Speculation is growing that the AT&T building was intentionally targeted in the Nashville Christmas Day bombing as the FBI probes rumors that the main suspect in the attack harbored deep paranoia about 5G technology.
Police on Sunday confirmed that Anthony Quinn Warner, 63, is a person of interest in the investigation launched when an RV exploded outside Nashville's AT&T building on Friday morning, leaving three people injured and dozens of structures damaged.
At a press conference police officers described how the RV, which was covered in cameras, played an ominous warning about the impending explosion and the song 'Downtown' by Petula Clark in the minutes before the blast went off.
How can you lose?
११६ टिप्पण्या:
The bomber, no matter their motivations, had an outstanding sense of humor.
The FBI is ransacking the bomber's house looking for a Trump connection.
Comically broad warnings to spare as many lives as possible can still knock out communications, down to 911 service, across a broad area.
If you, whoever you are, think that the world is normal and everything's fine, you're a greater fool than I imagined. I hope you had a merry Christmas, because it might be the last bright spot for some time.
The song choice was meant to make people run away, screaming. At least it seems so to me.
It was mostly peaceful.
I am not paying close attention to this bombing. I take it someone died? One or two people - and they were in the RV?
otherwise no other fatalities? is that right?
So strange. Somewhat sophisticated ...
I wonder if it was a disgruntled AT& T employee?
i'm sure we can trust the fbi to get to the bottom of it.. and tell us what really happened.
Michael K..
'The FBI is ransacking the bomber's house manufacturing a Trump connection.'
Already I've heard talk of... Russians! Our intelligence tell us we are under attack from foreign invaders... Less so China, now that Chi-Com Joe is in.
Petula's real name is Sally - she's a Brit and she is still alive.
On Facebook, I saw some conspiracy theories about AT&T having supposedly received contracts to audit Dominion voting machines. Sounds pretty crazy, but then, so does having the FBI and the DOJ trying to set up an incoming administration, and that happened, so these days I'm skeptical of everything but dismissive of nothing.
In the movies it has been clear for a while that psycho killers like classical music, and bad things happen in those stuffy old concert halls. https://theamericanscholar.org/the-sound-of-evil/
In real life, I gather Paul McCartney wrote "Helter Skelter" to prove he wasn't all sweetness and light, and the song inspired Charlie Manson--the anti-hippie, or post-hippie. What if killers go all pop on us? "It's a Small World After All." "The World is a Circle Without a Beginning." "Ob-la-Di-Ob-la-Da." "Sugar, Sugar." At the risk of offending Ann--although this may be the Dylan song that Dylan fans don't like: "The Times They Are a Changing." Just kill me.
OK - I'm caught up now. Anthony Quinn Warner is the suspect and it looks like he had the hots for a young pretty girl.
"FBI probes rumors that the main suspect in the attack harbored deep paranoia about 5G technology."
Oh, wonderful.
Now anyone who has questions about the wisdom of widespread deployment of 5G technology is a crazed, suicide bomber.
I'll have to turn in most of my friends and a goodly number of former constituents. Marin County is heading to GITMO.
The media and our corrupt Schitt-Pelosi-Brennan-Clapper-CNN media-political class have destroyed our trust.
Has a home-grown Breaking Bad vibe to it.
The behavior of the U.S. government following this explosion is similar to that of the Las Vegas massacre.
Real facts/evidence will have to be uncovered by citizens, as you will get nothing from the news media.
Anything that reflects badly on the government will be called a far-right wing conspiracy theory by liberals.
The initial explosion was across the street from the RV
When was the last time you heard the media label anything progressive as "far-left wing"?
Just wondering...
Mike S - that is weird.
I saw a video earlier this morning looking down the street. From the video it appears that the source of the explosion was across the street from the RV.
But I will wait for the FBI to tell us the "Truth"(tm)
Hopefully they will do it soon. I figure I only have less than 25 years left to live.
John Henry
Paranoia is a very interesting phenomenon. It's not all that different from the feeling of social anxiety except much more intensely felt. Often it is experienced as a diffuse, generalized suspiciousness and mistrust of other people. Persecutory delusions are the most common type, and they're closely related to delusions of control, the idea that something or someone is controlling you or your thoughts, and delusions of broadcasting, the idea that your thoughts can be heard or that others are aware of them. The last one is particularly common among schizophrenics. I have seen several clients who feared that their food was being tampered with or that others were trying to poison them. I've also seen a lot of amphetamine-addicts who believe that law enforcement is constantly following them or that any car parked near their home is cops. Grandiose delusions are pretty common when Bipolar people are having a manic episode. They often believe they're unbeatable, unstoppable, on top of the world, etc.
