You know what's sad? Other than forbidding children to dance? I did an image search for "Mouse #3" — I thought maybe it's a standard "Nutcracker" role and I'd find a cute picture of a costumed kid — and the page was just picture after picture of a computer mouse.
Here's a little film clip from South Carolina in 2012:
And here's something else, something YouTube found related, and it is related, on the subject of the need of young people to be with others:
६३ टिप्पण्या:
At some point in the not to distant future, we'll be moving about normally again. And more people than ever will be looking at Our Awful Leaders with complete disdain. They will be mocked, ridiculed, and beyond that- ignored.
Similar to how the news media is regarded and treated these days.
Link doesn't work for me
What is the complaint abour
John Henry
Open your GD schools Madison and Milwaukee!
You are literally killing these poor kids.
Around here, the enabling legislation for the shutdowns is called the "Reopening Ontario Act," so the people fined for crimes like having their parents watch their kids while they go to the store or putting a bench outside the restaurant for people waiting for their carry-out order, are charged under the Reopening Ontario Act. Which I find perfectly Orwellian.
I was unable to read the article, but I'm quite concerned about the new puritanism. I thought several times during the lockdowns; I thought that they could remake Footloose, except it would be Karens complaining about large gatherings and young people without masks.
Temujin said...
At some point in the not to distant future, we'll be moving about normally again. And more people than ever will be looking at Our Awful Leaders with complete disdain. They will be mocked, ridiculed, and beyond that- ignored.
Leland said...
I thought that they could remake Footloose, except it would be Karens complaining about large gatherings and young people without masks.
One can Only Hope! Wouldn't that be GREAT? if, in a few years; people look back at this and LAUGH! "Can You BELIEVE they Actually Did ALL that Crap??"
Of Course, we can ONLY Hope....
'Cause it's NOT going to happen, not in our lifetimes anyway
Welcome to The New Normal; where we stuff ballots, not ballet shoes
We've stolen a year of our kids' childhoods that they'll never get back.
Why? Mostly to virtue signal that we're better than the deplorables.
As a proud resident of Waukesha County Wisconsin I feel 100% vindicated that Dane County is absolutely bat-shit crazy.
It does not include specific regulations for art or dance studios, and Nemeckay said her business was among about 20 studios that collectively tried to get answers from Public Health Madison and Dane County about what they were allowed to do, but that the agency either gave them conflicting information or refused to answer their questions because it had been sued over the mass gathering restrictions.
Fined for not being able to read minds.
Althouse said...
You know what's sad? Other than forbidding children to dance?
No, it's cruel and ruthless.
Maybe we shouldn't give these totalitarians any new ideas?
Madison might be the #1 place to retire, but it looks like it would really suck to be a kid living there.
Some clever plaintiff's attorney needs to leverage this into a federal civil rights lawsuit.
Where I live, where the public schools are pretty good and young kids are in classrooms with HS students in a hybrid model, the number of HS students failing at least one class has skyrocketed. Jan 26 these older kids will be in class 5 days a week.
“In the first quarter of the 2019-20 school year, 269 high school students across the district failed at least one class. That number ballooned to 982 during the first quarter of the 2020-21 school year, a 265.1% increase.“
In Madison and Milwaukee kids young and old have not been in a classroom for nearly a year. Teachers are balking at returning to the classroom.
Why would Dane County and Madison have a problem with the Nutcracker with all the ball-busting Karens that live there?
How many people were prosecuted during the BLM riots? Did they catch the people who destroyed Forward and Heng? Hypocrites.
Also, any prosecutions for election law violations in Dane County?
Remind me again what the science says about the risk of children catching and transmitting COVID. Has anyone looked into this question? I wonder what the peer-reviewed studies say about children and COVID and also whether it is healthy to lock children in their homes for a year. We finally have a people in charge that "believe in science," so I trust that if there was any research on this topic the Top Men in Dane County would know about it.
320Busdriver said...In Madison and Milwaukee kids young and old have not been in a classroom for nearly a year. Teachers are balking at returning to the classroom.
And the Teachers Unions don’t want to hear anything about the spiking suicide rates and the diminishing ages of these kids that are taking their own lives. Funeral homes see it. Kids weren’t meant to be isolated. Thank GOD that former Governor Scott Walker de-fanged the Teachers Unions in Wisconsin. For those of us that live in sane part of Wisconsin, kids have been in class since September, and all is well. Milwaukee and Madison are nut-crackers.
Chicago Teachers Union is holding the entire city hostage.
I lied on all three questions that were given to view the article. Let them think I order food online all the time from some company I've never heard of! Also, yesterday I went to the White House account on YouTube and downvoted all of their press videos. Sure, it's petty, but that's what the other side has been doing the past four years. Goose, gander.
