December 5, 2020

"California certified its presidential election Friday and appointed 55 electors pledged to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, officially handing him the Electoral College majority needed to win the White House...."

"The electors named Friday will meet Dec. 14, along with counterparts in each state, to formally vote for the next president. Most states have laws binding their electors to the winner of the popular vote in their state, measures that were upheld by a Supreme Court decision this year. There have been no suggestions that any of Biden’s pledged electors would contemplate not voting for him. Results of the Electoral College vote are due to be received, and typically approved, by Congress on Jan. 6. Although lawmakers can object to accepting the electors’ votes, it would be almost impossible for Biden to be blocked at that point." 


RMc said...

"California certified its presidential election Friday and appointed 55 electors pledged to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, officially handing him the Electoral College majority needed to win the White House...."

That's...not how it works. At all.

wendybar said...

They cheated, and millions of Americans will never recognized a delusional old man who works for China to be our President.

David Begley said...

Not so fast, Kemosabe.

Shouting Thomas said...

How fitting that the one party state forged by Democrats through voter fraud and illegal immigration should seal the deal on this massive electoral fraud.

Now, we can settle back and enjoy our “freedom to self-isolate.”

I’m so grateful to my masters for locking me up “for my own good.”

We should immediately follow the example of LA’s Mayor and outlaw “excess walking” in every jurisdiction... for our own good.

rhhardin said...

It's a battle of performatives.

rhhardin said...

The defense would always be infelicitous conditions that unroot perfomatives.

Humperdink said...

55 electoral votes? My, my, that's a lot. Now we have the Dems angling for more by attempting to include illegals in the census. You have to admit the Dems are relentless is in their lust for power, legal or not.

Mark said...

Althouse, home of the Trump dead enders, who decades from now will still be in their bunkers with tinfoil hats on.

Meanwhile, day by day the old regulars of this blog are disappearing, embarrassed by the insane violent ramblings of people they previously respected.

Leland said...

Battlespace preparation, you have to expect both sides to do it.

Although lawmakers can object to accepting the electors’ votes, it would be almost impossible for Biden to be blocked at that point.

Almost, except for that possibility described at the beginning of the sentence.

Howard said...

What's the hurry. The election is not yet over. This is just the fat lady warming up. Mimimimimimi lalalalalala

Shouting Thomas said...

Like just about everybody else, I’ve been following Scott Adam’s Periscope for the past couple of weeks.

His messages about the election and fraud have resonated throughout the internet, but he’s made another argument, a very persuasive one, that has been almost completely ignored. I think it has a lot of merit.

We have either reached the point, or are close to the point, at which artificial intelligence takes over control of almost every one of our essential systems.

Which means, of course, that much of the decision making process has, or will soon be, taken out of human hands. So, who’s president has become, or will soon become, much less important than we imagine.

mandrewa said...

Every election now it is the same. There's widespread election fraud. It is largely committed by the Democrats, although not entirely. Many states controlled by the Democrats have procedures literally built in to their election procedures that enable and facilitate certain kinds of vote fraud.

In certain cities we know where certain kinds of fraud are going to happen before the election occurs.

The Democrats act as if it is their civil right to lie and commit electoral fraud.

Many of our left-wing courts are at a banana republic level. There is no justice when the left rules.

It's not like I'm saying something new. Many people know this.

I don't think Biden won the election. I don't think he won a majority of the votes. I doubt he won even 15 states.

And yet here we are. How can we possibly change the situation? It feels like there is literally nothing we can do.

sterlingblue said...

The NYT told us in plain language that the media determines who won the election. They were 100% correct.

Rory said...

The 2020 election isn't settled until the 2016 election is settled, and it may be too late for that.

RMc said...

How can we possibly change the situation? It feels like there is literally nothing we can do.

Revolution seems to be the only answer, but most people (certainly most right-leaning people) don't want to threaten their relatively cushy lives to do so. As I've said before, GOP members of the swing state legislatures and the justices on the Supreme Court are not going to risk assassination by Antifa thugs just to bail out Donald Trump. To hell with that!

rcocean said...

Biden won the vote by Fraud, and the collusion of RINO Legislators and judges who refused to demand an audit of the ballots. Kemp finally agreed to review the signatures in GA but only after a video showing massive fraud was distributed. The Pennsylvania Legislators 85 of them have written a letter saying there was fraud, but of course have done nothing to demand to recount/audit of the ballots.

Its obvious that the Democrat Judges and the RINO Legislators both hate Trump and want him out. Too much of a radical. Too Pro-American. Well, all the dumbshits will get President Harris soon enough. I hope you won't start crying when she does crazy Left-wing crap. You wanted it.

Sally327 said...

I'm over the 2020 election, I'm busy trying to figure out the 2024 contest. I'm fairly confident the Democrat nominee, whomever that might be, will win California. Which makes me wonder, is there any GOP nominee that could ever have a hope of winning CA? Remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger was supposed to be that guy? What a disappointment he turned out to be.

rcocean said...

