The issues Trump’s campaign and its allies have pointed to are typical in every election: Problems with signatures, secrecy envelopes and postal marks on mail-in ballots, as well as the potential for a small number of ballots miscast or lost. But they’ve also requested federal probes into the claims....Barr didn’t name [Sidney] Powell specifically but said: “There’s been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results. And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that,” Barr said.
December 1, 2020
"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election" — said Attorney General William Barr.
Speaking to AP News.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 260 of 260Qwinn said...
Achilles, I linked that Dominion worker's testimony at 5:58. Read my description of it. Fair?
I did not hear her go into anything technical on there. IT specialist and cybersecurity consultant covers a lot of ground. There was no technical description of anything. I wanted to hear why she was the only person who was keeping things running. I wanted to hear what kind of technical issues they had that they would need to have an IT consultant on hand for.
The code and technical acumen needed for a simple vote counting tabulation machine is so low and so basic that anyone who can use an Iphone would be able to run that software.
She was answering questions for people I am constantly lowering expectations for as well. Legislators keep sliding further and further in my estimation.
They all had her sworn statement which is the context we are all missing.
I am gathering that the election workers at the TCF Center confided in her because of the 8.5/10 factor and did things in front of her that they would not have done in front of someone else.
"Prove it."
And they've already had 4 weeks to both destroy and create whatever physical evidence they need. With no meaningful supervision or voter integrity standards.
Frankly, they've evaded their burden of proof, and blatantly spoiled the evidence, for far too long now. Any evidence they offered from this point forward has no chain of custody and wouldn't prove a damn thing anymore.
I do pray Trump has something game changing up his sleeve, and is just feeding the traitors the rope to identify themselves with. Cause that *would* need to be done for this all the be a successful counter-coup. The blizzard of indictments would need to all come down at once, on everyone involved, so they couldn't all just cover each other's asses.
I get that Achilles. There are also processes to insure proper conduct and systems for redress of grievances. You obviously don't trust that system. I'm okay with that. You want to reform that system, I say go for it.
However, I don't think that's what's going on here. A lot of very strong accusations are being made to the public via social media that are not being made in court. That looks like someone is fomenting chaos. It's getting your Irish up. And if the court cases fail, I predict you will not accept the outcome if Trump loses.
Will you then work with state legeslatures to reform our voting system so something good comes out of it? Will you continue to suggest violence as a solution? Will you just stay mad and do nothing?
The election is over. Time to challenge the election is fast running out. Soon, the electors will vote. It looks like Biden is going to win.
What's next?
What's next?
I’m planning on organizing legions of storm troopers to commit arson, looting, rioting and cop killing.
It worked for Democrats. Why shouldn’t Republicans have some fun too?
"Nothing ever gets out of a swamp."
If that was true, there'd be no such thing as a freshwater swamp. But there is.
My big brother taught me to bodysurf at Zuma drainpipes at the age of 4 in 1964. When the big wave came, he said respect the oceans power, never turn your back, dive under the wave and swim like hell over the sand.
The water evaporates or percolates and the solids remain.
Blogger Howard said...
The sad thing is you people don't even realize what vain divas you are being.
As usual. Howard splains how we just don't understand all the Democrats have favored us with their attention. Worried about your pronouns? Got a solution. Worried about your gun safe ? Not a problem. Rep Swallwell has a fix. Then there is school. If you don't want you kids buying the 1609 project as Gospel? Get them home in an illegal pod school. The teachers' union has you in its sights.
Qwinn said...
John Henry, sorry, I've made that point clear in my previous posts. For this purpose I define McCarthyism as merely the act of hiring and firing based on political viewpoint
Perhaps you are getting McCarthy's Senate committee confused with the House UnAmerican Activities Committee. Now that was an aptly named committee. Hard to imagine activities more UnAmerican than those congress folk.
They did investigate and persecute Americans based on political viewpoint. Jailed a few, too. That was shameful.
McCarthy investigated government employeeswith security clearances, who were suspected (rightly in most cases. All cases?) of giving secret information to the Russians.
That is a perfect moral, lawful and correct action for the Senate to do. What is shameful is that he was hindered in his task by the swamp or deep state.
You really should not use his name in the context you do. As I said, I agree with your comment otherwise. He went down fighting the very thing you attach his name to. That is, infiltration of government and other institutions by actors determined to destroy them.
John Henry
lb said...
"I've been a builder all my life - set up incubators for small business - help low income people rent, helped children in Milwaukee at risk. I'm Catholic and faithful. I'm done."
