Question? I'd say questions. First of all, are you lying? This better not be a cover for not sending a present. How long ago was the wedding? Did you attend the wedding? How expensive was the present? Why are you accusing the new occupant of just keeping the present when you know there are thieves who steal items from doorsteps? Surely, the identity of the people you're accusing — or just asking about — could be easily uncovered. What's the etiquette about insinuating that random private citizens are thieves? How many people are in the category "my closest childhood friends" for you? Does the "childhood" part mean you're not really friends with them anymore? Did you even consider going to the wedding? Are you tweeting this now because you heard from the childhood friend and wanted to do something to vouch for your interest in her wedding?Just found out one of my closest childhood friends didn’t receive the wedding present I sent because I foolishly sent it to her old address. And the new occupant just kept it?! What’s the etiquette here? Serious question.
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) December 15, 2020
I read some of the replies over there and there are quite a few that say if a package from Chelsea Clinton arrived on their doorstep, they'd be so starstruck, they'd definitely keep it. It seems that Chelsea Clinton fans aren't big sticklers for legal procedure.
ADDED: In the discussion over there, Chelsea reveals that she did already send a new present to the old friend, so her "etiquette" question is only about what should be done — or thought — about the package keepers.
If a package is delivered to your house that is not addressed to you, what is your legal obligation? If you don’t return it are you a thief, as Althouse suggests?
Is it even legal to send a box of pot?
Make sure you have the correct address (BREAKING NEWS!!! ....if you got invited, there is usually a return address on the invitation!!) ....If they are as good of friends as you say they are....
Chealsea assumed and she made an ass out of u and me.
She didn't check the address? Well, ok, things like that happen. In reading her tweet, I assumed she checked and confirmed that the people at that address got the package and kept it.
Is it really possible that she went public with this accusation without checking? If so, they should sue her.
Left Bank of the Charles said...If a package is delivered to your house that is not addressed to you, what is your legal obligation? If you don’t return it are you a thief, as Althouse suggests?
If it's properly shipped to you, then it's yours. I'm not sure about a case like this--where it's properly shipped, but mis-addressed.
Wait until you see what happened to her mail-in ballot.
There are many things you could do to track down the intended recipient. A lot depends on the return address, which most likely did not say "Chelsea Clinton".
If the place you live in is owned, most likely you know the names of the previous owners and can use your realtors to track down the people. If it's rented, it's much harder to find the previous tenants.
I get mail to the old owners of this house all the time. Some owned it long long ago. If it's a Christmas card, I write "not at this address" and put it back in the mail. If it's something else, I usually throw it out. For a package, I'd probably call the shipping company or the company the contents came from.
Depends on what the meaning of serious is?
For Pete’s sake, just send another package to the correct address. Surely you can afford it! Be happy that you’ve given two gifts, even if you don’t know one of the recipients. Pay it forward.
"It seems that Chelsea Clinton fans aren't big sticklers for legal procedure."
Gee, imagine that. We certainly know her biggest fans aren't.
The Clinton Foundation can cover the cost of any replacement toaster.
One of my best friends finally asked me if I had received the gift she brought to our reception. I hadn't gotten it.
And another friend had an envelope with like $7,000 go missing from her reception.
I'm keeping the Hitachi, I don't care what anybody says.
The only thing that matters are the sender's and receiver's views on abortion.
It seems that Chelsea Clinton fans aren't big sticklers for legal procedure.
like mother, like daughter; like daughter, like fans
Ann Althouse exposes Chelsea Clinton for the fucking idiot that she is.
She’ll be President some day since the Dems have this election stealing down cold.
If I got a package from Chelsea Clinton, I'd call the bomb squad.
We have all learned recently that ONLY BALLOTS would not be stolen or misused if they were sent to the wrong address of people who moved.
I cannot believe this story, therefore.
Breezy said...
For Pete’s sake, just send another package to the correct address. Surely you can afford it! Be happy that you’ve given two gifts, even if you don’t know one of the recipients. Pay it forward.
Clintons didn't get rich sending gifts to people! They got rich SAYING they sent gifts
Breezy nails it. You sent a gift, it was never received. Send another gift.
