Seattle's mayor, Jenny Durkan, has decided not to run for reelection. Her summer of love didn't work out so well for her. Her chief of police, Carmen Best, resigned and said "See you later!"
Votes can be flipped in the adjudication process if two poll workers agree the INTENT of the voter is wrong. Adjudicated ballots should be reviewed, but DOMINION reps were caught on camera MASS APPROVING WITHOUT REVIEW. Its possible to set the scanner settings to require adjudication for almost every ballot. Seems they may have done that here.
Fulton County's Election Director:
"We've scanned 113,130. We've adjudicated over 106,000. Ballots are adjudicated.. if there is some question.. the vote review panel then determines voter intent."
*ADJUDICATION* is a Dominion override function that is meant for a marginal number of ballots, not *OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND.*
I know there are so many passages from that book, the way wolfe introduces him like a pilot trying to assure passengers, the idiosyncracies of pancho barnes bar and edwards afb in the mid 40s.
"What if I told you @BrianKempGA was bought and I showed you the meetings, transcripts, and the financial compensation his family received to attempt to hide this transaction?"
Pfizer’s snub in particular is the latest in a series of skirmishes between Trump and the drug giant.
On Nov. 10, Kathrin Jansen, a Pfizer executive, attempted to distance the company from Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s hyper-ambitious coronavirus vaccine initiative. In an interview with the New York Times, she claimed Pfizer was “never part” of Operation Warp Speed, and that the company had “never taken any money from the U.S. government.”
While the company never accepted Operation Warp Speed funding to help develop the vaccine, it did agree to a $1.95 billion purchase order with the federal government, providing the company a massive guaranteed market if the vaccine proved to be safe and effective. Trump later called Jansen’s remark “an unfortunate mistake.”
Bourla later defended the decision to decline federal research and development funding, citing a desire to “liberate our scientists from any bureaucracy” and “keep Pfizer out of politics.”
In a Nov. 20 press conference, Trump accused Pfizer of delaying the release of its final-stage clinical trial data until after Election Day to avoid boosting the president’s reelection odds.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Does anybody not named Trump, and not paid by Trump, seriously think that Trump deserves any personal credit at all for these vaccines?
Are you going to make me bitch slap you raw like I did two nights ago, so bad you ran away and couldn't even respond to my proving what a liar you are... for the twelfth or thirteenth time?
VIDEO remember when Pompeo addressed our governors? “These aren’t hypotheticals,” he continued. “Last year a Chinese government-backed think tank in Beijing produced a report that assessed all fifty of America’s governors on their attitudes toward China. They labeled each of you friendly, hardline, or ambiguous.”
Proving "Fraud" in the Fulton County Ballot Counting Room -- A Prosecutor's Perspective By Shipwreckedcrew | Dec 07, 2020 8:15 PM ET
'...If I’m a Fulton County Democrat partisan and I want to slow down the investigation, I tell everyone involved to get a lawyer and use the need to get a lawyer to delay talking with law enforcement.
Apparently, that is just what Ruby Freeman has now done after she backed out of an agreement to give an interview to a news outlet on Monday. She has reportedly either deleted her Facebook page or set it to private as well.
Among the most “curious” — and maybe incriminating — parts of the video surveillance footage from the Fulton County counting room was that showing Freeman seeming to run the same stack of ballots through a tabulating machine multiple times.
'...Ruby Freeman running the same stack of ballots over and over is one of those “hard to explain” episodes.
When personal exposure to possible criminal prosecution becomes a potential outcome of “Wheel of Fortune”, someone ALWAYS cracks.'
Are you going to make me bitch slap you raw like I did two nights ago, so bad you ran away and couldn't even respond to my proving what a liar you are... for the twelfth or thirteenth time?
Regular reminder that these are the moderated comments pages of the Althouse blog.
Holy crap..Scott Adams is off his rocker regarding the under the table ballots. That's where you put caterers: They were told work was done...not the counting! Oh..ok, Scott. Nevermind the multiple news reports on that night. If he didn't use one himself, he would likely do a bit on abuse of whiteboards to be persuasive.
And why exactly should my proving once again that you're a consumate liar be moderated away, Chuck? Do you think this blog is mandated to be a platform for you to post uncontested bullshit propaganda?
Do you want me to go over the details of your lies from the other night too, Chuck? You know, where you pretended that Trump failed to meet a reasonable timeline for the vaccine, when he is in fact five months ahead of what CBS "fact cbeck" from May 15 said would be a "modern medical miracle"? And you flagrantly lied claiming that timeline included actual delivery of the vaccine... which was another lie?
It's obvious why you're crying for me to be moderated, Chuck. Because you're a pathetic lying worm who isn't just incapable of winning anything on his own, you can't even lose properly by yourself.
Chuck said/quoted..."While the company never accepted Operation Warp Speed funding to help develop the vaccine, it did agree to a $1.95 billion purchase order with the federal government, providing the company a massive guaranteed market if the vaccine proved to be safe and effective." -- That's kind of a big deal, unprecedented? As far as avoiding being political, delaying announcements till after election? Hello?
No issue has divided white Americans for as long and persistently as race. Conflicts over race are recorded in our founding document, and every generation has been confronted by political crises arising from racial issues. On two occasions theses crises have led to dramatic reorientations of political power and the social order. The first by Civil War, the second by Civil Rights.
Race fueled the exodus of the the white working class from the Democrats and helped ignite the Reagan revolution. It was this faction that provided the audience for Howard Stern, Morton Downey, Jr., and the conservative talk radio boom. Organizations like the Democratic Leadership Council and Blue Dog Coalition were efforts to win back their support by undoing some of the party's leftward turn since the 70s.
Except for a brief period in the late 90s and early 00s, racial dynamics have continued to polarize white Americans. The white middle class has typically mediated these tensions and been the traditional base of support for the "moderate" approach. However, there is seemingly little chance that the middle can support any candidate who would be acceptable to a sufficient number of whites on the left and the right.
A ghastly new story, blowing up in Qwinn’s face...
Two nights ago, I was taunting Qwinn about the timetable for real, practical vaccine delivery. It isn’t “2020” at all. What I said was that “vaccines are meaningless; vaccinations mean everything.” And the standard, repeatedly recited schedule for broad-scale US vaccinations has always been mid-2021. Qwinn didn’t like that news.
Qwinn is really not going to like this news: Feds passed up chance to lock in more Pfizer vaccine doses
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration opted last summer not to lock in a chance to buy millions of additional doses of one of the leading coronavirus vaccine contenders, a decision that could delay the delivery of a second batch of doses until manufacturer Pfizer fulfills other international contracts.
