Nearly 40% of the 50 states joining the suit! Wow!
Of course the left will predictably claim (admittedly with some facts backing the claim) that no way does that 40% represent 40% of the population. But that observation is really neither here nor there since our Constitution operates with three principal actors, the people, the states, and their joint creation, fedgov itself.
In Congress today. The ceiling fan bill, sponsored by Rep. Brett Guthrie, R-Ky., and approved in a bipartisan vote, 396-2, will change the energy standard requirements for “large-diameter ceiling fans manufactured on or after January 21, 2020. See? We can pass bipartisan legislation. I wonder what the 2 no votes were holding out for.
I love looking at lake landscapes like that and picturing it without the water. The bottom of Lake Mendota is Mt Simon sandstone, the first of a series of marine strata deposited on the precambrian basement rock in this area.
So Hunter is under federal investigation for possible tax fraud/money laundering and Eric Swalwell, House Intelligence Committee member, was banging Fang, a Chinese spy.
Althouse has moved on from structural stuff like vote-count integrity to girly stuff that holds her interest, but she allows the men to talk about it still.
@ Mike Since this is not YouTube apparently we can still allege that massive election fraud effected the election here.
"Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect. Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential elections. For example, we will remove videos claiming that a Presidential candidate won the election due to widespread software glitches or counting errors. We will begin enforcing this policy today, and will ramp up in the weeks to come. "
"The mask is a public-health measure designed to protect the population, and ourselves, from flu. When we arrived, there had been one confirmed case of H1N1 in the entire country, and a few days later, there were three more, all of them in our little compound. While we were in Muhanga, an hour from the capital, a couple of us felt sick and went to the central hospital in Kigali for tests, which came out positive. A third tested positive shortly afterward, and the public health officials told us to wear masks (we informed them that masks had been shown to be of zero value, but they weren't listening). I kept my mask on for about two minutes, not long enough to learn to put it on properly.
I never developed any symptoms, owing in part to the fact that I belong to the least susceptible age group of Americans, in part to having drunk about a gallon of black elder berry extract over the past weeks, and in part to not giving a shit. I've made friends with my inner germ, and if it wants me it knows where to find me. Otherwise it can go bother someone else."
I'm stuck though. Is he prescient or just curmudgeonly? Check back with me in a year or so, after the current situation has played out.
So the UW system is requesting raises for all UW employees. Can you imagine the gall of that? The people they want to pay it are unemployed yet they not only want to get paid, they want a raise. I say fire them all and burn it down...ridiculous.
Every time I try to convince myself that Biden won the election fairly I have to ask myself why did the swing states that made a the difference stop counting in the middle of the night when Trump had a huge lead and then resume without Republican observers? Why did they bully, threaten and chase out observers, and block them from watching the count? Why do those things if you are not cheating?
And what happened in GA? Why was there a bogus story about a water pipe bursting, and what was that woman doing when she was reloading the same ballots three times?
If you are a Biden supporter ask yourself how you would feel if Trump "won" under those conditions.
So the UW system is requesting raises for all UW employees. Well, we've had to take 10 furlough days this fiscal year. If you get a 2% raise and in one month of 12 are required to take 1/2 the month off for free, it's probably a wash. (I agree that the timing of this is poor.)
It was one of the most contentious and controversial presidential elections in American history, and gave rise to the Compromise of 1877 by which the Democrats conceded the election to Hayes in return for an end to Reconstruction and the withdrawal of federal troops from the South. After a controversial post-election process, Hayes was declared the winner.[2]
The Democrats agreed to allow Hayes to be seated in return for allowing them to return to Jim Crow and the KKK.
The results of the election remain among the most disputed ever. Although it is not disputed that Tilden outpolled Hayes in the popular vote, after a first count of votes, Tilden had won 184 electoral votes to Hayes's 165, with 20 votes from four states unresolved: in Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, each party reported its candidate had won the state, while in Oregon, one elector was replaced after being declared illegal for being an "elected or appointed official". The question of who should have been awarded these electoral votes is the source of the continued controversy.
In Congress today. The ceiling fan bill, sponsored by Rep. Brett Guthrie, R-Ky., and approved in a bipartisan vote, 396-2, will change the energy standard requirements for “large-diameter ceiling fans manufactured on or after January 21, 2020. See? We can pass bipartisan legislation. I wonder what the 2 no votes were holding out for.
Why on Gods green earth is the Congress of the Federal Government of the United States even talking about the energy standard requirements of ceiling fans?
The other big lawsuit that just got filed: the FTC and almost every state AG have sued to break up Facebook into parts. I'll be interested to see if Ann blogs about it.
