... you can talk all night. Talk about whatever you like, especially stuff that doesn't fit in the various posts of the day, whatever they were. What could be talked about? I'm thinking... maybe you can offer some topics. See if you can get people to answer your questions.
२५२ टिप्पण्या:
252 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Best surf fishing cart...go.
NBC Los Angeles
JUST IN: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the House will proceed with legislation to impeach President Donald Trump, calling him a threat to democracy after the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
7:20 PM · Jan 10, 2021
donald: a kayak with a milk crate lashed to the stern with PVC rod holders
Topic suggestion: how modern neuroscience and mind-hack engineering of social media has crippled critical thinking and enhanced conspiracy belief.
calling him a threat to democracy after the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Of course you realize, this means war. Democrats are riding high, but if they keep this shit up half the country will consider the whole government illegitimate, not just the President. People are already adapting and making plans. It isn't going to be pleasant.
Browndog: I'm the only lib I know who disagrees with impeachment. It's a loser for our side. Less is more in this situation
Anyone here use NordVPN?
how modern neuroscience and mind-hack engineering of social media has crippled critical thinking and enhanced conspiracy belief.
Sounds like a conspiracy.
chuck: why be so vague? tell us explicitly what you really believe can, will and should happen in response to impeachment ver 2.0
Blogger Howard said...
Topic suggestion: how modern neuroscience and mind-hack engineering of social media has crippled critical thinking and enhanced conspiracy belief.
You should know, Howard. It's your team that has gone crazy. The only thing that people I know use Facebook for is baby pictures and nobody I know is on twitter.
Topic suggestion: how modern neuroscience and mind-hack engineering of social media has crippled critical thinking and enhanced conspiracy belief.
What does “modern neuroscience” mean in this context?
chuck: according to the social dilemma (Netflix) it's an emergent property of the algorithms to maximize profits. I'm interested to know why this works so well and what can be done besides wearing tin foil hats to prevent it.
Howard said...
chuck: why be so vague? tell us explicitly what you really believe can, will and should happen in response to impeachment ver 2.0
1/10/21, 6:43 PM
JUST IN: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the House will proceed with legislation to impeach President Donald Trump, calling him a threat to democracy after the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Well that certainly sounds moderate and boring.....
"Well that certainly sounds moderate and boring....."
Intended to bring the country together, no doubt.
Already got the Kayak, the focus here is surf fishing and getting all that crap to the water.
I bought some Tesla stock about a year before it split. I sold some of my shares last week and recouped my original investment and then some. It's crazy how much it's gone up. Do you think it's going to double again this year?
tell us explicitly what you really believe can, will and should happen in response to impeachment ver 2.0
What I think should happen is that the Democrats lose control of the House and Senate in two years. However I think there's a good chance the Democrats will simply steal the election again.
tell us explicitly what you really believe can ...
I am no prophet, but faith in the institutions is falling fast. It wasn't just Amazon throwing Parler off AWS, lawyers and all the other services needed refused to help them. Where is the rule of law when the lawyers are too cowed to work for you? Does anyone trust the FBI, the CIA? Who would trust their infrastructure to SV these days? There is a monumental power grab underway, and people are looking for secure communications and alternatives from news letters to blogs to infrastructure. I'm hoping for some of the latter to be built in safe places, like the steel mills built in Utah in WWII. There are also lessons to be learned from Hong Kong. It is sinking in that something big is happening and those of us content to let things ride need to start paying attention.
I do agree that the social media and the news media have been manipulative. There are even people who specialize in studying and promoting techniques to achieve that. How much actual influence they have, I don't know. It's insidious stuff, and an air gap may be the only useful defense.
Tony Heller said this is today (below), and I think it is said very well, and I agree
with all of it apart from Lin Wood's assertion, about which I simply do not know, but
I will note that Lin Wood is either extremely brave or foolish or both because by
making this accusation he is putting his life on the line, perhaps literally.
Everything below is Tony Heller's words:
The deep state is in a panic. A few months ago the New York Post printed some emails
from a laptop which Joe Biden's drug addict son had dropped off at a repair shop and
then forgot about. Joe Biden said, "I've never spoken to my son about his overseas
business dealings." But the emails on the laptop showed he was not telling the truth.
This information is extremely damaging and shows that Joe Biden is probably corrupt
and probably compromised. So Big Tech went on a rampage to stop the spread of the
New York Post story. Facebook and Twitter shut the New York Post down. Besides
violating civil rights, Big Tech was directly interferring with the US election.
Democrats in Congress started using the same lies which they did four years ago
about Hillary Clinton's emails. Democratic representative Adam Schiff, chairman
of the House Intelligence Committee, said that emails showing former vice-president
Joe Biden knew about his son's business dealings in Ukraine were a smear created
by Moscow. But the Director of National Intelligence said that Schiff's claims
were simply not true.
For years Big Tech has been desperately trying to get rid of Donald Trump and they
are actively involved in trying to put the corrupt Joe Biden in the White House.
Now let's fast forward to a few days ago, when demonstrations at the capitol building
turned violent. Donald Trump tweeted, "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol
to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the party of Law and Order -- respect
the Law and our great men and women in blue. Thank you!"
And he also tweeted, "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They
are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful!"
But social media and the press quickly perverted the story to blame the violence
on President Trump. Big Tech used their big lie as an excuse to shut the President's
communications down. Big Tech shut down the President's email account. I haven't
gotten a message from the President in days. I used to get them every few hours.
Twitter, which has been inciting racial violence day after day quite successfully
for many months, also shut down the President. They cited the risk of further
incitement of violence even though the President was telling people not to be
The Washington Post, which has the motto, "Democracy dies in darkness," has
been rapidly pushing the country in that direction for a long time. The press
are supposed to be the defenders of free speech but they've become its worst
enemies. They believe the opinion of a few hundred Twitter employees is more
important than the civil rights of the 70 million people who voted for Donald
Trump. The emotional state of a few angry leftists now overrides the Bill of
And at the same time Twitter suspended the accounts of former National Security
Advisor Michael Flynn and pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell. And at the same
time YouTube shut down Steve Bannon, who has been a critical source of information
on Joe Biden's crimes. YouTube is banning conservative speech left and right
which has forced me over to NewTube.app. Simultaneously Apple and Google have
conspired to shut down Parler.
And today Amazon joined into the quite open Big Tech conspiracy against Parler.
Amazon App and Google have arranged for Parler to go offline at midnight tonight.
Mozilla is also doing everything they can to shut down free speech from
Gab.com says, "We are getting resumes from senior level employees at Big Tech
companies. Hearing that many people are putting in their two weeks too. Internal
civil war among staff and executives. Panic in Silicon Valley. The house of
cards falls. The exodus has begun."
Silicon Valley is terrified of something and what they are afraid of is Donald
Trump getting his message through to the American people. All of the big players
and Big Tech are openly conspiring against the President of the United States.
They are desperate to keep him silent.
Nancy Pelosi is so desperate to silence Donald Trump that she actually attempted
a military coup, as reported by The New York Times. Then Nancy Pelosi tried to
blame her failed military coup on the "whiteness" of protestors.
The deep state is trying to stir up a panic about "white supremacist terrorism."
These people are extremely panicked and are making up nonsensical gibberish.
Representative Devin Nunes called this morning for a "racketeering investigation"
into the quite open Big Tech conspiracy against the President and against
Other countries are very angry. This is all much bigger than U.S. politics. It's
a matter of national security for India, Israel, and every other country to maintain
a sovereign communications channel for their leaders to reach the people directly.
"The world cannot be ruled by American corporations."
Now let's look at what's really going on here. Why Big Tech is so desparate to
silence the President of the United States and cut off all of his communication
Attorney Lin Wood, who has lots of direct information from the Biden laptop, said,
"Over the next 10 to 14 days, you will learn shocking information about many of
our government officials and wealthy elite. Child sex trafficking and pedophilia
are the worldwide pandemic. Revelations will relate to Joe Biden, Barack Obama,
Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey
Epstein, Bill Gates, and thousands more. I have seen the evidence. It is conclusive.
This truly is the battle between good and evil."
I don't have any direct information to confirm or deny what Linwood is saying.
But it certainly makes sense in the context of the massive Big Tech conspiracy
to silence the President of the United States.
The very open and reckless racketeering and conspiracy these companies are
engaged in indicates to me that they know they are in a lot of trouble. I don't
know how far Big Tech is going to be able to go to shut down all communications.
But Devin Nunes says, "Text 'Freedom' to 98078." This will allow him to
communicate directly with you.
I moved to NewTube.app a few months ago because they are not under the control
of Big Tech.
