২০ জানুয়ারী, ২০২১

Emotional dawn.


He did it. He left the White House.

AND: "We will be back — in some form.... Have a good life. We will see you soon."

He walked up to that last stage to the tune of "Hail to the Chief" and walked off to "YMCA."

২৪০টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   240 এর 201 – থেকে 240
Lewis বলেছেন...


Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Psst. This blog started in 2004, well after the invasion. It isn't news that all of Freder's assertions are based on his fantasies but it's rarely this obvious.

I stand corrected. Not before the war on this blog (obviously). But certainly others. As for this blog, I don't know when I stumbled on it, but it must have been early, and of course the war dragged on long after Ann started the blog. Regardless, the salient point of my post was that back in the day, When Ann was an unapologetic fan of the war, and ignored or excused torture, I was frequently called a traitor and informed I deserved to lynched (gee, I miss Cedarford, a loud and proud Nazi).

Michael K বলেছেন...

Hey asshole. Go back and read comments on this very blog when we were getting ready to, and invading, Iraq back in 2003. I was called a traitor, and my death was wished upon me many times,

I guess Howard is not the only one with an active fantasy life.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Even money says she plagiarized them from somebody.

A Biden voter just wrote that.


Jim at বলেছেন...

Hey asshole. Go back and read comments on this very blog when we were getting ready to, and invading, Iraq back in 2003. I was called a traitor, and my death was wished upon me many times, because I (unlike Trump) was against the war from day one. - Freder

No. You were running your fucking mouth over at John Hawkins' place back then.
And the commenters over there were correct because you actively cheered for our enemies.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

I prefer the photo on Instapundit with the double row of lights reaching out like President Joe Pedo reaching out to embrace America as if we were, collectively, some adolescent girl. The photo is accompanied by video of a cooing CNN commentator who's probably feeling a Chris Matthews tingle in his leg--and elsewhere.

Drago বলেছেন...

Freder is experiencing some significant (more than usual) cognitive dissonance since every single member of the establishment that is in favor of endless wars is now on his political anti-Trump/anti-populist team.

Unfortunately for Let-History-Begin-Anew-Today Freder, there is a reason for that...and yes, that reason is an obvious one.

Mikio বলেছেন...

Troll = 5 letters
Mikio = 5 letters
Enough said

Well, I can’t argue with that logic. Chuck, Lewis, Wince, Kevin, and Rusty have some soul searching to do too, apparently.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent
Mikio illustrates why I'm optimistic. The tide starts running the other way today.

I’ve read that several times and still don’t know what it means.

It is remarkable that Miss Ann's idea of "moderation" is to let this kind of garbage through.

Rightwinger “free expression” hypocrisy, check.

'fascists, neoconfederates, neonazis, COVID deniers' were is the connection?

First of all, regarding neoconfederates and neonazis: If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it. But look at the flags and the insignias, and to deny that white supremacists saw/see their champion in Trump is to not argue in good faith.

COVID deniers? Absolutely. Denialism, mind you, ranges from the fringe belief of denying the physical existence of the virus to the widespread belief of denying its danger which Trump absolutely fucking did. Are there any anti-maskers who aren’t Trump supporters? No. Super-spreader parties? Dipshit Trumpfucks or Trump-agnostics. It’s because of Trump and rightwing “individualism” (muh freedom!) that our 402,000 death toll (which some deny that figure as well) “is what it is” and probably 10x what it otherwise would’ve been.

Fascists? Well, let’s see, is trying every means possible to steal an election fascistic? Seems so. This relentless act alone (like velociraptors head-butting every spot on an electrical fence to find a weak spot as one Twitterer put it) makes Trump fascistic even if he didn't incite a violent takeover at the Capitol. If it had been done purely “legally” and those stalwart few Republicans in the right places had instead caved to political cravenness and thrown out millions of Democratic votes “just because,” then democracy would have fallen to fascism. And it came terrifying close to happening.

Even the most naive Trump voters don't get a pass because it was obvious he was like this back in 2015 – he declared repeatedly that if Hillary won, the election was rigged. You understand English, right? That's your guy? Fuck you.

Rhetorical question: What’s the Trump-supporter explanation for Team Trump’s 1-60+ post-election lawsuits win-loss record? These include numerous Republican and Trump-appointed judges going all the way up to SCOTUS rejecting them as "frivolous" and "without merit."

Go ahead, let’s see the whackadoodle conspiracy theories. What, these traitor Republicans were transformed into lizard people by the Clintons? No, I suspect even most Trump supporters aren’t that insane.

Therefore, it’s that 1-60+ post-election lawsuits record which is key, and I believe is understood by Trump supporters, yet they STILL wanted to overturn/steal the election.

In other words, I suspect most Trump supporters knew at some level he didn’t win, but they. didn’t. care. Democracy sucks. There’s a greater good to be had. Right?

Ergo, “Stop the steal!” was only a USEFUL EXCUSE to overturn democracy. Ergo, fascists.

Now, I’m not saying this of all Trump supporters. There’s a sliver who were repulsed by his Big Lie that he won (and “by a landslide,” of course) and a tiny sliver among them who’ve even repented and to them I say welcome (back?) to reality. Like this poor woman in this heart-wrenching CSPAN call (which I think is real – I’d be very surprised if anyone can act that well).

So I stand by this line: “Of course every MAGA will lie and take no responsibility because that's what they do, it's who they are.” Yes, there are a very few Trump voters who do feel partly responsible, are openly apologetic for voting for this riot-instigating wannabe dictator POS, and have even called him as much, but they are no longer in the MAGA cult.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

"t’s because of Trump and rightwing “individualism” (muh freedom!) that our 402,000 death toll (which some deny that figure as well) “is what it is” and probably 10x what it otherwise would’ve been."