Some of the more interesting ones, though I've never seen any cases personally, are delusions that your organs have been removed or that someone you are close to has been replaced with an impostor.
I see Mike S beat me to it with the video I was talking about but could not find.
Thanks for the link, Mike.
John Henry
Blogger BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
The media and our corrupt Schitt-Pelosi-Brennan-Clapper-CNN media-political class have destroyed our trust.
Not mine. FBI was born corrupt 100 years ago. ATF has always been untrustworthy. See Ruby Ridge, Waco, OK City and more for examples.
CIA has been corrupt since the 50s.
All these folks mentioned above are simply reaffirming the reasons not to trust these agencies.
John Henry
It seems to me that the main bomb was planted underneath the sidewalk in front of the AT&T building.
I like the explanation that the RV's main purpose was to warn people away from the bomb. The RV was equipped with a strongly-powered loudspeaker.
The main purpose of the under-the-sidewalk bomb was to disrupt systems inside the AT&T building. One suite in that building managed intercepts of communication in a region that included Georgia.
I like the explanation that the bomb's main purpose was to impede the Federal Government from collecting communications related to the Georgia election on January 5.
Assuming for the moment that the video Mike posted is real can anyone tell me the relation of the RV to the explosion and the ATT building?
Was the RV between them or was the explosion in front of the ATT building and the RV across the street from ATT?
John HEnry
Only the best men...Vegas part II.
Does anybody name their kid Petula anymore?
Mike Sylvester:
The GA election will be stolen...by the Democrats... in favor of the Republican candidates.
They think this will put to bed all "conspiracy theories" about voter fraud. Preempt any possible rebellion. And no one will notice that this will put Mitt Romney, the swampiest of swamp Republicans, in charge of the country.
They are mistaken.
He should have used the theme from Zorba The Greek. More fitting with his name. This guy is/was at the intersection of reality and surreality. He wasn't wrong, the NSA is/was spying on all of us. The FBI and the DoJ were running rogue operations to derail a presidential election or filing that undermine the incoming Trump Administration. The House did conspire to remove a sitting president with a fantastical predicate. Wikileaks revealed a lot of damming revelation of government rogue action. What this guy had in mind makes no sense since we already know the government is spying on us. The only thing that I can make of this is that this guy had a serious case of the hots for an attractive much younger woman and wanted to go in a bang as some sort of "hero". At least he did reach the point where the crazy far right and crazy far left meet since both hold the view that the government is rogue and working for some evil cabal of globalist, one worlders and super wealthy robber barons.
Information about Room 641A
The article includes the following passages:
I'm going to reveal something now that will make a lot of people angry. Inside Nashville AT&T Data Center, Room 641A is the specific data collection point operated by AT&T for the National Security Agency (NSA). It is part of the Warrantless interception perpetrated by government under the PATRIOT ACT.
What part of the United States does this particular room cover? Georgia.
By damaging this data center, it will make it almost impossible to monitor the upcoming Runoff Election for US Senate within the State of Georgia scheduled for January 5.
Whoever did this may have wanted to prevent anyone from repeating the capture of phony voting tabulation which was caught during the November 3 Presidential election. As most rational people already realize, that November 3 election was stolen by Democrats to illegitimately claim the Presidency for Joe Biden. Now they seem to want to steal the US Senate too. ....
Additional intelligence is coming in from my former colleagues during my 15 years with the FBI, my final five years (2003-2008) with the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).
Regular readers of this site and listeners to my radio show know that I was a National Security Intelligence Operative, authorized by the Office of Intelligence at FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC. I was one of the very few "Level 5" assets, and was granted "fully operational, extra-territorial" authority; meaning I was tasked to go overseas by FBI. When I did, I got to know, work with, and befriend, others in the Intelligence Community around the world, some of whom I remain in contact with to this very day. They feed me inside information that the mass-media never even gets close to.