The scary thing about the election is how the MSM, including Fox, and Facebook/twitter marched in lockstep and suppressed any story that hurt Biden or helped Trump. They've REFUSED to cover the vote fraud, except to attack those who are trying to do something about it.

Everyone seems cool with that too. I guess until people get PERSONALLY Hurt by something, they'll just keep mindlessly voting democrat/RINO. That's a scary way to run a country, but most people are selfish sheep with no patriotism and its easy for the rich and powerful to screw them over.

rcocean said...

Yeah, lets dream about what's going to happen in 2024, when 2020 isn't even done. Pathetic.

rcocean said...

One of the great things about Biden getting elected is we can go back to endlessly debating climate change. Blah, blah, blah recycle arguments made for last 15 years, more blah, blah.

Darrell said...

How many millions of votes did the Democrats manufacture in the other States again?

Qwinn said...

This is a flat out communist takeover. It's been organized and prepared for for decades, while we slept.

Any conservative who thinks there will be a "relatively cushy life" on the other side of this has learned nothing from history.

This is the hill to die on. There will be no others after this. If dictatorial lockdowns that never end and mass murder of nursing home residents aren't cluing you in to the seriousness of the situation, well, may your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

Michael K said...

Meanwhile, day by day the old regulars of this blog are disappearing, embarrassed by the insane violent ramblings of people they previously respected.

Lefty Mark thinks he is at Patterico.

Qwinn said...

Yeah, other than AllenS I can't think of anyone remotely right of center who has left. Am I forgetting someone?

They need to pretend moderate right wingers reject the notion that fraud happened and are leaving, in order to cover up that damn near EvERYONE besides a paleocon or two who isn't a leftist recognizes that massive fraud just took place. Even the moderates. The Right is being radicalized by this, and after decades of being accused of being radicals all along, they're not going to give a shit about pleas to restrain themselves, because of the certain knowledge that they'll be accused of every evil no matter what they do, so might as well earn it.

Lurker21 said...

Congratulations, we now have de facto popular election of the president. It's hard to deny that major fraud occurred in the swing states. But it's going to be near impossible for Trump to get enough states' votes overturned to win. It's also likely that Biden got more popular votes. It's hard to fake seven million votes. That may be the main reason GOP officials aren't backing up the president. The Supreme Court most likely won't hear Trump's case and unseat the alleged popular vote winner. So in effect, fraud has muddied the constitutional procedure and the presumed popular vote will prevail.

mandrewa said...

"One of the great things about Biden getting elected is we can go back to endlessly debating climate change."

I'm not so sure about that. Most of the energy for global warming skepticism has come from people that understand what science is and cared about it and could recognize when scientific fraud was occurring. And it is more complicated than that and there are other things going on. But this indignation about fraud is where a huge amount of the energy of the movement came from.

But this indignation, for it to continue, depends upon several things. And one of them is that you have to have a large number of people that understand what science is. And that is our generation, and to some extent the next one after it. We were taught science. What the rules are and it how it works.

And it is largely our generation that has been so outraged about the left-wing politics masquerading as science that can be found in climate science. And I don't mean to say that every climate scientist is a pseudoscientist. That's far from the case. But the real climate scientists are clearly afraid to speak up and criticize the fakes or the anti-scientists among them.

Meanwhile I'm not sure that kids are being taught science any more. I think we have a whole generation or two that doesn't really know what it means. They are taught to reason by authority or by political religion. And that is the opposite of science (but it has always been how the massive majority of humanity reasons) and the kids don't even know that.

But anyway, the people that know what science is are dying out or wearing out. So I'm not sure this is going to continue.

Browndog said...

The party not in power were able to remove a sitting President in a re-election that gained him 10 million more votes than the election he won to become President.

What in the world makes anyone think that party not in power could possibly win another Presidential election?

Qwinn said...

Browndog, oh, "Republicans" will continue to win elections. They'll just continue with the Bushes and McCains and Romneys. The uniparty will continue the facade. Why shouldn't they? They advance their project either way, with the useful idiots convinced they have a choice in anything.

But Reagans? Trumps? Anyone that *actually* represents the conservative base? We will never see their like again if this happens.

mandrewa said...

And I need to say that I'm not saying that the idea CO2 could be causing global warming is a fraud. That has always been a reasonable hypothesis. That has always had a pretty good chance of being true.

That's not the point. What I expect as someone who believes in science is that the idea be explored and tested through science, and not invented data or fraudulent papers.

And although I know that there are many global warming skeptics that fervently believe that CO2 is having no impact, yet still the validity or persuasiveness of their criticism is largely derived from people who are criticizing the process.

Qwinn said...

"It's hard to fake seven million votes."

Actually, it appears to be super easy. Barely an inconvenience.

n.n said...

