The cough is an unnice touch.Trump at the White House Christmas party: "It's been an amazing four years. We're trying to do another four years, otherwise I'll see you in four years."
— Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) December 2, 2020
h/t @ZekeJMiller, @colvinj
१९७ टिप्पण्या:
The Constitutional Authority of State Legislatures To Choose Electors
They have neither the willingness nor the stones to do it rehajm.
Trump is going to win that PA absentee voting case in SCOTUS. Slam dunk. I read the brief.
This election is FAR from over.
I’m calling my shot.
Grover Cleveland! Grover Cleveland! Grover Cleveland!
It sure would be fucking helpful to the American public if someone in the America media read the PA absentee voting brief and then reported on it. The best, and really the only source, is Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic.
Fox is dead to me.
steps of fraud
* there IS NO fraud!
* there is Only Minor fraud
* fraud is NOT wide spread
* no more fraud that USUALLY happens
* OMG! let it GO!
* LOOK! SURE, there was widespread fraud; but FOR THE SAKE OF THE UNION, let it GO!
* HA HA! HA HA ! We Stole Your Election! We Stole Your Election! SUCKERS!!!!
What Gilbar said
I have no doubt that he is going to start his 2024 campaign as soon as it's legally allowed to raise money. You people need to max out your credit cards, drain your college funds and liquidate your 401K to fund this great man so he can "Clear" the planet.
I’m very optimistic that Trump wins that PA case. That will flip the narrative.
"The cough is an unnice touch."
Pretty ballsy to be coughing in CovidWorld. Every cough or sneeze gets the "Omg, you're infected by Rona! Get back! Stay away! How dare you?!!"
David Begley said...Trump is going to win that PA absentee voting case in SCOTUS
It will have to happen this week, because it's not enough. That may change the momentum, but Trump needs a couple more states or Biden still wins and the ticking of the clock is starting to get loud.
David Begley said...I’m very optimistic that Trump wins that PA case. That will flip the narrative.
Yeah, from Trump is trying to steal the election to Trump is stealing the election. Not one major news outlet will look at the merits of the decision.
I’m tired of living a Trump obsessed life.
This does not mean I repudiate him.
It just means I have a life to life, I’m not inclined to hero worship, and the Republican Party needs to come up with something on the local, state and national level besides a White Knight riding to our rescue.
I’m not at all optimistic that this will happen, so...
The cough is an unnice touch.
Still with the Orangeman Bad, Professor? Whether he goes away or he does not go away, the class war will not go away. And you and your sons are on the wrong side.
Blogger Howard said...
"I have no doubt that he is going to start his 2024 campaign as soon as it's legally allowed to raise money. You people need to max out your credit cards, drain your college funds and liquidate your 401K to fund this great man so he can "Clear" the planet."
You elected a man who publicly stated, “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”
Along with the violence and racism, you own this and everything that follows.
Not one major news outlet will look at the merits of the decision.
I'm okay with that...
Please let him announce 2024 and the Trump Family Pardons the same day.
The cough is an unnice touch.
What a womanish comment to make. Go hector someone else, Karen.
Somehow, Readering, you don’t understand just how brutally vicious and stupid the need for Trump Family Pardons makes you and your allies look.
You’re actually proud of this.
You’re really completely fucked in the head.
And, Readering, you stupid fuck, let me know if I need to explain this to you.
Shouting Thomas said...
Somehow, Readering, you don’t understand just how brutally vicious and stupid the need for Trump Family Pardons makes you and your allies look.
Remarkable, isn't it, the overlap between the people who are outraged at "lock her up" and the people who can't wait to bring indictments against everybody who ever said anything nice about Trump.
Shouting Thomas please explain "this" to me. I know how the Trump Family Pardons look.
By the way, did I miss the Project Veritas big reveal on CNN while I was being a stupid fuck?
The “lock her up” chant grew out of a publicly announced FBI investigation of a specific named crime, i.e. Hillary’s illegal e-mail server.
For those of you who don’t remember, James Comey announced in a televised address that he wasn’t indicting Hillary, not because the FBI had no knowledge that she had committed said crime, but because he assumed she had no “intention” to commit that crime.
We later learned that there was no statutory need to prove intent and that Comey didn’t have the authority to announce that Hillary had been absolved.
Readering, you dumb vicious fuck:
1. No specific crime has been alleged by any law enforcement agencies against Trump or any member of his family.
2. Taking revenge against a politician who leaves office by fishing for a crime to charge against him or his family will unleash a hell on earth that will eventually come back to destroy us all.
As I said, Readering, you are a preposterously stupid, vicious, lowlife fuck.
The lock her up chant grew out of Trump's bonkers attitude towards governing.
Pardoning his family is something that will further set Trump apart from all prior presidents. (Although i was not a fan of the Iran-contra pardons).
Well, you don't call yourself shouting Thomas for nothing, i guess.
Hillary broke the law and received no consequences because she was Hillary. Even if you allege the same thing about Trump, that does not stop the Hillary thing from being true. If you want to chant "Lock him up" at Trump, go at it.
You’ve just stated some of the stupidest, most vicious opinions it’s possible to state, you worthless fuck.
I suggest your refrain from uttering a word in public again,
You are an utter moron, Readering.
There are times when it’s necessary to tell a fucking moron when he’s spoken utter idiocy.
This is one of them. It’s time for you to shut up.
I agree Tim. The Democrat party would be wise to ignore the Trump's once they vacate the Whitehouse. The strategery would be to go after Trumpco hammer and tong to drain away potential Republican fund raising money to Trump legal defense fund thereby crippling the GOP midterm. That's based on legacy media groupthink and would likely backfire. Social media actually makes campaign money less valuable.
The Dems need to 100% focus on vaccine and a Covid UBI distribution to keep the house in 2022.
Comprehending basic logic and morality seems to be beyond you, Readering.
Read my statements multiple times until you understand them.
You might need to schedule an online Zoom session with me. This could take some time.
Vicious stupidity of your sort is difficult to cure. But, I”m available.
Oh FFS. Sometimes your throat tickles, and sometimes someone is there to hear it. Just fucking stop already. The fear of bodies and other humans is becoming some weird-ass purity cult bullshit and it's doing real damage to people.
Yeah, like no one here has ever said that me before! Trump attracts a certain kind of person as devoted follower is something that has been well established after 5 years!
Unless the methods used to count votes become more open and transparent, Trump (or any other Republican) has no chance, ever.
Blue states, and purple states that don't want to be called "racist", will reject any reforms that would make elections more open and transparent.
Therefore, no Republican has any chance of ever winning a national election again.
To argue that I'm wrong, you must claim that at least one of my first two statements is incorrect. But which one?
Lotta work to start your own party, but it might be the only way for Trump since taking over the e-GOP doesn't seem in the cards for Trump. Pick a couple of strong Trump states that are top-heavy with RINOs and focus on the 2022 election; see what you can get.
I might once have scheduled a video call, but then I realized it could all just be dogs on the internet.
Readering, you’re just plain stupid and morally bereft.
I’ll try to explain this to you again, dummy. Read carefully, idiot. Read multiple times is necessary.
You’re proposing using the justice system to take revenge on a politician and his family for opposing your views.
You’re scum.
This is not a matter of party affiliation or which candidate you support.
As I said, you might need to read this dozens of times to get the fucking notion out of your head that this is about which team I support.
The down ballot results suggest that the Republicans are just a few gerrymandered states from retaking the WH in 2024. The disconnect between Biden's 7 million vote national margin and the margin in just 3 states is a political scandal.
Shouting Thomas, please give it a third try.
The Constitutional Authority of State Legislatures To Choose Electors
It won't happen. If any GOP state legislatures try to support Trump, Antifa will target them and their families...forever. And these guys didn't sign up to be Nathan Hale, they just want to live their lives.
Same story with the Supreme Court justices. Nobody's going to put their life on the line for Donald Trump, of all people.