VERY simple answer. There is no other answer. You sent a gift as a symbol of your love for the new couple. You still have the same motivation. Send the gift. Sort out the circumstances after...if those few dollars are really that important to you. Me? I'm too busy living life to chase down a few dollars.
With the Dercho storm of Aug. 10, we had some property damage. I documented with pictures all the damage, got quotes from contractors for repairs, and completed repairs when I could find the resources needed. All of this without approval of my homeowners insurance. Because the repairs needed to be done, regardless of how my insurance responds.
Do the right thing and negotiate the money part on the backside.
She’s just like Webb, Hillary and Bill: A liar.
The package recipient didn't kill herself.
Serous problems befalling the Chosen One.
This from the one who was paid a $600,000 annual salary from NBC "News" for showing up. Just. For. Showing. Up. With her last name.
And she's got to take to Twitter to bring the focus on these strangers because Her was disappointed in humanity?
Bite me.
"I'm keeping the Hitachi, I don't care what anybody says."
LOL. I had to look that up. At first, I was thinking hibachi. And I knew someone long ago who was given a hibachi as a birthday present from her boyfriend and who thought it was the worst present she ever got — just ludicrously bad.
Chelsea says in another tweet that the gift was just something to make her old friend *smile* — so your Hitachi guess might be right. Maybe that's why she's uneasy about the new residents keeping the gift.
This is the sort of thing Chelsea Clinton, smartest young woman in the world, decides to tweet about? Wow.
Maybe that's why she's uneasy about the new residents keeping the gift.
Are you saying she might have tried out the gift? Forgot to wipe the DNA?
“because I foolishly sent it to her old address.”
First of all — are you sure you’re using the correct pronouns? she/her vs they? You could be using an outdated edition of Emily Post.
It wasn't sent to Gina Carano, or the correct pronouns would be Beep/Bop/Boop.
Does this chick have an actual job?
I wonder - USPS workers, whose union endorsed Biden, picking up a ballot from a house with a Trump sign out front. Think they felt a commitment to legal procedure?
Well, ask yourself, if they threw that ballot in the trash, what consequences would they face?
If I recieved a misdirected package from Chelsea Clinton I'd certainly make sure it got to the right destination and that all parties involved were made fully aware of the error. I wouldn't want to get suicided.
She decided to take advantage of her fame and send her flying monkeys after a total stranger she doesn't even know did something wrong. Thuggish.
Nobody is a stickler for "legal procedure". However most people are not thieves.
"And the new occupant just kept it?! "
Clearly a lie. He/she would have committed "suicide" by now.
Way over the top reactions from Althouse and Hillary haters. If the package had Chelsea's name on it or in it and was, say a $1.00 package of chewing gum, the recipient would keep it to prove the Chelsea tale-telling. If it was a $250 suitcase, the mental cash register would begin to chime in addition to satisfying the need for proof.
If Chelsea is lying, she joins her parents, the Obamas and the champions, Donnie Trump and his failsons and faildaughters.
"Chelsea Clinton's package" sounds very wrong.
"Doctor" Althouse said...
Chelsea says in another tweet that the gift was just something to make her old friend *smile* — so your Hitachi guess might be right. Maybe that's why she's uneasy about the new residents keeping the gift.
Let's just hope against hope, that Chelsea wasn't regifting
I loved my old hibachi. The perfect college student Q. The Asian influence on mid-century modern is simplicity and negative space.
When I receive a gift or package from someone, I take a quick photo of it and text it or email it to the sender, simply saying "Got it!" I send a more formal thank you later.
WIth shipping delays as they are, package stealing so prevalent, and communications so easy, I nominate this little act of notification to be the accepted new protocol.
You send a wedding gift to the RSVP address on the wedding invitation, correct? Or did she actually send a wedding gift to a wedding she wasn’t invited to?
She redistributed some of her wealth. I don't even see what the issue is here, other than it seems she doesn't want to continue doing so. So do we all, but it is a brave new world.
If it came from a Clinton it was probably stolen.
I'd report a crime and turn it over to the police as evidence.
John Henry
Based on the ethical theories of Clintonism, the person who mistakenly received the gift has a moral duty to keep it.
What should Chelsea Clinton do?