SOME of that Intel I can report to you without affecting sources and methods, or endangering anyone's lives. That's why the info you get at this web site is usually far ahead of the mass-media and is sometimes the sole reportage anywhere in the world!
[end quote]
(The funny thing is that they wouldn't have to steal it for Republicans if the election were free and fair. Those in actual charge of the swamp will need to engage in fraud to counteract the voter fraud perpetrated by the lefty peons who didn't get the memo that they need the Republicans to win.)
Two commenters now have mentioned that the alleged bomber was attracted to a younger woman. I have not seen that in any of the reporting to date -- only here on Althouse. Any further information on this? Would be interested in seeing sources for this.
Do other commenters infer, as I do, that this was a low order explosive? Like the ANFO used by Timothy McVeigh?
This is terrific news for people who want to continue to tamp down on speculative speech of the conspiracy theory kind, because, like Corona, it offers "an opportunity to do things you would not other would be able to do", to quote the former mayor of Chicago -Rahm Emanuel.
Well, something the FBIies feel like investigating, oh boy.
There is that little contrail thingy disappearing (apparently) into the AT&T building. And the fact that the RV was across the street from the AT&T building and there was no blast crater where the RV was parked. And elevator workings from the AT&T building were found in the street as they would if the blast came from inside the building. And no one can seem to find any pics of a 63 yo man driving that RV although it was parked in the midst of downtown security cameras the night before. Naaah, nothing to see here.
The second FBI evidence recovery/placement team will arrive at Anthony's home this evening with another supply of maga hats, blue lives matter flags and more than one hundred audio cassettes of past shows of "Coast to Coast AM"
I watched the presser and I was dying to know what the song was. Boy, was I surprised.
Before the explosion, the RV drove around in that small area, broadcasting the sounds of gunfire. People in the area reported the gunfire sounds to the police.
By the time the police arrived, the RV was parked across the street from the AT&T building, broadcasting warnings that the RV contained a bomb that would soon explode.
The RV's large size compelled the police to take the warnings very seriously, because the RV could hold a huge bomb. So, the police were able to prevent casualties.
The inside-the-RV bomb and the under-the-sidewalk bomb were supposed to explode simultaneously, but the video shows that the under-the-sidewalk bomb exploded a moment earlier.
The person-of-interest might be a patsy. The woman who recently received the two free houses from him has said she does not know anything about those gifts, which are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
It seems to me that the bombing's purpose was to destroy the building's infrastructure, especially the electrical system. The Federal Government will not be able to repair the damage and restore the building's operations until after the January 5 election in Georgia.
Daily Mail reported that he gave two houses to a young woman in another state.
Everyone should watch this video about China's role in stealing the USA's 2020 Presidential election
Cui bono?
Even though I can steal the Georgia election directly with my tricked-out Venezuelan voting machines, I thought it would be more fun to steal it indirectly by parking an RV in Nashville and something something something.
This fun. Cue "Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond" music ...
I'm shocked. No Seinfeld reference yet?
Makes me feel old.
>>The initial explosion was across the street from the RV<<
...in front of a fondue restaurant.
I blame Swiss separatists.
Mike S 3:11
Worth watching! yes.. but it will test my attention span.
You KNOW that some nitwit reporter, somewhere, is going to call up Petula Clark and ask her what she thinks. Just wait for it.
If it turns out that the RV was empty when it exploded, then the plotters were well informed about all the surveillance video cameras on that street. The RV driver was able to get out of the RV and disappear without being filmed.
Apparently, the Chinese Government cared only about Trump losing the Presidency -- and did not care much about the Democrats losing House and Senate seats.
Somebody does care now, however, about the Senate elections in Georgia. This someone was very well informed about the US Government's plans to collect communications related to those elections.
The Trump Strategy: Purely Legal Or National Security Based?
There's a split among those who support Trump's resistance to the Election Hoax, and in part it's a split as to how to view Trump's strategy. Some are absorbed in the legal challenges. Others believe that Trump has a national security ace up his sleeve. ....
On the one hand, Trump apparently supports the continuing litigation efforts of Giuliani's legal team. On the other hand, Flynn and Powell certainly appear to have excellent access to Trump, which suggests that Trump is at least somewhat receptive to what they're saying.
On the other hand, Jen Dyer has published a lengthy article in which she argues that Trump may be simultaneously pursuing a national security resolution to the Election Hoax that's rooted in the turmoil we've been seeing at DoD and its cyber related components: NSA and Cyber Command ....
