Peculiar?! With white men excluded for so long — nearly half a century — it's almost as if you could celebrate it as another first, right up there with first openly gay Transportation Secretary.1973: that was the last time a Democratic president chose a White man for attorney general. It is peculiar 2 White men are now the ONLY ones reportedly in contention.
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) December 17, 2020
९२ टिप्पण्या:
Nixon was president in 1973
In her defense, Rubin is a fetid POS.
There's that.
Griffin Bell. Benjamin Civiletti. What is this woman talking about?
1979 is the last year a Dem president nominated and appointed a white, male Attorney General.
Rubin is so goddamned annoying.
It takes a special kind of stupid to keep coming up with SJW crap like she does.
Not every political appointee has to be a 'first' anything.
How about we hire competent people who know how to do their jobs?
Preferably people who have never been in government.
1973??? Nixon was a Republican. Carter wasn't in office until 1977.
First openly gay transportation secretary, but not first openly gay cabinet member, that honor goes to that racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semetic Donald J. Trump.
Not that the democrat media would notice, in fact this is one of those that they buried under a pillow until dead.
griffin bell, 1977, I believe his successor was another white male, sally yates is a paid up member of the coup circle,
in other news,
So is she trying to warn the Biden folks off? Is she trying to tell them to get back on the "reservation" and only non-whites need apply? Or is she saying "Yay white-power"?
What kind of "dog whistle" is she using? Is it to the Democrat racists that think whites need not apply or is it to the Democrat racists that think about time they selected a white guy?
The new rules can be fun!
griffin bell was replaced by benjamin civiletti for the last year of his term, bell was named to the head of the us military commissions in 2004
It's almost like this whole race-realism/wokism shit is a scam. Not even the scammers know who's scamming who! Sad!
...and the only significant fact about both of them is that they are white. (But that's not racist.)
She seems to have lost her mind, and not the only one.
so three strikes,, no republican in 1973, subsequent white democrats in 1977, and sally yates is a white female, the twin of the late vogue editor reed,
Rubin is a shameless panderer. What's not clear is where she finds all the shameless people she panders to.
well that's a day ending in y
Speaking of peculiar, Rubin writes something...
Love the 'wine and pain' URL...made me click.
"Drink your wine or get a spanking!"
"white men excluded for so long"
At what point does The Narrative flip?
but how could that be, sarc
"White Man speak with forked tongue." I think I see the emerging subtext of Althouse this morning: Forks.
"At what point does The Narrative flip?"
In about 30 years when everyone who's not white and asian screw this country up so bad that every city looks like Detroit, the Yuan outvalues the Dollar, and most of the rest of us have either long since left or created our own country.
Think Zimbabwe's recent request asking white farmers to return.
Imagine Jen Rubin and Steve Schmidt on a first date together. They could bond over those evil Republicans and then have hot steamy Democrat sex.The second date could be a threesome with Joe Scarborough. Third date could be an orgy with Ana Navarro.
Does Transportation Secretary outrank Director of National Intelligence?
well there went lunch,
The ATF, which operates under DOJ, has already begun playing gun registration games, and the new AG isn't even in office. So I don't think race is as important as ideology for the new AG.
An effort to demand national registration - via tax stamp application but without any legal basis - for short barrel AR "pistols" is underway. There are about a million of these firearms in private hands, so this would be the largest gun registration scheme at the federal level, ever. And it is being done without AG approval, now, by lower level ATF personnel. Lame duck presidential administrations need to pay attention to such things, and not allow the braver cockroaches of the incoming party to come out while the lights are still on.
Damn! Drunk tweeting at 8:22 AM, that's...that's really bad!
All of the "lifelong republican" establishment "conservatives" are identity politics marxists.
But only every single one of them.
Without exception.
We see that at Althouse blog as well.
"Rubin was a conservative, but she has also stated that the term has been "ruined" by pro-Trump conservatives and that she would "prefer to be a 19th century liberal or a wet Tory".[ She has described herself as "a Pat Moynihan Democrat, a Scoop Jackson Democrat, an Andrew Cuomo Democrat." (Wiki)
Andrew Cuomo??????
Rubin rhymes with Toobin
Democratic entitlement:
"This is Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate"
"This is RBG's seat on SCOTUS"
"This is a non-white male's seat on the Cabinet"
I didn’t think we were allowed to capitalize the word “white”. Did I miss a memo?
How do the "First" sweepstakes work? First openly gay cabinet member or first openly gay male cabinet member or first openly gay black male cabinet member or first openly gay transgender male cabinet member? Are each of those Firsts? I think they must be otherwise we will have settled firsts in many categories.
Presumably an AG must be an attorney. According to some reasonably legit-looking website I'd never heard of 90 seconds ago, 88 percent of lawyers are white, and something close to 70 percent (it was 70 in 2005, presumably lower today) are men.
So white males (ick!) are almost certainly a clear majority of American lawyers. Shouldn't be all that remarkable that a couple of them are on top of someone's list.