[See https://newtube.app/TonyHeller/GSdGb0D for Tony Heller saying all of this
I bought some Tesla stock about a year before it split. I sold some of my shares last week and recouped my original investment and then some. It's crazy how much it's gone up. Do you think it's going to double again this year?
It could. They're about to announce a new HVAC system for homes based on the heat pump in the model Y. The Cybertruck is supposed to be delivered this year, Berlin should be producing cars by the end of the year, and there is an outside chance Austin will be producing trucks by the end of the year. I expect Tesla to benefit from a renewed push on the Green New Deal by the Democrats also.
Just for the record, until the lawyers made him stop, Musk used to regularly say that he thought the stock was over valued.
J Farmer: over the last 10-years, a lot of progress has been made in figuring out how the brain works by taking in outside stimulation causing secretion of different brain chemicals that influences memory, mood, behavior, etc. Lex Fridman has had several neuroscientists on his podcasts, which I find interesting.
I know we discussed this a little bit last year in regards to the obesity epidemic and how the standard American diet stimulates hunger responses setting up a viscous cycle of over eating. As I recall you were skeptical.
Also, Stanford has a program of courses that teaches social media techies how to use smart phone and social media triggers identified by modern neuroscience to manipulate people's behavior to increase profit making. Once this sort of manipulative tech gets out in the world and people fuck with it, there is a risk of catastrophic abuse.
I think this is a much bigger threat to our democracy than cancel culture and de-platforming. It obviously feeds into TDS and other looney tunes on the left and the whatever the fuck is going on with the right.
Another reason I'm interested in modern neuroscience is my neuroscience millennial daughter gave me a book about human navigation and the brain "From Here to There: The Art and Science of Finding and Losing Our Way" by Michael Bond. Apparently there is linkage between the parts of the brain that controls navigation, organizes memories and creates emotions. Discusses the implications of less human navigation and reliance on gps may make us more demented and depressed. I wonder if the restrictive parenting of the GenZ kids who are driven everywhere and don't venture out on their own is one reason teen suicide is up in that cohort.
it's an emergent property of the algorithms to maximize profits.
Maybe some, but if you have talked to the younger generation of software people, many are already on board with this stuff, even up to political repression. They have a whole litany of things they regard as life threatening emergencies, from climate change, to fracking, to plastic straws, to Covid-19 and wearing masks. Some live in actual fear. Add all the gender confusion and such and the possibility of chaos goes way up.
Puerto Rico used to export coffee to Europe.
Would there be a market for 100% American coffee from PR, perhaps blended with Kona?
donald: if you have to cross a lot of soft sand, these are the best things. kind of pricey.
I was kicked off Powerline. My offense? I wrote: "China is asshole."
Hinderaker, or whomever, told me I could apply for reinstatement in "two or three months," adding, "We'll probably let you back on then."
David53 @ 6:56: "...Tesla stock..." If a fraction of what "mandrewa" has posted above proves out, you might want to sell the whole lot before the crash. I think the market has been whistling past the graveyard for months.
mockturtle@ 6:41: "...NordVPN..." Never heard of it but am no connoisseur. What about Avast VPN or ProtonMail? Comments?
Roughcoat @ 7: 14: "I was kicked off Powerline..." That's a shame, I like those guys.
...What if you had said "assho"?
Oh dear, that's a rash move by Pelosi. A very bad move.
Sowing the whirlwind indeed.
Two points for the Republican Party going forward:
1) All social media, but especially Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, are now officially part of the DNC. That won’t change any time soon. The RNC obviously needs its own servers and platforms.
This technology isn’t rocket science these days, but it will take money to build new infrastructure. The key will be owning the servers. The money is trivial considering the stakes.
The RNC would forever own the servers and the tech, just as they own the mailing lists, etc. People would come and go, but the hardware and software would remain.
While that is being done, their should be a massive effort to get people to close all of their current social media accounts, including media like Disney, Netflix, etc. It won’t hurt Big Tech a lot, but it will still hurt.
If, at some point, a progressive US government tries to deny access to the internet at the root level, then that would be a point of no return for our nation.
2) I know conservatives don’t want Harris in the big chair, but that’s where she’s headed so we might as well bit the bullet and make hay.
Do what Democrats always do (to great success) and Republicans almost never do.
The day after inauguration, introduce bills calling for Biden to resign based on his rapidly increasing senility. Tie it to the 25th amendment. Talk to generals like Pelosi did about the danger of him having access to the nuclear football. Demand that he take all sorts of neurological tests.
Take all of this public. Shout it from the rooftops. Go on all the Sunday shows. If the subject is the deficit, bring it around to Biden on live television. They never relented on Russia, even after they knew there was nothing there. The same thing needs to happen to Joe.
The purpose, other than getting him out, is to taint his ‘victory’ and shame Democrats into pushing the candidacy of an obviously senile man. Make them own the fact that they pushed a man with a defective brain onto the American people. Because if he’s senile in 6 months when they try to ‘gently’ push him out, then he’s senile now. Shine a bright light on that fact.
Go Alinsky on their commie asses.
So my question, prompted by AA is, what do you think? Doable?
chuck: those are good points on how those feedback loops can influence the profit machine to queer things up.
Roughcoat: saying that another impeachment is "sowing the wirlwind" sounds like a vague threat of violence covered in a goo of deniability. Why don't you just come out and say what you really mean. All this beating round the bush is not helpful.
Browns up 7-0 after recovering a bad snap in the end zone on the Steelers first play of the game.
This is what I really mean: She's stirring up trouble.
Howard @ 7:08: "...Discusses the implications of less human navigation and reliance on gps may make us more demented and depressed." Gotta believe that. I hate GPS even as I find myself relying on it. The audio version seems less horrible, because it doesn't pretend to offer you more than route direction just the way a human co-pilot would do. But the graphic version fails to give context. I find myself zooming out to get a feel for the road networks (and terrain) that are not "on" my route but that "embed" my route in the rest of the world. This knowledge is helpful in all cases and, if a detour is wanted, it is essential.
I think human beings have internal mapping capability that uses direction and angle of sun, awareness of ridges and valleys, river drainage, landmarks of all kinds, to form a powerful and resilient image of "where we are." GPS castrates that. And I think its promise of locational security is paid for by sacrificing some kind of autonomy and connectedness to that big world out there.
Go Alinsky on their commie asses.
So my question, prompted by AA is, what do you think? Doable?
Perhaps, but the Althouses of the world will immediately clutch their pearls.
There's been a fair amount of talk about "Where do we go from here?" at work, the past couple of weeks in particular. Shutting people like this out of social media isn't going to stop the conversation, all it will do is stop the gatekeepers from hearing what people are saying.
Roughcoat: What sort of trouble? You are just being more vague.
Howard said "the implications of less human navigation and reliance on gps may make us more demented and depressed. I wonder if the restrictive parenting of the GenZ kids who are driven everywhere and don't venture out on their own is one reason...". I think he has a point there. My latest project with my 6 and 8 year old grandsons is drawing maps of the ranch we live on, floor plan of their house, etc. Even some their parents age can't read a map. If you say "go north" you get a blank stare. We've also been practicing zooming in and finding our homes on google earth.
Blogger I'm Not Sure said...
There's been a fair amount of talk about "Where do we go from here?" at work, the past couple of weeks in particular. Shutting people like this out of social media isn't going to stop the conversation, all it will do is stop the gatekeepers from hearing what people are saying.
100% agree. Think of it as an opportunity to stick it to the libs in 2022. However, a repeat of Jan 6 will only hurt your cause with the masses.
Say what you really mean, Howard. You're being coy.
J Farmer: over the last 10-years, a lot of progress has been made in figuring out how the brain works by taking in outside stimulation causing secretion of different brain chemicals that influences memory, mood, behavior, etc. Lex Fridman has had several neuroscientists on his podcasts, which I find interesting.
I would caution grounding any argument in "neuroscience." We know extremely little about the subject. Even if "a lot of progress has been made" we're nowhere near "figuring out how the brain works." We are just beginning to ask the questions. The answers may not even be obtainable or comprehendible by the human mind. We don't understand how neurons encode information, how memories are stored and retrieved, the purpose of sleeping and dreaming, the nature of emotional regulation, decision-making, and intelligence, how regions and sub-regions of the brain interact, how pain is perceived, etc. What does it even mean to understand "how the brain works"? We are probably decades away from answering even basic questions about neural networks in an organism like a mouse.
Specifically, though, I think an attempt at impeaching Trump will prove inflammatory and divisive and serve to further inflame and divide Americans. I fear this prospect.
Now you answer my question.
Browns up 7-0 after recovering a bad snap in the end zone on the Steelers first play of the game.