Over the past nearly 40 years, presidential elections have observed an intriguing phenomenon: 19 counties in the nation have always voted for the winner, be it Republican or Democrat. They’ve been dubbed “bellwether counties” and until this year, no president since at least Ronald Reagan has missed even one. In 2020, all but one of the bellwethers picked President Donald Trump by a margin of some 16 points on average. Only one, Clallam County in Washington, went for former Vice President Joe Biden and only by about a 3 point margin. ............................................................. There is another bellwether list of 58 counties that has correctly picked each president since 2000. Trump swiped 51 of them by an average margin of nearly 15 points. The ones he lost went to Biden by a margin of about 4 points on average.
And then there’s Vigo County in Indiana—the quintessential bellwether that has correctly picked the winner in all but two elections since 1888. In both of the missteps, the residents wrongly picked the losing Democrat: Williams Jennings Bryan over President William Taft in 1908 and Adlai Stevenson over President Dwight Eisenhower in 1952. In 2020, Vigo went for Trump by nearly 15 points, roughly the same as in 2016. An Emerson poll conducted shortly before Election Day was completely off, showing Trump and Biden neck-to-neck.
For example, we will remove videos claiming that a Presidential candidate won the election due to widespread software glitches or counting errors. We will begin enforcing this policy today, and will ramp up in the weeks to come.
I think the social media companies have some major clue that this is going to get ugly. I mean, they censored the Hunter Biden story, and successfully kept it out of a fraction of the electorate's knowledge. And, of course, how did that turn out? Why, ol Hunter's been under investigation for some time, it seems.
I think they know that the vote "irregularities" story is going to follow the same path.
Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect.
That's...not how it works. Like, at all. Does YouTube not know this? Or do they just not care?
Why on Gods green earth is the Congress of the Federal Government of the United States even talking about the energy standard requirements of ceiling fans?
I don't know about this case, the 'R' makes it hope it's benign, but usually this kind of stuff is to make our lives worse. Think toilets, showers, dishwashers, lawnmowers, gas cans, light bulbs, air conditioners, trash pickup..
I've criticized the past and present management of my alma mater/former employer on many and justified grounds, but I also want to give credit where due:
After a multidimensional study years in the completion, it was announced that the lowest paid folks on campus--which in the professorial class once included lil ole me-- would receive raises that others would not. In particular, none of the useless eaters in the athletics branch of the enterprise would be getting a raise.
Paltry as that is, it's progress; before I left I made as much noise and stink about pay issues that favored the provostia, deanie-weenies, and HR barnacles, and disfavored more useful life forms, as it's in my nature to do.
He's back! And he's straight! Yes, Congresscretin Swalwell of RUSSIA notoriety.
He's at least Bi (NTTAWWT). Anyway, I have a title and blurb for any future bio of the dude:
"One Hole to Glory" is the inspiring true story of an ambitious lad from humble beginnings who parlayed his skill as a versatile mid-bencher on the varsity handjob team to Congress and national fame.
Hot little China girl, I have to say.
Narr He's now growing a beard in an effort to look human.
And, how did they count 150,000 ballots overnight when they'd stopped counting?
Why did they block Republican observers at the counting centers and polling places if they had nothing to hide? They knew they were cheating and didn't want to get caught.
I suspect that the investigation into Hunter Biden's overseas deals are window dressing and the conclusion will be that 'there was no wrongdoing'. Please tell me I'm wrong. I hope I am. But you know this would get back to Joe, per the Bobulinski files, and that can't be permitted, can it? Am I being too cynical?
"Why on Gods green earth is the Congress of the Federal Government of the United States even talking about the energy standard requirements of ceiling fans?"
You don't ask a kindergarten class to design a rocket, or pass a budget, or even a Covid relief package So you tell them to draw with crayons, and then we hang the pictures on the refrigerator and say "I'm so proud of you!"
Seen many stories in the "news" with pics of long lines of vehicles: folks lined up for free turkeys at thanksgiving, free laptops for school, free this or free that, WuHan Flu tests, etc.
Fang Fang? Dude. Sometimes you get a hint. I mean..should have been a Sean Connery era Bond villain. I kinda figured the married Swalwell would be caught with a F_, F_.
A report about this Hunter investigation was released on October 29, and suppressed so thoroughly that even we, paying attention, didn't hear about it. Mollie Hemingway reported this in the Federalist tonight I believe.
The fact that all the networks are talking about it now means the fix is in: it will be nothing but a whitewash.
If you entertained any other possibility given what we've learned in the last 9 months/4 years, you're not being nearly cynical enough
I agree with Walter. If you're a US politician or a power broker of any kind, and you end up in bed with a Chinese woman named Fang Fang, you're seriously stupid and also probably lucky that you're still alive.
Why on Gods green earth is the Congress of the Federal Government of the United States even talking about the energy standard requirements of ceiling fans?
