And please think of supporting this blog by doing your shopping through the Althouse portal to Amazon, which is always right there in the sidebar. Thanks!
So, do I have this right? The PA legislature was in session until November 30 and didn't do anything to reverse the PA SOS's certification for Biden, but now they are wringing their hands about how to reclaim their constitutional power to appoint presidential ele tors?
On Wednesday, Chief U.S. District Judge Pamela Pepper, an appointee of Barack Obama, took the attorneys to task, bluntly laying out the litany of basic mistakes made in the complaint.”
Attorneys continued to have a field day with Powell and Wood’s lawsuit.
“The Kraken is clearly struggling in Wisconsin,” wrote Democratic Party and Biden campaign lawyer Marc E. Elias.
As attorney Mike Dunford put it: “it would appear that Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and the rest of their lunatics managed to get more things wrong while initiating a case than anyone should be able to possibly manage without making a conscious effort.”
Dunford also highlighted the order’s “brutal simplicity.”
“It’s simple, but any lawyer on the receiving end of something like this who had any remaining self-regard would die of shame. And we’re just starting out,” Dunford said.
“It’s a non-stop litigation what not to do 101 with these folks,” added Houston-based appellate attorney Raffi Melkonian.”
Sorry, but in the year of Covid and of having the new house built there is nothing for me to purchase through the portal.
Donald Trump gave a speech from the Oval Office stating he will continue to contest the election. His stated purpose is to protect the vote cast legitimately, whatever result that might produce. Were Biden and his handlers honest people they would fully support Trump's efforts - Biden has the most to gain. Fox News has joined the "without evidence" crowd.
Until such time as it is proven the fraud and corruption of the vote didn't happen or wasn't sufficient to reverse the so far announced result, I will see an asterisk at the end of Biden's name - Biden* - and will consider him to be illegitimately occupying the office of POTUS. Some call this "Resistance".
Hey now here's a TIC TOC for America! - He was so presidential and everything!
stevew: "will consider him to be illegitimately occupying the office of POTUS." But, but, as Paul Krugman stated in the NYT, Democrats never took the position that Trump was not legitimately President. (At least up until his own internet record of stating exactly that shamed him/NYT into stealth editing that statement out.)
It's nice that Inga has a list of the most evil people in DC, if not the world, in her comment. These are the moral midgets that will be destroying education, the middle east and energy policy. At least freezing in the dark will not be coming to Arizona but it will to WI.
Here's a (potential) fake news story that I have been following. According to media and the folks at Madison School District, a teenager became the first Wisconsin citizen under 20 to die of "COVID-related" causes.
Interestingly, the economy is booming ATL as judged by the traffic on the roads. Only the GOP political guys are fucked up...totally. They cannot figure out how to go back to pre-Trump days where they would pretend to fight and lose nobly. Trumps voters eyes are open and are forever dead set against Trump’s foes in both of the long bribed swamp parties. And they are mostly armed and dangerous.
In "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes" we learn that the apes got smart because people used them as pets after all their cats and dogs died in a plague. Something like that.
I've been attending the annual Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meetings online this week. This event is normally held in Chicago every year at this time, but COVID has pushed it to a virtual event. I've attended in person every year since 1993.
This meeting is attended by radiologist, cardiologists, hospital administrators, scientists in the medical imaging field, etc. A typical presentation (picked at random) has a title along the lines of this one:
Automated Determinations of Vascular Flow Velocity with Iodinated Contrast Media Using 1000 fps High-Speed Angiography
This year, unsurprisingly, the 'woke' topics are now creeping into to list of presentations. Here are the titles of a couple of these from yesterday's presentation list:
Hot Topic Session: Artificial Intelligence and Implications for Health Equity: Will AI Improve Equity or Increase Disparities?
Special Interest Session: Exposing Our Blindside and Overcoming Unconscious Bias (Sponsored by the RSNA Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
I have to wonder: are any people tuning into these subject that aren't directly the same people making these presentations, i.e., the grievance committees?
Whiskeybum: I have to wonder: are any people tuning into these subject that aren't directly the same people making these presentations, i.e., the grievance committees The answer is probably not. Therefore: expect the state boards to require it as part of CE credits in the very near future.
Beneath the... Star Wars Escape from... Star Wars Conquest of... Star Wars Battle for.... Star Wars All sequels should follow this sequential naming convention.
Beneath the... Little Big Man Escape from... Little Big Man Conquest of... Little Big Man Battle for.... Little Big Man
i really think Lazlo is On to Something! It might be Bigger than he thought!!
Beneath the... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill Escape from... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill Conquest of... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill Battle for.... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill
When I heard that Biden had picked Janet Yellen, former Fed Chairman, as Treasury Secretary, I thought, well, it could be a lot worse. As in Elizabeth Warren worse. But today I read about her planned Treasury agenda: "Biden's pick for Treasury Secretary says she wants to use the Treasury Dept. to address racial inequality, gender disparities, and the climate crisis." WTF?????
I don't care about E. Page. I do not wish that person ill. I prefer to leave that person, whose net worth is probably greater than my own, alone. News coverage cannot interest me in that person. (See also: Sussexes, Meghan, Harry and Archie.
"On Wednesday, Chief U.S. District Judge Pamela Pepper, an appointee of Barack Obama, took the attorneys to task, bluntly laying out the litany of basic mistakes made in the complaint.
After pointing out that the complaint was “not verified,” Pepper went to work on the substantive errors, first noting that plaintiffs’ motion stated that that the requested relief was “laid out in an attached order.”
An Obama appointed judge insists, hundred of affidavits notwithstanding, that the fraud at the Detroit center on election night was "not verified". What did you expect the Leftist to say?
It's practically standing still now; they've dropped ropes out of the nose of the ship, and it's been taken a hold of down on the field by a number of men. It's starting to rain again -- the rain had slacked up a little bit. The back motors of the ship are just holding it, just enough to keep it from --
-- It burst into flames! *Get out of the way! Get out of the way!*
Get this Charley! Get this Charley! It’s burning and it's crashing! It's crashing terrible! Oh my, get out of the way please. It's burning, bursting into flames and it's -- and it's falling on the mooring mast and all the folks agree that this is terrible. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the world.
And oh, it's…burning, oh, four or five hundred feet into the sky. It's a terrific crash, ladies and gentlemen. The smoke and the flames now and the frame is crashing to the ground, not quite to the mooring mast. Oh, the humanity and all the passengers screaming around here. I told you. It's -- I can’t even talk to people whose friends were on there. It -- It's....I -- I can’t talk ladies and gentlemen.
Honest, it's completely a mass of smoking wreckage. And everybody can’t hardly breathe. It’s hard, it’s crazy. Lady, I -- I -- I’m sorry. Honestly, I -- I can hardly breathe.
I -- I'm gonna step inside where I cannot see it. Charley, that’s terrible. I – I can’t....Listen folks, I -- I'm gonna have to stop for a minute because I’ve lost my voice. This is the worst thing I’ve ever witnessed.
I'm the one who's been bringing Pinochet up the last couple nights, but I think my main entry about him and his relevance now was posted too late in the thread's life for most people to see. I'll repost again here, since I think it explains why I hold the positions I do right now.
See, I'm not being facetious or hyperbolic when I say I'd be down for an American Pinochet rather than see this go off the way the Left wants.
Because, see, me and mine are living under dictatorships right now. The dictatorships of Wolf and Murphy. Plenty of other Americans under the dictatorships of Cuomo and Whitmer. And we know that *these* dictators were happy to deliberately murder tens of thousands of nursing home patients. I mean if nothing else, it definitely *way* helped out their projected budgets. But it also was the only thing that drove the death numbers high enough to alarm people initially enough to let the lockdowns go beyond the first couple of weeks. [EDIT: Otherwise, not even very bad flu numbers.]
We know it was deliberate. Trump provided the Javitz Center *AND* the USS Comfort to Cuomo. They went completely unused. Cuomo and the other governors *wanted* the COVID patients into nursing homes where they could wipe out the elderly drains on "their" public dime, justifying COVID panic, permanent lockdowns and arresting bar owners with 40 cops the week after Thanksgiving, and to steal the election.
We're already living under dictatorships. There *is* nothing left to lose with a dictator who's on my side. I mean, I really really wish we coulda kept that Republic, but communist scum have destroyed it. And at least *my* favorite dictator held free and fair elections the moment he was done cleaning the communist takeover of his country (accomplished by election fraud), lost that election, and stepped down peacefully. Which is kinda distinct from every last other person who gets called a dictator, isn't it?
Anyway. If this election goes off, we're living under dictatorship now. Heavy-handed lockdowny dictatorship. Wipe-out-all-small-business-to-permanently-empower-our-Fortune-500-allies dictatorship. Mass murder nursing home residents.
I'm willing to bet that were a Pinochet rise to once again defend the right, he'd be a lot less bloodthirsty and evil than you lot. And he'd step down when he resolved the problem of communists. Pretty much the only *successful* resolution of that problem in history that I can think of.
So. Yeah. If the judicial system continues to intentionally fail the way it has been... Inaguration Day Needs A Pinochet.
And I think many tens of millions of Americans (including the relatives of tens of thousands of nursing home patients) - driven via brazen gaslighting over obvious election theft, and onerous "public health" control over the citizenry - "contact tracing", for fuck's sake! -, and oh yeah, mass murder, to be perfectly accepting of the fact that all safeguards and constraints built into the system had failed, and a Pinochet was the only solution.
That's what you fucker's attitude, your total contempt and gaslighting for those with OBVIOUS legitimate concerns about this vote, is begging for. And you're creating tens of millions of people who will never be moved by your tears again.
Sorry Howard - you left that one hanging out over the plate and I just couldn't resist.
Actually, I'm trying for the pity, short retort style of AllenS. I miss that guy - hope he's OK and returns to commenting soon from whatever it is that has taken him out of the loop. His comments really crack me up sometimes.
Blogger Whiskeybum said..."I've been attending the annual Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meetings online this week. This event is normally held in Chicago every year at this time, but COVID has pushed it to a virtual event. I've attended in person every year since 1993."
I attended every year for decades, though it's been awhile now.
Sunday evening, ex Milwaukee County Exec and really rich guy Chris Abele was the victim of a armed robbery and attempted car jack while driving his BMW on E Capitol Dr in Shorewood.
Car forced him to stop and man approached the BMW forcing Abele to get out at gunpoint. Unfortunately said BMW was fitted with a standard transmission which, you guessed it, genius robber was not trained on. He exited vehicle demanded Abeles wallet and fired two rounds into the vehicle before getting back into the getaway car and heading west on Capitol.
Blogger Qwinn said...Oh, and btw, Chile has pretty much been the most prosperous country in South America since Pinochet stepped down.
In response to this and mockturtle's comment(s), please read up on the instability in Chile in the last few months and the protests and riots to change their constitution. It may have been pretty nice in recent years, (and my youngest daughter went there for an class study abroad and confirmed this) but I doubt it will be able to remain prosperous and free in the future.
D.D.Driver: Nothing to do with 'Boogaloo Bois', whoever they are. It has a lot to do with just how much crap Americans are willing to put up with. Or not put up with.
"Unfortunately said BMW was fitted with a standard transmission which, you guessed it, genius robber was not trained on."
These stories puzzle me (though as an owner of two sticks they give me a laugh). Whether you've driven a manual before or not, it's not rocket science.
I started reading Althouse when she first was a "substitute" blogger for pretentious Insta. That said,agree or not, I always valued her opinions. Then our hostess retired, at first, I enjoyed her travels across the the Western US. Then, her fear of BS Covid drove her to disavow all human contact (don't give me your camera to photo you)followed by giving us "artistic" graffiti on businesses closed due to riots! Like that excused "normal's" loss of income? Now, she swims in the septic river of Acela corridor media. Employed by deranged far Left University seems to have been more open than retirement? In closing ,FWIW, maybe she'd be better off watching people who's life's are now being destroyed? Cooking Channel's Carnival Eats. BTW, if host, Noah Cappe, is an "actor", deserves an Emmy or Oscar!
These stories puzzle me (though as an owner of two sticks they give me a laugh). Whether you've driven a manual before or not, it's not rocket science.
But, if its your getaway vehicle and you are stalling out and grinding gears? I think the carjacker was just playing the odds.
Danno, that doesn't surprise me. It's been 2 generations, after all. No doubt the population forgot what Pinochet saved them from.
This world is pretty much fucked until communists are finally globally and rightly acknowledged as being worse than Nazis. Far far worse. And since I'm sure leftists will twist that, I loathe Nazis every bit as much as anyone. They were also murderous leftist swine. But communists are still far far worse. And they are taking over America, right now, as we speak, in the same way they take every country, with riots, looting, arson, threats, fake appeals to "public safety" and election fraud.
Oh, and the systematic infiltration of every key institution over 70 years. Easiest thing in the world to pull off. You just have to have a lot of amoral asses on the team. Comes naturally to the breed.
I sometimes read the content here, but seldom bother to comment. It always amuses me when ultra feminist Ann has the guts to flog her Amazon portal. Such caring concern from a liberal icon, comfortably retired, no doub on a generous pension. Nothing screams Madison liberal more than asking for the nickels and dimes that could do some real good for an actual charity. Do any of you actually donate to her vanity project through the portal? Why in the world would you do that?
The - literally - hundreds of Boogaloo Bois that are imagined (half of whom are FBI agents) are really scary.
Wait until you consider all the skills and abilities that now-unemployed, former business owners have if they want shit to go sideways. Who do they decide to blame for their respective business failures? Do they decide to even the respective scores?
No worries. That could never happen.
(Leftist Collectivists lack imagination, having had the playing field to themselves for so very long.)
Just for you Achilles I actually read the article on the latest Trump failure in Wisconsin. It looks like they are intentionally submitting mistake ridden and incomplete materials to the court. The only purpose is to be able to say that oh the judge wouldn't accept our evidence but they didn't present any evidence to the judge because they weren't able to submit the right documents in order to be granted an in-camera hearing.
Trump didn't actually employ these lawyers to his credit for apparently plausible deniability on the expected or perhaps even planned failure. Now in the quarter public opinion he gets to claim that a liberal Lefty Obama judge denied accepting the evidence. It smacks of more PR bs.
this is the system that everyone agreed upon before the election on how to challenge the election and the people that are trying to challenge the election for Trump have done nothing but fail.
I suppose you still have some more opportunities and we'll see how they turn out. David's I'll be happy to wait for those outcomes and not get involved in the day-to-day debate over internet rumor mongering.
You're right though I'm taking too much advantage of teasing people with mental health issues.
I was curious so I scanned the list of charities Amazon donates to. Why yes, you can donate to Planned Parenthood. Naturally it is listed in the healthcare category with many cancer, muscular dystrophy AIDS and other health related organizations. Does Althouse not realize she is depriving some young woman from the healthcare of having an abortion by selfishly asking you to donate to her?
I suppose you still have some more opportunities and we'll see how they turn out. David's I'll be happy to wait for those outcomes and not get involved in the day-to-day debate over internet rumor mongering.
You are correct, Howard. It was an elegant steal and I expect more are to come now that your team has got the method down pat. Whether there is a revolution depends a bit on whether the Biden retreads leave the normals alone and just spend their time on corruption, like before. I could live with that since I am retired and only hyperinflation is a threat to me. Of course BLM is a threat but I know the cure for that one.
Inga did not mention the lawsuit filed in WI yesterday in SCOWI. This to my untrained eye seems well written and according to radio host D O’Donnell, an attorney, could very well flip WI to Trump. Filing Link
320Busdriver said... Sunday evening, ex Milwaukee County Exec and really rich guy Chris Abele was the victim of a armed robbery and attempted car jack while driving his BMW on E Capitol Dr in Shorewood.
Car forced him to stop and man approached the BMW forcing Abele to get out at gunpoint. Unfortunately said BMW was fitted with a standard transmission which, you guessed it, genius robber was not trained on. He exited vehicle demanded Abeles wallet and fired two rounds into the vehicle before getting back into the getaway car and heading west on Capitol.