All because Trump opposed Obama's legacy of wars and catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform, transfer payments to fund transnational terrorism and deny claims, Obamacares' progressive and shared prices, did not kneel to the neo-KKK Some, Select Black Lives Matter while they intimated people in their neighborhoods and homes, obstructed the Green shared/shifted renewable blight, interfered with globalist ambitions to outsource and insource production (e.g. evade regulations), and threatened to expose Democrat gerrymandering to violate Americans' civil rights. Even Mexico is concerned about immigration reform in lieu of emigration reform, where the former sustains collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout. Throw another baby on the barbie, I suppose.

Robert Cook said...

The Trump haters had (and hold on) to their delusional certainty that Trump stole the election with the collusion of Russia, and the Trump lovers now have (and will never surrender) their delusional certainty that Biden stole the election with the collusion of everybody from poll workers and state workers in multiple states up to corrupt judges, puppet-masters high in the Democratic Party hierarchy, and whoever the fuck else they can blame.

A beautiful/grotesque symmetry of crazy.

n.n said...

Trump's other sins: standing up for early, inexpensive treatment of Covid-19, spotlighting Planned Parent facilities and excess deaths in Democrat districts, and interrupting foreign-sourced funding of universities and other detached islands.

Ray - SoCal said...

Ca could be put in play with a proposition that ended ballot harvesting, required cleaning voter rolls, required voter id, and ended same day registration.

Qwinn said...

"A beautiful/grotesque symmetry of crazy."

Except for the mountains of evidence that only exist for one side.

Nothing worse than the superior smug "both sides are just as bad and I am far better than both" moral equivalence crowd. Robert Cook and J. Farmer should start dating, at their core they're exactly the same.

Robert Cook said...

"This is a flat out communist takeover. It's been organized and prepared for for decades, while we slept."

Talk about crazy!

Qwinn said...

Heh. Thanks for the confirmation.. I rest my case. (Not really, not until the steal is stopped.)

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Howard said...

Quinn leading the Revolutionary Charge

Robert Cook said...

"Many of our left-wing courts are at a banana republic level."

Are there any (much less "many") "left-wing" courts in our country?

Qwinn said...

That last question is coming from the guy who thinks Obama is right wing. So. Take that and his pronouncements of "You're crazy!" in that context.

Spiros said...

In Pennsylvania, Biden needed MORE than 95 % of returned Democrat votes, 21 % of returned Republican votes and 80 % of returned Independent votes to overcome Trump's election day advantage. Biden got the win against tremendous odds. It is suspicious.

The Department of Justice cannot maintain the integrity of U.S. elections if it continues to believe that voter fraud does not exist or is not worth investigating. The DOJ has forensic document specialists that can easily and rapidly inspect 10,000 or so randomly chosen mail-in ballots from Pennsylvania, Georgia, etc. That is a large enough sample size to draw precise and accurate conclusions about the integrity of the election. Let's take a hard look. We've got nothing to lose...

Owen said...

mandrewa @ 8:47: “... But anyway, the people that know what science is are dying out or wearing out. So I'm not sure this is going to continue.”

Saddest thing I have read here in a long while. I wish it were otherwise.

Ray - SoCal said...

Very perceptive!

Qwinn said...
> The Right is being radicalized by this

I wonder how this will change our society.

Trump is destroying another Overton Window, the one on no significant election fraud happens in the US, our election systems are trustworthy, and to question them is racist / sore loser, etc.

If Trump is not re-elected, I wonder what he will do in the mid terms, especially the primaries.

Mikey NTH said...

California was already factored into everyone's calculations, so this isn't news so much as propaganda.

donald said...

“Are there any (much less "many") "left-wing" courts in our country”?

A particularly retarded statement even for you.

Robert Cook said...

"Robert Cook and J. Farmer should start dating, at their core they're exactly the same."

What a nice thing to say! Although J. Farmer voted for Trump and has other views I disagree with, he is one of the few truly sharp, interesting and informed commenters here. He elevates any discussion in which he participates. By simple contrast to his remarks, those who condescend to insult him because they have no better, substantive responses to him are revealed as childish mental midgets.

Robert Cook said...

"If Trump is not re-elected...."


It's time to come up out of the bunker, buddy.

JAORE said...

ut anyway, the people that know what science is are dying out or wearing out. So I'm not sure this is going to continue.”

Saddest thing I have read here in a long while. I wish it were otherwise."

Me too. My brother, now retired, taught math, chemistry and physics in high school. He has zero doubts about the scientific method misuse in climate change.

mccullough said...

Does everyone agree that Biden won California fair and square?

Howard said...

...and yet technical advances based on primarily US developed science continues unabated geometrically. In blue counties.

Trump country Red Counties are openly anti science, anti intellectual, anti elite, anti expert, etc.

You people need to get out of your snowflake bubble safe space.

mccullough said...


You have to admit that the Transgender Craze is blue county insanity. Very anti-science.

And Latinx? What the fuck is that?