Trump ... probably would prefer to see the election set to rights through the courts and/or the state legislatures. At the same time, if that approach -- as seems likely at the moment -- comes up short, the Cyber/IT approach that Dyer argues for will require careful preparation .....
As quite a few observers have pointed out, Trump at no time has even hinted at concession, at backing down. Thus his tweets about supposed big future developments are -- given his track record of straight shooting -- likely to have some substance behind them. ....
[end quote]
If President Trump indeed has been planning a national-security challenge to the election -- e.g. proving that China stole the election -- then the Nashville bombing might be an action to complicate such a challenge.
Wait until the bomber finds out about those other cities that have subways with people sleeping in them.
It's an act of petulance.
F: As stated in Mike Sylvester’s post, the person of interest quit-claimed real property to a woman. I think that’s the basis for suggesting that he was interested in the woman.
Rather cinematic.
I will speculate another explanation.
The bombing was done because some very important, very well informed Trump-haters were concerned that:
1) the Chinese Government might try to manipulate the Georgia elections
2) the NSA was prepared to catch the Chinese Government doing so.
Those Trump-haters wanted the Chinese Government to stay out of the Georgia elections but could not count on the Chinese Government staying out. If the Chinese Government got caught by the NSA this time, then the 2020 Presidential election still might be challenged successfully.
The bombing prevents the NSA from catching the Chinese Government.
The bombers don't care so much about the Georgia elections as they care about the NSA proving that the Chinese Government can manipulate US elections.
The Chinese Government's role in stealing the USA's 2020 Presidential election
lucien at 4:33 PM
the person of interest quit-claimed real property to a woman
His apparent gifting of two houses to the woman would cause the public to think that he intended to kill himself in the bombing.
She says, however, that she was not aware that he had gifted two houses to her.
Anyone remember the 1973 movie "The Getaway" with Steve McQueen and Ali McGraw?
Bank robbers pull up near a bank in a van with a hole in the floor. They stop over a manhole, lift the lid and get into and back out of the bank via the sewers.
Maybe that's what the RV driver did. Escaped through the sewers.
Or maybe the movie was Charlie Varrick with Walter Matthau?
John Henry
The blasts are much stronger there
You can forget all your troubles
And lose all your hair
Blogger Mike Sylwester said...
She says, however, that she was not aware that he had gifted two houses to her.
One report I saw said she had sold one of the houses. Hard to do that if one is not aware they own it.
Of course, 95% of what we "know" from the news is probably false or incomplete. Some misdirection, some incompetence, some repetition of unfounded rumor.
John Henry
John Henry
Reminds me of that "Downtown" episode of SEINFELD.
George: Is this trip downtown necessary?
Mr. Wilhelm: You've got to go downtown, George! It's all downtown! Like the song says . . .
When I was young, I used to skid logs with a Clark 667D. I named her Petula.
Mike Sylwester said...
If it turns out that the RV was empty when it exploded, then the plotters were well informed about all the surveillance video cameras on that street. The RV driver was able to get out of the RV and disappear without being filmed.
They've linked the human remains to Anthony Warner, looks like he died in the explosion.
I bet they're going to find that Anthony Quinn Warner (or the women he gave houses to) donated money to Democrats. Then, as if magic, the story will vanish.
Darkisland said...
One report I saw said she had sold one of the houses. Hard to do that if one is not aware they own it.
Warner was 63, never married, no children, very few living family members left. If she's not related to him or known to him in some fashion (i.e. the daughter of a former girlfriend), I'm betting that she's either an escort or a cam-girl he patronized. Hence the reason she's being so cagey.
Mike Sylwester said...
If it turns out that the RV was empty when it exploded, then the plotters were well informed about all the surveillance video cameras on that street. The RV driver was able to get out of the RV and disappear without being filmed.
They've linked the human remains to Anthony Warner, looks like he died in the explosion.
They beamed parts of his body onto the street with that mysterious energy surge whatsyoumycallit. He allowed them to cut off a finger by convincing him that it would impress that young woman in California. They cloned more parts of him in a lab then shot them from a beam of light onto the Nashville street so as to blame the patsy Warner for the bombing.