The revelation, confirmed Monday by people familiar with the matter, came a day before President Donald Trump aimed to take credit for the speedy development of forthcoming coronavirus vaccines at a White House summit Tuesday.
Pfizer’s vaccine is expected to be endorsed by a panel of Food and Drug Administration advisers as soon as this week, with delivery of 100 million doses — enough for 50 million Americans — expected in coming months.
Under its contract with Pfizer, the Trump administration committed to buy an initial 100 million doses, with an option to purchase as many as five times more.
This summer, the White House opted not to lock in an additional 100 million doses for delivery in the second quarter of 2021, according to people who spoke about the matter on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly.
So 2 billion "massive guaranteed market" was too little, negligent. Got it. Chuck! said... "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him." 3/4/16, 4:46 PM
Um, with multiple vaccines available, why is it a surprise or even a bad thing that Trump wouldn't want a single company (that are acting as much like little pathetic shits as Chuck is) providing the vaccines for over 60% of the US population? Letting them do 30% isn't enough?
Moderna's vaccine is more effective and doesn't require refrigeration. If Trump had ordered another 100 million doses from Pfizer, that's a hundred million less of other, better vaccines.
God, your attacks are so pathetic, Chuck. It's just so sad.
Judge Emmett Sullivan has an open court case upon which to act upon regarding Mike Flynn and he also needs to rule on DOJ's request for dismissal of charges against Flynn as directed as a result of previous DC Appeals Court actions. The complications occurred first of all were caused by DOJ's request to dismiss previous charges made by Mueller to which Flynn had already pled guilty and which were awaiting sentencing.
Trump has now made this more complicated by granting a pardon to Flynn before the court could act on the open case by granting pardon's for criminal acts not yet fully ascertained. Over the weekend, Judge Reggie Walton suggested that Judge Sullivan could possibly rule that the wording of the pardon is overbroad but all Sullivan really did today was a little housekeeping by responding to outsider amicus requests made to the court.
I would expect that a request for more details and information will be made to the Trump administration regarding the pardon document to clarify final court orders.
Blogger Qwinn said... gadfly: "before the court could act"? LMAO, waiting over five months for Sullivan to free Flynn after the DOJ dropped charges wasn't enough?
The DC Appeals Court put determination of the legality of Billy Barr's suspect action back into the Sullivan court. Six months is not a long wait in Federal courts.
But it's a long time to sit in prison for being railroaded by lies and altered documents, asshole.
And, of course, 6 months is normal for the courts, you say, but filing suits against election fraud in Pennsylvania within 3 WEEKS of the election was dismissed for "failed to file in a timely manner".
And every last one of you is acting like that dismissal proves there's no fraud. Even though two lower courts ordered to stop certification and that Trump was likely to win on the merits of the case.
I'll say it again: You people have become animals. When the horrible fate you've earned comes for you, don't bother asking for mercy or sympathy. The rest of us will just be hoping it's televised.
Barr Is Said to Be Weighing Whether to Leave Before Trump’s Term Ends
The attorney general’s future came into doubt after he acknowledged that the Justice Department had not found evidence of widespread voter fraud in the president’s election loss.
By Katie Benner, Michael S. Schmidt and Peter Baker
BEFORE the comments section closed, I posted a comment. Acknowledged by:
"Thank you for your submission. Your comment will appear once it has been approved."
About two hours later, I went back to see if was approved. Nope. Instead, I find that: "The comments section is closed. To submit a letter to the editor for publication, write to"
I guess American Pravda doesn't like being corrected. Especially when pushing an intentionally false political narrative.
Here's the first part of my submission:
NYT subhead:
'The attorney general’s future came into doubt after he acknowledged that the Justice Department had not found evidence of widespread voter fraud in the president’s election loss."
This is based on Barr's 12/1 interview by the AP.
"...Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
"TO DATE" is a VERY important qualifier. Why did the NYT reporters decide not to quote Barr accurately? After all, that interview took place almost a week ago.'
Of course, the AP's headline "Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud" was also false:
Here’s a good one for Althouse to blog. After presenting Olympic/Iowa wrestling icon Dan Gable with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Trump abruptly walks out of the Oval Office as FNC’s John Roberts asks about the upcoming inauguration. Leaving a clearly astonished Gable wondering what he was supposed to do, as noted by Aaron Rupar of Vox. This is some weird shit:
Like the wanderer and his shadow, As tall as failure, you sit In this mythical age of functional living, Equality and race, god and his double, Exhaling words a match may allow Between cigarette and pen, Writing ‘arse’ for a cheap bit of realism.
Lend me, you say, a message to hand over: So much is about yet you cannot see it – The heavy statues worked for others glory Will always fall, noticed only When the crowd is permitted a sacrifice, Exhibited, appendages missing.
If all the flowers, herbs, trees of alien nature Had that smile as their misjudgement Could you still laugh at the folly of it all? The rabbits, the foxes, the salivating wolves Slapped as one slaps stone with the metal brightness Of a crowds disillusionment, spat upon, Could you be then still quite so curt With your honesty and as if the failure Was merely ordinary like a broken home?
Always again the wish to begin Brilliantly new, once more to look clear And innocent on what’s not clear and innocent, To imagine these dirty rivulets Spilling down the street as children imagine: Surprising, delightful, infinite. But the street is only a playground for louts, The frustrated conduit of labour, The town a particular of a history Intensely, chronically self destructive. We cannot unlearn contempt for the world, The fragmentary spirit, the family That fell apart even before it began.
The Way ‘The way out is via the door: how come nobody knows this?’ Confucius, The Analects
Neither to go far nor to come home Is the point, they say: To stay that distant fixation found In their farmers fields There to scare the crows. Others, Across the years, from family To friends, may beg benediction, Proper words to confirm What their presumptions will always presume, But you that timid daring Which says there is a way but I cannot find it As the parameter of a town Beyond which the road leads past the graveyard But never past fear.
The chatter on the wind is the irritation Of the street: drunks or illiterate poor Claiming back bitter heritage of dark Or barbaric recompense of pillage. The habited Romans on their destined sword Of solitary circlings; burnt books, Artefacts in whose flames is seen the death Of some peculiar, personal march To some incongruous goal. Not sacrificed But burnt with the words and flaming tongue Taking all in a lying confession Of confounded biographies. The time heralded on an ox skin drum And thus brought to a passive, anonymous march, A prayer of strangers.
The media, national, local, all, do stories on the 'soaring' number of virus cases, hinting that the draconian measures and restrictions have not been sufficiently severe to be effective and that greater restrictions, even another round of lock downs, are required.