See. Government is the reason we can't have nice things.
I'm sure the business will be fine. What small business right now doesn't have an extra $24,000 plus attorney costs laying around.
It does not include specific regulations for art or dance studios, and Nemeckay said her business was among about 20 studios that collectively tried to get answers from Public Health Madison and Dane County about what they were allowed to do, but that the agency either gave them conflicting information or refused to answer their questions
+99% of people have no idea about working with the administrative state.
This is a great example. Ask a question, and regulators refuse to answer. Mail them a letter with what you want to do, the will refuse to respond. If they are so bold as to offer an opinion, they will not stand behind what they said. I had a dust up with an EPA investigation. At the time, the inspector question on of my procedures. I explained the protocol and the controlling regulation, and he agreed all was fine. 6 months latter i received a fine for $250,000. When I called the inspector, and asked if he would sign a letter concerning our conversation, he refused.
This is such a good example of how the state bureaucracy is out of control.
I know there is some legal controlling principle that says you can not be accused of violating a law you knew nothing about.
An agency that refuses to respond to questions, is great proof of a regulation you know nothing about.
I used to be surrounded by sparkling children, big and little. But now there's so often a touch of sadness and sometimes more than a touch. Parents are fighting like tigers to keep their children going. When it's over public health and teachers will be hugely blamed because it will get out that hundreds of counties opened schools, demasked, and kept the economy going and did not suffer more deaths than Cruella counties like Dane and Milwaukee. And had fewer child suicides.
the need of young people to be with others
Re. that fakenews fear-porn from the nyt about the non-existent rise in youth suicides in Clark County NV, ...
"Trends in suicide during the covid-19 pandemic" (BMJ, Nov 2020)
"Widely reported studies modelling the effect of the covid-19 pandemic on suicide rates predicted increases ranging from 1% to 145%, largely reflecting variation in underlying assumptions. Particular emphasis has been given to the effect of the pandemic on children and young people."
"Supposition, however, is no replacement for evidence.[an idea the MSM despises]...
The first version in June found no robust epidemiological studies with suicide as an outcome, but several studies reporting suicide trends have emerged more recently."
"Nevertheless, a reasonably consistent picture is beginning to emerge from high income countries. Reports suggest either no rise in suicide rates (Massachusetts, USA; Victoria, Australia; England) or a fall (Japan, Norway) in the early months of the pandemic. The picture is much less clear in low income countries, where the safety nets available in better resourced settings may be lacking. News reports of police data from Nepal suggest a rise in suicides, whereas an analysis of data from Peru suggests the opposite."
And the Teachers Unions don’t want to hear anything about the spiking suicide rates and the diminishing ages of these kids that are taking their own lives.
I'd like to hear everything about them - got data?
I wonder what juries will think about these things.
Covid has just about destroyed the performing arts. Strange, since the industry overwhelming supports the liberal agenda.
Remember when we were all going to die if we got a haircut. Then they all opened up and here we are, all still alive, but with better looking heads.
I hear it's cold in Madison.
Perhaps some piping hot tar and feathers would help warm the county "health" people up?
"Link doesn't work for me"
Yes, it's a subscription thing, but if you switch your browser to the page-view display, it probably will show up. I'll add some language to the post. I thought it was obvious that this is about covid restrictions.
It seems to me Democrats, who have always supposedly championed support for those who need help, have completely failed or forgotten:
- children who are at home getting "zoom" schooled with parents who do not care about them (or who hurt them)
- minorities and less advantaged students who need athletics to motivate them and/or help them get to college
- people who own businesses anywhere, but especially in communities that saw civil unrest this summer
- old people who need medical help - vaccinations-- who aren't on Twitter and Facebook and don't use internet health portals
These were their people! And they are utterly failing them- ignoring them!
They say, "Oh! Give them money!"
But money doesn't replace parents, safety, opportunity, vaccinations, and it can't keep your business alive for very long because the government can't give out that kind of money.
Sue the hell out of the Dane County Public Health for civil rights violations. Better yet, invite Public Health to come out to the studio, then fasten the little tyrants to a set of pillories and invite passerbyers to tell PH off.
Mouse #3. So kind of like the Mickey Mouse club only more cameras?
How many people were prosecuted during the BLM riots? Did they catch the people who destroyed Forward and Heng? Hypocrites.
It's much easier to afflict the honest people with petty regulations. Prosecuting a rioter takes real work, which would distract the time-servers from their power naps.
Thars gold in them thar Covids... $8B -> $48B quite enticing, no?
Mouse 3: They know. They've been watching us. I can feel it.