I don't know about this case, the 'R' makes it hope it's benign, but usually this kind of stuff is to make our lives worse. Think toilets, showers, dishwashers, lawnmowers, gas cans, light bulbs, air conditioners, trash pickup..
I know why it is done.
It is done so corporate cronies can reduce and eliminate competition.
They are all worthless. Everyone except for 2. And those two are probably just mad they didn't get big enough donations.
I wonder if the Chinese would have had any interest in getting their running dogs in our government to declare Russia enemy number one.
Occupy Russia with American backing and a change of management to favor Chinese interests. It didn't work, but the audacity of their (Chinese?, globalists?, Russians?) ambition was stunning.
The Masked Neocolonialist
His observation matches the conclusions from controlled studies over the past four decades. Infection happens. Progress, however, is not inevitable. With SARS-CoV-2, progress is correlated with comorbidities correlated with age. Even then, early treatment has been demonstrated to reduce hospitalization and death by 80 to 90% or more.
mockturtle said... I suspect that the investigation into Hunter Biden's overseas deals are window dressing and the conclusion will be that 'there was no wrongdoing'. Please tell me I'm wrong. -- Bidens quoting Delaware inquiry? First instinct is to agree with you.
So..if everything now is save your skin over principle, shouldn't the right of batshit SCOTUS justices want to band together to prevent the potential packing of their court?
Let's take what Kavanaugh went through. Dude..after all that..ok with Biden's puppeteers lobbing a bunch of extreme libs your way, inherently diluting your clawed for position? might think some semblance of this point would resonate with a con-prof emeritus. But..look at tik tok!!! (Not icky!)
Lincoln said: The Constitution is not suicide pact to explain his refusal to accept writs of habeas corpus from even from Chief Justice Taney who was a supporter of slavery and the constitutional views of the Confederates. The Constitution as viewed by the Confederates is the Constitution as viewed by critical race theory. Biden supports this Confederate version of history.
Walter, readering is a troll worse than Inga or even Chuckles the Clown. He is not here to discuss, he is here to gloat. Unlike Inga, who is as stupid as a bedpan, or Chuckles, who is blinded by his hatred of even himself, readering just posts to tickle himself.
The world has been shut down for 9 months, civil liberties crushed, election fraud enabled, trillions in economic damage, all for a plague that can't even keep a 76 year old cigar smoking man in the hospital for 3 days.
FBI: "Excuse me-- who? "Seth Rich" FBI: "Seth......hmmm-- Seth who? "Rich. Seth. RICH." FBI: "Rich..Rich... Ohhhhhhh! You mean Seth Rich! What about him?" "Do you have his laptop?" FBI: "His what?" "Lap. Top. Do you have it?" FBI: "What laptop?" "The one that may have clues to the DNC 'hack' and his murder" FBI: "Ahhh!! That laptop! Of Course!! We've had it for years!! Everyone knows that!! That's old news-- c'mon-- try to keep up!""
So narciso follows the baseless conspiracies published in The Epoch Times by the Chinese cult Falun Gong - which famously invented "Spygate" and regularly publishes QAnon conspiracy theories.
As Steve Bannon has found out, Falun Gong seems to have endless financial means - the source of which is not named. But when Bannon was arrested for taking "We Build the Wall" funds last summer, he was aboard the superyacht "Lady May," owned by exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui (a Mar-A-Lago member).
Trump has asked Ted Cruz to present Ken Paxton's case to the Supreme Court likely because the Texas AG's is subject to arrest as a felon and the Texas Solicitor General has refused to get involved. But there will be no presentation because the filing was late and the plaintiffs do not have status. WI, MI, PA and GA will file objections tomorrow and this idiocy will finally end.
Qwinn said... The fact that all the networks are talking about it now means the fix is in: it will be nothing but a whitewash.
Or it means they are ready to move to phase 2–installing Harris in the Oval Office.
I am prepared to accept that there is a benign explanation for all the acts alleged as being evidence of fraud, but nobody’s giving any explanations. Instead they’re just circling the wagons and silencing questioners. How can they not realize how guilty this makes them look? YouTube didn’t need to try so hard to be part of the cover-up. Apparently, once they decided to brazen it out, they stopped worrying about subtleties like how this looks to the discerning viewer.
“So the UW system is requesting raises for all UW employees. Well, we've had to take 10 furlough days this fiscal year. If you get a 2% raise and in one month of 12 are required to take 1/2 the month off for free, it's probably a wash. (I agree that the timing of this is poor.)”
So now they get another half month of vacation for the same pay? Sweet
The investigation into Hunter Biden is a sort of slight of hand move. Joe will declare that the facts must be examined and the truth determined, that if any wrongdoing is uncovered it should be documented and dealt with appropriately. Justice is to be done, wink-wink. After some months the report will be issued declaring that there is no legal issue, that all is just a misunderstanding. They might even say that they examined everything, including the laptop, finding nothing illegal. Case closed.