I'm past retirement age but have kept on working because I like what I do. I'm thinking anymore that maybe I should hang 'em up and quit being a productive member of society. Time to have Biden's supporters send me checks for sitting on my ass. And they can pay for my healthcare, too.
Screw 'em.
30 minutes of FoxNews... my first dose in months...
We are now, I think, officially a nation of fucking idiots.
I certainly hope that the computers have taken over. Our elected officials are morons. I hope to hell they aren’t actually in charge of anything important.
I could foresee the coming of this crisis of wild stupidity and absolute incompetence back in the 90s when the Diversity crapola started.
The incompetence has spread like a virus. Brain dead stupidity is now the norm.
I still remember that day. After diving under the second wave, the third wave was even bigger. I thought I was going to drown, but didn't. I am still haunted by waters.
Howard said...
The election is over. Time to challenge the election is fast running out. Soon, the electors will vote. It looks like Biden is going to win.
What's next?
You get what you want.
A low trust society.
If you want a high trust society earn it.
You attacked my kids. Don't think we see how you people act. We have watched BLM and Antifa burn shit down for months. Your concern right now is pure and utter bullshit.
We think you are pieces of shit who have seized power and destroyed what we held dear.
We will act rationally in this situation. If I can hurt you I will. If I can do something to thwart your intentions I will. If I can't I will take care of my family. We will just do what BLM and Antifa and the rest of you Democrats are doing right now.
We will treat you as you have been treating us. No justice. No Peace.
Don't take it personally, Doc. It's Chinatown.
If anyone wants to discuss the Hollywood 10 and the blacklist I'll be happy to.
Tell me how McCarthy treated them and why he was wrong.
John Henry
Howard said...
"Nothing ever gets out of a swamp."
Howard said...
"The water evaporates or percolates and the solids remain."
So- nothing ever gets out, but the water gets out. Sound logic.
I'm Not Sure said...
And they can pay for my healthcare, too.
Screw 'em.
This one is going to be interesting.
The place where my wife works they are massively understaffed. There are 2 positions open at $46 per hour with flexible hours and mostly paperwork as a home health nurse. The Supervisor position for her team is a 150-200k a year job as a charge nurse for home health.
None of these positions have had a single applicant for 3 months.
Her team is falling apart because the current manager is running the Hospice section and the Home Health section and things are getting out of control. She has wanted to quit for a while. There is a 100% chance that there are at least 3 positions open in her section within months.
So you're giving up staying mad and muttering vague threats of violence.
Your "Low trust society" sounds like you are choosing to live in a circle of paranoia. I don't have any influence on your kids, that's on you. Your paranoia will poison them. Take some responsibility for your life and actions. Trump has conned you into blaming others for your troubles.
It's textbook cult recruitment and retention.
The best years are coming up. Don't waste your life and family on the delusion of dystopia. That's the cowards way.
Nonapod said...
If I see a fellow selling high end stereo equipment out of the back of a van, I might assume that it's stolen goods
The great Mike Royco once wrote about a fellow selling goods out of the back of a truck in Chicago.
He set up in an alley and made it as shady appearing asossible. He passed the word around the neighborhood "pssst. I got some great deals. Just be sure to wear gloves and don't ask questions"
He did a booming business for a couple weekends until the cops arrested him for stolen goods and took him downtown. It turned out he had receipts, peddlers license, paid sales tax and was 100% legal.
People thought they were buying stolen goods and that they were getting a great deal.
The cops put it out that he was legit and killed the scheme.
John Henry
Howard, you’re getting far too serious.
You’re somewhat useful when you deliberately play the fool.
You’re absolutely useless when you attempt to be serious.
Stick with what you know.
So, riddle me this, Batman. How can votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona result in decimal points? I mean, I can see 750,000 voters equaling 750,000 votes. I can understand how 750,000 voters turns into 975,000 votes, or, in other words, 1.3 votes per voter. Yes, they did in multiple states.
John Henry,
Believe me, I know the history. I know how HUAC's actions were conflated with McCarthy's. I know that the establishment's response to McCarthy's demand that a communist should not be working in the code room of the Pentagon was that she was a black woman and not nearly smart enough to be a communist or a spy. I know that the entire "Have you no decency" speech by that disgusting pig of a Senator was because McCarthy called the Senator out for... having had to fire someone on his staff for being a communist, as reported by the NY Times a couple of months earlier. And the highlight reel of how fucked the show trials were could go on for hours.
I refer to the act of firing and hiring based on political viewpoint as McCarthyism very deliberately, because it is key to the point I'm trying to make that the Left has won all their victories by monolithically practicing a doctrine - "McCarthyism" - that they have hated to pretend all along, which is why they met no resistance. That is key.
