I don't understand the connection between replacing torn-down statues and putting up a new statue that represents the cause that was involved in tearing down the old statues. I'd like Tony Evers to make a clear statement that is something reasonable and respectable, otherwise it seems to reward destructive behavior. Nothing against Vel Phillips, I just think it's dangerous to respond positively to destruction. What's to prevent the statues — including the new one — from getting torn down again? Or is that the reasoning, that the new statue is supposed to appease the statue-destroyers, so all 3 statues can remain standing? That's a strange sort of moderation, and it's not something that Evers or the advisory committee would say out loud. And it's not even accurate, because the statue-topplers had no fact-based reason for going after "Forward" — a symbol of progress — and Hans Christian Heg — a Civil War abolitionist who died for the cause. With such bad targeting, they might topple a statue of Vel Phillips.
१३ डिसेंबर, २०२०
"Two statues that were torn down by protesters in June — one that has come to represent women’s rights and the other honoring an abolitionist — are expected to be reinstalled this coming summer."
"Gov. Tony Evers announced Friday that the state Department of Administration has been awarded $60,000 in federal grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts to help restore the 'Forward' and Col. Hans Christian Heg statues. Restoration of the two statues has begun and both are anticipated to be reinstalled by mid-2021. Evers also has asked the State Capitol and Executive Residence Board to consider a new statue on the Capitol grounds of the late Vel Phillips, Wisconsin's first Black secretary of state. A community advisory committee plans to complete a proposal to erect a statue of Phillips by early 2021."
destruction of art,
Tony Evers
११३ टिप्पण्या:
You were expecting clearheadedness? Fugeddaboudit, it's Madison.
A token statue. Nice move, Guv.
"I don't understand the connection between replacing torn-down statues and putting a new statue that represents the cause that was involved in tearing down the old statues."
You don't? Something about throwing a bone to vicious dog.
What's to prevent the statues — including the new one — from getting torn down again? Or is that the reasoning, that the new statue is supposed to appease the statue-destroyers, so all 3 statues can remain standing?
Isn’t that the reasoning for at least some of the Civil War statues— rewarding people who “broke” things do they could be repaired?
How many decades until the new statue must be destroyed because it is now clearly a symbol of repression?
$60,000. I think what good that could have done instead of putting up a monument to political violence.
Statues were being torn down because some people didn’t have a statue in the fight.
Add $60,000 to reparations paid.
Ever needs to put up a statue honoring vote fraud in Wisconsin. Citizens in Wisconsin expect it now.
Going forward (ha!), all Wisconsin statues will be made of cheese, wrapped in papier-mâché. (Tear down a statue, feed the homeless!)
Obviously the era of public art and honoring the past is over.
Darrell said: Ever needs to put up a statue honoring vote fraud in Wisconsin. Citizens in Wisconsin expect it now.
It could be a simple statue of a 24" Samsonite spinner.
Come on Karen - who cares what you want about clear statements and objectives.
Evers can be covered in molten bronze when the citizens have enough. Saves on all those sculpting/casting expenses. Just keep him rotating and it will be close enough.
The new statue seems like pandering. Here, you have all these issues and you tear down statues to show your rage and frustration and we heard you so here you go, here's a(nother) statue of someone we think you should admire and honor.
It also seems disrespectful to the memory of Val Phillips, who is apparently only worthy of tribute as a sop to a bunch of destructive protestors.
Tax $ involved in this lawlessness is insane. Should be a crime...but alas
My position has always been the same. Go through the proccess that has been in place for centuries....work through the process.
Democrats abhor submitting to the same process they demand of others. Lawlessness in their only path to advance their fringe agenda. Democrats have seldom advanced their agenda through legislative work.
If Evers had a spine, he would demand blm, antifa, and the campaign funds of democrat politicians to foot the bill, as a show of solidarity. Instead, give the bill to tax payers.