Now do Europe.

Indigo Red বলেছেন...

President and Mrs. Trump left the White House at the end of his term as every other President has done throughout our history -- on a helicopter.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

When we have a new President, I hear the Media talk about his vision for America.

That's not how this thing works. I don't care about his 'vision'.

Defend the continent. Secure the borders. Settle some interstate squabbles. That's it.

I don't give a F' about your 'vision'. Americans do not want your 'vision'. Do your job.

I know that in my life, no President has ever stayed in his lane, but it could happen.

Lewis বলেছেন...

How many times have we heard that said? "I was drunk" - how stupid and how unfortunate such an excuse! My mums men friends said it all the time. I knew they were lieing just as I knew my mum was lieing

Lewis বলেছেন...

Miko, it's difficult answering you - could we meet on common ground? I'm very upset and very angry - I've been betrayed by imbeciles - so I'm quite emotional and I don't want to have an argument with someone with whom I would concieve every point and yet say "No". Why the "no" you should ask - it isn't rational, how could it be?

Lewis বলেছেন...

No ever 'supported Trump' , that's niave and 'a get out' - you force us to support Trump but we, ie the working class, supported certain ideas - is that to stupid for you, I mean, maybe you think us, working people, are to dumb for you? I'll tell you what, miko, there are more brains in each little toenail here than there is a hair on your head.

Lewis বলেছেন...

Burning down a statue is not equivalent, I repeat not equivalent, to invading the Capitol. You cannot equate it. What was terrible was not the violence, or the number of dead, was the stupid intention. That's why I'm with them, Pelosi etc, always will be.

DeepRunner বলেছেন...

Love him or hate him, Trump understood that the status quo of the insular Beltway crowd was totally disconnected from average folks. With pearl-clutching horror, they saw him as THE Barbarian At The Gate. He accomplished a lot despite #resistance.

His insistence that he was cheated out of a second term, fed by the cartoonish Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, will be what people may end up remembering most, along with Viking dude dancing on the dais

Lewis বলেছেন...


When you're gone, how can I carry on?

Lewis বলেছেন...

I wrote one of them - it was about a dirty in a dirty story


Lewis বলেছেন...


Lewis বলেছেন...

You can see them, Harrison and Mcartney, saying to themselves, what a prick, and they were right, half right, - what is right? Not you, Lewis, assuredly. I never 'believed' in John Lennon but I believed in a idea.


Lewis বলেছেন...

What I hate is my 'addiction' to women - that's why I talk - everyone wants to forget - but each morning, the morning sunrise, it's this - you can't forget - you want to - each second, each memory of the day tells you "forget" but you can not.

Lewis বলেছেন...

Buried in a pile of pillows - o woman!

Lewis বলেছেন...

The rank rat stupidity of it all - me wanting, she not wanting - so I tear up the world - for what? - a desire. Writing poetry to claim her back, to make sense of this stupidity. Raw - as in the rawness of my feelings. I know myself - I will calm down, I will stop drinking, I will sweat through the next few days, I will feel guilty, as if I'd done something, terrible. I'll get over that, life does'

Lewis বলেছেন...

Drink untill your dead - you keep falling asleep, don't you? - and when you wake up you demand tea and food - chop the potatoes and in the cupboard is chille con carne - chilli with beef - one day, maybe tomorrow, I will try. I can't now.

Lewis বলেছেন...

I'm sorry, Anne, for putting this on you - you don't deserve it - who does? I apologise - sorry.

Lewis বলেছেন...


Say 'you'

Lewis বলেছেন...

'We can be heroes, just for one day'


Lewis বলেছেন...

No one believes, which is not surprising, since I don't believe in myself but I believe in women, enough to rescue them. Or try to. Or fail at trying to.

Lewis বলেছেন...


With you, strange brew (very English because only the brits would think brew would mean beer!)

Lewis বলেছেন...


Lewis বলেছেন...


Lewis বলেছেন...


Lewis বলেছেন...

You what BB king said about Peter Green - "Only white guy that made sweat"

Lewis বলেছেন...

"me sweat"

Lewis বলেছেন...

Which is ironic surelly? (Don't call me Shirly)

Bilwick বলেছেন...

I've noticed what I guess the kids call a "meme" and it's turned up here, as well. It's popular among the Stupid Left (where the New Left and Old Left shake hands with the Dumbest Generation) and where the Stupid Left devolves into the Crazy Left. It's "muh freedom" or "muh liberty" or some variation of same. Apparently it's this generation's version of the Sixties "law'n'order," wherein anyone with a desire to rein in street crime was depicted as an uneducated Archie Bunker type; or somewhat later when the Stupid Left and the Crazy Left were depicting any one wanting liberty and not desiring serfdom as a loser living in Mom and Dad's basement. Anything to avoid a discussion of ideas. I don't know what the French or Germanic equivane equivalent of "muh" would be, but would the Stupid Left and the Crazy Left depict Bastiat or Constant saying "muh liberty" or Von Mises and Hayek saying "muh free market"? Or Adams, Jefferson and Paine living in their parents' basement while writing "Muh Declaration of Muh Independence" or "Muh Common Sense"? Weird.

Lewis বলেছেন...

My brother beat a man to death in front of me - I was 12 - how can you deal with that?

Lewis বলেছেন...


Lewis বলেছেন...

There's to many of you

Lewis বলেছেন...

The poor kid had just come out prison

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