December 15, 2020

"Every single avenue was made available to President Trump to contest the results.... President Trump was denied no course of action he wanted to take...."

"You know, respecting the will of the people is at the heart of our democracy, even we find those results hard to accept. But that’s the obligation of those who’ve taken on a sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. Four years ago, when I was a sitting Vice President of the United States, it was my responsibility to announce the tally of the Electoral College votes of the joint session of Congress, had voted to elect Donald Trump. I did my job.... We the people voted, faith in our institutions held, the integrity of our elections remains intact. And now it’s time to turn the page as we’ve done throughout our history, to unite, to heal.... [W]e need to work together to give each other a chance to lower the temperature.... We’re a great nation. We’re good people.... [W]e share in common a love for this country.... For we, the United States of America, has [sic] always set the example for the world for a peaceful transition of power.... We’ll do so again.... [M]ay this moment give us a strength to rebuild this house of ours upon a rock that can never be washed away. As in the Prayer of St. Francis, for where there is discord, union, where there is doubt, faith where there is darkness, light...."

Said Joe Biden, last night, on the occasion of the vote of the Electoral College. Transcript. Here's the video. 

He clears his throat near the beginning and then seems to resist clearing his throat as much as he needs to, so you can't watch this without thinking Phlegm! way more than is reasonably comfortable, and he's trying so hard to make you feel comfortable. It's just before the 10-minute mark that it gets very bad, and 10 minutes is a good cut-off point. Why not edit it down? It's not a super-pithy text. It would be better 3 minutes shorter. There was no reason to make him go this long... not unless the idea was to make us get comfortable with the idea of phasing him out and swapping in Kamala at the earliest possible moment — say, around March 1st. 


Greg Hlatky said...

The tribal chief abolished cannibalism after he ate the last missionary.

The Skeptic said...

I agree with Joe. I pledge to accept him as president with the same enthusiasm and grace that the Democrats accepted Donald Trump. I also pledge to encourage my representatives in Congress to be just as helpful to Biden as the Democrats were to Trump over the past four years. In the spirit of "healing," I plan on "resisting," just like they taught me.

Jess said...

Buyer's remorse will be strong with this one. Not only is the product defective, the showroom is empty for another product.

David Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exhelodrvr1 said...

So are we or are we not racist? And should we follow the example of the 2016-2020 Democrats for healing and uniting?

David Begley said...

I watched this on CNN. Erin Burnett called 60 million Americans “election deniers.” We were also told Trump should “do the Right Thing” and concede. I think the Right Thing is to not let the cheater take office.

David Begley said...

Biden cheated in multiple ways. That’s not democracy.

The Antrim County study of the Dominion machines proves that the election was stolen.


Jersey Fled said...

Does Joe really think he gets points from practicing Christians with these off handed allusions to his Catholic faith?

More than 5 million babies were aborted during the 8 years Obama and Biden were in office. More than 600,000 each year. More each year than will likely die in total from Covid.

Joe never met an abortion he didn't like.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Office of the president-elect" Didn't Barack Obama invent that? A non-existent office for empty men.

Kate said...

"Make Me A Channel of Your Peace" is a pabulum hymn, Biden is a pabulum president, and calls for unity are pabulum pronouncements. I'm not a fan of boring. Boring is entropy.

tim maguire said...

David Begley said...The Antrim County study of the Dominion machines proves that the election was stolen.

Maybe, but that analysis was written by a very unreliable analyst who has already made big mistakes in this election (he's the guy who included WI counties in his MI turnout report). They need to hand it off to someone else before the results have any hope of getting accepted.

iowan2 said...

What pisses me off the most? Leftist never have to prove their assertions. The Propganda shills are nothing but stenographers. We have the proof. DNC emails listed by name the dozens of media shills that have in the past, and can be counted on in the future to publish what ever the DNC sends them, under their personal by-line.

stevew said...

There is no requirement for Trump to concede. Biden and the left insist that he do so in an attempt to embarrass him and his supporters. What a bunch of assholes.

donald said...