Thomas, save that passion for post Covid cougar town. Next summer is going to be epic.
Antifa has its hands full making ballots for 2024. Can't also find names and addresses of state legislators' school kids.
Forget about it, Thomas. It's a bot.
Readering thinks white house races can be gerrymandered. Um. Okay. Which state lines do you expect to get moved around to favor Republicans?
Google gerrymander. That's what I do when I come to a word I don't understand.
sterlingblue: Oh, Republicans will win again. But only Republicans like Kemp. And Romney. And McCain. And the Bushes.
And they will tell us that that proves that there wasn't any election fraud.
Shouting Thomas, could you direct some of that eloquent outrage towards those calling on Trump to declare martial law? Like Michael Flynn? Who has more of a megaphone than little ole me.
Blogger David Begley said...
"Trump is going to win that PA absentee voting case in SCOTUS. Slam dunk. I read the brief.
This election is FAR from over."
Resist we much.
Readering said...
The lock her up chant grew out of Trump's bonkers attitude towards governing.
It grew out of the fact that Hillary deleted 33000 emails that were under investigation and there are dozens of military service members in jail right now for deleting a few pictures or 2 emails.
I appreciate your efforts though.
The laws of this country apply to me as much as they apply to Hillary Clinton.
Unfortunately the real story for the Con will be he was the Grinch who tried to steal democracy and threaten violence against anybody that did not agree with his plans. In the future more folks won’t answer his ring tones.
Explains why the Trump family took to using private email accounts for government business and POTUS an unsecure cell phone.
Chinatown. It's everywhere.
Blogger Readering said...
Please let him announce 2024 and the Trump Family Pardons the same day.
Here is Readering's favorite bed time story.
and officials in recent weeks from Democratic members are calling for blacklists to the Lincoln Project leading a a national effort to harass and abuse any lawyers representing the Republican party or President Trump. Others are calling for banning those “complicit” from college campuses while still others are demanding a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to “hold Trump and his enablers accountable for the crimes they have committed.” Now, Daily Beast editor-at-large Rick Wilson has added his own call for “humiliation,” “incarceration” and even ritualistic suicides for Trump supporters in an unhinged, vulgar column. Wilson declared “[o]nly exposure, pain, humiliation, and (inshallah) incarceration will lead to a moment of reckoning for the GOP.”
Nice people.
Nobody's going to put their life on the line for Donald Trump, of all people.
See, that’s the problem. It’s not for Trump that anyone would or should put his life on the line. It’s for the principle of free, fair, unstolen elections. I wonder if leftists, should they be presented with proof positive that the election was stolen, would say, “that’s wrong—the election needs to be invalidated,” or “cool beans! I’m good with the steal! Go Biden!” I know this is fantasy world—there’s no proof they would find convincing. But they may miss those free and fair elections once they’re gone.
What Gilbar wrote @6:36a
and what Achilles wrote @8:34a
Oh no, will the Trump Family Pardons outlaw saying mean things about them too, Michael K?
Grover Cleveland! Grover Cleveland! Grover Cleveland!
One of Grover Cleveland’s campaign themes was “We love him for the enemies he has made.” Applies to Donald Trump, too.
What about for his friends?
These hearings and affidavits are the legal equivalent of vaporware.
Exactly right Mrs. X but I suspect there is no one in our government (legislative and judiciary) committed to this sort of democratic principle.
"See, that’s the problem. It’s not for Trump that anyone would or should put his life on the line. It’s for the principle of free, fair, unstolen elections. I wonder if leftists, should they be presented with proof positive that the election was stolen, would say, “that’s wrong—the election needs to be invalidated,” or “cool beans! I’m good with the steal! Go Biden!” I know this is fantasy world—there’s no proof they would find convincing. But they may miss those free and fair elections once they’re gone."
This^^^ But the left doesn't care as long as they beat the Orange Man. If they think we are going to sit down and shut up, they are wrong...Biden, and or Kamala will NOT get any rest...we are the REAL Resisters.......Lock and's almost that time....Treason should NOT be rewarded....
"Google gerrymander. That's what I do when I come to a word I don't understand."
ger•ry•man•der jĕr′ē-măn″dər, gĕr′-►
transitive verb
To divide (a geographic area) into voting districts in a way that gives one party an unfair advantage in elections.
What Readering said:
"The down ballot results suggest that the Republicans are just a few gerrymandered states from retaking the WH in 2024. "
In a white house race, the "voting districts" are state lines.
You cannot gerrymander state lines.
You're kind of a moron.
Even a moron can see when I'm being insulted the same way on 2 threads!
Good for you! Confirming that we in fact do not yet have any evidence that you are not a moron.
Blogger stevew said...
Exactly right Mrs. X but I suspect there is no one in our government (legislative and judiciary) committed to this sort of democratic principles
This is exactly what Vlad wants you to think. Mission accomplished.
CNN is now admitting that China lied about COVID.
Something Trump has been saying and his voters have known all along.
Why would CNN admit this now?
Prep work for Biden declaring war on China.
And then deliberately lose every battle.
When is this PA case to be heard?
Better be soon!
Democrats would never stuff the ballot boxes.
They are the good guys, doncha know. Brett Kavanaugh could nor be reached for comments. I wonder what Clarence Thomas thinks.
I tend to agree with Yancy that stuffing the ballot boxes is what we need to pursue. I have serious doubts about electronic manipulation of voting systems. It seems much easier to prove.
"I have serious doubts about electronic manipulation of voting systems. It seems much easier to prove. "
They've had 4 weeks to create enough ballots, with knowledge of who didn't vote, with digitally transcribed signatures from the voter rolls, to back up whatever the hell bogus crap Dominion spewed out.
They could have recreated the entire national vote, with digitally copied signatures, five times over by now. Faster, with China's help.
It is far too late to be able to validate this vote in any way. The only answer is a re-vote that actually follows the law.
Something the Left will not permit under any circumstances. Ask yourself why.
Blogger Readering said...
Google gerrymander. That's what I do when I come to a word I don't understand.
And you wonder where the time goes, lol...
CNN is now admitting that China lied about COVID.
Something Trump has been saying and his voters have known all along.
In fariness I think it's reasonable to say that pretty much nobody truly believes China about Covid at this point, even though the OrangeManBad set will rarely admit it in public. People may disagree about whether China actually fully engineered the virus or was just purposefully negligent. And people and organizations disagree about what to do about it. Certainly companies like Apple benifit hugely from cheap Chinese labor, and companies like Disney and the NBA benefit from the massive Chinese market. So obviously they'd perfer if Biden basically bent the knee to Bejing after some sort of minor face-saving slap on the wrist sort of action.
The cough is an unnice touch.
I'm reminded of that time that Trump chastised that guy for coughing on camera (saying something like "If you're gonna cough, please leave the room") and I agreed with him.
Only 12 days left! no not till Christmas, until all the trumpeters(Sarah Palins endearment)move to Parler for butt hurt folks, those "Christians" and conspirators can all gather and rub each others egos as the criminal organization of the trump family vacate. December 14th ,the fat lady(and fat man sing)You can name call there, show your brilliance, put up porn, join the Nazi and right wing loons and that oh so grand freedom of speech(oh but there may be rules) just have a blast for next 8 years. The foul mouth swearing groups and name callers and the conspiracists and you know "those Christians who really model the faith with their words" will have a blast. Hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say Grace. As the cookie crumbles so do the Days of our Lives...(channel 2 )Losing sure doesn't get handled very well up in here, remember them kids who would always take their ball and go home if they didn't win? Me not only Dinky Dau in this building it seems.
Looks like they got older but still want to take their ball so you can't play. 12 days next to last phase. trump now easing into his defeat as he states on TV, even McConnell refers to new administration soon. Oh and don't forget keep sending in your $$$$ to build the war chest to pay trumps debts :)
This is exactly what Vlad wants you to think. Mission accomplished.