Followed by a pick and then another TD. The Browns, what's left of them, came to play! :-)
Do I think there's all sorts of embarrassing & evidence of illegal & immoral shit on Hunter Biden's laptop? Yes, I do. Do I think the Democrats & Big Tech are going after a Trump soon to exit the Presidency with an absolutely irrational intensity? Absolutely! Just say "Hasta La Fuckin' Vista, Baby" and move on. But yet, they can't, and that does point to something foundationally amiss in The Magic Land of Oz.
But..... Attorney Lin Wood, who has lots of direct information from the Biden laptop, said,"Over the next 10 to 14 days, you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials and wealthy elite. Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the worldwide pandemic. Revelations will relate to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey
Epstein, Bill Gates, and thousands more
Not another world-wide, secret, at the highest levels of power child sex trafficking ring! How many times have I heard about that and yet nothing ever comes of it. Does it involve the Lizard Aliens and their overseers, the Ashkenazi Jews as well? Inquiring minds want to know! And Lin Wood hasn't exactly been a model of probity recently.
I bought some Tesla stock about a year before it split.
I see more and more Teslas on the street in Madison. I just wonder where the people get the money to buy them.
I like taking pictures of various wildlife and yesterday while leaving work, I spotted a great blue heron just off the side of the road in the reeds, so I pulled over into the CVS parking lot nearby and snapped a pic through the trees. I wasn’t sure what it was at first because it had a dark gray body rather than white, but some research told me that they come in light and dark forms. Not sure if it’s a seasonal thing or what.
Steelers have now turned the ball over twice on their first two possessions, leading to 14 Cleveland points.
Thankfully, they just punted the ball away on their 3rd possession after a 3 and out.
Talk to generals like Pelosi did about the danger of him having access to the nuclear football.
Just because Pelosi tried a military coup doesn’t mean it is a great idea to convince others to try it.
Owen and Flat Tire: Thanks, I agree with both of you. One thing that struck me was the life or death importance of human navigation for hunter gatherers. This is where emotion comes into play because really being lost is terrifying. Another thing I got from it was the mind palace trick that people with world class memorization skills use is also linked to the main navigation cells in the brain.
Here's a good one. When was the last time you walked into a room and forgot what you wanted to do? Recent, right? Apparently, every space we have been in has a dedicated place cell. The place cell is responsible for the brain equivalent of RAM. So, when you make a plan to get something from another room and to go there, you switch to the different place3 cell and your RAM from the previous room is erased. That's why going back to the previous room will jog your memory
Sounds interesting, Howard. I'll look for that book; I enjoyed "This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession," by Daniel J. Levitin a few years ago, and your reference reminds me of "wayfinding" studies in library school, which covered both physical and intellectual relations and connections, and how to make them clear to a novice. Mental maps etc.
Which has me wondering about the way commenters--Howard and Farmer stand out to me--get unmasked/labeled/pigeon-holed here. I've never thought Howard was either 1) stupid or 2) a doctrinaire; Farmer has been called everything and the kitchen sink, but the names usually reveal more about the accuser than about Farmer. IMHO.
And just to drag supposed white Amurcans luxuriating in Euro-heritage up here . . . . As if. It's a minority thing among us Ice People--it's just that the ones who are interested are REALLY interested.
I understand many Chinese families have genealogical scrolls going back six centuries and more
I found this article at the Gatestone Institute on the influence of Martin Heidegger on the Iranian Revolution to be a hoot.
But, then, maybe that's just me.
No, really, that's just me.
Spotting the other team 7 is one thing. Spotting them 21 is something else.
MadisonMan said...
I see more and more Teslas on the street in Madison. I just wonder where the people get the money to buy them.
Owning Tesla stock?
How 'bout them Browns! 21-0
Anyone here use NordVPN?"
Me, Mee! Sure he gets it the way a lot. I have to pause it all the time. I always use a US server but done sites won't let me in bc Russian or something.
“Lex Fridman has had several neuroscientists on his podcasts, which I find interesting.”
I’ve heard at least ten of his podcasts,
I really liked the one w/ his dad. And the two with Wolfram, though less so than re the one w/ his dad.
It’s kinda weird that I haven’t listened to too many of his podcasts, but I’ve listened to an atypical amount of his podcasts based on the ones that I have heard.
IOW, I liked and listened all the way to the end re some of his podcasts that were extremely long.
I never tried his neuroscience stuff. That topic seems like it’d be too easy or to blah blah blah. IMHO. I did listen to the Weinstein stuff even though I find him to be a blowhard. But, I like trying to figure out why other humans are sucked in re his jabber. I’ve also listened to a bunch of him on “Into the Impossible” podcast for the same reason.
Conclusion re Eric: I guess non-technical people are fooled by his hand waving and complaining that elites are mean. That’s the only potential appeal that I’ve been able to suss out.
Someone forgot to tell the Steelers that the game started 20 minutes ago.
J. Farmer said...@Howard:
I would caution grounding any argument in "neuroscience." We know extremely little about the subject.
As a psychologist who was trained and worked in Neuropsychological testing and was married to a Neuropsychologist for 30 years, I strongly endorse Farmer's cautions. You really do not know what you do not know.
We are probably decades away from answering even basic questions about neural networks in an organism like a mouse.
The wonderful thing about AI is that it doesn't have to understand a system in order to work with it. It is a form of interpolation in high dimensions and if enough data is available -- and the social platforms provide a lot of data -- it can work very well. But no one understands exactly how it makes decisions in detail. I recall long ago a circuit design made using a genetic algorithm that turned out to be taking advantage of some stray capacitance in one of the wires in the test jig. You can't rationally design for that sort of thing, but you can train a circuit the will find and use it. Note that I am using genetic evolution as an example of AI, which is a bit non standard, but I think justified. The common feature is adjusting parameters to optimize a response to the training environment.
I see more and more Teslas on the street in Madison. I just wonder where the people get the money to buy them.
The Model 3 and Model Y are quite competitive, and only getting better and cheaper at the same time.
Question: If social media had been around during Nixon's administration - would the end of his administration have gone down very differently?
Second question: It appears many countries have a batshit crazy national leader from time to time; what do you think the cycle is? In other words - how many batshit crazy national leaders does an average human experience in a typical lifetime? Every 20 years? Every 30?
On the question of impeachment 2.0, I think it'll fizzle. But I've been wrong about a lot in recent months.
My wife is planning to watch the new version of that famous Brit veterinarian series; we've never watched the earlier one(s?) and I don't intend to break my streak, and it's not like we're slaves to the primetime clock anymore, but I guess there's comfort in routine.
I'll probably loiter out back here, and keep an ear cocked for loud voices and breaking glass.
Peyton Manning
Denver Broncos
J Farmer: Sure the fine details are unknown and there are some things that may be unknowable, but that doesn't mean we can't use the existing crude models to help improve functionality and performance. Tech companies are using it and they are very rich and very powerful. Based on my shadetree mechanic old country geologist mind, that's a bigger deal than overt politics.
mandrewa said...
Silicon Valley is terrified of something and what they are afraid of is Donald
Trump getting his message through to the American people. All of the big players
and Big Tech are openly conspiring against the President of the United States.
They are desperate to keep him silent.
Nancy Pelosi is so desperate to silence Donald Trump that she actually attempted
a military coup, as reported by The New York Times. Then Nancy Pelosi tried to
blame her failed military coup on the "whiteness" of protestors.
Limbaugh opined on Friday that the Swamp Rats are afraid that Trump would end his term of office with a huge declassified document dump that might implicate a lot of both sides of the aisle in some very dirty dealings. If you think about it, the best strategy for something like that would be send them out via Twitter/Facebook/Emails to your campaign donors. That is why his deplatforming became imperative.
Pelosi's determination to impeach him with only 10 days to go is just icing on the cake. But it may also be so they can stipulate that he can't run again in 2024.
"[Joe Smith:] Talk to generals like Pelosi did about the danger of him having access to the nuclear football.
"Just because Pelosi tried a military coup doesn’t mean it is a great idea to convince others to try it."
No, but if we had a responsible class of high-level politicians, it might be a good idea to review whether any president should have sole authority over nuclear weapons release. (See ALP, 7:52.) Emphasize that it's not about Trump, nor about Biden, but that there should be at least a two-man rule, as there is much lower down the chain.
A lot of people seem to think the SecDef or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs have to concur with the President's decision to order a nuclear strike. Others would have to obey and transmit the president's order, but the decision is his alone. Relying on the CJCS or is subordinate to go all LCDR Hunter on him might not be the ideal safeguard.
Howard said...
