First would be James Patterson because, since we are both in entertainment, we could write it off as a business expense. (Ha!) Second would be Fannie Flagg — she’s a friend and a very funny author, so I know she would be a guaranteed good time. Third would be Maya Angelou because she would definitely have wonderful stories and spoke and wrote so poetically. As a bonus, I’d ask Charles Dickens to join us — for the street cred.
“I don’t do politics,” she told the acclaimed biographical podcast Dolly Parton’s America in 2019. “I have too many fans on both sides of the fence. Of course, I have my opinion, but I learned years ago to keep my mouth shut about things.”...Parton is a hodgepodge of left-wing and right-wing signifiers, a red state icon who refused to critique Donald Trump, and who also happens to express love and adoration for every gender, sexuality and colour imaginable.
Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square, her new Netflix film... is thick with God-fearing spirituality and occasionally creepy nostalgia for small town Americana, but it is also hyper-queer in execution – think It’s a Wonderful Life if directed by Divine....
Yes, remember the time Jennifer Aniston asked her, “Is it true that you once said that it’s a good thing you were born a girl... otherwise you would have been a drag queen?" and she said "I’m so over-exaggerated and I have so many fans... the gay community and the drag queens… I’ve always had these drag queens dress like me. And I even lost a Dolly Parton lookalike contest."
But that's still show business and personal warmth and empathy. It's not really politics. Back to the Independent:
In [the podcast] Dolly Parton’s America, host Jad Abumrad repeatedly questioned Parton’s limp stances on feminism and right-wing boogeymen. He recalled her visible discomfort at a joke made at Trump’s expense at the 2017 Emmys, in which her Nine to Five co-stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin repurposed a line from the film to condemn the then-president. Parton, on stage with the pair, pointedly stayed quiet, then made a quip about her boobs....
Open signalling of your values, and using your A-list privilege for political good, has become a fundamental part of modern celebrity branding. Parton has yet to submit. It means many of her modern interviews are slightly awkward, Parton talking around matters of importance and sticking to an admittedly anodyne script of wishing everyone well and calling for unity....
She has donated millions to Aids research and was an early advocate for gay marriage and trans rights, and has also used her incredible wealth to give back..... In August, Parton told Billboard magazine that she supported Black Lives Matter (“Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter?” she asked). In 2018, she removed the use of the word “Dixie” from an attraction at Dollywood citing its confederate origins. “As soon as you realise that [something] is a problem, you fix it,” Parton explained. “Don’t be a dumbass. That’s where my heart is. I would never dream of hurting anybody on purpose.”...
Her politics are based on what is just or right, rooted in compassion, the sharing of wealth, and helping wherever help is needed....
Yes, that's charity. If that's political, it's right-wing.
Here's that 2017 Emmys performance... which is, of course, completely scripted. You can only imagine how this was negotiated. Jane and Lily get their shots at Trump, and Dolly only gets to distance herself from those 2 famously lefty ladies, and she does it with her breasts, those 2 famously apolitical ladies:
७४ टिप्पण्या:
Wow - the elitist snob destroyers are now coming after sweet-dispositioned Dolly Parton to cancel her. And for what good reason - is she somehow a threat to them? They are the true deplorables in our society.
When the fire in your pajamas is bright enough, you can read inside of a dog.
And for what good reason - is she somehow a threat to them?
She tried to appease the left on some issues, so she is getting eaten pretty close to last.
If people with "right wing" opinions aren't harried from the public conversation then people might get the idea that those opinions are acceptable.
Perhaps she'll be able to repent in front of a "Truth and Reconciliation" committee.
"Parton has yet to submit."
Wow, they really are little tyrants, drunk with their imagined power. Submit to us, Dolly!
When Dolly goes I'm going with her...
the elitist snob destroyers
That's "effete snobs", pardner...!
she supported Black Lives Matter (“Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter?” she asked)
y'all DO Realize? That this means she is saying: ALL LIVES MATTER
AND, y'all DO Realize (don't you?) That that means... SHE IS A RACIST!!!!
Very Hard, for Anyone, to be opposed to the preposition: Black lives matter
Very Hard, for Anyone to Support the goals of the organization; BLACK LIVES MATTER
“We know she’s a witch! But she won’t confess! Burn her!!”
How dare anyone hold their beliefs close to the vest? Or, in Dolly's case, at arm's length. How dare they? Don't they know that you have to virtue signal along with the mob to gain your credentials among the cretin class?
My God what a vapid culture we have.
Imagine the minds that think asking a person which three writers they'd have over to a literary dinner, would show who they really are. Imagine thinking that this is how you take them down.
Imagine being such a devious mean person.
So, just wondering- who would YOU invite to such a dinner?
Dolly started a charity called Imagination Library back in 1995 where, if a child gets registered, he/she(etc) gets a free book every month until the age 5 when they start school. She also was incredibly generous a few years ago when her the Gatlinburg TN fires made many locales homeless. She steps up and follows through.
Go after Dolly at your peril, assholes.
and who also happens to express love and adoration for every gender, sexuality and colour imaginable.