The water isn't the swamp creatures, whom never get out. I guess swamp gas gets out too after the creatures are eventually anaerobically digested. So yeah you're right the creatures escape as h2s, co2 and ch4.
Never mind
Er, pretended to hate.
Really, this just occurred to me as I watched my little dose of FoxNews tonight.
The camera crew, equipped with the most expensive gear you can buy, fucked up completely in lighting Martha MacCallum. They washed out her face and made her look like a ghost.
60 years of quotas and 30 years of Diversity bullshit has turned us into a nation of incompetents, idiots and bullshitters.
Hard to see how we can keep feeding ourselves and cleaning the toilets as this crisis of competence widens and deepens.
I certainly hope that the AI computers have taken over because we’ve become hopelessly incompetent and stupid.
Adams recommends that we just go with Biden to avoid burning the country down. The election can’t be redone. So, swallow hard, allow Biden to take office, and make sure that this level of incredible incompetence never happens again.
I had the thought earlier today that maybe the interested parties got together and reached an accommodation. The Republicans have the goods on the Democrats, but continuing the fight subjects the country to an upheaval that may last for decades. The implications are impossible to predict. Maybe Republicans were implicated too. An armistice is declared.
Terms are negotiated. Biden is permitted to ascend to the presidency. But the powers that be are jointly running things in the background. Each side gets some of what it wants.
Hopefully part of the deal is that our elections get cleaned up and power is returned to the people by 2020. But being the cynic that I am, maybe the cabal likes running things too much and makes the deal permanent.
I love a good conspiracy theory. Especially the ones I make up myself.
Thomas: thanks for the encouraging words.
Being serious is another troll angle. As you can see, Achilles will explode from the appearance of serious discourse even more than from cutting humor.
What next?
If Biden succeeds in stealing the election with the obvious help of China?
Pinochet, hopefully.
Lewis Wetzel said...
So, Chuck, you voted for Trump in 2016. Did you vote for Trump this year?
Voted for Biden; no-voted the Senate race (Peters-D versus James-R) even though the Republican is a mostly good guy, and the Democrat is a mostly worthless placeholder. Because James refused to distance himself from Trumpism.
Voted Republican in all other local races.
Howard said...
So you're giving up staying mad and muttering vague threats of violence.
Your "Low trust society" sounds like you are choosing to live in a circle of paranoia. I don't have any influence on your kids, that's on you. Your paranoia will poison them. Take some responsibility for your life and actions. Trump has conned you into blaming others for your troubles.
It's textbook cult recruitment and retention.
The best years are coming up. Don't waste your life and family on the delusion of dystopia. That's the cowards way.
I somehow foresee Howard getting a little more upset about Democrats poll watchers getting kicked out when we do it.
I think Howard might take hundreds of thousands of random mail in votes showing up in central Pennsylvania in the middle of the night a little more seriously than the ones that showed up at 4:00AM in Philadelphia.
I wonder if Biden will be up to the challenge of dealing with 70 million people who know he is a fraud?
"I wonder if Biden will be up to the challenge of dealing with 70 million people who know he is a fraud?"
You think anyone will tell him?
Chuck! one up for Joementia, death to fossil fuels and the "idea" of Antifa.
I really appreciate the Dems' expression of sympathy for the foolish Republican ballot challengers being obstructed and summarily tossed out of facilities.
You folks are really admirable.
Ive seen more than enough evidence to convict OJ.
Anyone catch the meek Michigan gal who recounted one of her fellow challengers being threatened by a Dem pointing a letter opener at him?
This is what "democracy" looks like.
That's funny Achilles. Good luck with that. I hope you people finally become activists. That's what competition is all about. I won't hold my breath. :-(
Good ole Howie!
Fought for(?) and champions the election law violations across multiple states.
Semper Fud.
Shouting Thomas said...
Adams solution to this outrageous incompetence on all sides is hard to swallow.
** I agree that this lack of an audit by a company that appears to be China influenced is concerning. It should be a red flag for the DOJ as a matter of national security. I think they are being a bit too myopic and hopeful. A case review of the DOJ probably reveals they pursue trees that are bent to a political wind but never look at the forest. One lesson out of all of this is that the FBI and the DOJ are corrupt organizations. They shouldn't be trusted.
** The persuaders Cernovich and Adams have great info but they also shift with the winds like Barr. Persuasion is effective but they oversell it. Then when you see them get offended and they threaten some conclusive action you have to snort and think "yah right, a persuasion expert can never reach a conclusion about anything important." They are like economists.
Oh, go ahead, Howard. Hold your breath.