He will resign after his attorney general indicts his crack head son. Period the end.

wendybar said...

This is going to be fun. Payback is a BITCH!!

Kevin said...

Ctrl-F finds no mention of insurance policies, Mueller or impeachment.

Darrell said...

Is there a Nobel Prize for historical cheating and fraud? Congrats, Joe!

RMc said...

My only solace is the fact that this awful man will die soon.

mezzrow said...

As theater, this is the dog food the dogs rejected on sight and smell.

America's future rests on the will and strength of Joseph R. Biden. For now, anyway.

What could possibly go wrong?

Mr. O. Possum said...

He looks tired. Plus, old.

Little excitement in his voice or mannerisms.

His fire is low.

Darrell said...

Every law enforcement agency was breaking their ass assuring a fair and honest election.

Darrell said...

Say it ain't so, Joe!

Dan from Madison said...

March 1, interesting guess. I was putting my money on early Summer.

Temujin said...

I see April as the farewell date. Unless an investigation into his son, brother, and Joe himself makes it difficult to continue earlier on.

Trump was not given every path. Indeed, every path was blocked- no merit, no standing, the news not covering any of the accusations, social media censoring everything about election fraud. I wonder how you claim no merit when you don't examine the evidence? Yet we are still reading daily about new items coming up. Antrim County, Michigan being the latest after an audit of the Dominion voting system. It's crooked. It's designed that way. A 68% error rate. ???? How is that acceptable in any walk of life for any product at any time???

The US standard for election errors is supposedly .008%. Dominion voting machines in the one county checked had a 68% error rate. They were designed to do this.

Trump had no path if no one will listen, or accept that we have a problem that is critical to the very gut of our Republic. Biden is the new face of Fraud. He and Dr. Pretentious Biden.

tim maguire said...

""Every single avenue was made available to President Trump to contest the results....

Of course, none were allowed to seriously examine the question. But sure, the avenues were there, if blocked.

Kai Akker said...

---respecting the will of the people is at the heart of our democracy

Orwell? The Bee? Too funny to stay mad for this part.

MayBee said...

I would be nice for him to kind of admit that the Democrats have been election deniers (if that's the term we're going to use now) for 20 years.
To admit The Resistance is a term actually used for the last four years, with every tool in the book thrown at the duly elected president to unseat him.

You can't just keep denying that Democrats treat GOP Presidents as if they are always illegitimate. You can do that for 20 years and then say "Unity!". It's really denying millions of people their chance to delight in their victories, to have their own voices heard. It's all about gaslighting, and I haven't been watching much of it. I'm over it. I watch knitting YouTube and Johari The Giraffe live pregnancy cam.

Clayton Hennesey said...

There is convincing evidence that non-Democrats are short-circuiting the mechanisms of the Republic out of some misguided notion that they are acting at some self-defined higher level "for the good of the Republic", obtusely not recognizing that those very mechanisms themselves are the whole of "the good of the Republic".

SCOTUS refusing standing after soliciting response from the defendants is but the most egregious example of this.

But the only avenues remaining one the mechanisms of the Republic are sidelined out of some misguided paternalistic sense of duty are acquiescence, anarchy, and revolution.

I don't think acquiescence is in the offing.

So I think things will begin to be broken in ways that do not easily trigger a legal response.

Imagine, for example an extemporaneous rolling blockade by side by side truckers on a critical artery in a Democrat city at morning rush hour - and then they're off and away, out of the city entirely.

Or targeted boycotts of known Democrat merchants in Democrat enclaves.

In sum, everything that has been done even in the best of intentions to avoid the contitutional-legal combat of a contested election through the avenues expressly designed for them will only have ended up making the cold civil war we're presently engaged in that much worse.

Fandor said...

