९ जानेवारी, २०२१
"For many congressional staff members and Capitol workers, in particular people of color, the damage wrought on Wednesday was visceral."
"It will be a long time before they feel safe again at work, they say, knowing that a building once thought to be among the most secure in Washington could be breached by a mob carrying, among other things, a Confederate flag and displaying anti-Semitic iconography.... The Capitol Police have come under fire for seeming, at times, to offer little resistance to the pro-Trump mob. While some experts defended their actions as prioritizing the protection of lawmakers over the securing of the building, many congressional staff members, along with custodial and food service workers, were left wondering whether they were safe.... Black staff members in particular said the rampage had reminded them of the struggles they had often had to come to terms with in order to work for Congress.... One Black congressional staff member who also took a walk through the Capitol to survey the aftermath on Wednesday night said that despite all the damage, he had been stopped in his tracks outside Representative Steny Hoyer’s office, where a poster honoring John Lewis, the congressman and civil rights leader who died in August, had been displayed. It was missing. He looked for it feverishly and found only a broken piece on the ground next to a trash can. The image of Mr. Lewis was gone. All that remained of his celebrated quote, 'Get into good trouble, necessary trouble,' were the final two words — smudged by a boot print."
१४४ टिप्पण्या:
I assume all were on vacation during the Kavanaugh hearings.
Smells like bullshit to me.
John Henry
Well, that's a take. I don't know if it qualifies as a hot take or even a warm one, but it's a take. They thought they worked in a sacred place, and people treated it like just another piece of property, doing stuff to it and in it, and wearing stuff. It was like a sacrilege, especially since it made a minority man uncomfortable, which is also sacrilege because minority people are sort of like clergy.
"It will be a long time before they feel safe again at work, they say..."
So- like all those Main Street business owners who had their shops looted and destroyed, then?
Boo fricken hoo.
Oh, please.
Gimme a break. The Dems have repeatedly allowed disruption in the Capitol. Anyone remember Code Pink?
Or how about the time when Puerto Rican nationalists shot up the place, back in the Truman era?
" Wednesday’s mob assault on Capitol Hill was shocking and brazen: Hundreds of MAGA-hat-wearing rioters broke into the seat of American democracy. They stormed the halls, looting property and assaulting law enforcers, all in service of an absurd political demand: reversing the outcome of an election.
Now where had I witnessed such scenes before? The answer: in blue-governed cities in my native Pacific Northwest throughout last summer and into the fall and winter.
* * * * * * * *
The upshot should be clear: The deadly storming of the Capitol building is the logical outcome of norms set by the left in 2020. By winking at and apologizing for Antifa, liberal elites telegraphed that political grievances ought to be resolved through violence. "
Well stated, Andy Ngo.
daskol said...
Well, that's a take. I don't know if it qualifies as a hot take or even a warm one, but it's a take.
It's a take all right --- a spit take.
"They thought they worked in a sacred place, and people treated it like just another piece of property..."
Moved from a different thread, seems more appropriate here...
It's necessary to understand- to liberals/progressives, The State is their religion and breaking into government buildings is essentially breaking into their churches, their most holy places. Of course the trespass is going to enrage them, even if there is far less damage done than they, themselves, have inflicted on their enemies persons and properties with their prior "mostly peaceful" protests.
I'm gonna need taller boots.
NYT - why even bother to read?
The NY Times is working at ginning up a pogrom.
Odd, isn't it, how some Progressives vary between shrieking harpies (regardless of gender identity) and sensitive snowflakes. Maybe not so odd if you consider their reactions to be manipulative.
Women, People of Color, children hardest hit!
But, were there some very fine people there, too?
In other news, Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.
My gawd. What a bunch of sniveling simps.
When students from The Evergreen State College took over the House chambers in Olympia in 1991 - tore the place apart, hung an Iraqi flag on the rostrum and actually shit on legislators' desks - we waited them out for the night, cleaned up the place and went back to work the next day.
That was an actual riot. This was a fucking frat party that got out of hand.
You know, there are lots of AA posts on Wednesday. You don't have to push back on all of them. Message gets through more effectively in response to some than others.
SOP for liberals -- very emotional claims of moral high ground. If you don't agree with their righteousness you are a racist. Notice how they employ POC for this exercise. So ridiculous that no white people were interviewed about their feelings. But then the left has already established that it's OK for white people to be terrorized. Nobody condemned violence when stores and livelihoods were destroyed. Remember the signs put out for the "protestors" -- BLACK OWNED.