320Busdriver said...
"...Car forced [ex Milwaukee County Exec Chris Abele] to stop and man approached the BMW forcing Abele to get out at gunpoint. Unfortunately said BMW was fitted with a standard transmission which, you guessed it, genius robber was not trained on. He exited vehicle demanded Abeles wallet and fired two rounds into the vehicle before getting back into the getaway car and heading west on Capitol."
If the perp wasn't wearing gloves, he probably left some fingerprints on both the steering wheel and the stick shift knob. Whether they're still there or not is another question. If they are there, it's likely that the perps prints can be matched to a felon in a police database somewhere.
My wife and I are binge watching The Dead Zone with Anthony Michael Hall.
We just watched season 2, episode 14. "Plague".
A lethal coronavirus that explicitly started in China starts killing people. Using his psychic powers, Johnny Smith discovers the cure: an anti-malarial drug named chloroquine.
Inga did not mention the lawsuit filed in WI yesterday in SCOWI. This to my untrained eye seems well written and according to radio host D O’Donnell, an attorney, could very well flip WI to Trump.
It actually is really good. I still don't think it flips the election but Troupis put together a some really good arguments.
Here's why I predict Trump loses: Bush v. Gore. By cherry-picking only Dane County and Milwaukee County I think there is a serious equal protection problem--i.e., an "unequal evaluation of ballots in various respects" between the counties. There is a hierarchy of legal authority and the U.S. Constitution (and case law interpreting it) will trump Wisconsin elections statutes.
Election officials and canvassers simply accepted the ballot security envelope as sufficient to comply with state requirements for absentee voters to submit a written application to vote absentee. Between Dane and Milwaukee counties there were 170,000 such absentee ballots with no application.
Also the Governor certified the recount results prior to allowing for the appropriate time frame to pass as required by state law. 5 business days, or upon resolution of any appeal.
“Inga did not mention the lawsuit filed in WI yesterday in SCOWI. This to my untrained eye seems well written and according to radio host D O’Donnell, an attorney, could very well flip WI to Trump.”
One of the claims is that 170,000 absentee ballots were obtained by voters without the required absentee ballots applications. Just how did this supposedly happen? It didn’t, but it will be interesting to see how they try to explain how 170,000 people got these ballots.
President Donald Trump has tweeted his demand for a refund of the $3 million his campaign spent on a recount of the vote in Dane and Milwaukee counties.
It's the Isthmus, Inga.
They say he demanded a refund. But they don't link to the tweet. They don't even quote the alleged Tweet. Yeah, I read the whole article.
I call bullshit & stupidity. Bullshit on the part of the Isthmus and stupidity on yours for posting it.
I get it. PDJT is pissed. But nothing I see in the article, other than so-called "Citizen Dave's" assertion supports the assertion of asking for a refund.
So a link to the Tweet or an apology for your stupidity.
You really should consider making a macro at types "I'm sorry, I was wrong"
Oh, look! DD Driver is twisting Bush v Gore to make it mean the amexact opposite of what it means. When two counties acted differently than the rest of the state, it does not implicate Equal Protection to force them to follow the rule established for the other counties.
Um, yes, Inga, it's a complete and total mystery how 170,000 ballots that are missing applications and were not requested might have been counted.
Total mystery.
No one had motive, means and opportunity to make that happen, in violation of the law. It's just inexplicable. How DID those voters get those ballots? GOSH!
It actually is really good. I still don't think it flips the election but Troupis put together a some really good arguments.
Here's why I predict Trump loses: Bush v. Gore. By cherry-picking only Dane County and Milwaukee County I think there is a serious equal protection problem--i.e., an "unequal evaluation of ballots in various respects" between the counties. There is a hierarchy of legal authority and the U.S. Constitution (and case law interpreting it) will trump Wisconsin elections statutes.
You just completely flipped the meaning of Equal Protection.
Dane and Milwaukee counties did not follow election laws, and all of the other counties did.
This is the definition of an equal protection violation.
I think it would be fun to build a hydro-electric dam.
It would be fun. I used to like to build dams in a brook near our house. Even as an adult my kids and I would go to a river to swim and would often build dams.
The problem is they aren't really very effective for power generation. Hoover Dam, with 500 feet of head and 100 miles of reservoir only generates the power of a medium size coal, gas, oil or nuclear plant. (2,000MW nameplate, about 500MW actual according to Wikipedia)
It is hard to justify the economics of hydro for power generation. Hoover and the other dams of the Colorado river system were justified on flood control and irrigation. Power is just a nice fringe benefit.
Having said all that, I like alternative energy, hydro and the like and would be interested in hearing more.
One of the claims is that 170,000 absentee ballots were obtained by voters without the required absentee ballots applications. Just how did this supposedly happen? It didn’t, but it will be interesting to see how they try to explain how 170,000 people got these ballots.
Total mystery.
Baffling really.
The universe is about to implode if we don't solve this.
D.D. Driver said... Here's a (potential) fake news story that I have been following. According to media and the folks at Madison School District, a teenager became the first Wisconsin citizen under 20 to die of "COVID-related" causes.
According to the Wisconsin DHS, there have still to date been zero COVID deaths of the under-20s.
Is it even possible that it would take more than a week for the DHS to find out about a COVID patient that died in a Madison hospital?
As of today, there the Wisconsin COVID page is showing 0 deaths in the under age 20 category.
In the meantime, the narrative is out there that the first teenager has died of COVID.
Most of the articles that are running around in the wild are just cut & paste pieces of the original article, and each of those articles deletes facts. Like that the health authorities go by what is confirmed on the death certificate. Obviously that has not happened yet.
So, the MSM is putting out news that has not been scientifically proven at the time of publication.
Source material is an email put out by the principal. Seems like the information came from the family.
In the article, it was noted that the kid had tested negative, his illness got worse, no second test was done. Now a different article says he tested positive post-mortem (according to family).
Makes me wonder if perhaps Madison School District is trying to scare off any attempts to reopen their schools in the near future. One article says they have been closed since last March. In the meantime, these articles are a bone for other districts (and teacher unions) to use to shut down schools. Obviously the student did not catch the COVID at school, if they have been shut down since March.
“The people of Wisconsin deserve election processes with uniform enforcement of the law, plain and simple,” said Trump campaign lawyer Jim Troupis, who himself cast a supposedly invalid in-person absentee ballot in Dane County. “Wisconsin cannot allow the over three million legal ballots to be eroded by even a single illegal ballot.”
The categories of ballots the Trump campaign says are “illegal,” however, have all been deemed legal and valid by municipal, county and state authorities, and are categories of ballots that have been cast without issue in many previous elections. The Trump campaign is brushing that aside, however, and seeking to void those ballots after they’ve been cast.”
If Joe Biden gets elected and Jen Psaki gets to be press secty it is going to be great. She is not particularly smart, certainly nowhere near as smart as she thinks she is.
As the Babylon Bee said about Joe Biden, all they will need to do is quote her accurately.
There is a story going all over how she was photographed, while on a state dept official, with John Kerry wearing a Russian hat. Or perhaps, in Russia the hat was wearing her. It was bigger than her head.
Most places say she was wearing a hat with a hammer and sickle. I can't find a picture of that anywhere. All I can find is a picture of her in a hat with the Red Star.
I agree with the general comments that it is as bad as wearing a swastika and she should be castigated and driven from public view.
Of course the 20-30mm murders of Lenin, Stalin and others is no biggie. "You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs"
I just read your "how could that possibly happen" post to my wife, Inga. She started laughing her ass off, dubbed that "next level stupidity", and then asserted that while she normally buys my maxim "never ascribe to stupidity what can be more easily explained as malice", she's making an exception. I said, for Inga, embrace the healing power of "and".
Did you guys see the drunk witness in Michigan that Rudy tried to shut up? She looked and acted like Joan Cusack in her early thirties as a bottle blonde.
I know I'm cherry picking here but everything that I've bothered to look at is nothing but a purpose built shit show designed to fail. The plan failure then has the perfect entree to playing the victim card. PDJT SOP
Makes me wonder if perhaps Madison School District is trying to scare off any attempts to reopen their schools in the near future.
An effort to equalize the students, perhaps, a la Atlanta, Georgia school district gaming "No Child Left Behind", by certifying the achievement of ineligible students. Deja vu. Must be a Democrat and diversity (e.g. racism, classism) thing.
Here's why I predict Trump loses: Bush v. Gore. By cherry-picking only Dane County and Milwaukee County I think there is a serious equal protection
But Bush V Gore was only about 2 counties as I recall. Palm Beach and Broward (?) The argument, made by now justices Roberts, Kavenaugh and Barrett won the case 7-2.
But my understanding of Bush v. Gore was imperfect at the time and even dimmer 20 years later so I am probably missing something.
Qwinn, you and your wife must be extra dumb not to understand sarcasm. I explained exactly how those 170,000 absentee ballots were cast and LEGALLY cast. When you breathlessly claimed that George Soros was arrested for election tampering, I LMAO at you.
The problem is they aren't really very effective for power generation. Hoover Dam, with 500 feet of head and 100 miles of reservoir only generates the power of a medium size coal, gas, oil or nuclear plant. (2,000MW nameplate, about 500MW actual according to Wikipedia)
The point that was when/if we had to start generating our own power because something started happening to our very exposed and not particularly resilient energy grid we would have electricity.
The grid in Afghanistan used to be pretty good. Now they all use little solar panels to charge their cell phones.
look closely at the star, the hammer and sickle are inside it.
Leftists reminiscing about the days of their communist, socialist, fascist predecessors. To be fair, they had nothing on the hundreds of millions aborted in the wicked solution (e.g. selective-child), and Planned Parenthood/Cecile's cannibalized-child, and during social justice adventures, not limited to elective national and transnational wars, elective coups, and catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform. Here's to progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
John Henry, look closely at the star, the hammer and sickle are inside it.
Thanks Qwinn. I did look closely, even taking the best one I could find and dropping it into Corel Draw and blowing it up. I still couldn't see it but it was fuzzy enough that it could be there and I'll take your word for it.
One of the downsides of PDJT prevailing will be losing the comedic stylings of Jen Psaki.
“Democrats fighting the Trump campaign's efforts to overturn Wisconsin's election results called the lawsuit "an affront to the voters of Dane and Milwaukee Counties" and a "shocking and outrageous assault on democracy" in briefs filed Tuesday with the state Supreme Court.
But the heart of their case could rest on a much simpler argument: The president's lawsuit was filed in the wrong place, and at the wrong time.
The Trump campaign seeks to throw out more than 220,000 absentee ballots cast in Dane and Milwaukee counties, including more than 170,000 ballots that were cast in person before Election Day.
Clerks who accepted those ballots relied on guidance handed down by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, some of which had been in place since 2011.”
The problem is they aren't really very effective for power generation. Hoover Dam, with 500 feet of head and 100 miles of reservoir only generates the power of a medium size coal, gas, oil or nuclear plant.
Yes, the Green blight factor is an environmental concern, or was. Today, through shared/shifted responsibility, and press-enabled obfuscation, the irregularities and fraud have been normalized and sold to Green investors and a green audience.
Hydro power has fairly low operating costs once built. It has extremely high capital costs. If Hoover or Grand Coulee were built just for electricity and the costs amortized properly, the cost per KWH would be 25-50% higher than fossil or nuclear plants.
It is also very location specific. There just aren't many sites left in the US where hydro can be developed. Washington state has more than it's fair share of feasible hydro site but most are probably already developed.
And there are enviromental issues. Lake Meade occupies 100 miles or so of land. Hydro takes up a LOT of space for a relatively small amount of power.
Yes, there are other benefits such as recreation, flood control, water supply for irrigation and cities. These other benefits, when combined with power generation, are what make dams worthwhile.
My comment was that they are not very effective if you try to justify them purely on energy grounds.
John Henry asserts: The problem is they aren't really very effective for power generation.
Wow. WA state gets about all of its energy from hydroelectric dams.
One medium sized state. We got electricity at 2.4c per kWH. Douglas county was often below 2c.
We even sold a lot of excess power to California.
But their size and efficiency compared to Coal/Natural Gas just isn't there. On the other hand we created a freshwater lake thousands of miles long in an inland desert.
Notwithstanding s. 5.01(1), with respect to matters relating to the absentee ballot process, ss. 6.86, 6.87 (3) to (7) and 9.0l(l)(b) 2. and 4. shall be construed as mandatory. Ballots cast in contravention of the procedures specified in those provisions may not be counted. Ballots counted in contravention of the procedures specified in those provisions may not be included in the certified result of any election. Wis. Stat. § 6.84(2) (emphasis added);
see also Lee v. Paulson, 2001 WI App 19, 241 Wis.2d 38, 623 N.W.2d 577 (excluding 5 absentee ballots from the certified election results because there was no corresponding written application, and the removal of the 5 ballots changed the outcome of the election).
There are a lot of locations suitable for generating 5-10 KW continuously without a huge expense for dam construction. There are designs for very low head operations to produce that much that could be standardized and placed along virtually any year round creek or river in the United States. BUT- 5-10 kilowatts is piddling to a power company. The expense to monitor and maintain a string of small plants would far outweigh the value of power produced.
5 KW continuously is over 3,000 KWH per month. Average house in the U.S. uses just under 1,000 KWH per month. And there's the problem. The demand isn't constant. Turn on the oven and have the water heater kick on- you're drawing more than 5 KW, and with the rest of the house even with LED lighting, likely over 10 KW. So you'd need to feed it into a battery bank and draw the power from an inverter- and I'd be tempted to make all the household lighting DC and feed it direct from the battery. COuld probably do the same for the water heater. And resistance heating for the house. And you'd need a dump load, more than likely some kind of resistance heater, to send the excess electricity to when the battery is at 100%. For a household, could very well be worth it to be free of the grid. The battery bank would be the most expensive part of the system.
Dane and Milwaukee counties did not follow election laws, and all of the other counties did.
I don't think we know this to be true at all.
Which part?
That Dane and Milwaukee violated the law?
That is self evident. They do not have written requests for 170,000 absentee ballots which are explicitly required by Wisconsin law. Black and white words on a page. They collected ballots in a Park. You just can't do that.
That all of the other counties followed the law?
I am sure no Trump voter will have any problem with a complete and exhaustive audit of the Wisconsin election. Lets check every signature and every address. It will be fun.
Makes me wonder if perhaps Madison School District is trying to scare off any attempts to reopen their schools in the near future.
I sort of agree, but maybe I am more charitable. I don't think the District is purposefully lying, but I think that the District is motivated to believe things that it should know better and unmotivated to do any due diligence.
I guess that is another way of saying people believe the things they want to believe. The messed up thing is that people really, really, really want to believe shit like teenagers dying from COVID, and Kraken conspiracies, and Boogaloo civil wars.
"Beneath the... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill Escape from... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill Conquest of... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill Battle for.... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill"
Ok, those are clearly in the wrong order, or some of them have to be prequels.
The so-called "climate crisis" is nothing but a big pile of Bernie Sanders, as Lars Larson would say. The warming climate is causing the glaciers to receded and reveal evidence of prior habitation during the Medieval Warm Period (c. 950 to c. 1250) and 4100 BC. Funny how we were able to survive those warm periods but now that temperatures are approaching those historical temperatures, we're all doomed.
The black plague, ~1346 AD, occurred during the temperature drop after the Medieval Warm Period. Look how that worked out for everybody. About 50% lethality.
From formeer Althouse fave: Pinned Tweet Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays · 8h Do you want to live in a system in which bullies — literally physical bullies — decide who will be president? You are living in that system now, according to hundreds of witnesses in sworn statements. -- Icky!!!!
"Please join me in congratulating Ellen page. Who is now Elliot. So proud of him."
So, he has a dick now? I am confused.
So is Ellen/Elliot.