Federal grant? So the whole country get's to pay for the sins of Tony Evers and the first lesbian mayor of Madison what's her name? Fuck that. Have those two assholes pay for it.
As far as your requests...a statement from Evers? How about they arrest the fucks that did the damage.
Althouse just scratched the surface on parsing this one. She's right about the statue destroyers ignorance. They couldn't care less about Vel Phillips. But those activists who do will now be out in force complaining about the details of the appeasatory statue. It's not the right black man. The design is wrong. The statue is too small. It's location on the grounds is not as prominent as those of the other statues. The sculptor is either not a POC, or the right POC. File this under it's never enough. As Althouse notes, most everyone else on the sidelines will see it as meaningless appeasement.
The statues should have been quietly restored and remounted as quickly as possible. Given their reasons for erection, no explanation nor racial balancing was needed. Between the state and Madison home of profligate spending, are we really to believe that this was not done for want of $60k of outside money.
Out of respect to the hard working tax payer, Evers could have raised a subscription to pay for the damage, but no. Sweet government free money is the way to cover it, the asshole.
I suggest memorial bollards.
How come they aren't going to put up a statue also to Madison's first Black mailman?
I just think it's dangerous to respond positively to destruction.
"In this context, it would be problematic to define this perceived reality outside of a paradigm of CREATIVE destruction. The creation of the tribute to oppressed minorities represented by this pathfinding public servant's likeness serves to justify the minor collateral damage that was the inevitable byproduct of this year's reaction to centuries of racism and oppression." - a fictional sample of woke Madison public opinion
My advice? Invest in plywood futures.
A statue representing batshit crazy ignorance would be nice.
The community's stupidest people are setting the community's agenda.
Statues to words, like Steinberg NO or BUT.
They're nollege students.
The left have complicated reasons for everything and you have to figure them out, like a girlfriend denying you sex for some reason.
To echo Professor Althouse, why Vel Phillips? Why not Lucian Palmer, the first African American legislator in Wisconsin (elected in 1906)? Is it recency bias? Or the standard bias of “progressives” to the administrative state, and thus someone on the executive side? No, silly me, it’s because Rep Palmer had a Scarlet R after his name.
serious question, about Vel Phillips
Other than being born black, and female...
Did Vel Phillips EVER accomplish ANYTHING, in her entire life?
i read her wikipeadia article, and the closest i can see, is:
Phillips frequently participated in nonviolent civil rights protests
i guess, in This day and age; That's something, right? I mean, she DID loot and burn!
Phillips first proposed an ordinance in 1962 to outlaw housing discrimination.
WOW! she PROPOSED an ordinance, 1962... Was it approved? well,
In 1968 the Milwaukee Common Council approved a desegregation law, only after a federal housing law was passed
So, NO; her ordinance was NOT approved
Looks like her ONLY accomplishments were, In Fact; being black and female
No one expects either blacks, or females to be able of accomplishing ANYTHING, right?
When we hear of a black (or female (or black female)) person; we won't expect them to even be able to chew gum and walk at the same time.
What is that called? The soft bigotry of low expectations ?
"I just think it's dangerous to respond positively to destruction"
You do, do you. But then this is progs we're talking about. Destruction is their goal and their MO. The culture war is a war, after all, much as the nice women of America would like to think otherwise.
Why not city taxes? Why is federal taxes even available for this sort of thing in the current state of affairs?
Someone posed a question on an earlier thread: If one were to cut federal spending, where would one begin?
And like magic, the question is answered a few days later: " ... the state Department of Administration has been awarded $60,000 in federal grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts to help restore the 'Forward' and Col. Hans Christian Heg statues."
I tend to look it at this way: How many working class households worked all year to finance this boondoggle?
Im shocked. A dem wants to put up a statue of their brown shirts. A job well done. Cant wait for the camps.
And here it will be argued that camps are nice. We'll get little pictures of camps. Then well have a picture of Liberace or Freddie Mercury and argue whether they're campy.