Both sides have their delusions.

mccullough said...

The homicide rate in blue counties dwarfs the homicide rate in red counties.

Owen said...

JAORE: Good to know that your brother thinks there is misuse of the scientific method in the climate “science” debate. I keep going back to Richard Feynman’s definition of science as “the belief in the ignorance of experts,” which to me means that the minute somebody says “Trust me, I [have a doctorate/wrote a book/won a prize],” it is time to test for BS. Any claim by anyone that cannot be falsified, simply isn’t science. Yet that is mostly all we get these days.


The Gipper Lives said...

"Corruption is a cancer, a cancer that eats away at a citizen’s faith in democracy. Corruption is just another form of tyranny.”--Vice-President Joe Biden, while in Romania to pick up a suitcase full of cash, 2012

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."--George Orwell, "1984"

In 2020, Georgians and Americans Did the Right Thing for the Right Reason.

We re-elected President-Elect Donald J. Trump out of gratitude to God, love of our country and appreciation for President Trump's efforts on our behalf.

Indeed, the President's historic victory looks more and more like President Reagan's 49-state landslide in 1984, and even more stunning in one regard: not even President Reagan faced the levels of Demonic persecution, Deep State Black-Ops and Agit-Propaganda by the Professional Liars of the One-Party Media.

This is great news. Americans are now awakened or awakening to the Royal Scam. They know they gave the President a landslide victory. They Walked Away from the Democrat Party. They see the corrupt Republican Uni-Party RINOs, too. They have all outed themselves.

Democrats and the Uni-Party are now rightly seen as the Party of Coup, Corruption, Extremism and Fraud. Millions more join us as their numbers shrink. Just below the surface, millions of Americans are being revolutionized, unwilling to accept the stolen elections, the COVID tyranny of the Bio-Medical Security State, the Rule of the Mob, Big Tech/Big Brother Censorship and the Two-Tiered Justice System of the Garbage Elites.

Look at this L.A. restaurant-owner--and I use the the word "owner" advisedly. The State really owns her business--what little is left of it. The Mayor and Governor have wrecked her life's work for power politics, not public health. They shut down her open-air patio dining--while letting a Hollywood movie company build a giant open-air dining hall on her street right in front of her shuttered business, just to rub it in.

Two-tiered Justice.
Two-tiered dining.
Two-tiered lockdowns
Two-tiered employment.
Two-tiered Hollywood
Two-tiered Democrats.
Two-tiered Garbage Elites.

Its a God-damned outrage and you people are about to get a boot up your ass. Keep it up, m***********s. And install some Chinese Puppet with Chinese-made votes at your peril.
If the System can no longer do the Right Thing, then we will. Again.

We're Americans. By the Grace of God.

Michael K said...

Trump country Red Counties are openly anti science, anti intellectual, anti elite, anti expert, etc.

You people need to get out of your snowflake bubble safe space.

Especially anti-elite, Howard.

Pretty good analysis of what happened.

The ruling class’s hatred of the president, and its efforts to destroy him, were of course a proxy for its desire to destroy what he represents. What he represents is not just the policies it despises, but the people it despises. This includes the 71 million commonsense, patriotic, traditional Americans who voted for him. Some adored the president. Others backed him as the ultimate middle finger pointed at a ruling class that frowned hatefully down upon them while claiming to be virtuous and magnanimous.

I was of the "middle finger" persuasion until he started to get success.

steve uhr said...

How fucked up is the Republican Party? You don’t even know whether trump in Georgia today will tell his people not to vote in the senate races next month. Keep your fingers crossed.

gilbar said...

the people that know what science is are dying out or wearing out.

The Scientific Method, is SO TWENTIETH CENTURY
omg! remember the Olden Daze? Back when people followed the Scientific Method?

GROW UP PEOPLE! In the Brave New World of the Green Nude Eel; there is NO ROOM for Scientific Method

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

steve uhr said..
How fucked up is the steve uhr? He don’t even know whether Trump in Georgia today will tell his people to vote in the senate races next month

GOD! some people are deluded!

Qwinn said...

"How fucked up is the Republican Party?"

70 years of infiltration by leftist swine is guaranteed to fuck up any institution. And they've done it to pretty much every last single one in America, with no opposition. I'd name the one institution I think has managed to avoid it, but I don't want to point you fucks in their direction.

gilbar said...

Serious Question
IF Jo Biden REALLY won the election, how is it that the dems lost House seats

mark? Igna? steveuhr? Anyone? help me out!
Please tell me WHO were these voters that voted for Biden, and not a House Rep?

effinayright said...

"One man, one time."

Another Islamist idea embraced by the American Left.

Wince said...

A beautiful/grotesque symmetry of crazy.

Actually the asymmetry is that Deep State was on the same side (opposing Trump) in both controversies.

It really had nothing to do with one allegation being “crazy” or not.