Does this mean the "The Umbrella Academy" now has to be reshot to change Vanya's character to Ivan? Or will all new episodes will now have Ellen as Elliot play against "his" gender as a "femxle." Asking for a friend.
“That is self evident. They do not have written requests for 170,000 absentee ballots which are explicitly required by Wisconsin law. Black and white words on a page.”
Another person who pretends to understand WI election laws. When Wisconsinites went in to cast early absentee ballots which is also known as early voting, they are not required to submit a absentee voter application, by law.
“All counties in Wisconsin had a practice of in-person absentee ballots, where one particular application wouldn't be filled out since the voter is casting the ballot right there in-person as opposed to requesting an absentee ballot to be voted by mail. This was the procedure approved by election officials and has been in place for quite some time over several election cycles.”
Why would someone cast an "in-person absentee ballot" when they're already at a polling place? Isn't "in-person absentee ballot" an oxymoron? The voter isn't absent, he/she is at the polling place. Just sign the poll book and pick up your ballot.
“You may vote early in person - at your municipal clerk's office or another site designated by your clerk. Dates and hours for early voting vary by municipality. Contact your municipal clerk to find out your local opportunities to early vote.
We have limited early voting site location information available here.
Fun fact: Early voting is also called in-person absentee voting.
Want more information about absentee and early voting? Visit the Wisconsin Election Commission's absentee voting info page.”
About 5 days prior to election, I was denied in person absentee due to unavailability of "appointments"(?)...and got an an app via mail, but clerk suggested Nov 3rd might be too late at the dropbox. What? I voted in person.
Agree completely with 1 question why the resistive load for when the battery is full? Why not just throttle the turbine? Perhaps to zero. Let water back up in the dam if possible, waste it over a weir if not.
As for cost, what would be the per kwh cost including amortizing the capital cost, your time maintaining it (at least an hour or two a week) license fees, inspections, taxes and so forth.
And the cost of the stream itself.
Just as an imprecise guesstimate if you can.
I'll bet a lot than grid power, even if available.
If no grid power, I wonder how cost would compare to just running a 5kw gasoline genny. Especially if you captured exhaust heat for hot water and some heating.
I can buy a 6kw Generac with Honda motor for about $600.00 I could probably run it 4,000 hours with minor maintenance and throw it away. So $1200/yr capital cost.
Related here is a great article on mini hydro by John mcphee in the New Yorker from 1981.
Listen up, Tim in Vermont, one of the installations he visits iirc is in Ausable Chasm NY not far from you. And near where I grew up.
Then there should be no problem, right, Inga- Dane and Milwaukee Counties can show us all the appropriate applications and all the poll logs for the in-person absentee, right? There is no reason to fight an audit on this issue- they should be able to prove all the 170,000 were in-person absentee voting, right? Right? Why fight the lawsuit- just agree to the audit and it is over with.
“Then there should be no problem, right, Inga- Dane and Milwaukee Counties can show us all the appropriate applications and all the poll logs for the in-person absentee, right? There is no reason to fight an audit on this issue- they should be able to prove all the 170,000 were in-person absentee voting, right? Right? Why fight the lawsuit- just agree to the audit and it is over with.”
They aren’t asking for an audit. They are asking for 220,000 votes to be thrown out based on their faulty legal premise.
If this Court grants the Petition, Petitioners will ask this Court to issue a declaratory judgment, see, e.g., Wis. Stat. 806.04, which declares the Governor's certification of the election and naming of the electors void ab initio and orders it withdrawn, and declares and orders that the Milwaukee County and the Dane County Boards of Canvassers, WEC and/ or the Governor shall exclude as defective from the Recount totals and any certified Election results, or results used to issue a Certificate of Election, In-Person Absentee Ballots without an associated written application, Incomplete and Altered-Certification Absentee Ballots, Indefinitely Confined Absentee Ballots, as defined earlier, and "Democracy in the Park" Absentee Ballots.
Petitioners will also request that this Court provide other appropriate equitable relief, see, e.g., Wis. Stat. 806.04, including to prohibit and restrain WEC from preparing, and Governor Evers from signing, a Certificate of Election, pursuant to Wis. Stat. 7.70(5), unless and until such
footnote 4 If voter rolls are reduced by the number of non-legal voters Petitioners request through drawdowns (Wis. Stat. 9.01(b)2-4.), then Petitioners would necessarily win Wisconsin.
illegal absentee ballots are excluded from the results of the Election. The Court should take such action as is necessary to maintain the status quo, so that when the Court determines the outcome in this matter, the appropriate set of electors will be duly qualified to cast Wisconsin's electoral votes.“
They do not have written requests for 170,000 absentee ballots which are explicitly required by Wisconsin law. Black and white words on a page.
My recollection is that voters complete the outer envelope as usual which serves double-duty as the application as well. And, I'm pretty sure all or many counties do it the same way. You still have to show ID (now) and make the same oaths. You still need a witness. It's just you sign one piece of paper instead of two. This is actually the weakest of the arguments, IMO.
I think the "indefinitely-confined voters" is very strong, but there is an evidentiary problem in that I don't think the Court will just assume that all IC voters that request an absentee ballot after March were committing fraud. Certainly, some of them were telling the truth. I honestly don't know how the Court will address that one. I have a hard time believing that the Court will throw out all the votes because a certain unknown number might be fraudulent. There is also a potential equal protection problem of subjecting Milwaukee ballots to scrutiny that Waukesha ballot are not subjected to.
It's hard case. I think the Wisconsin SC handed Biden the win back when it rejected the Green Party's petition. Arithmetically, that the difference of the election right there. The Greens pulled in 30k votes in 2016. I 100% disagree with the Wisconsin Supreme Court. I think it was cowardly. Wrong as I may think it is, I accept it.
But this is another reason why I think the fraud allegations are all wet. You do not need fraud to explain the outcome in Wisconsin. The numbers line up almost perfectly.
Alternate Reality 2020 (With the Greens on the Ballot) Trump: 1,610,184 Biden: 1,599,794 (1,630,866-31,072)** Greens: 31,072
**Obviously, I don't necessarily think there was a 1:1 ratio, but I do suspect this was the difference in a very close election.
What would be cool would be the republicans fixing ballot access in Wisconsin so that the dems can't game the system in future elections. Instead we are chasing Krakens and the Ghost of Hugo Chavez....
Yancey, dear man, they are not requesting an audit because they know it will fail to prove that the votes were illegally cast. Why should Democrats bear the burden of doing an audit when Trumps own lawyers are not even asking for one?
In short, it isn't enough to claim the petitioners are wrong about the 170,000 ballots.
If Dane and Milwaukee Counties were controlled by Republicans, and they decided to throw out the ballots on their own initiative, would you, Inga, really just take their word for it- wouldn't you want to see an audit to make sure the ballots were illegal? Don't bother answering, I know all your arguments are basely motivated by desired outcome.
DD Driver, though, above, is correct about selective application- the audit should be statewide (nationwide in my opinion). I don't think Trump's team would oppose such a thing anyway.
They would take an audit, Inga- they are suing largely because they aren't getting an audit and signature match recount. The Democrats, if they had nothing to hide would have done best to have a completely transparent audit and recount. I suspect that a statewide audit will be offered as a compromise, a compromise the Democrats still won't take because they know they can never allow anyone to examine the signatures on the absentee envelopes.
“I suspect that a statewide audit will be offered as a compromise, a compromise the Democrats still won't take because they know they can never allow anyone to examine the signatures on the absentee envelopes.”
I suspect the WI SC even being majority conservative, will kick this case to the curb.
Trolls have amnesia about how democrats tried to remove President Trump from office for the last four years and now it's like, "how dare you challenge the not-so-widespread fraudulant voting".
The Sebastian/Viola role in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night has always been kind of problematic. Sebastian/Viola are shipwrecked twins. After the shipwreck, Viola, for reasons I forget, pretends to be a man. Complications ensue. Some girl falls in love with her. The lord she's a squire to has strange inchoate feelings for her. It all gets straightened out, so to speak, in the end. The roles of Sebastian/Viola is frequently played by the same actor. E. Page would be a natural for the part. It would be interesting... There are several other cross dressing women roles in Shakespeare available. Maybe E. Page could give Charley's Aunt a go. Bring out the dark undertones in that comedy....I saw her in The Umbrella Comedy. She played the role of an embittered lesbian. She was okay but she was far more interesting in her past roles as a kind of hip ingenue. Does this mean she's a good actress?....I wonder how her career will play out. I guess the woke people in Hollywood will make it a point to give her roles. Maybe she can be the new James Bond.
Why not throttle the turbine? Ah, good question. Adds complexity to the controls. A lot, not a little. More to go wrong. Easier to dump the excess.
Look at Washington State's problem with wind power vs hydropower. The hydropower is designed to be run all out, non-varying. The wind is unpredictable. When the wind kicks up suddenly that power is dumped into the grid. The water flow cannot be turned on or off nearly as fast as wind power can vary. And water hammer from suddenly changing the water flow either way can damage things. It's easier to dump the load. But- a utility has to send it somewhere. California and Denmark when the wind is kicking up have to GIVE the excess away. No one is willing to pay for unpredictable power. But if it's free they'll take it as reduces marginal costs.
One of the reasons wind turbines aren't lasting as long as advertised is variable wind. No one seemed to have accounted for the shock loading on reduction gear teeth as wind speed suddenly changes. Wind speed changes, even small ones, are constant. The teeth are constantly being banged on one face, then the other. The lubrication systems for reduction gears are designed for a load on the teeth in one direction without banging back and forth... All hydro is designed for a constant load with near constant flow.
All off grid power requires batteries and dump loads. Solar, wind, hydro, combinations of them. Fueled generators can increase/decrease output as demand varies. Solar, wind, small scale hydro, they're either generating power or they're not. If they are- the power needs to go somewhere or bad things start to happen.
There's lots of ways to go off grid. But if you want to keep the same standard of living as being plugged into the grid- it gets expensive. First thing I'd do almost anywhere in the U.S.- build a superinsulated dwelling while allowing for sufficient air exchanges. Heating and cooling is expensive. I use about 1,000 gallons of #2 a year for heating and hot water. One of my neigbors with a house half the size used 1,500+ for heating, has an electric water heater. His house is 100+ years old, mine in now about 40. If I were to rebuild it I'd get that fuel use to below 500 gallons a year.
Blogger Michael K said... "I suppose you still have some more opportunities and we'll see how they turn out. David's I'll be happy to wait for those outcomes and not get involved in the day-to-day debate over internet rumor mongering.
You are correct, Howard. It was an elegant steal and I expect more are to come now that your team has got the method down pat. Whether there is a revolution depends a bit on whether the Biden retreads leave the normals alone and just spend their time on corruption, like before. I could live with that since I am retired and only hyperinflation is a threat to me. Of course BLM is a threat but I know the cure for that one." The thing is, Doc. They don't leave you alone until you punch em in the face. Little tyrants like Howard live to get into your life and tell you you're living it wrong. When the Biden crime consortium comes on stream the regulations are coming back and the market will tank. Higher taxes and a nation wide firearm owners ID card. The market will drop 4 to 5 thousand points and stay there. The left, like Howard, know how the mechanism of graft works and they pretend it's economics. Liberals know how markets work and why. Classic liberals.
Ah, the good old days!- We thought they'd never end.
"Look at Washington State's problem with wind power vs hydropower. The hydropower is designed to be run all out, non-varying. The wind is unpredictable. When the wind kicks up suddenly that power is dumped into the grid. The water flow cannot be turned on or off nearly as fast as wind power can vary. And water hammer from suddenly changing the water flow either way can damage things. It's easier to dump the load. But- a utility has to send it somewhere. California and Denmark when the wind is kicking up have to GIVE the excess away. No one is willing to pay for unpredictable power. But if it's free they'll take it as reduces marginal costs."
I don't think that you are quite right about hydro running all out, non varying. We have a dam less than a mile from the house in MT, and they definitely do control the amount of water that they are putting through the turbines. They just can't, and don't, control it very quickly, because it takes physical actions to do it. One of the women in the neighborhood there spent a 40 year career dealing with those issues, and we have had long discussions about the problems. But because, in the past, WA was mostly hydro, or at least had a large hydro component for its power generation, it worked fairly well. It is mixing it with idiotic wind and solar power generation that is the problem, because they switch output fairly quickly, and pretty much the only thing that can compensate is hydrocarbon based generation.
Of course, the wackos in WA want to blow up all of their hydro dams. Not good for the environment. Etc. Good luck with that, and esp. with CA not able to even pretend that they can cover their own needs for power.
Trying something that I haven't done for quite some time, and that is to comment here from a PC, instead of an iPad. As I indicated in earlier posts, I have taken the opportunity to upgrade my desktop computer here at the house in AZ (part of the justification for the garage that I am building in MT is to have an office there, where I can have a real PC there too).
I had stumbled into a place that fixes computers, and, it turns out, builds them too. We spec'd out a new one, and it was going to cost about $1k or so. He never did get back with me with a firm quote. But, I was now into the idea. What would it take? He was suggesting a big memory, fast processor, etc. But all I really needed was the ability to drive 4 or 6 monitors. I already have enough memory, as well as .5TB SSD and 2 TB HD. And most of what I do is a bit of CAD, Excel, and then comment here. Turns out I could accomplish what I wanted with just a higher end video card. It didn't really need to be that fast (I am not gaming here, except maybe verbally}. That was $200 or so. And it took a power supply. Old one was 300 or 350 watts, and I needed 400 watts. Went with 500, JIC. Hadn't done a power supply swap in at least a decade. The only problem was that this is a mass produced HP PC, and so everything is packed a little tighter, and you can't disassemble the case, to get things wedged back in. And I needed some adapters and cables (the 6 outputs from the video cards are all mini-DP).
But then, we had Black Friday, and monitors had been on sale anyway throughout November. I had the new system up with the old four monitors, two with mini-DP to DP (Display Port), one to VGA, and the fourth to DVI. They ran, but I thought that I could do better. I had been looking for DP inputs. But at my price point, that essentially means Dell (the 2 old ones with DP inputs were HP). It is really silly these days running with analog inputs (VGA, and really DVI) from a digital video card to digital monitors. Second best to DP is HDMI. Everything these days runs HDMI. So, the 4 new monitors are VGA & HDMI. And, I have three monitors up, and running. It appears that I have to use mostly Active, and not Passive either mini-DP to HDMI (or maybe HDMI alone) cables to get the four running (unless I hook the top row up as VGA, since I use the lower ones for the fine work). Have some more cables coming. Amazon Prime had promised them the day I ordered them (Monday) before I ordered, but then told me that they had lied, and are slated for Friday. They seem to be doing that a lot. I don't really need the two top monitors right now, so am not rushed, except that my OC side wants the job complete.
I am also dealing with power and Ethernet issues. The new house has coax and Ethernet in every room - which works out to maybe 8 of each, plus a couple more Ethernet cables for the two PoE cameras that the electrical contractor prewired as a loss-leader for their security systems. Turns out that the smaller coat closet has almost a dozen of each, Ethernet and coax, terminating in a box that looked real tidy when we toured the house. Now, it is a mess, with two fiber terminations (Cox and CenturyLink), three WiFi modems (one from each, plus one from the electrical/security company), plus the power for everything, plus now my old UPS (bought an identical new one for the computer up stairs that I am using right now). Getting it all organized is high on my project list. This includes terminating all of the Ethernet cables, and then identifying the (vast majority) of the two dozen cables that haven't been identified yet. And everything on the UPS.
In any case, it looks like a success. Not the electrical and computer stuff, but writing this comment on the newly updated computer, instead of one of my iPads. Exceeded the 4K comment limit in record time. I really do type a lot faster with an ergonomic keyboard, directly cabled to the PC, and I do with my fingers on an iPad. I have lost Apple's spelling checker, but that is maybe more good than bad, since this comment is more readable than many I make on an iPad, with Apple incorrectly guessing what I mean, and my not catching that it was wrong. But I do miss some of its defaults, like capitalizing the first word of a sentence (unless it is after "etc.")
two things happened in 2020. First, COVID led to a dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except the one body with the constitutional prerogative to change the rules of electing the president – the state legislatures.