Tear down MLK statues since content of character doesn't matter anymore...Color of your skin does. He is rolling over in his casket...
What is that called? The soft bigotry of low expectations ?
Tom Wolfe called it "plaques for blacks".
Kevin said...
How many decades until the new statue must be destroyed because it is now clearly a symbol of repression?
non serious (and down right Snarky) question...
a) we publish a climbing guide, for showing the different routes up Val's monument
b) one route (up the middle) is called (by Some BAD people), niggerbitch's Vag
Can we ALL RISE UP! and DEMAND! that this TERRIBLE monument be torn down??
The old rules are no more so an old law professor cannot understand that new rules apply.
She spent so much time learning the old rules.
What a sad predicament.
We're past statues now. If outrage artists can't grok the subtle distinctions between Thomas Jefferson and Frederick Douglas -- and statues to both were torn down -- there's no point.
The new statue of a black person was thrown in because Gov Evers and his advisers are frightened of opposition by BLM. But there are a lot of us that don't like having our support coerced by threats. And that is almost exclusively the province of the far left -- support my cause or I'll break your windows; support my cause or I'll shoot you; support my cause or I'll call you a racist.
If you call yourself an "anti-fascist" and you hate Trump - you get to do what you want.
Tear down everything in sight, burn, loot, steal.
Maybe try protecting public property with force? The rule of law? Preventing chaos and anarchy to preserve the peace and social order?
Evers and other local officials: “nah, that’s too dangerous, I might get criticized”.
Multiply by 500 across the country in 2020. This is who we are now.
The country I grew up in is gone, unless and until we get rid of this layer of rot in all levels of government. We absolutely cannot sacrifice public order and safety, ever, and any politician who (a) doesn’t get that, or (b) doesn’t care, is your enemy as a citizen taxpayer who just wants to live in peace and enjoy your freedoms.
Other than being born black, and female...
Did Vel Phillips EVER accomplish ANYTHING, in her entire life?
Let me look at your Wikipedia page and we can compare.
"I'd like Tony Evers to make a clear statement that is something reasonable and respectable..."
Come on man! He'd just be a dog faced pony soldier if he tried to be reasonable and respectable! Better to just remain boring and say nothing of substance...after all, isn't that what you (did not) voted for?
Perhaps the collective left can erect a statue of this guy?
Forget Vel Phillips. Althea Bernstein! First half-black half-Jewish female race hate crime hoaxer in Wisconsin!
Then again she might not be black enough and would get mistaken for white and her statue will end up in Lake Monona like Heg's statue.
Other than being born black, and female...
Did Vel Phillips EVER accomplish ANYTHING, in her entire life?
Let me look at your Wikipedia page and we can compare.
So... no, DD Driver cannot name any accomplishments of Vel Phillips, beyond having been born into a particular race and gender.
What is our weapon as citizens to get rid of such politicians? The ballot box.
Oops. Next.
I tried to come up with a witty response, but I could not.
I was going to go with "we really deserve to be destroyed".
But then, IMO, the revolution has already occurred.
Thus line 1.
An affirmative action statue. What will they think of next.
I do not support putting up ANY new statues, anywhere. Some dumbass will be offended, we can’t have that anymore can we Karen?
I don't understand the connection between replacing torn-down statues and putting up a new statue that represents the cause that was involved in tearing down the old statues,
Oh, come on. I think you do understand the connection.
Obviously protestors who seem to be Covid-resistant need to tear down this new statue of black supremacy.
"...they might topple a statue of Vel Phillips."
As they should, what kind of authentically Black woman would stand guard over two white racist statues? "Vel" ain't no kind of African name I ever heard of. Hard to stay even mostly peaceful in the face of Liberal hypocrisy and weakness. Antifa/BLM will keep on tearing down statues till Evers gets it right: One Black Monolith to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.
Why, oh why is this an issue for Federal funding?
Locals (they claim) tore down the statues. Local officials allowed the destruction.
Yet I'm on the hook for the replacement?