Then the same media write stories moaning and kvetching about the failure of small businesses, the very high percentage of minority owned ones that have failed, the difficulties of remote learning, how many students have been 'lost', and the soaring rates of educational failure.
These two perspectives are often published on the same page, relatively close to each other, and yet the connection is only loosely admitted, if at all. There is no acknowledgement of the tradeoff, that our government has chosen to accept and tolerate the latter in its attempt to address the former.
They hardly ever write stories explaining the science that has accumulated since Feb that chronicles the reasons, sometimes theories, the government restrictions have failed so colossally to 'stop the spread'.
And most people accept this state of affairs with a shrug.
"State leaders are increasingly calling on individuals to do the right thing — avoid high-risk settings, cancel holiday and travel plans, and limit their social circles — without handing down formal guidelines to enforce such behaviors."
I am encouraged by that. The Globe writer is tsk-tsking.
Chuck Yeager. What a life! Saw him do a flyover at the 50th Anniversary Air Force air show at Nellis AFB in 1997. I guess he would have been about 74 at the time.
"Chuck said... Here’s a good one for Althouse to blog. After presenting Olympic/Iowa wrestling icon Dan Gable with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Trump abruptly walks out of the Oval Office as FNC’s John Roberts asks about the upcoming inauguration. Leaving a clearly astonished Gable wondering what he was supposed to do, as noted by Aaron Rupar of Vox. This is some weird shit"
Cuckster is too dumb to realize that you can pull up the complete Dan Gable ceremony which was almost 20 minutes long. Trump talked for much of it praising Gable before turning things over to him to make a short speech. He then asked reporters if they had any questions...for Gable. One idiot who clearly could care less quickly came up with one, asking able why college wrestling wasn't as popular as other forms (the fake kind), and then someone asked him how he felt being in the oval office, and then the rest were directed to Trump. Trump answered a few quickly and said we are here to honor Gable, then thanked his family for being there, thanked Gable, and walked out. Gable was kinda stiff throughout, I'm sure he was very nervous. What you are seeing at the end that the Cuck showed is simply a continuation of his nervousness throughout.
Here watch. I'm sure it not necessary to know what a POS loser Cuck is, but here you go.
Does anybody not named Trump, and not paid by Trump, seriously think that Trump deserves any personal credit at all for these vaccines?
Yes. By contrast with Barack Obama after Hurricane Sandy, this is what cutting federal red tape genuinely looks like. Left to their normal processes, the CDC and FDA would be dragging the research and approval processes out to 2022 or (probably) further. People who argue otherwise simply don’t understand the federal bureaucracy and probably believe — gullibly! — that their mission is to serve the public. Their mission is the same as any bureaucracy anywhere, to grow ever larger by demanding ever more paperwork, both internally (pushing unnecessary paperwork from one office to the next) and externally (demanding more and more data from the public they allegedly serve).
Back in the day good Republicans snarked that if Trump cured cancer the lefties would find something to bitch about it, and now we have the coronavirus vaccine, and by Golly they are bitching about it right on cue.
Goya Foods and president CEO Bob Unanue revealed that after Rep. Alexandria Cortez (D-NY) echoed a call for a boycott of Goya products back in July because Unanue supported President Trump, his company named her “Employee of the Month” because sales rose so dramatically.
Big Mike said... "Does anybody not named Trump, and not paid by Trump, seriously think that Trump deserves any personal credit at all for these vaccines?"
Yes. By contrast with Barack Obama after Hurricane Sandy, this is what cutting federal red tape genuinely looks like. Left to their normal processes, the CDC and FDA would be dragging the research and approval processes out to 2022 or (probably) further. People who argue otherwise simply don’t understand the federal bureaucracy and probably believe — gullibly! — that their mission is to serve the public. Their mission is the same as any bureaucracy anywhere, to grow ever larger by demanding ever more paperwork, both internally (pushing unnecessary paperwork from one office to the next) and externally (demanding more and more data from the public they allegedly serve).
Back in the day good Republicans snarked that if Trump cured cancer the lefties would find something to bitch about it, and now we have the coronavirus vaccine, and by Golly they are bitching about it right on cue.
It's amazing, isn't it, how Trump not only "cut red tape" in the United States of America, he cut red tape in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, where they are administering COVID vaccines to the public starting TODAY, in advance of U.S. FDC public approval.
Trump is obviously the President that England ("What happened to England?") needed.
"The pharma companies hate Trump because he's forcing price transparency and other regulatory changes that lower prices for consumers, Chuck."
If he is able to accomplish this in the last weeks of his administration, bravo to him! But why did it take him having a temper tantrum for him to to this? Why didn't his administration try to get this done earlier? Trump promises much and does little, but now he is having a hissy fit that has roused him from his self-absorbed indifference to what's going on in the country.
Chuck and his mini-me, gadfly, have dropped a lot of turds on this thread. Then along comes Cook the commie to add one more.
Does anybody not named Trump, and not paid by Trump, seriously think that Trump deserves any personal credit at all for these vaccines?
Trump took the vaccine matter away from CDC and FDA where it would be waiting today for an increased budget if he had not.
Those who know some history of science (unlike Chuck and gadfly) remember the fiasco that the Human Genome Project was.
Beginning on October 1, 1990 and completed in April 2003, the HGP gave us the ability, for the first time, to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.
Venter viewed the slow pace of progress in the Human Genome project as an opportunity to continue his interest in patenting genes, so he sought funding from the private sector to start Celera Genomics.[21] The company planned to profit from their work by creating genomic data to which users could subscribe for a fee. The goal consequently put pressure on the public genome program and spurred several groups to redouble their efforts to produce the full sequence. Venter's effort won him renown as he and his team at Celera Corporation shared credit for sequencing the first draft human genome with the publicly funded Human Genome Project.[22]
The only reason Venter "shared" the credit was because Venter's company was the one that did the sequencing of Clinton's DNA on Monica Lewinski's dress.
In 2000, Venter and Francis Collins of the National Institutes of Health and U.S. Public Genome Project jointly made the announcement of the mapping of the human genome, a full three years ahead of the expected end of the Public Genome Program.
The private initiative resulted in the human genome being sequenced and in the rapid development of mRNA vaccine for SARS-2. Neither Venter nor Trump received credit, except among those who know about science.
Since Ann has commanded that election theft can only be discussed in this thread...
Everyone remember that ridiculous "Lead Story" article, first posted by Inga, that supposedly debunked the Georgia video? Every single MSM outlet besides Newsmax ran with that.