Second, the Center for Technology and Civic Life happened.
If you are focused on goblins in the voting machines but don’t know anything about the CTCL and what they did to defeat Donald Trump, it’s time to up your game.
The Center for Technology and Civic Life and allied groups are responsible for building an urban get-out-the-vote-machine of the sort that Democrats could only dream up on a bender fueled by jugs of Merlot and all the legalized pot they could smoke.
If you concentrate on "Get out the vote," and not "Get out the voter," I tend to agree with him. The Billionaire Left dropped a billion dollars to get rid of Trump. It worked (I think) but mobilizing voters used to be cheaper when Tammany handed out "walking around money." It still worked for JBJ in 1948.
Part of why I went with the PC today, instead of an iPad, is that I have a lot to say, and typing on an iPad is slow. Sorry in advance to the leftists here, who think my Adderil meds are off. It isn't even caffeine today. Yet.
Inga seems to be enjoying herself immensely. Sure, they cheated. But, they will probably win the Presidency through massive election fraud. She loves that judges are, again, throwing out lawsuits on technicalities. Filed suite before the election? Dismissed. Not ripe. Ha! Ha! Filed suit after the election. Dismissed. Laches. Ha! Ha! Got you again. Didn't verify the complaint? Dismissed. Ha! Ha! Got you again. Sure, all of these dismissals are easily overcome, or dismissed at a higher level. But the Republicans don't have time, and that is the point. The left, the Dems, are running out the clock, dismissing claims and lawsuits on bogus, hyper technical reasons, in order to have the upper hand when Constitutional deadlines are hit. It probably won't help Republicans that the same court rejecting suits before and after the election is a Due Process violation, or that the only reason to verify a complaint is if its contents are going to be evidence. And, the evidence there was in the dozens and dozens of sworn affidavits.
What happens though if the Republicans cannot overcome these obstacles in the short amount of time they have left? Fairly obviously, the economy is going to crash, and the Middle East is going to explode. The deplorables are going to face more financial problems, but that is probably a feature, and not bug, from the point of view of the leftists driving this. We are likely to face power shortage issues, and men are going to be even more disincentivised to go to college. And, esp Black men, the most frequent target, per capita, of sexual complaints in colleges. No doubt, the US will green light China's expansionist actions around it (they did buy Biden), allowing us to again become overly dependent upon them. Jobs will start flowing back to China, putting more deplorables out of work. Feature again, and not bug. The big tech companies, no longer as vulnerable to § 230 claims (payback for election help), will double down on their thought and speech control. Gun ownership, along with ammo availability, will again be under siege. I am sure that others here have other places where our country is going to go down hill under Biden, even if they cannot flip the two Georgia Senate seats.
But I think that the real problem is going to be loss of trust. Somewhere this morning Ann mentioned that subject. The demographic center of the country is waking up to the reality that the Democrats stole the election. It probably wasn't really that close. All of that enthusiasm for Trump in his rallies? Overcome by truckloads of illegal absentee ballots sneaked into polling locations in big Dem cities after Republican poll workers had been sent home, for some bogus reason or another. Millions of bogus votes to overcome their very real ones. But, since they were the dutiful, law abiding ones, they only voted once, and find out that their ballots were, at a minimum, diluted by all of the bogus ones counted for Biden, and in many cases, just discarded by Dem aligned poll and USPS workers. And, most telling, hardest hit, again by the Democrats, were probably active military.
This country works, at least because the middle class trusts the system. Or, I should rephrase that, it used to work, because they did trust the system. A lot of things are likely to change, as a result of this brazen power grab. For example, we have a quasi voluntary tax system. Everyone is trusted to file their tax returns, and pay their taxes. Sure, the rich don't, and I seriously doubt that either the Clintons, nor the Bidens, have claimed all of the graft that they have received over the years as income. But now, we see that cheaters win, and playing by the rules is for suckers. Why file a tax return, since the IRS doesn't have more than a fraction of the resources that they would need to seriously audit much of the country every year?
Second, the Center for Technology and Civic Life happened.
If you are focused on goblins in the voting machines but don’t know anything about the CTCL and what they did to defeat Donald Trump, it’s time to up your game.
Yes! This is what I have been saying. The dems are rigging the election but not but by stuffing thousands of ballot boxes with fake votes. They are doing it right out in the open in a really boring way. They hounding and harassing poor and marginalized people until they agree to fill out an absentee ballot or hop in a car with them to the polls. That's what they call "get out the vote."
But will we have any meaningful action on the real (boring) problems like ballot harvesting and ballot access issues while everyone is obsessed with the fictional Kraken conspiracies?
We have trillions in debt, and have to wear silly face masks all the time. Weren't supposed to have family Thanksgivings this year, and very likely Christmas either. Public school teachers are being fully paid to stay home and teach remotely, allowing their more marginal students to fade from the system. The lockdown is imposed on us, but our supposed leaders, primarily Dems, flaunt their being above the law, from Fredo Cuomo through the mayor who gave a lockdown order not to travel from Cabo. They are, essentially, not leading by example, but instead seem to be reveling in their superiority, that they are, of course, exempt from their displays of power. All in the name of fighting the Wuhan Chinese coronavirus (apparently manufactured by the country that owns the biggest part of the Biden family, and probably negligently released into their population - and, it appears not to affect Orientals ("East Asians") as seriously as it does us round eyes).
It isn't clear whether COVID-19 spread is really affected that much by either the stupid mask mandate or the lockdowns. We are told to trust the experts. Except that they don't really know (every article I have read has argued by analogy, etc, and not from statistics). What it has done is destroyed millions of small businesses and put millions out of work. Bug or feature? Before you claim obviously "bug", keep in mind that COVID-19 was the justification for greatly expanded mail in balloting, and the greatly expanded mail in balloting was the mechanism utilized to steal the election. I always found it extremely suspicious that in July or August, or so, all of a sudden, there was a consensus decision that we all needed to bypass our normal election security measures and go with all mail in balloting. But, it was never clear who were involved in that consensus decision. It just appeared one day, already decided.
If you are prone to conspiracy theories, you could probably be excused for believing that maybe, just maybe, the primary reason for the lockdowns, the mask mandates, the forcing of so many businesses to fail, and so many people to lose their jobs, was to panic the country into accepting universal mail in balloting, by which the Democrats could steal the election, that they couldn't win any other way, and esp. with a candidate incapable of actually campaigning. And, this is reinforced by the politicians enforcing the lockdowns, etc., ignoring their own rules, and flaunting their power. How can you trust a government that is willing to put you out of work, destroy your small business, and prevent you from celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with your family, if the primary reason for these things is their own lust for power?
Overall, from my point of view (the leftists here may disagree), my experiment with using my PC to comment with has been a success. My grandmother essentially forced me to learn to type in junior high school. This was followed by a half century of programming, overlapped with 30 years as a patent attorney, both of which required a lot of typing. I am much faster typing this way. Much faster. To the leftists here who think that I am on Adderil - sorry. You lose.
If you are prone to conspiracy theories, you could probably be excused for believing that maybe, just maybe, the primary reason for the lockdowns, the mask mandates, the forcing of so many businesses to fail, and so many people to lose their jobs, was to panic the country into accepting universal mail in balloting, by which the Democrats could steal the election
And the democrats were doing this in England, and Italy, and Spain and everywhere else in the world? That's commitment.
"If you concentrate on "Get out the vote," and not "Get out the voter," I tend to agree with him. The Billionaire Left dropped a billion dollars to get rid of Trump. It worked (I think) but mobilizing voters used to be cheaper when Tammany handed out "walking around money." It still worked for JBJ in 1948."
I don't think that getting out the voters would have been as disruptive as the getting out the votes, the very blatant cheating, that went on, that we have seen. We have long seen the Dems doing just that - having well oiled GOTV efforts. But what is underappreciated is that despite the billions spent on the Dem side, Trump's GOTV effort was probably more effective. The problem is that Dem success, over the last several decades, maybe longer, has long been based on dragging in every potential Dem voter, whether they had to be enticed with walking around money, or pressured by their union reps, they have been doing a much better job of getting every possible Dem voter to the polls for a long time. Throwing a couple billion dollars at the problem wasn't going to unearth that many more Dem voters (though of course, illegally pressuring uninvolved potential Dem voters who hadn't voted yet did help). Outside of probably CA, I think that it is likely that Trump and his campaign actually brought in many more actual legal human voters who hadn't voted yet in this election, than did Biden, the Dems, and those billionaires, partially out of excitement, and partially out of being as aggressive, if not more so, than the Dems have traditionally been.
And, the success of that Trump GOTV effort is very likely why the Dems found themselves panicking late election night, when it looked like it was going to be a Trump blowout, when they threw out the Republican poll workers in key swing states, and brought in millions of illegal ballot to count and recount.
Blogger Inga said... “That is self evident. They do not have written requests for 170,000 absentee ballots which are explicitly required by Wisconsin law. Black and white words on a page.”
Another person who pretends to understand WI election laws. When Wisconsinites went in to cast early absentee ballots which is also known as early voting, they are not required to submit a absentee voter application, by law.
“All counties in Wisconsin had a practice of in-person absentee ballots, where one particular application wouldn't be filled out since the voter is casting the ballot right there in-person as opposed to requesting an absentee ballot to be voted by mail. This was the procedure approved by election officials and has been in place for quite some time over several election cycles.”
From Busdriver’s link.
I provided a link to the lawsuit filed @ SCOWI.
Inga quoted a comment from some other web board from an election expert with the handle “shanked punt”.
It's too bad that the GOP legislators in those states did not have the initiative, or the interest, to be immediately seeking an injunction to stop the vote counting (adding) with no GOP monitors.
This country works, at least because the middle class trusts the system. Or, I should rephrase that, it used to work, because they did trust the system. A lot of things are likely to change, as a result of this brazen power grab. For example, we have a quasi voluntary tax system. Everyone is trusted to file their tax returns, and pay their taxes. Sure, the rich don't, and I seriously doubt that either the Clintons, nor the Bidens, have claimed all of the graft that they have received over the years as income. But now, we see that cheaters win, and playing by the rules is for suckers.
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१७९ टिप्पण्या:
So, do I have this right? The PA legislature was in session until November 30 and didn't do anything to reverse the PA SOS's certification for Biden, but now they are wringing their hands about how to reclaim their constitutional power to appoint presidential ele tors?
Wisconsin Federal Judge Picks Apart Sidney Powell and Lin Wood’s Lawsuit in ‘Brutal’ Order
On Wednesday, Chief U.S. District Judge Pamela Pepper, an appointee of Barack Obama, took the attorneys to task, bluntly laying out the litany of basic mistakes made in the complaint.”
Attorneys continued to have a field day with Powell and Wood’s lawsuit.
“The Kraken is clearly struggling in Wisconsin,” wrote Democratic Party and Biden campaign lawyer Marc E. Elias.
As attorney Mike Dunford put it: “it would appear that Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and the rest of their lunatics managed to get more things wrong while initiating a case than anyone should be able to possibly manage without making a conscious effort.”
Dunford also highlighted the order’s “brutal simplicity.”
“It’s simple, but any lawyer on the receiving end of something like this who had any remaining self-regard would die of shame. And we’re just starting out,” Dunford said.
“It’s a non-stop litigation what not to do 101 with these folks,” added Houston-based appellate attorney Raffi Melkonian.”
Sorry, but in the year of Covid and of having the new house built there is nothing for me to purchase through the portal.
Donald Trump gave a speech from the Oval Office stating he will continue to contest the election. His stated purpose is to protect the vote cast legitimately, whatever result that might produce. Were Biden and his handlers honest people they would fully support Trump's efforts - Biden has the most to gain. Fox News has joined the "without evidence" crowd.
Until such time as it is proven the fraud and corruption of the vote didn't happen or wasn't sufficient to reverse the so far announced result, I will see an asterisk at the end of Biden's name - Biden* - and will consider him to be illegitimately occupying the office of POTUS. Some call this "Resistance".
To be clear, I will not don a Pussy Hat.
Hey now here's a TIC TOC for America! - He was so presidential and everything!
What's next Hillary gonna twerk for us?
stevew: "will consider him to be illegitimately occupying the office of POTUS." But, but, as Paul Krugman stated in the NYT, Democrats never took the position that Trump was not legitimately President. (At least up until his own internet record of stating exactly that shamed him/NYT into stealth editing that statement out.)
Since there will be an attempt to ignore this here you go.
It's nice that Inga has a list of the most evil people in DC, if not the world, in her comment. These are the moral midgets that will be destroying education, the middle east and energy policy. At least freezing in the dark will not be coming to Arizona but it will to WI.
Here's a (potential) fake news story that I have been following. According to media and the folks at Madison School District, a teenager became the first Wisconsin citizen under 20 to die of "COVID-related" causes.
According to the Wisconsin DHS, there have still to date been zero COVID deaths of the under-20s.
Is it even possible that it would take more than a week for the DHS to find out about a COVID patient that died in a Madison hospital?
Interestingly, the economy is booming ATL as judged by the traffic on the roads. Only the GOP political guys are fucked up...totally. They cannot figure out how to go back to pre-Trump days where they would pretend to fight and lose nobly. Trumps voters eyes are open and are forever dead set against Trump’s foes in both of the long bribed swamp parties. And they are mostly armed and dangerous.
Michael K said...
At least freezing in the dark will not be coming to Arizona but it will to WI.
I think it would be fun to build a hydro-electric dam.
We have even plotted out the diversion tunnels and moorings.
The only disagreement is whether we should use a high drop low volume location or a large volume large reservoir location.
At the end of "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" Charlton Heston blew up the world.
I am Laslo.
"No one cry when Jaws die but when the monkey die, people gonna cry. "
-- Dino De Laurentiis
I am Laslo.
In "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes" we learn that the apes got smart because people used them as pets after all their cats and dogs died in a plague. Something like that.
I am Laslo.
Beneath the.
Escape from.
Conquest of.
Battle for.
All sequels should follow this sequential naming convention.
I am Laslo.
Please join me in congratulating Ellen page. Who is now Elliot. So proud of him.
The Matrix movies didn't follow this convention and thus the sequels sucked and the directors turned into women.
I am Laslo.
Ellen Page just turned her lesbian partner into a heterosexual.
I wonder if that was fair.
I am Laslo.
I've been attending the annual Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meetings online this week. This event is normally held in Chicago every year at this time, but COVID has pushed it to a virtual event. I've attended in person every year since 1993.
This meeting is attended by radiologist, cardiologists, hospital administrators, scientists in the medical imaging field, etc. A typical presentation (picked at random) has a title along the lines of this one:
Automated Determinations of Vascular Flow Velocity with Iodinated Contrast Media Using 1000 fps High-Speed Angiography
This year, unsurprisingly, the 'woke' topics are now creeping into to list of presentations. Here are the titles of a couple of these from yesterday's presentation list:
Hot Topic Session: Artificial Intelligence and Implications for Health Equity: Will AI Improve Equity or Increase Disparities?
Special Interest Session: Exposing Our Blindside and Overcoming Unconscious Bias (Sponsored by the RSNA Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
I have to wonder: are any people tuning into these subject that aren't directly the same people making these presentations, i.e., the grievance committees?
Her lesbian lover is proud. Now she has to like hog.
Violent Carjackings Up 537% in Minneapolis, Ground Zero for the "Defund the Police" Movement.
Whiskeybum: I have to wonder: are any people tuning into these subject that aren't directly the same people making these presentations, i.e., the grievance committees
The answer is probably not. Therefore: expect the state boards to require it as part of CE credits in the very near future.
I hope lots more Democraticals in Minneapolis are involved in the redistribution of cars that some call "carjacking" but is clearly a racist term.
Redistribution is good for the soul of Leftists.
I am a teensy transphobic. I admit it.
Wisconsinites will never stop buying milk and cheese.