No explosives found in box truck playing audio 'similar' to that in Nashville explosion
"Wilson County Sheriff's Office Captain Scott Moore said one man has been detained for questioning and there was also a minor in the vehicle."
When you eat meat,
But you hate the meat that you're eating,
Then you've got GROUND ROUND
It's so unnerving
When they're constantly serving
In an eating spot GROUND ROUND
It may be called a chopped steak Salisbury or beef patty
No matter what it's called it's always overcooked and fatty
What can you do?
Sound off to your waiter there
And loudly pound on your table, stand up on your chair
And shout, "GROUND ROUND"
Piled on my plate I see,
Always you're serving me,
Why must it always be
Ground round, ground round, ground round.....
Mad Magazine, 1965
Fortunately 5G signals do not penetrate walls or other materials very well, so your standard tin-foil hat should provide plenty of protection
Puts on Tin-foil Hat
Ah jes wonder if that broadcast of "Downtown" was a signal to someone, you know, a real "Jean a une longue moustache" kinda moment.
After that supposed contretemps at the server farm in Germany, I'ma startin' to think that there may be factions within our intelligence agencies who are not happy with what went down in the election vs those who support it, and that they are now in a quiet but desperate battle with each other.
Once again, the pieces ain't fitting together yet.
tin foil off
63 years old, self employed, one man operation:
Shut down destroyed his business. No travel or work allowed.
Massage parlors all shut down.
Social Security gave him a disappointing $2.00 raise.
Democrats stole election
Final straw was ATT/Direct TV incompetence Just couldn't take the "your movie is buffering, would you like to record and watch later?" anymore.
BTW, what is the latest on the FBI investigation of the Las Vegas terrorist? They about ready to reveal the motive, in detail?
Petula's real name is Sally - she's a Brit and she is still alive.
Yep, and 87! Tempus fugit.
In the video she somehow evokes a slightly swingier version of Julie Andrews.
“Downtown” is a decent choice, but I think “Tobacco Road” by the Nashville Teens would’ve been more appropriate...
Nobody Eats At Linebaughs Anymore
Interestingly, the rather repetitive linked article answers several questions posed in the comments.
Nobody Eats At Linebaughs Anymore
Too crowded?
"Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city/Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty/How can you lose?"
You don't need to have psychotic delusions to realize that cellphones have redefined the nature of most public spaces, and mostly not for the better.
Nonetheless there's something deeply Quixotic about blowing up a communications facility. As if doing so could possibly roll back even the teeniest-tiny part of the world's omnipresent connectivity.
BTW, what is the latest on the FBI investigation of the Las Vegas terrorist? They about ready to reveal the motive, in detail?
LOL! As I said yesterday, when the ABC's are involved [There is evidence of a govt. sting operation arms sale gone awry] we'll hear nothing but crickets.
This bombing is particularly eerie for me because my family had dinner Christmas Eve at The Melting Pot, which is literally across the street from where the camper was parked on 2nd. The buildings there (east side) are interesting because many of them run all the way east to 1st and the riverfront. The melting Pot is one of them. Even if this man had mayhem and murder on his mind, we would've been fine because our table was at the very farthest point east in the restaurant. Our car would now be destroyed but we'd be fine if not shaken up. For Christmas Eve, it was pretty busy because the Melting Pot is a popular place to have dinner before Christmas. It was full. And it was fun to have fondue again after nearly 45 years. I'm very grateful he wasn't looking to kill anyone. But waking up on Christmas morning and seeing that The melting Pot was bombed was quite a shock.
I was going to say, "Too bad it wasn't CNN" but then I thought better of it. ;-)
Props for the guy warning people to stay away. At least he didn't intend to hurt anyone but himself.
Way back about, oh, 9 months ago I would have agreed without question that FullMoon's 5:31 is dead on and that all of the rest is just crazy tinfoil hat stuff.
I still think that way, but I'm putting some of my investment $$ in Alcoa.
Just to be safe.
Right now I will believe, or disbelieve, anything they tell us--from just about any source. Nobody has credibility. reallyNot
In ascending order of relative minimal credibility are:
1. Internet clickbait purveyors.
2. The MSM
3. "President-Elect" Biden
3. U.S. government agencies.
4. Internet clickbait purveyors.
5. Sydney
7. Ted Cruz.
6. Rudy.
7. DJT.
8. Internet clickbait purveyors.
9. Local news sources.
10. Bob Dylan
11. My dog, Tia (she just peed on the floor, so she's trending downward).
12. Mollie Hemingway.
The only things you'll find in downtown Seattle are boarded up stores, homeless drug addicts and homeless mentally-ill. Plus black-block terrorists destroying more of downtown Seattle. Also, a city government that doesn't care about the taxpayer, but would rather sow chaos and release all the jail inmates to sow even more chaos.