Stupid bitch.
Wanted Sally Yates (acting for 10 says)?
well I spelled out her errors,
"So white males (ick!) are almost certainly a clear majority of American lawyers. Shouldn't be all that remarkable that a couple of them are on top of someone's list."
You pretty much have to tie yourself in a knot to NOT hire a white man for the job.
But these spots are not filled based on qualifications or experience.
It's all about perpetuating the Democrat Party's one-drop rule metaphorically speaking.
If your preferred pronouns are "they, them, theirs" would that make your title Attorneys General?
Diversity dogma, not limited to racism.
How many white, straight males in the proposed cabinet? This could just be a diversity hire
1973? Jen Rubin is dumber than a sack of hammers.
Double facepalm.
I find it peculiar that we have to capitalize White now at the WaPo.
How many doctors does he have in his cabinet?
My favorite non White male was Janet Reno, who came to Hillary's attention for her zealous prosecution of fake satanic child abuse. Way better than the two African Americans appointed by the African American
Jimmy Carter's AG's, were Griffin Bell (1977-79) and Ben Civiletti (1979-81). They must be the white males Rubin had in mind. Janet Reno served as Attorney General under Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001. (His first two nominees, Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, withdraw because of the controversy over hiring undocumented immigrants for domestic help.) President Obama's AG's were Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, who are both black.
exhelodrvr1 said... [hush][hide comment]
How many doctors does he have in his cabinet?
12/17/20, 12:32 PM
Do you mean doctor like Dr. Ben Carson, you know an actual neurosurgeon doctor or do you mean a Doctor of Education doctor like Doctor of Education Jill Biden?
Based on the NYT, it's Mr. Ben Carson, and Dr. Jill Biden, so I don't believe he counts.
Jennifer Rubin has unseated Hillary Clinton as the Worst Living American.
Why are the Dems so hostile to deaf lesbian Eskimoes and Transgendered Malaysian midgets?
"If your preferred pronouns are "they, them, theirs" would that make your title Attorneys General?"
Don't kid yourself, every 'about' page for these head positions will include their preferred pronouns.
Just wait.
Perhaps the author would prefer we cede control to the CDC who decided to develop their own test, identified it had a 33% false positive rate, and distributed it anyway because they didn't have any other option. And hid it.
Perhaps the author would prefer to cede control to the chinese government who:
- Reprimanded the first scientist who posted information about the virus on WeChat and restricted her ability to share information
- Has 8 doctors studying and treating the virus brought in for questioning by the security bureau of Wuhan
- Tells labs studying the virus to destroy their samples and stop their work
- Denies its spreading in Wuhan in mid January
- Allows lunar new year party in wuhan to commence
- Locks down the city 5 days later while letting 5 million people leave
- Starts to blame other countries for covid
Or Maybe the WHO, who I'll just say....yeah....useless.
I guess it's better to support them because they have noble aspirations compared to evil big pharma?
For the record, ALL Democcratic Secretaries of State in recent history have been WHITE.
Just sayin'.
John Cunningham gets a double major penalty for saying "Eskimoes" and "midgets."
Count yourself lucky, sir; next time we bring out the scourge.
Weird, I posted this under a different thread. Disregard :)
"White man news"
White man blues?
Her math is as bad as Dr. Jill's, since many have noted that Nixon was President in 1973. In fact Nixon was President from January 1969 through the middle of the summer in 1974. Little Jen Jen must not have taken her memory pills today. I've mercifully forgotten who Jimmy Carter had as Attorney General.
So Nixon was a Democrat. Who knew?
Well okay, I looked Jimmy Carter's Attorney Generals up. Boy the two of them look "white" to me. Griffin Bell was a bit of a good old boy from Georgia; midway through Jimmy's term, Bell resigned and was replaced by Benjamin Civiletti--an Italo American born in New York State. Civiletti looks whiter than John McCain.
Rubin is more of a moron than I thought.
Why so Racist WaPo Jen Rubin?
yes it was a trifecta of category error,
"Rubin was a conservative, but she has also stated that the term has been "ruined" by pro-Trump conservatives and that she would "prefer to be a 19th century liberal or a wet Tory".
Wet Tory? Didn't think Tories ever got wet.
In Lebanon, the major roles in government are constitutionally assigned to specified religious sects.
Our obsessions are different from theirs, but the principle could work here.
Who is Rubin's audience?
Who is Rubin's audience?
Diversitists, not limited to racists.
Rubin was a conservative, but she has also stated that the term has been "ruined" by pro-Trump conservatives
Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, without diversity for the People and our Posterity? Perhaps she's a progressive conservative.