I watched a number of rationalizations for violence by leftist media and members of Congress (Nancy Pelosi) which make me livid at this point.
Congressional and staff members are such special snowflakes. Boo Freaking Hoo. They don't feel safe.
Unlike the people in cities across the country whose businesses, homes, and neighborhoods have been burnt and filled with rioter for months from people who are on the Liberal (ha ha ha) side. Those people feel no fear for their property or persons...ever...because.. they aren't special. Those lesser beings need to just buck up, live with it and stop asking for protection.
It was different then, in Portland and Kenosha because it was liberal causes and shut up!
What ever shall we do for these special snowflakes. Oh my oh my.
BTW, this is what you get when you back down from loons being loons. If they say there will be blood in the streets if your private company doesn’t let them run w/ death threats and despicable images etc, you must not backdown.
When you incentivize something you get more of it.
Likewise, giving in to terrorists ain’t good.
I will give the progressives credit for knowing how to piss me off.
Gee, and Josh Hawley's wife and infant son were taunted by a mob at his home but that doesn't rate a mention as being upsetting to people.
I do suspect that many of the maga hat wearing crowd were not authentic Trump supporters. Some were - no doubt-- but many were not.
I do suspect that many of the maga hat wearing crowd were not authentic Trump supporters. Some were - no doubt-- but many were not.
This guy/ What color?
“I will give the progressives credit for knowing how to piss me off.”
Your pissed because they don’t like racist mob folks trashing the Capitol.
And you think stating this makes you look good.
Carry on.
I'd like a run down of all of Nancy Pelosi seditious and riot inspiring comments.
That woman needs to be forced out. She is a seditious traitor.
We need to get back to the point where racist nuts and folks who are into destroying the results of our legitimate elections don’t feel free to go public.
Too much acceptance and deference re loons re the DJT years.
Not very fine people. POS people.
What would be a good contrast would be to post this article next to the ones from last summer talking about how the residents and workers felt in, say Milwaukee, after watching their neighborhood burned by a rampaging mob. How visceral they felt the loss of their businesses, their jobs, their local shopping.
Anyone have access so they can search the New York Times archives for those articles?
Hearing of "anti-Semitic iconography" displayed at the riot, freshman senator Raphael Warnock (after finding out what "iconography" means) said: "All right! I got to Washington just in time!"
It would be easier to sympathize if they were not endorsing fascism.
Oh well.
That's so over-the-top it's laugh out loud as satire.
“How visceral they felt the loss of their businesses, their jobs, their local shopping. “
This is not the same as trying to overturn our legitimately elected POTUS and trashing our nation’s capitol.
Is that hard for you to understand?
We blacks are even more dysfunctional than anybody imagined.
There must have been a reason why the capitol police chief resigned...
Remember the Parkland Florida High School shooting?
"A sheriff’s deputy charged with failing to protect students during a mass shooting in a Parkland, Florida high school has a simple defense, some legal experts said - he did not have a duty to save the victims."
What was the duty of the Capitol police?
Hey, everybody! The democrats are back and so is victim culture!
Ain't it a great country?
I guess Steve Scalise wasn't available for comment.
They can keep publishing all these puff pieces, but I am not going to forget the Chaz, and the police station, and the federal courthouse. Those thing meant nothing, less than nothing. Those interviewed for the piece weren't asked if they had contributed to the bail funds this summer to bail rioters out of jail. Or asked about the black businesses that are gone because of the rioters. They may want to talk to that new Republican woman congress person that is showing up with her fire arm to protect herself.
The leverage play of diversity politics. #RIP
laying the groundwork for lawsuits, compensation. By the time is over, there going to have a 9/11 style fund for sufferers and survivals of the 2021 DC bloody Wednesday.
Americas darkest day.
“The democrats are back and so is victim culture!”
Right, why don’t they just allow crazy DJT fans to become mentally deranged as they fixate on overturning the POTUS that America legitimately elected, and why are Ds fussy about racist mob people trashing our national Capitol.
You sure are good at thinking.
If you look closely in the article you can see the deep state and how it works.
"The breach yesterday has been long in the making. Even as a young staffer I was shocked at how unsecure the Capitol was — there are numerous gaps in their security that you will easily witness if you spend any time there. It’s only the intimidating columns, the confusion about which door you can use, and the institutions and norms that keep people at bay. And those, alas, are now gone. They are dead, they are in the ground, and they are not coming back."