At least that is how it will work if Slo' Joe becomes president.
Readering said...Ps proud to be included in comment with Inga and Chuck, who take so much more grief than me.
That's because they are more offensive than you. If you want to get comfortable in that grouping, you need to do more than just ignore hard questions and misrepresent what people say. You need to become a real jerk.
"Ends her career" is hyperbole, but I can't think of any speech or interview by Crenshaw that didn't sound sensible and fair, that I didn't enjoy listening to. Maybe, just maybe, he can be the Trumpism without Trump.
I feel as if suddenly the grocery stores have turned lily white in personnel, as if just before Christmas there had been some kind of mass firing of members of the black community. But, surely they would complain to their unions and the Journal Sentinel would take up the story and ... it couldn't be true. We aren't going to see racism rising greater and more terrible than before. That's like saying that the lineaments of the group which will run 46* (if it happens) can be seen forming and Sheeee's back!!!!
"MadisonMan said... So the UW system is requesting raises for all UW employees. Well, we've had to take 10 furlough days this fiscal year. If you get a 2% raise and in one month of 12 are required to take 1/2 the month off for free, it's probably a wash. (I agree that the timing of this is poor.)"
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१०९ टिप्पण्या:
Nearly 40% of the 50 states joining the suit! Wow!
Of course the left will predictably claim (admittedly with some facts backing the claim) that no way does that 40% represent 40% of the population. But that observation is really neither here nor there since our Constitution operates with three principal actors, the people, the states, and their joint creation, fedgov itself.
In Congress today. The ceiling fan bill, sponsored by Rep. Brett Guthrie, R-Ky., and approved in a bipartisan vote, 396-2, will change the energy standard requirements for “large-diameter ceiling fans manufactured on or after January 21, 2020.
See? We can pass bipartisan legislation. I wonder what the 2 no votes were holding out for.
I love looking at lake landscapes like that and picturing it without the water. The bottom of Lake Mendota is Mt Simon sandstone, the first of a series of marine strata deposited on the precambrian basement rock in this area.
Stock market the richest valuations ever. Quite a little chart, below. Any reversal from here could be the start of it.
WK said...
I wonder what the 2 no votes were holding out for.
Maybe a bill that did not set new standards for things manufactured 11 months ago?
So Hunter is under federal investigation for possible tax fraud/money laundering and Eric Swalwell, House Intelligence Committee member, was banging Fang, a Chinese spy.
Main stream media yawns.
As for me, SCHADENFREUDE overload.!!!!!!
Are we allowed to allege here that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 US presidential election?
Worthy of note: the states elect the president and vice president, not the voters.
Photo reminds me of the old Hamm's beer commercials.
From the land of sky-blue wa-a-ters...
Arizona just joined the Texas lawsuit.
Arizona with the 79.9% turnout.
That I did not expect.
That makes 18 states joining Texas now, btw.
It looks to me like the States are picking which side of the borders they want to be on after the secession.
Stock market the richest valuations ever.
Behold the Robinhood Bubble.
Starship prototype SN8 launched today.
I've been waiting a while for this. If you're at all interested in this sort of thing, this is worth watching. It is beautiful.
Blogger Mike Sylwester said...
Are we allowed to allege here that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 US presidential election?
Not on YouTube.
I see AZ joined the suit. I posted a facebook comment at Ducey about joining the suit. I guess he read it. He is not well liked in AZ.
fedgov itself.
Fo'getta'bout'it. It's-China-town.
Hooked on phonics.
Althouse has moved on from structural stuff like vote-count integrity to girly stuff that holds her interest, but she allows the men to talk about it still.
I heartily endorse the cardamom buns from Fabrique Bakery available through Goldbelly.
@ Mike Since this is not YouTube apparently we can still allege that massive election fraud effected the election here.
"Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect. Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential elections. For example, we will remove videos claiming that a Presidential candidate won the election due to widespread software glitches or counting errors. We will begin enforcing this policy today, and will ramp up in the weeks to come. "
Interesting read from our blog host's ex.
The Masked Neocolonialist
"The mask is a public-health measure designed to protect the population, and ourselves, from flu. When we arrived, there had been one confirmed case of H1N1 in the entire country, and a few days later, there were three more, all of them in our little compound. While we were in Muhanga, an hour from the capital, a couple of us felt sick and went to the central hospital in Kigali for tests, which came out positive. A third tested positive shortly afterward, and the public health officials told us to wear masks (we informed them that masks had been shown to be of zero value, but they weren't listening). I kept my mask on for about two minutes, not long enough to learn to put it on properly.
