११ डिसेंबर, २०२०
"Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) introduced legislation in the House on Thursday that would bar schools from receiving federal funding if they allow transgender girls and women and non-binary people..."
"... to compete on sports teams consistent with their gender identities. The bill — co-sponsored by Republican Rep. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma — was met with immediate outrage from transgender activists and allies who labeled the legislation 'blatantly transphobic.' The 'Protect Women’s Sports Act' seeks to clarify that Title IX protections for female athletes are 'based on biological sex,' Gabbard and Mullin said in a statement.... Explaining her support for the bill, Gabbard ― who’d previously claimed she supported LGBTQ rights ― said she wants to protect 'Title IX’s original intent which was based on the general biological distinction between men and women athletes based on sex. Title IX was a historic provision… to provide equal opportunity for women and girls in high school and college sports. It led to a generational shift that impacted countless women, creating life-changing opportunities for girls and women that never existed before... Title IX is being weakened by some states who are misinterpreting Title IX, creating uncertainty, undue hardship and lost opportunities for female athletes. It is critical that the legacy of Title IX continues to ensure women and girls in sports have the opportunity to compete and excel on a level playing field.'"
८४ टिप्पण्या:
Tulsi Gabbard is really trying to make me like her.
This wasn't her only move.
Nice wedge issue by Tulsi. And, of course, Joe says he is on the opposite side of the issue. Civil rights!
I met Tulsi on the campaign trail and, good grief, is she beautiful! Movie star looks.
This issue is pure insanity. My youngest swam in HS. While she had better times than some boys, the best boy swimmers would destroy the girls.
I do, however, love how the Left makes this a hill to die on.
Slanted writing, of course. This is the main reason I ignore most writers: they try to tell me what to think. I am tired of that from thoughtless ninnies.
This has been bugging my lovely wife for some time. She was a soccer gal, early on (the 70s) and even made the "boys" team. The idea that boys who say they're girls might be allowed to compete with girls riles her up, for obvious reasons. It involves fairness and safety, if nothing else. Gabbard will be unstoppable if she continues to publicly display common sense like this.
Flashes of sanity can come from the strangest of places...
The Dems are misogynists.
Tulsi should switch teams, her’s hates her
Good looking and smart. What's not to like about Tulsi Gabbard. Of course that means that the voters in her district being Dim to the core will turn her out in the next election.
I am so sick of the left's obsession with the tired word "phobic"
Nobody is afraid of trans-gendered people.
Thoughtful common sens people do not think it is fair for males who switch to female - then compete with other females.
Nothing to do with racism or "PHOBIA!" - THE left's go-to dumb shit words and mindless ideas.
The Democrats just can't make that obstreperous Tulsi behave, can they.
Politicians who break from the mold. I like them.
The left(D) is an abysmal toxic soup of hivemind loyalty and brain-dead loser ideas.
who’d previously claimed she supported LGBTQ rights
The left demands 100% submission on all things
Tulsi is right again.
Which wave of feminism is standing up for girls?
We were told by corrupt Hillary that Tulsi is a Russian agent.
Unknown said...
Tulsi should switch teams, her’s hates her 12/11/20, 10:27 AM
Blogger Skeptical Voter said...
Good looking and smart. What's not to like about Tulsi Gabbard. Of course that means that the voters in her district being Dim to the core will turn her out in the next election. 12/11/20, 10:28 AM
You know, If Tulsi was smart, after she's turned out in the next election (or, BEFORE she's turned out), she Should Switch parties and run in 2024 as a Republican
It worked for Trump
The transgender sports ban seems to have more support on the Left than is commonly thought. Joe Rogan, who everyone seems to think is a Trumper but is in reality more a BernieBro, was appalled at the idea of trans-women beating the crap out of cis-women at MMA tournaments.
The Tran folks better walk softly here, because that's a tiny minority that's going to stay a tiny minority for a long time. There's A LOT more cis-women, even a lot more feminists, who could be their allies if they don't go pissing them off with shit like beating them up at MMA tournies & calling them TERFS (Trans-exclusionary radical feminists). Hell, even the gays aren't too fond of the Trans community, much less everybody on the Right.