"Every singe avenue was made available to President Trump...", says the criminal-elect, Joe Biden.
Yeah, everything but the cheating apparatus you and your crowd used to steal the election and subvert the will of the people.
When 70 plus million Republicans and 30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen, is that a wound a thief can heal?
What if President Trump never concedes?
If all the allegations are proven true about the steal, and a fraudulent politician is sworn in as president, what is the remedy under the constitution?
Can a president who has not conceded resume his office?
Would the illegally ousted be, in fact, a government in exile?

What say you Ann Althouse, constitutional law professor?

jaydub said...

May he drown in his own phlegm.


gilbar said...

" we need to work Together, to five each other the chance... Th Lower the Tempurature..
and Most of All; we need to stand in solidarity, as fellow americans"

so says the spokesman, for The Office of the President Elect

After all, remember 2016? Some people got pretty hot about That election
BUT! ALL the democrats agreed, that we needed to stand in solidarity, as fellow americans

If the democrats are That accommodating, in defeat... I think we can All agree, that we should ALL unite, in solidarity, behind their victorious fraud

Michael said...

That vacant look on his eyes....

gspencer said...

"the integrity of our elections remains intact. And now it’s time to turn the page as we’ve done throughout our history, to unite, to heal"

Gunnery Sgt Hartman, do you have any response? "Joe, I bet you're the kind of guy that would f-ck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you."

gilbar said...

Darrell said...
Is there a Nobel Prize for historical cheating and fraud?

Well, If there is;
clearly it should go, to the creator of "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics"

Bob Boyd said...

A wife beater telling his battered spouse to pull it together for the sake of the family and the children.

MayBee said...

I just want to see the look on Angel Merkel's when Biden leaves the room after their first one on one meeting. Or Boris Johnson. I imagine a lot of side eye to their aides.

Or Putin (although I bet that won't be allowed)

MayBee said...

Do you think Dr Jill Biden would try to negotiate the VP slot for herself?

Fernandinande said...

I like the way he feebly lifts his little paws in the "trust me" gesture when prompted to do so by his handlers.

Me: He looks like a robot.
She: He looks like a puppet.

Howard said...

Trumpers manifest all the textbook symptoms of battered wife syndrome. First by Trump, then by the msm, now by Biden.

You go gyrlz

Bob Boyd said...

You go gyrlz

You've become very predictable.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Phlegm Kadiddlehopper

Fernandinande said...

so you can't watch this without thinking Phlegm!

Well, I could and did; your observation accords with your previously getting "utterly grossed out" by some barely noticeable "mouth noises". AFAIK, I'd never heard that term before.

Breezy said...

Could Jill take the top spot? When is that done vs VP doing so?
I don’t think Jill likes Kamala...

Howard said...

It's not my fault, Bob. You people never break character.

Rusty said...

Blogger jaydub said...
"May he drown in his own phlegm.

No. Rebel.

Howard just wants company in his less than manly life.

Rory said...

"...Passion held Melissa to the ground as Pom bit the baby's head. Using one foot, Passion pushed at Melissa's chest while Pom pulled at her hands; finally Pom ran off with the infant, who was already dead.

"Fifteen minutes later Melissa approached Passion. The two mothers stared at each other, then Passion reached out and touched Melissa's bleeding hand and embraced her. As Jane [Goodall] interprets it, 'It was as if to say, "I have no quarrel with you, I only wanted your baby."'"

Todd said...

"Every single avenue [we knew we could control] was made available to President Trump to contest the results [that we committed fraud to win].... President Trump was denied no course of action he wanted to take [except those that would have exposed our fraud and given him the election he legally won]...."

"You know, respecting the will of the people is at the heart of our democracy [accept when we Democrats don't win], even we find those results hard to accept [you know, that we actually got away with our fraud].

There, fixed it for you.

Chick said...

Is the Big Guy talking to me?

Todd said...

I played nice for the prior 2 terms. I was not happy with the results, believed a anti-American empty suit was elected, but went with it. The last 4 years though with the constant attacks on "our guy" and the the rules the Democrats play by, I believe it is time I give it a try.

#ResistBidenHarrisFraud #NotMyGroppyPresident #NotMyPresident2020 #ChinaJoeAndKneePads2020

Bob Boyd said...

