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On Tuesday, President Donald Trump and his campaign filed an explosive lawsuit claiming that Wisconsin officials included 221,323 illegal votes in the presidential election recount and asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to order Gov. Tony Evers (D-Wisc.) to rescind certification of the state’s election results until any illegal votes can be excluded from the count.
I thought about commenting on the Zelda thread, but my comment was somewhat off-topic there.
I will say that The Many Loves of Dobbie Gillis was perhaps my favorite TV show when I was in elementary school. However, the reason I liked it so much was the secondary characters -- especially Maynard and Zelda.
Anyway, recently I bought a paperback of Danny Thomas's biography, Make Room for Danny, and then I read the entire book with great interest.
Since then, I have begun to watch reruns of Make Room for Daddy -- also known as The Danny Thomas Show. (The series was renamed after a couple years.)
I remember watching this series as a child. I don't remember it as clearly and fondly as Dobbie Gillis. However, watching the Danny Thomas now as an adult is rather interesting. I think now that its humor is more "adult" than it was on Dobbie Gillis.
Watching the Danny Thomas series, I am struck by how patriarchal it was. Danny Thomas essentially plays himself, and he was an extraordinary rags-to-riches, wealthy, universally admired success. He, in his Daddy role, is very much the show's center of attention.
He also is quite controlling of his wife and daughter. He does not want his wife to work outside the home, and he does not want his daughter to date boys.
The humor is dated, but I still have enjoyed many laugh-out-loud moments while watching the series.
He also is quite controlling of his wife and daughter. He does not want his wife to work outside the home, and he does not want his daughter to date boys.
Not too many boys probably wanted to date Margie. Sh had her father's nose. I went to college with her. Finally, she got a new nose and a new name, "Marlo."
One interesting aspect of Danny Thomas's life was that he became fabulously rich within a few years. His television series ran from 1953 to 1964. That series was essentially the second television situation-comedy, after I Love Lucy. Thomas's series developed many of the situation-comedy conventions.
Thomas himself directed his TV series, and he soon began to produce many other TV series, including The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Andy Griffith Show, That Girl and The Mod Squad. His ownership of those shows earned him a ton of money. (His daughter Marlo Thomas likewise became mostly a producer/owner of television shows.)
Anyway, one interesting aspect of his own television series is that -- even though the audience understands that he is fabulously rich -- he is very concerned about trivial purchases that his wife does, because he remembers being very poor.
For example, in one episode his wife spent $100 for an antique clock. Danny then discovered that the clock was not really an antique. It was only about five years old. And so then Danny and his pal emptied all the junk out of their garages and did a yard sale, lying that everything was antiques. Their goal was to earn back the $100 that his wife had wasted on the "antique" clock.
I laughed out loud several times while watching that episode.
Most people have now seen the video of AZ Governor Doug Ducey, in the midst of a televised signing ceremony for the certification of his state's election results, pull his cellphone out of his breast pocket as the ringtone played "Hail to the Chief."
And the well-documented story was that back in July, Ducey had very publicly stated that on his phone, he had changed the ringtone for calls from the White House to "Hail to the Chief" because of the importance of his working relationship with POTUS and VPOTUS on the pandemic.
During the certification ceremony, Ducey turned the ringing off and set his phone down face down without even pausing the process he was engaged in. If it was indeed the White House calling, it was an enormous dissing.
I was left wondering if in fact it was the White House. I sort of thought that it might be explainable as something else, with the White House perhaps announcing that no one had called Ducey and that Ducey ought to explain it himself. Or that the call was about something entirely apart from the election. Border security, or some damned thing. But of course that didn't happen. And Ducey's call records, including incoming numbers, might well be public records. The White House never denied it was one of their phones calling Ducey.
So what was it all about? Well, all doubt was erased by... PDJT. As he raged into a cellphone call as Jenna Ellis held hers up to a microphone at a Trumpist rally "hearing" in Arizona on purported election fraud. This was, or could have been, a tiny brushfire of Trump embarrassment; and Trump poured a tanker full of jet fuel on it.
Charlie Sykes documented it all rather beautifully in a short column that is the most encouraging thing I have read in years, announcing a "civil war" between the GOP and Trump:
Elliot Page USED TO BE a lesbian actress.... BUT NOW! He is NOTHING BUT A SHITTY WHITE HETEROSEXUAL MALE Can we ALL AGREE? That (as a Shitty White Heterosexual Male), this Elliot is a SCUM??
Another post today led me to look at a commenters info. As occasionally happens, info includes link to said commenters blogs. Always interesting to see abandoned blogs from years ago. A reminder of the admirable dedication and toughness of Althouse to keep hers going.
As occasionally happens, info includes link to said commenters blogs. Always interesting to see abandoned blogs from years ago.
I may have made a post at one point after making a blogger profile.
I just don't have the combination of time, drive, and willingness to engage in topics of the day (beyond commenting a bit here at least). And even if I did, I doubt I'd be able to *garner* much of an audience beyond a tiny handful of people.
That said, I'd probably read a few of the regular commenters blogs around here if they had them and maintained them regularly.
In my local paper this morning, I read that a high school student at Madison East died of COVID-19 related causes on Thanksgiving.
I have been watching the numbers in Wisconsin, and have noticed that to date, there have no deaths of anyone age 19 or less. As of yesterday, the state COVID page is still showing 0 deaths. So at this point it may be one "probable". For perspective, 14,228 youths in the age range of 0-9 have tested positive. 43,815 youths in the age range 10-19 have tested positive. There have been 14 deaths in the 20-29 age group - out of 76,707 cases.
I was not going to get more specific about this unfortunate death, but seeing the extensive media coverage, I have to.
Note the qualified "may" be the youngest yet to die.
Some excerpts from Madison media.
The family took him to his regular doctor at Dean Clinic, where he tested negative for COVID-19 and the medical staff said he likely had a stomach flu, .......
After the vomiting and diarrhea didn’t go away, the family took Isai to the doctor again, his father said. It’s not clear when. Providers checked his heart and lungs and said they were fine, Milton Morocho said. He said they didn’t do another COVID-19 test.
After his death, someone at the hospital told him Isai had pneumonia related to COVID-19, Milton Morocho said. The State Journal was unable to confirm the cause of death with the Dane County Medical Examiner’s Office or local public health authorities.
“Unless we receive a record from a medical facility or medical examiner indicating that the death is due to COVID, our practice is to wait for a death certificate to confirm whether COVID was listed on the death certificate as an underlying or contributing cause of death,” said Sarah Mattes, Public Health Madison and Dane County spokeswoman.
@gilbar, Yes, it really is sad. Photos don't do it justice. The setting alone is spectacular. It was one of the best day trips I've ever had.