I feel sympathy for people who are working through severe psychological identity issues such as the trans community. I mean, there but for the grace of God go we all. But, when the trans community moves past its 15 minutes of fashionable fame, they may find that they are just too much trouble to have as allies.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
We were told by corrupt Hillary that Tulsi is a Russian agent.
see? She's halfway there!
MOST Repubs and SOME Demos would vote for her...
MAYBE even enough to be larger than the margin of fraud
A sane Democrat?? Wow...I thought they were extinct. She is the ONLY Democrat I would ever even consider worth voting for anymore....
Think of all the non-graduating NCAA male athletes still eligible, who left without degrees. Could they just all basically eliminate females from college sports?
>>Gabbard...who’d previously claimed she supported LGBTQ rights<<
Says the Left...who’d previously claimed they supported women's rights...
How long before feminists recognize that trans activism is an attack of the patriarchy?
"Joe Rogan, who everyone seems to think is a Trumper but is in reality more a BernieBro, was appalled at the idea of trans-women beating the crap out of cis-women at MMA tournaments."
He was appalled at a fight where the other participant was not aware she was fighting a transwoman, but he has supported freedom to choose to engage in these fights.
Gabbard did not run for re-election.
Good for her! Go Tulsi!
she wants to protect Title IX’s original intent...
Ahh, yes- unintended consequences. When we get this mess straightened out, let's pass some other laws to right the world's wrongs, shall we?
You can if you look closely the green shoots of a centrist party forming.
This is just not the year for sane policies.
I shall forthwith contact my Congressfolk and urge them to support the bill. And I hope my 'bisexual' Dem Senator, Kristin Sinema, will agree. Turning women's sports into a freak show by allowing men to compete is even worse that the doping by Soviet athletes in the old days.
YoungHegelian said...
The transgender sports ban seems to have more support on the Left than is commonly thought
MOST things on the right, have more support on the Left than is commonly thought
My 88year old, bleeding heart liberal mother is convinced that:
raising the minimum wage hurts poor folk
marriage should be for raising a family
public schools systems have failed at education
the Chinese are our enemy
BUT! SHE'LL NEVER not vote for a democrat, because of FDR, or JFK or something
on the Other hand, Every day, in Every way; the democrat party is alienating more and more poeple
but he has supported freedom to choose to engage in these fights.
That "freedom" brings to mind Anatole France's maxim that "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread."
Some freedom to get the shit kicked out of you in a patently unfair fight!
Interesting that HuffPost is calling Gabbard's bill an "anti-transgender" bill and not what it really is, which is a pro-female athlete bill.
Skeptical Voter said...
Good looking and smart. What's not to like about Tulsi Gabbard. Of course that means that the voters in her district being Dim to the core will turn her out in the next election.
Well, she was/is part of a religious group that makes the Mormons seem normal.
In the same ballpark as scientology.
how is it that the PGA (and Chess) do it?
It's not men's league and women's league.... It's Open league and Women's Only League; right?
Why can't school's be sensible; and do it the same way ?
One league open for everyone.... And another league for people with two X chromosomes?
Hell! do locker rooms the same way
I saw recently she came out in favor of a "born alive" piece of legislation. Dangerously pro-life for a democrat.
Fuck these trans idiots.
I have no dog in this fight (two boys out of school), but I want girls' and womens' sports totally wiped off the face of the earth just to teach these idiots a lesson.
All it would take is a bunch of athletically average or below-average boys getting together to take over every single girls sport at a high school.
Now do that across the country. Presto! No more girls playing sports.
Give these morons what they want...I'm tired of insane people driving public policy.
A 25yo woman has the aerobic capacity of a 50yo man. So you ought let 50yo men compete with women.
P.S. I'm not one of the 'Tulsi is so hot' crowd (she's average-looking at best).
But for a liberal, she is actually sane sometimes and is smart enough to know that a lot of people across the political spectrum are looking for 'normal' these days.
Good for her...
I did contact my Congressman regarding support for this bill. Hope more people do likewise. It can make a difference if there is enough interest in an issue.
Dear commenters, all of y’all: I am so loving the tone and abundance of the ranting on this issue! What fun!
