Talk about anything you want in the comments.
ADDED: The main reason I am averting my eyes is that I don't want exposure to all the favorable, flattering media. The media were so awful to Trump, whatever he did. The sudden shift to bathing Biden in sunlight just feels so wrong to me. It seems sappy and patronizing. But I hope Biden does well, and I'll be giving him a chance. Just don't expect me to blog the details. As ever, I will blog what interests me, and I'll be looking for things that feel fresh and different.
AND: I'll quote this NYT headline because — after what I just wrote — it feels like humor (unintended humor): "For Many Across America, a Sigh of Relief as a New Era Begins/'I feel lighter,' said a woman in Chicago. For many in an exhausted, divided nation, the inauguration was a sea change, not just a transition." I don't know about the "many," but for me, there is no sighing, I'm not exhausted, and I feel exactly the same weight.
"Sea change" — is it a sea change? The phrase is Shakespeare's — from a description of a dead man, lost at sea:
Full fathom five thy father lies,Of his bones are coral made;Those are pearls that were his eyes;Nothing of him that doth fade,But doth suffer a sea-changeInto something rich and strange.Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell.
The inauguration was a sea change?
२८२ टिप्पण्या:
282 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»God loves us all.
I have no dislike for poor Joe Biden, I want him to know that, as foolish as he has been, God loves him too.
so for the next 4 years Professora can put up at least one blog A DAY - "I AM TOO BORED - PLEASE DISCUSS ANYTHING"
Maybe a palate cleanser - It's hip to be the Sandman
Everybody needs to mute American politics.
Actually, we need to mute your whole country for a while. Too bad it didn’t happen before Wet Ass Pussy.
All I ask is that ship us your vaccine. The Covidiots here should be on board, since it’s a scam, and we'll pay you cash. Step up you denialists, write your governor!
Awww. I was hoping you could opine on Amanda Gorman's poem. I really don't want to have to read it without help.
Ann, I’d just said something similar myself.
It feels like this new crew has no interest in my well-being. They don’t care about my life or what’s important to me. No shared values.
Maybe that mutual indifference is a good thing.
The news is so fawning, there is no reason to read/ watch it. You can write it yourself.
Out of nowhere, but I'm posting this here because I had this conversation with a secular, but very strongly Zionist friend about an article in The Forward(link 1) that he criticized online. It's my explanation to him of the theological roots of support for Zionism among the Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christian communities
"What ticked me off the most about the Forward article was that it gave no attention to the fact that the Christians in this political/theological alliance have foundational theological reasons for their Zionism. Now, this is The Forward, which has trouble with Jewish theology, much less comprehension of the ins-and-outs of eschatological views held by a minority within the Christian Churches, but still. The article makes it seems like a bunch of Hicks-from-the-Sticks are goin' All Bagels & Schmaltz because they've taken leave of their senses. No, just No.
The answer lies these denominations' belief in a doctrine called Dispensationalism, a doctrine generally found paired with another doctrine called Pre-Millenialism to make Pre-Millenial Dispensationalism. Dispensationalism (see link 2) holds that there are epochs in the history of Man's salvation, and that these epochs are defined by different covenants between God & Mankind. One such Dispensation is the covenant between God & the Jewish people depicted in the Old Testament. With the completion of the life of Jesus (i.e. His resurrection & the Pentecost) a new covenant/dispensation is created --- the Christian Church on Earth. Now, and here comes the beeeeeg difference, the Dispensationalists believe that the previous covenant/dispensation between God & the Jewish people runs concurrently with the Christian dispensation. In other words, the Jewish people are still players in the salvific history of the Christian Church. Most mainline Christian Churches reject this view & believe (now more or less apologetically...) in a doctrine called Supercessionism (link 3) where the baton-carrying role in salvific history has passed from the Jewish people to the Christian Church on Earth.
What this means in practice is that for the Supercessionists, the founding of Israel in 1948 was a political act like any other in history, with no more impact on the course of man's salvation than e.g. the founding of Brazil. For the Dispensationalists, however, the return of Israel after a gap of 2000 years is a watershed event in the history of salvation, and brings with it obligations, attested in multiple scriptural passages (link 4), to support the state of Israel as part of their duties as Christians.
Now, I as a Roman Catholic don't believe this. I, like most of the RCC, believe in a "soft" form of Supercessionalism. But, these Evangelicals see things differently, and within their theological framework, it makes perfect sense. Everyone religion's eschatology looks bonkers to those on the outside, and every faith has its eschatology, as do many secular movements who just aren't as honest about it in public."
I had so many links that I've attached the links in a pdf file here if you want to follow up.
Hey, it ain't about Trump/Biden!
I'm currently no longer interested in political sportsball. Since the oligarchy is by its manifold behavior, by definition outlaw, nothing it does is of interest to me.
What I am interested in is the active antonym for patronizing it, beyond mere boycotting, for finding ways to open its valves and let it bleed out. The oligarchy is not simply a few alien starships hovering in the stratosphere, out of our reach as they hoover away our water and other precious bodily fluids. It's as finely connected throughout our society as the biome on the exoplanetary moon Pandora in Avatar.
And I've just become Tordon.
So I read that Amazon has volunteered to help Biden with his vaccine distribution, with Trump barely out the door. These techies have gone 100% to the Dark Side and are forgetting that (I'm guessing here) >>50% of their revenue comes from the very people they're insulting by their actions.
You've spent a good bit of your public life supporting equality for women. Now we have a woman a heartbeat away from becoming the most powerful person in the world.
Shouldn't you be thrilled by this victory for women?
"It feels like this new crew has no interest in my well-being."
Oh, they definitely have an interest in your well-being. And not in a good way.
It’s almost like watching a red carpet show before the Oscars or Emmys when you don’t know any of the movies/shows. You don’t recognize the actors walking the red carpet and you don’t know who’s doing the interview.
I change the channel.
Maybe more of us need to change the channel for a while.
I know he needs monitoring, but that doesn't make it my job.
Wait! What? Didn't you tell us back on January 3rd that you " ... believe that he made the promise [to make life better for all Americans]?" And didn't you then say that you "... will hold him to it and link back to this post whenever [you] need to. It doesn't matter whether you trust a politician to do what he says. You should still note the promises that are made so you can judge the performance."