Having said that, there are many other reasons to visit Puerto Rico. If you follow up with curiosity, I'll name a few. But Arecibo was definitely a highlight.
Didn’t Angela Cartwright play the daughter? Before Sound of Music and Lost in Space?
In the series' first years, Danny had a wife, Margaret, a son, Rusty, and a daughter, Terry.
The actress who played the wife Margaret essentially did not like the show and her character, and after three years she quit to return to theater acting. Danny was happy that she decided to leave voluntarily, because he had become fed up with her.
So, that wife's death was written into the story, and Danny became a widower. In a series of episodes, he dated a series of women. These episodes were essentially auditions for the new wife character. Eventually, the Danny character fell in love with a woman character named Kathy "Clancey", played by Marjorie Lord. This second wife played in the series from 1957 to 1964 and is the wife that probably is most remembered.
Anyway, this second-wife character had a daughter, Linda, from a previous marriage, and she was adopted by Danny. This step-daughter was played by Angela Cartwright.
Meanwhile, the actress, Sherry Jackson, who played the original, first daughter, Terry, decided to quit the show and move on in her acting career. She was replaced in the same character by another actress, Penny Parker. After a few years, that character essentially was written out of the show, by sending her off to study away from home.
So, the daughter who probably is remembered the most was Danny's step-daughter, Linda, played by Angela Cartwright. She played her role from 1957 to 1964, like the actress Marjorie Lord, who played her mother, Clancey, Danny's second wife.
Ruh-roh...Scott begins to weigh truth over "unrest"/extortion: Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays · 25m The organized bullying of election witnesses, if proven to be ORGANIZED, is sufficient reason -- by itself -- to toss out the entire city's votes. That behavior DEMANDS the harshest penalty available, even if it puts the entire country into a spin. Do it anyway.ooh. -- Audio recording of a poll worker training reinforcing the issue of obstruction. That sounds "organized". Ordered revision/relaxation of distancing guidelines undisclosed to poll workers. Icky! Unintended (I think) moment of levity as Bomer suggests her concerns will be sweeped away by McBroom. Witnesses to internet hooks offer to take lie detector test.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel pretty much puts it forth as a "done deal". A Madison East High School student died after a brief COVID-related illness; it's Wisconsin's first known teen death related to virus
As Al Smith would say; Let's Take a Look, at the Record Isai’s father, Milton Morocho, said his son developed vomiting and diarrhea, which, are NOT covid symptoms
The family took him to his regular doctor at Dean Clinic, where he tested negative for COVID-19 and the medical staff said he likely had a stomach flu, Milton Morocho said. Isai didn’t have respiratory symptoms, his father said.
so, NO covid symptoms and TESTED... TESTED NEGATIVE
After the vomiting and diarrhea didn’t go away, the family took Isai to the doctor again, his father said. It’s not clear when. Providers checked his heart and lungs and said they were fine, Milton Morocho said. He said they didn’t do another COVID-19 test. because he HAD NO COVID SYMPTOMS, and STILL had non covid symptoms
After his death, someone at the hospital told him Isai had pneumonia related to COVID-19 SOMEONE! SOMEONE TOLD HIM!! SOMEONE TOLD HIM HE HAD A SYMPTOM HE DIDN'T HAVE did he DIE? from this pneumonia (that he didn't have?) or, did he die from the cholera (or whatever it was?)
Fauci, myself and others have been complaining about how many cycles they run the PCR kung flu tests. Fauci says that anything over 35 cycles (he's also said 33) is will produce false positives.
CDC currently recommends 40 cycles and some labs, according to Fauci, domore. As many as 45.
90‰ of all kung flu cases may be false positives. This keeps that sweet, sweet, kung flu money flowing and allows media&govt to continue their reign of terror.
But the over cycling is starting to get mentioned in the msm.
A conspiracies might say this is prepping to reduce the cycles to 35 or even lower. If the do this case counts will plummet.
Just as they introduce the Trump Shot vaccine that it is going to get people to take once, much less twice.
I predict that by April we will be seeing dozens of stories about the miracle of the Trump Shot. Why, just look at those case counts plummet! It's a miracle! Thank you Mr trump!
@mockturtle said... What, exactly, is a 'COVID-related illness'? It probably means he died of something quite different but they wangled a positive COVID test somehow.
From the article, I am not so sure that there has been a positive COVID test. Looking at other coverage, it seems like the media is taking the Madison Metro School District at their word that it is a COVID-related death. The health authorities have not confirmed that it is a COVID related death.
But the lack of confirmation is not stopping the media from blasting out the implication that this may be the first youth in Wisconsin to die of COVID.
This is why so many people are skeptical of what the media and "experts" put out there. It's all BS all the way down.
One of Danny Thomas's innovations in the situation-comedy business was the spin-off. The example, from his own series he spun-off The Andy Griffith Show.
The original premise of Make Room for Daddy was that Danny (Daddy) always from traveling to perform in nightclubs and so was home only rarely. While he was on the road, his daughter occupied his bedroom, and so she had to move out out of that room whenever her Daddy came home. (This was the actual situation with his real daughter Marlo when she was young.)
As the series progressed, his character got a steady job and so stayed home more and more. As the series progressed further, the writers had increasing difficulty coming up with story ideas, and so they wrote stories where the entire family went on vacation trips together.
Anyway, on one of the family's vacation trips, the family stopped in a small town, Mayberry, in North Carolina. There, the family got into some situation with the town's sheriff and deputy sheriff. That episode turned out to be so funny that Danny Thomas decided to create a spin-off series that featured that sheriff and deputy sheriff. That series was The Andy Griffith Show. Thomas owned, produced that series and thus earned all the profits.
Then, from The Andy Griffith Show, Danny Thomas spun-off The Gomer Pyle Show.
The Dick Van Dyke show essentially had been spun-off from Make Room for Daddy. The writers of Thomas's show got to talking about how they could base a series on their own work. Thomas took that idea and created The Dick Van Dyke show, which he then owned and produced.
Like others here I am having trouble seeing why this is a kung flu death.
He had no symptoms AND tested negative.
This is nothing new. It's one of the reasons why so many people think all the kung flu numbers are bullshit.
At least the guy who died of kung flu falling off a ladder 2-3 weeks ago tested positive. Cause of death was the fall but the test allowed them to include him in the stats.
They are just fucking with us now.
Unless there is something I'm missing here. And I did read the article that Alan linked.
And if they test him after death, they can run the cycles up to 45-50-60 whatever they need to get a positive result.
John Henry, about the Trump Miracle Shot in April--surely you jest!