Send her Secret Service escorts over to retrieve the Ikea salad bowl that she bought for her friend.
Then throw herself down a set of concrete stairs.
Kevin said...
You send a wedding gift to the RSVP address on the wedding invitation, correct? Or did she actually send a wedding gift to a wedding she wasn’t invited to?
She did NOT send a gift.... The WHOLE thing is BS
Serious Questions
do you NOT know the current address of one of your: closest childhood friends ?
do you NOT knew the current address of a wedding you're invited to?
do you KNOW the current address, yet you; foolishly sent it to her old address?
IF these happened, WHAT DID you expect to happen to this package YOU sent to limbo?
IF you get paid $600,000 for doing NOTHING, and are married to a rich investment banker;
are you TOO POOR to pay and send a NEW hatachi; after YOU screwed up?
are you TOO CHEAP to pay and send a New hatachi; after YOU screwed up?
are you SUCH A LOSER, that You'd PUBLISH this information?
if so, maybe you should start Demanding that people call you "doctor" Chelsea
"However most people are not thieves."
All of the people are thieves some of the time, and some of the people are thieves all of the time, but not all the people are thieves all of the time. I'll grant you that.
package keepers
Is that like Promise Keepers for Clinton fans?
mtrobertslaw said...
Based on the ethical theories of Clintonism, the person who mistakenly received the gift has a moral duty to keep it.
assume that you're the Clinton Foundation. You open up your door, and sitting on the doorstep,
is a few BILLION DOLLARS, addressed to THE PEOPLE of HAITI ...
and you just kept it?! What’s the etiquette here? Serious question
"If it's a Christmas card, I write "not at this address" and put it back in the mail."
If you want to know the efficiency of the Post Office, ask yourself: (1) how many times you've written something like this on an envelope; and, (2) how many times you've received an envelope with something like this written on it.
The proper ethical response for Chelsea Clinton would be to fire the intern that ordered the wedding gift for her.
Something like 90,000 packages are stolen each day in New York City, according to the New York Times — roughly one in every eight packages sent.
This sounds like something your father would've taught you how to deal with.
Next time I see Mr. Hubbell, I'll ask him.
Thanks Ann and Earnest Prole for pointing out my naivete.
The etiquette is that you send a gift to the correct address, or you haven't actually sent a gift at all. Since it's your mistake, and since you're filthy rich on what are probably ill-gotten gains, why would you even hesitate to buy the gift again and send it to the right place this time? The mistake is entirely yours.
Or are you attempting some kind of lame virtue signal?
Blogger Kevin said...
Wait until you see what happened to her mail-in ballot.
I laughed at this one. Did you mean her 100 mail-in ballots ?
I would also think about a call to the bomb squad.
Something like 90,000 packages are stolen each day in New York City... roughly one in every eight packages sent.
That's pretty awful. In the two decades I have spent ordering/sending stuff online from and to many sources big and small, no doubt consisting of literally several hundred individual mailed packages, I think I can recall 1 time (perhaps 2?) where what was sent never arrived. But I don't live in NYC.
Louie the Looper said...
The proper ethical response for Chelsea Clinton would be to fire the intern that ordered the wedding gift for her.
Bingo. I seriously doubt that Chelsea Clinton has ever done anything as mundane as ship a package.
Chelsea says in another tweet that the gift was just something to make her old friend *smile*
Do you think Chelsea's childhood friend follows her on Twitter? And that Chelsea's tweets are intended to let her friend know that Chelsea is blameless? You know, instead of Chelsea calling her dear childhood friend and explaining what happened?
So how'd she find out the gift wasn't received? Maybe the friend hadn't gotten around to
sending her a thank you note? I got this one sister, she gets married and my mom's on her case
from the get go about the thank you notes but she puts it off then loses the gift list. My sister that got married first, all the freakin presents were displayed around the house. They still do that? That's a problem I suppose celebrity types have, hey send a present to someone everybody's gonna hear about it.
Chelsea's fans aren't big sticklers for legal procedure? Understandable--neither were her parents.