Hating people for their gender, sexuality or color is not part of right-wing orthodoxy.
But it is on the left.
Althouse would invite writers that want to destroy Western Civilization. Then she would show them the sketches she made in Europe depicting Saints coughing up an unblemished Communion wafer like a cat coughing up a hairball. And regale them with tales like the time the principal wouldn't let her wear a skirt so short the kids could see what she had for breakfast.
I'd ask Maya Angelou to recite all her poems with shit in them. Like the one she recited at Obama's Inauguration.
@RMc, can we compromise on effete, elitist snobs?
In our younger days Dolly certainly could have started a fire in my pajamas.
John Henry
"Sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical, bigot"
Funny how that brings to mind Ms. Tomlin and Ms. Fonda. The evident hate with which they spat those words out reminds me that this is what they think about half of the country.
Go after Dolly at your peril, assholes.
They act like they know this to be true...
So... she refuses to judge people, gives out of her own wealth, turns the other cheek when people speak ill of her, and praises God while doing all of it?
I judge Dolly Parton guilty. Of Christianity.
Which three people — living or dead — would I like to converse with? I’m not sure I would need anyone besides Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Maybe Abraham Lincoln — a politician with a famously wicked sense of humor. Just sit back and watch them play off each other.
And of course this brings up the single most famous Pearls Before Swine strip.
Saw the Christmas version of Dolly Parton's "Pirates Voyage" last week in Myrtle Beach. They put a "Christmas Carol" gloss on all the stunts for this version, and didn't shy away from the Nativity. A good time for all.
"many of her modern interviews are slightly awkward, Parton talking around matters of importance and sticking to an admittedly anodyne script of wishing everyone well and calling for unity..
Importance to who? Just because something is the cause d'jour to the interviewer doesn't mean it is important to everyone.
People have all sorts of personas. That "face in the jar" that was discussed here some days ago.Dolly's public professional face is the one that she wears to minimize harm to herself and to others. Perhaps that is also her private face.
Growing up in the "South" she was probably taught to keep her opinions to herself Southern Manners....Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. as my mother would have said.
Dolly Parton is smart. Therefore she must be destroyed by the SJW machine and made to recant whatever imagined wrongthink that they say she has.
"yet Parton’s philanthropy . . . means she gets a free pass"
Because, of course, no conservative should get a "free pass." Without the shield of philanthropy, it would be open season, as usual.
Wouldn't you want to invite Shakespeare, just to see who showed up (if anyone)?
Dolly is smart. Some people can actually hold two thoughts at the same time without their heads exploding. LEAVE. DOLLY. ALONE.
Yeah, Tomlin and Fonda. What a smug, supercilious pair.
The rag should change its name from the "Independent" to the "Meanspirited".
I truly despise the way the media constantly frames things with the lie that a defining characteristic of the Right is hatred gay people, women, non-whites, clean air, clean water, etc. It's a brilliant, yet thoroughly disgusting, tactic.
michaele said, "Dolly started a charity called Imagination Library back in 1995 where, if a child gets registered, he/she(etc) gets a free book every month until the age 5 when they start school."
I can't recommend the Imagination Library highly enough. I signed up my granddaughter when she was two years old. There are no income requirements, you can even get books for a child that doesn't live with you. And they are amazing, high quality books. Apparently Dolly cares about literacy and children being read to by their parents. I don't know if that makes her "liberal" or "conservative" but it is a wonderful charity and I love her for doing that.
Churchy LaFemme: said...
And of course this brings up the single most famous Pearls Before Swine strip.
Thank you Churchy! i am SO Ignorant, that i had Never seen this strip. It was Hilarious!
" a red state icon who refused to critique Donald Trump,.."
Fuck you - leftwing writer a-hole.
Talk about McCarthyism. The left demand you constantly demean and belittle your own side -- for their woke virtue signalling leftist egos. Or they will destroy you.
fuck the Stalinist left.
Fuck off and fuck you Youfucking leftist Stalinist thought crime asshole.
To quote VivaFrei: "Politics ruins everything."
Dolly Parton seems to be trying to preserve a small islet of sanity in a politicized, evil environment. Good for her!!
Never really been a huge fan of Dolly Parton's music. She seems to be good at what she does. It's just not In my style.
However, every time I hear her speak, I can just tell that she knows exactly what she'd doing, in a way that I see much less blatantly in just about anyone else. I admire the way her mind and sole seems to work together directly.
Who would want to have dinner with a dead person? Gross.
Parton knows that once you starts down the road of political virtue signaling, you're just going to keep getting pushed farther and farther until eventually they find a reason to destroy you.
Many interviews end up telling you more about the interviewer than the interviewee. And what you find out is seldom flattering.
Steve Allen hosted a show called "Meeting of the Minds" which had actors betraying various historical figures interacting with each other.
Great answer, @Lucien.
There’s nothing in the article that can be construed as an attack on Dolly Parton. Parton is a national treasure.
Those on the left never feel compelled to hide their political affiliation.
The guardian article seemed like an attempt to inoculate Parton from cancel culture. Not going to work. Inga will be denouncing her as a vile Trumpist within the month.