In both cases it really came down to which claims the Deep State was willing to apply the full weight of the government’s law enforcement and intelligence establishment to take active measures to give “legitimacy” to unsupported allegations over periods of months and years, or basically conduct no investigation whatsoever.

steve uhr said...

Gilber. I’ll take a stab at it. Maybe because they like their congressman and did not like trump? Maybe they were voting more against trump than for Biden and wanted to limit Biden’s power should he win? I’m sure you could find people who voted a split ticket. Ask them.

steve uhr said...

Quinn. Is it the Animal and Plant Inspection Service (APHIS)? I’ll send my goons over there first thing Monday.

steve uhr said...

Or maybe the national institute of arthritis, musculoskeletal, and skin diseases? Oops. They believe in science so we know they’ve been infiltrated

Lucien said...

Does it seem odd that President Trump is campaigning for Loeffler and Perdue, but Sidney Powell seems to support a boycott of the election?

320Busdriver said...

“In both cases it really came down to which claims the Deep State was willing to apply the full weight of the government’s law enforcement and intelligence establishment to take active measures to give “legitimacy” to unsupported allegations over periods of months and years, or basically conduct no investigation whatsoever.”

Not to mention the FULL weight of all of the media and social media companies with their canceling, censoring, ignoring, and subterfuge.
Can you imagine Jake Tapper asking Trump “How does it feel to know you’ve won the election”

With a poorly designed system for voting and endless cheating by the left I am decidedly worried that the country my kids have to navigate will be a hostile and unpredictable place. Unlike the one I grew up in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A large portion of America understands that Joe was elected with fraud.

Big Mike said...

Just get ready for four years of Hell, Althouse. You're going to remember the Trump years as being boring.

320Busdriver said...

Slow Joe says he’s not going to mandate vaccinations or mask wearing, except for maybe 100 days. Well he said that yesterday, today is another matter altogether, senility is funny like that.

Iman said...

Meanwhile, day by day the old regulars of this blog are disappearing, embarrassed by the insane violent ramblings of people they previously respected.

Lefty Mark thinks he is at Patterico.

Heh. Ain’t that the truth!

Howard said...

mccullough: plenty o crazy to go around. Social media leverages stupid minority division to optimize revenue, so it's shadow is magnified.

The Gipper Lives said...

This is way beyond Trump now--they're trying to overthrow us.

There are still many patriots of integrity within our System. I pray that our institutions and our Court rise to this modern-day Dred Scot-moment. Because any system that allows the midnight fairy-tale votes of the Fictional-American Community in Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Vegas and Philly to dictate the fate of the nation is a system that must die.

In fact, its already dead and they just don't know it yet.

narciso said...

Mark said...

officially handing him the Electoral College majority needed to win the White House.... The electors named Friday will meet Dec. 14

So, in other words, NOT "officially" handing him the majority needed to win.

steve uhr said...

I must have missed the memo. Could someone explain to me why the same people who have been yelling for years that only the left riots and loots now thinks it is quite alright to violently overthrow a government that our system, imperfect as it may be, has determined to be legitimate?

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
I must have missed the memo. Could someone explain to me why the same people who have been yelling for years that only the left riots and loots now thinks it is quite alright to violently overthrow a government that our system, imperfect as it may be, has determined to be legitimate?

First, you are smart enough to know it was stolen.

Second, you might be smart enough to see the disaster coming if the left loonies in your party tried to do what they have promised.

"Overthrowing " the government has been your goal since November 2016 so why is that something that bothers you ?

Lastly, a lot of us (maybe not all) are waiting to see what you do with your stolen election. If you try to enact the platform that Joe and the Ho's handlers have proposed, you are going to see resistance. How forceful that is will be determined by how crazy they are. Trying to confiscate guns would blow up the country.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

"It's hard to fake seven million votes."

Actually, it appears to be super easy. Barely an inconvenience.

Faking votes is tight!

steve uhr said...

I agree with your final sentence Michael. Bad idea.

readering said...

Misogyny rules in AA comments.

gadfly said...

@Mark said...
officially handing him the Electoral College majority needed to win the White House.... The electors named Friday will meet Dec. 14

So, in other words, NOT "officially" handing him the majority needed to win.

The way it works is that the electors from each state are committed to vote for the candidate based upon rules from each state. Officially acknowledging the electors by the enough states to exceed the required 270 electors for Biden (now 279) sinks Donald J. Trump. Bye-bye to the worst president in American history!

Qwinn said...

Michael K: You need ANOTHER Act Of War from these swine to decide something needs to be done?

I think this war will be fought without you then. Because I think there are millions for whom we've had sufficient causus belli for years but suffered from far too much civility bullshit. The theft by itself constitutes enough causes belli for the next five generations. The social compact is done already, there's no "we'll let you keep the theft as long as you behave" - as if the ridiculous lockdowns aren't already enough to show they have no plans to.

steve uhr said...