So how do you plan to judge Biden's performance if you don't plan to monitor him.
Selected. Not elected. Not my president. Resist. War motherfuckers.
“You may not be interested in war. War is interested in you.”
"You will be made to care."
The IM injection for the RonaVax is definitely noticeable.
Bezos has a god complex.
I’ll be pleased if they just leave me and mine the fuck alone. Go sell that bullshit to someone else.
@donald, you are too late. Out in Oregon, even as we are tossing comments back and forth at each other on the Althouse blog, windows are being smashed and the Democrat Party headquarters is under violent attack.
By Antifa!!!
The war's begun, and the bastards didn't even wait for us Deplorables!
I haven't watch an inauguration since I was forced to in elementary school for Kennedy.
Big Mike, Antifa vs. Democrat Party is like Iran vs. Iraq. Let it bleed.
'We must end this uncivil war,' Biden says, taking over a U.S. in crisis
I get the feeling that the Civility Bullshit tag could worn out in the near future.
Blogger Iman said...
I’ll be pleased if they just leave me and mine the fuck alone. Go sell that bullshit to someone else.
Yup, me too.
Then Oregon story is the opening phase of the Democrats going batshit crazy. Popcorn ordered.
Does anyone else believe Tara Reade as I do?
If you are at home in Wisconsin then you are distant from the DC doings. I suppose you mean emotionally and mentally distant.
Amazon is offering to help with vaccinations. We don't need government, we just need Jeff Bezos and his 800,000 army of Amazon employees.
I played tourist locally yesterday and drove an hour south to the Marco Island Historical Museum, to see the Key Marco Cat and various other artifacts from the 1896 archaeological dig that are on loan from the Smithsonian. If you are in southwest Florida or within driving distance, the artifacts will be here until April 3rd. Very interesting pre-Columbian exhibit about the Muspa and Calusa tribes, their artwork and way of life.
Day one, after four years of being beaten around by the US, Putin gets a huge gift from Biden in the shutdown of KeystoneXL.
He could have had it four years ago if he hadn’t gotten Trump elected, and he could have had fracking severely curtailed too!
Living now, here but for fortune
Placed by fate's mysterious schemes
Who'd believe that we're the ones asked to
Try to rekindle the patriot's dreams
Arise sweet destiny, time runs short
All of your patience has heard their retort
Hear us now, for alone we can't seem
To try to rekindle the patriot's dreams
Can you hear the words being whispered
All along the American stream
Tyrants freed, the just are imprisoned
Try to rekindle the patriot's dreams
Ah, but perhaps too much is being asked of too few
You and your children with nothing to do
Hear us now, for alone we can't seem
To try to rekindle the patriot's dreams
Jesus Christ Ken B, shut the fuck up already. No one cares about you, Canada, your opinion of "covidiots", or your ongoing pathetic spat with Achilles.
When you appended a recent post with "snicker" (in quotes, no less), I started to wonder if you were actually our friend Charley from MI. But no, I suspect you are just another twit.
"Amazon is offering to help with vaccinations. We don't need government, we just need Jeff Bezos and his 800,000 army of Amazon employees.”
Since they didn’t offer it at the time when we really needed it just because Trump was president, Amazon can eat shit and die.
I agree, Althouse. And if you think today's media love-fest was nauseating, just wait until the tongue-bath we'll be subjected to when Kamala takes over.
Same here. And I avoided this even though my son was singing in the Biden chorus (we are the world? we are family? something like that). I'll check back into the media in a few months, when the hysteria has quieted down.'
Big Mike reports: Out in Oregon, even as we are tossing comments back and forth at each other on the Althouse blog, windows are being smashed and the Democrat Party headquarters is under violent attack.
By Antifa!!!
But will the MSM report this? Or will they either ignore it or blame it on Q, Proud Boys or White Supremacists?
"Shouldn't you be thrilled by this victory for women?"
And what a victory it is. Demonstrating how trading sexual favors for career advancement can actually be successful, paving the way for others to follow in Kammy's kneepads. Perhaps she might record some PSAs with helpful technique tips for all those little girls out there hoping that, one day, they too might be able to sleep their way to the top.
America- makes a body proud, it does.
Shouted in the best Sam Donaldson style, "President Biden, President, boxers, briefs, or Depends?"
Does anyone else believe Tara Reade as I do?
@Meade, I believe that Biden gets handsy with women and girls to show off his clout. Viewed from that angle, the Tara Reade incident seems much more likely to have happened than not. Take a look at this compilation of Biden getting touchy-feely. For instance watch what he does with his hand and the young girl in the red dress, starting at the 2:30 mark. Also watch what he does with his hands and the very young girl at the 7:45 mark. And a different girl at about 8:55.
The fact is that now the Democrats/media don't care that we know they lie and cheat. They seem to relish the idea that not only can they do so with impunity but they can wipe our faces in it.
@mockturtle, I think we both know the answer.
The Babylon Bee could have written that headline
Apparently Twitter has blocked Michelle Malkin. I find that ironic or something like that because Michelle is the founder of "Twitchy", which gets its content from Twitter.
I haven't followed Michelle for some time but I've never thought of her as particularly out there.
Snopes says Yes and No.
"Shouldn't you be thrilled by this victory for women?"
As it was with Obama, it's a shame this First is realized with such a second-rate individual.
I spent the day reading 'The Common Peace: Participation and the Criminal Law in Seventeenth-Century England" (Cynthia B. Herrup, 1987 [Dewey 344.205]), and I'm not even a lawyer. But it aligned with a couple of programs I'm working on for my regular job, so I think it was a day well spent. I also found lots of footnotes to hunt down, it's historian heaven chasing footnotes. It's 2025 hours here, is Biden still awake? Has Dr. Jill recommended a lid?
Somewhere in rural Arkansas there is a little girl. She’s having a rough go of it.
Her dad is a hopeless drug addict. And her mom is a stripper. And by stripper, I mean prostitute.
But finally there is some hope for her. Because today her grandfather became the 46th President of the USA
"Our ratings are down! Ad dollars are tanking!! Where's Trump golfing!!"