Mollie Hemingway (a national treasure) took it apart masterfully.
RALPH JONES: “I think we’ll still be scanning late today a little later on um we are scheduled to scan up to 10 and 11:00 o’clock today I should say tonight at the present time”
I think this will be a problem lasting years. If it had been a very close election (without the massive fraud), the presence of some questions about a few ballots, like the Franken election or the WA election a few years ago, when ballots were "discovered" in the legendary trunk of the car, it would be easier to "move on" and forget. That would not be true of the candidate but the supporters would be less energized. In this case, it looks like the fraud was massive, no matter what Trump skeptics like Andy McCarthy say.
For example, that Iowa election which the Republican won by 6 votes will be ignored by Nancy who will seat the loser, just as they did in "The Bloody 8th" CD in Indiana in 1984. That is also fraud but is easier forgotten than the massive effort it took to unseat Trump. I still have a few hopes that justice will prevail but, if it doesn't, it will be gone for years.
What is hard and difficult to deal with is your incessant verbiage - Oh they stole, no they didn't, yes they did, blah, bla, bla - just stop it and grow up!
I enlisted on Dec 7, 1971. It was after John Kerry's disgusting Summer soldier event, with frauds who 'testified' about Jengis Khan. Kerry attended the Paris Peace talks and took the side of the enemy. Obama appointed him as Secy State 40 years later. Like all Obama appointments it was a slap in the face to Americans.
I post this here for only one reason. It has become a fetish for people to say, 'Thank you for your service'.
Let me explain how it works. If you are a girl, say it all you want. It's not necessary, but if you are compelled, go ahead.
If you are a male who sat down when it was your turn to stand up, GFY.
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१०३ टिप्पण्या:
Pardons we dont need no pardons
Perfectly normal
This is when the motherships arrive
Is it true that John Landis patterned Bluto Blutarski after Joe Biden?
Dont know that, but the closest lacerating protrait was by chris buckley as dexter mitchell before the huntress drove him mad
Seattle's mayor, Jenny Durkan, has decided not to run for reelection. Her summer of love didn't work out so well for her. Her chief of police, Carmen Best, resigned and said "See you later!"
Marienette Miller-Meeks certified winner by 6 votes after full recount.
Watch as Nancy Pelosi refuses to seat the certified winner and seats challenger Rita Hart instead.
Put money on it.
Gitmo's 1st prisoner:
🚨 GEORGIA COUNTIES 🚨 that received the Zuckerberg CTCL Election Grants:
Fulton: $6 Million
Gwinnett: $4.2 Million
Dougherty: $300,000
Cobb: $5.6 Million
Macon-Bibb: $557,000
Cross the Rubicon Don!!!!
Rip chuck yeagher.
Yeager? No!
Wow. I was just going to mention Pearl Harbor (maybe it's on a thread I've skipped).
Wolfe's book was great.
A credit to his generation of American men
GA vote adjudication
Votes can be flipped in the adjudication process if two poll workers agree the INTENT of the voter is wrong.
Adjudicated ballots should be reviewed, but DOMINION reps were caught on camera MASS APPROVING WITHOUT REVIEW.
Its possible to set the scanner settings to require adjudication for almost every ballot. Seems they may have done that here.
Fulton County's Election Director:
"We've scanned 113,130. We've adjudicated over 106,000. Ballots are adjudicated.. if there is some question.. the vote review panel then determines voter intent."
*ADJUDICATION* is a Dominion override function that is meant for a marginal number of ballots, not *OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND.*
Why adjudicate 94% of the ballots?
h/t ron watkins, kyle becker
The CEO’s of Pfizer and Moderna decline invitations to a White House “Vaccine Summit” intended as a platform for Trump self-congratulation.
Lol, Drudge has this story headlined and linked:
I know there are so many passages from that book, the way wolfe introduces him like a pilot trying to assure passengers, the idiosyncracies of pancho barnes bar and edwards afb in the mid 40s.
Well phizer is only allocating about 1/6th of the vaccine to us,
Saw and heard Yeager break sound barrier @ Edwards AFB airshow in 1987 celebrating the 40th anniversary.
The pharma companies hate Trump because he's forcing price transparency and other regulatory changes that lower prices for consumers, Chuck.
But I know, if someone hates Trump, even if it's because he did something good for Americans, it's a win for you.
interesting thread
"What if I told you @BrianKempGA was bought and I showed you the meetings, transcripts, and the financial compensation his family received to attempt to hide this transaction?"
Pfizer’s snub in particular is the latest in a series of skirmishes between Trump and the drug giant.
On Nov. 10, Kathrin Jansen, a Pfizer executive, attempted to distance the company from Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s hyper-ambitious coronavirus vaccine initiative. In an interview with the New York Times, she claimed Pfizer was “never part” of Operation Warp Speed, and that the company had “never taken any money from the U.S. government.”
While the company never accepted Operation Warp Speed funding to help develop the vaccine, it did agree to a $1.95 billion purchase order with the federal government, providing the company a massive guaranteed market if the vaccine proved to be safe and effective. Trump later called Jansen’s remark “an unfortunate mistake.”
Bourla later defended the decision to decline federal research and development funding, citing a desire to “liberate our scientists from any bureaucracy” and “keep Pfizer out of politics.”
In a Nov. 20 press conference, Trump accused Pfizer of delaying the release of its final-stage clinical trial data until after Election Day to avoid boosting the president’s reelection odds.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Does anybody not named Trump, and not paid by Trump, seriously think that Trump deserves any personal credit at all for these vaccines?
They probably have some lesuo on him.
You're lying again, Chuck.
Are you going to make me bitch slap you raw like I did two nights ago, so bad you ran away and couldn't even respond to my proving what a liar you are... for the twelfth or thirteenth time?
VIDEO remember when Pompeo addressed our governors?
“These aren’t hypotheticals,” he continued. “Last year a Chinese government-backed think tank in Beijing produced a report that assessed all fifty of America’s governors on their attitudes toward China. They labeled each of you friendly, hardline, or ambiguous.”
what is "friendly"?
Interesting read:
Proving "Fraud" in the Fulton County Ballot Counting Room -- A Prosecutor's Perspective
By Shipwreckedcrew | Dec 07, 2020 8:15 PM ET
'...If I’m a Fulton County Democrat partisan and I want to slow down the investigation, I tell everyone involved to get a lawyer and use the need to get a lawyer to delay talking with law enforcement.
Apparently, that is just what Ruby Freeman has now done after she backed out of an agreement to give an interview to a news outlet on Monday. She has reportedly either deleted her Facebook page or set it to private as well.