Roughcoat: saying that another impeachment is "sowing the wirlwind" sounds like a vague threat of violence covered in a goo of deniability. Why don't you just come out and say what you really mean. All this beating round the bush is not helpful.
Howard does ...Tree of Liberty...Blood of Tyrants...strike a familiar note?
It appears many countries have a batshit crazy national leader from time to time; what do you think the cycle is?
I think, considering the monomaniacal will that it takes to rise to the top of the political heap, that it's quite common that national leaders are whack. I think JFK was whack. His sexual appetites were the ruling force in his life, and they exposed him to possible harm time & time again. I think, judging from Caro's biography of him, that President Johnson was whack. I think, for several months before his resignation, Pres. Nixon was whack.
As for other countries, Stalin was whack. Mao Tse Tung was waaaaaaay whack. I think it happens all the time and sometimes the powers that be want to cover for it (e.g. JFK) and sometimes they don't, (e.g. Trump).
YoungHegelian said, "Not another world-wide, secret, at the highest levels of power child sex trafficking ring! How many times have I heard about that and yet nothing ever comes of it. Does it involve the Lizard Aliens and their overseers, the Ashkenazi Jews as well? Inquiring minds want to know! And Lin Wood hasn't exactly been a model of probity recently."
Yes!! And by the way, just for the record, I am one-quarter Ashkenazi Jew.
I also kind of have that same reaction. We hear so much of this nonsense. And maybe I should have left that part out of Heller's words. But I think part of the point that Heller is making if I can put myself in his shoes -- and yes, I would have said it differently -- is that Big Tech is panicking. And they are panicking about something. We don't know what it is, but we can see that they are doing stupid things.
For one thing as Heller said there is going to be a big reaction in other countries about what is happening in the United States. World leaders are realizing they can't trust Big Tech for even a modicum of neutrality when the chips come down. That's a disaster for the Big Tech companies, although maybe they are just too dumb to realize it.
By the way, YoungHegelian, did I hear you say that you live in Montgomery County, MD?
Sprezz: Eric Weinstein and his little brother have become boring talking about the "system" that oppresses.
"GO ON OFFENSE...The day after inauguration, introduce bills calling for Biden to resign based on his rapidly increasing senility."
Conservatives will never win a tit-for-tat, daily/hourly fight over politics, because only crazy people enjoy that kind of life. What has to be fought is a once-in-a-hundred years Constitutional battle to guarantee individual rights and support federalism:
-Term limits
-Eliminate Congressional power to delegate to the administrative state
-Forbid the government to distinguish based on demographics
-Move the capital to the center of the country
And on and on.
Once we decide what things we want, we must be willing to go forward alone. Let the people on the coasts write their hundred page constitutions guaranteeing everything under the sun that they can't provide. The heartland will focus again on ensuring one thing: freedom.
I think it likely that my region would end up sticking with the crazy coast, but I don't care about that. I'd be happy enough to live unfree in declining years, as long as I know freedom has been preserved somewhere.
And by the way, just for the record, I am one-quarter Ashkenazi Jew.
Well, then tell them that I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords the next time you talk to them. But, maybe at one quarter you're too goyische to be close to the Circle of Power.
By the way, YoungHegelian, did I hear you say that you live in Montgomery County, MD?
Yep, right there in my profile.
Well I have a house in Montgomery County also. And I also have a place in West Virginia.
If you'd like to get together some time, I do a lot of hikes for instance, then just tell me so.
Mockturtle, if i had not seen with my own eyes ....
J Farmer: Sure the fine details are unknown and there are some things that may be unknowable, but that doesn't mean we can't use the existing crude models to help improve functionality and performance. Tech companies are using it and they are very rich and very powerful. Based on my shadetree mechanic old country geologist mind, that's a bigger deal than overt politics.
I guess where I would diverge is an answering what "using it" means and what is the evidence that "it" is having the effect "it" is intended to. It is very, very unlikely that complex social phenomena are the result of a tech company algorithm. In many ways, we are seeing dynamics that have been unfolding since Walter Lippmann invented the field of media studies with Public Opinion in 1922.
If you'd like to get together some time, I do a lot of hikes for instance, then just tell me so.
That's very much a thought, especially when the plague subsides.
I have often thought of having a local group in the DC area of us here & name it Les Amis d'Althouse, and meet at a local eatery.
Of course, we'd have to swear each other to maintain anonymity under penalty of tortuous death by chainsaw, but other than that, it could work!
J Farmer: Thanks, I need to study up on Walter Lippmann.
One thing that struck me was the life or death importance of human navigation for hunter gatherers.
Reminds me of an incident in Tough Trip Through Paradise where Garcia visited a (trapper?) and his Indian family, then headed off. A couple of days later one of the daughters he met during the visit showed up at his camp site. He was amazed that she could find him.
@mockturtle: i use Nord VPN. Works well for me. I use my work VPN when doing work, obviously. :-) But for personal browsing I use Nord. One of my neighbors had their Internet hacked, They never even heard of VPN.
thanks, chuck. that looks like a great read.
I am following the Kamala Harris Vogue magazine cover controversy with interest. I'm not sure if this is the first magazine cover Harris is going to be on as the new VP but it's got to be one of the first, which itself is interesting, that she would choose Vogue, which seems like a traditionally female sort of choice.
The controversy is over the photo Vogue has chosen to use, which shows Kamala standing in front of sheets (!) or maybe their drapes (?)in the colors of her college sorority (so , do traditionally female again, do sororities even exist any more?) wearing a leisure suit and sneakers, which I didn't know but I guess she's famous for that, the sneakers I mean. And looking very "washed out" (aka whitened up a bit).
Kamala's people say that the photo that was supposedly agreed on has her in a powder blue suit shot from the waist up with her arms crossed. I find that amusing, that the Democrats are so used to controlling their press, I guess it never occurred to her that maybe the agreement wasn't so obvious to the other side.
Anyway, I welcome a return of our first and second families to the pages of popular magazines. All part of uniting us as one people again.
"I have often thought of having a local group in the DC area of us here & name it Les Amis d'Althouse, and meet at a local eatery."
Sure! Put me on the list.
Watch Bridgerton now. The duke is so hot and you get to see his ass fucking.
The Great Purge Begins.
Howard @ 7:40: "...One thing that struck me was the life or death importance of human navigation for hunter gatherers. This is where emotion comes into play because really being lost is terrifying. Another thing I got from it was the mind palace trick that people with world class memorization skills use is also linked to the main navigation cells in the brain."
Yes, the "mind palace" trick. It really does work. I have gotten (more) old, stupid and lazy but will testify to the power of that internal mapping/visualization. It must rest on something very deep; as you say, knowing where you are (and over which ridge the game has likely disappeared; and how fast it might move through brush of this density; etc etc etc: endless computations invoking giant datasets of prior experience), as I say, knowing where you are is Job One for all of us, especially hunters. Turnips don't run away or wander off... Speaking of hunter-gatherers, I once saw the most wonderful "map" used by Inuits to navigate a long barren coastline in the Arctic. It was a small carved chunk of, I think, bone. Each fjord and headland was carved in miniature, so that an object about 3" long held all the information needed to trek or kayak safely for hundreds of miles. Our 2D charts came much, much later.
The Tesla Model Y looks interesting but some reviewers say rear visibility is poor. If I was ready to go all electric I would consider it. I can imagine how my great grandfather felt when he first saw a Model T Ford.
The JCS was correct that any member of the military can disobey an illegal order. The reason the POTUS alone can order an attack is to timely respond to an attack. Who would notify the President of such an attack? Do you think the President can order a sneak nuclear attack that would be carried out? Wouldn’t that be an act of war?
However, I agree people can talk generally about the wisdom of the President having such authority and especially Biden. Just don’t talk to the Generals about doing it outside of a very public forum, like maybe a Congressional hearing. Congress should investigate what Pelosi might have done.
@Owen. Both Protonmail and Tutanota are very good end to end encrypted email programs
So, it seems that in addition to the stimulus check I got from Donald Trump, I'll soon get another one from Joe Biden and it will be three times as large as the one from Trump so that I will be three times as loyal to Biden as money ever made me before. Yay.
And also, I'm almost at the head of the line to get the vaccine. I'm going to get it. But would you if you were as far in front as I am? Or would you wait to see what group has an adverse reaction, some allergy, some unknown thing? Pelosi didn't wait. She had it. She is now working to impeach the man who got the vaccine done in record time saving thousands, including, possibly, herself and others of a similar age in Congress. This is not an object lesson. Is it irony? Or it is something common in certain periods of history for there is no vaccine and no adequate rhetorical device?