Meade: "Does anyone else believe Tara Reade as I do?"
The reality is the lefties themselves know its true. Thats what they love most about it: that everyone knows its true but nothing will happen. Meanwhile any and every conservative can be slimed with false accusations around the clock.
Vaclev Havel's description of what the commies in Eastern Europe pulled is a perfect description of what todays leftists and democraticals are all about.
Green grocers everywhere.
The main reason I am averting my eyes is that I don't want exposure to all the favorable, flattering media. The media were so awful to Trump, whatever he did. The sudden shift to bathing Biden in sunlight just feels so wrong to me.
This is why I visit Althouse every single day since. . . 2007? (Marcotte dustup). Media Hypocrisy is driven by humans - and it is wrong. Human, but wrong (dare I say evil).
The fashion blogs that refused to even acknowledge the existence of Melania or Karen Pence are full of bullshit. Hell, one of them even highlighted whatever Hildebeast wore today.
No twitter today in my house. No TV news. Hell, thanks to the commenter "D" last night, even TCM was off limits ("Joe" movies - all fuckin' day long).
Spending my day trying to get a vaccine appt. now that Governor Snake Oil Inslee has finally approved it for anyone over 65.
Ann and I are on the exact same page. I never cared for the ceremonial aspects of politics, but this is certainly the most disconnected I have been from current affairs in my adult life. It seems like an eternity since the election. I'm very ambivalent about the Trump era. Earlier Ann quoted this from Trump's farewell address:
"Now more than ever, we must unify around our shared values and rise above the partisan rancor and forge our common destiny."
Do people actually believe this is possible? What "shared values' and "common destiny" could possibly unite Americans? What is the American nation?
Since it is no longer permissible to define nationalism in terms of ethnic identity, we've embraced so called "civic nationalism." Instead of basing national identity in culture and language, it bases it in adopting principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. That is an extremely flimsy basis for a shared identity. They are abstract principles of political philosophy that the founders themselves could not agree on.
The Anglo-American national identity that reached its zenith in the 1950s has been dismantled. The modern conservative movement was founded to resist that dismantling, and it is has utterly failed. By embracing economic libertarianism and Cold War internationalism, conservatives helped decimate the white working class. Reagan loved free trade and immigration. It wasn't the principles of supply-side economics that brought the white working class to Reagan but a Democratic Party fractured by identity politics.
Forty years since the white working class helped launch the "Reagan revolution," they have seen their demographics decline and their social, political, and cultural capital right along with it. Within a single generation, the white working class has gone from a supermajority share of the population to a minority share. The Republican Party has pandered to white working class culture but has tended to the economic interests of the 1%, who have nothing but contempt for white working class culture.
I believe Tara R,, but that being said ----- I know there is not a prosecutor in this entire country who has the balls or the skill to convict the man who raped her.
Sad, but, that is how things are.
It kind of amuses me, how much people think that if only the prosecutors did a good job, people who rape people like Tara R. would all be in jail.
It amuses me for this reason ----- when I was a kid, I was told again and again that I needed to be stronger, better, more intelligent.
And now I am all those things, and now I know this ----- the people who told me to be stronger are all old and weak, the people who told me to be better never did a single thing to prosecute the people who raped the Tara R.'s of this world, and the people who told me to be more intelligent spent their retirement years reading Tom Clancy or Danielle Steel, completely unconcerned about what they should have been doing to make this world a better place.
Well, Kamala believes little Joe is a rapist. But she smiles at him.
May God forgive them both, and if God doesn't, I will, if they repent.
JRoberts said...
"Ann, I’d just said something similar myself.
It feels like this new crew has no interest in my well-being. They don’t care about my life or what’s important to me. No shared values.
Maybe that mutual indifference is a good thing."
It ain't mutual. You may not be interested in them,but they are interested in you.
Don't blame me for the fact that an old woman who is vice president thinks the old guy who is president is a rapist.
Old people have been through a lot, God is their friend.
Little Kamala and me are very different people.
Our sunrise this morning was lovely. 🌞
That being said, LBJ and JFK were both people who, if they were alive today, would be on a sex offender web site. Biden and Harris .... well, although the old man has a history of sniffing hair of young women, and poor Harris is obviously what she is ---- maybe they are not as bad as LBJ and JFK.
Think about it.
It requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy: unity,”
Who but a fascist or a communist believes this drivel.
You didn't miss much by way of poetry. The 22-year old poet won universal praise--George Stephanopoulos may have wet himself--and has been described as the next Maya Angelou. That she may well be, with very little talent but tons of hype, and happily for her, no need to repeat Angelou's turn peddling prostitutes. Her poetry consisted of imperfect rhymes, akin to rap--"burden" rhymed with "certain," for example. But what it lacked in finesse it made up for in length. Still, mundane as it was, it didn't compare with Angelou's poem for Clinton's first inauguration, the final anticlimactic stanza of which was:
"Here on the pulse of this new day
You may have the grace to look up and out
And into your sister’s eyes, and into
Your brother’s face, your country
And say simply
Very simply
With hope
Good morning."
I was impressed that Readering got to 18 minutes of this video of Tucker Carlson explaining what happened in 2016, and am still bemused by his failure to see where this is going.
Trump's "going away speech" was directed at his voters, not Democrats.
The Anglo-American national identity that reached its zenith in the 1950s has been dismantled. The modern conservative movement was founded to resist that dismantling, and it is has utterly failed.
I tend to agree. What will come next we don't know but it will come eventually from the segment of the population that is mentally competent. Whether it will require the economic collapse I anticipate is not clear. Eventually, even in an oligarchy like we have now, the mammals will outwit the reptiles that are feeding in DC.
The current black lives matter radicals are just expressing their belief in white supremacy. Why else demand all these concessions ?
"Patronizing" and "sappy" are the wrong words to use.
"Biased" and "Corrupt" are the words you should be using instead.
It's what the Democratic Media Complex does.
It's who they are.
that Shakespeare! i do NOT see How y'all can stand him!
He's just one cliche after another.
At J school they were taught the best way to put out a raging fire is with a tongue bath.