Among the most “curious” — and maybe incriminating — parts of the video surveillance footage from the Fulton County counting room was that showing Freeman seeming to run the same stack of ballots through a tabulating machine multiple times.
'...Ruby Freeman running the same stack of ballots over and over is one of those “hard to explain” episodes.
When personal exposure to possible criminal prosecution becomes a potential outcome of “Wheel of Fortune”, someone ALWAYS cracks.'
Blogger Qwinn said...
You're lying again, Chuck.
Are you going to make me bitch slap you raw like I did two nights ago, so bad you ran away and couldn't even respond to my proving what a liar you are... for the twelfth or thirteenth time?
Regular reminder that these are the moderated comments pages of the Althouse blog.
Holy crap..Scott Adams is off his rocker regarding the under the table ballots.
That's where you put caterers:
They were told work was done...not the counting!
Oh..ok, Scott.
Nevermind the multiple news reports on that night.
If he didn't use one himself, he would likely do a bit on abuse of whiteboards to be persuasive.
And why exactly should my proving once again that you're a consumate liar be moderated away, Chuck? Do you think this blog is mandated to be a platform for you to post uncontested bullshit propaganda?
Do you want me to go over the details of your lies from the other night too, Chuck? You know, where you pretended that Trump failed to meet a reasonable timeline for the vaccine, when he is in fact five months ahead of what CBS "fact cbeck" from May 15 said would be a "modern medical miracle"? And you flagrantly lied claiming that timeline included actual delivery of the vaccine... which was another lie?
It's obvious why you're crying for me to be moderated, Chuck. Because you're a pathetic lying worm who isn't just incapable of winning anything on his own, you can't even lose properly by yourself.
Chuck said/quoted..."While the company never accepted Operation Warp Speed funding to help develop the vaccine, it did agree to a $1.95 billion purchase order with the federal government, providing the company a massive guaranteed market if the vaccine proved to be safe and effective."
That's kind of a big deal, unprecedented?
As far as avoiding being political, delaying announcements till after election? Hello?
No issue has divided white Americans for as long and persistently as race. Conflicts over race are recorded in our founding document, and every generation has been confronted by political crises arising from racial issues. On two occasions theses crises have led to dramatic reorientations of political power and the social order. The first by Civil War, the second by Civil Rights.
Race fueled the exodus of the the white working class from the Democrats and helped ignite the Reagan revolution. It was this faction that provided the audience for Howard Stern, Morton Downey, Jr., and the conservative talk radio boom. Organizations like the Democratic Leadership Council and Blue Dog Coalition were efforts to win back their support by undoing some of the party's leftward turn since the 70s.
Except for a brief period in the late 90s and early 00s, racial dynamics have continued to polarize white Americans. The white middle class has typically mediated these tensions and been the traditional base of support for the "moderate" approach. However, there is seemingly little chance that the middle can support any candidate who would be acceptable to a sufficient number of whites on the left and the right.
A ghastly new story, blowing up in Qwinn’s face...
Two nights ago, I was taunting Qwinn about the timetable for real, practical vaccine delivery. It isn’t “2020” at all. What I said was that “vaccines are meaningless; vaccinations mean everything.” And the standard, repeatedly recited schedule for broad-scale US vaccinations has always been mid-2021. Qwinn didn’t like that news.
Qwinn is really not going to like this news:
Feds passed up chance to lock in more Pfizer vaccine doses
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration opted last summer not to lock in a chance to buy millions of additional doses of one of the leading coronavirus vaccine contenders, a decision that could delay the delivery of a second batch of doses until manufacturer Pfizer fulfills other international contracts.
The revelation, confirmed Monday by people familiar with the matter, came a day before President Donald Trump aimed to take credit for the speedy development of forthcoming coronavirus vaccines at a White House summit Tuesday.
Pfizer’s vaccine is expected to be endorsed by a panel of Food and Drug Administration advisers as soon as this week, with delivery of 100 million doses — enough for 50 million Americans — expected in coming months.
Under its contract with Pfizer, the Trump administration committed to buy an initial 100 million doses, with an option to purchase as many as five times more.
This summer, the White House opted not to lock in an additional 100 million doses for delivery in the second quarter of 2021, according to people who spoke about the matter on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly.
Yeah..not even FDA approved and BOUGHT TOO LITTLE!
"Regular reminder that these are the moderated comments pages of the Althouse blog."
Banned poster says things.
So 2 billion "massive guaranteed market" was too little, negligent.
Got it.
Chuck! said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
Um, with multiple vaccines available, why is it a surprise or even a bad thing that Trump wouldn't want a single company (that are acting as much like little pathetic shits as Chuck is) providing the vaccines for over 60% of the US population? Letting them do 30% isn't enough?
Moderna's vaccine is more effective and doesn't require refrigeration. If Trump had ordered another 100 million doses from Pfizer, that's a hundred million less of other, better vaccines.
God, your attacks are so pathetic, Chuck. It's just so sad.
So when are y’all getting vaccinated?
My guess is sometime next spring. Just like what Dr. Fauci said last spring, and like what I wrote in response to Qwinn two nights ago.
Judge Emmett Sullivan has an open court case upon which to act upon regarding Mike Flynn and he also needs to rule on DOJ's request for dismissal of charges against Flynn as directed as a result of previous DC Appeals Court actions. The complications occurred first of all were caused by DOJ's request to dismiss previous charges made by Mueller to which Flynn had already pled guilty and which were awaiting sentencing.
Trump has now made this more complicated by granting a pardon to Flynn before the court could act on the open case by granting pardon's for criminal acts not yet fully ascertained. Over the weekend, Judge Reggie Walton suggested that Judge Sullivan could possibly rule that the wording of the pardon is overbroad but all Sullivan really did today was a little housekeeping by responding to outsider amicus requests made to the court.
I would expect that a request for more details and information will be made to the Trump administration regarding the pardon document to clarify final court orders.
Chuck! lamely avoids addressing his critiques. changes lanes.
Chuck's lying again.
I'd bother explaining how again, but it's not like anyone even considers his being honest within the realm of possibility.
gadfly: "before the court could act"? LMAO, waiting over five months for Sullivan to free Flynn after the DOJ dropped charges wasn't enough?
Jesus Christ!!!!!*
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel Said Her Adopted Son was ‘Devastated’ After Hearing ‘Merry Christmas’
* is Lord
KILL CHAIN is the name of an HBO documentary on hacking voting machines
"There is no such thing as a glitch, that's a term that we use to hide problems, not illuminate problems."