There is no doubt the election was stolen and I have to give Democrats and the billionaires that funded them credit for a near perfect crime. I agree that Trump will probably not prevail. Don't ever let anyone tell you crime does not pay. The Bidens and Obamas are living proof that it does.
What will happen? Some depends on whether the crazies leave us alone. I have no plans to go seeking trouble. Leave me alone and you can pretend that men are women and the rest of it. Knock on my door to seize my guns and you had better have your body armor with the plates on.
Adams truth over caving.
Watch him learn.
See, I'm not being facetious or hyperbolic when I say I'd be down for an American Pinochet rather than see this go off the way the Left wants.
Because, see, me and mine are living under dictatorships right now. The dictatorships of Wolf and Murphy. Plenty of other Americans under the dictatorships of Cuomo and Whitmer. And we know that *these* dictators were happy to deliberately murder tens of thousands of nursing home patients. I mean if nothing else, it definitely *way* helped out their projected budgets. But it also was the only thing that drove the death numbers high enough to alarm people initially enough to let the lockdowns go beyond the first couple of weeks.
We know it was deliberate. Trump provided the Javitz Center *AND* the USS Comfort to Cuomo. They went completely unused. Cuomo and the other governors *wanted* the COVID patients into nursing homes where they could wipe out the elderly drains on "their" public dime, justifying COVID panic, permanent lockdowns and arresting bar owners with 40 cops the week after Thanksgiving, and to steal the election.
We're already living under dictatorships. There *is* nothing left to lose with a dictator who's on my side. I mean, I really really wish we coulda kept that Republic, but communist scum have destroyed it. And at least *my* favorite dictator held free and fair elections the moment he was done cleaning the communist takeover of his country (accomplished by election fraud), lost that election, and stepped down peacefully. Which is kinda distinct from every last other person who gets called a dictator, isn't it?
Anyway. If this election goes off, we're living under dictatorship now. Heavy-handed lockdowny dictatorship. Wipe-out-all-small-business-to-permanently-empower-our-Fortune-500-allies dictatorship. Mass murder nursing home residents.
I'm willing to bet that were a Pinochet rise to once again defend the right, he'd be a lot less bloodthirsty and evil than you lot. And he'd step down when he resolved the problem of communists. Pretty much the only *successful* resolution of that problem in history that I can think of.
So. Yeah. If the judicial system continues to intentionally fail the way it has been... Inaguration Day Needs A Pinochet.
And I think many tens of millions of Americans (including the relatives of tens of thousands of nursing home patients) - driven via brazen gaslighting over obvious election theft, and onerous "public health" control over the citizenry - "contact tracing", for fuck's sake! -, and oh yeah, mass murder, to be perfectly accepting of the fact that all safeguards and constraints built into the system had failed, and a Pinochet was the only solution.
That's what you fucker's attitude, your total contempt and gaslighting for those with OBVIOUS legitimate concerns about this vote, is begging for. And you're creating tens of millions of people who will never be moved by your tears again.
I really hope it's Flynn.
Oh, and btw, Chile has pretty much been the most prosperous country in South America since Pinochet stepped down.
Howard asked: "...why hasn't the greatest legal team in history already accomplished it? It's been 4-weeks"
Are you seriously assuming that FOUR WEEKS is plenty of time for lawyers dealing with new and continually emerging allegations/facts to creating complex legal filings in multiple jurisdictions? I don't know what the ultimate facts and arguments are going to be, and neither does anyone else. Most complex litigation takes months and months if not years to investigate.
I spent the last 15 years responding to appeals filed by convicted criminals. All of the facts were by definition already in the record in most cases. Even so, it took experienced
attorneys a full week's work to respond to just one average-sized appeal (4-5 claims).
How long did Gore take challenging a couple Florida counties?
My big brother taught me to bodysurf at Zuma drainpipes at the age of 4 in 1964. When the big wave came, he said respect the oceans power, never turn your back, dive under the wave and swim like hell over the sand.
12/1/20, 7:36 PM
Blogger Howard said...
The water evaporates or percolates and the solids remain
The solids remain? Good Lord, those weren’t the Zuma drainpipes, they were ruptured main sewer lines.
Howard said:
Trump has conned you into blaming others for your troubles.
A breath-taking assertion from the people who have embraced the Cult of Victimhood.
Howard, what the fuck you think "white supremacy" and "systemic racism" are, but gigantic EXCUSES for some people to blame their failures and inadequacies on?
Haha, he can’t run for president in 2024 from behind bars.
Eugene Debs did.
I am trying to understand who screwed who.