I never developed any symptoms, owing in part to the fact that I belong to the least susceptible age group of Americans, in part to having drunk about a gallon of black elder berry extract over the past weeks, and in part to not giving a shit. I've made friends with my inner germ, and if it wants me it knows where to find me. Otherwise it can go bother someone else."
I'm stuck though. Is he prescient or just curmudgeonly? Check back with me in a year or so, after the current situation has played out.
So the UW system is requesting raises for all UW employees. Can you imagine the gall of that? The people they want to pay it are unemployed yet they not only want to get paid, they want a raise. I say fire them all and burn it down...ridiculous.
>>From the land of sky-blue wa-a-ters...
Comes the water best for brewing
Hamm's Beer
Refreshing Hamm's Beer
Every time I try to convince myself that Biden won the election fairly I have to ask myself why did the swing states that made a the difference stop counting in the middle of the night when Trump had a huge lead and then resume without Republican observers? Why did they bully, threaten and chase out observers, and block them from watching the count? Why do those things if you are not cheating?
And what happened in GA? Why was there a bogus story about a water pipe bursting, and what was that woman doing when she was reloading the same ballots three times?
If you are a Biden supporter ask yourself how you would feel if Trump "won" under those conditions.
Biden will have an asterisk by his name.
Curious that
Freeman Hunt:
Any word on your endorsement of removing the names Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe from school buildings in Falls Church, VA?
I believe you were happy to push us down the slippery slope.
How goes your complicity?
Will Joe Biden pardon Hunter Biden?
What will happen to the state income tax problems?
Who do they still have them:
So the UW system is requesting raises for all UW employees.
Well, we've had to take 10 furlough days this fiscal year. If you get a 2% raise and in one month of 12 are required to take 1/2 the month off for free, it's probably a wash.
(I agree that the timing of this is poor.)
I assume the fraud will succeed. I have almost no optimism about Trump turning it around.
It resembles the 1876 election between Tilden and Hayes.
It was one of the most contentious and controversial presidential elections in American history, and gave rise to the Compromise of 1877 by which the Democrats conceded the election to Hayes in return for an end to Reconstruction and the withdrawal of federal troops from the South. After a controversial post-election process, Hayes was declared the winner.[2]
The Democrats agreed to allow Hayes to be seated in return for allowing them to return to Jim Crow and the KKK.
The results of the election remain among the most disputed ever. Although it is not disputed that Tilden outpolled Hayes in the popular vote, after a first count of votes, Tilden had won 184 electoral votes to Hayes's 165, with 20 votes from four states unresolved: in Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, each party reported its candidate had won the state, while in Oregon, one elector was replaced after being declared illegal for being an "elected or appointed official". The question of who should have been awarded these electoral votes is the source of the continued controversy.
Interesting similarity.
WK said...
In Congress today. The ceiling fan bill, sponsored by Rep. Brett Guthrie, R-Ky., and approved in a bipartisan vote, 396-2, will change the energy standard requirements for “large-diameter ceiling fans manufactured on or after January 21, 2020.
See? We can pass bipartisan legislation. I wonder what the 2 no votes were holding out for.
Why on Gods green earth is the Congress of the Federal Government of the United States even talking about the energy standard requirements of ceiling fans?
This is the dumbest shit in the world.
The other big lawsuit that just got filed: the FTC and almost every state AG have sued to break up Facebook into parts. I'll be interested to see if Ann blogs about it.
Saw a link to this at The Other McCain recently. Does not prove anything, but it is intriguing.
Bellwether Counties Went Overwhelmingly for Trump in 2020
Over the past nearly 40 years, presidential elections have observed an intriguing phenomenon: 19 counties in the nation have always voted for the winner, be it Republican or Democrat. They’ve been dubbed “bellwether counties” and until this year, no president since at least Ronald Reagan has missed even one.
In 2020, all but one of the bellwethers picked President Donald Trump by a margin of some 16 points on average. Only one, Clallam County in Washington, went for former Vice President Joe Biden and only by about a 3 point margin.
There is another bellwether list of 58 counties that has correctly picked each president since 2000. Trump swiped 51 of them by an average margin of nearly 15 points. The ones he lost went to Biden by a margin of about 4 points on average.
And then there’s Vigo County in Indiana—the quintessential bellwether that has correctly picked the winner in all but two elections since 1888. In both of the missteps, the residents wrongly picked the losing Democrat: Williams Jennings Bryan over President William Taft in 1908 and Adlai Stevenson over President Dwight Eisenhower in 1952.
In 2020, Vigo went for Trump by nearly 15 points, roughly the same as in 2016. An Emerson poll conducted shortly before Election Day was completely off, showing Trump and Biden neck-to-neck.
Look at where the discrepancies were in 1876, in states where the klan had been allowed to rampage.
For example, we will remove videos claiming that a Presidential candidate won the election due to widespread software glitches or counting errors. We will begin enforcing this policy today, and will ramp up in the weeks to come.