Poor Althouse no longer able to translate the sweet tones and words of Trump to make him understandable, and in stead we have to listen to up lifting poetry, and Amazing Grace by Garth Brooks. And oh yes a straight forward and prepared press conference, but of course this is only the first day.
“ It seems sappy and patronizing.” That’s because most of the media and a whole bunch of the general population are patronizing saps.
They're not biased or corrupt. They're selling eyeballs to advertisers, by supplying the narrative that soap opera women will read and find interesting daily.
There's no change at all. It's not unfavorable to favorable, it's the same narrative with the same characters.
It's a business. To decouple it from politics you'd either have to eliminate women's vote or make women much more self-aware than they are.
It's not a political newspaper. It's a soap opera newspaper.
But I hope Biden does well
I expect he will do well. I doubt he will do good.
"For many"; in journalese, 'many' means "me and my friends".
"And oh yes a straight forward and prepared press conference,”
Did anybody ask a tough question?
Women will let a famous newspaper grab them by the pussy.
I hear Chris Wallace felt a tingle up his leg.
I saw the poetry as a rare expression of hope by the younger generation. It definitely seemed hip-hop influenced and forced in some parts, but it’s wonderful to see a young person of color who doesn’t see the good old us of a as irredeemable.
What Ms. Althouse? You can't stand the sound of sloppy wet kisses being firmly planted on Biden's posterior? Get used to it for the next four years. Or put cotton in your ears and a sleep mask over your eyes---because that's what the press is going to give you.
"Did anybody ask a tough question?"
Very unlikely.
I enjoyed her poetry, partly as it reminded me of the rhyme structure of hip hop and threw out references like a jazz sax player.
It felt young. After trading in one geezer for another, it was nice to have something other than a succession of old white people complimenting each other.
It was less than 6 minutes. I have sat through many longer pieces of art that were shit, including plays and shows that lasted a few hours, by big names and with big price tags. I got enough enjoyment for the low hurdle it was.
You are such a tease, Ms. Althouse.
The inauguration was a sea change? The media are overly dramatic as the links from the NYC press show. Why would today be any different?
“Poor Althouse no longer able to translate the sweet tones and words of Trump to make him understandable...”
I give her credit, that took talent and imagination...or something like that.
> hope Biden does well, and I'll be giving him a chance.
President Joe Biden's priorities, in order of their appearance in inaugural speech:
1. Pandemic
2. Racism
3. Domestic terrorism
4. White Supremacy
5. Repairing alliances
I’ll translate...
1. Authoritarianism
2. Division
3. Surveillance
4. Fear mongering
5. Globalization
Cancelling KeystoneXL was a fuck you to Canada and a wet kiss to Putin all in one go. Poor Justin Dreamy McDreamboat got kind of blindsided though.
This is one of Althouse's best posts. Thanks, Ann.
Blogger Original Mike said...
"Did anybody ask a tough question?"
Very unlikely.
"What did you have for breakfast Mr President?"
Dittos Althouse feel the same
I despise the Democratic Party and the people that voted for it. I believe this election was illegitimate and that unless drastic changes are made every future election will be a fraud and a farce.
I believe we are well along the road now to becoming a totalitarian state. But I don't know what to do about it, other than bearing witness and being honest about what I'm seeing and speaking clearly. If I were younger that would be an admirable thing to do since the left is making it clear that they are taking names and intend to make second class citizens of everyone that opposes their totalitarian nightmare. But since I'm older I don't think I have much life to lose and thus it's not such a big deal for me.
But this is part of the reason the left is winning. They have created a climate of fear and a great many people have muted themselves, and then having given in, they are uncomfortable seeing themselves as fearful, and will block the memory of their fear and what they truly once thought.
But having said all of that, I know just by paying attention to my body, that I will ruin the remainder of my life if I spend more than a small portion of it in anger.
And thus I intend to spend much of my attention on things that I like or that I find interesting. And this is not a new strategy; it has been my strategy for some time. And it is because of this, maybe, that I continue.
Won’t people be excited when the price of gas is lowered from $2 to $5 over the next few years!
OK, I'm pretty ignorant about such things and I don't understand why the Keystone Project should be dependent on federal legislation and funding. 'Splain it to me.
We get it, Walter. Personally, I find youthful hope extremely off-putting.
I have caught snippets of the news and coverage today, and the whole thing stuck me as more hollow than usual. But then, with people as shallow and empty as Hack and Ho at the top, I shouldn't be surprised.
Fuck 'em
Biden aged in place. There was no sea change and he's not something rich and strange. There was a picture of him gazing across the reflecting pool at the Lincoln Memorial. The picture was taken from behind. You could see his bald pate. It was smooth and shiny and freckled with liver spots. I think the picture was meant to be inspirational, but Biden looked old and vulnerable.. Well, he's the President. His search for Kennedy hair was futile, but he still ended up in the Oval Office.....I don't know what to make of his success. He won because he's old and dull and didn't try very hard. I myself am old and dull and don't try very hard. I suppose I should find succor and hope that such a man can attain the highest office, but it's more bewildering than inspirational.
Won’t people be excited when the price of gas is lowered from $2 to $5 over the next few years!
Well, the Prius-driving climate change alarmists will be delighted, I'm sure. The rest of us will be royally pissed.
And oh yes a straight forward and prepared press conference, but of course this is only the first day.
Oh yes. Questions and answers organized by the same people. Just the way you lefties like them.
oh it's a sea change alright. and meade is right about the green grocer. we made soon need samizdat classes where we teach about the green grocer.
With Biden as with any politico, it’s best to ignore what he says and focus on what he does. Today’s actions were executive orders starting on the green new deal (to the extent he can make it happen without legislation), open door immigration (same caveat), and the institutionalized racism stuff. The Iran deal is next. For a guy who talks about unity, this is sounding like a repeat of O’s “I won” to McCain at O’s fake bipartisan shtick on health care that began his administration.
I believe we are well along the road now to becoming a totalitarian state. But I don't know what to do about it, other than bearing witness and being honest about what I'm seeing and speaking clearly.
Be honest and speak clearly while you can, mandrewa, because it won't be long before any talk of a rigged election or lies in the media will be nipped in the bud.