If it happens it will be the Biden-Harris Covid-19 Miracle, along with the Biden-Harris Economic Recovery Miracle and the Biden-Harris Eternal Peace Miracle.
Actually we'll hear about those last two whether they happen or not.
I agree that it is sad about the telescope. We went years ago and, like I said about Hulk Hogan the other day, until you actually see it, you just can't know how big it is.
We kept meaning to go back and did a couple years ago but got there too late and the line was too long so we did not get in.
The mountains out there is karst country are spectacular just to drive around in. There's an old coffee plantation in Adjuntas that is a wonderful trip.
Lots and lots of nice beaches though they are all closed by governor's decree at the moment.
Not sure what is the status of visits to El Yunque rain forest at the moment. If open, it is a great place to spend the day.
Make sure to visit El Morro fort as well as San Cristobal and leave some time for mi viejo San Juan.
Come to Fajardo on the eastern tip and there are a number of catamarans that take day trips to the string of cays and islands. Most leave from Puerto del Rey Marina in front of my house. If you go, be sure to wave to me.
A great place for touristing. Be sure to rent a car and drive around.
My understanding is that if you do come, you must have a current kung flu test or be prepared to spend 14 days in lockdown quarentine. (Don't take my word, be sure to check actual advisories)
When I came back from a trip to NC last summer I had to spend 14 days in my house. When I come back from Kansas in a couple weeks, I expect to have to do it again.
Re Danny Thomas, wasn't he a band leader in that show? Like Ozzie Nelson and Ricky Ricardo who both had similar shows.
My main recollection is Uncle Burnoose.
And the show where he got caught speeding in Mayberry by Sheriff Andy, got locked up and played the typical obnoxious New Yorker. I believe that was the pilot for the Andy Griffeth show.
And he should be awarded a sainthood for what he did for kids with St Jude Hospital.
I see you both beat me with Andy Griffeth and and St Jude.
I don't know if I was aware that he owned the show. It's been in heavy syndication now for more than half a century. He must have gotten very rich off of it. Like billion$ not millions.
The Dick Van Dyke show essentially had been spun-off from Make Room for Daddy. The writers of Thomas's show got to talking about how they could base a series on their own work. Thomas took that idea and created The Dick Van Dyke show, which he then owned and produced.
His parents were immigrants from the same Lebanese village. They immigrated at different times and met in Ohio. Danny was one of the younger of ten children. The family spoke Arabic at home. After he became rich and famous, he visited Lebanon a couple of times. There, he performed in Arabic, singing and telling jokes.
When Danny was a child, a younger brother was bit by a rat and became very sick. Danny's very religious mother prayed to God to heal the boy. Every day, she would get on a bus and ride it to the end of the line. Then she would walk home, begging for coins along the way, promising the people that she would donate every cent to the poor so that God would save her son. She did donate all the money, and her son recovered.
One of Danny's aunts was barren, and so she asked if she could raise Danny. His own impoverished parents were relieved at the opportunity to shift him onto the aunt. So, Danny grew up living with his aunt most of the time, but often going back and forth to his original family.
Largely because that instability, he did poorly in school. He and an older brother dropped out of school, without telling any of the adults. He and his brother spent their afternoons at the local vaudeville theater, selling snacks in the theater aisles. He and his brother, both teenagers, decided that they themselves could organize a vaudeville act.
They did develop an act and performed it at some school functions. Then they got an opportunity to perform in the vaudeville theater. A few days before their performance, however, the brother fell in love with a girl and decided to quit the act and settle down with the girl and marry her.
Therefore, Danny was left to perform alone. He gradually got gigs telling jokes on local radio shows. Eventually, he got better gigs telling jokes in nightclubs. He earned very little money, but he kept at it.
At one point, he almost quit, but he was inspired by his mother's example. He prayed to God and promised to donate much of his earnings to the poor if he ever became successful.
Don Surber came up with the "Trump Shot" and I am just running with it.
On the other hand, it is apparently extremely painful, according to Bill Gates.
Here's a video clip of one of the doctors administering the shot:
CNBC says:
Participants in Moderna and Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine trials told CNBC in September that they were experiencing high fever, body aches, bad headaches, daylong exhaustion and other symptoms after receiving the shots. While the symptoms were uncomfortable, and at times intense, the participants said they often went away after a day, sometimes sooner, and that it was better than getting Covid-19.
So maybe it would be best to call it the "Biden Buster" or something. Let him catch the flak.
And I don't know enough about DNA to have any really useful opinion. I just know enough that I want to be like the 100 millionth person to get the shot. Not the 100th
Bill Gates also said that there was a lot of resistance to the Salk polio vaccine in the early 50's and that it too was extremely painful.
I remember getting it. It was done by the Army, I seem to recall. They used pneumatic injection and I remember that this impressed the bejabbers out of 2nd grade me. A shot without a needle? I'm in. There were probably a couple hundred kids who got the shot with me.
Gates says all vaccines are painful but I don't remember any being painful. In boot camp in the 60s I think I got about 75 of them over 4-5 weeks. Most by pneumatic injection and a few by needle. The only one I remember any pain was bicillin (I think it was called) Some sort of antibiotic that they shot about a pint into my buttcheek. Mainly painful because of quantity I think. We did some rigorous PT after and the swelling and pain went down. Still a bit tender sitting for lunch.
Peripheral work related scheduled drive through covid test,12:p.m. Monday in San Jose, fifteen minutes. Results texted 9:30 p.m. Tuesday. Kaiser, amazingly efficient set up.
@gilbar, My time is limited, but I found a letter I wrote someone else about Puerto Rico, who was about to visit. I've been there about ten times. So here is a list of highlights that I've excerpted from that letter.
Old San Juan: You can easily spend all day (or your whole trip) walking around the city. Every street has beautiful, well-preserved architecture from the colonial era. Great restaurants as well.
El Morro, the huge fort on the end of the island, especially if you like history. The other fort nearby, San Cristobal, is worth visiting too. Right next to El Morro is a beautiful cemetery, which is worth visiting if you like sculptures.
There are many other historical sites on Old San Juan, including the home of Ponce de Leon, and the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista (the second oldest in the hemisphere) where Ponce de Leon is entombed.
If you’re a nature-lover, visit El Yunque rainforest. It’s about a 2-hour drive away from San Juan. There are several non-strenuous hiking trails, and some nice waterfalls (including a couple you can swim in).
Another great nature trip is the Rio Camuy Cave Park, which is really spectacular. It’s about 1 hour from San Juan.
[Here's what I wrote about Arecibo.]