We is doomed.
Wisconsin voted for the Party of Statue Topplers (or made it close enough for that Party to cheat to win) so I really can't force myself to care.
They should put up a monument to the Black vote-counters of Milwaukee. Those Black vote-counters select many of the state's and country's politicians.
“I don't understand the connection between replacing torn-down statues and putting up a new statue that represents the cause that was involved in tearing down the old statues.“
What’s to understand? It’s called pandering to the base. Old liberal Democrats seem to have difficulty identifying the base of the New Democrats. The new base is not grounded in high minded ideals. They are ignorant destroyers. The “olds” are in denial about that and the denial is fed by TDS, fed in turn by the mediaswine, or by some delusion unrelated to Trump.
There is no going back from a Biden/Harris Presidency. However boorish, Trump was the redeemer for classic liberalism as well as conservatism. Ignoramuses of all stripes failed to notice. The New Democrats and their ChiCom consorts aren’t interested.
The people who tore down the statutes didn’t even know the meaning behind them—they had to make up some half-added reasoning the next day. A new statute will not fix deliberate ignorance.
What's to prevent the statues — including the new one — from getting torn down again?
The thinking seems obvious. With Biden in office, Evers & Co. will no longer encourage left-wing riots by not enforcing the law. And if any of you haters on the right get any ideas, they'll add a hate crime charge if you damage the new statute.
I'd like Tony Evers to make a clear statement that is something reasonable and respectable, otherwise it seems to reward destructive behavior.
Althouse, the love I bear thee affords
No better term than this: Thou art a fucking retard.
And if any of you haters on the right get any ideas, they'll add a hate crime charge if you damage the new statute.
And here I was thinking that if I snuck up to Madison and blew up the statue maybe the lefty crazies would burn the whole damned city down — including all the government buildings, all the campus buildings, the whole downtown, and at least half the residences. Wouldn’t that be fun to watch?
But the possibility of a hate crime charge; you gotta admit that’s quite some deterrent there.
DDriver offers the following odd syllogism: Gilbar does not deserve to have a statue in Madison; Gilbar opposes a statue of Vel Phillips; Therefore, Vel Phillips does deserve to have a statue in Madison.
I'd like Tony Evers to make a clear statement that is something reasonable and respectable, otherwise it seems to reward destructive behavior.
Almost as bad as not voting in an election when you have a chance to vote against the people committing and promoting political violence.
hombre said...
What’s to understand? It’s called pandering to the base. Old liberal Democrats seem to have difficulty identifying the base of the New Democrats. The new base is not grounded in high minded ideals. They are ignorant destroyers. The “olds” are in denial about that and the denial is fed by TDS, fed in turn by the mediaswine, or by some delusion unrelated to Trump.
Exactly. And they are going to find that their attempts at appeasement have the same affect that attempting to appease a toddler in mid-tantrum has; the tantrum goes to 11.
It's not appeasement. It's dealing with a girlfriend whose feelings are always the topic to be discussed.
DD Driver... previously evaluated on "Wheel of Fish" -
A statue to men in general, praising their simple desire for sex and ability to then turn over and go to sleep.
Desire for sex standing for getting the structure right for a system, followed by moving on.
No drama about feelings interests them.
So far as I know nothing honors that.
DD driver? how many electoral college votes will You receive? NONE!
according to YOU, this Means that President Trump will be reelected, right?
“What's to prevent the statues — including the new one — from getting torn down again?”
What Gahrie said at 12/13/20, 9:48 AM
"I'd like Tony Evers to make a clear statement that is something reasonable and respectable..." It's Tony Evers, reasonable and respectable aren't in his toolbox, as those would require independent thought. All Evers can do is repeat the current Dem party talking points as handed to him from his handlers. And since they aren't much brighter than Evers, this is the best you can expect.
"I don't understand the connection between replacing torn-down statues and putting up a new statue that represents the cause that was involved in tearing down the old statues."