And yes, on the substance Tulsi has a winning issue. Just do the math: there must be in the entire country, what? 10,000 trans people? By which I mean not losers and attention-whoring teenagers but people with some fundamental issue worth our respect and compassion?
OK, let’s round up my guess to, say, 30,000. That’s...**checks calculator**...1/10 of 1/10 of 1/0 of 1/10 of the population. 0.01%.
Count the votes in that bloc. Multiply the count by 10 to include the loyal friends and relatives and professional enablers who make a living off this exotic disorder, and multiply it again by 10 to sweep up all the weak-minded virtue-signalers. And now you have an issue that matters somehow a little to 1% of the country.
The other 99% of us are getting a little tired of being browbeaten and played for fools. Well, at least I am.
Bottom line, I see this as an easy win for Tulsi.
Notice also that in the 99% who simply DO NOT GIVE A DAMN, there are a LOT of the Deplorables who feel totally screwed by the Prog machine that is bent on installing Biden/Harris; and are looking for ways to make life miserable for the Progs generally. This is just the kind of issue that will draw their support.
What impressed me about Tulsi the first time I heard her in an interview was her military background and her condemnation of our nation-building policies. She warned against taking out Assad because it would have helped ISIS. She's smart for a Democrat. I wish she'd change parties.
"One league open for everyone.... And another league for people with two X chromosomes?"
That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. The only reason it hasn't is because (so far) men have had the pride not to intrude on womens' sports.
Why is it a one-way street?
"One league open for everyone.... And another league for people with two X chromosomes?"
So females can take a spot from less able males but those males can't take a spot from less able females?
Sounds fair if you're a female, I guess.
It led to a generational shift that impacted countless women, creating life-changing opportunities for girls and women that never existed before...
This is not true. Girls began joining sports long before. Title IX was a lagging milestone as almost all legislation is. Further Title IX made a hash of reality by demanding colleges provide exactly equal numbers even though many fewer women desire to play college level sports. The result was denying men opportunities because even begging was insufficient to get enough women to join teams, so the only way to balance was to artificially limit men. Huffpo is retrofitting to give leftist ideology and methods credit for the free evolution of society.
In effect they lie about the npre-Title IX world so the comparison to that reflects an improvement which in reality does not exist.
Local schools had been dealing with this on a case by case basis forever before it was decided we needed a federal rule mandating a uniform policy. We would all be better off if federal aid to schools was decoupled from the issue of who can and cannot use certain school bathrooms.
The clearest sign of how deranged the Democratic Party has become is the fact that they didn't nominate Gabbard for president. She would have won in a landslide.
YoungHegelian said...
The Tran folks better walk softly here, because that's a tiny minority that's going to stay a tiny minority for a long time. There's A LOT more cis-women, even a lot more feminists, who could be their allies if they don't go pissing them off with shit like beating them up at MMA tournies & calling them TERFS (Trans-exclusionary radical feminists). Hell, even the gays aren't too fond of the Trans community, much less everybody on the Right.
That's why I don't get so worked up about the forthcoming Bidenpalooza. I believe like Steve Sailer; Obama created a "coalition of the fringe" and the factional in-fighting is going to start soon.
"By which I mean not losers and attention-whoring teenagers but people with some fundamental issue worth our respect and compassion?"
They do not deserve our respect...that must be earned.
They do deserve our compassion because they are mentally ill.
"and the factional in-fighting is going to start soon."
Everybody can't be on the top rung of the victim ladder. Some of those victims are going to have to accept that they're less equal than others.
I'm Not Sure said...
Everybody can't be on the top rung of the victim ladder. Some of those victims are going to have to accept that they're less equal than others.
Yep, going to be fun when 400 Years of Oppression(TM) starts banging heads with Trans Rights.
We might have gotten it sooner if Hillary! had been elected. But, then again, Trump did drive 'em into a frenzy and the fireworks should be 'UGGE!.
Sorry, you gals had a nice run. But now an old truth reemerges. Men are better than women at everything. Including being a woman.