You guys fomenting violence on this blog. FYI. You’re probably now on a list in some computer at FBI HQ They’re watching your every key stroke.

Qwinn said...

Of that I have no doubt, Steve. It doesn't matter. They've made it clear they're coming for us either way. And that your side can do ANYTHING, and they'll just cover it up. They've given up any respect from us as proper law enforcement. They're just another institution you've corrupted with your thugs.

Michael K said...

I think this war will be fought without you then.

Most likely, especially since I will be 83 next birthday.

I have always subscribed to the policy that I was in charge of the hunting and fishing and fighting for the family. The rest was my wife's role. So, if any hunting or fishing was to be done or if somebody came to the door and wanted to fight, I was ready.

If the war leaves me alone, I will agree to a truce. But don't try to take my guns.

Qwinn said...

For the record I have no connections to any organization yet, nor do I plan on doing anything until this plays out some more. I think China's role will be exposed completely (in fact, check thegatewaypundit, it already has) and Trump, who is still Commander In Chief, can still take action in response that will put this to bed

He's earned our trust and he'll get his chance to sort things before any of us do anything to jeopardize that.

To slightly modify Obama... Trump is the only thing standing between the Deep State and the pitchforks right now.

Night Owl said...

... the Trump lovers now have (and will never surrender) their delusional certainty that Biden stole the election

A beautiful/grotesque symmetry of crazy.

I'm not a Trump lover and I can see that the election was stolen, not by Biden, but by the corrupt media. The media propagandists convinced half the country that Trump was an existential threat, and you have difficulty believing that people would be willing to commit fraud to get rid of an existential threat? The fact that you can only see a symmetry between the actions of the political left and the right proves the worthlessness of your political observations.

If there were symmetry between the left and right in how far each were willing to go to gain power and control, we'd be in a hot civil war.

Earnest Prole said...

The dopey right-wing Second Civil War cosplay on display here is indistinguishable from the dopey left-wing Second Civil War cosplay following Clinton’s loss in 2016.

doctrev said...

Michael K said...

First, you are smart enough to know it was stolen.

Second, you might be smart enough to see the disaster coming if the left loonies in your party tried to do what they have promised.

"Overthrowing " the government has been your goal since November 2016 so why is that something that bothers you ?

Lastly, a lot of us (maybe not all) are waiting to see what you do with your stolen election. If you try to enact the platform that Joe and the Ho's handlers have proposed, you are going to see resistance. How forceful that is will be determined by how crazy they are. Trying to confiscate guns would blow up the country.

12/5/20, 12:29 PM

The Founders overthrew the British government- the left hates that example, of course. For their part, the Founders would be sickened by our society's supine acceptance of "rules" that King George III would have been shocked by.

At any rate, I'm not terribly worried. The FBI might be watching me, but I'm also watching them. Timothy McVeigh (who *snerk* acted totally alone, swearsies) was once a decorated sergeant and bodyguard to General Schwarzkopf. There are plenty of patriots who would resist for more obviously defensible causes than Waco.

doctrev said...

Night Owl said...

If there were symmetry between the left and right in how far each were willing to go to gain power and control, we'd be in a hot civil war.

12/5/20, 1:31 PM

There is, and there will be.

Jim at said...

they're not going to give a shit about pleas to restrain themselves, because of the certain knowledge that they'll be accused of every evil no matter what they do, so might as well earn it.


If I'm going to be blamed for something - whether I did it or not - I might as well do it.

And you leftists will have no one to blame but yourselves.

Mark said...

Earnest Prole, I miss when people just threatened to leave the country.

That was fun cosplay.

Inga said...

“The FBI might be watching me, but I'm also watching them. Timothy McVeigh (who *snerk* acted totally alone, swearsies) was once a decorated sergeant and bodyguard to General Schwarzkopf.”

I’m sure the FBI now has even more crazy shit to investigate. Domestic terrorism has been a predominantly a right wing phenomenon in the past 10 years. However, I suspect most of the Civil War 2.0 proponents here are all talk, arm chair daydreamers.

Jim at said...

Could someone explain to me why the same people who have been yelling for years that only the left riots and loots now thinks it is quite alright to violently overthrow a government that our system, imperfect as it may be, has determined to be legitimate?

Sauce. Goose.

You figure it out.

Qwinn said...

Yes, we yelled that for years.

In response, your thugs kept rioting and looting, while gaslighting everyone that "domestic terrorism is a right wing phenomenon".

Obviously yelling isn't going to get you animals to stop.

So. Step 2. You'll wish you'd listened to Step 1.

Michael K said...

Domestic terrorism has been a predominantly a right wing phenomenon in the past 10 years.

Says the Russia Hoax enthusiast. All those "right wing" Muslims and blacks.

doctrev said...

Inga said...
However, I suspect most of the Civil War 2.0 proponents here are all talk, arm chair daydreamers.