If you're into science and technology, visit Arecibo Observatory. It’s the largest single-dish radio observatory in the world. Very interesting, and it’s also an amazing trip through the mountains to get there. (There are tours that combine the Camuy Caves and the Arecibo Observatory, since they’re in the same area.)
If you have time, go snorkeling. Probably the best place is Vieques island (which also has a ‘biobay’ that glows at night).
I hope Althouse doesn't mind a travel ad on her blog. But it is a Cafe, and PR has great sunsets.
The big thing about Make Room for Daddy is that it brings together Thomas and Sheldon Leonard, and between the two of them they go on to Dick van Dyke, Andy Griffith, Gomer Pyle, The Mod Squad, I Spy. Dick van Dyke Show then goes on to be the template for Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart Show, and Frasier. All the great workplace shows - Barney Miller, WKRP, Taxi, Cheers - are just half a step removed.
The original daughter Sherry Jackson, matured into an outrageously pretty young woman, ended up guest starring on all the "guy" series of the 60s like Star Trek and tons of westerns.
Really loving Mike Sylwester‘s takes on classic TV. I watched Dobie reruns a lot as a little kid. I don’t remember much about the show, but I do remember that I liked it. Especially Bob Denver’s character.
Don't want to get off topic on the Zappos thread where I got the above quote.
I was watching a '70s movie on TCM last night. It wasn't particularly great but definitely a film 'of its era' in style.
There were a few women who were 'name' actresses of the time, and they all bared their tits.
It was all very casual...going to bed, tits. Getting out of bed, tits. Taking a bath, tits.
Kind of what you see in 'real life.
I also remember seeing movies at 12 or 13 (with my parents!) that were about cars or westerns or whatever, and there was always a fair (even) number of tits.
The only nudity you see today is either from women who are one step above porn actress or total unknowns.
Any known actresses use body doubles of one-step-above-porn actresses.
Now its just bed sheets that stay magically wrapped around the breasts of women, and every woman has perfected the art of getting out of bed while simultaneously doing the sheet wraparound.
stevew said... Since his move to Spotify I don't see or hear much about Joe Rogin.
Mmmm... Matt Drudge sells his web site and suddenly it slants progressive... Fox News has a change at the top and starts calling election results prematurely for the Democrats...
We have become aware how, over time, institutions like education, journalism, law enforcement, human relations, etc. have moved left-ward as progressives have worked their way into management and board positions, and then actively excluded any alternative voices. Now it seems like if there are any conservative/moderate/libertarian voices still out there, well, let's just buy them up for big $$$ and turn them into megaphones for the progressive cause, or at least, just marginalize them through how their public presence is controlled.
St. Jude was a client of mine. We recovered millions of dollars for them via our insurance discovery service. A drop in the bucket compared to what it took to run that place, but every dollar meant one less donation. It was always a personal pleasure to know we helped their cause.
Chuck, in his drive to be the most obnoxious commenter, likes to NR and their NT editorial. Thanks for liking to the reason why I cancelled NR after 40 years.
The LA times, in its series of crazy left wing front page stories, <a href=">includes Jonah Goldberg's latest. </a>
Unfortunately, I recently threw away my book Make Room for Danny.
I wish I could retell Danny Thomas's story about the creation of The Dick Van Dyke Show.
I did find an article, titled The Making of the Sitcom, about the show's creation. which mentions that the show's main producer was Thomas.
A company, Calvada Productions (Carl Reiner, Sheldon Leonard, Dick Van Dyke, Danny Thomas), was formed to produce the show, with each partner to receive a percentage of the profits. Thomas, who provided much of the financing for the new pilot out of his own pocket, was to receive the lion's share.
[end quote]
Thomas's book tells at length how Thomas picked Mary Tyler Moore as the show's female lead. I did find a webpage that says:
... Moore auditioned for the role of the older daughter on Make Room for Daddy, though Danny Thomas thought her nose was too small to be believable as his bloodline. Still, Thomas remembered her. When The Dick Van Dyke Show was casting, Mary was selected to play the wife based on Thomas' recommendation. He remembered her as "the girl with three names." ....
[end quote]
As I said, Thomas tells this story in greater detail and length.
It reminded me of the Hersey novel "The Child Buyer" in which a defense contractor seeks bright children to perform work for the Pentagon told in the form of a state senate hearing. But on second thought it's an interesting end run around the Ivy League monopoly on the education of our ruling class.
Michael K said... Chuck, in his drive to be the most obnoxious commenter, likes to NR and their NT editorial. Thanks for liking to the reason why I cancelled NR after 40 years.
Buckley wrote a book about you! Back in the late 50's and early 60's Buckley had to purge NR (and indeed conservatism writ large) of the insane, unhinged, know-nothing Birchers. You know, the Trumpers of his day.
"Cancel Your Own Goddam Subscription" is available on Amazon and if you visit through the Althouse Amazon portal, you'll be supporting this blog.
Darkisland said... "No pain from the polio vaccine in the early 50s, either.
John Henry" Are you kidding? My older brother was the first to get jabbed. He hollered and ran around that office like a squirrel being chased by a cat. The rest of dutifully followed suit. Looking back my mother was a goddamn saint.
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७२ टिप्पण्या:
Solid votes!
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump and his campaign filed an explosive lawsuit claiming that Wisconsin officials included 221,323 illegal votes in the presidential election recount and asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to order Gov. Tony Evers (D-Wisc.) to rescind certification of the state’s election results until any illegal votes can be excluded from the count.
I thought about commenting on the Zelda thread, but my comment was somewhat off-topic there.
I will say that The Many Loves of Dobbie Gillis was perhaps my favorite TV show when I was in elementary school. However, the reason I liked it so much was the secondary characters -- especially Maynard and Zelda.
Anyway, recently I bought a paperback of Danny Thomas's biography, Make Room for Danny, and then I read the entire book with great interest.
Since then, I have begun to watch reruns of Make Room for Daddy -- also known as The Danny Thomas Show. (The series was renamed after a couple years.)
I remember watching this series as a child. I don't remember it as clearly and fondly as Dobbie Gillis. However, watching the Danny Thomas now as an adult is rather interesting. I think now that its humor is more "adult" than it was on Dobbie Gillis.
Watching the Danny Thomas series, I am struck by how patriarchal it was. Danny Thomas essentially plays himself, and he was an extraordinary rags-to-riches, wealthy, universally admired success. He, in his Daddy role, is very much the show's center of attention.
He also is quite controlling of his wife and daughter. He does not want his wife to work outside the home, and he does not want his daughter to date boys.
The humor is dated, but I still have enjoyed many laugh-out-loud moments while watching the series.
Since his move to Spotify I don't see or hear much about Joe Rogin.
He also is quite controlling of his wife and daughter. He does not want his wife to work outside the home, and he does not want his daughter to date boys.