Hey, you government humpers and State-fellators: want me to feel lighter? Then keep the jackboot off thee back of my neck. Want to feel lighter yourselves? Then shrug off the burden of trying to run other people's lives for them.
"Won’t people be excited when the price of gas is lowered from $2 to $5 over the next few years!"
The price was $2.04 at the station down the street last week. This morning it was $2.33. This afternoon, $2.37.
@mockturtle - I believe that they need a permit, which Biden just rescinded.
Government studies found that building the pipeline would not increase global warming, but the party of science cancels it anyway.
"The sudden shift to bathing Biden in sunlight just feels so wrong to me."
Yeah, you don't see so much enthusiastic cocksucking outside of gay porn.
Ken B is almost as irritating as Buwaya. And for the same reason.
Ken B is almost as irritating as Buwaya. And for the same reason.
But buwaya was quite brilliant. And the way things are going, he may very well have been right, sad to admit.
Original Mike: OK, is that because it's interstate or because it crosses the Canadian border?
Indeed but his insights were a little like ed rooneys in network. A little jarring to the likes of howard beale.
"Does anyone else believe Tara Reade as I do?"
Such a typical Meade post. Even her lawyer dropped her.
Years ago, back when Hillary was Sec State, I read that the permit was required because it crosses the Canadian border. The State Dept recommended that she approve it (they could find no legitimate reason to deny it), but she and Obama denied it anyway.
In my opinion there is little those on the right can do for 2 years other than throw down roadblocks. But the democratic platform, as recently revealed - conveniently after the election, will turn at least the House, possibly the Senate, depending on how crazy they become. Now that the election is over, will Biden tell us his plan for packing the Supreme Court? Eh, bosh, he doesn't remember if he ever said it I bet. I plan to turn out modern politics for the nonce, and delve into the early Stuarts, no politics there (insert joke emogie here), well at least none that can presently screw me.
For Many Across America, a Sigh of Relief as a New Era Begins/'I feel lighter,' said a woman in Chicago.
Racist. White privilege, no doubt.
Maybe Althouse should focus on something a little more local. Like the fool who is attempting to govern Wisconsin. He who shall not be named has placed a lot of people in front of our hostess in getting the covid vaccine. Like the prison population. But he says “sure, people over 65 are now on the list to get the shot”. When pressed, we find out that it will still be months before they can get it.
I am considering flying my parents to FL to get the vaccine. Our Gov is completely inept. That and GD Canucks are flying to FL to get the shot and then back home.
Another view
It never gets old:
Inga said...
"Biden, Shut up and go away."
Then Inga said this...
"Holy crap, Biden. Everyone is rightfully treating him like a dementia patient.
Holy crap Amy is laughing at Biden. Poor Biden, his handlers have to tell him it’s time to step down."
"I believe Tara R,"
As Mandy Rice Davies said- Well Stephen Cooper would say that wouldn't he.
Biden/Harris is going to have future problems with the Antifa wing of the party. You lay down with dogs you're gonna get fleas.
I'm not so sure the 2 divisions were there because of the Trump supporters. Better keep that fence up.
Republicans are kidding themselves that they will win anything in the midterms. The Democrats now how mail in voting nearly everywhere that matters to them, and they will never give it up. You want a vision of the 2022 midterms- just look at Arizona where mail in voting has turned the state to majority Democrat in the House and took both senate seats. This will be repeated in several states in 2022. The Republicans only won house seats this election because Trump was on the ticket and the cheating was concentrated in the districts where the Democrats already held the House seat, but you saw what happened in Georgia senate seats, didn't you?
Mutaman: "Such a typical Meade post. Even her lawyer dropped her."
The Maoists are indeed effective at threatening lawyers and law firms and clients.
See: Weinstein/Perkins-Coie/Former intelligence services employees--impact on witnesses.
Everywhere mail in voting is instituted, the Republicans become uncompetitive- they lose House seats in those states and they lose both Senate seats regularly. Georgia in 2022 will become majority Democrat in the House delegation, as will North Carolina. The Republicans will lose 1 to 2 seats in both PA and MI, and will lose all the seats they won in CA this cycle.
If Republicans want to win, they need to put a stake through the heart of mail in voting. The courts will prevent this in every state in which they have a chance of passing such legislation.
It is my devout wish that Althouse (and the rest of us) can spend the next four years feeling distant from Washington D.C.. Sadly, I don't think that's going to be the case.
Yancey Ward: "Todd,
Republicans are kidding themselves that they will win anything in the midterms. The Democrats now how mail in voting nearly everywhere that matters to them, and they will never give it up."
Completely true.
Earlier this year I had the opportunity to listen in on a big donor call for Cory Gardner.
Gardner was asked what would happen if the democraticals got control.
His answer: we will never have elections again, in the sense that we would have elections but the democrats will be able to dial in whatever result they want for at least a couple of generations and possibly beyond.
A permanent ever expanding democrat control of all levers of power with no checks nor balances anywhere.
I Though YoungHegelian made an excellent point around 1/20/21, 6:50 PM.
It is the way I have seen it for 40 some years. I too am a mackerel snapper but I fully appreciate there is an end times and see Israel as perhaps being part of those end times. And going along with this Evangelical/Fundamentalist view is the idea that those who support Israel, God wil support.
Regards — Cliff
Republicans are kidding themselves that they will win anything in the midterms. The Democrats now how mail in voting nearly everywhere that matters to them, and they will never give it up."
If this is true, and it may be, we will then have a revolution. In 2022, it may be that stealing 555 elections is tougher than one. We will see.
I am reminding myself that Trump gave as good as he got when it came to the press. I don't remember or ever knew who picked the fight, who started it but that doesn't really matter does it, because being at war with the media was part of Trump's shtick/act/program. The times when he forgot that, when he was chatting away with Bob Woodward, for example, it never worked to his advantage.
I'm not sure Trump ever realized how damaging the drip drip drip of relentless harping and negativity in the media was to his presidency. I think he might have thought that any publicity was good publicity. Or he liked the attention, even if it was bad for him or maybe that he could go over their heads directly to the voters and neutralize the poison, I don't know. Whatever he thought, he was wrong.
Just think, without the Corona, Trump wins in a massive landslide.