Vlad is chuckling at how the Democrats finally won their fixed election. Hillary thought she had it in the bag in 2016 and did a Biden campaign the last two weeks or so. Vlad might have shared some of his wisdom about fixed elections with the DNC. After all, they have no secrets from each other.
Bernie Bros understand that Biden is a corrupt crook - and he was inserted by corrupt forces.
According to Rasmussen, 30 percent of Democrats believe that it’s “very likely” that their own party won the election through illegitimate means.
The new rules are going to be quite difficult for the people advocating the changed rules.
The pro-fascism crowd will be attacked by the further Left and the Right.
They will have no defenders.
I look forward to the attacks on the neighborhoods in which the commenters above live.
Trump still doesn't understand the true nature of the left. He won't be on any ballot for anything in 4 years. He'll be lucky to be a free, breathing man.
If the Republicans were smart, they're not, they would get behind Rashida Tlaib for the next Speaker of the House. They could scrape together the votes from the hard-left Democrats giving the (D) party a telegenic, thoughtful and measured person with a cervix to lead their party to victory in 2022.
The Trump tease never gets old. You people always wet yourselves on que.
Howard said...
This is exactly what Vlad wants you to think. Mission accomplished.
You are infantile.
You don't want to take responsibility for what you have done.
But it is too late.
Howard said...
The Trump tease never gets old. You people always wet yourselves on que.
You can't see what is right in front of you.
Trump is Georges Danton. If he loses he is done.
We are going to like the next leader even more than Trump.
And the one that comes after that is going to be even better.
Vlad helped stuff Clinton Coffers...
The left still buy all the lies fed to them by their corrupt lying press.
Turns out Joe Biden IS a White supremacist
If you believe that this election was indeed honest (not stolen) but there was all this doubt that still persisted in the losers, wouldn't you want to do a great deal to show that it was honest?
We have all these anomolies and all sorts of evidence of fraud from various sources. If you truly believe that despite all that Biden still legitimately won, would it not be in your own interest as well as the whole country's interest to remove all doubt? Isn't it inherently extremely dangerous to have such a huge number of people believing that the Federal election system, the very foundation of our Republic, has been irretrievably corrupted. Isn't it extremely dangerous to have a president who is believed by many to be truly illegitimate, not just "illegitimate" in the figurative, hyperbolic sense (as in, how many times over the past 4 years have we heard screeching about Trump being "illegitimate!!" because "Russia!" or whatever), but literally illegitimate?
According to Achilles, we await the second coming of Captain David Miscavige. Jon Voight as Tom Cruz, James Woods as John Travolta and special guest star Ru Paul as Kristie Alley
I see that as well.
I think Trump thought he would be embraced by hollywood and many on the elite left.
He didn't understand the hatred and vitriol and corruption that would come his way as punishment for halting the Obama-Hillary-Pelosi continuation of World Government.
I popped in the local Barnes and Nobel book store the other day. Stacks and stacks of Obama books. Both Barack and Michelle - pimped all over the place.
Glossy magazines showcasing Joe and Kamala.
The machine knows what it is doing.
"The next leader" on the non-corrupt left needs to articulate and pound out daily how corrupt the left is.
It's more than socialism. It's world government, tech oligarch propaganda, elite leftwing money grubbing for the tech oligarchs and the chi coms - and the D-leaders in power... etc... the rich get richer... and more powerful.
The democrat party is the party of the wealthy, the elites and the hiveminds who worship them blindly. The hiveminds obey. They watch Rachel and Colbert, and think SNL is funny - and are willingly brainwashed accordingly.
The fog of war. I do hope the Supreme Court will rule according to the letter of the law on whatever comes before it, and not on the basis of what in its judgment would be best for the stability of the country, as many have suggested they will or should. The rule of law is the best guarantee of long-term stability of our democratic institutions. As to the facts, I have no idea what they are.
"Still with the Orangeman Bad, Professor?"
The upside of a Biden presidency is a good number of mainstream media outlets will go broke and many 'reporters' will be out on the street.
Warms my heart : )
Trump is going to win that PA absentee voting case in SCOTUS. Slam dunk. I read the brief.
This election is FAR from over.
I doubt it. Let me preface this by saying: I think the merits of the constitutional argument are strong. But, that is not enough, because the court is sitting in equity. Setting laches (an equitable defense) aside, a court sitting in equity must always balance the harm to the plaintiff against the harm to others. In this case, the court would be asked to shred the votes of hundreds of thousands of innocent voters who relied in good faith on the law as written at the time. I really doubt the Court will do that.
"good faith on the law as written at the time"
But their voting wasn't based on the law.
Walter Williams RIP. That's a punch in the gut.
I’m fully onboard with tossing every one of these. I think WI is going to be flipped.
As a anti-Trumper, I wanna see Diaper Cheeto run again. I predict Letitia James, the republicans he walked over for the last four years, and his "friends" that were co-grifters are going to destroy his image as a success, and show the party to be running on fumes. A GOP that started with one humbug, John C. Frémont is going to end with another.
D.D. Driver said...
I doubt it. Let me preface this by saying: I think the merits of the constitutional argument are strong. But, that is not enough, because the court is sitting in equity. Setting laches (an equitable defense) aside, a court sitting in equity must always balance the harm to the plaintiff against the harm to others. In this case, the court would be asked to shred the votes of hundreds of thousands of innocent voters who relied in good faith on the law as written at the time. I really doubt the Court will do that.
So your argument is that if someone commits fraud and takes money out of someone's retirement account the court can do nothing because that money was invested in a mutual fund owned by other people and the court's action would harm the owners of the mutual fund.
I know it will work with at least 4 of the Justices on the Supreme Court. It is possible they could get a 5th.
But that argument will never fly out here.
"As a anti-Trumper, I wanna see Diaper Cheeto run again."
What is it with crazy liberals and their third grade-level insults?
But if you're on the left side of the bell curve, I guess that's all you've got.
It must be nice living in your low-IQ world. You're so dumb you don't even know you're dumb.
Dishonest DD Driver: "In this case, the court would be asked to shred the votes of hundreds of thousands of innocent voters who relied in good faith on the law as written at the time."
Yes, that is exactly what your side wants to do. They want to disenfranchise the voters and allow the fraud upon the country to stand. At least you have identified the argument your side forwards.
So what happens if the Supreme Court with Rep. Kelly's lawsuit. The background is that the PA legislature, which is majority Repub, agreed to exxpanding mail-in voting las year in 2019. The Dem governor signed that bill.
Now, a year later, someone finally reads the PA consitution which explicitly lays out options for voting and noe of the options include the expanded mail-in voting. As a PA resident, WTF were the Repubs and Dems legislature doing when it authored that bill? No one checked to see if it was constitutional? Side note - I find it very curious that it was done just before the Covid hysteria hit too.
So to the lawyers here- if the SCOTUS agrees with Rep. Kelly's suit, what can PA do? Hold another election?
He has 70 million voters who would support him again and are angry at the Fraudulent stolen election. I don't see any Republican who could beat him in 2024.
rcocean said...
He has 70 million voters who would support him again and are angry at the Fraudulent stolen election. I don't see any Republican who could beat him in 2024.
It wont happen. You are not looking ahead and thinking about this.
First 4 years is a long time. Trump is old.
More importantly after January 20, 2021 if he leaves the White House peacefully he will have bent the knee.
The next leader we choose will be chosen because he promises to never kneel. Trump makes his play before January 21 2021 or he is done as a leader. If he wants to go start a media company and get shut out by Comcast he could do that. But he would fade as so many others have faded.
Weep for our nation. We have done this to ourselves.
Georgia election officials are probably going to jail.
Just a heads up.
Dishonest DD Driver: "In this case, the court would be asked to shred the votes of hundreds of thousands of innocent voters who relied in good faith on the law as written at the time."
Translation: "It doesn't matter if the election was stolen! The people have spoken!"
I'm Full of Soup said...
So to the lawyers here- if the SCOTUS agrees with Rep. Kelly's suit, what can PA do? Hold another election?