I'm sure glad that Congress was able to solve all those problems related to COVID and such and now has time to devote to impeaching Trump. If they rush things through and a bunch of Republicans have psychotic lesions, they might be able to remove Trump from office for the last two or maybe even three days of his elected term. Then we can get on to the business of healing the nation.....I don't know how widespread voter fraud was or if it tilted the election. I do know what I have seen with my own eyes, however. The media was flamingly biased against Trump and their coverage tilted the election.....Trump was not the first real estate developer to become a world historical figure. That honor belongs to Crassus. Crassus knew quite a lot about how to make money in the Roman real estate market, but he was less expert on how to conduct a military campaign in the Parthian desert. He lost his life and his army there.....Whatever, Trump's other successes, he surely didn't succeed in getting the press on his side. I think, in the end, that turned out to be his biggest problem. Beware of the parting (i.e. Parthian) shots.
J Farmer: Thanks, I need to study up on Walter Lippmann.
If you're interested after checking out Public Opinion, follow it up with his The Phantom Public. He believed that mass communication was creating a "bewildered herd" that needed to be managed via government licensed propaganda machines.
@owen 7:26pm. I have zero spatial intelligence. I’ve been known to get lost returning from my neighborhood grocery store. GPS was a life changer for me. On the other hand my boyfriend memorizes cell phone numbers and refuses to use GPS. He thinks relying on technology too much makes you stupid. :-)
Thanks Wild Chicken & Eva.
A Florida man who made off with Pelosi's lectern during the protest last week has been arrested. The money line in the article?
"The Bradenton Herald reports that (Adam) Johnson is a stay-at-home father with five children .." Made me laugh.
Driving my RV all over the country by myself, I find the GPS has been a life saver as I'm unable to look at maps and drive [safely] at the same time. Most useful is going through cities as it will get you into the correct lane. It does have it's quirks, though, and there are places where it is quite useless.
--- Tesla stock ... crazy how much it's gone up. Do you think it's going to double again this year?
Chart says it's going to double to 200.
Check Jeremy Grantham's comments on the valuation. Is it priced at a million per car? Something like that.
Has anyone read a book series whose argument could be solved decisively by ignoring the themes of the book? One could argue that JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is an example- simply use the Ring, problem solved. It disregards the theme of moral corruption and would almost certainly result in a far grimmer ending, but it's at least possible to ignore that message.
GRRM's A Song of Ice and Fire strikes me as a much more appropriate book to disregard. If Robert Baratheon had forced his wife into line- much like her father Tywin did- he could have avoided many problems. Alternatively, he could have simply killed her once he realized that his legitimate royal successors were obviously not his issue. In short, the universe of ASOIAF is terrible because of a LACK of patriarchy, not because of too much. It's realizing this that has GRRM plodding along, because a feminist ending would obviously be terrible and contrived, and he doesn't want to be exposed as a fraud.
Love my GPS but still love maps and have all the Benchmark atlases for the western states. And they are very well used.
If I figure the route out myself ahead of time, I can find the place without any help the next time I want to go there. If I make turns when someone/something tells me to, I can't.
OK. Can we dispense with the "prevent" defense?
The duke has a tight, small ass, and he really takes him time fucking. I got hard. I am social finessing at my now third new gym within 3 months, because of covid closings. Today this incredibly fit blatino was checking me out as I was working my toned bis. I was tempted to do a little jerky jerky in one of the private dressing rooms. He motioned to me with a blowjob motion to his mouth but I declined
Thanks dolls. Still got it.
Thanks J Farmer. One of my new years resolutions was to read more.
Mock: Yes I agree completely. I got addicted to GPS when we moved from Cali to Massachusetts back in '19. I need to stock up on AAA maps and get off the crutch. Also, my hiking club is talking about doing some orienteering exercises with compass and topos. Us old folks need to do whatever we can to keep our brains running on the cylinders we have left.
Howard you live in mass? Me too! Hugs. Where? Somewhere fab I hope.
Let's do brunch.
I guess not.
Upon leaving office, Trump should come off the road, and go into the studio to record the Orange Album.
He could fill it with secret messages and "dog whistles."
Possible song titles:
- While Hunter's laptop gently leaks
- Happiness is a warm sesame bun
- Why don't we do it in the Twitter
- Cry Bannon Cry
- Everybody's got something to hide especially Nancy Pelosi
- Helter (Brian) Stelter
- Kamala my dear
- Mamala nature's son
- The continuing story of Buffaloed Bill (Barr)
- Long, long, long (Ode to Durham)
- Dear Pocahontas
- A-O-C, A-O-C (life goes on, bra)
- Wild Honey Mitch
- Don't Pence me by
- I won't
- Schiffies
- Sexy McEnany
- Savoy Fauci
- Rocky Re-election
and, finally
- Back in the USSR
Anyway, I welcome a return of our first and second families to the pages of popular magazines. All part of uniting us as one people again.
Good Lord - are you insane?
Ugh. Vapid glossy for The Party.
Heh Howard, they’re not pricey at all. I’ve been looking at a lot of models and whichever I pick it’ll definitely have balloon wheels. I have them for my kayak.
"Anyone here use NordVPN"
No, but I've been using ProtonVPN on both laptop and mobile for a few months with no problems. Also ProtonMail for the encrypted mail service. The user interface on the phone isn't 100% of what I'd like, but it's not bad and not very expensive.
--- Kamala sorority colors. [Sally327]
Her sorority is an active one. Alpha Delta? Delta Alpha? Kappa Delta Alpha? Can't recall now. Two women on my old block were also members; they were either motivated or obligated to have a lot of signage on their properties during the campaign. The sorority was very active and many members were said to be quite gaga that a sorority sister was running for the White House.
And yes, sororities still exist and are often notably active not only on their campuses but in their members' lives in adulthood.
It's good to be united in our worhsip of ... the democrat party owned magazine glossy with happy photos of corrupt and dishonest political elites.
Blogger MadisonMan said..."I bought some Tesla stock about a year before it split. I see more and more Teslas on the street in Madison. I just wonder where the people get the money to buy them."
Madison is chockful of elites with high incomes and sinecured positions. Most of these people use it for their easy commute or just for virtue signaling. Don't let envy take control.
I'm Not Sure: Yes, if you make up a mental map prior to the trip, that's the ticket. I think it also reduces the stress of the trip considerably.
I gotta tell you that navigating in Massachusetts is way harder than California. Low rolling topography and dense vegetation makes navigation harder. Coupled with all the web of roads being old ox cart paths whose names change every few miles, it's way harder than the grid of the San Fernando Valley with the green lights timed at 33-mph. Plus, with the sparse vegetation and the big, striking relief, it's easy to know approximately where you are anywhere in California except in the trinity wilderness.
The other messed up thing is the ocean out east is on the wrong side, so my sense of north south east and west is flipped over. It's a serious mind fuck.
"My wife is planning to watch the new version of that famous Brit veterinarian series; we've never watched the earlier one(s?)"
All Creatures Great and Small. There were about 40 episodes made around 1980; about 40 more around 1990. The former are very nice, if you don't like those I doubt you'd like the later ones.
I have a little interest in the new version. For one, they drank like fish in the original and I'm curious to see if they'll let the characters do that now.
All sorts of newbies promoting THE PARTY... and the Party elites have arrived.
Happy coincidence.
"Yes, if you make up a mental map prior to the trip, that's the ticket. I think it also reduces the stress of the trip considerably."
I also think having to watch where you're going/making turns/etc. instead of just turning when someone says "go left here" helps.
doctrev said...
One could argue that JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is an example- simply use the Ring, problem solved. It disregards the theme of moral corruption and would almost certainly result in a far grimmer ending, but it's at least possible to ignore that message.
It's been a while since I read the LOTR, but wasn't that brought up at the Council of Elrond and they were warned off that course of action by Gandalf and Elrond as too dangerous?
donald: I'd retrofit one of those cheap Costco type light weight aluminum hand trucks with the big tires. Just strap a 30-gallon garbage can to it and put your gear in that.
I also think having to watch where you're going/making turns/etc. instead of just turning when someone says "go left here" helps.
Yeah. Identifying all the landmarks before turning points cements it all together. I really appreciate all the feedback, which confirms it's a skill that we should keep sharp.
"And yes, sororities still exist and are often notably active not only on their campuses but in their members' lives in adulthood."
That's probably true. I went to a college that did not have sororities at the time, having only gone coed a few years before I enrolled so I've never really known much about them. I believe that they are elitist and cater to a certain type of student, wealthier, etc., and that the vast majority of female students at colleges that have them do not join a sorority. Same with men and fraternities. Which probably aren't faring as well as sororities in any event.