Why are there statues of Cuauhtemoc in Mexico City? Didn't the conquistadores overthrow him and torture him to death? Why would they show reverence for a person beloved by his countrymen who was no longer a threat to their power?
Progress (i.e. unqualified monotonic change): one step forward, two steps backward.
Statues with "masks" or smoothing to remove gender attributes and individual features. A simple block. Oh, wait, that won't work. They're in quite the pickle. Hmm, that could be misconstrued as a phallic symbol. A hole in the ..., perhaps. A pole, a hole, recycled. A renewable source of controversy, which, on average, could be written off, or nearly so, as a progressive artifact: one step forward, two steps backward.
In hindsight, it wasn't a smart idea to keep feeding chunks of eastern Europe to Hitler. But appeasement has a sweet, sweet smell.
Sure, reinstall the abolitionist and the feminist.
Where is the monolith, and when will it be put back?
I say we are all monolith supporters. Get some sheet metal, bend into a triangle, and stand it up in your front yard, local park, city street, or local government office building lobby.
Let it be a symbol of the victorious rebellion.
The destruction incurred by he rioters in Madison & other cities this year were indiscriminate. Some businesses that were destroyed and looted were owned by minorities who the protestors/rioters were purportedly representing in their protests. Evers is naive if he is thinking that putting up a statute of a black politician will mollify these idiot and criminals as they are opportunists. No mention about the law enforcement memorial that is also on the square that I think was desecrated as well.
This could become a template for the new national make-work policy under Biden/Harris. First the feral children tear stuff down, then grant money is shelled out to rebuild. Rinse, repeat. “Build Back Better,” right?
I'd like Tony Evers to make a clear statement that is something reasonable and respectable, otherwise it seems to reward destructive behavior. Nothing against Vel Phillips, I just think it's dangerous to respond positively to destruction. What's to prevent the statues — including the new one — from getting torn down again?
You have already made a clear statement that you support political violence and believe it should be rewarded Ann.
You and Evers are both avoiding making a clear statement.
Not sure why you think you get to chastise him here.
D.D. Driver said...
Other than being born black, and female...
Did Vel Phillips EVER accomplish ANYTHING, in her entire life?
Let me look at your Wikipedia page and we can compare.
That was a brilliant tangential non-sequitor.
I am sure you are proud of it.
You just are not very smart.
Matt Sablan said...
$60,000. I think what good that could have done instead of putting up a monument to political violence.
Right now 60.000$ will get you about 80-100 thousand rounds of ammunition in useful calibers.
The true currency in a failed state is bullets and chickens.
Digitally-generated statues solve the problem of vandals.
The reason that I am a Republican is my strong conviction in the virtue of personal responsibility. A federal grant along with a compensatory statue is everything that's wrong with governance in this country.
Owen said...
This could become a template for the new national make-work policy under Biden/Harris. First the feral children tear stuff down, then grant money is shelled out to rebuild. Rinse, repeat. “Build Back Better,” right?
isn't this STANDARD Economics? Aren't statues kinda like broken windows
Come to Think of it!
Hasn't EVERYTHING in 2020,basically been an example of the Parable of the broken window?
Lockdowns... Will stimulate the economy because of ALL THE NEW RESTAURANTS we'll have to build
Covid....Not Only has Covid stimulated the casket market; look what it's done to the mask market
Mostly Peaceful Protests.... RIGHT OUT OF THE Parable of the broken window!
Look how the election stimulated the Postal Service, to say NOTHING of the vote "counting" market
Thank Gaia for Jo Biden and the Chinese! Without them, we'd be still stuck in the horrible Trump economy; where people got money for Making things/ not Breaking things!
OMG! don't forget the Plywood market!!!
So $60K of Federal funds, to which I contribute, will be used to replace statues torn down by anarchists who were allowed to do that by the utterly inept and corrupt political establishment. Makes sense to me!
@D.D. Driver
The relevant comparison is to Christian Heg's wiki page.
Be best.