Not too many boys probably wanted to date Margie. Sh had her father's nose. I went to college with her. Finally, she got a new nose and a new name, "Marlo."
One interesting aspect of Danny Thomas's life was that he became fabulously rich within a few years. His television series ran from 1953 to 1964. That series was essentially the second television situation-comedy, after I Love Lucy. Thomas's series developed many of the situation-comedy conventions.
Thomas himself directed his TV series, and he soon began to produce many other TV series, including The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Andy Griffith Show, That Girl and The Mod Squad. His ownership of those shows earned him a ton of money. (His daughter Marlo Thomas likewise became mostly a producer/owner of television shows.)
Anyway, one interesting aspect of his own television series is that -- even though the audience understands that he is fabulously rich -- he is very concerned about trivial purchases that his wife does, because he remembers being very poor.
For example, in one episode his wife spent $100 for an antique clock. Danny then discovered that the clock was not really an antique. It was only about five years old. And so then Danny and his pal emptied all the junk out of their garages and did a yard sale, lying that everything was antiques. Their goal was to earn back the $100 that his wife had wasted on the "antique" clock.
I laughed out loud several times while watching that episode.
Nichevo said...On Tuesday, President Donald Trump and his campaign filed an explosive lawsuit
Explosive claims are easy. If they get a ruling, THAT will be explosive.
RIP, Arecibo Observatory. One of the most amazing places I've ever visited, and an engineering masterpiece.
Most people have now seen the video of AZ Governor Doug Ducey, in the midst of a televised signing ceremony for the certification of his state's election results, pull his cellphone out of his breast pocket as the ringtone played "Hail to the Chief."
And the well-documented story was that back in July, Ducey had very publicly stated that on his phone, he had changed the ringtone for calls from the White House to "Hail to the Chief" because of the importance of his working relationship with POTUS and VPOTUS on the pandemic.
During the certification ceremony, Ducey turned the ringing off and set his phone down face down without even pausing the process he was engaged in. If it was indeed the White House calling, it was an enormous dissing.
I was left wondering if in fact it was the White House. I sort of thought that it might be explainable as something else, with the White House perhaps announcing that no one had called Ducey and that Ducey ought to explain it himself. Or that the call was about something entirely apart from the election. Border security, or some damned thing. But of course that didn't happen. And Ducey's call records, including incoming numbers, might well be public records. The White House never denied it was one of their phones calling Ducey.
So what was it all about? Well, all doubt was erased by... PDJT. As he raged into a cellphone call as Jenna Ellis held hers up to a microphone at a Trumpist rally "hearing" in Arizona on purported election fraud. This was, or could have been, a tiny brushfire of Trump embarrassment; and Trump poured a tanker full of jet fuel on it.
Charlie Sykes documented it all rather beautifully in a short column that is the most encouraging thing I have read in years, announcing a "civil war" between the GOP and Trump:
I think thats the precursor to the alien invasion
Elliot Page USED TO BE a lesbian actress....
Can we ALL AGREE? That (as a Shitty White Heterosexual Male), this Elliot is a SCUM??
Yes its on the up and up
National Review Online:
"Trump's Disgraceful Endgame"
Didn’t Angela Cartwright play the daughter? Before Sound of Music and Lost in Space?
Andrew said...
RIP, Arecibo Observatory. One of the most amazing places I've ever visited, and an engineering masterpiece.
How Sad :( at first, i'd hoped you were making a sick joke or something; but NO
Arecibo was THE THING i wanted to go to Puerto Rico for
Today is Mark Steyn's 181st hosting of Rush, according to my archive.
AG Barr: No widespread fraud
Let the shunning begin of this newly anointed Deep State Enemy of the Donald State
Another post today led me to look at a commenters info. As occasionally happens, info includes link to said commenters blogs. Always interesting to see abandoned blogs from years ago. A reminder of the admirable dedication and toughness of Althouse to keep hers going.
Turns out dominion got a 400 million infusion from china, through ubs
Barr being taken to woodshed?
As occasionally happens, info includes link to said commenters blogs. Always interesting to see abandoned blogs from years ago.
I may have made a post at one point after making a blogger profile.
I just don't have the combination of time, drive, and willingness to engage in topics of the day (beyond commenting a bit here at least). And even if I did, I doubt I'd be able to *garner* much of an audience beyond a tiny handful of people.
That said, I'd probably read a few of the regular commenters blogs around here if they had them and maintained them regularly.
In my local paper this morning, I read that a high school student at Madison East died of COVID-19 related causes on Thanksgiving.
I have been watching the numbers in Wisconsin, and have noticed that to date, there have no deaths of anyone age 19 or less. As of yesterday, the state COVID page is still showing 0 deaths. So at this point it may be one "probable". For perspective, 14,228 youths in the age range of 0-9 have tested positive. 43,815 youths in the age range 10-19 have tested positive. There have been 14 deaths in the 20-29 age group - out of 76,707 cases.
I was not going to get more specific about this unfortunate death, but seeing the extensive media coverage, I have to.
Madison East High School student may be youngest yet to die of COVID-related illness in Wisconsin
Note the qualified "may" be the youngest yet to die.
Some excerpts from Madison media.
The family took him to his regular doctor at Dean Clinic, where he tested negative for COVID-19 and the medical staff said he likely had a stomach flu, .......
After the vomiting and diarrhea didn’t go away, the family took Isai to the doctor again, his father said. It’s not clear when. Providers checked his heart and lungs and said they were fine, Milton Morocho said. He said they didn’t do another COVID-19 test.
After his death, someone at the hospital told him Isai had pneumonia related to COVID-19, Milton Morocho said. The State Journal was unable to confirm the cause of death with the Dane County Medical Examiner’s Office or local public health authorities.
“Unless we receive a record from a medical facility or medical examiner indicating that the death is due to COVID, our practice is to wait for a death certificate to confirm whether COVID was listed on the death certificate as an underlying or contributing cause of death,” said Sarah Mattes, Public Health Madison and Dane County spokeswoman.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel pretty much puts it forth as a "done deal". A Madison East High School student died after a brief COVID-related illness; it's Wisconsin's first known teen death related to virus
They are so jubilant that Wisconsin has scored it's first youth death that they won't wait for confirmation.
"Howard said...
AG Barr: No widespread fraud"
That's not we he said.
Yes, it really is sad. Photos don't do it justice. The setting alone is spectacular. It was one of the best day trips I've ever had.
Having said that, there are many other reasons to visit Puerto Rico. If you follow up with curiosity, I'll name a few. But Arecibo was definitely a highlight.