Ben Domenech, The Consequences of the Capitol Assault
"For many congressional staff members and Capitol workers, in particular people of color, the damage wrought on Wednesday was visceral."
"Colored people"
- Frederick Douglass
Are they people with color or people of color?
Or asked about the black businesses that are gone because of the rioters.
The Hutu/Tutsi progression. The lynching episodes in post-apartheid progressive South Africa. Diversity is a bigoted dogmatic belief that engenders adversity.
The NYT is going to put The Babylon Bee out of business.
Black Fragility is a far bigger problem than I had realized. If someone should suffer an attack of BF, what is the first aid protocol? Genuflect immediately, of course; present your kente cloth; throw your wallet to the victim; weep copious salt tears; but what else? We need to get this right, folks. It's a national health emergency.
Get into good trouble, necessary trouble,
Well there you go, then! If this “trouble” wasn’t both necessary and good, then those words have no meaning.
Adam Shiff needs to investigate to prevent Nadler from getting another stomach staple to prevent his anxiety eating. This is serious, if people of color are not onboard with thinking, or turning, Red, White and Blue. Come on, man! Don't let the malarky get to you.
Let's throw some money at it. Maybe have a White Paper initiated.
But, let's investigate.
The people need to know if Captiol workers are suffering from PTSD.
"Black staff members in particular said the rampage had reminded them of the struggles they had often had to come to terms with in order to work for Congress"
Why would blacks have to struggle working for Congress? Is Congress racist? Are they demanding employers? Do they expect blacks to work as hard as people who do not have the disability of being black? So many questions, it's a pity none were addressed.
Given that there were diverse irregularities, perhaps fraud, that Americans were denied standing and due process, that they were colored by the press and social media appeal to authority, if a vote cannot be audited, was democracy aborted in darkness? Were the people allowed entry without escort? Was the woman, once selected, a viable threat? #RIP
I cannot eye roll harder.
Journalists are so predictable. This is Bart's People.
I think every story is improved by adding “in particular people of color.”
World Ends
Women And Minorities Hardest Hit
Jizzpizza your arguments are summarily discharged with "Didn't Happen". I'm smellin bacon.
"breached by a mob carrying, among other things, a Confederate flag and displaying anti-Semitic iconography"
Yeah, I saw those crescents and Qur'ans?
I'm watching some 'people of color' on TV right now and they look pretty tough and resilient to me.
Newsflash: 'People of Color' are little babies and ill-equipped to live in a modern society...at least that's how it sounds...
I am going to start by once again say that what happened at the Capitol was disgusting.
I remember when the Tea Party people protested at the Capitol, and Nancy Pelosi walked through the crowd with that giant gavel, laughing. She was with Jesse Jackson Jr and John Lewis.
John Lewis said he heard someone in the crowd yell n*****13 times, and then said he was faxed a picture of a noose as a lynching threat.
He was a man who did heroic things, but he was also a politician, and did politiciany things.
The TeaPartiers were treated as non-people by the media, and as racists. This is a continuation of that. You can't tell mad people they have no right to be mad, then have them watch cities burn for months on end while politicians donate to bail funds, then tell them they can't be mad again.
Surely everybody has had the experience of putting the cap on the tube of toothpaste and then squeezing it, right?
With Trump on the way out and complete control of the government in their hands, the little red needle is pointing to "E" and the establishment/media left is driving around feverishly looking for gas to fill their tank.
You know, there are lots of AA posts on Wednesday. You don't have to push back on all of them. Message gets through more effectively in response to some than others.
And yet, amazingly, here you are.
Is it possible that the intent of this article is to produce a racist backlash.
Hey that lecture on Protesters being treated differently. Look at Shlomo Mostofsky's pride and joy.
breached by a mob carrying, among other things, a Confederate flag and displaying anti-Semitic iconography
I should think that people of color working at the Capitol would be, if not inured to "anti-Semitic iconography," at the least used to it, and from their own side. At any rate, I've seen no sign of it in any photos from the riot. Does anyone here happen to know what's being talked about? (The Confederate flag I have seen, and this one appears to be genuine -- not, say, a Norwegian flag spotted by a blithering idiot outside a Norway-themed B&B.)