In 2019, the US District Court of Northern Georgia ordered that Georgia replace its zero documentation election system with a new one, so the Republican-ran government designed a new one and the new Secretary of State set out to implement the proposed Dominion system that featured a machine marked document. So the Dems questioned the security and auditability of the new system sued so the judge ordered changes to be made by 2021.
Mind you that the new system was run by the GOP and they are now accused by Trumpian followers of screwing Donald Trump and two GOP US Senate out of winning their elections. It had to be that way simply because the Dems were not in charge of the vote. But if the Dems somehow got smart enough to find a way to switch votes, why didn't they give enough votes to the Dem Senate candidates so they wouldn't have to have a runoff? And more down-ballot success would also have been nice for them.
Howard said...
That's funny Achilles. Good luck with that. I hope you people finally become activists. That's what competition is all about. I won't hold my breath. :-(
There will come a day, perhaps soon, when "we people" will compete...with AR-15's.
combination approach with unexpected time/volume constraints.
Walter, don't bother, he's had it explained in excrutiating detail half a dozen times. He never responds to it, he just waits a few days and states his concerns again. It's designed to waste our time.
I'm not sure - I'm with ya. Why contribute any longer? Let it fail.
Shouting Thomas has it right about the importance of a log for audit purposes. This is basic software design and development, and is extremely useful during debugging and problem resolution when the software is in the field.
It’s just the way it is done in the development of professional software. These concepts have been standard practice for decades now. It’s basic, it’s required, it’s always there.
I.e., any software that does not include such a basic piece of functionality — intended to keep the software working correctly and providing accurate results — is either A) horrible quality and not good enough to use for elections, or B) designed to manipulate the results, whether by “hacking” or internally, inside the code.
That code could be doing anything in there to produce the results it spits out, including, yes, taking away votes from one candidate and giving them to another, or even multiplying votes for a candidate. One video I saw by V. A. Shiva showed that the software they were looking at — I believe it was Dominion but even if not the point remains — used a floating point number type to hold the vote totals. Such a number includes fractional parts, or decimal places — now why on Earth would you need decimal places in a vote total? One reason only: you know up front that you will be manipulating the numbers by multiplying or dividing them. Those floating point variable types are famous for being a PITA to use for regular integer counting, any developer will tell you that. There is just no way that choice to use floating point was made by mistake, or as one good choice among many.
All of this is blindingly obvious to any software developer. I’m just pointing it out for those who have never written a line of code in their life, or who believe the patently ridiculous idea that writing voting tabulation software is some kind of difficult or challenging undertaking — on the contrary, nothing could be easier. It’s addition. Create a variable to hold the number of votes for each candidate. Add 1 to it each time you encounter the blackened oval or the clicked box on the screen with electronic voting. This would be a good assignment for a basic programming class in some 5th grade computer class.
Again: software that doesn’t audit itself with debug logs is a piece of shit that nobody would pay for — unless manipulating the actual vote totals is the whole point.
For those who remain Trump addicted the first step is to admit you are powerless to overcome your addiction.
The number of ways that software can manipulate the data you feed it is literally infinite.
INFINITE. No limits. You have no idea what is going on inside that processor and memory.
I know people on this blog love to argue about and discuss legal questions, procedural issues and laws of evidence, but you need to understand something: that is nothing but a dog and pony show, a meaningless charade, if all battleground states are using corrupt software run by corrupt officials to shave GOP votes and add Democrat votes.
So the question becomes, is that the situation we have, or not? It’s a pretty important question. There’s an awful lot of evidence it is indeed the situation.
I would think more Americans would be concerned about such dirty tricks, regardless of which candidate wins. The candidate is SO not the point here.
Stop feeding the trolls. They won't go away, but they'll post less.
The slow kid allegedly wins an election and Howard gets all reved up. Tells ya all you need to know.
I'm done. What does that say when I am feeling that our country is over? That I need to protect myself and my family rather than others? It's against everything I have ever felt or done. But I see the writing on the wall. The Democrats on this blog think this is funny, or they feel justified in mocking people who are concerned about this - but truly, I think they are so misled.
Pretty much how I feel. Fortunately, I am retired with a steady income. If they leave me alone, I don't go looking for trouble. My kids will have to look after themselves. Three of them voted for Biden, I'm sure.
The Democrats on this blog think this is funny, or they feel justified in mocking
LOOK, this Fact of the Matter IS: Trump is WORSE THAN HITLER!
(we Know that For a FACT, because Trump is a Republican)
If you Have to Decide, between
a) Having a Republican President... That is, Someone WORSE THAN HITLER!
b) throwing out Any pretense of having actual representative democracy
The choice is SIMPLE
What The FUCK Are You? Some sort of NAZI?
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