Why do you think it's "bad targeting"? Do you not understand the real intentions of theis movement? This is Pol Pot stuff. Thhey don't care about your idea of social justice.
Hans Christian Heg statue
I didn't love Danny Kaye either, but I draw the line at tearing down statues ...
Reading Althouse’s comments I’m beginning to warm to statue toppling. I’m increasingly persuaded that when you feel aggrieved you have every right to do whatever the fuck you want — indeed, the more futile and stupid the gesture, the better.
Politicians should not be honored in any way, shape, or form. No buildings, freeways, or airports named after them. No statues either.
Do you build statues to your gardener? Your housecleaner?
They work for you!
You pay them.
They get perks that are off limits to you...they get rich while in office.
This is not difficult people...
"Let me look at your Wikipedia page and we can compare."
You don't get it. All politicians are leeches...they contribute very little to society and should only be occasionally tolerated and always disdained.
I don't have a Wikipedia page nor do I want one.
I got an education, a job, raised two great kids, pay all my taxes, don't break the law, and give a lot of money to worthy charities...
All without taking a dime from anyone, ever.
And somehow, in today's America that's not enough.
It only matters if you're elected to dogcatcher on the Democrat Party ticket and are woke.
Then, and only then, can you expect any kind of respect from liberals.
Replacing the two statues will only incite the nihilists. Putting up Vel Phillips will incite them even more. It is amazing that liberals still fail to see why this is so. Appeasers appease because they assume a basic sense of reality where half a loaf is better than none (and Vel is certainly not close to half even). But these people have no interest in reality. Reality is what they are at war against.
You do realize that the Arabic post(s) is just spam gibberish, right?
The grant is one outcome of an EO from President Trump.
How can Evers and the good people of Wisconsin accept letting Donald Trump rebuild the statues that they decided to tear down?
"NEH’s support for new and previously erected historical statues of iconic Americans responds to the Executive Order on Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes issued by President Donald J. Trump on July 3, 2020..."
DDriver offers the following odd syllogism: Gilbar does not deserve to have a statue in Madison; Gilbar opposes a statue of Vel Phillips; Therefore, Vel Phillips does deserve to have a statue in Madison.
That's a strawman. I am pushing back on the stupid notion that one of Wisconsin's most celebrated civil rights leaders "didn't really accomplish" anything in her life. That argument is too stupid to take seriously.
You get mockery because that is all you deserve.
Clearly BLM was responsible for the destruction of statues and the accommodation to them is to install a statue of a Black woman. So why not send the bill to ActBlue, the fundraising arm of BLM? As you say, otherwise their only contribution to this new monument was a destructive one. You might claim that we the "taxpayers" are paying the bill and that includes Black folk. But then we are told that the majority of Blacks in the US are low income and they don't pay federal taxes. They really are not invested nor included. Who decided which Black woman to honor? Was it a bunch of White people in positions of power or the Black community of Madison? Does anybody really care? Why single out any individual for a statue? So we can remember her? But what if you never knew of her when she was alive, what does a statue tell you? Probably nothing. Why not a statue honoring all Black women? You can count on bureaucrats to lack imagination and visionary leadership.
Althouse has appeared to be minimally concerned by the prospect of bureaucrats intruding into her world. However when that administration starts to impose their bureaucractic rules in her world directly that might cause a change in her attitudes and increase her concerns.
Public funds to pay for the violent actions of leftist thugs.
What a country.
Althouse said: " And it's not even accurate, because the statue-topplers had no fact-based reason for going after "Forward" — a symbol of progress — and Hans Christian Heg — a Civil War abolitionist who died for the cause."
Not necessarily. I read quotes by activists defending the toppling of these statues and at least as far as those jerks were concerned, they did have a specific reason to target those statues.