The Janet Reno thing was hilarious. Never mind what a hash she'd made of that Satanic-abuse case, or the bigger ones she'd make of Waco and Elian Gonzalez; just look as why she was hired. Clinton wanted a female AG, and after the two fiascos of Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, he was forced to find basically the only high-profile female lawyer in the country who was both childless and unmarried, because every last damn one of them who had kids also had an illegal-immigrant nanny. This was, of course, blamed on sexism: No one asks about male lawyers' nannies, because "the kids are the wife's problem," yes? But then no one of either gender (this is back before there were 57) has a nanny who isn't really, really rich.
Incidentally, what is it with the immigrant nanny thing, anyway? This country is filled to the gills with young women who would be more than happy to take care of a rich woman's child for decent pay. They aren't good enough? They can't be quietly deported if things go wrong? I seriously do not understand this.
Fun Fact: The last time someone said Rubin was good looking was also 1973.
Incidentally, what is it with the immigrant nanny thing, anyway? This country is filled to the gills with young women who would be more than happy to take care of a rich woman's child for decent pay. They aren't good enough? They can't be quietly deported if things go wrong? I seriously do not understand this.
Immigrants take less pay, will do more, might be able to teach your kid a foreign language, and "my French au pair" is just swankier than a "nanny".
Hey, Helen Keller is now just another "privileged white person" so cut out the nanny complaints.
Helen Keller couldn't see that she was white. Helen Keller couldn't even hear people say that she was white. I would like very much for Anita Cameron to live Helen Keller's "privileged" life." Not for a lifetime. 48 hours oughtta do.
Gender is a construct!
Greg the Class Traitor,
Immigrants take less pay, will do more, might be able to teach your kid a foreign language, and "my French au pair" is just swankier than a "nanny".
But the actual AG "nannies" weren't French; they weren't even Haitian. They were both, IIRC, Mexican. Though the "less pay, do more" thing is certainly true, and matters even (especially?) if your own income is in the mid-six figures. You'd probably want a more chi-chi language now (Russian? Mandarin?), but Spanish will do. Or Tagalog.
I fear the actual explanation is something more like "Mexican women are warm and maternal and won't make any trouble." Also, can be spun in your more doubtful moments as "I am helping someone weaker than myself." And, like I said, deportable if anything goes wrong. There is nothing nice about any of this.
How much more stupid and weird does jennifer rubin have to get before we stop paying attention? She's was lying for years about her "conservatism" and with that act played out, she's got nothing left but her wit and wisdom. IOW, she's got nothing.
I'm sure this has been said, but the president in 1973 wasn't a Democrat. It was Richard Nixon all year long.
Carter's two AGs, Griffin Bell ('77-9) and Ben Civiletti ('79-81), were both white. Who edits Rubin's twitter or this board?
Praise the Lord, or Biden, if you will, we have the first Native American Interior Secretary nomination! And a woman besides. Does that check two, or more, boxes?
What is it about the Biden's crew affectation with firsts?
After we got the first that mattered (black president) this... Toobin exercise has more to do with their inability to shout out for all the world to hear, we're here, we stole it, get used to it.
Today, there is nothing worse than pulling off something big and having to stay mum about it.
I quit reading Rubin when she left Commentary. There's no excuse to read the garbage she's been churning out for years.
I detest Jenn the Rube.
"How much more stupid and weird does jennifer rubin have to get before we stop paying attention? She's was lying for years about her "conservatism" and with that act played out, she's got nothing left but her wit and wisdom. IOW, she's got nothing."
A trator a turncoat worthy of her coins of silver but nothing else.
That was asinine, to fuss about a man’s transportation proclivities in bed being celebrated for his appointment as Transportation Seay. Or does the Trans in Transportation mesmerize you like pant crease for Brooks of NYTabloid
These elites generate precious little confidence in their reasoning abilities when an appointment to something like Attorney General of the United States, uses a metric of skin color as a deciding factor. Idiocy on stilts.
She’s kinda retarded.
Has anybody mentioned to Jennifer that she's white and maybe even Jewish, and she won't get eaten last, no matter what she says?
Here's a thought: Stop paying attention to what Jen Rubin says.
This isn't a tough choice, people.
I've met a lot of white men in my life. I didn't like all of them, but most seemed to be OK.
I think, 'It's OK to be white.'
Hey, I not only miss white people. I miss our old-time eugenicists too! Where did they all go?
And speakin' 'bout representin', isn't it about time we had more Wisconsinites represented? I mean Ron Johnson is a nice throwback to Joseph McCarthy. But Wisconsinites used to be tough and rough! Think of Jeff Dahmer!
Nowadays we can't even eat votes, let alone people.
WRA-I don't miss white people. They're all around. I said I don't like some of them.
So, check this out. I was a cab driver for a few years. I drove at night. 3am I'm sitting in the parking lot of an Albertsons waiting for a call. A black guy walks up. I roll the window down. He says, 'Do you like black people?'. (If you were ever a cab driver in the middle of the night, you know where this is going)
Take a minute to come up with your response.
Here's my response, "Which ones?"
I don't like all black people. I don't like all white people. I'm kinda partial to Viet Namese. They are resilient.
I'm just saying, 'It's OK to be white.'
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