Sullivan was last st(r)and of process as punishment.
The Mighty Quinn is wrong again:
Judge Blocks Trump Rule Requiring Drug Companies to List Prices in TV Ads
How does that make me wrong about why the pharma companies hate Trump, gadfly?
Blogger Qwinn said...
gadfly: "before the court could act"? LMAO, waiting over five months for Sullivan to free Flynn after the DOJ dropped charges wasn't enough?
The DC Appeals Court put determination of the legality of Billy Barr's suspect action back into the Sullivan court. Six months is not a long wait in Federal courts.
I'm tired of all the liberals who hate this country.
The door is open...just fucking leave.
"Six months is not a long wait in federal courts"
But it's a long time to sit in prison for being railroaded by lies and altered documents, asshole.
And, of course, 6 months is normal for the courts, you say, but filing suits against election fraud in Pennsylvania within 3 WEEKS of the election was dismissed for "failed to file in a timely manner".
And every last one of you is acting like that dismissal proves there's no fraud. Even though two lower courts ordered to stop certification and that Trump was likely to win on the merits of the case.
I'll say it again: You people have become animals. When the horrible fate you've earned comes for you, don't bother asking for mercy or sympathy. The rest of us will just be hoping it's televised.
American Pravda (NYT) Dec 6, 2020
Barr Is Said to Be Weighing Whether to Leave Before Trump’s Term Ends
The attorney general’s future came into doubt after he acknowledged that the Justice Department had not found evidence of widespread voter fraud in the president’s election loss.
By Katie Benner, Michael S. Schmidt and Peter Baker
BEFORE the comments section closed, I posted a comment. Acknowledged by:
"Thank you for your submission. Your comment will appear once it has been approved."
About two hours later, I went back to see if was approved. Nope. Instead, I find that:
"The comments section is closed. To submit a letter to the editor for publication, write to"
I guess American Pravda doesn't like being corrected. Especially when pushing an intentionally false political narrative.
Here's the first part of my submission:
NYT subhead:
'The attorney general’s future came into doubt after he acknowledged that the Justice Department had not found evidence of widespread voter fraud in the president’s election loss."
This is based on Barr's 12/1 interview by the AP.
"...Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
"TO DATE" is a VERY important qualifier. Why did the NYT reporters decide not to quote Barr accurately? After all, that interview took place almost a week ago.'
Of course, the AP's headline "Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud" was also false:
I guess this meme was approved by JournoList
AUTO REPAIR CUSTOMER: "My car is making a terribly awful noise"
MECHANIC: "Have you tried removing the Mariah Carey Christmas CD?"
there seems to be a burgeoning amount of "Hate" for her Xmas music
...but we're glad to hear it
Here’s a good one for Althouse to blog. After presenting Olympic/Iowa wrestling icon Dan Gable with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Trump abruptly walks out of the Oval Office as FNC’s John Roberts asks about the upcoming inauguration. Leaving a clearly astonished Gable wondering what he was supposed to do, as noted by Aaron Rupar of Vox. This is some weird shit:
"Here’s a good one for Althouse to blog."
Banned poster makes suggestion to moderator about what to blog.
"This is some weird shit..."
You shouldn't talk about your mom like that...
You're lying again, Chuck.
He really is a shit, isn't he?
"Does anybody not named Trump, and not paid by Trump, seriously think that Trump deserves any personal credit at all for these vaccines?" Chuck
The Clinton Foundation would still be looking for a transgendered epidemiologist to lead the charge.
Chuck is the canary in Biden's coal mine.
Collateral damage?
Like the wanderer and his shadow,
As tall as failure, you sit
In this mythical age of functional living,
Equality and race, god and his double,
Exhaling words a match may allow
Between cigarette and pen,
Writing ‘arse’ for a cheap bit of realism.
Lend me, you say, a message to hand over:
So much is about yet you cannot see it –
The heavy statues worked for others glory
Will always fall, noticed only
When the crowd is permitted a sacrifice,
Exhibited, appendages missing.
If all the flowers, herbs, trees of alien nature
Had that smile as their misjudgement
Could you still laugh at the folly of it all?
The rabbits, the foxes, the salivating wolves
Slapped as one slaps stone with the metal brightness
Of a crowds disillusionment, spat upon,
Could you be then still quite so curt
With your honesty and as if the failure
Was merely ordinary like a broken home?
That's me talking to me.
Always again the wish to begin
Brilliantly new, once more to look clear
And innocent on what’s not clear and innocent,
To imagine these dirty rivulets
Spilling down the street as children imagine:
Surprising, delightful, infinite.
But the street is only a playground for louts,
The frustrated conduit of labour,
The town a particular of a history
Intensely, chronically self destructive.
We cannot unlearn contempt for the world,
The fragmentary spirit, the family
That fell apart even before it began.
The Way
‘The way out is via the door:
how come nobody knows this?’
Confucius, The Analects
Neither to go far nor to come home
Is the point, they say:
To stay that distant fixation found
In their farmers fields
There to scare the crows. Others,
Across the years, from family
To friends, may beg benediction,
Proper words to confirm
What their presumptions will always presume,
But you that timid daring
Which says there is a way but I cannot find it
As the parameter of a town
Beyond which the road leads past the graveyard
But never past fear.
The Age Of Darkness.
The chatter on the wind is the irritation
Of the street: drunks or illiterate poor
Claiming back bitter heritage of dark
Or barbaric recompense of pillage.
The habited Romans on their destined sword
Of solitary circlings; burnt books,
Artefacts in whose flames is seen the death
Of some peculiar, personal march
To some incongruous goal. Not sacrificed
But burnt with the words and flaming tongue
Taking all in a lying confession
Of confounded biographies.
The time heralded on an ox skin drum
And thus brought to a passive, anonymous march,
A prayer of strangers.
Fear is my muse. Fear and death.
Solitude - what you demand of yourself. Loneliness - what others impose upon you.
The media, national, local, all, do stories on the 'soaring' number of virus cases, hinting that the draconian measures and restrictions have not been sufficiently severe to be effective and that greater restrictions, even another round of lock downs, are required.
Then the same media write stories moaning and kvetching about the failure of small businesses, the very high percentage of minority owned ones that have failed, the difficulties of remote learning, how many students have been 'lost', and the soaring rates of educational failure.
These two perspectives are often published on the same page, relatively close to each other, and yet the connection is only loosely admitted, if at all. There is no acknowledgement of the tradeoff, that our government has chosen to accept and tolerate the latter in its attempt to address the former.