1. Hang all the state election officials that broke the law and violated the PA constitution.
2. Jail the election workers that kicked republicans out of counting stations and warn all future election officials that election laws will be followed. Investigate and trace the ballots that were delivered at 4AM and execute publicly everyone involve in their preparation.
3. The Governor of PA or the Supreme Court of PA will not have any say at all in what happens.
4. The PA legislature assigns electoral college electors with the power the US constitution grants it.
5. Or they don't assign the 20 electoral votes and they punt to the US House of Representatives.
Achilles - I like your answer especially #1!
Howard... the C is silent.
Yes, that is exactly what your side wants to do. They want to disenfranchise the voters and allow the fraud upon the country to stand. At least you have identified the argument your side forwards.
I honestly don't have a side here. I couldn't care less whether Trump or Biden is president. Both guys are big government statist authoritarians. I thought about not voting at all, but ultimately voted Jorgenson. I'm telling you how I think the Court will rule, not what my preferred outcome is.
Trump should ask Dino Rossi how it turned out four years after he had an election stolen.
Thanks for your four years. You got screwed. Can't do a thing about it because they'll cheat again.
Go enjoy life.
So your argument is that if someone commits fraud and takes money out of someone's retirement account the court can do nothing because that money was invested in a mutual fund owned by other people and the court's action would harm the owners of the mutual fund.
If someone steals money from you, you are not eligible for equitable relief. What Trump is seeking is an injunction--a form of equitable relief. There is always a balancing of harms.
Here's a better analogy--your neighbor builds a children's hospital on the plot next to yours in a clear, indisputable violation of a restrictive covenant between the two of you. You sue asking the Court order your neighbor to tear down the hospital. The court looks at your suit and says: "The hospital clearly breached the restrictive covenant." That doesn't end things, because the Court can still find that the public interest of having a hospital for children outweighs your interest in having the restrictive covenant upheld.
D.D. Driver said...
Here's a better analogy--your neighbor builds a children's hospital on the plot next to yours in a clear, indisputable violation of a restrictive covenant between the two of you. You sue asking the Court order your neighbor to tear down the hospital. The court looks at your suit and says: "The hospital clearly breached the restrictive covenant." That doesn't end things, because the Court can still find that the public interest of having a hospital for children outweighs your interest in having the restrictive covenant upheld.
And will anyone ever trust a contract or a covenant again?
We made agreements about how an election was to be run.
Those agreements have been broken.
The costs of being a low trust society are hard to measure, but they are massive and by far outweigh anything else that is being discussed here.
There are SO MANY democrats that got involved with the fraud it is truly disheartening.
They took over the canvasing and the counting. The testimony at the MI hearings today is infuriating.
2020 taught me more about friends and relatives than anything else. I already knew the elite were corrupt. But now it's your neighbor too (depending on where you live). Either completely programmed with fear, uninformed and completely low information, or just woke arrogant. Our neighbors in Madison, WI are all of these things.
Achilles is right. This is insane. We've become a nation of mask wearers with holes cut in the front to play our saxophone in the band. Stupidity at its peak.
And Shouting Thomas is also correct. There is a life to live. Now we will live it as subjects, not citizens. Luckily, for the time being...there is still good food to cook, cold beer to drink, and beautiful women to chase. But everything else is gone. The America I loved from 1969 to 2020 is going away. Liberty has been crushed.
And it is our fellow subjects that are making it happen for nothing more than their own selfish, arrogant comfort. Especially the residents of Madison, WI.
It seems to me that it is in the public interest to assure people that 1). their legally cast vote has been counted 2.) that illegally cast votes are not counted... especially in the advent of plausible evidence of massive fraud. If (for whatever reason) tens of millions of people truly feel that the election system has become corrupt and broken, then we're in a dangerous territory and it actually really doesn't matter a whole lot what some judge may determine is in the public's interest. Now I'm not suggesting that we're at that point yet, I honestly have no idea, but there does seem to be an awful lot of people out their that are very concerned about the validity of this election. And at this point I'm not convinced that legal rulings will change that.
Joe Smith said...It must be nice living in your low-IQ world. You're so dumb you don't even know you're dumb
What is it with you righties that see everything they can't understand as low IQ. I think the moniker Diaper Cheeto is being nice to a person who is grifting the system while twenty year olds counting votes in Georgia have idiots driving by their house brandishing guns.
And will anyone ever trust a contract or a covenant again?
Sure. Because ordinarily, when you sue under a contract you are seeking legal relief--i.e., money damages. When seeking money damages the court does not engage in a balancing of harms. Equitable remedies like injunctions, specific performance, reformation, etc., etc., are different. For equitable remedies, you must engage in a balancing of the harms.
Historically, there were two separate court systems to handle the different equitable claims versus legal claims. Virginia had not yet integrated its two court systems when I took the bar exam fifteen years ago.
D.D. Driver,
Everybody here knows you are a liar. There is no need to reinforce that accurate perception. Your dishonesty is good for laughs. But you are a partisan shitstain and a liar.
Good luck in the coming wars.
Shouting Thomas, what maje you if the lock him up chants directed at GA Gov Kemp when lin wood and Sidney powell speak to a crowd about his failure to suspend the runoff pending their litigation antics. Calling for folks to boycott runoff. Several of your favorite adjectives would seem to apply here.
Here is the true answer to the idiotic counterfactual offered by D.D. Driver:
Here the hospital has not been built. Here, the construction was stopped in advance of pouring the foundation. And no court - anywhere - will divine that the goal of building a hospital, as to private parties, overwhelms a legal and enforceable contract.
Even less so, as in this case, when allowing one side to continue with its unlawful pursuits would include burying the bodies of the murder victims into the foundation so as to hide the evidence of the crimes recently committed.
And that's before we get to the Constitutional claims that the votes of actual humans are stolen when we allow fraudulent voting to stand.
Your analogy is shit. I know you are pretending to be a lawyer online but that was an embarrassing attempt at argumentation. Please stop. Have some dignity and leave this thread.
Readering: "...litigation antics..."
Assumes facts not in evidence. What a weasel are you. The voter fraud you support will lead to violence. I hope it visits you soon.
D.D. Driver,
Everybody here knows you are a liar. There is no need to reinforce that accurate perception. Your dishonesty is good for laughs. But you are a partisan shitstain and a liar.
Good luck in the coming wars.
Well that breaks my heart. You seem really smart and well-adjusted. I was hoping we could be friends.
A 2024 run for Trump is just a tease. If Biden accepts the Presidency knowing it was gained by coordinated fraud in the primary, and then even bigger in the general election; 2016 was then our last real election. There won’t be another one. Oh sure, they’ll want us to pretend that we go to the polls and participated in “democracy”, but we’ll know that’s bullshit. The residents of Madison, WI will revel in the power of the pretend.
I don’t even know if it matters anymore if the Democrats pick up the two GA Senate seats. The GOP Governor there (Kemp) is completely corrupt. The problem is the GOPe is as corrupt at the Democrats. Trump was the first real “third party” candidate to win and serve, and neither of the established power houses will have any of it. Good men like Ted Cruz and Scott Walker got on board. Most just offered lip service for survival.
We have twelve days left of the America we knew. If the safeguards of the Electoral College are not utilized by Dec 14th, we are a new country and new society. Our Children and Grandchildren will be China’s bitches. That was the plan all along.
The fraud is what Trump is perpetrating on the rubes contributing close to $200 million to his post election slush fund. Birkel, do you believe in voodoo, or why else wish physical harm on someone for what they write about GA election litigation debacle?
I am not wishing physical harm for you. I am wishing it is timely. Big difference.
I would like to see you visited by that which you advocate.
I've sat in the wings (and yes I voted for Trump) and watched as the posters here become as deranged as the Democrats were the last 4 years. People keep throwing out fraud nonsense but yet no courts have agreed. Of course that just means that the courts are inon the fix. Bill Barr says something and now he's in on the fix. I am really sad for our country because y'all are nuts.