No mail-in ballots and the greatest economy in the history of the world.
Does anyone really know for sure that our commie friends didn't release it on purpose to give bought-and-paid-for Joe a chance a chance at the White House?
I’m depressed. Biden is crooked and was never very smart. The Dems will crush all opposition. They may fundamentally change America if Joe Msnchin and a few so-called GOP Senators vote with Schumer. That’s a thin reed to rest the Republic on.
Biden cheated and I’m sick about that. The Fake News turns my stomach.
I just want to ignore Biden and the Dems.
“Without unity there is no peace.”
Really Joe? So there will be no peace until everybody worships you tearfully?
"Actually, we need to mute your whole country for a while."
I guess I wasn't paying attention (or deliberately skimming over certain commenters).
So Ken B is not a Yank?
Well fuck him...his opinion doesn't matter to me in the least.
I feel better now...
narciso, I agree he has a point but I also agree that what Codevilla says is rhetorical. Trump could not do those things. I think it is just frustration.
As of today, YouTube is running a footer on what seems like all US political items telling me that Joe Biden is the President. Why? Is it to remind all us peasants that our tech overlords, having anointed themselves the supreme arbiters of truth, have their thumbs on the scale at all times?
How long do you suppose this will go on?
Trumpkins: you lost. Live with it. And one of the reasons you lost is that you are petulant, bigoted fools who cannot think star or tell the difference between resentment and facts.
Covidiots( mostly the same group): You are moral failures. You need to be exposed. Glad to do my bit!
"Even her lawyer dropped her.”
That’s a big tactic that you guys use now, denying people legal representation by going after their lawyers. It’s an authoritarian tactic and you embrace it. Fawning news coverage of Biden like we saw today would have made Saddam blush in his glory days.
But buwaya was quite brilliant. And the way things are going, he may very well have been right, sad to admit.
Buwaya was a rat. And a parasite.
"Keystone Project should be dependent on federal legislation and funding. 'Splain it to me."
It connects to Canada, another country, and it traverses several states, thus making it a "federal problem."
They just finished a rocket barrage over in the militarized occupied territory.
The sound of the hypocrisy was quite loud here, miles away.
Ken B, you are not fooling anyone.
Also Buwaya was full of shit.
"YouTube is running a footer on what seems like all US political items telling me that Joe Biden is the President.”
More authoritarian stylings.
But he says “sure, people over 65 are now on the list to get the shot”. When pressed, we find out that it will still be months before they can get it.
Even in Arizona, which is far less crazy than adjacent states, I called today to make an appointment for the vaccine and was told there was a 60 minute wait for an operator. The local hospitals are only immunizing employees.
"As it was with Obama, it's a shame this First is realized with such a second-rate individual."
Exactly...well put. There are so many 'normal' women (even Democrats) that I wouldn't have any problem with.
But she is such a horrible person for this (yes) historic 'first.'
On the bright side, it isn't Hillary.
"Does anyone really know for sure that our commie friends didn't release it on purpose to give bought-and-paid-for Joe a chance e?"
I have thought that myself but I think they would have had to calculate the ineptitude from the Trump administration in dealing with it, because that's what made the pandemic such a problem politically.
One lesson I learned was that it's really important for a President to have sufficient people working in his administration who really want to be part of his team and can do a good job. I don't know what the stats are but I wonder if the Trump administration was ever fully staffed and how many hold-overs remained in place in key spots. I think the last 4 years have shown how incredibly politicized the federal civil service has become. The opposition was fully embedded.
I think if my Prime Minister was Justin Trudeau, I would keep my mouth shut about any other country's leadership.
Trump lost the GOP those senate seats in Georgia. Think on that Trumpkins, as the Democrats shove one noxious bill after another down your throat.
Very few people believe Biden did not sexually assault Tara R.
Kamala Harris is on record as saying she believes he (Biden) raped her.
I don't know about you, but if I am running for president, I am not gonna choose as my VP mate someone who thinks i am a rapist.
These people are sad, sad, sad.
Can't we all come together, and chant, "No Borders, No Wall, No USA at all."
Seriously, sauve qui peut. Don't get caught in a Blue Zone, if you contributed to or even openly supported Trump. Only a fool takes comfort in Biden's civility talk. Don't ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for THEE!
But hey, if you wanna respect some little old critter who takes on , as his VP mate, someone who thinks he is a rapist --- go for it.
BUT I AM GONNA FEEL SORRY FOR YOU, I won't even get into the territory of arguing with you. It is just sad, sad, sad.
I liked buwaya's posts. He had a broad perspective on things.
We don' need no stinkin' elections!
Ken B, you seem unstable.
The world belongs to good people, not to people who want to triumph over others, with no kindness in their heart, and
by the way
the Georgia election only meant little Mitt and Susan Collins lost a little negotiating power.
This is a big country with a lot of kind-hearted people, and angry people like you will never have the power you so so want to have.
NY Post headline today: "Canadian PM Trudeau ‘disappointed’ in Biden plan to revoke Keystone XL permit"
Trump: "Miss me yet?"
"The sudden shift to bathing Biden in sunlight just feels so wrong to me"
Well, it's calm, and it's normal, and it will soon be very boring, so just what Althouse wants.
The nice women of American, abstainers included, made this happen. Kudos to Althouse for being one of the few to be a tad annoyed, but the media are still playing to their audience, and they know their audience.
Does anyone really know for sure that our commie friends didn't release it on purpose to give bought-and-paid-for Joe a chance a chance at the White House?
Possible, but unlikely.
What everyone "forgot" is that things like COVID pop up all the time. Remember SARS? They just seized on something that happens on a fairly regular basis and blew it out of proportion. When the historians finally sort everything out, it's going to turn out that it was all a massive over reaction, and ends up being little more than a bad flu year. I remember reading somewhere that deaths were actually down in 2020.
"On the bright side, it isn't Hillary."
I think Kamala is smarter than Hillary, who I've never thought was particularly bright.
Plus Kamala is vastly more attractive.
On the bright side, it isn't Stacey Abrams.
I had bet Dick $15 that Biden would not be inaugurated today. I lost. He had requested that I send the money to Ann and I just transferred $15 from Paypal to her.