The way I see it it is evident that Trump did not intend Federal buildings to be attacked based on his response in Portland. But some members of the crowd may have thought that protest had come to mean what Speaker Pelosi, AOC and the media throughout 2020 have said it means. It's well understood that for Pelosi and many Democrats and the Dem media protest can include setting up autonomous zones where Federal law does not apply, killing and maiming police, breaking glass, running through buildings, and looting objects - as long as these activities are only done by a small part of the protesting crowd. Can Trump be impeached by Speaker Pelosi because a small part of a large crowd accepted Pelosi's definition of peaceful protest in relation to the building she works in? Is her legislative office sacred while a Federal courthouse is not? Wouldn't she be witness for the defense? And various media people? And anyone who contributed to bailing out Antifa members after their arrests for attacks on Federal marshals and Federal buildings in parts of the country? I always opposed all of the mayhem in Portland and feared that it would become part of all protests.
People need to grow up.
you know full well, maybee that was made up, but just like sheriff dufuss handling of the tucson anarchist, anything to silence the tea party,
Many people never got the stimulus checks, and most deserving didn't get the ppe aid, how many churches store fronts have been burned out, in this authorized and seemingly immunized mob,
we know why this happened the way it did, and why the stole the election in those five cities, because they wanted the power to suppress economic and political liberty on a scale we couldn't imagine,
NYT's 50 shades of their award-winning 1619 Project. And so it progresses.
the intent of this article is to produce a racist backlash
Diversity and division is a bedrock strategy of Democrat demographic leverage plays. On a related note, it seems that the Chinese Communist Party has assimilated and integrated em-pathetic appeals with the same intent and to rationalize their forward-thinking social progression including concentration camps and the Great Leap to one-child to selective-child.
why the stole the election in those five cities, because they wanted the power to suppress economic and political liberty
Atlanta, Georgia was a satirical choice, perhaps to celebrate their past policy of every child left behind.
Despite declarations by the Left that every moment is Selma, I seriously doubt that the Civil Rights movement could occur today due to the childish safetyism it has substituted for argument.
The NYT really knows how to push those emotional buttons. I could almost hear the string section sawing away as the heroine looks up with teary eyes.
Blogger daskol said..."Well, that's a take. I don't know if it qualifies as a hot take or even a warm one, but it's a take. They thought they worked in a sacred place, and people treated it like just another piece of property,...."
Absolutely right, daskol. It's only property and it is insured.
Your pissed because they don’t like racist mob folks trashing the Capitol.
And you think stating this makes you look good.
Carry on.
If they didn’t “like racist mob folks trashing the Capitol” chances are they would’ve raised an objection to the murders, assaults, looting and burning perpetrated by BLMTIFA from late Spring through the Fall.
Think these things through, Spréchemanure, you’ll be glad you did.
MayBee said...
I am going to start by once again say that what happened at the Capitol was disgusting.
Which part?
How exactly should you deal with people that steal elections and ban all dissent?
If they knew they were right they would not be acting like fascists.
I was discussing Ghandi and MLK earlier today. They are heroes. Why? Because they were protesting against decent people in the British and American people. If they had tried that in China they would die in prison completely unknown or just been shot out of hand.
Right now are the Democrats/GOPe acting like the British in India or are they acting like the Chinese or like the Germans in 1933?
They are lying about every aspect of January 6th.
It was a preplanned operation that had nothing to do with Trump. But, Democrats being Democrats, hyperventilated on how the big, mean Donald Trump told people to walk down to the Capital and peacefully protest. But, the Democrats thought he meant the Democrat version of peacefully protesting, that is to burn, loot and murder. Fortunately, only the latter happened, there was no burning. So, the Democrats only scored a 14 points instead of 21. Now they're going to go for the field goal and start the Republican pogroms.
When is Kamala Harris going to be impeached for advocating for more riots? Antifa and BLM are Democrat muscle. Any one killed or injured by them belongs on the Democrat Party. Hold Nancy responsible.
What would we untermenschen to do without Steyn Hoyer and his ilk to watch over us.
Perhaps the Times could also interview minority employees working at the federal courthouse in Portland — you know, for what used to be called “perspective.”
Sprezzatura means "disdain" in Italian.
He's just another snot-flinger.
And an extremely stupid one.
Over on another thread he blames Trump for destroying the foundations of our democracy----while all around us, Big Tech is destroying Freedom of speech and the digital Press, Dem governor-tyrants are closing down churches, freedom to travel is now verboten by Cuomo, Whitman and Newsome....on and on.
What a dipshit.