Just like a dog's nose pushed into mess* it has made, if there is any time delay the dog will not understand the punishment.
I am cheering the collapse of California. And Portland. And Seattle. And New York. I want all of those places to suffer their own stupidity. I want the same for you. I want this because I care about individual humans and believe immediate calamity would be better than a long, drawn out collapse. I want less net human suffering and that means I hope for your immediate rebuke.
*It is wrong to do this to a dog because it is ineffective.
R Rick,
We already have our quota of Concern Trolls. Thanks anyway.
Birkel-thanks for making my point. If I am not part of the group think then I'm a troll.
R Rick is here to tell people stuff.
And we should listen.
"The next leader we choose will be chosen because he promises to never kneel. "
Who is this fictional Republican?
Potential viable R's for 2024 outside of Old Orange Man:
Kristi Noem
Ric Grennel
Ted Cruz
Tim Scott
Nikki Haley
Tim Scott and Nikki Haley can both fuck right off that list.
Governor DeSantis can have one of their spots.
I still like Scott Walker if he gets rid of the consultants.
Walker needed to get woke RE: the Leviathan State.
Birkel will blow a gasket long before anything comes to me.
People keep throwing out fraud nonsense but yet no courts have agreed.
That's because it's impossible to prove it through legal means. That's the point. And that's exactly why the left embraces it.
I keep referring to the Washington state governor's race in 2004 between Christine Gregoire and Dino Rossi. Believe me. I know fraud when I see it. And I also know it's impossible to prove it in court. We tried.
When you have more ballots cast than registered voters? That's fraud. Good luck trying to prove how those numbers came to be.
D.D. Driver said...
And will anyone ever trust a contract or a covenant again?
Sure. Because ordinarily, when you sue under a contract you are seeking legal relief--i.e., money damages. When seeking money damages the court does not engage in a balancing of harms. Equitable remedies like injunctions, specific performance, reformation, etc., etc., are different. For equitable remedies, you must engage in a balancing of the harms.
Historically, there were two separate court systems to handle the different equitable claims versus legal claims. Virginia had not yet integrated its two court systems when I took the bar exam fifteen years ago.
That is all bullshit.
You are either dishonest or stupid.
Nobody will ever trust the election process again.
I have an invisible rabbit following me but I cannot prove it through normal means.
R Rick said...
Birkel-thanks for making my point. If I am not part of the group think then I'm a troll.
As soon as you make a relevant and useful point we will accept it.
But if you are just going to stick your fingers in your ear and sing and yell neener neener we will just assume you are another lying concern troll.
What evidence do you have the election was legitimate?
"Tim Scott and Nikki Haley can both fuck right off that list.
Governor DeSantis can have one of their spots.
I still like Scott Walker if he gets rid of the consultants.
Walker needed to get woke RE: the Leviathan State."
I wasn't making a wish list, more of a list of realistic contenders. DeSantis belongs. Walker is politically dead to the world.
To me, I'd love Preezy Rand Paul, but that's never happening in a million years.
"People keep throwing out fraud nonsense but yet no courts have agreed. Of course that just means that the courts are inon the fix."
We knew they were in on the fix before they "didn't agree".
We knew because they were the ones who unconstitutionally rewrote election law so as to favor Democrats. They aren't just "in on it". They *actually did it*.
And now, surprise surprise, when the cases that that was utterly indefensible come before them, they say "Well, you shoulda filed sooner." Anyone who *did* file sooner would've been dismissed for no standing.
But yes, it was really shocking for us to learn that the judges that directly, personally and unconstitutionally dismantled voter integrity measures to enable the fraud found that there is no fraud.
It's a real stretch for us to think that means they were in on the steal. You caught us. We're nuts.
I'm hoping for General Flynn.
Readering said...
I have an invisible rabbit following me but I cannot prove it through normal means.
Over 220,000 ballots in two counties in Wisconsin were cast illegally.
Citations to the specific laws those ballots broke have been made.
The ballots and their casting were recorded. Everyone involved admitted they were cast illegally.
When the Supreme Court forces Wisconsin to do a recount without those ballots we will see how Wisconsin turns out.
The PA equal protection case is a slam dunk for the Trump team in the SC. Notice how all the trolls are falling back to "equity" arguments.
People in Georgia are going to jail.
You and your stupid rabbit jokes are going to be held responsible for what you people did to our elections.
Birkel said: I am cheering the collapse of California. And Portland. And Seattle. And New York. I want all of those places to suffer their own stupidity.
The first act of the Harris administration will be to sign a "stimulus" package that bails out NY, SF, LA, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, and Madison - democrat governed and mayored shitholes that encouraged their own destruction. You and I (and my granddaughters) will pay for it.
Known Unknown said...
To me, I'd love Preezy Rand Paul, but that's never happening in a million years.
Turning the cheek is cool and all and I like Rand.
But not right now. He is just a nice person.
Maybe after we get this country back on track.
EsoxLucius said...
Joe Smith said...It must be nice living in your low-IQ world. You're so dumb you don't even know you're dumb
What is it with you righties that see everything they can't understand as low IQ. I think the moniker Diaper Cheeto is being nice to a person who is grifting the system while twenty year olds counting votes in Georgia have idiots driving by their house brandishing guns.
Me: This is rich, coming from the Left where people riot at will, sucker punch elderly MAGA hat wearing people, and shoot Trump supporters. Thank God for Kyle Rittenhouse. May we be blessed with more men like him
Your side made the new rules. Enjoy living by them.
Gusty Winds said: The problem is the GOPe is as corrupt at the Democrats.
All of 'em have their snouts in the same trough.
Known Unknown said...
Kristi Noem
Ric Grennel
Ted Cruz
Tim Scott
Nikki Haley
The first 2 have earned an audition. The last 3 had theirs and are not acceptable for a variety of reasons. Cruz because he can't pull it off. The other 2 are kneelers.
Crenshaw and Cotton also get auditions.
doustoi said...
The first act of the Harris administration will be to sign a "stimulus" package that bails out NY, SF, LA, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, and Madison - democrat governed and mayored shitholes that encouraged their own destruction. You and I (and my granddaughters) will pay for it.
This is of course self evident. And the poor people in those municipalities will not see a cent of the money. It will go into the pockets of Gavin Newsome's lobbyist friends.
Nobody is paying for anything through taxes.
They pay for it when the basis of the economy fails. The basis of the economy is our productivity. Wealth = Productivity. Period.
None of the stupid budgetary stuff or the deficit are ever going to be paid for. Your kids are safe from federal spending issues.
It's nice to see Achilles moving on from Trump. He officially at the acceptance stage of grief. Watching him vet the new Republican leadership is a real treat. Who's in, who's out, who's a bench warmer, all based of his personal purity standards and practices. It's like watching the wreckless abandon of an over-amped toddler in a plastic car shopping cart as he aggressively jerks the free spinning steering wheel blowing spit making vroom vroom vroom sounds.
That is all bullshit.
You are either dishonest or stupid.
Nobody will ever trust the election process again.
Wrong! I assure you that I am a very stable genius.
Marcus said...Me: This is rich, coming from the Left where people riot at will, sucker punch elderly MAGA hat wearing people, and shoot Trump supporters. Thank God for Kyle Rittenhouse. May we be blessed with more men like him
You don't know me and I don't know you. I have never shot anyone and hope you haven't as well. Please direct your comments to what I say and not some straw man that you've erected. I really am trying to find out what 70 million people thought they were voting for. If you're the candy coated popcorn in a box of cracker jacks that's popcorn and those inedible caramels and forty five percent of consumers are throwing you out, I think you have to think about yourself. I'm so curious about this that I'm asking a third time. My job involves dealing with the dense parts of the country, where people are by and large above water, and the more rural areas, where I see people hurting. And only by empathy and communication can that scar be healed. I think of just twenty years ago, when everybody agreed to take off shoes and carry less than five ounces of liquid. Can we be that country again?