Paypal acknowledgement posted at
John Henry
“ Cancelling KeystoneXL was a fuck you to Canada and a wet kiss to Putin all in one go. Poor Justin Dreamy McDreamboat got kind of blindsided though.”
Yup. I laugh at Canadians who think Biden will be better than Trump. Canceling the pipeline is a bad move, but it does make Justin look like a fool, which is a bit of compensation.
I will say this for Trudeau though. He never stole an election. You Trumpkins can brag at me now. 😎🙀🤷♂️
The lockdown was gamed out last october before there was any signs of an epidemic john hopkins cdc gates foundation
John Henry
Good for you.
I think Kamala is smarter than Hillary, who I've never thought was particularly bright.
Plus Kamala is vastly more attractive.
On the bright side, it isn't Stacey Abrams.
Kamala is Hillary with a suntan and without the charm. I agree that Abrams would have been worse. Kamala is not very intelligent, which will become obvious if Joe does go tits up.
"I don't know about you, but if I am running for president, I am not gonna choose as my VP mate someone who thinks i am a rapist."
These kind of people have a more fluid concept of principles than normal people do. It's the powerlust that does it to them.
Justin was never for the pipeline, he believea the gospel according to the firestarter.
Blogger Ken B said...
All I ask is that ship us your vaccine. The Covidiots here should be on board, since it’s a scam, and we'll pay you cash. Step up you denialists, write your governor!
Why? Canada can't make their own?
I actually beat you to it, Ken. I am on the list but have given my place up for those who may need it more.
Once there is enough to go around, or I have a client who makes it a contract condition (I know that's coming!) I'll get back in the line.
I just want to help others and will be happy if you can take my turn.
John Henry
"Mutaman: "Such a typical Meade post. Even her lawyer dropped her."
The Maoists are indeed effective at threatening lawyers and law firms and clients."
well as i understand it, Rudy, Sidney, and L.Lin now have plenty of time on their hands. Shouldn't be too hard to find an attorney among the Know Nothing crowd.
I don't think Barack Obama is a second-rate individual, just for what that's worth.
I am watching the movie "Twister", don't ask me why, I landed on this channel and since I've never seen it stopped clicking. I didn't realize Philip Seymour Hoffman was in this. He died of a heroin overdose some years back, which was sad because I've always liked him. He's in one of the few "political" movies that I actually like, "Charlie Wilson's War".
"Very few people believe Biden did not sexually assault Tara R."
link please.
Blogger Humperdink said...
I think if my Prime Minister was Justin Trudeau, I would keep my mouth shut about any other country's leadership.
Canadians can't resist it. They hate the US with a burning hate that probably is a reaction to getting their nuts frozen going to the out house to piss.
We have a Canadian troll at Chicagoboyz.
Mutaman - there was a good law firm that agreed to take on Trump as a client, then they were threatened, and backed off.
After 9/11, many law firms joyfully took on, as clients, the criminals from Saudi Arabia (one of my favorite countries, by the way, I do not criticize countries for having evil people among them) ---- but the one or two law firms who Trump reached out to were cowardly, and quickly refused.
Unless you understand that, you know nothing about the way the swamp works.
Blogger Big Mike said...
@donald, you are too late. Out in Oregon, even as we are tossing comments back and forth at each other on the Althouse blog, windows are being smashed and the Democrat Party headquarters is under violent attack.
By Antifa!!!
Busy all day and had not seen that, but good.
Let's you and him fight. I'll hold the coats.
Kind of reminds me of what Kissinger said of the Iran/Iraq war and who he was rooting for. "Casualties"
John Henry
Kamala Harris believes Biden raped Tara, and she got at least 70 million votes.
Now stop being a supporter of rapists.
Kamala said she believed Tara.
Then she decided it was ok to accept a position as VP from the man she believed to be a rapist.
Its the levick group project thar involved che fanboi ratner's center for constitutional rights as well as firms like kind and spaulding which refused to fefend doma or amendment 8
Mutaman: "well as i understand it, Rudy, Sidney, and L.Lin now have plenty of time on their hands. Shouldn't be too hard to find an attorney among the Know Nothing crowd."
You are wise to try to change the subject.
You should probably stick to that strategy.
Unless you understand that, you know nothing about the way the swamp works.
Stephen, he is a troll. Try not to feed trolls.
John Henry
For the Pfizer, no we don’t make our own. Ours comes from Belgium. For the others I don’t know.
So far the only person in our family who had it is the ER nurse. She got her first dose two weeks ago. The octogenarians don’t even have appointments yet. But at least we don’t have Andrew Cuomo forcing us to throw out doses, as has happened in NY.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
If Republicans want to win, they need to put a stake through the heart of mail in voting. The courts will prevent this in every state in which they have a chance of passing such legislation.
Tomorrow I will make it my duty to call my WI reps and offer a brief op-ed after which I will ask the person who answers “what is xyz going to do to ensure and instill faith in our broken election system”. It’s all we have left. I hope all 75 million of us white supremacists will do the same.
Steven, does Jesus love Michael K? Please explain.
Michael K --- got it, thanks.
There is actually a really good, legitimate, reason to deny the pipeline.
Oil that is not transported by pipeline will be transported by trains.
Warren Buffet's trains.
Woo-Hoo! All aboard! Trains good pipelines bad!
You know what else was famously transported by trains, don't you?
John Henry
And suddenly all is well in the land.
You can practically feel the climate returning to its precise, optimal value as we speak.
The Times and the Post will have nothing to complain about for the next four years but the exact distribution of identity groups within the Biden administration. Men who think they are women are already over represented.
Boldfinger is in!
I heard a clip of him seemingly scolding for unity and healing...with that cavernous hollow echo.
In the rest of his scold for unity, did he ask the Senate to drop their post-presidency impeachment witch hunt and idiot AOC's hsouting for R Senators' resignations?
Canadians seem to think a lot about America.
Americans never think about Canada.
Except when I'm going up to QC and drinking beer one weekend out of every year. But that's French Canada, ze best Canada.
And that's the last thought I'll have about Canada.