I wonder how sororities/fraternities are handling the transgender issue. Perhaps Kamala's sorority is leading the way on that.
Leland, 8:28:
"The JCS was correct that any member of the military can disobey an illegal order."
Yes. The tricky part comes when there is any doubt at all about the illegality - or when reasonable people can differ. If you're considering refusing an order on these grounds (sorry if I'm telling you something you know as well as I do), you'd better be absolutely right - and prepared to face a hell of a lot of trouble until people with a lot more time available to them have pored over it all and agreed that, yes, that was an illegal order and you were right to refuse it.
(Either that or, depending on the stakes, your superior simply shoots you, and then in the fullness of time is found to have acted wrongly. Which would be comforting.)
"Do you think the President can order a sneak nuclear attack that would be carried out?"
Legally? Yes. We don't have a law that says no first use.
Practically speaking? He has that power. How would anyone below NCA know the "why" of the order? Ever hear of Major Harold Hering? They really didn't like him asking that question at missileer school. Maybe they suspected he was dissing their particular commander-in-chief by asking it; maybe they thought he was being a persistent smartass.
"Wouldn’t that be an act of war?"
Yes. That doesn't make it illegal.
I understand your point and I understand (and agree with you on) why the system is designed as it is. Still, I think we might consider building further safeguards into it at the very top, with an eye toward not creating vulnerabilities.
I also agree with you that what Pelosi did was wrong. I would have recommended Bob Gates' "new strategic communications approach" when it came to the nuclear codes.
6000 National Guard Troops Arrive In DC To Beef Up Security
Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - 21:40
Bridgerton was so mind bendingly suck offal we almost passed out from the stink before we could find the remote.
Dear Colleague on Next Steps in Protecting Our Democracy
January 10, 2021
Ken B, weren't you already watching Fox News with smelling salts handy?
To be consistent, Pelosi must be removed as well. Her attempted plot with the military was just insincere theatre, but it was also clearly illegal and inimical to the constitution.
I think a lot of people should resign. Any politicians who supported rioting or boosted them with inflammatory rhetoric.
That's a lot.
Blogger Browndog said...
NBC Los Angeles
JUST IN: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the House will proceed with legislation to impeach President Donald Trump, calling him a threat to democracy after the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
7:20 PM · Jan 10, 2021
1. How long would it take to do this? Can the GOP, assuming without evidence that President Trump has any friends in the GOP, delay the conclusion of the proceedings until after Jan. 20? If legal opinion (e.g. Dershowitz) opines that you can't impeach and convict a President after he's out of office, how much more so if the impeachment doesn't even happen by then?
2. Who else thinks this is a smoke screen because they will simply murder him and whatever family they can catch, Romanov style? Deniably of course, of course.
I lost my foster sister to NewAge today. Her fb page started looking weird - crystal healing and reiki shit - so I called and asked what's up and she said I'm closed-minded, she didn't care, this was who she is (she kept saying "I am what I am") and there was nothing I can do about it. She was cold - a woman I've been extremely close to since I was about three years old.
This phenomena is real.
Devastating 60 Minutes segment on Trump/Giuliani election lies concerning election in Georgia.
"It's going to be very costly in many ways." Trump on that Georgia phone call. If only he knew!
wasn't that brought up at the Council of Elrond and they were warned off that course of action by Gandalf and Elrond as too dangerous?
It's also been said that the idea of flying to Orodruin (Mount Doom) on the backs of the giant Eagles was treated and dismissed in LOTR, but I don't recall it ever coming up. There was a very amusing video showing how much shorter and easier that would have been.
"All Creatures Great and Small" - I read the books (4 I think, but anyway all of them) before the TV version came on. WONDERFUL! Read them. I liked the old TV series, don't know if I would have liked it as much if I hadn't read the books. But the books are really great. I hope the new TV series will be good, but -- be honest now -- aren't we all skeptical? Is there anything on TV (including streaming and whatever else they call the technology) that's as good as what there used to be?
Never watched Fox News, except occasionally when someone posts a clip. Watched about 90 minutes of Carlson in total, maybe 5 minutes Hannity.
Not sure what your point is. The Trumpkins hate me more than anyone except maybe Inga. But I bet they hate me more.
"Just because Pelosi tried a military coup doesn’t mean it is a great idea to convince others to try it."
It's called pressure...fighting fire with fire.
It's called fighting, something Republicans never do.
But they've been in a street fight for years and never figured that out.
This is not Queensberry rules anymore.
And don't tell me with a straight face that there isn't something seriously wrong with Joe's mental state. That dog won't hunt.
"and it's not like we're slaves to the primetime clock anymore, but I guess there's comfort in routine."
We DVR almost everything...never watch live TV anymore.
It's nice to skip the commercials.
I figured out why so many Democrat politicians want to impeach Trump: Envy.
They'd love to claim the ability to exhort a mob to storm the nation's Capitol.
Punishing Trump alleging he did so implies that they too hold the power to order a mob to do the same, but they virtuously refrain only because they are better people than Trump.
When the truth is none of them could get even a small crowd to show up for a rally.
Seriously, none of them.
"The day after inauguration, introduce bills calling for Biden to resign based on his rapidly increasing senility. Tie it to the 25th amendment. Talk to generals like Pelosi did about the danger of him having access to the nuclear football. Demand that he take all sorts of neurological tests."
See my original post at 7:18.
I'm giving you a pretty damn good strategy and people are nitpicking the nuclear football point. It is an EXAMPLE...you're missing the forest.
Sorry @ The Crack Emcee. I live in northern Ca and have lost several friends that way.
BTW. We should not underestimate how much the lockdown drove the march on Washington.
American have been driven to the brink of madness with the stupid lockdowns.
Tonight I lockdown my twitter account again. I'm seriously considering going Rushbo and deactivating it all together.
Impeachment 2.0 isn’t about Trump. It’s about deliberately trivializing the process. ‘Cause in two years we’ll very likely have a GOP House with no lack of things to impeach Biden/Harris for. When that happens the Donks will say, “So what? We impeached Trump twice and nothing happened.”
Their long game is waaay better than the GOPe’s.
"Devin Nunes (Presidential Medal of Freedom winner, based upon his heroic service to a Grateful Nation) complains that Republicans "no longer have any way to communicate," following the several social media platforms that sought to reduce their civil liability exposure by ridding themselves of association with Donald Trump.
Nunes did that, speaking as a featured guest on America's Number One-rated cable news network. He chose that network over two others (Newsmax and One America) who would also have welcomed him. And I found out about Nunes' appearance, because that video has gone viral and Nunes' speechifying is now viewable almost anywhere.
Presidential Medal of Freedom winner Devin Nunes really is a fucking moron."
If you want to see a fucking moron, find a mirror.
Any of the liberal networks can just choose not to invite conservative voices. The president can call a press conference and the majority (and it is the majority) of liberal media can choose not to cover it.
The other 'conservative' networks do not have the reach of the more established networks. You go where the ratings are.
But at some point you will not be invited.
Please see my post at 7:18 to try to understand that any political party that is beholden to the media to get out their message is doomed to extinction.
"Devastating 60 Minutes segment on Trump/Giuliani election lies concerning election in Georgia."
Did Dan Rather narrate it?
Should be available online.
Dan Rather, 89 years old, left CBS 15 years ago. But looking hale and hearty.
"Devastating 60 Minutes segment on Trump/Giuliani election lies concerning election in Georgia."
It must be nice to be Obama, knowing he can walk into almost any TV or newspaper office anywhere in the world, and there will be an immediate line formed of people ready to actually kiss his ass.
Sorry, Crack.
It's really important to be able to say,
1) I already have a god.
2) I already have a mom. or had if that's your situation.
#1 protects against cults.
#2 protects against lefties. (also a cult but of a different flavor).
"Dan Rather, 89 years old, left CBS 15 years ago. But looking hale and hearty."
Is he your secret boyfriend?
The man's a partisan, lying POS.
Not surprising you missed my point. CBS's Dan Rather famous for the "Fake, but accurate" story on another R president.
"I lost my foster sister to NewAge today."
Maybe it will pass. I know multiple people who were into that stuff for a while, but none of them are into it now.
"Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild." — President-elect Biden
Joe Biden’s latest take on how to reinvigorate the economy.
Devastating 60 Minutes segment on Trump/Giuliani election lies concerning election in Georgia.
How many shows has 60 minutes go caught lying? I used to love the show. Until they did a story on something I know about. That is when I learned 60 minutes only cared about ratings. And sensationalism draws viewers, so at all cost make it sensational. Our host has been documenting almost daily the multitude of ploys the media uses to set the narrative. The latest of course is the lie, President Trump incited violence in his speech. The sentences and words were studied...and found to be nothing close of condoning, or in anyway, encouraging violence.