The reasons are based on the far-Left concept that everything in America/the West is putrid and irredeemably poisoned by our underlying history. These activists said that they were making the point that there has been no REAL justice or progress or lessening of racism, and so these statues had to come down. The statues convey the unacceptable idea that there has been "good" achieved in America and that we will continue to progress to a more just and better society. The far-Left insists that real progress is impossible until every vestige of our current culture and society--including these statues--has been destroyed and re-built in some perfect way.
When the statue-destroying perps are convicted, we all expect they will remit $90 large to reimburse the feds and state.
DD confusingly says...
one of Wisconsin's most celebrated civil rights leaders
is she? and it doesn't mention that in HER wikipedia page; WHY?
you DD, i READ her page, 'cause i had NO IDEA who the Hell she was
(and, what Did I post?....
serious question, about Vel Phillips
Other than being born black, and female...
Did Vel Phillips EVER accomplish ANYTHING, in her entire life?)
So, DD (since You, are SO SMART)... What did she EVER accomplish?
It WAS a serious question, on account of because i NEVER heard of her
What did one of Wisconsin's most celebrated civil rights leaders do?
i'll Wait :)
Continuing my Serious Question
can DD, or ANYONE, tell me ONE thing that Vel Phillips DID? Other than being born black and female?
"What's to prevent the statues — including the new one — from getting torn down again?"
The police. Oh, wait…
Things like the following, just mean that a person was born black and female...
...served as an alderperson and judge in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and as Secretary of State of Wisconsin (1979-1983), often as the first woman and/or African-American in her position.
...was the first African American woman to graduate from the University of Wisconsin Law School; the first African American, as well as the first woman, elected Alderwoman to the Milwaukee Common Council; and the first African American, as well as the first woman, to serve as a jurist in Wisconsin.
You know What George Washington Carver is Famous for?
hint: (it's NOT being the 1st African American to graduate from Iowa State)
Being first isn't much. It MAY WELL BE SOMETHING; but, my question was Del Vel EVER DO ANYTHING ELSE?
"That's a strawman. I am pushing back on the stupid notion that one of Wisconsin's most celebrated civil rights leaders "didn't really accomplish" anything in her life. That argument is too stupid to take seriously."
I have more respect for the guys (and yes, they're always men) who haul away my trash than for any politician or 'civil rights' grifter.
The garbage guys work hard at an honest job and don't think I'm a racist just for living...
"NEH’s support for new and previously erected historical statues of iconic Americans responds to the Executive Order on Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes issued by President Donald J. Trump on July 3, 2020..."
Iconic? Like this?
What does it mean if something is iconic?
1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an icon.
2a : widely recognized and well-established an iconic brand name.
b : widely known and acknowledged especially for distinctive excellence an iconic writer a region's iconic wines.
I would bet not one in a thousand Americans knows who either individual is.
The words used in the Northwest Ordinance to ban slavery in the Northwest Territories in 1784 before the Constitution was written and then reaffirmed in 1787 after the Constitution was adopted were used in 1865 in the 13th Amendment which banned slavery in the US. This supports my contention that the original intent of the Revolutionaries and of framers of the Constitution was to limit slavery which they saw as incompatible with the US ideal. They intended to limit it and have it die out. The Confederate theorists always contended that the Constitution made a permanent place for slavery and those teaching critical race theory have adopted and are teaching this Confederate version of history. Naturally, then these neo-Confederates push over statues of abolitionists whom they hate as much as the first Confederates did. And for the same reason - they hate freedom. There's been a pause in destruction while the Dems get the suburbs to acquiesce in the malarkey election. But it'll all start up again, once the suburbs commit to what they see as the easy way out.
"This could become a template for the new national make-work policy under Biden/Harris. First the feral children tear stuff down, then grant money is shelled out to rebuild."
If you're a (supposedly ex-) alcoholic or druggie you can get hired as an alcohol or drug counselor. Presumably on the theory that, who would know better than someone who was there?
So, why not hire statue restorers from among the (supposedly reformed) vandals?
They can name the Phillips statue BACKWARD
Geeeeee. It seems the STUPID is STRONG in Wisconsin.
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