I think the social media companies have some major clue that this is going to get ugly. I mean, they censored the Hunter Biden story, and successfully kept it out of a fraction of the electorate's knowledge. And, of course, how did that turn out? Why, ol Hunter's been under investigation for some time, it seems.
I think they know that the vote "irregularities" story is going to follow the same path.
Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect.
That's...not how it works. Like, at all. Does YouTube not know this? Or do they just not care?
our Constitution operates with three principal actors, the people, the states, and their joint creation, fedgov itself
the People and our [unPlanned] Posterity
They dont care, we saw that benefit of the doubt last four years havent we?
YouTube not know this? Or do they just not care?
YouTube, under the umbrella corporation "Alphabet", appeals to the electoral authority of the Press, specifically the AP.
I do understand Althouse's unease with the prevailing disquiet.
But powerful interests really have steadily, concertedly made life for many an ugly choice of "How much are you willing to take?"
So deeply on so many fronts: liberty, free thought, free speech, personal safety, self-governance and economic self-sufficiency.
I just don't think that a strategy of slow acquiescence has any chance of mitigating the eventual conflict.
In fact, quite the opposite.
Why on Gods green earth is the Congress of the Federal Government of the United States even talking about the energy standard requirements of ceiling fans?
I don't know about this case, the 'R' makes it hope it's benign, but usually this kind of stuff is to make our lives worse. Think toilets, showers, dishwashers, lawnmowers, gas cans, light bulbs, air conditioners, trash pickup..
I've criticized the past and present management of my alma mater/former employer on many and justified grounds, but I also want to give credit where due:
After a multidimensional study years in the completion, it was announced that the lowest paid folks on campus--which in the professorial class once included lil ole me-- would receive raises that others would not. In particular, none of the useless eaters in the athletics branch of the enterprise would be getting a raise.
Paltry as that is, it's progress; before I left I made as much noise and stink about pay issues that favored the provostia, deanie-weenies, and HR barnacles, and disfavored more useful life forms, as it's in my nature to do.
He's back! And he's straight! Yes, Congresscretin Swalwell of RUSSIA notoriety.
He's at least Bi (NTTAWWT). Anyway, I have a title and blurb for any future bio of the dude:
"One Hole to Glory" is the inspiring true story of an ambitious lad from humble beginnings who parlayed his skill as a versatile mid-bencher on the varsity handjob team to Congress and national fame.
Hot little China girl, I have to say.
He's now growing a beard in an effort to look human.
And, how did they count 150,000 ballots overnight when they'd stopped counting?
Why did they block Republican observers at the counting centers and polling places if they had nothing to hide? They knew they were cheating and didn't want to get caught.
I suspect that the investigation into Hunter Biden's overseas deals are window dressing and the conclusion will be that 'there was no wrongdoing'. Please tell me I'm wrong. I hope I am. But you know this would get back to Joe, per the Bobulinski files, and that can't be permitted, can it? Am I being too cynical?
Because they are with our enemies
"Why on Gods green earth is the Congress of the Federal Government of the United States even talking about the energy standard requirements of ceiling fans?"
You don't ask a kindergarten class to design a rocket, or pass a budget, or even a Covid relief package So you tell them to draw with crayons, and then we hang the pictures on the refrigerator and say "I'm so proud of you!"
When do the military arrest the CIA? That will be the day the fat lady sings.
Seen many stories in the "news" with pics of long lines of vehicles: folks lined up for free turkeys at thanksgiving, free laptops for school, free this or free that, WuHan Flu tests, etc.
Not a word about the carbon footprint of it all.
Fang Fang?
Sometimes you get a hint. I mean..should have been a Sean Connery era Bond villain.
I kinda figured the married Swalwell would be caught with a F_, F_.
A report about this Hunter investigation was released on October 29, and suppressed so thoroughly that even we, paying attention, didn't hear about it. Mollie Hemingway reported this in the Federalist tonight I believe.
The fact that all the networks are talking about it now means the fix is in: it will be nothing but a whitewash.
If you entertained any other possibility given what we've learned in the last 9 months/4 years, you're not being nearly cynical enough
The circuitous drive-thru lines..
I agree with Walter. If you're a US politician or a power broker of any kind, and you end up in bed with a Chinese woman named Fang Fang, you're seriously stupid and also probably lucky that you're still alive.
A reminder:
I believe Swalwel asked Joe to "pass the torch" during the debate.
I wonder if the Chinese would have had any interest in getting their running dogs in our government to declare Russia enemy number one.
Ha. is based in Lexington KY. They are impressive fans though.
Can we at least get Jesse Morgan his trailer back? He really liked it.
I mean, that axle that lifted under light load?
Speaking of which:
Churchy LaFemme: said...