It's not my fault, Bob.

Oh come on. You're saying you can't do better? We already know that's not true.

For example "Chelsea Clinton's package" sounds very wrong. was a really funny comment.

Ray - SoCal said...

What a hack.

Tommy Duncan said...

Democrat speeches are an art form. Their ability to use broad brush lies and projection to irritate and demonize their opponents while insincerely calling for unity and civility is unparalleled.

Tommy Duncan said...

Fen's law applies:

"The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about."

Browndog said...

According to the "always on offense, never on defense" doctrine...

I expect a number of republicans will be prosecuted for election interference in the coming year.

Chuck said...

Is this a serious point you are trying to make, Althouse? That Biden will not finish his term as POTUS?

Let's bet on it. Put your money where your keyboard is. I think it is a stupid claim; but what I want more than anything is for you to just be clear with your readers. Are you really, seriously making the claim that a Biden resignation will be happening soon after his inauguration? If so, when?

Because I am calling bullshit.

LYNNDH said...

Feck Him and the Harris he rode in on.

daskol said...

So many lies, the biggest being the claim that Trump's fraud claims were heard and rejected on merit. That's just rubbing our faces in it. I don't like it.

Michael K said...

Tell that to the witnesses in Michigan who were harassed for filing affidavits.

And then, of course, there is this.

“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.

The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud.

Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.

Dave Begley said...

Standing and laches was the cowardly way the judiciary got rid of many of these cases. The merits were rarely addressed. The dissent in the WI Supreme Court case noted this for the case that was heard on Saturday.

Dave Begley said...

If the Harvard MBA who did the Antrim study is wrong, then lets have some other people test Dominion machines in GA, PA and WI.

What is Dominion hiding?

Why won't the FBI do this work?

Francisco D said...

Bob Boyd said...You go gyrlz (Howard).

You've become very predictable.

Think of Little Howie as the kid in 5th grade who picked his nose and flung boogers at people. You can't smack him around as he desperately wants, so just ignore the little twit.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

China, Russia and Iran are licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with this corrupt clown.

wild chicken said...

I don't get it. He sounded pretty lucid going off on those leftist agitators who want him to EO their wishlist. And he's appointing his asshole buddies to key positions in the Cabinet.

He ain't dead yet, I hope.

Roger Sweeny said...

The text reminds me of Gerald Ford.

Big Mike said...

"Every single avenue was made available to President Trump to contest the results.... President Trump was denied no course of action he wanted to take...."

That’s just the latest Democrat lie that gullible Althouse believes — or desperately wants to believe. She’s for boring? I hope she’s ready for 4 years of Hell.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"You know, respecting the will of the people is at the heart of our democracy, even we find those results hard to accept"


"But that’s the obligation of those who’ve taken on a sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. Four years ago, when I was a sitting Vice President of the United States"

I participated in illegally spying on the Trump Campaign, false and malicious prosecution of their incoming NSA, and spreading a hoax about Trump colluding with Putin (when I knew we Democrats were actually the ones who colluded with him), and in a shameful and utterly illegitimate attempt to cripple the President who legitimately defeated the Democrat Party's candidate.

"We the people voted, faith in our institutions held, the integrity of our elections remains intact." Except among the 70% of Democrats who turned "Russia spent $100k on Facebook ads that might have helped Trump" into "Russia hacked the election totals to give Trump the victory". That was 2016

in 2020, he have Democrat controlled courts conspiring with Democrat "election officials" and outside plaintiffs to destroy US election laws, destroy safeguards against vote fraud, and to block all GOP attempts to protect honest elections.

Be it excluding poll watchers, to allowing them in but not letting them do their jobs, to ignoring their reports when they reported fraud, you Democrats have destroyed US election integrity.

Congratulations. You appear to have gotten away with stealing the Presidency. Prepare to deal with an America where a 100 million people know that your Party is no longer willing to allow peaceful disagreement and change of power from you through elections.