D. D. Driver said...
In this case, the court would be asked to shred the votes of hundreds of thousands of innocent voters who relied in good faith on the law as written at the time.
IMHO, the ones shredding the votes of innocent voters are the ones who conspired to cheat.
Howard said...
It's nice to see Achilles moving on from Trump. He officially at the acceptance stage of grief. Watching him vet the new Republican leadership is a real treat. Who's in, who's out, who's a bench warmer, all based of his personal purity standards and practices. It's like watching the wreckless abandon of an over-amped toddler in a plastic car shopping cart as he aggressively jerks the free spinning steering wheel blowing spit making vroom vroom vroom sounds.
It is fun to watch you pretend to be on my level Howard.
But lets face it. You just aren't that smart. You just can't pose a logical argument. Go read your posts. Every single one of them boils down to one of three things:
1. "lalalala" no evidence.
2. "neener neener you wont do it."
3. "your dumb."
You haven't posted a useful or intelligent comment since you were forced to agree with me on the race post. Even on that post you couldn't keep up.
You are a lot closer to readering than you are to me. Just saying.
Even D.D.Driver was able to hang in for a post or two before giving up.
D.D. Driver said...
That is all bullshit.
You are either dishonest or stupid.
Nobody will ever trust the election process again.
Wrong! I assure you that I am a very stable genius.
I accept your surrender.
I'll say it again: The central argument given by corrupt partisan Democrat judges dismissing the Trump's cases has been: "It doesn't matter if the election was stolen! The people have spoken!"
I don't actually have to point out why this position is intrinsically idiotic and obviously corrupt, do I?
Wrong! I assure you that I am a very stable genius.
I accept your surrender.
Sweet. Civil war averted after all.
Stay gold, Boogaloo Boi!
"I don't actually have to point out why this position is intrinsically idiotic and obviously corrupt, do I?"
Just from reading the past couple of days here, I'd say you do but it still won't make a dent.
"...only by empathy and communication can that scar be healed..."
This is the sort of stupidity that passes for deep thought. Never you mind the regulations that killed The industry in those towns. Never you mind the "worker protections" that increased costs that led to off shoring. Never you mind the illegal immigrants who bid down the market clearing rate for employment.
This dumb ass thinks talking about stuff will matter. Words.
I hope you get what you advocate for others.
Trump just released this video. 46 minutes prerecorded.
If Trump says the word it begins.
If he doesn't someone else will.
D.D. Driver tried hard to pretend he was not a hyper-partisan Leftist Collectivist.
But then shim couldn't pretend any more.
D.D. Driver tried hard to pretend he was not a hyper-partisan Leftist Collectivist.
But then shim couldn't pretend any more.
LOL. The funny thing is, I checked out Achilles' blog. I agree almost verbatim with most of his ideas, which are neither traditionally right or left.
I just don't fall for crackpot conspiracy theories or calls to violence. Sorry, not sorry.
Blogger R Rick said...
I've sat in the wings (and yes I voted for Trump) and watched as the posters here become as deranged as the Democrats were the last 4 years.
One of these things is not like the other. Another concern troll and liar. Did you call Rush Limbaugh and describe yourself as a "life long Republican?" I think I remember you.
Warnings about coming violence =/= Calls to violence
Crackpot theories to include Russia, Russia, Russia no doubt earned a pass, you partisan twit.
Why continue to lie when nobody believes you in the first place?
You're a Leftist Collectivist and I hope you get what you wish for me.
The most implausible crackpot conspiracy theory in the world, if only just barely possible, is more plausible than the claim that this election was not overwhelmed by fraud.
You don't want violence? You might want to stop gaslighting the people you just massively defrauded. Because when violence comes for you, those people are going to sadly nod and agree it had to be done. Because you've become absolute fucking monsters.
D.D. Driver said...
LOL. The funny thing is, I checked out Achilles' blog. I agree almost verbatim with most of his ideas, which are neither traditionally right or left.
I just don't fall for crackpot conspiracy theories or calls to violence. Sorry, not sorry.
You misunderstand me. I am not calling for violence.
I am telling you it is inevitable if Biden is installed as president and that you all deserve what comes next for letting it happen.
I probably wont personally participate in most scenarios. I will mostly serve in an Advisory capacity. If I was an average bourgeois technocrat I have the job and income like most of you. The only difference is I have the ability to see likely futures and I am able to deal with information that I don't like or conflicts with my paradigm.
All of this shit really fucks up my life.
Out of the 74 million Trump voters almost all of them will feel this election was fraudulent.
As Biden does exactly what Obama did to the Bernie-Bro left in 2008 Bernie's base will start agitating. This is the 30% of democrats who think the election was stolen from Trump. They voted for Biden but they think the election was a fraud and they did it to get power. And they are going to be pissed when the oligarchs that pull Biden's strings kick them aside.
Thousands if not millions of Police Officers are quitting completely or joining police forces in red parts of the country. This is going to have massive affects on our society. Urban centers are going to crash and burn. I still haven't gamed out how this will change things.
And the Armed Forces? Now that is a real can of worms. James Mattis and Stanley McChrystal are on some lists. The Pentagon is hated. The Neocons are hated.
The .00001% and their technocrat accomplices aren't going to be able to do much without the welfare class which is the Bernie base. It will be even more fun when the Bernie base is told that all the good stuff is actually in that Amazon Warehouse down the road not in Footlocker.
2020 almost doubled record gun sales... from 2019. I buy ammo. You can get it but prices are 2-10 times normal.
In 5-10 years the insurance companies will force our country to switch to algorithm based computer controlled driving vehicles. The largest employer in 34 states is trucking companies. Over the next 2 decades there will be massive dislocation in employment.
You are a specialist and your focus is that of a specialist. Practice being a generalist and what comes next wont be so surprising.
Honestly, sometimes I think this comment section is the most depressing endpoint on the Internet.
"the most depressing endpoint on the internet"
On actual right wing sites with right wing authors, the rage at this election theft dwarfs anything you're hearing here. By a lot. Hell, even Instapundit commenters largely wouldn't object to a Pinochet right around now.
Thanks for clarifying. I think I see where you are coming from, if what you are saying is that we face a lot of challenge which, if unaddressed, will fester and lead to violence. If that is your point, I agree. I don't agree that Trump is the guy to tackle these challenges.
And only a Leftist Collectivist will be able to handle the things D.D. Driver wants handled.
Nothing a few dozen mass graves cannot solve, said every Leftist Collectivist autocrat everywhere.
Rendering: The down ballot results suggest that the Republicans are just a few gerrymandered states from retaking the WH in 2024.
You know, I'm usually prepared for liberals to write incredibly stupid things.
But it never ceases to surprise me how they can continually reinvent themselves to be stupid in so many new, novel, and inventive ways.
D.D. Driver said...
Thanks for clarifying. I think I see where you are coming from, if what you are saying is that we face a lot of challenge which, if unaddressed, will fester and lead to violence. If that is your point, I agree. I don't agree that Trump is the guy to tackle these challenges.
But here is the the balance of the issue:
One side in the conflict wants to adhere to the previous agreements and processes.
The other side wants to abrogate the process and the previous agreements.
You cannot allow an election where the democrats went to court to keep republican poll observers out of the counting facilities to stand.
You cannot allow an election where courts and governors usurped the authority of the legislature to make last minute rule changes to stand.
My technical expertise is software. It would be trivial to create a Vote Counting Machine that created a created a vote by vote audit log that was saved in non-volatile memory that I could use years later to completely and clearly recreate the entire election 10 years later vote by vote. I could easily create a system with a trusted third party encryption authorization that would allow a voter to use their personal encryption key and the receipt from their ballot that would be blind to the state to see how the state recorded their vote. It would be completely open source.
You cannot allow a company like Dominion to buy there way into controlling these elections with machines that save votes as Floats. There is no reason to have decimal numbers in your vote tallies. None. Except to commit fraud.