Why on Gods green earth is the Congress of the Federal Government of the United States even talking about the energy standard requirements of ceiling fans?
I don't know about this case, the 'R' makes it hope it's benign, but usually this kind of stuff is to make our lives worse. Think toilets, showers, dishwashers, lawnmowers, gas cans, light bulbs, air conditioners, trash pickup..
I know why it is done.
It is done so corporate cronies can reduce and eliminate competition.
They are all worthless. Everyone except for 2. And those two are probably just mad they didn't get big enough donations.
I wonder if the Chinese would have had any interest in getting their running dogs in our government to declare Russia enemy number one.
Occupy Russia with American backing and a change of management to favor Chinese interests. It didn't work, but the audacity of their (Chinese?, globalists?, Russians?) ambition was stunning.
The Masked Neocolonialist
His observation matches the conclusions from controlled studies over the past four decades. Infection happens. Progress, however, is not inevitable. With SARS-CoV-2, progress is correlated with comorbidities correlated with age. Even then, early treatment has been demonstrated to reduce hospitalization and death by 80 to 90% or more.
@Martha, @Walter
was it the Chinese "Year Of The Dog"
...when Fartswell decided to Bang Fang?
Is everything from China second-rate?
so-- this Professor Eastman--
...we likey?
Perhaps year of doggy-style.
Butt again, strikes me as too "normal" forSwalwell....
Enemy action at this point:
mockturtle said...
I suspect that the investigation into Hunter Biden's overseas deals are window dressing and the conclusion will be that 'there was no wrongdoing'. Please tell me I'm wrong.
Bidens quoting Delaware inquiry? First instinct is to agree with you.
So..if everything now is save your skin over principle, shouldn't the right of batshit SCOTUS justices want to band together to prevent the potential packing of their court?
Let's take what Kavanaugh went through. Dude..after all that..ok with Biden's puppeteers lobbing a bunch of extreme libs your way, inherently diluting your clawed for position? might think some semblance of this point would resonate with a con-prof emeritus.
But..look at tik tok!!!
(Not icky!)
Lincoln said: The Constitution is not suicide pact to explain his refusal to accept writs of habeas corpus from even from Chief Justice Taney who was a supporter of slavery and the constitutional views of the Confederates. The Constitution as viewed by the Confederates is the Constitution as viewed by critical race theory. Biden supports this Confederate version of history.
The Kraken has struck out. The baton has been passed from Giuliani and Powell to Eastman and Joseph. (WHO? YOU ASK)
Are you a believer in the multi-state election night urinal leak?
Also, were the multiple concerns of Dems re voting software batshit nonsense?
We must listen to the judges! And to the attorney generals! Who say there was no fraud!
Wait, don't listen to those 5 or 6 judges. They were overridden!
Wait, don't listen to those 19 attorney generals from other states. What do they know about electiona?? Obviously frivolous!
Straight up gaslighting, 24/7/365.
Make them pay.
This is how you do satire.
Walter, readering is a troll worse than Inga or even Chuckles the Clown. He is not here to discuss, he is here to gloat. Unlike Inga, who is as stupid as a bedpan, or Chuckles, who is blinded by his hatred of even himself, readering just posts to tickle himself.
So Giuliani has been released from the hospital.
The world has been shut down for 9 months, civil liberties crushed, election fraud enabled, trillions in economic damage, all for a plague that can't even keep a 76 year old cigar smoking man in the hospital for 3 days.
Make them pay.
Yeah..but you forget Giuliani (like RBG) has been pushed as the the paragon of health and fitness.
FBI: "Excuse me-- who?
"Seth Rich"
FBI: "Seth......hmmm-- Seth who?
"Rich. Seth. RICH."
FBI: "Rich..Rich... Ohhhhhhh! You mean Seth Rich! What about him?"
"Do you have his laptop?"
FBI: "His what?"
"Lap. Top. Do you have it?"
FBI: "What laptop?"
"The one that may have clues to the DNC 'hack' and his murder"
FBI: "Ahhh!! That laptop! Of Course!! We've had it for years!! Everyone knows that!! That's old news-- c'mon-- try to keep up!""
I fully expect as I go to a pop-up strip mall x-mas store to find Rudy fitness calendars.
Wince @ 8:56, I missed it on the first read, but it's on the mark.
Althouse pic looks kinda like an audio visualizer graph
There's been talk about "social credits".
How about "economic investment credits"?
i.e. How would an Althouse outside public sector pension behave?
lter said...
Yeah..but you forget Giuliani (like RBG) has been pushed as the the paragon of health and fitness.
By whom?
I'm here to tickle my many Trumpist fans.
The ones who can't accept that 74 does not beat 81. Landslide. What's Monday?
Ps proud to be included in comment with Inga and Chuck, who take so much more grief than me.