OT, but has anyone heard of a large Wiki “release” dumped today?
NYT journalism takes a turn to the turgid
World To End Tomorrow.
Women, LGBTQ, People of Color Affected Most.
More than a few of the "Proud Boy" rioters were persons of color, but that doesn't fit the narrative or make the news.
They are all apparently cis males, though, so there's that.
Bullshit. When protestors occupy the Capital as long as they occupied 20% of Portland with no one doing anything about it, then they can complain. Till then, this remains the new normal, get used to it.
"The Capitol Police have come under fire for seeming, at times, to offer little resistance"
As in, opening the door.
Sure, they didn't kneel, like some cops for BLM.
But this was no breaching of a heavily guarded fortress.
I don't like to get involved in these intramural pissing contests, but why would anybody call themself/himself "Sprezzatura" after the Lee Siegel sock puppet imbroglio?
I tuned out this shit early on. While at work this week, another one of those "Come emote with me" emails were sent out from one of our Big Law Executive Muckity Mucks. This year has seen several of these emails, that start out like this:
"I am sure that you share my feelings of horror, rage and deep disgust at [fill in blank]..."
This gets the following thoughts going in my head.."Now how did he know I was working with The Client From Hell at this moment..oh its not about billable work...DELETE." It was all I could do to not respond with something like: "I am filled with rage and despair that you think I am off my game due to anything other than a family crisis or health issue. Maybe if you focused more on your job - you would feel a lot better. For my part - I have clients to attend to, and THAT is my sole purpose for having a relationship with this firm to begin with. Stop insulting your hourly employees with your management drivel."
I do wish I had collected the lot of them throughout the year, and mashed them into one huge, epic, "can you feel the feels" email to shoot back at them!
NYT, that’s funny.
Boo fucking hoo
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
The upshot should be clear: The deadly storming of the Capitol building is the logical outcome of norms set by the left in 2020. By winking at and apologizing for Antifa, liberal elites telegraphed that political grievances ought to be resolved through violence. "
Well stated, Andy Ngo.
** My thought also. It doesn't make any sense to not be violent if violence is the currency of BLM and ANTIFA and the progressives are fine with that.
It wasn't an insurrection it was a few Trump tourists being lead into open capitol doors by a number of Q whackjobs and a few BLM false flaggers. People trying to incite violence. Notice any Proud Boy issues?
I'd throw the book at them if they committed any violent acts. But current decorum in protests suggests they should just be booked and released.
You just literally jumped in to my brain and crystallized this for me Daskol, You have just called it.
Gas was $2.20 in Columbia SC today. It was $1.65ish about 30 days ago.
Fuck you. Resist. War motherfuckers.
Pathetic how obsessed the media is with 13% of the population. Every story now has to be told, every article has to be written from the black point of view. White girl gets murdered, bunch of whites get arrested at the Capitol? Well, obviously, the key point is WHETHER THE BLACKS WOULD HAVE BEEN TREATED DIFFERENTLY. Because that's what is important in our Negrophile nation.
How did all the business owners feel while they were cleaning up their destroyed businesses during this past summer? The blacks that clean the Capitol building aren't actually responsible for the building - they don't have any money invested in it. They don't pay insurance on it. They don't owe the bank money on it. Somebody burns down the Capitol, it won't destroy their lives.
Not so much for the business owners. But who cares? They have insurance so fuck 'em.
I've walked through plenty of Federal Building I can't think of a time where I was ever inclined to enter an office and take something from the office. It seems wrong even if someone else broke in for me and I was following them around. In my younger days I would walk through a broken door and not think much about it. In my older days I wouldn't do it unless I needed to help someone be safe.
I do however have a relative who loves to search other peoples medicine cabinets and if you leave your office door unlocked she is in there in two seconds rifling your papers. Caught her a few too many times. Its a mental instability. Should it be pushed? What are the boundaries?
Just wait until real Terrorist attack Congress. This should be a wake up call to the powers that aren't that Congress is open for a large scale attack should Iran decide to do so. Then these oppressed idjts will see what real carnage looks like. I hope it never happens but who knows with Iran or other Muslims Terrorists.
"Trump has not publicly commented on the officer’s death or the other four people who died when his supporters overran the Capitol building this week"
As always, a class act.
Millions of people work every day feeling unsafe. Every 7-11 clerk and night shift waitress, kids headed to and from school. Cry me a river public people.
Should it be pushed? What are the boundaries?