President Donald Trump has tweeted his demand for a refund of the $3 million his campaign spent on a recount of the vote in Dane and Milwaukee counties.
“The PHONY recount in WI was a disgrace and a TOTAL ripoff!” the president tweeted shortly before 3 a.m. on Dec. 1. “I guess in WI you don’t get what you PAY for!!!”
In a later post Trump called on his supporters to stop buying milk and cheese until Wisconsin officials certified him as the winner despite any evidence of irregularities or voter fraud that would change President-Elect Joe Biden’s 20,000-vote margin in the state.
Pretty funny. Hope you haven’t lost your sense of humor.
Beneath the... Star Wars
Escape from... Star Wars
Conquest of... Star Wars
Battle for.... Star Wars
All sequels should follow this sequential naming convention.
Beneath the... Little Big Man
Escape from... Little Big Man
Conquest of... Little Big Man
Battle for.... Little Big Man
Beneath the... Talladega Nights
Escape from... Talladega Nights
Conquest of... Talladega Nights
Battle for.... Talladega Nights
i really think Lazlo is On to Something! It might be Bigger than he thought!!
Beneath the... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill
Escape from... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill
Conquest of... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill
Battle for.... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill
Pinochet kept coming up in the last thread, so I thought I would offer this:
When I heard that Biden had picked Janet Yellen, former Fed Chairman, as Treasury Secretary, I thought, well, it could be a lot worse. As in Elizabeth Warren worse. But today I read about her planned Treasury agenda: "Biden's pick for Treasury Secretary says she wants to use the Treasury Dept. to address racial inequality, gender disparities, and the climate crisis." WTF?????
wholelottasplainin' said...
Pinochet kept coming up in the last thread, so I thought I would offer this:
I remember seeing that on AceOSpades.
I actually laughed out loud.
I have a bunch of friends that would find it just as darkly amusing.
My younger daughter says Chile would be a good place to live.
Page’s new preferred pronoun is has-been.
Tucker is shredding covid-19 response in his intro. Smokin!
I don't care about E. Page. I do not wish that person ill. I prefer to leave that person, whose net worth is probably greater than my own, alone. News coverage cannot interest me in that person. (See also: Sussexes, Meghan, Harry and Archie.
Mockturtle The Climate Crisis... Biden's reason for winning. Transformational as Barry would say.
Wholelottasplain': Great link. ;-) Here's a hyperlink: Pinochet meme
Brace for Impact.
"On Wednesday, Chief U.S. District Judge Pamela Pepper, an appointee of Barack Obama, took the attorneys to task, bluntly laying out the litany of basic mistakes made in the complaint.
After pointing out that the complaint was “not verified,” Pepper went to work on the substantive errors, first noting that plaintiffs’ motion stated that that the requested relief was “laid out in an attached order.”
An Obama appointed judge insists, hundred of affidavits notwithstanding, that the fraud at the Detroit center on election night was "not verified". What did you expect the Leftist to say?
Trump was impeached based on information that was "not verified".
It's practically standing still now; they've dropped ropes out of the nose of the ship, and it's been taken a hold of down on the field by a number of men. It's starting to rain again -- the rain had slacked up a little bit. The back motors of the ship are just holding it, just enough to keep it from --
-- It burst into flames! *Get out of the way! Get out of the way!*
Get this Charley! Get this Charley! It’s burning and it's crashing! It's crashing terrible! Oh my, get out of the way please. It's burning, bursting into flames and it's -- and it's falling on the mooring mast and all the folks agree that this is terrible. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the world.
And oh, it's…burning, oh, four or five hundred feet into the sky. It's a terrific crash, ladies and gentlemen. The smoke and the flames now and the frame is crashing to the ground, not quite to the mooring mast. Oh, the humanity and all the passengers screaming around here. I told you. It's -- I can’t even talk to people whose friends were on there. It -- It's....I -- I can’t talk ladies and gentlemen.
Honest, it's completely a mass of smoking wreckage. And everybody can’t hardly breathe. It’s hard, it’s crazy. Lady, I -- I -- I’m sorry. Honestly, I -- I can hardly breathe.
I -- I'm gonna step inside where I cannot see it. Charley, that’s terrible. I – I can’t....Listen folks, I -- I'm gonna have to stop for a minute because I’ve lost my voice. This is the worst thing I’ve ever witnessed.
The above is an account of when Howard lit his fart and his ass caught on fire.
That's a perfect visual, WhiskeyBum. By releasing the Kraken she burned the Kraken
After pointing out that the complaint was “not verified"
Maybe the plaintiff signature was supposed to be witnessed and notarized? I remember divorce petitions here had to be.
Yes, that was it. Procedural error. She could have dismissed it right then.
RIP Walter E. Williams
I'm the one who's been bringing Pinochet up the last couple nights, but I think my main entry about him and his relevance now was posted too late in the thread's life for most people to see. I'll repost again here, since I think it explains why I hold the positions I do right now.
See, I'm not being facetious or hyperbolic when I say I'd be down for an American Pinochet rather than see this go off the way the Left wants.
Because, see, me and mine are living under dictatorships right now. The dictatorships of Wolf and Murphy. Plenty of other Americans under the dictatorships of Cuomo and Whitmer. And we know that *these* dictators were happy to deliberately murder tens of thousands of nursing home patients. I mean if nothing else, it definitely *way* helped out their projected budgets. But it also was the only thing that drove the death numbers high enough to alarm people initially enough to let the lockdowns go beyond the first couple of weeks. [EDIT: Otherwise, not even very bad flu numbers.]
We know it was deliberate. Trump provided the Javitz Center *AND* the USS Comfort to Cuomo. They went completely unused. Cuomo and the other governors *wanted* the COVID patients into nursing homes where they could wipe out the elderly drains on "their" public dime, justifying COVID panic, permanent lockdowns and arresting bar owners with 40 cops the week after Thanksgiving, and to steal the election.
We're already living under dictatorships. There *is* nothing left to lose with a dictator who's on my side. I mean, I really really wish we coulda kept that Republic, but communist scum have destroyed it. And at least *my* favorite dictator held free and fair elections the moment he was done cleaning the communist takeover of his country (accomplished by election fraud), lost that election, and stepped down peacefully. Which is kinda distinct from every last other person who gets called a dictator, isn't it?
Anyway. If this election goes off, we're living under dictatorship now. Heavy-handed lockdowny dictatorship. Wipe-out-all-small-business-to-permanently-empower-our-Fortune-500-allies dictatorship. Mass murder nursing home residents.
I'm willing to bet that were a Pinochet rise to once again defend the right, he'd be a lot less bloodthirsty and evil than you lot. And he'd step down when he resolved the problem of communists. Pretty much the only *successful* resolution of that problem in history that I can think of.
So. Yeah. If the judicial system continues to intentionally fail the way it has been... Inaguration Day Needs A Pinochet.
And I think many tens of millions of Americans (including the relatives of tens of thousands of nursing home patients) - driven via brazen gaslighting over obvious election theft, and onerous "public health" control over the citizenry - "contact tracing", for fuck's sake! -, and oh yeah, mass murder, to be perfectly accepting of the fact that all safeguards and constraints built into the system had failed, and a Pinochet was the only solution.
That's what you fucker's attitude, your total contempt and gaslighting for those with OBVIOUS legitimate concerns about this vote, is begging for. And you're creating tens of millions of people who will never be moved by your tears again.
I really hope it's Flynn.
Oh, and btw, Chile has pretty much been the most prosperous country in South America since Pinochet stepped down.
Howard said...
[lalalalalalalala... neener neener .... dumb!]
You spent a lot of words showing everyone just how serious and intelligent you are.
I shortened it a bit and made you look a little less stupid because I am a nice person.
Sorry Howard - you left that one hanging out over the plate and I just couldn't resist.
Actually, I'm trying for the pity, short retort style of AllenS. I miss that guy - hope he's OK and returns to commenting soon from whatever it is that has taken him out of the loop. His comments really crack me up sometimes.
I think a second American Civil War is coming.
Blogger Whiskeybum said..."I've been attending the annual Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meetings online this week. This event is normally held in Chicago every year at this time, but COVID has pushed it to a virtual event. I've attended in person every year since 1993."
I attended every year for decades, though it's been awhile now.
Sunday evening, ex Milwaukee County Exec and really rich guy Chris Abele was the victim of a armed robbery and attempted car jack while driving his BMW on E Capitol Dr in Shorewood.
Car forced him to stop and man approached the BMW forcing Abele to get out at gunpoint. Unfortunately said BMW was fitted with a standard transmission which, you guessed it, genius robber was not trained on. He exited vehicle demanded Abeles wallet and fired two rounds into the vehicle before getting back into the getaway car and heading west on Capitol.
This might be the best one yet:
Austin's Democrat mayor told residents to 'stay home' in a video from his CABO vacation home
I think a second American Civil War is coming.
Boogaloo Bois gonna boogaloo.
320Busdriver, I assume the victim was not armed?
Blogger Qwinn said...Oh, and btw, Chile has pretty much been the most prosperous country in South America since Pinochet stepped down.
In response to this and mockturtle's comment(s), please read up on the instability in Chile in the last few months and the protests and riots to change their constitution. It may have been pretty nice in recent years, (and my youngest daughter went there for an class study abroad and confirmed this) but I doubt it will be able to remain prosperous and free in the future.
D.D.Driver: Nothing to do with 'Boogaloo Bois', whoever they are. It has a lot to do with just how much crap Americans are willing to put up with. Or not put up with.
"Unfortunately said BMW was fitted with a standard transmission which, you guessed it, genius robber was not trained on."
These stories puzzle me (though as an owner of two sticks they give me a laugh). Whether you've driven a manual before or not, it's not rocket science.
I started reading Althouse when she first was a "substitute" blogger for pretentious Insta.
That said,agree or not, I always valued her opinions.
Then our hostess retired, at first, I enjoyed her travels across the the Western US.
Then, her fear of BS Covid drove her to disavow all human contact (don't give me your camera to photo you)followed by giving us "artistic" graffiti on businesses closed due to riots! Like that excused "normal's" loss of income?
Now, she swims in the septic river of Acela corridor media.
Employed by deranged far Left University seems to have been more open than retirement?
In closing ,FWIW, maybe she'd be better off watching people who's life's are now being destroyed?
Cooking Channel's Carnival Eats. BTW, if host, Noah Cappe, is an "actor", deserves an Emmy or Oscar!
These stories puzzle me (though as an owner of two sticks they give me a laugh). Whether you've driven a manual before or not, it's not rocket science.
But, if its your getaway vehicle and you are stalling out and grinding gears? I think the carjacker was just playing the odds.
Yeah I miss Allen S too. He said he was fine, just moved on.
Danno, that doesn't surprise me. It's been 2 generations, after all. No doubt the population forgot what Pinochet saved them from.
This world is pretty much fucked until communists are finally globally and rightly acknowledged as being worse than Nazis. Far far worse. And since I'm sure leftists will twist that, I loathe Nazis every bit as much as anyone. They were also murderous leftist swine. But communists are still far far worse. And they are taking over America, right now, as we speak, in the same way they take every country, with riots, looting, arson, threats, fake appeals to "public safety" and election fraud.
Abele apparently was not armed. It was not reported though. Abele was returning from Home Depot at 7:20 pm.
“The suspect said, "F*** you and f*** your car" before firing two rounds at the unoccupied vehicle, striking the vehicle once.“
Oh, and the systematic infiltration of every key institution over 70 years. Easiest thing in the world to pull off. You just have to have a lot of amoral asses on the team. Comes naturally to the breed.
Beneath the Escape from the Conquest of the Battle of Debbie Does Dallas.
Glasses and dental dams sold separately
I sometimes read the content here, but seldom bother to comment. It always amuses me when ultra feminist Ann has the guts to flog her Amazon portal. Such caring concern from a liberal icon, comfortably retired, no doub on a generous pension. Nothing screams Madison liberal more than asking for the nickels and dimes that could do some real good for an actual charity. Do any of you actually donate to her vanity project through the portal? Why in the world would you do that?
“The suspect said, "F*** you and f*** your car" before firing two rounds at the unoccupied vehicle, striking the vehicle once.“
And a bad shot to boot.
The - literally - hundreds of Boogaloo Bois that are imagined (half of whom are FBI agents) are really scary.
Wait until you consider all the skills and abilities that now-unemployed, former business owners have if they want shit to go sideways.
Who do they decide to blame for their respective business failures?
Do they decide to even the respective scores?
No worries.
That could never happen.
(Leftist Collectivists lack imagination, having had the playing field to themselves for so very long.)
So I'm thinking face mask, face covering, face cloth, face diaper, etc are too bland. I'm pretty sure I'll be going with Jawjock.
"Jawjock"(tm), from Narrcorp Interdimensional, LLC
Anyone else think tonight's final Jeopardy was too obscure?
Just for you Achilles I actually read the article on the latest Trump failure in Wisconsin. It looks like they are intentionally submitting mistake ridden and incomplete materials to the court. The only purpose is to be able to say that oh the judge wouldn't accept our evidence but they didn't present any evidence to the judge because they weren't able to submit the right documents in order to be granted an in-camera hearing.
Trump didn't actually employ these lawyers to his credit for apparently plausible deniability on the expected or perhaps even planned failure. Now in the quarter public opinion he gets to claim that a liberal Lefty Obama judge denied accepting the evidence. It smacks of more PR bs.
this is the system that everyone agreed upon before the election on how to challenge the election and the people that are trying to challenge the election for Trump have done nothing but fail.
I suppose you still have some more opportunities and we'll see how they turn out. David's I'll be happy to wait for those outcomes and not get involved in the day-to-day debate over internet rumor mongering.
You're right though I'm taking too much advantage of teasing people with mental health issues.
I agree about Pinochet but he was far less legit than Trump.
Chile now is just confirming what everyone knows about Spanish colonies. None of them can rule themselves with out Caudillos.
We used to call them "Banana Republics," before we became one.
Many years ago I bought my first car, a new car with a manual transmission, even though I had never driven one before Somehow, I got it home.
I was curious so I scanned the list of charities Amazon donates to. Why yes, you can donate to Planned Parenthood. Naturally it is listed in the healthcare category with many cancer, muscular dystrophy AIDS and other health related organizations. Does Althouse not realize she is depriving some young woman from the healthcare of having an abortion by selfishly asking you to donate to her?
“The suspect said, "F*** you and f*** your car" before firing two rounds at the unoccupied vehicle, striking the vehicle once.“
LOL. This made my day. Thanks.
I too will laugh as more Leftists are abused by criminals in Democratical cities.
And I wish for all those Leftists exactly what they wish for me.
I suppose you still have some more opportunities and we'll see how they turn out. David's I'll be happy to wait for those outcomes and not get involved in the day-to-day debate over internet rumor mongering.
You are correct, Howard. It was an elegant steal and I expect more are to come now that your team has got the method down pat. Whether there is a revolution depends a bit on whether the Biden retreads leave the normals alone and just spend their time on corruption, like before. I could live with that since I am retired and only hyperinflation is a threat to me. Of course BLM is a threat but I know the cure for that one.
Inga did not mention the lawsuit filed in WI yesterday in SCOWI. This to my untrained eye seems well written and according to radio host D O’Donnell, an attorney, could very well flip WI to Trump. Filing Link
Many years ago I bought my first car, a new car with a manual transmission, even though I had never driven one before Somehow, I got it home.
But not with cops chasing you.
Wait...did you have cops chasing you?
I see the U.S. State Dept. has a travel advisory out for Chile as of August 6th.
"Wait...did you have cops chasing you?"
Beats me. I was preoccupied.
320Busdriver said...
Sunday evening, ex Milwaukee County Exec and really rich guy Chris Abele was the victim of a armed robbery and attempted car jack while driving his BMW on E Capitol Dr in Shorewood.