We might never get to the bottom of the latest Chinese spy thing, but we KNOW that Swallwell didn't get to the bottom of Fang Fang.
That would take a man with an average size dick.
yes, readering.
You are certainly not about answering direct questions.
Gibberish can't be answered.
Do you think Cruz is awake prepping for his Supreme Court argument? Me neither.
So narciso follows the baseless conspiracies published in The Epoch Times by the Chinese cult Falun Gong - which famously invented "Spygate" and regularly publishes QAnon conspiracy theories.
As Steve Bannon has found out, Falun Gong seems to have endless financial means - the source of which is not named. But when Bannon was arrested for taking "We Build the Wall" funds last summer, he was aboard the superyacht "Lady May," owned by exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui (a Mar-A-Lago member).
Trump has asked Ted Cruz to present Ken Paxton's case to the Supreme Court likely because the Texas AG's is subject to arrest as a felon and the Texas Solicitor General has refused to get involved. But there will be no presentation because the filing was late and the plaintiffs do not have status. WI, MI, PA and GA will file objections tomorrow and this idiocy will finally end.
Qwinn said...
The fact that all the networks are talking about it now means the fix is in: it will be nothing but a whitewash.
Or it means they are ready to move to phase 2–installing Harris in the Oval Office.
I am prepared to accept that there is a benign explanation for all the acts alleged as being evidence of fraud, but nobody’s giving any explanations. Instead they’re just circling the wagons and silencing questioners. How can they not realize how guilty this makes them look? YouTube didn’t need to try so hard to be part of the cover-up. Apparently, once they decided to brazen it out, they stopped worrying about subtleties like how this looks to the discerning viewer.
I hope Trump declassifies the Fang Fang files so that Swallwell can speak freely.
“So the UW system is requesting raises for all UW employees.
Well, we've had to take 10 furlough days this fiscal year. If you get a 2% raise and in one month of 12 are required to take 1/2 the month off for free, it's probably a wash.
(I agree that the timing of this is poor.)”
So now they get another half month of vacation for the same pay? Sweet
The investigation into Hunter Biden is a sort of slight of hand move. Joe will declare that the facts must be examined and the truth determined, that if any wrongdoing is uncovered it should be documented and dealt with appropriately. Justice is to be done, wink-wink. After some months the report will be issued declaring that there is no legal issue, that all is just a misunderstanding. They might even say that they examined everything, including the laptop, finding nothing illegal. Case closed.
At least that is how it will work if Slo' Joe becomes president.
That picture looks like God was pulling the reflection of the trees into the Prussian blue water with his wet 2 inch brush.
Qwinn said "So Giuliani has been released from the hospital."
Thanks for the info. You seem to have many sources that are quick to update.
Presidential? Can't wait!
Trigger Alert... Not Boring!
Readering said...Ps proud to be included in comment with Inga and Chuck, who take so much more grief than me.
That's because they are more offensive than you. If you want to get comfortable in that grouping, you need to do more than just ignore hard questions and misrepresent what people say. You need to become a real jerk.
BUMBLE BEE said...
Presidential? Can't wait!
"Ends her career" is hyperbole, but I can't think of any speech or interview by Crenshaw that didn't sound sensible and fair, that I didn't enjoy listening to. Maybe, just maybe, he can be the Trumpism without Trump.
Qwinn said...
I wonder if the Chinese would have had any interest in getting their running dogs in our government to declare Russia enemy number one.
4 years of pushing Russia as the number one enemy, and pressuring Trump not to work with Russia against Chinese interests.
WK said...
I wonder what the 2 no votes were holding out for.
Perhaps two protest votes whose underlying meaning is "why are we voting for this kind of crap" when we haven't been able to pass a stimulus bill?
They can change the energy standard requirements on my ceiling fans when they pry my Hunter fan off my no-longer-popcorned ceiling.
I feel as if suddenly the grocery stores have turned lily white in personnel, as if just before Christmas there had been some kind of mass firing of members of the black community. But, surely they would complain to their unions and the Journal Sentinel would take up the story and ... it couldn't be true. We aren't going to see racism rising greater and more terrible than before. That's like saying that the lineaments of the group which will run 46* (if it happens) can be seen forming and Sheeee's back!!!!
One wonders when the last Republican candidate a certain fopdoodle supports actually won.
The only available dates are 2004 and never.
"MadisonMan said...
So the UW system is requesting raises for all UW employees.
Well, we've had to take 10 furlough days this fiscal year. If you get a 2% raise and in one month of 12 are required to take 1/2 the month off for free, it's probably a wash.
(I agree that the timing of this is poor.)"
You don't teach math, right?
Why is Chuck still here?
I wonder how Patterico likes his new boss?
Another Soros funded DA. The new DA met with BLM but ignored the 1200 deputy DAs.
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