Not if it is a CVS a few blocks from an officer involved shooting. No boundaries there. Just walk in and take the medication of elderly people that need it and then burn the place for good measure.
But the Capitol... well it is a sacred religious ground as established by the US Constitution, and any trespass of that holy ground is punishable.
I think those are the new rules. Only counts for the US Capitol. Not Capitols in a mere state or even a federal courthouse, for they are not sacred, says the Speaker.
It took a long time for you to realize that Biden will be the next president. It will take you a long time to realize that Jan 6, 2021, is the day your movement officially died. RIP
Ann stirring the racial pot again
So the MAGA rioters destroyed Congressional staffers’ privilege.
A lot of people don’t feel safe. Live with it.
"Serfdom now, serfdom tomorrow, serfdom forever!"--State-shtuppin' Steve Uhr
"Trump has not publicly commented on the officer’s death or the other four people who died when his supporters overran the Capitol building this week"
Are you sure? Have you checked his Twitter feed?
ALP @ 6:34: Your rant about the hyper-emoting Big Law partner memos made me laugh. Thanks.
What "struggles" did black staff members "have to come to terms with in order to work for Congress" exactly? A simple background check?
What person doesn't bave struggles in his or her life? And is "coming to terms with" the same as "overcome", or are we to assume the struggles were insurmountable?
Also, it annoys me when people say "if it were a black mob...". Well, if it were a black mob, would that mob have acted in the same manner after the first person was shot in the face, or would it have a wholly different response, one that possibly escalates the violence? Would they have viewed the first killing as justification for increased rioting, like in Ferguson, or any city of your choice this past summer?
I will admit I would probably have a more visceral reaction to an all black mob rioting in the Capitol, probably because I would view it as a pattern of behavior, rather than as an anomaly.
We have no voice in the media. None.
I just googled "Ashli Babbit."
Casual mention that she was shot. While "storming" the Capitol as part of a "mob." Lots of stuff suggesting that she was a Q nutcase (because she once retweeted something about "Pizzagate") along with stuff about how she allegedly harassed her husbands ex-girlfriend. She probably also believed that Epstein didn't kill himself and that Trump didn't collude with the Russians, and that Hunter Biden might not be a highly qualified oil and gas executive.
Which apparently means that shooting her in cold blood is no big deal.
Nothing about how readily available videos show that, whatever her politics, she was summarily murdered while standing in a hallway.
This is a woman who was dedicated to her country enough to have served for 14 years in the Air Force.
Shouldn't the question be--Who is the bastard who murdered her? Does anybody care? I'm pretty sure it was some version of a law enforcement officer. Why don't we know his name?
A second question--Why did someone so dedicated to her country feel that her country has betrayed her?
Our press is absolutely uninterested in these things.
It's possible to presume that some snowflake, somewhere, does actually feel like that. And another one does because he's been taught all his life to feel like that, given the opportunity.
So, I guess I can sympathize. But make changes in society to assuage that....? Nope
Where was their pearl clutching two years ago when the Capitol was breached?
"Our press is absolutely uninterested in these things."
Those are the wrong questions. If you asked about what flavor pudding cup Scranton Joe had for lunch, they'll get right on it.
Ann, will you stop the eff being a blow horn for NYT(abloid) u dear the guise of you finding it interesting, while they did not find Hunter Biden’s computer interesting and you found it convenient to follow suit.
Was the nation this outraged when that psycho Bernie Bro was trying to assassinate half of the Republican Senators? Might not be comparing apples to apples here, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
Maybe the BLM guy took the Lewis painting to hang on his living room wall.
@steve uhr:
"It took a long time for you to realize that Biden will be the next president. It will take you a long time to realize that Jan 6, 2021, is the day your movement officially died."
Actually, no. It was clear that Biden would be the next president when the counting of votes stopped in several swing states at the same time, only to resume once observers had been cleared out and carloads of additional "ballots" had been delivered in the dead of night. And, again, no. January 6, 2021, is the day the GOPe was invited to absorb the news of its impending death.
Police opened the doors - stood to the side.
watch -
Most people who came in were peaceful.
Who were the disruptors/ agitators? ? I'd suspect antifa.
Why did police move the barricades? looks like it.