They hardly ever write stories explaining the science that has accumulated since Feb that chronicles the reasons, sometimes theories, the government restrictions have failed so colossally to 'stop the spread'.
And most people accept this state of affairs with a shrug.
Headline (Zero Hedge): "Denmark To End Oil Production In 2050"
These headlines crack me up. Why 2050? Why not March of 2049? Or Friday the 13th of 2058?
New Christmas drinking game- be the first to figure out what cancelled TV show the stars of this hour's Hallmark Channel Christmas movie were in.
It's not like you're going to watch The Five anymore...
Rick Santelli is a national asset.
There. It's out there.
Why is Chuck still here?
From today's Boston Globe:
"State leaders are increasingly calling on individuals to do the right thing — avoid high-risk settings, cancel holiday and travel plans, and limit their social circles — without handing down formal guidelines to enforce such behaviors."
I am encouraged by that. The Globe writer is tsk-tsking.
“Down that road I went.” He said, pointing somewhere.
I thought you were near, a companion of mine,
The sun hot, softening a brittle floor,
And I here dawdling, walking as if drunk:
White not exactly white, blue which stretched beyond blue.
My dreams!
Chuck Yeager. What a life! Saw him do a flyover at the 50th Anniversary Air Force air show at Nellis AFB in 1997. I guess he would have been about 74 at the time.
"Chuck said...
Here’s a good one for Althouse to blog. After presenting Olympic/Iowa wrestling icon Dan Gable with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Trump abruptly walks out of the Oval Office as FNC’s John Roberts asks about the upcoming inauguration. Leaving a clearly astonished Gable wondering what he was supposed to do, as noted by Aaron Rupar of Vox. This is some weird shit"
Cuckster is too dumb to realize that you can pull up the complete Dan Gable ceremony which was almost 20 minutes long. Trump talked for much of it praising Gable before turning things over to him to make a short speech. He then asked reporters if they had any questions...for Gable. One idiot who clearly could care less quickly came up with one, asking able why college wrestling wasn't as popular as other forms (the fake kind), and then someone asked him how he felt being in the oval office, and then the rest were directed to Trump. Trump answered a few quickly and said we are here to honor Gable, then thanked his family for being there, thanked Gable, and walked out. Gable was kinda stiff throughout, I'm sure he was very nervous. What you are seeing at the end that the Cuck showed is simply a continuation of his nervousness throughout.
Here watch. I'm sure it not necessary to know what a POS loser Cuck is, but here you go.
Does anybody not named Trump, and not paid by Trump, seriously think that Trump deserves any personal credit at all for these vaccines?
Yes. By contrast with Barack Obama after Hurricane Sandy, this is what cutting federal red tape genuinely looks like. Left to their normal processes, the CDC and FDA would be dragging the research and approval processes out to 2022 or (probably) further. People who argue otherwise simply don’t understand the federal bureaucracy and probably believe — gullibly! — that their mission is to serve the public. Their mission is the same as any bureaucracy anywhere, to grow ever larger by demanding ever more paperwork, both internally (pushing unnecessary paperwork from one office to the next) and externally (demanding more and more data from the public they allegedly serve).
Back in the day good Republicans snarked that if Trump cured cancer the lefties would find something to bitch about it, and now we have the coronavirus vaccine, and by Golly they are bitching about it right on cue.
Goya Foods and president CEO Bob Unanue revealed that after Rep. Alexandria Cortez (D-NY) echoed a call for a boycott of Goya products back in July because Unanue supported President Trump, his company named her “Employee of the Month” because sales rose so dramatically.
Big Mike said...
"Does anybody not named Trump, and not paid by Trump, seriously think that Trump deserves any personal credit at all for these vaccines?"
Yes. By contrast with Barack Obama after Hurricane Sandy, this is what cutting federal red tape genuinely looks like. Left to their normal processes, the CDC and FDA would be dragging the research and approval processes out to 2022 or (probably) further. People who argue otherwise simply don’t understand the federal bureaucracy and probably believe — gullibly! — that their mission is to serve the public. Their mission is the same as any bureaucracy anywhere, to grow ever larger by demanding ever more paperwork, both internally (pushing unnecessary paperwork from one office to the next) and externally (demanding more and more data from the public they allegedly serve).
Back in the day good Republicans snarked that if Trump cured cancer the lefties would find something to bitch about it, and now we have the coronavirus vaccine, and by Golly they are bitching about it right on cue.
It's amazing, isn't it, how Trump not only "cut red tape" in the United States of America, he cut red tape in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, where they are administering COVID vaccines to the public starting TODAY, in advance of U.S. FDC public approval.
Trump is obviously the President that England ("What happened to England?") needed.
"The pharma companies hate Trump because he's forcing price transparency and other regulatory changes that lower prices for consumers, Chuck."
If he is able to accomplish this in the last weeks of his administration, bravo to him! But why did it take him having a temper tantrum for him to to this? Why didn't his administration try to get this done earlier? Trump promises much and does little, but now he is having a hissy fit that has roused him from his self-absorbed indifference to what's going on in the country.
It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)
Written by: Bob Dylan
Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child’s balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying
Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Suicide remarks are torn
From the fool’s gold mouthpiece the hollow horn
Plays wasted words, proves to warn
That he not busy being born is busy dying
Temptation’s page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover that you’d just be one more
Person crying
So don’t fear if you hear
A foreign sound to your ear
It’s alright, Ma, I’m only sighing
As some warn victory, some downfall
Private reasons great or small
Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
To make all that should be killed to crawl
While others say don’t hate nothing at all
Except hatred
Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Make everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It’s easy to see without looking too far
That not much is really sacred
While preachers preach of evil fates
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
Goodness hides behind its gates
But even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have to stand naked
An’ though the rules of the road have been lodged
It’s only people’s games that you got to dodge
And it’s alright, Ma, I can make it
Advertising signs they con
You into thinking you’re the one
That can do what’s never been done
That can win what’s never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you
You lose yourself, you reappear
You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
Alone you stand with nobody near
When a trembling distant voice, unclear
Startles your sleeping ears to hear
That somebody thinks they really found you
A question in your nerves is lit
Yet you know there is no answer fit
To satisfy, insure you not to quit
To keep it in your mind and not forget
That it is not he or she or them or it
That you belong to
Although the masters make the rules
For the wise men and the fools
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to
For them that must obey authority
That they do not respect in any degree
Who despise their jobs, their destinies
Speak jealously of them that are free
Cultivate their flowers to be
Nothing more than something they invest in
While some on principles baptized
To strict party platform ties
Social clubs in drag disguise
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Tell nothing except who to idolize
And then say God bless him
While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat race choir
Bent out of shape from society’s pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he’s in
But I mean no harm nor put fault
On anyone that lives in a vault
But it’s alright, Ma, if I can’t please him
Old lady judges watch people in pairs
Limited in sex, they dare
To push fake morals, insult and stare
While money doesn’t talk, it swears
Obscenity, who really cares
Propaganda, all is phony
While them that defend what they cannot see
With a killer’s pride, security
It blows the minds most bitterly
For them that think death’s honesty
Won’t fall upon them naturally
Life sometimes must get lonely
My eyes collide head-on with stuffed
Graveyards, false gods, I scuff
At pettiness which plays so rough
Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
Kick my legs to crash it off
Say okay, I have had enough
what else can you show me?