Car forced him to stop and man approached the BMW forcing Abele to get out at gunpoint. Unfortunately said BMW was fitted with a standard transmission which, you guessed it, genius robber was not trained on. He exited vehicle demanded Abeles wallet and fired two rounds into the vehicle before getting back into the getaway car and heading west on Capitol.
320Busdriver said...
"...Car forced [ex Milwaukee County Exec Chris Abele] to stop and man approached the BMW forcing Abele to get out at gunpoint. Unfortunately said BMW was fitted with a standard transmission which, you guessed it, genius robber was not trained on. He exited vehicle demanded Abeles wallet and fired two rounds into the vehicle before getting back into the getaway car and heading west on Capitol."
If the perp wasn't wearing gloves, he probably left some fingerprints on both the steering wheel and the stick shift knob. Whether they're still there or not is another question. If they are there, it's likely that the perps prints can be matched to a felon in a police database somewhere.
The news is Biden wants to keep Wray as FBI head.
Which means Trump should fire him now and give someone else the chance to fire everyone and burn it to the ground.
I bought something today via your portal on Amazon because I saw your reminder...
My wife and I are binge watching The Dead Zone with Anthony Michael Hall.
We just watched season 2, episode 14. "Plague".
A lethal coronavirus that explicitly started in China starts killing people. Using his psychic powers, Johnny Smith discovers the cure: an anti-malarial drug named chloroquine.
This episode first aired in June 2003.
"Ellen Page just turned her lesbian partner into a heterosexual."
Is she getting an addadicktome?
If not, she's not serious...just a run-of-the-mill 'look at me' lezbo.
If someone wants to see the Dead Zone episode I'm talking about, its free with ads on Amazon Prime (as an IMDB offering).
By the end of the episode, our jaws were on the floor.
Inga did not mention the lawsuit filed in WI yesterday in SCOWI. This to my untrained eye seems well written and according to radio host D O’Donnell, an attorney, could very well flip WI to Trump.
It actually is really good. I still don't think it flips the election but Troupis put together a some really good arguments.
Here's why I predict Trump loses: Bush v. Gore. By cherry-picking only Dane County and Milwaukee County I think there is a serious equal protection problem--i.e., an "unequal evaluation of ballots in various respects" between the counties. There is a hierarchy of legal authority and the U.S. Constitution (and case law interpreting it) will trump Wisconsin elections statutes.
Election officials and canvassers simply accepted the ballot security envelope as sufficient to comply with state requirements for absentee voters to submit a written application to vote absentee. Between Dane and Milwaukee counties there were 170,000 such absentee ballots with no application.
Also the Governor certified the recount results prior to allowing for the appropriate time frame to pass as required by state law. 5 business days, or upon resolution of any appeal.
This episode first aired in June 2003.
That was right in the middle of SARS (also a corona virus). It was a Law and Order style ripped-from-the-headlines plot.
would a proof-of-vaccination ID card be disenfranchising to minorities a voter ID card?
Sure, the episode mentioned SARS. But the China and anti-malarial-drug-as-cure angles? Come on. That's just astounding.
“Inga did not mention the lawsuit filed in WI yesterday in SCOWI. This to my untrained eye seems well written and according to radio host D O’Donnell, an attorney, could very well flip WI to Trump.”
One of the claims is that 170,000 absentee ballots were obtained by voters without the required absentee ballots applications. Just how did this supposedly happen? It didn’t, but it will be interesting to see how they try to explain how 170,000 people got these ballots.
Blogger Inga said...
President Donald Trump has tweeted his demand for a refund of the $3 million his campaign spent on a recount of the vote in Dane and Milwaukee counties.
It's the Isthmus, Inga.
They say he demanded a refund. But they don't link to the tweet. They don't even quote the alleged Tweet. Yeah, I read the whole article.
I call bullshit & stupidity. Bullshit on the part of the Isthmus and stupidity on yours for posting it.
I get it. PDJT is pissed. But nothing I see in the article, other than so-called "Citizen Dave's" assertion supports the assertion of asking for a refund.
So a link to the Tweet or an apology for your stupidity.
You really should consider making a macro at types "I'm sorry, I was wrong"
John Henry
Oh, look!
DD Driver is twisting Bush v Gore to make it mean the amexact opposite of what it means.
When two counties acted differently than the rest of the state, it does not implicate Equal Protection to force them to follow the rule established for the other counties.
Leftist Collectivists are stupid.
Um, yes, Inga, it's a complete and total mystery how 170,000 ballots that are missing applications and were not requested might have been counted.
Total mystery.
No one had motive, means and opportunity to make that happen, in violation of the law. It's just inexplicable. How DID those voters get those ballots? GOSH!
In-Person Absentee Voting (Early Voting)
D.D. Driver said...
It actually is really good. I still don't think it flips the election but Troupis put together a some really good arguments.
Here's why I predict Trump loses: Bush v. Gore. By cherry-picking only Dane County and Milwaukee County I think there is a serious equal protection problem--i.e., an "unequal evaluation of ballots in various respects" between the counties. There is a hierarchy of legal authority and the U.S. Constitution (and case law interpreting it) will trump Wisconsin elections statutes.
You just completely flipped the meaning of Equal Protection.
Dane and Milwaukee counties did not follow election laws, and all of the other counties did.
This is the definition of an equal protection violation.
Blogger Achilles said...
I think it would be fun to build a hydro-electric dam.
It would be fun. I used to like to build dams in a brook near our house. Even as an adult my kids and I would go to a river to swim and would often build dams.
The problem is they aren't really very effective for power generation. Hoover Dam, with 500 feet of head and 100 miles of reservoir only generates the power of a medium size coal, gas, oil or nuclear plant. (2,000MW nameplate, about 500MW actual according to Wikipedia)
It is hard to justify the economics of hydro for power generation. Hoover and the other dams of the Colorado river system were justified on flood control and irrigation. Power is just a nice fringe benefit.
Having said all that, I like alternative energy, hydro and the like and would be interested in hearing more.
John Henry
No Qwinn, it’s no mystery at all, it’s another case of sloppy filings in which the attorneys don’t understand WI voting laws.
Inga said...
One of the claims is that 170,000 absentee ballots were obtained by voters without the required absentee ballots applications. Just how did this supposedly happen? It didn’t, but it will be interesting to see how they try to explain how 170,000 people got these ballots.
Total mystery.
Baffling really.
The universe is about to implode if we don't solve this.
D.D. Driver said...
Here's a (potential) fake news story that I have been following. According to media and the folks at Madison School District, a teenager became the first Wisconsin citizen under 20 to die of "COVID-related" causes.
According to the Wisconsin DHS, there have still to date been zero COVID deaths of the under-20s.
Is it even possible that it would take more than a week for the DHS to find out about a COVID patient that died in a Madison hospital?
I linked to an article about this in a cafe post yesterday. Madison East High School student may be youngest yet to die of COVID-related illness in Wisconsin
Fake news, indeed.
As of today, there the Wisconsin COVID page is showing 0 deaths in the under age 20 category.
In the meantime, the narrative is out there that the first teenager has died of COVID.
Most of the articles that are running around in the wild are just cut & paste pieces of the original article, and each of those articles deletes facts. Like that the health authorities go by what is confirmed on the death certificate. Obviously that has not happened yet.
So, the MSM is putting out news that has not been scientifically proven at the time of publication.
Source material is an email put out by the principal. Seems like the information came from the family.
In the article, it was noted that the kid had tested negative, his illness got worse, no second test was done. Now a different article says he tested positive post-mortem (according to family).
Makes me wonder if perhaps Madison School District is trying to scare off any attempts to reopen their schools in the near future. One article says they have been closed since last March. In the meantime, these articles are a bone for other districts (and teacher unions) to use to shut down schools. Obviously the student did not catch the COVID at school, if they have been shut down since March.
Whiskeybum @8:09-
Allen S is one of my faves-
I echo your sentiment and raise u a prayer.
Another nothing burger lawsuit.
“The people of Wisconsin deserve election processes with uniform enforcement of the law, plain and simple,” said Trump campaign lawyer Jim Troupis, who himself cast a supposedly invalid in-person absentee ballot in Dane County. “Wisconsin cannot allow the over three million legal ballots to be eroded by even a single illegal ballot.”
The categories of ballots the Trump campaign says are “illegal,” however, have all been deemed legal and valid by municipal, county and state authorities, and are categories of ballots that have been cast without issue in many previous elections. The Trump campaign is brushing that aside, however, and seeking to void those ballots after they’ve been cast.”
If Joe Biden gets elected and Jen Psaki gets to be press secty it is going to be great. She is not particularly smart, certainly nowhere near as smart as she thinks she is.
As the Babylon Bee said about Joe Biden, all they will need to do is quote her accurately.
There is a story going all over how she was photographed, while on a state dept official, with John Kerry wearing a Russian hat. Or perhaps, in Russia the hat was wearing her. It was bigger than her head.
Most places say she was wearing a hat with a hammer and sickle. I can't find a picture of that anywhere. All I can find is a picture of her in a hat with the Red Star.
I agree with the general comments that it is as bad as wearing a swastika and she should be castigated and driven from public view.
Of course the 20-30mm murders of Lenin, Stalin and others is no biggie. "You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs"
Still pretty shameful.
John Henry
I just read your "how could that possibly happen" post to my wife, Inga. She started laughing her ass off, dubbed that "next level stupidity", and then asserted that while she normally buys my maxim "never ascribe to stupidity what can be more easily explained as malice", she's making an exception. I said, for Inga, embrace the healing power of "and".
Donald Trump Statement on Election 12-2-20
Did you guys see the drunk witness in Michigan that Rudy tried to shut up? She looked and acted like Joan Cusack in her early thirties as a bottle blonde.
I know I'm cherry picking here but everything that I've bothered to look at is nothing but a purpose built shit show designed to fail. The plan failure then has the perfect entree to playing the victim card. PDJT SOP
John Henry, look closely at the star, the hammer and sickle are inside it. I agree the picture being presented is fuzzy, but it is there.
doesnt Wray already kinda work for Biden ?
Data Analyst created graphic displaying all of the absentee & mail in ballots cast in PA.
Makes me wonder if perhaps Madison School District is trying to scare off any attempts to reopen their schools in the near future.
An effort to equalize the students, perhaps, a la Atlanta, Georgia school district gaming "No Child Left Behind", by certifying the achievement of ineligible students. Deja vu. Must be a Democrat and diversity (e.g. racism, classism) thing.
Blogger D.D. Driver said...
Here's why I predict Trump loses: Bush v. Gore. By cherry-picking only Dane County and Milwaukee County I think there is a serious equal protection
But Bush V Gore was only about 2 counties as I recall. Palm Beach and Broward (?) The argument, made by now justices Roberts, Kavenaugh and Barrett won the case 7-2.
But my understanding of Bush v. Gore was imperfect at the time and even dimmer 20 years later so I am probably missing something.
John Henry
Qwinn, you and your wife must be extra dumb not to understand sarcasm. I explained exactly how those 170,000 absentee ballots were cast and LEGALLY cast. When you breathlessly claimed that George Soros was arrested for election tampering, I LMAO at you.
John Henry asserts: The problem is they aren't really very effective for power generation.
Wow. WA state gets about all of its energy from hydroelectric dams.
Darkisland said...
The problem is they aren't really very effective for power generation. Hoover Dam, with 500 feet of head and 100 miles of reservoir only generates the power of a medium size coal, gas, oil or nuclear plant. (2,000MW nameplate, about 500MW actual according to Wikipedia)
The point that was when/if we had to start generating our own power because something started happening to our very exposed and not particularly resilient energy grid we would have electricity.
The grid in Afghanistan used to be pretty good. Now they all use little solar panels to charge their cell phones.
I was looking at powering 5-10 homes.
look closely at the star, the hammer and sickle are inside it.
Leftists reminiscing about the days of their communist, socialist, fascist predecessors. To be fair, they had nothing on the hundreds of millions aborted in the wicked solution (e.g. selective-child), and Planned Parenthood/Cecile's cannibalized-child, and during social justice adventures, not limited to elective national and transnational wars, elective coups, and catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform. Here's to progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
Blogger Qwinn said...
John Henry, look closely at the star, the hammer and sickle are inside it.
Thanks Qwinn. I did look closely, even taking the best one I could find and dropping it into Corel Draw and blowing it up. I still couldn't see it but it was fuzzy enough that it could be there and I'll take your word for it.
One of the downsides of PDJT prevailing will be losing the comedic stylings of Jen Psaki.
John Henry
Trump really needs better lawyers.
Put simply, "laches" prevents parties from retroactively bringing lawsuits for issues that could have been disputed ahead of time.
"I think courts have shown themselves properly to be very skeptical of arguments that voters should be disenfranchised because of a potential problem that could have been called to the attention of the courts well before the election but wasn't," Hasen said.
“Democrats fighting the Trump campaign's efforts to overturn Wisconsin's election results called the lawsuit "an affront to the voters of Dane and Milwaukee Counties" and a "shocking and outrageous assault on democracy" in briefs filed Tuesday with the state Supreme Court.
But the heart of their case could rest on a much simpler argument: The president's lawsuit was filed in the wrong place, and at the wrong time.
The Trump campaign seeks to throw out more than 220,000 absentee ballots cast in Dane and Milwaukee counties, including more than 170,000 ballots that were cast in person before Election Day.
Clerks who accepted those ballots relied on guidance handed down by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, some of which had been in place since 2011.”
The problem is they aren't really very effective for power generation. Hoover Dam, with 500 feet of head and 100 miles of reservoir only generates the power of a medium size coal, gas, oil or nuclear plant.
Yes, the Green blight factor is an environmental concern, or was. Today, through shared/shifted responsibility, and press-enabled obfuscation, the irregularities and fraud have been normalized and sold to Green investors and a green audience.
Hydro power has fairly low operating costs once built. It has extremely high capital costs. If Hoover or Grand Coulee were built just for electricity and the costs amortized properly, the cost per KWH would be 25-50% higher than fossil or nuclear plants.
It is also very location specific. There just aren't many sites left in the US where hydro can be developed. Washington state has more than it's fair share of feasible hydro site but most are probably already developed.
And there are enviromental issues. Lake Meade occupies 100 miles or so of land. Hydro takes up a LOT of space for a relatively small amount of power.
Yes, there are other benefits such as recreation, flood control, water supply for irrigation and cities. These other benefits, when combined with power generation, are what make dams worthwhile.
My comment was that they are not very effective if you try to justify them purely on energy grounds.
They just don't give a lot of bang for the buck.
John Henry
mockturtle said...
John Henry asserts: The problem is they aren't really very effective for power generation.
Wow. WA state gets about all of its energy from hydroelectric dams.
One medium sized state. We got electricity at 2.4c per kWH. Douglas county was often below 2c.
We even sold a lot of excess power to California.
But their size and efficiency compared to Coal/Natural Gas just isn't there. On the other hand we created a freshwater lake thousands of miles long in an inland desert.
Lake Mead occupies @250 square miles.
A fossil or nuclear plant of comparable capacity (500MW or so) would occupy perhaps 25-50 acres including tank farms or coal yards.
John Henry
Notwithstanding s. 5.01(1), with respect to matters relating to the absentee ballot process, ss. 6.86, 6.87 (3) to (7) and 9.0l(l)(b) 2. and 4. shall be construed as mandatory. Ballots cast in contravention of the procedures specified in those provisions may not be counted. Ballots counted in contravention of the procedures specified in those provisions may not be included in the certified result of any election.
Wis. Stat. § 6.84(2) (emphasis added);
see also Lee v. Paulson, 2001 WI App 19, 241 Wis.2d 38, 623 N.W.2d 577 (excluding 5 absentee ballots from the certified election results because there was no corresponding written application, and the removal of the 5 ballots changed the outcome of the election).
Testimony from another female minority racist democrats assumed was on their side talking about Republican poll workers being kicked out of the TCF center.
You democrats are just complete pieces of shit.
Dane and Milwaukee counties did not follow election laws, and all of the other counties did.
I don't think we know this to be true at all.