60 Minutes is also famous for the fraudulent Illinois Power story. 60 Minutes was fake news before fake news was a thing.
"It must be nice to be Obama, knowing he can walk into almost any TV or newspaper office anywhere in the world, and there will be an immediate line formed of people ready to actually kiss his ass."
Not to mention the new VP, who has a skill that could be useful.
One of the ways I amuse myself is to watch TV/movies made years ago, sometimes not that long ago, and think of the various reasons it wouldn't get made today, too white, too sexist, too tolerant of opposing points of view, etc. I was watching Waynes World 2 earlier today, which I think is very funny and it was extremely popular and made a lot of money when it came out back in the early 1990s, but I'm thinking it would not get made today. And yes I'm sure there are those who would say no great loss but it is funny and entertaining and it's sad that this is not enough. And it has Christopher Walken in it who I happen to think is an American treasure.
"Until they did a story on something I know about."
Describes the entirety of the MSM.
Just Months Ago, Democrats Blocked a Resolution Condemning Mob Violence
This July, those same congressional Democrats killed a resolution aimed at curbing mob violence. The bill, which was spearheaded by Utah Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, came about after an unarmed Utah man was murdered by a mob of left-wing activists. At least 30 people, ranging in age from 14-77, were killed in largely left-wing riots in summer 2020.
"At least 30 people, ranging in age from 14-77, were killed in largely left-wing riots in summer 2020."
Mostly peaceful protests, I'm told.
Nichevo said...
It's also been said that the idea of flying to Orodruin (Mount Doom) on the backs of the giant Eagles was treated and dismissed in LOTR, but I don't recall it ever coming up. There was a very amusing video showing how much shorter and easier that would have been.
I don't remember that being brought up in the book, but I've always dismissed that as a plot hole because I think Sauron would have figured something was up when he saw
Gandalf and a hobbit riding on the back of a giant eagle, so there's no way it would have worked.
Not sure what your point is. The Trumpkins hate me more than anyone except maybe Inga. But I bet they hate me more.
Wow! such an inflated sense of self. Nobody cares enough about you or the other trolls to generate any emotion. Least of all hate. That takes genuine caring, to hate someone. I can't think of a single person I hate. Not one.
Lesley Stahl is insane.
She repeatedly insists the Biden laptops “can’t be verified” so reporters shouldn’t talk about it.
Trump asks her why it can’t be verified.
Her answer: “Because it can’t be verified.”
I wish novelists wouldn't make partisan political points in their books when it's not otherwise germane to the plot. I finished Michael Connelly's recent book, "The Law of Innocence" (in his Lincoln Lawyer series) over the weekend and was relieved as I read that he wasn't doing that until I got near the end and I guess he couldn't resist, he went anti-Trump and, more specifically, anti-Trump voter. It was just gratuitous and very disappointing.
10 Times Democrats Urged Violence Against Trump And His Supporters
I can't think of a single person I hate. Not one.
I can: Jim Acosta, Chuck Todd, Don Lemon, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitt Romney, just to name a few.
CNN Mar 21, 2018 — "Biden says he would ‘beat the hell’ out of Trump if in high school."
Also Neil Cavuto.
Nancy Pelosi flies past Hillary on my hate list.
Pure evil. Corrupt. Old White leftwing hag. I have a feeling I'm not alone.
A bunch of students at West Point were recently caught cheating on a math test but they haven't been expelled, most of them haven't been anyway. Instead they're being sent to rehabilitation classes, whatever those might be, I'm not sure. From the article I read, I get the impression a lot of the students involved are minority students. This makes me wonder if the same accommodation will now have to be made for white students if/when they get caught cheating or if it's still okay to expel them because they are expected to know the rules and abide by them. It also makes me wonder if I would encourage a young person to enlist in the military if this is what the officer class is allowed to get away with.
re: 60 minutes etc.
Again, I'm giving out advice for free.
1) Whatever the media say, it's a lie.
1b) whatever the media say about a D or typical leftist positions (i.e. global warming, the "efficacy" of lockdowns) are not only lies, but you can be certain the exact opposite is true. (Hunter's laptop is not "verified" etc).
2) Whatever the media do NOT say, is also the truth. i.e. there has been no reporting on corona outbreaks in schools. Ergo, there is no actual 'Rona transmission in schools, as an obvious example.
Read "the media" as a good Russian read Pravda. Find a Russian and ask if you're uncertain how this works.
Good for the Cleveland Browns! No one saw this coming! They will apparently face KC next weekend.
Last week (and for always) I would place the chance of a civil was at zero percent.
It is now at 10% and rising.
I did not watch the 60 Minutes program on voting in GA and don't intend to. I don't like the show and I am tired of all the election stuff. I currently live both in TN and GA and have been at my GA home the past couple of months, hiding from Covid, as it is currently much worse where I live in TN. My wife and I keep debating whether to move our legal residence back to GA, which we left 45 years ago. After what I have experienced here in GA the past couple of months, we are going to continue holding on in TN as long as we are able and continue to go back and forth. Why? Because my experience so far, over the 5 years we have been dividing out time almost equally between the two locations, I have determined that TN is a helluva lot better governed than GA is, especially when it comes to running an election.
I was wondering, in the 60 minutes show: (1) did they interview Stacy Abrams about her bragging on MSNBC last Monday night before the runoff how she finagled GA into not doing signature verification on mail-in ballots? (2) Did they discuss the court ruling that forced GA to continue to accept 80,000 voter registrations for the runoff between Nov 3 and Dec 7, even though the GA constitution specifically says that a runoff is an extension of the general election and that only voters who qualified in the general election could vote in the runoff? (3) Did they review the tweet from a man in VA on runoff day whose wife received a thank you e-mail from some voters group thanking her for voting in the GA senate runoff even though she left GA 15 years ago and is not, to her knowledge, currently registered to vote here? (4) Did they talk to the college students here in Forsyth County who went to their precinct to vote on runoff day and were turned away because they were told they had already voted?
Where I live in TN (and TX before that) this kind of stuff just does not happen. If we had all the irregularities GA had during the Nov 3 election where I live in TN we'd have had a bloody revolt. In fact, TN did have such a revolt, in August, 1946. Just search for "Battle of Athens" and you can find several articles with the whole story. I think I will hold on to my residency there as long as I can. In fact, we are reconsidering our home in GA and not sure now if we will stay here.
"Nancy Pelosi flies past Hillary on my hate list."
On her broomstick?
Sally, I find the West Point situation unbearably sad. We have no standards any more. All the great graduates of the academy are turning in their graves.
What?? Really? They have Son of Douche hosting their post-game show?
Well, it is NBC.
for those who dispassionately voted for Biden simply because he
wasnt Trump will find out it wont be simply "not Trump" that they'll
Flat Tire said...
"Sorry @ The Crack Emcee. I live in northern Ca and have lost several friends that way."
Thanks. It's burned through the women around me like a prairie fire, and - I'm telling you - it's what's behind all this shit. I know it like I know my name. (Bill Burr: "White women are behind it!") I've watched this phenomena travel, from Yurp to my wife, from my wife to my friends, from my friends to the media, from the media to the nation, and now, from the nation to Washington, DC. and assuming the levers of power - with everyone scoffing at the idea that's what they're doing the whole time. The flakey women peddling crystals?
You guys HAVE to start seeing the world through my eyes: I am the canary in the coal mine. The black guy, who didn't know shit, but wandered into it and stayed observant - until my wife decided it was time to smash my face against the glass for a good look (“We’re in the hospitals - we’re getting legit - you’d better ‘get it’ before it’s too late!”). I had to join the Navy as a teen to get off the streets - guess what year it was and where I was sent? The writer, Francis Wheen, he knew, as clearly as I do, and he said so, in his 2004 book “How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World: A Short History of Modern Delusions”:
”The annus horribilis in this process, he says, was 1979: the year when Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran dedicated himself to recreating the middle ages, and when at home, Margaret Thatcher, flanked and egged on by a bizarre collection of economic and philosophical mentors, set out to re-establish what she imagined to be Victorian values. The subsequent sleep of reason has everywhere, he says, bred monsters, some comical, others sinister….”