THX 1138: No one knows.
Mouse 3: They're watching us, now.
THX 1138: No one can see us.
"Covid has just about destroyed the performing arts."
Not covid. Governments.
But wasn't that unmasked Inaugeration great?? Masks off, hugging, and kissing. PARTY if you are an elite...The rest of you plebes get back in your houses and shut up. Rules for thee, but none for the assholes who make the rules.
Like anything else, Covid is just a tool for progs.
If it destroys kids' lives, no prob.
If it destroys small business, so much the better.
If it tramples on basic liberties, great.
Make every child pay up. Every. Single. One. Let them get used to our overlords.
Also, saying again, out of 4.4 million people (KY), only 3 under the age 30 have died.
“ there's so often a touch of sadness and sometimes more than a touch. Parents are fighting like tigers to keep their children going. When it's over public health and teachers will be hugely blamed because it will get out that hundreds of counties opened schools, demasked, and kept the economy going and did not suffer more deaths than Cruella counties like Dane and Milwaukee. And had fewer child suicides”.
If they were fighting like tigers, this would not be happening. No, they are the sheep. Period. The end. Their children will die wards if the state.
1/26/21, 7:57 AM
Right now shouldn't the Public Health Dept. have better things to do, like fighting to get more vaccinated, than worrying about nine kids in mice costumes dancing together. What a waste of time and money.
Did they catch the people who destroyed Forward and Heng?
I think arrests have been made, yes.
Blogger Fernandinande said...
the need of young people to be with others
Re. that fakenews fear-porn from the nyt about the non-existent rise in youth suicides in Clark County NV, ...
Hey look, we just gained a pro-teen suicide contributor named Fernando.
I wonder how many panic porn Madisonians secretly regret their support for lock downs, masks, and stupid shit like this now that the reality is upon them.
The only thing that might save Madison is the GOP Wis Senate and Legislature tossing Gov. Tony "Let's Let Kenosha Burn" Evers emergency orders. Irony.
Then you have people like @Fernando above who are so entrenched they will never admit to any greater adverse affects of 2020's complete bullshit.
I recently talked with my 12 y/o granddaughter who lives in Colorado about wearing masks. She attends a charter school where class size averages about 20 students. She told me most teachers don't make students wear masks in class and most teachers don't wear masks while teaching because, "It's hard to understand what they are saying if they are wearing a mask." Students have to put their masks on if they see the principal or go to the office for any reason. It would be interesting to hear how teachers describe teaching there. A 12 y/o may not have the same perception as an adult.
" that fakenews fear-porn from the nyt "
I have it from the highest authorities that nothing the NYT ever prints is false or hyped up for any base motive whatsoever. To even assert such things is a horrible slander, the worst, probably the worst thing ever (other than ketchup on a hot dog).
I see very few people in my neighborhood -- some blocks south of Althouse -- wearing masks as they go out. But I do see people I don't recognize walking through the neighborhood, and they wear masks, and I always wonder: Why, if you're walking outside in a mostly-deserted neighborhood, are you wearing a mask?
Yesterday, I was walking in the woods between the bike path and the cemetery, and came across two ladies in snowshoes (on very packed-down snow, so I'm wondering what a snow shoe gets you there?) and they were wearing masks. I don't get it.
When I see a neighbor as I'm walking outside, and we're both maskless, and we want to talk, as neighbors do, we just stand some nice distance apart.
So many people seems to overestimate how virus spreads in open air when it's very cold out.
"So, intended [coronavirus] vaccination rejection by ethnicity is: Black 70%, Pakistani/Bangladeshi 30%, Indian 16%, White 14%." (U.K.)
..."In the real world, in Asian and African-Caribbean parts of Birmingham the refusal rate (offer of vaccination turned down immediately) is up to 50%. In Ealing, London, black residents refuse at 10-15% compared to all other groups at 5%. In Stoke on Trent there is a 20 to 30% non-attendance rate among black and ethnic minorities, compared to 2-3% in other groups. What ever the reason, a 20 to 30% non-attendance rate shows a sublime disregard for the needs of others, who will have had their chance of vaccination unnecessarily postponed."
D.D. Driver asks, "Remind me again what the science says about the risk of children catching and transmitting COVID."
The science says--and has from early on--that children can catch CCP virus but it's very mild and less of a risk for them than the yearly flu. The science has also indicated that children are extremely unlikely to transmit the virus. This low-transmission benefit begins to disappear as the kids age into adult-size in high school.