One side wants paper ballots and purple thumbs.
The other side wants mail in ballots.
If you want peace you need to have systems that earn the respect of both sides. You need to "balance the equities" and choose the system that is obviously more likely to produce a fair outcome.
Trump is a result of the transgressions of the past. He is probably not the visionary I would choose. But he is the most legitimate candidate to be president in 2020 because he followed the rules of the election and the other side did not follow the rules of the election.
Readering: Google gerrymander. That's what I do when I come to a word I don't understand.
Readering: Often wrong, but never in doubt!
Trump is a result of the transgressions of the past. He is probably not the visionary I would choose. But he is the most legitimate candidate to be president in 2020 because he followed the rules of the election and the other side did not follow the rules of the elect
It won't matter. I agree with pursuing the cases until the end but I expect the scam to succeed. I think Trump feels the same way now. What comes after this, I have no idea. Maybe the new Kurt Schlicter novel or maybe not. A lot depends on whether those retreads Biden is choosing have any idea of following the crazy left agenda?
I kind of expect Obama II with the second team cashing in. If they really try AOC, hell will appear.
One side in the conflict wants to adhere to the previous agreements and processes.
The other side wants to abrogate the process and the previous agreements.
I don't see it that way. I think partisanship is toxic and makes people feel like they are the victims and the other guys disregard established rules. I have had exchanges with lots of dems that truly believe Michelle Obama's "when they go low, we go high," and they are pissed because why should they always they one to take the high road when the republicans are always breaking the established "rules" (like not holding a hearing for Marrick Garland, etc.) It's complete bullshit, but how can you reason with people when their feelings are so strong. The democrats feel like the GOP is overrun with Nazis and Boolaloo Bois. Good luck convincing them that they are mistaken.
All partisans feel like they are the victims. It doesn't make it true.
EsoxLucius said...
I really am trying to find out what 70 million people thought they were voting for. ... I'm so curious about this that I'm asking a third time. My job involves dealing with the dense parts of the country, where people are by and large above water, and the more rural areas, where I see people hurting. And only by empathy and communication can that scar be healed. I think of just twenty years ago, when everybody agreed to take off shoes and carry less than five ounces of liquid. Can we be that country again?
What did we vote for? Well, in your first comment at 11:35. you refer to President Trump as "Diaper Cheeto," proclaim yourself an "anti-Trumper," and write about Trump's "image of success." Have you considered the possibility that out in the real world Trump's economic policies produced real successes? I mean if we define success to mean millions of people who had absolutely quit looking for work during Obama's "L-shaped recovery" finding good jobs, then yes, certainly his policy produced real success. If we define success to mean that Trump inverted "trickle down" economic theory to provide economic gains that went to the people lower on the economic ladder, with very little going to the top earners as had been the case with most economic stimulus efforts in the past. These are measurable, demonstrable facts. All you have to do is look. Those economic gains have mostly been wiped out by the coronavirus lockdowns and by riots in various cities, both of which have caused businesses to fail. But that's more a case of inept leadership at state and local levels, and Trump's problem only insofar as he could have played Hitler and taken over the state governments. But I think he's right not to have done so.
So, first things first. How you can read the comments of people like David Begley and Bruce Hayden and maintain the idea that everybody on the right is a fool and an idiot is beyond me. What I believe I am seeing is a person who thinks he is good and noble, and that Trump and conservatives are fools and idiots, then you apply a tincture of circular logic, and -- voila! -- you conclude that you were right all along.
Second things second. What did we think we were voting for? Well, a bunch of things, really. Highest on the list of things we were voting for is that we look around us at businesses shuttered due to unchecked riots and to coronavirus lockdowns, and we correctly conclude that we need someone who can lead us back to where we were in the Christmas season of 2019. And that would be Donald Trump and not Democrats with their half-baked economic theories that have failed everywhere they've been tried. Another thing we like is that Donald Trump thinks outside the box. You see, I lived in the Washington, DC, metro area from 1969 until recently, and what I saw is that everyone living and working in the city shares a lot of assumptions about how things work and what can and cannot be done. Are they good assumptions? Donald Trump identified a number of assumptions that are simply wrong, and he upset a lot of people (cracked a bunch of rice bowls) and he got things done.
You talk about a need for "empathy and communication" for the people of rural areas. People don't want your effing empathy. They want an effing job, you effing moron. Is that clear enough communication for you?
And then you plaintively ask "Can we be that country again?" The trouble with the written word is that it is difficult to communicate an adequate level of scorn and contempt when I say "Hell no." That level of cooperation with government mandates requires a level of trust that the government has been at pains to eradicate. If you want to say "Well we replaced that evil Donald Trump with a good Democrat so it's time to start trusting the government again," well it ain't happening.
Yes, DD Driver.
There are crazy people who believe conservatives are NAZIs.
Tell them all to get to punching or STFU.
"A lot depends on whether those retreads Biden is choosing have any idea of following the crazy left agenda?"
I expect them to be fully corporatist and the real left wing to feel betrayed. Things may get interesting, unfortunately.
D.D. Driver said...
One side in the conflict wants to adhere to the previous agreements and processes.
The other side wants to abrogate the process and the previous agreements.
All partisans feel like they are the victims. It doesn't make it true.
And you posted a bunch of feelings and garbage.
It is an inarguable fact that elected Democrats and Republicans used the Courts and completely illegal "negotiated settlements" with democrat lawyers to significantly change election laws outside of the constitutional legislative process in ways that eliminated things like signature requirements and proof of residency.
The Democrats openly filed in court to have Republican poll observers removed.
The democrats disobeyed court orders to keep poll observers out.
If you do not accept that these changes made outside of legislative processes are illegal and undermine elections then you are not an honest person.
There is no "both sides are doing it" here. That is bullshit.
The Democrats openly filed in court to have Republican poll observers removed.
The democrats disobeyed court orders to keep poll observers out.
If you do not accept that these changes made outside of legislative processes are illegal and undermine elections then you are not an honest person.
I'd need to see your sources. I believe this is a narrative based on half-truths.
This is my understanding: some observers were not allowed in for capacity reasons (or were kicked out for conduct) but there were always GOP observers present. And, that's what matters to me. It's what I understand Trump's lawyers conceded in open court. If my understanding is wrong, I'm happy to check out your sources.
Bottom line: it's a big country. When you have many thousands of observers watching elections around the country some fraction of them will create a disruption and get kicked out. And there is nothing improper about kicking out a jackass here or there.
"What is it with you righties that see everything they can't understand as low IQ."
I am not a rightie but you wouldn't understand the distinction so I won't bother.
It is difficult living in a world where my dog is smarter than a BLM or Antifa supporter. Is that you?
Fortunately for me, I am on the far right side of the same bell curve, as painful as that may be in daily life.
But I am relatively rich, so I will get by : )
D.D. Driver said...
The Democrats openly filed in court to have Republican poll observers removed.
The democrats disobeyed court orders to keep poll observers out.
If you do not accept that these changes made outside of legislative processes are illegal and undermine elections then you are not an honest person.
I'd need to see your sources. I believe this is a narrative based on half-truths.
This is my understanding: some observers were not allowed in for capacity reasons (or were kicked out for conduct) but there were always GOP observers present. And, that's what matters to me.
1: Mitt Romney and Donald Trump are both "Republicans". To claim that there were "GOP Observers" there, with the essential required belief that "all Republicans are equal" is to be either grossly dishonest, or grossly stupid
2: Philadelphia kept all observers so far away that they could not actually observe what was going on. The PA Appeals Court that heard the case ordered them to stop acting that way. They stopped counting, and appealed to the PA SC. Who 5 Democrat members ruled that the law that required the presence of poll observers did not require that they be allowed to be someplace from which they can observe what's going on.
3: Detroit did their best to exclude any Republican observer who actually tried to do his or her job. See affidavits for which the link's been posted here multiple times
4: If you don't want people looking over your shoulder, invading your personal space, and judging everything you do, don't be a poll worker. You do not have aright to "count votes" in secret. You do not have a right to do ANY PART of teh vote counting process in secret / in hiding / deciding who can observe.