I heard this on Tim Pool's podcast today. The Washington DC police are investigating a hate crime. Yup, someone painted a picture of Pepe the Frog on a Bernie Sanders sign and it is a "hate crime"
Way to go, Pepe. You've now made the big time.
John Henry
Ken B ----
(a) in her heart of hearts, kamala thinks Joe raped that woman.
(b) God loves us all the way we are, but loves us too much to let us stay that way
(c) you voted for a woman who was willing to be vice president to a president who she is on record as saying is a rapist
(d) .... when you criticize others, sometimes you are criticizing that in yourself with which you are most uncomfortable. Let not your heart be troubled ..... as long as you have the desire to be a better person, you have hope in your heart, as does everyone who wishes the best for you.
If you do not like this explanation, well, at least I tried.
Or a call for respect of free speech by Tech oligarchs and lefty employers?
The only way there will be "electoral reform" is if Republicans start benefiting from the current system. I think the GOP is going to have to figure out how to game the rules and win some elections and then the Democrats will be all over tightening up the process.
Isnt it interesting that a pro-marxist democrat "lawyer" from MI, who poses as a "principled conservative" yet fools no one at all, and who has been banned repeatedly for lying and offering up racist and anti-women/anti-child threats, still feels compelled to attempt posting more of the same pedophile-supporting/sexual grooming supporting drivel that doesnt pass a grade school filter?
Almost as if there is a deeply disturbed psychological issue at work.
This fellow should avoid stories about pecan pies and golf tournament rules violations as well as belching up 10,000 word treatises on his 19 second decision-making process which led to his avoiding military service and seek additional therapy, assuming there are still therapists in his locale that he has not yet alienated completely.
Needless to say he will probably revert to form and quaff several pitchers worth of gin and tonics instead.
Blogger Joe Smith said...
So Ken B is not a Yank?
Nope, loyal subject of Queen Elizabeth. Liz is queen of about 37 countries, including Canada.
Ken likes to lecture us on governance but lives in a country where the prime minister is appointed by a foreign queen. And all laws are approved by her Governor General.
John Henry
“The fact is that now the Democrats/media don't care that we know they lie and cheat. They seem to relish the idea that not only can they do so with impunity but they can wipe our faces in it.”
True, but the narrative is so hollow, it’s cheerleaders so brittle, that it won’t stand for long. Reality always comes knocking.
Trump let Althouse.
"Well, Kamala believes little Joe is a rapist. But she smiles at him."
And a racist too.
Anything for power.
And Trump is the guy that supposedly has no character.
To be fair to Biden, JFK's VP, LBJ , felt contempt for JFK because LBJ liked to mess around with adult women and LBJ thought JFK was the kind of guy who was complicit in the abuse of teenage (underage) women. LBJ had his faults but he did not mess around with underage women. So on that scale, Biden comes out looking a lot better than JFK.
I am not sure if it is true, but people I trust believe that Reagan was an adult male in his 40s and, in the evil of his heart, pressured a woman he had slept with to have an abortion.
And of course, no decent man can look at a Clinton or at a Biden and not be thankful to God that his daughter would never be married to such a man.
My friends, we are Americans, and presidents are not royalty, usually they are just creeps who tried as hard as they could to be the top creep.
Now I do not think Trump (or Nixon or Carter) was a creep, but I do think JFK, LBJ, Reagan (in the days when he was a Democrat), the Bushes, poor Obama and poor Clinton (and now, sadly, poor dementia boy Biden) were creepy little guys with the right amount of testosterone and the right connections to eventually be "inaugurated", not that it did them any good. Trust me, my friends, the words "successful politician" are generally not good words in any country in this world!
They failed (they being JFK, LBJ, both Bushes, poor Obama and poor Clinton, and, to be fair, even Reagan) the real test in this world : No decent man would want any of those creeps to be a son-in-law. I wish poor little Biden the best, but trust me, there is no way he would ever have married a daughter of mine.
In one of their campaign ads, there was a moment where onstage Joe and Kamala were nearly running toward each other, Joe had outstretched arms.
Made me think of that John and Yoko bit on the beach.
Sorry if I sound bitter, but back in the 70s someone I cared about and admired had an abortion.
I really miss all the years I could have had with the child who was never allowed to live a day in this world.
So does the person I cared about and used to admire.
Oh well, God loves us all, and this world is not the only world that matters.
"Trump lost the GOP those senate seats in Georgia."
Now that I know you're from America's hat, I can see that you are woefully uninformed about American politics.
Massive waves of idiot Californians and other blue-staters have been infesting traditionally red states like the cancer they are.
Georgia primary among them.
Stay in your lane, eh.
ABC had three of the five living former Presidents on tonight (Carter and guess-who weren't there) to welcome Joe. Obama recalled the nice welcome he got from GWB when he became President. Nobody mentioned that, 8 years later, Obama approved continuing a secret FBI conspiracy against his then-in-coming successor Trump -- that was HIS welcome to his successor.
I want us to go back to the way it used to be. Maybe the 1980's. Parties alternating power, but grudgingly working together. But that will not happen while the parties are as antagonistic as they now are.
History teaches that the Republicans should take both Houses in 2022. If that happens, or even if the Repubs take only one house of Congress, the country will be OK. If the Prophets of Doom are correct, and we face one-party rule until 2024, I think we'll be in for a rocky ride for awhile.
Wars will be tougher now since to Donald J. Trump.
This man is a true peace hero.
We know Americans are so ugly they don't care.
Americans can get fucked.
"Plus Kamala is vastly more attractive."
Oh please, just fucking stop with that.
Kamala is on par with truck-stop hookers.
There is no there there.
Same goes for Tulsi. She needs 4 layers of foundation to fill the craters in her face.
I'm no beauty these days myself, but it irks me when people build up really average-looking people as peerless beauties.
Yet, the media is slobbering over DOCTOR Jill as the new White House goddess.
Melania (an actual hottie), meh.
"I don't think Barack Obama is a second-rate individual, just for what that's worth."
I agree...he is clearly third- or fourth-rate.
"Mutaman - there was a good law firm that agreed to take on Trump as a client, then they were threatened, and backed off."
Link please
John Henry
Anyone humiliated by Chuck needs to rethink. Just sayin'.
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