From Instapundit:
WAS BIDEN INAUGURATED WITH AN ACT OF POLICE BRUTALITY? Federal Prosecutor Opens Excessive Force Investigation Into the Death of Ashli Babbitt: Report. “Michael Sherwin, acting U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said that his office has started a federal, excessive force investigation over the shooting and killing of former U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol on Jan. 6. Sherwin confirmed the investigation with CBS News. His civil rights section will lead the prosecution, which is being investigated by D.C. police and the FBI.”
It’s hard to tell without an investigation, but it’s not at all obvious that Babbitt was offering a threat of death or great bodily injury to anyone.
My wife watches CNN/MSNBC/"Lincoln (P.T. Barnum) Project". One of the female (are we allowed to use that word anymore?) "journalits" was practically foaming at the mouth at how awful PDT was and how Republicans who don't repent will be held to account. When will these "journalists" start calling for internment camps and pogroms?
So are they admitting that the Leftists who have violently taken over DC in the last few years were all their operatives? That is the only reason to not find people who have committed arson, theft, massive property damage, thousands of assaults, rapes and even murders in the last few years threatening and yet think a bunch of couch potato, middle class white boys are scary.
A blast from the past...
July 6, 2018, 5:48 PM MDT
Government drops charges against all inauguration protesters
WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors on Friday moved to drop charges against the last 39 people accused of participating in a violent protest on the day of President Donald Trump's inauguration.
More than 200 people were arrested after the protest, during which several store windows were broken and a parked limo set ablaze. Two group trials ended in defeats for the U.S. Attorney's Office, which was hindered by the fact that most protesters wore similar black clothing and covered their faces.
steve uhr said...
It took a long time for you to realize that Biden will be the next president. It will take you a long time to realize that Jan 6, 2021, is the day your movement officially died. RIP
You are absolutely wrong. Your fascist movement is going to be sorely disappointed.
I didn't think you would be this honest and despicable. We all remember your threats against Ann just yesterday.
You are a disgusting person.
For what it's worth, "sprezzatura" as I was taught to use the word refers to a sort of aristocratic mien in singing Italian Renaissance music. "Disdain" isn't right, unless it's a definition wholly separate from the music-specific one. I am surprised by Sprezzatura's posts here, b/c s/he appeared out of nowhere a couple of days back and is now all over the place, but I'd jump to no conclusions from the name alone.
"The Dems have repeatedly allowed disruption in the Capitol."
Give me a call the next time a Dem dedicates in the capitol, steps in it, and then tracks it around.
They blew up a limo on conneticut avenue, they tried to poison attendees there were confessions about all of it, this was just a pajama party.
Democrats are pioneers when it comes to defecating in Capitol buildings.
Isnt that what the democrats have been doing all year from the impeachment on, the blocking of all practical containment the firestorm of rioting and monument demolition.
"Yet this claim is beyond inaccurate. It’s a ridiculous assertion that is unsupported by the people who actually take care of the Statehouse.
A rare occasion when one of you geniuses actually links to something to support a statement-- and then your link proves the exact opposite.
News from May 28th: “US President Donald Trump was rushed to a White House bunker after hundreds of protesters gathered outside the White House, with some of them resorting to stone pelting.” The media, far from condemning the rioters, made fun of Trump for not wanting to be killed by the violent mob surrounding the “sacred” government building. Then they lambasted him for walking out while the riots were still going on days later, calling it a photo op. Where was the outcry about thugs committing sedition, egged on by politicians? Wasn’t that a dark day fir democracy?
All that matters is what end are they seeking justification?
How can the Riechstag visit justify the Democrat Reich?
Domestic Terror see?
Truth has nothing to do with revolution
New reality
Burn the old one
This is arc of history being invented by the Matrix
You knew it when you saw her
And that look in her eye
Then she told you her name
May Putout
Burma Shave
Why would anyone want to talk about "Trump Resistance" - which came to mean protests against DJT - when his final evacuation from the White House will occur in just 10 days? As for spoiling Biden's "honeymoon," that marriage has yet to be consummated.
But my mind goes to Hanover College grad, Mike Pence, who remains Vice President despite gangster Don Trump's attempt to have him killed by his mob in the Capitol last Wednesday for refusing to follow orders. Pence should immediately resign and ask the Secret Service to impose high security measures until such time that the Trumpy does his mass pardon of the January 6 coup freaks, which will demonstrate that Antifa was not involved and prove that Trump was in charge of the Capitol takeover attempt.
At that point, murder charges, not protests, will be in order for our ex-president.