Hope this does not spoil this song, one of my favorites, in part because immediately after it became a hit I moved from US suburb to swinging London.
I rarely make "Emotional Connections" to pop songs. I hated the songs of my youth, and faked enthusiasm for this or that rock n roller or disco singer to get chicks. You don't pick up many babes at Beethoven's violin concerto. However, I do have a emotional connection to "Downtown" since its the only one of two songs my father ever said he liked. which surprised the hell out of me. My Dad was completely detached from Popular culture and pop music. He was more interested in real life: sports, politics, and business. I doubt he even knew who Marilyn Monroe or the Beatles were.
So, its one of those weird, old songs, you listen to and it brings back memories of someone.
With 5G you'll be able to reach your monthly download limit in less than a second.
I'm completely uninterested in the latest reiteration of "Kook" domestic terrorism. Like serial killers and hurricanes, people fascinated by them. Not me.
"He was more interested in real life: sports...."
How is sports more connected to/part of "real life" than popular songs?
"BTW, what is the latest on the FBI investigation of the Las Vegas terrorist? They about ready to reveal the motive, in detail?"
They issued a report sometime ago. Three pages long. No clear motive found. He was evil.
"How is sports more connected to/part of "real life" than popular songs?"
You're thinking of spectator sports. AKA Watching sports. My dad hunted, fished, sailed, and played golf and tennis. He had ZERO interest in watching any sport.
"The only things you'll find in downtown Seattle are boarded up stores, homeless drug addicts and homeless mentally-ill. "
I assume that's what the people in seattle and king county want. Otherwise, they'd vote for different people. Same is true of Portland.
BTW, some people are complaining about Del Blasio 'ruining' NYC. well, vote him out then. if the re-elect him, then nyc is getting what it wants.
some people are complaining about Del Blasio 'ruining' NYC. well, vote him out then.
He's term limited, so we won't get the pleasure of voting him out. Unfortunately I don't see a Giuliani-like savior waiting in the wings. So we'll be stuck with the likes of Andrew Yang or worse.
I used to think that "voting them out" was, as unlikely as it seemed, the only way that things could be fixed.
Apparently that no longer works, even if the citizens were so inclined.
Updated for 2020
Indiana Jones: "This [explosion] needs to be investigated."
FBI Drone: "And it WILL be, I assure you, Doctor Jones."
Indiana Jones" "By whom?"
FBI Drone: "We have our top men on it."
Indiana Jones (pointedly): "WHO?"
FBI Drone: "Top. Men."
In the year 2020, I know almost nothing about current events. All I know for sure is that the MSM and the federal government lie constantly. About everything. All I know for sure is that any story that comes out will be whatever the deep state thinks will best serve its own interests. For all intents and purposes, I'm living in the USSR now.
I can't use the "you voted for it, you got what you asked for" line anymore. I no longer trust a single election result of the last 30 years. We haven't even begun to experience the horrors that our new no-trust society will bring. But we're going to very soon.
My dad hunted, fished, sailed, and played golf and tennis. He had ZERO interest in watching any sport.
The weekend after Kennedy was shot was the opening of Pheasant season. I heard Oswald shot as we were driving from one field to another. Yes, we got our limits. I did miss out on tennis.
As for sailing...
I had to give up golf at age 75. My index was 9 at the time.
How is sports more connected to/part of "real life" than popular songs?
If you don't know, Cook, nobody can tell you.
Of course, 95% of what we "know" from the news is probably false or incomplete. Some misdirection, some incompetence, some repetition of unfounded rumor.
John Henry
Isn't your estimate a bit low ? I vote (sorry) for 98% but that could be low.
I think the Las Vegas shooter was profoundly mentally ill. I think he had homicidal/mass murder ideations and acted on them. In other words, he snapped . . . broke bad in a big way. He was sick with evil (not evil because he was sick). Neither more nor less.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. The Los Vegas shooter was just a cigar.
