Trumpf, on Oct. 17, 1885 was, among hundreds arriving from Germany in New York on the packed steamship S.S. Eider. Americanizing his name to Frederick Trump, he became the patriarch of the Trump family (and Donald's granddaddy) in America. Eventually he moved to Washington state where he got involved in the boarding and brothel business. From there he went to the Klondike to solidify his fortune at the expense of lonesome goldminers. Returning to Germany, he met and married his wife and attempted to reestablish his German citizenship but he was run out of town, so he returned to America, Queens, NY, where he entered the real estate business and the illegal activities of the Trump clan began early in the 20th century.
Shit. The new trolls are the same as the old trolls. Don't examine the evidence or full context, just go with what you are told by some radical CNN guest talking head. I was hoping for a bit better.
And btw Freeman Hunt, when exactly did you quit beating your wife?
Who knew the real estate business was illegal?
"Can't you people let Ahnold grab a little pussy too?"
It's not that he fucked the maid.
It's that he fucked a homely maid.
He's an über-rich movie star and that's the best he can do?
Just rub one out like everyone else...
“I think the explosion of belief in conspiracy theories may stem from so many institutions showing themselves to be so plainly untrustworthy, especially last year but building for quite a while. Many people reacted to not being able to believe mainstream institutions by believing fringe groups.”
Trump has been priming the pump of mass belief in conspiracy theories for years now. From the time he said Obama was born in Kenya to the times he repeatedly told his followers to not believe what they heard or saw. “Only I can do it!” He demonized the press and made them the enemy in his followers eyes. He set himself up as the only trustworthy source of info on the right and his followers jumped into that fantasy world with both feet, to the day that thousands of his nutball followers came to DC at his behest to “fight” to keep the government from legitimizing Biden’s presidential win. Trump told one lie after another after another until his followers were so deeply entrenched in his cult that they didn’t know up from down and down from up.
According to you, what are the so many untrustworthy institution actions over the last year that link to DJT folks trying to overturn a legitimate (according to, for example, Georgia Republicans and Mike Pence (when he was required to actually act rather than just spread more DJT lies that are intended to fool information siloed dopes) election and therefore our nation/Constitution?"
You want to claim links, tell us what you are linking this to.
Hard to believe what a douchebag Arnold became.
Be interested to see buwaya's take on all of this.
"Trump has been priming the pump of mass belief in conspiracy theories for years now."
I agree, but I don't know that he could have done it outside of that context.
Well then what are you trying to say Freeman? Spit it out, girl. Plain English. Declarative sentences.
“Be interested to see buwaya's take on all of this.”
I can do that for you:
‘America is doomed and Filipino women know how to take care of a man.’
Yur welcome.
"Well then what are you trying to say Freeman?"
I said it at 3:58. I'm not interested enough to spell it out again in multiple ways.
“I'm not interested enough to spell it out again in multiple ways.”
not interested = not capable
What context, Freeman? Trust in institutions bottomed out since Watergate.
"because I’m not old so I’m not going to die for a very long time, unlike the Althouse demo"
Just because you're not old doesn't mean you're not going to die soon. You only have today.
Arnold cheated on his wife and sired a bastard child. That puts him in my "I don't care about him or what he says" category.
Trump immediately turned even Republicans into enemies if he thought they were unloyal to him. Look what he did to Governor Kemp and the SOS of Georgia. Look what he did to his own super loyal lapdog VP Pence when Pence discovered he had some balls after all. Trump tweeted...
"Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify," said Trump on Twitter. "USA demands the truth!"
“Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021
That tweet came roughly 10 minutes after it was reported that Pence had been escorted off the Senate floor—where he was presiding of the electoral college tally—in response to aforementioned protesters breaking through police lines and entering the Capitol.”
Chants of Hang Pence were heard through the Capitol.
Why is Inga still here?
I don’t think that Freeman intended to link DJT and con media re a link re the folks that have brains that believe it’d be a good idea to overturn a legitimate election and therefore our democracy and constitution.
But, who knows? She won’t name the institutions re the last year that she links to this nutty behavior.
Maybe she’s totally a DJT resister such that she is pissed that Con media and elected institutions tricked DJT cult members into joining the cult.
That would be logical and supported by facts. But I dunno.
Like Arnold didn't fuck his way through Hollywood? He has become a troll. Gotta get what attention he can. Way past his sell-by. Like Bette and Whoopi.
To piss off cucks like you Marcus. Why are you still here, Marcus? Is this the only thing keeping you from hitting the Smirnoff?
Notice how Drago always runs away like the mealy-mouth swabby he is when asked to provide proof of his bullshit assertions?
I think Freeman is smart enough to be vague here on these threads, because she knows that she will get massive blowback and it’s probably not worth the aggravation to her. I don’t blame her she has young children to care for and is young and busy. I personally doubt she was ever a Trumpist.
INGA said:
I agree. Trump would probably not have been able to pull off any collusion with Russia by himself. He had Roger Stone, Manafort, Carter Page and Flynn to do the thinking for him, he probably just told them to go ahead and do what they wanted if it benefitted him.
5/11/17, 3:19 PM
Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM
rcocean, do you really think you need to say that you might have missed the Reichstag Fire
if you were asleep in history class"? Sheesh, the likelihood that most HS students today are taught about the Reichstag Fire even if they spend the entire time wide awake is close to nil. There's a lot to get through, and not much time to do it in; best to leave things that can be delegated (like minor details about actual Nazis) to the mainstream media, who will fill in as and when required.
Readering, I am also a bit surprised by the Ahnold-disparaging here. So far as I am concerned, he was a decent governor of that ungovernable state, certainly better than his successors, emphatically including the current incumbent. But the reason CA has had so many Republican governors is that the governor effectively can do nothing, so why not preserve the teensiest, whisper-thinnest veneer of bipartisanship where it can't do any harm? It's not possible for a governor of CA even to veto anything; the Lege is veto-proof. All he can do is stand there and look Presidential (not even an option for Schwarzenegger, who cannot be President).
Newsom, of course, is incapable even of that, so he provides comic relief by going to the most difficult-to-get-into restaurant in the country and hosting a big party, indoors and unmasked, while telling all the plebes to stay home for the good of the nation and to wear their masks during meals (taking them off between bites, ye Gods), or some such. That man looks likely actually to be recalled, finally. Good. He deserves it a lot more than Gray Davis did.
What's Happening to a Public School Teacher Who Attended the D.C. Protest Should Worry Us All
"Everybody has come out and condemned the rioting that took place on Wednesday. Those who engage in criminal acts at protests should absolutely be prosecuted (and not bailed out by Democrats). But those who peacefully protest are exercising their First Amendment rights and should not be at risk of losing their jobs. Just because some in the protest engaged in criminal acts, doesn't mean you did. If we changed that standard, just about every elected Democrat would be out of work, which wouldn't be the worst thing in the world but you can't count on Democrats to apply rules to themselves. They're big on rules for thee but not for me. "
Freeman Hunt,
"I think the explosion of belief in conspiracy theories may stem from so many institutions showing themselves to be so plainly untrustworthy, especially last year but building for quite a while."
Whatever your location on the bad/dumb axis system, I am right there with you.
"Trump has been priming the pump of mass belief in conspiracy theories for years now."
Remember: Our conspiracy theories are irresponsible, absurd, and borderline-insane. Yours are simply prudent. I mean, it was only reasonable to assume Trump had conspired with Russians to steal the election. And you could have proven it, with geometric logic....
I don't want to speak for Freeman - but I think she understands how unfair and unbalanced the media is. She can correct me if I am wrong.
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