"[W]e share in common a love for this country"

No, we don't. Republicans love America. More than 1/2 of Democrats hate America. See: Michele Obama, and The Squad.

And while we Republicans love America, we despise you, you corrupt scum of the Left. Prepare to enjoy the results of your actions

Howard said...

Touche, Bob. Your absolutely right. I do need to step up my game by editing myself better.


Howard said...

I love you too, Rusty

Greg The Class Traitor said...

tim maguire said...
David Begley said...The Antrim County study of the Dominion machines proves that the election was stolen.

Maybe, but that analysis was written by a very unreliable analyst who has already made big mistakes in this election (he's the guy who included WI counties in his MI turnout report). They need to hand it off to someone else before the results have any hope of getting accepted.

1: No vote counting machine shoudl ever be connected to the internet.


For any reason.

2: No vote counting machine of any sort should be "closed source".

There are no honest features that you can add to a vote counting machine that should make it have a competitive advantage over other machines. The only legitimate points of competition are speed of ballot reading, and accuracy. Everything else should be a common feature set.

All election related machinery shoudl run on open source software.

The Dominion machines were connected to the internet while generating their "election results" using closed source software. If you trust the results from that, you are a fool

Skeptical Voter said...

Prevaricating dog faced pony soldier reads pabulum on his prompter.

mccullough said...

Turn off or tune out Sleepy Joe speeches.

mccullough said...

Dominion was used in 28 states.

AZ Bob said...

Someone got video of the Vice President-elect during Biden's coughing attack.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

tim maguire said...
They need to hand it off to someone else before the results have any hope of getting accepted.

The software needs to be made open source, with anyone allowed to look at it, and look for flaws in it.

Absent that, they get no benefit of the doubt. And SHOULD get no benefit of the doubt

Lexington Green said...

Not my President

Sam L. said...

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, Joe. I believe you think you're telling the truth, but...I have doubts. Many, many, many...

rcocean said...

Biden, if he becomes President, has won by Fraud and that's OK with him. He's scum. Its been proven the votes in Michigan, Penn, GA were all done with Dominion machines that are unreliable and with fraudulent mail in ballots that either don't exist, or can't be traced back to registered voters. Other Biden ballots were from invalid voters who double voted or were out of state.

The establishment is A-OK with a stolen election because they want their Chi-com Agent, and Goldman Sachs Butt-boy Biden in Office. The Democrat voters, of course, don't give a shit how Biden got elected, or what he does to the USA. bah, bah, go the Democrat sheep.

rcocean said...

Here are numbers form Penn in case you've forgotten:

Election day votes (real people) 2.8 million for Trump. 1.4 million Biden.
Mail in votes (Many fraudulent) .7 million Trump, 2.1 million Biden.

we're honestly supposed to believe that 75% of mail votes went to Biden in Pennsylvania, when only 33% of the Real people who showed up on Election day supported him!

rcocean said...

Texas lawsuit contains all the facts and figures, and the Democrat responses which are bullshit. Biden stole the election and he's proud of it. He's corrupt and he took payoffs from the Ukraine and the Chicoms and Hunter is under investigation.

But who cares, right? He has a (D) after his name, and will somehow do good things for Blacks, gays, and Jews, that Trump didn't do. what exactly that is, is never stated. You can't have a country with corrupt stupid voters who don't even care about honest elections.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Supremes wiffed it on standing and how electors are selected and the plenary role of the legislature in setting election law. Otherwise, ok.

Bilwick said...

Reminds me of the Babylon Bee story about supervillain Thanos, after destroying half the people on Earth, lecturing what's left that they all need to join him in coming together for the sake of Unity.

T J Sawyer said...

From early in the comments:
"(he's the guy who included WI counties in his MI turnout report)."

No, they were Minnesota counties. See how easy it is to make a misstatement in a thoughtfully constructed sentence?

Joe Smith said...

"We were also told Trump should “do the Right Thing” and concede."

Just do the right thing and give up the Frank family hiding in the attic.