And if my thought-dreams could be seen
They’d probably put my head in a guillotine
But it’s alright, Ma, it’s life, and life only
© 1965 by Warner Bros. Inc.; renewed 1993 by Special Rider Music
"The rest of us will just be hoping it's televised."
Yes, please.
Chuck and his mini-me, gadfly, have dropped a lot of turds on this thread. Then along comes Cook the commie to add one more.
Does anybody not named Trump, and not paid by Trump, seriously think that Trump deserves any personal credit at all for these vaccines?
Trump took the vaccine matter away from CDC and FDA where it would be waiting today for an increased budget if he had not.
Those who know some history of science (unlike Chuck and gadfly) remember the fiasco that the Human Genome Project was.
Beginning on October 1, 1990 and completed in April 2003, the HGP gave us the ability, for the first time, to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.
So, after 13 years, the HGP had gotten nowhere while href=""> Craig Venter, using private funding, did it in two years.
Venter viewed the slow pace of progress in the Human Genome project as an opportunity to continue his interest in patenting genes, so he sought funding from the private sector to start Celera Genomics.[21] The company planned to profit from their work by creating genomic data to which users could subscribe for a fee. The goal consequently put pressure on the public genome program and spurred several groups to redouble their efforts to produce the full sequence. Venter's effort won him renown as he and his team at Celera Corporation shared credit for sequencing the first draft human genome with the publicly funded Human Genome Project.[22]
The only reason Venter "shared" the credit was because Venter's company was the one that did the sequencing of Clinton's DNA on Monica Lewinski's dress.
In 2000, Venter and Francis Collins of the National Institutes of Health and U.S. Public Genome Project jointly made the announcement of the mapping of the human genome, a full three years ahead of the expected end of the Public Genome Program.
The private initiative resulted in the human genome being sequenced and in the rapid development of mRNA vaccine for SARS-2. Neither Venter nor Trump received credit, except among those who know about science.
Thanks to Bill Clinton's pique, no Nobel Prize was awarded for the sequencing of the human genome as it was obvious Venter would be the nominee.
Is our hostess considering a moratorium on posting full song lyrics here? Please, please, please?
I agree about banning long poems and songs. A waste of space.
“Original jurisdiction”
Some random commenter on TCTH last night had it exactly right when that is what he suspected..
Chuck, shouldn't you be busy with your briefs this morning? [Double entendre intended].
"I agree about banning long poems and songs. A waste of space."
Third the motion...especially song parodies with cutesy lyrics...skip right over those.
How about this poem?
Remember, remember the Fourth of November
Democrat treason and plot
I see no reason why election fraud treason
Should ever be forgot
Short limericks are, of course, always appropriate. ;-)
"Let me make you a present of song,
As the wise man breaks wind and is gone . . ."
I like song parodies more than the originals usually.
The more squalid, profane, and deplorable the better
Since Ann has commanded that election theft can only be discussed in this thread...
Everyone remember that ridiculous "Lead Story" article, first posted by Inga, that supposedly debunked the Georgia video? Every single MSM outlet besides Newsmax ran with that.
Mollie Hemingway (a national treasure) took it apart masterfully.
No, The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’ Not Even Close
That article alone is enough to completely destroy the "debunking".
Add the fact that we have audio of the Fulton County Election Thief (not a typo) stating that *scanning* was being stopped, not just the "envelope cutters"
RALPH JONES: “I think we’ll still be scanning late today a little later on um we are scheduled to scan up to 10 and 11:00 o’clock today I should say tonight at the present time”
Democrats lie. They lie about *everything*.
Trump won in a landslide.
Trump won in a landslide.
I think this will be a problem lasting years. If it had been a very close election (without the massive fraud), the presence of some questions about a few ballots, like the Franken election or the WA election a few years ago, when ballots were "discovered" in the legendary trunk of the car, it would be easier to "move on" and forget. That would not be true of the candidate but the supporters would be less energized. In this case, it looks like the fraud was massive, no matter what Trump skeptics like Andy McCarthy say.
For example, that Iowa election which the Republican won by 6 votes will be ignored by Nancy who will seat the loser, just as they did in "The Bloody 8th" CD in Indiana in 1984. That is also fraud but is easier forgotten than the massive effort it took to unseat Trump. I still have a few hopes that justice will prevail but, if it doesn't, it will be gone for years.
Since this is a café and I can post anything.
Today is my birthday.
Kneel peasants.
Ban the bum, eh, Joe Smith - how very Trumpian!
What is hard and difficult to deal with is your incessant verbiage - Oh they stole, no they didn't, yes they did, blah, bla, bla - just stop it and grow up!
And, if Anne allows me to publish Bob Dylan’s lyrics that's her business not yours.
Happy Birthday, Rusty! :-)
Blogger mockturtle said...
"Happy Birthday, Rusty! :-)"
Oh. Thank you.
Homage acknowledged. You may pass.
Happy Birthday to you, Rusty.
You and Jean Sibelius.
I enlisted on Dec 7, 1971. It was after John Kerry's disgusting Summer soldier event, with frauds who 'testified' about Jengis Khan. Kerry attended the Paris Peace talks and took the side of the enemy. Obama appointed him as Secy State 40 years later. Like all Obama appointments it was a slap in the face to Americans.
I post this here for only one reason. It has become a fetish for people to say, 'Thank you for your service'.
Let me explain how it works. If you are a girl, say it all you want. It's not necessary, but if you are compelled, go ahead.
If you are a male who sat down when it was your turn to stand up, GFY.
Narr said...
"Happy Birthday to you, Rusty."
Go in peace, my son. All your sins have been forgiven.
The festival of Rusty is now concluded.
The management would like to thank all who participated.
Please exit through the gift shop.
Narr, I love the lyrics to "Thick as a Brick" ... thanks, I just don't like seeing the comments section all clogged up.
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