Imagine what they’d do with your vote
I profited this way by a nice set of acacia bowls and an even nicer pair of bluetooth headphones. One was addressed to my house but someone else's name, presumably a previous occupant. The vendor refused to retrieve the package when I alerted them to the issue. The other was addressed to a neighbor, who wasn't home when we tried to redeliver. Left a note on their door with our phone number, but after hearing nothing for a few months, well, we've got a new set of salad bowls. We conducted ourselves more or less in line what I recall of talmudic law from high school.
Why would start with "Firsst of all, are you lying?" That's a pretty ugly first premise. Would you start that way with Ivanka?
The proper etiquette is to notify the postmaster of her local post office, or wherever she posted the package. The package should never have been delivered in the first place. Assuming that the gift was valuable enough to insure she might get the money returned.
You'd think that a child of lifetime government employees, a president and a senator, would know this. She sounds like a real noob.
On second thought, this does sound like a blatant lie by Chelsea to cover up for not sending her friend a gift. Making a great big public show of it makes the lie seem more believable. Clearly public manipulation is art form of the elites. Does not matter what we the little people think.
Send another present you dumb fucking cunt. You can afford it.
Your grifter parents (and by extension, you) are fabulously wealthy after scamming money for the past couple of decades from people and governments wishing to curry favor...
This isn't difficult.
"Chelsea says in another tweet that the gift was just something to make her old friend *smile* — so your Hitachi guess might be right. Maybe that's why she's uneasy about the new residents keeping the gift."
Why is this funny?
Just buy her a new TV.
: )
The package keepers should return the present just as soon as the Clintons return all the money they got from Russians.
Blogger Stephen said...
Why would start with "Firsst of all, are you lying?" That's a pretty ugly first premise. Would you start that way with Ivanka?
Don't know much about genetics, do you Stephen?
"First of all, are you lying?"
Is a frog's ass watertight?
Is Chelsea a Clinton (I realize there is some question about this, but whether by nurture or nature there is only one answer)?
If its a Clinton, its contrived.
"...roughly one in every eight packages sent"
I've sent two packages to a relative in the Bronx. Neither showed up.
Why would start with "Firsst of all, are you lying?" That's a pretty ugly first premise. Would you start that way with Ivanka?
Is Ivanka out there running her mouth on Twitter about things that never happened?
For her sake I hope the present wasn't her old laptop.
My wife was gifted a high-end chef's knife for our wedding, from a friend who noted that it would come in handy no matter how the marriage turned out. I found the sentiment and the gift to be perfect, and have used both myself, ever since, when gifting to newlyweds.
Chelsea with a knife is scary, though not as scary as Hillary.
My guess is she is lying about everything. She is a Clinton, after all.
I regularly get deliveries from Amazon with my address, but to a person I've never heard of. After 3 or 4 times I contacted Amazon. Their representative said they couldn't issue a return authorization since I hadn't ordered them, and to either keep or dispose of them.
Unfortunately the guy seems to order a lot of personal grooming stuff that I would never use. The wife got a small Kitchen-Aid appliance out of it, though.
That explains a lot.
The Haitian aid money also probably got sent to the wrong address.
Just found out one of my closest childhood friends didn’t receive the wedding present I sent because I foolishly sent it to her old address. And the new occupant just kept it?! What’s the etiquette here? Serious question.
A: That's easy! Just have your mom put two slugs in the person's back on the sidewalk at 3 am.
You're welcome.
Hard to believe that Chelsea is now 40 years old. Hillary and Web...I mean...Bill must be proud of their daughter asking about "etiquette".
Love this scalpel Ann!. I assume that one could take a few decibels off that love since I loathe the lump of flesh called Chelsea — at least her mother had some cred.
Just curious. Does everyone doubt her story because her parents are proven liars therefore she must also be a liar? Or is she also a proven liar and I'm just ignorant of the offense?
"All of the people are thieves some of the time, and some of the people are thieves all of the time, but not all the people are thieves all of the time." Is this a confession?
Ref. Romans 3:23
She didn't check the address? Well, ok, things like that happen.
You're a fool if you think she purchased, wrapped, boxed and shipped it herself.
Just buy another gift and send it to Ghislaine's cell number.
“ It seems that Chelsea Clinton fans aren't big sticklers for legal procedure.”
Quelle surprise.
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