It's what a good citizen would do.

Sebastian said...

"I did my job"

Huh. I could have sworn he mostly stayed in his basement.

RigelDog said...

Temujin noted: "The US standard for election errors is supposedly .008%. Dominion voting machines in the one county checked had a 68% error rate. They were designed to do this."

We really need to know what is going on here. The machines and software are physical items that exist, so getting definitive answers after neutral experts examine the evidence should be possible.

In addition to the alleged 68% error rate, the claim is that two important sets of auditing/security logs from the 2020 election are missing. Removed. Meanwhile, the server also still has 2016 election data--and the security logs are NOT missing from that data. Also, the 2016 data has an acceptable, normal, low rate of error.

Dude1394 said...

Screw him and the stolen votes he rode in on.

RigelDog said...

rcocean said: "we're honestly supposed to believe that 75% of mail votes went to Biden in Pennsylvania, when only 33% of the Real people who showed up on Election day supported him!"

Here's my on-the-ground reporting from Philadelphia: Day of election, my local polling place had great turnout, and so many people there were obviously going to vote Trump. Obvious if you know what to look for, it's like Gaydar. I have never seen any kind of conservative or Republican groundswell in our neighborhood before. Also, even though there were some Biden yard signs, there were very few in comparison to 2016 Hillary signs---instead, there were a suspicious number of yards sporting little American flags. We knew what that meant. It's like Gaydar.

So, yeah, it seems highly unlikely that so many people mailed in Biden votes that it just swamped the number of people supporting Trump, whether by in-person voting or by mail.

LA_Bob said...

Ray - SoCal said, "What a hack."


"And now it’s time to turn the page as we’ve done throughout our history, to unite, to heal..."


Rusty said...

Howard said...
"I love you too, Rusty"
You don't really, but at least you now have someone whos morals are worth emulation.

JaimeRoberto said...

April 1 would be more appropriate.

JaimeRoberto said...

If the Dominion machines are a problem, wouldn't a hand recount of the ballots resolve the issue? Are there jurisdictions that don't have paper ballots? Also, with such a high percentage of mail in ballots, it seems that the biggest vector for fraud would be with signature matching. The legal team should have focused on hand recounts and auditing signatures. All the other evidence is circumstantial. Suspicious, but circumstantial. With evidence that hand recounts and signature audits could uncover, then they would have grounds to throw the election to the legislatures.

TobyTucker said...

March 1st? I think that's a little soon. He'll be allowed his '100 days', signing every Executive Order put in front of him by his handlers. After that, he's gone, either voluntarily or not.

Jim at said...

The fool has yet to take office and I'm already sick of his lecturing.

Go to hell. And that goes for each and every one of you (dead or alive) who voted for this moron.

jim said...

You know, I think it's time we just accepted that Biden stole the election and Donald Trump will no longer be precedent.

So, what're we going to do about.

Well, I'm moving to Georgia, and I'm going to vote in the run-off, and I'm voting for Trump in both.

If enought like minded peopel do the patriotic thing, then Donald Trump will be the double-senator from Georgia AND he WILL own BIDEN!

How's that for a plan!

mikee said...

I'm willing to believe Joe got the majority of mail in votes. I'm also willing to believe in ballot harvesting and fraudulent production of mail in votes. I'm furthermore willing to believe the Republicans now have to choose: either tighten up voting procedures, or get better at vote fraud than the Dems.

Thus I finally believe, and fully expect, that the 2022 US elections will see 400,000,000 votes cast in total. Let the good times roll!

William50 said...

A Biden spokesperson said that he was suffering from a cold. Isn't a cold caused by a type of corona virus? Was he not wearing his mask, social distancing and washing his hands when not in public? Shame on you Joe Biden!!

walter said...

Blogger Sebastian said...
"I did my job"
Huh. I could have sworn he mostly stayed in his basement.
That was Joementia's job.

walter said...