12/5/20, 1:55 PM

It's quite okay that you don't understand the people you hate. You're a nurse, which is not typically an occupation that selects for martial courage. At any rate, when you bitterly regret what happens next, and wonder why the FBI didn't do something about it while that was still possible, you'll already know the answer. There were so many angry comboxers, they just assumed the vast majority were daydreamers.

gbarto said...

Two thoughts:
1) It is crazy to think this is a communist/socialist takeover. The same people shutting out Trumpists are shutting out Bernie Bros. This is free market democracy falling to corporate oligarchs.
2) While it would be nearly impossible for Trump to shift the momentum at this point, 2020 it's not yet over and it would be foolish to assume there are no more surprises in store.

steve uhr said...

Quinn . I don't know if your goal is to frighten me but you just make me laugh. Cheers

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Qwinn said...

Laugh away, steve.

You know the election was stolen.

I pointed out last night that all 900 military ballots processed in Fulton County, GA went for Biden.

Literally North Korean numbers. For Biden. Among a group of voters who historically went nearly 70% for Trump.

And you had no comment on that. You see no evil.

You are complicit. We will remember.

steve uhr said...

My comment. I don't believe you. Send me a link

Qwinn said...

Heh. As if you wouldn't just move the goalposts and come up with some complete bullshit reason for why that's perfectly legitimate.

Plant some unmovable goalposts and I'll provide links.

Otherwise, piss off.

steve uhr said...

Exactly what you always say Quinn. I ask you time and again for your evidence and your response is you'll just move the goalpost. I would have thought you had the proof at your fingertips. Guess you're just relying on sone tweet or some right wing rag you read.

My unmoveable goalpost - You prove (presumably with official voting records) that all 900 absentee military votes in Fulton, County GA went for Biden and I will say that is conclusive evidence of fraud. Not sure what else you want me to say.

Qwinn said...

" Blogger steve uhr said...

Exactly what you always say Quinn. I ask you time and again for your evidence and your response is you'll just move the goalpost."

Fuck off. That has never happened before. Ever. I've posted dozens of links here. You have literally ignored every single one.

You are scum.

Qwinn said...

Just last night, I posted the video CLEARLY showing Ruby at the Georgia Fulton County station running the same stack of ballots through the tabulator three times.

You ignored that.

steve uhr said...

For the record:

you said "Plant some unmovable goalposts and I'll provide links."

I did.

You refused to provide the links and told me to fuck off.

Qwinn said...

So, sorry, I'm going to need a more reasonable goal post. If 899 voted for Biden, and 1 voted for Trump, you're going to say that's okay?

I want a *real* *reasonable* goal post. What percentage of military ballots for Biden would be proof of fraud? If your goal posts are "100% or no fraud occurred", that speaks for itself.

steve uhr said...

Really Quinn So you are now saying that it is not true that all 900 voted for Biden. Even though you just said a few minutes ago that they did. You make my head spin.

I truly think you're a leftist troll because you make "your side" look so stupid.

Lurker21 said...

There won't be another civil war. We are a nation of couch potatoes who would be bowling alone if we still bowled at all, and more power to us for that.

It's become accepted in government and military circles that the domestic right-wing is the chief terrorist threat to the country. Meanwhile anarchists and left-wingers keep trying to derail trains in the Northwest. I suspect what the government is thinking is that if right-wingers were motivated enough, they could cause much damage, even though the rampage doesn't seem to materialize. Also, one bigoted kook tends to be counted as a right-wing terrorist, even if there is no group behind him, and left-wing kooks tend to just be regarded as kooks.

Faked election? Remember the 2016 meme that all of Clinton's popular vote margin came from California - from the massive number of Democrat votes there. Is that still true in this election? If so, whatever cheating went on in the swing states Biden may still have gotten a majority of the popular vote.

Qwinn said...

I am merely taking this opportunity to demonstarte that you refuse to set reasonable standards of proof of fraud. It shouldn't be so hard to say that 90, or 80% of votes for Biden among a category known for being heavily Republican would prove fraud, should it?

I asked for goalposts to be planted and you did. Fine. You planted them where I said the evidence was, and that's fine too. But this ain't going to be "100% of votes *just barely* proves fraud". It shouldn't require anywhere near that much to prove fraud. Can you concede that before I post links, and assign a real number?

Robert Cook said...

"We re-elected President-Elect Donald J. Trump out of gratitude to God, love of our country and appreciation for President Trump's efforts on our behalf.

"Indeed, the President's historic victory looks more and more like President Reagan's 49-state landslide in 1984, and even more stunning in one regard: not even President Reagan faced the levels of Demonic persecution, Deep State Black-Ops and Agit-Propaganda by the Professional Liars of the One-Party Media."

Talk about 1984, you sound like Winston Smith after he was reeducated.

Robert Cook said...

"70 years of infiltration by leftist swine is guaranteed to fuck up any institution. And they've done it to pretty much every last single one in America, with no opposition. I'd name the one institution I think has managed to avoid it, but I don't want to point you fucks in their direction."