Sample Audit of ballots in Arizona came up with a 3% error rate. A larger Audit has been granted.
Do we even need to mention which way the errors went?
There are a lot of locations suitable for generating 5-10 KW continuously without a huge expense for dam construction. There are designs for very low head operations to produce that much that could be standardized and placed along virtually any year round creek or river in the United States. BUT- 5-10 kilowatts is piddling to a power company. The expense to monitor and maintain a string of small plants would far outweigh the value of power produced.
5 KW continuously is over 3,000 KWH per month. Average house in the U.S. uses just under 1,000 KWH per month. And there's the problem. The demand isn't constant. Turn on the oven and have the water heater kick on- you're drawing more than 5 KW, and with the rest of the house even with LED lighting, likely over 10 KW. So you'd need to feed it into a battery bank and draw the power from an inverter- and I'd be tempted to make all the household lighting DC and feed it direct from the battery. COuld probably do the same for the water heater. And resistance heating for the house. And you'd need a dump load, more than likely some kind of resistance heater, to send the excess electricity to when the battery is at 100%. For a household, could very well be worth it to be free of the grid. The battery bank would be the most expensive part of the system.
D.D. Driver said...
Dane and Milwaukee counties did not follow election laws, and all of the other counties did.
I don't think we know this to be true at all.
Which part?
That Dane and Milwaukee violated the law?
That is self evident. They do not have written requests for 170,000 absentee ballots which are explicitly required by Wisconsin law. Black and white words on a page. They collected ballots in a Park. You just can't do that.
That all of the other counties followed the law?
I am sure no Trump voter will have any problem with a complete and exhaustive audit of the Wisconsin election. Lets check every signature and every address. It will be fun.
Makes me wonder if perhaps Madison School District is trying to scare off any attempts to reopen their schools in the near future.
I sort of agree, but maybe I am more charitable. I don't think the District is purposefully lying, but I think that the District is motivated to believe things that it should know better and unmotivated to do any due diligence.
I guess that is another way of saying people believe the things they want to believe. The messed up thing is that people really, really, really want to believe shit like teenagers dying from COVID, and Kraken conspiracies, and Boogaloo civil wars.
Dark days.
"Please join me in congratulating Ellen page. Who is now Elliot. So proud of him."
So, he has a dick now? I am confused.
"Beneath the... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill
Escape from... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill
Conquest of... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill
Battle for.... Girl with a Ponytail, on a Treadmill"
Ok, those are clearly in the wrong order, or some of them have to be prequels.
The so-called "climate crisis" is nothing but a big pile of Bernie Sanders, as Lars Larson would say. The warming climate is causing the glaciers to receded and reveal evidence of prior habitation during the Medieval Warm Period (c. 950 to c. 1250) and 4100 BC. Funny how we were able to survive those warm periods but now that temperatures are approaching those historical temperatures, we're all doomed.
The black plague, ~1346 AD, occurred during the temperature drop after the Medieval Warm Period. Look how that worked out for everybody. About 50% lethality.
From formeer Althouse fave:
Pinned Tweet
Scott Adams
Do you want to live in a system in which bullies — literally physical bullies — decide who will be president? You are living in that system now, according to hundreds of witnesses in sworn statements.
"Please join me in congratulating Ellen page. Who is now Elliot. So proud of him."
So, he has a dick now? I am confused.
So is Ellen/Elliot.
Does this mean the "The Umbrella Academy" now has to be reshot to change Vanya's character to Ivan? Or will all new episodes will now have Ellen as Elliot play against "his" gender as a "femxle." Asking for a friend.
Imagine if Althouse found her way to Dr. Linda Tarver at hearing.
Quite blog-worthy, ya might think.
“That is self evident. They do not have written requests for 170,000 absentee ballots which are explicitly required by Wisconsin law. Black and white words on a page.”
Another person who pretends to understand WI election laws. When Wisconsinites went in to cast early absentee ballots which is also known as early voting, they are not required to submit a absentee voter application, by law.
“All counties in Wisconsin had a practice of in-person absentee ballots, where one particular application wouldn't be filled out since the voter is casting the ballot right there in-person as opposed to requesting an absentee ballot to be voted by mail. This was the procedure approved by election officials and has been in place for quite some time over several election cycles.”
From Busdriver’s link.
Why would someone cast an "in-person absentee ballot" when they're already at a polling place? Isn't "in-person absentee ballot" an oxymoron? The voter isn't absent, he/she is at the polling place. Just sign the poll book and pick up your ballot.
“You may vote early in person - at your municipal clerk's office or another site designated by your clerk. Dates and hours for early voting vary by municipality. Contact your municipal clerk to find out your local opportunities to early vote.
We have limited early voting site location information available here.
Fun fact: Early voting is also called in-person absentee voting.
Want more information about absentee and early voting? Visit the Wisconsin Election Commission's absentee voting info page.”
About 5 days prior to election, I was denied in person absentee due to unavailability of "appointments"(?)...and got an an app via mail, but clerk suggested Nov 3rd might be too late at the dropbox.
I voted in person.
In-Person Absentee Voting at your Municipal Clerk's Office (Early Voting)
You can also vote absentee at your local municipal clerk's office. If you apply for an absentee ballot in your municipal clerk's office, or another designated location for in-person absentee voting, you will vote your ballot immediately in the clerk's office, seal your ballot in the proper envelope, and return it to a member of the clerk's staff. No ballots may be taken out of the clerk's office.
You will need to show your acceptable photo ID for voting when voting by in-person absentee ballot. More information about acceptable photo IDs can be found at
When can I Vote an In-Person Absentee Ballot?
Each city, village and town in Wisconsin is responsible for setting the dates and hours of in-person absentee voting for their municipality. In-person absentee voting cannot occur more than two weeks before an election. To find the dates and hours for in-person absentee voting where you live, contact your municipal clerk.
Google search is a bit slow- it still think it is Ellen Page. Wiki and IMdb, though, are on the ball- already switched.
So, Page can no longer portray female characters, right? That would be taking work from female actors, right?
Fan of of Democracy in the park bags O' ballots festival in Dane?
Zucky gave my county no such funding.
Achilles said...
Sample Audit of ballots in Arizona came up with a 3% error rate. A larger Audit has been granted.
Banks, retailers of any sort, any kind of business- would go out of business with a 3% error rate in inventory or cash flow.
For government- it's apparently less than a rounding error.No profit motive. No need to actually balance the books.
Yay..Inga returns to paragraph long hyperlinks!
Agree completely with 1 question why the resistive load for when the battery is full? Why not just throttle the turbine? Perhaps to zero. Let water back up in the dam if possible, waste it over a weir if not.
As for cost, what would be the per kwh cost including amortizing the capital cost, your time maintaining it (at least an hour or two a week) license fees, inspections, taxes and so forth.
And the cost of the stream itself.
Just as an imprecise guesstimate if you can.
I'll bet a lot than grid power, even if available.
If no grid power, I wonder how cost would compare to just running a 5kw gasoline genny. Especially if you captured exhaust heat for hot water and some heating.
I can buy a 6kw Generac with Honda motor for about $600.00 I could probably run it 4,000 hours with minor maintenance and throw it away. So $1200/yr capital cost.
Related here is a great article on mini hydro by John mcphee in the New Yorker from 1981.
Listen up, Tim in Vermont, one of the installations he visits iirc is in Ausable Chasm NY not far from you. And near where I grew up.
John Henry
Then there should be no problem, right, Inga- Dane and Milwaukee Counties can show us all the appropriate applications and all the poll logs for the in-person absentee, right? There is no reason to fight an audit on this issue- they should be able to prove all the 170,000 were in-person absentee voting, right? Right? Why fight the lawsuit- just agree to the audit and it is over with.
“Then there should be no problem, right, Inga- Dane and Milwaukee Counties can show us all the appropriate applications and all the poll logs for the in-person absentee, right? There is no reason to fight an audit on this issue- they should be able to prove all the 170,000 were in-person absentee voting, right? Right? Why fight the lawsuit- just agree to the audit and it is over with.”
They aren’t asking for an audit. They are asking for 220,000 votes to be thrown out based on their faulty legal premise.
Yes, Inga, but you can fight the suers demands with the audit, and do so convincingly. So why fight an audit?
If this Court grants the Petition, Petitioners will ask this Court to issue a declaratory judgment, see, e.g., Wis. Stat. 806.04, which declares the Governor's certification of the election and naming of the electors void ab initio and orders it withdrawn, and declares and orders that the Milwaukee County and the Dane County Boards of Canvassers, WEC and/ or the Governor shall exclude as defective from the Recount totals and any certified Election results, or results used to issue a Certificate of Election, In-Person Absentee Ballots without an associated written application, Incomplete and Altered-Certification Absentee Ballots, Indefinitely Confined Absentee Ballots, as defined earlier, and "Democracy in the Park" Absentee Ballots.
Petitioners will also request that this Court provide other appropriate equitable relief, see, e.g., Wis. Stat. 806.04, including to prohibit and restrain WEC from preparing, and Governor Evers from signing, a Certificate of Election, pursuant to Wis. Stat. 7.70(5), unless and until such
4 If voter rolls are reduced by the number of non-legal voters Petitioners request through drawdowns (Wis. Stat. 9.01(b)2-4.), then Petitioners would necessarily win Wisconsin.
illegal absentee ballots are excluded from the results of the Election. The Court should take such action as is necessary to maintain the status quo, so that when the Court determines the outcome in this matter, the appropriate set of electors will be duly qualified to cast Wisconsin's electoral votes.“
You first have to demonstrate the "faulty legal premise". You do this with the audit.
So will Trump pay another several million to audit these absentee in person votes? Go ahead.
They do not have written requests for 170,000 absentee ballots which are explicitly required by Wisconsin law. Black and white words on a page.
My recollection is that voters complete the outer envelope as usual which serves double-duty as the application as well. And, I'm pretty sure all or many counties do it the same way. You still have to show ID (now) and make the same oaths. You still need a witness. It's just you sign one piece of paper instead of two. This is actually the weakest of the arguments, IMO.
I think the "indefinitely-confined voters" is very strong, but there is an evidentiary problem in that I don't think the Court will just assume that all IC voters that request an absentee ballot after March were committing fraud. Certainly, some of them were telling the truth. I honestly don't know how the Court will address that one. I have a hard time believing that the Court will throw out all the votes because a certain unknown number might be fraudulent. There is also a potential equal protection problem of subjecting Milwaukee ballots to scrutiny that Waukesha ballot are not subjected to.
It's hard case. I think the Wisconsin SC handed Biden the win back when it rejected the Green Party's petition. Arithmetically, that the difference of the election right there. The Greens pulled in 30k votes in 2016. I 100% disagree with the Wisconsin Supreme Court. I think it was cowardly. Wrong as I may think it is, I accept it.
But this is another reason why I think the fraud allegations are all wet. You do not need fraud to explain the outcome in Wisconsin. The numbers line up almost perfectly.
Trump: 1,405,284
HRC: 1,382,536
Stein: 31,072
Trump: 1,610,184
Biden: 1,630,866
Alternate Reality 2020 (With the Greens on the Ballot)
Trump: 1,610,184
Biden: 1,599,794 (1,630,866-31,072)**
Greens: 31,072
**Obviously, I don't necessarily think there was a 1:1 ratio, but I do suspect this was the difference in a very close election.
What would be cool would be the republicans fixing ballot access in Wisconsin so that the dems can't game the system in future elections. Instead we are chasing Krakens and the Ghost of Hugo Chavez....
Yancey, dear man, they are not requesting an audit because they know it will fail to prove that the votes were illegally cast. Why should Democrats bear the burden of doing an audit when Trumps own lawyers are not even asking for one?
In short, it isn't enough to claim the petitioners are wrong about the 170,000 ballots.
If Dane and Milwaukee Counties were controlled by Republicans, and they decided to throw out the ballots on their own initiative, would you, Inga, really just take their word for it- wouldn't you want to see an audit to make sure the ballots were illegal? Don't bother answering, I know all your arguments are basely motivated by desired outcome.
DD Driver, though, above, is correct about selective application- the audit should be statewide (nationwide in my opinion). I don't think Trump's team would oppose such a thing anyway.
They would take an audit, Inga- they are suing largely because they aren't getting an audit and signature match recount. The Democrats, if they had nothing to hide would have done best to have a completely transparent audit and recount. I suspect that a statewide audit will be offered as a compromise, a compromise the Democrats still won't take because they know they can never allow anyone to examine the signatures on the absentee envelopes.
“I suspect that a statewide audit will be offered as a compromise, a compromise the Democrats still won't take because they know they can never allow anyone to examine the signatures on the absentee envelopes.”
I suspect the WI SC even being majority conservative, will kick this case to the curb.
Trolls have amnesia about how democrats tried to remove President Trump from office for the last four years and now it's like, "how dare you challenge the not-so-widespread fraudulant voting".
The Sebastian/Viola role in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night has always been kind of problematic. Sebastian/Viola are shipwrecked twins. After the shipwreck, Viola, for reasons I forget, pretends to be a man. Complications ensue. Some girl falls in love with her. The lord she's a squire to has strange inchoate feelings for her. It all gets straightened out, so to speak, in the end. The roles of Sebastian/Viola is frequently played by the same actor. E. Page would be a natural for the part. It would be interesting... There are several other cross dressing women roles in Shakespeare available. Maybe E. Page could give Charley's Aunt a go. Bring out the dark undertones in that comedy....I saw her in The Umbrella Comedy. She played the role of an embittered lesbian. She was okay but she was far more interesting in her past roles as a kind of hip ingenue. Does this mean she's a good actress?....I wonder how her career will play out. I guess the woke people in Hollywood will make it a point to give her roles. Maybe she can be the new James Bond.
Why not throttle the turbine? Ah, good question. Adds complexity to the controls. A lot, not a little. More to go wrong. Easier to dump the excess.
Look at Washington State's problem with wind power vs hydropower. The hydropower is designed to be run all out, non-varying. The wind is unpredictable. When the wind kicks up suddenly that power is dumped into the grid. The water flow cannot be turned on or off nearly as fast as wind power can vary. And water hammer from suddenly changing the water flow either way can damage things. It's easier to dump the load. But- a utility has to send it somewhere. California and Denmark when the wind is kicking up have to GIVE the excess away. No one is willing to pay for unpredictable power. But if it's free they'll take it as reduces marginal costs.
One of the reasons wind turbines aren't lasting as long as advertised is variable wind. No one seemed to have accounted for the shock loading on reduction gear teeth as wind speed suddenly changes. Wind speed changes, even small ones, are constant. The teeth are constantly being banged on one face, then the other. The lubrication systems for reduction gears are designed for a load on the teeth in one direction without banging back and forth... All hydro is designed for a constant load with near constant flow.
All off grid power requires batteries and dump loads. Solar, wind, hydro, combinations of them. Fueled generators can increase/decrease output as demand varies. Solar, wind, small scale hydro, they're either generating power or they're not. If they are- the power needs to go somewhere or bad things start to happen.
There's lots of ways to go off grid. But if you want to keep the same standard of living as being plugged into the grid- it gets expensive. First thing I'd do almost anywhere in the U.S.- build a superinsulated dwelling while allowing for sufficient air exchanges. Heating and cooling is expensive. I use about 1,000 gallons of #2 a year for heating and hot water. One of my neigbors with a house half the size used 1,500+ for heating, has an electric water heater. His house is 100+ years old, mine in now about 40. If I were to rebuild it I'd get that fuel use to below 500 gallons a year.
Quite worthy of blogging walter, quite -
Blogger Michael K said...
"I suppose you still have some more opportunities and we'll see how they turn out. David's I'll be happy to wait for those outcomes and not get involved in the day-to-day debate over internet rumor mongering.
You are correct, Howard. It was an elegant steal and I expect more are to come now that your team has got the method down pat. Whether there is a revolution depends a bit on whether the Biden retreads leave the normals alone and just spend their time on corruption, like before. I could live with that since I am retired and only hyperinflation is a threat to me. Of course BLM is a threat but I know the cure for that one."