Not mine. FBI was born corrupt 100 years ago. ATF has always been untrustworthy. See Ruby Ridge, Waco, OK City and more for examples.
CIA has been corrupt since the 50s.
All these folks mentioned above are simply reaffirming the reasons not to trust these agencies.
John Henry
Agreed. We are entering a low trust society which will be a revelation to Democrats. Unexpectedly!
The movie "Hero" if you haven't seen it, is a mandatory lesson on news media.
Roughcoat, I'd like to believe you BUT: Let's see all the indoor surveillance videos that we know were obtained leading up to and shortly after the massacre. And let's find out what the dollar figures written on the pad were about. And why the Las Vegas LEO were [according to my friend who lives there] stifled regarding their own observations. This guy was a known arms dealer with some history of contracting with the CIA. He was a cool and calculating kind of guy rather than someone who would 'snap'.
I hope you don't believe Epstein committed suicide! ;-)
steve uhr said... [hush][hide comment]
"BTW, what is the latest on the FBI investigation of the Las Vegas terrorist? They about ready to reveal the motive, in detail?"
They issued a report sometime ago. Three pages long. No clear motive found. He was evil.
Thanks for that. Very generalized. Although hard to imagine someone mass murdering and commiting suicide without leaving some sort of "Fuck you" message to someone or something, I am definitely aware that the fact I could not imagine it bears no weight whatsoever in his situation, or any other thing outside my experience or imagination.
Yes, sports. Participation sports. Up until recently, I hiked, backpacked, kayaked, kayak camped, rock climbed, played tennis and golf. I still hike a bit but learned that I have osteoporosis and don't want to fall and break a hip, so I try to stick to easy trails now. After a right knee replacement I was advised against golf and tennis. I sold my kayak when I left the NW.
Music, sports... it's all good.
Where did this 'Anthony Quinn Warner' get the kind of explosives to do so much damage? Propane bombs? See is sure was not some black powder pipe bomb... that thing was far more powerful. But since he was in a RV it didn't have to be military grade stuff. But it could have been stolen dynamite.
I'm open to other explanations concerning the motive and purpose of the Las Vegas shooter. If and when compelling evidence to the contrary of my explanation emerges, I'll revise my views accordingly.
Re Epstein: I'm uninterested. Increasingly, I'm withdrawing from the Sturm and Drang of politics. I'm deeply influenced in this regard by Alisdair McIntyre's musings in "After Virture" and by Dreher's views in the "Benedict Option" (though I'm no fan of Dreher).
That said, I just purchased another firearm, a Christmas present to myself, and plenty of ammo for it. And I'm on track to purchase another gun next month, hopefully before the new administration brings the hammer down on the Second Amendment. Make of that what you will.
The FBI agent in charge of the Las Vegas massacre was John Podesta’s son in law. At least that is what seen to have heard. If true, it makes me wonder.
AT&T, my carrier, texted out this evening that talk/text/data will be free today through New Year's Eve to make up for disruptions. I couldn't connect for hours to either the Knox County library or Overdrive. Coincidence? All else was available.
To- very eerie indeed
Clyde @ 2:09pm,
Remember: do not believe any story until it's been officially denied.
Plenty of ammo? Go ahead and pull the other one.
I read After Virtue last month. What are the odds.
I'm wondering if Anthony Quinn Warner might have been a fan of the movie Flight of the Intruder.
You ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until western ag output declines 10% and third worlders start migrating for food.
Paul said...
"Where did this 'Anthony Quinn Warner' get the kind of explosives to do so much damage? Propane bombs? See is sure was not some black powder pipe bomb... that thing was far more powerful. But since he was in a RV it didn't have to be military grade stuff. But it could have been stolen dynamite."
Explosives are extremely easy to make. The trick is to not blow yourself up in the process.
"That said, I just purchased another firearm,"
Thinking of building a Glock.
Playing Downtown right before the bombing was about as The Dark Knight as it gets.
Two takeaways from Sunday's Nashville cops press conference: 1) When a female police officer in Nashville can casually mention calling her wife, you know a social revolution has already taken place, and 2) Young people don't know who Petulia Clark was/is and can't even pronounce her name. In the Sixties, the government had Radio Free Europe to bring her music behind the Iron Curtain. It looks like they failed massively with the US market since then.
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