Liberals considered black people such babies and children that they expect them to cower and suffer unlike the superior whites the libs consider them to be -- thus needing to protect them. The soft bigotry of low expectations.
Headline" Tens of Thousands affected by Riots in America, blacks suffer most.
No blacks suffered during the burning of businesses they owned nor the looting and shutting down of businesses where they worked BECAUSE THOSE WERE "PEACEFUL PROTESTS" so labeled by our masters and plantation owners in the MSM and Congress.
Sprezzatura said...
We need to get back to the point where racist nuts and folks who are into destroying the results of our legitimate elections don’t feel free to go public
Is that meant to be a threat? Your desire is tantamount to a country that is no longer free
to peacefully assemble and espouse with free speech. I am not going to made to feel that I am not free to go public. I conceal carry for such a reason and those who threaten my freedom may suffer the consequences. However, I would point out that the "racist nuts and folks who are destroying the results of our legitimate elections" VIA FRAUD should be wary of freedom fighters.
Keyboard warriors are such pussies.
At least they still have a place to go to work, unlike thousands of Americans who lost their businesses, or jobs because of the Progressive riots of the summer throughout our cities that burned their places of work down.
"OT, but has anyone heard of a large Wiki “release” dumped today"
I got a link to "that" three weeks ago and again last night in my DMs. It's old stuff and does not have the salacious stuff promised in the words attached to the link.
I also don't click on links send in FB Messenger.
More evidence people in washington are disconnected from the reality the rest of the country has experienced the last year. Are they aware therecus still nightly riots in Portland?
POC’s always hardest hit.
I keep thinking of Biff and George McFly.
How about we interview folks from the south side Chicago (Chiraq as a POC named it)? How secure is their "Gold Coast"? Now for Philly... Oh nevermind. They can dish it out, but not take it.
Ah people of color and reopening of old wounds re the police response. Was the response shooting and killing one person as she climbed through a window? Or was the police response sitting back and letting things go on?
The Los Angeles Times had a front page story about one black woman in the crowd who "feared for her life". I con't know whether the Times sent a reporter all the way to Washington D.C. --or was interviewing her after she got back to Los Angeles. In any case she said she "feared for her life" in the crowd. Somebody pulled her wig off. She had a small bruise where she bumped into a fole with a Gadsden flag on it. That said it wasn't a POC that got shot and killed.
I hear that the federal LEOs under siege for a month last summer at the Hatfield Building in Portland were pretty shaken, too.
Were it not for a seriously flawed design of the scaffolding for the Presidential Inauguration which allowed for direct access to areas of the outside of the Capital building assumed secure no one would have been able to enter the building.
Doing actions that disable the designed-in security of the building (added with the visitor center security upgrades demanded by congress after 9/11) such as breaching your own security perimeter two entire weeks before an event and not enclosing the entire riser area an effective security barrier or creating a temporary security barrier between the area and the building is security malpractice of a scope not seen in all of my lifetime. I was alive when Lee Harvey Oswald was shot in Dallas and when Epstein died in jail. This is on Nancy and Mitch who left the keys in the car with the engine running only to cry foul when some joyriding teen-ager ends up dead crashing it.
"At that point, murder charges, not protests, will be in order for our ex-president."
You are such a fucking retard.
Give me a call the next time a Dem dedicates in the capitol, steps in it, and then tracks it around.
Would shitting on a legislator's desk in Olympia count? Maybe on a cop car? Does that count?
I for one would love to defecate on Mob Princess Pelosi 's desk, although I wouldn't like it when Moose and Rocco showed up at my door with a tire iron and a baseball bat.
Maybee- I'm a Proud Boy with a soft spot in my heart for John Lewis. Brave man. Took the heat. He didn't spew those calumnies.
It was Cleaver.
Any man who goes to the cesspit of Wash DC, and stays too long will be corrupted.
That's on us. We send good men to DC and then ignore them until the next election. They sink into the swamp like anyone of us would do.
I want to say this about John Lewis. When he was young, he was a hero. He was an example of a man who had nothing left to lose, which gave him the license to give all. He stepped up and poured out his life as a sacrifice.
As it turned out, after he gave his life to God as an offering....he survived.
Man, I dig that guy John Lewis.
Hey Professor,
What happened to the Democrats who sided with the terrorists, I mean the "protesters", during the anti Act 10 protests?
Especially the Dem staffers who let the terrorists, I mean the "protesters", into the Wisconsin Capitol building so they could trash it?
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