Didn’t Angela Cartwright play the daughter? Before Sound of Music and Lost in Space?
In the series' first years, Danny had a wife, Margaret, a son, Rusty, and a daughter, Terry.
The actress who played the wife Margaret essentially did not like the show and her character, and after three years she quit to return to theater acting. Danny was happy that she decided to leave voluntarily, because he had become fed up with her.
So, that wife's death was written into the story, and Danny became a widower. In a series of episodes, he dated a series of women. These episodes were essentially auditions for the new wife character. Eventually, the Danny character fell in love with a woman character named Kathy "Clancey", played by Marjorie Lord. This second wife played in the series from 1957 to 1964 and is the wife that probably is most remembered.
Anyway, this second-wife character had a daughter, Linda, from a previous marriage, and she was adopted by Danny. This step-daughter was played by Angela Cartwright.
Meanwhile, the actress, Sherry Jackson, who played the original, first daughter, Terry, decided to quit the show and move on in her acting career. She was replaced in the same character by another actress, Penny Parker. After a few years, that character essentially was written out of the show, by sending her off to study away from home.
So, the daughter who probably is remembered the most was Danny's step-daughter, Linda, played by Angela Cartwright. She played her role from 1957 to 1964, like the actress Marjorie Lord, who played her mother, Clancey, Danny's second wife.
Ruh-roh...Scott begins to weigh truth over "unrest"/extortion:
Scott Adams
The organized bullying of election witnesses, if proven to be ORGANIZED, is sufficient reason -- by itself -- to toss out the entire city's votes. That behavior DEMANDS the harshest penalty available, even if it puts the entire country into a spin. Do it anyway.ooh.
Audio recording of a poll worker training reinforcing the issue of obstruction.
That sounds "organized". Ordered revision/relaxation of distancing guidelines undisclosed to poll workers.
Unintended (I think) moment of levity as Bomer suggests her concerns will be sweeped away by McBroom.
Witnesses to internet hooks offer to take lie detector test.
What, exactly, is a 'COVID-related illness'? It probably means he died of something quite different but they wangled a positive COVID test somehow.
No mention of the interstate urinal leak so far.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel pretty much puts it forth as a "done deal". A Madison East High School student died after a brief COVID-related illness; it's Wisconsin's first known teen death related to virus
As Al Smith would say; Let's Take a Look, at the Record
Isai’s father, Milton Morocho, said his son developed vomiting and diarrhea,
which, are NOT covid symptoms
The family took him to his regular doctor at Dean Clinic, where he tested negative for COVID-19 and the medical staff said he likely had a stomach flu, Milton Morocho said. Isai didn’t have respiratory symptoms, his father said.
so, NO covid symptoms and TESTED... TESTED NEGATIVE
After the vomiting and diarrhea didn’t go away, the family took Isai to the doctor again, his father said. It’s not clear when. Providers checked his heart and lungs and said they were fine, Milton Morocho said. He said they didn’t do another COVID-19 test. because he HAD NO COVID SYMPTOMS, and STILL had non covid symptoms
After his death, someone at the hospital told him Isai had pneumonia related to COVID-19
did he DIE? from this pneumonia (that he didn't have?) or, did he die from the cholera (or whatever it was?)
What? Did she just say "cock-blocking"?
Andrew said...
Having said that, there are many other reasons to visit Puerto Rico. If you follow up with curiosity, I'll name a few.
yes Please! i'd Like to visit, but i'd have no idea what to see. I'm guessing they are mountains?
Here's a conspiracy theory for you
Fauci, myself and others have been complaining about how many cycles they run the PCR kung flu tests. Fauci says that anything over 35 cycles (he's also said 33) is will produce false positives.
CDC currently recommends 40 cycles and some labs, according to Fauci, domore. As many as 45.
90‰ of all kung flu cases may be false positives. This keeps that sweet, sweet, kung flu money flowing and allows media&govt to continue their reign of terror.
But the over cycling is starting to get mentioned in the msm.
A conspiracies might say this is prepping to reduce the cycles to 35 or even lower. If the do this case counts will plummet.
Just as they introduce the Trump Shot vaccine that it is going to get people to take once, much less twice.
I predict that by April we will be seeing dozens of stories about the miracle of the Trump Shot. Why, just look at those case counts plummet! It's a miracle! Thank you Mr trump!
John Henry
@mockturtle said...
What, exactly, is a 'COVID-related illness'? It probably means he died of something quite different but they wangled a positive COVID test somehow.
From the article, I am not so sure that there has been a positive COVID test. Looking at other coverage, it seems like the media is taking the Madison Metro School District at their word that it is a COVID-related death. The health authorities have not confirmed that it is a COVID related death.
But the lack of confirmation is not stopping the media from blasting out the implication that this may be the first youth in Wisconsin to die of COVID.
This is why so many people are skeptical of what the media and "experts" put out there. It's all BS all the way down.
One of Danny Thomas's innovations in the situation-comedy business was the spin-off. The example, from his own series he spun-off The Andy Griffith Show.
The original premise of Make Room for Daddy was that Danny (Daddy) always from traveling to perform in nightclubs and so was home only rarely. While he was on the road, his daughter occupied his bedroom, and so she had to move out out of that room whenever her Daddy came home. (This was the actual situation with his real daughter Marlo when she was young.)
As the series progressed, his character got a steady job and so stayed home more and more. As the series progressed further, the writers had increasing difficulty coming up with story ideas, and so they wrote stories where the entire family went on vacation trips together.
Anyway, on one of the family's vacation trips, the family stopped in a small town, Mayberry, in North Carolina. There, the family got into some situation with the town's sheriff and deputy sheriff. That episode turned out to be so funny that Danny Thomas decided to create a spin-off series that featured that sheriff and deputy sheriff. That series was The Andy Griffith Show. Thomas owned, produced that series and thus earned all the profits.
Then, from The Andy Griffith Show, Danny Thomas spun-off The Gomer Pyle Show.
The Dick Van Dyke show essentially had been spun-off from Make Room for Daddy. The writers of Thomas's show got to talking about how they could base a series on their own work. Thomas took that idea and created The Dick Van Dyke show, which he then owned and produced.
Like others here I am having trouble seeing why this is a kung flu death.
He had no symptoms AND tested negative.
This is nothing new. It's one of the reasons why so many people think all the kung flu numbers are bullshit.
At least the guy who died of kung flu falling off a ladder 2-3 weeks ago tested positive. Cause of death was the fall but the test allowed them to include him in the stats.
They are just fucking with us now.
Unless there is something I'm missing here. And I did read the article that Alan linked.
And if they test him after death, they can run the cycles up to 45-50-60 whatever they need to get a positive result.