The thing is, Doc. They don't leave you alone until you punch em in the face. Little tyrants like Howard live to get into your life and tell you you're living it wrong. When the Biden crime consortium comes on stream the regulations are coming back and the market will tank. Higher taxes and a nation wide firearm owners ID card. The market will drop 4 to 5 thousand points and stay there. The left, like Howard, know how the mechanism of graft works and they pretend it's economics. Liberals know how markets work and why. Classic liberals.
Ah, the good old days!-
We thought they'd never end.
"Look at Washington State's problem with wind power vs hydropower. The hydropower is designed to be run all out, non-varying. The wind is unpredictable. When the wind kicks up suddenly that power is dumped into the grid. The water flow cannot be turned on or off nearly as fast as wind power can vary. And water hammer from suddenly changing the water flow either way can damage things. It's easier to dump the load. But- a utility has to send it somewhere. California and Denmark when the wind is kicking up have to GIVE the excess away. No one is willing to pay for unpredictable power. But if it's free they'll take it as reduces marginal costs."
I don't think that you are quite right about hydro running all out, non varying. We have a dam less than a mile from the house in MT, and they definitely do control the amount of water that they are putting through the turbines. They just can't, and don't, control it very quickly, because it takes physical actions to do it. One of the women in the neighborhood there spent a 40 year career dealing with those issues, and we have had long discussions about the problems. But because, in the past, WA was mostly hydro, or at least had a large hydro component for its power generation, it worked fairly well. It is mixing it with idiotic wind and solar power generation that is the problem, because they switch output fairly quickly, and pretty much the only thing that can compensate is hydrocarbon based generation.
Of course, the wackos in WA want to blow up all of their hydro dams. Not good for the environment. Etc. Good luck with that, and esp. with CA not able to even pretend that they can cover their own needs for power.
I just want to point out that Royal ass Inga is trying to explain the legal doctrine of laches which she just learned two days ago.
Irony abounds.
Trying something that I haven't done for quite some time, and that is to comment here from a PC, instead of an iPad. As I indicated in earlier posts, I have taken the opportunity to upgrade my desktop computer here at the house in AZ (part of the justification for the garage that I am building in MT is to have an office there, where I can have a real PC there too).
I had stumbled into a place that fixes computers, and, it turns out, builds them too. We spec'd out a new one, and it was going to cost about $1k or so. He never did get back with me with a firm quote. But, I was now into the idea. What would it take? He was suggesting a big memory, fast processor, etc. But all I really needed was the ability to drive 4 or 6 monitors. I already have enough memory, as well as .5TB SSD and 2 TB HD. And most of what I do is a bit of CAD, Excel, and then comment here. Turns out I could accomplish what I wanted with just a higher end video card. It didn't really need to be that fast (I am not gaming here, except maybe verbally}. That was $200 or so. And it took a power supply. Old one was 300 or 350 watts, and I needed 400 watts. Went with 500, JIC. Hadn't done a power supply swap in at least a decade. The only problem was that this is a mass produced HP PC, and so everything is packed a little tighter, and you can't disassemble the case, to get things wedged back in. And I needed some adapters and cables (the 6 outputs from the video cards are all mini-DP).
But then, we had Black Friday, and monitors had been on sale anyway throughout November. I had the new system up with the old four monitors, two with mini-DP to DP (Display Port), one to VGA, and the fourth to DVI. They ran, but I thought that I could do better. I had been looking for DP inputs. But at my price point, that essentially means Dell (the 2 old ones with DP inputs were HP). It is really silly these days running with analog inputs (VGA, and really DVI) from a digital video card to digital monitors. Second best to DP is HDMI. Everything these days runs HDMI. So, the 4 new monitors are VGA & HDMI. And, I have three monitors up, and running. It appears that I have to use mostly Active, and not Passive either mini-DP to HDMI (or maybe HDMI alone) cables to get the four running (unless I hook the top row up as VGA, since I use the lower ones for the fine work). Have some more cables coming. Amazon Prime had promised them the day I ordered them (Monday) before I ordered, but then told me that they had lied, and are slated for Friday. They seem to be doing that a lot. I don't really need the two top monitors right now, so am not rushed, except that my OC side wants the job complete.
I am also dealing with power and Ethernet issues. The new house has coax and Ethernet in every room - which works out to maybe 8 of each, plus a couple more Ethernet cables for the two PoE cameras that the electrical contractor prewired as a loss-leader for their security systems. Turns out that the smaller coat closet has almost a dozen of each, Ethernet and coax, terminating in a box that looked real tidy when we toured the house. Now, it is a mess, with two fiber terminations (Cox and CenturyLink), three WiFi modems (one from each, plus one from the electrical/security company), plus the power for everything, plus now my old UPS (bought an identical new one for the computer up stairs that I am using right now). Getting it all organized is high on my project list. This includes terminating all of the Ethernet cables, and then identifying the (vast majority) of the two dozen cables that haven't been identified yet. And everything on the UPS.
In any case, it looks like a success. Not the electrical and computer stuff, but writing this comment on the newly updated computer, instead of one of my iPads. Exceeded the 4K comment limit in record time. I really do type a lot faster with an ergonomic keyboard, directly cabled to the PC, and I do with my fingers on an iPad. I have lost Apple's spelling checker, but that is maybe more good than bad, since this comment is more readable than many I make on an iPad, with Apple incorrectly guessing what I mean, and my not catching that it was wrong. But I do miss some of its defaults, like capitalizing the first word of a sentence (unless it is after "etc.")
Boy, the lefties turned out for that thread ! Arguing after the bell has rung.
J Christian Adams has a new theory about the election.
two things happened in 2020. First, COVID led to a dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except the one body with the constitutional prerogative to change the rules of electing the president – the state legislatures.
Second, the Center for Technology and Civic Life happened.
If you are focused on goblins in the voting machines but don’t know anything about the CTCL and what they did to defeat Donald Trump, it’s time to up your game.
The Center for Technology and Civic Life and allied groups are responsible for building an urban get-out-the-vote-machine of the sort that Democrats could only dream up on a bender fueled by jugs of Merlot and all the legalized pot they could smoke.
If you concentrate on "Get out the vote," and not "Get out the voter," I tend to agree with him. The Billionaire Left dropped a billion dollars to get rid of Trump. It worked (I think) but mobilizing voters used to be cheaper when Tammany handed out "walking around money." It still worked for JBJ in 1948.
Part of why I went with the PC today, instead of an iPad, is that I have a lot to say, and typing on an iPad is slow. Sorry in advance to the leftists here, who think my Adderil meds are off. It isn't even caffeine today. Yet.
Inga seems to be enjoying herself immensely. Sure, they cheated. But, they will probably win the Presidency through massive election fraud. She loves that judges are, again, throwing out lawsuits on technicalities. Filed suite before the election? Dismissed. Not ripe. Ha! Ha! Filed suit after the election. Dismissed. Laches. Ha! Ha! Got you again. Didn't verify the complaint? Dismissed. Ha! Ha! Got you again. Sure, all of these dismissals are easily overcome, or dismissed at a higher level. But the Republicans don't have time, and that is the point. The left, the Dems, are running out the clock, dismissing claims and lawsuits on bogus, hyper technical reasons, in order to have the upper hand when Constitutional deadlines are hit. It probably won't help Republicans that the same court rejecting suits before and after the election is a Due Process violation, or that the only reason to verify a complaint is if its contents are going to be evidence. And, the evidence there was in the dozens and dozens of sworn affidavits.
What happens though if the Republicans cannot overcome these obstacles in the short amount of time they have left? Fairly obviously, the economy is going to crash, and the Middle East is going to explode. The deplorables are going to face more financial problems, but that is probably a feature, and not bug, from the point of view of the leftists driving this. We are likely to face power shortage issues, and men are going to be even more disincentivised to go to college. And, esp Black men, the most frequent target, per capita, of sexual complaints in colleges. No doubt, the US will green light China's expansionist actions around it (they did buy Biden), allowing us to again become overly dependent upon them. Jobs will start flowing back to China, putting more deplorables out of work. Feature again, and not bug. The big tech companies, no longer as vulnerable to § 230 claims (payback for election help), will double down on their thought and speech control. Gun ownership, along with ammo availability, will again be under siege. I am sure that others here have other places where our country is going to go down hill under Biden, even if they cannot flip the two Georgia Senate seats.
But I think that the real problem is going to be loss of trust. Somewhere this morning Ann mentioned that subject. The demographic center of the country is waking up to the reality that the Democrats stole the election. It probably wasn't really that close. All of that enthusiasm for Trump in his rallies? Overcome by truckloads of illegal absentee ballots sneaked into polling locations in big Dem cities after Republican poll workers had been sent home, for some bogus reason or another. Millions of bogus votes to overcome their very real ones. But, since they were the dutiful, law abiding ones, they only voted once, and find out that their ballots were, at a minimum, diluted by all of the bogus ones counted for Biden, and in many cases, just discarded by Dem aligned poll and USPS workers. And, most telling, hardest hit, again by the Democrats, were probably active military.
This country works, at least because the middle class trusts the system. Or, I should rephrase that, it used to work, because they did trust the system. A lot of things are likely to change, as a result of this brazen power grab. For example, we have a quasi voluntary tax system. Everyone is trusted to file their tax returns, and pay their taxes. Sure, the rich don't, and I seriously doubt that either the Clintons, nor the Bidens, have claimed all of the graft that they have received over the years as income. But now, we see that cheaters win, and playing by the rules is for suckers. Why file a tax return, since the IRS doesn't have more than a fraction of the resources that they would need to seriously audit much of the country every year?
Second, the Center for Technology and Civic Life happened.
If you are focused on goblins in the voting machines but don’t know anything about the CTCL and what they did to defeat Donald Trump, it’s time to up your game.
Yes! This is what I have been saying. The dems are rigging the election but not but by stuffing thousands of ballot boxes with fake votes. They are doing it right out in the open in a really boring way. They hounding and harassing poor and marginalized people until they agree to fill out an absentee ballot or hop in a car with them to the polls. That's what they call "get out the vote."
But will we have any meaningful action on the real (boring) problems like ballot harvesting and ballot access issues while everyone is obsessed with the fictional Kraken conspiracies?
We have trillions in debt, and have to wear silly face masks all the time. Weren't supposed to have family Thanksgivings this year, and very likely Christmas either. Public school teachers are being fully paid to stay home and teach remotely, allowing their more marginal students to fade from the system. The lockdown is imposed on us, but our supposed leaders, primarily Dems, flaunt their being above the law, from Fredo Cuomo through the mayor who gave a lockdown order not to travel from Cabo. They are, essentially, not leading by example, but instead seem to be reveling in their superiority, that they are, of course, exempt from their displays of power. All in the name of fighting the Wuhan Chinese coronavirus (apparently manufactured by the country that owns the biggest part of the Biden family, and probably negligently released into their population - and, it appears not to affect Orientals ("East Asians") as seriously as it does us round eyes).
It isn't clear whether COVID-19 spread is really affected that much by either the stupid mask mandate or the lockdowns. We are told to trust the experts. Except that they don't really know (every article I have read has argued by analogy, etc, and not from statistics). What it has done is destroyed millions of small businesses and put millions out of work. Bug or feature? Before you claim obviously "bug", keep in mind that COVID-19 was the justification for greatly expanded mail in balloting, and the greatly expanded mail in balloting was the mechanism utilized to steal the election. I always found it extremely suspicious that in July or August, or so, all of a sudden, there was a consensus decision that we all needed to bypass our normal election security measures and go with all mail in balloting. But, it was never clear who were involved in that consensus decision. It just appeared one day, already decided.
If you are prone to conspiracy theories, you could probably be excused for believing that maybe, just maybe, the primary reason for the lockdowns, the mask mandates, the forcing of so many businesses to fail, and so many people to lose their jobs, was to panic the country into accepting universal mail in balloting, by which the Democrats could steal the election, that they couldn't win any other way, and esp. with a candidate incapable of actually campaigning. And, this is reinforced by the politicians enforcing the lockdowns, etc., ignoring their own rules, and flaunting their power. How can you trust a government that is willing to put you out of work, destroy your small business, and prevent you from celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with your family, if the primary reason for these things is their own lust for power?
Overall, from my point of view (the leftists here may disagree), my experiment with using my PC to comment with has been a success. My grandmother essentially forced me to learn to type in junior high school. This was followed by a half century of programming, overlapped with 30 years as a patent attorney, both of which required a lot of typing. I am much faster typing this way. Much faster. To the leftists here who think that I am on Adderil - sorry. You lose.
If you are prone to conspiracy theories, you could probably be excused for believing that maybe, just maybe, the primary reason for the lockdowns, the mask mandates, the forcing of so many businesses to fail, and so many people to lose their jobs, was to panic the country into accepting universal mail in balloting, by which the Democrats could steal the election
And the democrats were doing this in England, and Italy, and Spain and everywhere else in the world? That's commitment.
"If you concentrate on "Get out the vote," and not "Get out the voter," I tend to agree with him. The Billionaire Left dropped a billion dollars to get rid of Trump. It worked (I think) but mobilizing voters used to be cheaper when Tammany handed out "walking around money." It still worked for JBJ in 1948."
I don't think that getting out the voters would have been as disruptive as the getting out the votes, the very blatant cheating, that went on, that we have seen. We have long seen the Dems doing just that - having well oiled GOTV efforts. But what is underappreciated is that despite the billions spent on the Dem side, Trump's GOTV effort was probably more effective. The problem is that Dem success, over the last several decades, maybe longer, has long been based on dragging in every potential Dem voter, whether they had to be enticed with walking around money, or pressured by their union reps, they have been doing a much better job of getting every possible Dem voter to the polls for a long time. Throwing a couple billion dollars at the problem wasn't going to unearth that many more Dem voters (though of course, illegally pressuring uninvolved potential Dem voters who hadn't voted yet did help). Outside of probably CA, I think that it is likely that Trump and his campaign actually brought in many more actual legal human voters who hadn't voted yet in this election, than did Biden, the Dems, and those billionaires, partially out of excitement, and partially out of being as aggressive, if not more so, than the Dems have traditionally been.
And, the success of that Trump GOTV effort is very likely why the Dems found themselves panicking late election night, when it looked like it was going to be a Trump blowout, when they threw out the Republican poll workers in key swing states, and brought in millions of illegal ballot to count and recount.
Blogger Inga said...
“That is self evident. They do not have written requests for 170,000 absentee ballots which are explicitly required by Wisconsin law. Black and white words on a page.”
Another person who pretends to understand WI election laws. When Wisconsinites went in to cast early absentee ballots which is also known as early voting, they are not required to submit a absentee voter application, by law.
“All counties in Wisconsin had a practice of in-person absentee ballots, where one particular application wouldn't be filled out since the voter is casting the ballot right there in-person as opposed to requesting an absentee ballot to be voted by mail. This was the procedure approved by election officials and has been in place for quite some time over several election cycles.”
From Busdriver’s link.
I provided a link to the lawsuit filed @ SCOWI.
Inga quoted a comment from some other web board from an election expert with the handle “shanked punt”.
Congrats.. you have no credibility or shame
It's too bad that the GOP legislators in those states did not have the initiative, or the interest, to be immediately seeking an injunction to stop the vote counting (adding) with no GOP monitors.
Trump is still largely the lone man.
This country works, at least because the middle class trusts the system. Or, I should rephrase that, it used to work, because they did trust the system. A lot of things are likely to change, as a result of this brazen power grab. For example, we have a quasi voluntary tax system. Everyone is trusted to file their tax returns, and pay their taxes. Sure, the rich don't, and I seriously doubt that either the Clintons, nor the Bidens, have claimed all of the graft that they have received over the years as income. But now, we see that cheaters win, and playing by the rules is for suckers.
I recommend two items for reading.
"The Chump Effect."
And "The uses of corruption.
Both from City Journal and very timely.
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