Ooh! Ooh! Can I guess? The KKK? The American Nazi Party? The John Birch Society?

The Gipper Lives said...

I have been re-educated. It started when Hillary Clinton used the FBI to frame Billy Dale just because she could. It was the most arrogant, imperious and evil thing I had ever seen.

Not any more.

Qwinn said...

Cook thinks that Winston Smith came out of room 101 saying "the government and the media are full of lies."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

If it's from China will fall apart after a month


"A court ordered statistically significant sample of Arizona's mail in ballots found 11% of the accepted ballots did NOT match according to the Democrats' own expert. That is thirty times more illegal ballots than the margin of victory. Georgia, Pennsylvania & Nevada likely worse."
per @Barnes_Law

Michael K said...

Blogger The Gipper Lives said...
I have been re-educated. It started when Hillary Clinton used the FBI to frame Billy Dale just because she could. It was the most arrogant, imperious and evil thing I had ever seen.

Not any more.

That was early. She was at the bottom of the learning curve. A year in DC and she could cheat with the best of them.

Michael K said...

Ooh! Ooh! Can I guess? The KKK? The American Nazi Party? The John Birch Society?

CPUSA ? Are your dues current?

narciso said...

yes they acquired the fbi files, within a short while, by 97, china connected Salon, through COSTIND affiliation with Hambrecht and Quist, was on the warpath, yes they had hitchens and paglia, but otherwise, (btw it was Milt Bearden who had represented pakistan, after his company service, who floated 'the wag the dog' around the time of the cruise missiles strikes in khartroum, in salon, initially)

readering said...

Miss moderation.

sterlingblue said...

The guy in my cul-de-sac who had a Trump/Pence sign took it down today. It's over.

The march toward leftist totalitarianism in the US begins now.

Robert Cook said...

"The march toward leftist totalitarianism in the US begins now."

Uh...there has to be a leftist government in power for there to be even a possibility of a "march toward leftist totalitarianism."

Browndog said...

sterlingblue said...

The guy in my cul-de-sac who had a Trump/Pence sign took it down today. It's over.

The march toward leftist totalitarianism in the US begins now.

Mine is still up--the last one left of a dozen or so in my little lake enclave.

Went to the hardware this afternoon in the nearest town--many more Trump signs than two weeks ago.

Note: I have never put a political sign in my yard. I put mine up a week after the election. It felt like people needed to know MAGA isn't going away, Trump or not.

Earnest Prole said...

The guy in my cul-de-sac who had a Trump/Pence sign took it down today. It's over.

The Flight 93 Election just became the Flights 11, 77, and 175 Election.

Michael K said...

The Flight 93 Election just became the Flights 11, 77, and 175 Election.

Agreed. Somebody needed to look ahead a couple of years ago.

Mark said...

Officially acknowledging the electors by the enough states

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

narciso said...

maybe not,

ga6 said...

"I'm busy trying to figure out the 2024 contest"
Not rhetorical; are you sure there will be elections in 2024?

DavidUW said...

What's to stop the Democrats from refusing to seat any Republican congress critter and retaining control forever now?

I'm Not Sure said...

"Not rhetorical; are you sure there will be elections in 2024?"

Of course there will be. The real question is "Will your vote matter?"

Earnest Prole said...

Agreed. Somebody needed to look ahead a couple of years ago.

If America could find a way to survive the Kenyan-Manchurian Sharpest-Pants-Crease-Ever Secret Muslim, I’m sure it can somehow find a way to survive Sleepy Joe and his One Weird Venezuelan Voting-Machine Trick.

sterlingblue said...

Good for you, Browndog. I don't want to be defeatist, but I see the way things are going.

Gospace said...

DavidUW said...
What's to stop the Democrats from refusing to seat any Republican congress critter and retaining control forever now?

They'll probably do it with NY-22. Unless the judge awards the seat to the Democrat. But things like this shouldn't happen in elections: Dec 1-Chenango County election officials discovered 55 uncounted ballots. The ballots remained uncounted pending Justice DelConte’s ruling

Over 300,000 votes cast- 155,492-155,480, a 12 vote difference-currently. And the Republican was leading by 28000 or so before the absolutely verified 100% absentee ballots were counted.

stlcdr said...

steve uhr said...
I must have missed the memo. Could someone explain to me why the same people who have been yelling for years that only the left riots and loots now thinks it is quite alright to violently overthrow a government that our system, imperfect as it may be, has determined to be legitimate?

12/5/20, 12:17 PM

It isn’t necessarily about who stole the election, it’s about ideology. The Democrat platform is quite well known, but it was never debated, discussed or talked about. A prime example is Second amendment. Biden’s platform is to ban all guns. They know it’s unpopular - I.e. against what the people want - so have to do things underhanded. Why is that?

Biden/Harris will be President: when they go against the rights of the people, then the people will do something about it.