John Henry
A great shame about Arecibo.
Danny Thomas established St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital as public thanks to the saint of lost causes.
I barely recall his show.
Along with much else from those days
John Henry, about the Trump Miracle Shot in April--surely you jest!
If it happens it will be the Biden-Harris Covid-19 Miracle, along with the Biden-Harris Economic Recovery Miracle and the Biden-Harris Eternal Peace Miracle.
Actually we'll hear about those last two whether they happen or not.
I agree that it is sad about the telescope. We went years ago and, like I said about Hulk Hogan the other day, until you actually see it, you just can't know how big it is.
We kept meaning to go back and did a couple years ago but got there too late and the line was too long so we did not get in.
The mountains out there is karst country are spectacular just to drive around in. There's an old coffee plantation in Adjuntas that is a wonderful trip.
Lots and lots of nice beaches though they are all closed by governor's decree at the moment.
Not sure what is the status of visits to El Yunque rain forest at the moment. If open, it is a great place to spend the day.
Make sure to visit El Morro fort as well as San Cristobal and leave some time for mi viejo San Juan.
Come to Fajardo on the eastern tip and there are a number of catamarans that take day trips to the string of cays and islands. Most leave from Puerto del Rey Marina in front of my house. If you go, be sure to wave to me.
A great place for touristing. Be sure to rent a car and drive around.
My understanding is that if you do come, you must have a current kung flu test or be prepared to spend 14 days in lockdown quarentine. (Don't take my word, be sure to check actual advisories)
When I came back from a trip to NC last summer I had to spend 14 days in my house. When I come back from Kansas in a couple weeks, I expect to have to do it again.
John Henry
Where is the pedophile son of the holder of the office of president-elect?
Release the hard drives intact on the internet (minus the porn).
Re Danny Thomas, wasn't he a band leader in that show? Like Ozzie Nelson and Ricky Ricardo who both had similar shows.
My main recollection is Uncle Burnoose.
And the show where he got caught speeding in Mayberry by Sheriff Andy, got locked up and played the typical obnoxious New Yorker. I believe that was the pilot for the Andy Griffeth show.
And he should be awarded a sainthood for what he did for kids with St Jude Hospital.
John Henry
Mike, Narr,
I see you both beat me with Andy Griffeth and and St Jude.
I don't know if I was aware that he owned the show. It's been in heavy syndication now for more than half a century. He must have gotten very rich off of it. Like billion$ not millions.
John Henry
The Dick Van Dyke show essentially had been spun-off from Make Room for Daddy. The writers of Thomas's show got to talking about how they could base a series on their own work. Thomas took that idea and created The Dick Van Dyke show, which he then owned and produced.
The late Carl Reiner told it differently.
It's time for another comment about Danny Thomas.
His parents were immigrants from the same Lebanese village. They immigrated at different times and met in Ohio. Danny was one of the younger of ten children. The family spoke Arabic at home. After he became rich and famous, he visited Lebanon a couple of times. There, he performed in Arabic, singing and telling jokes.
When Danny was a child, a younger brother was bit by a rat and became very sick. Danny's very religious mother prayed to God to heal the boy. Every day, she would get on a bus and ride it to the end of the line. Then she would walk home, begging for coins along the way, promising the people that she would donate every cent to the poor so that God would save her son. She did donate all the money, and her son recovered.
One of Danny's aunts was barren, and so she asked if she could raise Danny. His own impoverished parents were relieved at the opportunity to shift him onto the aunt. So, Danny grew up living with his aunt most of the time, but often going back and forth to his original family.
Largely because that instability, he did poorly in school. He and an older brother dropped out of school, without telling any of the adults. He and his brother spent their afternoons at the local vaudeville theater, selling snacks in the theater aisles. He and his brother, both teenagers, decided that they themselves could organize a vaudeville act.
They did develop an act and performed it at some school functions. Then they got an opportunity to perform in the vaudeville theater. A few days before their performance, however, the brother fell in love with a girl and decided to quit the act and settle down with the girl and marry her.
Therefore, Danny was left to perform alone. He gradually got gigs telling jokes on local radio shows. Eventually, he got better gigs telling jokes in nightclubs. He earned very little money, but he kept at it.
At one point, he almost quit, but he was inspired by his mother's example. He prayed to God and promised to donate much of his earnings to the poor if he ever became successful.
Don Surber came up with the "Trump Shot" and I am just running with it.
On the other hand, it is apparently extremely painful, according to Bill Gates.
Here's a video clip of one of the doctors administering the shot:
CNBC says:
Participants in Moderna and Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine trials told CNBC in September that they were experiencing high fever, body aches, bad headaches, daylong exhaustion and other symptoms after receiving the shots. While the symptoms were uncomfortable, and at times intense, the participants said they often went away after a day, sometimes sooner, and that it was better than getting Covid-19.
So maybe it would be best to call it the "Biden Buster" or something. Let him catch the flak.
And I don't know enough about DNA to have any really useful opinion. I just know enough that I want to be like the 100 millionth person to get the shot. Not the 100th
John Henry
Bill Gates also said that there was a lot of resistance to the Salk polio vaccine in the early 50's and that it too was extremely painful.
I remember getting it. It was done by the Army, I seem to recall. They used pneumatic injection and I remember that this impressed the bejabbers out of 2nd grade me. A shot without a needle? I'm in. There were probably a couple hundred kids who got the shot with me.
Gates says all vaccines are painful but I don't remember any being painful. In boot camp in the 60s I think I got about 75 of them over 4-5 weeks. Most by pneumatic injection and a few by needle. The only one I remember any pain was bicillin (I think it was called) Some sort of antibiotic that they shot about a pint into my buttcheek. Mainly painful because of quantity I think. We did some rigorous PT after and the swelling and pain went down. Still a bit tender sitting for lunch.
John Henry
No pain from the polio vaccine in the early 50s, either.
John Henry
Make Room for Daddy on Amazon Prime.Also (free) on tubi, movies plus, Metro film fest best.
Peripheral work related scheduled drive through covid test,12:p.m. Monday in San Jose, fifteen minutes.
Results texted 9:30 p.m. Tuesday. Kaiser, amazingly efficient set up.
My time is limited, but I found a letter I wrote someone else about Puerto Rico, who was about to visit. I've been there about ten times. So here is a list of highlights that I've excerpted from that letter.
Old San Juan: You can easily spend all day (or your whole trip) walking around the city. Every street has beautiful, well-preserved architecture from the colonial era. Great restaurants as well.
El Morro, the huge fort on the end of the island, especially if you like history. The other fort nearby, San Cristobal, is worth visiting too. Right next to El Morro is a beautiful cemetery, which is worth visiting if you like sculptures.