I just thought of something important to do, so I’ll be back, but you guys have GOT to start reorienting your minds to the NewAge reality. This book came out in 2004 - NewAge destroyed my marriage by 2005 - it’s 2021 now, and it’s got our government. Liberals might want to try “Fantasyland” by by the NYT’s Kurt Andersen. He’s got some of this right, but he’s a foaming Trump Hater, so too partisan to think right. Click over and read the whole Wheen review, but focus on this, right now, for perspective on how it’s evolved:
As the book develops the mood grows darker. Here now is Tony Blair listening not to lifestyle advice but to political guidance every bit as frothy and vacuous. Here too is Blair condoning the wholesale rejection of overwhelming evidence in favour of mumbo-jumbo…Here too are American politicians such as Bush and Gore,…And the too-much-forgiven Clinton: a sexual predator and a man "of no discernible moral scruples" who in 1992 hastened back to Arkansas to execute a brain-damaged black man to forestall any claim he was "soft”….Some…will find the smiles wiped off their faces when they turn the page and find him turning his merciless eye on the "squishy progressives"; people whose rigid fundamentalist anti-Americanism caused them to hail the advent of Ayatollah Khomeini, or who used to defend Pol Pot, or who blinded themselves to the ugliest truths about the Soviet Union; or who argued after September 11, not least in the Guardian, that the victims had brought their fate on themselves.”
I can explain a LOT of things when I get back.
Instead they're being sent to rehabilitation classes
is there a way to cheat at being re-habbed?
...if so, a lot of us may need a few pointers
"Sally, I find the West Point situation unbearably sad. We have no standards any more. All the great graduates of the academy are turning in their graves."
I find it disturbing as well. Good news, though. A new federal law requires the Academy to remove any confederate general's names from any buildings or roads. You can cheat but at least you won't be traumatized by Robert E Lee's name on a dormitory wall. I bet he never cheated on a math test.
And R.E. Lee, IIRC, graduated with the highest marks in West Point's history. MacArthur was close behind.
The Crack Emcee said...
You guys HAVE to start seeing the world through my eyes:
In general it's best to ignore racists. It's never a good idea to follow their instructions blindly.
You are playing my favorite game! Who knows American History better, the Yank or the Canadian?
Lee graduated second in his class. He had I think no demerits though.
MacArthur had the highest marks ever.
Rasputin is not generally thought of as a cult leader, but the Empress Alexandra did have a cult like devotion to him. Rasputin definitely gave off a Charley Manson vibe. The Empress's devotion to that obvious charlatan made her look like a fool and undermined the authority of the monarchy. The false and obscene rumor was that he was providing more than spiritual counselling....When Alexandra was killed, she and her daughters were wearing icons with Rasputin's picture around their necks....Well, thanks to his spiritual counselling, they were good Christians and truly believed that they were destined for heaven. The consolations of religion. I think there's a movement within the Orthodox Church to make them holy martyrs.
60 minutes segment 20 minutes. I think a Tennessee guy can get through it.
I realized something recently. Donald Trump has taken Richard Nixon's place on the Presidential pariah list. Nixon was partly rehabilitated with his post-presidential books and other writing and he received a state funeral, etc. I don't see that path open to Trump, writing books, etc., on world affairs.
@Crack Emcee said "Thanks. It's burned through the women around me like a prairie fire" It's embarrassing to me as an old school ranch girl that it's always women. Sorry. Nice to see back here.
Readering brings back my childhood memories of when I last watched 60 Minutes, it was in the 70s, I was waiting for The Wonderful World of Disney.
some miscellaneous thoughts
"Bill Ayers, a left-wing terrorist who literally bombed the US Capitol and encouraged thousands of others to engage in similar acts of terrorism is allowed on Twitter."
"I’m old enough to remember lunatic celebrities acting the assassination of President Trump, calling for the White House to be bombed, and threatening his children via twitter.
Nobody lost their accounts."
"In 1983, Susan Rosenberg planted a bomb outside the US Senate chamber to assassinate Republican senators.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman @RepJerryNadler
got Pres. Clinton to pardon Susan Rosenberg.
She’s now a board member of Black Lives Matter Network, Inc."
Who is Sarah Hoyt? Why does she post the late night material at Instapundit? Why her I mean.
The libraries in the Minneapolis area are going to stop charging fines for overdue books and other borrowed materials. That may be a sensible change and not really make much difference but the stated rationale is that the current system was disproportionately affecting Black people. I guess that means Black people were more likely to be late returning books and running up fines. I wonder why they don't just keep charging the white people.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
It's been a while since I read the LOTR, but wasn't that brought up at the Council of Elrond and they were warned off that course of action by Gandalf and Elrond as too dangerous?
1/10/21, 9:04 PM
In terms of turning the Ringwielder into someone who shouldn't be trusted with power, no matter how pure their intentions at the start, absolutely. That's the point: disregarding that moral fatally weakens the timeless impact of the book.
By contrast, insufficient patriarchy dooms multiple families in ASOIAF.
Hoyt is a right wing blister who was added to Instapundit when PJM was sold. Her job is to send traffic to other pages they own.
She is an utter disgrace to Instapundit. She is central casting for a no nothing fool.
The Crack Emcee said...
I just thought of something important to do, so I’ll be back, but you guys have GOT to start reorienting your minds to the NewAge reality. This book came out in 2004 - NewAge destroyed my marriage by 2005 - it’s 2021 now, and it’s got our government. Liberals might want to try “Fantasyland” by by the NYT’s Kurt Andersen. He’s got some of this right, but he’s a foaming Trump Hater, so too partisan to think right. Click over and read the whole Wheen review, but focus on this, right now, for perspective on how it’s evolved:
I can explain a LOT of things when I get back.
1/10/21, 10:52 PM
I'd love to say I don't believe this, but I do. People who lose faith in timeless truths and actual history are going to believe soul-destroying nonsense. We're seeing the foundation for the Antichrist, if not the thing itself- slouching.
So far 16 million people world-wide have received the vaccine which under Trump was developed with warp speed. Tomorrow the Dems may impeach Trump. That's how Trump spent his time; that's how the Dems spend their time.
Trump promised 20 million vaccinations in 2020. There were 3 million.
"Trump promised 20 million vaccinations in 2020. There were 3 million."
You promised to suck 20 million cocks last year and you only sucked 3 million.
Do better in 2021!
D. said...
Dear Colleague on Next Steps in Protecting Our Democracy
January 10, 2021
Pence could emulate Army General Anthony Clement McAuliffe and send back a one word reply- "Nuts!" But I would go further. Call a news conference to announce the reply. And make it more profane- "FOAD Nancy, you demented old bat." Piss her off. Why not? What can she do? Impeach him?
Having said that, in the deepest darkest corners of the internet- well, actually, in some pretty well lit corners, a lot of people are expecting a SHTF moment before January 20th. Seriously, there are people expecting Donald John Trump to take the Oath of Office on January 20th. I think a military coup is more likely than that, but there's a lot of chatter that Biden won't be taking the oath. Why?
The LAPTOP! There have been rumors flying around since the laptop appeared that there's pretty damning stuff on it for the president elect. And that many VIPs that have seen it who could be in a position to be disrupters don't want him taking the oath. And - that's not the only laptop Seems Democrats are careless with them
Let's go back to Anthony Weiner's laptop. We, the citizens, have been protected from knowing what's in it. Apparently- according to what should be informed sources, what's on there would send Anthony to jail for life if revealed in court, and Huma and Hillary to jail for at least a few years. It's been years- why don't we know?
There's Hunter's laptop. And if the rumors about what's on it are even 10% true, the 61 (or so) former intelligence officials who declared it was Russian disinformation very likely have met the Constitutional definition of treason- "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. the part after or- adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. The press did a wonderful job cooperating with the DNC in keeping the laptop a secret from the American people who rely on MSM for their news. Why at this moment in time anyone does that is beyond my understanding...
Then there are now rumors going around that Nancy is acting crazy because of the 3rd laptop- the one purloined from her office during what was laughably described as violent riots.
And, President Trump in these last few weeks has been doing some pretty major things- he's not been acting like a lame duck. Suddenly- a two China policy. And recognition of Morocco's claims of sovereignty over Western Sahara. And other nations have been going along with him as if they expect him to be in office this time next year... And everyone knows, or should know, he's made some rather drastic changes in who controls the point of the spear and special operations forces.
So what's going to happen between now and January 20th? I do not have a clue. Could be the people with these claims of Q's predicted storm or equivalent finally arriving at the last minute are complete moonbats. Could be it's coming. Could be- something else unexpected. And- could be absolutely not a thing and on January 20th an addle brained corrupt and compromised Joe Biden is sworn in as POTUS.
And remember- Epstein didn't kill himself. Is that conspiracy theory or general knowledge?
And corporate censorship egged on by Pelosi et al is going to backfire bigly. That has actually been condemned by foreign leaders in county's without anything resembling first amendment rights. Seems real dictators rely on twitter....
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