The attempt to do so is proof that you are engaged in fraud.
Unless there is one Trump campaign observer in the room for each and every poll worker in the room, the Trump campaign observers have not exceeded their capacity limit.
We the voters have the right to an honest election where our votes are counted honestly, and not diluted with fraudulent votes. This right is greater than ANY right a poll worker can have. If an individual does not wish to be a poll worker under those conditions, they are free not to take the job
But that is the extent and limit of their freedom on that front
D.D Driver said:
This is my understanding: some observers were not allowed in for capacity reasons (or were kicked out for conduct) but there were always GOP observers present. And, that's what matters to me. It's what I understand Trump's lawyers conceded in open court. If my understanding is wrong, I'm happy to check out your sources.
Listen to the hearing before the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee. There was testimony about what happened at the Detroit TCF Center. Republican poll watchers were there, sure, but were blocked from watching signature matching; they were kept too far away to see what was going on, to the extent they could see things, their challenges were often ignored (i.e., not even recorded as being made); they were thrown out for mask infractions (to the cheers of poll workers); poll workers said to one POC poll watcher (presumed Dem, but actually Republican), “Let's get the motherfuckers [i.e., white male Republican poll watchers]" kicked out; they were required to leave the TCF Center for lunch and then barred from returning (whereas the Dem watchers were provided lunch and so never faced this problem); and generally were subject to intimidation. And there were there other irregularities that escape me now. And that's just from the first 2 hours out of 7 hours of testimony.
Trump is living rent-free in MSNBC/CNN's heads. I heard a jingle today mocking Trump's efforts to achieve an honest election. The jingle wants Trump to just accept his fate and go-away. The MSNBC/CNN viewers will love it.
I disagree about Hillary's intent to break the Espionage laws. The classified data in her emails had to be deliberately downloaded or printed so she could reference it in her emails. She just didn't accidently leave classified data sitting around for someone to find or accidently mention classified programs in her emails.
I had a TS clearance. Every year we'd get a refresher briefing on how to handle classified data. We were required to know what was classified and what to do if a "spill" occurred. Hillary just didn't think the rules applied to her. For that, she should spend the rest of her misbegotten life in Ft. Leavenworth, KS.
D.D. Driver said...
I'd need to see your sources. I believe this is a narrative based on half-truths.
This lady was particularly good on the stand.
I particularly enjoyed the piece of shit democrat representative getting completely destroyed by this witness.
There are quite literally 100's of these witnesses to the threats and intimidation and racism directed at Trump poll observers who have signed witness statements under penalty of perjury.
This is my understanding: some observers were not allowed in for capacity reasons (or were kicked out for conduct) but there were always GOP observers present. And, that's what matters to me. It's what I understand Trump's lawyers conceded in open court. If my understanding is wrong, I'm happy to check out your sources.
Bottom line: it's a big country. When you have many thousands of observers watching elections around the country some fraction of them will create a disruption and get kicked out. And there is nothing improper about kicking out a jackass here or there.
So do you want Trump supporters to start kicking out democrat observers they think are rude or maybe just the white males?
How well do you think that works in the long run?
Giving someone who calls themselves a Republican and kicking out others is a pretty obvious con and we are not going to buy it. Reducing the numbers of observers to the point where there is no ability to observe is also a non starter.
You can keep spouting your lies and BS. But it will not put our election system back together. The only thing that brings back confidence in our elections is following the election laws which one side is explicitly opposed to doing.
This lady was particularly good on the stand.
Thanks. She was very good and raises very serious issues. But, ultimately there were still GOP observers there at all times to witness the 100,000 ballot dump or whatever the myth now is.
I've been in the recount rooms, you do not flip a election with a 40,000 vote difference on a onsie twosie ballot challenge basis. You just don't. Ask any person who has ever worked an election ever and they will tell you the same thing. So, I don't believe that "not having enough" observers played a role in swinging the election. If there were no GOP observers, fuck yeah, I would be very concerned. But partisan assholes treating each other like partisan assholes isn't really surprising.
This is not to say we should ignore the allegations. They are serious and disturbing and whoever is found responsible should be discipled to the fullest extent of the law.
D.D. Driver said...
This lady was particularly good on the stand.
Thanks. She was very good and raises very serious issues. But, ultimately there were still GOP observers there at all times to witness the 100,000 ballot dump or whatever the myth now is.
I've been in the recount rooms, you do not flip a election with a 40,000 vote difference on a onsie twosie ballot challenge basis. You just don't. Ask any person who has ever worked an election ever and they will tell you the same thing. So, I don't believe that "not having enough" observers played a role in swinging the election. If there were no GOP observers, fuck yeah, I would be very concerned. But partisan assholes treating each other like partisan assholes isn't really surprising.
This is not to say we should ignore the allegations. They are serious and disturbing and whoever is found responsible should be discipled to the fullest extent of the law.
You just keep moving the goal posts and pretending everyone is doing bad things. You are not being honest.
The democrat party did not follow election rules in multiple states witnessed by hundreds of people.
It is not about proving fraud. The process we all agreed to was not followed.
Quite frankly I expect Trump to put martial law on the table and for the USSC to throw multiple state's elections out.
Big Mike:
You talk about a need for "empathy and communication" for the people of rural areas. People don't want your effing empathy. They want an effing job, you effing moron. Is that clear enough communication for you?
Thank you.
D.D. Driver once again demonstrates his commitment to Leftist partisans.
Moving the goals posts is but a symptom of the larger disease.
The question is, will the Republicans want to make Trump their candidate again in 2024?
Robert Cook said...
The question is, will the Republicans want to make Trump their candidate again in 2024?
No, we want him to get his legitimately earned victory this year.
All you Trump haters should want that, too. Because 2 term President Trump goes away in 2025 (compare Obama's amount in the news 2015 to 2019).
But stolen election Trump will be constantly in the news from 2020 to 2024, will run for President in 2024, and will get to run against every failure of the Biden Harris Admin.
The Trump Covid recession ended Oct 1 2020. The Trump vaccines are coming out.
Any vaccine success belongs to Trump. Any vaccine failure belongs to the Admin in office when the failures happen. Anyone out of work because of environmental rules, a Biden recession, etc? That's Biden's fault.
Dems currently have a 5 seat majority in the House. They won 5 of those seats by 2% or less. They won another 16 of those seats by 5% or less.
So, you want a GOP majority House and Senate in 2022? Two years of the House & Senate going after every Biden Harris failure? 4 years of utter obstruction from a GOP where the majority of GOP voters think (correctly) the President literally stole the election?
Yeah, keep this going
Greg The Class Traitor said...
So, you want a GOP majority House and Senate in 2022? Two years of the House & Senate going after every Biden Harris failure? 4 years of utter obstruction from a GOP where the majority of GOP voters think (correctly) the President literally stole the election?
Yeah, keep this going
12/3/20, 11:06 AM
Sorry but you talk to liberals/Democrats like they can think even 3 seconds into the future and can remember back farther than 10 seconds. As a group, they not only don't do that, the thought to do than does not even stand a chance to happen. The lefty ratchet only moves in one direction and that is the direction that gives them more power. You are required to play by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules while they get to use Rules for Radicals, the Anarchist's cookbook, and Calvinball rules. You are never allowed to point that out nor question why the "game" is structured this way. To do so is "unfair". It is forever and always tails they win, heads we lose. This is so entrenched that they don't even bother trying to slap on a coating of legitimacy anymore. They have zero shame, zero regret (other than why didn't we do this sooner), and zero remorse (other than why didn't we do this sooner). Nothing will EVER come back to bite them in the ass, history starts anew moment by moment, you are expected to give them the benefit of the doubt and to forgive EVERY slight whereas they never forgive, never forget, and never give up. They are our moral betters and you better NOT forget that.
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