There are many other historical sites on Old San Juan, including the home of Ponce de Leon, and the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista (the second oldest in the hemisphere) where Ponce de Leon is entombed.
If you’re a nature-lover, visit El Yunque rainforest. It’s about a 2-hour drive away from San Juan. There are several non-strenuous hiking trails, and some nice waterfalls (including a couple you can swim in).
Another great nature trip is the Rio Camuy Cave Park, which is really spectacular. It’s about 1 hour from San Juan.
[Here's what I wrote about Arecibo.]
If you're into science and technology, visit Arecibo Observatory. It’s the largest single-dish radio observatory in the world. Very interesting, and it’s also an amazing trip through the mountains to get there. (There are tours that combine the Camuy Caves and the Arecibo Observatory, since they’re in the same area.)
If you have time, go snorkeling. Probably the best place is Vieques island (which also has a ‘biobay’ that glows at night).
I hope Althouse doesn't mind a travel ad on her blog. But it is a Cafe, and PR has great sunsets.
Tcrosse observes: The late Carl Reiner told it differently.
Uh, yes.
The big thing about Make Room for Daddy is that it brings together Thomas and Sheldon Leonard, and between the two of them they go on to Dick van Dyke, Andy Griffith, Gomer Pyle, The Mod Squad, I Spy. Dick van Dyke Show then goes on to be the template for Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart Show, and Frasier. All the great workplace shows - Barney Miller, WKRP, Taxi, Cheers - are just half a step removed.
The original daughter Sherry Jackson, matured into an outrageously pretty young woman, ended up guest starring on all the "guy" series of the 60s like Star Trek and tons of westerns.
Really loving Mike Sylwester‘s takes on classic TV. I watched Dobie reruns a lot as a little kid. I don’t remember much about the show, but I do remember that I liked it. Especially Bob Denver’s character.
Don't want to get off topic on the Zappos thread where I got the above quote.
I was watching a '70s movie on TCM last night. It wasn't particularly great but definitely a film 'of its era' in style.
There were a few women who were 'name' actresses of the time, and they all bared their tits.
It was all very casual...going to bed, tits. Getting out of bed, tits. Taking a bath, tits.
Kind of what you see in 'real life.
I also remember seeing movies at 12 or 13 (with my parents!) that were about cars or westerns or whatever, and there was always a fair (even) number of tits.
The only nudity you see today is either from women who are one step above porn actress or total unknowns.
Any known actresses use body doubles of one-step-above-porn actresses.
Now its just bed sheets that stay magically wrapped around the breasts of women, and every woman has perfected the art of getting out of bed while simultaneously doing the sheet wraparound.
stevew said...
Since his move to Spotify I don't see or hear much about Joe Rogin.
Mmmm... Matt Drudge sells his web site and suddenly it slants progressive... Fox News has a change at the top and starts calling election results prematurely for the Democrats...
We have become aware how, over time, institutions like education, journalism, law enforcement, human relations, etc. have moved left-ward as progressives have worked their way into management and board positions, and then actively excluded any alternative voices. Now it seems like if there are any conservative/moderate/libertarian voices still out there, well, let's just buy them up for big $$$ and turn them into megaphones for the progressive cause, or at least, just marginalize them through how their public presence is controlled.
St. Jude was a client of mine. We recovered millions of dollars for them via our insurance discovery service. A drop in the bucket compared to what it took to run that place, but every dollar meant one less donation. It was always a personal pleasure to know we helped their cause.
one-step-above-porn actresses
No such thing. See Harvey Weinstein.
Chuck, in his drive to be the most obnoxious commenter, likes to NR and their NT editorial. Thanks for liking to the reason why I cancelled NR after 40 years.
The LA times, in its series of crazy left wing front page stories, <a href=">includes Jonah Goldberg's latest. </a>
Paywall blocks a sample.
Unfortunately, I recently threw away my book Make Room for Danny.
I wish I could retell Danny Thomas's story about the creation of The Dick Van Dyke Show.
I did find an article, titled The Making of the Sitcom, about the show's creation. which mentions that the show's main producer was Thomas.
A company, Calvada Productions (Carl Reiner, Sheldon Leonard, Dick Van Dyke, Danny Thomas), was formed to produce the show, with each partner to receive a percentage of the profits. Thomas, who provided much of the financing for the new pilot out of his own pocket, was to receive the lion's share.
[end quote]
Thomas's book tells at length how Thomas picked Mary Tyler Moore as the show's female lead. I did find a webpage that says:
... Moore auditioned for the role of the older daughter on Make Room for Daddy, though Danny Thomas thought her nose was too small to be believable as his bloodline. Still, Thomas remembered her. When The Dick Van Dyke Show was casting, Mary was selected to play the wife based on Thomas' recommendation. He remembered her as "the girl with three names." ....
[end quote]
As I said, Thomas tells this story in greater detail and length.
Was MTM the first MILF?
'Donna Reed Show' was '58, 'Beaver' was '57.
So Mrs. Cleaver is the leader in the clubhouse so far.
I thought this was an interesting story about ex-Google CEO Schmidt's project to find smart teenagers and provide opportunities for them.
It reminded me of the Hersey novel "The Child Buyer" in which a defense contractor seeks bright children to perform work for the Pentagon told in the form of a state senate hearing. But on second thought it's an interesting end run around the Ivy League monopoly on the education of our ruling class.
Are we back to clicking on all of the squares containing traffic lights?
I was on a different thread 2 minutes ago...
Yes we are.
Watching TCM again. I keep it on a lot as background visuals because they don't do commercials.
They do an hour or more every week about women in film.
It's all lesbian directors and complaining.
If women made films as well as Spielberg, Howard, or Wells, they would be given credit.
Nobody cares that you're a woman.
Make great movies and people will pay to see them.
There are no extra points for having a vagina.
Michael K said...
Chuck, in his drive to be the most obnoxious commenter, likes to NR and their NT editorial. Thanks for liking to the reason why I cancelled NR after 40 years.
Buckley wrote a book about you! Back in the late 50's and early 60's Buckley had to purge NR (and indeed conservatism writ large) of the insane, unhinged, know-nothing Birchers. You know, the Trumpers of his day.
"Cancel Your Own Goddam Subscription" is available on Amazon and if you visit through the Althouse Amazon portal, you'll be supporting this blog.
Thanks and have a nice day!
Darkisland said...
"No pain from the polio vaccine in the early 50s, either.
John Henry"
Are you kidding? My older brother was the first to get jabbed. He hollered and ran around that office like a squirrel being chased by a cat. The rest of dutifully followed suit.
Looking back my mother was a goddamn saint.
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