It's good to see Chuck! back with his compulsive gambling on display. Misses the casinos, no doubt. At least he can get his LLR jollies from the blocking of R electors in MI.
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
Conserving Conservatism.
Losing with Dignity..forever!

Bruce Hayden said...

“The US standard for election errors is supposedly .008%. Dominion voting machines in the one county checked had a 68% error rate. They were designed to do this.”

My understanding is that the sensitivity is adjustable, and Atrium county set it very high, in order to reject most ballots, which necessitated manual determination of the votes on the ballots kicked out. Then, after this was accomplished (apparently without bipartisan supervision), the log of the changes was deleted, thanks, likely, to the election office person doing these determinations being in superuser mode at the time. Alternatively, there probably was a back door left in the system that was able to run in superuser mode, and this was all done remotely. Then, there appears to have been software updates the week before, and the week after, the election, probably, I suspect, in order to introduce the back door, then remove it. Of course, legally, they shouldn’t have been allowed to update the software within 90 days of the election, which theoretically should void and ballots counted with it.

Mutaman said...

This all sounds so unfair. Maybe you folks should bring a lawsuit.

walter said...

Doesn't work when judges are either an extension of or threatened by violent lefty assholes.

walter said...

To be fair, 68% is just slightly above .008%.
Forgivable given Trump is Hitler.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Bruce Hayden said...
Then, after this was accomplished (apparently without bipartisan supervision), the log of the changes was deleted

You should not be able to delete a log from a vote counting machine, not within at least 6 months of the log being created. Not as super user. Not as root. Never.

We need a lawsuit, starting right now, to get Dominion machines banned from any future elections. The US Constitution guarantees us a "republican form of government", and we can not have that if we have untrustworthy vote counting machines

Rules for vote counting machines:
1: All software on them must be open source
2: They may not have any networking ability
3: Information can only be exchanged using USB drives. The USB handling code on the machine must be on a ROM chip: no reprogramming via USB may be possible
4: All logs get written to DVD ROM and to "non-erasable" space (2 2TB disks in a mirrored RAID. Logs get written. When space is filled, oldest logs get deleted as needed for new logs to be written). No one, not even root, can overwrite / delete / modify a log other than the fill-up process
5: Loss of the DVD-ROM the logs are written to and overwriting of logs while an election is being challenged is a Federal crime, and automatically causes the party to the challenge of the opposite political Party of the people responsible for the machine to win

If we don't get something like this, you should expect violence in 2022. As in bombing every major Democrat vote counting site

Welcome to "No Justice, No Peace"

Greg The Class Traitor said...

JaimeRoberto said...
If the Dominion machines are a problem, wouldn't a hand recount of the ballots resolve the issue?

Prior to starting, the Pollwatcher learned the ballots were “early votes” — in-person votes prior to election day, which had previously been scanned by an optical scanner, with “1,105” written on the box.

[The initial "count" of the box had it 10,707 ballots for Biden and 13 ballots for Trump. A poll watcher (only 1 allowed for each 10 poll workers) happened to see that and call BS.] The recount of the box showed that it contained 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump — a difference of 1068, not 9,694 as the worker conducting the recount had originally written. The total number of ballots in the box was 1,103 — third party votes and no votes in the race being the difference.

So no, given that the same dishonest Democrat clowns that worked to steal the election are the ones doing the "recount", there's no reason to believe the recount will solve the problem.

Not unless you allow at least one Trump campaign poll watcher for each poll worker, and require the poll worker to immediately stop any time the Trump poll watcher has any complaint or question about what's going on.

Also, with such a high percentage of mail in ballots, it seems that the biggest vector for fraud would be with signature matching. The legal team should have focused on hand recounts and auditing signatures.

And the Trump campaign has been fighting to get a full signature audit of Fulton and Dekalb county votes. The vote "counters" and the hack Sec of State, have been fighting against this.

Which tells anyone who's paying attention that there's a good deal of fraud in those ballots.

Because if they thought they could make it through an audit successfully, they'd be happy to have one, and shove the results down the throats of teh Trump team.

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