There's only a small fraction of high school and college age males who identify as females. Of that small fraction, only a smaller fraction are competitive athletes. I don't see why this is such a big issue. We're only talking about, tops, a few dozen individuals. It seems disproportionate to re-arrange sports in order to give them a comfortable experience....I would agree that trans people deserve sympathy and respect. They've got a tough row to hoe, but I don't see how we can give them the right to compete in sports without also depriving some girl of her chance to win in that sport. A trans person by his very nature is going to face an enormous number of challenges and difficulties. This should be one of them, and it's really not so overwhelming.
"A trans person by his very nature is going to face an enormous number of challenges and difficulties."
I call bullshit on this sentiment.
Trans people are the most protected class in America.
The only challenges and difficulties they face are between their ears.
Trans/neo-females. This doesn't affect trans/homosexual females who share a common physical physiology with other females.
I saw recently she came out in favor of a "born alive" piece of legislation. Dangerously pro-life for a democrat.
Not a fan of one... selective-child, the wicked solution, huh.
Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. She's dangerously American. Deplorable.
That said, the transgender spectrum (from homosexual to neosexual) or "Rainbow" issues could have been settled with a separation of Progressive Church/Synagogue/Mosque/Chamber/Clinic/etc and State. It was a mistake to normalize political congruence ("="). The issue of marriage for couples and couplets could have been settled with unions for all. The issue of trans/neo equality hinges on a reconciliation of social (e.g. a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes) and physiological (i.e. incontrovertible average and boundary differences between the sexes) imperatives. Does anyone actually favor what is effectively a combination of different weight classes? Do we want to see boys assaulting and beating girls? That's so barbaric. So progressive: one step forward, two steps backward. Rape culture was a socially liberal manifestation. A crude attempt to project for political progress and deny civil rights in order to normalize the Clinic's one-child policy and keep women barefoot, available, and taxable.
Trans people are the most protected class in America.
The only challenges and difficulties they face are between their ears.
A progressive dissonance between body and mind (e.g. sexual orientation). The same cognitive dissonance does not seem to affect the pure transgenders: homosexuals. Trans/bisexuals, intersexuals, too, also seem to be a stable divergence from normal. The "Rainbow", exclusive of black, brown, and featuring the shredded remains of white, is colored with 50 shades of gray, which is presumably why trans/homosexuals seek a separation from their spectrum cousins, notably through the appropriation (from the early to mid-twentieth century) of social status like marriage and reproduction and language like gay and lesbian.
William claims: I would agree that trans people deserve sympathy and respect.
Sorry but they don't deserve mine. Sympathy, perhaps because they are obviously sick individuals but absolutely no respect. None. Zip.
How do you decide what someone's "gender identity" is?
Do the woke really think that there aren't people who will lie about it?
@William, the Democrats claim — without evidence — to be the party of science. So what does the actual science actually say? What it says is that a child who has gone through puberty as a biological male developed such a lead in muscle mass over children who went through puberty as a biological female that the gap cannot be overcome without resorting to illegal levels of testosterone and other steroids. Per one I particle I read, this is true even if the transgendered female has had “her” testicles removed and is taking estrogen. And note that the transgendered female athlete is allowed to keep “her” penis and testicles and still compete as a female.
>It's not men's league and women's league.... It's Open league and Women's Only League; right?
That would give the Women's Only Champion lesser prestige, on par with things like "Masters Champion" and "U16 Champion."
Women athletes have spent the last 40 years striving to be considered equal to the men, not just some kind of novelty/charity act (or maybe worse, as just an excuse to stare at women in skimpy costumes).
Tulsi Gabbard and Dan Crenshaw were the preferred ticket for people participating in the Unity2020 movement by Brett Weinstein.
It would be an interesting bipartisan ticket in 2024, particularly if the DNC/Biden administration really fucks things up, as I expect they will.
"That would give the Women's Only Champion lesser prestige..."
Women athletes don't really believe they are on par with men.
This is all part of the broader culture war the left has been waging (and winning) over the past half-century.
It's not about sports, it's about submission.
Gilligan said...
Women athletes have spent the last 40 years striving to be considered equal to the men, not just some kind of novelty/charity act (or maybe worse, as just an excuse to stare at women in skimpy costumes).
12/11/20, 2:16 PM
Wait, what?!?
"That would give the Women's Only Champion lesser prestige..."
Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature. Men and women taken together (e.g. couples), and men and women considered separately and individually, will always share prestige. However, some of it may be more democratic as in political shares, market shares, etc.
A developing schism of the Progressive Church/Synagogue/Mosque/Chamber/Clinic. The Twilight faith, ordered by a Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, relativistic ("ethical") quasi-religion, and guided by mortal gods and goddesses who speak truth to facts, is an unsustainable enterprise.
Dems nominated the wrong candidate (notwithstanding her affection for Assad) .
Tracy Austin told me (in an interview) that when she was ranked first in the world, her brother Brian, ranked about 120 among men, used to beat her in straight sets love and love. "I couldn't win a game."
That's why I don't get so worked up about the forthcoming Bidenpalooza.
That firewall of commonsense Americans really worked well on Election Day, didn't it?
The fact is that the VAST majority of Democrats -- the VAST majority of Republicans -- have fully bought into the idea that he can be a "she" and that society ought treat men like women, e.g. Men's Decathlon Champion Bruce Jenner and Bradley Manning.
It's worth noting that when both were competing as candidates for the Presidential nomination, Tulsi was preferred over Kamala Harris.
>Women athletes don't really believe they are on par with men.
Would they win head-to-head? Obviously no. But do we give Women's Champions equal prestige?? I'd say it's really close in Olympic and non-revenue college sports. If nothing else, we count them equally in the medal race and director's cup meta-competitions.
And, if you use professional winnings as the metric, then women are probably ahead of men in tennis and volleyball.
Let me restate my position: Trangsgendered athletes should not be allowed to compete in most women's sports. (Curling is okay.) Transgendered people should be treated with the courtesy and respect that you treat other human beings. That said, I would presume they'll have more trouble than the average person in finding a date Saturday night....I live in NYC where there are probably lots of transgendered people. I know of one kind of iffy salesclerk, but other than that I don't know any transgendered people. They seem kind of rare. Where are all these legions of oppressed transgendered people? ... I don't know any albino midgets either. I presume they have problems getting date on Saturday and that people look at them funny but if I met any, I would endeavor to treat them with courtesy and respect. I would, however, allow albino midgets to compete in whatever sport, male or female, that they fancy.
According to the LGBT whatever orthodoxy, men and women are identical and you can just choose to be one or the other. They deny that men are bigger, faster, stronger. I saw a chart once and for all but a handful of sports, the olympic women's records were all surpassed by US high school boys. Just the US boys. The trans activists don't even want to require that trans women (ie XY genetics) take hormones before competing but even hormones do not reverse the male physical advantage. Recently XY trans athletes who were simply unknown on the men's competitive stage before coming out as "female" took female titles in weight lifting, bike racing, and some other sports.
The fact is that the VAST majority of Democrats -- the VAST majority of Republicans -- have fully bought into the idea that he can be a "she" and that society ought treat men like women, e.g. Men's Decathlon Champion Bruce Jenner and Bradley Manning.
Mark, the VAST majority of Democrats thinking you have a pussy doesn't make it so. I think you might be confused about Republicans but then you are most of the time.
Francisco D: Dan Crenshaw is ineligible to be president or vp. He was born in Scotland.
Quoting an Althouse comment upthread: "He was appalled at a fight where the other participant was not aware she was fighting a transwoman" Now, revise that statement to reflect reality: "He was appalled at a fight where the other participant was not aware she was fighting a man."
It doesn't matter what you wish for on the wishing star. You were either born a male or born a female. That is your identity. If you want to change, if you want to present yourself as something other than what you were born, I say, God bless you, I love you. Be whatever you want. But if you were born a male, with male chromosomes, and particularly if you grew up with male levels of testosterone, don't you dare claim the right to compete in athletics against my granddaughters.
Francisco D: Dan Crenshaw is ineligible to be president or vp. He was born in Scotland.
On the face of it, this would seem to be true. However George Romney ran for president twice, and he was born in Mexico to American parents.
Yep, going to be fun when 400 Years of Oppression(TM) starts banging heads with Trans Rights.
It already has; I've seen "Trans Lives Matter" signs at BLM protests. As though there were no possible conflict between the two -- e.g., a white MTF runner easily beating her (?) cis-female black competitor. So far the contests I've seen (e.g., the Connecticut state sprinter championships) involved masculine-looking black MTFs outrunning cis-female white kids, but it needn't always shake out that way, and almost certainly will not.