A huge recent study gives some great hard data on school re-openings. About 100,000 people in North Carolina school districts were closely monitored after school re-opening, including genetically identifying infections to determine origin. Results: A jaw-dropping low number of only 32 infections that were traced to inter-school transmission. Based on the local outside-school community rates of infection at the time, they should have seen 800-900 cases instead of 32. NO CASE INVOLVED A CHILD TRANSMITTING TO AN ADULT!
Surprisingly (to me) masks seem to be key to reducing transmission. Of the 32 cases, almost all involved very young kids who were not required to wear masks, and also, special needs kids who have problems wearing masks.
Why isn't this study front-page news, with legs??
Gusty Winds said...Hey look, we just gained a pro-teen suicide contributor named Fernando.
Making another false statement is a strange response to getting caught making a false statement.
Then you have people like @Fernando above who are so entrenched they will never admit to any greater adverse affects of 2020's complete bullshit.
Yet another falsehood - don't stop now, Gusty Winds, your fevered imagination is on a roll!
FWIW, I don't think there should've been any "lockdowns", mask mandates, or closures of businesses or schools.
Hey Althouse: How come this didn't get the "Lawsuits I hope will fail tag"? Good enough for the Texas supreme court case but not little kids doing ballet?
Blogger MadisonMan said...
I see very few people in my neighborhood -- some blocks south of Althouse -- wearing masks as they go out. But I do see people I don't recognize walking through the neighborhood, and they wear masks, and I always wonder: Why, if you're walking outside in a mostly-deserted neighborhood, are you wearing a mask?
The residents of Madison and Dane County should have masks sewn to their faces for what they have done to the rest of Wisconsin. They hypocrisy knows no bounds. At lease the kids in Waukesha County are in school, but they have to wear masks because of YOUR PEOPLE. My six-year-old nephew has to wear one on the bus, and in school. I see kids waiting outside for the bus in my neighborhood with masks on.
And of course the arrogant Madisonians aren't wearing them EVERYWHERE. I would expect nothing less from a community that looks down its noses at the rest of Wisconsin. Here's to hoping St. Fauci's new "double mask" suggestion catches on and messes up your fresh air in spring and summer.
Hey pro-teen suicide @Fernando.
What does the vaccination rejection rate of Pakistani Brits have to do with a ballet company getting fined by Dane County, WI Health Nazis that wouldn't answer their questions?? If you're just going to copy and paste words from and article, at least stay on topic.
You're sitting alone in a corner aren't you??
"I wonder how many panic porn Madisonians secretly regret their support for lock downs, masks, and stupid shit like this now that the reality is upon them."
Based on my informal survey of parents I know her in semi-rural parts of Dane County -- none, none at all. They are all SUPER excited about the new Dane County Health COVID Dashboard that was rolled out, giving them real numbers to make their panic pr0n seem sciency. Of course, the dashboard is a crappy piece of work that replicates things that private companies and individuals rolled out 8 months ago. It also hides the graph that shows infection rates dropping like a rock on the second page, stretching out the X axis so it seems more gradual than it actually has been, and does other things to hide that this pandemic is pretty much over in Dane County.
Blogger TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...
Based on my informal survey of parents I know her in semi-rural parts of Dane County -- none, none at all. They are all SUPER excited about the new Dane County Health COVID Dashboard that was rolled out...
My apologies. I overestimated Dane County's self-awareness skills. For this I stand corrected.
"Dressed for parts"? Does this have to do with a juxtaposition of the sexes and conventional social roles for boys and girls? "Computer mice"? Trans-species parade? The lion, lionesses, and cubs have been deprecated and are subject to cancellation,
Unintended Consequences? Polio and COVID 19
Antifa types are on a neverending quest to root out every fascist within their clammy grasp, or so they claim. But they haven't a clue where to look. If only they had the brains to look no further than the local health department or other social service agency they might actually find some.
Mouse #4 ratted on the rest of the kids ...
Make every child pay up. Every. Single. One. Let them get used to our overlords.
Also, saying again, out of 4.4 million people (KY), only 3 under the age 30 have died.
Alameda county, 1.7M people, and: Zero. Yes Zero under 30 years old have died from the 'Rona. 46 deaths in the 30-50 year old crowd out of 51,000 cases.
But again, the reminder: Florida, free, and there has been a lower cumulative case rate than imprisoned California. there's also a lower new case rate in Florida. In other words, our nearly year of locking down has done fuck all to "flatten the curve."
In other words, our nearly year of locking down has done fuck all to "flatten the curve."
There's your problem, right there. It was supposed to be two weeks. Now, you have to start all over again. And if two weeks doesn't do the job, just extend it. What, at this point, do you have to lose?
No it wasn't any of the mice ...
It was Beethoven who rolled over and didn't tell Tchaikovsky the news ...
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