I have to say that the best Pearls Before Swine cartoon is the Annie May the Anenome series. Link
Why on earth should she be political?
She is selling her talent and her image. People on all sides have money to spend on that.
As for the 'little engine,' she grew up actually dirt-poor and made it via talent, brains, and hard work.
Don't let the 'little ol' country girl' image fool you. Dolly is very, very smart.
Would Groucho have been as stupidly funny/boring without Margaret Dumont?
Why I should care what Leftist SJW's think of Dolly Parton?
"When the fire in your pajamas is bright enough, you can read inside of a dog."
I see what you did there : )
The three I'd invite:
1) Alexander Solzhenitsyn
2) Mark Twain
3) G.B. Shaw
Shaw and twain can provide the jokes, Solzhenitsyn the substance.
Well, my personal favorie Pearls sequence is about the little dog who is chained in his yard, but is always planning cruise vacations and such.
You're supposed to take him as pitiful figure, but then in the final strip of the sequence, Pastis turns it all around.
Unfortunately he doesn't do much like that anymore.
Inga: They're onna role. Don't harsh their mellow now just as they are reaching the Comedy Gold crescendo.
Dolly Parton's politics sound a lot like Donald Trump's actually.
And that's not a knock on her, it's a knock on people who hate Donald Trump.
One of my old friend's second wife's late brother's life partner-- clear?-- is or was Dolly's wardrobe manager. Is he gay?
Only his hairdresser knows for sure.
Gomez to Fester: You're smart, witty, good-looking-- you could have any woman in the world--dead or alive!
Dead writers eat less
"Dolly Parton Likes to Read by the Fire in Her Pajamas"
I had a fire in my pajamas, but medicine took care of it.
Dolly Parton sounds like she would be a good cellie in the Truth and Reconciliation Archipelago where racism, sexism and misogyny are uprooted and replaced by implanted memories till it's time to go out and burn your old home town and The Evils still living there. Who would I least like as a cellie? Jane Fonda.
My copy of The Little Engine That Could was a gift from my Great Great Aunt Kitt who was 80 years my senior.
Steve Allen hosted a show called "Meeting of the Minds" which had actors betraying various historical figures interacting with each other.
One of them was always Jayne Meadows.
For a literary dinner I would get the Algonquin Round Table back together, just to see if Dorothy Parker, Robert Benchley, and George S. Kaufman were really that witty.
"For a literary dinner I would get the Algonquin Round Table back together, just to see if Dorothy Parker, Robert Benchley, and George S. Kaufman were really that witty."
I'd do it just to see if the pizza was any good.
"Dolly Parton’s politics hide in plain sight, whether she admits it or not There’s not much room for ambiguity in our times, as some Hollywood stars have found out, yet Parton’s philanthropy, which includes her funding of a Covid-19 vaccine, means she gets a free pass. But it’s easy to read between the lines."
If that isn't a threat to Dolly? I don't know what is.
The collective left can F O A D.
Followed Dolly from the early 60's with Porter on CBC. She's an American Treasure in my book. But, nobody reads my book. Hope to make it to Branson after this Chicom Flu settles down.
Beauty, talent, intelligence and smart!
Jane Fonda, who sat on an anti-aircraft gun's seat, making nice with the North Vietnamese. Her place in hell is already reserved in the ninth circle, the circle in hell reserved for traitors.
The Truth and Reconciliation commission can start with Rachel Maddow and Adam Schiff. Rachel went on for two years yacking up the Russia hoax while Little Adam kept saying he had secret documents proving the Russian hoax. I'd like to see the commission browbeat the truth out of them. It would be glorious!
Frank Herbert, JRR Tolkien, Arthur C. Clarke
If I had my choice I would invite the living authors--the dead ones would be...creepy.
Dickens, Twain, Chandler.
American writers--
Twain, Mencken, Hitchens.
Brits later, maybs
Any three of The Inklings. Chesterton, Tolkien, Bentley, preferably.
Dolly is from Sevierville in the mountains here in East Tenn. The area has been Republican forever. East Tenn tried to secede from the Confederacy at the beginning of the civil war (see also western Virginia). The resolutions of the East Tenn Convention were never acted on once a Confederate army moved in to occupy that part of the state. Continued to vote Republican ever since.
This is also the area that produced a number of the rough, tough "Overmountain men" who crossed into NC in 1780 to kick Ferguson's ass at the Battle of Kings Mountain. The men from this area would led by John Sevier. They took offense at Ferguson's threat that “he would march his army over the mountains, hang their leaders, and lay their country waste with fire and sword.” No one from these mountains would put up with that crap and they whipped Ferguson. Anyone trying to understand the people in this area should realize that their politics and their attitudes haven't really changed all that much in the last 250 years. Thank God for that.
Governor Senator Lamar! Alexander used to explain his political heritage-- his East Tennessee ancestors voted Republican since 1860, and they shot like they voted.
East Tennessee was far the most Unionist part of the state, and the results of their loyalty have been mentioned here by other posters.
Brits-- Wells, Burgess, Hitchens
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