There just is no point for competitions that are officially sex-segregated but practically open to all comers. The extent to which men take over women's sports altogether depends entirely on how many of them are willing to cheat -- to present themselves as female, and compete against people who are overwhelmingly likely to be weaker and slower than they.
There will always be sports in which sex/gender really doesn't matter. Sports involving accuracy, like shooting and archery. Sports involving collaboration with an animal or several, like dressage and sled-dog racing. Sports where the physical requirements' relationship to sex/gender remains obscure, like bobsledding and luge. Extreme distance trials (supermarathons and the like), where biological women might actually have an advantage. Everything else, cede to the men/ex-men, who will always be stronger and quicker. Or focus on "sports" involving glittery costume design and the like, where "judges" determine the scores.
'blatantly transphobic.'
AKA common sense.
- Skippy Tisdale, non-binary human.
Further Title IX made a hash of reality by demanding colleges provide exactly equal numbers
No, the Department of Education made a hash of reality by demanding colleges provide exactly equal numbers, and then the courts made a hash of the law by pretending that the DoE was enforcing Title IX, rather than demanding violation of Title IX, by doing so.
Title IX, in its entirety, reads:
"No person in the United States shall, based on sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
That text could never require that equal numbers of available spots in sex-segregated men's and women's sports. Rather, it clearly bans sex-segregated sports, as refusing to let a man try out for any "women's" sports team is a clear and explicit exclusion from participation from that activity on the basis of sex.
Title IX outlawed sex-segregated high school and college sports. Every "women's" sport has been illegal for almost five decades at this point.
The First Congress codified that doctrine into U.S. law, declaring that “the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens.” 1 Stat. 104 (1790).
Crenshaw is a natural born citizen as that term was understood by the Founders.
"Non-binary" is a little hard to process in this context.
Presumably, a "non-binary" person wouldn't want to compete as either a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, because that would be extremely "binary."
It must not be easy to be "non-binary," but to use the word of the week, I don't see where they have "standing" in this dispute.
I don't understand the position that femaleness can be defined as whatever a 16 year old boy says it is.
The absurdity of it is impossible for me to process.
"I don't understand the position that femaleness can be defined as whatever a 16 year old boy says it is."
I never understood why, if gender is a "social construct", the newly-minted "trans" person always feels the need to immediately run out and buy the correct hats and clothes and accessories to let you know they really mean it. Look at me! I'm a guy! I just got this trucker hat from Hooters and wear it backwards! If Shaquille O'Neal goes on ESPN to announce she's really a woman, I don't want her to change any superficial aspects of her appearance - just be the real woman you always were, sister!
Title IX has destroyed many men's teams at the collegiate level.
For example many schools have women's soccer, but a lot of the men's teams disappeared to keep numerical equality. It applies to many sports.
Since all that is, apparently, needed to be recognized as a trans woman is to announce such the answer is simple. Men with decent HS (eg) soccer skills to announce they are women. They take over the women's team AND their scholarships! At the end of every practice and game, poof, men again. Practice starts at 4 pm? At 3:59, poof, women.
Title IX preserved. Look at all the women playing sports! Look at all the new scholarship women. Look at the greatly increased quality of play in women's sports! Why there would be so many women of scholarship (or at least playing) traditional men's sports that were dropped, like wrestling in many schools, could be resurrected. It's heavenly, right?
But, in truth, women's:
Soccer- all trans
Softball - all trans
Tennis - all trans
Swimming - all trans
Track and field - all trans
Suit's me. But I doubt it suits many women.
Now the absurdity of this plan shows how destructive it could be to women who wish to compete..
Side note: Does Bruce/Kaitlyn Jenner still have a dick? She certainly has the money for the surgery. It's been years since she announced.
If she's still packing I recommend ESPN ask for the Bravest Jock award they gave her a few years back.
The issue was the state of the American mind and whether we should worry about it not, MK, the issue was not about the objective, ontological fallacy of men becoming women. And, yes, most Republicans HAVE bought into the fallacy.
You are the one who is confused.
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